Lamp magnetoradiols. Block diagrams of stations

The console magnetic radio "Romance-105" was mass-produced by the Kharkov Instrument-Making Plant. T.G. Shevchenko since 1972.

The radiogram "Romantika-105" was created on the basis of the radiogram "Rigonda-102". The radio receiver of the model is designed to receive radio broadcasts in the ranges of DV, SV, KB1, KV2 and VHF-FM. The model uses a tape recorder panel from a serial radio tape recorder. The "II-EPU-50" electric player allows you to play records from regular and long-playing records of all formats. Unlike the "Rigonda-102" radiogram, the "Romantika-105" radiogram has a more powerful power transformer and an indicator on a 6E3P lamp. The speaker has 2 loudspeakers 4GD-28 and 1GD-28. The dimensions of the magnetoradio are 725x548x360 mm, weight 35 kg.


  1. TRZ Handbook.

Lamp magnetoradiol "Romance-105"

Lamp magnetoradiola "Romance-105" was produced by the Kharkov PSZ named after. Shevchenko. Production since 1972.

The magnetoradiol is designed to receive broadcasts from broadcasting stations in the LW, MW, HF, VHF bands, play back recordings, record programs on a magnetic tape through a microphone, from a radio receiver, from gramophone records and play back recorded programs from it.

The magnetoradiol consists of a 1st class radio receiver, an EPU-50 electrical player II and a 3rd class two-track reel-to-reel tape recorder panel.

On the tape recorder panel of the magnetoradio there are jacks for connecting a microphone, an external electric player for recording, a radio broadcasting line for recording, an external amplifier (Line output), remote control of the tape recorder panel.

The number of tracks of magnetic recording - 2, the speed of the tape - 9.53 cm / s. Recording or playback time of the reel N 15 with tape A 4402-6 - 2 hours.


The overall dimensions of the magnetoradio are 865x660x370 mm. Weight no more than 38 kg.

The magnetoradiol has the following cascades:

  1. VHF unit - on a 6N3P lamp.
  2. 6I1P.
  3. 1st UPC - on a 6K4P lamp.
  4. 2nd UCH - on a 6K4P lamp.
  5. Detector, AGC - on a 6X2P lamp.
  6. 6N2P.
  7. 6P14P.
  8. 6E3P.
  9. 1st cascade of CU on a 6S42N lamp
  10. 2nd and 3rd stages of CU on a 6N1P lamp.
  11. GSP on a 6N1P lamp.
  12. Optical recording level indicator - on a 6E3P lamp.

Received frequency range:

Basic technical data.

3 W.

1 Pa.

Real Sensitivity

AGC action

background level

Not less than - 7 W.

Harmonic coefficient


Electric circuit.

Disassembly and assembly of the radio.


Lamp magnetoradiol "Romance-106"

The Romantika-106 tube radio tape recorder is a modernization of the Romantika-105 model. It uses a new tape recorder panel and has slightly changed appearance.

The radiola is designed to receive broadcasts from broadcasting stations in the LW, MW, HF, VHF bands, play back recordings, record programs on magnetic tape through a microphone, from a radio receiver, from gramophone records and play back recorded programs from it.

The magnetoradiol consists of a class 1 radio receiver, an electric player II EPU-50 and a transistor four-track tape recorder panel (reel type) of the 2nd class “Romance-201”, made on the basis of a unified tape drive mechanism. This is its main difference from the “Romance-105” magnetic radio, which uses a class III tube tape recorder panel.

The schematic diagram of the radio receiver, technical data, the design of the blocks and the entire model are similar to those used in the Romantika-105 magnetoradiol.

The built-in acoustic system of the magnetoradio uses four loudspeaker heads: two types 4GD-35 and two types 1GD-40R. The nominal electrical impedance of the acoustic system is 8 ohms.

There are auxiliary devices in the magnetoradiol: built-in VHF antenna; fixed magnetic antenna (MA) in the LW and MW bands; stepwise adjustment of the WB-MP bandwidth in the AM path; optical setting indicator; smooth adjustment of the timbre of the upper and lower sound frequencies.

There are separate knobs and tuning indicators for AM and FM bands. There are sockets for connecting: external antenna and grounding (for LW, MW and HF bands); VHF antennas; own loudspeakers; external additional loudspeaker; external tape recorder for recording; external EPU and tape recorder for playback.

On the tape recorder panel of the radio there are sockets for connecting a radio receiver, a microphone, an external electric player, an external amplifier "Line Out".

The recording level is controlled by the arrow indicator.

Technical characteristics of the tape recorder: number of recording tracks - 4, tape speed, cm / s - 9.53; 19.05. Recording or playback time of coil No. 15 with A4407-6B ferromagnetic tape and at a speed of 9.53 cm / s - 4, 19.05 cm / s - 2 hours.


Structurally, the magnetoradiol is a floor version in a wooden case on removable legs 120 mm high.

In the upper part of the body under the cover there is a tape recorder panel, below - a radio receiver, and under it - an electric player, in the lower part in an isolated compartment there is an acoustic system. Two loudspeaker heads are located on the front panel and two - on the side walls.

The controls of the radio receiver are displayed on the front panel, the controls of the tape recorder - on the top. On the back wall there are sockets for external connections.

The main elements of the radio receiver, including functionally completed VHF, KSDV IF, ULF and power units, are located on a metal chassis. All these blocks, with the exception of the power supply, are made by printed wiring.

The vernier tuning system of the radio receiver is located on the scale soffit mounted on the radio receiver chassis.

The overall dimensions of the magnetoradio are 865x560x370 mm. Weight no more than 33 kg.

The receiver has the following stages:

  1. VHF unit - on a 6N3P lamp.
  2. The frequency converter - on the lamp 6I1P.
  3. 1st UPC - on a 6K4P lamp.
  4. 2nd UCH - on a 6K4P lamp.
  5. Detector, AGC - on a 6X2P lamp.
  6. Preliminary ULF - on a 6N2P lamp.
  7. The final amplifier - on 2 lamps 6P14P.
  8. Optical tuning indicator - on a 6E3P lamp.

Received frequency range:

  1. Long waves - LW: 150.0 - 405.0 kHz (2000.0 - 740.7 m);
  2. Medium waves - MW: 525.0 - 1605.0 kHz (571.4 - 186.9 m);
  3. Short waves - HF1: 9.36 - 12.1 MHz (32.0 - 24.8 m);
  4. Short waves - HF2: 3.95 - 7.4 MHz (75.9 - 40.5 m);
  5. VHF: 65.8 - 73.0 MHz (4.56 - 4.11 m).

Intermediate frequency in the ranges: DV, SV and HF - 465 + -2 kHz, VHF - 6.5 + - 0.1 MHz.

Basic technical data.

Rated output power- 3 W.

Rated frequency range in the ranges: DV, SV and HF - 63 - 4000 Hz, DV, SV in the "Local reception" mode - 63 - 6300 Hz, VHF - 63 - 12500 Hz, in playback modes of recording and magnetic recording - 63 - 12500 Hz.

Rated mean sound pressure- 1 Pa.

Real Sensitivity at an output power of 50 mW from the input of an external antenna in the ranges: DV - 34 μV, MW - 26 μV, HF - 26 μV, VHF (Rin = 300 Ohm) - 3.5 μV.

Maximum sensitivity at an output power of 50 mW from the input of an external antenna in the ranges: DV - 19 μV, CB - 17 μV, KV - 17 μV.

Adjacent channel selectivity in the ranges of LW and SV with a detuning of + -9 kHz - 52 dB.

Image selectivity in the ranges: LW - 72 dB, MW - 49 dB, HF - 18 dB, VHF - 45 dB.

Maximum input level(not less than) in the ranges: DV and SV - 200 mV, KB - 100 mV, VHF - 25 mV.

AGC action in the ranges of DV, SV and KB: the change in voltage at the input is 40 dB, at the output, no more than - 10 dB.

background level in terms of electrical voltage it is no worse: from the antenna input - -44 dB, from the "Pickup" input and through the playback path of the recording - -50 dB.

Maximum output power not less than - 7 W.

Harmonic coefficient of the entire amplification path for electrical voltage in the ranges: DV, MW and HF with a modulation depth of 0.8 at frequencies (no more than): 63 - 400 Hz - 7%, above 400 Hz - 6%, VHF with a frequency deviation of + -50 kHz at frequencies (no more): 63 - 400 Hz - 4%, above 400 Hz - 3%.

Tone control range(not less) at lower frequencies - 12 dB, at higher frequencies - 10 dB.


The receiver is powered by 127 or 220 V AC, 50 Hz. Power consumption is not more than 80 W during radio reception and not more than 96 W when playing a recording, playing a magnetic recording - 120 W.

Wiring diagram

The magnetoradiol is made according to the functional block principle. The radio includes: U1 - VHF unit; U3 - block KSDV FC; U5 - ULF block; U10 - magnetic antenna assembly; U4 - power supply, U2 - EPU unit.

The tape recorder panel includes: U7 - GPS unit (erasure and bias generator); U8 - block UU (amplifier for playback and recording); U9 - rectifier.

The radio receiver circuit is built on the basis of unified models of the 1st class radiograms, in particular, the Ural-112 radiograms. However, the scheme also has a number of features.

In the KSDV IF (U3) block, to improve the efficiency of the automatic gain control system, an AGC scheme with a delay was used. The AGC voltage is taken from the anode circuit of the lamp L3, rectified by a detector on the diode D2 and fed to the control grids of the lamps L1 and L2. From the same anode, the signal is fed to a special detector D1 of the tuning indicator (lamp 1-L1).

The magnetic antenna (MA) of the LW and MW ranges is non-rotatable.

An additional button B9 (Tape Recorder) has been introduced into the pushbutton switch, with the help of which switching is carried out to record programs from a radio receiver or an electric player.

The power supply circuit (U4) of the magnetoradio has been changed. The KTs401G block is used as a rectifier. The power of the power transformer Tr has been increased, in which there are additional windings 7-8 and 12-13, designed respectively to power the electromagnet (in the remote control circuit of the tape recorder), and the filament of the L1 lamp of the U8 block.

In connection with the use of a more advanced, with a greater visual effect, optical tuning indicator 6ЕЗП, the indicator circuit has been modified: the signal voltage is removed from the anode circuit of the lamp 1-L.1 of the US block, rectified by a special diode D1 (US) and fed to the control grid of the indicator 1- L1.

Disassembly and assembly of the radio

The chassis of the radio receiver of the magnetoradio is removed from the case only after the electric player has been removed.

Removing the radio receiver must be done in the following order: disconnect the plugs located on the back wall of the magnetoradio from the sockets of the VHF antenna and loudspeaker; unscrew the screws securing the upper rear wall and remove it; unscrew the screw securing the frame stop with the tape recorder to the power transformer; disconnect the cables of the electric player from the radio; through the holes in the rear wall of the acoustic compartment, loosen the screws of the stoppers of the electric player and, without removing the screwdriver, lift the stoppers up and fix them in the upper position with the same screws; push the EPU forward and, having passed the cables with the EPU plugs down, remove it from the magnetoradio box: open the cover of the magnetoradio box, unscrew the two screws that fasten the frame with the tape recorder panel to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop (the stop is fixed in the loop, located on the inside of the side wall of the housing); disconnect the cables of the tape recorder from the receiver; unscrew the four screws securing the radio receiver chassis to the body (the screws are located in the compartment of the electric player at the top); remove the radio receiver from the case, pushing it back and gradually lifting the back of the receiver up; before the final removal of the receiver, it is necessary to hold the cheeks dressed on the side ends of the scale.

To remove the tape recorder panel, you must: disconnect the plugs from the VHF antenna and loudspeaker sockets on the rear wall of the case; unscrew the screws securing the rear top wall and remove it; unscrew the screw securing the frame stop with the tape recorder to the power transformer; open the cover of the magnetic radio and unscrew the two decorative screws that fasten the frame with the tape recorder to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop; disconnect the tape recorder cables from the radio; release the stop of the cover of the magnetic radio from the cotter pin and washer; open the cover until the stop is released from engagement with the block and carefully tilt it back, unscrew the three screws securing the tape recorder to the frame, and remove the tape recorder. When unscrewing the screws, it is necessary to protect the tape recorder from accidental falling out.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.


  1. Anisimov Yu.P. and other radio receivers, radios, radio tape recorders, tuners. M.: "Communication", 1980. - S.079-087.

Magnetic radio "Romance"

The outdoor magnetic radio "Romance" was mass-produced by the Kharkov Instrument-Making Plant. T.G. Shevchenko since 1966.

"Romance" - modernization of the "Kharkov-63" magnetic radio. Represents a universal 12-tube combine, including a radio receiver of the 1st class, a universal electric player and a tape recorder. Serves for listening to recordings from ordinary and long-playing records, as well as recording phonograms on magnetic tape, with their subsequent playback. Two-track recording. The transition is carried out by turning the coils and rearranging them from the right side to the left. Tape rewind is provided. Recording speed 9.53 cm/sec. The duration of continuous recording with a coil capacity of 180 meters, 30 minutes each. on every track. Rated output power 2W. Sensitivity 3 mV from microphone, 200 mV from pickup or receiver. Operating frequency range 63-10000 Hz. Relative noise level -40 dB. SOI 5%. Detonation coefficient - 0.3%. Powered by AC 50 Hz, voltage 127/220 V. Power consumption 110 W. Dimensions 1000x310x345 mm. Weight 34 kg. The magnetoradiol has a modern external design with an omnidirectional broadband speaker system. Under the top cover there is a tape recorder panel and an electric player panel. The receiver knobs are displayed on the front panel, the LPM control knobs are located on the tape recorder panel. The amplifier and rectifiers for the anode and grid power supply of the lamps are common for the tape recorder and the receiver. The acoustic system consists of 2 electrodynamic broadband loudspeakers 4GD-28 and two 1GD-28. On the rear wall of the device there are sockets for the antenna, grounding, external or internal VHF antennas, inputs / outputs, remote switch. The tape recorder-prefix of the 3rd class installed in the magnetoradiol is similar to that used in the Kharkiv-63 magnetoradiol - single-speed, assembled on 4 lamps. AF range 63 ... 10000 Hz. Distortion factor 4%. Power supply 127 V. Weight 10 kg.

Magnitoradiolum "Romance-106" was produced by the Kharkov PSZ named after. Shevchenko since 1973.

"Romance-106" is a modernization of the "Romance-105" model. A new tape recorder panel has been used in the magnetoradiol and the appearance has been slightly changed. A transistor 4-track reel tape recorder of the 2nd class "Romance-201" is used, made on the basis of a unified LPM, which is its main difference from the "Romance-105" magnetoradio, which uses a tube tape recorder of the 3rd class. The circuit diagram of the receiver, technical data, the design of the blocks and the entire model are similar to those used in the Romantika-105 magnetoradiol. The tape recorder panel has jacks for connecting a receiver, a microphone, an external EPU, an external amplifier, a jack for a line output. The recording level is controlled by a pointer indicator. The number of recording tracks - 4. The speed of the tape, cm / s - 9.53; 19.05. Recording / playback time of coil No. 15 with A4407-6B ferromagnetic tape at speed, cm / s: 9.53 - 4. 19.05 - 2. Overall dimensions of the magnetoradio, mm - 865x560x370. Weight 33 kg.

Magnetic radio "Romance-M"

Since 1967, the Kharkov PSZ named after T.G. Shevchenko has produced the "Romantika-M" magnetoradiol.

[ 19 ]

Rice. 3.36. Wiring diagram of the KSDV-FC block of the magnetoradio<Романтика-105

Rice. 3.37. Wiring diagram of the ULF magnetic radio unit Romantka-105

grids of lamps L1 and L2. From the same anode, the signal comes to a special detector D1 of the tuning indicator (lamp 1-L1).

The magnetic antenna (MA) of the LW and MW ranges is non-rotatable.

tape recorder panel), and the filament of the L1 lamp of the U8 block.

In connection with the use of a more advanced, with a greater visual effect, optical setting indicator 6ЕЗП, the indicator scheme has been modified:

Rice. 3.3S. My same diagram of the power supply unit of the magnetoracioly Romaitika-105

An additional button a9 (Tape Recorder) has been introduced into the pushbutton switch, with the help of which switching and recording programs from a radio receiver or an electric player are carried out.

prizhriir gyagiyala gnimyartrya from the anode trpp lamp J7.t of the US unit, is rectified by a special diode D / (US) and is fed to the control grid of the indicator 1-L1.

The modes of the electronic tubes of the radio receiver for direct current and the sensitivity at the control points are given in Table 1, respectively. 3.16 and 3.17.


Structurally, the magnetoradiol is a floor version in a wooden case and removable legs 120 mm high.

\g cue ball into the 1st gourmet jteBosQ groove

g, gVitka to start in the 7th ~ tnaVku of the left groove

25 Coil zaVssta in S-fO kaiavk (/

The next move told you

Fleece lead into the groove

Rice. 3.39. Kinematic diagram of the vernier device of the Romantika-105 magneto-radio: / - KSDV tuning indicator; 2-wheel KSDV; 5-wheel block VHF; 4-axis VHF tuning; 5-axis KSDV settings; 6-VHF Tuning Pointer

The scheme of the power supply unit (U4) of the magnetoradio has been changed. The KTs401G block is used as a rectifier. The power of the power transformer Tr has been increased, in which there are additional windings 7-8 and 12-13, designed respectively to power the electromagnet (in the remote control circuit

In the upper part of the case, under the cover, there is a tape recorder panel, below - a radio receiver, and under it - an electric player, in the lower part, in an isolated compartment, an acoustic system. Two loudspeaker heads are located on the front panel and two - on the side walls.

The controls of the radio receiver are displayed on the Shevy panel, the controls of the tape recorder pa-well - on the top. On the back wall there are sockets for external connections.

The main elements of the radio receiver, including the functionally completed VHF, KSDV IF, ULF and whiting units, are located on a metal chassis. All AI blocks, with the exception of the power supply, are perpetually mounted (Fig. 3.36-3.38).

The vernier tuning system of the radio receiver (Fig. 3.39) is located on the scale soffit, installed on the radio receiver chassis.

The data of magnetoradio transformers are given in Table. 3.18.

unscrew the three screws securing the tape deck to the frame, and remove the tape deck. When unscrewing the screws, it is necessary to protect the tape recorder from accidental falling out.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

Magntoradiola Romayatika-Yuv

Romantica-106 (Fig. 3.40) is a modernization of the model<Романтнка-105 . В ней применена новая магнитофонная пайель и несколько изменен внешний вид.

Dismantling and assembling the magnetic radio

The radio receiver chassis of the magnetoradio is removed from the body only after the electric player has been removed.

Removing the radio receiver must be done in the following order:

disconnect the plugs located on the back wall of the iagintoradnola from the jacks of the VHF antenna and loudspeaker;

unscrew the screws securing the upper rear wall B; remove it;

disconnect the cables of the electric player from the radio;

through the holes in the rear wall of the acoustic compartment, loosen the screws of the stoppers of the electric player and, without removing the screwdriver, lift the stoppers up and fix them in the upper position with the same screws;

push the EPU forward and, passing the cables with the EPU plugs down, remove it from the magnetoradio housing;

open the cover of the magnetoradio, unscrew the two vnn-ta that fasten the frame with the tape recorder to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop (the stop is fixed in the loop located on the inside of the side wall of the case);

disconnect the cables of the tape recorder from the receiver;

unscrew the four screws securing the radio receiver chassis to the body (the screws are located in the compartment of the electric player at the top);

remove the radio receiver from the body, pushing it back and gradually lifting the back of the receiver up; before the final removal of the receiver, it is necessary to hold the cheeks dressed on the side ends of the scale.

To remove the tape recorder panel, you must: disconnect the plugs from the jacks of the VHF aitein and the loudspeaker on the rear wall of the case;

unscrew the screws securing the rear top wall and remove it;

unscrew the screw securing the frame stop with the tape recorder to the power transformer;

open the cover of the magnetic radio and unscrew the two decorative screws that fasten the frame with the tape recorder to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop;

disconnect the tape recorder cables from the radio;

release the stop of the cover of the magnetic radio from the cotter pin and washer;

open the cover until the stop is released from engagement with the block and carefully fold it back;

Rie. 3.40. Appearance of the Romantika-106 magnetoradio

In the Romantika-106 magnetoradiol, a transistor four-track tape recorder panel (reel type) of the 2nd class Romantika-201 (Fig. 3.41) is used, made on the basis of a unified tape drive mechanism. This is its main difference from the Romantika-105 magnetic radio, which uses a class III tube tape recorder panel.

Schematic diagram of the radio receiver, technical data, design of blocks and the entire model analogous to those used in the Romantika-105 magnetoradiol.

Lamp magnetoradiola "Romance-105" was produced by the Kharkov PSZ named after. Shevchenko. Production since 1972.

The magnetoradiol is designed to receive broadcasts from broadcasting stations in the LW, MW, HF, VHF bands, play back recordings, record programs on a magnetic tape through a microphone, from a radio receiver, from gramophone records and play back recorded programs from it.

The magnetoradiol consists of a 1st class radio receiver, an EPU-50 electrical player II and a 3rd class two-track reel-to-reel tape recorder panel.

The built-in acoustic system of the magnetoradio uses four loudspeaker heads: two types 4GD-35 and two types 1GD-40R. The nominal electrical impedance of the acoustic system is 8 ohms.

There are auxiliary devices in the magnetoradiol: built-in VHF antenna; fixed magnetic antenna (MA) in the LW and MW bands; stepwise adjustment of the WB-MP bandwidth in the AM path; optical setting indicator; smooth adjustment of the timbre of the upper and lower sound frequencies.

There are separate knobs and tuning indicators for AM and FM bands. There are sockets for connecting: external antenna and grounding (for LW, MW and HF bands); VHF antennas; own loudspeakers; external additional loudspeaker; external tape recorder for recording; external EPU and tape recorder for playback.

On the tape recorder panel of the magnetoradio there are jacks for connecting a microphone, an external electric player for recording, a radio broadcasting line for recording, an external amplifier (Line output), remote control of the tape recorder panel.

The number of tracks of magnetic recording - 2, the speed of the tape - 9.53 cm / s. Recording or playback time of the reel N 15 with tape A 4402-6 - 2 hours.


Structurally, the magnetoradiol is a floor version in a wooden case on removable legs 120 mm high.

In the upper part of the body under the cover there is a tape recorder panel, below - a radio receiver, and under it - an electric player, in the lower part in an isolated compartment there is an acoustic system. Two loudspeaker heads are located on the front panel and two - on the side walls.

The controls of the radio receiver are displayed on the front panel, the controls of the tape recorder - on the top. On the back wall there are sockets for external connections.

The main elements of the radio receiver, including functionally completed VHF, KSDV IF, ULF and power units, are located on a metal chassis. All these blocks, with the exception of the power supply, are made by printed wiring.

The vernier tuning system of the radio receiver is located on the scale soffit mounted on the radio receiver chassis.

The overall dimensions of the magnetoradio are 865x660x370 mm. Weight no more than 38 kg.

The magnetoradiol has the following cascades:

  1. VHF unit - on a 6N3P lamp.
  2. The frequency converter - on the lamp 6I1P.
  3. 1st UPC - on a 6K4P lamp.
  4. 2nd UCH - on a 6K4P lamp.
  5. Detector, AGC - on a 6X2P lamp.
  6. Preliminary ULF - on a 6N2P lamp.
  7. The final amplifier - on 2 lamps 6P14P.
  8. Optical tuning indicator - on a 6E3P lamp.
  9. 1st cascade of CU on a 6S42N lamp
  10. 2nd and 3rd stages of CU on a 6N1P lamp.
  11. GSP on a 6N1P lamp.
  12. Optical recording level indicator - on a 6E3P lamp.

Received frequency range:

  • Long waves - LW: 150.0 - 405.0 kHz (2000.0 - 740.7 m);
  • Medium waves - MW: 525.0 - 1605.0 kHz (571.4 - 186.9 m);
  • Short waves - HF1: 9.36 - 12.1 MHz (32.0 - 24.8 m);
  • Short waves - HF2: 3.95 - 7.4 MHz (75.9 - 40.5 m);
  • VHF: 65.8 - 73.0 MHz (4.56 - 4.11 m).
  • Intermediate frequency in the ranges: DV, SV and HF - 465 + -2 kHz, VHF - 6.5 + - 0.1 MHz.

Basic technical data.

Rated output power- 3 W.

Rated frequency range in the ranges: DV, SV and HF - 63 - 4000 Hz, DV, SV in the "Local reception" mode - 63 - 6300 Hz, VHF - 63 - 12500 Hz, in playback modes of recording and magnetic recording - 63 - 12500 Hz.

Rated mean sound pressure- 1 Pa.

Real Sensitivity at an output power of 50 mW from the input of an external antenna in the ranges: DV - 34 μV, MW - 26 μV, HF - 26 μV, VHF (Rin = 300 Ohm) - 3.5 μV.

Maximum sensitivity at an output power of 50 mW from the input of an external antenna in the ranges: DV - 19 μV, CB - 17 μV, KV - 17 μV.

Adjacent channel selectivity in the ranges of LW and SV with a detuning of + -9 kHz - 52 dB.

Image selectivity in the ranges: LW - 72 dB, MW - 49 dB, HF - 18 dB, VHF - 45 dB.

Maximum input level(not less than) in the ranges: DV and SV - 200 mV, KB - 100 mV, VHF - 25 mV.

AGC action in the ranges of DV, SV and KB: the change in voltage at the input is 40 dB, at the output, no more than - 10 dB.

background level in terms of electrical voltage it is no worse: from the antenna input - -44 dB, from the "Pickup" input and through the playback path of the recording - -50 dB.

Maximum output power not less than - 7 W.

Harmonic coefficient of the entire amplification path for electrical voltage in the ranges: DV, MW and HF with a modulation depth of 0.8 at frequencies (no more than): 63 - 400 Hz - 7%, above 400 Hz - 6%, VHF with a frequency deviation of + -50 kHz at frequencies (no more): 63 - 400 Hz - 4%, above 400 Hz - 3%.

Tone control range(not less) at lower frequencies - 12 dB, at higher frequencies - 10 dB.


The receiver is powered by 127 or 220 V AC, 50 Hz. Power consumption is not more than 80 W during radio reception and not more than 96 W when playing a recording, playing a magnetic recording - 120 W.

Electric circuit.

The magnetoradiol is made according to the functional block principle. The radio includes: U1 - VHF unit; U3 - block KSDV FC; U5 - ULF block; U10 - magnetic antenna assembly; U4 - power supply, U2 - EPU unit.

The tape recorder panel includes: U7 - GPS unit (erasure and bias generator); U8 - block UU (amplifier for playback and recording); U9 - rectifier.

The radio receiver circuit is built on the basis of unified models of the 1st class radiograms, in particular, the Ural-112 radiograms. However, the scheme also has a number of features.

In the KSDV IF (U3) block, to improve the efficiency of the automatic gain control system, an AGC scheme with a delay was used. The AGC voltage is taken from the anode circuit of the lamp L3, rectified by a detector on the diode D2 and fed to the control grids of the lamps L1 and L2. From the same anode, the signal is fed to a special detector D1 of the tuning indicator (lamp 1-L1).

The magnetic antenna (MA) of the LW and MW ranges is non-rotatable.

An additional button B9 (Tape Recorder) has been introduced into the pushbutton switch, with the help of which switching is carried out to record programs from a radio receiver or an electric player.

The power supply circuit (U4) of the magnetoradio has been changed. The KTs401G block is used as a rectifier. The power of the power transformer Tr has been increased, in which there are additional windings 7-8 and 12-13, designed respectively to power the electromagnet (in the remote control circuit of the tape recorder), and the filament of the L1 lamp of the U8 block.

In connection with the use of a more advanced, with a greater visual effect, optical tuning indicator 6ЕЗП, the indicator circuit has been modified: the signal voltage is removed from the anode circuit of the lamp 1-L.1 of the US block, rectified by a special diode D1 (US) and fed to the control grid of the indicator 1- L1.

Disassembly and assembly of the radio.

The chassis of the radio receiver of the magnetoradio is removed from the case only after the electric player has been removed.

Removing the radio receiver must be done in the following order: disconnect the plugs located on the back wall of the magnetoradio from the sockets of the VHF antenna and loudspeaker; unscrew the screws securing the upper rear wall and remove it; unscrew the screw securing the frame stop with the tape recorder to the power transformer; disconnect the cables of the electric player from the radio; through the holes in the rear wall of the acoustic compartment, loosen the screws of the stoppers of the electric player and, without removing the screwdriver, lift the stoppers up and fix them in the upper position with the same screws; push the EPU forward and, having passed the cables with the EPU plugs down, remove it from the magnetoradio box: open the cover of the magnetoradio box, unscrew the two screws that fasten the frame with the tape recorder panel to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop (the stop is fixed in the loop, located on the inside of the side wall of the housing); disconnect the cables of the tape recorder from the receiver; unscrew the four screws securing the radio receiver chassis to the body (the screws are located in the compartment of the electric player at the top); remove the radio receiver from the case, pushing it back and gradually lifting the back of the receiver up; before the final removal of the receiver, it is necessary to hold the cheeks dressed on the side ends of the scale.

To remove the tape recorder panel, you must: disconnect the plugs from the VHF antenna and loudspeaker sockets on the rear wall of the case; unscrew the screws securing the rear top wall and remove it; unscrew the screw securing the frame stop with the tape recorder to the power transformer; open the cover of the magnetic radio and unscrew the two decorative screws that fasten the frame with the tape recorder to the case from above, and, lifting it, fix it with the stop; disconnect the tape recorder cables from the radio; release the stop of the cover of the magnetic radio from the cotter pin and washer; open the cover until the stop is released from engagement with the block and carefully tilt it back, unscrew the three screws securing the tape recorder to the frame, and remove the tape recorder. When unscrewing the screws, it is necessary to protect the tape recorder from accidental falling out.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.