Management decisions. Development of management decisions in tourism organizations

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1 option

Question 1. What do you understand by management decision

Answer. A managerial decision is understood as the choice of an alternative from a set of options for action. The rationale for this answer is as follows. Management decision, on the one hand, is the final stage of the management process aimed at finding and implementing the most effective solutions for the functioning and development of the organization, which is always accompanied by the development of alternative options for functioning and development. Depending on the specific goals, situations and problems of functioning and development, the process of developing ways (solutions) can be carried out in various ways. The typology of the management process (for example, a situational process that provides multiple clarification of the situation) can influence the nature and timing of the process of developing and choosing alternative solutions, but the management decision is also associated with final choice one of the alternatives. On the other hand, a management decision, as the choice of an alternative, is accompanied by a procedure for its adoption (there are also various ways acceptance - groups, decision makers, etc.), which includes the distribution of work between employees of the organization, the adoption of an action plan, the formulation of the task and organizational - practical work to achieve the set goals. Thus, the managerial decision, as the choice of an alternative, determines the entire practical activities on the functioning and development of the organization.

Question 2. Why there are different approaches to the definition of the concept of "management decision"

Answer. Different approaches to the definition of the concept of "management decision" are associated with differences in the system of views and concepts of management, which were formed evolutionarily under the influence of a change in the management environment, the development of science, technology, production technology and management. So, at the beginning of the last century, the production paradigm was used as the basis of management, so management decisions depended on its results, on providing it with resources and using them to reduce production costs and increase profits. The transition to a new management paradigm and the wide possibilities of a person (in accordance with the scientific recommendations of behaviorism) have expanded the range management decisions and methods of their development, adoption and implementation.

Question 3. What are the stages of the management process that make up the necessary sequence of stages in the development of management decisions

Answer. The sequence of stages "goal - situation - problem - solution" reflects each of the various processes of developing managerial decisions. A management decision can be developed to achieve a set, accepted or adjusted goal (strategic, tactical, operational). Often, the goal-setting stage requires repeated passage of this sequence of stages (the goal must be specific, measurable, controllable) and identified with the process of developing a managerial decision. The passage of this sequence of stages reduces the role of negative manifestations of the properties of management processes (the properties of discreteness and inertia can lead away from the goal).

Question 4. What factors influence the typology of the development of management decisions?

Answer. Wednesday plays big role in the formation of types of development of management decisions. Certain Changes external environment influence the choice of priorities in management tools, the role of managers, the types of motivation and form the type of management that is adequate to its changes. Thus, the transition to market relations has activated economic priorities, decentralized management, highly centralized management, anti-crisis management. The typology of management adopted in the organization also creates an appropriate typology for the development of management decisions. For example, when decentralized management the development of managerial decisions is based on the principles of delegation of authority, and in anti-crisis - on the depth and degree of development of the crisis. The existing typology of the development of management decisions changes mainly under the influence of the internal environment.

Question 5. How are management processes and the development of management decisions related?

Answer. The processes of management and development of management decisions are interdependent, constitute a unity and form the dynamics of management. Interdependence defines all organizational, functional and interfunctional communications of the organization. In the process of management, a wide variety of processes for developing management decisions are used. So, when developing strategic decisions only individual units of the highest level of management of the organization can participate; when developing tactical decisions - units producing a separate product (process control); in the development of operational decisions - a separate division of the organization.

Question 6. what does the management decision depend on in the process of managing an organization

Answer. The effectiveness of management largely depends on the accepted sequence of stages and procedures of the management process. Studies of the regularities and properties of management processes (objective existence of time gaps and discreteness, inertia and oscillatory nature of the stages and procedures of management processes) show that the use of the necessary sequence of stages and procedures of the management process increases the effectiveness of the management decision.

Question 7. Mark the most significant links between the development of management decisions and types of management.

Answer. The type of management generates a sequence of stages in the development of management decisions and plays a significant role in the formation of its processes. The sequence itself is diverse and depends on the type of management decisions. The creation of such diversity is ensured by the purpose and organizational structure of management, the ability of the manager to generate ideas and options for management decisions, changes in the external and internal environment in which the management process is carried out. These features may not have a significant impact on the type of management (for example, when developing management decisions on restructuring debt obligations in the context of applying federal law"On bankruptcy and financial recovery of the enterprise").

Question 8. What role do management functions play in the development of management decisions

corporate organizational managerial leadership

Answer. The essence and variety of management functions have importance in the development of management decisions. General management functions give rise to a typology of management decisions (planned and organizational decisions, decisions on motivation and control of the implementation of managerial decisions). Special and specific functions create the information field of a management decision (decisions of marketing and sales departments) or the conditions for developing a management decision (planning departments systematize, generalize and use information to develop options for planning decisions). In general, the functions reflect the content of decisions and correspond to the necessary diversity of management decisions. The process of developing and making managerial decisions is formed not only by the functions of management, but also by the powers that determine the degree of participation in this process of the heads of departments.

Question 9. What is the relationship between management functions and management decisions

Answer. The most significant relationships between management functions and management decisions are determined in accordance with the classification of decisions by content management activities. For example, the unit that performs the functions of planning - the strategic planning department - develops options for plans, but the choice of the best option, which constitutes a strategic decision, is the prerogative of top management. In the case when the plan developed by the strategic planning department is related to the tasks of reducing the cost of production, production units that perform the functions of manufacturing products are included in the process of developing options, because they more accurately determine the boundaries of cost reduction. There are also such relationships between management levels (which are determined by the corresponding management functions).

Question 10. What role does the external environment play in the development of management decisions by bodies state power

Answer. In conditions market economy(as opposed to command - administrative) significantly change the functions of public authorities.

Legislative bodies form a favorable legal environment for the activities of organizations, executive - in accordance with federal and municipal functions can influence the development of enterprises in certain industries and areas of activity of organizations (for example, on the conditions of activity and strategic development small enterprises in the field consumer services population of a particular district, city). In this case, the standard of living, the state of the infrastructure and the adopted strategic directions for the development of the economy of the region, the city can play the role of the external environment for the activities of organizations. Its condition affects the decisions of state and municipal government whose functions include the creation of favorable conditions for the life of the population of a certain territory and organizations.

Question 11. What role does the external environment play in the development of management decisions commercial organizations

Answer. The goals of commercial organizations are related to the economic categories of their activities and, more often, to the profit of the organization. If conditions do not allow the achievement of the agreed objectives, the activity may be suspended. If the change in the environment does not contribute to the achievement of commercial goals, they can be taken into account in the future as a certain experience. In this case, the external environment influences the development of strategic goals associated with changes in the organization's activities. The adopted strategic goals may affect the typology of management, affect the solution of personnel issues, the development of goals and objectives of individual departments of the organization.

Question 12. What role does internal environment in the development of management decisions for commercial organizations

Answer. The internal environment of the organization is formed by its main components: goals, objectives, structure and personnel. Possible positive changes in goals and objectives ensure the development of the organization and influence future results. But often increased commitments require the introduction of fundamental changes in the structure and personnel decisions. Thus, the depth of changes in the internal environment is always reflected in specific decisions and the process of their adoption.

Question 13. What properties of management processes have the most significant impact on the process of developing management decisions

Answer. The dynamics of communication between the managed and the managing subsystems is provided by the process of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. Types of managerial decisions make adjustments to its character. In the process of developing strategic decisions, the scarcity of time as a management resource is of the greatest importance; when developing tactical decisions - the cyclical appearance of problems, the property of discreteness and unevenness of managerial influences; in the process of developing operational decisions - the oscillatory nature of management.

Question 14. What role does the organizational structure play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. Organizational structure how the composition and interconnection of links in the organization's management system is based on the consolidation of the rights, duties and responsibilities of departments and their leaders. The authority to make management decisions in accordance with the principles of their delegation can be transferred to the appropriate level and management functions. The functional division of managerial labor, fixed in the horizontal and vertical links of the organizational structure, must also correspond to the content of decisions: vertical links determine the sequence of managerial actions, horizontal links are established between certain aspects decisions and their implementation.

Question 15

Answer. The hierarchy (subordination) of the organization is formed on the basis of decentralization of management so that the complex task of management is solved by several simpler ones (although the words “simpler” are used here as a generalization, since the division of managerial labor leads to a deepening and complexity of tasks and specific management functions). When allocating management levels, the hierarchy of the organization becomes more complicated, duplicating functions and separate links may arise. Determination of a rational number of functions, tasks, levels and links that realize the benefits of centralization and decentralization of management belongs to the field of management art.

Question 16. what role do authorities play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. Powers are directly related to the process of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. More often, powers are associated with the right to make a decision (the sphere of development and adoption) and they forget about responsibility for the decision made (the sphere of implementation of a managerial decision). The connection of the right and responsibility for decision-making, united by the category of "authority", allows you to use the right to make decisions on different tasks: dividing the goals and objectives common for the organization into constituent sub-goals and sub-tasks, creating conditions for the implementation of leadership qualities, creating and removing restrictions in the entire development process , adoption and implementation of managerial decisions.

Question 17. What role do management goals play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. The goal of management as the desired state of the organization and the results of its activities over a certain period of time has a special impact on the process of developing management decisions that allow it to be achieved. There are many ways to achieve goals. In this regard, the set goal initiates the development of alternative solutions, the choice and adoption of the most rational of them in terms of specific conditions and existing restrictions. In an organization that is guided by the principles of goal management, in the process of developing managerial decisions, a decomposition of the goal (“tree of goals”) is used. At the same time, each unit, link and executor determines the goals and appropriate decisions to achieve them.

The hierarchy of goals is built in such a way that common goal is carried out "bottom-up": the achievement of the goals of the lower links creates a certain resource or means to achieve the goal and the higher link. Goals can be consistent, contradictory, unbalanced in time and resources, play the role of restrictions or criteria in the process of developing alternative management decisions.

Question 18. What role does the management methodology adopted in the organization play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. The management of a modern organization uses methodology as a generalized scientific knowledge about the structure, principles, methods and means of management, which makes it possible to predict, plan and implement the process of achieving the set goals. The methodology of organization management forms its philosophy and principles of management itself, which are manifested in the development and adoption of management decisions.

Question 19

Answer. The complexity of the tasks to be solved is generated by many reasons. These include inflated goals, limited resources, lack of information or time to achieve goals, low professional level employees, lack of motivation and more. The effectiveness of solving complex problems directly depends on the degree of development and decision-making at each of the successive stages of this process.

Question 20 personal qualities leader

Answer. The manager's personality plays a big role in the management of the organization and is manifested in his leadership position at all stages of the management process. At the goal-setting stage, the leader can focus on the goals that make it possible to realize his leadership position. in assessing a situation, identifying problems, developing alternatives, and choosing a solution, personal interests and ambitions can also have a positive or negative impact. Leadership is an important factor in effective management, but, nevertheless, in the process of developing managerial decisions, the role of personal qualities is not dominant.

Question 21. What role does organizational culture play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. Organizational culture reflects the social aspects and priorities in the management of the organization. With the strengthening of the role of personality and creativity in the integrated result of the organization's activities, there is a need to use the individual qualities of managers and the culture of managerial relations to improve the processes of developing managerial decisions. Organizational culture creates a favorable environment for the development and implementation of all types of solutions. The development of organizational culture in modern organizations (especially in those that use the international division of labor) becomes the object of corporate management. A high level of development of organizational culture is achieved by combining the level of education, vocational training, personal discipline, efficient use accumulated experience of collective activity and objectification of the processes of development of managerial decisions. Thanks to the developed organizational culture the system for collecting, processing, systematizing and analyzing information is streamlined, a favorable background is created for solving complex problems, a favorable environment for making changes and additional motivation for implementing decisions.

Question 22. What role does the organizational and legal form play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. The organizational and legal form determines the legal status of the organization and the mechanisms for the development and adoption of managerial decisions related to the distribution of profits, restructuring of property and other areas regulated by relevant laws. Often, the organizational - legal form becomes a certain limitation in the development of the organization. The processes of developing management decisions related to changes in the organizational and legal form are carried out in accordance with federal legislation, and in other cases, management decisions are subject to internal regulations organizations.

Option 2

Question 1. What role does the scale of the problem being solved play in the process of developing managerial decisions

Answer. The scale of the task to be solved should correspond to the goals of the organization. Especially when management solves the problems of functioning and development of the organization. Development goals can create difficulties (temporary, in the use of scarce resources, conflicts of interest between managers and owners, etc.) in the implementation of typical and traditional tasks. In order to prevent the scale of the tasks being solved from destroying the organization, a systematic analysis of the scale of integrated tasks is used in the processes of developing managerial decisions.

Question 2. What role do the types and areas of activity play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. The processes of developing management decisions correspond to the established types of management processes of the organization and the approved areas of its activities. When setting new goals related to restructuring, entering new markets, producing a new product, etc., focused on the implementation of specific areas of activity, as well as changes in the internal environment, innovations can be used in the organization and formed innovation processes development of management decisions.

Question 3. What role does information play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. A management decision is characterized by special management information that gives the right to manage resources to achieve the goals. In the process of developing solutions, the information received is detailed, aggregated and converted into other information used to implement the solution in departments and performers. The process of developing solutions requires the standardization of information and the use of a universal language (order, written or oral order). Despite the wide range of information resources, most management decisions (about 90%) are developed under conditions of uncertainty and their unification. Information plays an essential role in the formation of a certain idea of ​​processes, phenomena, objects and is used in the development of solutions as a methodological tool. Modern information tools expand management capabilities and increase the efficiency of management decision development processes.

Question 4

Answer. Long-term goals determine the development of strategic decisions. The process of their development is characterized by a sequence of stages in which a special role is given to the development of a strategy, strategic plan and the actual development of strategic decisions for its implementation. These activities use methods strategic management, but the development process can be different: targeted, branched or corrective.

Question 5. What role does production and its technology play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. At the disposal of modern management there is a wide arsenal of methodological and methodological tools for developing management decisions. The development of typology and production technology has influenced the range of solutions that expand or deepen the content of management activities. Therefore, the processes of developing management decisions are carried out in accordance with the main factors of production.

Question 6. What role does the organizational structure play in the process of developing management decisions

Answer. In modern management, the organizational structure as the relationship of links in the organization's management system forms the basis for creating efficient process solution development. In different organizations, when using a typical organizational structure, different types of management decision development processes can be used. play a special role nationally historical features management. They are manifested in the dynamics of management (in the development of decisions that require a negotiation process, the coordination of changes, etc.), reflecting the features of the decision-making processes.

Question 7. What role does legal support organization management

Answer. The rights, duties and responsibilities for making managerial decisions are reflected in the charter of the organization, the regulation on the enterprise, division (in accordance with the law, organizational - legal form and field of activity). The use of relevant documents ensures the legitimacy of the process of developing management decisions. Responsibility for the consequences of the decisions made is assigned to the subject of adoption.

Question 8. What process of development of management decisions causes a linear organizational structure

Answer. The linear organizational structure is typical for the sphere of small business. The management vertical is identified with a highly centralized decision-making process. However, it does not always provide a sequence of stages in the decision-making process and causes an increase in the duration and gaps in the process of "development - adoption - implementation of decisions", is characterized by the priority of authoritarian methods of decision-making and needs constant adjustment in the face of change.

Question 9. What is the process of developing management decisions that determines the functional organizational structure

Answer. A functional organizational structure that uses the functional division of labor to isolate functional units needs to develop goals and objectives for each unit and mechanisms for their coordination in the face of change. To ensure the consistency of the steps and reduce the duration of the solution development process, it includes additional stages of evaluating and revising solutions.

Question 10

Answer. In a linear - functional organizational structure, the advantages of a linear and functional organization of management are used. The process of developing management decisions depends on their type. Allocate decisions that are the prerogative of top management (strategic, personnel, financial, etc.); other decisions are developed and adopted in accordance with the branched type, due to the set of goals from the tasks of linear and functional divisions. Depending on the role and leadership qualities of managers, the process of developing and making managerial decisions can be decentralized (typically when individual divisions are separated into an independent legal entity), with the transfer of part of the decision-making authority to decentralized divisions. In this case, in the context of changes in the external environment, the process of developing management decisions to achieve the goals of the entire organization needs to be adjusted (for example, developing strategic decisions using a corrective type).

Question 11. What process of development of management decisions determines corporate structure management

Answer. Corporate management has become a special type of organization management (formed by independent legal entities) largely due to the peculiarities of the development corporate solutions. The development process includes collegial decision-making procedures. At the level of organizations that are part of the corporation, the adopted collegial decisions are binding and determine the principles and areas of corporate activity. Established processes can be used to develop management decisions within each organization.

Question 12. What problems of development of management decisions arise in complex hierarchical management structures

Answer. In complex hierarchical management structures (management of an industry, a diversified complex, the economy of a region, etc.), as a rule, the sequence of stages and the parallelism of solving problems are difficult. To prevent these difficulties, the harmonization of goals and resources, coordination procedures various types decision-making processes (characteristic of the specifics of the activities of organizations in the field of education, culture, science, art, etc.), the relationship of decision-makers. And the benefits of decentralized decision-making.

Question 13. What is meant by the category "managerial decision making"

Answer. The essence of the category "management decision making" is associated with the organization's established procedure for making management decisions according to the responsibility and authority of the decision maker. Traditionally, decision makers are line managers. In a corporation, some decisions can be made by the board of directors.

Question 14

Answer. Making managerial decisions is no less difficult stage of management than its development. In decision development processes, including the development and selection of options, the adoption of a managerial decision, as the choice of an alternative, is considered the last stage in the process of its development. For spontaneous decisions characteristic of authoritarian management, development and adoption can be combined into a single process. In the functional units, alternative solutions are developed, and the decision-making process (selection and decision-making) is assigned to a higher manager.

Question 15. What factors have the most significant impact on the process of making managerial decisions

Answer. Modern organizations can use the theory and experience of effective management in the formation of managerial decision-making processes. In centralized organizations due to high responsibility officials This process is enshrined in legal and normative documents regulating the rights and duties of the head. In decentralized organizations (corporations), organizational behavior and decision-making principles play an important role, which can be adjusted in accordance with changes in goals, situations and the environment of activity.

Question 16. What role does the behavior of managers play in the process of making managerial decisions

Answer. The behavior of managers can influence the effectiveness of the decision-making process, but only if the situation or conditions of decision require acceleration, decentralization or coordination of the decision-making process. Thus, the authoritarian style increases the effectiveness of decisions made in the conditions of concentration of responsibility of the decision maker; democratic style increases the efficiency of decisions made in conditions of effective decentralization; corporate style increases the efficiency of decisions made in an active corporate culture. In general, the behavior of managers should not put pressure on the decision-making process.

Question 17

Answer. Personal qualities and leadership are the main components of the managerial potential of the organization. They play a crucial role at all stages of development, adoption and implementation of management decisions. In practice, personal qualities play a big role in the processes of making managerial decisions in small organizations and groups. As an organization grows, organizational behavior plays a more significant role, adjusted by a corporate or other code.

Question 18

Answer. Centralization and decentralization of management functions should correspond to the organizational structure, typology of management processes and development of management decisions. Centralization ensures the unity of the management decision, while decentralization requires the coordination of functions and decisions. Ensuring the unity of management decisions in a decentralized management system is a necessary but not sufficient condition for decentralized decision-making.

Question 19. What methods of developing management decisions are used in the process of implementing the plan

Answer. When an organization's activity plan is developed and adopted (for example, a budget), administrative methods for developing management decisions are used in its implementation. Such processes are typical for the activities of dependent companies, subsidiaries. The plan development process includes the stages of retrospective analysis, forecasting, organizational modeling and organizational design.

Question 20. What methods are used in the development of a strategic plan for the development of the organization?

Answer. The development of a strategic plan is preceded by the development of an organization's strategy, depending on the content and type of strategy (associated with a time interval of 3.5 or 10 years with the nature of changes in the environment of the organization's activities). But in the conditions of the adopted strategy, it is necessary to use the methods of strategic planning to develop a strategic development plan.

Question 21. Is it possible, when developing a strategic management decision, to be limited only to quantitative information

Answer. When developing a strategic management decision, both quantitative and qualitative information play an equally important role. Since quantitative information is calculated under conditions of risk and uncertainty, it cannot be exhaustive and reliable. Qualitative information makes it possible to assess the role of significant factors and their impact on changing the situation. Thus, it is impossible to be limited only to quantitative information when developing a strategic decision, since this limitation increases the risk of the decision.

Question 22. At what stage of development of management decisions are experts used

Answer. Expert information can be used in the processes of developing managerial decisions. The stage at which the labor of experts is most effectively used is determined by the type of management decision. Thus, when developing strategic decisions, expert information will be required at the stage of assessing the situation, while developing tactical decisions - at the stage of identifying problems.

3. Option

Question 1. At what stage of the management process is the generation of options for management decisions used

Answer. It is recommended to generate options for management decisions at the “decision” stage, when for each of the aspects of the decision in the face of changing constraints (resources, prices, etc.), the consequences of making these decision options are also taken into account. In the process of generating options, methods of group development of solutions are used.

Question 2. What contributes to an adequate understanding of the situation that can influence the decision

Answer. The experience of getting out (both negative and positive) from crisis situations develops a sense of aggravation of the situation and adequate behavior of the manager. An experienced manager uses system and situational analysis more effectively, makes fewer mistakes in the decision-making process.

Question 3. What should be considered when comparing alternative solutions

Answer. Determining the role of influencing factors when comparing alternative solutions is an important analytical activity. Practice shows that it is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of alternatives and plans for their implementation. Weak side there may be insufficient or exaggerated motivation of performers, changes in resource prices in conditions of high cost.

Question 4. What methods of generating solutions are most used in any organization

Answer. Practice shows that the process of generating options is directly dependent on the type of solutions. So, to develop a new product in order to preserve confidential information, brainstorming methods are more often used with the involvement of employees of the organization. In modern Russian organizations more widespread marketing methods.

Question 5. Is it advisable to exchange information between experts in the process of conducting an examination

Answer. No, independent opinions are needed.

Question 6. What is the difference between collective decision-making and collective expertise

Answer. These are different processes. Collective decision-making (for example, in the board of directors, shareholders' meeting, etc.) may require an examination of one or another decision option from the standpoint of reliability, efficiency, consequences of adoption and implementation.

Question 7. Can an important management decision be developed without expertise

Answer. Much depends on the type of management decision. There are no unimportant decisions in effective management. In practice, important management decisions are developed in secrecy, expertise is used only to assess the situation that characterizes the real state of affairs.

Question 8. What decisions link strategic and tactical goals

Answer. Consistent achievement of tactical goals ensures the achievement of strategic goals. Linking tactical and strategic goals should be reflected in the plan for the implementation of the strategy (moving up the stairs, it is dangerous to jump over the steps!).

Question 9. Who has the greatest influence on the formation of the organization's goals

Answer. In a market economy, the consumer becomes at the center of the processes of developing managerial decisions, it is with him that the goals of the organization are associated.

Question 10. What is the role of resources in the adoption of long-term plans for the development of the organization

Answer. Resources ensure the achievement of all goals, including the goals of the development of the organization.

Question 11. What methods of goal formation are used in practice

Answer. In practice, in a competitive environment, the formation of goals is carried out by a narrow circle of people or an initiative group of employees of the organization.

Question 12. What role does the "goal tree" play in the development of management decisions

Answer. The "goal tree" allows you to determine the range of tasks and solutions for departments and specific performers, and subsequently, planning and coordination of the work of departments and performers is carried out.

Question 13. What role does the mission of the organization play in the development of management decisions

Answer. The mission of the organization is developed when the organization wants to determine its social significance and position the direction of activity or the production of a product. Thus, the mission allows you to control the directions of development and develop solutions within the approved areas of activity.

Question 14. What role does the value system play in the development of management decisions

Answer. In the processes of developing managerial decisions, they rely only on those values ​​that are reflected in the mission of the organization.

Question 15. What role do competing goals play in the development of management decisions

Answer. The competition of goals, as a rule, leads to a conflict of goals and social conflict between departments or individual performers. The process of conflict resolution often leads to a reassessment of the goals set.

Question 16. What role does monitoring play in the development of management decisions

Answer. Provides information for decision making under conditions of uncertainty.

Question 17. Why is it necessary to monitor the internal external environment of the organization to develop management decisions

Answer. Depending on the type of managerial decision, information about the state of the external (strategic and tactical decisions) and internal environment (operational decisions) is used in the process of its development. In a competitive environment, information about changes in the environment can play a decisive role. In this regard, monitoring allows you to adequately respond to changing situations.

Question 18. How are management decisions measured?

Answer. It is difficult to measure managerial decisions, most often this measurement concerns the economic and social consequences of making and implementing managerial decisions. In practice, the assessment is carried out using quantitative and qualitative indicators of the effectiveness of the solution.

Question 19. Why are management decisions measured using quantitative and qualitative indicators

Answer. This is due to the fact that the goals of organizations and its divisions are formulated using quantitative and qualitative indicators.

Question 20. What criteria for measuring decisions are most often used in practice

Answer. In practice, the results of the work of the organization as a whole are used as criteria for measuring management decisions, and in recent times The quality of the produced and sold product is used as the most important criterion.

Question 21. Why do different management models form different decision evaluation systems

Answer. The formation of a management model is influenced by the methods of developing solutions. The variety of methods determines the development of various systems for evaluating managerial decisions. The use of a certain set of decision development methods forms the technology for the development, adoption and implementation of decisions. At the same time, decision evaluation is included as a system element of technology and management model.

Question 22. What is the relationship between the criteria for effectiveness and efficiency of decisions

Answer. Efficiency is associated with labor productivity, efficiency - with economic results obtained over a certain period of time.

4. Option

Question 1. What role does professional preparedness play in the development of managerial decisions

Answer. Professional readiness improves the quality of developed management decisions.

Question 2. What are the most common ways to measure management decisions in Russian practice management

Answer. In Russian practice, management decisions are measured by the economic results obtained in the process of implementing the decision.

Question 3. What are the links between the measures of management decisions and the effectiveness of the management system as a whole

Answer. The links between decisions and organizational performance can be monitored through a system of economic indicators.

Question 4. How can you define the "space of effective solutions"

Answer. This is a space formed by goals, knowledge (information) and the effectiveness of the decision.

Question 5. What role does information impact play in the development of management decisions

Answer. Information impact can stimulate development, appeal to interest, or fundamentally change the attitude towards the solution being developed.

Question 6. How is the basic information of management decisions formed?

Answer. Formed gradually, accumulated in databases.

Question 7. . What role does information power play in the development of management decisions

Answer. Information power affects the distribution of tasks in the organizational structure of management.

Question 8

Answer. In the process of developing management decisions, it is recommended to include leaders in the process of implementing decisions. An analysis of the interconnectedness of their goals makes it possible at an early stage to determine the degree of interconnectedness of the included (and not included) links in the management system.

Question 9. What sources of information affect the reliability and completeness information base management decisions

Answer. The organization's information and documentation system serves as an information base for management decisions. For many management decisions, this base is not enough. It requires constant replenishment and updating of the information base. it is important to know that no source of information is immune from false information.

Question 10. What functions form the management decision development cycle

Answer. The basis of the management decision development cycle is the general management functions: planning, organization, motivation, control.

Question 11. How does the aggregation and disaggregation of the functions of the management decision development cycle affect the implementation of its individual stages

Answer. Aggregation and disaggregation should be carried out taking into account their effectiveness.

Question 12. How are the development of goals, decisions and their coordination

Answer. Using systems approach and goal tree.

Answer. This is a sequence of stages, algorithms and operations of the process of developing management decisions.

Question 14

Answer. The decision control system becomes more complicated.

Question 15. What role does the range of control play in the development of managerial decisions

Answer. The higher the range of control, the more the nature of the activity and the professionalism of the performers should be taken into account.

Question 16. What role does the centralization of management play in the processes of developing management decisions

Answer. Narrows the scope of alternatives.

Question 17. What role does decentralization of management play in the processes of developing management decisions

Answer. Expands the scope of alternatives.

Question 18. What role does delegation of authority play in the processes of developing managerial decisions

Answer. Increases accountability for developing a solution.

Question 19. What role does compliance with the principles of delegation of authority play in the processes of developing management decisions

Answer. Contributes to the efficiency of solution development.

Question 20. What role does integral responsibility play in the processes of developing management decisions

Answer. The development of the organization is associated with the expansion of production, innovation in the field of production and management, expansion and deepening of the market and restructuring. At the same time, the organization may have separate divisions(with high independence in management), carrying out the process of supply, production, marketing, innovation or research activities. For such subdivisions, the conditions of integral responsibility are being developed. They increase the effectiveness of the developed solutions (in the unit and the organization as a whole).

Question 21. What principles of delegation of authority are implemented in the processes of developing management decisions

Answer. In practice, the principle of functional definition and the principle of the level of authority are used. The principle of functional definition allows developing a solution in accordance with the fixed functions, the principle of the level of authority determines the rational level of responsibility for making and implementing a management decision.

Question 22. What role does research play in the development of managerial decisions

Answer. Depends on the type of decision, but in general, research is used at each stage of the development of management decisions.

5. Option

Question 1. What organizational changes needs to be implemented in the implementation marketing concept development of management decisions

Answer. It is necessary to carry out an organizational and psychological transition to the implementation of the concept of marketing.

Question 2. What are the problems of developing marketing solutions that Russian management faces?

Answer. Modern Russian management widely uses the theory of marketing, but loses its effectiveness due to the inadequacy of consumer behavior.

Question 3. What is the quality of a management decision

Answer. The effectiveness of management depends on many factors. One of these factors is the quality of managerial decisions. The category "quality" has several interpretations. They are used to characterize the resources produced by the product, management processes. The quality of a management decision is a set of properties of the decision that allow you to get the effect of its implementation.

Question 4. How is the quality of management decisions assessed?

Answer. To assess the quality of a management decision, indicators such as development and implementation time (just in time), social and economic indicators are used to assess the future results and consequences of the decision being developed. In practice, the result and consequences of its implementation are associated with the quality of a management decision.

Question 5. What role do standards play in developing product quality decisions?

Answer. Product quality is not only the result of production. In modern management, quality is formed in the management of the organization. In this regard, quality standards (especially international standards) make it possible to determine the procedure and methods for planning product quality improvement at all stages. life cycle.

Question 6. What factors influence the quality of management decisions

Answer. Many factors influence the quality of management decisions. The most important are professionalism, experience, production and management technology, demand for product quality. In order to take them into account, quality divisions are formed in organizations, the functions of which include the collection, processing and systematization of information on product quality, quality level planning, etc. (such divisions are formed in many educational institutions). In order for quality departments to work effectively, it is necessary that the organizational structure and the technology adopted in the organization for the development and adoption of managerial decisions include an assessment of the influence of quality factors.

Question 7. How to measure the effectiveness of management decisions

Answer. In modern management, depending on the types of management decisions, different ways performance measurements. The most common and adequate way to measure is to assess the degree of compliance and achievement of the set goals (executor, department and organization as a whole). At the same time, depending on the level and hierarchy of management decisions, an appropriate system of social and economic indicators is used.

Question 8. What indicators of the effectiveness of management decisions are used for evaluation in state and municipal government

Answer. In practice, the assessment of the effectiveness of the activities of public authorities is often associated with the personalities heading the relevant units. But such assessment approaches are insufficient. In accordance with the functions and powers of legislative and executive bodies and the level of power (federal, constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal authorities) indicators of the socio-economic development of the jurisdictional territory are determined. They are used to evaluate the effectiveness of territory management.

Question 9

Answer. In the conditions of market relations, the economy is the most important factor in the development of a person, family, organization, territory. Economic indicators reflecting the interests of the owner of the organization, consumers, the local community, the state act as restrictions in the evaluation and selection of alternative ways and solutions. The criteria for choosing alternatives are also predominantly economic in nature. In this regard, the economic justification is a system element of a comprehensive justification of a managerial decision in organizations of any organizational and legal form.

Question 10. What aspects of management are not considered in the economic justification of a management decision

Answer. In management, the personal qualities of the leader play an important role. But the peculiarities of the relationship between managers and performers are not the object of economic evaluation. It is believed that the relationship should contribute to the implementation of the adopted management decisions.

Question 11. What situations have a significant impact on the process of achieving the goal

Answer. The process of achieving the goal is accompanied by changes in the environment of the organization. Some changes are predicted (predictable situation), others may arise spontaneously due to systemic relationships of several factors (unpredictable situation). The direct impact of unpredictable changes on the supply, production and marketing sector brings the greatest costs. These situations include the emergence of a shortage of products and resources.

Question 12. Choose the best criterion for determining the shortage of products

Answer. An increase in the number of orders for products.

Question 13. How to determine the shortage of raw materials and materials


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Decision making is a specific, vital process human activity aimed at choosing the best course of action.

Management decision - can be determined:

  • firstly, as a logical, emotional-psychological, organizational-legal and social process carried out by the subject of management (manager or collegiate body), the result of which is a project of any changes in the organization;
  • secondly, as the main “product” (result) of the work of managers and specialists, which implements interrelated management functions and contains the setting of goals (tasks), justification of the means, methods and timing of their achievement;
  • thirdly, as the most important function of the leader and at the same time component activities for the implementation of all other management functions (organization and control over the implementation of management decisions). Hence, the process of making and implementing decisions should be considered as a "cross-cutting" and one of the most important connecting processes in the management of the organization.
  • fourthly, as a process of establishing a connection between the existing and desired state of the system (organization), determined by the goals of management.

The quality of decisions, first of all, is determined by the effectiveness of management. Signs High Quality management decisions can serve: timeliness, reliability, validity, quantitative certainty, effectiveness, efficiency. In a broader social context, socio-psychological (for example, moral and psychological consequences, etc.) are included in the criteria for the quality of decisions.


The process of preparing and making a decision includes the following stages:

  • The first stage - setting the problem - consists in analyzing the situation, identifying the need for a solution and includes: knowledge and formulation of the problem; goal setting, definition of criteria for a successful solution. Knowledge of the problem is necessary condition its solution: if the problem does not exist for the one who makes the decision, then the decision will not take place.
  • Decision stage: once the criteria and factors limiting the decision are identified, the manager can begin to work on finding alternatives or possible courses of action to solve the problem.
  • The decision-making stage is carried out by the subject of management - the decision maker (DM), that is, the head or collegial body that makes management decisions. The pinnacle of the decision-making process is the choice of an alternative. At the same stage, the execution of the decision is carried out, incl. if necessary, its approval or approval.
  • The decision execution stage consists of organizing the implementation of the decision, monitoring and correction, which requires the coordination of the efforts of many people. The manager should strive to make the performers interested and motivated in the implementation of the solution in order to the best way use their abilities.

The factors influencing the process of preparing and making a decision include:

  • the environment (external and internal environment) in which the decision is made,
  • characteristic social group, the team to which the solution is directed,
  • features of the person making the decision (DM).

As can be seen from the above description, the need to study and practical application different methods of development and adoption of managerial decisions arises at the stage of formation of alternatives. Here, most of them are used, but they can be present at other stages. For example, scenario planning or brainstorming can be used to develop alternatives. Having received possible alternatives, we proceed to a comprehensive assessment of options using statistical and financial methods. Rejecting all alternatives that do not fit the relevant criteria, we can get two alternatives, between which it is extremely difficult to make a preference (due to the multicriteria of the problem). To select the final decision, we will use one of the expert methods, and if the decision-making time limits us, then we turn to our intuition.

In management practice, the decision-making process is largely unified, which allows you to make decisions quickly and without much cost. Examples of such general rules found throughout the organization. When communicating with clients, we are guided by prescriptive instructions for working with a client; in working with documents, decisions are based on office work instructions, i.e. we are everywhere surrounded by ready-made and verified solutions. Unified management rules is the result of managerial thought based on decision-making methods. Being significant, but secondary in relation to the method, the unification itself deserves special attention and consideration.

Organization of implementation of decisions

The implementation of a management decision is the most important function of management. Making a decision and not implementing it is the same as not making a decision at all.

The solution implementation block includes the following sub-stages:

  1. Development of a solution implementation plan.
  2. Selection of performers
  3. Bringing the decision to the performers
  4. Motivation.

Let us consider in more detail these types of activities of the manager in the implementation of the management decision.

  1. Solution Implementation Management is a planning process that allows you to solve problems associated with achieving the goals of the project at each stage.
    The development of a solution implementation plan includes the following actions:
    • The distribution of the implementation of the solution by executors in principle, i.e. by profession, skill level, The basis for the successful solution of many tasks related to planning is the team working on this project. The term “team” reflects the concept that the people working on the project achieve the common goals formulated during the task setting and planning.
    • For the team to work, you need:

      Set project tasks. With proper leadership, the team is an inexhaustible source of information and brainstorming in the decision-making process.

    • Distribution of the implementation of the solution by terms / time limits.
    • Combination of people and dates.
    • Administrative. If the decision fits within the established powers, then there are conditions for the implementation of the decision, if there are no such powers, there are not enough, then additional powers are issued to fulfill the zeal of this employee / subdivisions /.
    • Resource, financial, material support.
  2. Resource needs. What resources are needed to implement the decision? What specific types of resources will be needed (eg man-hours, time, financial costs, etc.)? Which team member will be most skilled in using each of the required resources?

  3. The selection of performers requires knowledge of people. Sometimes not very quality solution with the right, successful selection by the performer, it leads to a positive outcome, and, conversely, a good solution with bad performers can fail.
    Team Leader Choice:
    • Examining the work of members labor collective and identifying their potential.
      For this you need:
      1. learn everything you can about the abilities and character of each of the subordinates;
      2. establish the technical competence of the subordinate;
      3. determine the ability of subordinates to perform work and manage it;
      4. determine and use the character traits of subordinates as a certain style of behavior that has developed under the influence of life influences and upbringing, which expresses a person’s attitude to the world around him, to other people, to himself and to his work;
      5. to find out the possibility of performance by subordinates of the task;
      6. find out the potential opportunities for promotion of subordinates through the ranks.
    • Determining the expediency and conditions for the transfer of authority to subordinates. For this you need:
      1. examine the positive risk outcomes from the transfer of part of the power, i.e. it is necessary to determine what the manager will gain and lose from the transfer of part of his powers;
      2. to determine the point of view of a higher manager on these issues;
      3. determine the consequences of not transferring part of their powers to their subordinates;
      4. study the effect of delegation of authority on subordinates
  4. Bringing the decision to the performer.
    There are several ways to bring the decision to the performers:
    • in the prescribed manner: to his deputy, he to the head of the department, then to the head of the sector, etc. according to the management hierarchy;
    • the decision is transferred directly to the executor, bypassing the immediate supervisors;
    • by involving performers in the preparation of the decision, so that the performer can tune in advance to understand the importance of this decision.
  5. Motivation

Control is one of the most important functions of management.

Control - checking something - is the process of ensuring that the organization actually achieves the goal. The main task of control is to create conditions for the stability of a particular system.

Control is a function of management, and, therefore, manifests itself as a continuous management process. In this regard, any leader must arrange the matter in such a way that employees perceive the control procedure as a matter of course, which, in fact, has neither beginning nor end.

In all cases, three things are usually controlled:

  1. decision deadlines,
  2. the scope of the solution,
  3. essence - the content of the implementation of the decision. It happens that deadlines are met, but not fulfilled in terms of content, or, conversely, deadlines are violated for the sake of content, etc.

The methodological premises of control are that it is checked how the decision is carried out; how subordinates react to the decision; what is the essence of the deviation that is allowed by employees. In no case should one proceed from such a situation that absolutely everyone should be controlled. The leader must identify the reasons for the deviation, choose the method and method of correcting behavior and evaluate the actions of subordinates in a certain way.

Theoretically, there are three types of control:

  1. precautionary (preliminary) - human, material, real, financial resources, their availability, their quality is assessed, etc.;
  2. current - carried out in the course of work on the implementation of the decision, the non-conviction of the correction of the decision itself or the implementation process is specified;
  3. finishing (final) - carried out in the course of maintaining a slave after completion of work. Information based on the results of the implementation of the decision serves as the basis for future decisions and assessment of the reality of planned targets.

In the process of economic and financial activities of organizations, situations constantly arise when there is a need to choose one of several possible options for action. As a result of such a choice, a certain decision appears.

In order to correctly determine the effectiveness of management decisions, it is necessary to carry out separate accounting of income and expenses. trade organization in the context of individual commodity groups. However, in practice, maintaining such records is very difficult. As a result, it is advisable to use in the analysis the so-called specific qualitative indicators, namely, profit per 1 million rubles of commodity turnover, as well as distribution costs per 1 million rubles of commodity stocks.

The effectiveness of managerial decisions in a trade organization is manifested in a generalized way in a quantitative form as an increase in the volume of trade, an acceleration in the turnover of goods, a decrease in the amount of inventory.

The final financial and economic result of the implementation of management decisions is manifested in an increase in the income of a trade organization and in a decrease in its expenses.

Economic efficiency

Definition economic efficiency managerial decisions, as a result of the execution of which increased, and, consequently, increased, can be carried out according to the following formula:

Ef \u003d P * T \u003d P * (Tf - Tpl),

  • ef— economic efficiency (in thousand rubles);
  • P- profit per 1 million rubles of turnover (in thousand rubles);
  • T- increase in the value of trade (in million rubles);
  • tf- the actual turnover that takes place after the implementation of this management decision;
  • Tpl- planned turnover (or turnover for a comparable period before the implementation of this management decision).

In the example under consideration, the economic efficiency of making and executing a managerial decision is expressed in a decrease in the amount (sales expenses, or commercial expenses) attributable to the balance of goods. This leads to an increase in the amount of profit received. This efficiency can be determined by the following formula:

Ef \u003d IO * Z \u003d IO * (Z 2 - Z 1),

  • ef— economic efficiency of this management measure (in thousand rubles);
  • AND ABOUT- the value of distribution costs attributable to 1 million rubles of commodity stocks (in thousand rubles);
  • 3 - the size of the change (decrease) in commodity stocks (million, rubles);
  • 3 1 - the value of commodity stocks before the implementation of the management decision (measure) (million rubles);
  • 3 2 - the value of stocks of goods after the implementation of this management decision.

In addition, the economic efficiency of the implemented management decision affected the acceleration of turnover. This influence can be determined by the following formula:

Ef \u003d Io * Ob \u003d Io (Ob f - O pl),

  • ef— economic efficiency of the management decision (thousand rubles);
  • And about- simultaneous value of distribution costs (thousand rubles);
  • About- acceleration of the turnover of goods (in days);
  • About pl- turnover of goods before the implementation of a management decision (in days).
  • About f- turnover of goods after the implementation of a management decision (in days).

Methods of analysis of management decisions

Let us consider the procedure for applying the main methods and techniques of analysis in assessing the effectiveness of making and executing managerial decisions.

Comparison method makes it possible to evaluate the activities of the organization, identify deviations of the actual values ​​of indicators from the base values, establish the causes of these deviations and find reserves for further improvement of the organization's activities.

Index Method used in the analysis of complex phenomena, the individual elements of which cannot be measured. As relative indicators, they are necessary to assess the degree of fulfillment of planned targets, as well as to determine various phenomena and processes.

This method makes it possible to decompose the generalizing indicator into deviation factors.

balance method is to compare interrelated indicators of the organization's performance to identify the influence of individual factors, as well as to search for reserves to improve the organization's performance. At the same time, the relationship between individual indicators is expressed in the form of equality of the results obtained as a result of certain comparisons.

elimination method, which is a generalization of the methods of index, balance and chain substitutions, makes it possible to single out the influence of a single factor on the general indicator of the organization's performance, based on the assumption that the remaining factors acted under other equal conditions, i.e. as planned according to plan.

Graphic method is a way to visually illustrate the activities of the organization, as well as a way to determine a number of indicators and a way to formalize the results of the analysis.

Functional cost analysis(FSA) is a systematic research method used in accordance with the purpose of the object under study (processes, products) in order to increase the beneficial effect, that is, the return per unit of total costs for the life cycle of the object.

The most important feature of the functional cost analysis is to establish the appropriateness of the list of functions that the designed object must perform in certain specific conditions, or to check the need for the functions of an existing object.

Economic and mathematical methods of analysis are used to select the best options that determine management decisions in existing or planned economic conditions.

With the help of economic and mathematical methods of analysis, the following tasks can be solved:
  • assessment of the production plan developed using economic and mathematical methods;
  • optimization production program, its distribution between workshops and individual types of equipment;
  • optimization of the distribution of available production resources, cutting materials, as well as optimization of norms and standards of stocks and consumption of these resources;
  • optimization of the level of unification of individual components of the product, as well as technological equipment;
  • determination of the optimal size of the organization as a whole, as well as individual workshops and production sites;
  • establishing the optimal range of products;
  • determination of the most rational routes for intra-factory transport;
  • determination of the most rational terms of operation of equipment and its repairs;
  • comparative analysis of the economic efficiency of using a unit type of resources from the point of view of the optimal variant of a management decision;
  • determination of possible intra-production losses in connection with the adoption and implementation of the optimal solution.

Let's summarize this chapter. The effectiveness of the functioning of the organization to a very large extent depends on the quality of management decisions. This determines the importance of mastering all responsible employees administrative apparatus, and above all, the heads of organizations with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the development and implementation of optimal management decisions.

Development and adoption of a management decision is usually the choice of one of several alternatives. The need to make managerial decisions is determined by the conscious and purposeful nature of human activity. This need arises at all stages of the management process and is part of any management function.

The nature of managerial decisions being made is very much influenced by the completeness and reliability of information available on a given situation. Based on this, management decisions can be made both under conditions of certainty (deterministic decisions) and under conditions of risk or uncertainty (probabilistic decisions).

Management Decision Making Process- this is a cyclic sequence of actions of the subject of management aimed at resolving the problems of a given organization and consisting in analyzing the situation, generating alternative options and choosing the best option from them, and then implementing the chosen management decision.

The practice of preparing and executing managerial decisions gives numerous examples of errors at all levels of economic management. This is a consequence of the action of many reasons, since the development of the economy consists of a large number various situations requiring their permission.

The most important place among the reasons for the adoption and implementation of ineffective management decisions is ignorance or non-compliance with the technology of their development and organization of their implementation.

An important role is to be played by the cybernetic approach to the development of managerial decisions, which has become known as the theory of decision making. It is based on the wide use of the mathematical apparatus and modern computer technology.

All management decisions can be divided into two types:

  • - traditional solutions that have repeatedly taken place before, in this case one of the already available alternatives should be chosen;
  • - non-traditional, non-standard management decisions, their development is associated with the search for new alternatives.

In this regard, traditional, typical, repetitive management decisions can be formalized, that is, they can be made and implemented according to a predetermined algorithm. Therefore, a formalized management decision is the result of a predetermined sequence of actions. For example, when a schedule is drawn up for the repair of machinery and equipment, they proceed from a standard that determines the ratio between the amount of equipment and the number of repair workers. So, if one hundred pieces of equipment work in the machine shop of a given organization, and the standard for its maintenance is 10 units per one repair worker, then ten repair workers should be kept in this shop. Further, if the issue of investing in securities, then a choice is made of their individual types based on what securities make it possible to receive maximum profit in terms of invested capital.

As a result of the formalization of decision-making, the level of management efficiency increases by reducing the likelihood of making an error, as well as by saving time, since there is no need to develop this solution starting from scratch.

As a result, the management of the organization tries to formalize management decisions in case of those situations that are systematically repeated in the activities of this organization. Formalization of managerial decisions consists in the development of certain rules, instructions, standards that allow making and implementing a competent managerial decision.

Along with repetitive situations, there are also atypical situations that have not been encountered before and are not amenable to a formalized solution.

Most management decisions are between these two types, which makes it possible to use both formalized methods and the own initiative of the developers of these decisions when making these decisions.

The quality and effectiveness of managerial decisions are determined by the degree of validity of the methodology for solving problems, namely approaches, principles and methods.

Analysis of the management of organizations makes it possible to determine the need for different approaches.

The system management approach assumes that any system or object is considered as a set of interrelated components that has an output, that is, a goal, an input, a connection with the external environment, and feedback. In such a system, "input" is transformed into "output".

In the context of using an integrated approach to enterprise management, it is necessary to take into account the technical, environmental, economic, organizational, social, psychological, political, demographic areas of management, as well as their interrelations.

If at least one of these areas is not taken into account, then a complete solution to this problem will not be achieved. Unfortunately, in reality, as a rule, an integrated approach is not observed. Thus, in the context of the construction of new enterprises and organizations, the decision social problems often delayed. This delays the commissioning of this facility or causes its partial use. Other examples can be cited. Thus, in the process of designing new equipment, insufficient attention is paid to its environmental friendliness, which leads to a non-competitive ability of this equipment.

The integration management approach involves the study and strengthening of the relationship between individual subsystems and elements of the management system, as well as between the stages of the life cycle of the management object, between individual levels of management vertically, and, finally, between individual management subjects horizontally.

The marketing management approach provides for the orientation of the control subsystem to the consumer in the conditions of solving any problems. Main criteria marketing approach are:

  • - improving the quality of the control object in accordance with the requirements of consumers;
  • - cost savings for the consumer by improving the quality;
  • - saving resources in own production due to factors of scale of production, scientific and technological progress, as well as the use of a scientifically based management system.

The functional approach of enterprise management is that any need is considered as a set of functions that should be carried out to satisfy it. After the functions are defined, several alternative objects are created to implement these functions. Then, one of these objects is selected, which requires a minimum of total costs during the life cycle of this object per unit of its useful effect.

The essence of the dynamic management approach lies in the fact that when it is applied, the management object is considered in its dialectical development, in its cause-and-effect relationships. Here, a subsequent retrospective analysis is carried out for the past 5-10 or more years, as well as a prospective (forecast) analysis. The reproductive approach of enterprise management focuses on the constant resumption of production of this type of product in order to meet market needs. At the same time, this type of product should have lower total costs per unit of useful effect than the best similar product for this market. The main elements of the reproduction approach are the following:

  • - the use of a leading comparison base when planning the renewal of this type of product;
  • - saving the amount of past, living and future labor during the life cycle of a given type of product per unit of its useful effect;
  • - consideration in the relationship of manufactured, designed and promising models of this type of product;
  • - proportional reproduction of the elements of the external environment (mainly the macro-environment of a given country and the infrastructure of a given region);
  • - integration of science and production in large organizations.

The process approach to managing an organization considers managerial functions in their relationship. The management process is total amount all functions, that is, it is a series of continuous interrelated actions. The normative management approach consists in establishing management standards for all its subsystems. These standards should be determined by the most important elements:

  • - target subsystem (it covers indicators of quality and resource intensity of products, market parameters, indicators of the organizational and technical level of production, indicators social development collective organization, indicators of environmental protection);
  • - supporting subsystem (standards for providing employees, as well as individual divisions of the organization with everything necessary for successful work, to fulfill their tasks, standards for the efficiency of use certain types resources for the organization as a whole);
  • - functional subsystem (standards for the quality of plans, organization of the management system, standards for the quality of accounting and control, standards for stimulating high-quality work).

The listed standards must meet the requirements of complexity, efficiency, and prospects.

As for the standards for the functioning of the elements of the external environment, the organization does not manage these standards, however, it must have a bank of these standards and strictly comply with them, especially legal and environmental standards.

The organization should also take part in the formation and development of the system of environmental standards.

The essence of the quantitative management approach is the transition from qualitative to quantitative assessments using mathematical and statistical methods, engineering calculations, expert assessments, point system and etc.

The administrative (directive) approach to enterprise management involves the regulation of functions, rights, obligations, standards of quality costs.

The main objective of the behavioral approach to managing an organization is to increase the efficiency of the organization by improving the use of its labor resources. The use of behavioral science helps to improve the performance of both individual employees and the organization as a whole. The fact is that as a result of the application of behavioral science to the management of an organization, assistance is provided individual employees in the awareness of their capabilities and creative abilities, which ultimately leads to an increase in the efficiency of the organization.

The essence of the situational approach to enterprise management is that the degree of suitability of individual management methods is determined by a specific situation.

Since there are many factors that affect the activities of the organization, both internally and externally, it is impossible to find any single the best way management. Effective in this particular situation will be the method that best suits the current situation.

These are the main approaches that determine the quality and effectiveness of management decisions.