Why is it necessary and what gives a business legal support? Professional legal business support Comprehensive business support.

Subscriber legal service is a set of measures to resolve legal issues that are related to the daily activities of companies and organizations. Unlike episodic services, subscription services are provided on a regular basis. At the same time, the lawyers of our company can take on the duties of a full-time specialist or work in tandem with him.

Our company offers legal services legal entities in Moscow for organizations of various forms of ownership and individual entrepreneurs. Our services are actively used by enterprises and companies operating in various market segments. Legal support of business guarantees clients effective legal protection and optimization of work processes.

Types of professional assistance within the framework of subscription legal services

Our lawyers and lawyers offer adequate prices and quality legal services to develop and promote your business. Our activities cover the area of ​​taxation, accounting and personnel records, corporate practice and legal protection. Legal services for legal entities include several programs that are tailored to the needs of clients. It is possible to prepare a program with individual parameters.

Subscriber legal services include the provision of the following services:

  1. Advice on labor, tax, corporate, migration, administrative, customs and antitrust law. Consultation is possible in oral and written form with the provision of an expert opinion.
  2. Assistance in registration, transformation and termination of the activities of a legal entity;
  3. Support for real estate purchase and sale transactions, including registration with Rosreestr.
  4. Legal examination of enterprise documents, drafting and execution of contracts, instructions, protocols of disagreements, orders and additional agreements.
  5. Analysis of risks when concluding transactions, support for the daily activities of the company.
  6. Representation of the client's interests before contractors and partners, supervisory and controlling government agencies. Participation in negotiations on the side of the principal.
  7. Preparation of pre-trial claims and carrying out activities to resolve disputes.
  8. Legal representation services: assessment of risks and prospects of the case, development of a legal strategy, preparation of procedural documents, protection of the client's legal rights in court general jurisdiction and arbitration.

Legal support for business is the best form of legal support and a guarantee of the successful functioning of an enterprise or organization. Before concluding a contract, you can contact us for advice. An experienced lawyer will answer all your questions and offer an effective algorithm for cooperation.

Features and benefits of subscription legal services at PravoZaschita

Cooperation with our company will provide you with professional assistance from lawyers and lawyers with extensive experience and specialization in various industries the rights. Our advantages are:

  • prompt solution of legal problems of any complexity, since the specialist knows the specifics of the client's work and is always ready to help;
  • big practical experience and extensive business connections;
  • strict observance of confidentiality;
  • full responsibility to the client, fixed by contractual obligations.

After concluding an agreement for legal services for legal entities, we provide a full range of services within the framework of the selected program. As a result, you will receive the following benefits:

  • savings on staff legal department;
  • reduction of the tax burden, since the costs of subscription services will be included in the company's expenses;
  • the opportunity to receive professional advice in a timely manner, taking into account changes in legislation and the nuances of your activities;
  • optimization of business processes by reducing risks, controlling the budget and improving the quality of decisions made

The cost of legal support depends on several factors: the type and scope of services, the nature of the company's activities and the complexity of the tasks. However, in any case, you will receive high-quality assistance from lawyers of various profiles who will act in the interests of your business and help solve a number of pressing problems. speaks in our favor great experience work in the field of legal support and successful implementation of projects for large companies.

Supporting the activities of the organization on an ongoing basis

For companies of various forms of ownership, the service of legal support for business offered by PravoZaschita Company will be relevant. This form of legal support is especially in demand among small organizations that cannot afford the maintenance of a full-time lawyer. Nevertheless, large firms also use the services of our specialists despite having their own legal department. This is due to the fact that permanent employees are mainly engaged in labor and contractual relations and are poorly oriented in other areas of law. Unlike them, the lawyers of our company are well versed in highly specialized areas.

The legal support service implies constant cooperation and an integrated approach to solving problems that arise in the process of doing business. Dealing with the daily tasks of the organization, lawyers study all the nuances of its activities. This allows you to protect the interests of the client as much as possible and prevent possible financial and legal risks.

Legal support- a modern practice that involves the involvement of third-party companies with their own staff of diverse lawyers. Start-up entrepreneurs and mid-level businessmen, who face various problems in the course of their activities, act as customers. What are the advantages of legal support for business? How it works? What services can you expect?


The current market situation is highly volatile. Instability is caused by private changes in legislation and the imperfection of the latter. In such a situation, entrepreneurs are forced to constantly maneuver, which often leads to errors. Many beginners can not withstand the load - they change the scope of their activities, take "holidays" or close altogether. To survive in difficult conditions, legal support can be useful.

Large companies are guided by a staff of their own lawyers who analyze problems and solve primary problems. But such a path requires financial expenses, which are unbearable for representatives of medium and small businesses. If you do not involve lawyers at all, the risk of receiving numerous fines and litigation is high. As a result, the very existence of the business may be called into question.

Legal support of transactions is an alternative solution that provides qualified assistance and reduces the risk of getting into difficult situations. Such a service is cheaper than maintaining a staff, and a quick solution to problems allows you to cope with financial turmoil.

Legal support and services provided

Under the option under consideration, entrepreneurs have the right to count on a range of services. The range of activities of companies providing legal support is as follows:

  • Consultations (oral and written) on the use of legislation.
  • Preparation of expert opinions on the company's activities.
  • Legal examination of documents provided by the partner.
  • Development of contracts (agreements), as well as other papers.
  • Protection of interests in litigation.
  • Pre-trial protection of rights.
  • Representing the interests of the company in various structures.
  • Comprehensive protection of interests in the execution of transactions.
  • Solving other issues where the lawyer has authority.

Legal support of business- real assistance in matters of formation and development entrepreneurial activity. Qualified specialists perform the assigned tasks and allow you not to be distracted by solving extraneous tasks.

Pros and cons of the service

Like any other service, legal support of transactions has positive and negative features.

The advantages include:

  • Savings on your own lawyers and workplace arrangement.
  • Savings on various fees that you have to pay for lawyers.
  • Obtaining at the disposal of specialists capable of working in various directions.

The development of the company's activities in the era of the 4th industrial revolution is not possible without external consultants, including legal support for legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.

The cost of legal support - prices for Moscow and the Moscow region

Name of servicePrice from rub.Description
Agreements 800 Verification and approval of 1 (one) counterparty agreement up to 5 pages.
Pay only for the actual number of agreed contracts.
Startup 7 000 Checking counterparties (due diligence) 3 units.
Oral consultation 2 units.
Written consultation 1 unit
Development standard contract 1 unit
Verification of the contract of the counterparty 1 unit.
Standard 25 000 Checking counterparties (due diligence) 10 units.
Oral consultation 5 units.
Written consultation 2 units.

Preparation of a pre-trial claim 1 unit.
Preparation of responses to pre-trial claims 1 unit.
Business 50 000 Checking counterparties (due diligence) 20 units.
Oral consultation 5 units.
Written consultation 3 units.
Development of a standard contract 2 units.
Verification of the contract of the counterparty 2 units.
Preparation of a pre-trial claim 3 units.
Preparation of responses to pre-trial claims 3 units.
Corporate documents (decisions, protocols, powers of attorney, orders, etc.) 3 units.

Our advantages

We do not say why it is impossible, we show how it is possible - this is the most important thing that we value in our work when providing legal support services. Our team combines business practice, accounting standards and tax accounting, current legislature. We have experience in Fortune Global 500 companies. Trust us and we will help you build reliable business processes.

Currently, doing business and developing a business is often simply not possible without a clear understanding of the laws and the support of a lawyer.

Comprehensive business management and support is a complex and time-consuming process. Sooner or later, businessmen are faced with the understanding that their business needs high-quality and timely legal support.

Comprehensive business management and support includes both ongoing legal advice and drafting required documents and contracts, the participation of a lawyer in court hearings and many other assistance.

Team of specialists

Suvorov Andrey

Arbitration and other disputes

Vanina Elena

Civil disputes

Pritulin Roman

Criminal and civil disputes


  • Does the Tax Code of the Russian Federation take into account the costs of the services of a representative in court?

    According to sub. 10 p. 1 art. 265 of the Tax Code, non-operating expenses can take into account court costs, arbitration fees, fees and court costs associated with the consideration of the case, including the costs of representatives, lawyers and lawyers. This position is confirmed by the letter of the Ministry of Finance dated May 10, 2018 No. 03-03-07 / 31147 "On accounting for tax purposes the profit of expenses for paying lawyers' services"

  • What are the benefits of freelance legal support

    Salary of a lawyer from 70,000 rubles. per month., and with taxes more than 100,000 rubles. + workplace etc. When working with us, you reduce the tax base, you do not need to pay UST, make pension contributions, pay holidays and sick days. You do not need to equip workplaces, buy legal bases and legal literature.

  • Why do you solve issues comprehensively, with the involvement of financiers and accountants

    It is important not only to complete the transaction, but also to display it correctly in accounting with minimal tax consequences- avoid tax disputes and evaluate other risks.

  • What else can you save on?

    By optimizing business processes, you can find new ways to save money. It's an inevitable consequence effective work over resource management, which also needs to be considered from a legal point of view.

  • What happens if your employee goes on vacation?

    We don't go on vacation, we don't get sick, we don't quit. Even if one of the employees is temporarily unavailable, he will be replaced by a no less qualified specialist, there will be no pause in the course of work.

  • How to deal with confidential information

    Compliance with attorney-client privilege is prerequisite specialist work. A lawyer has no right to disclose information in any situation. Rules for the provision of legal services, incl. legal services are regulated by Chapter 39 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

  • Do I have to come to your office?

    No. We use electronic document management on the basis of paragraph 2 of Art. 434 Civil Code RF. Therefore, you do not need to allocate time to visit our office to complete and sign documents. It is enough to exchange scanned copies of signed documents, and we will send the originals to your preferred address.

  • Can you solve the problem "turnkey"?

    Yes. We have a large staff of our own specialists, as well as cooperate with companies providing audit services, valuation, expertise, marketing and PR services, accounting services, management services and others.

  • Do you work only in Moscow?

    No. We work throughout Russia. This is provided through electronic document management, conference calls, as well as a wide network of partners, through which you get our quality of service, we are responsible for the result and you get savings due to the absence of travel expenses.

  • How interaction is carried out, including the transfer of documents

    The transfer of documents takes place through our courier, the rest of the information communicates through a communication channel convenient for you.

  • What is the reporting of the execution of the concluded contract

    In the contract that we conclude with our clients, the subject of the contract, the price of the service, the procedure for interaction and payment are strictly and clearly formulated. Upon completion of the task, we provide a detailed written report on the results of the work done.

  • Legal protection is included in the cost of support

    Everything is individual, but if a litigation has arisen on a jointly considered issue, we defend the position in court for free.

  • You can use your business connections

    Over the years professional activity, we have developed a certain relationship, as with government agencies and with various commercial firms. Our acquaintances will benefit you as well.

Legal support for business - examples from practice

How to conclude a contract for legal support of an organization?

Ordering support for your business in the law firm Suvorov-Group is very simple.

To do this, you just need to fill out the form below, or just give us a call. We are always in touch and ready to answer any questions.

Comprehensive legal support for businesses and individual entrepreneurs in Moscow and the Moscow Region

Since its state registration legal entities and entrepreneurs acquire not only rights, but also the accompanying obligations. Today, a confident knowledge of civil, tax, administrative, labor and procedural legislation is necessary condition building and running an efficient business.

The current legislation in the field of entrepreneurial activity is so extensive and multifaceted that, without special knowledge, it is rather difficult to understand it and correctly apply its norms. At the same time, ignorance of the law does not exempt from liability for its non-compliance. In this regard, timely and qualified legal support is an integral part of modern business process and the key to its success.

Our law firm provides organizations (LLCs) and individual entrepreneurs (IEs) with legal business support services aimed at protecting and developing your activities through professional legal support for contracts and transactions, incl. real estate and securities.

Comprehensive legal support for legal entities, projects and transactions guarantees the legal implementation of what was conceived in accordance with the individual needs of each client, and also significantly increases legal protection. Each entrepreneur can take advantage of both one-time and permanent legal support.

Legal support of business is the main activity of Suvorov-Group. Our specialists provide legal services in the following areas:

  • Providing legal advice(orally and in writing) on ​​legal issues related to the financial and economic activities of the client;
  • Preparation of legal opinions on the financial and economic activities of the client;
  • Legal examination of the client's documents with the provision of recommendations for their correction;
  • Development of business contracts and other legally significant documents;
  • Conducting a comprehensive audit of the financial and economic activities (Legal Due Diligence) of the client (his counterparty);
  • Optimization of taxation;
  • Legal support of transactions (participation in negotiations with counterparties, drafting and examination of legally significant documents);
  • Representing the interests of the client in relations with contractors;
  • Representing the interests of the client in relations with public authorities and administration (including during inspections);
  • Full support of transactions with real estate (non-residential and residential facilities, construction in progress, land plots, property complexes), including:
    • legal examination of documents of the right holder and the acquirer;
    • development of a transaction scheme and its tax optimization;
    • development of contracts;
    • monitoring compliance with antitrust laws;
    • preparation of a package of necessary documents and support for the state registration of the transaction;
  • Setting up HR management. Development of internal local acts in the region labor law, contracts with employees.

In his professional work representatives of the business world are often forced to face legal problems. But the human essence is such that, being an indisputable authority in one matter, in another one may not reach such heights. If you have a high level of business skills that you apply quite effectively in the practice of doing business, but for some reason find yourself in a situation where the help of a competent lawyer or lawyer is your only right choice, then it would be quite reasonable and natural to provide legal support to companies with highly qualified specialist.

A lawyer providing business support is one of the options for such support, which has a number of advantages compared to a full-time lawyer. This is, for example, the absence of expenses for the provision and maintenance of a workplace, payment for communication services, and others. Also important is the so-called tax aspect.

By hiring a lawyer, you do not have to register a new employee in the staff of your company, pay taxes and various insurance premiums, for example, such as in the FIU. For an individual entrepreneur, such cooperation with a lawyer who provides a range of business support services seems to be the most beneficial. A lawyer, as a professional lawyer who has participated in many litigations, feels more confident in litigation, knowledge and practice gained favorably distinguish him from a full-time lawyer.

Do not forget that resolving a dispute or conflict with counterparties out of court is more beneficial for an entrepreneur, since the reputation of your business does not suffer. And here a lawyer can help quickly and efficiently, because he, like no one else, knows the consequences of long and tedious litigation.

What is legal support

Legal services for an enterprise, organization or firm (any legal entities and individual entrepreneurs) is a set of services for legal support of the Client's activities, which is also often called: legal outsourcing and legal support for the company.

  • equipment of a separate workplace;
  • interviewing and finding a suitable professional for legal services;
  • payment social package, insurance premiums, taxes.

Support system for legal entities

The firm's specialists advise partners personally, by phone, and send clarifications via e-mail.

For businessmen in need of a one-time project service, we are always ready to offer remotelegal service .

If the case requires a detailed study, we will organize an operational document flow with the involvement of a courier. At the conclusion of the contract, the partner is provided with a dedicated specialist with many years of experience and relevant qualifications.

Directions of judicial representation in courts

  1. Accompaniment in a court of general jurisdiction in civil disputes
  2. Support of economic disputes in the arbitration court
  3. Accompanying the challenging of offenses in the court for administrative disputes

The cost of services can be found at the link: Cost of legal services for legal entities.

Benefits of concluding a contract for support and business with us

Guaranteed cost savings

The entrepreneur no longer needs to maintain his own staff of lawyers, spending cash to create jobs, wages, providing a social package, adaptation, etc.

Time saving

All legal issues are handled by experts law firm, including inspections by state regulatory authorities.

Cost stability and predictability

The cost and scope of services are agreed with you in advance, most of the additional work is performed under the current contract.

Guaranteed privacy

Compliance with legal security and legality of transactions, as well as reliable storage of secrets of a commercial nature.

What does this service include

Suvorov-Group specialists have broad industry qualifications in the areas of law, which helps to resolve most issues in the legal support of the financial and economic activities of organizations and individual entrepreneurs.

Legal support includes the execution of works in the following areas:

Transaction support services

Specialized specialists will cope with transactions of any level of complexity that require preliminary structuring. It is worth noting that we provide legal support for projects, the subject of which can be a wide range of issues, from obtaining financing to acquiring a business or selling it.

Our company offers support for the following events:

  1. Preparation and creation of documentation and information for the transaction.
  2. Careful preparation for the negotiation process and its conduct.
  3. Formation of agreements on the intentions of the parties and confidentiality, as well as the procedure for signing the transaction.
  4. Using an integrated approach to develop the structure of the transaction, taking into account possible tax and legal consequences.
  5. Effective risk management throughout the process of preparing, implementing and closing a deal.
  6. Creation of draft documentation intended for corporate procedures.
  7. Preparation of the main agreement, as well as the position of the client regarding the reduction in cost for possible risks.
  8. Ensuring the receipt of the required permits and approvals from regulatory authorities.

Current legal support of all activities of the enterprise

Our company offers comprehensive services and support for business activities, which helps prevent the adoption of short-sighted and unprofitable decisions that may adversely affect business development.

  • Providing legal support in matters labor relations. Implementation of the formation and analysis of all types of documentation, various agreements, contracts and much more.
  • Taking part in the negotiation process, which concerns the conclusion of contracts, as well as the resolution of existing disagreements.
  • Representation of client interests in interaction with various state institutions, bodies, as well as individuals and legal entities.
  • Assistance in the development of corporate documentation projects.
  • Implementation of legal support for business-type transactions.
  • Registration of changes that need to be made to the constituent acts.
  • Providing expert opinions on a wide range of legal issues.
  • Implementation of the preparation of procedural documentation, including applications, petitions, complaints and much more.
  • Professional lawyers are the safety and efficiency of your firm and business

    In Moscow and the region, many enterprises and firms interact in the framework of financial and economic activities and contractual relations, cooperation, deliveries and mutual settlements. The solution of most issues requires qualified assistance from specialists of various specializations.

    The law firm Suvorov-Group offers the organization of comprehensive support for the activities of your company. In the course of the firm's activities, comprehensive legal support for business will enable lawyers to:

    • Check the reliability of your counterparties;
    • Control legal action in arbitration courts against you and your counterparties;
    • Assist in negotiations, prevent the risks of "kidkov";
    • Draw up or verify the contract submitted by the counterparty;
    • Deal with claims and lawsuits.

    Using the services of a company that provides legal services to organizations and individuals can become exactly the guarantor that will ensure high-quality and reliable business. Company specialists will help the manager not only at the stages of the direct legal process, for example, in courts, but also provide legal support for transactions when legal implications may occur not immediately, but after a certain time period.

    Companies providing legal support for legal entities in Moscow and the Moscow region are presented in a fairly large volume, so representatives of business structures have the opportunity to choose a company that provides legal support for the activities of organizations and individuals.

    The range of companies' services is significant and covers all the necessary areas and areas of law that can be involved in different situations conducting business planning and implementing certain business strategies, ranging from tax law to the protection of rights in arbitration court.

    If necessary, we conclude an agreement with you on the provision of legal support and immediately begin to resolve your issue.

    Successful running of any business is unthinkable without high-quality legal services. Not every manager can be sure of the qualifications of their own legal service, and many medium and small enterprises simply cannot afford to maintain highly qualified lawyers. In this case, legal support of organizations will help to solve almost any problem.

    Legal support of organizations - why is it needed?

    How relevant is full-fledged legal support for the activities of the organization, because it is much easier to solve problems as they arise? Indeed, you can rely on your own strength and experience, hoping to resolve any dispute using standard forms and advice from people who do not have experience in resolving legal issues and knowledge of the law.


    Not only the outcome of a particular transaction, but also the very fact of the further activity of the enterprise and business development may depend on the correctness of filling in legally significant documents.

    An attempt to cope on your own when considering a dispute in an arbitration court can end no less deplorably - the recovery of a large amount of debt with penalties, the arrest of accounts and property of the enterprise, and possible bankruptcy.

    All this can be avoided if you conclude a contract for legal services for the organization with our specialists. Noting the main advantages of this method of cooperation:

    • you do not need to bear the cost of paying for a whole staff of lawyers hired on permanent job(salary, insurance premiums, sick leave and vacation pay);
    • legal services provide only the list of services that your company needs;
    • modern means of communication allow you to keep in touch with a lawyer almost around the clock from anywhere in the country in any time zone;
    • by paying the cost subscription service, You get guaranteed list services that will be provided at any time at your request.

    You independently choose the list of services you need, choose specific specialists based on their qualifications, work experience and legal specialization, conclude an agreement for the period that is necessary.

    The effect of such cooperation will be noticeable immediately, because freelance specialists will take over the full support of your activities.

    The only disadvantage of this work option is the need to pay the cost of the services rendered, but after all, every manager understands that a free lawyer can only perform work in social or public areas. In addition, you always see what you are paying for, because a detailed report is always provided for each action.

    What does legal support of organizations include?

    Work under the contract for legal services will include the following areas:

    • oral and written advice on any issues related to the current activities of the enterprise;
    • preparation of written opinions;
    • negotiation support, negotiation of the terms of contracts and transactions;
    • preparation and legal analysis of any types of documentation (contracts, acts, tender documentation, claims, etc.);
    • claim work, including representation in courts of any instances;
    • corporate services – amendments to constituent documents, reorganization and liquidation of enterprises;
    • personnel, accounting and tax support of the current activities of legal entities;
    • support of participation in tenders.

    Legal support for an individual entrepreneur or organization will help to get rid of problems with the preparation of tax returns, obtain the necessary licenses and approvals. Often, lawyers offer basic packages of services to resolve current problems with the tax authorities.

    How to arrange legal support for the activities of a commercial organization

    To enjoy all the benefits of legal services, you only need to choose the right package of services. Turning to online specialists is especially important for residents of large cities like Moscow, because the prices for comprehensive legal support are much higher than in the regions. If there are any difficulties, our specialists are always ready to help with the choice. They will offer you only those types of services that your organization will need and depending on the situation.

    The cost of legal support for organizations depends on the volume and specifics of the work to be done. The basic cost will be fixed in the contract for legal services, and at the request of the client, we will always expand the list of works.

    Contact our specialists to find out all the details of cooperation. Just call the indicated numbers or fill out the form feedback on the site - we can always offer the best option for concluding a contract.

    We work with all types of businesses. We open, reorganize and close companies. We carry out an examination of activities and documents. Preparing documents for submission government bodies. We issue licenses and permits. We are involved in claims work.

    Mikhail Mikhailovich Kolosov

    Cormay - Distributor of medical equipment

    I really like that cooperation with the company completely replaces a highly qualified full-time specialist. The supervising lawyer built contractual paperwork, organized claims and pre-trial work with unscrupulous contractors. Now, all legal tasks are solved in a timely manner and with high quality.

    Our advantages in the legal direction:

    The state has specialized specialists for different types business

    We guarantee the quality of our work

    Personal approach
    to work with a client

    Calculation of the cost of legal services

    Subscriber legal support

    from 20’000 rubles/month

    What is included in the price?

    • Contractual work (development and approval of contracts);
    • Legal expertise of transactions and contracts;
    • Preparation of legal opinions;
    • Development and preparation of powers of attorney;
    • Legal advice;
    • Registration of changes in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and founding documents;
    • Drafting claims and maintaining claims correspondence;
    • Preparation of letters to government authorities.


    • The customer works directly with a lawyer;
    • The price does not include representation in court, registration of licenses and special permits.

    Order an accurate calculation

    Legal support of organizations

    The work of an experienced in-house lawyer for companies is protection against legal problems and adverse situations. Therefore, the price of such labor is very high. Moscow leads in terms of the cost of legal services when hiring a staff in the country. For these prices to be optimal, order subscription legal services from OLSA.

    Our company employs lawyers specializing in various types of activities. They have experience in solving problems of labor and corporate law. We support transactions and contracts and carefully monitor and prevent situations that may cause potential risks. Subscription service will give you the opportunity to use the knowledge and experience of a team of specialists in solving a wide variety of service tasks. At the same time, you will spend less money in comparison with the content of an in-house lawyer, and you will receive the highest quality services. Our rates are affordable and large LLC, and beginner IP.

    The OLSA company invites you to become our client and conclude an agreement for the legal services of the company. Accounting outsourcing will optimize business processes in the company and determine the strategy for the long-term development of the company.

    Business legal support services are the safety and efficiency of your company

    Moscow is a city where numerous enterprises and firms are involved in mutual contractual relations, cooperation, supplies, mutual settlements, and obligations. The solution of many issues requires the qualified assistance of experienced lawyers of various specializations.

    OLSA offers you legal support production activities firms. Comprehensive service will be more profitable for you than the content of a full-time lawyer. The team of professional lawyers in our legal support department is able to perform the most complex tasks.

    If you are preparing to register your business, our lawyers:

    • Collect a package of documents and register a company or individual entrepreneur;
    • Choose a favorable taxation system;
    • Draw up internal regulations and instructions, the presence of which is regulated by corporate law;
    • They will advise on all issues that arise at this stage.

    In the course of the firm's activities, subscription services will enable lawyers to:

    • Draw up or verify the contract submitted by the counterparty;
    • Check the reliability of the counterparty;
    • Accompany negotiations, monitoring and preventing risks;
    • Find out the nuances international law and cooperation with foreign companies;
    • Deal with claims and lawsuits;
    • Register trademarks and intellectual property.

    The OLSA company offers you accounting and legal services. Our specialists are ready to provide for any of your needs: from transaction support and due diligence preparation to the organization of claims work. And the most cost-effective for you can be a comprehensive service.

    We offer attractive conditions for full legal business support and high-quality accounting support. Involving a team of specialized specialists in solving your problems will ensure high quality and efficiency, which is not always able to be done by one full-time employee of the company. A contract with our company will provide an opportunity to receive these services with high quality and at lower financial costs.