Factors of development of the personnel of the organization. Development of personnel in the organization

The term "development" is often applied to personnel or human resources.

A.P. Egorshin defines "human resource development" as a complex and continuous process of comprehensive development of the personality of the organization's employees in order to increase the efficiency of their work.

According to V.M. Maslova, personnel development is a set of activities aimed at developing the human potential of organizations.

In the interpretation of P.E. Schlender, human resource development is a system of activities aimed at supporting trainable employees, disseminating knowledge and best practices, training young qualified employees, understanding the importance of employee development and reducing staff turnover by management personnel.

According to the definition of R. Harrison, the strategic development of personnel, labor resources is "development that comes from a clear understanding of the abilities and potential that works in the strategic structure of the business as a whole." Personnel development is one of the most important factors in the success of an organization.

Personnel development - a set of organizational and economic measures of the personnel management service:

    On training, retraining, advanced training of personnel;

    On professional adaptation;

    Evaluation of candidates for a vacant position;

    According to the current periodic evaluation of personnel;

    Business career planning;

    Working with personnel reserve.

The process of learning a person takes place throughout his conscious life. Primary education is carried out in schools, technical schools, colleges and lyceums. Secondary training takes place in universities, institutes and faculties of advanced training and retraining of personnel, in training centers, specially organized courses and seminars, etc. The purpose of training is to receive education.

Education is the process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary to prepare a person for life and work. The level of education is determined by the requirements of production, the scientific, technical and cultural level, as well as social relations. Education is divided into two types: general and vocational. Education must be continuous.

Lifelong education is the process and principle of personality formation, which provides for the creation of such education systems that are open to people of any age and generation and accompany a person throughout his life, contribute to his constant development, involve him in the continuous process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and methods. behavior (communication). Continuous education provides not only advanced training, but also retraining for changing conditions and stimulation of continuous self-education.

Vocational education as a process is one of the links unified system continuous education, and as a result - a person's readiness for a certain type of work activity, profession, confirmed by a document (certificate, diploma, certificate) of graduation from the relevant educational institution.

Personnel training is the main way to get professional education. This is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers, mentors, specialists, managers, etc.

There are three types of training: training, advanced training and retraining of personnel.

Personnel training - systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, possessing a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication.

Professional development of personnel - training of personnel in order to improve knowledge, skills and methods of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion.

Retraining of personnel - training of personnel with the aim of mastering new knowledge, skills and methods of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

Patriotic and overseas experience developed three concepts for training qualified personnel, the essence of which is given below.

The concept of specialized training is focused on today or the near future and is relevant to the respective workplace. Such training is effective for a relatively short period of time, but, from the point of view of the employee, contributes to the preservation of the workplace, and also strengthens self-esteem.

The concept of multidisciplinary training is effective from an economic point of view, as it increases the intra- and non-productive mobility of an employee. However, the latter circumstance represents a known risk for the organization where the employee works, since he has a choice and is therefore less tied to the appropriate workplace.

The concept of person-centered learning aims to develop human qualities laid down by nature or acquired by it in practical activities. This concept applies primarily to personnel who have a penchant for scientific research and have the talent of a leader, teacher, politician, actor, etc.

Thus, the subject of training is: knowledge - theoretical, methodological and practical, necessary for the employee to perform his duties in the workplace; skills - the ability to perform the duties assigned to the employee at a particular workplace; skills - a high degree of ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, skills involve such a measure of mastering the work when conscious self-control is developed; ways of communication (behavior) - a form of life of the individual, a set of actions and deeds of the individual in the process of communicating with the surrounding reality, the development of behavior that meets the requirements of the workplace, social relations, sociability.

The characteristics of the types of training are presented in Table. 4.1. Individual types of training should not be considered in isolation from each other. Purposeful training of qualified personnel implies a close connection and coordination between these types of training.

Table 4.1

Characteristics of the types of personnel training

Type of training

Characteristics of the type of training

1. Professional training Acquisition of knowledge, skills and training in communication methods aimed at performing certain production tasks. The training is considered completed if the qualification for the implementation of a specific activity is obtained (studying young people)
1.1. Vocational initial training Development of knowledge, skills and ways of communication as a foundation for further professional training (for example, bachelor's training)
1.2. Professional specialized training Designed to obtain a specific professional qualification. Deepening knowledge and abilities in order to master a certain profession (for example, specialist, master)
2. Professional development (training) Expansion of knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication in order to bring them into line with modern requirements production, as well as to stimulate professional growth (workers employed in production with practical experience are trained)
2.1. Improvement of professional knowledge and abilities Bringing knowledge and abilities in line with the requirements of the time, their actualization and deepening. Specialists are trained (horizontal mobility)
2.2. Professional development for career advancement Preparation for performance of qualitatively higher tasks. Managers are trained (vertical mobility)
3. Professional retraining (retraining) Obtaining knowledge, skills and mastery of learning methods (behavior) for mastering a new profession and a qualitatively different professional activity (employed in production or unemployed workers with practical experience are trained)

The training needs of qualified personnel must be considered differentiated, i.e. by target groups or target persons, in order to draw up a high-quality professional training program for a particular employee. For individual target groups, the main tasks are identified (Table 4.2).

Table 4.2

Learning objectives for individual target groups

Target group

The main objectives of training

1. Learning youth Theoretical initial training outside the field of activity combined with practical training in the specialty at the workplace (the so-called dual education system: vocational school - production)
2. Specialists with experience Advanced training to deepen special knowledge in the specialty
3. Managers with experience Working out behavior in case of conflict situations, conducting negotiations, decision-making methodology, developing restraint, etc.

Training can be carried out at the workplace and outside the workplace (in-house and out-of-work training). The criteria for choosing the type of training are: on the one hand, income (improving qualifications leads to an increase in economic performance), on the other hand, impressive expenses. Where income from vocational training is difficult to quantify, costs are relatively easy to quantify. Out-of-work training is associated with significant variable costs, in-house training with significant but fixed costs, since a certain number of people are employed in the field of training and there is an appropriate infrastructure. The training of qualified personnel in their own production has advantages: the training methodology is compiled taking into account the specifics of the organization, the transfer of knowledge is carried out in a simple visual way, the result is easily controlled. In contrast, non-productive training of qualified personnel is usually carried out by experienced teachers with a wide range of experience, but the needs of the organization are not always sufficiently taken into account.

In table. 4.3. the methods of vocational training in the workplace are given. This form of training is carried out with a specific task statement at the workplace.

Table 4.3

Methods for training personnel in the workplace

Teaching method

1. Directed learning Systematic planning of on-the-job training, the basis for planning is an individual vocational training plan that sets out the learning objectives
2. Production briefing Information, introduction to the specialty, adaptation, familiarization of the student with his new working environment
3. Change of workplace (rotation) Gaining knowledge and gaining experience
as a result of a systematic job change.
As a result, for a certain period of time, an idea is created about the versatility of activities and production tasks (special programs for the young generation of specialists)
4. Use of employees as assistants, trainees Training and familiarization of the employee with the problems of a higher and qualitatively different order of tasks, while at the same time accepting
some share of the responsibility
5. Preparation
in project teams
Collaboration carried out for educational purposes
in project teams created in the enterprise to develop large, time-limited tasks

The methods of vocational training outside the workplace are intended, first of all, to obtain theoretical knowledge and to teach the ability to behave in accordance with the requirements of the production environment (Table 4.4).

The training of qualified personnel is effective if the costs associated with it will be lower in the long term than the costs of increasing labor productivity due to other factors or the costs associated with errors in hiring labor.

Table 4.4

Methods for training personnel outside the workplace

Teaching method

Characteristic features of the method

1. Lectures Passive teaching method, used to present theoretical and methodological knowledge, practical experience
2. Programmed training courses for obtaining theoretical knowledge More active learning method, effective for gaining theoretical knowledge
3. Conferences, seminars Active learning method, participation in discussions develops logical thinking and develops ways of behavior in various situations
4. The method of training management personnel, based on the independent solution of specific tasks from industrial practice Modeling the organizational problem that the members of the group must solve. Allows you to combine theoretical and practical skills, provides for information processing, constructive-critical thinking, development of creativity in decision-making processes
5. Business games Learning how to behave in various production situations, when negotiating, and role holders must develop alternative points of view
6. Methods for solving production
economic problems through models
Modeling processes occurring
in competing organizations. Students distribute among themselves the roles of fictitious organizations competing with each other.
With the help of the initial data, the trainees should make the appropriate decisions
for several stages of production of products or services (production, marketing, financing, personnel issues)
7. Working group (“instead of studying”) Young professionals develop specific solutions to the problems of managing the organization, united in working groups. The proposals developed in the working groups are transferred to the management of the organization, which considers the proposals, makes decisions on them and informs the working group
on acceptance or rejection of its proposals

Improving professional skills has a positive effect on the guarantee of job retention, promotion opportunities, expansion of the external labor market, the size of the organization's income, self-esteem and self-realization opportunities.

At present, such a form of personnel development as "coaching" has become widespread, the main task of which is to help managers and specialists in making difficult decisions independently, taking into account the characteristics of the organization itself and the specifics of its environment, improving skills and achieving the highest personal results.

There are many definitions of coaching, for example:

Coaching is the art of helping the performance, learning and development of another person.

Coaching is a system for realizing the joint social, personal and creative potential of participants in the development process in order to obtain the maximum possible effective result.

Through coaching, effective and high quality work, self-respect. This is especially important for senior managers, since the prosperity of the organization primarily depends on their skills and abilities.

The areas of application vary:

    career coaching;

    Business coaching;

    Life coaching.

Career coaching has recently been called career counseling, which includes an assessment of professional opportunities, assessment of competencies, career planning counseling, development path selection, support in finding a job, etc., related issues.

Business coaching is aimed at organizing the search for the most effective ways to achieve the goals of the organization. At the same time, work is carried out with individual leaders of the organization and with teams of employees.

Life coaching consists of individual work with a person, which is focused on improving his life in all areas (health, self-esteem, relationships).

Coaching participants differ in:

    Individual coaching;

    Corporate (group) coaching.

By format:

    Face-to-face (personal coaching, photo coaching);

    Correspondence (Internet coaching, telephone coaching) types of coaching.

Certification of the personnel of organizations of the main level of management is a procedure for determining the qualifications, level of knowledge, practical skills, business and personal qualities of employees, the quality of work and its results and establishing their compliance (incompatibility) with the position held. The purpose of the certification is the rational placement of personnel and their effective use. Personnel appraisals provide the legal basis for transfers, promotions, awards, salary determinations, and demotions and terminations. Certification is aimed at improving the qualitative composition of personnel, determining the degree of workload of employees and using them in their specialty, improving the style and methods of personnel management. It aims to find reserves for increasing labor productivity and the employee's interest in the results of his work and the entire organization, the most optimal use of economic incentives and social guarantees, as well as creating conditions for a more dynamic and comprehensive development of the individual.

There are four types of certification of employees (managers, specialists and other employees): regular certification, certification after the probationary period, certification during promotion and certification when transferred to another structural unit.

The next attestation is obligatory for everyone and is carried out at least once every two years for the management staff and at least once every three years for specialists and other employees.

Certification after the probationary period is carried out in order to develop reasonable recommendations for the use of the certified employee based on the results of his labor adaptation in a new workplace.

Certification during career advancement should identify the employee's potential and the level of his professional training for occupying a higher position, taking into account the requirements of a new workplace and new responsibilities.

Certification when transferring to another structural unit is carried out in cases where there is a significant change in job responsibilities and requirements for a new workplace. The list of positions subject to certification, and the timing of its implementation are established by the head of the organization in all divisions of the organization.

Certification takes place in four stages: the preparatory stage, the stage of assessing the employee and his work, the stage of certification, the stage of making a decision on the results of certification.

At the preparatory stage, an order is issued to conduct certification and approve the composition of the certification commission, a regulation on certification is developed; a list of employees subject to certification is compiled; reviews-characteristics (assessment sheets) and attestation sheets are prepared for the attested, the labor collective is informed about the timing, goals, features and procedure for attestation.

Certification is carried out on the basis of schedules that are brought to the attention of the certified at least one month before the start of certification, and the documents for the certified are submitted to the certification commission two weeks before the start of certification.

The composition of the certification commission is approved by the head of the organization on the proposal of the head of the personnel management service. The attestation commission is headed by a chairman (head of a department or organization). The deputy chairman of the commission is the deputy head of the organization for personnel or the head of the personnel management service. The secretary of the commission is the leading employee of the personnel management service. Members of the attestation commission are appointed from among the employees of the organization's departments. The attestation commission works without interruption from the main job duties in combination.

The secretary of the commission prepares the attestation sheets, and the reviews-characteristics of those being certified are their immediate superiors. Preparatory stage ends two weeks before the start of the certification, so that the members of the commission can familiarize themselves with the documents for the certified in advance.

At the stage of assessing the employee and his work activity, expert groups are created in the departments where the certified ones work. They include: the immediate supervisor of the person being certified, a higher manager, one or two specialists of this unit, an employee (employees) of the personnel management service. The expert group, according to the appropriate methodology, evaluates the indicators of the level of knowledge, abilities, skills, quality and results of the work of the person being certified.

The stage of attestation consists in a meeting of the attestation commission, to which the attestees and their immediate supervisors are invited; consideration of all materials submitted for certification; hearing attested and their leaders; discussion of certification materials, statements of invitees, formation of conclusions and recommendations on certification of employees.

The attestation commission, taking into account discussions in the absence of the person being attested by open voting, gives one of the following assessments: corresponds to the position held; corresponds to the position held, subject to improvement of work, implementation of the recommendations of the certification committee and re-certification in a year; does not match the position.

Evaluation of the activities of an employee who has passed the certification, and the recommendations of the commission are entered in the evaluation sheet. The sheet for assessing activities and personal qualities is filled in by the immediate supervisor of the person being certified and a representative of the personnel management service. The certified person gets acquainted with the contents of the sheet no later than two weeks before the certification.

The results of the attestation are recorded in the attestation sheet and communicated to the person being attested immediately after voting.

The meeting of the attestation commission is documented in a protocol signed by the chairman and secretary of the commission. The protocol of the meeting of the commission is filled in for all attestees who were heard during one meeting.

At the stage of decision-making based on the results of certification, a conclusion is formulated taking into account:

    Conclusions and proposals set out in the review of the head of the person being certified;

    Assessments of the activity of the person being certified, the growth of his qualifications;

    Evaluation of business, personal and other qualities of the certified person and their compliance with the requirements of the workplace;

    The opinions of each member of the commission expressed during the discussion of the activities of the person being certified;

    Comparison of the materials of the previous certification with the data at the time of certification and the nature of data changes;

    Opinions of the most certified about his work, about the realization of his potential.

Particular attention is drawn to the observance of the certified labor discipline, the manifestation of independence in solving tasks, the desire for self-improvement, professional suitability employee.

The attestation commission gives recommendations on promotion of the person being certified to a higher position, encouragement for achievements, increase in wages, transfer to another job, dismissal from the position, etc. The conclusions and recommendations of the attestation commission are used in the future to form the personnel policy of the administration of the organization and the management service staff.

In the development of the organization's personnel, personnel rotation is also important.

Personnel rotation is a method of formal nomenclature passing of key positions by specialists of various levels in order to accelerate their service and professional growth. Rotation acts as a form of staff development.

Staff rotation implies a planned official movement or a significant change in the job responsibilities of an employee. In general, the intensive use of rotation is considered a positive factor and has a beneficial effect on the final result. It is necessary to move people “horizontally” due to the fact that a long stay in one position reduces labor motivation, the employee limits his horizons to one area, gets used to shortcomings, and ceases to enrich his activities with new methods and forms. Changing places makes it possible to compare situations, quickly adapt to new conditions.

Rotation is often used to train university graduates who are just starting their professional careers. In Western corporations, the rotational stage of a manager's business career can last several years, during which he moves from one department to another or from one office to another, which is sometimes located on the other side of the globe.

Personnel rotation is classified according to the frequency (speed) of movement: annual, monthly, daily.

Depending on the trajectory of movement, the rotation is divided into: 1) circular, when the employee, having completed a number of positions over a certain period of time, returns to his position again; 2) irrevocable, when the movement occurs without returning to its “starting” position; 3) castling, in which two employees of the same level change places. The latter type of rotation is actively used by Japanese organizations. So, in Sony and Honda corporations it is considered normal, if the head of the sales department changes positions with a colleague in procurement.

According to the level of specialization, the following rotation of personnel is distinguished: in another specialty; in a related specialty; with a change in the nature of the work, but in the same specialty; rotation, when the nature of the work does not change much.

By goals - personnel rotations are divided into movements for:

    Leadership training;

    Changes in the situation of people (when a person has held a position for a long time and wants to gain new knowledge, skills in another place);

    Preventing or resolving conflicts;

    Training of specialists as generalists;

    Ensuring the interchangeability of people in case of illness, vacations, etc.;

    Finding a more suitable position for an employee in case of unsatisfactory results in the old position;

    Increasing the degree of cohesion of the employees of the organization, strengthening communications between them, etc.

Sometimes there is also a classification of staff rotations in the vertical direction of movement, according to which its varieties are promotion and demotion.

Some authors divide personnel rotation into interorganizational (transfer to another organization) and intraorganizational. With interorganizational rotation, there is often a return to the previous organization or management body, but to a higher position. Sometimes rotation is understood as any movement of a person throughout his working life.

Business career - the progressive advancement of a person in any field of activity, a change in skills, abilities, qualifications and remuneration associated with the activity; moving forward along the once chosen path of activity, achieving fame, fame, enrichment. For example, getting more powers, higher status, prestige, power, more money. A career is not only promotion. You can talk about a career as an occupation, activity. For example, a managerial career, a sports career. A person's life outside of work has a significant impact on a business career, is part of it.

A business career begins with the formation of the employee's subjectively conscious own judgments about his labor future, the expected way of self-expression and job satisfaction. In other words, a career is an individually conscious position and behavior of an individual associated with work experience and activities throughout a person's working life. There are several types of careers.

An intra-organizational career means that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through all stages of development. A particular employee goes through these stages sequentially within the walls of one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

An interorganizational career means that a particular employee goes through all stages of development in the course of his professional activity. The employee goes through these stages sequentially, working in various positions in different organizations. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

A specialized career is characterized by the fact that a particular employee in the course of his professional activity goes through various stages careers. A particular employee can go through these stages sequentially both in one and in different organizations, but within the framework of the profession and field of activity in which he specializes. For example, the head of the sales department of one organization became the head of the sales department of another organization. Such a transition is associated either with an increase in the amount of remuneration for work, or with a change in content, or with the prospects for promotion. Another example: the head of the personnel department was appointed to the position of deputy. HR director of the organization where he works.

Non-specialized careers are widely developed in Japan. The Japanese firmly believe that a leader should be a specialist capable of working in any area of ​​the organization, and not in any particular function. Climbing the corporate ladder, a person should be able to look at the organization from different angles, without staying in one position for more than three years. So, it is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the head of the supply department. An employee can go through the stages of this career both in one and in different organizations.

A vertical career is the type of career most often associated with the very concept of a business career, since in this case the promotion is most visible. A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by a higher level of remuneration).

Horizontal career - a type of career that involves either moving to another, functional area of ​​activity, or performing a certain service role at a stage that does not have a rigid formal fixation in organizational structure(for example, acting as the leader of a temporary task force, program, etc.). A horizontal career can also include the expansion or complication of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration). The concept of a horizontal career does not mean an indispensable and constant movement up the organizational hierarchy.

A step career is a type of career that combines elements of horizontal and vertical types of career. The promotion of an employee can be carried out by alternating vertical growth with horizontal, which gives a significant effect. This type of career is quite common and can take both intraorganizational and interorganizational forms.

Hidden career - the type of career that is the least obvious to others. It is available to a limited circle of employees, usually with extensive business connections outside the organization. Centripetal career refers to the movement towards the core, the leadership of the organization. For example, inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, an employee gaining access to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, and certain important assignments from management. Such an employee may hold an ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position. In the process of implementing a career, it is important to ensure the interaction of all types of careers.

Employees often do not know their prospects in this team. This indicates a poor organization of work with personnel, a lack of planning and career control in the organization.

The planning and control of a business career lies in the fact that from the moment an employee is accepted into the organization and until the expected dismissal from work, it is necessary to organize a systematic horizontal and vertical promotion of the employee through the system of positions or jobs. An employee must know not only his prospects for the short and long term, but also what indicators he must achieve in order to count on promotion.

Business career management is a set of activities carried out by the personnel department of organizations to plan, organize, motivate and control the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, and also based on the goals, needs, capabilities and social economic conditions of the organization. Each individual employee also manages his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve employee dedication to the interests of the organization, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose human abilities.

Any person plans his future, based on his needs and socio-economic conditions. When applying for a job, a person sets certain goals for himself, but since the organization, hiring him, also pursues specific goals, the hired person needs to be able to realistically assess his business qualities. A person must be able to correlate his business qualities with the requirements that the organization, his work puts before him. The success of his entire career depends on this.

Career Goals:

    Engage in a type of activity or have a position that corresponds to self-esteem and therefore delivers moral satisfaction;

    Get a job or position that meets self-esteem, in an area whose natural conditions favorably affect the state of health and allow you to organize a good rest;

    To occupy a position that enhances opportunities and develops them;

    Have a job or position that is creative in nature;

    To work in a profession or hold a position that allows you to achieve a certain degree of independence;

    Have a job or position that pays well or allows you to simultaneously receive large side incomes;

    Have a job or position that allows you to continue active learning;

    Have a job or position that simultaneously allows you to take care of raising children or housework.

Career planning in an organization can be handled by the HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager). The main career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented in Table. 4.5.

Table 4.5

Essential Career Planning Activities

Subject of planning

Career planning activities

Employee Primary orientation and choice of profession. Choice of organization and position. Orientation in the organization. Assessment of prospects
and designing growth. Realizing Growth
Job evaluation. Job definition. Evaluation of the work and potential of employees. Reserve selection. Additional preparation. Backup programs. Promotion. New planning cycle
(line manager)
Evaluation of labor results. Motivation assessment. Organization of professional development. Proposals for incentives. Growth Suggestions

An employee can either have a long career line or a very short one. The HR manager, already when accepting a candidate, must design a possible career and discuss it with the candidate based on individual characteristics and specifics of motivation. The same career line for different employees can be both attractive and uninteresting, which will significantly affect the effectiveness of their future activities.

Service and professional promotion - a series of progressive movements in various positions, contributing to the development of both the organization and the individual. Movements can be vertical and horizontal. This is the sequence of various stages (positions, jobs, positions in the team) proposed by the organization that an employee can potentially go through. The system of service and professional advancement is a set of means and methods of official promotion of personnel used in various organizations. In management practice, two types of job promotion are distinguished: promotion of a specialist and promotion of a manager.

At present, the main efforts in personnel policy are focused on creating a well-prepared reserve of candidates for the positions of leaders of the new formation, who are able to master a new area of ​​work in a short time and ensure the effective solution of their tasks.

In order for the entire chain of the organization to work smoothly, management must constantly work to increase its potential in every possible way, constantly developing personnel.

To develop the potential of employees, organizations use the following methods: professional orientation and social adaptation in the team; grade production activities; reward system; vocational training, education, advanced training; career advancement; career management.

One of the most important problems personnel work in organizations when accepting and moving personnel - adaptation management.

Adaptation is the process of active adaptation of a person to a new environment. Also, adaptation is a process of mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, which is based on the gradual entry of an employee into new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions. Adaptation is defined as the process of learning the mechanism of power, ideology, rules of the organization and job responsibilities.

Entering a job in an organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior, in accordance with which he makes certain demands on the working conditions created in the organization, and his motivation. The process of labor adaptation will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of an individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team.

There are 2 types of adaptation:

    Primary - this is the adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience;

    Secondary is the adaptation of employees with professional experience.

A high percentage of turnover in organizations is observed during the first few months after entering a job. Practice shows that 90% of people who left their jobs during the first year made this decision already on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a newcomer to the organization faces a large number of difficulties, most of which are generated precisely by the lack of information about the work procedure, location, characteristics of colleagues, etc. This process, which is often called the "introduction crisis", is costly to the organization and has an impact on the moral atmosphere in the organization, the motivation of staff and, accordingly, on customer satisfaction. Therefore, HR departments are obliged to make sure that the process of adaptation of new employees is less painful. In addition, information about how this process is organized in a unit can tell a manager a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal organization.

A clear program is needed that would increase the motivation of new employees and turn adaptation into a key factor in long-term staff retention.

High results in the management of organizations are achieved only when the staff has the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to ensure that the efforts made are effective.

After hiring, training becomes the main factor in ensuring the development of the skills, abilities and attitudes of personnel necessary for the good performance of work.

Modern organizations operate in a rapidly changing environment. Therefore, the knowledge and skills of the people working there must be constantly updated and meet all the requirements of quality service. Currently, education and training in the organization must be continuous.

Today, many leaders of organizations understand that investing in training is the key to business competitiveness. It is much cheaper for employers to train their own employees than to find and poach already trained specialists. The training of qualified personnel is thus a special form of capital investment.

The system of intra-organizational training is the most effective, since it is the least expensive and closest to the needs of a given organization. It provides the principles of continuity of learning, its flexibility and practical orientation. This form learning will allow linking the goals and objectives of learning with the overall strategy of the organization, to carry out targeted control over its effectiveness in the learning process, and the connection of theory with practice.

To develop the qualification level of personnel, the management of organizations should conduct ongoing professional training. For the personnel of organizations, special business training programs should be developed - short refresher courses.

The main part of the training is an analysis of theoretical material, which is reinforced by role-playing games or individual tasks. At the end of the training, a test is conducted to check how well people have learned the information.

Trainings for organizations according to their semantic orientation can be divided into groups:



    Organization of personnel work;

    Work with external organizations;

    Customer orientation;

    Professional skills.

The peculiarity of trainings on self-organization is that they are aimed at developing abilities that improve the activities of a specialist. As part of these trainings, people are taught how to effectively manage time, correctly identify priorities and be proactive about work. The second group of trainings aims to teach people to coordinate their actions with the activities of colleagues. The third group is intended mainly for the management of organizations. Managers are taught effective motivation of subordinates, delegation of authority, leadership and control technologies, conflict management. The fourth group is aimed at developing the ability of managers to interact with external agents and partners. The fifth group is aimed at creating a friendly climate for the client in organizations. The sixth group is aimed at the personnel of certain departments of the organization.

Conducting training courses requires a certain material and technical base, the availability of classrooms, video equipment, computers, as well as employees - specialists in this field. But small organizations often do not have such opportunities. But this does not mean that the personnel of such organizations should not improve their professional level.

The objective result of training is to reduce conflict situations, increase customer satisfaction with service, improve the image of the organization, increase sales. The employees' knowledge is structured, their motivation to work increases, the emotional climate in the team improves, the corporate culture is created and strengthened.

The development of personnel in modern conditions is extremely important, since it significantly increases the competitiveness of the organization in the market. The development of employees can significantly improve the quality of management within the organization, significantly increases the professional level of staff, which, in turn, leads to an increase in labor productivity. In addition, the development of employees of the organization helps to more successfully apply innovative technologies and implement promising solutions both in the field of organization management and in the field of production.

Sometimes the development of employees in an organization is simply vital, and this is due to certain periods of the evolution of the organization or problems in the process of doing business.

For example, the level of staff training may be insufficient if the organization changes its business strategy, sales policy or modernizes production. A large takeover or merger of organizations also requires higher staff training.

The process of bringing the organization to the leaders directly depends on the increase in the level of personnel. As a rule, the personnel management service in the organization carries out the development of employees. The entire range of activities related to this process lies on the shoulders of the personnel management service. Successful development of employees can be carried out in 5 main stages (Fig. 4.1):

Identification of development needs. Need is the gap between desired and actual performance. Real indicators are determined by various methods: personnel assessment, analysis of the organization's performance, survey of managers and employees, analysis of layoffs, etc. Desired indicators are determined by auditing development plans. The needs can be different, this is the development of managerial abilities, the development of professional skills and qualities - it all depends on the goals of the organization. In addition, there may be behavioral needs associated with corporate culture. The main thing is to determine the difference between the desired and the existing, in order to plan in which direction to develop employees.

Coordination of organization goals and personnel development. Each organization has its own business strategy, plans and goals. The development of employees should be carried out and correspond exactly to the tasks that the organization is currently facing. Therefore, the development of employees and the development of the organization must be synchronized. Control over these two processes is carried out by the management of the organization together with the personnel management service.

Improvement of the development plan. The development plan should contain a list of activities, time frames, necessary financial, material and human resources for each activity. In addition, the circle of participants must be determined. It should be noted that it is necessary to focus training on the key "players" in the organization, on which, ultimately, the achievement of the results of the organization as a whole depends. Control over the implementation of the personnel development plan is carried out by the personnel department. Employee development can be carried out in four areas:

    Development through training (trainings, seminars);

    Development through practice (management and participation in projects, internships in other organizations and abroad, staff rotation);

    Independent development (studying educational literature, attending conferences and round tables, using computer training programs);

    Development through training others (mentoring, training for others);

    Creation of personnel reserve.

The presence of a personnel reserve makes it possible in advance, on a planned basis, according to a scientifically and practically substantiated program, to prepare candidates for newly created and to be replaced vacant positions, effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the reserve, rationally use them for various directions and levels in the management system.

In terms of its qualitative and quantitative composition, the reserve of managerial personnel should correspond to the existing organizational and staff structures, taking into account the prospects for their development. The reserve is created for all, without exception, the positions of managers exercising management functions at a specific level.

The formation of the reserve is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of the attestation commissions, based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information about the business and personal qualities of candidates for senior positions. At the same time, the conclusions of such commissions should be based on an analysis of the specific results of the professional activity of specialists achieved at various stages of their work in the management system. Particular attention is paid to the level of professional and general education, organizational and analytical skills, a sense of responsibility for the results of work, dedication, the ability to justify and make independent, responsible decisions. When nominating to the reserve, the results of assessing the knowledge of candidates obtained during their training in the advanced training system, conclusions based on the results of internships, tests, etc., as well as physical condition, the ability to endure additional loads, are taken into account.

The work on the formation of the reserve consists of the following stages:

    Drawing up a forecast of expected changes in the composition of management personnel;

    Evaluation of business and personal qualities of candidates for the reserve for nomination;

    Determination of candidates for the reserve;

    Making a decision on inclusion in the reserve;

    Coordination of the list of candidates included in the reserve with higher organizations.

When creating a reserve, you need to know exactly qualification requirements requirements for the position for which a specialist is enrolled in the reserve, take into account what special knowledge and experience are necessary in each specific case to ensure highly professional leadership.

Work on the preparation of a reserve of personnel is purposeful, systematic and planned. The organization of this work is aimed at ensuring high-quality and intensive training of each specialist for independent activity at a new, higher level.

Work with specialists included in the reserve is carried out according to a plan that provides for specific measures to acquire the necessary theoretical, economic and managerial knowledge, to deeply master the nature of the work, to develop the specialist’s leadership skills and skills at the level of modern requirements.

The system of this work includes: study in the advanced training system for executives with and without interruption from work; internship in the position for which the specialist is enrolled in the reserve; temporary replacement of absent managers for the period of their business trips, vacations; trips to other organizations in order to study positive experience; participation in teaching work in the system of advanced training; participation in audits of the activities of the organization and their units; participation in the preparation and holding of conferences, seminars and meetings.

Talent pool planning aims to predict personal promotions, their sequence and accompanying activities. It requires working through the entire chain of promotions, relocations, layoffs of specific employees.

The plan of work with the reserve of managerial personnel of the organization includes the following sections: determination of the need for managerial personnel; selection and study of leading personnel; recruitment of the reserve, consideration, coordination and approval of the reserve; work with a reserve of leading personnel; control over the preparation of a reserve of leading personnel; determination of the readiness of the reserve of managerial personnel for appointment to positions.

Talent pool plans can be drawn up in the form of replacement schemes, which take a variety of forms depending on the characteristics and traditions of various organizations.

Formation and distribution of the budget. Any development of employees is associated with investments in personnel, which must be effective. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly distribute the available financial resources to create and conduct trainings, seminars, internships, attract consultants from outside, implement projects, create their own training center and reflect this in the overall organizational plan.

As the development of employees nears completion, it is necessary to exercise timely control over how the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities are acquired and subsequently applied by a particular employee in the organization in practice. Any knowledge gained should be tested and consolidated in practical work, otherwise the development activities were in vain. As a rule, after training events, the employee is asked to make a plan on how he is going to use the acquired knowledge in his workplace. Continuously monitoring the application of new knowledge in practice, as well as encouraging the achievement of positive results by each employee - all this in combination leads to the achievement of the main goals of the organization. In addition, the employee conducts a presentation of new knowledge gained to his colleagues, shares his thoughts with them and organizes a discussion with them of new solutions. Thus, the development of employees leads to new positive results in the activities of the organization.

It must be remembered that the support and direct participation of the organization's management in all processes that are aimed at the development of employees significantly increase the effectiveness of events. The participation of the leader in trainings, where he shows a high level of his knowledge and shares with other participants, is a strong motivating factor for the staff, not to mention the fact that the authority of the leader himself greatly increases in the eyes of subordinates.

Raising the level of personnel formation is one of the most important directions in personnel management, and is also considered the reason for the successful operation of the organization. Thus, investing in talent development plays an even more important role than investing in the improvement and development of the productive capacity of the organization as a whole. Here, under the development of personnel, a number of measures are assumed aimed at improving the professional and personal characteristics of all employees.

The purpose of personnel development is to increase the labor potential of employees, because almost every person has significant potential for personal and professional growth, and given the rise in the cost of human resources, there is an urgent need to discover and use the existing potential. Through encouragement and stimulation, the organization provides its employees with the opportunity to improve their professional skills and develop personal qualities to solve the tasks. Thus, a human backbone is created, consisting of highly qualified personnel, and personnel are trained to be proactive.

Here are some definitions for the process of professional growth of staff.

According to Yu.G. Odegova: “Personnel development (or development of human resources) is a change in personal values ​​that requires the assimilation of knowledge and skills” .

In the interpretation of P.E. Shlendera: “Human resource development is a system of activities aimed at supporting trainable employees, disseminating knowledge and best practices, training young qualified employees, understanding by management personnel the importance of employee development and reducing staff turnover” .

According to the definition of R. Harrison: "The strategic development of personnel, labor resources is a development that comes from a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe abilities and potential that works in the strategic structure of the business as a whole."

“Professional development is the acquisition by employees of new competencies, knowledge, skills and abilities that they use or will use in their professional activities” - such a definition is given by T.Yu. Bazarov.

In the work of P. Jung, personnel development is voiced as: “Personnel development is a systematic process focused on the formation of employees that meet the needs of the enterprise, and, at the same time, on the study and development of the productive and educational potential of employees of the enterprise”.

The key definition that will be used in the work was given by A.Ya. Kibanov in the Encyclopedia of personnel management. Professional development of personnel - a set of organizational and economic measures of the organization's personnel management service in the field of personnel training, retraining and advanced training. These events cover the issues of business career planning and service and professional promotion of personnel, work with a personnel reserve. This includes the organization of inventive and rationalization work in the organization.

The purpose of the formation of personnel is to raise the labor potential of employees to solve their own tasks and tasks in the field of functioning and building an organization, while the goals must be:

  • - clear and specific;
  • - focusing on the acquisition of practical skills;
  • - measurable (measurable).

Formation should be focused on business results and on employees. High efficiency of development, aimed primarily at the result of work, is achieved mainly by transferring to the employee the knowledge and skills needed specifically for the performance of work tasks and functions. Development aimed at motivating employees traditionally does not produce rapid business results. This development represents more investment in employees. In practice, development goals are based on a combination of two main factors. The main goals and their properties are presented in Table 1.1.

Table 1.1 - Main development goals and their characteristics

Target characteristic

Provide employees with the knowledge and skills they need to work effectively.

An employee must have at least the necessary skills to perform his job. For a conscious, flexible, and, if necessary, creative approach, a person also needs proper knowledge.

Most of the people working in organizations have a basic education, more often associated with the profile of activity, and often not related. However, the presence of even a very good specialized education does not guarantee a lifelong successful work of a specialist in this professional field. An employee who does not undergo continuous training "gets old" in terms of qualifications. The obsolescence of knowledge and skills is a natural and fairly rapid process.

It is believed that higher professional education remains valid for 5 years. In any case, even a qualified and experienced employee who is accepted into a new company has a need for training in order to become familiar with the nuances of the products or services offered by the company, and with his own place in business processes.

Maintain the professional level of staff and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions.

This is a particularly clear, pragmatic and conditionally freely attainable goal of becoming. Usually for the sake of its designation the term "advanced training" is used. With the implementation of measures to achieve this goal, it is traditional to initiate the arrangement of the personnel training procedure in those organizations where this system is not used.

However, there are also some "pitfalls" here. The goal of training is achieved only if the training is precisely linked to the workplace and the realities of the particular company.

For the sake of strengthening and raising the managerial qualifications of chiefs, their constant management training should be organized. It would not be superfluous to note that the development of technology in this case should be understood as the latest management technologies emerging in other companies or found in the literature, as well as changes in corporate

management: restructuring, introduction project management and others.

In this way, the employee is obliged to regularly update knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work performed and the corresponding changes.

Maintain the professional level of the staff and acquaint them with modern technological advances, changes in the socio-economic situation and legal conditions.

This is predominantly a clear, pragmatic and conditionally easily achieved goal of becoming. Usually, the term "advanced training" is used to denote it. With the implementation of measures to achieve this goal, the organization of a personnel training system traditionally begins in those organizations where this system is not used.

However, this also has its own pitfalls. The goal of training is achieved only if the training is precisely linked to the workplace and the realities of the particular company.

To strengthen and improve the managerial qualifications of managers, their regular management training should be organized. In this case, the development of technology should be understood as new management technologies that appear in other companies or described in the literature, as well as changes in corporate management: restructuring, implementation of project management, and others.

Thus, the employee must regularly update knowledge and skills in accordance with the profile of the work performed and its changes.

Prepare employees for their possible replacement of colleagues during vacations, illness, business trips and in case of dismissal.

If we estimate the period of absence of each employee from the workplace for completely valid reasons, then it will average from 8 to 10% of the annual volume of labor time. This means that every tenth - twelfth employee is absent from the workplace every day. The work of the missing employees is inevitably done by the remaining ones, and if they are not trained in this beforehand, it will be done poorly or not done at all. Often in practice it is necessary to deal with the uneven loading of individual employees and entire departments, when it is required to connect employees of similar professions to "overloaded" lines.

It is necessary to separately indicate the condition for the dismissal or movement of employees. Here, too, there is a need for at least a temporary replacement of a dismissed employee. Naturally, unlike vacations, it is rare to predict the dismissal or movement of personnel in advance. But after all, the same people who go on vacation every year, during

Prepare employees for relocation or promotion.

which they need to be replaced again! This means that for the successful operation of the company, some part of the employees must be trained in skills that allow them to replace absent colleagues. Of the total workforce of any company, there is a clear percentage of people with high potential for growth. These people are considered the "golden fund" of the company and

ensure its successful development.

However, promising employees have a negative quality from the point of view of the company: they are the most active, mobile and can change jobs at any time, having received interesting offer. The most effective use of the potential of such employees and avoiding their departure is possible only if they are promoted in time career ladder or at least increase their duties and powers, giving more interesting work by increasing wages. If all this is not done, promising employees will not stay in the company, and the return on their work will quickly decrease.

However, before promoting employees, they must be trained. After all, simply performing functions at their workplace, they cannot master the skills necessary to work in a new position. The principle of this group is that highly qualified specialists are usually appointed as leaders. But after the appointment, their job responsibilities change dramatically: they need, first of all, management skills, including managing people. The company should carry out planned work to train promising employees in order to prepare them for a likely promotion.

To create and maintain a sense of belonging to the organization's activities among the staff, to acquaint employees with the strategy, structure, services, and technology of activity.

The communication process, which is limited to providing data on specific duties performed and provides little or no data on the quality of work and the general direction and goals of the company, provides Negative influence on the efficiency of the company's employees. A well-organized transfer of information about the essence of the work performed by an employee, its ideological connection with the common goals of the company and the quality of the work of employees will bring significant benefits to the company.

Important messages about the life of the company can be transmitted during scheduled seminars for specialists and managers. To do this, meetings and conversations with top managers of the company are included in the seminar programs.

Therefore, each employee needs not only the proper knowledge and skills, but also the systematic acquisition of information from management for the best understanding of the processes taking place in the company.

Maintain a positive work attitude among employees

The very fact of the formation of an employee that takes place in a company, as a rule, helps to improve his mood and increase motivation in relation to work. This approach means that the company cares about its employees and relies on long-term cooperation with them. When the training is accompanied by a meeting with the heads of companies, and in the course of it coffee breaks, lunches are arranged, other signs of attention to the trainees are shown, i.e. the possibility of informal communication arises, this positive effect is even more

significant, the effectiveness of training increases.

So, for effective work in a company, training must be carried out with the active interest of the management, in good conditions, and it is better to conduct it directly or indirectly with the participation of company leaders.

Learning objectives determined by the current legislation.

The current Labor Code of the Russian Federation and some federal laws take into account the mandatory training of a number of categories of employees in the rules of safety and labor protection. Issued and the relevant by-law departmental regulations, for non-compliance with which the leaders and responsible persons of any organization may be subjected to material and other penalties. Among other things, for representatives of a number of professions and specialties, regular certification is required.

The planning of this training must comply with the regulations that are mandatory for implementation in this type of activity.

In some cases, equipment and technology suppliers may also require key managers and specialists of the company to have the necessary licenses and certificates.

Key principles of personnel development:

  • - the integrity of the development system, the continuity of various options and forms of personnel development;
  • - anticipatory nature of training and development based on the forecast of scientific and technological development and the conditions for the development of the organization;
  • - flexibility of various forms of development, the possibility of their use at certain stages of development;
  • - professional and social motivation for the development of human resources;
  • - building a personnel development system, taking into account certain prospects for the organization, the socio-economic conditions of its functioning.

We single out the main factors influencing the need for personnel development in modern conditions:

  • - serious competition in various markets in the context of the globalization of the economy;
  • - active development of the latest information technologies;
  • - systemic, comprehensive solution of human resource management issues and all strategic tasks based on a unified program of the company's activities;
  • - the need to develop a strategy and organizational culture of the company;
  • - participation of all line managers in the implementation of a unified personnel policy and in solving the strategic tasks of the organization;
  • - the presence of a wide specialized network of consulting firms in various areas of human resource development.

The effectiveness of the company is determined, first of all, by the knowledge, skills and the corresponding mood and spirit of the staff. If the selection of personnel is implemented taking into account all the requirements within the framework of the best world practices, in accordance with the parameters of job models, then the people hired are most likely guaranteed to have the necessary knowledge and skills, which is the main factor ensuring the development of the organization in the framework of personnel training .

The development of personnel for each enterprise is an essential element of production investment. Through the promotion of training, the company provides its employees with the opportunity to improve their professional skills and thereby creates the backbone of qualified personnel and provides them with advanced training. Without the development of employees, there can be no successful development of the organization. It should also be noted that it is the employees, and not the owners of the companies, that become the object of investment in personnel.

The reasons for prioritizing investments in personnel development are:

  • - the need to increase the business activity of each employee in order to survive the company;
  • - maintaining the competitiveness of an enterprise is impossible without new technologies, and training in working with new technology impossible without significant

investment in staff development;

Personnel development activities ensure the growth of labor productivity, therefore, their financing complies with the principle of cost-effectiveness.

Personnel development tasks:

  • - advanced training for the creation and release new products, the correct use, maintenance and repair of means of production; training and retraining of personnel, training in modern technologies;
  • - development of the ability to work in a group and enhanced communication with colleagues;
  • - awareness of the importance of the growing role of labor, technological, financial, production, work discipline in terms of the precise execution of actions that ensure the error-free operation of a machine, installation, unit or enterprise;
  • - the formation of responsibility as a systemic quality of an employee and the development of its types;
  • - independent development by employees of their professional skills and knowledge.

Thus, we can conclude that the effectiveness of measures to develop the professional potential of employees depends on the readiness of the staff for development; management of the development of the enterprise's personnel involves the development and implementation of social technology, which, ultimately, must lead to an increase in the efficiency of production activities as a whole.

In an unstable economic situation, intense competition, enterprises need to make more and more efforts to survive in tough market conditions and become successful.

Along with well-organized recruitment and selection procedures, adaptation, incentives, and business evaluation of personnel, one of the ways to help generate new ideas for business, master modern models of equipment, develop and implement advanced techniques and technologies, and train highly qualified employees is to create in the organization of the system of professional development of personnel.

The concept of continuous development became relevant half a century ago. It was then, with the beginning of the scientific and technological revolution, that the whole world paid attention to the fact that professional knowledge becomes obsolete faster than it is obtained in the full cycle of education. And most importantly, there has been a fundamental change and rethinking of the role of man in production. Now the staff is strategic resource organization and a key factor in its long-term and stable functioning. A well-trained, willing to change with the organization, open to innovation staff becomes competitive advantage any enterprise, and personnel development is one of the most important functions of personnel management.

Modern literature considers many definitions of the concepts: "process" and "development", but the meaningful interpretation can be reduced to the following definitions:

1. Process - a set of a number of sequential actions aimed at achieving a certain result.

2. Development is a process aimed at changing material and spiritual objects in order to improve them.

3. Personnel development - (in a broad sense) a set of activities aimed at improving the quality of the organization's human resources.

Personnel development - (in the narrow sense) - is a system of interrelated actions, including the development of a strategy, forecasting and planning of personnel needs, career and professional growth management, organization of the process and adaptation, education, training, formation of organizational culture.

Staff development is general and professional.

The overall development of personnel is a process of enriching the intellectual capital of employees, understanding the surrounding reality, accepting new values, expanding social ties and partnership opportunities that contribute to the full disclosure of individual labor potential for the purpose of personal growth and increasing contribution to the affairs of the organization.

Professional development of personnel is a system of interrelated activities aimed at improving the professional competencies of employees and their motivation in order to fulfill not only the duties necessary for work, but also new functions to solve the current and future tasks of the organization.

The essence of the professional development of personnel is the systematic increase in the level of knowledge, the formation of skills, the development of skills, the mastery of various methods of communication, the improvement of personal and business qualities necessary to perform work, the improvement of production and organizational culture to meet personal needs and requests of the enterprise.

Professional development refers to all areas of activity, whether it is production, trade, transport or education. It should become the norm, not a heavy burden, a formal job duty, but a way of life, a useful habit.

Personnel development is a systematic process focused on the formation of employees that meet the needs of the enterprise, and at the same time on the study and development of the productive and educational potential of the employees of the enterprise.

In order for the personnel development process to be effective, the following principles must be taken into account:

1. Consistency. Personnel development should be a permanent process, i.e. carried out throughout the life of the employee. In other words, it is not enough to become a professional once. In order to remain a “pro” in your business, you must constantly update all your professional competencies.

2. Interdependence. Employees of the organization and managers should have: motivation, conditions and opportunities for professional development.

3. Perspective. Personnel development activities should be proactive, i.e. be relevant, relevant and future-oriented.

4. Complexity. Professional development of personnel is usually understood as only training of personnel, but this is not entirely true. The concept of "professional development" is much broader than the concept of "training", which means that it includes not only training, but also other programs.

The basic elements of professional development in an organization are:

Professional selection and hiring of employees;

Introduction to the position and adaptation;

Creating motivation for learning;


Business assessment of personnel;

Retraining and advanced training of personnel;

Business career management;


Delegation of powers;

Formation of a personnel reserve;

Organization of payment and stimulation of labor.

I want to pay special attention to each of the listed elements and analyze in more detail.

A) Professional selection and hiring of employees.

Personnel selection is the process of studying the psychological and professional qualities of an employee in order to establish his suitability for performing duties at a particular workplace or position and choosing the most suitable one from a set of applicants, taking into account the correspondence of his qualifications, specialty, personal qualities and abilities to the nature of the activity, the interests of the organization and himself.

The selection process is carried out in several stages. The main ones are:

Planning of quantitative needs in personnel - based on the adopted plan for the strategic development of the company or applications from linear and functional services for expected vacancies;

Building competency models for vacant positions, describing the vacancy profile and job description;

Organization of the search for candidates using internal and external sources, as well as non-standard approaches;

Primary selection of candidates (resume analysis, telephone interview, questionnaire analysis);

Secondary selection of candidates (testing, interview, case methods, etc.);

Making a decision on hiring an employee;

Decor employment contract, enrollment, preparation and implementation of the adaptation program.

There should not be too many selection criteria, otherwise it will be difficult. The main ones are: education, experience, business qualities, professionalism, physical characteristics, personality type of the candidate, his potential.

Recruitment is a series of activities aimed at attracting candidates who have the qualities necessary to achieve the goals set by the organization. This is a set of organizational measures that includes all stages of recruitment, as well as assessment, selection and hiring of employees. Some experts in the field of personnel management consider this process up to the end of the induction stage, that is, until the moment when new employees fit into a specific work team and the organization as a whole.

B) Introduction to the position and adaptation of personnel.

Introduction to the position - a set of measures designed for quick and effective adaptation of new personnel. The induction program, developed in the organization, allows you to provide the best possible start to a new member of the team. Its main goal is to familiarize new employees with the general rules of work in the organization, safety and health regulations, new working conditions, corporate traditions and norms of behavior. The beginner must be familiar with common activities organizations; with his colleagues, especially with those who will work with him directly; the nature of the work itself; working conditions (rules of labor regulations, safety and health protection, equipment, general plan of the building, etc.).

Ideally, the program should be supervised by an employee who is the direct supervisor of the newcomer, although depending on the specifics of the organization, these functions may be performed by different employees. They will need to spend some time selecting and preparing the information provided to the new employee. The development of an induction program must be approached with the utmost care. After all, the first impressions of a new employee about the organization are the strongest and can influence the motivation to work and relationships in the work team for a long time. An unsuccessful introduction to the position can significantly worsen the process of adaptation in the team, which means delaying the time when the employee begins to make a full contribution to the organization.

To manage the induction process, it is advisable to develop a special plan, where you indicate the dates for the completion of each item of the program and regularly check the implementation of activities. This allows you to give an idea of ​​what information has already been learned by the new employee, and what is not.

Personnel adaptation is a mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual development of an employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions.

Goals of staff adaptation:

Reducing start-up costs, since while a new employee does not know his job well, he works less efficiently and requires additional costs;

Reducing the degree of concern and uncertainty among new employees;

Reducing workforce turnover, as if newcomers feel uncomfortable in a new job and unnecessary, then they may respond to this by dismissal;

Saving time for the manager and employees, as the work carried out under the program helps to save time for each of them;

Development of a positive attitude towards work, job satisfaction.

Tasks of the adaptation management unit or specialist:

Organization of seminars, courses on various issues adaptation;

conducting individual conversations of the manager, mentor with a new employee;

Passing intensive short-term courses for new managers taking office;

Passing special training courses for mentors;

using the method of gradual complication of tasks performed by a beginner;

Fulfillment of one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team;

Preparation of a replacement during the rotation of personnel;

Conducting special events in the team role playing for rallying employees.

There are two types of adaptation:

1. Primary adaptation - the adaptation of young personnel who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates educational institutions).

2. Secondary adaptation - adaptation of employees with professional experience (as a rule, changing the object of activity or professional role, for example, when moving to the rank of manager).

There are the following forms of adaptation:

1. Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional opportunities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

2. In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work is mastered. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the working environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors impacts, etc.;

3. In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relations between the team with its traditions, norms of life, and value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members in the group.

4. In the process of organizational and administrative adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational management mechanism, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure.

5. Economic adaptation - allows the employee to get acquainted with the economic mechanism of managing the organization, the system of economic incentives and motives, adapt to the new conditions of remuneration of his labor and various payments.

6. In the process of sanitary and hygienic adaptation, the employee gets used to the new requirements of labor, production and technological discipline, labor regulations.

The adaptation program is divided into general and specialized. The overall adaptation program concerns the entire organization as a whole and addresses the following issues:

General idea of ​​the organization;

Payment of labor about the organization;

Fringe benefits;

Occupational health and safety;

Employee relations with the trade union;

Household services

After the implementation of the general adaptation program, a specialized adaptation program is carried out. It covers issues related specifically to any department or workplace. This program is usually run by line managers or mentors. This program includes the following topics:

Unit functions, goals and priorities; organization, goals, structure and functions; relationships with other departments;

Duties and responsibilities; a detailed description of current work and expected results; an explanation of why this particular job is important, how it relates to other types of work in the unit and in the enterprise as a whole; duration of the working day and schedule; requirements for the quality of work performed;

Prescriptive rules: rules specific only to a given type of work or a given unit; safety regulations; relationships with employees of other departments; food, smoking in the workplace; telephone conversations of a personal nature during working hours;

Inspection of the unit: fire alarm button, entrances and exits; smoking areas; places of first aid;

Presentation to department staff.

C) Motivation for staff training. Different organizations have their own system of employee motivation. They can be divided into two groups:

1. material motivation

2. non-material motivation, it includes:

Recognition and status;

Interpersonal relationships;

Creativity and growth;


1. Material motivation includes: the amount of money and the regularity of wages, the ability to regularly increase earnings, the direct dependence of remuneration on the results of one's work, the absence of a ceiling in income. Organization of catering at the expense of the company. Providing employees with travel tickets. Provision of subscriptions to fitness centers. Full or partial payment for travel to the place of rest or the rest itself, etc.

If an employee has money as the dominant motivator, then it is important to form additional motivators, since, relying only on the financial motivator, the employee can easily change jobs based on monetary interest.

2. Non-material motivation. The employee attaches great importance to such criteria in work as a normalized or free working day, a convenient work schedule, a stable salary, the availability of medical and pension insurance, and convenient travel. Work in a large company is also of great importance, which acts as a certain guarantee of stability.

Recognition and status. Opportunity for career and professional growth. To achieve professionalism in any job, an employee must strive to become the best in his specialty.

Clear boundaries. These include a normalized working day, a certain range of duties. Reward individuals for the collective contribution of the group. In this era of teamwork, people often feel like their individual accomplishments go unrecorded.

Interpersonal relationships. The employee's interest in good interpersonal relations in the team largely depends on the policy of the organization itself. Good relations with colleagues develop if employees of the same organization have the opportunity to communicate in their free time: these are corporate holidays, birthday greetings, joint field trips, a friendly team - creativity and growth. This category includes the ability to independently set goals, control oneself, find creative ways to solve problems, the company's tolerance for risk and potential errors, and the possibility of training for employees. A person who is passionate about learning will definitely grow in position and develop additional skills. Therefore, you can use knowledge and learning as a reward and motivator.

Praise. Verbal encouragement can sound on general meetings and holidays, accompanied by the presentation of certificates, cups, etc.

Personnel adaptation system - gives a new employee an idea about the company, the criteria for successfully passing the probationary period and the program of his actions for this period. All this increases the employee's sense of security and helps to build employee loyalty, starting from the first days of work in the company.

The motivation system of each company is developed based on the goals and strategy of the company itself and there is no single model that is suitable for all organizations. It is important to take into account the psychological characteristics of employees in order for the motivation system to generate in employees exactly the behavior that is expected of them. The reward system should be clear and objective for employees. Explain to your subordinates the reward system you have adopted. Inconstancy and arbitrariness in rewards and rewards leads to conflicts, not to an increase in motivation.

D) Personnel training is the main way to get professional education. This is a purposefully organized, systematically and systematically carried out process of mastering knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication under the guidance of experienced teachers and mentors. Specialists, managers, etc.

Three types of learning should be distinguished. Personnel training - systematic and organized training and release of qualified personnel for all areas of human activity, possessing a set of special knowledge, skills and methods of communication. Professional development of personnel - training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills, abilities and ways of communication in connection with the growth of requirements for the profession or promotion. Retraining of personnel - training of personnel in order to master new knowledge, skills and ways of communication in connection with mastering a new profession or changing requirements for the content and results of work.

There are many purposes for training company personnel. We list some of them:

Obtaining by employees of new knowledge and skills necessary for work;

Maintaining the professional level of staff;

Preparation of staff to replace colleagues during vacation, illness, dismissal, etc.;

Preparing for promotion;

Acquaintance of personnel with the standards of the company, development strategy, technology of activity;

Maintain a positive attitude towards work;

Formation of a sense of belonging to the company, motivation for further work.

What methods of personnel training can be used in the company?

There are different methods of staff training. For example:

Self-education of personnel;

Long-term additional staff training related to the strategic objectives of the company;

Short-term compulsory training of personnel, caused by the need to maintain technological processes at the modern level;

Short-term additional staff training related to the company's strategic objectives;


In addition to solving a few more problems, this way you can teach the standards of the company. This is not the acquisition of new knowledge, skills and abilities, but the transfer of existing corporate knowledge within the company.

Self-education of staff includes the study of specialized literature, visiting thematic exhibitions and seminars, collection and systematization of information. The main difference between self-education and additional education is that, as a rule, it is not of a systemic nature and may have nothing to do with the strategic objectives of the company.

Long-term additional staff training related to the company's strategic objectives includes obtaining a second higher education, MBA degrees, and participation in long-term training programs and events. From a business point of view, such education can be viewed as an investment in personnel, which begin to work after a certain time.

Short-term mandatory and additional training of personnel related to the operational tasks of the company is a very wide range of various activities that are necessary for effective operational management associated with the strategic objectives of the organization. This category includes seminars and business trainings that are of interest to the company both at the current stage and in the future. It can be conferences and exhibitions where there is an exchange of experience. This also includes the participation of the company's specialists in the work of various professional clubs and communities, as well as 1c training courses.

Training is short-term and long-term. Short-term training is professional trainings and seminars. In the process of such training, several skills and abilities are worked out, if this is a training, or information is thrown on one or more topics, if this is a seminar. Its duration is from one to three days. As a rule, in today's business environment, the effect of short-term staff training is noticeable within three to four months, a maximum of six months. The company is more interested in it to solve its business problems, so the organization usually pays for it entirely.

Both the company and employees are certainly interested in long-term training (long-term programs, getting a second education, advanced training programs). It increases the cost of an employee in the labor market, so in this case, a good solution would be parity pay for staff training. In this case, both the motivation of the staff and its loyalty increase. On the other hand, the company has compensation for part of the costs, and by concluding an agreement with an employee, receives certain guarantees of his work in the organization and the use of the knowledge he has received.

To determine how effective the staff training turned out to be, it is also necessary to determine what was at the input and what was the output, in other words, where did the increase in knowledge, skills and abilities occur during training. Thus, the control system necessarily includes:

Input control;

Current control (if we are talking about long-term training programs);

final control (may have a formal and informal form);

Control over the use of acquired knowledge and skills in the process of work.

All methods of personnel training can bring the desired result and be in demand within the organization. The main thing is to know what result the company expects from this staff training, why it needs it, and how the results will be monitored.

E) Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of labor productivity and the factors for its provision with the requirements of a position or workplace.

The main tasks of personnel assessment:

a) Management influence. With the help of evaluation, as well as with the help of an evaluation conversation, an employee can be shown his place in accordance with his achievements, which contributes to the manageability of the staff.

b) Determining the amount of remuneration, since only with an objective assessment of the achievements of an employee is it possible to fairly pay for his work.

c) Staff development, as it provides a choice of worthy forms of encouragement and assistance to the professional growth of employees.

c) Rational use of the employee, since the assessment is mandatory when taking a job, promotion, relocation, making a decision to leave the job.

d) Labor motivation, as it is an impulse to the conscious activity of employees aimed at increasing achievements.

In addition, personnel assessment can help in solving such significant tasks as:

Establishing feedback with an employee on professional, organizational and other issues;

Satisfying the needs of the employee in assessing their own work and quality characteristics.

Types of personnel assessments should be distinguished according to many criteria that are used in production practice.

In accordance with the criteria of systematicity, the following are distinguished:

Systematic assessment, carried out by clearly defining all the most important features of the assessment (assessment process, its frequency, assessment criteria, assessment measurement method).

Unsystematic assessment, in which the evaluator is given a choice of how the assessment is measured, the assessment process, assessment criteria.

In accordance with the criteria of regularity, there are: regular assessments, which are used most often continuously, for example, to determine the amount of remuneration. Typically, such ongoing assessments are carried out once every six months, a year, or two years.

D) Retraining and advanced training of personnel. If we consider vocational education as a system, then it is necessary to distinguish two stages in it. The first is professional training itself. The second is the subsequent efforts made to deepen, expand and supplement previously acquired qualifications.

Retraining - training associated with the need to change the specialty due to changes in the professional structure of employment, changes in the worker's ability to work, etc.

Advanced training - training due to a change in the nature and content of the work of specialists in their positions, obsolescence of knowledge.

At the same time, depending on the goals pursued, the previously acquired qualifications must be maintained, brought into line with the changed situation or used for professional promotion. This approach to advanced training directly follows from the concept of continuous education, which is based on the principle of organizing step-by-step industrial training of personnel.

Continuity of training is understood not as episodic retraining of workers due to the obsolescence of their qualifications, but a successive process of systematic advanced training and expansion of its volume, planned on the basis of forecasts for the development of means of production, according to the principle of transition from less to more complex professions, from narrow specialization to multidisciplinary. Such planning of the process of developing the potential of the workforce in accordance with the development of the material and technical base minimizes the need for urgent and poorly prepared measures to retrain workers in new professions.

Advanced training (training) is the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills, the study of best practices. Exactly professional development in accordance with the constantly changing conditions of production activity is the main content of advanced training.

Further training after completion of vocational training and a certain period of work in the profession is aimed at achieving two goals:

Ensuring the adaptation of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by conducting training activities that accompany the labor process, mainly at the enterprises themselves;

Preparation of a professional career with the transition to a higher level of qualification as specialists and mid-level management personnel (for example, foremen, technicians, specialists in practical issues of organization and economics of an enterprise, specialists in various fields, etc.) by attending courses at an enterprise, with training center, serving many businesses, or at a vocational school.

Therefore, the importance of professional development is increasing. Periods of time when study predominates are replaced by periods of time with a predominance of practical application, and vice versa. Work and study are constantly becoming more and more inseparable from each other. Vocational training, professional work and advanced training always contain both elements: an element of study and an element of application. It is important to note the following:

1. Training is systematic process changes in employee behavior in order to best achieve the goals of the enterprise.

2. A formal training program is an attempt by an employer to provide its employees with the opportunity to improve their work skills, skills and knowledge.

3. Learning all this is an activity through which the individual improves his skills, knowledge and capabilities, which is reflected in the corresponding changes in his work.

4. The purpose of training is to improve skills. Motor skills, mental skills, communication skills are the objects of various training programs.

During the period of intensive technological transformations, advanced training is given exceptional importance, which ensures the very existence of the enterprise.

G) Business career management is a set of activities carried out by the personnel department of an organization to plan, organize, motivate and control the career growth of an employee, based on his goals, needs, capabilities, abilities and inclinations, as well as based on goals, needs, opportunities and socio-economic conditions of the organization. Every employee is engaged in managing his business career. Business career management allows you to achieve employee devotion to the interests of the organization, increase productivity, reduce staff turnover and more fully disclose human abilities.

The goal of a career cannot be called a field of activity, certain work, position, place on the career ladder. It has deep content. Career goals are manifested in the reason why a person would like to have this particular job, to occupy a certain step on the hierarchical ladder of positions. Career goals change with age, as well as as we change ourselves, with the growth of our qualifications, etc.

Forming career goals is an ongoing process.

The main task of career planning and implementation is to ensure the interaction of professional and intra-organizational careers. This interaction involves the implementation of a number of tasks, namely:

Achieving the relationship between the goals of the organization and the individual employee;

Ensuring career planning is focused on a specific employee in order to take into account his specific needs and situations;

Ensuring the openness of the career management process;

Elimination of "career dead ends", in which there are practically no opportunities for employee development;

Improving the quality of the career planning process;

Formation of visual and perceived criteria for career growth used in specific career decisions;

Studying the career potential of employees;

Providing a reasonable assessment of the career potential of employees in order to reduce unrealistic expectations;

Determination of career paths, the use of which will satisfy the quantitative and qualitative need for personnel at the right time and in the right place.

H) Rotation. From time to time employees of the organization move from one position to another, from one department to another. This happens both at the initiative of the management, and at the own initiative of the employee. Actually, this movement is called rotation. In the theory of personnel management, rotation is understood as a system of transfers and movements of employees within a department or company to new jobs on a regular, lawful and organized basis.

The meaning of rotation is that:

1) diversity brings the employee satisfaction with the new position held, new functions performed, new tasks set, achievement of new goals and results, that is, the development of one's own career. Consequently, the employee is not looking for "novelty" in another company (worse - from competitors);

2) a sense of community is brought up between employees of the entire company, their readiness for compromise, cooperation, and teamwork is enhanced.

However, it should be remembered that an employee transferred to a new position quickly learns new job responsibilities and much more slowly - new social roles for himself or new aspects of already familiar behavioral roles. Therefore, an employee can successfully cope with professional (functional) tasks, but experience additional difficulties and even get into conflict situations due to not confirming his role expectations.

I) delegation of authority.

Delegation - is the process of transferring part of their official functions to subordinates without active interference in their actions.

The principle of delegation of authority consists in the transfer by the head of a part of the powers assigned to him, rights and responsibilities to his competent employees.

Usually delegated the following types works:

routine work;

specialized activity;

Private and unimportant questions;

Preparatory work.

When delegating authority, the manager delegates (establishes) responsibilities; determines the rights and level of responsibility in the exercise of authority.

Benefits of delegation of authority:

The ability to deal with tasks that require the personal participation of the leader;

Focus on strategic objectives and long-term plans for the development of the enterprise;

This is the best way to motivate creative and active workers;

This is the best way to learn;

This is the way to a professional career.

K) Formation of a personnel reserve. The presence of a personnel reserve allows in advance on a planned basis, according to a scientifically and practically substantiated program, to prepare candidates for newly created and vacant positions to be filled, to effectively organize training and internships for specialists included in the personnel reserve, and to use them rationally in various areas and levels in the management system.

The formation of a personnel reserve is carried out on the basis of the conclusions of the attestation commissions, based on an objective comprehensive assessment of information about the business and personal qualities of candidates for senior positions. At the same time, the conclusions of such commissions should be based on an analysis of the specific results of the professional activity of specialists achieved at various stages of their work in the management system.

The work on the formation of a personnel reserve consists of the following stages:

1. Preparing a forecast of expected changes in the composition of management personnel.

2. Evaluation of business and personal qualities of candidates for the reserve for nomination.

3. Determination of candidates for the reserve.

4. Making a decision on inclusion in the reserve.

5. Coordination of the lists of candidates included in the reserve with higher organizations.

Reserve list formation methods:

a) analysis of documentary data;

b) interview;

c) monitoring the behavior of the employee in various situations;

d) evaluation of the results of labor activity;

e) the method of a given grouping of workers (people are selected for the given requirements for the position or for the given structure of the working group).

Factors to be taken into account when forming the list to the reserve:

1) requirements for the position, for the workplace, assessment of labor productivity;

2) professional characteristics of a specialist;

3) a list of positions for which the employee can apply;

4) limiting restrictions on the criteria for selecting candidates for the position;

5) the results of the assessment of the requirement and the individual characteristics of the candidate;

7) opinion of managers and specialists of related departments, labor collective;

8) the results of the assessment of the potential of the candidate.

L) Organization of payment and incentives for labor. Material incentives are a complex of various kinds of material benefits received or appropriated by personnel for an individual or group contribution to the results of an organization's activities through professional work, creative activity and the required rules of conduct.

Consequently, the concept of material incentives includes all types of cash payments that are used in the organization, and all forms of material non-monetary incentives. To date, in domestic and foreign practice, the following types of direct and indirect material payments are used: salary, bonuses. Bonuses, profit sharing, additional payments, deferred payments, equity participation.

The organization of wages at the enterprise is understood as the construction of a system for its differentiation and regulation by categories of personnel, depending on the complexity of the work, as well as individual and collective labor results, while ensuring guaranteed earnings for the fulfillment of the labor norm.

To the base part of wages, additional payments and allowances can be established, which are an integral part of the development of wage conditions. Their use is due to the need to take into account, when paying, the additional labor costs of employees, which are of a fairly constant nature and are associated with the specifics of certain types of labor and areas of its application, and in this regard, it is aimed at creating the interest of employees in increasing additional labor costs and compensating these costs by the manager.

Currently, more than 50 types of additional payments and allowances are used in the country's economy. Surcharges and allowances are divided into those guaranteed by labor legislation and optional, determined by local regulations.

The most important direction of material monetary incentives is bonuses. The bonus stimulates special increased labor costs, and its source is the material incentive fund.

Benefits and compensations are a special form of employee participation in the economic success of the enterprise. In the modern economy, the condition for the success of an organization is not only profit maximization, but also the social security of the employee, the development of his personality. In this regard, there are a number of tasks that the organization strives to solve by voluntarily providing its employees with benefits and compensation:

Aligning the goals and needs of employees with the goals of the organization;

Development of a special psychology among employees when they identify themselves with their organization;

Increasing productivity, efficiency and quality of work and the readiness of employees to work effectively for the benefit of the organization;

Social protection of employees at a higher level than provided by law;

Creation of a positive microclimate in the labor collective;

Formation of a positive public opinion about the organization as an employer and strengthening of its positive image among employees.

The system of financial incentives is supplemented to a limited extent by non-material incentives.

The meaning of "non-material stimulus" combines everything that is necessarily reflected in a person's feelings and mental images, at the same time affects the spiritual, moral and moral. Aesthetic needs and interests of the individual. Non-material incentives are based on knowledge of the psychological foundations of human behavior in labor and understanding the importance of labor activity in meeting human needs.

State Committee for Fisheries of the Russian Federation



Institute of Economics


By discipline: "Personnel management"

Topic: "Development of the organization's personnel"


Student group ZFE-88


Development of the organization's personnel

Social and labor adaptation in the team

The first step to making the work of an employee as productive as possible is labor and social adaptation in the team. If management is interested in the success of an employee in a new workplace, it must always remember that the organization is a social system, and each employee is an individual. When a new person enters an organization, they bring with them previously acquired experiences and perspectives that may or may not fit into the new framework.

Adaptation is the mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization, based on the gradual development of an employee in new professional, social, organizational and economic working conditions. More poetically, adaptation can be defined "as the process of learning the threads of power, the process of comprehending the doctrines adopted in the organization, the process of learning, realizing what is important in this organization or its divisions."

When a person goes to work, he is included in the system of intra-organizational relations, occupying several positions in it at the same time. Each position corresponds to a set of requirements, norms, rules of conduct that determine the social role of a person in a team as an employee, colleague, subordinate, leader, member of a collective management body, public organization, etc. From a person occupying each of these positions, behavior is expected corresponding to it. Entering a job in a particular organization, a person has certain goals, needs, norms of behavior. In accordance with them, the employee makes certain requirements for the organization: for working conditions and his motivation.

The process of mutual adaptation, or labor adaptation, of the employee and the organization will be the more successful, the more the norms and values ​​of the team are or become the norms and values ​​of the individual employee, the faster and better he accepts, assimilates his social roles in the team.

There are two areas of adaptation:

Primary, i.e. adaptation of young employees who do not have professional experience (as a rule, in this case we are talking about graduates of educational institutions of various levels);

Secondary, i.e. adaptation of employees with professional experience (as a rule, changing the object of activity or their professional role, for example, moving to the rank of manager).

It should be noted that in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, the role of secondary adaptation increases. On the other hand, domestic personnel services it is necessary to turn to the experience of foreign firms, which traditionally pay increased attention to the primary adaptation of young employees. This category of workers needs special care from the administration.

In theoretical and practical terms, there are several types of adaptation:

Psychophysiological - adaptation to new physical and psychological stress, physiological working conditions. In the process of psychophysiological adaptation, the totality of all conditions that have a different psychophysiological effect on the worker during work is mastered. These conditions include: physical and mental stress, the level of monotony of labor, sanitary and hygienic standards of the production environment, the rhythm of work, the convenience of the workplace, external factors of influence (noise, light, vibration, etc.).

Socio-psychological - adaptation to a relatively new society, norms of behavior and relationships in a new team. In the process of socio-psychological adaptation, the employee is included in the system of relationships of the team with its traditions, norms of life, and value orientations. In the course of such adaptation, the employee receives information about the system of business and personal relationships in the team and individual formal and informal groups, about the social positions of individual members of the group. He perceives this information actively, correlating it with his past. social experience with their value orientations. When an employee accepts group norms, a process of identification of the individual takes place either with the team as a whole, or with some formal or informal group.

Professional - gradual refinement of labor abilities (professional skills, additional knowledge, cooperation skills, etc.). Professional adaptation is characterized by additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's work. As a rule, job satisfaction comes when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

Organizational - mastering the role and organizational status of the workplace and unit in the overall organizational structure, as well as understanding the features of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the company. In the process of organizational adaptation, the employee gets acquainted with the features of the organizational and economic mechanism for managing the company, the place of his unit and position in the overall system of goals and in the organizational structure. With this adaptation, the employee should form an understanding of his own role in the overall production process. One more important and specific aspect of organizational adaptation should be singled out - the preparedness of an employee for the perception and implementation of innovations (of a technical or organizational-economic nature).

Despite the difference between the aspects of adaptation, they are all in constant interaction, so the management process requires a unified system of impact tools that ensure the speed and success of adaptation.

Personnel adaptation procedures are designed to facilitate the entry of new employees into the life of the organization. Practice shows that 90% of people who left their jobs during the first year made this decision already on the first day of their stay in the new organization. As a rule, a newcomer to an organization faces a large number of difficulties, most of which are generated precisely by the lack of information about the work procedure, location, characteristics of colleagues, etc. That is, a special procedure for introducing a new employee into the organization can help to remove more of the problems that arise at the beginning of work.

Significance of the adaptation process:

1. Ways to include new employees in the life of the organization can significantly enhance the creative potential of existing employees and increase their inclusion in the corporate culture of the organization.

2. For a manager, information about how the process of adaptation of new employees is organized in his unit can tell a lot about the degree of development of the team, the level of its cohesion and internal integration.

3. A greater number of newly hired employees remaining for work in the organization reduces staff turnover, the organization's costs of hiring and training new employees and speaks of a positive social climate in the organization.

Organizations use a variety of means, both formal and informal, to introduce the individual into their society.

The duties of the leader include helping the newcomer get started:

1) the leader must introduce the newcomer to colleagues, explain to them and to him what his work is, and give the initial task. The manager needs to remember that a new employee is not just a spare screw that needs to be inserted into the machine. HE is a person who, by his mere presence, can shift the center of gravity of the entire group. He is influenced by the traditions of the group, but also influences them himself;

2) the task of the leader is to dispel the fears as much as possible that the new employee will outshine the old ones, that he will do the work differently. Namely: to give confidence to old employees, to support a newcomer;

3) if the newcomer does not feel important to the firm, the firm will not be particularly important to him. Remember that people will only be proud of their work if they are proud of their firm.

4) The new employee must receive the following information about the company:

Company history;

organizational structure;

Functions of various departments;

Management policy towards consumers and employees;

Products and services provided by the firm;

Requirements for employees;

Additional benefits for employees.

If one of the leaders of the company comes up with this information, then new employees will know that they are valued. The manager must inform his employee

what is expected of him:

What time should he come to work?

Where to park the car;

When does the working day end?

How long does lunch last?

When leave is granted;

Who should report your illness?

and its features:

promotions and transfers;

Stability of work, etc.

If the leader instructed the beginner well, then:

The new employee will feel like a member of the team from the very beginning;

He will feel that he makes a significant contribution to the activities of the department or firm;

In the current situation, companies are increasingly engaged not only in recruitment and personnel records management, but also assist in the development of employees. The development of personnel in an organization is considered as a special type of investment in its own personnel, in the company as a whole.

What is personnel development?

Questions often arise: what is the difference between development and staff training? Are these concepts identical or different? Let's try to figure out what the concept itself includes.

Personnel development is a whole system, the action of which is aimed at the development of employees, and which combines several different subsystems:

  • staff training during adaptation,
  • training as professional development within a given position,
  • personnel reserve training,
  • personnel rotation (secondments), secondment to certain positions,
  • employee coaching,
  • delegation of authority.

Main tasks and goals

Personnel development activities will allow newcomers to quickly adapt to a new place, more actively begin to perform new tasks and more quickly understand the work with new technologies and changing conditions. Properly planned advanced training stages will help an employee in any position, regardless of whether he was just hired or transferred from another department / department.

Also, the benefit of these activities is to increase the level of efficiency and effectiveness of work in an already occupied position, which is a great advantage for each company.

Working with the talent pool, in which more and more organizations are declaring a serious interest these days, is simply impossible without the actions of both the personnel management services and the management for the development of members of the talent pool groups - this is how the management personnel necessary for the company's goals are trained.

In general, the implementation of personnel development measures results in an increase in employee satisfaction and their loyalty to the employing company, to the profession and their activities, which, in turn, leads to a decrease in staff turnover, the achievement of significant independence from the labor market, an increase in personal and social the potential of employees.

Important points and possible errors

When building a personnel development system in an organization, it is necessary to follow several very important requirements:

  • Firstly, all subsystems (listed above) should be built logically in interconnection with each other - for example, building a training subsystem as an advanced training in a given position will not be effective without a previously created and applied training subsystem for beginners during the adaptation stage; or the training of the personnel reserve is logically very closely related to coaching and rotational secondments.
  • Secondly, the close connection of the personnel development system with the strategic goals of the organization itself as a whole and the strategic goals of the business units is important, and, moreover, the proactive style of employee development is important here - as soon as the strategic goals become clear, the relevant responsible service, together with the management, begin to form development plans - for the future, and not after the business processes have already been built, but without the necessary staff training.
  • Thirdly, it is advisable to take into account the strategy directly in the field of HR - personnel management. In particular, a strategic decision may be to focus on working with external providers in the field of HR, or, on the contrary, to be fundamentally willing to work with internal resources on personnel management tasks. This or that strategy will directly affect the construction of the development system and all its subsystems, the involvement of external or in-house professionals in the tasks of training and development, and the construction of the HR service itself.

If we consider not only the elements of the personnel development system, but it itself as part of the entire personnel management cycle, then it is necessary to take into account the relationship of employee development with all parts of the HR cycle. Namely, an effectively built development system is closely interconnected with the system of personnel planning and personnel selection - for example, with competent personnel planning, we must take into account the development opportunities already existing workers to fill certain personnel positions, for personnel transfers; when planning the selection of personnel, using the existing development system, we understand whether we will select external or internal personnel (subject to appropriate training) for certain positions.

The personnel adaptation system and the development system are also closely intertwined - effective adaptation is impossible without appropriate training both in the workplace and outside it. The motivation system and the development system mutually influence each other - an organization can motivate those employees who achieve significant results in their own professional development, and, on the other hand, developmental activities themselves can be accompanied by a motivating effect when they are implemented. Corporate culture and the development system are closely interconnected - for example, the strategy of a self-learning organization can become the main element and leitmotif around which the entire organizational culture in the company will be built.

An important point in building a personnel development system is the participation of all managers and part of the employees in its formation and its implementation of relevant activities.

Basic tools - forms and steps

Separately, it is worth considering the subsystems of personnel development related to training. Staff training activities include the following:

  1. on-the-job training
  2. shadowing, or observation by a newcomer in this position of how a more experienced employee works, what actions a more experienced employee performs
  3. assigning a mentor to a new employee who gives various work tasks and controls the progress and results of their implementation, gives constructive feedback,
  4. lectures, mainly created for the assimilation of theoretical information,
  5. seminars, during which a group of participants receives both the necessary information and has the opportunity to consolidate the material during discussions and questions and answers,
  6. trainings, both corporate (closed - with the participation of only employees of this organization and conducted mainly by internal trainers, although not only; and open - with the participation of employees from different companies and conducted by external providers),
  7. business games,
  8. conferences, master classes,
  9. facilitation sessions,
  10. coaching by a superior manager (specially trained) or a third-party specialist coach,
  11. other activities.

There is no single correct learning tool, it is important to combine different methods when implementing learning and development systems.

The training and development of personnel in the organization should be directed to all clusters of competencies. So, in accordance with the content of the cluster of corporate-wide competencies (competencies that are important and applicable to absolutely all positions in the organization from an ordinary employee to the CEO - for example, focus on results, readiness to work in a team, others) - it is necessary to develop measures in the organization, who would work on the development of these competencies (conducting Development Centers, relevant trainings, facilitation sessions and coaching sessions). In accordance with the content of the cluster of managerial competencies for the purpose of development, the necessary seminars, trainings and business games are held. According to the content of the cluster of professional competencies, various professional briefings, trainings, retraining events are implemented.

In addition to developing and creating competency models for the formation effective system development of personnel, it is advisable to regularly conduct Assessment Centers and Development Centers in the organization - these Centers help in identifying gaps and "white spots" in the level of all types of competencies necessary for the organization to successfully achieve its goals. Based on the results of such an assessment, not only administrative decisions are made for each specific employee participating in such an assessment, but development plans are also formed. Each manager, each key employee, each member of the Talent / Talent Pool group should have an Individual Development Plan (IDP). Such a plan provides a description of the current level of development of the employee's competencies, a plan of development activities to increase the level of competence, those responsible for the implementation of these activities and the timing of such implementation.

Personnel development from Diamond Personnel R&C

Diamond Personnel R&C specialists are ready to develop and assist in creating a personnel development system for your organization.

The cost of the service for the formation of a turnkey personnel development system is 500,000 rubles and takes from 3 to 6 months, depending on the size of the organization and the Client's willingness to move quickly.

We will be glad to cooperate with you!