Articles the innovative potential of the company represents. Abstract: Innovative potential of the enterprise

Through the development of potential goes the development of the organization and its divisions, as well as all elements of the production and economic system. The development of the organization is seen as a response to change external environment and therefore is of a strategic nature. The choice and implementation of an innovation strategy depend on the state of the innovation potential, and therefore its assessment is a necessary current operation.

The innovative potential of an organization is a measure of its readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, i.e., a measure of readiness to implement an innovative project or program of innovative transformations and introduce innovation.

The internal environment of the organization is built from the elements that form its production and economic system. The elements are grouped into the following blocks:
product (project) block - activities of the organization and their results in the form of products and services (projects and programs);
functional block (block production functions and business processes) - the operator of the transformation of resources and management into products and services in the process labor activity employees of the organization at all stages life cycle products;
resource block - a complex of material and technical, labor, information, financial and other resources of the enterprise;
organization block - organizational structure, process technology for all functions and projects, organizational culture;
control block - general management of organizations, management system and management style.

The innovative potential is assessed according to the scheme: resource (R) - function (F) - project (P). A project or program refers to the release and implementation of a new product (service), line of business. The tasks of assessing the innovative potential of an organization can be set in two planes:
private assessment of the readiness of the organization to implement one new project;
integral assessment current state organizations with respect to all or a group of already sold products.

The needs of practice put forward the need for two schemes of analysis internal environment and assessment of innovative potential: detailed and diagnostic.

A detailed analysis of the internal environment and assessment of the organization's innovative potential is carried out mainly at the stage of justifying innovation and preparing a project for its implementation and implementation. With great labor intensity, it provides systemic and useful information.

The scheme for assessing the innovative potential of an organization in an active analysis of the internal environment is as follows:
a description of the systemic normative model of the state of the innovative potential of the organization (its internal environment) is given, i.e., those qualitative and quantitative requirements for the state of the potential for all blocks, components of blocks and parameters that ensure the achievement of this innovative goal and its subgoals (according to goal tree);
the actual state of the innovation potential is established for all blocks, components and parameters;
the discrepancy between the normative and actual values ​​of the parameters of the organization's potential is analyzed; strong (with a margin or exactly corresponding to the normative model) and weak (significantly or slightly inconsistent with the normative model) sides of the potential are singled out;
an approximate list of works on the innovative transformation of the organization (strengthening strengths) is compiled.

Time constraints, the lack of specialists capable of conducting a system analysis, the lack or inaccessibility of information about the organization (especially when analyzing the innovative potential of competitors) force the use of diagnostic approaches to assessing the innovative potential of an organization.

The diagnostic approach is implemented in the analysis and diagnostics of the state of the organization according to a limited range of parameters accessible to both internal and external analysts.

Mandatory conditions for qualitative analysis diagnostics:
knowledge of the system model and, in general, system analysis of the object under study should be used;
it is necessary to know the relationship of diagnostic parameters with other important parameters of the system in order to assess the state of either the entire system or its part based on the state of any one diagnostic parameter;
information about the values ​​of the used diagnostic parameters must be reliable, since when the parameters are limited, there is a risk of losses due to an inaccurately defined diagnosis of the system state.

If the “frames” element in the innovative organization, then the state of this element can be used to diagnose the state of the innovator's system as a whole. The diagnostic parameters that characterize external manifestations will be input and output (relative to the "innovator" system) parameters. These are external parameters. Input: the number of specialists with an academic degree, the cost of wages etc. Weekends: the duration of the work performed (the duration of the LCI phases and the entire cycle, the duration of the project or program); competitiveness, quality of products, services, projects; the cost of performing work; layoffs and relocation of employees; the amount of work performed, etc. As diagnostic parameters, integral indicators of the efficiency of resource use are also used (integral not in the sense of generalizing private parameters, but in the sense of efficiency: the ratio of input parameters to output parameters, i.e. the ratio of the resources used to the results obtained) , for example, labor productivity, product profitability. If the input and output parameters are absolute indicators, then the integral ones are relative.

Diagnostic parameters can be local (private), indicating one defect of the system (a characteristic of the internal state of the system, expressed by a structural parameter), and complex (general, generalized), indicating a number of defects, shortcomings (structural parameters), a number of elements, subsystems of the company .

Diagnostic parameters can also be dependent, when several diagnostic parameters are required to detect a defect in the internal state of the system, and independent, when one diagnostic parameter is sufficient.

The internal state of the system is described by structural parameters (should not be identified with the parameters of the organizational structure of the firm). In turn, structural parameters are divided into resource and functional. Resource structural parameters characterize the depreciation (physical and moral) of material, technical, informational, financial and organizational means (technology, methods, organizational structure). Functional structural parameters characterize the rationality, efficiency of the system in relation to the use of resources and organizational potential, the control impact.

In terms of the “personnel” element, the resource parameters will be: competitiveness, cooperation, loyalty to the company, skills and experience, the average age of the team, etc. Functional parameters: the level of professional and qualification division of labor, specialization and combination, cooperation; taking into account the personal characteristics of employees and managers, etc.

Performing a diagnostic analysis requires certain skills and information base. The scheme of diagnostic analysis and assessment of the innovative potential of the organization is as follows:
maintaining a catalog of control actions;
maintaining a catalog of the state of the external environment in statics;
maintaining a catalog of diagnostic parameters characterizing external impacts on the organization;
maintaining a catalog of structural parameters characterizing the internal state of the organization;
establishing the relationship between the structural and diagnostic parameters of the organization;
monitoring of diagnostic parameters and processing of statistical data;
assessment of structural parameters;
assessment of the state of particular parameters and determination of the integral assessment of the organization's potential.

To solve analytical problems using the assessment of innovative potential, special questionnaires and questionnaires of varying degrees of detailing of parameters are developed.

First of all, it is proposed to use more general questionnaires for block assessments, in which experts put down their assessments on a five-point scale:
5 - very good condition, completely satisfying the normative model for achieving the innovation goal - is classified as very forte innovative potential;
4 - a good state that satisfies the normative model, does not require changes - a strong side;
3 - average condition, requires some limited changes to bring it up to the requirements of the regulatory model;
2 - poor condition, requires serious changes - classified as a weak side of the innovation potential;
1 - very bad condition, requires radical changes - a very weak side. The assessment is carried out by an expert group of specialists of the organization numbering at least five people.

At present, in any state there is an innovative potential that characterizes the readiness of the economy and society as a whole for technological and social change and reforms.

Innovation potential - a set of various types of resources that are necessary for the implementation innovation activities. Types of resources: financial, material and production, intellectual, etc.

The innovative potential determines the innovative activity of economic entities, that is, their ability to produce, implement and perceive innovations, which is necessary condition functioning of the innovative type of economy. Innovative potential can be considered as the result of the implementation of an existing opportunity, a real innovative product (new products, licenses, patents).

The effectiveness of innovation potential is determined by the final key factors activity success:

  • The superiority of its product over the product of its competitors, the presence of unique distinguishing features goods;
  • Marketing, that is, the study of the interests of buyers, the pace of adoption of new products on the market;
  • Technological know-how.

At present, the innovative potential is characterized by the intangible assets of the organization. Therefore, its assessment is based on the data of intellectual capital, and not physical, which in turn has a special specificity (Table 1).

Table 1. Features of assessing the physical and intellectual capital of an organization


physical capital

intellectual capital

Costs incurred

Estimating value based on future performance


Cost indicators

Non-value indicators



continuous nature


Material (profit)

Intangible (social effect)

The process of forming innovative potential includes a large range of works - R&D, marketing, restructuring of the technological base of production new products and etc. . Moreover, the process of formation and development of the innovative potential of any organization is cyclical, in connection with this, there are three stages:

  1. Formation;
  2. Development;
  3. Spreading.

At the first stage, the formation of innovative potential is carried out at the expense of labor and capital factors. This stage is a stage of extensive development, where a base of resources and knowledge is created, and the needs of society are realized. The basis of this stage is the definition priority areas in the development of society.

The second stage is the development of the organization through the introduction of new technologies. This stage includes the implementation of accumulated knowledge and skills, as well as improving product quality. This stage is the stage of intensive growth. It is accompanied by a redistribution of knowledge into areas practical application, in-depth processing of resources and improving product quality. Here the organization moves to a new qualitative level, which is characterized by an increase in the growth of the welfare of all its members.

The third stage is the dissemination and use of the developed potential. The lack of measures at this stage can lead to the aging of the innovative potential of the company and the lower stage of production.

The main factors influencing the development of innovative potential:

  • Clear definition of needs and strategy for the release of new products;
  • Potential utility and its realization;
  • Cooperation and communication as a project selection system;
  • Amount of resources and evaluation of innovations.

The development of innovative potential implies the need to develop and implement a strategy that allows you to keep it in working order. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure the correspondence between the innovative potential of the external environment and the potential of the organization's partners in the market. From the point of view of marketing, innovative potential is in continuous interaction with the external environment. It, in turn, influences its formation, but at the same time it changes itself under its influence. The innovative potential of the economy as a whole is an environment for developing the potential of individual organizations (economic entities). However, organizations form the innovative potential of the economy as a whole. In this case, it is the study of the potential of organizations that is the predetermining link in the study of the potential of the entire economy.

In order to ensure the active development of innovative activity, it is necessary that organizations function with various types potentials . Scientists distinguish the following classification of potentials:

  • Explerents - characterized by small size, flexibility, implementation of the qualities of a leader, etc.;
  • Violents - provide economies of scale, attracting the necessary resources;
  • Patients - special knowledge of technologies and market segments;
  • Commutators - maintaining the market through local needs.

At various stages of innovation activity, economic entities are activated with different type potential. At the stage of creating innovations, enterprises are gaining their activity - explorers, which are characterized by a combination of obsession with an idea with full financial responsibility for achieving the goal. Violet tapes, whose main characteristic is the possibility of mass production, are more active at the stage of replicating innovative products.

At the stage of differentiation - distribution new technology, the main acting role belongs to the patient firms that ensure the emergence of improving innovations. And at the last stage - the stage of maturity - with the active action of violets and patients, switching firms develop, which carry out pseudo-innovations - cheap copies of leading goods, but thereby act as connecting links in the structure of the economy.

One organization cannot be successful in all strategies, but it can realize its potential when interacting with other enterprises, while recovering its weak sides. For example, needed for explorers large investments, which they cannot attract on their own, become available with the support of powerful violets. For the latter, interaction with explorers, as well as with commuters and patients, provides flexibility and dynamism of development.

The absence of organizations with one or another type of potential in the innovation market limits the development of the economy. According to a number of researchers, it is the complete absence of explerents, as well as the insufficient number of patients and commuters, that has become the main reason for the slowdown in scientific and technological progress in the domestic economy.

Scientific adviser:
Sorvina Olga Vladimirovna,
Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance, Tula Branch of the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation, Tula, Russia

Innovative potential of the organization- this is the degree of its readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, i.e. readiness for the implementation of an innovative project or program of innovative transformations and the introduction of innovations.

Innovative potential, therefore, is determined by the totality of its capabilities to obtain results in economic activity. Innovation potential can be increased or decreased in the course of the functioning of the organization. Therefore, before choosing a strategy for innovative changes, a mandatory assessment of the innovative potential is necessary. If it's not enough, you can't start innovation process, without reaching the required level of innovation capacity, since innovation is defined as the commercialization of new combinations based on the use of new materials, the introduction of new processes, the opening of new markets, the development of new sources of supply of raw materials or semi-finished products and the introduction of new organizational forms. And therefore, the above assessment of the innovative potential should be carried out for one or several named new combinations simultaneously.

In economic science, the concept of "potential" is borrowed from physics, where it determines the amount of energy that the system has accumulated and which it is able to realize in practical activities. "Innovation potential" is the means, stocks, sources that are available and can be used to achieve a specific goal.

The innovative potential of an organization develops as a result of changes in its internal environment. Realization of innovative potential is possible only through the elements of the internal environment of the organization that form its system. The main elements of such a system that implement innovative activities are labor, means of labor and objects of labor. Each element has its own potential structure (for example, labor potential has components).

Internal environment of the organization

The internal environment of the organization can also be represented as a production and economic system, consisting of such interconnected elements arranged in the following blocks:

  • product (project) block- directions of the organization's activities and their results in the form of products and services (projects and programs);
  • functional block(block of production functions and business processes) - the operator of the transformation of resources and management into products and services in the process of labor activity of employees of the organization at all stages of the life cycle of products, including R&D, production, sales, consumption;
  • resource block– a complex of material and technical, labor, information and financial resources enterprises;
  • organizational block- organizational structure, process technology for all functions and projects, organizational culture;
  • Control block- the general direction of the organization, the management system and management style.

Human labor potential

Parameter Parameter content
Health A number of parameters that meet special medical and socio-economic requirements. The World Health Organization defines health as a state of complete physical and social well-being, and well-being as a dynamic state of mind, a psychological harmony between abilities and expectations, demands and opportunities that the environment presents and provides.
Moral A special form of relations between the individual and society in the form of ideals of good and evil, due, justice, approval and judgment of society, etc. In economic relations, contradictions arise between morality and profitability (efficiency), between business ethics and economic goals between morality and public relations(forms of ownership, methods of economic regulation), between national morality (love for nature, respect for elders) and economic actions
Creative potential The ratio of the share of persons with mental labor to the share of persons with physical labor. IN modern conditions the share of mental labor is steadily increasing (for example, in the United States, about 70% of the able-bodied population is engaged in just such labor)
Education The process and result of the assimilation of systematized knowledge, skills and abilities are the most important factors in the growth of labor efficiency and national wealth, the main component of human capital
Professionalism The skill level of an employee is a component of quality work force. Scientific and technological progress dictates the need to increase the level of skills of workers

For the effective involvement of new technologies in the economic turnover, innovation management recommends conducting a preliminary assessment and further constant accounting of the innovative potential of the enterprise.

7.3.1. The concept of "innovative potential"

IN economic theory allocate scientific and technical, production, labor, export, production, natural resource potentials. In general, potential is commonly understood as the ability of an economic entity to most effectively implement one or another functional task with the maximum use of available economic resources.

Therefore, innovative potential is the economic capabilities of an enterprise to effectively involve new technologies in economic circulation, which include the following set of resources:

intellectual (technological documentation, inventions, patents, licenses, utility models, industrial designs);

Material (experimental and instrumental base; pilot installations; research, experimental and laboratory equipment);

financial (own, borrowed, investment, budgetary, grant);

Personnel (leader-innovator interested in innovation; personnel with special education and experience in research and development; specialists in the field of marketing, planning and forecasting the hidden needs of buyers);

· infrastructural (own subdivisions of R&D, design department, chief technologist department, new product marketing department, product quality control laboratory, patent and license department);

additional sources of improving the results of innovation activity (partnership and personal relations of employees with research institutes and universities, including foreign ones; space resource, information department, project management experience, strategic management enterprise).

The presence and scale of development of these areas of innovation determine the choice of a strategy for innovation development. This approach to the interpretation of innovative potential can be considered a classic.

Innovative potential of the organization- this is a measure of readiness to perform tasks that ensure the achievement of the set innovative goal, that is, a measure of readiness for the implementation of a project or program of innovative strategic changes.

Consequently, the potential of the organization - the main criterion for the expediency of implementing strategic changes, has two components: its readiness for stable production activities and willingness to innovate. The choice of an innovation strategy depends on the state of the innovation potential, so its evaluation is a necessary operation of the strategy development process. The development of the organization is considered as a reaction to changes in the external environment, that is, it is of a strategic nature. The development of the innovative potential of an enterprise as a whole can be carried out only through the development of the components of its internal environment.

Thus, to assess the innovative potential, it is necessary to analyze both the external and internal environment of the organization.

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Innovations are changes that increase management efficiency and determine the development of the company, strengthening the position of the company.

Innovations are not spontaneous changes, but planned and developed, implemented and implemented.

Innovations are innovations that improve activities and their results.

Modern management should be innovative type of management, i.e. have a certain innovative potential. The innovative potential of management is the ability and ability to see the need for innovations and changes of an innovative type, design innovations and successfully implement them in management practice.

Different firms have different innovative potential. It can be high or low. Low innovation potential characterizes the conservatism of management, the fear of change, reform, modernization.

With a high innovative potential of management in management processes, the initiative of organizational transformations is encouraged, management effectiveness is regularly assessed, or management quality is monitored, research functions are given a clear priority, an atmosphere of creativity, search, and development reigns in the team.

Building up innovative potential is one of the most important trends in the development of modern management. The growth of this potential reflects the real and objective needs of modern management.

But why is innovation potential so important in modern management? In the scientific, technical and socio-economic spheres, there are tendencies to accelerate development, compact time, increase the number and variety of changes that characterize the conditions for the functioning of the company. Management must keep up with the changes that are actually happening in reality. And the factor of such compliance of management with the changes that occur in economic life, social environment, science and technology is the innovative potential of management. It is formed in work with personnel, training of managers, organization of management focused on dynamics, priority of the research function and strategic planning, in methodology, management style, motivation of innovative behavior, structuring of management resources, accumulation of human capital, in the sense given in the topic " Human capital management".

But innovation potential is the opportunity and ability to change, which still needs to be realized. The innovative potential can be high due to various circumstances, sometimes spontaneous factors, but the realization of the innovative potential can be different. There are processes for realizing the innovative potential of management.

1. Awareness of the need and assessment of innovation opportunities, readiness for innovation, indicators of development trends - costs, productivity, staff turnover, conflict situation, competition, socio-economic environment, management efficiency - all these are factors that show the need for innovation.

2. Study of development trends and possibilities of certain innovations, i.e. the possibility of attracting special experts or consultants, creating research groups, conducting sociological studies to assess the severity of the need for innovation.

3. Development of an innovation project, its discussion, resource calculations, choice of options, assessment of probable consequences.

4. Determining the stages of implementation organizational change, stages of implementation of an innovative project.

5. Preparation for the implementation of innovative projects, clarification of the goals and conditions of innovation.

In the processes of innovative transformations, personnel resistance is possible, which is often explained by established habits of activity, fears about new working conditions, uncertainty, uncertainty about the benefits and the need for innovation.

There are the following ways to overcome resistance to innovation:

1. thoroughly informing the staff about the need for innovation, persuading the need for change, updating the operating conditions, increasing productivity and efficiency; if necessary, conducting educational seminars, courses special training for the development of new working conditions by personnel (when replacing machinery, equipment, changing technology, etc.);

2. involvement of employees in the discussion of projects, analysis and selection of project options, in the development of management decisions;

3. facilitating the process of entering new working conditions, supporting the initiative to master innovations, a differentiated approach to personnel during the transition period;

4. delegation of authority to introduce innovations to persons,

not believing in their effectiveness;

5. motivation and stimulation of innovations, without which they are unlikely to become a reality;

6. stage-by-stage innovative transformations, which makes it possible to gradually get used to new working conditions, adaptation, development of flexible innovative plans;

7. organizational exactingness and control, without which it is probably impossible to do with any innovative activities. The question is only in the measure of coercion and its combination with measures of motivation and taking into account the real conditions of innovative transformations.

Innovations can be organizational, social, economic in nature, can be in the field technical equipment activities and in the field of both production technology and information technology.

The innovative potential of management is not only the inclination of the staff and the manager to innovate, the spirit of search and creativity, it is also the availability of the resources necessary for innovation - an innovation fund that can be used to pay for consulting and expert services, purchase the necessary equipment, develop innovative projects, stimulation of personnel in the processes of innovative transformations.

Sometimes the concept of innovation is associated exclusively with scientific and technological progress or the improvement of technology. But innovation reflects economic and social processes rather than scientific and technical ones. Innovations are changes taking place in the economic and social environment, changes taking place in the behavior of people as producers and consumers. Innovation is the creation of new action potential, not new knowledge or product.

The ability of a firm to innovate depends on management. An innovative firm is one that is organized in such a way that change becomes the norm.

General characteristics for innovative firm are the following:

1. belief in the rationality of innovation and an understanding of what it is;

2. innovative behavior is not episodic, but in the form of continuity dynamics;

3. development of an innovation strategy and its implementation;

4. availability of innovative management mechanisms - indicators, evaluation criteria, motivation of creativity;

5. Methodology and organization of management differ from traditional ones.

Innovation is not a technology, it is a new value. This is a feature of innovative management, that it is focused on creating new value, on the dynamics of development. You can follow the principle of "More and better" in management. This is a good management principle and a good strategy. It does not exclude attention to quality, it involves market research, requires product improvement.

But the strategic motto and management principle may be different - "New and Different". This is the principle of innovative management, it is the principle of systematic elimination of the old, the principle of switching resources to solve new problems. If I want to have something new and different, I must systematically eliminate the old.

At the same time, it may seem that innovative management is extremist management, management built on liquidation. Of course it isn't. Innovation is not absolute denial and destruction, it is the construction of a fundamentally new one, where possible, and the new, if you manage to build it, will itself eliminate the old. Innovation is not destruction, it is behavior oriented towards the search for something new, the realization of even small opportunities to achieve it. Innovation management is the philosophy of modern management.

The innovative potential of management characterizes the ability and desire to achieve new things, perseverance and strength in finding new solutions, willingness to take risks and carefully calculate options.

Innovation is a non-linear process. It does not manifest itself in a consistent movement from one success to another. It involves long stages of search and maturation of ideas.