Ready-made examples of car wash business plans. How to write a car wash business plan: where to start and what it takes to open

This is a product that occupies a leading position in the market. Its production and sale is one of the most profitable business niches. Therefore, a novice businessman should think about how to open his own business, how to grow tomatoes, harvesting a good harvest for sale. This business has its own nuances, which we will discuss below.

Visiting supermarkets, you can see that at different times of the year the prices for tomatoes differ significantly.

In summer and early autumn, tomatoes cost from 40 to 60 rubles. per kilogram. Their price is much lower in the regions of traditional cultivation. In winter and spring, the price of tomatoes increases significantly to 120-200 rubles.

At the same time, the consumer qualities of this tasty product are rapidly declining, as manufacturers are only interested in increasing the volume of the product produced. In winter and spring, tomatoes are tasteless, pale, and have no characteristic odor.

That's why conscientious tomato growers are in a great position to offer quality products to consumers by making a plan for growing tomatoes in greenhouses. By relying on quality, it will be possible to successfully implement this product.

How to start a greenhouse business

1. First you need to find a suitable place and rent land, a garden at a very favorable price.

2. Then you need to build a greenhouse. You can purchase a ready-made design or it can be made on your own. Manufacturers offer polycarbonate sheet greenhouses of various sizes at prices ranging from 20 to 110 thousand rubles. An area of ​​about 50 m² allows you to grow tomatoes for sale.

3. To ensure accelerated growth and grow high-quality tomatoes, you need to take care of the soil and fertilizers. Biohumus is considered one of the most popular, the price of which is from 10 to 30 rubles. for 1kg.

Technology of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

  1. As soon as the height of the seedlings reaches 20 cm, it can be planted in a peat pot in wide holes no closer than 50 cm to each other. Their sizes are made taking into account the dimensions that are filled in the hole without disturbing the clod of earth.
  2. To provide support for fast-growing tomatoes with fruits, a trellis up to 2 m high is installed.
  3. During the first two weeks, tomatoes should not be watered so that a powerful bush does not form.
  4. 45 days after planting, the leaves at the bottom of the plants should be gradually removed to prevent pest infestation.
  5. When the first flowers appear, pollination should be done by gently shaking the plant and moistening it with water using a spray bottle.
  6. Already 60-70 days after planting, it will be possible to harvest. During the fruiting period, 1 m² can produce from 10 to 25 kg of tomatoes.

How to sell finished products

Selling methods finished products may be different:

1. Retail outlets are willing to buy such products.

2. You can open your own points of sale in the market. Over time, you may have regular customers.

3. If you create and promote your website, you can sell tomatoes in the virtual space. The difficulty will lie in the promotion of the site in your region.

4. In civilized countries, sale by subscription is common, when consumers pay for a long period of time to receive goods at a specified frequency.

How profitable is this business

If 1 m² can produce up to 25 kg of tomatoes within 2 months, and the wholesale price of a kilogram of tomatoes is from 30 rubles, then for one fruiting period the profit from 1 m² is 750 rubles.

The average greenhouse, which occupies 50 m², generates an income of 75,000 rubles during the season from January to April. Taking into account the costs of heat, fertilizers, water, the net income will be about 65,000 - 68,000 rubles per greenhouse.

If you decide to go into this business, you need to remember the main thing. You can create a competitive product only by taking care of its quality. In this business, it will not be possible to save on fertilizers and equipment. Because this is a sure way to lose a customer.

If you take care of your target customers, they will help you to decently replenish your wallet, as it is a very profitable business.

If we talk about essential products that people will buy at any time of the year and at any economic conditions then food will take the lead. It means only one thing. The production and / or sale of food products is one of the best niches for creating your own business. For example, year-round cultivation of strawberries and their further sale to supermarkets or through their own outlet. This business, especially in winter, is extremely profitable, since strawberries (as, indeed, all summer “greens”) are sold at a very high price (200-500 rubles per kilogram, depending on the region).

Today we will once again touch on the topic of the agricultural business and talk about growing tomatoes in greenhouses (naturally, we are primarily interested in winter and spring period) and their further implementation. But before we move on to organizing, let's see why this business is very promising?

Why is it profitable to grow tomatoes?

If you are a frequent visitor to supermarkets or ordinary grocery stores, then you probably noticed that the prices for vegetables, fruits and herbs change very much, depending on the season. For example, in spring, watermelons cost 150-200 rubles per kilogram. Because they are very hard to find. Not a season. But at the end of August, the cost of the largest berry in the world drops to 4-5 rubles per kilogram. That is, 30-50 times! Approximately the same situation with the heroes of today's material - tomatoes. In summer and early autumn, the cost of tomatoes is only 10-20 rubles per kilogram. In regions where they are especially common, the cost can be even lower. But in winter and spring, as if by the blink of a magic wand, the prices for these beautiful and incredibly tasty fruits skyrocket. 100-150 rubles is far from the limit.

The main paradox is this. While the prices of off-season vegetables are creeping up, their palatability is rapidly creeping down. You probably noticed that in winter and spring, most often, tomatoes are on sale that have no taste, no smell, no color.

Why is this happening?

From the fact that large producers usually care more about the quantity of grown products, and not about their consumer qualities. If tomatoes were grown on soil rich in all kinds of nitrates. The latter, in turn, have little in common with real fertilizers (vermicompost), which give tomatoes a rich taste and aroma. After all, nitrates are obtained in the process of the action of nitric acid on salts, oxides, metals and hydroxides. Due to their ability to dissolve in ordinary water, these substances (the more common name for many is saltpeter) are widely used to “fertilize” the soil on which all kinds of crops grow. That is why the consumer qualities of such vegetables (and this applies not only to tomatoes) tend to zero.

On the one hand, this is bad. But on the other hand, a great opportunity opens up for conscientious producers who are ready to approach the process of growing tomatoes as responsibly as possible. And offer the consumer a natural, tasty and healthy product.

How to start a business growing tomatoes in greenhouses?

First of all, you need a suitable area. If you live in a rural area and you have your own plot of land, there are no problems. Also lucky are those who live in the city, but have their own house in the village (or just a cottage) with a small plot of land. If you do not have all this, then you will have to rent land.

In no case should you contact agencies that offer search services for land and real estate for rent. It is best to contact the land owners personally. Thus, you can rent someone's garden at a very attractive price. And even more than that. Some rural residents have already lost the habit of working "on the ground" and are ready to give their garden for free rent. As long as the tenant takes care of the plot (because they themselves, due to employment or ordinary laziness, do not have the opportunity to do it for him).

The next stage is the construction of the greenhouse. Of course, in summer time you can do without it. But even in the summer it is better to play it safe. After all, sometimes the weather can bring another surprise. For example, a strong hail that can destroy the entire crop. The greenhouse can be made on its own or you can order a finished design. The cost of polycarbonate greenhouses (we advise you to forget about structures made of frame and plastic film) starts at 15 thousand rubles. For this money (for example, the company) you can purchase a structure measuring 4x2.5x1.6 m (length, width, height). A large greenhouse, 10x4x2.2 m in size, will cost you about 90-100 thousand rubles. But on such an area (40 sq. M.) You can grow a large number of tomatoes.

To grow tomatoes in greenhouses practically all year round, it is necessary to maintain optimal conditions at any time of the year. It will not be possible to cope with the means of a greenhouse alone, since it is necessary to maintain an internal microclimate. Therefore, it is necessary to purchase and install a heating, air conditioning and water supply system.

Next, you need a quality fertilizer. After all, rapid growth and high quality finished products. The best option is biohumus. The cost is 10-30 rubles per kilogram. The amount depends on the area of ​​the greenhouse. If you are building a greenhouse in a closed area, then in addition to fertilizer, you will need a large amount of soil. You can choose the optimal soil for growing certain tomatoes by studying the forums of gardeners and gardeners. All these questions are hotly discussed there. And we move on.

The process of growing tomatoes in greenhouses

Tomato seedlings (as soon as the sprouts reach 20 cm in height) in pots are planted in a greenhouse as follows. Wide holes are made with a depth of about ten centimeters, a recess is made in them to the height and width of the pot with seedlings. Seedlings are placed directly in the pot in this inner hole and filled up to the bottom of a wide recess. After 11-13 days, the upper hole is covered with earth. It should be noted that for better plant growth, they are planted at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.

A trellis about two meters high is installed along the entire length of the beds. It is necessary for tying up plants that grow very quickly and need support (after all, under the weight of the fruit, they can easily break). The first two weeks, the plants are not watered so that they do not grow.

A month and a half after planting, the lower leaves of the plants are gradually removed (3 leaves once a week) to eliminate the risk of infection with diseases. After the appearance of the first flowers, they need to be pollinated. This is done very simply by gently shaking the plant. After that, the flowers are moistened with a spray bottle of water.

The first harvest is taken 2-2.5 months after planting. During the fruiting period, 10-25 kg of tomatoes are harvested from one square meter (depending on climatic conditions and plant variety).

Ways to sell finished products

As soon as hundreds of kilograms of tomatoes are in your hands, it's time to think about selling them. What paths exist? We have included some of the possible options in the following list:

  • Various supermarkets and shops in your city. This is one of the easiest ways, but it cannot be called the most profitable. After all, large stores buy all the necessary products at very low wholesale prices. And you will either have to reduce the cost, or look for other ways to implement it.
  • Opening own point sales. This is not about a store, but about a regular point in the market. Firstly, this way you can interest more people. After all, everyone has long known that more natural vegetables and fruits are sold in the markets than in supermarkets (where everything is beautiful, but rarely tasty).
  • Selling tomatoes online. Why not. This is the same point of sale, only virtual. The difficulty lies in the creation and some promotion of a regional site. After all, you must tie it to your region.
  • Another interesting way (well known in the West, but not common here) is sending tomatoes by subscription. You recruit a certain number of "subscribers" (for example, 20 people) who wish to receive one box of selected tomatoes every two weeks. They pay the cost of a subscription (for the fruiting period of tomatoes or for a year). And you send them two boxes of tomatoes every month for free. This is very convenient for both you and your customers. You know that all products will be sold. Your client knows that there will always be fresh natural tomatoes on his table.

The most important thing in the business of growing tomatoes in greenhouses is to stay true to your principles to the end. After all, you, for sure, more than once will come up with the idea that you can save. Save on fertilizer and grow low-quality, although very beautiful fruits. That's just who can be deceived in this way - it is not clear. After all, a client who once bought such tomatoes will never return to the seller. Take care of your customers and they will take care of your wallet.

Find a job you love and you won't have to work. There is truth in these words, and anyone who is engaged in horticulture has at least once thought about organizing a tomato business. And not in vain! Indeed, fresh vegetables are always in great demand among the entire population, and their sale can bring considerable income, especially if the greenhouse will produce crops throughout the year. How to organize a business for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse - read the article.

Growing tomatoes in a greenhouse as a business: the benefits

Tomatoes are one of the most popular products among the population: these tasty vegetables are high in useful microelements and vitamins, they can be consumed both fresh and used for preservation, making juices, sauces.

The main advantages of growing tomatoes in greenhouses business are:

  1. Constant demand for fresh vegetables, which does not subside with the change of season.
  2. Commercial profit from sales. For example, if, on average, summer period tomatoes cost 30 rubles per kg, in winter the price can increase to 140 rubles.
  3. Little competition in winter period. The greenhouse allows year-round cultivation of vegetables.

In addition, growing tomatoes is quite simple: today breeders have bred resistant to diseases and pests, unpretentious productive varieties and hybrids of these vegetables.

Profitability of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

The profitability of the tomato business is quite high (50-70%) and depends, first of all, on the conditions for growing tomatoes, plant varieties. For example, high-yielding varieties are capable of producing up to 10 kg of vegetables from one bush. Knowing the average prices for products, depending on the season and variety, it is easy to calculate economic benefit. But, do not forget about investments.

So, in order to organize a business for growing tomatoes, you will have to:

  1. Register a business. Any activity requires mandatory registration, so the greenhouse tomato growing business should be legally registered.
  2. Rent or buy land if you do not live in a private house or you need additional hectares to organize a large greenhouse complex with dozens of greenhouses.
  3. Equip a greenhouse. For the first time, an ordinary greenhouse made of glass or polycarbonate will be enough. But, in the future, if you want to make the cultivation of tomatoes year-round, then the greenhouse will need to be equipped with a heat recovery system, phyto-lamps.

In addition, do not forget about spending on soil, fertilizers, trellises, disinfection tillage, purchase of seed, gardening tools; unforeseen expenses for the treatment of seedlings, in case of its fungal or viral disease. However, if you sell goods in the marketplaces, then you may have to rent one outlet(you can rent a module both for the season and for the whole year) or several (depending on the amount of harvest). Then there will be the question of hiring people.

Business plan for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

For any business, it is important to prepare a business plan - a set of documents that define all the key points of the future commercial activities prepare the entrepreneur for possible problems, will allow you to analyze the idea, calculate its profitability.

So, a business plan for greenhouse cultivation of tomatoes should include sections such as:

  1. Product description. The document should indicate the selected varieties for cultivation, agricultural technology, the estimated time of harvest and the amount of the crop.
  2. Production plan: names, prices and quantities of materials for building a greenhouse; quantity and cost of fertilizers, varieties of tomatoes; if it is planned to use additional equipment (lighting, heating, ventilation, automatic irrigation systems, etc.), then the calculation of its cost and installation, the cost of maintaining work (the amount of electricity, gas, etc. consumed).
  3. Marketing strategy. This part should describe the methods and planned volume of product sales, the estimated revenue for the minimum and maximum number of fruits.
  4. Organizational plan. Must describe how to register a business, use additional work force, the total cost of the project and the funds that will be allocated for its implementation (from investments, own savings, etc.).
  5. Financial report. Must contain an indication of the costs spent on: wages workers, transport services, lease of land, lease of points of sale, measures to improve production; payment for raw materials tax collection, insurance premiums. In addition, the net profit from the activity must be registered in it.

You can draw up a business plan both independently (for example, using templates) and with the help of specialized companies.

Harvest sales methods

Many on the way to opening a tomato growing business are stopped by the question of selling products. Of course, today, not everyone is ready to stand behind the counter for days, waiting for customers. So what are the options?

First, in order to sell goods on the market, you can hire a person. If there is not much harvest, then perhaps it makes sense to talk with other sellers so that they, for a certain percentage of the proceeds, sell your goods. In this case, it will be better if your varieties differ from the total mass of the crop (for example, the popular cherry tomatoes can stand out on the counter).

You can conclude agreements with stores (regular grocery stores, not chain stores). But this may not always be profitable, especially if the store already buys products in bulk or in installments.

Do not forget about online stores and food delivery services that are popular today.

You can deliver goods by subscription. Buyers can be your regular customers, to whom at a certain time your courier or you yourself will deliver products in a strictly prescribed quantity. Payment in this case is made in advance, for a long period (both for several months, and for six months, a year).

Be sure to use the Internet to sell, for example, register a page in in social networks, give ads on popular boards.

In the text of the ad and the title of the page, you should indicate the main advantages of your products (for example, naturalness, affordable price, etc.).

How to create a business on tomatoes in greenhouses (video)

Tomato business can become profitable direction and bring considerable commercial benefits, especially if the gardener already has most of the components (land, greenhouse). In order for the activity to give maximum results, it is necessary to carefully prepare a business plan for the cultivation of tomatoes, to consider measures for the primary and additional equipment of the greenhouse. And then your efforts and funds spent on organizing commercial activities will be fully justified!

Attention, only TODAY!

Opening your own car wash for someone is a dream of a lifetime, and someone considers this option as an opportunity to earn money. In any case, profitability will be an important component of such a business. A well-thought-out and properly designed car wash is able to systematize the organization process, avoid common mistakes, and soberly assess the possibilities and rate of return on investment.

Opening a car wash franchise: current offers

It is often difficult for a novice businessman to organize a full-fledged car wash alone. Lack of experience and necessary knowledge can reduce its results to a minimum. An excellent way out in such a situation would be to purchase a ready-made business model, especially since franchise work is becoming more and more popular every year. It allows you to minimize risks and get an experienced mentor to help build own business.

The car wash franchise is one of the most profitable and rapidly growing areas. This is due to the “stress resistance” of the sphere - there is always a demand for car washing. The most interesting for start-up entrepreneurs is a mobile dry car wash. It does not require large expenses (from 300,000 rubles) and opens in short time(may take 1 month). If you have a larger capital, you can purchase a franchise:

  • stationary washing;
  • self-service car wash.

In order for the business to make a profit, you need to decide not only on the format of the future car wash, but also on the franchisor. Here are the most famous and effective franchise offers:

All three franchises are very famous and successful in Russia. For example, Fast and Shine in 2015 was included in the list of the 25 most profitable franchises Russia, according to Forbes, is on the list best franchises according to the BIBOSS portal.

Choosing the Right Format

There are many types of car wash today. Before choosing a particular one, you need to analyze your financial capabilities, experience and market. According to the place of provision of washing services, they are divided into two groups:

  1. Mobile. The most suitable option for beginner businessmen. Investments will be minimal, since no premises and expensive specialized equipment are required. Almost always, such enterprises carry out car washing without the use of water (using dry cleaners). This format is also attractive because of the minimum of bureaucratic formalities. It is enough to conclude an agreement with large shopping malls for parking services. The level of competition among such organizations is low, and they attract their customers with the opportunity to provide services quickly right here and now.
  2. Stationary. They will require the search for premises for work, the purchase of equipment. This is a more expensive format, but it can provide the company with stable profits and loyal customers. The income level of such a car wash will be higher, but the payback period will be higher (it can reach 6-14 months) than that of the mobile format.

Stationary car washes, with all their shortcomings, remain market leaders today. Work in this segment is also carried out in several formats at once:

  • manual– attractive low initial costs, no need to buy expensive professional equipment, and properly selected and trained staff will provide high quality services that automatic car washes cannot provide;
  • semi-automatic- washing cars at such enterprises is carried out by personnel, but with the help of specialized equipment;
  • automatic- washing a car takes place without human intervention, the cost of opening is much higher than when organizing other types of car washes.

In turn, automatic car washes are divided into portal and tunnel. The former require large premises and serious work on the adjustment and installation of equipment. But such enterprises provide a quick service - the equipment is able to wash up to 400 cars per day. Tunnel car washes also require serious investments. It makes sense to open them only in large cities with a large land plot. The productivity of such a car wash is even higher - up to 3,500 cars per day.

Self-service points can be attributed to a separate category of stationary car washes. The service is provided by the owners themselves. The cost of washing consists of the provision of premises, equipment, water and consumables. This format is now the most unclaimed among entrepreneurs.

The most optimal option in terms of payback, investment and income is to open a semi-automatic car wash.

List of rendered services

basic service any car wash is a body wash. It can include washing of mats by default or as related service paid separately. Additionally, enterprises of various types can offer their customers other services:

  • engine wash;
  • interior cleaning (cleaning windows, rugs, covers);
  • body rinsing (a cheaper service, popular in bad weather, when there is not much point in washing a car);
  • body polishing;
  • dry cleaning of the interior (requires the purchase of additional equipment, including a washing vacuum cleaner, the service is performed for a long time and is quite expensive);
  • cleaning of disks of wheels (removal of a deposit from a surface of wheels);
  • pouring anti-freeze (in the cold season);
  • tire pumping.

Serious full-service car washes offer their customers the removal of bituminous stains from the body, the removal of anti-corrosion grease, the purging of locks with compressed air and their treatment with a special liquid that prevents freezing.

Some entrepreneurs open a car wash in conjunction with a tire shop, a repair shop, a gas station, and even a roadside stall - there are a lot of business options here.

Choosing a place for a car wash

For a stationary car wash, more than 50% of success depends on right choice locations. Opening a service in deserted places - main mistake an entrepreneur who is able to nullify all his efforts. Placing a car wash in a residential area is possible only if the population is large here, the number of cars is too, there are parking lots, parking lots and garages in in large numbers.

In the classical sense, a car wash should be located in a densely populated part of the city. It is best to place it near:

An entrepreneur can buy or rent land with premises. The latter option is more suitable in terms of investment and launch speed. If earlier there was a car wash in the room, then this will also save on plumbing, electricity and sewerage.

When looking for a ready-made premises, you need to pay attention not only to the location, but also to other factors. The presence of:

  • convenient access and exit roads;
  • a small parking lot for customers;
  • food stall.

The lease agreement must be concluded for a long period of time - at least several years. And with self-construction, renting land is dangerous. It is better to take the money in the bank and redeem it.

Requirements for the premises and permits

For the work of a car wash, premises for washing cars, customer service (cash desk) will be required. Workers may need a locker room and a place to rest and eat. You will also need a utility room for storing equipment and consumables.

The requirements for interior decoration of the premises are not as strict as in the case of catering establishments, for example, but there is a need to comply with the sanitary zone. Its standards are specified in SanPiN 2.2.1 / Depending on the number of service posts, car washes are classified as hazard class 4 or 5. You can place them at the following distance from residential premises:

  • 50 m - up to 5 posts;
  • 100 m - more than 5 posts.

The leased land itself must have exclusively technical purpose. Additionally, you will have to coordinate the opening of a car wash with the following authorities:

  • traffic police;
  • State fire supervision;
  • architectural management.

We will have to bring sewer, water, ventilation and electrical networks in line with the requirements of supervisory authorities. For all equipment used, you need to obtain certificates and permits.

Special requirements are imposed on water not only at the outlet, but also at the inlet, if people come into contact with it. Wastewater should be regularly checked for the amount of harmful substances (suspensions, oil products, bacteria), color, smell.

To familiarize yourself with all the requirements of supervisory authorities, you should contact the territorial divisions, study regulations, and only then begin the construction or re-equipment of the sink.

Car wash registration

The first step in opening your own car wash will be the choice of legal form. Usually people choose sole proprietorship or LLC. From the point of view of bureaucratic formalities, individual entrepreneurship will be easier to open.

When drawing up an application to the IFTS, you must specify the activity codes. In 2019, you need to use the updated OKVED2 list. According to it, code 45.20.3 is suitable for car wash activities - “Car wash Vehicle, polishing and similar services”.

  • "income";
  • USN "income minus expenses".