Consumption styles as a process of identification. Consumption style as a factor in the formation of social identity Styles of consumption of goods and services

Marketing is religion modern business, something that connects the impersonal flows of financial transactions with the spiritual component of the world of consumption. It has come a long way from direct product advertising through customer orientation to customer need construction. Consumption styles in this case correspond to lifestyles.

Lifestyle in marketing is a set of acquisition goals and values, as well as directions, ways and sizes of using various resources, accessible to man(biological, social, material and financial, etc.).

Experience foreign companies allows us to state with confidence that studying the lifestyle of our consumers is not only relevant, but also quite profitable. In itself, knowing your consumers from this side in many ways helps to understand their psychology and build marketing communications with greater efficiency, manage marketing in general.

In the economic literature, lifestyle is often presented as part of a lifestyle. Under the way of life, economists understand “the provision of the population with the material and cultural benefits necessary for life, the level of consumption achieved and the degree of satisfaction of people's needs for these benefits. Also, the way of life is well-established, typical for historically specific social relations forms of individual, group life and activities of people, characterizing the features of their communication, behavior and way of thinking in various fields.

The main parameters of the way of life are work (study for the younger generation), everyday life, socio-political and cultural activities of people, as well as various behavioral habits and manifestations.

The lifestyle of people can be divided according to the degree of activity. If we distinguish two main types, then they will be active and passive. One more intermediate type can be distinguished. Active - people who are quite mobile both at work and at home. Such people actively participate in the life of the work team, often they are entertainers of the masses, and they also choose outdoor activities at home. Adherents of this lifestyle visit various sports facilities (fitness clubs, GYM's, team games), spend time with friends after work, go to the cinema and other entertainment facilities. Adherents of a passive lifestyle are calm and measured in everything. Many do not pay attention to the life of the team in which they work. Free time is spent mainly with the family, doing household chores. Of course, they also go to the cinema and meet friends, but this is quite rare and in most cases not on their initiative, but, for example, a wife or husband, perhaps friends or colleagues. There is also an average way of life. These are people who lead a quiet life. They are moderately active at work and at home. Such people visit entertainment establishments when they get bored with a measured lifestyle. They often behave as active at work, but very calm at home and in their free time. Or vice versa, very passive at work and very actively resting after it.

Psychologists believe that lifestyle depends not only on its level, quality, but also on the individual characteristics of the subject, on the quantity and quality of factors affecting him. They argue that many character traits are manifested in the style of life: consistency, the ability to bring things to the end, passion or indifference, tension.

When studying lifestyle, one cannot but mention that style as such is largely individual, inherent in a particular person, lifestyle is a self-developing system that affects human behavior.

Belonging to the same subculture social class and individuals with the same occupation may lead a different way of life from each other, adhere to its different styles. With the help of the concept of “lifestyle”, researchers and managers can interpret events, phenomena, processes occurring around people, explain, comprehend and predict consumer behavior.

Lifestyle is a common concept in describing consumer behavior. It is more modern than the concept of personality and more comprehensive than the concept of values. Values ​​are relatively stable, and lifestyles change relatively quickly. In this regard, marketers have to periodically take care of updating and improving the methods, techniques for studying the image and lifestyle. Using the concept of lifestyle, marketers try, usually through marketing communications, to connect the product with the daily, everyday life of the target market.

Lifestyle is a general concept, defined as the way a person lives in general and how he spends time and money. It is a function of the characteristics inherent in the individual, formed in the process of his social interactions. It is constantly changing depending on the need of a person to comprehend signals from a changing external environment. The modern external environment is characterized by a large volume and speed of information flows, globalization, individualization, the formation of a large number of fields that differ in attitude, values, attitudes, worldview, etc. Changes in lifestyle probably occur due to the need to maintain its compliance with the values ​​and personality of a person .

The basis of the concept of marketing is to coordinate the entire work of the organization in accordance with the needs of the consumer. Marketing management relies on how customers make decisions and how they tend to respond to various components of a marketing program. Consumer behavior in this context refers not only to a physical purchase, but also to the previous and subsequent actions associated with it. Therefore, the study of lifestyle on this stage development of marketing is a promising direction in the study of consumer behavior.

Conceptualization of the main approaches to the phenomenon of "youth consumption" in modern science involves the formulation, definition of the concept of "consumption".

The term "consumption" can mean: the physical expenditure of material goods; usage useful properties processes or objects and satisfaction of human needs. Thus, consumption is the use of the useful properties of a particular good, associated with the satisfaction of a person's personal needs and the expenditure (destruction) of the value of this good.

There are certain differences in the consideration of the phenomenon of consumption in sociological and economic science.

A number of researchers see the limitations of the economic approach to consumption in the following aspects:

- for economists, the consumer is primary;

- consumer demand determines the balance between supply and demand, determines the volume of production;

- the desire to maximize the utility of each individual contributes to the achievement of maximum welfare in society;

- insufficient attention is paid to the structure of consumption and differences between social groups.

The sociologist who studies consumption asks himself next questions: what types of goods are consumed? How is the choice made? How is product information distributed? What determines lifestyle and consumption? Consumption is studied as a process in a specific social context (as opposed to ideal models in economics). The subject of study is the consumption of social groups, not the individual. Consumption is considered as a global cultural phenomenon of society. Task: development of theoretical concepts that explain the meaning and significance of consumption in society.

Consumer behavior - is a kind of social behavior of a person in role performance - in the role of a consumer. On the other hand, consumer behavior is one of the forms of economic behavior.

The economic approach allows us to consider consumer behavior in terms of the relationship between unlimited needs and limited resources. Rarity and choice characterize any resources, in whatever form they are distributed. Economic approach to the study of consumer behavior allows us to define it as - a set of economic relations of people aimed at using the useful properties of the product, limited by the price of the good and the level of their own income.

The sociological approach requires the definition of this concept through social interaction with the social structure of society, the social behavior of the individual and its cultural and value attitudes. The social behavior of an individual and a group must be considered in the context of the social environment - the objective conditions for the existence of a person in society and, at the same time, the factor and basis of his socialization.

Can be distinguished the following types consumer behavior. Depending on experience, a consumer can be an "expert" or a "novice". Depending on the reaction to the commodity abundance - "adapted" or "lost". "Adjusted" behavior consists in a positive reaction to commodity abundance. The reason for “fitness” can be experience, age, or, for example, the fact that a person does not have a clear “image” that he needs to fit into, and therefore the product range seems to him to be monotonous, and this does not cause problems for him. Lost behavior is characterized by the fact that the consumer recognizes that the abundance of the commodity makes the buying process difficult.

Depending on the tendency to act according to emotions / reason - prone to "affective" or "thoughtful" behavior. "Affective" behavior is combined with emotional buying. Such behavior is often associated with a product / service that matches the image as closely as possible. “Considered” consumer behavior is associated with a categorical mental assessment of a product / service.

According to A. Demidov, the main elements of consumer behavior are the collection of information, the perception of advertising; attitude towards goods / services; attitude to price; service attitude; shopping habits; eating habits; attitude to healthy lifestyle life; caring for your appearance.

According to E. V. Tarakanovskaya, important factors in the consumer behavior of young people are: the level of material security, employment and the degree of material independence from the parental family.

In the interpretation of A. M. Demidov, the main features of the consumer behavior of young Russians are: demonstrativeness and "image" of consumer behavior; brand orientation; rational-irrational nature of consumption.

The issue of consumer behavior is in the center of attention of both Russian and foreign sociological science. Sociological concepts consumption include the following directions: classical (represented by structuralist concepts), postmodern (based on constructivism) and social constructivist (combining the principles of the first two directions).

In classical sociological theories (K. Marx, M. Weber, G. Simmel, T. Veblen, W. Sombart), the socio-economic position of the individual is considered as a determining factor in consumer behavior, and consumption in society is determined by its class structure. Of particular importance in this direction are the concept of K. Marx and his idea of ​​commodity fetishism, as well as the law of the rise of needs as they are satisfied; the idea of ​​"demonstrative" consumption by T. Veblen, who considers consumption as a demonstration of the high social position of the individual.

G. Simmel developed the theory of the formation of the value of a thing. In his opinion, the evaluation of a thing is a psychological process. Value is not a property of an object, but only a judgment about it. The value of things is subjective. Money is necessary for consumption (they act as an expression of value). With the development of society, the symbolic component of money (paper money) increases. Money makes a person free from things, other people, property. But: money turns a person into an object of sale.

American T. Veblen at the end of the 19th century. proposed the theory of ostentatious (prestigious) consumption. Socially successful people use consumption to demonstrate their high social position. Conspicuous consumption is expressed in the purchase of expensive items and goods, the amount of which exceeds personal needs. Such practices form public evidence of solvency and realize the role of markers of a higher social status individual.

The German sociologist and economist W. Sombart proposed the concept of luxury. Another German sociologist M. Weber formulated the concept of status groups and Protestant ethics.

Within the framework of the postmodern direction of analysis, the research focus is shifting to the study of consumption as a form of presenting oneself to others and a specific form of communication and interaction of people with each other.

Consumption is considered, first of all, as a symbolic, rather than instrumental activity, the meaning of which is derived beyond the acquisition and use of goods and services. This direction of analysis proposes to consider the individual not as an object of social influence, but as an active subject constructing his life and the life of society. The postmodern trend in the analysis of consumption is represented by the concept of M. Featherstone, according to which, through consumption, a person gets the opportunity to express himself and acquire an identity; J. Baudrillard's concept of consumption as a symbolic practice, the practice of manipulating signs; the concept of E. Fromm, who considers consumption as one of the forms of possession; the concept of S. Miles, comparing the concepts of "consumption" and "consumerism"; J. Ritzer's concept of "McDonaldization" of modern society; concepts of F. Jameson and D. Lyon about dominance in modern society consumer lifestyles and mass consumption.

Z. Bauman described the shift in society as follows, which led to the formation of postmodernism as a new social phenomenon and postmodernism as a worldview trend: “The universality, universality of the project requires power with universal claims. Urgent needs are now met by the market, which fears nothing so much as the uniformity of inclinations, tastes, and beliefs. Instead of regulatory regulation of the behavior of the layman - the seduction of the consumer; instead of implanting an ideology - advertising; instead of legitimizing power - press centers and press bureaus.

Researchers of the culture of postmodern society note that the goal of the new generation is consumption, including the consumption of trademarks as sensual images. Both for the consumer and for the one who evaluates him, consumer behavior becomes a form of presenting oneself to others and communicating with them.

Consider the concept of consumption by J. Baudrillard. Consumer behavior is determined neither by the food that a person eats, nor by clothing, nor by a car, but only by how everything is organized into sign substance. Consumption is discourse (speech), the manipulation of signs. It is not things that are consumed, but relationships. Consumer goods form a vocabulary of signs. Consumption is a process of manipulating signs. Consumption is associated with the concept of a simulacrum.

A simulacrum is a copy that does not have the original in reality. Consumption is based on the social demonstration of the meaning of things. The meanings of things are connected with the social hierarchy of people. The symbolic nature of objects is associated with social stratification. Items can demonstrate status and promote social mobility, indicating a transition to a higher class. The set of objects is dual: it strives for constancy (transfer of objects and statuses by inheritance) and variability (associated with social change and fashion, rather than the physical obsolescence of items). Buying a thing is a declaration of wealth, the purchased item acquires a distinctive symbolic value. The sign (symbolic) value is not expressed in price (example: a gift).

Thus, the objects of consumption constitute a system of signs that differentiate the population. For an observer, someone else's consumption is the creation of a text that they read. To what extent this reading by the "reader" and the author coincides - this is another independent problem.

The social-constructivist direction is represented by the activity-constructivist concept of V. Ilyin and the structuralist-constructivist concept of P. Bourdieu. Both concepts allow us to consider consumption as a two-way process. The social environment, which has an external character in relation to the individual, with the help of various social institutions forms, according to V. Ilyin, both the limits of consumer choice and desire. But, on the other hand, this environment is formed by people and exists only to the extent that people reproduce its norms and values ​​in their activities. A person himself participates in the construction of his style of consumption, but this construction takes place within the framework of the space offered by the social environment.

P. Bourdieu tried to explain the constancy of the consumer preferences of the individual, which is due to habitus, "acquired by the system of generative schemes."

Habitus shapes the taste of the individual. The habitus is the same for representatives of the same class. The homogeneity of habitus within the same class allows its representatives to recognize, classify consumer behavior and decipher its meaning. Much is perceived at the level of “common sense” formed by the habitus. And part of the actions is reproduced at the level of manners - bodily practices (ability to behave, gait, a set of gestures, etc.).

Tastes transform the physical properties of consumer goods into symbolic expressions of class positions and become the generative formula for various lifestyles - sets of consumer behavior and leisure activities.

Lifestyles are formed in relation to each other as determined differences in the practices of different classes, which are evaluated not only in terms of the scale and structure of consumption, but are also endowed with a certain symbolic meaning and level of prestige. They are used not only as a means of achieving community, but also as a tool for social distancing from other classes and their subordination.

Russian researcher V. I. Ilyin characterizes the consumer society in modern Russia.

By consumer society, he understands the totality public relations centered around market-shaped individual consumption. At the same time, social institutions are increasingly turning towards the organization of individual consumption.

Accordingly, the characteristics of consumption determine the verticals and horizontals of the social space, providing social stratification.

In the first case, the strata differ according to the criterion “I can – I cannot”. Horizontal differentiation is due to the decision of the individual on the principle of "I want - I do not want." V. I. Ilyin distinguishes three main groups in the vertical of the consumerist society: full-fledged citizens, socially excluded, voluntarily renouncing membership.

The stratification horizontal unites various stylistic and discursive communities that have various material resources and infrastructure created by producers and suppliers of goods and services.

In domestic sociology, the issue of consumption has traditionally been studied in the context of research social inequality and affected the study of the everyday sphere of life of individuals. Such studies were carried out mainly in the form of an analysis of the levels of consumption in different groups of the population and can rather be attributed to the interpretation of consumption in the socio-economic aspect.

In modern Russian sociology, the phenomenon of consumption is also analyzed in the works of A. Hoffmann, who develops the theory of fashion; S. Ushakin, who studies the specifics and models of post-Soviet consumption; V. Radaev, representing the economic and sociological view of the phenomenon of consumption.

The institutionalization of the sociology of youth consumption begins with the appearance of the work of M. Abrams "Adolescent consumerism" (1959), in which the author points to the emergence of the phenomenon of youth consumption in the UK in the post-war years, distinctive features consumer behavior of young people from other age groups, as well as the impact on the consumption of British teenagers by the values ​​of American culture.

Consumer behavior of young people is a process that is influenced by many factors and requires a comprehensive study. The impact of these factors makes consumer behavior a dynamic and multivariate process.

Young people have the specifics of consumption, associated primarily with such a specific characteristic of this community of consumers as age, with a certain stage of socialization, a high level of social mobility, the specifics of their financial situation, associated primarily with the fact that the ability to meet the needs of a significant part of young people is determined by financial situation of the parental family.

A sociological approach to the study of consumer behavior of young people involves the analysis of two groups of factors: objective (the influence of which is determined by objective reality) and subjective (depending on consciousness, value orientations, behavioral attitudes, etc.).

Summing up the various approaches in the interpretation of youth consumption, the author identifies the following types of consumer strategies in the youth environment:

– material youth consumption;

– cultural consumption of youth; consumer practices of youth in the field of leisure;

– moneyless consumption among young people (hitchhiking, gift giving, couchsurfing, free market, freeganism);

– youth consumption in the context of the formation of a healthy (unhealthy) lifestyle;

– political consumption among the youth.

For the analysis of youth consumption of tobacco, alcohol and drugs, the approach of G. Becker and C. Murphy is important. Researchers explain the specific attitude of consumers to the so-called "addictive goods" (alcohol, tobacco and drugs), highlighting two groups of consumers: "myopic" do not realize the possible consequences of their habit, and "rational" understand that they will not be able to abandon the existing habits. addictions.

Thus, there is an economic and sociological approach to the essence of consumer behavior. Sociologists view behavior as the result of the interaction of social forces. In sociological science, there are three main approaches to the essence of consumption: classical, postmodern, social constructivist. The classical approach emphasizes the economic factors that influence the specifics of consumer behavior. The postmodern direction interprets consumer behavior as a process of creating signs, symbols, text. The social constructivist approach is important for understanding the essence of young people as a special group of consumers: whether young people themselves determine their models of consumer behavior, or the behavior of young consumers is formed under the influence of the external environment, society, the immediate environment, and advertising in the media. The approach makes it possible to overcome the one-sidedness of such interpretations: it emphasizes the participation of young people in shaping consumer behavior, as well as the impact social institutions, the surrounding society on this process.

The problem of the image and style of life appears already in classical sociology. K. Marx clearly emphasized that the forms of life are determined by the dominant mode of production, that is, he was talking only about the way of life. M. Weber introduces the concept of "lifestyle", emphasizing at the same time that it is based on the "class situation", that is, the position in the market. However, he noted that the class (market) situation is only the initial condition for the formation of a lifestyle that does not guarantee against deviations. On the whole, he connected the style of life primarily with status groups. T. Veblen focused on how wealth turns into visible, demonstrated symbols of economic success. He called this process the concept of "conspicuous consumption".

The lifestyle category reflects the power nature of the sociocultural field. The way of life is the typical forms of life activity of people imposed by the field. Another definition can be given: a way of life is a social structure as a set of necessary, typical individual practices. Since one field includes many people, the forms of behavior imposed on them, prescribed by them, are of a typical nature.

Lifestyle covers all sides social life person. Its core is labor, means of obtaining a livelihood. However, one of its sides is the image of consumption, that is, the totality of forms of consumer behavior imposed by the social field. A way of life and consumption is a necessity, one can jump out of it only by leaving the field that gave rise to the corresponding forms of life activity. The sociocultural field imposes an adequate image of consumption in several areas:

§ Resources (primarily economic) are unevenly distributed among the fields and determine the limits of consumption. The field is a space of limited possibilities. Different fields - different possibilities. One of the manifestations of the field's coercive power in relation to the consumption of goods and services by individuals within its limits is effective demand. Different income strata, professional groups, classes, etc. socio-economic communities differ in their consumer behavior, primarily in different effective demand.

§ Life program. Every sociocultural field has prescribed consumption programs (values, norms). They impose restrictions on choice, prohibitions on individuals. Violations of the established cultural boundaries lead to the stigmatization of the individual as "uncivilized", "strange", "wild", etc., which is fraught with his exclusion from this group. In some fields the program is tough, in others it is soft and tolerant. The differences between them come down mainly to the unambiguity of cultural programs and the severity of sanctions for their violation.

§ Language of consumption, that is, a set of rules for interpreting consumer practices. The same consumer act in different fields is interpreted in different ways, acting, for example, as a symbol of belonging to “us” or “them”, to “cultural” or “uncivilized”, “having a taste” and “devoid of it”. The image of consumption as a set of observable and interpreted forms of consumer behavior has a symbolic character. In other words, according to these features, people around read the text that characterizes the social identity of an individual or group. Numerous external manifestations of the consumption pattern are "slips of the tongue" that slip or shout loudly about the social position of the individual, regardless of his intentions.

The image of consumption imposes a sociocultural identity on individuals. For example, poverty manifests itself in a mass of details of consumer behavior that an individual would often like to hide, but are unable to do so.

Lifestyles are stable forms of individual behavior that are the result of free personal choice within the limits imposed by the field. It is a way for the individual to realize social opportunities. Anufrieva R. A. et al. Life style of the individual: theoretical and methodological problems. Kyiv, 1982, p. 62. The core of lifestyle is the style of consumption. It is specific and tied to a specific object: an object, a service (the style of consumption of a car, clothes, alcohol, etc.). The style of consumption is the sustainable forms of using certain goods, freely chosen by the individual within the framework imposed by the way of life. For example, within the same incomes and the same subculture, one can often choose different variants food, different styles of clothing, show different tastes in music, leisure, etc. The “molecule” of lifestyle is the social role, i.e. free choice of the behavior model available in a given situation. In our life, even within one day, we change role after role, carefully or automatically choosing models of breakfast, morning hygiene procedures, moving to our workplace, lunch, etc. Social roles, tied to a specific situation, merge into a style of consumption specific product or services, and he - in a lifestyle.

Style is a typical choice within the realm of possibility. If the way of life reflects the structural restrictions imposed on the individual and characterizes the sphere of lack of freedom, then the style of life, on the contrary, reflects the freedom of choice.

Table 1. Comparative characteristics image and style of consumption. Ilyin VI Course of lectures "Sociology of consumption" Electronic resource]. - . - Access mode:

Comparison criterion

Consumption pattern

Consumption style

Degree of freedom in choosing a pattern of behavior

Restriction of choice, coercion to choose.

Free choice.

Conditionality of the choice of behavior pattern

Determinacy by the characteristics of the field

Choice among available styles based on individual inclinations

The degree of attachment to a place in the system of social production

Rigid binding to a place in the system of social production (class, professional affiliation)

Relative autonomy in relation to the place in the system of social production

Exposure to change

stability, tradition

Variability, mobility


iconic character

symbolic character.


The dominant form of differentiation in the industrial

One of the key forms of differentiation in the post-industrial

Exposure to experiments

Closed for experiments

Open for experimentation

A lifestyle is most often formed within a single lifestyle. This is especially true for societies with limited resources and rigid cultural programs. But in modern rich societies, there are more and more often styles of life that are interclass, interethnic in nature, that is, they develop within different ways of life. For example, a sporting lifestyle can be led by people of different class affiliations, although within the style, sports-specific sub-styles develop that clearly gravitate towards certain classes. Alpine skiing can be practiced by buying expensive equipment and going only to expensive mountain resorts in Switzerland and Austria, but the same can be done in a simple tracksuit bought at the local market, skiing from neighboring hills.

As a manuscript

Borodulina Svetlana Viktorovna

Specialty 09.00.11 - social philosophy

dissertations for a degree

candidate of philosophical sciences

Barnaul - 2013

The work was carried out at the Department of Empirical Sociology and Conflictology, Altai State University

Supervisor: Doctor of Philosophy, Professor

Sytykh Olga Leonidovna

Official opponents: Ushakova Elena Vladimirovna,

Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,

GBOU VPO "Altai State

Medical University" of the Ministry

healthcare of the Russian Federation,

Head of the Department of Philosophy and Bioethics

Glushchenko Natalya Stepanovna,

Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, FGBOU VPO

"Altai State Pedagogical

Academy", Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy

and cultural studies

Lead organization: FGBOU VPO « Altai State

technical university. I.I. Polzunov"

The defense will take place on December 26, 2013 at 4:30 pm at a meeting of the dissertation council D 212.005.02 at FSBEI HPE "Altai State University" at the address: 656049 Barnaul, Lenin Ave., 61.

The dissertation can be found at scientific library FSBEI HPE "Altai State University".
The abstract was sent out November 26, 2013.

Scientific Secretary

dissertation council

candidate of sociological sciences,

associate professor N.A. Sterlyadeva

The relevance of research. Human identity in the globalizing world becomes "a prism through which many important features of modern life are considered, evaluated and studied" 1 . For example, in the theory of M. Castells 2 globalization and identity come into conflict with each other: the forces that shape the conditions in which we have to confront certain problems are beyond the reach of any institutions. “In other words,” concludes Z. Bauman, “the problem is not so much how to acquire the chosen identity and force others to recognize it, but how to choose which identity to choose and how to be able to make another choice in time if the previously chosen identity loses its value or will lose its seductive features.

In various historical periods, the problem of social identity permeated public life and had its own peculiarities. Currently, there is a crisis of social identity due to the fact that social changes caused by modernization and globalization have led to the loss of established norms, values, rules of conduct, through which a person defines himself, his place in society. In this regard, the individual needs to develop his own grounds for making a choice and designing a life strategy as a whole.

The period of the second half of the 20th - early 21st century was marked by the emergence and rapid development of a consumer society, the formation of which determined the ability of an individual to construct and reconstruct his social identity using various mechanisms and factors, including through consumption processes, material and spiritual. Consumer goods are found in almost all spheres of public life, which allows us to talk about a change in the nature of social identity under the influence of consumption style.

It can be concluded that the individual constructs his identity different ways, among which an important place is occupied by the choice of goods and services - consumption. At the same time, the style of consumption reflects the main, essential social forms and ways of communication of the individual with society, determines the nature of the correlation of personal and public interests, needs, goals. The socio-philosophical study of the style of consumption as a factor in the formation of social identity seems to be of fundamental importance for the study of the integrity of the individual (its self-development and self-preservation) in the crisis socio-cultural space of modern Russia.

The degree of scientific development of the problem. Questions of the theory of identity, consumption, style, social stratification, social transformation and the results of their interaction are the subject of study of a huge array scientific works in various industries humanitarian knowledge (philosophy, political science, sociology, ethnology, anthropology, etc.). It should be noted that the phenomena listed above continue to enjoy increased attention from representatives of the domestic and Western scientific community. Constant discussions around the problems of the search for identity by a modern Russian person, the mechanisms and methods of its formation, the processes of group differentiation mediated by social identification, the rethinking of social identity as a "multipolar universe of interactive networks", etc. , are a kind of illustration of the complexity and multidimensionality of these problems.

The concept of "identity" developed in line with such areas as psychoanalysis (Z. Freud, K. Horney, E. Erickson), symbolic interactionism (E. Hoffmann, D. Mead), etc. Western theories that have their own ideas contribute to a deep understanding of the problem of identity. traditions of its interpretation (Z. Bauman, P. Berger, E. Giddens, T. Lukman, T. Parsons, J. Habermas, S. Huntington, W. Hesle, etc.).

Within the framework of the structural-constructivist approach, the dissertation examines the main prerequisites, factors and mechanisms for the formation of social identity.

The main prerequisites for development include: systemic and structural transformation of society; the emergence of new technologies and increased mobility; the conflict between the growing achievement orientations of a person and habitual values, and legal imperatives; identity crisis associated with modernization and globalization, etc. Factors in the formation of social identity include: the social status of an individual, belonging to a certain social stratum, social mobility, information Technology and consumption style, etc.

Among the tools for the formation of many identities, consumption occupies a prominent place. Its essence is manifested in the forms created through the acquisition of goods and services. The individual moves from position to position, changing behavior, appearance. He strives to be adequate in relation to the situations that arise on his way, performing a certain role so as not to become the subject of ridicule, not to create conflicts, not to stand out from the main mass.

Thus, the specificity of social identity is manifested through prerequisites and factors.

The key stage in the formation of social identity is the self-determination of a person in a social environment or social identification - the process of internalization by an individual of values, interests, goals, attitudes of a particular social group and awareness of himself belonging to it. In other words, social identification is a process of social construction.

The most influential identification factors (methods of imitation, generalization, observation, modeling) in modern society are mass media and various information technologies, as well as consumption style. It is they who largely determine the specifics of modern identity: multiplicity, variability, the possibility of forming several pseudo-identities at the same time.

The loss of positive certainty of group membership leads to a crisis of social identity. However, in order to replace the old identity with a new one, an individual must be involved in new social relations that entail a revision of the system of goals and values, and accept new social and role characteristics, which can lead to a change in life strategy as a whole.

In paragraph 1.3 « Formation of social identity in the conditions of stylization of public life” the influence of the conditions of stylization of public life on the formation of social identity is revealed.

This paragraph considers the stylization of the socio-cultural space, which is due to a change in the functioning of the subsystems of society and a change in the phenomena of culture and cultural and educational capital. As a result, needs were transformed, new patterns were formed, and new sociocultural forms of identification emerged. An individual or a group has the right to determine what is included and what is not included in their sociocultural space.

An individual's life style is formed in the context of a system of values ​​and an event plan of life under the influence of objective circumstances, acting as an attribute and a way of interacting with the world. Life style is manifested in the context of differences between groups in patterns of social relations and in the consumption of material goods.

The individual as a bearer of style embodies it in communication and creativity, which are represented in the features of culture and are its reflection.

The post-Soviet space is characterized by the traditions of monostylistic culture. The stylization of social life contributes to the blurring of the boundaries of style, suggesting stylistic expressiveness.

In the second chapter of the dissertation research "The influence of consumption style on the formation of social identity: essence and main directions" the features of the style of consumption are revealed and the specificity of its influence on the development of social identity in modern society is determined.

In paragraph 2.1 « Consumption like characteristic modern society" the analysis of the category of consumption at three levels is given: micro-level, meso-level and macro-level, 1 - and also reveals the main features of the consumer society. The author's interpretation of social identity from the standpoint of the phenomenon of consumption is given.

At the micro level philosophical analysis consumption is built in the plane of an atomic consumer act, the philosophical content of a thing - a consumer object, as well as the consumer's philosophical dispositions are studied.

At the meso level, it is supposed to consider the relationship between the consumer and the thing, the consumer and society through the analysis of organized consumer practices.

Some researchers rightly characterize modern consumption as overconsumption or overconsumption, which is seen as consumer behavior that exceeds normal needs and thus harmful to the person himself, not to mention a sharp decrease in the value of what is consumed.

Such consumption constitutes the process of cognition, that is, behind each thing there is something more important than its functional purpose, and consumption is the process of cognition of such entities. In the process of consumption, such relations with the world arise that take consumption beyond the framework of the physiological process of restoring physical and spiritual forces to the level of their qualitative transformation and improvement.

The macro level involves the consideration of consumption as a category of consumer consciousness and the consumer phase of the development of society, the study of institutions and global consumer processes (consumption as a categorization and conceptualization of the world).

The prerequisites for the formation of a consumer society is the spread of personal freedoms, private enterprise and free competition, that is, the development of a market society along the trajectory of Western Europe.

The paragraph considers the main features of the consumer society. The specificity of the consumer society is determined by the totality of social relations in which the key place is occupied by individual consumption mediated by the market. This gives rise to a new attitude towards human resources". “The way in which today's society “forms” its members,” writes Z. Bauman, “dictates, first of all, the obligation to play the role of consumers” 1 .

Postmodernism as a whole is characterized by the understanding of consumption not as an instrumental, utilitarian activity, but as a process of symbol production. The postmodern society is, in essence, a consumer society, since the economy, culture, and personal life revolve around it. At the same time, the focus of consumption is increasingly shifting towards the individual, who consumes in order to construct his social identity. In such a society, consumption ceases to be a consequence of the struggle for physical survival and turns into a tool for socio-cultural integration into society.

Thus, all consumption is conspicuous, which means that tool for expressing difference. A lifestyle built on a particular style of consumption acts as a "text", reading which, others recognize the social status of the individual, his tastes and value orientations. The use of certain goods and services in the conditions of a consumer society is intended not so much to satisfy the needs in themselves, but to contribute to the production of symbols of social difference, that is, it is of a sign-symbolic nature. The individual is no longer interested in the use value of a commodity, which expresses its functional utility, but in what this product symbolizes (wealth, prestige, belonging to a community, etc.). Thus, the style of life and consumption are, on the one hand, a way of social identification of an individual, a way of constructing his social identity, and on the other hand, a stratification sign, since it strongly depends on the social position of the individual and is a characteristic of his social status.

In paragraph 2.2 "The influence of consumption style on the social characteristics of the individual" the mechanism of formation of social identity under the influence of consumption style through the social characteristics of the individual is revealed.

In modern society, the style of consumption greatly facilitates the construction of one's own identity. An individual, constructing his image in the process of consumption, is relieved of the need to understand the meanings that each detail of his clothes carries, the manner of eating food, the material environment he creates - he simply chooses a style of consumption that is closer to his taste, available within his lifestyle, in which manifests itself inner world: value orientations, learned norms, individual ideas, goals, projects, etc.

In the diversity of consumer behavior, there are various consumer types that have a high level of specificity and relevance for modern society: authentic consumption, impulsive consumption, addictive consumption, stimulus consumption, system-style consumption 1, etc.

Thus, the essential relationship between the style of consumption and social identity is shown through the socially significant characteristics of the individual.

The high-tech economic sphere (social production) of industrialized countries stimulates and intensifies consumption, forming a specific social structure in which a significant part of the population has comfortable leisure time and the opportunity to individualize themselves by acquiring more and more new goods and services. On this basis, special styles of life and consumption are formed. The social status of the individual is still determined primarily by the social division of labor and participation in social production However, it finds its expression in a particular lifestyle and consumption. Both the social status and the style of life and consumption are verifiable, empirically established phenomena, different facets of social existence, which must somehow be reflected in the public consciousness. One of these forms of social consciousness (along with ideology, social mythology, etc.) is social identity - an integral set of an individual's ideas about his position in society, which is practically inseparable from ideas about himself. The connection of social status and lifestyle and consumption - two sides of social life - with social identity is mediated by the category of "social role".

In paragraph 2.3 "Consumption style as a stratification feature" reveals the role of consumption style as a stratification feature in modern society.

The concept of stratification characterizes the position of individuals and groups on the scale of hierarchical statuses in the economic, political, social and cultural fields. The phenomenon under consideration is established as a consequence of two processes: associations and distinctions. To locate an individual in social space means to define an ensemble of actors occupying similar positions in social space, and at the same time to separate it from other agents. Combining and distinguishing is possible on the basis of a certain criterion (for example, consumption style), which affects both social mobility, as well as stratification.

As noted by L.G. Ionin, the pluralization of life styles is currently arising due to the greater freedom of individuals and the emergence of their ability to design their own lives. The scientist writes about “a sharp, even spasmodic increase in the number of the most diverse, absolutely not reducible to estate, class or stratum definitions of life forms and styles, which have an exclusively cultural origin. All these styles that originated in Russia do not directly correspond to the categories of demographic, professional or economic structure, both Soviet and current capitalist" 1 .

The current situation associated with a change in the functioning of the subsystems of society has led to a stylistic diversity of life. Needs have changed, new patterns have been formed, and new sociocultural forms of identification have emerged, such as consumption style.

Thus, it should be noted that at present, understanding the processes of stratification is associated with differences in the principles of stratification. In this approach, the source of differences is the operation of market mechanisms, and life opportunities are added up as a cumulative result of the activity of individuals, so the chances are distributed unevenly between individuals and groups.

At the same time, consumption becomes a tool for expressing differences at the individual level, fixed in such a concept as a unique style of consumption (although, of course, it carries the features of consumption at the group and class levels). Style, in turn, acts as a "visiting card" of a person. In this regard, the personality itself can follow its own consumption strategy, expressed in an individual style. Each consumer is the creator of his social identity. He can either declare his attitude to certain social groups and statuses through the things he consumes, or build his own set of consumer practices and a world of identities. The style of consumption can act as a symbol, i.e. a consciously constructed sign that allows you to emphasize your belonging to a group, community, thereby drawing a line between “us” and “them”. At the same time, tension or alienation often hidden from the eyes manifests itself in the style of consumption.

In paragraph 2.4 "Formation of Social Identity in the Space of Consumption Styles of Modern Russia" is revealed by the example of comparing two time periods Soviet and post-Soviet.

The thesis notes that the transformation of socio-economic and socio-cultural relations, typical for a state that has made the transition from the “communist” to the capitalist system 1 , as well as under the influence of globalization factors and the formation of the information society, has led to a radical change in all systems of government that have influenced on the systemic transformation of Russia's identification space. According to V.A. Yadov, “at the moment, social identifications of huge masses of people are breaking down” 2 , there is an increase in the number of forms and types of social identity, and forms of social identification are often conflicting, especially if economic contradictions are supplemented and reinforced by cultural ones.

In modern society, there is a lack of communication between the two spheres: production and consumption. Mass production is concentrated in the technogenic points of the planet, as a result of which certain styles of consumption are imposed on society, under the influence of which social identities are formed. Most of the sociocultural fields of modern Western countries are characterized by two distinctive features: 1) high quality of life, opening up a fairly wide scope for consumer choice; 2) consumer culture with a high degree of tolerance to various kinds of innovations and deviations. These features lead to a pluralization of lifestyles and consumption. Russia is in an intermediate position in this respect.

On the one hand, the broad masses live in conditions of rigid sociocultural fields, characterized by a very limited amount of available economic resources and relatively conservative subcultural programs. On the other hand, a significant minority of the population in large and medium-sized cities lives in subcultural fields that have many characteristics similar to similar group fields in Western countries, which brings Russia closer to them. There are also quite extensive economic resources and a subcultural atmosphere, characterized by tolerance for novelty, for various manifestations of individuality. AT modern conditions consumer societies all big role begins to play the style of life and consumption chosen by the individual as a sign of a particular social identity.

Thus, the two types of social identity considered (Soviet and post-Soviet) allow us to assert that consumption is a source of gaining and maintaining the integrity of the individual, and the style of consumption is a factor in the formation of social identity in the crisis socio-cultural space of modern society.

The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications:
Articles in publications recommended by HAC
1. Borodulina, S.V. Consumption and identity (a review of theoretical approaches to the relationship of phenomena) / S.V. Borodulina // News of Altai state university. – 2013. No. 2/1(78). – S. 247250 (0.4 p. l.).

2. Borodulina, S.V. Social identity in the post-Soviet space / S.V. Borodulina // World of science, culture, education. – 2013. – №4(41). S. 374376 (0.34 p. l.).

3. Borodulina, S.V. Basic approaches to the study of the concept of social identity: socio-philosophical analysis / S.V. Borodulina // In the world of scientific discoveries. Krasnoyarsk: Scientific and Innovation Center, 2013. - No. 9 (45). - (in print 0.5 p. l.).
Articles and abstracts
4. Borodulina, S.V. Relationship between consumption styles and social identity / S.V. Borodulina // Proceedings of young scientists of the Altai State University: materials of the XXXVIII scientific conference of students, undergraduates, graduate students and students of lyceum classes / under. total ed. NOT. Shilkina. - Issue. 16. - Barnaul: Alt. un-ta, 2011. - S. 31-33. (0.2 p. l.)

5. Borodulina, S.V. From consumption style to social identity / S.V. Borodulina // Social well-being and security of the population: a collection of scientific articles / ed. ed. IS HE. Kolesnikova. - Barnaul: AZBUKA Publishing House, 2011. - S. 219–222. (0.2 p. l.)

6. Borodulina, S.V. Health in the structure of social identity of society / S.V. Borodulina // Proceedings of young scientists of the Altai State University: materials of the XXXVIX scientific conference of students, undergraduates, graduate students and students of lyceum classes / under. total ed. NOT. Shilkina. - Issue. 17. - Barnaul: Alt. un-ta, 2012. - S. 15-18. (0.2 p. l.)

7. Borodulina, S.V. Consumption style as a stratification feature / S.V. Borodulina // Sociology in modern world: science, education, creativity: collection of articles / ed. IS HE. Kolesnikova, E.A. Popov. - Issue. 5. - Barnaul: Alt. un-ta, 2013. - S. 132-134. (0.2 p. l.)

8. Borodulina, S.V. Social identity in the context of consumption / S.V. Borodulina // Topical issues modern science: Materials of the XX International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Moscow: Sputnik + Publishing House, 2013. - P. 173–176. (0.2 p. l.)

9. Borodulina, S.V. The problem of social identity in a globalizing world / S.V. Borodulina // Scientific dialogue "Skhid-Zakhid": All-Ukrainian scientific-practical conference in international. I will participate. (m. Kam'yanets-Podilsky, 10 lime 2013): at 4 parts. - Dnipropetrovsk: TOV "Innovation", 2013. - Part 1. - P. 16–19. (0.2 p. l.)

10. Borodulina, S.V. Social identity: essence, formation, functions / S.V. Borodulina // Intellectual potential of Russian scientists: Sat. scientific Proceedings of the Siberian Institute of Knowledge / otv. ed. E.V. Ushakova, Yu.I. Kolyuzhov. - Issue. XIII. – Barnaul: IP Kolmogorov I.A., 2013. – P. 184–188. (0.2 p. l.)

11. Borodulina, S.V. The economic identity of the individual as component social identity / S.V. Borodulina // IX Autumn Conference of Young Scientists in the Novosibirsk Academgorodok: topical issues economics and sociology. - Novosibirsk: Publishing House "Price Courier", 2013. - P. 114–116. (0.1 p. l.)

1Bauman Z. Individualized society. M., 2002. S. 176.

2Anokhin A.M. Social adaptation and the problem of identity in a globalized world // Society. Wednesday. Development (Terra Humana). 2007. No. 4. S. 58-68.

1Ovrutsky A.V. Social philosophy of consumption: methodological and theoretical aspects. Rostov n/D, 2010. S. 39-40.

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And an even broader task is to move from the creation of goods, technologies, brands to the creation of the most individualized consumption styles, meanings, images and lifestyles.

Increasing the effectiveness of remuneration. The effectiveness of some rewards can be increased by reducing its availability to the consumer. This strategy is not effective in a situation where competitors can step in and provide the right product - there is no point in forcing potential clients waiting for ice cream on a hot day. However, in the case of a service, and if marketing has succeeded in retaining the consumer in the appropriate setting, then it is possible to increase the total amount of purchase or consumption through delay. This is especially true for a style of consumption determined by pleasure. The consumer who

Consumption style - consumption features various groups population or individual consumers, manifested in their consumer behavior. Allocate styles of consumption of individual aggregated groups of goods (food,

For example, the styles of clothing consumption differ among themselves: youth, sports, official business. Each of them is characteristic for a certain group of consumers.

As a rule, a person throughout his life develops his own approach to the choice of goods or, as they say, CONSUMPTION STYLE (Fig. 2.1).


Under the influence of a certain style of consumption, it is regulated, the influence of insignificant moments decreases, the role of internal causes of a person’s individuality, his interests, and social status increases. The consumption style is formed depending on the so-called ADDITIONAL PRODUCT QUALITIES (Table 2.4).

The development of consumption styles can be shown in the form of a diagram (Fig. 2.2).

Underdeveloped consumption style

Type of consumer Percentage of total sweat

What is consumption style What are the consequences of underdeveloped consumption style

A huge role in undermining monopolistic tendencies is played by the expansion of opportunities for the emergence of new producers on the market, caused by the formation of a world market, the spread of scientific and technological knowledge, the internationalization of the lifestyle of the population of various countries, and a certain unification of consumption styles of various social strata.

At the same time, the predictive ability of socio-demographic segmentation in industrialized countries tends to decrease due to the growing standardization of consumption styles for different social classes, the behavior of buyers by other segmentation methods.

In recent years, significant socio-demographic changes have taken place in industrialized countries, which include a decrease in the birth rate, an increase in life expectancy, an increase in the number of working women, later marriages, an increase in the number of divorces, and an increase in the number of single-parent families. These changes have a direct impact on lifestyles and patterns of consumption. They create new market segments and at the same time change the requirements of existing segments. This method is used most often, mainly because of the ease of measuring socio-demographic variables, the availability of the necessary information. At the same time, the predictive ability of socio-demographic segmentation in industrialized countries tends to decrease due to the growing standardization of consumption styles for various social classes. Therefore, in order to be able to explain and predict customer behavior, socio-demographic segmentation must be complemented by other segmentation methods.

Thus, population density can be a guideline in the organization of sales and marketing activities in a particular region. The style of consumption characterizes the standard of living of each category (class) of the population, determines how people earn and spend time and money. Brand loyalty divides consumers into those with no brand loyalty, those with some brand loyalty, and those with full brand loyalty.


Colonization is the imposition by immigrants of their cultural values, norms, language on local residents. In this case, the style of consumption is introduced on a new basis and becomes dominant either in the country as a whole or in certain groups of the population. A classic example of cultural colonization was the creation of empires of Western European countries in Asia and Africa, accompanied by the planting of elements of European culture there.

The power of self-identification is the ability to influence the behavior of individuals, playing on their desire to become a member of a group or get closer to it. A certain style of consumption or its elements are considered as attributes of group membership, so those who wish to maintain their membership should follow this style. The requirement can be both categorical and a mild wish, the non-observance of which causes irony and ridicule.

Advertising often plays on this mechanism of power when it emphasizes a group style of consumption. For example, "diplomats", telephones, suits, etc. are advertised. as attributes of a "real", "modern" business person. Similarly, youth consumption items are advertised in the context of emphasizing belonging to "modern" youth. This type of influence of the group on the individual also includes involvement in collective consumption, the only meaning of which is precisely its collective nature.

For example, an employee of an institution dresses in a way that the boss likes, so as not to annoy him and not create obstacles for his own career. Before work, stepping on the throat of his own song, he does not drink vodka and does not eat garlic, even if he really wants to, because he knows that the boss has the power to fire him for such peculiarities of consumption style. The young man chooses a style of behavior that evokes sympathy, if not from everyone, then from a select part of the girls, or even one, but the best. Girls in this case act as a utilitarian reference group, which has such an arsenal of positive and negative sanctions as overt and covert manifestations of sympathy, love, antipathy, contempt.

It has a specific historical character. This means that it is only specific types society and in the temporal dimension is not universal. Fashion sprouts have existed since time immemorial. However, they were usually limited to one social group, the estate of one country. The fashion of the nobles had no effect on the style of consumption of the peasants and weakly on the townspeople. Therefore, these changes in consumption style cannot be called fashion in the modern sense of the word. In this sense, fashion differs significantly from such norms as law, religion, morality or custom, which permeate all or almost all historical eras.

Innovators (pioneers, experimenters, etc.). This is the smallest group of consumers (Hoffman 1994 92). To a large extent, it merges with that part of the fashion creators who materialize the proposed models into the demonstrated consumption styles. These are people who are directly or indirectly associated with the manufacturers of prototype products and risk being the first to try them out. Those of them who have the ability to influence the behavior of others, are members of the reference groups - the creators of fashion. But this group includes not only those who, due to the duty of their profession, flicker on TV screens and at public events, but also people who demonstrate new models of consumption to their immediate environment to passers-by, neighbors, and friends. They experiment, risking ridicule, but at the same time having the chance to lead others into a new consumption pattern.

Traditionalists (lagging behind). Their consumption is characterized by an orientation primarily towards tradition (Hoffman 1994 92). The traditionalists are as brave as the pioneers. They are not afraid to be different from the majority and remain themselves, despite others. Some of the traditionalists are such out of principle, from a conscious commitment to antiquity (conscious traditionalists). Spontaneous traditionalists outwardly behave in the same way as conscious traditionalists. However, their style of consumption does not stem from a love of the past, but from an indifferent attitude to fashion. Traditionalists are noticeable in that in their mature, old age they reproduce the models of fashionable behavior from the time of their youth. opinion carriers 3. AVERAGE DEVELOPED CONSUMPTION STYLE. The consumer is interested in additional qualities of goods. Along with the normative properties (it is allowed to wear jeans, decently, fashionably and harmlessly, if the process of wearing is not around the clock), the consumer begins to be interested in functional features (jeans are practical, comfortable, applicable both for home wear and for everyday wear on the street). Consumers strive in this case for RATIONAL VARIETY (convenient, reasonable and varied consumption). Consumption becomes an action with the help of which one can live more conveniently, interestingly and diversely.

Whatever we do in front of others, we write a text that others will carefully read, skim through or scroll through lazily, snatching out only individual words. More often than not, we don't think that our lifestyle, our behavior as consumers, is writing. Often we absolutely do not want to talk to others in any language, including the language of consumption. We have the right to remain silent, but we cannot prevent others from reading us, our consumption. Once our actions and their results are revealed to others, they become text. People look at us in our clothes, houses, cars, as viewers watch films, and try to read this text to the best of their curiosity and abilities. When consuming, we cannot help but realize that in open forms of consumption we are open to reading, that we will be read and judged by this reading (Meet by clothes ...), In some cases, we write the text with our style of consumption consciously, foreseeing the reaction of others , counting on it, in others it is done automatically, out of habit.

The sign exists in two main varieties. (1) A sign-object is an object of natural or social reality that is directly readable at the present moment, it is an object that is readable at the moment of its existence. I see a person and try to read him by clothes, gait, face, etc. (2) A trace is a secondary sign (I. Ilyin 1996 27), a shadow of an object that has already passed away. The person is no more, only traces remain - the smell of perfume, marks in the snow, etc. In the footprints that exist at the moment, people read about the past, about what no longer exists or what could already have changed significantly. By observing a spender's consumption style, we are essentially reading the traces of his wealth. At the same time, reading expensive trips, luxurious balls, luxury cars and yachts can be twofold (a) this person is so rich that