How can you play with a budgerigar. Useful toys for the budgerigar

When a parrot is tame, it's great. Therefore, one of the first questions that arises: how to tame a parrot?

First you need to understand for yourself what result you want to get. For example, I call my birds semi-wild. This couple rushes around the apartment one after another, they swear among themselves. Periodically, one takes care of the other. They fight, swear, make up and take toys from each other. In general, they live their bird life.

However, they are not afraid to sit on me. Jumping on the arms, legs, head. They run around the bed when I lie on it. Sometimes they allow themselves to be stroked on their paws, to scratch the feathers on their necks or to stroke their beaks. But familiarity is not allowed. And, in principle, I am completely satisfied with such communication with my birds.

If you want them to be completely tame and not afraid not only to run over you, but also to allow themselves to be taken in hand, then here, of course, you need to make much more effort.

But first you need to at least wean them from being afraid of hands and you.

How can this be achieved? I have the process of accustoming them to hands and to me took place in the process of playing with them.

Since Yashka appeared first, I started training with him. I began to accustom him to hands after he learned to leave the cage and fly around the apartment.

I noticed what interests him the most. I took this thing and started playing with it, sitting on the floor. The avian greed associated with the fact that someone else is playing with his toy made him fly to my floor and watch me play.

At first, fear kept him away from me. He ran up to me, but then quickly ran back. But each time he ran closer and closer. At some point, he approached the tight one and I covered the toy with my hand so that he could see only part of it.

In the end, curiosity and greed won out. Gently at first, and then more impudently, he began to tap his beak on my fingers. After each such blow, I carefully and slowly released the toy from my hands, spreading my fingers. Thus, I gave Yashka the opportunity to take the toy for myself.

This was repeated for several days. The bird is accustomed to such a game. And at some point, she began not only to knock on the fingers, but also to jump on the hands themselves. When he flirted strongly, he began to sit on his shoulders.

In the process of such a game, it turned out to gently and lightly stroke the parrot with a finger on the beak, neck or chest. At first he shied away and ran away, then gradually got used to it and stopped running back, and after that he began to roll his eyes with pleasure and twist his little head, showing where to scratch him.

That is, if you are looking for an answer on how to play with an untamed parrot, then this is one of the ways!

I also trained him to touch in another way. I hung a swing to the chandelier. And I fixed them so that when the parrot sat on them, he was at the level of my eyes.

When he sat on them, I approached him and started talking to him. He spoke not loudly, gradually bringing his nose closer to the bird. And with his nose, gently touched him. At first he moved away, but then he calmed down and began to allow him to stroke his nose.

Now, when I put on glasses, Yashka sits on them and begins to knock on my diarrhea with his beak.

So, if you have not yet decided how to tame a parrot, then try my method, successfully tested on two wavy ones.


Intelligence Test

Birds during the game are so delighted that it is difficult to understand what is more important for them - food or play.

Task: look at the cards and find a card with three circles.

After solving the problem, the bird receives a reward. The budgerigar loves treats.


Budgerigars can distinguish colors.

1. Place grains in one of two bowls of the same color.

3. Cover this bowl, for example, with green cardboard, and cover the second bowl without food with red cardboard.

3. Show the bird another green card.

4. The bird will quickly remember this combination and rush to the bowl covered with green cardboard.

5. After the lid is thrown aside, the bird finds its reward there - a full bowl of food.

Teaching keeps form

Budgerigars play very funny, they are very smart. Therefore, do not get tired all the time to come up with new tasks for your pets. With food as a stimulus, all intelligence tasks will be solved easily and naturally.

Twine with goodies

Quite quickly and simply, you can deliver great pleasure to your wards.

* In the room where the birds are kept, hang the twine horizontally and vertically. Birds, especially chicks, love to swing on them.

* Hang the twine all the time.

* From time to time, tie bells, rings, or some treats to one or two strings (see page 31).


Budgerigars are avid bathers (see page 18). If at first the parrot is afraid to enter the bathing house, then first put wet leaves of spinach, dandelion, lettuce there. Soon the parrot will become curious, consider the treat, cautiously begin to approach and then eat the food.

Parrots enjoy playing on swinging strings.

The parrot swims, spreading its wings and floundering in the water with pleasure.

Think ahead

How different parrots can be is shown by the following intelligence test.

1. Place a cage unfamiliar to birds in the middle of the room. Put millet on the roof.

2. Soon the birds begin to sit on the roof of an unfamiliar cage and eat their favorite Italian millet.

Almost all parrots solve this problem with brilliance. After the birds get used to finding food on the roof of the cage, the test itself begins.

3. Put the millet inside the cage, open the side door. As usual, the birds sit on the roof, but they do not find food there.

The lazy ones will nibble on the bars a little and then leave the cage.

However, the smart ones are trying to find the hole. It's funny to see how they think. Then smart birds purposefully fly to the door and eat small millet.

4. To make sure that the actions of parrots are not random, open the second door of the cage. The same birds will find the right path again.

In order for a pet budgerigar to have a developed body, good mental health and live a busy life, he needs various toys. They help to take care of the pet, establish relationships with him, teach new skills. These important accessories are sold in special pet stores. If you can't buy them, you can make your own. You will learn about what toys to buy or make for budgerigars, as well as how to make a toy for your pet on your own, from this article.

What are toys for?

Games are a must part of care behind budgerigars like nutrition, maintaining a favorable temperature regime, bathing, trimming nails, etc. Impossible without toys full development birds at home. In addition, joint games strengthen relations. And if the owner is not around and the bird is sad, toys - good remedy get rid of the feeling of loneliness at least for a while.

Toys have different goals: some (ladders, swings) help the parrot to develop physically and improve health birds, others (mosaic, ball) — form resourcefulness, those that are made of wood - contribute grinding of claws and beak pet.

To learn to understand your budgerigar, you need to pay attention to it. Just the same, joint games contribute to the achievement of this goal, they unite, show what your feathered pet needs, what kind of characteristics, help to train and develop obedience.

It is impossible to constantly care for and entertain a feathered pet. Therefore, so that the bird can do something while you are not around, buy or make parrot games for it with your own hands.

Types of purchased and homemade toys for budgerigars

A huge variety of parrot games stand out:

  • holder for vegetables and fruits;
  • for sports: basketball playground, bicycle, roller skateboard, trolley;
  • various puzzles develop ingenuity;
  • mirror;
  • to hang, climb, climb: rope, ring, ladder, rope, swing;
  • with sounds: bell, rattle, rattle;
  • contribute to the care of the beak and paws: a wooden, plastic or metal pendant, any figure made of paper or wood.

What toys does a budgerigar need? Diversity is essential for full development. Although each of the above types of game items has its own benefits, all of them will help develop the abilities of your winged friend and will undoubtedly bring him joy.

Budgerigars are very fond of not only playing, but also something to chew on. Often this kind of love leads to the fact that you end up finding damaged things in your house. In order for the budgerigar not to spoil important property, it must have diversity paper and wooden toys, and also were chewing gum. Then he will have something to chew on and he will not covet your things.

In addition to the fact that these birds love to sing, they also like any toy object that makes rustling, ringing, grumbling, melodies, rustles and other interesting sounds. So musical toy for them is a good companion.

In order for your feathered friend to have a dexterous, strong and flexible body, you will need more than one sports toy(rings, ladders, swings, ropes, ropes, etc.).

Mirror becomes a parrot companion when the owner is not around. Do not forget that the use of this interesting and useful subject on the one hand has serious disadvantages.

If you want your bird to be smart, then you will need puzzles. The principle of their operation is to solve riddles and perform the movements necessary to receive the prize. The prize is a treat previously hidden in the game.

Foraging has different levels of difficulty, which contributes to the step-by-step and systematic development of pet skills. In addition, this feature reinforces already acquired skills.

To diversify the feeding process, so that your pet becomes interested in healthy vegetables and fruits and begins to gobble them up, come to the rescue holders. We also recommend purchasing or making them.

How to make a safe toy for a budgerigar with your own hands?

Spending money for the appearance of interesting gizmos in a bird is a completely optional procedure. You yourself can make the best toy for the budgerigar. For example, give your bird wooden beads strung on a string, or make garlands out of pieces of apples or carrots. Also use buds or coconut rinds. All this will greatly please your feathered friend. Just make sure that food toys do not deteriorate.

There are others conditions that must be observed so that a do-it-yourself toy does not harm the budgerigar:

  • the use of cotton ropes and harnesses is prohibited;
  • after gluing the parts, get rid of the glue residue on the game item;
  • a metal part should not include toxic substances (mercury, zinc, etc.);
  • make wooden games from fruit or softwoods, we do not recommend varnishing and painting them;
  • make toys of such a size that on the one hand the pet does not choke on them (avoid tiny ones), on the other - they do not get stuck (Abstain from very large volumes. Especially if we are talking about things that contain cords).

Also use of children's toys is possible: rattles, plastic kinder eggs, teethers. Check these items for sharp edges and damage beforehand.

About creating playgrounds

Some owners make whole pieces for their budgerigars. play corners or stands. Someone places such a structure right in a large cage, and someone - outside it. In any case, thanks to this, the budgerigar will be distracted from other room things. Thus, nothing necessary and valuable from your interior will not suffer.

To create a playground need:

  1. draw a plan;
  2. determine the materials of the parts;
  3. prepare all parts of the structure;
  4. carefully fix them with each other according to the plan.

It is advised to attach the play corners to pieces of plywood that will look like a pallet. Paper is spread on them, which, when cleaned, is replaced by another - clean. This detail makes it easier to care for your pet.

Important Information

Play accessories should bring maximum benefit to the pet. To do this, follow recommendations:

  • Buy toys that designed specifically for wavy parrots. If you make them yourself consider bird size. Toys must be appropriate for the bird so that it is comfortable and safe to play with them.
  • Necessary alternate game gizmos, otherwise they will bother the pet (you can hide some and get others).
  • There should be enough free space in the cage so don't put too many toys in it.
  • When placing game items, do not forget about safety: the bird should not catch them when moving or get tangled in them.
  • In a timely manner wash and clean toys.
  • Remove broken items immediately from a parrot so that he does not get hurt.

How to start playing a new game with a budgerigar?

After purchasing new games, don't place them in the cage right away. It is likely that your bird will be afraid of the new thing at first, which will have a bad effect on it. psychological state. To begin with, start playing with it yourself with a bird. Let her be interested. If she is trying to learn a new thing, praise her for it and reward her with some sweetness.

Please write which toy your budgie likes the most?

Read in this article

Cats and dogs are considered the most contact pets. They can be stroked, held and played with. Parrots are no less active and philanthropic pets who also want to communicate with a person and have fun with him in interesting entertainment. How to play with a budgerigar? What and devices to use?

How to make friends with a wavy

If you recently got a parrot, take a closer look at it and get used to each other. If the bird is afraid of you, then there can be no talk of any games. Do not make noise near the pet, do not make sudden movements and do not offend him.

Gradually, the bird will become calmer to behave next to you. You can understand how calm the wavy is by a simple experiment. Sit with your head at parrot level or below. Distance - no more than half a meter, i.e. close enough. Look at the bird and observe the behavior. Is your pet sitting still and watching you closely? He . A relaxed wavy will calmly blink, scratch and touch with its beak.

It starts with tactile contact. When pronouncing the name of the bird, slowly put your hand into the cage and stop it at the level of the paws. The wavy will sit on your palm. Otherwise, wait a while or try another time.

Budgerigar Toys

When the wavy gets used to the hands, you can start playing with it. You can use anything as toys. After all, a budgerigar is like a three-year-old child who is interested in the new and unusual. And it is not necessary to buy special toys. Suitable household items:

  • plastic stoppers;
  • matches;
  • various boxes;
  • paper;
  • pencils, pens;
  • elastic bands, hairpins;
  • rings, bracelets, etc.

These things can simply be laid out on the table when you release the wavy to fly. He will sit down to rest, and an unusual little thing will attract his attention. And then it's a matter of technology. You can help the bird: take away a toy from it, hide it under other objects, throw it aside, etc.

"Attention! Budgerigar toys should not be too small, heavy or sharp. Otherwise, the bird may harm itself by swallowing an object, dropping it on itself, or injuring itself.”

How can you play with a wavy

How often you play with a budgerigar will determine its mood and attitude towards you. Don't expect a bird to perch on your shoulder or eat out of your hands if you pay attention to it once a week. Wavy needs regular communication and games.

hide and seek

Does the parrot love you so much that it constantly flies around the apartment after you? Play hide and seek with him. Hide behind a curtain or under a table and start calling the bird from there.


The game is suitable for busy people who spend time at the computer or cooking. Does your parrot want attention? Tease him! Take turns whistling, talking to him in different intonations, responding to tweets.

water games

Find a wide, but not deep bowl and pour about 3-4 cm of warm water into it. Throw your wavy there. He will rush to "save" her, and at this time you will throw another.

Get a treat

Put a piece of apple or cucumber under a small box (for sweets, for pills). If the bird can quickly get a treat, complicate the game: take a heavier box and make a hole in it, through which only the head of the parrot passes. He will be able to see the food, but it will not be so easy to get it.

Playing with budgerigars is very exciting. These amazing birds make everything so funny and fun that you will enjoy spending time with them.

Before learning games with a budgerigar, you need to gain his trust. There are several ways to diversify communication with a pet with the help of simple toys and devices.

You will need

  • - handkerchief
  • - small plastic ball
  • - round wooden stick


Budgerigars are very smart birds, and with due perseverance, they are easy to train. Playing with them is a pleasure. But first you need to try to earn the trust of the pet. Only then will he develop confidence and determination. This will be the first step to learning games.

How to teach a budgerigar to trust the owner?

It is necessary to make it a rule to sit down at the cage every day so that the bird is above the eye level of the owner. In such a situation, the pet will feel safe. Next, you need to close your eyes and sit quietly in front of the cage for a while. Through the half-open eyelids, you can observe the reaction of the parrot: if he looks at the owner without blinking, it means that he is still apprehensive. If he blinks, it means that he is calm and confident. After the convergence process is completed, you can start learning games.

How to play with a budgerigar?

The simplest thing is to teach your pet to respond to a wink. To do this, you need to sit in front of the cage and carefully observe the pet. After the parrot blinks, you need to do the same, looking directly at him. If the bird becomes worried, you can respond with a demonstrative startle reaction. Over time, a closer contact will be established between you and the parrot, and mutual understanding will arise. The bird will respond to the wink of the owner in the same way.

Then you can move on to more complex games, for example, with a ball, which will be a light plastic ball. The bird can not only roll it up to the owner's hand, but also throw it into an impromptu basket, imitating a basketball game.

Budgerigars are quite curious. In the process of taming a pet, you can go for the following trick: pick up an object with which you can extract soft and pleasant sounds (for example, a small bell). Then you need to turn your back to the parrot and play a little with this little thing. The bird will be attracted to sounds and will definitely be interested in them. Most likely, the pet will try to look over the owner’s shoulder to see what he is doing. At this time, you can offer him a finger or a stick so that he sits on them.

Another one interesting game- give the parrot what he dropped. For example, a handkerchief or "ball". Soon, he himself will begin to pick up the item that the owner dropped, thereby inviting him to start the game. If a bird taps its cage with its beak, you need to tap it in response. If the pet sits on a high, hard-to-reach place, you can offer him one of his favorite toys, and he will soon join the game.

You can sing along to the budgerigar in response to its trills. Such a technique unusually brings the owner closer to his pet and develops the bird's trust and interest in the owner. Many parrots enjoy the game of pulling a handkerchief or any other suitable object. This is one of the first pastimes that they learn pretty quickly.