Innovative development program of OAO Gazprom. Innovation activity

Gazprom considers development innovative activity and raising the technological level of the company as priority areas of its activity, since only on this basis can the effective and sustainable development of the oil and gas sector and the Russian fuel and energy complex as a whole be ensured.

Gazprom invests heavily in research and development.

According to this indicator, we are leaders among Russian energy companies and are among the top ten energy companies in the world.

Innovation activity The Gazprom Group provides for the development of long-term plans and programs for the sustainable development of the Russian fuel and energy complex, the development of the raw material base and the creation of new technologies for the efficient extraction of natural raw materials.

In June 2011, the Program was approved innovative development OAO Gazprom until 2020. This document contains a whole range of measures for the development and implementation of new technologies, innovative products and services at the facilities of production, transportation, processing of gas and oil, as well as electricity generation.

The Company's work on the development of innovation activities is also regulated by another fundamental document - the "List of priority scientific and technical problems of OAO Gazprom". All advanced ideas and proposed solutions are submitted to the Scientific and Technical Council of OAO Gazprom, which includes highly qualified specialists. Here, the existing proposals are considered from the point of view of the possibility of their application for the development and development of deposits, the modernization of existing facilities, etc.

Outstanding research, design and development projects in priority areas are nominated for the OAO Gazprom Prize.

One of the most important elements of OAO Gazprom's activities is effective management objects of intellectual property. This ensures the implementation strategic course public policy on the transition to the innovative development of the country, the economic and financial performance of the company is improving.


Main task marketing strategy"Gazprom" in the domestic market is to ensure uninterrupted gas supply to the country while increasing the profitability of sales.

The Russian market is the largest and potentially the most attractive gas market for Gazprom. On the domestic market, the Gazprom Group sells more than half of the gas it sells. In 2010, the Group's gas sales revenue (net of VAT and excise duty) on the domestic market reached 614.7 billion rubles, exceeding the level of 2009 by 24%. Sales volumes amounted to 262.1 billion cubic meters of gas (262 .6 billion cubic meters).

A slight decrease compared to 2009 is associated with the entry into the Gazprom Group in December 2009 of TGC-1, whose gas sales amounted to 6.2 billion cubic meters. m are classified from this period as intragroup.

Currently, Russia has a functioning gas market model that includes the regulated and non-regulated sectors. The dominant position is occupied by the regulated segment of the market. Gazprom is the main supplier in this segment.

Gas produced by Gazprom, in accordance with the Laws of the Russian Federation and Decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation, is sold Russian consumers at government regulated prices. In 2011, the growth of wholesale gas prices in Russia averaged 15% compared to 2010.

Parameters for changing regulated wholesale gas prices are determined by the Government Russian Federation. Specific regulated wholesale gas prices, differentiated by price zones, taking into account the remoteness of consumers from gas production regions and categories of consumers, are approved Federal Service according to tariffs (FTS of Russia). Retail gas prices for the population are set by the administrations of the subjects of the Russian Federation.

Analysis of the priorities of the Gazprom Innovative Development Program until 2020

In 2002-2012 OAO Gazprom's innovative development was implemented according to the variant of catch-up development and local technological competitiveness, focused on re-equipping the economy based on imported technologies, as well as on local stimulation of the development of Russian developments. The demand for innovative domestic technologies for the production of equipment and technologies for building the gas transmission system of OAO Gazprom was determined mainly by the financial limitations of the company's ability to develop based on imports of the latest foreign equipment and technologies. The sector of fundamental and applied science was segmented, concentrated and financed by OAO Gazprom around those areas that had commercial application such as the creation of competitive import-substituting equipment and import-substituting technologies.

Creation latest projects export main gas pipelines"Blue Stream" (Russia - the bottom of the Black Sea - Turkey) in 2001-2003. and Nord Stream (Russia - the bottom of the Baltic Sea - Germany) in 2009-2012. was carried out on the basis of the creation of international concerns that provided equipment and special pipes for high-pressure offshore pipelines, ships and technology for deep-sea pipeline laying, as well as the latest gas pumping units that ensured uncompressed gas supply in offshore areas at distances of 400 km (Blue Stream) ) up to 1200 km (Nord Stream).

If the Blue Stream project (2002-2003) did not use domestic gas pipes on the offshore section of the pipeline, then the initiation of the development of the Russian metallurgical and pipe-rolling industry by OAO Gazprom made it possible in the Nord Stream project (2009-2012). ) to win an international tender for the supply of 25% single-seam high-pressure pipes with a diameter of 1220 mm, a wall thickness of 41 mm and a length of 12 m for the offshore section of the pipeline, manufactured at the latest equipment Vyksa steel plant(Russia) with the development of rolling tube sheets of high-strength steel of class K65 (X80) on the newest domestic rolling mill "5000".

The purpose of developing the Program for Innovative Development of OAO Gazprom in 2011-2020 - determination and systematization of the main directions and tasks of activity in the field of the innovation cycle, optimization of available resources and establishment of indicators of innovative development for the planned period.

The purpose of the "Innovative Development Program" is constant increase technological level of OAO Gazprom to maintain the position of a technological leader in the global energy business.

In table. 1.2 and on the graphs of fig. Table 1.1 shows the results of the technological audit conducted by OAO Gazprom of indicators of the technological level of development of OAO Gazprom and 19 leading oil and gas corporations peace.

Table 1.2. Comparison of indicators of the technological level of development of OAO Gazprom

Rice. 1.1.

Based on the findings of a comparative technological audit in order to identify the most relevant areas of innovative development for OAO Gazprom (technological priorities), an assessment was made of the potential economic effect from the introduction of innovative technologies within each of the company's business processes (production, transportation, processing and sale of gas), the results of which are shown in fig. 1.2.

As the analysis of the results shown in Figs. 1.2, the key areas of technological priorities for OAO Gazprom are:

Gas transportation;

Development of underground gas storage facilities.

Rice. 1.2.

The priority of gas transportation and storage technologies for OAO Gazprom is associated with the following characteristics:

1. one system Gas Supply System (UGSS) of OAO Gazprom in Russia is the world's largest gas transportation system and includes gas production, processing, transportation, storage and redistribution facilities.

2. The UGSS includes 155 thousand km of main gas pipelines and branches, 268 compressor stations (CS) with a total capacity of gas compressor units (GPU) of 44.8 million kW, 6 gas and gas condensate processing complexes, 24 underground gas storage facilities .

3. As a result, technologies that improve the efficiency of main gas transportation and diversify the ways of gas supply to the consumer will give NPV at the level of 159.2 billion rubles. with the total expected level of NPV from the introduction of innovative technologies in all business processes of OAO Gazprom at the level of 449.7 billion rubles. (for the period 2011-2020).

The introduction of innovative technologies that increase the efficiency of main gas transportation and diversify the ways of gas supply to the consumer will lead to:

Reducing capital investments in the construction of linear parts of main pipelines by 8-11%;

Reducing capital investments in the construction of compressor stations by 7-10%;

Reducing operating costs by 4-5%;

Reducing the cost of reconstruction by 10%.

Reducing capital and operating costs for underground gas storage by 10%.

The main innovative technologies aimed at the implementation of the allocated priority "Transportation and storage of gas" are:

1. Technologies for the construction and operation of high pressure pipelines;

2. Technologies for highly efficient gas compression in gas compressor units of a new generation;

3. Technologies for transporting gas in a liquefied and multi-phase state;

4. Technology for generating energy through heat recovery by expander-generators in technological processes at compressor (gas pressure increase) and gas distribution (gas pressure reduction) stations;

5. Technologies for generating electricity for the operation of devices on the linear parts of the main labor pipelines using non-traditional and renewable energy sources;

6. Technologies for the creation of "intelligent" underground and surface gas storage facilities to maintain a stable year-round operation of main pipelines;

7. Technologies for storing gas in a compressed and hydrated state in storage facilities near consumers - new market ground gas storage facilities near consumers on export gas pipelines.

In table. 1.3 shows the main areas of innovation in the implementation of the technological priority - "Introduction of new technologies for the construction and operation of high-pressure pipelines" with an investment of 2.608 billion rubles. (2011-2017).

Table 1.3. Technological priority 5.1 "Technology of construction and operation of high-pressure pipelines"

Technology code

Technology subcode

Creation of equipment and a system for managing the technical condition and integrity of the GTS (SUTSTS) as part of supporting technologies

Development of technologies and creation of equipment and materials for the construction and operation of high pressure main pipelines

Creation of equipment for the production of pipe blanks from steels of strength class X100 - X120 with a sheet thickness of 40 - 48 mm for the manufacture of single-seam pipes with a diameter of up to 1420 mm and a length of 18 - 32 m under an internal pressure of 250 -300 kg / cm2

Creation of equipment, technical means for adaptive automatic arc welding thick-walled high-strength pipes

Creation of equipment, technical means for automatic contact-arc welding for the construction of gas pipelines from thick-walled high-strength pipes

Creation of equipment, technical means for automatic ultrasonic testing and diagnostics of gas pipelines by multi-element acoustic systems

Creation of equipment, technical means for automatic in-line cleaning and drying of gas pipeline cavities

Creation of equipment, technical means for integrated remote corrosion monitoring of offshore sections of large-diameter gas pipelines

Creation of weighted concrete coatings based on euroconcrete for offshore sections and underwater gas pipeline crossings

Development of technologies for gas-thermal deposition of metal corrosion-resistant nano-coatings on parts technological equipment gas pipelines operating in an acidic environment

Creation of volatile migrating corrosion inhibitors and inhibited paint coatings for gas pipelines, including underground gas storage stations

Creation of energy-saving natural gas purification equipment for high-pressure pipelines (up to 11.8 MPa - 120 kg/cm2)

Research and development of regulatory documentation for the welding of new generation gas pipelines from high-strength pipes, incl. with increased seismic resistance

Development of methods for assessing the reliability, risk and safe life of the multi-line gas pipeline "Bovanenkovo ​​- Ukhta", passing in difficult northern climatic conditions and in permafrost zones

Development of technological solutions and technical means for welding pipe steels in the construction and repair of gas pipelines

Development of criteria for assessing the crack resistance of large-diameter pipes made of X80 - X120 steels for new generation high-pressure gas pipelines

Development of a technology for remote parametric diagnostics and monitoring of the current indicators of the technical condition of the gas compressor unit at the UGSS compressor station of OAO Gazprom

Development of a mathematical model and technology for dispatching control of gas reserves in underground gas storages

In table. 1.4 shows the main areas of innovation in the implementation of the technological priority - "Introduction of highly efficient gas compression technology" with an investment of 0.897 billion rubles. (2011-2014).

Table 1.4. Technological priority 5.2 "Technology of highly efficient gas compression"



Essence of innovative technology

Development of a concept for the use of gas compressor units with a capacity of 32-35 MW for the reconstruction of existing compressor stations on the linear sections of main gas pipelines

Creation of a gas compressor with an axial inlet with a capacity of 32-35 MW and an efficiency of 89-90%

Creation of an aircraft-type gas turbine plant with a capacity of 32-36 MW and an efficiency of 40%

Development, manufacture of a low-emission burner using a permeable element for the modernization of combustion chambers of GPU drives

In table. 1.5 shows the main areas of innovation in the implementation of the technological priority - "Introduction of technologies to reduce the total costs in the transportation and storage of gas" with an investment of 0.2 billion rubles. (2011-2017).

Table 1.5. Technological priorities 5.3 - 5.5 "Technologies to reduce the total costs of gas transportation and storage"

“Passport of the Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom Neft until 2025 Contents Introduction 1. Key performance indicators 2. ...”

Program Passport

innovative development

PJSC Gazprom Neft

until 2025


1. Key performance indicators

2. Strategic guidelines

3. Technological challenges and priorities

4. Key innovation projects

5. System for the development and implementation of technologies

6. Interaction with third parties

7. Contact information


Innovative technologies are the most important tool for achieving the strategic goals of companies oil and gas industry. The revolution in the field of unconventional hydrocarbon production was the result of many years of coordinated efforts at the state level to improve technologies.

Today, new technologies allow oil and gas companies to develop hard-to-recover reserves and enter new production regions, increase operational efficiency, remain resilient in an unfavorable price environment and gain access to resources in exchange for technological competencies.

The main goal of the innovative development of Gazprom Neft PJSC in the horizon up to 2025 is to overcome technological challenges that impede the achievement of the company's strategic goals and ensure the company's leading position in the field of enhanced oil recovery at mature fields, the development of hard-to-recover and unconventional reserves, as well as the development and production of catalysts oil refining.

During the first stage of the implementation of the Innovative Development Program, the company achieved significant success both in the development of production technologies and in the field of improving management efficiency:

Increasing production through the introduction of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing technologies in combination with horizontal wells, increasing the efficiency of multi-stage hydraulic fracturing technology.

Exceeding the planned values ​​of the KPI "Production of hydrocarbons through innovative technologies" - the most significant indicator of the Program.

Commencement of production on the Arctic shelf as the operator of the Prirazlomnoye field.

Development of the Drilling Support Center.

Transition of all refineries of the company to the production of motor fuels of the 5th ecological class.

Transition of all refineries of the company to its own katali

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Formation of internal competencies for monitoring and analyzing trends in the field of technological development.

The Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom Neft covers the segments of exploration and production, as well as oil refining and decomposes the indicators of the Strategy of PJSC Gazprom Neft until 2025.


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The value is reached by 2020 and maintained at the target level until 2025.


3.1. Technological challenges and priorities in exploration and production Technological priorities in the field of exploration and production are determined taking into account the need to achieve the company's strategic goals and are reflected in the hierarchy of strategic documents (Section 5). For example, an increase in production to 100 million toe. per year by 2020, maintaining the specified level until 2025 – strategic goal, the achievement of which is hindered by a number of problems (challenges):

1. Decrease in production volumes at mature fields

2. Increase in the share of new (more complex) types of fields in the production profile:

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PJSC Gazprom Neft has compiled a list of technological challenges in the field of exploration and production, grouped into ten priority areas of technological development, which fully covers all the technological tasks of the company:

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Strategic goals in terms of depth and yield of light oil are achieved primarily through the implementation of modernization programs for oil refineries of PJSC Gazprom Neft. Since modernization programs involve the introduction of mature technologies, the projects included in them are not included in the updated Innovative Development Program.

PJSC Gazprom Neft is also implementing R&D programs in the field of oil refining, including projects for the development of innovative solutions aimed at increasing the margins of oil refining and improving product line. Given the maturity of the industry and market conditions, the struggle for marginality and product improvement are the main priorities of the refineries of the leading companies in the industry.

The list of technological challenges of Gazprom Neft PJSC in the field of oil refining, grouped by technological priorities of the Innovative Development Program, is given in the table below.

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Implementation of a set of technologies, Pilot tests aimed at improving drilling technologies and well completion well productivity at the company's facilities

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Development and production of catalysts Co-investment in the project of catalytic cracking and catalytic production of hydrogenation processes


TECHNOLOGY The technological development system of PJSC Gazprom Neft is aimed at overcoming technological challenges - technological problems that impede the achievement of the goals of the Company's Strategy. All technological projects in the field of exploration and production are implemented in accordance with the Technological Strategy.

Hierarchy of strategic documents of Gazprom Neft PJSC

The technological strategy contains technological challenges and solutions grouped by areas. The document also indicates the method of obtaining the necessary technologies - purchase, adaptation to the company's conditions or development.

Technological strategy development methodology Technological strategy is detailed in the Long-term technological programs containing a roadmap for the implementation of the direction, a list of projects, funding volumes and a project implementation schedule. Long-term technology programs are updated annually.

Criteria for making decisions on the development or acquisition of technology

According to the Policy of PJSC Gazprom Neft in the field of innovation, the use of off-the-shelf technologies is a priority if there are technologies on the market, the effectiveness of which has been confirmed at the industrial level. The company is interested in buying technological solutions brought to an industrial level, in a package with technological service. Ready-made solutions account for more than 90% of Gazprom Neft PJSC's technological development costs.

However, the technologies available on the market cannot fully meet the needs of the company. In particular, the market does not offer universal ready-made solutions for increasing oil recovery from depleted fields and developing unconventional reserves.

In the absence or insufficient efficiency of technologies available on the market, the company performs R&D to develop necessary decisions. The bulk of R&D is carried out in partnership with external organizations: domestic scientific organizations and universities, small and medium-sized businesses, as well as foreign oil and gas companies and technology developers. In the oil refining segment, the share external organizations in technology development projects is 100%.



6.1. Purchase of ready-made technologies

When purchasing ready-made technologies, the company is guided by the following criteria:

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The process of integrating external innovative solutions in the company is shown in the figure below.

Considering that the technological development of the company is carried out mainly through the implementation of solutions offered by external suppliers, an important task is to effectively inform the subjects of the innovation environment about the target technological solutions.

A window was created on the company's website in the "Technologies in the field of oil refining" section for submitting external applications for the development of oil refining technologies or information about the finished technology offered for purchase.

In accordance with tender procedures operating in the company, information about the projects planned for implementation is sent to potential suppliers of technologies and services at the stage of selecting suppliers. Suppliers are selected based on the results of a comparative evaluation of proposals.

The main mechanisms of interaction between Gazprom Neft PJSC and equipment manufacturers, as well as companies in the oil and gas sector under import substitution programs:

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6.2. Implementation educational programs The analysis conducted by Gazprom Neft PJSC indicates a sufficient level of staffing in the main areas of activity at the time of updating the Program. After 2020, there may be a shortage of specialists in the field of hard-to-recover reserves and enhanced oil recovery technologies, which may hinder the large-scale implementation of key technologies that are currently under development and testing. In particular, the performed analysis indicates a limited circle of Russian specialists with the necessary competencies in the field of chemical technologies for enhanced oil recovery.

Other priority training - integrated conceptual design. Gazprom Neft PJSC considers conceptual engineering technologies to be a strategic area in which the company has developed unique competencies. Given the novelty and high potential of this area, the company expects an increase in demand for relevant specialists in the medium term.

Another priority for the company in the area of ​​personnel training is technologists of oil refineries.

Special mention deserves the company's demand for specialists in the field of catalyst production, as well as plant operators for subsequent employment at a catalyst factory in Omsk.

Interaction with flagship universities

PJSC Gazprom Neft cooperates with more than 20 universities in the direction of educational programs. The company has seven flagship universities - higher educational institutions that cooperate with Gazprom Neft PJSC in the field of training specialists within the framework of specially developed programs.

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federal state budgetary educational institution higher education"Russian State University of Oil and Gas (national research university) them. THEM. Gubkin

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Omsk State Technical University"

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Ufa State Oil Technical University"

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Saint Petersburg Mining University"

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Tyumen Industrial University"

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "Peter the Great St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University"

Federal State Educational Institution of Higher vocational education"Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University)"

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At the time of updating the Innovative Development Program, the company created three basic departments.

In the structure of the Russian State University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin since 2010 has been a member of the basic department of geology of hydrocarbon systems. The department prepares masters under the program "Technologies for modeling hydrocarbon systems."

The base department of the Omsk Oil Refinery at the Omsk State Technical University, established in 2014, trains specialists in the areas of "Machines and apparatus chemical industries», « Chemical Technology natural energy carriers and carbon materials”, “Systems and technical means automation and control"

and masters in the program "Automation technological processes and productions."

In 2015, at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after I.M. Gubkin, the department of technologies for increasing oil recovery for objects with complicated conditions was opened - the third basic department of the company - and the preparation of masters in the specialty "Development and application of reagents and technologies for the extraction, transport and processing of hard-to-recover reserves" has begun.

When creating basic departments, the company is guided by the following principles:

1. The university where the department is opened is based in the region where the subsidiary of Gazprom Neft PJSC is present, either the parent company or

2. The university has competencies in technology areas that are priority for the company.

Development and implementation of higher professional education programs Gazprom Neft PJSC develops and implements targeted training programs for personnel, in particular, master's programs aimed at training specialists in the field of oil production and refining. Employees of the company are also involved in the examination of professional standards.

Since the conclusion of a cooperation agreement with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (GU) in 2014, a master's program in the specialty "Fundamental and Applied Geophysics" has been implemented.

Since 2014, Gazprom Neft, together with the French Petroleum Institute, IFP Training, Russian University of Oil and Gas. THEM. Gubkin, Omsk State Technical University is implementing a master's program in vocational training oil refining specialists. The program is designed for two academic years, the result of the training is the defense of a graduation project under the supervision of the leaders of the Logistics, Processing and Marketing Block of Gazprom Neft PJSC. At the end of the course, a diploma of the French Institute of Petroleum is awarded, which confirms the international specialized education of specialists.

Since 2015 Gazprom Neft PJSC and St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University have opened a master's program in Mathematical Modeling of Oil and Gas Production Processes.

In partnership with Tyumen state university opened in 2016 Master Program"Conceptual engineering of oil and gas fields".

6.3. Joint development of technologies The interaction of the company with universities and scientific organizations in the field of technology development is carried out in the areas of joint R&D and technological expertise of projects.

Universities and scientific organizations perform R&D in the interests of the company in the following priority areas:

1. Technologies for involvement in the development of unconventional reserves.

2. Methods for enhanced oil recovery.

3. Catalysts for catalytic cracking and hydrogenation processes.

4. New oil refining processes that are significantly superior to existing technologies in terms of economic efficiency and ecology.

The main forms of cooperation are the conclusion of R&D contracts and strategic cooperation agreements, the creation of consortiums and joint research infrastructure, participation in the implementation of projects as an industrial partner.

The R&D program in the field of oil refining is 100% implemented in partnership with domestic scientific organizations, universities and technology companies.

Works are carried out under R&D contracts; Cooperation agreements have been concluded with three scientific organizations.

The decision to conclude a strategic cooperation agreement is made on the basis of the following criteria:

1. The partner organization has competencies in technology areas that are critical for the company

2. The company is carrying out/planning to carry out a large number of projects jointly with the organization in question.

Proposals from universities and scientific organizations to perform R&D jointly with PJSC Gazprom Neft are considered by the Technology Directorate (exploration and production) or the Oil Refining Directorate (refining segment) with the participation of the Strategy and Innovation Department. Proposals in the field of oil refining can be sent through the portal of Gazprom Neft PJSC.

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1. Performing R&D together with the participants of the technology platform.

2. Carrying out regular communication activities within the framework of the platform.

3. Involving representatives in the examination of the company's innovative projects, in particular, within the framework of the Scientific and Technical Council of Gazprom Neft PJSC for oil refining.

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6.5. Access to innovation infrastructure In 2015, a technopark was created in Omsk on the basis of OOO Avtomatika-service, a subsidiary of PJSC Gazprom Neft, which is simultaneously:

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Technological directions on which the technopark focuses:

1. Means of measurement and automation.

2. Distributed control systems and emergency protection.

3. Production management systems.

Equipment manufacturers and technology developers in the above areas are invited to cooperate within the technopark.

Technopark uses an accelerated procedure for making decisions on the implementation of products based on the results of testing - the average time from the end of testing to a decision is two weeks.

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In 2016, a pilot catalytic cracking unit was put into operation on the territory of the Omsk Refinery to test catalysts at the request of Gazprom Neft PJSC enterprises and external organizations. Testing will allow you to choose the most effective catalysts and optimize technological conditions catalytic cracking process. An expansion of the fleet of pilot plants is planned for the coming years.


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The Board of Directors of PJSC Gazprom reviewed and took note of the information on the implementation of the Company's Innovative Development Program until 2025, including issues related to the efficiency of disbursement of funds allocated for research and development.

It was noted that Gazprom is consistently focused work to improve the efficiency of innovation. An effective tool for determining the main tasks and areas of work in this area is the Innovative Development Program until 2025. Its implementation makes a significant contribution to the sustainable development of PJSC Gazprom.

Much attention is paid to the implementation of research and development work (R & D) and pre-investment studies. For these purposes, the company annually allocates a significant amount of funds. In 2017 alone, it amounted to 8.2 billion rubles. Last year, over 325 R&D results were implemented at the facilities of the Gazprom Group, the expected economic effect is over 310 billion rubles.

Gazprom is improving the corporate intellectual property management system. In particular, the Patent Strategy of PJSC Gazprom until 2025 is being developed. It will optimize the work of the company in the field of legal protection of the created technical and technological solutions. Gazprom is actively working on patents. For example, in 2017, the company received over 200 patents and filed over 250 new applications.

A program of scientific research and development carried out by institutes has been formed and has been implemented since 2017 Russian Academy Sciences in the interests of PJSC Gazprom.

Another important direction in the implementation of the Innovative Development Program is cooperation with Russian institutions and universities. In 2017, four new research and development programs were approved that universities are doing for the company. Gazprom is actively involved in the development of new and improvement of existing educational programs that meet the strategic long-term interests of the company. In 2017, such work was carried out in 72 programs.

In addition, Gazprom is closely cooperating in science and technology with companies from related industries and foreign partners.

The Board of Directors approved the 2017 Progress Report on the implementation of the Innovative Development Program and the updated PJSC Gazprom Innovative Development Program until 2025.


The Innovative Development Program of PJSC Gazprom until 2025 was approved in June 2016. The main goal of the Program is to constantly improve the technological and organizational level of the company's development in order to maintain the position of a global energy company and a reliable supplier of energy resources.

The development of the oil industry is subject to the same laws as the development of any other industry and the economy as a whole. We are talking about discreteness, technological breakthroughs that become a response to changing external conditions and determine the vector of further development of the industry for decades. The invention of the internal combustion engine and the displacement of almost all alternative types of power plants led to a technological revolution in the fields of oil production and refining, which until the middle of the 19th century was extracted from the ground by artisanal methods and used almost exclusively for lighting. The enormous growth in industry scale and production efficiency was associated with the emergence of artificial lift technologies, the change from percussion drilling to rotational drilling, and the introduction of downhole pumps.

A more recent example is from Soviet reality: the technical re-equipment of the industry associated with the post-war recovery of the economy, the introduction in the 50s of the last century in the USSR of field development systems with the maintenance of reservoir pressure made it possible to increase oil production (with gas condensate) from 1950 to 1960 four times - from 37.9 to 147.9 million tons. The result of the development of geological prospecting and geophysical technologies and methods was the discovery of unique West Siberian deposits, such as Samotlor.

Western companies, unlike Soviet oil companies, were not provided with an accessible resource base, organized a real industry scientific and technological revolution: the development of complex and offshore fields required a new level of automation, the development of innovative construction materials and advanced drilling methods. The revolution was successful - for example, the development of tar sands in the province of Alberta brought Canada's share in the structure of world oil reserves from 3 to 15%. And the latest technological breakthrough in the oil industry - the development of shale oil production technologies - threatens to redraw the entire oil map of the world, making North American states - the USA, Canada and Mexico - import-independent by 2020. Today in Russia, the chances of discovering new unique deposits of easily accessible oil are also virtually zero, which means that the transition to innovative development is inevitable.

revolutionary situation

According to the data given during the development of the general scheme for the development of the Russian oil industry, 2,750 oil fields have been explored in the country. 1,580 of them are under development, 78% of the country's reserves are concentrated here. And almost all operating fields are characterized by a high degree of depletion of explored reserves - more than 60%. 1170 fields have not been put into development due to the presence of any difficulties: distance from infrastructure, difficult geological conditions, non-standard oil properties or small scale deposits...

Only a third of all explored reserves in the country are active; 67% are hard-to-recover. At the same time, the efficiency indicators for approving reserves by the State Commission have remained unchanged for 60 years: the oil recovery factor (ORF) fluctuates between 30 and 40% on average. And it's in normal conditions, and in the development of low-permeability reservoirs, the oil recovery factor is 16-20%, high-viscosity oil - 5-35%, sub-gas zones - 10-30%. Technologically unprepared at the beginning of the 21st century, the Russian oil industry met the need to develop the fields of Yamal and the north of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the shelf of the Arctic seas, where, meanwhile, the main potential for expanding the country's resource base is hidden.

Do not forget that innovations provide access to new resources, including by reducing production costs. According to experts, with existing technologies and existing levels of efficiency, specific capital investments per ton of new capacity and the labor intensity of extracting a ton of oil increase - respectively, with the development of low-permeability reservoirs, on average, 3.8 and 2 times; under-gas deposits - by 5.5 and 2.7 times; high-viscosity oil - by 6.8 and 2.9 times. And there are more than enough examples of the "work" of new technologies in this direction. For example, in 1985, at a price of $30 per barrel, the development of extra-heavy oil in the Orinoco basin was unprofitable. For getting effective technologies it took a little more than 10 years to extract such hydrocarbons - in the late 1990s, ExxonMobil, Total, ConocoPhillips already launched large projects in the region, and in a much worse situation: the price of oil fell to $15 per barrel.

Foreign countries will help us

The Russian oil industry has not updated its technological baggage for several decades, eating away, in fact, the Soviet legacy and making the most of the simplest developments, such as hydraulic fracturing. This is already clearly not enough not only to develop new territories, but also to maintain an acceptable level of decline in base production, to provide the domestic market with petroleum products of the required quality. And the mechanism of innovative development was launched.

In production - mainly through the creation of alliances with leading international companies with the necessary technology. For example, Rosneft plans to develop the Arctic shelf together with ExxonMobil, Gazprom Neft, following Gazprom, has entered into a strategic agreement with Shell. The memorandum, which was signed in April by Gazprom CEO Alexei Miller and Jorma Ollila, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Royal Dutch Shell Plc, defines the principles of cooperation in the exploration and development of hydrocarbon reserves on the Russian Arctic shelf, and the document signed by Gazprom Neft Chairman of the Board Alexander Dyukov and Executive Vice President of Royal Dutch Shell Plc Andrew Brown, concerns the exploration and production of the Bazhenov-Abalak formation, which in its structure is in many respects close to shale oil fields. The companies will create a special joint venture, which, in fact, will serve as the Russian competence center for the development of oil shale reserves.

However, on more traditional projects, modern technologies such as horizontal drilling with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing are already being used quite actively. Here, the partners of Russian oilmen, including Gazprom Neft, are Western service companies, such as, for example, Schlumberger.

In the field of processing, innovative development is also based on the use of processes licensed by foreign companies. This allows in short time significantly improve the technological level of refineries. There are, however, exceptions: for example, the Omsk and Moscow refineries of Gazprom Neft use domestic technology for the isomerization of light naphtha, one of the key processes for the production of high-octane gasoline.

But this is the exception, and present stage the search, selection and adaptation of “foreign” technologies for their own needs is perhaps the only way for the Russian oil industry to promptly respond to new challenges. However, it is obvious that innovative development is the only way today to obtain competitive advantage. And Russian oil companies are developing their own strategies for innovative development, harmonized in terms of goals and resources with corporate strategies. This year, Gazprom Neft also introduced an innovation strategy that supplements and details Gazprom's current innovation development program.

Innovation Expectations

In the innovative development program of Gazprom Neft, designed for a period up to 2020, research and development work is grouped according to the same technological priorities as in the Gazprom strategy. The main tasks - effective exploration and development of deposits in difficult geological and climatic conditions; economically viable and energy-efficient production from depleted fields, as well as the development of oil refining and petrochemistry.

According to the calculations of the company's specialists, increasing oil recovery and productivity of wells through the use of electronic field technology, the introduction of new methods of hydraulic fracturing and sidetracking, in combination with the implementation of an energy efficiency program, will reduce the rate of decline in base production by 10%. The use of high-resolution seismic, the development of a program for drilling horizontal wells with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing, the development of technologies for the production of high-viscosity oil in under-gas deposits and methods of work on land and the shelf of the Arctic will allow involving 500 million tons of low-productive reserves into profitable development. The development of shale oil production technologies will bring the company up to 150 million tons of reserves, and the potential for production growth due to an increase in oil recovery factor using alkali-surfactant polymer flooding and air injection with in-situ combustion is about 170 million tons more.

A large part of the innovative development program for oil refining is tied to the company's ongoing refinery modernization programs. The reconstruction and commissioning of new units will significantly reduce the production of fuel oil (from 17% in total production in 2013 to 3% in 2020), increase the yield of light oil products (from 64.1 to 77.6%) and the depth of processing (from 80 to 93%).

However, innovation plans are not limited to projects based on the introduction of existing technologies. Gazprom Neft specialists, in partnership with scientists, are also working on a project of fundamentally new technologies, such as processing associated petroleum gas into synthetic oil, hydroconversion of tar on nanoscale catalysts, and alkylation on solid catalysts. However, the solution of such large-scale tasks requires symmetrical organizational support.

Patches for science and education

One of the most important organizational change- introduction project management in the field of innovation. To assess and meet the technological needs of the company, a technology management system will be implemented. And to collect information about best practices within the company, its dissemination, the formation of an environment for the creation of new knowledge within the organization and the possibility of collective formation of ideas in 2013, the construction of a knowledge management system begins.

However, in order for the new organizational mechanisms to work, not only now, but also in the future, it is necessary to provide innovative processes with personnel of appropriate qualifications. At the same time, specialists should be initially “included” in the problems of the company and the industry. This task is intended to be solved by the program of cooperation with higher educational institutions who will be engaged in targeted training of specialists, as well as retraining and advanced training of Gazprom Neft employees. For seven years (until 2020), it is planned to invest 554 million rubles in sponsorship of universities.

Such programs exist in other Russian oil companies, which, in fact, close the gaps that appeared in the system of specialized education in the 1990s. To liquidate the consequences of yet another failure - in systemic sectoral applied scientific research - a program of cooperation with major specialized scientific organizations and research institutes is called upon. Universities will also be involved in research and development (R&D). An example of such cooperation is the opening in 2012 of the Joint Research Center for Innovative Technologies (ONIC), which combined the competencies and human resources of the Gazprom Neft Science and Technology Center and the Gorny National Mineral Resources University.

The share of hydrocarbon production in Gazprom Neft should increase to 20% due to innovative technologies.

“Cementing” the resurgent sectoral system of innovative development is called upon, among other things, by private-state technological platforms, such as “Technologies for the production and use of hydrocarbons” and “Deep processing hydrocarbon resources", participation in the work of which - component innovation strategy of Gazprom Neft.

economic connection

A declaration becomes a strategy only when it receives clear, digitized goals. To assess the effectiveness of innovations, Gazprom Neft has developed a system key indicators. For example, through the use of innovative technologies, operating costs in projects up to 2020 should be reduced by at least 5%; labor productivity in exploration and production to grow by 2-5% per year, in processing - by 7% in seven years, and the share of hydrocarbon production due to innovative technologies in the total volume - to increase from 0 to almost 20%. However, speaking of goals, it is worth remembering one of the information inputs, which plays an important role in the development of innovative strategies - the forecast of changes in the external situation. With this in Russia, everything is not easy. The work of the domestic oil industry under the existing tax regime is tantamount to work at the price of a barrel of oil at $30-35. But innovative technologies begin to work effectively to reduce costs only after they cease to be innovative. The search for and implementation of new methods is an extremely expensive process. And if we talk about the extraction of hard-to-recover reserves, then technologies become effective only at a high level of oil prices. “High oil prices in the world make it possible to use expensive technologies for extracting oil from the depths, which was previously considered unrecoverable,” explained Sergey Vakulenko, head of the strategic planning department at Gazprom Neft. - Yes, it costs $50, 60, 70 per barrel to extract it, but in a $100 world it makes sense. You can compare this with gold mining: once they were looking for native gold, then they began to wash tons of sand for the sake of grains, and then they began to extract gold from ore using chemical reactions and through dozens of complex processes - each transition meant an increase in the cost of production by an order of magnitude, but the price of gold enabled the use of these technologies.

The exclusion of R&D costs from the taxable base could launch the technological development of the industry at full capacity, but so far the state does not have a comprehensive solution for innovative stimulation of the industry. Certain conditions for the development of hard-to-recover unconventional reserves are created through the provision of tax incentives, but at the same time, we are again talking about an increase in the tax on the extraction of minerals.

“Of course, statements about plans to revise and increase the tax burden will force oil companies to recalculate investment projects and programs, - Alexander Dyukov, Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Neft, commented on this possibility in a recent interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel. - But not only the level of the tax burden is important for oil companies, but also its stability and predictability. So it turns out that Lately issues of revising excises, mineral extraction tax, export duties are raised quite regularly, and this, of course, prevents companies from making long-term investment decisions.”

The emergence of innovative strategies for Russian oil companies is a confirmation that the restoration of technological competitiveness is becoming one of the business priorities. If this direction is supported at the state level, not only the fuel and energy complex will benefit. Growth in oil production due to a reduction in the specific tax burden, involvement in the development of new reserves will ensure an increase in total tax revenues and the development of other sectors of the economy. It suffices to recall what kind of technological impetus in the 1960s-1970s the development of the oil and gas complex in Western Siberia gave to the construction, aircraft and shipbuilding, and mechanical engineering sectors.


FROMYergey Vakulenko, Head of Strategic Planning Department, Gazprom Neft:

Gazprom Neft quite consciously chose today's innovative philosophy. IN technological development There is such a thing as the “curse of the pioneer”: someone spends a lot of time and effort on creating technologies, while others follow him. We now have some catch-up advantage, we see a sufficient number of technologies on the shelf that are already commercialized to a fair extent, and we do not need to spend time, money on their development, or run into obstacles.

We have a few more years to competently search for the necessary in the library of already mature technologies, select what can be applicable to us, adapt it to our conditions and distribute it. Today we position ourselves as a competent integrator. This is one of the corners of our strategy, and there is nothing wrong with that. We simply choose the right tools from the existing base for the highest quality development of those fields that we have in our portfolio. That is, our innovation lies in the ability to quickly track what is happening on the market and implement it into production.

We are already working on the creation of our own breakthrough technologies, but this is work for the future, as long as the position of a smart buyer is optimal for the stage of development at which Gazprom Neft is today.

Text: Igor Sviriz