Workshop on wheels as a business. Business ideas on wheels and features of their implementation

Any person by nature is a gourmet and loves to eat delicious food. Every second dreamer thinks about the business of a restaurant or catering. But the question is: where to place a cafe (and we will talk about a cafe) so that it brings a constant income and this very place is not the main risk in the conceived business...

Popular in the USA today. This business idea is also relevant in Russia. In America they love fast food, but we also have a category of people, and not a small one, who are attracted, and sometimes just saved by fast food.

Here's what's ideal: a trailer that delivers ready-made food to crowded places, whether it's a stadium where competitions are held, or an open-air concert of a national star, or even any festival. There is a mini-kitchen in the trailer, two or three cooks.

Basic expenses

The most expensive thing is to buy a trailer. But even here there is an opportunity to either “shush” and purchase a long car, inside which there will be a cafe with tables and chairs, as well as a kitchen and a food counter. In this case, you can hire a waiter, for the speed of catering.

Another budget option is to buy a small trailer where only the kitchen will fit. The issuance of food in this case will be made through the window, as in stalls with chickens - a grill.

In order not to lose visitors and give them the opportunity to eat enough and ask for supplements, immediately, on the spot, on the street next to the trailer, set up several tables and chairs. It will only be necessary to take care of how it is transported. Will there be room for them in the trailer or will I need to purchase another trailer.

And, finally, the third option - even more budgetary - is to buy a stall on wheels, with the possibility of a tow hitch to your car. If you don’t have a car, you will also have to spend money on buying it, but it will probably cost much less than buying a whole trailer. With careful planning of this expense item, you will need to take into account depreciation costs: gasoline, trailer repairs, maintenance.

The next item of expenditure is the purchase of equipment for the kitchen. You need to avoid unnecessary waste and think about the minimum set of equipment. And here the main thing is to specifically decide what will be sold in the cafe, what equipment and appliances are needed to cook a particular type of food. What will it be? Plenty of options:

A purely Russian idea with pancakes, cereals and jelly.
American fast food - hamburgers, hot dogs, dog styles, etc.
Seasonal dishes - ice cream and soft drinks in summer, warming coffee, tea and soups in winter.
Fast food of the East - Chinese noodles or Japanese sushi and rolls.
Eco food - vegetarian salads, cereal buns, freshly squeezed juice;
Soviet "canteen" - vinaigrette, cutlets and compote.

In one cafe, two or three options can be combined in order to attract more large quantity visitors.

And only after two large items of expenditure have been carefully calculated, it will be necessary to deal directly with the organization of a cafe on wheels. Hire chefs and a waiter, if required, negotiate with points of sale, purchase products and necessary inventory. Advertising for such a business idea may not be needed. Hungry fans from the stadiums and tired athletes will catch up on the smell of delicious food from the trailer window.

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  1. The main problem of any modern office worker is to find an inexpensive cafe or ...

Among our domestic lovers of non-standard and active recreation, traveling in bus houses is not yet as popular as in the West. But this happens not because of some special national mentality, but because of the lack of offers on the market for such means for travel and recreation. Not only that, experts say that once a company appears that starts mass-producing such motorhomes, its products will immediately become very popular, provided that it can meet the three most important conditions that guarantee its commercial success:

  • affordability;
  • high quality;
  • variety of trade offers.

If, as it seems to me, everything is clear with price and quality, then I will tell you separately why it is so important to comply with the condition of a variety of goods when mastering the business idea “Creation, sale and rental of bus houses”. main reason to this - you will always be able to attract the widest possible number of buyers, since you will offer goods at different prices. Someone can afford a “minibus” rebuilt as a house, while another buyer is much more suitable for a real mansion, converted from a multi-seat double-decker Mercedes bus.

But, of course, one should not forget about quality, because without it, not a single successful sale the motor home you made will not be possible.

And turning a bus into a house is not as difficult as it seems, and anyone with the skills of a plumbing or carpentry repair is able to do it. The conversion of a bus into a travel home begins with the partial removal of the floor, ceiling and walls, as at least all interior surfaces need to be completely replaced. This is done in order, firstly, to achieve complete soundproofing of the cabin, and, secondly, to protect the inhabitants of the motor home from cold and heat.

Only after this begins the arrangement of housing, in which you must place:

  • beds, dining table and chairs;
  • wardrobe for storage of luggage and kitchen utensils;
  • the kitchen itself, and work surfaces for cooking;
  • a washbasin is also needed, and ideally a shower, which entails the need to place a container to store significant amounts of water;
  • you also need a toilet, under which a separate autonomous room is allocated;
  • windows can be closed with both curtains and blinds, but if we are talking about a large bus, many of them can be removed, replaced with light-tight bulkheads, which will make the future home even more comfortable;
  • also take care of lighting, heating, and, of course, do not forget about the power sources of all installed electrical appliances;
  • for greater comfort, install a TV, music center, and on the roof - an antenna for receiving Internet and TV signals.

The most interesting thing is that all of the above can be placed in the smallest bus, provided that you show engineering talent, and you can make all the furniture in the bus retractable. So the bed for the daytime can rise to the ceiling, and the table and chairs can be removed, if necessary, into the wall. You can go the way that the inhabitants of tiny Japanese apartments have chosen for themselves, who install low furniture and a moving floor, descending, it covers the “ground floor” of your house (conditionally - seating, eating and kitchen), turning the bus interior into bedroom.

You should also take care of a removable awning, which can be installed during stops. Such an awning will increase the living space at once, allowing literally in a few minutes to set up a tent next to the bus, which can accommodate both a “dining room” and a “living room”, as well as a completely comfortable “bedroom”. And, of course, let's not forget that the roof of the bus can be used no less effectively, on which a refrigerator for storing food and drinks is perfectly placed, or the same water containers, or lockable compartments for storing luggage, which can be climbed up a ladder securely fixed on board the motorhome.


Trading on wheels is an idea that came to us from the USA. It was there in 1872 that the first such point appeared. This trend came into fashion in Los Angeles in 2008.

Evgeny Malyar

Article navigation

  • Features and benefits of running a business on wheels
  • Shop on wheels as a business idea
  • mobile cafe
  • Party-Bus: pub on wheels
  • Mobile tire fitting
  • Bath on wheels
  • Mobile Quest Club
  • Veterinary clinic: vetmobile
  • Cinema 5D
  • Children's entertainment center
  • Flower shop
  • Unmentioned ideas

One of the most important means of achieving business success is to bring the commercial product as close as possible to the consumer. The easier it is to buy a product or receive a service, the higher the amount of sale will be. This concept is reflected in various methods of trade, and among them occupies a worthy place. mobile business on wheels.

The idea is not new. Decades there is exit trade. Cinemas were transported by car to remote areas of the country. Even during the war years, truck shops operated, supplying the troops with household goods through the Voentorg line.

Today, new original ideas for a business on wheels have appeared, which it will be useful for the reader to get acquainted with. Who knows, maybe they will inspire someone who wants to start their own business?

Features and benefits of running a business on wheels

In addition to the already mentioned desire to get closer to the consumer, an entrepreneur who decides to build a business on his own wheels is driven by other advantages of this sales method:

  • Purchasing or renting premises is optional.
  • Relative cheapness of the organizational phase.
  • Ease of paperwork.
  • The ability to move in search of a mass congestion of consumers.
  • Saving money on advertising.
  • Flexibility in changing the trade or service profile.
  • High liquidity of fixed assets.

In fairness, you should pay attention to some shortcomings. These include:

  • Limited opportunities for intensive development. To put it simply: one equipped for business, - vehicle can serve a limited number of customers. To increase turnover, you need to increase the number of cars.
  • Car participation in road traffic. This implies certain risks associated with the danger of an accident and financial losses in case of violations of traffic rules.
  • Expenses for fuel and lubricants and transport operation. The more intensively the car drives, the faster wear occurs. Depreciation is charged to the cost of goods and services.
  • Gaps in the current legislation regulating the implementation procedure food products in mobile mode. Camper vans are subject to the rules and sanitary standards introduced for stationary catering and trade, and it is not easy to comply with them.

Despite some difficulties, mobile sales are developing rapidly in many countries, and Russia is no exception. There are many reasons for this, including:

  • insufficient coverage of some services in remote areas, especially rural areas;
  • high need for "quick" meals, coffee, tea and cocktails that can be consumed quickly;
  • the desire of buyers to save the effort required to deliver products home.

These positive factors do not mean guaranteed business success. Its organization always, as in the stationary version, must begin with marketing. correct positioning, promising idea, literate economic calculations- all this will give confidence to the entrepreneur.

Consider ten promising and popular ideas for making money on transport trade.

Shop on wheels as a business idea

To begin with, it is desirable to decide on the trading profile. As a business idea, a shop on wheels can develop in the food or manufactured goods direction. How can you attract buyers?

Dear household items home appliances, shoes and clothes are unlikely to be purchased on the street. Cheap items, including used ones, can only be offered to a specific consumer audience characterized by low incomes. In areas where not very wealthy people live, as a rule, a supply of such goods has already formed, and it will be problematic to compete with stationary points.

Nevertheless, a number of manufactured items can and should be sold from wheels. It is important to identify them.

mobile cafe

Mobile food vans, called food trucks in a foreign manner, are considered more promising. Often they are represented by tonar trailers with a reinforced frame and a showcase along the entire length of the body.

It should be noted that when organizing the work of a mobile store, especially a food store, one of the advantages of outbound trade is practically lost, namely, the relatively low “entry price”. At least 1.7 million rubles will have to be invested in this business, and this is just a start. Approximate starting costs are shown in the table:

Item of expenses Amount, thousand rubles
The vehicle and its adaptation to the point of sale 800
Technological food equipment 500
Remote outdoor space equipment 200
Staff salary (2 shifts) 60
Current maintenance of equipment 50
Fixed costs (gasoline, disposable dishes, etc.) 90
Total: 1 million 700 thousand

Now explanations. Technique is understood as a standard set for trading products and ready meals:

  • refrigerators (2 pcs.) and freezers(1 or 2 pieces);
  • microwave;
  • coffee machine;
  • slicer (slicing machine);
  • electric stove;
  • cook set;
  • Desktop;
  • water heater;
  • shelves;
  • overalls.

To ensure normal working conditions, you will need: in summer - air conditioning, in winter - an electric heater, and at any time of the year - a dry closet. In addition, it is possible to purchase an audio system and an LCD TV. The last items are not required to be installed, but they attract buyers.

The car deserves separate words. It is forbidden to equip it for a food outlet on your own. This is done by specialized licensed companies.

The enterprise itself also needs permission from the bodies issuing certificates and certificates, including local and Rospotrebnadzor.

The goods sold are also declared and certified.

To recoup a food truck within a year, you need a monthly income of at least 140 thousand rubles. In principle, this is possible, but you have to try.

Party-Bus: pub on wheels

Highly interesting idea new form of entertainment business. The trailer, equipped for fun, combines the advantages of a small stationary bar with a disco and an ordinary car that delivers the company to nature. This vehicle was named Party-Bus. The requirements for it are high: the users of the service are more often representatives of wealthy young people who are accustomed to comfort.

Inside the cabin you need to mount:

  • powerful multi-channel audio system;
  • plasma screen;
  • bar equipment;
  • comfortable furniture and table.

It is desirable that there is a place for dancing or the ability to organize it outside with remote acoustics and lighting effects. This mobile attraction will cost a pretty penny - up to two million. Advertising costs will be included in operating expenses.

The range of use of the "party bus" can be expanded: in such salons, wealthy tourists are often delivered to local attractions. Of course, they organize small weddings, and then they are cheaper than in a restaurant. Also bachelor and bachelorette parties...

Mobile tire fitting

The implementation of this idea for greater economic return should include the provision of several of the most sought-after vehicle repair services. It would be more correct to call it a “mobile mini-service station” or an “ambulance on wheels”.

Like the medical counterpart, this service aims not for a complete cure, but for urgent resuscitation. The most common "ailment" in cars is a tire puncture. You need to drive further, and, of course, the driver will call the service, which will arrive and help on the spot. But there are other troubles that exclude movement: the engine does not start, the brakes fail, or other problems.

A car workshop on wheels should have a tire fitting kit and a set of spare parts that matches the problems described. You also need a towing device (preferably a rigid hitch) in case the malfunction cannot be fixed on the spot. The owner of such an ambulance needs professional qualification car repairman.

Bath on wheels

Few people think about a mobile steam room. It's a costly business. A mobile sauna needs a powerful carrier-truck. Operation is energy-intensive, registration requires a large number of permits. But with all the shortcomings, the business is characterized by advantages:

  • The number of idle runs is minimal - departure to the place indicated by the client is carried out upon application and prepayment.
  • The service is used by people who have the means to pay for it.
  • Low level of competition, due to the difficulties of organizing this type of business.

Thus, the disadvantages smoothly turn into advantages. It is difficult to name the cost of organizing a business: it depends on the availability of suitable transport and local features. In large cities, a mobile bathhouse for 4-6 clients is rarely idle.

Mobile Quest Club

Quests themselves are a new word in the entertainment industry. The organization of the game with tasks in a mobile version gives the idea additional attractiveness. The experience of Exitmobiil (Estonia) demonstrates the high demand for the service.

From the usual interior of a bus or van, a mobile quest club differs in higher comfort and the availability of special equipment. Transport takes the players to the place, which gives the organizer competitive advantage compared to the stationary counterpart.

Veterinary clinic: vetmobile

Emergency veterinary care is an American invention. It is also applicable here, but taking into account Russian specifics. The vetmobile works on call, and you can not count on spontaneous clientele. Calling the usual "Aibolit" at home will cost much less. The personnel issue is quite acute. The most requested services are sterilization and vaccination of animals.

If you equip the vehicle with veterinary equipment and combine the main profile with additional activities (sales of related products and feed), the business can become very profitable.

Cinema 5D

This business is relevant for small settlements, where there are no conventional cinemas with surround image and sound yet. Up to eight spectators are usually placed in the salon of the mobile illusion. Fuel costs account for a significant share of the costs. If no one has yet organized at least a small 5D cinema in a village or village, there are doubts about the demand for this type of entertainment.

Still, the idea deserves attention. Before organizing similar business, it is necessary to carry out marketing research. Maybe no one has thought of it yet?

Children's entertainment center

The users of the service are kids, but adults are no less interested in it. Mobile attractions travel to picnic areas and entertain children while parents spend their own leisure time. Transport must be equipped with as many different equipment as possible, providing children with an exciting vacation. There is no standard set - its assortment depends on the organizer's imagination. Prefabricated labyrinths, inflatable pools, playgrounds, computers, mobile cinemas and other means of entertainment are often used. The crew includes an experienced children's animator.

Flower shop

At its core, the flower trade is almost always mobile. Why not organize the sales process more flexibly and comfortably? By directing the van to the places of the greatest consumer activity, it is possible to achieve an increase in turnover.

Unmentioned ideas

The above top list does not claim to cover all the good ideas. mobile business. Variants of coffee-mobiles and ice cream on wheels are deliberately excluded from it due to the wide spread of such types of entrepreneurship.

Other positions were not mentioned because their effectiveness is reasonable doubtful. Here are their examples:

  • Book store. Unfortunately, reader activity in general today is low, and electronic editions fill the remnants of the print market, displacing the printing industry. It is very difficult to count on payback.
  • Shoe workshop. First, there will hardly be a queue. Secondly, anyone who has gone to a shoemaker to have shoes or shoes repaired knows that orders are usually issued the next day. Thirdly, the majority of customers are quite satisfied with the already working stationary points, where a familiar specialist will supply a new heel much cheaper. He doesn't have to pay for gas.
  • Boutique on wheels. Yes, in the US, selling branded items off wheels is common. American buyers are happy to pay $100-$200 less for a prestige item. We give expensive clothes a status value. Wealthy people will not buy it in a van. And to citizens of ordinary prosperity, it will still seem too expensive.
  • Medical center on wheels. The idea may be worthy of attention, but now it seems premature. How many specialist doctors can fit in a van? What equipment should be installed in it? High costs, mandatory licensing, the presence of public clinics and other circumstances do not speak in favor of mobile clinics.

Business on wheels - features of doing + 8 steps to open it + basic financial investments+ description 5 actual ideas.

An unsuccessfully chosen place for the sale of goods or the provision of services is almost always a failure and loss for the entrepreneur.

And few can find the strength in themselves, and also have additional funds to start all over again.

If you have a fear of "burning out" precisely because you can choose the wrong place, then business on wheels- this is really a way out and a solution to the problem.

Especially if you do not want to deal with renting and repairing the premises.

In our country, this is already a fairly familiar and well-known way of doing business, but in Europe and the USA it is more common.

Mobile beauty salons, nightclubs, right in cars there have long been perceived as something outlandish and unusual.

Let's take a look at a few ideas that are working successfully with us.

Features and benefits of running a business on wheels

Starting a mobile business is not a big deal.

An entrepreneur does not need to look for a suitable premises, make repairs in it and hire a large staff.

It is enough to decide on the idea, buy the necessary car, re-equip it and start your “journey” to different parts of the city in search of a profitable place.

Business on wheels, like any other, is focused on a large number of clients.

But its main difference from the "stationary" one is that in case of failure, you can easily move to a more advantageous place.

In addition, a business on wheels has a number of other advantages:

  • there is no need to spend time and money looking for a suitable room;
  • relatively small investment and regular expenses
  • minimum investment in advertising;
  • Pretty easy to get permits.

If the chosen direction still could not bring the entrepreneur the expected results, he will be able to resell even a converted car and not incur large losses.

Another option might be to try your hand at another business idea that could also be rolled out.

Procedure for opening a business on wheels

Detailed study and careful planning of the implementation of a conceived business idea are the key actions to be taken before starting entrepreneurial activity.

Without knowledge of work in the chosen direction of business, as well as without drawing up an action plan and financial calculations, it is impossible to organize a stable and profitable business, no matter how profitable and profitable it may seem at first glance.

    Study of consumer demand in a particular area.

    Many mistakenly believe that if a business on wheels is not tied to a specific place, then there is no need to study demand.

    It's not like that at all.

    Agree that even by car it is not profitable to send 200 km to another settlement just because people there need something.

    Therefore, you need to study the unoccupied niches in your city and analyze their need among the population and choose several directions for yourself.

    Generating a business idea.

    The best option would be the direction in which you have certain knowledge or experience.

    If they are not there, but there is a long-standing dream to try something new, then you need to start studying it and start acting.

    This document is drawn up in any case.

    Even if you have your own funds to start a business, do not neglect this stage.

    A business plan will help analyze the profitability of investing in an idea, calculate the amount of capital investment, and will also serve detailed instruction actions to be taken.

    Buying and branding a car.

    Depending on the idea of ​​a business on wheels you choose, you will need to purchase a new or used car.

    It can be a passenger or passenger vehicle that can fit into the concept of the idea.

    After the purchase, you can start branding the car.

    This refers to its refurbishment and development of a design that will fit the intended idea.


    The procedure for registering a business on wheels is carried out in the usual way.

    You need:

    • choose the organizational and legal form: IP, LLC;
    • determine the form of taxation;
    • obtain permits from the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection;
    • obtain permits to conduct business activities in local authorities.
  1. Acquisition of equipment and, if necessary, goods.

    After buying a car, you need to start searching and purchasing equipment.

    This is the second largest expense item in the amount of the initial investment.

    Depending on the chosen direction of activity, you need to purchase all necessary equipment and goods that will be needed in the course of work.

    Personnel search.

    The idea of ​​a business on wheels does not require a large investment in staff.

    At first, you can do the work yourself and hire a shift, who needs to be trained in all issues and nuances, as well as working with equipment.

    It is important that the employee has the rights of a certain category.

    But you may have to hire a driver who will overtake the car if the employee himself cannot do this.

    In any case, the cost of staff salaries will not be too high.

    The idea of ​​a business on wheels is not so much in need of active advertising.

    Here you need to find a “cereal” place with a large flow of people, or consider an area where there is a demand for your activity among the population.

    Depending on the chosen field of activity, it is necessary to develop marketing strategy, the tools of which will be used during the implementation of the idea.

    After completing this process, you can safely choose a place, go to the first planned point and start work.

    Remember that in case of failure, you can start the car right that day and go to another place.

The main financial investments in a business on wheels

As mentioned above, the business plan of the chosen idea includes detailed calculations of the initial investment and regular investments.

The starting capital for the implementation of the idea will consist of the following expenses:

  • buying a car;
  • its refurbishment and branding;
  • purchase of an electric generator, a tank of water and a pump for its supply;
  • purchase cash register;
  • expenses for registration and obtaining permits;
  • purchase of the necessary equipment / tools and the first batch of goods / raw materials;
  • advertising expenses;
  • other unforeseen expenses.

Regular investments include:

  • fuel and vehicle maintenance costs;
  • car depreciation;
  • communal payments;
  • employees' wages;
  • regular purchase of goods or raw materials;
  • advertising expenses;
  • other expenses.

Regardless of which business idea is chosen, one cannot do without investing in the purchase of the appropriate car.

It must be selected depending on what you decide to do.

For example, in some idea you can limit yourself to a passenger car, but for something you will need a van, truck or even a bus.

Car examples:

  • Toyota DD;
  • Volkswagen Caddy;
  • Mercedes Sprinter
  • GAZ / Gazelle and others.

And now you have decided on the idea of ​​​​a business on wheels, and at this stage you will need to purchase a car and re-equip it, that is, start branding and styling it:

  • buying a new car - $ 20,000-25,000;
  • branding and styling of a car - $5000-10000.

The rest of the investment will depend on what you plan to do.

5 relevant business ideas on wheels

A business on wheels can be implemented in the form of many ideas.

They may relate to food and non-food trade and provision of services.

Let's consider several options.

1. Coffee to go

This is the most popular idea for a business on wheels, and of course we can't stop there.

In Russia and Ukraine, you can increasingly notice.

The essence of the idea is to trade in coffee that visitors can take with them and enjoy a drink on the go.

To open a business, you will need to purchase a water tank, an electric generator, a display case, a professional coffee machine, a coffee grinder and small refrigeration equipment for storing cream and milk.

Regular investments in such an idea of ​​​​a business on wheels are presented in the form of the purchase of high-quality coffee, sugar, milk, cream, syrups, consumables - plastic or paper cups and napkins.

You need to place a mobile point in crowded places - metro stations, bus stations, business centers, educational establishments and city parks.

2. Mobile coffee shop or canteen

This business on wheels idea is more advanced than the previous one.

There are two development options, among which you can choose the one that suits you:

    Fast food to go.

    This includes such products: hot dogs, donuts, sandwiches, pizzas and other similar foods.

    Depending on the assortment you choose, you may need a microwave oven to warm up dishes, a coffee machine, a hot dog maker, a waffle iron, a pancake maker.

    Refrigeration equipment and a powerful electric generator will be mandatory.

    Cooking will not work, except for hot dogs, so you need to find suppliers who will provide you with blanks and semi-finished products.

    Or you can cook meals yourself in a stationary room, and sell them already in fast food on wheels.

    Full dining area with seating.

    To implement such a business on wheels, you cannot limit yourself to a passenger car, because you will need to purchase a full-fledged bus, which is subsequently divided into two parts: a small kitchen and the cafe itself with several tables.

    The range of dishes offered may be the same as in the option described above.

    In order not to be sprayed on a menu with many items, we recommend choosing narrow specialization- , pizzeria, donut shop.

    And the cafe itself can stand in one place or move around the city together with visitors.

3. Tire service or mobile emergency service

Car owners often find themselves in unforeseen situations - tire punctures, car breakdowns.

Naturally, you won’t be able to leave, which is why mobile workshops were invented that deal with emergency repairs.

The point of this idea of ​​a business on wheels is that when a driver has a problem, he calls a similar service, which comes to him and fixes the problem.

For these purposes, you will need to choose a car in the form of a van with the equipment and tools that are necessary for car maintenance.

To implement such an idea, active advertising is needed.

As with the previous options, when people just walk past you, it will not work to make themselves known.

Here you will already need to work on call, so promote your business in all known ways.

4. Store

“The types of business are different, but the business as a system remains the same, regardless of its scale and structure, products, technologies and markets.”
Peter Drucker

One of the walls truck is a showcase with goods.

To realize this idea, you can trade both food products - pastries, fresh vegetables, fruits, meat, fish, and non-food products - clothing, jewelry, accessories and more.

In the case of a food group of goods, you need to without fail obtain the appropriate permits, as well as make such investments - buy a showcase of an electric generator and refrigeration equipment, which will be responsible for the safety and freshness of products.

If you are thinking about getting into trading, then for a start, take a closer look at the business on wheels.

And then you will have a chance to find a really profitable place where the sales volume will meet your expectations.

Another one original idea business on wheels discussed in the video:

5. Cinema

The idea of ​​a business on wheels in the form of a mobile cinema is relevant both in small towns or villages, where there is practically no entertainment, and in large settlements, especially in areas remote from the center.

By installing a projector and a few seats, you can travel around your city or nearby settlements, and give their residents the opportunity to have fun.

In this case, you need to take care of acquiring not only equipment, but also a license to broadcast films.

The latter will be presented as regular attachments.

Business on wheels is not limited to these ideas.

If you have a good imagination for generating ideas, and you are not afraid to take risks, then you can easily implement almost any conceived project, which, when done this way, is distinguished by a quick payback.

And this is not surprising, because you get unique opportunity move around the city in search of a profitable place.

Therefore, find a suitable car, buy the necessary equipment, make detailed business plan and get started.

And remember that success does not come to those who do nothing.

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