The algorithm of the merchandiser at the point of sale. Functions and main responsibilities of a merchandiser What a merchandiser should be able to do

To date, the work of a merchandiser is one of the most accessible for those people who are interested in successful startups, as well as subsequent career growth. At the same time, it should be noted that specialists of this profile are in high demand these days, as the retail sector is constantly developing. However, many people do not even know what kind of profession it is, what are the duties of a merchandiser and what he does in general.

Who is it?

The word merchandise itself, translated from English, has several meanings, since it is a product, merchandising, and even all kinds of paraphernalia. The duties of a merchandiser are specialization in goods, therefore such specialists are present in all organizations. In the CIS countries, this profession is the same as in the West. These are employees who are directly responsible for sales promotion. In other words, the main responsibilities of a merchandiser include maximizing sales volumes at various outlets.

What is his job?

Contrary to popular belief, working as a merchandiser does not at all mean fulfilling duties in the form of laying out goods on supermarket shelves. In fact, the increase in sales, as well as sales promotion, are the result of an integrated approach to these processes, which includes a number of actions.

Thus, the duties of a merchandiser include the following:

  • The study of demand from buyers for certain goods, including also how demand changes depending on the characteristics target audience, seasonality and a number of other factors.
  • Direct participation in the assortment policy of the company in that part of the outlet to which this employee is assigned. In other words, official duties merchandisers include the formation and subsequent maintenance of the assortment, control over balances, stocks and other issues.
  • Issues related to the organization of registration trading floor, including ensuring the arrangement of equipment, sound, optimal lighting.
  • Ensuring the maximum free movement of buyers on the trading floor assigned to the employee, as well as the possibility of choosing the necessary goods without the involvement of sellers or with minimal help from them (careful analysis of the display of goods, as well as full control over compliance with accepted standards).
  • Analysis of competitiveness in the promotion of a similar product.
  • Providing reports on the results of using various marketing tools, as well as careful control over the growth of sales of goods.

Such a list of responsibilities can be expanded or specified depending on what goals are set for the company or a particular store, as well as which company conducts pricing, trading and assortment policy. In other words, considering the job responsibilities of a merchandiser, one can only determine them approximately, since the functionality can vary even between several colleagues working in the same company, but located at different sites.

Merchandiser in a supermarket

Supermarket and hypermarket are the most popular and at the same time the most promising formats of work in the retail sector. After all, it is in such self-service stores that merchandisers are most often in demand.

In this case, everything is quite logical, since it is in these conditions that the correct fulfillment of the duties of a merchandiser is one of the key guarantees that sales will increase, and various products will be promoted more effectively in the current market.

For comparison

In small retail outlets that do not provide for full self-service, the technology for displaying goods is not something special, and this is due to the fact that main goal compliance with a certain technology is a psychological effect on the buyer. For example, the duties of a merchandiser (this is especially important for a resume) include the location of expensive goods at visitor eye level, the constant provision of the effect of having an assortment, as well as many other tasks, and with a different sales format, spend money on professional specialist in this area is practically meaningless.

Merchandiser in an online store

Quite often, on various specialized sites, you can see various announcements that a person is currently being sought who will work as a merchandiser in an online store. At the same time, many people have a completely logical question: "What are the responsibilities of a merchandiser for a store of this format, if this specialist serves the retail zone?"

In fact, if we consider the original name of the profession and its meaning, then, of course, it is impossible to find an application for this employee, but in such a situation, employers simply replace concepts, and in reality, a marketer is required to work. Of course, in principle, these specialists have roughly similar responsibilities.

It is for this reason that if you are interested in such a position, you should pay attention to the sales format declared by the employer, since the duties of a merchandiser at a point of sale are significantly different from what functions this specialist performs in an online store.

Merchandiser Supervisor

For the uninitiated, the profession of a supervisor is even more unusual than that of a merchandiser. However, in fact, they are directly related to each other, because the supervisor is the person who establishes what the duties of the merchandiser are, and also who controls the implementation of these duties.

The work of the supervisor is in most cases analytical, that is, he is engaged in the careful collection of information regarding the growth of sales in those outlets that are within his competence. The responsibilities associated with the transfer of such information already lie directly with the merchandisers who service specific outlets.

However, despite the fact that the supervisor is essentially a managerial position, he does not have the right to hire or dismiss specialists, as well as to impose any disciplinary sanctions on his subordinates. In other words, if a certain specialist does not correctly perform the duties of a store merchandiser, then in this case he can only report this problem to the responsible persons. The functions of the supervisor himself are limited solely to the systematization of the information provided to him, the subsequent transfer of the results of the analyzes to higher management, as well as providing them with their own conclusions and certain recommendations in terms of how to organize work and stimulate sales in the future.

It often happens that the duties of supervisors also include the development of a planogram, that is, how the layout of goods on store shelves should look like. But this does not happen so often and, in general, is contrary to the basic meaning of this position, since such actions provide for a professional approach and are the direct responsibility of the merchandisers themselves.

What are merchandisers?

Considering the main responsibilities of a merchandiser, one cannot but say that, depending on the instructions, as well as the place of work of such specialists, they are divided into two main categories:

  • Mobile.
  • Stationary.

What are their differences?

The differences between these specialists are obvious and directly follow from the title of this position. Thus, a mobile, or, as it is also called, visiting, merchandiser is not assigned to any particular outlet, and he must consistently visit various stores in the distribution network in order to perform work in each of them in turn. A stationary merchandiser, on the contrary, constantly serves a particular store. Of course, the possibility of moving a specialist from one point to another is envisaged, but this will also have a permanent character.

There is also another variety that combines the characteristics of each category at the same time - this is a universal merchandiser. Such a specialist has a fairly flexible work schedule, which provides for the performance of the duties of employees of each category, depending on what task he currently faces.

Summary and further work

As mentioned above, the duties of a merchandiser in supermarkets and their development are a good option for a career start, and at the same time, this position does not require any specialized education. Quite often it happens that when inviting specialists to this position, employers may not even pay attention to the presence or absence of work experience, and therefore there is always a sufficient number of people who want to get this position.

In order for you to correctly compose a resume that would ultimately really interest the employer, you need to know what the main requirements are for applicants. Of course, their list can change quite a lot, but the main points are the following:

  • Stress resistance.
  • Endurance.
  • Distinguishing appearance.
  • Activity.
  • The ability and willingness to take responsibility for the decisions you make.

Are any skills required?

If we talk about some specialized skills, then, in principle, you don’t have to have them, but if in the “Merchandiser’s Responsibilities” form provided for the resume, you note, for example, the ability to engage in competitive analysis, as well as knowledge of technology displaying goods, then in this case you will have a significantly higher chance that you will eventually get this job.

How to write a resume?

In cases where the desired position for you is a merchandiser, whose duties also include maintaining the assortment and managing stocks, it will also be important to have experience in working with the profile software, with the help of which the accounting of various inventory items is carried out.

If you have such a skill, then in this case you definitely need to indicate it in the "Merchandiser's Responsibilities" column. For a resume, such information will be a significant plus. If you do not know anything from this area, then do not embellish your own skills and knowledge, otherwise you may be fired at the very beginning of your career. probationary period.

Merchandising is sometimes referred to as the marketing revolution in trade. A more advanced term is "behavioral coup". In the sense that the practical use of knowledge about behavioral psychology is expressed in increasing the productivity of a particular store.

According to the Point of Sale Advertising Association International (POPAI), by correctly placing product groups in a store, plus taking into account the behavior of customers, you can increase sales by an average of 10%. The correct display will raise income by another 15%, and accenting techniques (color, location) - by another 25%. In general, all other things being equal, sales of the "right" store can be 200-300% higher than in a similar outlet where the goods are laid out randomly. Question: how exactly to achieve this? How to make a simple person dance to the tune of a merchant?

Merchandising is the fastest growing area of ​​sales promotion today. sales promotion). You can, of course, define it as marketing activities at the point of sale in order to optimally present the product to the buyer. All this is true, but the main thing is to accept this: in fact, merchandising is a scientific technique that allows, knowing the psychology of the buyer, to significantly increase sales. Simulator-manipulator! This is perhaps the key principle to take as a starting point. And the facts confirming it are as follows: 80% of goods are purchased in stores not because they are better, but because at a particular moment these goods made the most favorable impression on the buyer.

Revealing the essence of such a complex concept as merchandising, we decided to follow the concept of visual representation and bring to the reader's attention the key principles of merchandising in the form concrete examples. Textbooks usually give long calculations. We, taking into account that time is money, based on training programs for sellers and managers, have compiled a list of rules that are relevant for a retail outlet of any size. And, first of all, they focused not on hypermarkets, but on medium-sized stores and trade pavilions (and pavilions) ...

At any merchandising seminar or training, the most curiosity of store managers is the principles of the location of the goods in the outlet. Traditionally, merchandising is understood as the interior design of the store and the layout of goods - the selection of colors and groups. However, the most important element is the planning of the store, namely, the flow of customers.

"Focus Point"- despite the fact that the offer is visible from a distance, the main product should be located at the focal point of the store - in the center with an offset to the right. And with very large retail spaces, the space needs to be divided according to the shop-in-shop principle so that people do not get tired of large monotonous spaces.

"Eye Movement". The movement of the buyer's eyes on the shelf resembles reading a page with an epigraph. First glance in the upper right corner, then undulating movement from left to right and from top to bottom.

"Reverse Clock". Most of the buyers move counterclockwise around the trading floor, bypassing it along the outer perimeter. Therefore, the main goods must be located in the traffic area and the internal racks should be arranged in such a way that they have a good frontal view.

"Golden Triangle" or "3/90". Nearly 90% of shoppers walk through one third of the store and are about to exit. Therefore, it is necessary to place the main goods in the visibility zone from the entrance, to provide them with a good presentation and free access. The input itself, the main product (for example, meat, milk or bread in grocery store) and the cash desk make up the "golden triangle", on the square of which you can lay out the goods necessary for a quick sale (expensive, perishable, new, related). Golden triangle rule: the larger the area formed between the entrance, the checkout and the best-selling product, the higher the sales volume. Accordingly, the most “desired” product, for which a person is ready to make a journey through the entire store, is optimally placed in the far part of the store, this will force the buyer to cross the hall and get acquainted with the entire assortment. This principle of circular motion is the basis for the spatial design of supermarkets. However, one more thing should be taken into account. important point. There is a so-called "decompression zone" in the trading floor, in which customers look at the supermarket and make a minimum of purchases. They try not to linger before entering for fear of being pushed from behind or for fear of creating an inconvenience. Therefore, by placing a branded package of sparkling water or juices at the very entrance, the manufacturer may find himself in a situation of "first in sales, but second in sales." In addition, thoughtful navigation is necessary for customers - turning around the same point or walking the same path twice in search of goods is depressing for the buyer.

"The Principle of Compatibility". One of the most dangerous errors when laying out is to place in close proximity goods that are not compatible in terms of image and consumption. In one Moscow supermarket, the products of the market leader in sweet carbonated water were placed next to toilet paper. As it later turned out, only three bottles of the drink were sold in two weeks, although it was hot outside.

"Zone of the outstretched hand". It is known that goods for children are not recommended to be placed too high, out of sight of the child. He must see them and want them. Even better if the child touches the toy. But this thesis works not only with children. Touch is the oldest and one of the first forms of claiming the right to property. It reinforces the desire to possess the thing. Excessive inconvenience leads to lower sales. If a customer doesn't understand how to get a product out of a complex structure, they most likely won't even try to do it.

"The tops can't, the bottoms don't want to." If we take the sales indicator (turnover) on the middle shelves as 100%, then sales on the upper shelves are 62%, and sales from the lower shelves are 48%. These are the objective data of POPAI and the Russian research company Business Intel. According to research by the French chain Carrefour, when moving goods from floor level to eye level, sales increase by 78%. And from the level of the hands to the level of the eyes - by 63%. In general, the lower shelves are considered the worst place. However, buyers instinctively got used to it: the heavier the goods and the larger their packaging, the better they are bought up from the lower shelves, and at the same time, such an arrangement of goods on the trading floor simplifies the problem of their storage. Pragmatic Germans were the first to realize that the fast-moving assortment consists not only of food products, but also of household chemicals, perfumes, and household goods. By the way, today, according to the European Trade Institute, these product groups make up a significant part of the retail turnover - about 10%. It is believed that the top shelves are generally good for products with a high margin and low turnover. Usually, these are goods High Quality with beautiful appearance. First of all, of course, these rules work in self-service stores (hypermarkets, supermarkets). However, on an emotional and psychological level, they are also relevant in retail outlets where there is a counter and a seller. Due to them, you can create a certain image in the department. In addition, it is rational to place goods that use branded advertising support on the upper shelves.
Responsible position

For the first time, the profession of a merchandiser appeared in the 30s of the XX century in the USA, in companies engaged in retail th. Today there are two "subspecies" of this profession. The first is a merchandiser (“just” a merchandiser), who deals with the “commodity philosophy” of the company and makes responsible decisions at points of sale, inspects stores, monitors how, how much and when to exhibit. Questionnaires filled out by the merchandiser allow you to have up-to-date information on the degree of distribution of a particular brand and monitor the intensity of sales. The analytical department, in turn, provides the agent with operational recommendations based on the monitoring results. The merchandiser is in charge of the optimal stock of products at the direct point of sale - the point of sale. Moreover, this stock should be stored in such a way that the seller, without serious loss of time and great physical effort, can quickly lay out and replenish the existing assortment - on a stand, rack, shelf, display. The task of the "visual merchandiser" is more specific: the effectiveness of product presentation in the retail space. Although the difference is not as great as it might seem, after all, in the end, the end and the means are practically the same. Rather, the term "visual merchandising" has taken root more in the fashion industry, and "just" merchandising - among manufacturers of goods. daily demand and in stores.

Vinaigrette effect. Too much a large number of brands or types of packaging often leads to the loss of visual focus on any product. Therefore, it is important to repeat the packaging of the same brand, and even on a long shelf, no more than 2-3 leading brands should be placed. In this regard, the "artificial gap" technique is relevant - a rule derived from practical observations. When restoring any display, a few items should still be removed as buyers are trying not to destroy the integrity of the display.

"The Principle of the Locomotive". Following this rule, a new or less popular brand is put up next to the leading brand. Using the popularity of leading brands and the fact that they take up a lot of space and attract the attention of the buyer, you can significantly increase sales of outsiders who will attract a low price. In the fashion industry, this is called the rule of preferential influence, when the rule assumes that if in a multi-brand store next to a product of a recognizable brand there are products of a little-known company that are not inferior in quality and price, then the aura of success extends to both groups.

Shopping is the world's second most popular after watching television programs. Just as we click on television channels, we stroll through the shops, choosing what we need or what is interesting. Soft drinks, beer, juices, sweets and treats, chewing gum, cigarettes, yogurt, tea, coffee and other goods are often impulsive purchases. It turned out the following: 30% of purchases are firmly planned, 6% are purchases planned in general, 4% are alternative and 60% of all purchases were impulsive, that is, the decision to purchase was made directly at the counter. Well, what pushes for unplanned purchases to the greatest extent? Appetizing look and smell of the product itself or its seductive look on the packaging, beautiful and original layout? Certainly! But mostly, oddly enough, imperceptible nuances that beat our own habits and stereotypes of behavior at the suggestion of high-class merchandisers.

Color correction- using the "color accent" technique, sales growth can be increased up to 90%. Given that usually a huge amount of money is spent to increase sales - on a new shop equipment, reconstruction of facades and halls of shops, advertising in various media mass media, sales promotion through discounts, gifts and sweepstakes, for additional bonuses to employees. And all this for the sake of 2-5% growth. And with the help of color accentuation (accent colors - red, orange, yellow; attention-grabbing - green, blue, white), the increase is 20-30%.

Sound accompaniment. Sound effects are widely used. But it should not be limited to verbal announcements. Sound effects can create an appropriate atmosphere in different departments of the store (for example, dynamic music in the sports department) or a certain mood (forcing, say, the buyer to move faster or, on the contrary, relax). Finally, with the help of sound, you can control the attention of children.

Aromatherapy. To stimulate the mood of the buyer and provoke them to purchase, various smells are often used inside the store. Science Center Monell in Philadelphia has launched pilot projects to study the effect of certain smells on buyers. For example, the well-known, in this case, floral-fruity, smell made casual visitors jewelry store stay there longer. And a very low level of some odors could change the individual's train of thought and mood (for example, relaxed and trusting). In the UK, some home goods retailers use the smell of a bakery/cafe to encourage customers to buy products that have nothing to do with food: clothes, lighting equipment, etc. To be fair, in supermarkets, the smell from the fish department must recede before the spreading aroma freshly baked rolls from the bread department. All this is already related to creating a unique atmosphere in the trading floor. And in the West, agencies appear (for example, Marketing Aromatics) that help to relax patients in waiting rooms, cheer up sales staff, using a variety of techniques - from a central ventilation system to manual sprayers of liquids, granules, gels and powders.

Rational delivery. A person tends to get out of the gloomy zone into a more illuminated one, so the subdued light that is appropriate in an antique shop cannot be used in a supermarket. With emotional purchases (when the client faces a rational choice), playing with light can cause irritation.

Irritation of consumers in general often arises precisely as a result of excessive, or rather, inadequate efforts of merchandisers and sales promoters. A classic example given at merchandising seminars is a supermarket promoting broths and soups under a new brand. For her, one of the main, from the position of the movement of buyers, passages of the trading floor was chosen. The presentation is carried out by long-legged beautiful models in short skirts and tight-fitting tops. The manufacturer is satisfied - it turned out presentable! In addition, the best time and the best place of the trading floor have been chosen. The owners of the store are satisfied - everything is very bright and attractive. Here are just visitors ... The main buyers of broths and soups in supermarkets are housewives aged 35-45 years. That's really who can't stand bright and overly naked frivolous eighteen-twenty-year-old girls! As a result, our customers are trying in every possible way to get around the place of the presentation, without catching the eye of the girls-promoters. A day or two pass, and the store owners, analyzing the sales data, notice that during the presentation hours, the turnover in a quarter of the trading floor is significantly reduced. One more example. Often in stores on the most profitable shelves located at eye level, the most expensive beer, cognac, sweets (depending on the category) are placed. Well, let's say, beer of well-known foreign brands - Heineken, Grolsch, expensive cognac - Hennessy, Courvoisier. Managers believe that these beautiful bottles create a certain image. In fact, such a calculation is unprofitable. Both in Moscow and in Russia as a whole, according to the data marketing research, consumers who prefer domestic alcohol to imported (in a ratio of 20:1). If you place "Baltika" or "Klinskoye" at eye level, then 80-100 bottles will be sold; if Heineken or Tuborg - 4-6.

So who is dancing to whose tune - the buyer or the seller, is a very big question. In any case, it is useful for the seller to learn to step on the throat of his own song in order to better listen to the voice from the audience.

At the point of sale, not only is there an advertising and psychological attack on the buyer, but, as it turns out, there is fighting between brands. Real guerrilla warfare! For example, in the course of such a technique as blocking the points of sale of a competitor with carts loaded with various goods. Such a cart can often stand in the store for more than one hour. Store employees and customers perceive it as a necessary attribute when replenishing the display or doing other work. In fact, no work is being done, and the trolley performs the only function - to impede access to the competitor's products and, as a result, reduce sales. It is also worth paying attention to how some companies are trying to improve their presence on the shelf. In place of the barbaric method of action of merchandisers "came-pushed-put" that is a thing of the past, the practice of bribing sellers in stores has appeared. In chain supermarkets, thanks to the introduction of planograms and tighter control, bribery of sellers is much less common than in independent supermarkets.

Ivan Ordynsky

The above can be considered as a basic template model, the competencies of a merchandiser in a retail outlet. You can comprehend what is written, rewrite something and use it as a basis for job description merchandiser.

To get started and understand the responsibilities, let me say a few words about the purpose of the merchandiser in retail.

    Ensure the availability of products for the buyer;

    Highlight your SKUs within the product group among the competitors in order to attract the maximum attention of the buyer;

    Ensuring a positive attitude and perception of each SKU of your trademark;

    Maximum use retail space retail to place your products (take a shelf);

    "First in - first out" - ensuring the priority display of previously delivered goods, rotation of goods according to expiration dates.

So, merchandiser must take over rule:

    Appear at the point strictly according to the visit plan. a traffic jam, a merchandiser's disease is a traffic jam and a disease for business;

    Be in shape! Be clean, tidy, dressed in branded clothes, have a badge, have a tool (knife, tape, notepad, calculator, tablet, etc.);

    You must have identification documents, powers of attorney (if required), a medical book with you;

    Do not be stupid when dealing with the administration. I will not describe what stupidity poorly trained employees often possess;

    Have full information about the products, your company and the history of relationships with the retailer (who was from the merchandise last time, what was supplied last time where your products are stored in the warehouse, who is the supervisor, etc.);

    Find a responsible person authorized by the retailer to follow the group of goods, merchandisers, say hello and introduce themselves. Just in case, be prepared for the presentation of the product, the company, own the key points of the merchandising program;

    Find out and write down (!) the wishes and claims of the administration regarding the products, the quality of the delivery of goods;

    Check the availability of all SKUs on the trading floor and (!) in the warehouse;

    Check the expiration dates of the goods on the trading floor and (!) in the warehouse;

    Ensure the delivery of products from the warehouse to the trading floor;

    Lay out the products, return the primary packaging to the warehouse, hand it over for recycling, something else that is required according to the rules of the store;

    Remove defective and expired products from the trading floor

    Documentation of the return;

    With a disadvantageous location for the company's products, it is necessary to improve the position. Keep your shelf!

    In case of insufficient facing, it is necessary to increase it by placing it on other sales zones, as well as at the expense of competitors (follow "your own line", but avoid obvious conflicts with the administration, try to convince the administration of the priority of your products);

    Check the price tags - they must be (!), be clearly visible, correctly designed and correspond to the type of product. Remember, removing a competitor's price tag is a competitor's guerrilla tactic that should not interfere with the sale of your product!

    Discussing new and better opportunities for organizing merchandising with the administration is an occasion, a reason - make close contacts with the administration! good connections Helps to solve a lot of small problems.

    Collect information about competitors;

    That's right, accurately fill out the point visit report.

    When leaving, notify the administration (suddenly, you have more questions), say goodbye, say a couple of kind words!

Write to an expert!

Useful information for training merchandisers and field employees of trading companies, which can form the basis of the program basic training for merchandisers. It can be used at trainings to develop professional skills and knowledge, trainings on merchandising. It is focused both on the adaptation of new employees who are mastering the basics of the profession, and will help to correctly and effectively organize the work of existing fighters.

Memo to the merchandiser

1. Basic principles of merchandising

  • The product must be available to the buyer.
  • Products impulsive buying should be located in a conspicuous place and attract the attention of buyers.
  • Items at eye level sell the fastest on the shelves.
  • To attract the attention of buyers, advertising and the product should be placed in the "hot" spots of the trading floor.
  • A special display of the product is also used to attract the attention of buyers to the product.

2. Goals and objectives of the merchandiser

  • Provide a full cycle of services to retail outlets.
  • Be able to sell any product. Know the key features and competitive advantages goods.
  • Be able to place any advertising material.
  • Know how to display products.
  • Communicate as much product information as possible to retail staff.
  • Ensure the continued presence of the product in retail outlets.
  • Know the market of competitors and monitor the activities of competing companies.

3. Types of product display

Shelf layout:

  • Horizontal.
  • Vertical.

Display on stands.

Floor display.

Laying out in refrigeration equipment.

4. Work in a retail outlet what to look for


Assortment (control of availability, representation of all entered positions)

Inventory (determining the quantity of the presented assortment, including goods in stock)

Visibility and layout (compliance with planogram and merchandising standards)

Price (availability of price tags and its relevance)

Competitors (who, how they comply with the standards, what are the advantages)

Customer flow (traveling/not running place)

1st contact with a merchandiser (Head of Section)

Hello. (Hello, Good afternoon, morning). Keep it simple and according to the situation.

Identify. Check the authority of the interlocutor in decision-making.

Introduce yourself. Name and Surname, company, department/product, benefits from the meeting*, your role. Criteria: YOU - approach

Create a climate. Adapt to the client. Remain friendly, respond quickly, demonstrate enjoyment of the meeting.

Declare a goal. Avoid platitudes, express yourself clearly and precisely. Don't get into an argument.

5. Algorithm (sequence) of actions when visiting tt (see appendix)

6. Actions in a situation of lack of goods on the shelf

  • search for goods in the warehouse,
  • notify TP (get information about the delivery).

7. The situation "there is no place on the shelf - there are goods in the warehouse!"

  • explain the situation to the merchandiser,
  • move a competitor, if necessary,
  • ask for help from the TP or supervisor.

8. Situation “No price tags!”

  • make missing price tags,
  • warn the seller (manager),
  • control the execution.

9. Actions in non-standard situations

All issues in which the merchandiser is not competent are transferred to the TP (document flow, delivery date, lack of brands, etc.) or SUPERVISOR (but also do not forget to inform the TP about this situation)

previous purchase - remaining stock = sales volume

sales volume x 1.5 = stock required

necessary stock - product balances = purchase.

Write to an expert!

Merchandiser (merchandiser) (English merchandiser - merchant) - a merchandiser or assistant merchandiser, a person representing trading company in retail chains (most often super- and hypermarkets). Responsible for the display of goods, installation of related necessary equipment (refrigerators, additional showcases, pallets of promotions), places POS materials. The main task is to control the availability of the entire range of the company on the shelves of the store and its location in the most favorable places for buying.

History of the profession

Planning and sales promotion, that is, the direct functions of a merchandiser, stood out in a separate position only about 20 years ago. Then the companies tried to come up with new moves in order to survive and gain a foothold in the market, stimulate the buyer and not get lost among the competitors. And so the position of a merchandiser appeared, which makes the goods more noticeable and more attractive to the buyer.

What exactly does a merchandiser do?

The main task of a merchandiser is to attract the attention of buyers to goods with the help of:

  • design of trading floors;
  • advantageous location of products on store shelves;
  • ensuring the constant availability of goods for sale.

The merchandiser is engaged in advertising support for goods at the point of sale. To do this, he visits several stores at least once a week and in a special document describes the sales situation for this product: demand, prices set by competitors for similar products, etc.

After the analysis, the merchandiser prepares a proposal for a more profitable promotion of goods. Such an offer may include:

  • replacement of similar products;
  • alternative distribution of retail space;
  • increase (reduction) in the quantity of goods for a particular store.

Merchandiser responsibilities may also include:

  • drawing up orders for the supply of goods;
  • adjustment of retail prices for goods;
  • maintaining the presentation of the packaging;
  • maintaining the image of the trade mark (brand);
  • organization of various promotions.

Requirements for a merchandiser

Requirements are formed depending on the field of activity. Usually, there are no special requirements for the candidate, since it is assumed that the newcomer will be trained in the process of working in the company.

The main requirements for a merchandiser are as follows:

  • Age from 18 years old.
  • PC knowledge at the user level.
  • Citizenship of the Russian Federation (sometimes employers allow citizenship of Belarus).
  • Registration of a sanitary book, if you have to work with food.
  • Readiness for physical activity, if you have to work with overall and heavy goods.

If it is planned to visit several outlets, companies charge the ability to drive a car as a merchandiser and are looking for candidates with personal transport, since in public they have time to visit 6-8 stores a day and perform there necessary work just unrealistic. In addition, a merchandiser often delivers goods to retail outlets in his car.

Merchandiser salary

The salary depends on the region, employment (full or partial) and the company. The average salary is about 30,000 rubles, but it happens that the salary of a merchandiser is 8,000-15,000 rubles with part-time employment. As a rule, such an employee works in 2-3 companies. Also, what salary a merchandiser has will depend on the availability of a car, education and additional skills - in this case, it can be 35,000-70,000 rubles.

Demand for the profession

Representatives of the profession of a merchandiser are quite in demand in the labor market. Despite the fact that universities produce a large number of specialists in this field, many companies and many enterprises require qualified merchandisers.

What kind of education is needed?

Primary vocational education (vocational school, PU, ​​PL). As the results of the survey show, it is not at all necessary to receive special education at a university or college in order to become a merchandiser ... Merchandisers undergo the necessary training directly when they get a job or at the workplace during a probationary period. To work as a merchandiser, you only need a desire, a satisfactory state of health and the presence of personal qualities recommended for this profession.

Features of career growth

The profession of a merchandiser is characterized by career growth. He may rise through the ranks in the marketing department or become a sales manager. In most cases, merchandisers start their careers as a senior merchandiser. The next rung on the career ladder is the supervisor position. In a few years, the supervisor may grow to be a sales representative of the company in the area. The highest level is the head of the sales representative office of an international company in any country or group of countries. A merchandiser can also achieve career growth in the field of advertising and marketing.

What should a merchandiser know?

Merchandiser must know:

  • the basics of organizing work to generate demand and increase sales;
  • the current legislation responsible for commercial activities;
  • basics of management and marketing, types of advertising and methods of organizing advertising activities;
  • principles of organization of retail space and sales, psychology of buyers, methods for evaluating the effectiveness of placing goods on racks;
  • the main qualitative and consumer properties of the goods sold;
  • product prices, basics market economy, sociology of psychology, ethics of business communication.

In addition to the required knowledge, the merchandiser must have such skills as diligence, observation, creative thinking, communication skills, persuasiveness, self-confidence. In many cases, these character traits can outweigh work experience and become decisive for the employer.

What does a merchandiser do in a supermarket?

Supermarket and hypermarket are the most popular and promising sales formats in retail (retail). It is in self-service stores, according to various sites that advertise open vacancies and job searches, that merchandisers are most often required.

Everything is logical, since it is in such trading conditions that the work of a merchandiser (subject to high-quality performance) is one of the key guarantees for increasing sales and promoting specific products on the market.

For comparison: in smaller retail outlets that do not involve self-service (small shops, kiosks, pavilions), the method of displaying goods does not really matter. This is due to the fact that the main goal of observing a certain display technology is a psychological impact on the buyer (location of more expensive goods at the visitor’s eye level, ensuring the effect of having an assortment, etc.), and with a different sales format, the costs of merchandiser services, as a rule, do not have economic justification.

What is the job of a merchandiser in an online store?

Often, on specialized sites, you can find ads about the availability of an open vacancy for a merchandiser in an online store. A natural question arises: if a merchandiser is a specialist serving the retail zone, then how can he be useful in the field of distance selling?

Based on the name of the profession, then nothing. In these cases, the employer simply substitutes concepts, announcing the search for a merchandiser, although in fact he needs a marketer. The duties of these specialists are generally similar - at least in terms of strategic interests.

Therefore, having a desire to get a job as a merchandiser and studying the relevant offers, you need to pay attention to the sales format declared by the employer.

Merchandiser Supervisor: Tasks and Responsibilities

The profession of a supervisor to the uninitiated seems even more exotic than a merchandiser. But in fact, they are most directly related to each other, since the supervisor is none other than the head of the merchandisers.

The work of a merchandising supervisor (the correct title of the position is “merchandising supervisor”) is predominantly analytical in nature. His task is to collect data on the dynamics of sales growth in outlets controlled by him. The responsibility for the transfer of such information lies with the merchandisers serving these points.

However, despite the fact that the supervisor is a supervisor, the rights to hire, fire or impose disciplinary action on his subordinates, he usually does not have. Its functions are limited to the systematization of the information received and the transfer of the results of the analyzes to senior management with conclusions and recommendations for the further organization of work to promote sales.

Sometimes, the development of a planogram is added to the duties of supervisors - a scheme for laying out goods on store shelves. But this rarely happens and generally contradicts the essence of the position: such actions require a professional approach and fall within the competence of marketing specialists.

Mobile and stationary merchandiser - what's the difference?

Based on the methods of performing duties, the content of the job description and the place of work of merchandisers, they can be divided into two categories:

  • mobile merchandiser;
  • stationary merchandiser.

The differences between them are obvious and follow from the very title of the position. So, mobile merchandiser(aka calling) is not assigned to a specific outlet. His responsibilities include sequential visits to various stores of the network to alternately perform the work functionality in each of them.

Stationary merchandiser, on the contrary, permanent basis Serves only one store. Of course, it is possible to move an employee from one outlet to another, but this will also be permanent.

There is another type of merchandisers that combines the features of both categories - universal. He is characterized by a flexible work schedule, which provides for the performance of the functions of both a mobile and a stationary employee, depending on the task.

Communication tools in merchandising

The key merchandising tools are:

  • store design (both external and internal);
  • store planning (more precisely, planning customer traffic flows):
  • advertising and other tools at the point of sale;
  • color blocking;
  • merchandise ranges:
  • comprehensive measures.

The importance of communication merchandising is that it helps to establish contact with the visitor. The atmosphere of the store, the psychological attitude and qualifications of the staff, the ability to communicate unobtrusively - all this determines the success of communication with the buyer.

Many studies show that 65-70% of purchasing decisions are made by visitors directly in the store. This means that the lion's share of the profits of the retail trade is brought by impulse, i.e. unplanned purchases. When making such purchases, buyers are guided not by reason and logic, but by feelings and emotions. It was these factors that formed the basis of the concept of communication merchandising.

In any communications that merchandising operates, it is possible to single out the image and information components.

What is visual merchandising?

Visual merchandising is the activities that retailers carry out to organize the retail space and present the product in such a way as to maximize sales.

Visual merchandising is not only about eye-catching storefronts. It includes a lot more! Store layout and product display, lighting and music, advertising and navigation elements, color solutions of the trading floor. All this together, if it is organized correctly and harmoniously, creates that unique and friendly atmosphere in the retail outlet, which helps to increase sales.

Visual merchandising is the rules and laws that are applicable and work for any store, regardless of what goods it sells, food, clothing and footwear, medicines or stationery. If you have a retail outlet, and you have opened the doors of the store and are waiting for customers, then you are already engaged in Visual Merchandising and the only question is how effectively.

The practice of visual merchandising requires creativity, inspiration, logic and organization. It's a mix of science and art. When a retail space acquires “visual meaning”, it begins to attract the attention of customers and make them want to enter the store, familiarize themselves with the assortment and, most importantly, make a purchase! This is what Visual Merchandising can do for a store.

What are visual merchandisers responsible for?

  1. Organization of the trading space. Using their knowledge and experience, attention to detail and imagination, they make the product “pleasing to the eye” and the visitors have a desire to buy it!
  2. Graphics. Graphics and large posters create an additional emotional background for the product, also performing a navigational and informative function.
  3. Display of goods. To effectively present a product, a visual merchandising specialist works in conjunction with a retailer specialist (buyer, category manager, etc.). This is necessary to understand the strategy and target audience of the retail outlet.
  4. Lighting. Proper lighting play big role in the visual perception of the product by the buyer. Adjusting the level and type of lighting is also part of the visual merchandiser's arsenal.
  5. Shop equipment. The visual merchandiser, in cooperation with the designer, helps to select or develop retail equipment that the best way will be suitable for a certain product.
  6. Shop floor design. The visual merchandiser is always involved in the process of creating a new or updating an existing store. Collaborating at this stage with the interior designer and project manager for opening the store. It keeps the focus of interests of both the retailer and the customers.
  7. Price tags and POS materials. The visual merchandiser works closely with the marketing department to ensure that the right place convey the marketing message to customers on the sales floor.