Top blogger Varlamov is suing Business Online. How did such appeals end?

Ilya Varlamov appealed to the Tatarstan Arbitration Court on May 30. He estimated his claims against the publication at 1.23 million rubles: he demands 1.16 million as compensation for illegal reproduction of content and 70 thousand rubles for violation of exclusive rights.

The list of content that appears in the blogger's lawsuit is very voluminous.

On the eve of the preliminary meeting, MK-Povolzhye contacted the director of Business Media Holding Rashid Galyamov for clarifications on the trial, but there was no answer.

The publication itself contained material with explanations of the case. Its content clarified: “The lawyers representing the interests of the blogger consider the publication of 50 of his photographs on our website over the past five years as a copyright infringement. Some of the photos have been used multiple times, bringing the total number of cases of alleged copyright infringement to 58,” writes BUSINESS Online in its article.

"Business Media Holding" pleaded guilty... Partially.

Preliminary meeting Arbitration Court on consideration of the case No. A65-12234 / 2016 on the statement of claim of Varlamov to Business Media Holding LLC was scheduled for June 29, 9.30. In general, no one hoped for Varlamov himself to appear in court, but the journalists wanted to figure out the representative of the plaintiff in advance.

As Judge Svetlana Korotenko explained during the presentation of the participants in the process, Ilya Varlamov petitioned for a preliminary court hearing without the participation of himself and his representatives. This is understandable, given that the blogger lives in Moscow. The respondent was represented by lawyer Elena Tsirkunova. When asked by the judge whether Business Media Holding LLC recognizes the claims made by the plaintiff, Tsirkunova confirmed that she does. Partially.

We admit that we were wrong in eight out of fifty-eight cases of using Ilya Varlamov's photographic materials. At the same time, six of them were taken on third-party resources, and we still do not know who actually owns the authorship. We found the sources of three photos and made screenshots, where there is no question of authorship,” Tsirkunova said.

At the same time, Business Media Holding asked to reduce the amount of compensation presented in the lawsuit for each illegally used photo, and is ready to compensate for 10 thousand rubles. Recall that Varlamov estimates the amount of compensation at 1.23 million rubles.

By quoting an article Civil Code Russian Federation, Elena Tsirkunova led to the fact that public figures do not need to be asked permission to reproduce quotes and use materials, including photos, published on their personal pages of electronic resources.

The most interesting thing is that Varlamov, in general, is not against the free use of his materials and photos on private pages on social networks, but for commercial purposes, you just need to get permission. This is exactly what some major electronic publications and print media did, and now they publish his materials with success and without subsequent lawsuits, the blogger writes on social networks.

It turns out that the editors simply did not ask permission from Varlamov?

Varlamov, Kazan and BUSINESS Online

The statement of claim contains materials about the Kazan chronicles of the blogger.

Recall that the capital of Tatarstan more than once fell into the blogger's narratives. For example, in the post “Where is it good to live in Russia?” According to the results of 2015, Varlamov put Kazan in the 35th place out of 49 (16 thousand rubles per person per year) in the rating of Russian cities in terms of spending per capita. Then, among the poorest, he noted Samara, Ulyanovsk, Omsk and Makhachkala (no more than 12 thousand rubles per inhabitant per year).

Given the popularity of the blogger, the photographs taken by Varlamov now and then appear on the pages of various online publications, and journalists often quote his comments. In the spring of 2015, Varlamov published materials on the “good” and “bad” Kazan on his blog. For example, he criticized the state of Kazan courtyards without parking, new houses in the city center and transport interchanges near the Kremlin. “It seems that the city is being handled by cabinet architects moles, who were dug up in the old closet of the Soviet design institute,” the blogger wrote. At the same time, the blogger praised the Bulak Embankment, the Kremlin, the building of KNRTU-KAI named after. Tupolev, the Palace of Water Sports and a number of other objects.

And "BUSINESS Online" actively covered Varlamov's travels. But for some reason, in the materials posted after his visit to Kazan last spring, there are no photos on the publication's website, although links to them are indicated (social networks, LJ are quoted). For what reason did the editors consider it necessary to remove previously posted illustrations? Indeed, most likely, the defendant should not have worried about these photographs, following the logic that he outlined in court, since he attributed most of the photographs to the object of citation.

I must say that just on the eve of the blogger’s Kazan travels, there were changes in the leadership of the editorial office of BUSINESS Online itself. In January 2015, the editor-in-chief Rinat Bilalov, who had worked in the publication since 2008, left it. He was appointed Deputy General Director for Information Policy of Tatspirtprom. Together with Rashid Galyamov, they worked for more than 10 years, starting with the launch of the Orient Express newspaper in 2000. Given such a long joint cooperation, the change of editor was at least unexpected for the media community of Tatarstan. Later, Aleksey Brusnitsyn was appointed chief editor of the publication, who had significantly less experience in managing the editorial office than his predecessor.

It is also worth adding that this is not the first incident in the relationship between the publication and its management with the blogging community. Thus, the former press secretary of the first president of Tatarstan, Irek Murtazin, who was once convicted of inciting social hatred according to Mintimer Shaimiev, addressed Rashid Galyamov in his blog with the post “Live in the present, Rashid!”. The post arose in response to the posted material, according to Murtazin, with unreliable information. The author of the appeal addressed an interesting thesis to his opponent: “Rashid Galyamov gained fame by working in the Youth of Tatarstan newspaper together with Irek Murtazin, who was convicted at the request of Mintimer Shaimiev for inciting social hatred towards social group representatives of the authorities". It looked like a hint that he, too, can play with words and give facts, possibly unpleasant for the founder of the publication. As the author of LiveJournal wrote, Galyamov at one time turned to him for help in starting a "newspaper for the smart."

In the midst of a tense period of sanctions against Russia, at the time of the unfolding events in the Donbass, in December 2014 the editorial office received a warning from Roskomnadzor for publications that contained calls for a change in the constitutional order.

And for the sake of justice, it must be said that the editorial office of the newspaper has repeatedly put on the agenda the question of the relationship between the republic and the federal center. Also, it was the question from the editors of Business Online at the last press conference of Vladimir Putin that dealt with relations between Tatarstan and Turkey. At the previous similar press conference, the journalist of the publication addressed the head of state with a question about the title of the position of the head of the republic. The President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov himself, at meetings with the journalistic community, has repeatedly stressed that he supports the policy of the President of Russia.

O judicial practice on business

As the representative of the intellectual property agency Renat Khaliullin told MK-Povolzhye, now the minimum fine for copyright infringement is 10 thousand rubles, and the maximum is 5 million rubles. In each specific case, the court decides what exactly the violations were, whether they were repeated, and, accordingly, makes a decision based on this.

Have there been requests from copyright holders in your practice regarding illegal use photo materials in the media, did they reach the court?

Yes, we meet with such practice, but it was not necessary to bring such cases to court. Usually we write a claim from our client to a specific media that violated copyrights, pointing out the possible consequences of using other people's intellectual property.

- How did such appeals end?

According to statistics, at least in Tatarstan, 60 percent of our clients do not bring their case to court. Most copyright holders, in principle, only need to stop using their intellectual property, or indicate authorship. Typically, violators apologize to copyright holders or immediately remove illegally used content from a particular site. Litigation, as a rule, is not necessary for either side.

The editors did not publicly apologize for the blogger's copyright infringement. Time will tell how the trial of IP Varlamov and Business Media Holding will end. Judging by the fact that the editors have already partially recognized the violation of rights, they will most likely look for options for a settlement agreement.

Ilya Alexandrovich Varlamov was born on January 7, 1984 in Moscow. Studied at the Moscow Architectural Institute. Businessman, public figure, well-known blogger, one of the top ten bloggers in Russia. He founded iCube advertising and development agency. Known as an amateur photographer blogger, he is the author of a blog in LiveJournal. Conducts human rights activities. In 2011, he established the Glass Bolt Award. With his partner Maxim Kats, he created the City Projects Foundation, whose activities are aimed at studying the problems and improving the conditions of Russian cities. He is a co-founder of Koleso-Kolesiko, the official distributor of Peugeot bicycles.

LLC "Business Media Holding" has been operating since 2008. Founder of Business Online. Head - Galyamov Rashid Zamirovich. The publication itself quotes Rashid Galyamov as the director of the Paradigma Publishing House, according to Prima-inform, he is the founder of the organization, owns 100% of the shares, while the director is Galyamova Svetlana Nikolaevna.

Business electronic newspaper "Business Online" registered EL No. FS 77 - 33484 dated 15.10.08 federal service on supervision in the field of communications and mass communications. The founder is Business Media Holding LLC.

Rashid Zamirovich Galyamov was born on September 6, 1969 in the city of Neftekumsk, Stavropol Territory; graduated from Kazan State University majoring in "manager-lawyer"; in different time worked as a freelance correspondent for the editorial office of the Leninskoye Znamya newspaper (Stavropol Territory); Deputy Director of Evergrif LLP (Karachay-Cherkess Republic); correspondent, editor of the department of socio-economic life of the editorial office of the newspaper "Day of the Republic" (Cherkessk). Since 1994, he worked in Tatarstan as a trainee correspondent, editor of the department of economic problems, acting. deputy editor, head of the department of economic problems of the editorial office of the Youth of Tatarstan newspaper, columnist on the economy of the Vechernyaya Kazan newspaper, editor of the Eco-inform Agency, correspondent of the Kazanskoye Vremya newspaper, editor-in-chief, director of Eurasia-Center LLC, chief editor of the newspaper "Orient Express"; CEO IA "Tatar-inform", since 2008 - director of "Business Media Holding" - publisher of "Business Online", founder of "ID" Paradigma ", AIMK" Paradigma Consulting ".

A well-known Russian blogger demands satisfaction from Rashid Galyamov's newspaper for violating his copyright

As it became known to Realnoe Vremya, the Kazan newspaper BUSINESS Online received an invitation to the arbitration court from the Russian top blogger Ilya Varlamov, whose lawyers sued the publication for about 1.2 million rubles. Representatives of the plaintiff found materials on the website of the scandalous newspaper that were used without the permission of the copyright holder. At the same time, the volume of violations expressed in the amount of the claim by the Kazan publication turned out to be the largest of all the media with whom Varlamov is suing - from the Tver News Agency to the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

Taken without asking?

Tomorrow, a trial between a Russian Internet entrepreneur, a top amateur photographer blogger Ilya Varlamov and the Kazan electronic publication BUSINESS Online will start in the Tatarstan arbitration. The defendant in the court is the publisher of the media - Business Media Holding LLC.

The claim dated May 30, 2016 accepted for consideration by the Arbitration Court of Tatarstan states that IP Varlamov demands to recover from the newspaper 1.16 million rubles in compensation for illegal reproduction and 70 thousand rubles in compensation for violation of exclusive rights to some objects of his copyright.

Varlamov did not comment on the litigation, saying that he did not publicly discuss his “showdowns” with the media. The editor-in-chief of BUSINESS Online, Alexei Brusnitsyn, did not talk about the lawsuit by phone, recommending that a written request be sent to the editorial office. After several days of waiting, the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya in the editorial office of BUSINESS Online was told that there would be no comment, and the position of the media would be reflected in the editorial material.

The claim accepted by the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Tatarstan states that IP Varlamov demands to recover from the newspaper 1.16 million rubles in compensation for illegal reproduction and 70 thousand rubles in compensation for violation of exclusive rights to some objects of his copyright. Photo by Maxim Platonov

More than RBC and VGTRK

It is worth noting that BUSINESS Online managed to get a record-breaking lawsuit from the blogger - he has never issued an invoice for such a tidy sum to anyone, at least this year. Although Varlamov has already managed to initiate 15 lawsuits against various publications.

Among the serious federal media, to which the blogger has claims, were, for example, RBC (a claim for the recovery of 180 thousand rubles), Publishing House Komsomolskaya Pravda (120 thousand rubles), All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (570 thousand rubles). The newspaper "BUSINESS Online" found itself in the company of Varlamov's offenders, along with such regional media as LLC "Information Agency" Nord Media Company (IA Dvina-Inform), LLC and LLC Tver Information Agency.

Probably, in the case of BUSINESS Online, we are talking about photographs, most likely of Kazan, which the blogger published in his LiveJournal. On the website of the newspaper, which differs from other Kazan media in its poorly concealed reverence for the city authorities, you can find two news items based on Varlamov's blog about his arrival in Kazan, under which the captions "Photo: Ilya Varlamov's Live Journal" remained. True, now the photos have been removed from the site of the Kazan edition.

money or traffic

Note that most of the litigation ends in favor of Ilya Varlamov. The blogger is suing quite successfully. On October 7, 2015, the Moscow Arbitration Court fully satisfied his claim against the Komsomolskaya Pravda publishing house in the amount of 480 thousand rubles. Varlamov demanded 400 thousand rubles from the Omskinform agency. The court halved the claim, valuing 17 stolen photos, including a photo of the same kitten, at 200,000 rubles.

Sometimes a blogger negotiates with the media about some kind of offset. For example, for traffic. In the database of courts, you can see how the editors agreed to pay for the fact of using photos broken down by months, or as a compensation they offered to post links.

Varlamov demanded 400 thousand rubles from the Omskinform agency. The court halved the claim, valuing 17 stolen photos, including a photo of the same kitten, at 200,000 rubles

Here, for example, in the text of the settlement agreement with Komsomolskaya Pravda there are such conditions:"Respondent JSC" Publishing House "Komsomolskaya Pravda" in the period from December 01, 2015 to December 01, 2016 in the information and communication network Internet on the websites,,, .ru through the online advertising placement systems Adriver or Adfox places text announcements of materials published on the plaintiff's website Specifications placement of text announcements of materials should ensure the transition of visitors (readers) of the defendant's websites to the plaintiff's website by clicking the visitor (reader). For the period from December 01, 2015 to December 01, 2016, the defendant provides 2,000,000 (two million) transitions (clicks) from the sites, to the plaintiff's website Text announcements of materials are placed by the defendant in text-graphic blocks of 300x120 pixels or 300x300 pixels through placement on the specified sites.

In a word, there are a lot of ways to make peace with a blogger, but whether the editors of BUSINESS Online, known for their principled position on any disputes, will go to the world is a big question...

Rashid Galyamov's newspaper has a decent history of various conflicts that it initiated or got involved in. Photo by Maxim Platonov

Straight into battle

It should be noted that there are also quite a lot of litigations on the account of BUSINESS Online. Only in arbitration, even without taking into account other courts, is there a decent history of various conflicts that Rashid Galyamov's newspaper initiated or got involved in. At least one of them again concerned a relaxed attitude to other people's rights. In 2012, CJSC Publishing House Komsomolskaya Pravda filed a lawsuit against BUSINESS Online to recover 180,000 rubles in compensation for violation of property copyrights to works. As a result, the claim was partially satisfied: the court ordered BUSINESS Online to pay 90,000 rubles in compensation for violation of exclusive copyrights to works, 6,100 rubles for notary services, 5,554 rubles 80 kopecks for transportation costs, 3,200 rubles for payment costs state duty.

In 2010, "Business Media Holding" filed a lawsuit LLC " Management Company Uyutny Dom with a demand to publish a refutation of the article “Uyutny Dom acquired a debtor-clone”, as well as to send a refutation to the owners of the premises of multi-apartment residential buildings, which are managed by Uyutny Dom Management Company LLC. As a result, the claim was returned. Uyutny Dom Management Company was noticed among the advertisers of this news portal.

In 2011, businessman Leonid Baryshev filed two lawsuits against the Kazan publication at once. The defendants in the first lawsuit of the mayonnaise king were the first assistant to the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Muratov Ravil Fatykhovich and Business Media Holding LLC. The plaintiff demanded a retraction of the article, which, according to him, contained data discrediting the company's reputation. The claim was satisfied in part. Second claim for the recognition of information untrue, discrediting business reputation and the demand to refute this informationBaryshev took it himself.

In 2011, businessman Leonid Baryshev filed two lawsuits against the Kazan publication at once. Photo

The archives of the Arbitration Court also contain lawsuits against an online publication from CJSC Volgogradsky steel plant Krasny Oktyabr, Volgograd (the claim was satisfied in whole or in part) and CJSC Kazan Ecological Complex, Kazan (the most recent - in January 2016, the claim was rejected).

Maria Gorozhaninova


LLC "Business Media Holding" registered February 18, 2008. The main activity is publishing books. The head and founder is Rashid Zamirovich Galyamov. Authorized capital- 1.5 million rubles (as of July 27, 2011).

Both heads of "Tatmedia" - joint-stock company and the republican agency for press and mass communications - headed the press service of the head of Tatarstan.

Airat Zaripov head of the presidential press office Mintimer Shaimiev after Irek Murtazin. After the high-profile scandal associated with Murtazin, Zaripov tried to be invisible in the information field. When Shaimiev retired, Minnikhanov sent Zaripov to command Roskomnadzor. In 2015, Zaripov was remembered and transferred to the Tatmedia agency, instead of the one who left for PJSC Tatspirtprom Ireka Minnakhmetov.

Andrey Kuzmin at the beginning of the century he was one of the brightest journalists of the Efir television company. While serving as Minnikhanov's press secretary, he launched one of the best regional government websites in Russia, Mindful of these merits of his press secretary, Minnikhanov sends Kuzmin to command Tatmedia JSC. This happens exactly one year after the appointment of Zaripov.

The Tatmedia agency was created by Shaimiev in 2009 as a counterbalance to the media empire Andrey Grigoriev. Joint-stock company with the same name appeared in 2007. The decree was also signed by Shaimiev.

Grigoriev, by the middle of the 2000s, owns several television companies, radio stations and newspapers, including the Orient Express. He has an absolute monopoly on the news market of Tatarstan. Under the leadership of Tatmedia, they unite the media that exist at the expense of state subsidies. Leading the new formation Marat Muratov.

At that time Rashid Galyamov organizes with a group of like-minded people a news site known today as "Business Online". Shortly before this, Galyamov was successively fired from Grigoriev's Orient Express, and then from Muratov's Tatmedia. By 2010, Galyamov takes away Grigoriev's monopoly on information in the republic.

In 2010, the first person in Tatarstan is changing. The new president does not watch Gorod in the evenings, but reads the news on the Internet. He understands the growing influence of Business Online. And before "Tatmedia" is placed new task. To solve it, in 2012 the leader was replaced by the young Minnakhmetov. Tatmedia buys the franchise of the RBC website, but the reform of the holding stalls on this.

In parallel with Minnakhmetov, the apparatus of the head of Tatarstan is launching another media project. Its ideologist is the person responsible for internal politics in the republic Alexander Terentiev. Entrepreneur leads the project Yaroslav Muraviev. He buys up several regional VKontakte groups and launches the news site. Thanks to reposts of news from the site in groups, the resource quickly overtakes Business Online and Tatmedia sites, including IA Tatar Inform and regional RBC in terms of traffic. Between Muraviev and "Tatmedia" confrontation begins in the apparatus of the head of Tatarstan.

A new round of reforms in Tatmedia begins only in 2016 with the advent of Kuzmin. The changes are the most global for the entire period of the holding's existence. Almost all editors change. Together with many print media, Tatmedia is giving up the RBC franchise, thus closing Minnakhmetov's flagship project. The holding gets rid of the old masters - the director of IA "Tatar-Inform" Leonid Tolchinsky and director of the TV company "Kazan" Madina Timerzyanova. Tolchinsky, apparently, is going to be promoted, heading the faculty of journalism at Kazan Federal University. Timerzyanova - for a fall, to the TNV television company close to Tatmedia. There she becomes the head of the news service. TV company KZN is closed. In addition, Kuzmin manages to win a hardware war with Muravyov, and comes under the leadership of the holding.

By 2016 Grigoriev's empire is suffering a systemic crisis. An old enemy comes to the rescue in the person of old friends Kuzmin and Zaripov. For two years in a row, Minnikhanov says that Tatmedia needs to work in social networks, as well as search for new communication channels. And listening to this, Zaripov and Kuzmin direct the money released from the closure of publications to television.

Kuzmin, in an interview with Tatar-Inform dedicated to the 10th anniversary of Tatmedia, called the main achievement of the holding the preservation of almost all printed publications and their subscriptions. These are 98 newspapers - regional, city and republican, as well as 15 magazines. Plus - 17 TV channels, 11 radio stations, 87 websites and Tatar-Inform. The staff is 2000 people.

“You must agree that if the print media is closed somewhere in the region, then for the people living there, this is a serious blow. In fact, the population of a large territory is deprived of information about what and how their area lives. This cannot be allowed!" Kuzmin said.

The closure of newspapers and magazines is a natural economic process that Tatmedia opposes in Tatarstan. Thus, they are lobbying the interests of their printing complex, in which huge money was invested under Muratov. With the reduction of circulation, these capacities will become useless to anyone.

Kuzmin, defending the interests of the holding, of course, first of all, addresses the head of Tatarstan. Kuzmin's main argument is that villagers cannot receive news from the Internet, as people in the city do. There is a triple slyness in his words.

Firstly, according to the data of the Ministry of Informatization and Communications of the Republic of Tatarstan, in 2016 in Tatarstan there are 1 million fixed-line users. broadband internet and 2.8 million - mobile. Moreover, small settlements, with a population of 250 to 500 people: 29.7 thousand households in 222 villages and hamlets (100%).

Secondly, information spreads much faster in the villages than in the city. If, for example, some incident occurs in the area at night, then by morning the whole area will know about it.

Thirdly, Tatmedia publications in the districts are loyal to the heads municipalities. So they won't run. main function Media: public control over the work of officials. Thus, ordinary residents of the districts cannot complain to the local media about their troubles.

In 2016, Minnikhanov urged Tatmedia to work more actively with social networks On September 21, 2017, he recalled that various gadgets have become the main way to disseminate information, and readers need to be offered prompt and high-quality content.

The budget of the republic and corporations with state participation allocate about 2 billion rubles for the maintenance of Tatmedia. This money is one of the largest in Russia, which the regions spend on controlled media.

Tatmedia's problem lies not only in the structure of the holding itself. Strategic leadership agency and holding is carried out from the apparatus of the head of Tatarstan. Terentiev has a great influence on the agency. But the main decisions, including personnel decisions, are made by the chief of staff of the head of Tatarstan Asgat Safarov. He is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tatmedia JSC.

The information policy of the apparatus of the head of Tatarstan is to hush up acute problems. Thanks to this, many private media have appeared in the republic, the flagship of which today is Business Online.

Muravyov had the strength to maneuver between Safarov and readers' requests. Although lost hopelessly in terms of the level of issues raised by Business Online. The reason for this was the constant pulling and prohibitions coming from the apparatus of the head of the Republic of Tatarstan. Apparently, these pulls allowed, in the end, Tatmedia to subdue

Zaripov's work, in fact, comes down to a courier: he conveys to his employees the orders received in the Kazan Kremlin. Thus, the information policy in Tatarstan is commanded by people who have worked for many years in the apparatus or in law enforcement agencies, and not familiar with PR.

Another problem of "Tatmedia" is the lack of education of professional personnel within itself. Not a single bright journalist has emerged from the depths of the holding over these 10 years. none of former employees Tatmedia does not make a career in federal publications in Moscow. All the people with "names" who work at Tatmedia today came from outside and grew professionally in other companies. It is significant that Minnakhmetov, having headed Tatspirtprom JSC, invited not a person from the holding, where he worked for 3 years, but the former editor-in-chief of Business Online to the position of Deputy Director for Information Policy Rinata Bilalova.

"We are not to blame - we were given unreliable reports!" Rustam Minninkhanov reported. He did not know anything - neither about TFB-Finance, nor about the substitution of guarantors and the withdrawal of funds - they took the word of the managers! Read more about the situation on the only truthful media in Tatarstan "BUSINESS Online"

Galyamov Rashid Zamirovich addresses the people of Tatarstan:"People of Tatarstan! It's time to remove the thief Minnikhanov from his post! The people of Tatarstan are for the impeachment of Minnikhanov!”

Come to our office! Tell us what you know about Rustam Minnikhanov, together we will win. Power is in the truth!

It's time to make all the dirty deeds of our leader and his fakes, especially the general from the Federal Penitentiary Service - Daufit Khamadishin, who repeatedly put pressure on our business newspaper, become the property of the country! We will write to the President of Russia - Vladimir Putin, we will complain to the presidential administration, we will write to the Prosecutor General's Office, we will look for the truth in all sources. You are all indulging in sin by your inaction! Anyone who knows about a thief and has not said anything about him to anyone is also a thief!

Why do we call for the overthrow of the existing government of Tatarstan?

Ask yourself next questions and you will understand everything.

    Could Khalikov and Minnikhanov really be so unaware of what is happening in the TFB?

    War has been declared on the Russian Federation. Hybrid and sacred. This time the note was read not from Washington or Kyiv, but from Kazan, the capital of Tatarstan.

    « Today, Putin should have a report from the heads of regions on how his famous assignment in Yoshkar-Ola was carried out. No one has any illusions, but many of these days have felt the bitterness of defeat and resentment. There is another feeling - the expectation of the next blow. From where, no one knows yet ... ".

    Let us explain to the reader that this quote is not from the "bulletin" of the Tatar national separatists. It is taken from an editorial article by the main mouthpiece of the Kazan Kremlin, the “business newspaper of Tatarstan” Business-Online (hereinafter referred to as BO), published on December 1. As a photo-fact of the expectation of a “preemptive strike” from Moscow, a photo was attached to the text of the editorial a large number people with Tatarstan flags in Kazan. With signature: "An undeclared hybrid war is going on against Tatarstan. Very thin but effective. Outwardly, everything looks like a chain of unrelated events. » .

    As indisputable evidence of the "war", the article presents a very recent fact in terms of chronology - a meeting of the State Council of Tatarstan from 29th of November. The very same where the full complement of deputies unanimously “leaked” the “obligation” for the Tatar language in the schools of the republic. Around this meeting and the rather hysterical theme that Moscow “wants to destroy the national languages ​​of the peoples of Russia”, the anti-Russian pathos of the article is wound up. As a reinforcement of the thesis "about Moscow's strike" on the national identity of the peoples of Russia, the BO uses a petition from representatives of a part of the Tatar intelligentsia to the President of Tatarstan R Ustam Minnikhanov. The meeting of the State Council on November 29, where even the ex-president is the state adviser of Tatarstan Mintimer Shaimiev did not dare to object "on the language issue", the signers of the petition considered a betrayal.

    « We are observing with alarm and disappointment the situation when the State Council actually stepped aside from protecting the foundations of the constitutional order, equality of the state languages ​​of the republic and the republican law “On Education”. Currently, Tatarstan schools, as a result of inspections carried out by the prosecutor's office and orders issued that contradict federal and republican legislation in the field of education, significantly reduce the number of hours allotted for teaching the Tatar language. Schools are forced to switch to a voluntary order of teaching the Tatar language, which actually makes it an optional activity. As a result, in educational process the equal rights of the Tatar and Russian languages ​​are opposed. Moreover, in the information field of the republic, rumors are being intensively circulated that in the near future, at a meeting of the State Council, the question of excluding the Tatar language from the compulsory school curriculum may arise., — said the national intellectuals the day after the "historic" meeting of the State Council.

    The fact that the BO refers to this statement as proof of Moscow's war against Tatarstan is rather amusing. The list of signatories includes an ideological supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood banned in Russia Ruslan Aisin, editor-in-chief of the site Truly, founded by another defender of the Islamists Heydar Jemal. It should be noted that the now deceased Dzhemal did not put the Tatar language in a penny, considered it a symbol of the backward "Babay" Tatar life. The same point of view on the Tatar culture was shared by all the preachers of the ideology of the "Brothers" who were in Tatarstan not so long ago. At the same time, in the BO itself, in the not so distant past, they fiercely criticized the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and especially the protégé of this organization as president of Egypt Muhammad Morsi. And what about the principled position after that? As in the famous joke: "Either take off the cross, or put on your underpants."

    Needless to say, in what unsightly way the BO exposed the curators from the Kazan Kremlin - they clearly did not plan to reach such a heat there. What's the matter? The "editor" of the BO, which declared war on behalf of Tatarstan, appeared, most likely, as evidence of the desperation of the leadership of this publication represented by Rashida Galyamova(who grew up, by the way, not in Tatarstan, but in Stavropol, in an international environment). It is not clear for what reason, but having moved to Kazan, Galyamov turned into a convinced Tatar nationalist, a “patriot of Tatarstan” (however, he nevertheless married a Russian ...). And now, on the pages of Rashid Zamirovich's publication, in all seriousness, it is said about the "holy war" of the Tatars against Russian "aggression". The article even exploits the name of the Tatar poet-hero Musa Jalil, who, following the secret thought of the author, allegedly urges the Tatars not to be afraid of the guillotine for the sake of preserving the Tatar language. Thus, the editorial board of the BO was added to the comparison of the federal center of Russia with the Third Reich. Further, as they say, nowhere.

    As the main evidence that Russia “attacked Tatarstan without a preliminary declaration of war”, the BO puts forward by no means restoring order in education of the republic and the abolition of "coercion" in Tatar. The "language" theme in the "editorial" is a small dotted line. And the general idea in the text is presented as follows: “In the summer of 2016, long before the collapse of Tatfondbank (TFB), the attacks on AK BARS, the pandemic of crypto channels and other things, familiar PR people, citing sources in Moscow, told one of our journalists: “ Get ready, it will be very hot in Tatarstan soon. An order has been received, research is underway ...". There is a popular legend among bankers that in March 2017, a wall newspaper (or poster) hung in the main building of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on Neglinnaya Street, where employees of the institution congratulated each other on the “capture of Kazan”. " So our birds sang that the feds are looking to buy a Tatar canal for Mochilov RNM and Co.(Rustam Nurgaleevich Minnikhanov and company - EADaily note). Lived up. Telegram civil war”, One of the local Telegram channels wrote the day before, announcing the offer price: 1.5 million rubles at a time and 75 thousand rubles monthly.

    Let's start from the end. In the language of the media R ashida Galyamova, why did the "federals" offer so little for "mochilovo" Rustam Nurgaleevich Minnikhanov? Information campaigns of this level are calculated in much larger amounts than "75 thousand rubles a month." For that kind of money, dear Rashid Zamirovich, you can only hire hipsters who will not “kill” the “victim”, but, on the contrary, will give her extra PR. And as for the "acquainted PR people" who "with reference to sources in Moscow" ... How was it with Vladimir Vysotsky? " Like flies here and there gossip go home". And the publication of BO blows them over the minds ...

    In the summer of 2016, the author of the material often communicated with experts close to the presidential administration of Russia at work, and was often in the State Duma. So. Experts, deputies and their assistants spoke about Tatarstan as one of the most economically stable regions Russia. The federal media then adhered to the installation of more times Mintimer Shaimiev: Don't touch Tatarstan and its elite. The fact that the TFB had problems was known in Moscow then, of course. And what Russian bank or corporation has no problems in crisis period? The collapse of the TFB occurred due to the extreme incompetence of the top management of the bank, and not because Moscow, allegedly, decided to "dunk" the flagship of the Tatarstan economy.

    The creators of BO are right about one thing: Tatarstan was discussed last summer in the competent circles of Moscow. But in a different way. Politicians and experts were worried why Tatarstan, which now and then reports about emerging economic superprojects, does not properly fulfill the famous "m Ai decrees” by Vladimir Putin? Moscow did not understand why the super-prosperous Tatarstan, to which the federal center regularly gives all sorts of concessions, is “in debt as if in silk”?

    Let us quote the brochure on the budget of the republic for 2018 published in October 2017 by the Ministry of Finance of Tatarstan. “As of October 1, the public debt amounted to 93.4 billion rubles and did not change compared to the beginning of the year. Out of 93.4 billion rubles, 85%, that is, 79.1 billion rubles, is restructured debt on a long-term basis. According to the schedule, we will start paying them in 2023. The total amount of debt obligations of the municipalities of the Republic of Tatarstan as of October 1, 2017 amounted to 29.1 billion rubles and decreased by 800 million rubles compared to the beginning of the year, mainly as a result of a decrease in liabilities on loans received from credit institutions. The budget execution in 2018 may be adversely affected by a deficit of 2.7 billion rubles. At the same time, previously attracted budget loans in the amount of 2.3 billion rubles will be returned to the federal budget.” These words, disappointing for the economy of Tatarstan, are a direct speech of the head of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic Radika Gaizatullina.

    So what's the problem? The answer to this question, oddly enough, is given in the editorial board of the BO. “On the maintenance of the media and propaganda, Tatarstan only officially spends 1 billion rubles a year (and not officially, probably more). This money is enough to solve any problems, not only on a republican, but also on a federal scale, ”says an article in a business electronic newspaper declaring war on Russia.

    The moral of this story is this. No need to blame a sick head on a healthy one, Rashid Zamirovich. And if you (or your curators in the Kazan Kremlin) so want to make war with Russia, look at the not so old example of the Dudayev-Maskhadov “ Ichkeria". The regime, which existed due to fraudulent agreements, supported a lot of printed publications of a radical separatist type with Russian money, waged what is now called a “hybrid war” against Russia. The fruits of this war are known - the destruction of the economy of the once prosperous republic, the genocide of the Russian population, the expansion of Wahhabism throughout the Caucasus, the slave trade and the drug trade. However, even the morally weak B Orisa Yeltsin then there was enough willpower to restore order in Chechnya by bringing in troops. D zhokhar Dudayev, Shamil Basaev and other actors of the war against Russia are still cursed throughout Chechnya. Vladimir Putin is not Yeltsin. If any of the “National Patriots” or ethnocrats who have not yet calmed down want to arrange in Tatarstan what the “Ichkerians” did in Chechnya in the 1990s, please. But then don't get offended. The Tatar people will curse such "patriots" and their entire family to the seventh generation.