Ready document business plan for a shoe shop. Shoe repair as a business

When there are crisis phenomena in the country, many find themselves unable to buy new shoes for themselves and turn to workshops. The services of professional shoemakers are in demand both in large and small cities. This type of business is quite stable and is able to bring money to the owner. all year round. This direction is also relevant because, according to statistics, every tenth shoe pair requires repair in the first year of wearing. Volumes shoe industry large, and the demand for repairs will only increase. This business plan for a shoe repair shop will help you organize such a business yourself, get a quick payback and minimize investments.

Project Summary

The main goal of the project is to organize a workshop that will provide shoe repair services to the population. Success will depend on the efficiency and quality of the work. We set ourselves the following tasks for the future:

  • Expand the list of services (repair of other items made of leather and leatherette).
  • Achieve payback and increase the workshop over time (hire employees and reduce the amount of work done independently).

To begin with, we will choose the format in which the institution will work. There can be three of them: economy, medium and premium. The first will not require big investments: this is one master (usually the owner himself), and the work takes place in a small kiosk. The medium format is a few masters, professional equipment and a wide range of services. The premium option is focused on servicing expensive branded shoes (yes, the rich sometimes repair them too). It is suitable for opening in areas of the city where wealthy people live.

This shoe repair shop business plan with calculations focuses on the medium format. The entrepreneur himself is a qualified craftsman who has great experience similar work.


The first cost is the registration of an individual enterprise. Produced independently, payment goes only to the state duty.

You also need to choose OKVED codes, which will tell the tax authority what exactly the company will do. In the case of a shoe shop, 95.23 must be entered.

In addition, you will have to purchase and issue a modern-style cash register.

The premises require permits from the fire service and Rospotrebnadzor. Everything will take about 20 thousand rubles.

Premises for rent

Basement and basement floors are ideal for a shoe workshop. Such rooms are inexpensive, and the noise produced during work will not disturb the neighbors. 30 sq. is enough. m, on which all the equipment will be located and 2-3 shoemakers will be able to work. It is also worth providing a separate room for the receiver. This employee will meet customers and offer services.

The rent of the premises will cost about 10 thousand rubles per month. The place to choose is a walk-through, where there is a large flow of people. The central part of the city and its busiest streets with a large number of pedestrians are ideal. Some workshops are located in large shopping centers, which is also a great option. Shopping centers typically charge lower rents for their sites than do stand-alone buildings in the city.

The premises may require small investments for cosmetic repairs. It will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

In order to repair shoes quickly and well, an entrepreneur must take care of purchasing the necessary equipment and special shoemaking tools. This is perhaps the main expense item that is necessary to open your own business. The minimum set of equipment is as follows:

Name price, rub.
Glue hotplate 1 000
Professional boot paw 2 000
winepress 2 000
Drill 1 000
Processing machine 30 000
sewing machine 5 000
Air compressor 15 000
Burner 2 000
Small shoemaker's tools 5 000

In total, it turns out that the equipment will require investments of 63 thousand rubles. It is best to buy tools and appliances new, then they will last longer without repair and maintenance.


If for an economy workshop located in a kiosk, only one person is needed, which is usually the entrepreneur himself, then for a medium format, at least 3 employees will already be required. These are shoemakers who will be engaged in repair and restoration, and an inspector.

It must be remembered that there are not so many professional and trained shoe repair specialists. They are taught only in some educational institutions. The bulk of the masters are self-taught.

To find a master, you should attract him with a worthy salary. You can also hire an apprentice for a lower salary, who will perform simple work and gain experience.

Consider the wage fund of each specialist of the institution:

Profession name Monthly rate
shoe repairman 25 000
Journeyman 15 000
Acceptance Master 12 000

Every month, 55,000 rubles will have to be allocated for salaries.

Advertising and marketing

The main thing in this case is right choice places with a lot potential clients. No less significant is word of mouth. People from neighboring districts will also go to a qualified repairman.

Perhaps you should experiment with maintaining publics on the social networks VKontakte and Instagram, but the effectiveness is not guaranteed.

More expensive methods of offline promotion and the Internet will be ineffective.

Sample price list

The shoe shop always offers a fairly large list of services. And the larger the workshop, the longer this list. We are considering an example that is suitable for a medium-sized establishment.

Required investment

Starting injections

Cost of entry into this business low. In the table below, we will clearly demonstrate what costs will be needed to enter this business.

To enter into this activity, you need to have an amount of 113.8 thousand rubles. The amount is small, so even a novice entrepreneur will be able to find it to do this business.

Monthly payments

Monthly payments include:

Thus, we need 85 thousand rubles per month.


If about 20 people visit the workshop every day, and the average check is 200 rubles, then with 24 working days you can have about 100 thousand rubles a month. It is obvious that the yield is insufficient. Therefore, the best option would be for the employer to combine one of the functions: either the main master, or the master-receiver.

In this case, you can count on an income of about 30-35 thousand rubles per month and a profitability of 35%.


The shoe business experiences both ups and downs of seasonal demand, although in general there will be customers all year round. A slight decline is usually observed in summer period of the year. If materials are bought abroad, then the influence of currency fluctuations still affects here, which must be taken into account. It is reasonable for a businessman to open such an institution only if he is at least a little versed in the shoe business. Because shoe repair has many small but important nuances, and if they are not taken into account, then things will not work. Despite the low profitability, the profits of the workshops are stable.

Meeting people's needs household services ah characterizes the development of the economy. The shoe repair niche in the service sector is occupied by representatives of small and micro businesses. The efforts of entrepreneurs ensure the growth of the quantity and quality of these services.

The demand for shoe repair services

Shoe repair remains a sought-after service in times of economic ups and downs. When incomes rise, there are more shoes and boots in families. The need for repairs is increasing.

In a crisis, people will not buy new shoes, but will repair the ones that were purchased earlier. Therefore, the need for repairs is increasing. The repair shop allows the shoemaker to capitalize on the fact that people need whole and comfortable shoes.

Shoe repair in numbers is presented by Rosstat.

According to the website Federal Service state statistics, in September 2017, the volume of services in the field of repair, dyeing and tailoring of shoes amounted to 1,054.1 million rubles.

To the analysis of the total market capacity, a novice shoemaker needs to add a study of his hometown. It is worth starting with studying the provision of repair services in the center and remote areas. For metropolitan areas with a population of over a million, there will be one picture. For cities with a population of several hundred thousand people or less, the situation will be different. In any case, you need to know the competitors, look at the methods of work and get an idea of ​​the number of orders per day.

People constantly need good and neat shoes, so there is always a need for its repair.

Workshop type for business organization

Minor repair shop features:

  • placed in a kiosk;
  • specializes in the replacement of heels, heels, zippers, installation of prevention, stitching;
  • the master works with inexpensive materials;
  • used equipment is used;
  • repair is carried out by one master;
  • low prices for repair services.

The mid-level workshop looks different:

  • is in basement or on the ground floor of a residential building, shopping complex, detached building;
  • the master works with natural materials;
  • uses new equipment;
  • offers a wide range of services;
  • employs several qualified specialists;
  • service prices are cheap.

The luxury workshop has all the hallmarks of a prestigious consumer service salon:

  • located in a spacious room of 30 sq. m;
  • highly qualified masters work;
  • footwear restoration services and other services requiring special equipment and technologies are performed;
  • expensive high quality materials are used;
  • located in elite areas;
  • information about the workshop is posted online;
  • high prices for services.

Labor costs for shoe repair in small repair shops and medium-level shops will be approximately the same. The profitability of a mid-level workshop is several times higher. Each type of workshop works with clients who make up target audience.

Table: clients in workshops of different types

The shoemaker focuses on the target audience by type of workshop. To find your own niche in shoe repair, you need to offer services that competitors do not have: white-gloved collection of shoes, return of a repaired pair of shoes in branded packaging, repair guarantee. The quality of repairs and attentive service also distinguish the workshop from others.

Each type of workshop is suitable for a specific room.

Photo gallery: types of shoe repair shops

A small shoe repair shop in a residential area of ​​​​the city is a small tent, usually open in the evenings and weekends A mid-level workshop on the first floor of a detached building can be found in the central part of a small town A luxury workshop in a prestigious area of ​​the city on the first floor of an elite building is intended for wealthy clients

How to find a workshop space

The room for the workshop is conveniently located in places where people flow. It should be convenient to approach the small repair kiosk. The luxury workshop can be easily reached by car.

The area of ​​a shoe repair shop is from 6 to 30 sq. m. Information regarding the lease or purchase of premises can be found on the Internet. For example, the Avito bulletin board contains hundreds of offers for renting premises for shoe repair.

The cost of rent in Moscow reaches 1.5-3 thousand rubles. per square meter per month. In the regions, the monthly rent of a room for shoe repair will be 500–700 rubles. per square meter. To buy a room for a workshop, you need investments of hundreds of thousands of rubles. At the beginning entrepreneurial activity it is not possible to find funds for this. Therefore, to open a shoe repair shop, most often a lease is concluded with a monthly payment.

Tools for the job

In the repair of shoes, materials made of rubber, polyurethane, leather are used. Nails, glue, metal fittings are used.

The master stitches the seams, grinds, cuts, puts preventive maintenance and performs other repair operations with the help of a tool.

Photo gallery: shoemaker's tools

Tightening pliers are used for tightening, tightening, tightening the top of shoes A shoe hammer is designed for tightening shoes A knife is used for cutting various materials A sewing machine is needed for sewing the top and sole An awl with a hook is used for working with leather, bottom and top of shoes

The shoemaker's workshop is equipped with a grinding machine, a press, drilling and polishing machines. The power supply must be designed for the operation of the equipment.

The workshop room must be divided into zones:

  • workplace of the master;
  • footwear receiving area;
  • place for repaired shoes.

Photo gallery: shoe repair shop zoning

The master communicates with clients and accepts shoes for repair in a specially designated place. The shoe repair operation should be carried out only in the working area. comfortable spot for storing repaired shoes

When the market analysis has been carried out, the type of workshop has been chosen, the premises, tools and equipment have been found, it is necessary to register a shoe repair business.

Business registration

The relationship between the shoe repairman and the state is regulated within the framework of entrepreneurship. Individual the right to become an individual entrepreneur or founder of a limited liability company. The cost of the state duty and the composition of documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are given in the table.

Table: state duty and documents for registration of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in 2017

It is economically unprofitable to register an LLC for shoe repair.

Benefits of making an IP:

  • preparation of documents takes less time and effort;
  • the state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 5 times less;
  • accounting and reporting of IP is easier.

Filling out and submitting an application for registration of IP

Documents can be submitted in electronic format(on the website of the Federal Tax Service there is an online registration service) or during a personal visit to the tax office.

An application for registration of an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001 is submitted electronically, signed with an electronic signature

When submitting documents in person, you will need to fill out a form. The application for registration of an individual entrepreneur in the form P21001 is available for download in MS-Excel format at the link help system Consultant Plus

Photo gallery: an example of filling out the form Р12001

On page 001, the surname, first name, patronymic, TIN, gender, date, place of birth, citizenship are indicated. codes of additional types of activities according to OKVED 2 without decoding Sheet B must be printed in 2 copies and signed at a notary

A novice entrepreneur occupies a niche of small and micro business. This gives the right to use special tax regimes: a simplified taxation system (STS), a single tax on imputed tax (UTII), a patent taxation system (PSN).

Table: features of special tax regimes in 2017

Who appliesIP, OOOIP, OOOIP
Number of employees, peopleUp to 100Up to 100Up to 15
Revenue limit per year, million rubles120 Not installedUp to 60
Accounting and reportingTax return for the year.
Keeping a ledger of income and expenses
Tax return quarterly. There is no book of income and expenses. Bookkeeping is not requiredThe declaration is not submitted, the book of accounting of income is kept
tax rateUSN Income - 6%;
STS Income minus expenses - 15%. Article 346.20 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes cases when the tax rate is zero
15% 6%
Article 346.50 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation establishes cases when a different rate is applied, including zero
Tax calculationAccording to the formula:
Income x 6%
(income minus expenses) x 15%
According to the formula:
Base yield x Physical indicator x K1 x K2 x 15%
K1 - deflator coefficient, in 2017
K1 = 1.798
K2 - correction factor.
The components of the formula are established by the state
The tax is calculated in the tax office
Permitted activitiesRestrictions are established in Article 346.12 of the Tax Code of the Russian FederationHousehold services to the population according to the OKUN classifier. Local authorities have the right to shorten the list. For example, in Moscow UTII is not validGiven in Article 346.43 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, incl. repair, cleaning, coloring and tailoring of shoes.
Local authorities have no right to reduce the list
How to account for lossesWhen paying USN tax, income minus expenses takes into account losses at the end of the tax periodLosses are not taken into account when paying taxLosses are not taken into account
Deadline for tax paymentAdvance payments quarterly, until the 25th day of the month following the reporting quarter Tax for 2017 - until April 2, 2018Until the 25th day of the month following the reporting quarterThe term is specified when obtaining a patent
How to reduce the amount of taxFor the amount of advances paid, insurance premiums for oneselfIndividual entrepreneurs without employees - for the full amount of insurance premiums for themselves.
Individual entrepreneurs with employees for 50% of insurance premiums for employees and themselves, sick leave for the first three days
The patent is not reduced by the amount of insurance premiums
The procedure for establishing a special regimeWhen registering an individual entrepreneur, apply for the simplified tax system along with R21001Submit an application within 5 working days from the start of the provision of services (Article 346.28 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation)When registering IP. Place of registration and place of patent must match

Information regarding the procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur and choosing a taxation regime is publicly available on the website of the Federal Tax Service. For example, there is a calculator for calculating the cost of a patent for an individual entrepreneur.

The cost of a patent for 12 months is paid in two installments

IP registration has been completed, it's time to systematize information and calculate financial indicators.

Step-by-step plan for opening a shoe repair shop

For example, a medium-level shoemaker opens in a city with a population of no more than a million inhabitants. Restoration, stretching, sole replacement, express repair services are offered. About 100-150 workshops are already operating in the field of repair. A feature of the newly discovered will be that the acceptance of shoes for repair will be carried out in a separate room. This will improve the quality of service. Repairs will be under warranty.

The cost of purchasing materials, taking into account the need to create a stock, is 390 thousand rubles. in year. The tools will require 350 thousand rubles. in a year. Room for rent 20 sq. m near the traffic intersection costs 30 thousand rubles. monthly. We will lay down the cost of the salary of two masters 300 thousand rubles. current ad spend, detergents and other needs will be 200 thousand rubles. Taxes - 100 thousand rubles. in year. One-time repair costs - 100 thousand rubles. In total, 1,730 thousand rubles will be required for expenses. in year.

Table: spending plan

How income is generated

The income calculation is based on the profitability of one order, the minimum and maximum number of orders. The shoe repair business takes 5 orders a day when it opens. With a minimum order yield of 300 rubles, the income per day will be 1,500 rubles, per month - 45 thousand rubles. With an increase in profitability and the number of orders, the monthly income will increase to 450 thousand rubles.

Table: income plan for minimum and maximum returns

Calculation of business plan indicators for a shoe repair shop

The profitability of the workshop is calculated in the business plan for the year. The cash flow indicator shows the flow of cash and the need for cash. To calculate cash flow, indicators of income and expenses are taken into account for each month during the year.

Table: cash flow calculation

Customer acquisition

To search for customers, we use the Internet: bulletin board, pages in social networks, discount sites like Biglion.

Project risks

When opening a shoe repair shop, you should take into account the seasonality of services. There are more orders in autumn than in summer. More in spring than in winter. In the off-season, bag repair and other additional services can be offered.

The use of imported materials leads to the risk of impact on the price of currency fluctuations. The purchase of materials during the period of strengthening of the national currency reduces dependence on the exchange rate.

The steps for opening a shoe repair shop are presented in the table.

Table: steps for opening a shoemaker's shop

Analysis of the market situationTo study the situation in the service sector in the city, districtClarity about competitors and demand for repair services
Determine workshop typeMake a list of repair servicesClear understanding of uniqueness and differentiation from competitors
Business registrationApply for IP registrationIndividual entrepreneur with main activity code 95.23 repair of footwear and other leather goods
Workshop spaceFind a room in places where people flowLease agreement with monthly rent payment
RisksTo study the impact of exchange rate fluctuations, seasonality of workMinimize risks
MarketingInternet promotionUsage effective ways service promotion
FinancingCalculate the income of one order, the minimum and maximum number of orders, opening costs, operating costsBusiness plan development

Business Models

Business models may include moving to a more expensive service segment. The owner can open one or more workshops. Shoe repair can be connected to bag repair, home delivery of shoes, key production, and the possibility of ordering services online.

Video: shoe repair business model

The shoe repair market in Russia amounts to billions of rubles a year. Both new and used shoes require a visit to the shoemaker. A “prevention” is installed on a new pair, and only after that the shoes are put on the street. Used shoes, boots, boots are repaired to prolong their lifespan. Shoe repair attracts with stability and constancy of demand for services.

According to experts, capacitive indicators in the shoe repair market annually amount to hundreds of millions of dollars, which makes it possible to attribute shoe repair as a business to the category of demanded and promising. The high profitability potential of this industry and stable self-sufficiency for several years have attracted the attention of entrepreneurs who want to open a profitable business with minimal initial investment.

Business Relevance

Shoe workshops, in accordance with the business plan of a shoe repair enterprise, belong to the category of household services that are as stable as possible in terms of security in a crisis.

The deteriorating economic situation makes it possible to obtain additional profit due to the minimization of the population's costs for the purchase of new shoes and the growth in demand for repair work. When the economic situation stabilizes a sharp increase the purchasing power of the population also increases the percentage of demand for shoe repair.

Business registration

The main point that must be considered if you want to open it yourself or arrange ready business shoe repair, is to obtain the status. It is individual entrepreneurial activity in this area that is more preferable, and not the education of such a popular one.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur allows you to choose a more favorable taxation system in the patent form or, in accordance with OKVED codes 52.71 or 52.74. After receiving the registration certificate in the tax department, it is necessary to go through the registration in the Pension Fund, and follow the instructions of the fire inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor.

In addition, this type of business activity requires the acquisition cash register and opening a bank account to pay for equipment and premises by bank transfer.

Selecting premises and hiring staff

The best option for running a shoe business is represented by renting premises without prepayment, on the basis of monthly rent payments. It is advisable to give preference to markets, large super- and hypermarkets and bus stop pavilions, where the traffic of potential customers is consistently high.

Most often, kiosks are equipped for shoe workshops, with a total area of ​​​​about 10 square meters. It is allowed to rent a state land plot from the municipality with the subsequent installation of a stall or the option of renting a finished kiosk on already registered land.

If you wish, you can rebuild your own premises for a repair shop, but renting or buying out a land plot in the city is very problematic and costly. And the construction of a building that meets all the requirements for conducting such activities is very expensive and significantly increases the payback period. A standard room suitable for running a shoe business should be delimited into a customer reception area, a work area and a space for relaxation.

Most often, individual entrepreneurs in the field of personal services work independently in conditions small firm. Establishing a larger repair shop requires the recruitment of professional shoemakers. It should be borne in mind that such specialists belong to the category of quite rare professions which are produced by a small number of technical schools. The solution of the problem of selection of highly qualified specialists can be trusted recruiting agency, the conclusion of an agreement with which will help to avoid many problems associated with hiring unscrupulous and unskilled personnel.

Equipment selection

Depending on the range of services offered, the set of equipment may be different. The standard equipment for carrying out repairs in a shoe workshop is:

Volumes of production and form of organization

Currently, the most relevant are three types of shoe workshops, which differ in the volume of work performed and profitability.
The traditional repair shop, which belongs to the economy class category, is distinguished by a small list of shoe repair services offered and is characterized by the replacement or repair of heels, insoles, soles, heels, lock elements, as well as preventive maintenance, stitching and painting. The target audience is consumers with a low income.

The workshop of the middle class is characterized by the presence of a wide range of services from the list of the middle price category. The optimal size of the area of ​​such a workshop cannot be less than thirty square meters, and expensive and high-quality equipment is used for work. The target audience is represented by consumers with higher income indicators.

VIP-class workshops are focused on repairing shoes of the elite category and are located in areas where a significant part of the population has a high level of prosperity. Specialized equipment allows repair work of any complexity, as well as the restoration of expensive and exclusive shoes.

Starting investment

Entrepreneurial activity in the economy class category involves a minimum initial investment. The cost of the premises, as well as the purchase of a minimum set of equipment and tools, will amount to about 200 thousand rubles.
Almost twice as much money is required to be invested in opening a middle-class shoe shop. However, the payback of such an enterprise will take much less time.

Opening a VIP workshop involves significant costs and is classified as a capital-intensive investment. Such workshops, despite being in demand, are extremely rare.

Income/expenses and profitability

Optimal, in terms of investments, payback periods and profitability indicators, is the opening of a shoe business in the middle production segment.
Standard economic indicators:

  • monthly rent - about 40 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for the purchase of equipment - 350 thousand rubles;
  • the cost of consumables - 150 thousand rubles;
  • monthly salary of the staff in the amount of three people - about 75 thousand rubles;
  • expenses for advertising campaign and payment utility bills- about 35 thousand rubles.

Total costs: 650 thousand rubles.

The main income is related to the number of completed orders:

  • income from one order - about 700 rubles;
  • the average payback period is 24-36 months.

The rate of return is about 15%.

An organic addition that helps to attract customers is the introduction discount cards that contribute to stimulating the economic interest of consumers. An effective marketing and advertising move can be an order for souvenirs or stationery with the logo of the workshop.

A one-time investment in the highest quality equipment can significantly reduce the ongoing costs of purchasing consumables and maintenance. In addition, a middle-class workshop is almost twice as productive and efficient as an economy-class workshop of the same size.

If the business plan calls for an occupation repair work one person who is in the status individual entrepreneur, then the daily earnings will not be more than five to seven thousand rubles.

It should not be forgotten that the creation of any point must be preceded by a thorough study of the throughput of the place, the presence of closely spaced competing organizations and the standard of living of the population. The success of a business is always based on the recognition of a newly opened enterprise, competitive prices and a high level of service, combined with competent advertising and marketing.

In this material:

Shoes are an essential piece of clothing that every person needs. According to statistics, the average citizen of Russia changes shoes every 2 years. It should be noted that this refers to only one type of seasonal boots for every day. Parallel Required sport shoes, festive, replaceable, walking, working, for rest. The service life depends on the price segment, but in order to increase this period, every second person takes boots to the workshop. Opening a shoe repair business is almost the most popular idea among start-up entrepreneurs and professional shoemakers. In practice, there are many nuances in the implementation of the project, which requires the preparation of a business plan, market analysis and financial calculations.

Shoe repair as a business: relevance and benefits of the idea

Any boots or sneakers, regardless of the price category, have a wear period. For more expensive items, the period is longer due to high-quality production, while for cheaper models, the wear time is shorter. But in any case, shoes eventually become unusable.

In 90% of cases, shoe wear begins with small defects. If you notice them in time, you can repair them inexpensively and continue to wear shoes.

This is the relevance of the business - people take damaged shoes to the master in the hope of an inexpensive repair compared to buying a new pair. Expectations are justified: 200-300 rubles is not the money to ignore the services of a shoemaker and buy shoes for 3-4 thousand rubles instead.

For the craftsman, the same 300 rubles are considered quite a good profit, because this is the price of minor repairs that do not include material costs and a long time of work. 30-40 minutes and you're done. It is enough to complete 5-6 orders during the day to get a decent wages.

Shoe repair as a business is relevant for everyone settlements, but is most suitable for sleeping areas of large cities. By choosing a convenient location between 4-5 high-rise buildings, a shoemaker can count on several thousand potential customers.

Workshop benefits:

  1. Minimum investment - shoe repair does not include serious investments but is very popular. The main expenses include the purchase of a trailer, the payment of rent for 4-5 square meters. m. and the purchase of a machine for work.
  2. Fast return on investment - due to small expenses at the start and high demand services the project will pay for itself in 2-3 months.
  3. Stability - the shoemaker always has a job. The amount of income can be floating, depending on the season, but the complete lack of orders can be considered a fictional story.

The list of services of a shoemaker

A standard shoe repair shop provides the following services:

  • replacement of heels;
  • firmware;
  • sizing;
  • making patches;
  • repair and replacement of lightning;
  • other repairs depending on the problem.

Reference: a professional shoemaker will never take up work without an inspection. It is not uncommon for people to bring shoes that cannot be repaired. Dishonest craftsmen charge for work that does not withstand even 2 days of wearing. No one will contact such a workshop again, which means that the future of the business does not seem bright.

Market analysis

Demand for shoemaker services and level of competition

The competition in the field of shoe repair is extremely high - small tents and booths are located, if not in every courtyard of the sleeping area, then in all crowded places. Before entering this business, it is necessary to study in detail several potential territories for work.

Action algorithm:

  1. The choice of several districts of the city with developed infrastructure and a large number of residents.
  2. Identification of all shoe repair points.
  3. Comparison of the business format of competitors, the area of ​​​​the premises and the volume of services provided.
  4. Finding the best place for organizing a business with a high traffic of people and the absence of direct competitors.

The demand for a shoemaker's services is as high as the competition figures, but one should understand the psychology of people. It is unlikely that anyone will carry shoes for repair to the next block if a shoemaker is already working in the courtyard of the house. The shoe workshop provides for a narrow target audience, so even if a competitor is already working in a couple of houses, it will not interfere with a successful start near it. Having collected a customer base, you can safely work and put orders in a queue.

Possible risks

Despite the attractive prospects for the shoe repair business, there are a number of risks that must be taken into account:

  • the dollar exchange rate - a constantly changing indicator negatively affects the acquisition of foreign-made working material. In this case, it is necessary either to switch to cooperation with a domestic manufacturer, or to lay additional costs in advance in the cost of services;
  • seasonality - the warm season is accompanied by wearing light and, one might say, disposable shoes, which is reflected in the number of orders;
  • lack of customers - it is possible that when a new point is opened, the influx of customers will be less than planned. The answer is simple - people are used to a competitor, they know its prices and the quality of work. The way out is to reduce the cost of services, conduct an advertising campaign.

Reference: business in itself is a risk, but if you take into account the maximum number of development situations, you can reduce the unsuccessful start to a minimum. That is what a business plan is for.

How to get started?

Choosing a business model

There are 3 main types of shoe shops:

  1. Economy
  2. Middle class.
  3. Premium.

Economy class is the familiar booths and kiosks located in the courtyards of multi-storey buildings. Organization of a business will cost 100-150 thousand rubles, along with the acquisition of premises, the rent of a land plot and the purchase of equipment. The main advantage of the economy class shoe business is the ability to organize your own business without serious costs. As a rule, the master is an individual entrepreneur, works for himself, independently controlling the entire process.

The middle class is a kind of "golden mean", which provides for a room of 20-30 square meters. m, located in the basement apartment buildings. Alternatively, rent retail space in the mall or the purchase of a separate building. hallmark a middle-class workshop is considered to be completely imported equipment and supplies, 2 or more working craftsmen, higher prices.

Premium - elite shoe workshops located in the central part of the city in the shopping center, business centers, close to expensive hotels. The number of these retail outlets is relatively low and is practically uncharacteristic for provincial cities. Premium shoe repair shops work only with expensive and branded models, which affects the cost of services.

Registration of entrepreneurial activity

To open an economy class point, the status of an individual entrepreneur is sufficient. For other business models, the LLC form is recommended (it is mandatory for the premium class), because legal entity easier to work with foreign suppliers.

The system of taxation at the choice of the entrepreneur. Suitable options are USN and UTII.

OKVED codes:

  • 52.71 - shoe repair;
  • 52.74 - other items of a personal nature, not indicated by groups of codes.

Finding a space for a workshop

The choice of premises depends on the business model. For the economy class, the ideal option is a trailer, pavilion or kiosk with an area of ​​​​5-6 square meters. m. You can buy a mobile outlet both on order and by searching through ads.

The workshop of the middle class is already outlet in the building of the shopping center or high-rise buildings. The premises are selected taking into account the patency of people and the relevance of the location.

Premium class is a respectable room in the business center.

Purchase of equipment and tools

Required list of equipment:

  • processing machine;
  • sewing machine;
  • burner;
  • compressor;
  • shoe paw;
  • drill;
  • awl;
  • needles;
  • shoe gun;
  • whetstone;
  • rasp;
  • abrasive cloths;
  • expendable materials.

Search for suppliers of consumables

The Internet will help you find any information, including suppliers. However, you should not immediately pay for the order and transfer funds to unknown persons. There is a high chance of getting scammed.

There are many official representatives in Moscow and major cities of Russia foreign companies for the sale of consumables for shoe repair. For the first order, you need to visit at least one such warehouse and make sure that the goods are available and the company exists.

In addition to the Internet, it will be useful to look for suppliers among local wholesalers. Printed publications are suitable as a source of information.

Online stores are 50/50 reliable, so you can easily run into scammers.

Useful information can be found on specialized forums on the network, but there you also need to filter out information from real users from hidden advertising or messages from intruders. Without the experience of correspondence on the network, it is almost impossible to do this.


Again, it all depends on the type of business. An entrepreneur who plans to personally repair shoes does not need employees. In other cases - 2-3 people, plus a cleaning lady and an accountant.

Advertising and marketing

The premium class of the workshop can afford all kinds advertising services, since CA is the rich population of the whole city. Advertising on TV, radio, banners will be effective options.

For the middle class of shoe repair, a bright and attractive signboard, promoter services, and banners in the opening area will be an actual advertising move.

For the economy, the mere fact of opening is enough, because people living nearby will immediately notice a new shoe repair point. To attract more customers, you can install 2-3 pavement signs in a busy area and post leaflets on poles and special bulletin boards.

Financial calculations

Using the economy class model as an example, below are calculations of business investments and potential profits.

Investment in the project

Expenses for organizing a business (in rubles):

  • 5,000 - opening an individual entrepreneur and collecting permits;
  • 40,000 - purchase of a pavilion;
  • 4,000 - lease agreement for a land plot;
  • 100,000 - purchase of equipment and consumables.

Result: 149,000 rubles.

Current expenses

The business format almost completely eliminates costs, not counting the rent for the site, updating materials for work and paying for electricity. In a month, you can meet the amount of 20,000 rubles.

Revenues, profits and profitability assessment

The cost of an average work of a shoemaker is 400 rubles. The master performs 7 orders per day. Total - 2,800 rubles per day or 70 thousand per month, taking into account 5 days off.

Net profit - 70,000-20,000 \u003d 50,000 rubles.

If necessary, you can increase the number of working days and completed orders.

Payback period - 3 months.

Shoemaking remains popular even in the century information technologies because people still want to save money on buying new shoes. The repair shop in this case is an excellent way out for both parties - the client receives the repaired boots at an affordable price, and the master earns his own labor. The greatest demand for services is observed in the economy class business model.

Order a business plan

Investments: from 4,000,000 rubles.

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