Consumption limit. Total and marginal utility

Biological needs are not reducible to one another and cannot be interchanged.

Not completely satisfied with any of social needs does not cause the death of the organism and can be "compensated" by the development of other needs of this type.

Biological needs are inherent in all living beings, therefore not they determine the characteristics of a person.

However, it was the biological needs that gave rise to, brought to life the social needs that are peculiar to man.

Satisfaction of both biological and social human needs is subject to one goal - reproduction man, his survival on Earth.

This goal is subordinated to functioning , and development person.

Therefore, a person moves towards new, higher and more perfect forms of existence due to the constant expansion and enrichment of the system of his needs, i.e. going on elevation of needs .

Rise of Needs- the most important characteristic of man and human society, which distinguishes him from animals. This is a general sociological law.

The Law of Elevation of Needs- the law of the development of society, expressing the growth and improvement of its needs with the development of productive forces and culture.

The progressive development of production and culture leads to an increase in the means and methods of satisfying human needs. Those commodities that yesterday seemed like a luxury are today becoming vital.

So today it is hard to imagine how people could do without a telephone or a refrigerator, without a TV or a computer.

The time interval between the invention of new means of satisfying the needs of modern man and the introduction of these means into mass production is rapidly shrinking.

For example, it took 112 years for the introduction of photography, 56 years for the telephone, 12 years for television, and solar panels were implemented after 2 years.

Man, subordinating the wild nature to his will, did not immediately realize that he should be careful owner that reserves of natural wealth limited and often irreplaceable .

Rational nature management is significant, first of all, for the person.

Therefore, mankind was forced to seek an answer to the question of necessary and acceptable measure of consumption.

It is very difficult to determine the measure of consumption, as Hegel wrote, “there is no way to set the boundaries of what should be a need; new means are opened up to meet needs, and thus a need arises for new means.

How to find a harmonious balance between a progressive rise in needs and a decrease in the impact on the biosphere on the part of consuming humanity? And how not to go to extremes?

According to legend, he lived in a barrel, trying to convince others that a person can be happy only when he reduces his needs to a natural minimum. But tradition says that he himself found it difficult to clearly distinguish between natural and imaginary needs. “Diogenes had a drinking cup. But when he saw that some person was drinking from his hand, he threw away the mug,” wrote Hegel.

What are the limits of the necessary and permissible measure of consumption?

There is no single, once and for all, correct answer to this question. In each case, it is necessary to determine minimum and maximum consumption limits .

Minimum Limit- the consumption of an individual or human society must ensure its own normal reproduction and development (required measure of consumption) ;

Maximum Limit- human consumption should not contradict the normal functioning and development of the biosphere, of which he himself is a part (permissible measure of consumption) .

Each individual and society as a whole must follow principle of "reasonable sufficiency" in consumption.

The challenge is to put consumption in its proper place among other sources of personal satisfaction and to find a way to live according to the possibilities of the Earth.

I want to ask you a question: imagine that a fortune fell on your head, how much can you spend per month, maximum?

An important condition is that money should be spent exclusively on yourself. For example, the best resorts and hotels, the best restaurants, the best entertainment, best clothes, best food. Only what you can "consume" in a month. You only need to spend on yourself.

Business expenses, large purchases such as yachts, apartments, houses, various contributions, assistance to relatives, charity, etc. we do not consider.

I managed to interview about a dozen acquaintances, of those who do not live "from paycheck to paycheck." Asked how much they managed to spend on themselves when they were at their best. financial form, at the peak of physical abilities and maximum desires.

I added my modest experience to this and that's what happened - it's hard to spend more than $ 20k a month on yourself. Yes, a couple of people admitted to me that they managed to spend under $100k a month, but these were peaks of extreme workload and inhuman willpower. As a result, they still slipped into more moderate consumption - $ 10-20k per month. Weaklings.

Perhaps I will annoy someone with this post, saying that in our country the average salary is $500. But I just want to show that the consumption limit is not as far away as it seems. It is quite easily achieved by both small business owners and employees. $10-20k monthly salary for a top manager at a bank, a project manager for the Big Four, a programmer at Google, etc.

And the main idea is that once having reached the limit of consumption, you begin to understand that happiness from this no longer becomes. Imagine, go to Aliexpress on the day of sales on 11.11 and you can’t buy anything - you don’t need anything, nothing catches you, everything is there, there is nowhere to put it.

Therefore, today in the rubric we will talk about ways to save money. Is it possible, with reasonable savings, to live on $1-2k per month, while feeling that you live absolutely fully and efficiently, practically “at the limit of consumption”, and not “like a rogue”.

So, here are the main ways to save money without complexes, for desperate housewives (add your ideas in the comments):

1. Food. Everyone has already understood that the most healthy food is very cheap. Cereals, sauerkraut, etc. You switch to a healthy diet, get in shape, lose weight, and even save money. Solid pluses.

My grandmother told me that in the 40s after the war she lived in a hostel with 3 friends. Girlfriends spent money mainly on food, and grandmother managed to save even on food and saved up money for a beautiful dress. So she married her grandfather. So that you understand the scale of the competition: grandfather was a handsome man who had just returned from the war to a town where there was a maximum of 1 guy for 10 girls.

2. Alcohol, cigarettes, coffee, tea. The rejection of all this can be easily justified by the transition to a healthy diet. You start drinking just water. You feel even better.

3. Travel. Having visited many countries, one easily comes to the conclusion “No matter how beautiful Shiraz is, it is no better than Ryazan expanses.” There are a lot of imposed advertisements, such as the fact that you must “see Paris and die” or be sure to get “to St. Petersburg for white nights”. This thing works for beginners. Experienced travelers will confirm that there is nothing better than gathering with friends in the kitchen.

Well, if you travel, then again better company, moreover, going to visit someone, and not just “seeing the city”, is many times more interesting and cheaper than with vouchers.

4. Shopping. There is only one win-win strategy: best discount It's not about buying too much. Any other games with bonuses, discounts, etc. are aimed at increasing your spending.

5. Children. Up to 3 years old, the child does not really understand what he was bought, so you can safely buy used or take from friends. And they are pleased and you save. Costs should be translated into investments. If he was sent to English courses, let him work as a tutor for younger children. Entrepreneurial development, again.

6. Credit cards and purchases on credit - it is obvious that we will immediately say “no” here. And if they are formed, then keep in the same currency in which the income and extinguish at the first opportunity. It is better to drive yourself into restrictions that household loans and loans are not available to you in principle, you will quickly find ways to earn more.

7. Mortgage. If it is extinguished from someone's rent payments, then OK, in another case, no. It is better to rent an apartment 5 minutes from work than to live in your own 2 hour drive through traffic jams.

8. Education. Whatever one may say, the best education is self-education. There would be a laptop and Internet access (but it’s better not to save on this - this is an investment).

9. Auto. Moscow has excellent public transport and car sharing.

10. Set aside 10% of all income for a rainy day. This is for peace of mind.

And of course, do not get involved in the game "we are no worse than our neighbors." Less apartment, less car, less things - less mess, less electric bills, less problems.

It is much easier to save when you think not “from need”, but from the fact that you have reached the “consumption limit” (at least mentally, especially since the consumption limit is not as far as it might seem) In this state, you understand: yes, you are all this you can afford it, you just don't really need it.

How do you save? Write the main approaches in

Ever since Soviet times, for exceeded consumption limits, the electricity supplier “punished” the consumer with multiple fines. A similar situation is observed now in the gas market, when, in case of overspending, the consumer pays the supplier the price of gas, increased by a factor of 1.1 or 1.5, depending on the season.
In the electricity market, enterprises and organizations plan their own consumption and provide it in February-March for the next year with details by months.
The annual plan is often adjusted before the start of the electricity supply year.
Another adjustment occurs before the beginning of the month of electricity supply.
And for some consumers, you also need to send an hourly plan "for tomorrow" or "for the day after tomorrow" every day.
With so many applications / adjustments, it becomes completely unclear to the consumer which of his plans affect the final cost of electricity supply, and which do not. Based on what plans are the consumption limits determined and whether they are determined at all.
Let's figure this out.

Planning for the year and for the month.
I can say right away - no plans for a month, as filed before the start calendar year, and before the beginning of the delivery month, do not affect the final cost of electricity supply to the consumer of the guaranteeing supplier.
Moreover, there are no provisions in the current legislation obliging the consumer to provide these plans.
Even advance payments must be calculated by the supplier of last resort on the basis of the actual consumption of the enterprise for the previous month, and not on the basis of the consumption plan.
The provider of last resort only requests plans for its business processes.
The plan for the next year, submitted before April 1, is needed to form an application for the consolidated forecast balance of production and supply of electricity (forecast, according to which the planning of the work of the electric power industry across the country is carried out), as well as for the application of the last resort supplier for tariff regulation and the establishment of a SOE sales margin.
A plan before the beginning of the year, as well as before the beginning of the month, is most often needed by the GP for their business planning.
In this regard, I do not consider it appropriate to refuse the guaranteeing supplier "out of harm" and not to give my planned consumption volumes. However, when carrying out planning, the energy services of the enterprise must understand that deviations from the plans provided by the GP will not lead to any financial liability for the enterprise, much less to multiple fines.

Daily planning.
The rules of the retail electricity market stipulate that the consumer is obliged to inform the GP of the consumption plan two days before the day on which the planning is carried out, as well as to pay for deviations in the actual volume of consumption from the planned values ​​only if the consumer himself demanded and the GP included a condition on consumption planning in the contract. That is, if the consumer has chosen for calculations less profitable for himself.
If the consumer uses others for calculations, no GP plans need to be provided.
Accordingly, no financial responsibility for consumers of 1, 2, 3, 4 price categories of the GP is also provided.
If the consumer himself has not chosen 5 or 6 for settlements with the supplier of last resort price categories, in accordance with the current legislation, he is not at all obliged to send any planned consumption volumes to the last resort supplier.

It turns out that the enterprise can consume any amount of electricity without restrictions?
No. An essential condition of the electricity supply contract is the value in MW. The legislation provides for liability in the form of payment for unmetered consumption according to the permissible current load of the introductory wire (cable), as well as.
For example, if the maximum power of the consumer, set in the technological connection documents, is 500 kW, then for any hour the consumption of electricity by the enterprise should not exceed 500 kWh.
Within the maximum capacity, the consumer has the right to consume any amount of electricity without any approval or notification of the guaranteeing supplier or grid organization.
If the acts of delimitation of the balance sheet belonging of the consumer do not indicate the value of the maximum power, or it is indicated in MVA, it is necessary.

Permitted, declared power.
The consumer should not plan not only the amount of electricity, but also the amount of power.
The concept of "permitted power" is generally absent in the legislation in the field of electric power industry. Within the limits of maximum power, the consumer does not need any permits to consume electricity. And if the volume of electricity consumption per hour is less than the amount of maximum power, then the consumer's power will not exceed the maximum power.
Sometimes, however, they simply confuse the concepts of permitted and maximum power. It happens that the definition of "maximum permitted power" is encountered. The presence of such definitions in documents on technological connection greatly complicates the life of consumers. After all, the network still needs to prove that when calling the power allowed, the consumer meant the maximum.
The term "declared capacity" is in the legislation. But it is used only for relationships between network organizations. The consumer should not have any declared capacity, and even more so sanctions for exceeding it.

Demand planning for electricity supply through an energy sales organization
Unlike an agreement with a supplier of last resort, requirements with an energy sales organization are much less strictly regulated by law and may contain conditions for the consumer to provide consumption plans, as well as liability for deviations from them.
The consumption plan for the coming year is needed by the ESO, as well as the SOE, to form a consolidated forecast balance of production and supply of electricity.
A plan sent by the consumer before the start of the month to form advance payments. Hourly plan for the day ahead is required for applications in trading system wholesale market electricity by a group of consumer supply points. Deviations from this plan are paid by the ESO in the WECM balancing market at less than favorable price than planned consumption.
The requirement not to exceed the maximum capacity applies to consumers, regardless of whether an agreement has been concluded with a supplier of last resort or with an energy sales organization.

You can find out what the consumer should do if the contract establishes penalties for shortage / oversupply of electricity / power, exceeding consumption limits, you can.

Consumption limit rules
electrical and thermal energy

Chapter 1. The procedure for limiting consumers receiving electricity

and thermal energy at preferential tariffs, and control over

established limits

Chapter 2. The procedure for implementing the limits of consumption of electrical and

thermal energy to organizations funded from the federal

budget and control over their implementation

These Rules have been developed in accordance with government regulations Russian Federation dated December 27, 1997 N 1629 "On improving the procedure state regulation tariffs for electric and thermal energy" and dated January 5, 1998 N 5 "On the supply of fuel and energy resources to organizations financed in 1998 from the federal budget"

Chapter 1.

The procedure for limiting consumers receiving electricity and heat at preferential rates, and monitoring the established limits

1. Energy systems annually send to all subscribers who pay for electricity and heat at a reduced rate, a notification with a proposal to justify the right to use the reduced rate, given that by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 N 1629 a significant number of decisions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the application of preferential tariffs were declared invalid and it was established that the energy supply to consumers, for whom the abolition of preferential tariffs for electricity and heat is temporarily impossible, should be carried out on the basis of energy consumption limits.

2. Energy supplying reseller organizations are also notified about the need to establish limits for consumers, the cancellation of preferential tariffs for which is temporarily impossible, and to submit summary data on them to the energy system. The energy supplying organizations-resellers are guided by paragraphs 1, 2 of this Chapter.

3. At the same time, the energy supplying organization applies to the regional energy commission with a request to give a list of organizations that have preferential tariffs for electricity and heat in the current year.

4. The energy consumption limit is set by the state energy supervision bodies on the proposals of the energy supply organization and consumers, taking into account the required minimum energy consumption, the volume of energy consumption in the past year and energy saving measures. The limit is the limit value of energy consumption at a reduced rate, is set in physical terms (kWh, Gcal) and for all consumers (except for the population), cannot exceed the volume of energy consumption of the previous year.

5. The established limit is divided by the consumer (organization), based on the mode of consumption, by months and is entered into the contract. A breakdown of limits that does not correspond to the consumption mode of the organization is not allowed.

6. The established limit is applied from the date of conclusion of the contract or within the time limits established in the contract.

7. Electrical and thermal energy, consumed in excess of the established limits, is paid at tariffs approved in the prescribed manner for the relevant consumer groups (clause 5 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 27, 1997 N 1629).

8. Control over the progress of implementation of the established limits is carried out by the energy supply organization on metering devices. Disagreements that arise in the process of monitoring the established limits between the energy supply organization and consumers are resolved by the state energy supervision bodies, whose decisions can be appealed in the prescribed manner.

9. In case of non-payment for the used energy by organizations that have the right to apply a preferential tariff, energy supply organizations may restrict the supply of energy in the manner established by Decree of the Government of Russia dated 05.01.98 N 1 "On the procedure for terminating or restricting the supply of electrical and thermal energy and gas to organizations - to consumers in case of non-payment for the fuel and energy resources supplied to them (used by them).

Chapter 2

The procedure for the implementation of limits on the consumption of electrical and thermal energy by organizations financed from the federal budget, and control over their implementation

1. Regional energy supply organizations shall send to all organizations financed from the federal budget a notice of the need to obtain limits for the consumption of electrical and thermal energy in monetary and in-kind terms for 1998 from their parent organizations.

2. The notice states that consumers are obliged to submit to the energy supply organization the limits of energy consumption for 1998 approved by the relevant federal ministries and departments, which must correspond to the volumes of planned consumption, taking into account the work on energy saving.

3. Power supply organizations-resellers are also notified about the need for their consumers to receive limits, financed from the federal budget, and provide summary data to the regional power supply organization.

4. The received energy consumption limits are broken down by the consumer by months, based on the organization's consumption mode. It is not allowed to break down the limits that do not correspond to the consumption mode of the organization.

5. If an organization funded from the federal budget has cash to pay for the amount of energy that exceeds the amount of the allocated limit, then it can conclude supplementary contract, where it indicates the amount of energy that can actually pay.

6. On the basis of the limits received and their breakdown by months, energy supply organizations conclude an agreement with consumers for the supply of energy resources within the limits established by them in kind and value terms.

7. The agreements to be concluded provide for the conditions for making clarifications and additions as agreed by the parties, depending on the amount of financing (paragraph 2 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05.01.98 N 5).

8. Control over the progress of implementation of the established limits is carried out by the energy supply organization on metering devices. Disagreements that arise in the process of control between the energy supply organization and consumers are resolved by the state energy supervision bodies, whose decisions can be appealed in the prescribed manner.

9. In case of exceeding the established limit or non-payment for the consumed energy, the energy supplying organization acts in the manner established by the relevant regulatory legal documents.

10. In case of disagreement with the disconnection (limitation of energy consumption) of the consumer from the supply center of the reseller or the main subscriber, the regional energy supply organization involves the inspector of the state energy supervision to participate in the disconnection.

11. In cases where the authority executive power of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, a decision is made to introduce a limitation on consumers financed from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets, in accordance with paragraph 6 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated January 5, 1998 N 5, then both the above procedure can be applied to these consumers, as well as and developed and approved by the relevant subject of the federation.

And about. Minister of Fuel and

Energy of the Russian Federation V.I. Ott

Registration N 1554

How many vitamins and minerals should be consumed daily? To help you understand, below are recommended intake levels for key micronutrients based on RDA (Recommended Daily Intake) provided by the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States. In the case when the recommended amount of consumption of food and biologically active substances cannot be determined, it is used AI (Adequate Intake Level).

Is it possible to get an overabundance of vitamins and/or minerals? Yes. And for this reason the values ​​were set UL (Upper Limit of Consumption). There is an increased risk of adverse events when the UL is exceeded - although these risks are sometimes justified when a nutrient is used for medicinal purposes.

Why does the DV (Daily Value) value indicated on dietary supplement labels not correspond to RDA and AI levels? DV values ​​are set by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration, US Food and Drug Administration) and RDA values ​​are set by the Institute of Medicine of the US National Academy of Sciences mentioned above. From 1968 until July 2015, DV values ​​often did not reflect the latest recommendations from the Institute of Medicine, nor did they distinguish between age and gender needs. As of July 2016, the FDA has updated many of the DV values, bringing them closer to the RDA and adding DV values ​​specifically for infants, children 1 to 3 years of age, and pregnant and lactating women. DV values ​​highlighted in green at the end of each table.

Recommended Allowances and Upper Intake Limits for Major Micronutrients

Abbreviations: g - women, m - men, take - pregnant, feed - breastfeeding, mg - milligram (1000 mg = 1 gram), mcg - microgram (1000 micrograms = 1 mg)


  1. Norms for vitamin A can be expressed both in mcg (micrograms) and in IU (international units). The equivalent of 1 IU in mcg depends on the forms of vitamin E, such as retinol, retinyl acetate or retinyl palmitate.
  2. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for vitamin A applies to retinol forms, but not to beta-carotene.
  3. Folate from dietary supplements is absorbed twice as well as folate from food. Therefore, if you are using supplements as a source of folate, it will be sufficient to take half of the indicated amount. ( Marina's note: here, most likely, synthetic folic acid is meant. Some vitamin/mineral supplements may contain other forms of vitamin B9 and absorption levels may vary)
  4. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for folate only applies to supplements, not regular foods.
  5. The numbers can also be expressed in IU (International Units) (1 μg = 40 IU), but labels now require the value in μg.
  6. RAE = retinol activity equivalent; 1mcg RAE = 1mcg retinol, 2mcg purified beta-carotene from supplements, 12mcg dietary beta-carotene, or 24mcg alpha-carotene, or 24mcg beta-cryptoxanthin (FDA 2016)
  7. DFE = folate food equivalent; 1 DFE = 1 mcg of natural folate = 0.6 mcg of folic acid.

Recommended Allowances and Upper Intake Limits for Supplementary Micronutrients (Start)

Abbreviations: NE - not defined.


  1. The amount of vitamin E can also be expressed in mg (milligrams).
  2. Tolerable upper intake levels for vitamin E, niacin, and folate only apply to synthetic forms in dietary supplements and fortified foods.
  3. The RDA value for vitamin K has not been determined. Values ​​given are based on adequate intake.
  4. Tolerable upper intake levels for vitamin K have not been defined.
  5. Tolerable upper intake levels for thiamine have not been defined.
  6. Tolerable upper intake levels for riboflavin have not been defined.
  7. 1 mg α-tocopherol (label requirements) = 1 mg α-tocopherol = 1 mg RRR-α-tocopherol = 2 mg all rac-α-tocopherol (FDA 2016)
  8. (For α-tocopherol) 1 mg α-tocopherol = 1.5 IU
  9. NE = niacin equivalent; 1 mg NE = 1 mg niacin = 60 mg tryptophan. (FDA 2016)


  1. Because 10% to 30% of older people may have impaired absorption of vitamin B12 from food, it is recommended that those over 50 get their RDA mainly from food fortified with vitamin B12 or supplements.
  2. Tolerable upper intake levels for vitamin B12 have not been defined.
  3. The RDA for pantothenic acid has not been determined.
  4. The Tolerable Upper Intake Level for pantothenic acid has not been defined.
  5. The RDA for biotin has not been determined.
  6. Tolerable upper intake levels for biotin have not been defined.
  7. The RDA for choline has not been determined. Technically, choline is not a vitamin, but is often found together with B vitamins.
  8. The RDA for chrome has not been determined.
  9. Tolerable upper intake levels for chromium have not been defined.

Recommended Allowances and Upper Intake Limits for Supplementary Micronutrients (continued)