Fisher's lovebirds care and maintenance. Pets - Fisher's lovebirds

Now it is worth studying in more depth what colors this interesting and charismatic bird can be.

Sometimes, looking at lovebirds, it may seem that the number of their subspecies is not numerous, but this is not so. There are more popular bird colors and rarer ones. The reason lies in the fact that some types of lovebirds of unusual colors are not able to breed in captivity, another factor is the habitat and the possibility of delivering the bird to the right corner of the planet, in our case, Russia.

For convenience, below we will consider the types of lovebirds with a photo.

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Description of the species

Masked (Agapornis personatus)

The color of these lovebirds stands out clearly from other Agapornis.

They got their name for glasses-mask around the eyes from bare skin. The body of parrots is green, the chest is bright yellow with an orange tint, the beak is bright red. There is no sexual dimorphism, except that the plumage on the head is black in males, and black-brown in females.

Fisher's lovebird (Agapornis fischeri)

Some ornithologists consider this species of lovebirds as a subspecies of masked ones.

The main plumage of birds is green, the upper tail is blue, and the head is orange with a yellow tint, the beak is red.

Sexual dimorphism is weak, the female may be more massive than the male with a larger head and a wide beak (at the base), and the "ladies" also differ in the position of the legs when landing on the perch.

After the appearance of this species in Europe in 1927, this variety is in the lead among lovers of lovebirds. Currently, there are mutations of the blue type, white, yellow and clarified.

Despite the fact that this is a rather capricious species of lovebirds, breeding in captivity is very successful.

Black-cheeked (Agapornis nigrigenis)

This is an elegant bird, similar in color to the Fischer lovebird, but smaller in size. The main difference: the black-cheeked have a “collar” of red-orange feathers, and the color of the plumage on the head is grayish.

This is a rare and endangered species of lovebirds. This parrot is the most musical and singing among the Agapornis.

Liliana's lovebird or Strawberry-headed (Agapornis lilianae)

Outwardly, they are very similar to Fisher's lovebirds, but their uppertail is green (not blue), and their cheeks, forehead and throat are the color of ripe strawberries. The rest of the head and chest are yellow, the body itself is light green, the beak is red. There is no sexual dimorphism.

This type of parrot quickly adapts and breeds easily. Now you can see Agapornis lilianae with a bright red head, yellow body and white wings. Lutino is also bred, monochromatic yellow with a mask around the red eyes. Perhaps soon we will see blue lovebirds of this species. Due to the export ban, Liliana's lovebird is not a frequent visitor to parrot lovers.

Rosy-cheeked (Agapornis roseicollis)

The plumage of the pink-cheeked lovebird is saturated green, the back casts blue, the forehead is red, and the cheeks and throat, respectively, are pink. Straw yellow beak.

One of the most popular types of lovebirds. If you have one bird of this species, then you can successfully teach it tricks and a few phrases.

Black-winged (Agapornis taranta)

This is a green bird, with a black stripe under the wings and a wide stripe of the same color along the edge of the tail, the tip of the tail is green. The male has a bright red forehead, beak and a thin strip around the eyes, while the female has a green forehead and no red border around the eyes. The male is also much larger than the female.

Due to the modest coloration and restrictions on export to European markets, this species has not gained popularity among breeders. Due to the difficulty in choosing a mate, Agapornis taranta rarely breeds in captivity.

These are calm and hardy birds with a more accommodating character than rosy-cheeked lovebirds.

Species mutations: blue, brown and dark green, as well as hybrid crosses with masked lovebirds and Fisher.

Red-faced or orange-headed (Agapornis pullarius)

A bright grassy green parrot with a rich orange-red color on the neck, cheeks and forehead. The rump itself is ultramarine, the base is red, and the edges are yellowish green. The inner part of the wings is black.

Heat-loving parrots that in nature prefer to nest in termite mounds.

Pronounced sexual dimorphism: females are paler, the front of the head is yellow-orange, and the body is with greenish-yellow plumage.

Grey-headed or Madagascar lovebird (Agapornis canus)

The male of this species of lovebirds is easy to distinguish from the female. Its main plumage is pale: the upper chest, neck and head are pure light gray, the rest of the body is pale green, the wings are dark green. The female is greenish-yellow. These parrots are the smallest among the lovebirds, their beak is gray, small and neat.

Agapornis canus can be found with gray plumage, but with a purple hue.

They are calm, timid parrots with a high sensitivity to low temperatures and humidity.

A rare species due to the difficulty of catching (very shy) and further adaptation. Birds do not tolerate acclimatization, but with a successful result, breeders get offspring (only if the couple lives separately from other individuals).

Collared, green-winged or necklace (Agapornis swindernianus)

A species of lovebirds that you will not find at home, since the process of catching is extremely complicated and inconvenient. Birds prefer to hide in the crowns of old and very tall trees (several tens of meters). In addition, the specific diet of these birds leads to the fact that lovebirds quickly die in captivity (the bird needs fresh figs and grass seeds from their native places).

Green parrots with a beautiful orange necklace on a black neck, a greenish-yellow chest, an ultramarine rump, a gray-black beak.

Scheme-classifier of types of lovebird parrots:

Lovebirds: masked, Fisher, Liliana and Black-cheeked belong to the subspecies of spectacled lovebirds.

Rosy-cheeked lovebirds have a wide variety of color variations and have a huge number of mutations.

Grey-headed lovebirds are the largest parrots of this species and are studied separately from other parrots.

Collared lovebird is a very rare bird.

The red-faced and black-winged lovebirds belong to the same subspecies, Agapornis taranta, which is rich in common features. Often breeders find it difficult to determine a more accurate classification of these birds.

The difficulty in breeding rare species of lovebirds lies in the fact that it is very difficult to get the right parrot from Europe due to the small number of birds, the high price and the low ability of the desired specimens to reproduce (abroad, birds are most often kept in large outdoor aviaries and after similar living conditions, adaptation of the parrot for living in an apartment is not always fast and productive for a breeder).

Therefore, you should have sufficient knowledge and patience to create the right pair to produce offspring of a certain color.

Professional breeders of these wonderful parrots do not recommend crossing lovebird species with each other just because the couple was created naturally. Not always after such love, unusual and beautiful lovebirds are obtained. As a result of such connections, not only chicks with a colorless feather shade or a “dirty” head can turn out, but also with health problems.

Crossbreeding lovebirds different types you get hybrid offspring that are either not capable of breeding or are outwardly "washed out" distant copies of a "pure" breeding parrot interspersed with other shades from the second parent.

Pair lovebirds according to their species: rosy-cheeked with rosy-cheeked, masked with masked, grey-headed with grey-headed, etc. - only in this way you will get a bright, healthy and purebred offspring!

You should also pay attention to beautiful and healthy birds, not only physically - the mental state of future parents is also taken into account by professional breeders when breeding lovebirds.

Yet any kind of parrot deserves to be loved and cherished. For many owners, the purebred pet is not at all important; thanks to such people, the most unusual colors of lovebirds find their home.

But, if you decide to purchase a female for your handsome man, try to find out what variety the lovebird belongs to in order to reduce the chances of breeding difficulties and improve the quality of the offspring.

Fisher's lovebirds are probably the most colorful and fun little parrots. They come from Madagascar and are also widely distributed in Africa. In addition to their bright appearance, they attract the attention of a person by the fact that they get used to a person well. Smart birds will give you many bright moments and the pleasure of watching them. By the way, do you know why they are called Fisher's lovebirds? Everything is very simple - in nature they live in large flocks and choose a mate for life.

Single or couple

First of all, you need to decide how many birds you will acquire. Of course, they won't die if kept one at a time. Fisher's lovebirds are very interesting not only for their strong bonds, but also for their behavior. You will be especially pleased with the joint construction of the nest. Males and females do not carry twigs in their beaks, they stick twigs into their feathers. Their ability to split thin twigs of willow into fibers and make nests from them is also very interesting. Another nuance is that the birds have very strong beaks with which they can injure each other, and at the same time they are very jealous. However, with their couple, Fisher's lovebirds live very peacefully.


The size of the birds is quite small, from 10 to 17 centimeters. That is, they do not need too large a cage, this is acceptable for a small apartment. Outwardly, they are very beautiful, the plumage color is bright with a predominance of green. However, the head, neck and chest are often painted in other colors, due to which lovebirds look like Christmas toys. Often these areas of the body are blue and red, green and yellow. In addition, the fact that the birds are very unpretentious and easy to breed leads to the fact that breeders pay more and more attention to them. Thus, the color palette is enriched with various shades of blue and gray.

Gender of birds

How do you know if you have a male or a female? it important question: whether your Fisher lovebirds will create a pair and hatch chicks. How to determine gender? Almost nothing at home. Outwardly, they are exactly the same. You can find out their gender either by observing their behavior or by analyzing DNA. But the difference between young and adult individuals is immediately visible. At the base of the beak, the young have several black feathers, which disappear with age.


In fact, little lovebird parrots do not need in large numbers feed, which means they will not pose a big burden on the family budget. These parrots are very fond of soft and juicy grass, so even in winter you need to grow it at home in a pot. In addition, you will need seeds for shrubs and trees. They are very fond of corn and wheat, at home you can germinate various seeds to diversify the diet of your birds. You will be curious to know that tiny and charming birds in their homeland are considered dangerous pests that devastate the fields.

The basis of nutrition at home is grain mixtures for medium parrots. However, Fischer's lovebird should not be fed food for ordinary wolves. The missing elements are filled with fruits and vegetables. It can be peach and banana, carrot and kiwi, apricot and cherry, cabbage and plum, grapes, as well as any nuts. In addition to sprouted herbs (oats), they should be given dandelion and parsley. But the birds should not overeat. They need to be given 2-3 teaspoons of food per day.

cage requirements

The more it is, the better it will be for your pet. However minimum dimensions 80x30x40 cm, this is provided that you have one parrot. For a couple, you will need a cage of at least 100x40x50 cm. The optimal shape is rectangular or square. The cage must be equipped with drinkers and two feeders for different feeds, dry and wet. In addition, you need to put a bath for bathing. Ladders and bells should be positioned so that they do not interfere with the flight of the bird. And if you are planning the appearance of chicks, then you will need additional space for nest equipment.

bird nesting

The most interesting sight for the owner is the construction of the nest. In general, if you have Fisher's lovebirds, breeding will be the most exciting hobby. The female herself will begin to build a nest from thin twigs and soft feathers. The breeding season runs from May to July. In total, from 4 to 6 eggs will hatch in the nest. For three weeks, the female does not get up from her clutch, and the male protects and feeds her.

rearing chicks

The crumbs are born blind, covered with rare fluff. Even their beak is completely yellow, and only after two weeks it begins to gradually turn red, becoming like the beak of adult birds. The chicks fledge in a month and by this time they are ready to leave the nest. But for a few more weeks, the male will continue to feed his offspring. By about a year, they are ready to create a pair on their own and bring out the kids. Their life expectancy is from 15 to 20 years, so you will have time to enjoy communication with your feathered pet.

Making the final choice

In fact, there are a lot of different breeds of decorative birds on the market today. Among them are budgerigars and large macaws, cockatoos and stunning lorises. There are even a dozen types of lovebirds on the market. But Fisher's lovebird can be considered the smartest, friendliest, brightest and most amazing. The price of these birds is 1000-1500 rubles. As you can see, the cost is quite affordable.

The tame lovebird is very sociable, he is sincerely glad for the arrival of the owner and is very bored if no one is at home for a long time. Additionally, it should be said about literacy. In fact, lovebirds only talk when they are not in a pair. But a lonely bird with the proper level of communication may well learn a few dozen words. However, it should be remembered that for this it is necessary to acquire a very small chick, not older than a month old. Older individuals will learn lessons worse. But even compared to budgerigars, lovebirds will take about twice as long to train, so evaluate your pedagogical abilities.

Summing up

Fisher's lovebird is, of course, a very bright representative of the feathered family. If you choose a pet for your child, be sure to pay attention to them. These are unpretentious birds, caring for them is not at all difficult. Along with this, it should be noted that elegant and sociable, they will bring a lot of joy to their owner. Children will be especially pleased with such an acquisition, a small pet will not become too burdensome, even a first grader will be able to take care of him. After a certain period of time, the lovebird will become a full member of the entire family.

If there is a desire to have a feathered pet, the thought of parrots often arises. Among poultry, lovebirds are popular: these parrots are cheerful and energetic, but at the same time they do not create any special problems for the owner. Fans of feathered living creatures easily make friends with the Fisher's lovebird, because these small birds simply breathe positive. They are valued for their sociability and unpretentiousness.

Fisher's small lovebirds are included in the category of small bird species, as evidenced by their size:

  • weight 45 - 60 g;
  • body length 15 cm;
  • tail 4 cm;
  • wingspan 20 cm.

This species of parrots is named after the researcher from Germany - Gustav Adolf Fischer, who studied Africa. Breeders willingly breed lovebirds, due to which the palette of feathers is gradually diluted with new shades. The natural coloring cannot be called modest, it seems that these birds do not at all seek to hide their beauty.

Bright feathers give the little parrot a smart, festive look, as if it were Christmas tree toy. Males and females are similar to each other, they cannot be distinguished by external signs. The back, belly and short tail are covered with green feathers with a bluish tint. The neck and head are orange-red, and lemon plumage on the chest. Around the black eyes are white patches of skin. A strong, smooth beak is painted with a scarlet tint. The paws are short, with tenacious bluish toes.


In nature, Fisher's red-headed lovebirds can be seen in African savannah, in the expanses of Northern Tanzania. Near the freshwater Lake Victoria, these birds live freely, they are adapted to the alternation of rainy and drought seasons. Herbs and low shrubs grow here in abundance, therefore, at any time of the year, Fisher's lovebirds freely find food for themselves.

Miniature parrots unite in flocks, and for the breeding season they break in pairs, creating strong alliances. Nests are built in trees or rocks. The female incubates the eggs, while the male feeds and carefully guards his family. Birds often sit side by side, closely clinging to each other. There is a beautiful legend about their affection: they say that parrots in love in separation suffer, become depressed. They may even die.

African parrots were brought to Europe after 1930, and for several decades, ornithologists have gained sufficient experience in breeding these birds. In an apartment, Fisher's lovebirds breed easily, do not require any special maintenance parameters. One has only to take into account that lovebirds do not tolerate the presence of birds of other species nearby. It is better if two pets of different sexes are placed in the same cage, thus making it easier to care for them. Birds in a pair do not get bored, their behavior is very interesting to observe, and over time, you can wait for offspring. For life in captivity, you need to provide parrots with convenience, feed them properly and communicate more often.


The feathered pet spends the vast majority of time in a cage, so it is selected based on the size of the parrot. A freedom-loving bird needs space, which means that a cramped house will not work. If it is planned that one lovebird fisher will live, the minimum parameters of a rectangular cage are 30/40/80 cm. For a married couple, this will already be 40/50/100 cm. The basic principle is that the larger the cage, the better for parrots.

The material must be safe, non-toxic. Preferably a steel frame with a metal or plastic pallet. The interior of the future housing contains the necessary devices for the lovebird:

  • wooden perches;
  • feeders;
  • automatic drinker;
  • ropes;
  • toys.

Do not overcrowd the space of the cage: parrots need free space for small flights. The cage should not be installed near windows, noisy household appliances, heating devices. Mandatory timely cleaning and disinfection of all objects, the bottom and rods.


The quality of food affects the health and activity of pet parrots. A special grain mixture is the basis of the daily diet, two tablespoons per adult. In addition to grain, Fisher's lovebirds need to diversify their diet with proteins and juicy food from time to time:

  • egg white;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fruit;
  • vegetables;
  • greens.

Ready-made food from the package contains complex additives, so there is no need to additionally supply pets with vitamins and minerals. Top dressing is needed only for the nesting period. At the same time, it is recommended to include sprouted grains and soaked bread in the diet.

Fisher's lovebirds, like other parrots, are contraindicated in human food:

  • roast;
  • salty;
  • sweet;
  • canned food;
  • seasonings.

As a drink, lovebirds are offered filtered unboiled water, which is changed immediately as it gets dirty.


Decorative birds are abundant in the feathered pet market. Fisher's lovebird can be purchased at a nursery, pet store, bird market, or from a breeder you know. Price in outlets does not differ much: on average, a lovebird costs 1000 - 1500 rubles. When buying, you do not need to try to save money, but it is better to pay attention to the behavior of the bird: a healthy parrot will not sit on a perch, ruffled. If the bird is in good health, it actively moves and chirps a lot.

Fisher's lovebird is an excellent choice for home keeping. This is an unpretentious bird, with proper handling capable of giving the owner a lot of pleasant emotions.

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Having a bird as a pet is a great joy. A variety of colors and types allows you to choose the perfect friend. The leaders are parrots. Their bright colors, mobility, playfulness create a cheerful atmosphere of the tropical jungle in the house. Fisher's lovebirds are a type of parrot known to almost everyone. Their distinguishing feature is the existence in pairs; birds are often tightly pressed against each other, sitting on a perch. This article will allow you to learn more about the very type of parrots and its features.


Not only swans are credited with a strong bond between partners. Fisher's lovebirds got their name precisely because of this quality. However, this is a poetic theory.

In the wild habitat, the species lives in small flocks, but conflicts often occur, which causes the weaker individual to leave the partner for a while. Then she returns, and the couple again does everything together: they get food, rest, go to the watering place. But both in nature and when kept at home, the male and female sit side by side, closely clinging to each other, which served as the basis for the name, the second part of which is Fischer, which corresponds to the name of the German researcher who studied this species.


Fisher's lovebirds are small compared to other varieties - length 14-15 cm, weight 42-58 grams. Of particular interest is the color of birds: their body and wings are bright green, the neck begins with yellow, which gradually turns into orange. The beak is bright red.

Fisher's masked lovebirds differ only in the characteristic black-brown "mask" on the head. The expressiveness of the eyes is given by a white ring framing them.

Male and female do not differ in color. The difference can be observed only in the size of the parrots: the female is slightly larger than the male and has a more rounded head shape.

The life expectancy of a pet can range from 12 to 20 years.


Parrot breeding experts believe that this particular species is most suitable for beginners. It is easy to maintain, does not require any specific conditions or special skills. On the Web you can find a lot of photos of Fisher's lovebirds, where they appear in all their glory. However, like any pet, a bird needs care and attention. Only then will the pet be active and beautiful.

Most of the time the parrot will spend in the cage, so it is important that it matches the size of the lovebird. Even if the pet is small, it should flutter freely and spread its wings, since mobility is one of the characteristic characteristics of the species. If a square meters apartments do not allow you to install a large cage, then you should proceed from the minimum allowable parameters: for one individual - 80 x 30 x 40 cm, for a couple - 100 x 40 x 50 cm. The bird should be able to make at least two flaps of its wings.

It is better to give preference to standard cage shapes - rectangular and square. The distance between the rods is 1.0-1.5 cm. Today, almost all cages have a retractable bottom, which is comfortable both for the owners themselves and for the bird, which will not need to be disturbed during cleaning. You can cover it with paper or cover it with a layer of sand, previously washed and calcined.

cell location

The selection of a "place of residence" for a lovebird is an important process. The cage should not stand in a place where there are drafts, because parrots, as well as other animals, suffer greatly from them. It is important that the pet does not experience a lack of light, but direct sunlight should also be avoided. If a window sill is still chosen as a place for the lovebird, then the cage must be protected at least with tulle. In winter, autumn, in cloudy weather, it is worth using additional lighting.

Despite the fact that Fisher's lovebirds - birds that live in the tropical forests of Africa and Madagascar, excessive heat will only harm them. Nearby batteries and other heating devices will cause a lot of discomfort to the pet.

The viewing angle also matters. Lovebirds are a very inquisitive and sociable parrot species. They like to observe what is happening around, therefore, you should not place the cage low, for example, on the floor. Hoisting a parrot on a closet or other high place is also not recommended. The best option is to place the cage with the lovebirds at eye level of the hosts. So, household members will be comfortable watching the behavior of their pets, and parrots will not feel lonely.


All utensils should be washed every day, perches should be cleaned and disinfected once a week.


After the purchase, the bird may refuse food that is unusual for her. You should start adapting your pet with canary seed - it is suitable for everyone. Gradually add regular food to it. The basis of the diet should be a grain mixture for medium parrots, which must be sieved. It is important to remember that each type of bird has its own characteristics, with regard to feeding. Therefore, food for budgerigars is not suitable for lovebirds.

The mixture should be supplemented with fruits and vegetables (apricot, kiwi, cherry, carrot, cauliflower, cucumbers, nuts). Sprouted grass (millet, oats) is very useful for parrots.

Birds should not be overfed. The daily norm of feed is 2-3 teaspoons.

Fisher's lovebirds- parrots are bright, cheerful and sociable. They are unpretentious in content, they can even learn a few words (provided that the chick was born in captivity) and become an important part of a house or apartment.

Introduction: Compared to other species Fischer's lovebird relatively quiet.

Story: Kept in captivity since 1927.

Type of: a square or rectangular metal cage with horizontal bars and a retractable bottom, the interval between the bars is not more than 2 cm (preferably 1-1.5 cm). Any material that absorbs moisture well is placed at the bottom of the cage.
Dimensions: the bigger, the better. Fisher's lovebird must freely flap its wings without touching the walls of the cage. For one bird - from 80x30x40 cm, for a pair - from 100x40x50 cm.
Cleaning/tidying: bowls for water and food are cleaned daily. Perches and toys are washed as they get dirty. The cage is washed and disinfected once a week.
Temperature: daytime - 19-25 "C. Less adapted to low temperatures, does not like drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.
Humidity: not less than 60%.
Water: required, because loves to swim. Baths are arranged 1-2 times a week, on hot days - every day. You can spray birds with a spray bottle.
Decor: at least two perches placed at different heights. One perch should be placed near the feeder and water, but not over it. As well as ropes, ladders, bamboo rings, a house for sleeping, feeders.

You can give: fussy about food. Grain feed for small and large parrots, as well as grass seeds, vegetables, fruits, berries, sprouted grains, herbs, nuts, cereals, eggs, a small amount of sunflower seeds. Uneaten fresh and raw feed is removed after a few hours, grain feed is changed once a day. One adult lovebird needs 45-60 grams per day. stern.
Can't feed: fatty, salty, sweet and spicy foods - donuts, pies, liver, chocolate, alcohol, chips, etc.
Feeding frequency: adults - every day, young (growing) - 4-5 times a day.
Water: small bowl of fresh water. Water changes as it gets dirty.
Feeding during the breeding season: the diet includes soft foods (crushed boiled egg, white bread soaked in water or milk, crumbly millet porridge, germinated grains of wheat, oats or millet), canary seed, grated carrots, fresh cottage cheese, flour worms.
Treats: nuts, fruits.
Mineral supplements/vitamins: there should always be a mineral stone for birds in the cage. Young birds are additionally given vitamin C and trace elements.

Games: likes to play with toys - ropes, a mirror, ladders, bells, paper bags, boxes, etc. Do not use small toys designed for budgerigars.
Compatibility: quarrelsome with other birds.
Character: playful, active, energetic, funny.

Training: It is not recommended to breed birds younger than 2 years old. No more than 2 broods can be obtained from one pair per year (best in spring and autumn).
Stimulates reproduction increase in the length of daylight hours, the presence building material(branches of willow, linden, birch, shavings or grapevine as thick as a pencil or thinner) and artificial nesting(15x15x25 cm, notch diameter 5-6 cm).
The size of the breeding cage is from 80x40x60 cm (length x width x height).
Nest house/nest: in a cage under the ceiling (2-3 cm from the roof) two nests are placed. Several branches are placed inside the nesting boxes. Humidity inside the nest should be at least 60%.
After the departure of the young, the nesting place is removed.
The ratio of males and females: 1:1.
Egg incubation period: 20-26 days.
Separation from parents: at the age of 45-55 days, the brood is placed in another cage.
Growth rate: fast.

Prevention: cleanliness and a spacious cage are the key to good health of the lovebird.
Major diseases: