A good mark on the point system. Ten-point system: what does each mark mean? Pros and cons of the point system of remuneration

Pay systems

The system of remuneration within the meaning of art. 135 of the Labor Code is a set of rules defined by the employer in accordance with the norms labor law and regulating 3 aspects:

  • the method of correlation of labor and remuneration of employees, on the basis of which the procedure for calculating wages is built;
  • form (salary or tariff rate) and size (a specific amount or "fork") of the main part of the salary;
  • compensation payments in the form of allowances and additional payments and incentive payments in the same forms or in the form of bonuses and other payments in terms of establishing the conditions, amount and procedure for calculation.

In a narrow sense, the system of payment is understood as a method of correlation of the measure of labor and the amount of remuneration of employees.

The most commonly used calculation systems are associated with 2 main forms of salary:

Salary Form

Calculation system

The procedure for calculating salaries

Piecework, when the payment is charged for the result labor activity: number of works performed, services rendered.

Direct piecework

Price for work, service × number of work performed, services rendered

Piecework premium

Price for work, service × number of work performed, services rendered + bonus


Price for work, service × number of work performed, services rendered within the norm + increased price × number of works in excess of the norm


Price for work, service × number of work performed, services rendered.

For overfulfillment of the plan, prices do not increase.

Indirect piecework

The salary of an auxiliary employee depends on the salary of the main employees


Payment for the volume (complex) of work

Time-based, when the employee's pay depends on the hours worked.

simple time-based

Tariff rate × work time

Salary × working hours


Pay rate × working hours + bonus

Salary × hours worked + bonus

There are less common systems:

  • tariff (Article 143 of the Labor Code);
  • non-traditional methods, including tariff-free, rating, etc.;
  • wage systems for civil servants (Article 144 of the Labor Code).

The concept of a point system for calculating salaries

In the tariff-free procedure, the contribution of employees to the overall activity is assessed. One of the varieties tariff-free system is a method of point payment calculation.

The point order also assumes a direct dependence of the salary of the worker on his participation in general activities. The main unit for determining the scope of participation is the score. Points are assigned to workers for compliance with a number of characteristics. According to Art. 132 of the Labor Code for differentiation it is allowed to use the following criteria:

  • qualification of the employee;
  • the complexity of the work;
  • the amount of labor;
  • quality of work activity.

The qualifications of the worker are assessed on the basis of work experience and professional knowledge received as a result of special education.

Assess the amount of work performed, its complexity and the quality of the employee's work activity using overall indicators more difficult. It is advisable for the employer to independently establish such criteria, and it will be more useful to use not one, but a group of criteria.

For example, in general view the amount of work of the educator can be estimated by the totality of the time worked out in the accounting period, and the seamstresses - by the number of things made.

The quality of work must also be assessed in conjunction with the performance of the organization. For example, the quality of a seamstress's work can be assessed by the absence or minimum amount of marriage. The work of an office worker - according to positive feedback from customers, including those related to compliance with the rules of polite treatment with them (see the letter of the Ministry of Labor "On the establishment of an obligation for employees to treat customers with courtesy ..." dated September 16, 2016 No. 14-2 / ​​B-888).

Similarly, criteria are established for assessing the complexity of the work.

Point, bonus and rating systems - varieties of points or independent ways of calculating salaries?

Wage systems are enough to confuse the names. To eliminate confusion, we denote the features of several other number systems:

  1. Bonus.
    Is independent. The method of calculation includes the addition of salary and allowances as a percentage of profit. Salary is usually fixed within tariff scale, the percentage of the allowance is also specifically determined. Payment in fact is "floating" and depends on the profit received by the organization.
  2. Rating.
    It is also independent and is based on the inclusion of each worker in the rating, compiled on the basis of 3 characteristics:
    • the level of education;
    • an experience;
    • place in the structure of the organization.

    Earnings are calculated by multiplying in advance set price one rating point per number of points assigned to the employee.

  3. Point.
    This is a distorted name for the point system of remuneration.

The composition of wages under the point system

In the letter "On the establishment equal pay... "of 27.04.2011 No. 1111-6-1 Rostrud explained that in order to comply with Art. 3 of the Labor Code on the prohibition of discrimination, it is recommended to establish the same salary for employees of the same positions. Compliance with Art. 132 TC at the same time provides different size over-tariff part of the payment. This means that the amount of bonuses, allowances and other additional payments may be tied to the qualifications of workers, the complexity of their work, the quantity and quality of labor activity, and therefore may vary.

Taking into account the explanation of Rostrud, when determining the composition of earnings, various situations are possible.

Situation No. 1. The organization has employees who fill positions of the same name.

In this case, the employer can act on the basis of 2 options:

  1. Ignore the instructions of Rostrud and introduce a payment that depends entirely on the points scored. However, there is a high risk that the worker will consider different wages as discrimination. This will lead to an argument.
  2. Act in accordance with the instructions of Rostrud. Then the payment will be equal to the total salary and allowances from the general salary fund, calculated according to a separate formula. At the same time, a mixture with the time-based or piece-rate-bonus method is obvious.

Situation #2. The organization is small, all workers fill different positions.

In this case, the employer can safely use the point-based pay formula.

Payment Calculation Formula

The salary of employees when using the point method is calculated by the formula:

Salary = (employee points / total points of all employees) × total collective payroll.

The formula can be simplified if, overall, the total score and the organization's payroll income are stable. In this case, it is useful to define the average cost of a point as the ratio of income to the total number of points scored by workers. Then the formula becomes simpler:

Salary = employee points × average point value.

Interesting: since the point system is a kind of tariff-free system, the calculation formulas are similar. When calculating earnings by the tariff-free method, the following procedure is used:

Don't know your rights?

Salary \u003d percentage of labor participation × total salary fund of the team.

An example of calculating payment by a point system

Consider the examples of the head of the organization and his assistant payroll using the point method. To determine their earnings, you must proceed in the following order:

  • determine the number of points earned by employees in accordance with the points table;
  • determine the total number of points scored by all employees of the company;
  • determine the amount of the organization's income aimed at paying wages;
  • calculate payment.

The scoring table adopted in the company for the assistant manager is as follows:

Evaluation criterion


Quality of work

Assistant Manager

Organizational support for the activities of the head

Lack of manager's work schedule

Drawing up a work schedule

Drawing up and tracking the relevance of the work schedule

Technical support for the activities of the head

Delays in the preparation of documentation

Timely preparation of documentation, periodic support at meetings

Timely preparation of documentation, accompanying the head at all meetings


Organization of the activities of the company's employees

Lack of direct instructions, subordinates are guided in their activities by job descriptions

Assigning tasks to superiors structural divisions firms

Setting individual tasks taking into account the professional skills of employees

Development of strategic objectives

Lack of planning for the future of the company

Planning for the next six months

Planning 3 years ahead

Number of work

Work time

0.5 bets

0.75 stakes

Full time work day



Specialized secondary

Higher professional

Higher professional, as well as professional development courses

This month, the assistant scored 17 points, the leader - 25 points.

If the total points of all employees is 100, and the payroll is 100,000, then the salary for an assistant will be 17 / 100 × 100,000 = 17,000, for the manager - 25 / 100 × 100,000 = 25,000.

Introduction by the employer of the points system

The transition to a point system or its initial establishment is carried out in accordance with the instructions Labor Code according to the following algorithm:

  1. The head of the organization or another person with the necessary powers, in pursuance of Art. 135 of the Labor Code decides on the introduction or transition to a point system. At the same time, the circle of persons who are entrusted with the development of a draft local act is determined.
  2. An employee or a group of employees, in pursuance of the decision, develops a draft act.
  3. The project in accordance with Art. 135 of the Labor Code is transferred to the representative body, which must, on the basis of Art. 372 of the Labor Code to issue a reasoned opinion on the submitted draft no later than 5 days later. The countdown starts from the day the draft is received by the representative body.

If a trade union or representative issues a negative opinion about the project, then the employer's representative is required to hold consultations within 3 days in order to resolve the contradictions. If, in this case, a mutually acceptable solution is not found, the project may be submitted for approval, but the representative body has the right to appeal against it.

If the organization does not have a trade union or other similar body and there is no employee representative, then proceed to the next step.

  1. When switching to a point system in accordance with Art. 72 of the Labor Code, the representative of the employer obtains the written consent of the employees.

    Consent is not required if:

    • the system is introduced into the organization as the first;
    • the transition is caused by a change in technological or organizational conditions labor, and the further application of the old order is impossible (Article 74 of the Labor Code).
  2. The head of the organization or another person with the necessary authority approves the local act.
  3. The employer, in accordance with Art. 22 of the Labor Code introduces all workers to the new act.

Advantages and disadvantages of the point system

Considering the essence of the scoring method and the order of its introduction in the company, it is possible to single out the main positive and negative features that take place when using it. The advantages include the following:

  • such a system is suitable for assessing labor devoid of specific indicators (for example, the number of goods produced), i.e., for assessing the performance of accounting staff, personnel services, secretariat, etc.;
  • as criteria, it is possible to establish precisely those factors that are decisive for the successful activity of the employer. For example, in more large organization the criterion may be the volume and timeliness of the documentation being drawn up, and in a small one - the correctness of the design.

Among the minuses can be identified:

  • "floating" amount of salary;
  • complexity of use: for each period of payroll, it is necessary to re-evaluate the work of each employee;
  • the emergence of a threat of conflicts between employees on the basis of establishing certain criteria as determining the number of points.

Let's summarize. The point system is suitable for organizations with a small team. It involves the calculation of earnings based on the correlation of the number of points scored by the employee and the total number achieved by all workers. The resulting ratio is multiplied by the total size wages, and the final figure is the income of an individual employee. The point system, also known as the point system, differs from the rating and bonus calculation procedures. The introduction of a point system in organizations is carried out in a general manner, taking into account the opinion of representatives of the interests of workers, and in some cases, the workers themselves.

Good afternoon! Tell me, please, how to write the fifty-five point system correctly?

Right: fifty-five point system.

Hello! Which is correct - a ten-point storm or a ten-point storm?

Answer help desk Russian language

Right: ten point storm.

Question #284383

What is the correct spelling: high-grade, five-point or with LL?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

These words are written with two l: high point, five-point.

Question #283345

Good afternoon! Can you tell me, please, what is the correct supplier score or supplier score? Thanks

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

The score is called score.

Tell me, please, why do they write "point-rating system" with one "l"? How to write correctly? Logically: score but ... Thank you!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Ball ny - from score(assessment, unit of measure); ballroom - from ball(dance night). Right: score-rating.

Question #275323
Hello. Please answer, is the following spelling of the word correct: two hundred points? Is it generally correct to use it in phrases like “evaluate on a two-hundred-point scale,” or, perhaps, it is preferable to use such a spelling - 200-point, which is exactly what is found in the texts?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both spellings are correct: 200-point and 200-point. The choice of option depends on the style of the text.

Which is correct - "point-rating system", or "point-rating system"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #267296
Good afternoon! Please help me understand next question. If the state of the path is evaluated by points, then what is the correct way to say and write: "The path of zero points" or "The path with zero points"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Both options are possible.

how to write correctly: score-rating or score-rating

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Question #253851
Please tell me how to write correctly: "stobal niki" or "stobalniki"?

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: 100 nick(from noun. score).

Question #248621
Hello! How to write correctly: score-rating or score-rating? Thanks in advance for your reply!

The answer of the reference service of the Russian language

Right: score but...(from the word score).

The knowledge and work of the student in practical classes are evaluated by the teacher according to the classical 5-point system.

At the end of each semester, a centralized calculation of the student's average score is made with its transfer to a 100-point system.

Students who score from 61 to 100 points are admitted to the test and exam. In addition to the average score, indicators that give penalties and bonuses are taken into account.

The final grade, which is set by the examiner in the student's record book after taking the exam, is determined as the arithmetic average of the annual (two-year) rating grade and the grade for the exam (on a 100-point scale) and is converted into a 5-point grade.

Table 1

Translation of the average score into a 100-point system

Score on a 100-point scale

Average score on a 5-point scale

Score on a 100-point scale

Average score on a 5-point scale

Score on a 100-point scale

Methodology for calculating the score-rating indicator for students of the 4th, 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine

For students of the 4th, 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine - 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th semester, the following calculation model must be used:

The points that a student receives in a discipline in a semester are calculated by the formula:

Rds = average score for all practical classes in the semester "+" bonuses and "-" penalties (see Appendix 2).

The calculation is made in each semester (Rds7, Rds8, Rds9, Rds10).

Rd = Rds7 + Rds8 + Rds9 + Rds10

Students who score from 61 to 100 points are admitted to the test and exam.

Course exam at the 5th year of the Faculty of Medicine

Rd = (Rds7,8,9,10 + Rde)

The mark on the exam, which the teacher puts in the record book, is calculated according to the formula and converted into a 5-point system in accordance with table No. 2.

Table number 2

Grade on the course exam

If a student receives an unsatisfactory grade in the exam, then the rating for the discipline in the semester is Rd 7,8,9,10 = Re. Points for re-taking the exam - from 61 to 75, regardless of the grade.

The answer to the exam is evaluated in accordance with the "Criteria for assessing the student's answer with a 100-point system" (see Appendix 1.)

The knowledge assessment system is an integral element educational process. In fact, this is the basic criterion for determining the level of assimilation of educational material. Most Russian parents the 5-point system is familiar and understandable, because we remember it from our childhood. Abroad, new systems are relevant - 10-, 12- and even 100-point. This trend has not bypassed domestic education either: some schools, in addition to the usual 5-point scale, have introduced an assessment system on a scale of 10 points.

Which system is better? What to look for when choosing between the old and the new format of knowledge assessment? And how do children react to evaluation of their progress in general? Let's talk about it below.

Evaluation as a factor influencing the formation of personality

From early childhood, we go through the process of socialization, that is, integration into the existing society. The role of connecting links between the individual and society is performed by the so-called agents of socialization: first it is their own family, and then a kindergarten, school, university, work team. But if the family, as a rule, loves us for who we are, then the location of other agents still needs to be earned. Moreover, these agents are constantly evaluating us.

IN kindergarten the educator evaluates the behavior and success of the child: how he spends time, how he contacts other children and staff, how easy it is for him collective games, puzzles and exercises. This is how children get used to evaluation - they begin to understand that their behavior is constantly compared with some reference values ​​("rather smart", "not too obedient", "very sociable"). Then they are evaluated at school, but here the emphasis is already on the level of assimilation of knowledge from curriculum- the student receives low or high marks. This experience is extrapolated to the rest of the social life. At the university, a former student becomes an excellent student, a loser or an average student, and at work, respectively, a good, bad or mediocre employee.

The pubertal period of development falls just on school years Therefore, it is the assessment system at school that has a special influence on the development of the child. Today the situation in schools is ambiguous: some educational establishments use the traditional 5-point system for Russia, others are gradually moving to a 10-point system, and some even use them in parallel. For example, in elementary grades, students are given grades from 1 to 5, and in middle and senior grades, from 1 to 10.

5-point system: pros and cons

As planned, the scale from 1 to 5 shows how the student has mastered the educational material. At the same time, each quantitative assessment corresponds to a certain semantic characteristic.


Student characteristics

Does not know or understand the material at all

Doesn't know much of the material. Answers oral questions uncertainly, makes gross mistakes in written works

Knows the basic material, but cannot use the acquired knowledge correctly in practice without outside help. Makes mistakes in oral and written responses

Knows the required material, answers questions without difficulty, applies the acquired knowledge in practice. Does not make blunders in verbal responses, but only minor errors in writing

He knows the program material in full, demonstrates an excellent understanding of the topic, answers the teacher's questions correctly and confidently, is able to independently solve practical problems using the acquired knowledge. Does not make mistakes in oral and written answers


  • the system is traditional and familiar, and therefore understandable to both students and parents;
  • good grades (in particular, fives) significantly increase the student's self-esteem.


  • assessment criteria do not make it possible to accurately and objectively assess the knowledge of the student (hence the widespread use of non-existent in principle grades like “4+”, “3-”, etc.);
  • the system does not objectively determine the student's educational progress (even if the student made fewer mistakes than the last time, or answered correctly, but made a mistake in writing, his grade will not change);
  • poor grades negatively affect the student's self-esteem and can cause serious psychological trauma;
  • very often the assessment is determined not by the academic success and real achievements of the child, but by the behavior and subjective attitude of the teacher.

10-point system: pros and cons

The main difference of this system is a deeper classification and detailing of the student's educational achievements. In addition to the level of assimilation of the material, such a scale also shows qualitative characteristics. learning activities.



Level of learning activity

Complete lack of learning activity


Discrimination, recognition, superficial acquaintance with the subject

Almost Satisfactory


Memorization and unconscious reproduction

Very satisfactory

Understanding the theory, awareness

Quite good

Very good

Full knowledge of theoretical material

Almost perfect

Non-standard creative approach to the application of acquired knowledge


The system was called a 10-point system, although in fact it contains 11 marks - from 0 to 10. The mark "0" is provided for those cases when the student simply refuses to answer a question or complete a task. But at the same time, the assessment cannot characterize the level of assimilation of the material, which is why it was not displayed in the name of the scale.


  • extended gradation allows you to more clearly and objectively determine the current level of knowledge;
  • the scale allows you to analyze the mental abilities of the student, assess the involvement in the educational process and detect his weaknesses;
  • the system is psychologically comfortable - scores from 5 points are already positive;
  • the gap between excellent students and poor students, which is uncomfortable for students, is reduced: all students who receive from 7 to 10 points are successful by definition.


  • the system does not solve the traditional problems of school education: the psychological trauma of poor students, the subjective attitude of teachers, etc.;
  • parents get confused in new scores and do not always understand what this or that score indicates.

Both systems cannot be called ideal, but it is obvious that the 10-point scale is still more comfortable for students and makes the process of assessing knowledge at least a little, but more adequate. Therefore, if there is a choice, it is better to send the child to a school where grades are given from 1 to 10. It is optimal if the child gets used to such a system already from the first grade and studies according to it until graduation. A sharp transition from one scale to another, which is sometimes practiced in domestic schools, brings children only additional discomfort.

An interesting fact: the Finnish school system, which is considered the best in the whole world, has abandoned grades altogether. According to employees of the Finnish Ministry of Education, children study in order to acquire and use knowledge, and not for the sake of getting good grades. The innovative approach has already proved its effectiveness: Finnish graduates are breaking all records of success, and their parents are calm about the psychological health of their children.

In Soviet times, a five-point system for assessing students' knowledge was developed. Its criteria were clearly specified in a special provision, brought to the attention of students, parents and, of course, teachers. And on present stage development educational system Russia needed to modernize it. Let's take a closer look at this system.

Features of the modern grading system

The task of the teacher is to develop in schoolchildren the desire for self-education, to create in students the need to acquire knowledge and acquire skills of mental activity. But to evaluate such student activity, a 5-point system is not enough. Therefore, the problem of finding new evaluation criteria is currently particularly relevant.

There are several reasons for this:

  1. First of all, the five-point grading system is not suitable for determining the level of general cultural skills and special knowledge. And without them, a full-fledged adaptation of school graduates to the realities of society is impossible.
  2. In addition, there is an active development information systems, the possibility of individual growth in the development of which is also difficult to assess at 5 points.

Graduate Requirements

From the walls educational institutions real creators should come out, able to take responsibility, able to solve practical and theoretical problems varying degrees difficulties. And the classical five-point system at school has long been outdated, since it does not fit with the requirements of the new federal standards that are introduced at the primary and secondary levels of schooling.

What determines the effectiveness of training


We repeat that the five-point assessment system, the criteria for which were developed in Soviet times, has lost its relevance and is recognized by leading teachers as untenable, unsuitable for new students. educational standards. It is necessary to modernize it, use new criteria for analysis personal growth schoolchildren and their educational achievements.

Only in the case of bringing the marking scale in line with the basic pedagogical principles, we can talk about taking into account the individuality of each child. Among the priorities that should be taken into account when modernizing the assessment system, we single out the use of a multi-level gradation of grades, due to which the educational achievements of schoolchildren will be adequately assessed.

Many countries have already abandoned the five-point rating system, recognizing such an option as untenable for the modern one. At present, the issue of changing it in Russia is also being decided. So, according to the Federal State Educational Standard primary school traditional points have already been removed so that the guys can develop, improve themselves without experiencing psychological discomfort.