Household appliances and electronics market data. Analysis of the world market of household appliances and electronics

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Specialists of the Russian retail network "M.Video" have prepared an analytical review of the Russian market of household appliances and electronics based on the results of 2015. According to the results of the study, sales in the sector fell by 19.6% and amounted to 1.1 trillion rubles.

Sales at M.Video also showed a negative trend, falling by 5.5% to RUB 191.9 billion. The company notes that in 2015 the share of M.Video in the Russian market of electronics and household appliances increased by 2.4% and reached 16.1%.

Cash payments are gradually losing popularity, giving way to more modern methods. In 2015, the share of buyers choosing non-cash payment increased from 35% to 39%. M.Video analysts attribute this to the active penetration of plastic cards into the regions.

According to the report, last year the most popular were large household appliances, audio and video equipment, computers, mobile devices, as well as small household appliances. At the same time, smartphones entered the Top 5 product categories for the first time. The average check in retail chain stores was 6,760 rubles, and the average purchase on credit was 29,000 rubles.

The share of online sales in M.Video's turnover increased from 9% in 2014 to 11% in 2015. The company's customers increasingly prefer courier delivery self-delivery, the share of which increased from 66% to 69%. The average check for pickup from the store was 11,013 rubles, and for home delivery - 21,345 rubles.

Grow and mobile sales: in 2015, 38% of purchases in the retailer's online store were made from mobile devices (an increase of 40% compared to 2014). Of these, 27% are from smartphones, and 11% from tablets.

Internet traffic in the regions was distributed as follows: the most active are online users from Moscow and the Moscow Region (31%), from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region (7%), and also from the Krasnodar Territory (5%).

The volume of the market of "smart" phones increased by 9% in monetary terms and amounted to 267 billion rubles, but sales in units decreased by 5% to 26.2 million devices. The dynamics of growth in sales of smartphones in M.Video in money terms amounted to 51%, and in quantitative terms - 7.5%. Analysts emphasize that the devaluation of the ruble had a significant impact on average cost smartphone: the figure increased by 14% and reached 10,190 rubles.

The position of mobile devices on Android has strengthened due to a wide range smartphones of B-brands in the middle and low price segment.

According to the report for the first quarter of 2016, Android devices still account for the largest market share (87%). iOS remains in second place (10%), and Windows is in third (2%). In monetary terms, Android fell by 3%, iOS grew by 27%, and the share of Windows decreased by 3%.

The headphone market increased by 18% to RUB 9.9 billion. The share of M.Video in the segment is estimated at 13.5%, while sales of headphones and headsets in the stores of the network grew by 40% in monetary terms. Most often purchased products in price category up to 1,000 rubles, and the Top 3 manufacturers in terms of money included Sony (21.3%), Sennheiser (13.1%) and Philips (12.9%).

In parallel with the dynamic development of the smartphone market, the segment of smart devices that are easily synchronized with mobile devices is actively developing. In this group of products, the most popular are smart bracelets and fitness trackers. In 2015, sales of such devices grew by 43% in monetary terms and by 51% in unit terms, to RUB 300 million. and 62,000 pieces, respectively. Jawbone remains the market leader, accounting for up to 70% of sales.

The notebook market continues to show negative dynamics. Compared to 2014, sales decreased from 105.3 billion to 81 billion (by 23%). In quantitative terms, the indicators fell from 4.9 million units. up to 2.9 mln. (by 60%).

Share of online sales in the notebook market grew: from 20% in 2014 up to 24% in 2015. However, the volume of online sales decreased by 8% and reached 19.5 billion. Most often, buyers purchase devices under the brand Lenovo (29.3%), Asus (22.9%) and Acer (16.5%).

Tablets are becoming less and less popular among Russians. Sales in the segment fell by 31% to 54.3 billion rubles, and in units decreased by 30% to 6.6 million devices. Despite the general decline in the tablet market, unit sales in M.Video grew by almost 17% year-on-year, and the company's share reached 13.5%. Tablets with a diagonal of 7” were in the highest demand on the market, and Samsung with a market share of 20.3%, Apple – 19.8% and Lenovo – 14.9% were in the top three.

Tablet PC sales fell 33% in 2015, according to a study by the company. Last year, 6.2 million tablets were sold on the Russian market, while in 2014 - 9.3 million devices.

The home console market fell 40% in unit terms and 18% in monetary terms. In 2015, the market volume was estimated at 8.6 billion rubles. and in 435,000 pieces. The average market price of the console increased from 15,800 to 21,000 rubles, and the PlayStation 4 became the clear leader in sales.

Behind last year increased sales of gaming accessories. In particular, online sales of gaming mice increased by 50% in monetary terms, gaming keyboards - by 92%, gaming headphones - by 82%. The share of online in total category sales was 18%, 23% and 21%, respectively.

In 2015, the photographic equipment market showed a significant decline in both monetary and quantitative terms. The volume of the segment in money amounted to 18 billion rubles (a decrease of 39.4%), and in units - 1.3 million devices (a decrease of 52.7%). Category " SLR cameras" And " Compact cameras"Nikon is leading with 48% and 37% respectively, and Sony (59%) is leading in the "System Cameras" category.

Despite the decline in the market for photographic equipment in 2015, the category of action cameras showed significant growth. The market volume increased by 68% and amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. The number of cameras sold increased by 59% to 116 million. M.Video expects continued growth in sales of action cameras, which will be associated with the release of new devices by already known and new market players.

Over the past few years, DVRs have grown from a small segment into a sought-after category. Even with a decline in traffic in 2015, the technology remains promising due to its impartiality in identifying the perpetrators of road incidents. In 2015, the category of combidevices was actively developed - a radar detector and a video recorder in one device.

In 2015, the demand for TV sets in Russia fell by 47%, to RUB 130.5 billion, while turnover decreased by 33%, to 5.3 million units. The share of Ultra HD TV in the market was 15.2%: sales of such TVs grew by almost 50% in unit terms and by 37% in monetary terms, while the average price fell by 8%. The proportion of TV sets with curved (Curved) screen increased by 2 times (up to 6.2%).

According to the report, in 2015 the positive dynamics in the "Audio systems" category was demonstrated by portable devices - All-In-One and Network Media System (network audio solutions, or multi-room). Sony and LG remain the leading players in the home audio market, with combined market share close to 70%.

In the market of large household appliances, there was approximately the same drop in sales of freestanding stoves and built-in ovens in unit terms, but due to a stronger increase in the average price for built-in ovens, the fall in money terms for them was almost 10% less than for stoves. Top 3 manufacturers by turnover included Bosch, Siemens (14%), Gorenje (13%) and Hansa (12%).

In 2015, the market for small household appliances decreased by 13% in monetary terms. Most of all, the drop in demand affected kitchen appliances, and coffee-making appliances became the most resistant to market changes.

Sales of automatic coffee machines remained at the level of 2014, while buyers prefer to invest in more advanced solutions, despite the increase in the average price: more than half of the market (55%) is accounted for by automatic coffee machines and coffee makers, 20% by capsule and 14% by carob . Top brands include Delonghi, Saeco and Bosch.

Other small household appliances:

Experts note the development of the Russian drone market. The main growth drivers are inexpensive amateur models. In 2015, the average price of a drone was 17,000 rubles, a quadcopter - 5,500 rubles, and a radio-controlled toy - 3,500 rubles. In addition, M.Video predicts continued growth in sales in the category of professional drones in 2016.

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1 MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF THE RUSSIAN APPLIANCES MARKET DEMO VERSION Report release date: April 2008 This study was prepared by Step by Step MA for informational purposes only. The information presented in the study is obtained from open sources or collected with the help of marketing tools. MA Step by Step does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of the information for any purpose. The information contained in the study should not be directly or indirectly interpreted by the buyer as a recommendation for investment. MA Step by Step is not responsible for any loss or damage caused by the use of research information by third parties, as well as for the consequences caused by the incompleteness of the information provided. These materials may not be distributed without permission from MA Step by Step. Moscow city

2 CONTENTS CONTENTS...2 Abstract...3 Purpose of the study...3 Description of the study...3 Full content of the study...4 List of diagrams...6 List of tables...7 Excerpts from the study...8 The main quantitative characteristics of the market...8 The volume and capacity of the Market...8 Market trends...11 Trends in the main quantitative indicators of the market...11 Trends in the competitive field

3 ABSTRACT PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH The purpose of the study: is to study current situation in the market of household appliances and electronics, determination of the main qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the market. DESCRIPTION OF THE RESEARCH Research objectives: To characterize the market of home appliances and electronics To study the general economic indicators affecting the market To segment products by main items To determine the volume and capacity of the market in physical and monetary terms To identify the main manufacturers, distributors and retailers To describe the main principles of competition, to compare the main market participants by these parameters Identify the main segments of consumers Identify the problems of market development Number of pages: 69 pages Report language: Russian The report contains: 18 diagrams, 15 tables 3

4 FULL CONTENT OF THE RESEARCH Introduction Methodological part Description of the type of research Object of research Aims and objectives of the research Geography of the research Timing of the research Methods of data collection Household appliances market Macroeconomic factors influencing the market Gross domestic product dynamics Inflation rate Population income level Description of influencing markets Retail real estate market Segmentation and market structure by main types of products Main quantitative characteristics of the market Volume and capacity of the market Growth rates of the market Import of household appliances Producers of household appliances Household appliances market segments TV, audio-video equipment Photo equipment Large household appliances Small household appliances Climate control appliances Retail in the household appliances market Chain stores Segmentation of chain stores stores Major players 4

5 Online shopping household appliances Main players Consumer analysis Consumer description Consumer segmentation B2C markets B2B markets Degree of activity in consumption of Products Consumer preferences by types, brands of Products Consumer motivations and behavior when buying Products Parameters for choosing a place of purchase Purchase scenario Generalizing conclusions and recommendations Factors favoring market development Factors hindering development market STEP-analysis of the market Risk analysis of the market Market trends Trends in the main quantitative indicators of the market Trends in the competitive field Trends in the consumer segment General conclusions on the report 5

6 LIST OF DIAGRAMS Diagram 1. Dynamics and forecast of RF GDP for the years, billion rubles. Diagram 2. Inflation rate and forecast, % Diagram 3. Dynamics of real disposable cash income of the population, as a percentage of the corresponding period of the previous year Diagram 4. Volumes of the retail real estate market in 2007 Diagram 5. Shares of segments of various types of products in value terms , in % Diagram 6. Volumes of various segments of the household appliances market in 2007, $ billion Diagram 7. Dynamics of changes in the volume of the household appliances and electronics market (including computer equipment and mobile phones), $ bln. Main places of purchase of household appliances and electronics in 2006, % Diagram 12. Shares large networks in the market of household appliances and electronics, % Diagram 13. Distribution of the population by frequency of visiting household appliances and electronics stores Diagram 14. Distribution of consumers by knowledge of various brands of household appliances and electronics Diagram 15. Distribution of consumers in the central region by knowledge of various brands of household appliances and electronics Chart 16. Factors influencing when choosing where to buy home appliances Chart 17. Consumer buying scenarios 6

7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1. Volumes of completed and announced retail real estate projects in 2007 Table 2. Comparative characteristics household appliances and electronics manufacturers by main parameters Table 8. Comparative characteristics of retail chains Table 9. Comparative prices for different kinds products in chains search engines(in order of priority) Table 11. Comparative characteristics of some online stores of household appliances and electronics Table 12. Comparative characteristics of prices for household appliances and electronics in online stores Table 13. Population distribution by average per capita cash income Table 14. STEP-analysis of factors influencing the development of the household appliances and electronics market Table 15. Possible risks related to the market of household appliances and electronics 7

8 EXTRACT FROM THE RESEARCH According to Step by Step, now more than half of the household appliances market in terms of money belongs to the segment of audio-video equipment, in which about 60% is occupied by TVs. About 29% is occupied by the segment of large household appliances, and 7% is accounted for by small household appliances. Climatic equipment occupies 8% of the household appliances market. MAIN QUANTITATIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE MARKET MARKET VOLUME AND CAPACITY According to the RATEK Association in 2007, the market volume of electronics and household appliances, excluding mobile phones and computer equipment, amounted to $15 billion in monetary terms. According to some experts, by 2017 the market volume may approach $60 billion. Consider the volume of the main segments of the home appliances and electronics market. DIAGRAM 1. VOLUME OF DIFFERENT SEGMENTS OF THE HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES MARKET IN 2007, $ BILLION.3 $ billion.2 1.1 0 and video technology is $8.3 billion. Volume 8

9 of the segment of large household appliances is almost 2 times less and is equal to $4.4 billion. The volumes of the markets for climate control and small household appliances are at the same level a little more than $1 billion. According to Technosila, the total volume of the market for household appliances and electronics, including mobile phones and computer equipment, according to the results of 2007 will exceed $30 billion. Source: Technosila Company, 2007. In 2008, according to forecasts of market participants, the total volume will be about $35 billion. According to Deutsche Bank, Russian residents' spending on consumer electronics reached 5.4% of total spending. For comparison: the British spent 3.0% on household appliances, the Japanese 2.9%. Among the reasons that influenced this alignment, and more low prices on electronics in developed countries, and the difference in income. For the average Russian family, 5.4% of total expenses per year is $180, while for the Portuguese this amount is $635. nine

10 The following segments of the retail sector are distinguished on the household appliances market: Chain stores Non-chain stores Trade complexes, fairs, radio markets Departments in supermarkets, department stores, etc. Internet shops In 2006, 54% of Russians preferred to buy household appliances in specialized chain stores. These include residents of large cities, people of working age with an education of at least average and a high level of income. Retail in the household appliances market DIAGRAM 3. MAIN PLACES OF BUYING HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES AND ELECTRONICS IN 2006, % Chain stores 54% Non-chain stores 16% Departments in supermarkets, department stores, etc. 14% Trade complexes, fairs, radio markets 8% Internet shops 1% Other 7% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Source: ROMIR Monitoring, 2006 10

11 16% of Russians buy equipment in small specialized stores, in a specialized department, section of a supermarket or department store, 14% of Russians buy equipment. Large specialized shopping malls, fairs and radio markets are popular with 8% of Russians. And 1% of Russians noted that they purchase equipment via the Internet, by phone or from a catalog. According to our estimates, in 2007 the distribution by trade formats remained approximately the same. We can state an increase in the share of Internet sales up to 3-5%, which is caused by the increasing role of the Internet in the life of Russians. It is also possible to predict an increase in the share of purchases in chain stores up to 55-60%, due to the rapid development of chains, including in the regions. The following will be analyzed in detail: Chain stores Online stores MARKET TRENDS TRENDS ON THE MAIN QUANTITATIVE INDICATORS OF THE MARKET Stable market growth at the level of 10%. In recent years, the growth of the market is due to the increasing incomes of the population, as well as the boom in consumer lending. TRENDS IN THE COMPETITIVE FIELD Trade in household appliances and electronics is gradually acquiring civilized forms. In recent years, there has been a gradual replacement of trade in the markets with chain stores. Displacement of small regional networks by large federal networks. The market share occupied by federal networks, which include MIR, M-Video, Technosila and Eldorado, is increasing every year. Increasing quantity Western companies working in the territory 11

12 Russia This trend will contribute to a decrease in imported equipment, as it will be produced in Russia, but under a Western brand and at a facility owned by foreigners. The share of such enterprises will increase over time. The share of the electronics market occupied by large hypermarkets (Metro, Auchan and others) is growing. The Step by Step Group of Companies has been operating on the market for 7 years, providing a full range of consulting and marketing services, creating an opportunity to support management decisions and develop the business of its clients in the following areas: Management and marketing consulting Branding Marketing research Real estate research and consulting The Step by Step Group of Companies includes such divisions as: Step by Step Consulting Step by Step Step by Step Research professional organizations, as the International Association of Professionals in Public Opinion Research and Marketing (ESOMAR), NGPC (National Guild of Professional Consultants), Guild of Marketers, RARI (Russian Association of Market Research), Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 12

13 To date, the portfolio of the Step by Step Group of Companies includes more than 300 completed projects. We are proud of our cooperation with such organizations as Svyazinvest OJSC, RAO UES RF, IT Co., Russian Biscuit Company, Trade House " The Snow Queen", Mokko coffee houses, RENOVA CJSC, RBC group of companies, TEKON group of companies, HITACHI ltd, Honewell, Brazilian Exporters Association (APEX), Detsky Mir CJSC, Blackwood, Hals System. 13


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MARKETING RESEARCH AND RESEARCH MARKET ANALYSIS OF THE MOSCOW REGION DEMO VERSION Report release date: January 2008 This study was prepared by Step by Step MA for informational purposes only

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RETAIL MARKET ANALYSIS: COSMETICS AND PERFUMERIES DEMO Report Release Date: September 2007 This study was prepared by MA Step by Step for informational purposes only.

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MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS OF THE RUSSIAN CEMENT MARKET DEMO Report issue date: May 2008 This study was prepared by Step by Step MA for informational purposes only.

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Report title RUSSIAN MOBILE PHONE MARKET Name of the executing company Step by Step group of companies Report release date 19.08.2012 Number of pages 102 pages Report language Russian Cost (rub.)

Every year, the consumer makes more and more demands not only on product quality, but also on the place of purchase. First of all, we are talking about suppliers of consumer goods. For example, household appliances and electronics. The main trend in the development of this market today is the enlargement of existing participants. Simply put, small networks merge into large ones or close, unable to withstand fierce competition. Over the past 5-6 years, such takeovers have become the norm. Of course, the market dictates its own conditions, and the consumer, in turn, sets the conditions for it.

Change of strategy

Experts note: the consolidation of players in the consumer electronics market, the increase in the format of stores is a requirement of the time. Why it happens? The thing is that the buyer wants to not just buy what he needs, quickly and without much time and effort. He strives to buy everything in one big store. That is why lately so many hypermarkets are being built. Owners of chains of household appliances quickly orientated themselves in the changing market. Not only in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but also in other large cities of the country, large centers began to open with an assortment for every budget: from calculators and cell phones to expensive built-in equipment. Moreover, the client requires maximum convenience: a good attitude on the part of sellers, no queues, minimum prices and a wide range of products. As well as the presence additional service: convenient parking, eateries, entertainment for yourself and children.

Situation in the industry

Today, the market for household electrical appliances, which was clearly structured until recently, is undergoing major changes. According to analysts, there are about 10 thousand companies (manufacturers and sellers) in the industry, but 70% of sales are accounted for by a dozen large retailers and about 20 manufacturers. And the consolidation of existing participants continues. It happens in different ways. The simplest is the extensive way (increasing the number of stores for each of the market participants). This path is the most obvious, but also the most expensive, since it is quite expensive to build or buy a store. In addition, in the case of construction, a certain time is required, and it is extremely important to be the first in a particular region. Nevertheless, the largest players in today's market are developing along this path. One of them "M Video". The company is on a different path. "Expert". It uses a franchising system, that is, it combines existing stores under a common brand name, which determines the image, strategy and tactics of store development. "El Dorado" And "Technosila" combine both ways of development - open and own shops and franchising.

Each participant in this market develops according to its own scenario, however, in recent times Western networks began to have a serious impact on competition. A vivid example Media Markt. The company came to Russia just a few years ago. However, its activity, coupled with the rapid conquest of the domestic audience, has already forced large Russian networks to pay close attention to the regions. And this is another trend in the field of sales of household appliances. The capital market is oversaturated with both federal and local chains. In this connection, experts say, consumer demand has sharply decreased. Everything is trite - people have already bought all the necessary equipment. It is of high quality and does not require frequent replacement. A new period is coming: either to offer something completely new, or to expand the regional representation. Most choose the second option.

In regional centers, federal networks are being enlarged by absorbing local electronics sellers. Small shops are closed or reformatted. New points of sale open from retail space from 1000 sq. m.

Care in the regions

One of the striking examples of recent years, clearly showing the expansion of federal networks at the expense of the regions, was the merger of the Ural company "Rembyttechnika" with one of the leaders in the field of sales of household appliances, the Expert company.

What is significant about this deal? Firstly, as mentioned above, this indicates a clear trend: the leading players in the electronics market, under the influence of various factors, are transferring highly competitive struggle with each other to the regions. Secondly, the result of this confrontation is their consolidation through the absorption of local networks. And, finally, thirdly, everyone wins here: the federal eliminates a competitor and strengthens, the owner of a regional network sells his business profitably, and the buyer ultimately gets the opportunity to purchase high-quality equipment on even more favorable terms.

True, there are relative disadvantages of such a transaction. Now the company has a double name "Expert-Rembyttechnika" and has been in a state of rebranding for several years. The fact is that the Ural client is very accustomed to local company and trust her. In this connection, the abandonment of the former name would greatly limit the ability of the feds to quickly attract an audience. Therefore, the transition is carried out gradually: the service centers remained under the Rembyttekhnika brand, and the stores are called Expert.

Merger of market leaders

And here is a new example and a new trend: the leading chains of the Russian household appliances market may soon unite. The relevant documents on the merger of M.Video and Eldorado have already been submitted to the FAS. True, here one company buys another, but this does not change the essence of the matter - there is a movement towards monopolization of the sphere.
Now M.Video, represented by its main shareholder in Cyprus, is acting as a buyer Svece Ltd owned by Alexander and Mikhail Tynkovan. But literally in 2011 the situation was just the opposite. Then Eldorado, co-owned by PPF Group Peter Kellner, tried to negotiate with the owners of M.Video about the purchase. And this once again speaks of the rapid development of the consumer electronics market, where yesterday's sellers become buyers of business with working capital hundreds of billions of rubles.

According to experts, the execution of the transaction can be very delayed. It may take from one year to three years. And if this happens, then M.Video will take about 40% of the entire market with more than 500 stores. Although the FAS, of course, will not allow this. Under the current legislation, the dominance threshold cannot exceed 35%. Experts believe that the new leader will have to reduce business volumes. But against the background of the elimination of a direct competitor, this will not become critical.


Home appliances and electronics business owners are now interested in two main questions: what are the prospects for large players and is there a chance for small chains to survive? Again, the market prompts the answers. Western "colleagues" set new standards for domestic leaders. Russian chains began to feel the increased competition from chain hypermarkets. The latter work according to the principle all inclusive, providing, as previously mentioned, a full range of products, conditions and services. For example, in America, specialized stores for the sale of household appliances began to close, which could not withstand the pressure from the hypers. In Europe, however, this trend is still not clearly visible. It is possible that in Russia, as always, they will choose their own path. Moreover, the format of a specialized home appliances store is still in demand.
Meanwhile, regional chains do not plan to give up either. They are ready to defend their market positions in the field and, moreover, have plans to expand the business. Regional companies have a number of advantages over federal ones. One of the main disadvantages of large business is the loss of network flexibility and responsiveness to customer requirements. This is where the regionals will play.

The M.Video company presented analytics for the entire Russian market of household appliances and electronics for 2017 - from smartphones to refrigerators.

“After the crisis year of 2015, we predicted with restrained optimism a recovery in sales of consumer electronics in Russia, the trends of 2016 justified our expectations – the market began to gradually stabilize. According to M.Video estimates, in 2017, sales of household appliances showed an increase of 6% both in monetary terms and in kind. Positive dynamics indicates a recovery in demand, but buyers make less spontaneous purchases, pay more attention to available discounts, cashback offers from retailers, credit programs prefer installment plans. In general, the market can be characterized as stable, which has passed into the stage of normalized demand.

The most dynamic product categories in 2017 were smartphones, accessories for them and the entertainment segment. Thus, digital goods are a growth point for the entire market and what we will be focusing on throughout 2018. We laid the foundation for the development of this segment in 2017 by opening m_mobile stores with an expanded digital assortment in chain stores throughout the country, building up our IT base, and applying an ecosystem approach to sales. All this allows us to actively increase our presence in the digital technology segment, attract a new, young audience and win in the fight for customers. M.Video's goal for the next 2-3 years is to become the leader in the telecom segment.

In the next two or three years, we can expect that the home appliances and electronics market will show growth at the level of 4-5% per year. The online segment, which already now sets the main impetus for the development of the industry, will behave more dynamically - according to our estimates, growth can be about 15%", commented on the study by Enrique Fernandez, Chief Executive Director"M Video".


The telecom segment continued its intensive growth in 2017 and became one of the main drivers of the electronics market. In 2018, the category will continue to develop with positive dynamics. Growth rates will depend on the solutions offered by the players in this market.

2017 was characterized by several trends at once, which will be developed in 2018.

Firstly, the market of big Chinese brands (Huawei, Honor, Xiaomi, ZTE, Motorola) continues to develop. The line is replenished with new players - Nokia, Oppo and VIVO entered the market in a year. Sales of smartphones from leading Chinese manufacturers have reached a quarter of the market in units, and growth continues.

Secondly, with the growing confidence in Chinese smartphone manufacturers, demand is shifting from budget "Chinese" towards the flagship models of Chinese A-brands, which are perceived as worthy competitors to smartphones from other brands.

And finally, the successful technological and design solutions of 2017 are confidently moving into 2018. For example, a bezel-less screen is already used by many manufacturers, and it can be predicted that in 2018 every manufacturer's portfolio will include a bezel-less device, and not necessarily a flagship.

2017 was a record year in terms of demand for smartphones - the volume of the smartphone market in pieces for the first time exceeded the figures of 2014.

The average price for smartphones in 2017 was 13,400 rubles, which is 9% higher than a year earlier. The increase in the average price occurred against the backdrop of lower prices for some smartphones from leading brands: Apple, Samsung and a number of large Chinese manufacturers lowered the prices of their devices throughout the year. The increase in the average price is associated both with the release of expensive flagships from leading manufacturers, and with a shift in demand to higher price segments: growth in unit terms was shown by all price segments, except for the budget one.

The share of smartphones with a diagonal of more than 5″ is growing. In fact, there are no devices with a diagonal of less than 3.7″ left on the market. Demand for smartphones with a diagonal of more than 5″ has more than doubled year on year in unit terms. All manufacturers have picked up the trend to increase the diagonal without a noticeable increase in the dimensions of the device: frameless smartphones have appeared in the line of each brand.

Every fourth smartphone purchased in Russia in 2017 has a diagonal of more than 5".

The growth rate of the online market is higher than in the traditional channel. M.Video is growing more efficiently than the market: sales in terms of money and items in the Internet channel have almost doubled. Huawei and Honor show a two-fold increase in sales in unit terms online, the demand for Xiaomi has grown 8 times year-on-year in terms of money.


In 2017, the headphone market almost doubled its growth rate compared to 2016. Moreover, Bluetooth headphones, including sports ones, became the main driver. This trend is associated with the dynamic development of the smartphone category and the departure of a number of manufacturers from the standard headphone jack. As a result, the demand for smartphone-related gadgets, including headphones, especially wireless ones, is growing. It can be expected that Bluetooth technology will continue to develop in all headphone segments.

Leadership in the headphone market (in terms of money) is retained by Sony. The position of JBL has noticeably increased, Headphones, which now occupies the second line. Philips and Sennheiser, by contrast, lost several percentage points. Thus, the top five market leaders in descending order of share are as follows: Sony, JBL, Philips, Sennheiser, Apple.

Sales of headphones and headsets at M.Video grew in 2017 by 36% in monetary terms and by 33% in units, which allowed the company to strengthen its market share.

The share of the middle (from 2 to 5 thousand rubles) and upper (over 10 thousand rubles) price segments is growing. Sales of premium assortment worth more than 10,000 rubles already account for almost 15% of sales and the increase in absolute terms compared to last year exceeded 100%.

In 2017, the average price of headphones increased by 10-12% due to the growing popularity of more expensive and technological devices - wireless and sports headphones.

Computer technology

Overall market computer technology, which includes desktop computers, laptops, MFPs, monitors and printers, showed positive dynamics. Moreover, all categories either retained the indicators of the previous year, or showed an increase.

Classical computers (desktops) and monoblocks have stabilized in terms of money and have grown in pieces. The laptop market showed slight growth while maintaining the average price at the level of 2016.

One of the points of growth was the segment of home office equipment (monitors, laser MFPs and printers). In particular, the results of large monitors with a diagonal of more than 22″ look very positive at the end of the year.

The notebook segment also finished the year positively, with the main increase in demand coming in the last months of the year. The fastest growing category in the notebook segment was mediabooks, which grew by more than 100% both in units and in money. The absolute share of this category is still very small. Also, laptops with large screens, which are purchased to replace desktops, demonstrate positive dynamics.

In the fourth quarter, M.Video's share in the computer equipment market reached 20%.

The leader in the laptop market in terms of sales in pieces was Lenovo, whose share, although declining, was slower than that of ASUS, the former leader in the ranking of PC manufacturers. Year by year growth was shown by HP and ACER. The results of these brands can be associated with the development of the gaming direction. It is also noticeable that other players are trying to squeeze out the positions of these four brands: sales in pieces have increased markedly in Dell, Apple and a number of other brands, which in total already occupy almost 20% of the market.

Internet sales are developing more intensively than the traditional channel. Online sales grew three times faster than the overall notebook market.

Sales of gaming laptops

The gaming laptop segment continues its healthy growth. Piece and cash sales grew 1.5 times.

Lenovo, Acer, HP, Dell are strengthening their positions - their total share in the gaming laptop market has more than doubled and reached 36% in units.

Increasing gaming is also driving the gaming laptop market. In M.Video, sales of gaming PCs already account for 15% of the turnover in the notebook category.

Monitor Sales

Online sales grew by 14% in monetary terms and 26% in units, while the average check on the Internet decreased by 10% over the year

Demand is shifting towards wider diagonals: the segment of 24″ and more is growing. In absolute terms, the demand for monitors with a diagonal of more than 24″ has grown by one and a half times compared to 2016. Along with the growth in the volume of 4K content, the corresponding monitors are becoming more and more in demand: in 2017, sales of monitors with 4K support almost doubled in pieces.

Sales of inkjet MFPs

Demand for this product category was quite high both in the market as a whole and on the Internet. Online sales showed growth by 14% in monetary and piece terms. The share of M.Video in the inkjet MFP market reached 23% in 2017.

Sales of inkjet printers

Demand for this product category online at the end of the year grew by 6% in monetary terms and 10% in units.

Photo equipment

In 2017, the trend towards the narrowing of the Russian market for photographic equipment continued. In general, sales decreased by 19% in money terms and by 32% in units. Market demand continues to focus on professional and premium models.

The category of system cameras demonstrates positive dynamics in the market - the increase in money relative to 2016 was 12.5%. These devices attract photo connoisseurs High Quality in various genres shot with interchangeable lenses, and are lightweight, compact and stylish.

Action cams have been trending in recent years and have shown healthy growth over the past 4 years. In 2017, in the segment of photo and video equipment, about a third of all piece sales were action cameras. A year earlier, they accounted for up to 19% of the photo-video market.

Sales of action cameras in the Russian market

The intensive growth of the action camera market is associated, firstly, with a decrease in prices for A-brands (GoPro and Sony) at the end of 2016. Secondly, with an increase in demand for budget devices: sales of cameras costing up to 7,000 rubles have doubled year on year. New B-brands have entered the market, such as SJCAM, Smarterra, X-try, which offer competitive models at a more affordable price.

Also, new A-brands, which are already known in the segments of smartphones and photo and video cameras, have announced themselves on the market - Samsung and Nikon. Finally, action camera manufacturers began to position their devices as gadgets for travel and an active lifestyle, and not just for extreme shooting, which expanded the audience of potential buyers.

Average price of action cameras

The average price for the action range decreased by a quarter compared to 2016 and amounted to 8,900 rubles, which became a historical minimum for this segment of electronics.

Brands in the action camera market

At the end of 2015, GoPro and Sony together occupied up to 60% of the market in unit terms, and in fact, the mass consumer had an idea about action cameras mainly from these two manufacturers. In 2016, the share of these players has already decreased to 40% in unit terms, while SJCAM and Smarterra have increased their shares to 30% for two. In 2017, the trend continued: the “pioneers” of the action camera market occupy no more than a quarter of the market in total, and the number and weight of new players in the segment continue to grow. The top three looks new.

Game consoles

In 2017, the game console market for the first time in two years shows a positive trend in money and units. The trend is associated with the launch and distribution of new products such as PlayStation Pro, Xbox One X and Nintendo Switch, as well as a 10% decrease in the average price of A-brand consoles.

Sales at M.Video are growing one and a half times faster than on the market as a whole. The main driver is online sales of game consoles: they showed growth in money by two and a half times and in units by three and a half. Such dynamics was facilitated by the development of the M.Game project for video game fans: the expansion of the gaming community, active support for the release of new gaming products and regular game streams, gaming tournaments held together with key global publishers, as well as unique price offers.


For the Russian market, 2017 was a fairly stable year. With a positive growth in sales in unit terms, the market in money terms remained at the level of the previous year, primarily due to a decrease in the average price. The share of M.Video reached 30% in money terms. The share of M.Video in the category of premium TV sets in terms of money and units is at the level of 40%.

The main trend in the TV market is the growing demand for large diagonals from 45 inches. Their unit sales grew by 20% year-on-year. Smart TV technology also continues to increase its share, allowing you to watch almost any content at a convenient time. About half of TVs support Internet access. Moreover, devices with Ultra HD (4K) resolution are gaining popularity - manufacturers reduce the cost of technology and sell up to 51,000 rubles in devices of the middle price segment.

The market leaders are Samsung, LG and Sony. Their total share remains at the level of 80% in terms of money and 65% in terms of pieces. At the same time, buyers have a choice: there are more than 10 brands on the market, including growing demand for Japanese brands: Sharp and Panasonic.

Small household appliances

In 2017, the market of small household appliances (MBT) remained at the same level as the same period last year in terms of money, and in units it showed an increase of 7.5%. Growth in demand for small household appliances was caused both by the general recovery of the market and by a decrease in the average price for a number of categories by 5% or more.

The M.Video company was able to strengthen its leadership positions and, at the end of 2017, took a 29% share in the MBT market.

At the same time, the retailer's unit sales are growing twice as fast as the market ones.

Coffee technology

In 2017, the market for coffee brewing equipment continued to grow steadily – in terms of money and units, sales increased by 9% and 12%, respectively. The share of M.Video increased to 34.6%.

Automatic coffee machines

Automatic coffee machines are one of the drivers of the coffee brewing category. Their sales show positive dynamics both in money and in units. Category sales in M.Video grew by a third faster than the market.

Manufacturers of automatic coffee machines

Six major brands are represented on the market of automatic coffee machines, the top three remained unchanged. Philips, Krups and Jura strengthened their positions, while the share of Bosch, on the contrary, decreased.

Types of coffee machines and their market shares

In 2017, automatic and capsule coffee machines became a little more popular.

Large home appliances

2017 was a solid year for the large home appliances category. The average price decreased by 8%. As a result, monetary sales remained at the level of the same period last year, or increased slightly, while in units the market showed positive dynamics. The market is developing at the expense of the budget price segment - the increase in it amounted to 21% in terms of money. Internet sales of large household appliances added 1.5% in money terms and about 12% in units.

Growth in pieces was shown by all categories of CBT with the exception of freezers and air conditioners, which is associated with an abnormally cold spring and early summer.

The results of M.Video reflect the market trend: sales in unit terms grew two to three times faster than in monetary terms. The company's share in the market of large household appliances increased to 25% in terms of money. The growth dynamics of Internet sales in the M.Video network is noticeably higher than in the market: +20% in money terms and +32% in units.

CBT sales are growing most intensively in Siberia and the Far East. The company managed to increase its share by 1.5 times after opening stores in the region (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Blagoveshchensk). M.Video has the largest shares in the central and southern regions - 28.5% and 31.5%, respectively.

Sales of washing machines

As in the CBT market as a whole, sales of washing machines in monetary terms are growing at a slower pace relative to unit sales. Sales of M.Video in money terms are growing twice as fast as the market. The market share of M.Video increased from 27% in 2016 to 28% in 2017 in monetary terms.

Sales of built-in ovens and freestanding cookers

Sales of built-in ovens and freestanding cookers remained at the same level as last year in monetary terms (+1.5%) and increased by an average of 7% in units. The share of M.Video in money remains at the level of 22% of the market. At the same time, the segment of built-in ovens behaved most dynamically: the increase in money and pieces amounted to 3% and 12%, respectively.

Sales of refrigerators

The refrigerator market reflects the same trends as in the CBT market as a whole - cash sales are declining against the background of a decrease in the average price, while unit sales are growing for the same reason. M.Video occupies 26% of the market of refrigerators in money terms.

Wearable electronics

Interest in the wearable electronics segment continues to grow. In 2017, the wearable gadgets market, which includes smart watches and smart bracelets, doubled in value and more than 2.5 times in units. The segment of smart bracelets developed most intensively. Given the current dynamics, we can assume that the prospects for further market development in 2018 will continue.

Sales of smart watches

The smart watch market in 2017 grew by 81% in monetary terms and 2.5 times in unit terms. The average price was reduced by about 10% to 22,000 rubles due to lower prices for the previous Apple line and the expansion of the presence of low-cost B-brands.

Market leaders showed a very noticeable growth. Demand for Apple watches doubled in absolute terms, allowing the brand to maintain its market share. Samsung's share strengthened slightly, in absolute terms, watches from this manufacturer were sold 2.2 times more often than in 2016.

Thus, about 80% of the market is controlled by Samsung and Apple. The rest is divided among themselves by many B-brands, whose names are still little known to Russian buyers. The most successful of them are Cyber, KREZ, Mykronoz, Prolike, Iwown - all of them have more than doubled their growth. Basically, these brands play in the price segment up to 10,000 rubles.

Sales of smart bracelets

Smart bracelets maintain a high positive trend. At the end of 2017, the bracelet market grew 2.5 times in money terms and 3.5 times in pieces and reached 1.24 billion rubles and 474 thousand pieces. The average price has decreased compared to 2016 by a quarter to 2,600 rubles.

The balance of power of manufacturers in this segment is completely different: B-brands play the leading role here. The main player is Xiaomi, it accounts for more than half of the purchased bracelets. An actively developing niche is inexpensive bracelets for children and the elderly, such as the Life Button, Elari, Smart Baby Watch. According to M.Video, such devices can occupy more than 20% of the smart bracelet market in pieces. For comparison, the demand for such socially useful devices in 2016 was noticeably lower, the total share of players was at the level of 5-6%.

The budget price segment up to 10,000 rubles is actively growing. It is here that the main group of B-brands is concentrated - about 10 manufacturers. In the total volume of the market, these players still have a small weight, but they are gradually increasing their influence: year on year, sales of watches up to 10,000 rubles in piece terms have grown 3 times.