State and municipal administration. definition of state and municipal government

Requirements general principles should be taken into account both in the functioning of the systems of state and municipal government, and in their construction and improvement.

Private principles relate to individual elements of management and will be given when considering these elements, for example, the principles of organizing and monitoring the execution of management decisions.

To general principles state and municipal administration include:

1. The rule of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws issued within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. Democracy.

3. Responsibility.

4. Ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen.

8. Combinations of centralization and decentralization of management.

9. Publicity.

10. Legality.

11. Functional-industry.

12. Double submission.

13. Linear-functional.

14. Combinations of unity of command and collegiality.

15. Situational control by deviation, by disturbance, by forecasting disturbances.

16. Program-targeted.

17. Planning.

18. Scientific.

19. Delegation of powers.

Consider their content.

1. The principle of supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal constitutional laws and federal laws issued within the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the powers of the Russian Federation on subjects of joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation means that in cases of discrepancy between the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, Constitution and federal laws. In the event of a conflict between federal law and a regulatory legal act, an act of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, issued outside the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, joint jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the regulatory legal act of the constituent entity of the Federation is in force.

2. The principle of democracy establishes that the source state power in Russia is its people, whose will is implemented by representative and executive bodies of state power, as well as local self-government bodies.

3. The principle of responsibility requires clear responsibility officials and bodies of state and municipal administration for non-fulfillment or poor-quality, untimely fulfillment of the powers assigned to them.

4. The principle of ensuring the rights and freedoms of man and citizen requires officials and employees of state and municipal government bodies to strictly observe the rights and freedoms of man and citizen established by the Constitutions Russian Federation.

5. Essence separation of powers lies in the need to separate state power into legislative, executive and judicial.

Since the state power in the Russian Federation, the source of which is the people, is one and indivisible, like the people themselves, then the principle of separation of powers should be understood as the division of a single power into its separate functions.

In the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the principle separation of powers enshrined in Art. 10, which states: “State power in the Russian Federation is exercised on the basis of division into legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative, executive and judicial authorities are independent”.

However, the following article of the Constitution states that “state power in the Russian Federation is exercised by the President of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly (Federation Council and The State Duma), the Government of the Russian Federation, the courts of the Russian Federation”. Thus, it turns out that the state power is exercised by four authorities. What power the President exercises is not explicitly stated in the Constitution. However, it can be concluded that the President, in accordance with the Constitution, exercises supreme power.

The principle of separation of powers acts in the legislative body itself, dividing it into upper and lower chambers, which takes place mainly in federal states.

6 . The essence of the principle of federalism is to ensure the territorial and political unity of the Russian Federation in combination with the decentralization of state power on the basis of the constitutional delimitation of the subjects of jurisdiction and powers between the federal state authorities and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation while ensuring equality subjects of the federation among themselves and in their relations with the federal authorities.

In accordance with this principle, state authorities are formed at two levels: federal and subjects of the Russian Federation.

The principle of federalism in legal aspect is manifested in the fact that the legal acts of the federal executive authorities are binding on the relevant authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the legal acts of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation must be observed by the federal executive authorities. As a component of the mechanism for implementing the principle of federalism, an administrative contract is used as a legal form of regulation of relations between federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

From the principle of federalism the following requirements:

Ensuring the protection and interests of the Russian Federation as a whole, maintaining its unity and territorial integrity,

A clear definition of the powers of federal government bodies, ensuring the protection of the interests of the Russian Federation as a whole and not limiting the independence of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in resolving issues within their jurisdiction,

Alignment of the real rights of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

7. The principle of democratic centralism is the most important principle of state and municipal government, which determines the content, forms and methods of activity of government bodies, managers and performers at all levels of government. FROM essencethisprinciple consists in combining in the state and municipal administration of democracy as the sovereignty of the people, its initiative, the election of government bodies, their accountability to the population, ensuring the development of independence and creative activity of local self-government bodies with centralization as a priority of the interests of the majority, allowing to implement a unified general state policy in the main issues of state and municipal administration, with the responsibility of each state and municipal body and official for the assigned work.

Democracy is the way implementation center-lism. On the one side, the implementation of the principle of democratic centralism presupposes the participation of the people in the discussion and adoption of the most important managerial decisions at all levels of state and municipal government. The development of democracy, by involving the people in the management of the affairs of the state and territorial entities, expands the base of centralism.

On the other hand , democracy is a specific approach to the content and method of implementation of managerial decisions made by the center on issues that affect only the foundations of the state as a single integral entity. At the same time, higher government bodies are vested with a limited range of powers to implement these decisions. Subordinate bodies, within the established limits of their powers, have the freedom to choose ways and means of solving problems of both their own and general development.

Central authorities state administration, outside the limits of its powers, has no right to interfere in the activities local authorities management. This approach ensures the implementation of centralism within the necessary, optimal limits, giving democracy an organized character, allowing solving general and particular problems. The main problem of the implementation in state and municipal government of the principle of democratic centralism is the optimal combination, the measure of centralism and democracy. Democracy is central to this dichotomy because it forms the basis of centralism.

Violation of the optimal combination centralism and democratism lead either to increased centralization in public administration, its bureaucratization, the predominance of the command, order, or to spontaneous rally democracy, which generates the same subjectivism and voluntarism as bureaucratic centralism. As is known from practice, permissiveness gives rise to informal violence, rampant group egoism, which does not allow identifying and realizing the interests social groups and communities.

8. From the principle of democratic centralism follows the principle of combining centralization and decentralization state and municipal administration. Its essence lies in ensuring the coordination of state and local interests through a clear division of the competence of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipal government bodies.

9. Without publicity there can be no democracy. The principle of publicity in state and municipal administration is of decisive importance. This principle ensures the protection of society from manifestations of permissiveness and impunity of state and municipal government bodies, as well as officials. The principle of publicity in state and municipal administration requires ensuring citizens' awareness, accessibility of discussion of the most important state and municipal issues, competent participation of the population in making managerial decisions based on the study and consideration of public opinion.

In state and municipal administration the principle of publicity is a way to implement direct and feedback between governing bodies and the population The implementation of the principle of publicity ensures the growth of the activity of citizens in the assessment, selection and promotion of personnel to governing bodies.

The principle of publicity is especially important in increasing the responsibility of leaders, as well as strengthening the demands of people on them for the assigned work.

Implementation the principle of publicity management is closely related to the law of participation of citizens in state and municipal administration, ensuring the inclusion of a wide range of citizens in state and municipal government, especially in cases where an open, comprehensive discussion and important management decisions are needed.

10. The principle of legality means that state and municipal administration is sub-legal, i.e. all actions performed by the governing bodies in the process of executive and administrative activities must be strictly based on legislative acts.

The principle of legality requires from the bodies of state and municipal government accurate, uniform implementation of laws, the implementation by these bodies of only such managerial actions that would correspond to the content of the state will expressed in laws, the adoption of managerial decisions on issues referred by law to the competence of this body , in the prescribed manner and in a certain form.

Subordination state and municipal administration has importance and because in a number of cases, the governing bodies are vested with the authority to independently develop and adopt generally binding rules of conduct.

The relationship of the governing bodies with citizens and public organizations may be carried out strictly within the limits of their powers. Not a single state or municipal body that carries out management activities can itself change, expand or narrow the competence assigned to it.

11. Functional-industry principlecombines two principles: sectoral and functional.

A) Sectoral principle of management requires such an organization of management, in which the body of state or municipal government is assigned homogeneous, organically related by the nature of production activities, management objects. For example, utilities, education, healthcare, culture, etc.

Industry organization state and municipal administration makes it possible to staff the apparatus of management bodies with specialists who know the theoretical and practical issues of the functioning of a particular sector of the economy, and who are able to make optimal decisions on the management of this industry.

As a result of the sectoral organization of state and municipal administration, the efficiency of the functioning of industries increases.

B) Functional principle how component functional-industry principle forms a requirement, in accordance with which the authority is vested with the authority to perform a certain function of state or municipal government.

For example, economic bodies of state and municipal government perform the function of forecasting and planning (programming) the socio-economic development of the relevant territory, as well as the function of monitoring the implementation of plans; statistical bodies - the function of accounting for the results of the work of the economy, etc.

12. The principle of dual subordination in state and municipal administration means the requirement for the subordination of a specific body to functional or sectoral competence management body of general competence(government, administration) and the corresponding higher governing body on issues of its competence.

The principle of dual subordination , on the one hand, is aimed at ensuring the implementation of a unified state policy in sectoral and intersectoral management, developed by federal authorities. At the same time, the bodies of general competence of the subjects of the Federation and local self-government carry out linear control the relevant bodies of sectoral and intersectoral competence, and the federal bodies implement the functional management of these bodies.

On the other hand, federal territorial bodies financed from the federal budget (property management, financial, internal affairs, etc.) are subordinate to the relevant body of general competence of the subject of the federation, municipality, are included in its organizational structure, which ensures the coordination of the ongoing federal policy with the interests of the subjects of the federation and municipalities.

In this case, the federal state administration set goals and objectives, i.e., carry out linear management. The governing bodies of the general competence of the subjects of the Federation and local self-government determine the ways to achieve these goals and objectives in relation to local conditions, that is, they carry out the functional management of federal territorial bodies.

13. Linear-functional principlecombines two principles: linear and functional.

A) Linear principle as an integral part of the linear-functional The principle provides for the requirement for the implementation of linear managerial relations, the essence of which, as previously noted, is the implementation of the connection between the subject and the object of management, management - execution. This principle assumes direct administrative subordination of the object to the subject of management on all issues of the object's activity. On the basis of the linear principle of management, a linear organizational structure of state and municipal government bodies is formed.

B) Functional principleas an integral part of the linear-functional principle implies the requirement for the implementation of functional managerial relations, which, as already mentioned, in the implementation of the connection between the subject and object of management management - execution based on the specialization of managerial work performed on the basis of instructions from qualified specialists acting as functional managers.

Combination based linear and functional principles, linear-functional organizational structures of state and municipal governments are formed.

14.The essence of the principle of combining unity of command and collegiality in state and municipal administration lies in the fact that in state and municipal administration both one-management and collegiate management are carried out. The choice of each of them is determined by the nature of the control object. So, in the management of the sector of the economy, it is used principle of unity of command management, according to which the industry is managed at the federal or republican level by the minister, at the regional, regional, city and district level - by the head of the department or department.

This approach is defined the fact that, on the one hand, for the management of homogeneous objects that make up the branch of the economy, it seems possible to select a candidate with high professional knowledge and organizational skills for the position of head of the branch of the economy. On the other hand, to lay on the head all responsibility for the results of the industry.

When implementing intersectoral (functional) Management requires the application of the principle of collegial management, which means the adoption of management decisions by a majority of votes of the members of the management body. The collegiate governing bodies include the Government and services.

This approach is defined the circumstance that intersectoral management, on the one hand, requires the head of various professional knowledge, which is almost impossible for one person to master. On the other hand, if the Minister makes an erroneous decision, then in this case the damage will be done to one branch of the economy; an erroneous decision in intersectoral management will harm all sectors of the economy or most of them. Collegiality in making intersectoral management decisions significantly reduces the risk of making erroneous decisions.

The essence of the combination principle unity of command and collegiality It also lies in the fact that in the implementation of one-man management, important fundamental issues of the activities of a state or municipal government body are discussed by specially created advisory bodies - colleges. Collegiums make decisions by a majority of its members in the form of resolutions. The decisions of the collegium are put into practice by legal acts of the head of the governing body.

Such boards, for example, are created in the federal ministries as part of the minister (chairman of the collegium), his deputies ex officio, as well as other senior officials of the ministry system. Members of the collegium, except for persons included in its composition ex officio, are approved by the Government of the Russian Federation. In case of disagreement between the collegium and its chairman, the latter enforces its decision by a relevant legal act.

At the same time, the Chairman of the Board reports on disagreements, but on the form of subordination to the President or the Government of the Russian Federation. Members of the collegium have the right to inform these persons of their dissenting opinion on the decision taken. This approach to the role of the collegium as an advisory body gives its members a certain legal status, positively influencing the efficiency of decisions made.

15. The essence of the principle of situational management consists in the implementation of object management in the process of maintaining its functioning at a given level. In other words, this principle means management based on the current situation in the object, which is subject to change in order to bring the object to a given level.

The principle of situational control provides for three types of control: by deviation, by disturbance, by prediction of disturbance.

BUT) The principle of situational control by deviation means that the governing body forms a control action only after detecting a deviation in the control object, for example, a pension is not paid, or hot water is no longer supplied to the population. This control principle is the simplest and most widely used. It, as a rule, requires significant expenditures of all types of resources, including compensation for moral damage to citizens.

B) More perfect is principle of situational control by disturbance. Such control provides for the detection of a disturbance before the moment when it can cause a deviation. Having determined the disturbance that has arisen, the control body takes the necessary measures in a timely manner to eliminate it and thereby prevents the occurrence of a deviation. In our example, this may be the timely replenishment of the pension fund or the maintenance of backup heating equipment in working condition. To fulfill these conditions, much less resources are required than to eliminate the deviation that has arisen.

B) the most efficient principle of situational control for predicting disturbances, when conditions that can cause perturbation are neutralized. Such management is carried out in our example by creating the necessary cash reserve in pension fund or storage of heating equipment in a warehouse (the so-called cold reserve), necessary to replace the failed equipment without interrupting the supply of hot water to consumers with the help of a working reserve equipment (hot reserve).

16 . Essence program-target principle state and municipal management is the implementation of management of the socio-economic development of the management object on the basis of targeted programs.

Target programs provide a set of research, production, socio-economic, organizational and other measures linked by resources, executors and implementation timeframes that ensure the effective solution of clearly formulated goals.

Essential feature program-target management is the presence of program developers and its specific executors, a strict delimitation of rights and responsibilities between the customer, developer and program executor, determination of the period of work on the program and the necessary resources for its implementation.

To manage the target the program, on the basis of the program-multi-target principle of management, forms the matrix structure of the body of state or municipal administration.

17. Principle planning of state and municipal management provides for the need to develop forecasts, programs and plans for the socio-economic development of the relevant territorial entity, as well as work plans for the governing body.

18. Principle scientific means the need, firstly, to build and improve state and municipal government on the basis of management science; secondly, the performance of work on the search for optimal management decisions using scientific methods.

19. Essence the principle of delegation of authority consists in granting the head of the governing body to his direct subordinates-deputies, lower-ranking managers of part of their rights and obligations for their independent decision of clearly defined issues, the responsibility for which remains with the head of the governing body.

When delegating full powers decentralization of management is carried out, which contributes to timely decision-making, and also creates conditions for the head of the management body to focus on solving long-term and other priority tasks. Employees to whom the head of the management body has delegated part of their rights and duties are responsible for their implementation to the head of the body.


final state exam majoring in "State and municipal management"

State and municipal administration.

  1. The system of public administration in the Russian Federation: composition, structure and mechanisms of functioning.
  2. Methods, mechanisms and tools of public administration.
  3. Formation of the organizational structure of state and municipal government. Types of organizational structures. The structure of ministries, agencies and services of federal executive bodies of the Russian Federation.
  4. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the activities of state and municipal government in the Russian Federation: the essence, factors and evaluation criteria.
  5. Designing organizational structures for managing state and municipal governments. Formation of the register of state and municipal services and functions. Regulations for the provision of services and functions.
  6. Municipal service in the Russian Federation: normative regulation, principles, procedure for entering the service and its passage.
  7. The system of state and public control in the Russian Federation.
  8. Local self-government in the Russian Federation: territorial organization and its economic foundations. Features of the implementation of the Federal Law No. 131 of 06.10.2003
  9. Strategic planning of territory development: methods, models and tools. Development of a strategy and program for socio-economic development.
  10. The current state of public administration and local self-government in Russia and priority areas for their development in the context of the implementation of administrative reform.
  11. The organization of local self-government and the subjects of its jurisdiction. Delimitation of powers. Formation of the economic basis of LSG in the Russian Federation.
  12. Forms of participation of the population in the implementation of local self-government.
  13. Administrative reform in the Russian Federation in 2004-2009: essence, goals and main directions of implementation.
  14. Representative bodies of local self-government: the procedure for formation, powers and organization of activities.
  15. State civil service in the Russian Federation: regulatory regulation, types and procedure for passing.
  16. The highest official of the subject of the Russian Federation and the head municipality: status, procedure for empowerment and competence.
  17. Legal status(status), rights and obligations of municipal employees. Countering corruption in public authorities and LSG.
  18. Organization of activities of executive and legislative (representative) authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  19. Local administration of the municipality: status, powers, structure and functions, organization of activities.
  20. Organization of staffing of public authorities and local self-government.
  21. Responsibility of bodies and officials of local self-government. Types of administrative violations. Anti-corruption activities in public authorities and LSG.
  22. Organization of activities, structure and powers of the executive and legislative (representative) bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Delimitation of powers.
  23. Tax policy of the Russian Federation. The system of tax authorities in the Russian Federation. Features of tax sources of income in the budget system of the Russian Federation.
  24. Organization of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation. Social policy of the state.
  25. Management of state and municipal purchases in the Russian Federation. Organization of competitive placement of orders. State customer: functions and responsibility. The main sections of the state (municipal) contract.
  26. Organization of the activities of government bodies in Russia under special administrative and legal regimes. Special economic zones: the order of their organization and functioning.
  27. Labor organization and management activities in state authorities and LSG. Motivation of work of state (municipal) employees. Development of management decisions. Ethics of the state (municipal) employee.
  28. Organization of social protection of the population in the Russian Federation. Social benefits and benefits for various categories population. Social policy of the state.

Economic theory

The strategic goal of developing the sphere of state and municipal administration of the Kamchatka Territory is to increase the efficiency and quality of the provision of state and municipal services, to simplify the access of citizens to state and municipal services, to create conditions for active civil society control of public expenditures and investments with state participation.

Priority directions for the development of the sphere of state and municipal administration of the Kamchatka Territory include:

  1. Improving the system of state and municipal government.
  2. Ensuring the openness of the actions of state and municipal authorities of the region.
  3. Creation of conditions for effective and responsible financial management of the regional and municipal budgets.

The objectives of the development of the sphere of state and municipal administration of the Kamchatka Territory are:

  1. Transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form.
  2. Implementation of a system for assessing citizens' satisfaction with the quality of state and municipal services provided.
  3. Carrying out a systematic assessment of the regulatory impact of draft legal acts, strategic documents, at an early stage of their development.
  4. Organization of the provision of services on the principle of "one window" in all urban districts and municipal districts of the region.
  5. Expansion of the volume of open data provided for free use by citizens, society and business.
  6. Transition mainly to the program-target principle of spending budget funds.
  7. Ensuring high and proper quality of budgetary finance management. Ensuring openness and transparency of state and municipal finances. Reducing the deficit and debt burden of budgets at all levels.

The measures and mechanisms that ensure the development of the sphere of state and municipal administration of the Kamchatka Territory are:

  • development and implementation of new principles personnel policy and improvement of the employee remuneration system, development of a competitive replacement system vacancies in government bodies;
  • implementation of modern principles of work of control bodies, introduction of the practice of public reporting on the results of inspections and optimization of resources spent on their conduct;
  • improvement of control and supervisory functions and implementation of the mechanism of public monitoring and control over the activities of public authorities.
  • development and implementation of the system strategic planning Kamchatka Territory, which ensures the coordination of the priorities of socio-economic development and budget policy in the framework of the formation and implementation of state and municipal programs, the development of a system of state and municipal financial control;
  • development and implementation of state and municipal programs of the Kamchatka Territory to improve efficiency budget spending and monitoring progress; application of incentive measures in order to improve the quality of management of regional and municipal finances;
  • informing the public about the state and development trends in the field of public finance, the openness of the activities of government bodies in the development, consideration, approval and execution of budgets, consideration and approval by the legislative bodies of budget parameters and budget reporting based on the goals of state policy and the results of its implementation.

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1. The formation of smart management is the goal of modernization

5. Russian system of state and municipal administration and its staff in the face of the upcoming challenges of civilizations



state municipal management competitiveness


Informatization and virtualization modern society leads to the formation of a completely new social space, which involves the construction of new management strategies implemented in response to the processes taking place in the external environment. This inevitably leads to the need to change the paradigm of urban development: industrial "Fordist" megacities with a predominance of administrative and production function cities cease to meet the needs of the urban population in the face of increasing competition between cities for information technology, human, and natural resources.

The development of information and communication technologies (ICT) has led to a revision of the rules for the interaction of people in all spheres of life, including in the field of public administration. The “virtual” aspect of state activity is no longer something new and is becoming more and more real and in many ways even traditional practice in many countries of the world.

One of the most important elements of a "smart city" - "smart management" - is associated with the idea that the formation of a "smart" urban environment depends primarily on the quality of training of management specialists in the urban space. The development of a "smart city" based on ICT imposes new requirements on the conditions for the formation and training of qualified specialists, on the creation of prerequisites for its organic inclusion in the management system of a "smart city", and, first of all, on educational process. This implies a close connection between the "smart management" of urban space and the education system, and, above all, we are talking about the training of specialists with higher education, because. a modern official, a manager in a “smart city”, must have a whole range of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to make systematic and informed decisions on the problems of urban life.

1. The formation of smart management is the goal of modernization.

"Smart management" is diversified management. Delegation of functions and diversification of power are the basis of social interaction social institutions in a “smart city”, since for the transition of individual and group cognitive and value attitudes to the intersubjective sphere, a shared (general) social context, formed by various practices of institutional and personal interaction between the state and citizens, is important.

The formation of a new urban structure provides ample opportunities for the use of innovation. However, it would be wrong to think that "innovativeness" in this case can only refer to individual technical solutions.

Experts in the field of urban studies have formed three main areas in which an innovative approach will give a serious impetus to qualitatively new changes in the urban environment. First of all, a modern metropolis needs an innovative, “smart” economy, which includes the formation of new growth clusters, new economic zones and the active development of urban areas that were previously considered depressed. The second sphere of application of innovations is a "smart" infrastructure. This includes the development of "green", environmentally friendly public transport, the creation of a modern system for monitoring the situation on the roads and, in general, the optimization of the road and transport structure of the city. The third area of ​​application of innovations - “smart” management will help to carry out all of the above:

– openness of all urban data, active participation of the population in the development of the city and open discussion of all initiatives and new directions of urban development with local residents;

– maximum use of information from mobile sources and their analytical processing;

- personalization of digital services, increasing the "digital" culture of the population and, as a result, its involvement in making managerial decisions in the field of urban development;

right choice government priority areas development of the city: targeted selection of the most effective innovative solutions that give the maximum effect for the modernization of the urban environment at minimal cost.

– creation of a favorable environment for businessmen and entrepreneurs, expansion of private-state partnership in the implementation of urban development projects.

There are several fundamental principles of city management, among which? active use information technologies in the urban environment, the participation of the population in the discussion of decisions of the city administration, the effective use of information from mobile devices to regulate the situation on the roads of the city.

The need to open all data related to decision-making aimed at urban development, including in the interests of businesses and start-ups, which will be able to offer their solutions and services, is especially emphasized.

2. Introduction of innovations in state and municipal administration

The need to bring innovation to the economic and social sphere Russian society - actual question modernity, discussed at all levels of government. Obviously, innovative development-- one of the priorities in Russian society, at least for the near future.

It should be noted that the Russian tradition has not yet developed a single interpretation of the term "innovation". The first point of view on this term defines innovation as a predominantly technical innovation, the concept itself is not considered from a humanitarian point of view.

It is assumed that people, first of all, are conductors, accompaniers of innovations in life, and not its implementers. In particular, there is an opinion that the state innovation policy in the region is implemented in the form of support, which includes state funding, software and legal support, information support, infrastructure development, training and search for personnel.

Another point of view is based on the fact that the concept of innovation is much broader and extends to the humanitarian sphere. According to this approach, innovation is the transformation of an idea or theories into a competitive product or service, the development of a new or improved production and distribution process, a new way of providing social services. As part of this approach innovation is possible both in the service sector and in the organizational structure of a particular organization. This definition is more preferable, since it more accurately reflects modern requirements applied to a product or service that is on the market.

The use of such a concept of innovation allows us to talk about human potential as the main factor in the development of the municipality, about its use as the main resource in municipal government.

It is state and municipal employees who have the highest potential for introducing positive innovations. Who, if not the controllers of norms, should introduce new norms? And if these norms turn out to be successful, then they will most likely spread through the sphere of state and municipal government, since most of the population interacts with state and municipal employees. Therefore, personnel becomes a key issue. Only an educated, literate official who shares the basic values ​​of society is able to separate positive innovations from negative ones, not to grasp each innovation as revolutionary, but to carefully and gradually introduce new norms of civil and economic behavior into society. In addition, each state and municipal employee must have a sense of deep responsibility and be able to make independent management decisions. He must see in his public powers not a personal benefit, but a duty. Training of high-quality personnel for the state and municipal service is the most important condition for introducing innovations in Russian society on the this stage development.

The introduction of innovations in the field of state and municipal government at the moment is extremely relevant. But for the successful implementation of such intentions, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the goals of innovations, as well as a competent team of performers-implementers of such undertakings.

Public administration and provision system public services population should be modernized in accordance with the requirements of innovative development.

3. The importance of modern information technologies for management practice

The fundamental principle of management is the required amount of reliable information, processed and mastered on a modern technical basis, sufficient for making management decisions and implementing versatile measures to control their implementation.

For implementation managerial functions At the local level, today, more than ever, scientific information is needed, and its nature depends, first of all, on the specifics of the management object, on the tasks assigned to it, and also on the competence of municipal government entities. Comprehensive information is needed on the state of all spheres of public life: economic, socio-political, spiritual, family and household.

Since the management of any sphere of public life, any object is also the organization of people's labor - indispensable components of any public system, - management necessarily involves the collection, processing and spiritual and cultural social information regarding the state of relations between groups of people - social organizations, production and other teams, as well as individuals.

Specific, and often very complex and versatile information is needed about the state of local government, designed to regulate local organizational relations, raise the responsibility of administrative and executive bodies and individual officials, determine the rights and obligations of citizens and organizations in various fields executive and administrative activity.

Of particular importance is the circulation of information between the object and the subject of control, which includes two types of flows: those circulating through direct communication channels from the subject to the object (direct information) and those circulating through the feedback channels from the object to the subject (reverse information). Proper organization of direct information ensures the timely and high-quality receipt of various kinds of commands (initial, corrective, controlling, etc.) from the subject to the object, and feedback information - the receipt of data on the state of the object and the achievement (or failure) of the task set for the subject. him goals.

Development of a system of measures that expand the possibilities of the most effective use information is an important condition for success in municipal government. Among these measures, careful preparation of the subject of management for the perception, evaluation of information, the development of the ability to assess its social significance, to choose the most significant, social information from the flow of information, since information of this type is invaluable in management, its collection and processing are unthinkable without the use of modern technical means, are of paramount importance. .

In this way, computer technology as a tool for processing and analyzing information, it opens up fundamentally new opportunities for the rapid processing of large volumes of information, which makes it possible to quite deeply and fully reveal the trends and patterns of development of the local community and thereby successfully solve managerial tasks at this level of control.

In general, information technologies will radically transform the intellectual potential of municipal government.

It is information technologies that make it possible to activate and effectively use the world, national and regional information resources of society, which today are becoming the same strategically important factor in the development of the local community as minerals, energy, material and human resources. They help optimize (and in many cases automate) a variety of information processes which in recent years have taken an increasing place in various areas of social activity of the local community.

4. Accounting for factors and sources of development of the competitiveness of state and municipal government in Russia

Let us analyze the position of Russia in the ratings that characterize the quality of public administration and the success of the country at the international level. For these purposes, it seems logical to consider the WEF and IMD ratings and assess the competitiveness of the Russian Federation in the global economy on their basis (see Fig. 1).

Figure 1 Competitiveness of Russia in 2014 according to the Global Competitiveness Index

TO strengths include a large market volume, a good development of the macroeconomic environment, infrastructure development, a fairly high level of higher education And vocational training and good innovation potential.

TO weaknesses include the insufficient development of institutions, financial markets, the low efficiency of the commodity market and the low level of equipment modernization.

Comparing the results of Russia on the WEF Global Competitiveness Index and the IMD Competitiveness Index of countries, it is possible to identify both similarities and differences in the assessments. Thus, both organizations note the insufficient development of institutions, financial system and ineffective legislation.

Figure 2 Russian competitiveness indicators according to IMD

Also, the opinions of the experts of the two organizations coincide with regard to the assessment of such positive factors of the competitiveness of the Russian Federation as a favorable macroeconomic environment and a sufficiently developed infrastructure. The difference lies primarily in the fact that, on the whole, IMD rates Russia's competitiveness higher than the WEF. The reason for this may be that the global competitiveness index is formed largely on the basis of a survey of the heads of companies participating in the WEF, which introduces a large subjective component. So, on the whole, the not very favorable image of Russia in the world does not contribute to the objectivity of its assessment in the survey. In addition, the membership of the WEF changes every year, which can also affect the definition of the index. The effectiveness of public administration in Russia is not satisfactory in any of the indicators. Russia in the ratings is located next to the countries of Eastern Europe (Hungary, Lithuania, Moldova) or Africa and Asia, which are outsiders in most indicators.

5. The Russian system of state and municipal government and its staff in the face of the upcoming challenges of civilization

The US Intelligence Community's 2020 Strategic Outlook highlights the quality of Russian governance as a major problem for Russia.

Having ceased to exist as a member of the USSR, Russia largely retained the entire system of state administration characteristic of it. The inefficiency of this system became one of the main reasons for the demise of the USSR. Consequently, the problem of improving the quality of public administration has existed for a long period of time, influencing the position of Russia at the international level.

On the way to improving the quality of public administration, the problem of low professionalism of employees of public authorities is a priority for solving. Professional experience and deep knowledge, which play a huge role in improving the efficiency of public administration, have been accumulating for a long time. Therefore, this group of recommendations should be given the most attention.

Improving the professionalism of civil servants can be divided into several sequential actions. First of all, it is necessary to create business schools, thanks to which the science and practice of public administration in Russia would rise to a higher level. In addition to creating new educational institutions, it is necessary to reform the existing higher schools. The implementation of these recommendations would ensure an increase in the level of professionalism of young specialists, and indeed of the entire domestic science of management in Russia, which is a platform for further transformations.

Thus, in relation to Russia, it is important to create a register of positions public service to match the powers and personnel potential of executive authorities, as well as the transition to effective contract with a civil servant, in which the basic compensation package is formed taking into account the state of the labor market, and the bonus part directly takes into account the results of individual activity.

In Russia, in accordance with the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2012, a development plan was approved professional standards, as well as the development by 2015 of at least 800 professional qualification standards. The application of these standards will be assigned to the Ministry of Labor of Russia together with interested all-Russian associations of employers and trade unions.

Thus, in Russia in the future there will be a system of criteria for assessing civil servants in order to improve their professional level, enhancing their motivation, the ability to control professionalism, support and improve quality standards.

The next step is to ensure the mobility of personnel, according to A.I. Turchynov, in a democratic society, the state personnel policy should act primarily as the most important managerial resource of the state, as an instrument of dynamic social development. Only an orientation towards national interests makes the state personnel policy adequate to the tasks of social development.

However, it is not enough just to track the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the country's human resources potential. We must learn to create conditions for its implementation. This is precisely the main meaning of the activity of the state in this area.


Ensuring the high efficiency of public administration of the Russian economy should be one of the leading tasks of the state and be implemented on the basis of the state strategic comprehensive program.

The implementation of the recommendations developed for each of the above problems can ensure the path to sustainable development of the economy and the well-being of society, however, the situation in Russia requires the use of radical changes in order to ultimately achieve the goals of public administration in any country. - a high standard of living and satisfaction of the population living in its territory, as well as the success of the country at the international level, which implies competitiveness.


1. Lobanov V. V. State administration and public policy / Lobanov V. V. St. Petersburg: PETER, 2004. 448 p. 3.

2. Kravchenko A. I. Sociology / A. I. Kravchenko, V. F. Anurin. St. Petersburg: PITER, 2006. 432 p. five.

3. Oleinik A. N. Institutional Economics: Study Guide / A. N. Oleinik. M.: INFRA-M, 2005. 416 p. 8.

4. State and municipal administration of foreign countries. URL:

5. Final report / Strategy 2020. URL:

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      Federal Law "On general principles organizations of local self-government in the Russian Federation "No. 131, its main provisions

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      The main scientific schools about the state and management

      Regional management: delimitation of jurisdiction, public authorities in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

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      Local interests, the role and functions of local government in society

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    Public administration is called upon to regulate social relations that ensure the protection and reproduction of the integrity of the state and its main institutions. The predominant direction of the vector of public administration is the direction "from top to bottom", in connection with which the state assumes the right to realize public interest in the development of its constituent territorial entities.

    Public administration is the process of regulating relations within the state through the distribution of spheres of influence between the main territorial levels and branches of government. Public administration is based on the state interest aimed at protecting the integrity of the state, its key institutions, supporting the level and quality of life of its citizens. Among the priority areas in the implementation of the public (state) interest is the need to perform several functions: protective, defense, social, legal, economic, political and arbitration.

    The systemic nature of public administration lies in the fact that it ensures the unity of the administrative (command-administrative) and partner (social-consolidated) principles in the practice of regulating social relations and processes. As a system, public administration performs several functions.

    1. Institutional - through the approval of the socio-economic, political and civil institutions necessary for solving state issues for the distribution of power.

    2. Regulatory - through a system of norms and laws, which are designed to establish general rules governing the behavior of subjects.

    3. Goal-setting - through the development and selection of priority areas of socio-economic and political development through the implementation of programs supported by the majority of the population.

    4. Functional - through the development and implementation of actions aimed at supporting the entire economic infrastructure of the state in the face of its leading industries.

    5. Ideological - through the formation of a national idea, designed to consolidate society within the boundaries of the state.

    The main principles of the formation of the public administration system are:

    ♦ The principle of separation of powers presupposes the division of the sole state power into three spheres: legislative, executive and judicial, which should serve as a condition for effective control over the activities of the state apparatus.

    ♦ The principle of complementarity is characterized by a focus on continuity in the power structure. The principle aims at creating conditions for an even distribution of power functions in the context of the entire vertical of government at various territorial levels.

    ♦ the principle of subsidiarity determines the procedure for the distribution and redistribution of powers between the administrative levels of government

    ♦ the principle of sovereignty presupposes the existence of actual independence as an essential feature of the state.

    ♦ the principle of democracy focuses on the need for active participation of the urban population in decision-making of state and municipal importance

    ♦ the principle of homogeneity - the advantage of federal law over regional law..

    Public administration is a complex process of interaction of fundamental elements, the result of which is a special system of public administration, which determines the method and nature of the interaction of its constituent social institutions. Four elements form the basis of the public administration system: power, administration, territory and economic system.

    Power determines the procedure for electing and the nature of the implementation of the functions of government, the structure of interaction between key political institutions. In the system of public administration, power is exercised through a form of government that sets the typical features of the functioning of the executive and representative bodies of power.

    Management, being a derivative of power, expresses a set of government actions aimed at regulating current socio-economic and political processes. Management is embodied in the nature of state intervention in economic life, ensuring the political rights of citizens, the maintenance of civil society institutions, etc. An integral element of the state management system is the political regime, which incorporates a set of methods for implementing the functions of state power.

    The spatial features of the territory have a special influence both on the system of public administration itself and on the nature of the economic policy of the state. If the territory of the state occupies a significant area, then this requires the creation of a larger number of administrative levels for territorial entities in comparison with countries occupying a smaller area. In addition, the geographic features of the territory play an important role in the mechanism of state administration: relief, the presence of waterways, climate, etc. geographical features of the area.

    And finally, the economic system of the state, serving as a functional subsystem of state administration, contributes to ensuring the functions of rational management of the economic life of the country, meeting the basic needs of its citizens, supporting vital areas of production and distribution of products.