A short story about the profession of a milling cutter. Composition about the profession Machine operator

Every day we use the products of the labor of a machine operator, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine turning on your computer in the morning, sitting comfortably in your swivel chair at your desk at work, and picking up drawing tools or a pen. It would seem that there is no connection with the profession of a machine operator in such an ordinary day ordinary person no. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the details of which a computer or a pen is made. And who does all these details? That's right, machinist!

In real life, we use the products of the labor of a machine operator every day, but, as a rule, we do not notice them. Imagine, in the morning you turned on your computer, left the house, got into a car or a trolleybus, at work you sat comfortably on a swivel chair at your desk and picked up drawing tools or a pen. There seems to be no connection with machinist profession in such an ordinary day there is no ordinary person. But it only seems at first glance. In fact, there is a connection, and it lies in the details of which the computer, and the trolleybus, and the table, and the pen are made. And who does all these details? That's right, machinist!

So we can safely say that the work of a machine operator is not only necessary, but literally irreplaceable. At the same time, the work of such a specialist is hidden by a veil of secrecy, since he grinds details, both miniature and gigantic in size, in a workshop where only a narrow circle of people have access. And in periodicals, books or films, the specifics of the work of a machine operator are practically not disclosed. Therefore, most of us only approximately know what machine operators do and what are the features of this profession. We decided to correct the "state of things" and introduce you to this mysterious, but so important profession for the development of society.

Who is a machine operator?

A specialist who, using special machines, makes parts for various mechanisms from a variety of materials (most often wood or metal). Since the work of this specialist combines the activities of other working professions (for example, a miller, turner, grinder, gear cutter, etc.), he is able to work on a variety of machines (milling, grinding, turning, etc.).

The name of the profession goes back to the Indo-European word "stan", which means "what is worth". Thus, it directly reflects the main activity of the machine operator: working with stationary devices of various levels of complexity. In its usual form, this profession appeared relatively recently - in the 19th century, when Europe was going through the times of the industrial revolution, and production became mechanized. However, the first machinists can be considered primitive people who carved tools and protection from wood or bone. And only in the twentieth century did automated machines appear, and the profession of a machine operator received official status. working specialty. However, it was divided into several narrow specializations, which depend on the material with which the specialist works:

  • woodworking machine operator- mainly engaged in drilling holes for fixing furniture parts, processing on lathe details, makes blanks for veneer and sews boards into boards on woodworking machines. Everything that accompanies these processes is also the professional duty of a woodworking machine operator: the choice of material, its rejection, the development and reading of drawings, the laying of blanks and finished products;
  • machine tool operator - includes four specializations: turner, miller, driller and grinder. This division is due not only to differences in production activities, but also with the capabilities of machine tools. For example, if a turner grinds parts, then a milling machine processes workpieces (including cutting cavities ranging in size from microns to several meters). In turn, the driller makes through holes different size and cuts the thread, and the grinder carries out the final processing of the metal, working on a grinding machine with abrasive materials. In addition to the main professional duties for working with metal, all metalworking machine operators must develop and read drawings, select material and determine its quality, clean up after work workplace;
  • wide profile machinist- knows the technological chain of manufacturing parts and is able to work on almost all machines and other equipment. Respectively, professional activity such a specialist includes the duties of both a woodworking master and a metalworking master.

With the advent of large and complex machines with program management appeared at the machine operator and one more specialization - the operator of CNC machines. Job Responsibilities such a specialist includes: conducting the material processing process from the control panel, maintenance of multi-purpose machines and manipulators for mechanical feeding of workpieces, adjustment of mechanisms in the process.

What personal qualities should a machinist have?

The profession of a machine operator cannot be called easy - the specialist is almost constantly on his feet, while always in suspense, since the processing of both wood and metal is physically hard work. Besides, work of a machinist involves the exact observance and compliance of the parts manufactured by him with the drawings. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities, how:

Note that the machine operator is also intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist must be able to read drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular the properties of wood or metals, in order to determine the time, processing method, and also to cull low-quality material.

Benefits of being a machinist

AT modern world the production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming more complex, so specialists in their manufacture are not only in demand, but vital. And this is the main the advantage of being a machine operator. By the way, in our country the situation with machine operators has taken a catastrophic situation: the old generation, with extensive work experience, is retiring, and the new one, not only does not yet have sufficient practical skills, is also small in number.

The result of this situation is that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a decent level of remuneration. If even some 5-10 years ago, machine operators received an obscenely small salary, today, if they have the appropriate qualifications, they can count on remuneration for their labor in the range of 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of a machine operator is a pronounced male profession which leaves an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machinists are convinced that this job will turn any shy young man into a strong and self-confident man.

Disadvantages of being a machinist

Disadvantages of being a machinist mainly associated with the need to constantly maintain good physical shape. In this case, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eye is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand work-related physical stress, then it is better for him to leave the profession, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injury, and possibly chronic depression.

In addition, the workplace of the machine operator is very difficult to call comfortable and, since the manufacture of parts involves a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, grease, etc.). Safety regulations require the machine operator to wear protective clothing at all times at work and protective equipment. And it doesn't matter if it's hot in the shop or not.

Finally, this profession is categorically not suitable for those who do not want or cannot constantly improve. After all, technological progress does not stand still, and in order to keep pace with it, the machine operator has to grow professionally, regularly monitoring and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine tool building.

Where can you get a job as a machinist?

Get a job as a machinist can be in any specialized college or technical school that provides training in such specialties as "Woodworking Technology" or "Metalworking Technology". Well, if we take into account the high need for such specialists, then we can say with confidence that such educational establishments available in every Russian city. At the same time, the choice of a technical school or college is not of particular importance, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, is and, we hope, will be quite high.

However, there are also educational institutions that can be called the best technical schools and colleges in Russia specializing in the training of machine operators. These include:

  • Vologda Industrial and Technological College;
  • Krasnoyarsk Instrumental and Metallurgical College;
  • Nytvensky industrial and economic technical school;
  • Moscow Polytechnic College No. 13 named after P.A. Ovchinnikov;
  • Sterlitamak Polytechnic College.

Ministry of General and vocational education Rostov region State budgetary educational institution Rostov region" "Belokalitvinsky multidisciplinary technical school"

CREATIVE PROJECT on the topic:



student gr. 151

Gabrielian A.


E.N. Buyanova

Target- the researcher of his professional abilities and opportunities for obtaining and the profession of a machine operator.


Get acquainted with additional literature on professional self-determination;

Learn the requirements for the profession of a machine operator;

To study your inclinations and abilities and correlate them with the requirements for the chosen profession;

Protect the project.

The history of the profession

Machine operators are people who work on machines. The history of the profession of a machine operator begins in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The development of the profession falls on the dawn of the industrial revolution of the middle of the last century, when industrial equipment was the main tool for work. To date, the profession of a machine operator still holds its position and is successfully used in production.…

Each product is a creation of human hands - from spaceships to a toothbrush. And everywhere the work of the machine operator is invested. Therefore, this profession is treated with special respect.

The work of a machine operator is interesting and varied. From a piece solid metal you can machine a part of any shape, process a part with an accuracy of several millimeters, the parts themselves can be of enormous size.

The importance of the profession for society

Despite the fact that the profession of a machine operator belongs to the category of little-known occupations, its indispensability for society is beyond doubt.

The age of technological progress has significantly reduced the popularity of the machinist profession, giving primacy to computer technology. However, despite this, the industrial sector still needs qualified specialists who can create an individual part for various equipment. Using turning, milling, drilling or grinding machines, the master manually monitors compliance with all parameters of the product and guarantees it. high quality.


Type of profession by subject of work: the subject of labor of a machine operator is a variety of machines and mechanisms, therefore the profession belongs to the type of "Man - Technique".

Occupation type by purpose: transformative.

Occupation type by means of labor: manual.

Occupation type according to working conditions: work in "room" conditions.

Profession class: performing (by the nature of work, the profession of a machine operator involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to the model, with strict observance of the rules, regulations, instructions).

Scope of the profession "Machinist"

Machine-building enterprises of various profiles


Railway depots

Construction organizations

Medical instrumentation

Defense and space industry


In the modern world, the production of various parts and machines is constantly increasing and becoming more complicated, so specialists in their manufacture are not only in demand, but vital. And this is the main the advantage of being a machine operator. By the way, in our country the situation with machine operators has taken a catastrophic situation: the old generation, with extensive work experience, is retiring, and the new one, not only does not yet have sufficient practical skills, is also small in number.

The result of this situation is that in the struggle for highly qualified specialists, employers are ready to offer them a decent level of remuneration. If even some 5-10 years ago, machine operators received an obscenely small salary, today, if they have the appropriate qualifications, they can count on remuneration for their labor in the range of 40-60 thousand rubles.

Well, the most important thing. The profession of a machine operator is a brightly pronounced male profession that leaves an indelible imprint on a person. That is why experienced machinists are convinced that this job will turn any shy young man into a strong and self-confident man.


Disadvantages of being a machinist mainly associated with the need to constantly maintain good physical shape. In this case, the ability to maintain a high degree of concentration and an accurate eye is especially important. If a specialist is not able to withstand work-related physical stress, then it is better for him to leave the profession, since fatigue in the workplace can lead to an increased risk of injury, and possibly chronic depression.

In addition, the workplace of the machine operator is very difficult to call comfortable and, since the manufacture of parts involves a large amount of production waste (chips, dust, grease, etc.). Safety rules require the machine operator to wear protective clothing and protective equipment at work at all times. And it doesn't matter if it's hot in the shop or not.

Finally, this profession is categorically not suitable for those who do not want or cannot constantly improve. After all, technological progress does not stand still, and in order to keep pace with it, the machine operator has to grow professionally, regularly monitoring and studying the latest achievements of science and technology in the field of machine tool building.


The profession of a machine operator cannot be called easy - the specialist is almost constantly on his feet, while always in suspense, since the processing of both wood and metal is physically hard work. In addition, the work of the machine operator involves the exact observance and compliance of the parts manufactured by him with the drawings. Therefore, a specialist must have such personal qualities as:


developed sense of space;

accurate eye gauge;

a responsibility;


developed motor skills of the hands;

visual-figurative thinking;

excellent reaction;


A machine operator is also an intellectual profession. Therefore, a specialist must be able to read drawings, know mathematics and physics, the basics of chemistry and materials science, in particular the properties of wood or metals, in order to determine the time, method of processing, and also to cull low-quality material.

Professionally important qualities of a machine operator

physical strength, endurance;

joint-muscular sensitivity;

figurative memory;

linear and volumetric eye;

technical thinking;

spatial imagination;

ability to concentrate and distribute attention;

neuropsychic stability, technical thinking;

drawing skills, sense of symmetry, firmness of the hand, stability of the hands (low tremor).


choose the optimal modes of metal processing, using the technical literature and the passport of the machine;

calculate the optimal processing modes using formulas;

perform installation and removal of workpieces in metalworking equipment;

control CNC machines (computer numerical control), as well as manipulators for supplying workpieces to the workplace;

manage the work of a group of CNC machines;

perform adjustment and adjustment of the work of metal-cutting machines in the process of work;

check the quality and accuracy of processing;

use control and measuring devices;

work on all types of machines in accordance with qualifications;

fulfill Maintenance machine tool equipment.


The principle of operation of the same type of drilling, turning, milling and grinding machines; purpose and conditions for the use of the most common devices, control and measuring tools, special cutting tool; marking and basic mechanical properties of processed materials; rules for sharpening and installing cutters and drills; types of cutters, cutters and their main angles; types of grinding wheels and segments; methods of dressing grinding wheels and conditions for their use; purpose and properties of coolants and oils; system of admissions and landings; quality and roughness parameters.

Medical contraindications

dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system;

limb disorders that limit range of motion;

lung disease;


violations of auditory and visual analyzers;

speech disorders.


Get a job as a machinist can be in any specialized college or technical school that provides training in such specialties as "Woodworking Technology" or "Metalworking Technology". Well, if we take into account the high need for such specialists, then we can say with confidence that there are such educational institutions in every Russian city. At the same time, the choice of a technical school or college is not of particular importance, since the level of training of workers in Russia has always been, is and, we hope, will be quite high.

For myself, I chose (a) GBPOU RO "BKMT"

Professional growth of a machine operator associated with getting additional education, advanced training and rank, expansion and complication of the types of work performed.

Related professions

Sharpener, driller, toolmaker, fitter, planer, planer, universal turner, miller, grinder, woodworking machine tool operator.

As a result of the tasks I completed, I found out that my interests and abilities relate to the field of "human-technical" and when choosing a profession, I am guided by the desire to creative work, interest in new technologies, acquiring the necessary skills and abilities that the chosen profession requires.

In addition, I have an enterprising type of character and I am an extrovert. And this means that it will be easy for me to master the profession of a general machine operator.

The path to achieving the goal

In order to master the profession of a machine operator, in 2015 I entered GBPOU RO "BKMT". As a result of my education, I have achieved excellent results. The acquired knowledge and skills will allow me to become a highly qualified worker in the labor market

A generalist machine operator works in a metalworking industry, in repair shops, repair shops of various industries. This specialty arose in connection with the need for the rapid production of small batches of parts. of varying complexity for the repair of machines and mechanisms. He processes parts made of metal and other materials on turning, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Guided by the drawing of the part, determines the sequence of its manufacture. Selects the necessary tools for this. Uses directories and produces necessary calculations. Selects the cutting mode, adjusts the machine, installs the tool and workpiece, and processes the part. Verifies the dimensions of the part and the quality of its processing with the help of optical instruments. In the process of work, the machine operator uses hand tools, mechanical equipment (turning, drilling, milling, grinding machines) and measuring instruments. Works indoors. The main working posture is the “standing” position.

Harmful factors are high noise levels and dusty air. Possible microtrauma of the hands.

Must know: fundamentals of materials science, theory of resistance of materials, electrical engineering, technical mechanics, technical measurements; device, rules for setting up machine tools and checking them for accuracy, device and rules for using measuring tools, technology for heat treatment, sharpening, finishing tools; principles for calibrating part profiles, classes of accuracy and cleanliness of processing.

Should be able to:"read" drawings; calculate the processing modes of parts from various materials using reference materials; to make adjustment and adjustment of machines; perform processing of parts from different materials on different machines; check the dimensions of parts using measuring tools.

The profession has 2-6 digits. For the successful development of the profession of a machine operator needed: physical strength, sufficient visual and auditory acuity, accurate color discrimination, fine tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, accurate linear and volumetric eye, accurate visual-motor coordination (at the level of movements of both hands), spatial imagination and visual-figurative thinking.

Work Not recommended people suffering from diseases: respiratory organs with frequent exacerbations, cardiovascular system of an unfavorable course; nervous systems s, manifested by bouts of dizziness and loss of consciousness; skin with a primary lesion of the hands, as well as persons with reduced vision and hearing.

Related professions: sharpener, driller, toolmaker, fitter, planer, planer, turner, miller, grinder.


At woodworking and other enterprises, a carpenter performs work on the manufacture of parts, assemblies, products, furniture of varying complexity according to drawings and sketches. The uniqueness of carpentry is that one person must own all the tools of his workshop and various types of woodworking machines in order to make a thing from scratch to its full readiness, which is especially important in the manufacture of furniture. The volume of operations that a carpenter must own is quite large. He planes bar details by hand, glues shields, white-wood and veneered frames, bars heated with high-frequency currents in various devices for assembling products. Prepares product surfaces for veneering, cleans and grinds veneered parts and assemblies, adjusts and fastens parts to assemblies and products with glue and screws. In addition, the carpenter selects, adjusts and hangs doors, performs work on inserting locks, installing and fastening front fittings, mirrors, glass doors and shelves. Sticks upholstery materials on products. Repairs parts and assemblies intended for finishing. Carries out repairs and restoration of cabinet, lattice and bent furniture with the replacement of individual components and parts.

Perhaps the most difficult, but also the most interesting of all types of carpentry work is the manufacture and restoration of furniture.

After all, in recent times more and more antique and artistic furniture appears modern forms, and although the complexity of the execution of such products is higher, their good quality and high consumer value more than compensate for the high labor costs. To perform this work, the carpenter must know all technological process manufacture of furniture and its parts, the main species, properties and defects of wood, as well as other materials used, varnishes, adhesives.

The carpenter profession contributes development of aesthetic taste, imagination and thinking. Working with wood, a material that always conceals unexpected finds, forms special forms of perception: observation, the ability to highlight interesting decorative features of the material. Performed mainly at a natural pace, requiring calmness, the work involves the stability of the emotional sphere, promotes the development of patience and self-control. In the process of mastering the profession, various motor skills and abilities are formed, the accuracy and coordination of movements, the eye are improved.

Choosing this profession need to know that it is very important for a carpenter to have good eyesight, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and diseases accompanied by bouts of dizziness and loss of consciousness are undesirable.


The turner is one of the most widespread specialties of metalworking, since lathes are the largest group of machine tools in machine shops. A turner is a profession necessary in all sectors of the national economy, therefore, a constantly high level of demand for specialists in this profession remains.

Turning is the processing of metals and non-metal materials by cutting. Cutting is the sequential removal of metal layers (chips) from the workpiece using a cutting tool. In this way, the shape, size and quality of the parts specified by the drawing are achieved.

Turner-universal - a highly skilled worker-machine operator. His work is varied. He produces an external turning of the workpiece, giving it a cylindrical, conical or shaped shape;

internal boring of the product, cutting of internal and external grooves and threads of various profiles; drilling various holes, product finishing. At the same time, the turner, according to the technology according to the drawings, making the necessary calculations, manufactures the part completely or does partial turning, then transferring the part to other machines (milling, grinding, slotting, and others). The dimensions of the parts are different: from tenths of a millimeter to tens of meters. Therefore, small desktop machines are used for processing the smallest parts, and giant machines that process parts with a diameter of up to 3 m, a length of up to 30 m and a weight of up to 1700 tons. Both small and large machines require high accuracy and cleanliness of processing.

The work of a turner requires not only special knowledge, but also development of certain qualities: technical thinking, spatial representations, memory for numbers and shapes, developed attention, the ability to think logically. When setting up the machine, an important role is played by the eye, which helps to accurately install fixtures, the coordination of the movements of both hands when operating the machine (a feature of the work of a turner is that the hands simultaneously produce different movements, and this requires considerable training) and a certain physical strength. It is important that the worker develops, along with the qualities already listed, the subtlety of auditory perceptions when controlling the rhythm of the machine. A significant part of the working time of a universal turner is given to control and measuring operations. The high demands on accuracy necessitate careful measurements. Therefore, it is very important to have sharp vision, which makes it possible to notice small differences in shape. An important role is played by color perception, since the turner determines by the color of the chips whether the cutting mode is correctly determined (the color of the chips changes when different speed turning).

Must know: rules for setting up and checking for accuracy of lathes various types; ways to install fasteners and align parts; methods for determining the technological sequence of processing and choosing the optimal cutting conditions; rules for heat treatment, sharpening, finishing and installation of cutting tools; profile calibration principles; diagram of the plasma heating installation and measures to ensure its safe operation; rules for setting up a plasma torch; properties of cooling and lubricating fluids; a system of tolerances and fits, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (cleanliness of processing).

Choosing this profession need to know that exist factors of production negatively affecting the health of the turner: increased noise level, metal dust, emulsion vapors and oils in the air. Therefore, persons suffering from hypertension, chronic lung diseases with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and who have had tuberculosis, who have ear diseases with persistent hearing loss and diseases accompanied by bouts of dizziness and loss of consciousness are not allowed to study in this specialty.

Machine tools (milling machine operator, woodworking machine tool operator, etc.) and locksmith professions.


The sower of the reasonable, kind, eternal - they say about the TEACHER. Pedagogical activity requires a special vocation, which is based on love for children. It is not for nothing that all the great teachers, dreaming of a school of joy and creating it, loved children immensely. The teacher provides training and education of students, taking into account the specifics of the taught subject, contributes to the formation of a common culture of the individual. Uses a variety of forms, methods, techniques and teaching aids, including individual plans, accelerated courses within state standards. Ensures the implementation of the curriculum, the achievement and confirmation of the levels of education by students. Supports academic discipline, the mode of attending classes. Participates in the development educational programs, is responsible for their implementation in full, in accordance with curriculum and the schedule of the educational process, the quality of education of their graduates. Participates in the activities of methodological associations and other forms of methodological work. Systematically increases its professional qualification. Communicates with parents or persons replacing them. Responsible for the life and health of students during the educational process.

Pedagogical activity requires from a person of certain qualities: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. He must control his behavior, manage it. The teacher's speech should be expressive, emotional, persuasive.

Must know:"The Law on Education", the basics of general theoretical disciplines in the amount necessary to solve pedagogical problems, the theory of methodology, psychology, age physiology, school hygiene, the methodology of the taught subject, educational work, requirements for equipment and equipment classrooms, teaching aids and their didactic capabilities, modern trends in the development of education. Pedagogical colleges, pedagogical institutes, and universities prepare teachers for the secondary general education school. Most of the professionals who Teacher Education, work in a secondary school as a teacher primary school, teachers of individual disciplines. The work of a teacher is also used in boarding schools, colleges, technical schools, preschool institutions, institutions of additional education.

Work Not recommended people with mental disorders, diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of a severe course, persistent visual and hearing impairments, chronic infectious and skin-venereal diseases that are bacterial and virus carriers, as well as those who have bad habits(smoking, drug addiction, alcoholism).

Must know: own subject and its pedagogical specifics, be able to combine academic work with educational work, to know the class, the group, the level of its knowledge; should know each student, the conditions in which he lives, his weak and strengths, should be able to individualize depending on this approach to it; should enjoy authority among the guys, enjoy their trust and respect, own the teaching methodology; be able to prepare a lesson, methodically think it over; be able to transfer their knowledge to others, help the student to assimilate the material being communicated, apply the knowledge gained in practice; know age features perception and thinking of the child, the conditions of his development at each age.

Requirements to vocational training. The teacher works with the whole class and he needs to keep many students in his field of vision, to notice all the changes in their behavior. Thus, observation, distribution of attention, its switchability are professionally important qualities of a teacher. Pedagogical activity requires a person and certain volitional qualities: endurance, patience, consistency, perseverance, self-control. He must control his behavior, manage it. Correct speech is very important in the teaching profession, which should be distinguished by expressiveness, emotionality, and persuasiveness. The teacher should be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, understandably for the children.

Related specialties: educator in a preschool institution, educator of an extended day group, tutor, tutor, head of a private school.


In city and district medical institutions, the paramedic is an assistant to the doctor and works directly under his supervision. In rural areas, independently provides inpatient, outpatient care, home care, often performing the functions of a doctor.

The profession has specialties:

1) paramedic "Ambulance" - works mainly in the institutions of the service "Ambulance", leaves on a call to provide first aid to the patient. According to the examination makes a preliminary diagnosis. If necessary, calls a doctor or a team of specialists. Carries out transportation of patients during hospitalization. Performs medical manipulations: intravenous infusions, injections, dressings, etc.;

2) medical assistant-laboratory assistant - takes materials (blood, gastric juice, etc.), prepares preparations for microscopy;

3) a military paramedic - conducts a reception and medical checkup, as well as treatment in military units, on ships in the absence of a doctor or under his supervision;

4) a paramedic of psycho-neurological institutions - in places where there is no psychiatrist, sends identified or applied for help mental patients to a hospital and monitors them after discharge;

5) medical assistant-obstetrician - delivers, carries out patronage of pregnant women and infants, measures to prevent female and child mortality;

6) sanitary paramedic - carries out a sanitary examination food enterprises, baths, showers, all types of disinfection on your site, draws up acts of sanitary inspection, etc.

The paramedic works in constant contact with people (except for the paramedic-laboratory assistant), in one or two shifts, round-the-clock duty, work on holidays and weekends are possible. Often on the road. Labor is associated with significant physical exertion, nervous stress (the need to provide emergency assistance, correct diagnosis, work with people who are in a different mental state), the danger of contracting infectious diseases.

For effective work paramedic needed: physical endurance, resistance to stress factors, good long-term and RAM, the ability to quickly assess and make operational decisions, observation, responsibility, accuracy, discipline.

Good knowledge required in chemistry, anatomy and human physiology. It is necessary to know the main symptoms of diseases in adults and children, instructions for the use of medicines, compliance with the rules for their accounting and storage, knowledge of the methods and techniques of patient care, the skills of resuscitation of the victim, as well as knowledge and observance of the principles of medical ethics and deontology.

Paramedic work not recommended people with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, mental illness, allergies to drugs, visual impairment (mainly for a laboratory assistant), who are bacterio- and virus carriers. Persons with disabilities due to damage to the musculoskeletal system, hearing impairment, and those suffering from diabetes can successfully work in the specialty of a paramedic-laboratory assistant.

Nurse, teacher at the medical school, pharmacist.


The farmer ensures the production of marketable agricultural products on leased or privately owned land and agricultural machinery.

Organizes and performs a wide range of labor operations. Performs various chores: metalwork, welding, construction, manages machine and tractor units. Engaged in selection, collection, processing, storage and sale of manufactured products. He takes care of increasing the yield, preserving livestock, procuring fodder, fighting pests of agricultural crops, and providing veterinary care.

Farms can specialize in certain industries Agriculture(plant growing, animal husbandry, beekeeping, fishing, etc.) or be complex (diversified). Labor on crop farms is seasonal, carried out during the daytime, and allows wider use of machinery. The livestock farmer is busy throughout the year with approximately equal workload and full time with short breaks, and sometimes at night to regularly provide fodder, clean the premises, and care for the young.

The work of a farmer is fraught with risk due to the “whims” of the weather, competition, fluctuations in prices for equipment and products. The farmer must monitor the state of the market, show flexibility and efficiency in re-profiling production. To the extent necessary, he uses the services of financial, trade, supply, repair, legal and other auxiliary and intermediary structures.

The work of a farmer is physical and mental at the same time, intense, irregular, with a high proportion of manual labor. To him needed interest in nature, diligence, self-discipline, enterprise, practical ingenuity and dexterity.

Must know: fundamentals of crop production, animal husbandry, economics, legal legislation and regulations, land use, monetary relations, tax and customs policy; device, operation, control of machine-tractor units.

The work of a farmer requires sufficient physical strength, endurance, good health, good vision and hearing. When choosing this profession, the following are contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other severe chronic lung diseases. However, with some deviations in the functions of the respiratory and nervous systems, moderate physical labor in the air helps to improve health.

Related professions (specialties): livestock breeder, vegetable grower, tractor driver.


The milling operator works at the enterprises of mechanical engineering and metalworking. On milling machines (horizontal, vertical, copying, multi-spindle, universal and specialized) he processes parts of varying complexity and purpose, conducts their plasma-machining. According to the drawings of the part and the technological map, it determines the sequence of processing the part. Performs the necessary calculations, determines the processing sequence and cutting conditions, adjusts the serviced equipment. By means of measuring tools checks compliance of processing to the set parameters. Installs parts and aligns them in various planes.

To successfully master the profession, you need: visual-motor coordination at the level of hand movements, accurate linear and volumetric eye, ability to concentrate, good visual memory, developed visual-figurative thinking, spatial imagination.

Works individually indoors. Working posture - standing, fixed. A harmful factor is the high noise level.

Must know: rules for setting up and checking for accuracy of serviced machines; features of the operation of the plasma heating installation, measures to ensure its safe operation; methods for setting up a plasma torch; mechanical properties of processed materials; methods of installation, fastening, alignment of workpieces; rules for determining the optimal cutting conditions; rules for heat treatment, sharpening and finishing cutters; a system of tolerances and fits, qualifications (accuracy classes) and roughness classes (cleanliness of processing).

The profession has 2-6th grades.

Choosing this profession need to know that there are production factors that adversely affect health: increased noise levels, metal dust, emulsion vapors and oils in the air. Therefore, this specialty Not recommended persons suffering from hypertension chronic diseases lungs with a tendency to frequent exacerbations (for example, bronchial asthma) and who have had tuberculosis, who have ear diseases with persistent hearing loss and diseases accompanied by bouts of dizziness and loss of consciousness.

Related professions: sharpener, toolmaker, machine operator of a wide profile, turner-station wagon.


Works in watch repair shops, repair shops of watch factories. Watchmaker highly qualified in the workshop, he independently performs all types of repair operations: disassembling the mechanism, identifying a defect, washing components and parts, replacing defective parts, manufacturing simple parts, assembling and adjusting watches.

At the receiving point, the watchmaker-receiver, based on the results of the inspection of the clockwork, determines the malfunctions and places an order. Upon returning the repaired watch from the workshop, before issuing it to the customer, he winds it up and adjusts the accuracy of the movement. If there is no need for repairs, the watchmaker-receiver in the presence of the customer himself corrects minor problems and adjusts the movement.

In the repair shop, the watchmaker performs the following operations: disassembles the watch and identifies defects; washes the parts and components of the mechanism; selects parts and assemblies that require replacement, and manufactures the missing ones; collects watch mechanisms and checks their work. In the process of work, he uses hand tools (screwdrivers, tweezers, a magnifying glass), washing machines, an electronic travel accuracy meter, and others.

The watchmaker works indoors. A forced working posture is characteristic - the “sitting” position. Vision is subjected to increased stress: working with small details, uneven load on both eyes (due to the use of a magnifying glass).

The profession has 2-6 digits.

For the successful development of the profession needed: good tactile and kinesthetic sensitivity, visual-motor coordination at the level of hand movements, the ability to sustain concentration of attention for a long time, spatial imagination, visual-figurative thinking.

Must know: clockwork device; manufacturing technology of various types of watches; sequence of assembly-disassembly operations of watches; the main types of faults, ways to identify and eliminate them; rules for processing manufactured parts; detergent formulations.

Should be able to: carry out watch repair operations in accordance with their qualifications; use hand tools and devices, debug them and keep them in working order.

Related professions: repairman of radio-electronic equipment and devices, chip assembler.


The profession of a seamstress is one of the most widespread in light industry. At sewing enterprises, tailoring of household and technical purpose conducted on sewing machines various designs by in-line method; parts are moved by means of a conveyor from one machine to another in a certain sequence. The seamstress, in accordance with the sewing technology and the division of labor adopted at the enterprise, performs work of various complexity and types: from preparing soft containers and attaching a brand to sewing sleeves into an armhole, collar, collar and other operations. Each seamstress performs several operations or even one, but must be able to perform any.

The main thing in the work of a seamstress is speed and accuracy. She visually controls the quality of the seam, the length of the stitch, the frequency of the line, the parallelism of the seams, she must have a developed eye, correct color perception, since she has to distinguish not only primary colors, but also shades of the same color. Of great importance is the ability to work stably for a certain time in conditions of industrial noise. The best results are achieved by seamstresses who have perseverance, accuracy, focused attention, and a high degree of coordination of hand movements.

Must know: arrangement of serviced machines, ways to regulate thread tension and stitch frequency; sewing properties of fabrics, knitwear, fur; assortment of sewing products, methods of their processing; specifications on the operations performed; the sequence of processing parts of the product with the in-line method.

The profession has ranks: in the sewing industry 1-5th; in fur - 1-4th; in knitwear, textile haberdashery and other textile industries - 1-3rd.

The seamstress profession is not suitable people with poor eyesight, impaired color perception, chronic eye diseases of an unfavorable course (for example, glaucoma), as well as people suffering from hypertension.

Related professions (specialties); embroiderer, cutter, tailor, teacher at the school, school in the courses of cutting and sewing.


Plasterer-painter works in construction organizations. His role in construction is very large, because he performs finishing work and the beauty of the building depends on their quality, its appearance, cosiness and comfort of the interior. The volume of work performed by the plasterer-painter is very large. It plasters the surfaces of structures and parts of buildings and structures - walls, ceilings, pilasters, columns, beams, facades, domes, arches of various shapes. Prepares the surface for plastering (levels, cuts the surface with a mechanized tool, nailing the boards). Prepares solutions for various kinds plaster, marks the surface for plastering, applies plaster with a mechanized tool or manually, finishes the surface after plastering. It paints parts, as well as surfaces made of metal and other materials (after cleaning, cracking) using mechanized spatulas, painting units and other tools and devices. Finishes surfaces, with lacquering, polishing, artistic painting, as well as wood, marble and stone. Restores art inscriptions, paintings and drawings.

The work of a plasterer-painter is associated with a large number of frequently repeated movements and requires quite significant static and dynamic stress on the hands, such a load is especially great when plastering walls and ceilings. In order to be able to select shades that are in harmony with each other and would correspond to the purpose of the painted surfaces, the master must have the correct color perception, have artistic taste and a good memory for color shades. Accuracy is especially important for the painter, since his work completes the work of the entire team of builders.

Must know: types and properties of materials and mortars used in plastering works; physiochemical properties coloring materials; methods of marking and breaking down the external and internal surfaces of buildings; technology and methods of decorative, artistic plastering and plastering special purpose; methods for performing paint and varnish coatings of parts and surfaces from various materials, their drying modes; rules for setting up serviced equipment; recipes for the preparation of paints, varnishes, putties; requirements for the quality of work performed.

The profession has 1-6th category.

Profession of a plasterer-painter requires good health, endurance when choosing this profession are contraindicated: diseases of the joints and spine (pronounced polyarthritis, osteochondrosis), vascular diseases (severe endarteritis, varicose veins of the lower extremities, thrombophlebitis), bronchial asthma and other chronic lung diseases, some types of skin diseases.

Related professions (specialties); bricklayer, metal painter, master of industrial training, graphic designer.

Ecologist organizes the protection of life and health of people, animals and flora from the consequences of irrational and uncontrolled use of the achievements of science and technology. It ensures that a balance is maintained between environmental protection measures and the needs of scientific, technical and economic development countries, focuses for this purpose on the observance and improvement of technological regimes, culture of production, rules for the transportation of hazardous substances, methods of self-defense of citizens.

Through observations, surveys, with the help of instruments and other methods, an ecologist analyzes the state of water, land, air, plants, animals, as well as the influence of the natural environment and food products on the health and well-being of people, their genetic apparatus. Identifies and classifies current and potential sources of environmental hazard, determines its origin, nature, degree, scale, real and predicted consequences. Taking into account current and prospective environmental standards and regulations, it develops a set of environmental protection measures, achieves their implementation, and monitors the results in accordance with legislative acts.

Advises employers on the prevention of environmental risks, reducing the cost of penalties. Coordinates its actions with the sanitary and hygienic supervision authorities, the Committee on Chemical and Biological Weapons, the federal supervision authorities for nuclear and radiation safety. Through funds mass media explains and promotes the goals and significance of environmental protection.

The work of an ecologist is complex and intense; work with documents is combined with traveling, organization of practical events. To him needed sustainable social and moral motivation, observation, emotional and volitional stability, adherence to principles, high physical endurance.

This activity contraindicated people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, mental illnesses.

Professional training requirements: a good background in archeology, biology, medicine, sociology, history, literature, a general orientation in matters of engineering and technology, labor economics, market relations, and jurisprudence is required. Experience in one or more of these areas is desirable. Related professions (specialties): work in institutions of sanitary and hygienic, meteorological profile, scientific and educational institutions.







Nomination "Art-Profi - profession"

"My profession"

Fulfilled : studentIcourse,

group No. 3, profession Machine operator (metalworking)

Smirnov Igor Andreevich


Nikolskaya Irina Vladimirovna

history teacher


My profession.

The profession that I want to talk about is not widely known, like the profession of a salesman or manager, and is not considered popular among young people, like the profession of a programmer or system administrator. This is the job of a machinist. I know about it firsthand, because I chose it myself, having entered the OGBPOU Vichugsky multidisciplinary college. This profession is interesting, honorable and rich in history. The profession of a machine operator is included in the list of the 50 most demandedlabor market for promising professions.

Explanatory dictionaries similarly explain this profession. AT explanatory dictionary D.N. Ushakov I read: “The machine operator is a worker working on the machine”, in the dictionary of T.F. Efremova I find the following explanation: “The machine operator is the one who works on the machine”. But I want to add that the machines are different, and the materials that the worker has to deal with are also different. My specialization is metalworking, and my profession - a general machine operator - is related to mechanical engineering. Therefore, in my understanding, a machine operator is a worker who performs the processing of metal parts on turning, milling, grinding, drilling machines. He manufactures various parts for the repair of machine tools and mechanisms, monitors the accuracy of parameters in manual mode, and guarantees the high quality of work performed. The machine operator of a wide profile must know the entire technological chain of manufacturing parts, be able to work on machines of various types.and use different tools in your work: drills, cutters, reamers, cutters.

On the machine you need to work not only with your hands, but also be able to think with your head. A machine operator needs good knowledge in the field of mathematics and physics, mechanics is especially important. In my studies, I focus on studying the properties of processed metals, on the ability to read and create drawings of various parts. A true master must havegood eyesight, physical strength and endurance are also important for him. When working on the machine, the specialist must be attentive and accurate in order to avoid injuries and prevent defects in the manufacture of parts.

At the lessons of theoretical training in the profession, we have already tried to work on the Simulator of the control panel for a lathe with numerical control. The older guys of our college are already successfully coping with the tasks of adult masters, working on a par with professionals at the Vichug Machine-Building Plant. 2nd year student Pavel Balandin represented our region at the semi-finals of the National Championship of Professional Excellence in StandardsWorldSkillsin Yaroslavl and Kolomna in the competence "Turning on CNC machines".

WorldSkills is international movement aimed at increasing the prestige of working professions,development of vocational education and holding professional skill competitions for young workers. We are proud of our friend. In the future, I would also like to try my hand at such competitions.

I learned about this profession even before entering college. My maternal great-grandfather Arkady Mikhailovich Teplov was a machine operator, and then my father chose this profession. I know about my great-grandfather from my mother's stories. My great-grandfather worked at the Vichug machine-building plant since 1939. He always remembered that time with a sense of pride, he had a chance to study with the best turner of the plant, V. V. Sokin. Vladimir Vladimirovich became the initiator of the Stakhanov movement at the Vichug Foundry and Mechanical Plant, as the plant in the city of Vichuga used to be called. Together with his partner Belyaev, he undertook to service three machines, thereby significantly exceeding the established production standards. In 1939, V. V. Sokin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and became the first order bearer at the plant. When I visited the training practice and worked on a lathe, I realized that it is very difficult to turn a part on a simple non-programmable machine. Breaking another cutter, I was always surprised that professional turners were able to work on three machines at the same time and produce high-quality products. My great-grandfather became an excellent specialist, he participated in professional skill competitions and won prizes.

My father helps me learn my profession. He always tells me that you need to study the profession from the very beginning, know all the technical operations, and approach the matter responsibly, thoughtfully, honing every movement at the machine. In our college, the profession of a machine operator is considered privileged, because there is always a competition for this profession, and it is possible to get it only as a main one, and not as an additional one, combining education with another chosen upon admission. My father has been working on CNC machine tools for a long time and rightly believes that they are the future in the machine tool profession. He went from a simple machine operator to an operator-adjuster of machine tools with numerical control. On the production site I have already worked at a CNC Turret Turning CenterST-30 and a software and hardware complex for processing materials (training and production lathe with CNC). I am very glad that such equipment is entrusted to us already in the first year. These machines meet all modern requirements profession Machine operator.

At the lessons of familiarization with the profession, I learned that the profession has been known in Russia since the beginning of the 18th century, when Peter the Great carried out his reforms. Peter the Great made many products with his own hands on a lathe, including a vase that he presented to the King of Prussia. This machine is still kept in the museum of St. Petersburg. The most famous mechanic and inventor in Russia was Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov, the creator of a screw-cutting lathe with a mechanized support. He was called the "Personal Turner" of Peter. This position is now comparable to that of the Minister of Mechanical Engineering.

Studying the history of the profession, I was more and more imbued with respect for working people, smart and persistent in their work, and pride in my professional choice.

The next important stage in the development of the machine tool profession took place during the war years. Since 1941, most factories switched to the production of military products. Our machine-building plant produced shells, cartridges, grenades. Many specialists went to the front, among them was my great-grandfather. The places of the workers who went to the front were occupied mainly by women and teenagers. Former factory worker Razumova Galina Efimovna said: “I was fourteen years and eight months old. She worked as a planer. This was my main job. And nearby the machines were empty, there was no one to work on them. I sharpened shells on them. It was, as it were, additional work, and the main one was a planer. They worked twelve hours - from seven in the morning to seven in the evening. This is an ordinary working day of a machine operator during the war years, only the workers then were my peers or even younger, schoolchildren who had dropped out of school. My great-grandfather Teplov A.M. went through the whole war, was wounded three times, has awards. From the stories of my mother I know that after the war he returned to his native factory to his machine tool.

different times outlived our plant. Despite all the difficulties, specialists in the machine-building industry associated with metalworking have been and remain in demand in the labor market. I continue to study this profession with the firm conviction that I will always be able to find a job in my specialty after graduation.

I would like to end my reflections on the chosen profession with the words of the modern thinker of the East Ali Apsheroni: “How good it is when a person has the opportunity to choose a profession not out of necessity, but in accordance with spiritual inclinations.” I think that my father, great-grandfather and I did the right thing by choosing the profession of machine operator. I have someone to look up to in the profession and what to strive for in the future.

/ / Professiogram "Machine operator (metalworking)"

They say that the profession of a machine operator is like a nesting doll. Under the name "Machine operator in metalworking" there are actually two professions: "Machine operator of a wide profile" and "CNC machine operator" (with numerical control). Four of the most popular metalworking professions are invested in each of them: turner, miller, driller, grinder. There is only one difference between a machine operator and an operator: a machine operator works on machines with manual control, and an operator works on software. Such a specialist is especially valuable in large metalworking industries where knowledge of machine control is needed.

Where production is automated, he will be in demand as an operator of CNC machines, he can also work as an operator of automatic and semi-automatic machines (unlike CNC machines, they can perform only one operation or one product - a bolt, nut, screw, etc.). P.). Thanks to scientific and technological progress, changes are taking place in the work of a machine operator. They concern both technology, and processed materials, and cutting tools. Control modern machines changes the content of the work of the machine operator, increasing his intellectual functions. A machine operator is a profession that is necessary in all sectors of the economy, therefore, a high level of demand for these specialists is constantly maintained.

Direction of preparation:
Metallurgy, mechanical engineering and material processing

Purpose of the profession:

Production of various parts from metal and other materials for repair
machines and mechanisms using turning, milling, drilling and grinding machines. Execution of parts according to special drawings. Checking the manufacture of parts using optical instruments.

Must know:

Should be able to:
"Read drawings"; calculate the modes of processing parts from various materials using reference materials; make adjustments to machines; perform processing of parts from different materials on different machines; check the dimensions of parts using measuring tools.

Professionally important qualities:

  • physical strength
  • visual acuity and hearing;
  • accurate color differentiation;
  • accurate linear and volumetric eye;
  • precise visual-motor coordination;
  • spatial imagination.

Medical contraindications:

  • limb disorders that limit range of motion;
  • lung disease;
  • dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system.