Presentation for elementary school dangers on ice. Presentation for the lesson on the topic "safety rules on ice"

Ice strength

Slides: 33 Words: 1633 Sounds: 0 Effects: 109

Do not rush to go out on the thin ice of reservoirs. Walking on thin ice can lead to a sinkhole on the ice. Thin ice collapses without a warning crackle. Size of ice under a single pedestrian - at least 5 cm Size of ice under a single pedestrian with a load - at least 7 cm Size of ice under a bus (without passengers) - at least 40-60 cm Size of ice under a tractor - more than 60 cm Before Before moving on ice, you need to make sure of its strength. If after 2-3 hits with a stick on the ice the water does not appear, then the ice is reliable. It is not allowed to cross the reservoir alone. If you are alone, in case of failure under the ice, there is no one to wait for help from. - Ice.ppt

Thin ice

Slides: 22 Words: 598 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Beware of thin ice! “At the end of winter, the ice, as always, was in a bad mood. Moreover, schoolchildren do not take into account my condition at all, - the ice grumbled ... ”O.V. Nefedov. Under the spring rays of the sun, the ice on the reservoirs becomes loose and fragile. In river mouths and tributaries, ice strength is weakened. If trouble happened! What to do if you fall into cold water: Do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing. If the ice holds, rolling slowly crawl towards the shore. Arm yourself with any long stick, plank, pole, or rope. You can knit together scarves, belts or clothes. - Thin ice.pptx

Thin ice is dangerous

Slides: 16 Words: 530 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Thin ice. Ice thickness. Warm wastewater. Ice strength. Thickness. You can not test the strength of the ice with a kick. Load. Lake. Precautionary measures. Coast. Ice subsidence. Stabilize your breath. Ice edge. Approach the hole very carefully. improvised tool. A person rescued from the water must be changed immediately. - Thin ice is dangerous.pptx

Ice safety

Slides: 10 Words: 463 Sounds: 0 Effects: 34

rules safe behavior. Ice safety. Therefore, avoid places where the ice can be thin. In order not to fall through the ice, you should know: Never walk on the ice alone! Human! You are not a penguin. Do not walk alone among the ice floes! A steep bank can be a good slide. What to do if you fall through the ice? Don't walk alone on the ice. Can you get into trouble - In a hole or in a hole, And ruin your life. Ice safety measures. Ice with a greenish tint and a thickness of at least 7 cm is safe for crossing. Take the backpack on one shoulder. - Ice safety.ppt

Caution - thin ice

Slides: 17 Words: 1063 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Solnechnogorsk. Thin ice. Rivers. The ice is always thinner over a deep place. The ice is bending. Ice thickness. Proven measurement method. Caution. Porous ice. Brooks. Lake. If the ice broke under you. A man fell on the ice. Tied straps. Exit from the water. Help the victim. - Caution - thin ice.ppt

Rules of conduct on ice

Slides: 47 Words: 1392 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Safety measures and rules of conduct on the ice. Safety measures and rules of conduct on ice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Safety measures and rules of conduct on ice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Safe ice: transparent, with a blue tint; see the thickness of the ice. Safety measures and rules of conduct on ice * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *. Remember! places for crossing water bodies on ice are specially marked and constantly monitored! - Rules of conduct on ice.ppt

Rules of conduct in ice

Slides: 13 Words: 819 Sounds: 0 Effects: 4

Ice. Knowledge of basic definitions. Mom is walking fast. Feet go forward. Black ice. Weather. Route. The fall. What shoes to choose in ice. Frosts. Rules of conduct on the street in ice. - Rules of conduct in ice.ppt

Ice safety rules

Slides: 31 Words: 975 Sounds: 0 Effects: 108

Safety through the eyes of students. Precautions and rules of behavior for children and adolescents on the ice. Alone on ice (tragedy). Ice precautions. Don't go out on the ice alone. Be careful. Deep cracks and breaks. Weak ice. Do not be afraid and do not run from danger. Fast assistance. Assistance to victims on the ice. Don't panic. When rescued, act quickly, decisively, but with extreme caution. Rescue items. Give the victim some of your clothing. Remove, wring thoroughly and put on again. Avoid frostbite and freezing. - Ice safety rules.ppt

Rules of conduct on water bodies in winter

Slides: 23 Words: 962 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Rules of conduct on ponds in winter. Ice cover. Ice strength. Behavior. The ice is cracking. Trouble. Help. Act without delay. First aid. Holidays. Winter from Kazakova Alina. A photo. The photo. New Year. Pyrotechnic products. Fireworks. Pyrotechnics. Candles. - Rules of conduct on water bodies in winter.ppt

Rules for safe behavior on the ice

Slides: 24 Words: 443 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Rules of conduct on ice. You can only cross on ice if it is thicker than 7 cm. You can skate on ice that is thicker than 10 cm. You cannot go out alone on weak ice. You can not gather in a group on a small area of ​​ice. It is impossible to test the strength of ice by blows. It is impossible to cross the reservoir on fragile ice. You can't walk on ice with your hands in your pockets. You can not go down the hills on skis and sleds in an unfamiliar place. Breathe as deeply and slowly as possible. Continuous movements. Don't try to get out on the ice right away. Move towards the nearest shore. -

Accidents happen on ice. often due to non-compliance with the rules. A torn ice floe, cold water, a fast current threaten death. Not even every adult can get out of a cold hole.

Be careful, attentive and


Rule #1

Never walk on the ice alone, unaccompanied by adults, do not wear shawls and do not play on the ice.

Rule #2

Avoid places where the ice can be thin

Where streams flow or springs flow

Near bushes, trees, reeds

Under snowdrifts and near the shore

Where any objects are frozen into the ice

At plants and factories

rule №3

Before you step on the ice, look for a well-trodden path or fresh tracks. If there is, then it is better to move along it, since this path has already been tested.

The presentation is intended for students of primary school age. Contains animations and illustrations.


  • Ice is especially dangerous during a thaw.

Don't be afraid to go out on the ice, just

be careful!

MKOU "Artyukhovskaya secondary school" 1-8 grades

Teacher Ovsyannikov Valery Georgievich


It is necessary to know!

  • The first ice only looks strong, but in fact it is thin and weak.
  • As a rule, reservoirs freeze unevenly, in parts: first near the coast, in shallow water, in bays protected from the wind, and then in the middle.
  • If the air temperature is above 0 degrees for more than three days, then the strength of the ice is reduced by 25%!

  • Ice thickness is considered safe for humans:
  • for a single pedestrian - at least 5 cm.
  • a single pedestrian with a load - at least 7 cm,
  • for a group of people (the distance between people is at least 6 m) - at least 7-9 cm,
  • for a bus (without passengers) - at least 40-60 cm,
  • For a tractor - more than 60 cm.

  • In case of a forced crossing of a reservoir, it is safest to stick to beaten paths or go along an already laid track.
  • Before you go down to the ice, you need to look around very carefully and outline the upcoming route.
  • When crossing a reservoir in a group, it is necessary to maintain a distance of 5-6 m from each other.

Tips for anglers

  • It is necessary to know well the reservoir chosen for fishing in order to remember where the depth on it is not higher than the height of a person, or where from a deep place you can quickly go to the sandbank going to the shore.
  • It is necessary to know about the conditions for the formation and properties of ice in various periods of winter, to distinguish between signs dangerous ice know the precautions and follow them at all times.
  • Determine the route from the coast.

  • Carefully descend from the shore: the ice may not be tightly connected to the land; there may be cracks; there may be air under the ice.
  • Do not go out on dark areas of ice - they warm up faster in the sun and melt faster.

  • Do not approach other anglers closer than 3 meters.
  • Do not approach those places where there are frozen snags, algae, air bubbles in the ice.
  • Don't walk near the crack.

  • On a frozen pond, you must take with you a strong rope 20-25 meters long with a large blind loop at the end and a load.
  • The load will help to throw the rope to a comrade who has fallen into the water, the loop is needed so that the victim can hold on more securely by passing it under the armpits.

  • do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing;
  • act decisively and quickly;
  • spread your arms to the sides and try to cling to the edge of the ice, giving the body a horizontal position in the direction of the current;
  • try to carefully put your chest on the edge of the ice and throw one, and then the other leg on the ice;
  • if the ice has survived, rolling, slowly crawl to the shore;
  • crawl in the direction you came from, because the ice here has already been tested for strength.

If it was not possible to quickly get out of the water .

It should be remembered that while keeping yourself on the surface of the water, you must try to spend minimum physical effort .

One of the reasons for the rapid decrease in body temperature is the displacement of the layer of water adjacent to the body heated by it and replacing it with a new, cold one. In addition, when moving, the additional insulation created by the water that soaked the clothes is broken.

  • Arm yourself with any long stick, plank, pole, or rope. You can knit together scarves, belts or clothes.
  • You should crawl, spreading your arms and legs wide apart and pushing life-saving equipment in front of you, carefully move towards the opening.

  • Stop a few meters from a person in the water, throw him a rope, an edge of clothing, give a stick or pole.
  • It is not safe to give a hand to the victim, because, approaching the hole, you will increase the load on the ice and not only will you not help, but you yourself are at risk of failing.
  • Carefully pull the victim onto the ice, and crawl out of the danger zone together.
  • Without sudden movements, crawl back in the direction you came from.

  • The victim must be sheltered in a place protected from the wind, well wrapped in any available clothes, a blanket.
  • If he is conscious, drink hot tea, coffee.
  • Heating pads, bottles, flasks filled with hot water, or stones heated in a fire flame and wrapped in cloth are very effective. They are applied to the lateral surfaces of the chest, to the head, to the inguinal region, under the armpits.

Freshly frozen ponds are fraught with danger!

Don't rush out on thin ice!

Be careful!

Remember! Strict adherence to the rules of conduct on the ice will keep

your health and life!

  • test the strength of ice by kicking the ice,
  • cross a pond alone
  • walking on ice at night or in poor visibility (rain, fog),
  • skating, sledding, playing hockey on thin, fragile ice,
  • ride on frozen ice alone.

  • Autumn ice is thin, fragile!
  • Be careful on the ice!
  • You can't get close to the shore!
  • You can not step on fragile ice!
  • You can't ice skate alone!
  • It is dangerous to drive down the mountain onto the ice!
  • It is dangerous to go out on the ice in conditions of poor visibility!
  • Parents! Don't let your kids out on the water unsupervised!

Thank you for

Anna Khokhlova
Presentation "Beware of thin ice"


thin ice!




MDOU D / S No. 26 "STAR"


There is, perhaps, no person who would not rejoice at the awakening of nature, the spring singing of birds, the gentle spring sun that melts snow and ice.

"All ice lives to heat"- says the proverb.

However, spring is not always a joy for those who do not follow the rules of behavior on the water during the flood and when the ice is fragile.

The flood period requires us to order, caution and compliance with ice and water safety rules.

Ice on the rivers during the spring flood becomes loose, "eaten" from above by the sun, melt water, and from below it is undermined by the current.

Very dangerous for him. walk: at any moment it can crumble underfoot and close overhead, although outwardly it looks strong.

Such ice is not able to support the weight of a person.

However, every year many people neglect measures take precautions and go out on the thin spring ice,

thereby putting his life in mortal danger.

You need to know!

You need to know!

Ice at least 10 centimeters thick in fresh water and 15 centimeters thick in salt water is considered safe for humans.

Ice strength can be determined visually:

blue ice - strong,

ice strength white color

2 times less

gray, dull white or yellowish ice is unreliable

Dear adults!

We must not forget about the danger that spring ponds are fraught with. The ice only seems to be strong, but in fact it is already thin, weak and can not withstand the severity of not only an adult, but also a child. So don't go out thin ice Do not leave your children unattended near bodies of water!

Be careful and prudent!

Failure to follow this advice may result in failure on the ice. Unfortunately, help for those in trouble on the water sometimes comes too late, and the incident ends tragically.

To prevent this from happening, you must remember that you can go out on spring ice only as a last resort and with maximum caution.

Be careful while walking by the river!

Remember that spring is the most dangerous time on the river! Do not cross the river, pond, lake on ice in spring. Pay close attention to special signs. Remember, the current of the river strongly washes away the steep banks. Crashes are possible.

Beware of admiring the spring ice drift from steep banks. In the spring it is dangerous to approach dams and ponds. Since they can be unexpectedly torn off by the pressure of ice. Under no circumstances approach ice jams

If trouble happened!

What to do if you fall into a cold water:

How to help a person who has fallen into a cold water:

Dear adults,

follow the rules of behavior on water objects,

implementation of elementary measures caution- guarantee of your safety

and the safety of your children!

At emergency situations call - 01; from hundreds tel. - 112.

Related publications:

Synopsis of the OOD in the NGO "Cognitive Development" in the senior group "Caution - thin ice!" Synopsis of the OOD OO "Cognitive Development" Topic: "Beware of thin ice!" Purpose: to create conditions for familiarization with safety rules.

Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group “Counting within 8. The concept of “thick-thin”. Orientation on the microplane» Topic: Counting within 8. The concept of "thick-thin". Orientation on the microplane. Purpose: to systematize and generalize the knowledge of children on this subject.

Abstract of a lesson on the cognitive development of children in the middle group "Ice" Purpose: To acquaint children with the qualities and properties of ice, formulate safety rules based on the ideas received; bring up.

Purpose: To expand children's ideas about the physical properties of snow and ice. Educational tasks: 1. Expand children's understanding of.

To unite the children's team, I chose such a form of work as making a joint poster, which is very important for our parents.

Synopsis of GCD in the senior group "Snow and Ice" MDOU " Kindergarten"Alyonushka" p. Ivanovka, Ivanteevsky district, Saratov region Methodical development GCD in senior group.

slide 1

slide 2

Under the spring rays of the sun, the ice on the reservoirs becomes loose and fragile. At this time, it is extremely dangerous to go to its surface. However, every year many people neglect safety precautions and go out on thin ice, putting themselves in danger.

slide 3

Ice at least 10 centimeters thick in fresh water and 15 centimeters thick in salt water is considered safe for humans. If the air temperature is above 0 degrees for more than 3 days, then the strength of the ice is reduced by 25%. Ice strength can be determined visually: blue ice is strong, white ice strength is 2 times less, and the most unreliable ice is gray, dull white or with a yellowish tint.

slide 4

In river mouths and tributaries, ice strength is weakened. The ice is unstable in places of rapid currents, spouting springs and runoff waters, as well as in the area of ​​growth of aquatic vegetation, near trees, bushes and reeds.

slide 5

Don't walk alone on the ice. Can you get into trouble - In a hole or in a hole, And ruin your life.

slide 6

What to do if you have already fallen into cold water? Do not panic, do not make sudden movements, stabilize your breathing. Spread your arms to the sides and try to catch on to the edge of the ice, giving the body a horizontal position in the direction of the current. Try to carefully put your chest on the edge of the ice and throw one and then the other foot on the ice. If the ice holds, rolling slowly crawl towards the shore. Crawl in the direction you came from, because there the ice has already been tested for strength.

Slide 7

Arm yourself with any long stick, plank, pole, or rope. You can knit together a scarf, belt or clothes. You should crawl, spreading your arms and legs wide apart and pushing life-saving equipment in front of you, carefully move towards the opening. Stop a few meters away from a person in the hole, throw him a rope, an edge of clothing, give a stick or pole. Carefully pull the victim onto the ice and crawl out of the danger zone together. Crawl in the direction you came from.

Slide 8

Take the victim to a warm place. Help him: Take off his wet clothes Vigorously rub his body (until the skin turns red) Give the victim hot tea (in no case should alcohol be given to the victim - this can lead to death).