How to put yourself in front of subordinates. Communication between a leader and subordinates: ethics of business relations

These days, they are more relevant than ever. Human resource management has become a profession. Only the lazy one does not talk about motivation and the human factor. For a change, in this article I would like to discuss the topic of the consumer attitude of subordinates to the boss.

Perhaps, sooner or later, any leader comes up with the idea that he is being used. And the more professional the manipulator, the later this thought arises. And then the next question is how to put the subordinate in his place.

What threatens the boss

Most often, passive manipulation takes place. Let's take a look at the most common types of agile workers.

  1. Those who, with enviable constancy, ask for a salary increase or other benefits. Often these are personal drivers. Almost always they perform some additional duties, on which they rest. Complaints, references to illness, demonstrations of ostentatious devotion, and the crudest flattery are all right. With such, you should break off relations immediately, until someone is found who, for additional benefits, will lure your grabber and find out too much about you. And don't worry about breaking up a "warm" relationship, things could get worse.
  2. Passive manipulation through endless complaints about domestic disorder, poor health and family troubles. At the first spontaneous impulse to help, he "delicately" refuses, but still does not miss the opportunity to present himself as an "orphan of Kazan". The call to "have pity on the poor thing" is read in a pitiful expression. How to be? Before you rush to help, do not hesitate to ask for supporting documents. For example, a certificate if we are talking about an illness. Charity should be reasonable.
  3. Manipulation "on the contrary". The employee consistently overfulfills official duties and refuses additional promotion. "Human Resource Management" is not required. What causes first amazement, then tenderness, then - the need to somehow respond. In this case, the game is called "Our company is dear to me" or "I am so responsible."

Do you really believe in it? All people - superiors, subordinates - work for money, only with varying degrees pleasure. Talk to the worker. Try to find your true motivation. Team recognition? Or just aiming for your place? Be careful. And remember - the more you give to a person, the more he wants.

With love for the boss

How to put a subordinate in his place when he demonstrates loyalty in every possible way?

It is no secret that flattery in all its forms and manifestations is common in any team. The more vulnerable we are in this matter, the easier it is to buy into simple tricks. Think, are you really the best? What is the percentage of truth in the words of the subordinate? If nothing confuses or alarms - maybe it's time to finish the training personal growth and look at the situation adequately?

It happens that a subordinate frankly cares for you. Yes, everything happens, and love in the workplace also occurs. But an office romance is a ticking time bomb, you never know when it will explode. Think more than once before joining in with subordinates. Most likely, you or the other party will have to change jobs sooner or later.

Emotions and their absence

The employee is silent in response to your criticism. you don't get feedback that stresses and angers you. Try to fight him with his own method. Do not engage in long conversations, speak briefly and to the point, then demand an answer. Silently wait for his reaction. The main thing is to make it clear that it will not be possible to leave without clarifying the situation.

In response to criticism, subordinates (usually women) react extremely emotionally and even cry. The conversation has to be curtailed and it is impossible to convey the necessary considerations to the addressee. In this case, how to put the subordinate in place?

Tears are a great trick. If it succeeded once, sobbing in the office will take place at the slightest need and without it. Don't let yourself be confused. Pause and offer a handkerchief. Then continue your thought. Say whatever you need to and get at least a promise to fix the situation. Do not forget that right now you are the object of manipulation.

The subordinate called "on the carpet" threw a tantrum right in the office. Close the door - you don't need the audience. Try to figure out what's bothering him so much. If there are no specific accusations, perhaps the person simply broke down from overload, nervous tension, or completely extraneous problems. Having delved into the essence of the matter, try (in the case of good reason) correct the situation if it depends on you. Of course, it's not easy. But remember that the explosion of indignation, as a rule, is not addressed to you at all. And there is nothing to be offended about.

If the substitute behaves inappropriately

The opposite situation - the deputy is good as a professional, but rude and offends people. Attempts to discuss are ineffective, as he does not consider this a problem. The relationship between the leader and the subordinate in this case harms the cause. What to do?

Rude people find it hard to understand why they should be empathetic. And why should they care? Respond to specific situations and show how you could solve the problem with "soft" methods faster and more efficiently. Do not overload with theory, he will not understand you. It will take time, but a good team environment is worth it.

The boss is the father

What to do when subordinates ask questions of a personal nature? There's nothing you can do - listen and create a friendly atmosphere. Show understanding and willingness to help. Don't downplay the problem or play the judge. Help useful information not free advice. Provide assistance as much as possible.

The subordinate is a petty complainer and sneak. If the reasons for complaints are always different, it is probably a lack of attention. Tell him you appreciate him Good work. Perhaps the flow of complaints will decrease. If not, explain that you are busy and cannot be constantly interrupted. Suggest to come back later. In this way, you can almost completely do away with complaints.

In general, the topic "Management and subordinates" is inexhaustible. And each case requires an individual approach.

Think About Motivation

Here are five essential tips for a manager who wants to increase the motivation of employees.

  1. Formulate tasks clearly so that subordinates understand what is required of them.
  2. Whenever possible, assign the employee the job that suits him best.
  3. Make sure employees are confident in their competence. If they doubt it, the motivation disappears.
  4. Let's get information on exactly what to do at each stage. Don't forget about ratings and comments.
  5. After completing the work, reward them.

Many people mistakenly believe that having taken a leadership position, you can relax and just enjoy life. In fact, the boss is a responsible and serious position that requires maximum concentration from a person. In addition to performing their direct duties, the leader will also have to establish contacts with subordinates.

In the first weeks and even months after the appointment of a new boss, all employees of the company will look closely at the boss, analyze his words, actions, deeds, etc. That is why it is very important to build a communication strategy correctly when communicating with subordinates and know what not to say to your employees.

I don't believe that you can achieve anything just by ordering people to do this or that.
You must, figuratively speaking, take up the oar and row with them.
Harold Jenin

The power of a word

A well-chosen strategy of communication with the team will help to avoid the occurrence of many problems. A good boss should always control what and how he says, success largely depends on this joint work boss and team.

There are many examples in history that the power of a word can convince a person to perform a certain action, deed. Therefore, the leader must, first of all, become a good speaker who can not only give orders, but also maintain the enthusiasm of his subordinates.

Forbidden phrases when communicating with subordinates

If you want to enlist the support of employees, try to exclude certain phrases and expressions from your speech:

1. "We've always done it this way"

Instead of using this dubious argument, try to make convincing arguments in favor of your point of view. Do not crush your subordinates with your authority, but on the contrary, show that you are ready to compromise and seek the right decision together.

2. "Find it out for yourself (herself)"

If an employee turned to you for help, then most likely he has already tried everything possible ways task and now needs your advice.

3. "Your predecessor worked better"

This is a very offensive remark, which is sure to hurt the pride of the employee. You should not compare (at least out loud) your subordinates. Criticism should be constructive: it is best to say what exactly the employee is doing wrong than to get personal.

4. "You're lucky you were hired at all"

This phrase, uttered by the boss with the appropriate intonation, can cause only one desire in the subordinate - to look for a new place.

5. "I don't need your explanations"

Even if you are very angry and do not want to talk to an employee, find the strength to calm down and listen to him. Remember that dialogue is the path to compromise.

6. "I watch you all the time"

The boss is not the educator kindergarten, which controls every step of employees. Give your subordinates more freedom, only in this case their work will become more productive.

7. "It's a stupid idea"

You should not give such an assessment to the judgments of your colleagues (even if you really think so). Try to soften the phrase: “This is not quite what we need”, “Keep working in this direction”, etc.

8. "I knew you couldn't do it"

Before you say it out loud, think about the fact that the employee who failed the task is already having a hard time. Try not to aggravate the situation, but, on the contrary, support a subordinate whose conceit is at zero.

Business communication is important in running any kind of business. The art of oratory is an inborn quality of the few. However, it can be learned. Especially oratorical qualities are needed for the head of the company. Effective business and accounting services depend on the correct setting of tasks for subordinates. Therefore, the leader needs to clearly formulate the question - and only then demand fidelity of execution.

How to talk to subordinates

Depends on the quality of control and . A few recommendations regarding business communication with subordinates:

  • When subordinates fail to fulfill their duties, a remark should be made. If you skip this oversight, then it will continue to work without due responsibility.
  • Criticism should refer to the actions, not to the individual.
  • The personal life of employees should not interfere with work. You should not give advice.
  • Respect comes to those who know how to maintain their composure in any situation. No need to lose your temper and lose control.
  • Justice in everything. On merit - reward.
  • Even if the success of the business depended personally on the leader, the team must be praised
  • Subordinates need to strengthen their self-esteem. Praise and reward are ideal means.
  • You should always speak up for your employees. This will strengthen their faith in the leader and will contribute to increased efficiency.
  • Orders should be given depending on the situation and the personality of the subordinate who has to do the work.

Orders are best used in emergency situations. Requests are applied if the case is ordinary and does not require urgency. The last form of giving the order establishes friendly relations between superiors and subordinates. With the right construction of communication, there is every chance to succeed in business - the registration of companies is your main occupation or sales - after all, not only the head himself, but also all employees will strive for this.

APPEAL. The communication style of a manager with an employee (i.e. subordinate) depends on general style relationships in the team. The manager, as a rule, should address employees by their first and middle names. Addressing by surname with the addition of the word "sir" is possible, but in our country it is not yet common. You should also not address subordinates by name, and even in an abbreviated version. From time immemorial, it has been customary in our country to respectfully call people by name and patronymic. This is our long tradition. By name, you can address the nearest employees if they are young and do not mind such familiar treatment.

In a business conversation, one must be able to answer any question. Even for the simplest, asked daily several times "How are you?", It is always necessary to remember a sense of proportion. Nothing to answer impolitely; muttering "normal" and passing by is also impolite, if not rude; indulge in long discussions about their affairs - pass for a bore. In such cases, business etiquette prescribes to answer something like the following:

"Thank you, it's fine", "Thank you, while it's a sin to complain", and in turn ask: "I hope that everything is fine with you?" Such answers are neutral, they reassure everyone, they follow the norms that have developed in Russia: "Do not jinx it when things are going well."

However, the Czechs, Slovaks, Poles and Yugoslavs to the question "How are you?" business etiquette is not forbidden to briefly talk about the difficulties, complain, for example, about the high cost. But they talk about it cheerfully, emphasizing that a business person overcomes difficulties - there are many of them in his business, but he knows how to cope with them, and is proud of it. And without difficulties and worries, only a loafer lives.

THE ABILITY TO LISTEN. The next important step. Ability to listen to your employees. It seems to many: what could be easier than being able to listen! But listening does not mean doing nothing. Listening, it is necessary to understand the meaning of not only what the interlocutor is talking about, but also to understand why he is saying this, what he wants from you, what he came to you with. What can you do for him? Do not rush to interrupt the interlocutor, let him talk.

But true business communication between a manager and his employees often does not occur for a number of reasons, the main of which is the presence of social, psychological and other barriers. We list the most characteristic of them:

Lack of psychological compatibility between the manager and the employee (some character traits, behaviors of one do not like the other). The head (or, conversely, the employee) once in some situation allowed a disrespectful attitude. And this alienation continues to be a barrier in communication situations.

ü The leader or subordinate was previously insincere, and even worse, one committed a dishonest act in relation to the other. This creates a barrier to communication for a long time, and sometimes forever.

ь The interlocutors do not call each other by name and patronymic, but purely officially turn to “you”.

ü The facial expression of one of the interlocutors is impassive, indifferent, and sometimes even boring in relation to everything that the other says.

ü One (manager or employee) considers the other incompetent, professionally unprepared.

b One of the interlocutors lacks a sense of humor (one joked, and the other either did not understand this joke or took it as a personal insult).

ü The leader systematically seeks to show his superiority and thereby suppresses and even humiliates his employee.

ü Relationships are too formal, official.

The manager in a communication situation is periodically distracted (on telephone conversations, continues to write something, has an indifferent look).

The leader does not enter into and does not even want to externally enter into the position of an employee and thereby, as it were, illustrates his indifference to his employee.

b One of the interlocutors in relation to the other behaves arrogantly, communicates in an edifying and instructive tone.

ü Unfavorable environment for communication (many strangers, too cold or, conversely, too hot in the room).

b By clothing, demeanor, or some other signs, one of the interlocutors “illustrates” a clear superiority, his “special position”.

b One of the interlocutors shows that he is in a hurry somewhere.

b The conversation turns into a debate, and then into a showdown. The list of barriers could be continued. We brought them not by chance, but so that the leader does not create them himself. And if any of the communication barriers arose, I was looking for a way to remove it or at least reduce it.

It is very important for a leader to know, and most importantly, to be able to creatively use, depending on the situation, the rules of business, but at the same time trusting communication:

b Where possible and appropriate, shake hands.

ь If you are sitting at your desk, and a visitor has come to you, then at this moment it is best to leave the table and invite him to sit down.

ь Starting a conversation, take an interest in personal affairs, problems that concern the interlocutor.

ü Do not frown, smile, be open with the interlocutor. Avoid phrases: “I am not interested in this .., but I have a different opinion on this matter .., I would like to remind you ...”

l Look for a “zone of common interests”, something that can bring you closer to the interlocutor.

Try to yield to the interlocutor in trifles, but in solving the main problem, convince the interlocutor of the expediency of your approach, your point of view.

End a business conversation on such a note, a phrase, to throw a bridge to a subsequent meeting.

Try to make the interlocutor leave you in a good mood.

Business communication plays a special role in the life of every person. It defines relationships between people. Even after changing jobs, former colleagues continue to communicate with each other. The basic principle of effective business communication and human relations are ethical norms or rules. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the norms of communication, investing their experience, upbringing and ideas about moral values. Therefore, business communication for some is an effective tool for career growth, self-realization, for others it is a reason for failures and difficulties in relations with colleagues and superiors.

In the concept of moral norms lies a certain representation of the ideal, which is an example for copying and imitation. But it runs counter to the need for a person to satisfy his needs, which is sometimes directly related to the violation of moral standards. The idea of ​​the norms of behavior and practical calculation, the desired self-improvement and the real need come into conflict.

Business communication is distinguished by the fact that it occurs in connection with a certain activity, for a certain reason, where the people entering into communication are in certain formal relationships. In this case, communication is not an end in itself, but only an occasion to achieve the ultimate goal of self-realization and socialization of the participants in communication.

Even in the distant past, the problems of business communication ethics were solved. Perhaps the earliest document that has come down to us is the teachings of Confucius, which preaches the basic principle of communication: "do not do to others what you do not wish for yourself."

According to this principle, he created more practical advice and remarks on industrial relations:

ü When you do not know the ritual, you will not be able to establish yourself.

I listen to people's words and look at their actions.

To lead untrained people to fight is to abandon them.

l Be reverent and deal honestly with others.

l A noble man, when leading people, uses the talents of everyone; a small man, when he leads people, demands universals from them.

b Hold the two ends, but use the middle.

Surprisingly wise words that give an accurate idea of ​​the general line of behavior in the team, the optimal way of leadership, the search for a compromise, the "golden mean". The idea of ​​the position of each participant in business communication, occupying his own social level, is also relevant.

By creating provisions for corporate ethics, the leader must proceed from the level of development of collective relations. If the team is new, the formal side of relations prevails in it, the employees look closely at each other and at the leader. This is the most opportune moment for the leader to establish his own traditions and laws. If the leader came to an already established team, then you can’t break everything right away. It is necessary to think over a way to gradually correct the miscalculations and mistakes of the former leader, while involving the leaders of this team.

AT modern concepts about the ethics of business communication and about corporate ethics as one of its components lies the principle of control and combination of motives and interests.

l The leaders of the organization must understand that one of the main goals of management is to implement the idea of ​​​​maximum team cohesion.

Then comes the state of psychological comfort, understanding that everything together is a single whole, but each is irreplaceable and individual.

ü Solving any problem with a subordinate, the leader finds out the motive of his action, the reason for the failure.

ü Constant and reasonable control is one of the basic rules of ethical behavior. Impunity can destroy the most cohesive team.

ü It is necessary to be critical of the results of work, but not to the weaknesses and shortcomings of a person.

ü The manager should not show that he has the most beloved employees.

ü It is necessary to protect your subordinates, to be on their side, not to be afraid of reasonable self-criticism.

It is necessary to skillfully choose the form of the order, combining orders with requests, consulting and subordinating.

It is the leader who needs to educate the ethical standards of communication in his subordinates.

ü Subordinates should know that it is they who create the atmosphere in the team.

ü The opportunity to directly command the leader should not be allowed.

ü You can not encourage direct contact with the manager, bypassing your immediate supervisor.

When communicating between employees of equal status, the issue of personal competition and rivalry is especially acute. In many work situations, they show special talents for creating intrigue and gossip.

In this case, the leader must avoid certain mistakes, preventing and anticipating a conflict situation.

b The leader should not encourage any special position of some as opposed to others.

b The principle of separation of duties should be implemented, when the assessment of the results of the work of everyone is most clear.

o Do not encourage gossip and rumors.

ь It is necessary to develop professional cohesion, pride in the enterprise, in the overall results.

l Try to look at many things with a sense of humor, maintain good and even relations.

Remember that your colleagues and subordinates involuntarily copy you by repeating your words, gestures, intonation.

PRESENT. Consider some recommendations and experiences related to gifts at work, within the team. Service etiquette is hierarchical in nature, strictly takes into account the system of interaction between employees and managers - the service vertical. According to official etiquette, it is not customary for employees to present individual gifts to their leader. They can give a collective gift for the New Year or on some special occasion. However, if there is a tradition in the team to give gifts to all men by February 23 or May 9, and to women by March 8, then the leaders - a woman or a man - cannot be ignored. The secretary of the head can take part in a common gift or, if they have been working together for a long time, present a modest souvenir from himself personally.

The United States celebrates "week of secretaries". Bosses give flowers to secretaries this week. Gifts to the manager - an official on whom employees largely depend, should not be too expensive, as this may put him in an uncomfortable position or make him think about the true motives of this offering.

The head of a department or organization can make a gift to an employee only on a legitimate and obvious basis, so as not to provoke gossip and gossip in the team. The reason for presenting a gift can be a major achievement in work, the successful completion of a project, overtime work etc. Personal events such as the birth of a child, marriage, graduation educational institution, defense of diploma, dissertation. And finally, the anniversary. And a very special case is the retirement of an employee. Management usually determines what kind of gift is given on behalf of the business or firm. Traditionally, it can be expensive watches, crystal, audio and video equipment. At the same time, merit and contribution to the prosperity of the organization are taken into account. The name of the employee, the dates of the beginning and end of his service in the company can be engraved on the gift - as a keepsake. Usually employees actively participate in the honoring procedure. They hand over their gifts, flowers, tell with humor and gratitude about individual episodes of the biography of this person.

No employer is immune from situations where the efficiency of an employee falls. And it also happens that this inefficient employee is a specialist hired for a high salary, valuable for the team and the company as a whole. And it is important not to miss the moment when the situation can still be corrected.

We decided to ask the heads of IT projects and digital agencies about how they hint to employees about inefficient work. The request was posted on the PressFeed service and received about 30 comments.

As it turned out, we initially posed the question incorrectly: managers do not deal with “hints” - they prefer direct and honest conversations.

The speakers also told us about their internal systems verification of work - but we will share this next time.

A direct conversation will help solve the problem

Many speakers noted that there is nothing better than a simple direct conversation with an employee - you can not only report a problem, but immediately discuss it and find a solution.

Most say that if such a conversation does not help, then it's time to talk about dismissal.

Do not forget that you need to carefully prepare for such conversations:

Valentina Kunina Head of Client Relations Department BDBD (Kokoc Group)
First, you should identify areas of the workflow in which the employee's efficiency drops. As a rule, the general diagnosis “an employee is ineffective” is made up of particulars. After the zones are identified, the manager needs to find and comprehend the reasons for the decline in performance. Only after these preparatory measures have been carried out should a dialogue be held with the employee. From my own experience, I can say that the most important thing here is honesty and openness between the leader and the subordinate. Only an analysis of each situation will help to correct the situation. At the same time, it is desirable for the manager to give examples of how, in his opinion, it would be worthwhile for the employee to act.

Faith in KPIs

Some managers do not need to hint to employees about poor performance - everything can be seen from the KPI-check.

It is important that the KPI system is transparent for both the employee and the manager.

And the Make Digital Agency, in order for employees to cope with KPI, even attaches mentors to them.

The most important thing in building KPI systems- Set realistic and achievable goals.

Of course, KPI is not suitable for all specialties.

Build such a system that there are no fakapov

Many small teams try to create an atmosphere in which everyone strives not to let the team down.

Renat Garipov and Mikhail Korneev Founders of #tceh
Our team adheres to the “it’s not the person’s fault, but the system’s” approach. If we are not talking about obvious fakapah, of course. Therefore, the first thing we look at is how clearly the processes are built. Sometimes it is enough to change something in the process of setting goals to rectify the situation. The exchange of useful links (services, educational articles, related courses) in the mail has become a very useful tool. Our tradition sometimes helps out - when we see that something sags in the effectiveness of personal and team work. Such a letter looks like a recommendation, not a complaint or instruction, and often it is enough for both KPIs to be normal and the person to develop correctly.

"Nishtyakov" method

"Nishtyaki" (premiums, bonuses, paid trips or courses) - good way employee motivation. And also an option for self-assessment of your work: if you didn’t receive a bonus, it means that you gave up some slack somewhere.

Inna Alekseeva CEO PR Partner
Previously, we did not have uniform production standards, so active PR people managed to do a large amount of work, while the weak ones puffed and slowed down. Four years ago, we introduced payback levels for every position. If an employee exceeds it in his position, he receives a bonus, if not, then this is a signal that he does not work as efficiently as his colleagues. I try to praise those who are ahead of the rest, to stake on such people. If I don’t praise someone, it means that I haven’t matured, we must try. Usually employees really appreciate good words addressed to them, they even send letters to each other (if I suddenly praised them while on a business trip).

Danila Shtan from believes that it is also difficult with bonuses: not receiving a bonus is demotivating, since a person considers it part of his earnings. Here is the solution he came up with:

Danila Shtan CTO in the online hypermarket
We have a little motivational game. We consider the volume of successful implementations (those that went through the tester the first time) of a particular developer, the rating is available for everyone and is maintained in a regular Google doc. And at the end of the month, the leader of the rating can get various goodies. But! These things are not aimed at his personal enrichment, but remain the property of the company. And at the same time, they allow the employee to feel more comfortable: a non-standard desktop, an ergonomic chair, an even more comfortable monitor, a thermopod, and so on. And every month the whole team understands who is great with us, and who is m *** k.

And some leaders, in principle, oppose the “nishtyakov” method:

Ramin Aliyev bSimple CEO
Encouraging employees only relaxes the staff. For example, for achieving a monthly KPI, an employee receives a bonus, and the best one also receives praise with a certain bonus. After a couple of months, employees begin to feel their importance, indispensability, which leads to a decrease in their effectiveness, and as a result, to a relaxation of the atmosphere within the team. In other words, your the best employees begin to break the set pace. To avoid such a situation, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of constant involvement within the team.

Hire smart

How to avoid a difficult situation in a relationship with an employee? Hire smart!

It is unlikely that one interview can reveal the full potential of an employee. Exit? Long probation period:

In general, many speakers noted that the shortcomings of an employee are most often the shortcomings of the management.

It is important to initially establish the rules of the game:

Retirement or second chance?

Here the opinions of the speakers differ. Someone thinks that you need to get rid of inefficient employees immediately:

And someone values ​​their employees enough to give them a second chance.

As you can see, all managers use different methods. If you are the hero who read this review to the end, then please share: which approach did you like the most?