Diarrhea in broilers causes and treatment. Diarrhea in chickens: causes and treatment

Diarrhea in broiler chickens is a fairly common problem. The reasons can be both natural, which should not cause concern, or quite serious, indicating the occurrence of serious health problems.

Anyone who decides to start breeding broilers needs to know why diarrhea can occur, how to determine its cause on their own and how to help chickens.

Why does chicken get diarrhea?

Diarrhea is very dangerous for small chickens. It leads to rapid dehydration of the body, and this can lead to death. Sometimes the reasons are banal. This may be an incorrectly selected feed or a violation, but often such a symptom may indicate a serious illness, due to which not only a sick broiler, but the entire brood, may die.

natural causes

If chicks have diarrhea, you should check:

  • whether the food is fresh and has the correct composition;
  • Has the feeding schedule changed?
  • Is the dosage correct?
  • Is the bird getting enough water?
  • does not experience vitamin deficiency;
  • whether there is an excess of the norm of vitamins;
  • whether disinfection of the chicken coop and the area adjacent to it was carried out.

It also does not hurt to carry out unscheduled cleaning in the poultry house, only without the use of aggressive agents. Enough treatment with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. These reasons are considered natural and you just need to correct the mistakes made so that the birds feel much better.

But there may be more serious problems, a symptom of which is diarrhea.


Broiler chickens have a rather weak immune system, so they suffer from salmonellosis very often. Infection occurs after Salmonella bacteria enter the body. It is easier to detect infection in chicks under 2 weeks of age. In chicks from 50 days old, the disease is latent.

Once in the body, salmonella quickly corrodes the delicate walls of the intestine, causing hemorrhage.

The first symptoms are diarrhea with blood and growth retardation, but also a chicken infected with salmonella:

  • lethargic and inactive;
  • almost always sits with his head tilted to one side;
  • squeaks plaintively;
  • over time, loses coordination and falls to one side.

If you do not start to take action, within a few days he will die and infect the rest of the chicks. At the same time, it is quite possible to cure it at an early stage. The first thing to do is isolate the chicken. Even having recovered, he will pose a danger to other representatives, since it is impossible to get rid of Salmonella completely.

Antibiotics Gentamicin, Albak, Komitsin and others are used for treatment. They are dissolved in water in accordance with the instructions on the package and the chickens are soldered for at least 5-7 days. In parallel, it is necessary to give probiotics, which will help restore the intestinal mucosa. You can use Bifidobacterium, Narine, etc.

If timely measures are not taken to treat and prevent salmonellosis, meat will be dangerous to humans.

To prevent salmonellosis, immediately after hatching, chickens can be given weak decoctions of plantain, chamomile, tansy and other herbs that have a positive effect on the intestines.

It is very important to conduct bacteriological studies of feces after each course of treatment. If the bacterium is still active after 2-3 courses, the bird must be slaughtered and should not be eaten.

A reliable way to protect against salmonellosis is vaccination. It's easier to do it than to worry about the death of the entire brood.


The risk of infection with this disease remains until the chickens reach 3 months of age. The site of injury is either the rectum or the caecum. A sick bird begins to secrete oocytes along with feces, which are formed in the affected gastrointestinal tract. You can bring the infection with dirty clothes or hands, as well as if infected feces get into water or food for chicks.

At the very beginning of the disease, it is very difficult to determine it. Over time, the infected chicken will become lethargic, will refuse to eat and greedily rush into the water, in severe cases there is diarrhea with blood, loss of coordination.

There is no specific cure for coccidiosis. It is impossible to determine which bacterium caused the infection even in the laboratory, so it remains only to use the antibiotics Levomycetin and Aprol.

To prevent infection, all sanitary and hygienic standards must be observed, and from the first day of life, chickens should be given Avatak, Tsiskostak, Madikoks and other drugs that will help strengthen the digestive tract and increase the immunity of broilers. Vaccination also gives good results.


Infection with worms is rarely taken seriously. If you take timely measures for treatment, as well as carry out preventive measures, chickens will not have health problems, but if the situation is started, helminthiasis can even cause the death of young animals.

Chickens become infected with worms after 3-4 weeks, when they are released from a separate room to adults. Eggs can be ingested with food, with pebbles and grass, and even after cleaning feathers.

Worms can live in crops, lungs, intestines and other internal organs, gradually occupying a larger and larger area.

The symptoms of helminthiasis are as follows:

  • weakness, lack of appetite;
  • drooping scallops;
  • dirty feathers and beaks;
  • diarrhea (in severe cases, eggs or the worms themselves can be seen in the feces).

Albenmix, Piperazine, Pirantel and other anthelmintic drugs are used for treatment. They can also be used as a prophylaxis for both young and adult birds.

At the same time, cleaning and disinfection of the room where the chickens live, the dishes are processed, and the bedding are changed.

Anthelmintic drugs cause drowsiness and weakness, so do not be alarmed when after using them the activity of chickens decreases even more.


Another name for this terrible disease is avian typhus. The causative agent is one of the subspecies of Salmonella. Most often, broiler chickens under 20 days old are sick. But adult birds can also get sick. They have problems with the definition of the disease. Often pullorosis is asymptomatic.

The poultry breeder should be alarmed by the following symptoms:

  • chickens huddle together, snuggle up to each other;
  • lower wings, spread legs;
  • breathing heavily;
  • drink greedily;
  • diarrhea of ​​white or green color is noted;
  • in severe cases, the paws swell.


According to statistics, more than 60% of broiler broods suffer from pullorosis.

To prevent the development of the disease, it is necessary to treat the eggs with special aerosols before laying them in the incubator. If laboratory research confirm the outbreak of the disease, sick individuals must be destroyed, and the rest should be drunk with antibiotics and sulfonamides.

To prevent chickens, they should be kept in clean rooms, change bedding regularly, prevent contact with large concentrations of birds, monitor the purity of water, use only clean tools, shoes and clothes for work.


Another very terrible disease that can very quickly ruin the brood, make meat and eggs dangerous to eat. Pasteurellosis is also called cholera. Occurs either in small households where they rarely use reliable chemicals for cleaning the premises and vaccinate chickens, as well as in large farms that do not comply with sanitary and hygienic standards during work.

It poses a danger due to the rapid spread not only among the birds that live in this chicken coop, but also for those located at a sufficient distance from the source of infection.

Carriers are not only birds, but also domestic animals, as well as chickens hatched from an egg laid by a sick chicken.

The main symptoms of infection are:

  • general apathy of chickens;
  • death for no apparent reason;
  • refusal to eat;
  • green diarrhea;
  • hard breath;
  • blue shade of comb and "earrings".

A sick broiler dies a day or three after infection. If the bird can be saved, it will forever remain a source of infection for healthy ones, so you need to spend energy not on treatment (the sick must be destroyed), but on protecting healthy chickens. To do this, they are given drugs in courses of 5-7 days:

  • chloramphenicol;
  • tetracycline;
  • avidox;
  • aquaprim;
  • floron.

The room is treated with Ecocide or other similar disinfectants of complex action. In addition, it does not hurt to mow all the grass in the chicken walking areas, treat the soil with slaked lime and dig it carefully.

The best way to protect broilers from infection is vaccination.


Gastritis is not the worst thing that can happen to a broiler chicken, but nevertheless, measures must be taken, otherwise the disease can cause serious harm to the bird. Clear diarrhea, severe thirst and refusal of the usual food can indicate a problem.

A sick chicken should in any case be removed from the brood and given a boiled yolk with a small amount of hemp flour.

Gradually, you can return the broiler to normal life, but only after the feces normalize and the chicken becomes more active.

First aid

If the bird dies for unknown reasons, you should immediately contact to carry out the treatment of the premises and call the veterinarian. If the brood is worried about diarrhea, you can try to cope with it yourself.

The first thing to do is to add a little baking soda to the drinking water (a spoon per liter), remove the sick bird to another room, review the diet and daily routine.

Well helps and potassium permanganate. A solution of light pink color can be alternated with soda. The diarrhea should stop within a day.

If deterioration is noted, if the bird is weakening, it is necessary to call a doctor, take tests and carry out the necessary treatment.


Do not self-medicate! Only a specialist should prescribe drugs and draw up a schedule for their administration, having established the cause of the disease.

Litter score

The owner of broiler chickens is alarmed by dull lowered scallops, refusal of food, and weakness. But these symptoms can be if the bird is hot, if it is rotten or just tired, but diarrhea is an occasion to urgently pay attention to the health of not only one individual, but the entire brood.

White diarrhea

White diarrhea is one of the signs of pullorosis. In parallel, the beak of the bird is open, the eyes are half-closed, they can be slightly tightened with a film, the head is tilted, breathing is hoarse, heavy. The feces have an unpleasant smell of rot. The chickens chirp piteously.

As a first aid, it is necessary to give the chicks kefir or yogurt, clean up the room and disinfect, change the bedding, ensure sufficient ventilation, but only without drafts.

If the disease is confirmed as a result of laboratory examinations, sick individuals must be destroyed, and the rest of the veterinarian will prescribe a course of antibiotics. Most often, chloramphenicol or furazolidone is used. Once a week, repeated examinations should be carried out and, if a bacterium causing the disease is found, the sick bird should be destroyed.

Diarrhea that is brown, dark yellow, or even black may indicate infection with Eimeria. This microorganism causes coccidiosis. You can get infected from a sick bird through its feces and even through the water or food that it previously consumed.

You can identify the disease by additional symptoms, including:

  • dry ruffled feathers;
  • lack of appetite;
  • a sharp decrease in activity;
  • gray-yellow eyes.

If the bacteriological examination confirms the disease, it will be necessary to take antibiotics such as coccidiovit, sulmeditoxin, etc. The veterinarian will prescribe them.

In addition, it will be necessary to carry out daily cleaning in the house, change the litter twice a day until diarrhea stops, and also solder the bird with a solution of potassium permanganate or soda.

Why do chickens have green diarrhea

Green liquid stool with an unpleasant sour smell in broiler chickens is a sign of serious poisoning. An additional symptom is elevated body temperature. If the chick simply ate an unfamiliar food, such as fresh grass, then the problem will go away on its own after a few hours. But if the diarrhea continues, it is necessary to take the feces for examination and urgently begin treatment.

It consists of antibiotics, which are aimed at the destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the digestive tract and lasts about a week. At this time, the sick bird must be removed to another room. A weakened body can easily pick up any infection, and other birds can begin to attack a weaker individual.

summon green diarrhea may also be expired or incorrectly formulated feed.

If broiler chickens have blood in their stools, action must be taken immediately. The bill can actually go to the clock. You should immediately contact the laboratory, where they will determine what caused such a deviation.

In most cases, this is a consequence of a neglected disease that had previously been asymptomatic or was treated according to an incorrectly drawn up scheme. Blood in diarrhea appears after the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane of the digestive tract or as a result of damage to blood vessels.

Folk methods of treatment

Whatever the cause of diarrhea, before it is established, measures must still be taken, and for this, folk methods are most often used:

  • water with a small amount of clay;
  • rice water as a drink (can be poured with a syringe);
  • wine solution (per liter of water, a tablespoon of red table wine);
  • decoction of pomegranate peels;
  • chamomile decoction;
  • light pink solution of potassium permanganate.

You can replace one meal with boiled yolk or wheat porridge. These methods are suitable for the treatment of stools that do not contain blood impurities and do not have a putrid odor. But if the diarrhea does not stop within a day, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Treatment with drugs

Can be used as a first aid treatment for diarrhea in broiler chickens and medications without a doctor's prescription. In the "bird" first aid kit must be:

  • Levomycetin. 3-4 tablets are dissolved in 500 ml of water at room temperature. Treatment can take from two days to a month;
  • biseptol. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1/7 of a children's tablet for a broiler aged 40 days or more. If the chicken is small, the dose should be halved;
  • drugs against worms;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • furatsilin.

But uncontrolled use can be dangerous, so it’s better not to be lazy, but to contact veterinarians regularly, or call them at home.


It is better to take all possible preventive measures than to carry out a long and expensive treatment later, which may also not bring much sense.

In most cases, the infected bird and its eggs become unfit for food. The best way to prevent is vaccination. This will provide guaranteed protection against infections. If there is no desire to vaccinate chickens, other methods can be used.

A good result is the use of whey or kefir diluted with water. Be sure to carry out the processing of premises, wash and disinfect dishes, regularly change and wash bedding.

Growing broilers at home is a great opportunity to provide your family with enough meat and eggs, and you can also make a good profit if you wish. The main thing is to protect the bird from diseases and infections, and to do this, as it becomes clear from the article, is not at all difficult.

Any owner of a small or large factory farm is always worried about the health of his chickens and hens, because this is a guarantee of constant profit. But sometimes there are situations when birds start to get sick, and the most unpleasant symptom of many diseases is diarrhea. Despite well-developed veterinary medicine, diarrhea of ​​broilers, and even more so of chickens, causes almost panic in the owner. The question immediately arises - what to do, how to rid the birds of diarrhea. First of all, you need to find out the cause of the appearance of such a symptom.

Cause diarrhea in chickens different ages can only a few reasons:

  1. - poor quality food, poisoning and other causes of indigestion;
  2. - infectious diseases;
  3. - beriberi.

Usually in both chicks and adults, diarrhea is accompanied by lethargy, lack of appetite, and fever. There may also be swelling of the legs, impaired coordination of movement. Liquid stool can be white or green and even bloody.

In order to establish an accurate diagnosis and therefore properly treat, it is best to send stool for analysis in the laboratory. It is better to give preference to differential diagnosis, such an analysis allows us to exclude many diseases that are very similar in symptoms.

If the cause of diarrhea is an infectious disease, then it is better not to carry out the treatment yourself, but to entrust the appointment of a course of treatment to a veterinarian. Self-treatment for infectious diseases can lead not only to the death of a sick bird, but also to the entire livestock. Any infectious diseases quickly spread among all individuals of the chicken coop, therefore, first of all, the infected bird is isolated from all other individuals.

Most common infectious diseases that are accompanied by diarrhea:

  • pullorosis;
  • pasteurellez;
  • salmonellosis.

Pullorez affects broilers of all ages and can turn into a chronic form that will accompany the bird throughout life. This disease is characterized by liquid white feces. The treatment of such a disease requires not only the correct selection of antibiotics, but also their exact dosage, and, of course, the timeliness of taking action. You need to be careful, pullorez can be transmitted from broilers to humans.

Pasteurellez more characteristic of adults, this disease is also called avian cholera. Diarrhea is usually green. This disease is very difficult to treat, so the answer to the question is what to do? - one, to slaughter chickens and adult chickens infected with avian cholera. Of course, you can try to cure, for example, sulfamethazine helps a lot, but you must remember that such a disease spreads very quickly throughout the chicken coop.

salmonellosis, perhaps the most famous and common disease of broilers. Chickens suffer from it to a greater extent and the very first sign is the appearance of diarrhea. Treatment of the disease lasts at least 20 days. Furazolidone and streptomycin are usually used, a repeated and mandatory course of treatment is carried out no later than a week after the bird has recovered.

Preventive measures to prevent infectious diseases

First of all, it is necessary to carry out timely vaccination of chickens. The cleanliness of the room for keeping broilers, and even more so chickens, should be close to ideal, sanitization is carried out on a regular basis. The veterinarian should perform a preventive examination on permanent basis chickens and adults.

Poor quality food, poisoning, etc.

If the cause of diarrhea in chickens and adult chickens is poor-quality feed, then this problem is easier to solve. You should immediately review the diet, especially in chickens. Also, chickens can be fed for a short time with probiotics, for example, Flosan. With diarrhea in broilers, they can be given children's biseptol or chloramphenicol.

It would be useful to use a weak solution of potassium permanganate for broilers of all ages. the best way to prevent diarrhea in chickens and adult broilers - it is an all-natural diet, such as corn or ground wheat. But you can not make a sharp transition, from artificial to natural food and vice versa, such behavior can also cause diarrhea.

The chick may eat stale green food, which will most likely lead to green diarrhea, or eat food waste, insects. When such symptoms appear, green food is necessarily excluded and changed to coarser ones. If there is diarrhea in chickens, treatment should begin immediately.


Although infrequently, spring beriberi can be the cause of diarrhea. Then it is recommended to include in the diet - salt or mixed fodder. At the same time, feeding broilers with compound feed can also lead to diarrhea, so they can only be purchased from trusted manufacturers. At the first sign of diarrhea in chickens, treatment should begin immediately, as a vitamin imbalance will not lead to good and rapid growth and weight gain.

Other diarrhea problems in broilers and chickens include common stress. For example, the owner of the birds moved them to another place, or simply the chicken fell from its perch. In such cases, do not rush to treat diarrhea.

Remember, if, in addition to diarrhea, chickens or adults do not show any signs of disease, they are active, look good and eat, then the chicken and its parents can only be treated verified folk remedies . For example, you can give broiler chickens strong tea to drink until the signs of diarrhea disappear completely. Broilers will happily eat hard-boiled eggs or millet porridge, which also helps to get rid of diarrhea. You can also crush rowan berries and a dried branch. If the symptoms of diarrhea cannot be eliminated, then it is better to seek professional help from a doctor.

As can be seen from the article, there are a lot of reasons for the occurrence and methods of avoiding the pestilence of broilers, therefore, methods of treatment with folk remedies are often not very effective, it is better to contact a veterinarian. If chicks develop diarrhea, treatment should be started immediately, as future profits will depend on the health of young birds.

Broiler chicken diseases, symptoms and treatment The most common diseases are of interest to most breeders. After all, if you do not immediately begin to eliminate the symptoms, then the chicks may die, and the poultry farmer will suffer huge financial losses. In case of diseases of broiler chickens and when the first symptoms appear, it is worth acting competently and as quickly as possible.

Diarrhea in broiler chickens- This is a fairly common problem, the appearance of which has many explanations and causes. Diarrhea in chickens can occur as a manifestation of an infection that is dangerous for the entire livestock, or it can have completely different causes. In any case, the manifestation of this symptom should not be ignored.

Diarrhea in broiler chickens: symptoms, treatment, causes

Diarrhea in chicks appears for two main reasons. These include:

  • intestinal infection;
  • poor quality food.

When the temperature rises, the body of the chick is hot, and the beak is open

These two causes are fundamentally different, but the symptoms appear almost the same, among which:

  • lack of normal activity in chicks;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • the appearance of liquid stools, possibly with impurities;
  • impaired coordination when walking;
  • increase in body temperature.

For exact definition the causes of diarrhea in chicks should be sent to the bacteriological laboratory for diagnosis. However, to be frank, not every poultry farmer has such an opportunity. In this case, the best solution is the advice of an experienced veterinarian, ornithologist or other poultry breeder. Perhaps their experience gained over the years will allow them to notice important details that will help the novice breeder to more accurately determine the causes of diarrhea in babies.

In any case, it is necessary to analyze the most common causes and symptoms of diarrhea in broiler chickens, including the following:

Each owner of a poultry farm strives to grow a viable and healthy livestock. True, it is not always possible to avoid the troubles associated with diseases of chickens. The most common ailment among birds is diarrhea. It can be caused by bird flu, salmonellosis, colibacillosis. The latter infection is the most common among broiler breeds. Therefore, this article will consider the causes of the development of colibacillosis, how to treat broiler chickens and what preventive measures to take.

There are 2 types of chicken manure: intestinal and caecal. Intestinal is excreted throughout the day. In healthy individuals, it has the form of brown or dark brown neat elongated granules. It is easy to assemble from the bedding. Small amounts of white deposits are acceptable on top of the stool. These are salts of uric acid. They are excreted in the urine and excreted along with the feces. Cecal feces come out once a day, at night. It has a dark brown color. Liquid but not sticky. This is what litter should be in broiler chickens and adult chickens.

The slightest deviations may indicate the development of a disease. If green, orange, white or yellow loose stools appear in broiler chickens with a fetid odor, you should immediately sound the alarm. It can be either a common poisoning or a symptom of a serious illness.

When keeping birds on the floor, it is customary to judge their state of health by the litter. So, if it's slippery or damp, you probably have an upset stomach. In laying hens, eggs should be controlled. If everything is normal, the shell is clean.

Who belongs to the risk group?

The question of why broiler chickens vilify arises among many poultry farmers. This symptom is often observed both in very small individuals and in young animals. Experienced farmers claim that throughout their lives these birds have 3 periods when the likelihood of developing an illness increases greatly. This age is from 0 to 5 days, from 20 to 25 days and from 35 to 40 days. Birds aged 3 to 14 days are especially often affected by infectious diseases. Therefore, at this time, the chicks need special care and attention. Especially they need to be protected from colibacillosis.

What is colibacillosis disease?

Broiler chicken colibacillosis is a dangerous infectious disease. The infection affects the air sacs, lungs, joints, liver, pericardium. In an acute course, up to 30% of the total livestock die. If adults become infected, their productivity is greatly reduced. Therefore, it is so important to identify this disease in a timely manner, to carry out treatment and prevention.


In young animals, the disease is acute, in adult birds it usually goes away in a chronic form.

In order to start treatment for colibacillosis in time, you need to know what symptoms are characteristic of it. Consider the general, most common signs.

Colibacteriosis manifests itself in the following:

  1. Liquid stool. The anus is always stained with droppings.
  2. Poor appetite or complete refusal to eat.
  3. Strong thirst.
  4. Blue beak.
  5. Body temperature is elevated.
  6. Depressed state.
  7. Labored, hoarse breathing.

However, these symptoms may indicate another disease. Therefore, to the question of what to do if broiler chickens spit, there is only one answer - contact the veterinarian. After all, to start the right treatment, you need to make an accurate diagnosis. It is desirable to send the feces to the laboratory for research. The most preferable differential diagnosis, which allows you to exclude many similar diseases in the clinical picture.

Infection usually occurs through water and feed contaminated with faeces that contain E. coli. If diarrhea appeared in broilers at 1 month - what to do and how to treat, you need to decide as soon as possible. Otherwise, there is a high probability of losing almost all livestock. You also need to remember that the disease is transmitted to humans. In humans, it often occurs in an acute form.


If broiler chickens have diarrhea - what to do first? First, it is required to isolate healthy individuals from sick ones. Collect feces from affected birds and send feces for analysis. Contact a doctor.

Self-diagnosis and self-treatment is not recommended. If broiler chickens are vilified - what to treat, only the doctor should decide. Otherwise, there is a high risk of death of birds. The veterinarian draws up a treatment regimen only after a thorough examination. If the nature of the disease is infectious, antibiotic therapy is prescribed.

Biomycin, terramycin - these are the antibiotics that can be given to broiler chickens to rid them of colibacillosis. Also, the pathogen is sensitive to ampicillin, chlortetracycline, enrofoxacin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin. Often prescribed nitrofuran and sulfanilamide medicines. Add all medicines directly to the feed. It is also recommended to include a vitamin complex in the diet.

However, it is worth remembering that the pathogen may be resistant to some drugs. Especially to those who long time applied in the economy. Therefore, before treating broiler chickens for diarrhea, it is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the selected antibiotic to the pathogen. Thus, there is a chance to avoid bad consequences and use only ineffective means.

In the last stages of the disease, it is recommended to destroy all weakened and sick broilers. After removing the carriers of the infection, the room is disinfected. To do this, use a pair of chloroturpentine. The remaining birds are fed with a solution of furacilin. Levomycetin is also prescribed for medicinal purposes.


It is much easier not to think about how to treat colibacillosis, but to prevent the development of this disease. To this end, regular preventive measures are taken. Timely vaccination of the entire livestock helps to prevent the disease.

Also, effective prevention is achieved by:

How to treat simple diarrhea?

If diarrhea is not caused by colibacillosis, but, for example, by poisoning or non-compliance with the conditions of detention, it can also be treated at home.

A weak solution of potassium permanganate - this is what folk methods recommend to drink broiler chickens from diarrhea. This tool helps if the disease is not infectious. Chamomile decoction, rice or oatmeal decoction also removes diarrhea well.

Of the pharmaceutical preparations, chloramphenicol is effective. Several tablets are dissolved in a liter of water and poured into a drinking bowl. Improvement should occur within 2 days. Chicks should be given probiotics at the same time. Instead of levomecithin, the use of emprobio or flossan is allowed.

Thus, diarrhea in birds occurs quite often. Sometimes this is a banal poisoning. But often diarrhea is caused by an infection. For example, colibacillosis, which is a dangerous infectious disease. Especially often it affects broilers, aged from 3 to 14 days. It is important to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin the correct treatment. Otherwise, there is a big risk of losing all the livestock. Therefore, if the bird has a stool disorder, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.