Kim Chan - Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players

About the book

about the author
W. Chang Kim is Professor and Chair of the Strategy and International Management Department at INSEAD, Bruce D. Henderson Boston Consulting Group. One of the most famous business consultants in the world. Member of the Board of Directors of Value...

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About the book
An expanded and updated edition of the best-selling book on 5 continents and translated into 43 languages.

We used to think that competition is a symbol healthy business. However, every year the competition becomes more and more intense, and the struggle for the sympathy of the consumer (and his wallet) is more and more bloody. The business ocean has turned red, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to survive in it.

The authors of "Strategy" are sure - you need to step aside and come up with something completely new. And then in the calm waters of the "Blue Ocean" your business will achieve the desired growth. Jang Kim and Mauborgne Propose detailed instructions to take the company out of competitive stress and create an entirely new business model.

about the author
W. Chang Kim is Professor and Chair of the Strategy and International Management Department at INSEAD, Bruce D. Henderson Boston Consulting Group. One of the most famous business consultants in the world. Member of the Board of Directors of Value Innovation Action Tank in Singapore.

Chang Kim has been an advisor to many international corporations around the world. Professor Kim is now a member of the European Union with advisory functions. Author of a number of articles on the management of multinational corporations. His work has been published by almost every respected business magazine. One of the sensations was Professor Kim's articles on management strategies, which were published by the Harvard Business Review. More than half a million copies have been purchased.

Professor Kim Receives Academy Award international business and the Eldridge Haynes Memorial Foundation for Best Original Work in International Business.

Author of the classic business hit (together with René Mauborgne) "Strategy blue ocean", which is included in the" MIF Golden Library ". The book has been translated into 40 languages ​​and sold over two million copies.

René Mauborgne is an INSEAD Distinguished Fellow, Professor in the INSEAD Department of Strategy and Management, and a member of the World Economic Forum in Davos. Author of a number of articles on management in international corporations.
8th edition, revised and enlarged



Description of the book: This book was developed after the authors analyzed approximately 150 strategic steps that have been used over several centuries by numerous industries. They tried to convey to the readers that success can be achieved not through competition, but through the creation of markets where there is practically no competition. There must be demand in this market, which will contribute to stable development. This book presents analytical tools that almost every businessman can use.

In these days of active fight against piracy, most of the books in our library have only brief fragments for review, including the book The Blue Ocean Strategy. How to find or create a market free from other players (extended edition). Thanks to this, you can understand whether you like this book and whether you should buy it in the future. Thus, you support the work of the writer René Mauborgne by legally purchasing the book if you liked its summary.

What industries can be called alternative to yours? Why do customers choose between them? Paying particular attention to key factors that force buyers to choose between alternative industries, by discarding or downplaying all other factors, you can create a blue ocean of new market space.

Do it conscientiously

A company should never outsource its own eyes. No one can “see for yourself” anything for you. Great artists do not paint their pictures from the words of other people and even from photographs, considering it necessary to see nature with their own eyes. The same is true of great strategists.

six ways

We have been able to find clear patterns in the creation of blue oceans. To be precise, we have found six main approaches to reconstructing the boundaries of markets. We have called this the six-way model. These pathways apply across all industries and put companies on the road to commercial success. profitable ideas blue oceans.

Blue ocean in action

Summing up, we can say that Cirque du Soleil offers the best that is in the circus and theater, and minimizes or reduces all other elements to nothing. With this unprecedented offering, Cirque du Soleil created the blue ocean and invented the new kind"live" entertainment.

Can everyone

Blue oceans are created by both old-timers and newcomers to the industry, casting doubt on the rule that newcomers to creating a new market space have a natural advantage over old-timers.

Company strategies

Explicit or implicit company strategy reflects the desire to outperform competitors in terms of cost or quality. This signals sluggish growth, unless the company happens to be benefiting from an industry that is itself growing. In this case, the growth of the company is no longer due to its strategy, but to luck.

Chris McGoff

Itzhak Adizes

momentum effect

Jean-Claude Laresh

Jim Collins

To friends and family who fill our worlds with meaning

Partner's Preface

You are holding a book on competition and innovation in your hands. More precisely, about how to break out of a tough competitive battle with the help of innovations. And although the authors talk about the need to invent radically new moves in business, the main idea of ​​the book is not something completely new. At one time, Jack Trout introduced the concept of differentiation, developing the ideas of Michael Porter on the topic of competition and positioning. The authors of Blue Ocean Strategy continued to reveal them.

In the red oceans, the most important thing is the ability to swim, overtaking your competitors. The red oceans will never lose their significance and will remain a factor in business life. But when supply begins to outstrip demand, fighting for market share is necessary but not enough to sustain growth. Companies need to move beyond competition. To generate new profits and opportunities for further development, they need to create blue oceans.

In competitive markets (in red oceans), everything is so similar to each other - products and services, promotion methods, etc. - that it is difficult for the consumer to identify one or another company. Increasingly, the choice is made on the principle of "who has the cheapest".

Blue oceans are new markets or niches in existing markets. Having found such a niche, the company no longer has to choose whether to lure the buyer with a low price or offer him additional service. She makes a high-value offer and can charge a high price accordingly.

One gets the impression that the search for the blue ocean is the main and only thing to do. Here you will find the blue ocean, and that's it, life is good. But everything is not so simple. As soon as you find it, it will immediately begin to turn red. The authors talk about the search for an unoccupied yet (!) market niche. If you are first in it, you will have an advantage over those who follow you. It is about conquering new territories and striving to keep them. That is all about the same competition. In fact, the blue ocean remains so until no one has found it.

This book has been translated into 43 languages ​​and has sold over 3.5 million copies! What made her so popular?

Secondly, there are many interesting things in the book, life examples which illustrate its main ideas very well.

Thirdly, the book is written in an accessible language and is easy to read.

Summing up the above, I want to note that the book will be interesting and useful to those managers and marketers who understand the importance of innovation, but have difficulty in finding and implementing them.

Ulyana Samolova,

President of Samolov Group

Guard! My ocean is turning scarlet!

"Guard! My ocean is turning scarlet!" - this is what often worries managers around the world, whether they are company managers, heads non-profit organizations or major government officials. Increasingly, they find themselves in a situation where an ocean of fierce competition is splashing around, from which they must somehow get out. The business is losing profitability or competition has become fierce, and the piece goods produced now have to be put on stream, and even raise prices. Or you have to announce to employees that there will be no increase in salaries. One way or another, the situation is unpleasant. And yet she is familiar to very, very many.

How to solve the problem? The lessons, tools, and techniques of Blue Ocean Strategy will help you do this, no matter what industry or economic sector you work in. You will learn how to get out of the scarlet ocean of fierce competition into the blue waters of markets where there are no competitors, but there are new demand and all the opportunities for sustainable development and profit growth.

We chose the metaphor of scarlet and blue oceans because scarlet oceans are a reality that organizations of all kinds are increasingly operating in, and blue oceans represent the endless possibilities these organizations can create if they look closely at the history of their industry from the very beginning. her first days. We prepared the first edition of the book ten years ago. It sold 3.5 million copies and became a bestseller on five continents. Our book was translated into 43 languages ​​- a kind of record. The term "blue ocean" has firmly entered the language of business. Blue Ocean Strategy has over 4,000 articles and blog posts around the world, with more added every day.

This is an exciting read. Owners small businesses and ordinary people from all over the world write about how our book has changed their outlook on life and helped them achieve professional success on a whole new level. Top executives talk about how the blue ocean strategy helped them see the light, took their business out of the red ocean and created entirely new areas of demand. And so do those in positions of power who have used the blue ocean strategy to bring about rapid and significant change from minimal cost in a variety of socially important areas - to improve the quality of life in the countryside and in the city, to strengthen internal and external security, to reformat federal and regional divisions.

We reached out to organizations that used the ideas in the first edition of Blue Ocean Strategy, worked with many directly, studied the paths they took armed with our ideas, and learned a lot from them. The main questions they asked when implementing the blue ocean strategy were as follows. How to unite all company activities around the blue ocean strategy? What if the blue ocean turns scarlet? How do we resist the sway of the scarlet mindset—we call it the “scarlet ocean traps”—that even those pursuing a blue ocean strategy are attracted to? It is these questions that prompted us to prepare a new, revised edition. In the preface to it, we will first of all tell you what is new in it, and then briefly outline the key, distinctive features blue ocean strategy and explain why we believe it is needed and important today more than ever.

What's new in this edition?

We have completed two new chapters, and in total the book has grown by about a third. Below are the main difficulties and problems that managers face, and here is what we write about it.

The book by Chan Kim and Rene Mauborgne is devoted to a serious topic - business strategy. The topic seems very voluminous, deep and complex, but the authors of this book were able to write about it in such a way that many points become clear. The book presents the information in a structured way, with explanations and examples that inspire and give a better understanding.

Every entrepreneur would like to work in ideal conditions, when his product is in demand, costs are minimal, and there are no competitors. But this rarely happens. And for the most part due to the fact that people do not even try to look at the situation more broadly and find other options. They're just building on what's already there, looking to make more money, or lower the price a little more, or get a little more customers. Such conditions are usually called the red ocean, in which everyone is ready to tear apart all competitors. The authors of the book write that you can do the research yourself and find a blue ocean for yourself, in which there will be no such problems.

The book offers practical tools to help you understand what a business should be like so that there is no competition and there are minimal costs. You need to find your own path that no one has walked before. Here the characteristics of a good strategy are given, it is told what important actions need to be taken. The second part is devoted to clear practical recommendations and examples from the experience of other firms. Readers will be able to evaluate own idea to understand whether it is possible to build on its basis successful business. The third part tells about all the difficulties that may arise, and gives advice. This book can be singled out among others like it, because it contains a lot of useful and practically applicable information.

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