Permission to export fish. The procedure for issuing veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates

Russian Federation

(as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of 03/04/2009 N 86)

14. Export from Russian Federation permitted with the written permission of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation (with the exception of heat-treated finished products).

15. Products manufactured by business entities that have been duly examined and found to be in compliance with the established requirements are allowed to be exported from the Russian Federation.

(clause 15 as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation dated 04.03.2009 N 86)

17. Products that do not meet the requirements specified in paragraph 9 of these Rules, as well as frozen Products are not allowed to be exported from the Russian Federation:

Having changes characteristic of infectious diseases;

Inoculated with microorganisms in excess of the established norms;

Treated with coloring and odorous substances, ionizing radiation or ultraviolet rays;

18. According to the results of the veterinary and sanitary examination, products must be recognized as fit for human consumption and must not contain substances and preparations prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The procedure for issuing permits for import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation, for transit through its territory of animals, products of animal origin, medicines, feed and feed additives for animals.

(approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia No. 1 of January 9, 2008 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations for the Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance of the state function of issuing permits for import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation, as well as for transit through its territory of animals, products of animal origin, medicines, feed and feed additives for animals, regulated products")

The procedure for issuing import permits

To obtain an import permit, a participant in foreign trade activities applies to the chief state veterinary inspector of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, who, in turn, applies to the Rosselkhoznadzor for a permit to import regulated cargo into the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the import application).

The term for considering an import application and making a decision to allow the import of regulated cargo into the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the import permit) or to refuse to issue an import permit is no more than 30 days.

The import of regulated cargo into the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out from enterprises (vessels) of the exporting country, inspected by the State Veterinary Service of the Russian Federation and included in the list of enterprises exporting to the Russian Federation.

The following information must be included in the import application:

4) the exporting country and the place of origin of the regulated cargo;

5) modes of transport that are supposed to be used when importing regulated cargo;

6) checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, through which it is planned to import into the territory of the Russian Federation and customs clearance of regulated cargoes;

7) the purpose of import (for live animals - breeding, keeping, sale, slaughter for meat; for feed and feed additives - animal species for which feed and feed additives are intended, etc.);

8) destination on the territory of the Russian Federation with an indication of the organization *;

* Organizations must be included in the List of economic entities of the Russian Federation with the necessary conditions for storage and / or processing of cargo.

9) the number of the permit for the import of animals, their parts and / or derivatives, subject to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, dated March 3, 1973 (hereinafter referred to as CITES), in the case of the import of live animals , hunting trophies or a part easily recognizable from them, or a derivative (derivative), including those that, according to the documents, packaging label or marking, or on other grounds, are or may be parts or derivatives (derivatives) of endangered animals and subject to CITES;

10) registration number of the medicinal product and feed additive, registration series and validity period of the certificate of state registration of medicines for animals and feed additives (when importing medicines for animals and feed additives);

11) component composition (when importing feed and feed additives);

12) manufacturing organization and country of origin (when importing feed and feed additives, medicines for animals);

13) serial number in the state register of feeds containing genetically modified organisms (hereinafter referred to as GMOs), the number of the certificate of registration of feeds containing GMOs (when importing feeds and feed additives containing GMOs);

14) areas of catch (extraction) of aquatic biological resources (for aquatic biological resources and products from them);

15) other necessary information in accordance with the request of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

An application for importation must be signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the subject of the Russian Federation (the person acting in his capacity), into whose territory it is planned to import the regulated cargo.

The following documents are attached to the import application:

1) when importing live animals and genetic material - a certified copy of the executive power subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine of the act of commission inspection of the economy (livestock farms, zoo bases, other places) where it is planned to place (quarantine) imported live animals and genetic material;

2) when importing medicines for animals and feed additives - a copy of the certificate of state registration of the medicine for animals or feed additives;

3) when importing feed containing GMOs, a copy of the certificate of state registration of feed containing GMOs.

An import permit is issued within the declared volume for a calendar year.

When importing raw meat into the Russian Federation under a license from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the duration of obtaining a permit is 5 days.

An import permit or a refusal to issue an import permit is issued in the form of a letter or telephone message from the Rosselkhoznadzor (hereinafter referred to as the Rosselkhoznadzor letter), signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation (deputy head of the Rosselkhoznadzor).

Obtaining an import permit is necessary when importing animals, products of animal origin, medicines, feed and feed additives for animals into the Russian Federation.

No import permit required:

Small domestic animals belonging to citizens (no more than 2 heads);

Industrially prepared finished products of animal origin that have undergone heat treatment, finished products from raw materials of animal origin, factory-processed, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of standards and regulations, when imported from countries free from infectious animal diseases included in the list of diseases subject to mandatory declaration animals of the World Organization for Animal Health (hereinafter - infectious diseases of animals), and which are not subject to any restrictions. Permits for their import are issued by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, into whose territory the specified regulated cargoes are supposed to be imported.

The grounds for refusal to issue an import permit are:

1) introduction of restrictive measures against individual countries (regions of countries), including:

in connection with the detection of prohibited chemical or biological substances in regulated cargo from these countries (regions of countries);

2) provision by the applicant of incomplete or inaccurate data;

3) the organization indicated as a destination on the territory of the Russian Federation is not included in the List of economic entities of the Russian Federation that have the necessary conditions for the storage and / or processing of imported meat raw materials;

4) conducting investigations on the fact of claims made against the importer and exporter regarding the quality and safety of imported regulated goods or in connection with violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine;

5) the presence in the submitted documents of materials indicating the impossibility of complying with the norms and rules established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine.

A letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor containing the decision taken on the application for importation is sent to the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the person acting in his capacity), into whose territory it is planned to import the regulated cargo, to the territorial department, into whose territory it is planned to import the regulated cargo, as well as the territorial administration through whose territory it is planned to import the regulated cargo.

The territorial administration, through whose territory it is planned to import the regulated cargo, within 2 days informs about the issuance of a permit for the import of officials of the territorial administration exercising state veterinary supervision at the checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, through which it is planned to import the regulated cargo.

Revocation of an import permit

The basis for the decision to revoke the import permit is a letter from the territorial administration containing information about the systematic violations by the importer of the regulated cargo of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine (including the presentation of fake veterinary accompanying documents, the discovery of inconsistencies with the submitted documents of the regulated cargo).

The letter of the Rosselkhoznadzor on the withdrawal of the import permit is signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

The letter is sent within 3 days to all territorial departments for the subsequent immediate informing of the interested authorities and the importer of the regulated cargo.

Suspension of issued import permits

The validity of issued permits may be suspended by a letter from the territorial administration containing facts of violation by legal entities or individuals involved in the circulation of controlled cargo, the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the field of veterinary medicine; upon receipt by the Rosselkhoznadzor of information about the disadvantage of the exporting country in terms of infectious animal diseases.

Letters from the Rosselkhoznadzor on the suspension of the issued import permits are signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

Issuance of a permit for transit through the territory of the Russian Federation of regulated cargo

Issuance of a permit for transit through the territory of the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of:

a request from the central veterinary authority of the importing country to issue a permit for the transit of live animals through the territory of the Russian Federation;

a request from the central veterinary authority of the exporting state (when exporting) or the importing state (when importing) from a CIS member country in accordance with the requirements of the Uniform Rules for State Veterinary Supervision for international and interstate transportation of livestock goods, approved by the Decision of the Interdepartmental Council for cooperation in the field of veterinary medicine countries of the CIS dated 05.11.2003 (Kyiv).

When transiting regulated cargo through the territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of live animals), the country of origin of which is not a member of the CIS, and intended for a country that is not a member of the CIS, issuance of a permit for transit through the territory of the Russian Federation of regulated cargo (hereinafter referred to as the permit for transit) is not required provided that the regulated cargo is accompanied by the original veterinary certificate issued by the state veterinary service of the country of origin of the regulated cargo.

The term for considering a request for transit and making a decision on issuing a transit permit or refusing to issue a transit permit is 30 days.

The transit request must contain the following information:

1) the name of the applicant;

2) the name of the supervised cargo;

3) quantity of supervised cargo and units of its measurement;

4) the exporting country, the importing country and the country of origin of the regulated cargo;

5) modes of transport that are supposed to be used in transit of the regulated cargo;

6) a list of checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation, through which the import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of regulated cargo will be carried out;

7) when transiting live animals through the territory of the Russian Federation:

route, stops, reloading, places of feeding (watering) of animals, conditions of transportation (transport), agreed with the Chief State Veterinary Inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, through whose territories the route of transit of animals through the territory of the Russian Federation passes;

8) other necessary information in accordance with the request of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

Copies of approvals from the Chief State Veterinary Inspectors of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are attached to the request for the transit of farm animals.

A transit permit is issued within the declared volume for a calendar year.

If it is necessary to obtain permits for transit through third countries, their execution and coordination is carried out by the owner of the controlled cargo.

A transit permit or a refusal to issue a transit permit is issued in the form of a letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

The grounds for refusal to issue a transit permit are:

3) the telegram is not certified by the telecom operator;

4) introduction of restrictive measures against individual countries (regions of countries), including:

in connection with their unfavorable condition for infectious animal diseases;

in connection with the detection of prohibited chemical or biological substances in regulated cargo from these countries (regions of countries).

A letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor on issuing a transit permit or on refusing to issue a transit permit, signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, is sent by fax within 3 days:

Temporary suspension of a transit permit

The grounds for making a decision on the temporary suspension of a transit permit are:

receipt by the Rosselkhoznadzor of a letter from the territorial administration containing facts of violation by legal entities or individuals involved in the circulation of controlled cargo, the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine;

receipt by the Rosselkhoznadzor of information about the disadvantage of the exporting country in terms of infectious animal diseases.

A letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor on the temporary suspension of the transit permit, signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, is sent by fax within 3 days:

1) to the central veterinary authority of the importing (exporting) country;

2) to the territorial administrations through whose territories it is planned to carry out the import and export of supervised cargo, as well as to the territorial administrations through whose territories the transit will take place. Territorial administrations through whose territories it is planned to carry out the import and export of regulated cargo, within 2 days inform about the issuance of a permit for transit of officials of territorial administrations exercising state veterinary supervision at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation through which it is planned to import and export regulated cargo .

Issuance of a permit for the export of regulated cargo from the Russian Federation or on refusal to issue a permit for the export of regulated cargo from the Russian Federation (except for the export of medicines for animals)

Issuance of a permit for the export of animals, products of animal origin, feed and feed additives from the Russian Federation is carried out at the request of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

The export application must contain the following information in the following order:

1) name, legal address and TIN of the applicant;

2) the name of the supervised cargo and its code (the first 4 characters) in accordance with the FEACN of the Customs Union;

3) quantity of supervised cargo and units of its measurement;

4) importing country;

5) modes of transport;

6) confirmation of the safety of the catch (harvest) area of ​​the exported batch of supervised cargo - when exporting aquatic biological resources and hunting products;

7) checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation and the CIS, through which it is supposed to carry out the export of supervised cargo;

8) the number of the permit for the export of animals, their parts and / or derivatives subject to CITES, in the case of the export of live animals, hunting trophies, or a part easily recognizable from them, or a derivative (derivative), including those that, according to documents, packaging label or marking, or otherwise are or may be parts or derivatives (derivatives) of animals that are endangered and subject to CITES;

9) when exporting aquatic biological resources and products from them:

type and areas of catch (production) of aquatic biological resources;

number of the document confirming the epizootic well-being of the area of ​​extraction (catch) of aquatic biological resources;

10) when exporting feed additives - the number of the certificate of state registration of the feed additive;

11) other necessary information in accordance with the request of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

An export permit or refusal to issue an export permit is issued in the form of a letter from Rosselkhoznadzor signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

Obtaining an export permit is required when exporting animals, products of animal origin, feed and feed additives for animals from the Russian Federation

An export permit is not required when exporting:

finished products of animal origin of industrial production that have undergone heat treatment, finished products from raw materials of animal origin, processed in a factory way, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of standards and regulations. Permits for the export of these types of regulated cargoes are issued by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation from whose territory they are exported;

small domestic animals belonging to citizens (no more than 2 heads).

The grounds for refusal to issue an export permit are:

1) provision by the applicant of false data;

2) availability of information about the violation by the applicants or exporting organizations of the requirements of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation;

The letter of the Rosselkhoznadzor, signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, is sent by fax to the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (the person acting in his capacity), from whose territory it is planned to export the supervised cargo, to the territorial office, from whose territory it is planned to export the supervised cargo, and also to the territorial administration through which the export is carried out.

The territorial administration, through whose territory it is planned to carry out the export of supervised cargo, within 2 days informs the officials of the territorial administration who carry out veterinary supervision at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation about the issuance of an export permit.

Suspension of issued export permits

The grounds for suspension of issued export permits are:

receipt by the Rosselkhoznadzor of a letter from the territorial administration containing facts of violation by legal entities or individuals involved in the circulation of regulated goods (with the exception of medicines for animals), the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of veterinary medicine;

deterioration of the epizootic situation for infectious animal diseases in the Russian Federation;

receipt of information from the importing country on the introduction of restrictions on the import of regulated goods (with the exception of medicines for animals).

The letter of the Rosselkhoznadzor, signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation, is sent by fax to the interested territorial departments of the Rosselkhoznadzor.

Issuance of a permit for the export of medicinal products for animals from the Russian Federation or refusal to issue a permit for the export of medicinal products for animals from the Russian Federation

The issuance of a permit for the export of medicines for animals from the Russian Federation is carried out on the basis of an application to the Rosselkhoznadzor from a legal entity registered in the Russian Federation for the issuance of a permit for the export of medicines for animals from the Russian Federation.

The export application must contain the following information in the following order:

1) name, legal address and TIN of the applicant;

2) names of medicines for animals and their code (4 first characters) in accordance with the TN VED CU;

3) quantity of medicinal products for animals and units of measurement;

4) organization-manufacturer of medicines for animals;

5) modes of transport;

6) checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation and the CIS, through which it is supposed to carry out the export of supervised cargo;

7) number of the license to carry out pharmaceutical activities carried out in the field of circulation of medicinal products intended for animals;

8) registration numbers of medicinal products for animals, registration series and validity period of certificates of state registration of medicinal products for animals;

9) other necessary information in accordance with the request of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

An export permit for medicinal products for animals or a refusal to issue a permit for the export of medicinal products for animals is issued in the form of a letter from Rosselkhoznadzor signed by the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of the Russian Federation.

The grounds for refusal to issue an export permit for medicinal products for animals are:

1) provision by the applicant of incomplete and/or inaccurate data;

2) availability of information about the violation by the applicant of the requirements of the veterinary legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) the impossibility of meeting the veterinary requirements of the importing country.

The permit for the export of medicines for animals is issued by a letter from the Rosselkhoznadzor and sent to its applicant and to the territorial office through which it is planned to export medicines for animals.

The territorial administration, through whose territory it is planned to export medicinal products for animals, within 2 days informs the officials of the territorial administration who carry out veterinary supervision at checkpoints across the State Border of the Russian Federation about the issuance of a permit for the export of medicinal products for animals.

70. State regulation by requiring confirmation of compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards adopted in the customs territory of the Customs Union. Agreement of the Customs Union on Sanitary Measures. Unified List of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) at the customs border and customs territory of the Customs Union.

Regulations on the procedure for exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) over persons and vehicles crossing the customs border of the Customs Union, controlled goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union and on the customs territory of the Customs Union, (Regulations) were developed in order to implement the provisions of the Customs Union Agreement. union on sanitary measures of December 11, 2009, in accordance with the Decision of the Interstate Council of the Eurasian Economic Community (the supreme body of the Customs Union) at the level of heads of government of December 11, 2009 No. 28 and determines the procedure for the implementation of state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) on the customs border of the Customs Union and the customs territory of the Customs Union.

The Regulation is mandatory for execution by the executive authorities of the states - members of the Customs Union, local governments, legal entities of any organizational and legal form, individual entrepreneurs, individuals.

The risks of emergencies in the field of sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population are:

Arrival (departure) of a vehicle from countries (to the country) with disease-infected areas, and from countries with areas of chemical and radiation accidents (in accordance with the lists of countries according to the information of the World Health Organization (hereinafter - WHO));

Failure to report, in accordance with the established procedure, preliminary information about the absence on board an aircraft or sea (river) vessel of persons with suspected illness requiring measures for the sanitary protection of the territory;

The presence on the vehicle of persons arriving on an international flight from countries with disease-infected areas, or arriving from such countries within the incubation period;

Identification during the previously carried out sanitary and quarantine control of violations of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population on a vehicle engaged in international transportation;

International postal items with broken integrity, containing linen, clothes, bedding or other household items, utensils, toys that were in use, and which came from countries with infected areas or from epidemic zones;

Receipt of information about the presence on the vehicle of persons with suspected illness;

The presence of rodents or traces of their presence in the vehicle;

The presence of insects in a vehicle that arrived from countries with infected areas or from epidemic zones;

Establishing the fact of movement of a vehicle, controlled goods with an increased background radiation.

Sanitary and quarantine control over arriving (departing) vehicles to the customs territory (from the territory) of the Customs Union includes:

Evaluation of information received from the crew (commander or responsible crew member) of an aircraft, sea (river) vessel, prior to its arrival, according to the sanitary part of the general declaration of the aircraft, the marine health declaration of sea (river) vessels;

Checking the sanitary part of the general declaration of the aircraft, the marine health declaration of sea (river) ships, the certificate of passing the sea (river) ship sanitary control, the certificate of the release of the sea (river) ship from sanitary control, sanitary and voyage logs on railway transport, if necessary - international certificates of vaccination;

Checking the logs of registration of applications for medical care on passenger sea (river) vessels;

Visual inspection of vehicles crossing the customs border customs union, survey of crew members, train crews, drivers of vehicles, passengers.

Vehicles, containers, lighters, passenger luggage, controlled goods arriving from infected areas, if there are epidemiological indications (presence of insects, rodents or traces of their presence), are subjected to disinfection, disinfestation and (or) deratization.

The officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control, at the request of the commander or responsible member of the crew of an air, sea (river) vessel, the head of the train, the driver of the vehicle, make a note in the transport and (or) travel documents on the application of sanitary measures to the vehicle.

In order to prevent the importation of infectious and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning) into the customs territory of the Customs Union, officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control, in accordance with their competence, carry out:

Questioning (questionnaire) of crew members, employees of train and locomotive crews, drivers of vehicles and passengers who arrived at the checkpoints about their state of health;

Temperature monitoring of crew members, employees of locomotive crews, drivers of vehicles and passengers (according to epidemiological indications and in the presence of complaints);

Organization medical examination if there are complaints about the state of health;

Sanitary inspection of the vehicle (food unit, water supply systems, systems for collecting and removing all types of waste), as well as inspection for the presence of carriers and vectors of infection (insects, rodents or traces of their presence).

In the presence of infection vectors, live or dead rodents, officials of the authorized bodies of the Parties shall organize or issue an order for disinfection, disinfestation and (or) deratization measures.

Sanitary and quarantine control of controlled goods at the customs border of the Customs Union includes:

Control of documents confirming the safety of products (goods) and their compliance with transport (shipping) and (or) commercial documents;

Inspection, organization of sampling (selection) of controlled goods included in Section II single list goods for evaluation in the cases specified in paragraph 2 of the Regulations;

Participation (at the request of the customs authorities) in the verification of transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents, inspection, organization of sampling (selection) for the evaluation of controlled goods included in the Unified List of Goods.

Officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control shall inspect controlled goods that have arrived in the customs territory of the Customs Union, if there are the following sanitary and epidemiological indications:

Receipt of information about the arrival of controlled goods that do not comply with the Uniform Sanitary Requirements;

Availability of information on non-compliance of controlled goods with those declared in transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents;

Identification of violations of the conditions of transportation, the integrity of containers, lighters, damage to packaging.

The movement of controlled goods included in the Unified List of Goods across the customs border of the Customs Union is allowed only at checkpoints designated by the Parties, open for international traffic, where state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) is carried out, a list of which is provided by the Secretariat of the Commission of the Customs Union to the Parties.

The import of controlled goods included in Section II of the Unified List of Goods into the customs territory of the Customs Union is carried out if there is a document confirming the safety of products (goods) issued on the basis of the results of laboratory research(tests) conducted in laboratories of authorized bodies accredited (certified) in the national accreditation (certification) systems of the Parties, and included in Single register certification bodies and testing laboratories (centers) of the Customs Union.

Confirmation of the availability of a document confirming the safety of products (goods) is:

the original of the document confirming the safety of products (goods), or a copy thereof, certified by the authority that issued it or the recipient of the said document;

or an extract from the Register of State Registration Certificates indicating the details of the document confirming the safety of products (goods), product (goods) names, manufacturer, recipient and the authority that issued the document confirming the safety of products (goods);

or an electronic form of the said documents certified by an electronic digital signature.

Recognition of documents confirming the safety of products (goods) issued by one of the Parties is carried out without reissuing these documents for documents of the Party of destination and without conducting repeated laboratory studies (tests) for this purpose.

Documents confirming the safety of products (goods) issued by the authorized bodies of the Parties before the entry into force of the Customs Union Agreement on Sanitary Measures are valid exclusively on the territory of the Party that issued these documents, within the period specified in them, but no later than January 1, 2012, and are the basis for permitting the import of these controlled goods into the customs territory of the Customs Union and release into circulation in the territory of the Party that issued these documents.

Controlled goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union must comply with the Uniform Sanitary Requirements.

It is allowed to import controlled goods into the customs territory of the Customs Union without documents confirming the safety of products (goods), if there is information in the transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents that the imported goods belong to the goods listed in Section III of the Unified List of Goods .

When importing samples of controlled goods, it is necessary to submit a cover letter from the manufacturer (manufacturer) stating that the indicated samples are manufactured (manufactured) by him.

At checkpoints, officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control shall, within their competence, check documents confirming the safety of products (goods), transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents for controlled goods included in sections II, III of the Unified List of Goods , and when establishing their compliance with the requirements established by clauses 17 or 19 of the Regulations, put the stamp "Import is allowed" with the name of the authorized body, date and signature in one of the transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents, and also make a note of the personal numbered stamp.

Officials carrying out sanitary and quarantine control organize the assessment of controlled goods in the following cases:

Violation of the conditions of transportation, integrity of containers, lighters, etc.;

Damage to packaging;

Arrival of goods from epidemiologically unfavorable countries and (or) from areas contaminated as a result of radioactive, chemical and biological accidents (in case of exceeding the permissible values ​​of the radiation dose rate and surface contamination with radionuclides during the transportation of radioactive materials; dangerous goods in damaged packaging with signs leakage of contents), and (or) with signs of the presence of rodents and insects;

Receipt of information about the non-compliance of controlled goods with the Common Sanitary Requirements;

Availability of information on non-compliance of controlled goods with those declared in transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents.

According to the results of the assessment of controlled goods official, carrying out sanitary and quarantine control, a decision is made to allow or prohibit the import into the customs territory of the Customs Union of this controlled product.

When establishing non-compliance of controlled goods with the requirements listed in paragraphs 17 or 19 of the Regulations and (or) the Uniform Sanitary Requirements, officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control are not allowed to import such controlled goods, which is notified to the carrier (consignor) in writing.

In one of the transport (transportation) and (or) commercial documents, officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control affix the stamp "Import is prohibited" indicating the name of the authorized body, date and signature, and also make a mark with a personal numbered seal.

Controlled goods, in respect of which a decision has been made to prohibit import into the customs territory of the Customs Union, shall be subject to immediate export from the customs territory of the Customs Union, unless otherwise provided by law and (or) international treaties of the Parties.

The adoption of measures for the export of these goods is assigned to the carrier or their owner, unless otherwise provided by the legislation and (or) international agreements of the Parties.

If it is impossible to export controlled goods that do not comply with the Uniform Sanitary Requirements, or if they are not immediately exported, these goods are subject to detention for the purpose of destruction or other use in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.

The territorial subdivision of the authorized body of the Party, which has revealed the non-compliance of controlled goods with the Common Sanitary Requirements, immediately sends information about the prohibition (suspension) of their import to the head (his deputy) of the authorized body of his Party.

The head (his deputy) of the authorized body of the Party that identified the non-compliance shall bring information about the ban to the heads (their deputies) of the authorized bodies of other Parties, and ensure its immediate entry into information system Eurasian Economic Community in the field of technical regulation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures and the Integrated Information System of Foreign and Mutual Trade of the Customs Union.

In case of detection on vehicles among arrived patients, carriers and (or) carriers of dangerous infectious diseases, as well as detection of controlled goods that do not comply with the Uniform Sanitary Requirements, the officials exercising sanitary and quarantine control coordinate the relevant necessary actions of all state control bodies at checkpoints.

When conducting customs control goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union and subject to control by other state control bodies, Customs ensure the overall coordination of such actions and their simultaneous implementation in the manner determined by the legislation of the Parties.

Customs authorities and state control authorities exchange information (information) and (or) documents necessary for customs and other types of state control using information systems and technologies.

1. Agreement of the Customs Union on Sanitary Measures

The governments of the member states of the Customs Union within the Eurasian Economic Community (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Union), hereinafter referred to as the Parties, in order to ensure the protection of the customs territory of the Customs Union from the importation and spread of infectious and mass non-infectious diseases (poisoning) among the population, products (goods) , which does not meet sanitary and epidemiological and hygienic requirements, based on the Agreement on the implementation of a coordinated policy in the field of technical regulation, sanitary and phytosanitary measures of January 25, 2008, recognizing the expediency of pursuing a coordinated policy in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, taking into account the International Health Regulations (2005), Agreements on Technical Barriers to Trade and Agreements on the Application of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures of the World Trade Organization resulting from the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Permits Egovorov April 15, 1994 in Marrakech, Agreement on cooperation in the field of sanitary protection of the territories of the states - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated May 31, 2001, Agreement on the procedure for interaction in the hygienic assessment of potentially hazardous products imported into the states - members of the Commonwealth of Independent States dated April 16, 2004, adopted the Customs Union Agreement on Sanitary Measures.

Unified List of Goods Subject to Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (Control) at the Customs Border and Customs Territory of the Customs Union

Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union No. 299 dated May 28, 2010 "On the application of sanitary measures in the Customs Union" approved:

Unified list of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) at the customs border and customs territory of the Customs Union (Unified list);

Uniform sanitary-epidemiological and hygienic requirements for goods subject to sanitary-epidemiological supervision (control) (Uniform sanitary requirements);

Uniform forms of documents confirming the safety of products (goods);

Regulations on the procedure for exercising state sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control) over persons and vehicles crossing the customs border of the Customs Union, controlled goods transported across the customs border of the Customs Union and in the customs territory of the Customs Union.

List of goods subject to sanitary and epidemiological supervision (control)

1. Food products (products in natural or processed form, consumed by humans), incl. obtained using genetically modified (transgenic) organisms (from the groups of the TN VED CU: 02-05, 07-09, 11-25, 27-29, 32-34, 35).

2. Goods for children: games and toys, bed linen, clothes, shoes, teaching aids, furniture, strollers, bags (satchels, backpacks, briefcases, etc.), artificial polymeric and synthetic materials for the manufacture of children's goods (from TN VED CU groups: 32, 34, 39, 40, 42-44, 46, 48-56, 60-65, 87, 94, 95).

3. Materials, equipment, substances, devices used in the field of domestic and drinking water supply and cleaning Wastewater, in swimming pools (from the groups of TN VED CU: 38-40, 48, 84, 85).

4. Perfumery and cosmetics, oral hygiene products (from the group of FEACN CU 33).

5. Chemical and petrochemical products for industrial purposes, household chemicals (from the groups of the TN VED TS: 32-34, 38).

6. Polymeric and synthetic materials intended for use in construction, transport, as well as for the manufacture of furniture and other household items; furniture; textile sewing and knitted materials containing chemical fibers and textile excipients; artificial and synthetic leather and textile materials for the manufacture of clothing and footwear (from the TN VED CU groups: 32, 39, 40, 42-44, 46, 48, 50, 51, 53, 55-59).

7. Products of mechanical engineering and instrumentation for industrial, medical and household purposes, except for spare parts for vehicles and household appliances (with the exception of those in contact with drinking water and food products) (from the TN VED CU groups: 38, 84, 85, 90).

8. Publishing products: educational publications and manuals for general education secondary and higher educational institutions, books and magazines for children and adolescents (from the groups of the FEACN of the CU: 48, 49).

9. Products made from natural raw materials that are processed during the production process (dyed, impregnated, etc.) (from the TN VED CU groups: 43, 44, 46, 50-53).

10. Materials for products (products) in contact with human skin, clothing, footwear (from the groups of the TN VED CU: 39, 40, 42, 43, 50-60).

11. Products, products that are a source of ionizing radiation, including generating radiation, as well as products and goods containing radioactive substances (from the groups of the TN VED CU: 25, 26, 28, 68, 69, 72, 74-76, 78- 81, 84, 87).

12. Construction raw materials and materials in which the content of radioactive substances is regulated by hygienic standards, including industrial waste for reprocessing and use in the national economy, ferrous and non-ferrous metal scrap (scrap metal) (from the TN VED CU groups: 25, 26, 28 , 68, 69, 72, 74-76, 78-81, 84, 87).

13. Tobacco products and tobacco raw materials (from the group TN VED TS 24).

14. Funds personal protection(from TN VED CU groups: 39, 40, 64).

15. Pesticides and agrochemicals (from the TN VED CU groups: 31, 38).

16. Materials, products and equipment in contact with food products (from the groups of TN VED CU: 39, 44, 45, 48, 63, 70, 73.76).

17. Equipment, materials for air preparation, air cleaning and filtration (from the groups of TN VED CU: 38-40, 48, 84, 85).

18. Anti-icing reagents (from the group of TN VED CU 38).

19. Other goods in respect of which one of the Parties has introduced temporary sanitary measures (from the groups of the TN VED CU: 02-96).

When importing meat, fish, poultry and seafood into Russia, each importer should know that the procedure customs clearance meat products has its own characteristics. Distinctive features first of all, they are associated with a limited shelf life and with special veterinary and sanitary control upon importation.

Main features of import/export of meat and fish:

  1. Customs clearance deadlines. Meat, fish and seafood - perishable goods("fast port"), i.e. refer to goods that have a limited shelf life and a limited period of sale to the consumer. That is why the recipient of the cargo must ensure that the terms of customs clearance and veterinary control for imported meat products are reduced. Errors in the documents of the exporter and importer are the reason for the increase in customs clearance times and the increase in costs during storage in a temporary storage warehouse. If there are problems associated with incorrectly executed documents, only the owner of the cargo can quickly and efficiently pay fines and resolve all issues that may arise due to the illiterate execution of documents by the seller / exporter. Therefore, we always ask that before the goods are shipped, the seller (Exporter) coordinates with us the correctness of filling out the documents (import veterinary certificate, invoice and air waybill). Specified documents are sent to us for review - in advance so that it is possible to change them.
  2. Temperature regime. When transporting and storing meat products in a temporary storage warehouse during customs clearance, a mandatory temperature maintenance. Therefore, when importing by air, we recommend choosing Domodedovo airport for customs clearance, where there is a customs warehouse where you can store goods with the temperature regime you need. When placing meat, fish and seafood in a temporary storage warehouse, the employees of the temporary storage warehouse of CJSC Domodedovo Cargo determine the requirements for the temperature regime based on the entry in the air waybills. Therefore, it is necessary to require in advance from the carrier or sender to indicate temperature regime storage on the invoice. For example, 0-2 degrees for chilled beef meat. Otherwise, employees of the temporary storage warehouse will relieve themselves of responsibility for the correct storage of meat products.
  3. Veterinary control at the border. Immediately after import and before customs clearance, veterinary control of imported meat products will be carried out in accordance with the Decision of the Commission of the Customs Union dated June 18, 2010 No. 317. Veterinary control includes:
    - Documentary control. The presence of an import phytosanitary certificate is checked (download a sample), the presence of an import permit from the Rosselkhoznadzor (download a sample).
    - Inspection of a batch of goods. During inspection, the labeling of all boxes is checked. In the absence of an indication on the boxes - Names of goods, Sender, Recipient, Manufacturer and means of identification, i.e. air waybill or CMR number. In the absence of the indicated marking on cargo items, an official of the Rosselkhoznadzor draws up a protocol on an administrative offense against the recipient of the cargo. In case of an administrative offense, the term for customs clearance of meat, fish and seafood increases - more than 1 day, until the fine is paid.
    - Llaboratory control. This type of control includes sampling and sampling and is carried out in cases where visible organoleptic changes are detected during the inspection of transported controlled goods and the exclusion of contagious animal diseases.
    Based on the results of the implementation of these types of control, the official of the border control veterinary point makes one of the following decisions in relation to controlled goods: - on a pass; - on the suspension of traffic; - on the prohibition of import; - about the return. The decision made in relation to meat is formalized by an official of veterinary supervision by affixing the appropriate stamps. Usually veterinary control lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours.
  4. Customs value control during customs clearance. Due to the fact that each participant in foreign economic activity is interested in reducing the amount of customs payments when importing meat, it is necessary to know all the risks (passing costs) for certain goods during customs clearance. Otherwise, if the customs value is underestimated, an additional check of the customs value will be carried out, which entails an increase in the time for customs clearance and the cost of storing the goods at the temporary storage warehouse.
Product code Name of product Paraguay, Uruguay New Zealand, Australia Argentina, Chile
0201300005 tenderloin **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
shoulder blade, rump, rump, shank, leg, hump (NEW) **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
subscapular cut, dorsal cut, thick edge, entrecote, ribeye, butt **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
brisket **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
intercostal meat, flank **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
loin **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
thin edge, lumbar cut, roast beef **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
trimming **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
shoulder steak **$/kg **$/kg **$/kg
0201209002 ribs saddle, lumbar cut, thin edge on the bone **$/kg **$/kg
thick edge on the bone **$/kg **$/kg


It is important to know!!! On the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of August 6, 2014 No. 560 "On the application of certain special economic measures in order to ensure the security of the Russian Federation", from 08/07/2014 restrictions were introduced on the import of meat from countries unfriendly to us.

A list of agricultural products, raw materials and foodstuffs, the country of origin of which is the United States of America, the countries of the European Union, Canada, Australia and the Kingdom of Norway and which are prohibited from being imported into the Russian Federation for a period of one year.

TN VED CU code

Name of product *)***)

1. Veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates are issued by veterinary services only for goods under the control of state veterinary supervision and received at an enterprise, on a farm (farm) that has undergone a veterinary and sanitary examination and has a veterinary registration certificate authority of the state veterinary supervision. Veterinary certificates and certificates are documents confirming the veterinary and sanitary safety of goods, and certificates are veterinary accompanying documents for the delivery of goods from farm to farm within the district (city) or to the place of veterinary sanitary examination in full.

2. The list of goods subject to state veterinary supervision is established by the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation in accordance with the current legislation.

3. Veterinary certificates give their holders the right to procure, transport, process, store and sell goods under the control of the state veterinary supervision without additional veterinary documents throughout the Russian Federation (with the exception of quarantine territories) and export them to the CIS countries, as well as sell goods in the wholesale system retail, Catering, in the markets, processing enterprises, farms and other consumers.

4. Veterinary certificates of the Russian Federation give the owner the right to export goods outside the country to any state.

5. Veterinary certificates give the right to the owners to transport products of animal origin by road, rail, water and other modes of transport from the place of cultivation, production (slaughter), collection, harvesting, etc. to the state veterinary supervision institution conducting veterinary and sanitary examination, while the right to implement veterinary certificates are not available.

6. When transporting products and raw materials of animal origin between the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, veterinary certificates are issued for products, the list of which is regulated by veterinary legislation. When transporting within a constituent entity of the Federation, as well as within a district (city), taking into account local conditions and depending on the presence of zoonotic or zoo-anthroponous diseases, the chief state veterinary inspector of the administrative territory, in agreement with the superior chief state veterinary inspector, has the right to change (supplement or reduce) the list of objects controlled by the state veterinary supervision cargoes subject to accompaniment by a veterinary certificate.

7. When selling a large batch of products for which a veterinary certificate has been issued by the state veterinary service, in parts simultaneously to several consumers, the chief state veterinarian of a district (city) may, as an exception, within the district (city) allow, in agreement with the chief state veterinary inspector of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, to transport and acceptance of parts of such a batch according to the marks (stamps) of the state light service in the accompanying documents (quality certificates, waybills, etc.), according to which the transportation and acceptance of goods for the consumer is carried out, with the obligatory indication of the date of issue, the number of the veterinary certificate issued for the entire batch, and the signature of the veterinarian of the state veterinary service who issued the veterinary certificate.

8. Veterinary certificates are issued by the state and departmental veterinary services (each within its competence), and veterinary certificates - by the production veterinary service.

9. The State Veterinary Service issues veterinary certificates only to those citizens, enterprises, organizations and institutions that have permission from the State Veterinary Service for the right to breed and raise animals, harvest, process, store and sell products of animal origin, provide a complete list of work on veterinary and sanitary examination in accordance with the current regulatory documentation and certified for veterinary and sanitary competence in the prescribed manner.

10. Veterinary certificates are issued when controlled goods are exported outside the district (city), region (territory), autonomous entity, republic within the Russian Federation, as well as when goods are imported from abroad in exchange for veterinary certificates of exporting countries issued by authorities state veterinary service of these countries.

11. Veterinary certificates, depending on the group of controlled cargoes, are issued in three forms:

* form 1 - when transporting live animals, as well as biological objects used for their reproduction;
* form 2 - for food products and food raw materials of animal origin;
* form 3 - for non-food products, technical raw materials and feed of animal origin.

12. Veterinary certificates are issued by state veterinarians at border veterinary points when goods are exported outside the Russian Federation (except for CIS countries).

13. When exporting, a veterinary certificate is issued to the owner of the cargo in exchange for a veterinary certificate issued by the State Veterinary Service on the cargo exit bridge, subject to the permission of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of Russia to export this cargo.

14. The right to issue veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates is granted to veterinarians and paramedics of the following services:

a) veterinary certificates- specialists of industrial veterinary services in farms, organizations, institutions and enterprises, certified by the chief state veterinary inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner and having the right to brand products with the “Preliminary inspection” stamp;

b) veterinary certificates - to specialists of institutions of state and departmental veterinary services: veterinary stations for combating animal diseases, veterinary and sanitary stations (inspectorates, departments), border veterinary points, transport service, local veterinary clinics, veterinary stations and points, departments of state veterinary supervision at processing enterprises , - having the right to brand products with an oval stamp;

c) veterinary certificates - to specialists of border control veterinary posts.

15. Veterinary certificates for products and raw materials of animal origin, subject to special treatment (disinfection), are issued only by specialists of the institutions of the state veterinary service.

16. Veterinary specialists of departmental services issue veterinary certificates only for animals belonging to these departments, as well as for those products and raw materials of animal origin that are obtained at enterprises belonging to these departments.

17. Validity of veterinary certificates from the date of issue to the day of shipment:

* form 1 - for animals - 3 days (for fish - 7 days), for sperm, zygotes, fertilized fish eggs - 15 days;
* form 2 - 5 days;
* form 3 - 5 days.

The period of validity of the veterinary certificate after shipment is determined by the period of sale of the product and the time of transportation.

18. If the territory or water area is unfavorable for animal diseases, the accompanying veterinary documents must have the number and date of permission of the Chief State Veterinary Inspector of Russia or his deputy.

19. Veterinary certificates and certificates are invalidated in the following cases:

a) issued by organizations (persons) not provided for by this Regulation, without the seal of a veterinary institution, without the seal of the veterinary department (veterinary department) of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (veterinary certificate for export); issuance on forms of an unidentified sample; filling in different handwriting, ink, fonts; having corrections, especially digital and nominal ones;
b) the lack of decoding of the signature of the veterinarian who issued the document;
c) fuzzy (poorly readable, smeared, etc.) print (stamp); inconsistencies in the weight (quantity) and characteristics of the cargo specified in the document with the actual one;
d) submissions in the form of copies (photocopies) not certified by the original seal;
e) non-compliance with the form of the document, validity period and other requirements of this Regulation.

20. Veterinary specialists who have received the right to issue veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates are full responsibility for the fulfillment of the requirements of this Regulation in the manner, established by law Russian Federation.

21. Forgery of veterinary certificates, certificates, certificates and falsification of the data contained in them is punishable by law.

Registration of veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates

1. Veterinary certificates and certificates are filled in only in Russian.
2. The veterinary certificate must be in two languages: in Russian and in the language of the importing country, filled in at the expense of the sender.
3. Veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates are filled in with ink (paste) or on office equipment. Corrections are not allowed.
4. All columns of veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates must be completed. When referring to the results of laboratory tests, indicate the name of the laboratory that conducted the tests, the number and date of the examination.
5. The numbers of all stamps used are listed in the "special marks" column.
6. Veterinary certificates and certificates are certified by the seal of the veterinary service that issued them. Veterinary certificates are certified by the stamp of the border veterinary office (at the request of the importing country).
7. When sending controlled cargo outside the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, the number of permission of the chief state veterinary inspector of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or his deputy is entered into the veterinary certificates and additionally certified with the official seal of the district veterinary station for combating animal diseases (city veterinary and sanitary station), when sent to export - official seal of the veterinary department (association, committee) of the Council of Ministers of the republic within the Russian Federation, administrations of the territory, region.
8. When importing goods, all information contained in a foreign veterinary certificate must be submitted to the border veterinary station in Russian.
9. In the cases provided for, the number and date of issue of the permission of the chief state veterinary inspector or his deputy for export (or import) are noted in the veterinary certificate. For imported products, the accompanying documents must contain an indication of the procedure for their use in the Russian Federation.
10. Forms of veterinary certificates are documents strict accountability and have a typographically executed nine-digit number, the first two digits of which correspond to the number assigned to the given territory in the appendix to the "Instructions for the veterinary branding of meat", and the remaining seven - to the serial number. The transfer of blank forms to persons who do not have the right to issue veterinary certificates is prohibited.
11. Forms of veterinary certificates are printed on color, counterfeit-proof, established sample paper with a format of 210x297 mm on one sheet, it is allowed to fill reverse side sheet; forms of the veterinary certificate form 1 are printed on green paper, form 2 - red, form 3 - blue.
12. The spine and duplicate of the veterinary certificate are filled in. The spine of the veterinary certificate remains in the file of the veterinary institution that issued the document and is subsequently transferred to the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) for storage.
13. When issuing one or more copies of the veterinary certificate, each of the copies is certified by the same signature and seal (stamp) as the original, copying the signature and seal (stamp) is not allowed.
14. In order to enhance the degree of protection of veterinary certificates, certificates and certificates from forgery and ensure their accounting, document forms are printed in a typographical way by order:
a) veterinary certificates - zonal department of state veterinary supervision;
b) veterinary certificates - of the body of state veterinary supervision of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, departmental veterinary services and have a typographically executed number;
c) veterinary certificates - by order of the chief veterinary inspector of the district (city).
15. Specialists of the state veterinary service, who have been granted the right to issue veterinary certificates of the appropriate form, receive their forms from the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city), with consecutive serial numbers and in laced form, 100 copies each. against signature, as a document of strict accountability. After using the filing forms, their roots are returned to the chief state inspector of the district (city) and are subject to storage for three years.
16. The procedure for issuing, recording and storing veterinary certificates issued by departmental veterinary services is determined by these services independently in agreement with the chief state veterinary inspector of Russia.
17. The procedure for recording and storing^ veterinary certificates is determined by the chief state veterinary inspector of the district (city) in agreement with the chief state veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation

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10. Import and export of sturgeon species and products from them, including caviar

Licensing of import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of this category of goods is carried out in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 17, 1998 N 968 (Order of the Ministry of Trade of Russia of November 23, 1998 N 36).

from 0301 99 190, from 0302 69 190, from 0302 70 000, from 0303 79 190, from 0303 80 000, from 0304 10 190, from 0304 10 910, from 0304 20 190, from 0304 90 0 30, from 2 from 0305 30 900, from 0305 49 800, from 0305 59 900, from 0305 69 900, from 0511 91 900, from 1604 19 910, from 1604 19 980, from 1604 20 900

Acceptance of applications and registration of licenses for the import and export of this category of goods is carried out exclusively by the Authorized Representative of the Ministry of Trade of Russia for the Central District in agreement with the Department state regulation foreign economic activity(DGRVED) in the manner set out in section II, clause 1.1 of these Guidelines.

When accepting an application, it must be taken into account that the applicant, in addition to the documents specified in section I, paragraph 1.1, must submit the original (s) Permit (s) (certificate (s)) of the CITES Administrative Authority for sturgeons in Russia.


When issuing licenses for the import and export of goods of this category, it is not required to coordinate the application for a license with the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, except for cases when licenses are issued for the export from the Russian Federation of live sturgeon fish, developing sturgeon caviar and milk (sperm) - live (TN codes FEA CIS: from 0301 99 190 (only sturgeon), from 0511 91 900 (only sturgeon) In these cases, licenses are issued subject to approval of the application for a license by the State Committee for Ecology of Russia in the manner determined by the "Regulations on the procedure for agreeing licenses for the export of animal resources and of plant origin", approved by the Order of the former Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia N 40 dated 05.02.96, by filling in the requisite 26 of the application for a license in accordance with the Rules for filling out an application for a license, approved by Order on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia dated 18.03.97 N 144.

In all cases, applicants for this category of goods are issued only one-time licenses.

It should be borne in mind that the Permit (certificate) is issued by the CITES Administrative Authority for Sturgeons in Russia for a period of six months. At the same time, the term of the license cannot exceed the term of the specified Permission.

It is allowed to issue one license for a product supplied in one or several batches under one contract under several Permits (certificates) issued by the CITES Administrative Authority for Sturgeon in Russia, provided that the information specified in the details of the license: 4 - 14, 18, 19 fully matches for each batch of goods. At the same time, the term of the license is limited by the validity of Permits (certificates) of the CITES Administrative Authority for Sturgeon in Russia, but cannot exceed 12 current months from the date of issue of the license.

When obtaining a license for the import / export of goods of this category:

In attribute "1" of the license:

At the position of the 1st digit of the license number, the number "0" (for a non-quota-free product) or the number "1" (if an annual export quota is set on account of CITES international obligations) is indicated. Information about these quotas is brought to the attention of the Commissioner of the Ministry of Trade for the Central District by the DGRVED as they are established by the Government of the Russian Federation;

On the positions of the 2nd and 3rd digits of the license number, the number "33" is indicated

The requisite "11" of the license indicates the number (s) and date (s) of the Permit (s) (certificate (s)) of the CITES Administrative Authority for Sturgeon in Russia, as well as, for certain categories of goods in accordance with the provisions of this article, the number and date of the decision of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia on the approval of the application for a license.

Information about officials who have been granted the right to sign Permits (certificates) of the CITES Administrative Body for Sturgeon in Russia, the right to approve an application for a license from the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, is brought to the Commissioner by the DGRVED as changes are made to the composition of these authorized persons, within a timeframe that ensures timely issuance licenses.

Phone information:

in DGRVED of the Ministry of Trade of Russia - 950 1272, 950 9772, 950 1221;

in administrative body CITES for sturgeons in Russia - 928 8313,

faxes: 928 8349, 925 0141, 921 7018;

in the State Committee for Ecology of Russia - 127 8410 (for living resources);

in the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia - 264 9243, 264 7879 - (for living resources).