Number of small innovative enterprises thousand Small innovative enterprises

How much small innovative enterprises earned at the end of last year, in what direction our education is moving, and why we need to rank universities - this and much more was discussed at the All-Russian Conference “State. The science. Business: Mechanisms of Interaction in the Innovation Environment”.

Three and a half years have passed since the adoption of Federal Law No. 217, which enables scientific and educational institutions to create small innovative enterprises (SIEs) for practical application(implementation) of the results of intellectual activity. This was recalled by Sergey Matveev, Deputy Director of the Department of State Scientific, Technical and Innovation Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science. According to him, the share of products of such enterprises in the nine months of last year amounted to 0.19% of the gross product. However, positive developments in this area are indisputable: if in 2011 the income of one SIE was on average 800 thousand rubles, then by the end of 2012 this figure increased to 2.7 million rubles, that is, more than three times. In total for this moment about 1800 MIPs have already been created in Russia.

Positive experience of creating small innovative enterprises achieved, in particular, at the Belgorod State Technological University (BSTU). Although, it is worth recognizing that this is facilitated by the “successful” specialization of the university: construction, production technologies building materials, energy saving technologies, etc. According to S. Matveev, in recent times the university changed its educational programs- the course "Innovative Entrepreneurship" was introduced in all specialties. Thanks to this, graduate students, among other things, began to work on the preparation of business plans. It may seem that the quality of these business plans is not high, but 10% of them are executed at a very decent level. This made it possible to create 67 small innovative enterprises on their basis from 2009 to 2012.

“These enterprises turned to our development institutions, first of all, to the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises, which supports start-ups,” said S. Matveev. – You need to understand very clearly what a startup is. This is an attempt to bring the idea that is “carried out” in the head to a form where the idea becomes less risky. For example, a device, technology, service is invented. Where is the guarantee that they will go to the market? Approbation is needed to answer this question, and money is needed to implement it. And the state allocates this money to startups.”

Thus, in 2010-2011, 67 Belgorod SIEs received about 30 million rubles as state support in order to create trial products and minimize risks. And already in 2012, the income of these enterprises amounted to 140 million rubles, they provide jobs for 400 people. According to Matveev, the creation and successful operation of SIEs by universities is an indicator that education in Russia is becoming practice-oriented, and SIEs themselves are becoming attractive for business investment. Matveev also noted that it is possible to create such enterprises in the form of economic partnerships. They may also include individuals- developers, and universities, and scientific organizations, and one or more enterprises. True, little is known about this form of management, there is practically no experience in creating such organizations, the speaker complained. However, he said that his department is ready to organize refresher courses in this area.

In turn, Irina Arzhanova, Executive Director The National Training Foundation said that her organization had developed a methodology for ranking Russian universities. Ranking is another modern way evaluate the work of universities. Moreover, this is not just an assessment as an end in itself - it is carried out in order to make informed decisions on its basis in the future. With its help, the state will be able to determine the necessary state support for a particular university, citizens will be able to choose a worthy educational institution for their children, and companies will be able to identify partners from among universities.

The key difference between ranking and ranking is that ranking can take into account different missions and profiles of universities, and divide them into clusters. The ranking results can be used by universities for self-development and implementation of their strategic programs.

During the ranking, universities are evaluated according to five criteria: science, education, International activity, knowledge transfer, interaction with the region. It turned out that there are 3 national research universities in the country that are leaders in all of the above criteria (although I. Arzhanova preferred not to name them). Another 5 national research universities are leaders in science and education. In total, 103 domestic universities participated in the ranking procedure.

Trial ranking - although, by and large, this is so obvious - showed that different groups of universities should have their own support from the state, especially financial. First of all, it must be provided to those higher educational institutions that do not have a strong connection with the industry, which do not have enough developments for implementation.

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

Science and life // Illustrations

The export of innovative science-intensive products is one of the main sources of income in the most developed countries. In them, the share of enterprises with intensive growth and innovative development accounts for an average of 85% of GDP, and a significant part of it falls on small and medium-sized enterprises. In countries with developed economies, the share of small and medium-sized businesses in the total volume of enterprises ranges from 97.6% (USA) to 99.3% (Germany); employment from 50.1% (USA) to 69.3% (Japan) of the working population, created from 52% (USA) to 57% (Germany) of GDP.

By world standards, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Russia are still far behind in terms of their importance in the formation of GDP. So in 2012 the share of SMEs in the Russian Federation reached 20-22%, for comparison, in China it reaches 50%.

It should be noted that, despite not the highest positions of Russia in the rating of development of small, medium and micro enterprises, their number is steadily growing every year.

Rice. 7 Dynamics of the number of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Russian Federation for the period from 2009 to 2014

Thus, the total number of SMEs increased by 30.4% in 2014 compared to 2009, of which micro-enterprises account for 88.1%, small and medium-sized enterprises account for 11.2% and 0.7%, respectively.

Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises account for about 10-12% percent in the sectoral structure of small and medium-sized businesses (as of 2013), and the share of small innovative entrepreneurship accounts for only 5% of the total number of small enterprises.

Figure 9 shows the dynamics of the share of small enterprises that carried out technological innovation and the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of shipped goods, work performed, services of small enterprises, by subjects Russian Federation, %.

Rice. 8 Dynamics of the share of small enterprises that carried out technological innovations and the share of innovative goods, works, services in the total volume of shipped goods, work performed, services of small enterprises, by constituent entities of the Russian Federation

As you can see, the largest jump in this indicator occurred in 2007, when the increase in the share was almost 200%.

Data taken from the website of Rosstat from the section "Science and Innovation" ( federal Service state statistics).

Rice. 9 Specific gravity organizations that carried out technological innovations in the reporting year, in the total number of surveyed organizations, by types economic activity

It should be noted that in most industries 2012 is the leading year in terms of the “percentage of enterprises implementing technological innovations”. The largest share of innovative enterprises is observed in the following industries: "Manufacturing", "Communication", "Research and Development". This is due primarily to the high competition in the field of precision and transport engineering from both domestic and foreign companies, as well as with rapid obsolescence and, as a result, the need to upgrade production equipment. The share of enterprises belonging to the industries "Manufacturing", "Communication", "Research and Development" averages 11.7%, 11.5% and 29.2%, respectively. On average, this indicator for all industries is 8.5%, with a maximum value of 9.1% in 2012.

Let us construct a histogram of the share of small enterprises that carried out technological innovations in the reporting year (in the total number of surveyed small enterprises) by type of economic activity, and compare whether there are differences in the development trends of small enterprises and industry enterprises in general.

Rice. 10 Share of small enterprises that carried out technological innovations in the reporting year (in the total number of surveyed small enterprises), by type of economic activity

It should be noted that data on small enterprises implementing innovations are published every two goals in accordance with the frequency of filling out the form No. 2-MP innovation “Information on technological innovations of a small enterprise”.

The share of enterprises belonging to the industries "Manufacturing", "Mining", "Production and distribution of electricity, gas and water" averages 4.8%, 3.3% and 2.2%, respectively. On average, this indicator for all industries is 4.6%, with a maximum value of 5.1% in 2012.

Consider the overall cost structure for technological innovation in industrial production by sources of funding.

Rice. 11 Structure of costs for technological innovations in industrial production by sources of financing

The main costs of technological innovation in industrial production are own funds organizations, and when considering the cost structure by type of innovative activity, the bulk of the funds goes to the purchase of machinery and equipment, and in second place is research and development. However, it is worth noting that such a distribution of costs is more typical for large and medium-sized enterprises; in small businesses, the costs of research and development of products come first.

Since the 80s of the last century, small enterprises with innovative projects began to appear in Russia. Their creation ensures the development of innovative projects and contributes to the stable development of the economic sphere. In the difficult decade of the 1990s, the decline in budget support and investment led to a reduction in scientific projects.

Today, small business is gaining momentum, but remains unstable. Its profitability has become much less, as investment investments have decreased.

In the universities of the Central Federal District, activation is currently noted. The leader is the Belgorod region, as well as educational institutions of the Chernozem region: Voronezh and Tambov regions.

The creation of small enterprises based on educational institutions expands the possibilities of the scientific community, allowing to increase the range of paid services, create jobs, increase the competitiveness of participation in government programs.

The work of the SIE was discussed at the last meeting of the Academic Council of St Petersburg University on December 3. The commercialization of scientific research is one of the main prospects for the development of universities around the world. All foreign universities make money by implementing their ideas, live by using their intellectual potential.

Recall that in 2009, federal law No. 217-FZ was adopted, which laid legal basis the existence of innovative enterprises at universities and research institutes, for the first time in Russia made it possible for universities and research institutes to implement the results of their intellectual activity. One of the indicators of the St Petersburg University Development Program aims to create business companies that ensure the practical application of the results of the intellectual activity of St Petersburg University (by 2012 this figure should be equal to five). The plan has been fulfilled - at the moment there are 5 small innovative enterprises operating at the University:

LLC "Innovation Center for Transport Research"

The IIP was established at the end of 2011. In the authorized capital, the share of St. Petersburg State University is 33.34%, the share of Innovative Technologies LLC is 66.66%. At the same time, the business partner invests capital, and the University - the secret of production (know-how) "Technology for the development of dynamic transport routing in the conditions of cooperation between carriers." In 2012, the activity of SIP was aimed at positioning the enterprise in the service market. Two agreements on scientific and technical cooperation have been concluded, and funding economic activity MIP was carried out by Innovative Technologies LLC in the amount of 677 thousand rubles.

OOO "Geological Center of St. Petersburg State University"

The company was founded at the end of 2011. In the authorized capital of SIE, the share of St Petersburg University is 33.4%, the share of individuals, scientists of St Petersburg University is 66.6%, while the University invests the secret of production (know-how). From April to October 2012, three contracts were signed, for each of which work continues (geological assessment of the hydrocarbon potential of the Barents Sea basin; geological and structural model of the Olimpiada ore field in the gold deposit of the Krasnoyarsk Territory; analysis and description of rock sections of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago). In 2013, by actively attracting, in the manner prescribed by law, the resources of St Petersburg University (primarily new modern equipment located in laboratories and resource centers), it is planned to increase the income of SIE by two to three times.

SIP "Center for Information Technologies of St. Petersburg State University"

The center was registered at the end of 2011 (headed by Professor A. N. Terekhov), contracts have been signed, funding has been received, projects are being carried out (automation technology for the development of integrated circuits for chip crystals based on a new, specially developed language, which is five times shorter than world analogues; under an agreement with the UNAM University in Mexico: visualization of oil reservoirs with the construction of digital atlases of rocks of wells and fields - to create a quick visual perception of oil workers; development of an automated control system completely independent of foreign code for "NPO Mashinostroeniya"). In September, MIP became the winner of the competition for granting subsidies to business entities of St. Petersburg created by universities, and won a subsidy from the Committee for Higher Science and Higher Education of the Government of St. Petersburg in the amount of 400 thousand rubles.

Center for Information and Diagnostic Systems LLC

The Center was registered in September 2012, headed by Professor E. D. Kotina, is developing the Diagnostics software package for nuclear medicine, and is actively negotiating with customers.

LLC "Center for Organizational Innovations of St. Petersburg State University"

The Center uses the know-how "Method of analyzing biographical data for assessing managerial potential" (headed by S. A. Manichev).

There are five more SIEs in the registration stage:

  • Peptotechnologies LLC (will produce feedstock medicinal product used in type 2 diabetes, the drug will fully comply with the imported analogue, and its cost is 10–20 times lower)
  • Thin Film Nanotechnologies LLC (will produce high-tech equipment for obtaining coatings by atomic layer deposition, nanometer-thick films on various surfaces, prices are significantly lower than those of foreign competitors)
  • MIP, established jointly with Beagle LLC (organic synthesis of biomolecules for the production of commercially available enzymes of nucleic exchange)
  • MIP, established jointly with Allopharm LLC (development and production of external agents for the treatment of infectious skin diseases)
  • MIP, which is being created on the basis of the laboratory of biochemical genetics of St. Petersburg State University as a result of the implementation of the project Measure 3 of financing scientific activities (obtaining organisms producing heterologous proteins for medical and veterinary purposes for the treatment and prevention of diseases in animals)



annotation scientific article on economics and business, author of scientific work - Asadullin Midhat Nailievich

AT modern conditions The issue of ensuring the innovative development of Russia remains extremely complex and important. With an increase in the volume of budget financing of the scientific and innovative sphere, there is a stagnation of activity in innovation. The article analyzes the problems of legal and organizational nature, including in the protection and transfer of intellectual property, certification of innovative products, providing access to innovative infrastructure, which cause a low level of domestic demand for innovation and a significant bias towards the purchase of finished high-tech products from a foreign manufacturer. In this regard, the author proposes to pay special attention to the development small innovative enterprises(IIP), which have a number of potential advantages for their successful implementation in the innovation sphere. An analysis of the number of SIEs is given, their distribution by universities and scientific organizations is shown. Particular attention is paid to the article development issues IIP taking into account modern investment and regulatory legal conditions of activity. It has been established that all the problems hindering the development of SIE can be divided into those that are determined by the level of management at the enterprise, the decrease in the volume of authorized capital, the problems of commercial justification of the contribution of intellectual property to authorized capital, shortage of personnel, lack of commercially attractive intellectual property, non-compliance of SIE activities with the list of critical technologies and priority areas of science, lack of experience in marketing innovations, and those that depend on the impact external environment problems associated with registration of rights to the results of intellectual activity, lack of sufficient investment, imperfection of regulatory legal acts, lack of innovation infrastructure in universities. It is shown how this or that problem can influence the success of the activity. As a result, those measures to solve the problems that the state is taking and those opportunities and directions that should make it possible to increase the success of Russian SIEs are shown.

Related Topics scientific works on economics and business, author of scientific work - Asadullin Midkhat Nailievich

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    2017 / Kozhitov L.V., Kaplunov I.A., Belotserkovsky A.V., Popkova A.V., Liev R.A.
  • Problems of creating small innovative enterprises in universities

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  • The current state of small innovative enterprises in the Krasnoyarsk Territory: problems and their solutions

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  • Small innovative enterprises based on universities as a tool for the development of an innovative economy

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  • Protection of intellectual property objects of the university

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  • Investment mechanism for ensuring financing of innovative activities of small innovative enterprises

    2012 / Tyukaev D. A., Salina M. V.
  • Target approach to assessing the activities of small innovative enterprises created on the basis of higher educational institutions

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  • Resource support for small innovative enterprises

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In modern conditions is extremely difficult and important is the issue of innovative development of Russia. With increasing volumes of budgetary financing scientific-innovation sphere, stagnating activity in innovation. The article analyzes the problems of legal and organizational nature, including the protection and transfer of intellectual property, certification of innovative products, access to innovation infrastructure, which are the reason for the low level of internal demand for innovations and significant bias in favor of the purchase of finished high-tech products of the foreign manufacturer. The author, in this regard, it is proposed to pay special attention to the development of small innovative enterprises (MIP), which have a number of potential benefits of their successful implementation in the innovation sector. The analysis of number of number of MIP, showing their distribution by universities and scientific organizations. Special attention is paid to problems of development of the MIP, given the current investment and regulatory environment. It is established that all the problems constraining the development of MIP can be divided into those that are determined by the level of management in the enterprise reducing the amount of the share capital, of commercial justification of the contribution of intellectual property in authorized capital, staff shortages, lack of commercially attractive intellectual property mismatch of activities of the MIP the list of critical technologies and priority directions of science, lack of experience in the marketing of innovations, and those that depend on the external environment problems associated with registration of rights to results of intellectual activity, the lack of sufficient investment, a poor regulatory and legal acts, the lack of universities in the innovation infrastructure. It is shown how a particular problem can influence the success of the activities. In the end, shows the steps to solving the problems that are taken by the government and the opportunities and directions that should allow you to increase the success of the Russian MIP.

The text of the scientific work on the topic "The state and problems of development of small innovative enterprises in Russia"

Economy and management in branches and fields of actmty

Asadullin M. N. Asadullin M. N.

Deputy Head of Department

Federal Tax Service for the Republic of Bashkortostan, FGBOU VO "Bashkir State University”, Ufa, Russian Federation


In modern conditions, the issue of ensuring the innovative development of Russia remains extremely difficult and important. With an increase in the volume of budget financing of the scientific and innovative sphere, there is a stagnation of activity in innovation activity. The article analyzes the problems of a legal and organizational nature, including the protection and transfer of intellectual property, certification of innovative products, access to innovative infrastructure, which cause a low level of domestic demand for innovation and a significant bias towards the purchase of finished high-tech products from foreign manufacturer. In this regard, the author proposes to pay special attention to the development of small innovative enterprises (SIE), which have a number of potential advantages for their successful implementation in the innovation sphere. An analysis of the number of SIEs is given, their distribution by universities and scientific organizations is shown. Particular attention in the article is paid to the problems of SIE development, taking into account modern investment and regulatory legal conditions of activity. It has been established that all the problems hindering the development of SIP can be divided into those determined by the level of management at the enterprise: a decrease in the volume of authorized capital, problems of commercial justification of the contribution of intellectual property to the authorized capital, personnel shortage, lack of commercially attractive intellectual property, inconsistency of SIP activities with the list of critical technologies and priority areas of science, lack of experience in marketing innovations - and those that depend on the influence of the external environment: problems associated with registration of rights to the results of intellectual activity, lack of sufficient investment, imperfection of regulatory legal acts, lack of innovation infrastructure in universities. It is shown how this or that problem can influence the success of the activity. As a result, measures are shown to solve the problems that the state is taking, as well as opportunities and directions that should increase the success of Russian SIEs.

Keywords: innovative activity, small innovative enterprise, development problem, management, external environment, internal environment, development paths.


In modern conditions is extremely difficult and important is the issue of innovative development of Russia. With increasing volumes of budgetary financing scientific-innovation sphere, stagnating activity in innovation. The article analyzes the problems of legal and organizational nature, including the protection and transfer of intellectual property, certification of innovative products, access to innovation infrastructure, which are the reason for the low level of internal demand for innovations and significant bias in favor of the purchase of finished high-tech products of the foreign manufacturer. The author, in this regard, it is proposed to pay special attention

to the development of small innovative enterprises (SIE), which have a number of potential benefits of their successful implementation in the innovation sector. The analysis of number of number of SIE, showing their distribution by universities and scientific organizations. Special attention is paid to problems of development of the SIE, given the current investment and regulatory environment. It is established that all the problems constraining the development of SIE can be divided into those that are determined by the level of management in the enterprise - reducing the amount of the share capital, of commercial justification of the contribution of intellectual property in authorized capital, staff shortages, lack of commercially attractive intellectual property mismatch of activities of the SIE the list of critical technologies and priority directions of science, lack of experience in the marketing of innovations, and those that depend on the external environment - problems associated with registration of rights to results of intellectual activity, the lack of sufficient investment, a poor regulatory and legal acts, the lack of universities in the innovation infrastructure. It is shown how a particular problem can influence the success of the activities. In the end, shows the steps to solving the problems that are taken by the government and the opportunities and directions that should allow you to increase the success of the Russian SIE.

Key words: innovation activity, small innovative enterprise, the problem of development, management, external environment, internal environment, the way of development.

At present, the problems of the development of innovation activity in Russia are being solved different ways. At the same time, innovation activity remains at an extremely low level. The composition of innovation-active enterprises remains constant. In industry as a whole, only 5% of enterprises are independently engaged in research. And this is in conditions when the share of state financing of participants in innovative activities is increasing by 15-20% annually.

Despite the measures taken, problems of a legal and organizational nature remain in the protection and transfer of intellectual property, certification of innovative products, and ensuring access to innovative infrastructure. It is important that the level of domestic demand for innovations also remains low, a significant bias is noted towards the purchase of finished high-tech products from foreign manufacturers, while ignoring the need to develop their own new developments. Large companies in modern Russia it is more profitable to invest in more profitable and less risky projects. The motivation for such behavior lies in the desire of Russian companies to as soon as possible upgrade the material and technical base, raise the technical level of production

stva, quickly recoup the invested funds. It is also necessary to pay attention to the very low level of interaction between the main participants in the innovation process in Russia (institutions higher education, scientific organizations, small innovative enterprises, big business) among themselves.

We can say that today innovation activity in Russia is in a phase of stagnation. The amount of research and development is declining by more than 3% every year. The number of innovation-active enterprises in Russia is only 11.5%. The number of organizations involved in scientific and innovative activities is also decreasing every year. So from 1995 to 2014 the number of such organizations decreased by 26%. There was also a decrease in the number of design and design and survey organizations by 42% and 84%, respectively.

Among the participants in innovative development, it is preferable to pay attention to Small innovative enterprises (SIEs). Their number has recently been increasing, so their successful development and implementation of innovative developments can lead to an increase in innovative activity in Russia as a whole. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the role of SIE in the development of innovative activities.


activity in Russia, to identify common problems and to determine directions for further development.

The main developers of innovations are the organizations of the scientific and technological sphere of Russia: industry research and design organizations, academic scientific organizations and universities, as well as the industrial enterprises. In turn, research and academic organizations, as well as universities, as a rule, have a higher potential for innovation. Such potential is human capital (researchers, their knowledge and skills) and organizational capital (technical and software, patents, etc.). Other participants in the innovative development of Russia, such as industrial enterprises, factories, design organizations, have a lower potential, since their main activity is not the development of science, but the production of a product or the provision of a service. Therefore, the stake on the development of SIE in modern conditions is quite justified.

The share of SIE in the implementation of innovations among all enterprises is 6.6%, which is quite a significant indicator that affects the level of innovation activity in Russia. At the beginning of 2016, 2,887 SIEs were registered in Russia, and the total costs for the development of innovations in 2015 amounted to 9,479.3 million rubles. At the same time, the growth dynamics

IIP is unstable over the years (Figure 1), but is not catastrophic.

Despite the large number of SIEs, innovative business at universities is still a fairly new phenomenon in the Russian economy. Abroad, the experience of small firms in introducing innovations is quite successful, the following options for the names of organizations of this kind are used:

Innovative small business (innovative SME);

High-tech firm (high technology firm);

Firm latest technology(new technology based firm (NTBF);

A knowledge-based firm, or "exple-rent" - "an innovator firm that consciously takes significant risks, and making profits from the sale of new products and technologies makes it dependent on the giftedness of intellectuals working in firm, and their extraordinary fruitful ideas, proposals, etc. .

In Russia, a small innovative enterprise can be characterized as a type entrepreneurial activity small organization aimed at making a profit through research and development, the result of which is an innovative product aimed at improving production conditions, as well as human life, and its commercialization. Transfer of innovative technologies from scientific and educational institutions to

economy through the creation of SIP received legal status with exit federal law N° 217-FZ of August 2, 2009 “On Amendments to Certain legislative acts Russian Federation on the creation of budget scientific and educational institutions economic companies for the purpose of practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity”.

Economics and management in industries and fields of activity

At the same time, it is impossible to combine the concepts of a small enterprise with SIE, since their specific activity and work functions are different. Considering the role of innovative enterprises, Zh. B. Smagulova and R. A. Bisenova identified the main distinctive and common functions of the two forms of organizations presented in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Functions of a "classic" and innovative small enterprise

As a result of the analysis of data from the Center for Research and Statistics of Science, it has been established that at present 2887 SIEs are officially registered in Russia, of which 1962 SIEs have been created. budget organizations. At the same time, 21 scientific research institutes organized 29 economic societies, 63 scientific institutions of the Russian Academy of Sciences - 103, and 281 universities - 1962 (table

Table 1. Number of business entities (SIE) created by budgetary organizations

Quantity Quantity

Organizations of organizations that created SIEs created by SIEs

Institutions of Science RAS 63 103

Universities 281 1962

Table 1 shows that research institutes create fewer SIEs than universities. One research institute created on average 1.3

SIE, institutions Russian Academy Sciences - 1.7, and universities - 7. The first place is shared by the Institute of Catalysis. G.K. Boreskov of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", which created seven small innovative enterprises each. More than 2/3 (71.4%) institutions of academic science organized only one enterprise, 26.2% - 2-5 SIEs and 2.4% - more than 6 SIEs (Figure 3).

and 2 to 5 MIPs; 26.20%

n more b MIP iot 2 to 5 MIP B1 MIP

Figure 3 general characteristics scientific institutions in terms of the number of established SIEs, %


Based on the number of organizations created by higher educational institutions, it was determined that 23.5% of universities created 1 SIE, 33.8% - 2-5 SIEs and 23.5% - 6-10 SIEs, 15.3% - 11-25 SIEs, 2.1% - 26- 35 SIEs and only 1.8% organized more than 36 SIEs.

It has been established that the most frequently used innovations for the creation of MIP are developments in mechanical engineering, chemistry, robotics, and physics. They make up more than half of the total, followed by the biomedical direction - more than 10%, services - 10%, information technology - 8% (Figure 4) .

Figure 4. Characteristics of the main activities of existing

IIP formed on the basis of RIA industry affiliation, %

Let us consider those problems that, according to the researchers and the author, have an impact on the development of SIE in Russia.

The amount of the authorized capital of small innovative enterprises is gradually decreasing. If in December 2012 the average authorized capital was about 300 thousand rubles, then in 2016 it was only a little more than 270 thousand rubles. This leads to an increase in the number of micro-enterprises, which, as practice shows, cease their activities soon after they are established. Thus, formally the number of SIEs is increasing, while the number of actually operating enterprises is decreasing.

Also acute is the problem of lack of investment, which is associated with high risks. innovative business. A fairly accurate assessment of demand for SIE products is made difficult by the unstable economy

the economic situation in the country as a whole. There is a risk that new products will not be in demand. The lack of information about the market and the lack of opportunities for cooperation are also called one of the problems of small innovative entrepreneurship in Russia.

An equally important problem in the development of Russia's innovation infrastructure is the lack of qualified personnel. The reason for this may be the low prestige of scientific work, the low level of salary plans young workers. The result is unstable dynamics of the number of people employed in science.

There are difficulties with the management of intellectual property (IP) for the contribution to the authorized capital of the SIE. Such management in modern conditions consists in the creation of the so-called IP-company, which is used to concentrate the rights to IP objects according to their market value, which leads to an increase in the cost of IIP due to the valuation of IP and contributes to further attracting funding. Holding such an event requires highly effective management within the SIP itself.

It also highlights the problems associated with the registration of exclusive rights to received RIA. This problem is largely related to the lack of qualified personnel in SIE, as well as the legal "illiteracy" of RIA owners.

The problem of imperfection is traditional for Russia legislative framework. This problem includes a complex and often ambiguous situation with the legal and tax base for the implementation of RIA. And also, according to M.V. Kiselyov, serious problems appear even at the first steps of creating an SIE. Due to the imperfection of the legislative and regulatory framework for intellectual property, attractive IP in universities is issued to private individuals and is taken out of the influence of the university.

Also, in accordance with FZ-217, IP in the form of copyright certificates and patents can be contributed as authorized capital to the IIP.

Economics and management in industries and fields of activity

commodities, topologies of integrated circuits, software products and know-how. At the same time, it should be noted that only registration of rights to it in the form of copyright certificates and patents takes one and a half to two years. Authorization for software products through the Federal Institute of Industrial Property is a slightly shorter period - up to one year. Obtaining a registered IP copyright by a university is a mandatory, but not the final step for creating an IIP. It is also necessary to transfer the non-exclusive IP rights of the university to the IIP. This procedure is also formalized through FIPS and takes about a year.

The shortage of personnel for SIE, as well as for science in general, has a significant impact on the development of the considered type of innovative activity. According to I.O. Kom-lev and A.I. Pogrebnoy, this problem due to the low level of professional and qualification knowledge of young professionals, low wages and a corresponding decrease in motivation for self-realization in the scientific field. Table 2 shows the performance indicators of the average SIE in Russia.

Table 2. Indicators of staffing of the average SIE

Indicator Value

Average age of employees, years 35

The size of the premises for conducting activities, sq. m 200-300

Number of full-time employees, people 3

Number of part-time employees, people 5-6

The number of involved graduate students, doctoral students, pers. 3

In addition, the lack of commercially attractive intellectual property in universities is often revealed. According to the statistics of the Opora Rossii organization, the average percentage of commercially attractive intellectual property in Russian universities is 1-2%, which is extremely small for the successful development of innovative activities. Thus it becomes necessary

strengthening university management to develop the resource base of university science. This is necessary for the development of effective RIA and, thereby, increasing the attractiveness of IP and, accordingly, increasing its cost.

It is impossible not to note the traditional problem of the lack of a developed innovation infrastructure in universities.

We also note the discrepancy between the types of activities of the SIE and the list of critical technologies and priority areas of science, which could make it possible to receive state support (Table 3).

The problem is the lack of experience in innovation marketing and practice in a competitive market. As a rule, SIE employs researchers who do not have the competencies of a manager. Accordingly, they also have no experience in promoting innovations. To solve this problem, it is necessary to raise the level of managers in the SIP, who will be able to effectively manage both the SIP itself and the implementation of developments.

All identified problems can be conditionally divided into those that can be solved by improving the activities of SIE, and those that depend on the external environment. Let us consider the impact of each problem on innovation activity and IIP as a whole (Table 4).

Each of the identified problems can have an impact on both existing and newly created SIEs, respectively, any enterprise seeks to prevent the occurrence of these problems and avoid negative development factors. Influence external factors can only be minimized by constantly monitoring the external environment and making timely decisions in the management of SIE.

To prevent the occurrence of these problems, the state is taking a number of measures. To improve the financing system, the system for setting the priorities of scientific and technological development is being modernized, in particular, the National 53


Economy and management in branches and fields of actmty

Table 3. Comparison of critical technologies, priority areas in the sciences of the Russian Federation and the main activities of SIE

List of critical technologies in the Russian Federation Priority areas for the development of science, technology and engineering in the Russian Federation Main areas of activity of Russian SIE

1 Basic and critical military and industrial technologies 2 Basic technologies of power electrical engineering. 3 Biocatalytic, biosynthetic and biosensor technologies. 4 Biomedical and veterinary technologies. 5 Genomic, proteomic and postgenomic technologies. 6 Cell technologies. 7 Computer modeling of nanomaterials, nano-devices and nanotechnologies. 8 Nano-, bioinformatics, cognitive technologies. 9 Technology nuclear energy, nuclear fuel cycle. 10 Bioengineering technologies. 11 Diagnostic technologies for nanomaterials and nanodevices. 12 Access technologies for broadband multimedia services. 13 Technologies of information, control, navigation systems. 14 Technologies of nanodevices and microsystem technology. 15 New and renewable energy technologies, including hydrogen energy. 1 Security and counter-terrorism. 2 Industry of nanosystems. 3 Information and telecommunication systems. 4 Life Sciences. 5 perspective views weapons, military and special equipment. 6 Rational nature management. 7 Transport and space systems. 8 Energy efficiency, energy saving, nuclear power. 1 Technologies in mechanical engineering, chemistry, robotics, physics. 2 Social sphere and services. 3 Agriculture. 4 Information Technology. 5 Medicine and biology. 6 Geo direction.

Table 4. Impact of development issues on SIP activities

Existing problems Impact on SIP activities

Problems internal environment

Decrease in authorized capital of registered SIEs Recently, most new SIEs have a low amount of authorized capital. As a rule, these are underfunded micro-enterprises that are doomed to cease operations. Thus, there is an increase in formally registered SIEs, and innovation activity does not increase as a result.

Problems with the commercial justification of IP, corresponding to the profile of the enterprise's activity, for a contribution to the authorized capital of SIE This reduces the possibility of developing activities in those areas where SIE activity is possible, and, accordingly, the volume of commercialized developments.

Personnel shortage of SIE due to low level of qualification of young specialists Lack of qualified personnel leads to inefficient scientific activity, decrease in the effectiveness of market promotion of innovations.

Lack of commercially attractive intellectual property May lead to the creation of SIE, the market prospects for the formation and development of which are extremely doubtful.

Inconsistency of SIE activities with the list of critical technologies and priority areas of science Important and popular areas of innovation activity in Russia are not implemented through SIE and the developments necessary for the state are not commercialized.

Lack of experience in innovation marketing and practice in a competitive market In the course of SIE's activities, an innovative product is developed, but its implementation on the market is not carried out, which leads to losses and bankruptcy.

Problems of the influence of the external environment

Problems associated with registration of rights to the results of intellectual activity (patents for inventions, know-how, etc.) persons - employees.

Lack of sufficient investment It is known that without sufficient investment it is impossible to implement the existing innovations and developments in the SIE.

Imperfection of normative legal acts Due to the frequent changes in the regulatory legal framework, SIEs are under threat associated with the impossibility of implementing their business plans prepared for other conditions.

Lack of innovative infrastructure in higher education institutions The existing developments cannot be implemented due to the lack of conditions to support their commercialization, especially at the beginning of activity.

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logical initiative. In accordance with the newly defined priority areas it is necessary to reorganize the system of formation of Federal targeted programs, including federal targeted scientific and technical programs. Optimal in this case, in our opinion, is financing with the involvement of funds from extrabudgetary sources and regions.

Conditions are being created for the growth of competitive advantages of small enterprises to stimulate the development of the entire innovation sphere. Create competitive advantages allow tax incentives and supportive measures.

For elimination personnel problem the level of training of qualified leaders of innovative projects is increasing, but, as a rule, it takes a lot of time and high costs. Also a problem

Economics and management in industries and fields of activity

lack of knowledge and experience help solve business incubators. An incentive system aimed at increasing interest in innovative business can cope with the low motivation of researchers.

For the purpose of anti-crisis financial mechanisms, new venture financing programs are being developed in many regions.

In our opinion, the key to the success of SIE is the successful management of innovations in the enterprise itself using all the means of modern management science. You can influence the problems that arise within the activities of the SIE. At the same time, such problems as a shortage of personnel and lack of experience in marketing innovations and practices in a competitive market can be interrelated, and the solution of one of them will lead to the solution of the other.


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1. Krutikov V.K., Dorozhkina T.V., Krutikov T.V. Strategic Budget Priorities: Innovative Development of Regional Economy and Quality of Life of the Population // Regional Economy: Theory and Practice. 2016. No. 10. P. 138-146.

2. Abramov M.I., Manah S.V. Innovation in Russia: a Retrospective and Modern Trends // Bulletin of the Saratov Socio-Economic University. 2014. No. 5. P. 24-28.

3. The Journal "Analytics". Available at:

4. Ahinov G., Kamilov D. State Regulation of Innovative Activity in Social Sphere // Problems of the Theory and Practice of Management. 2013. No. 9. P. 22-28.

5. Andreychikov A.V., Andreichikova O.N. Strategic Management in Innovative Organizations: a Systematic Analysis and Making Decisions. M.: INFRA-M, 2013. 394 p.

6. The Federal Law No. 217 "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning Creation Budgetary Scientific and Educational Institutions of Economic Societies for the Purposes of Practical

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14. Popov M.S., Ridiger A.V., Sheregi F.E. Small Innovative Enterprises of Institutions of Higher Education // Education in the System of Social Coordinates. 2015. No. 1. P. 12-30.

15. Yusupov V.N., Lozhko V.V. Small Innovative Enterprises at Universities as a Mechanism for Strengthening the Capacity of Higher Education and Human Capital Development of Innovation Economy of Regions of Russia // Problems of Modern Economy. 2012 No. 4. P. 273-276.

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17. Official Website of the National Association of Small and Medium Business “Support of Russia” . Available at: URL: http://www.opora.en.