List of professions of the future. List of new and promising professions of the future

Have you ever heard of the profession "smart dust programmer"? Not? You couldn't even hear about it, because it doesn't exist yet. This is one of dozens of professions of the future that will appear on the labor market in the next 20-30 years. What today sounds like a fictional occupation from a science fiction novel, according to experts, will soon become the most sought-after profession. Read our 10 professions of the future that your children or grandchildren may choose.


1. Consultant for clients aged 100 and over.

With the development of medicine, the average life expectancy of the inhabitants of the planet continues to grow steadily. In a few decades, according to demographic projections, the boundaries of old age can significantly move beyond the mark of 100 years. The era of youth up to 50 years old and maturity up to 90 years old will come. And, as you know, demand creates supply. Therefore, already now many companies are testing services and products for clients who are over fifty. The needs of people over 100 will no longer be of secondary importance. These will not be elders, as we see older people today, but active, full of life mature people for whom special services will appear: medical, health, tourism, as well as special food, cars, cultural and entertainment programs, etc. Therefore, a client consultant at the age of 100+ will become one of the most demanded professions of the future. (Photo: Shutterstock).

2. Nanomedic.

Scientists and businessmen around the world are looking for new ways to use modified nanostructures in the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. Specialists in the field of nanotechnology or nanobiotechnology are becoming more and more sought-after specialists. Nanomedicine has the potential to revolutionize traditional treatments for diseases for which there are currently no effective drugs. Therefore, the profession of nanomedicine promises a good future. (Photo: Shutterstock).

3. Farmer vertical crops.

In the photo: Urban SkyFarm - project by Aprilli Design Studio. (Photo: Aprilli Design Studio).

4. 3D food designer.

Every day we learn about new possibilities of 3D printers. Foodini, a prototype of a 3D food printer by the Spanish company Natural Machines, can already “print” food such as chocolate, cheeseburgers, ravioli, bread sticks and many others. Therefore, there is nothing surprising in the fact that soon at home you will be able to cook any dish that the 3D food designers will come up with for you from the ingredients in capsules.

5. Privacy Specialist.

Already today, using the Internet or bank cards, we leave behind electronic traces. In a few decades, complete confidentiality will be completely forgotten. You will be able to be followed not only by Google, Yandex, Facebook, etc., but also by private individuals, who may have malicious intentions. Therefore, a privacy specialist who erases the traces of your life, which you do not want others to know about, will become a very popular and well-paid profession in the near future. (Photo: Shutterstock).

6. Agent for the sale of artificial body parts.

Recently, Japanese scientists in Kobe 3D printed an artificial kidney for transplantation. Therefore, the time is not far off when sick organs or missing parts of the body will simply be printed on such printers. And, as you know, nature does not tolerate emptiness, so the trade in artificial body parts will become a very profitable business, which will require qualified agents to conduct safe transactions. (Photo: Shutterstock).

7. Plant psychologist.

Sounds a little unrealistic. However, the need for such specialists will appear soon. A plant psychologist will deal with the negative effects of plant genetic mutations. Already, an army of scientists is working on changing the genetic code of plants in order to grow them quickly with the given parameters. However, we all know that sometimes the consequences of human intervention in nature are deplorable. Therefore, plant psychologists who reverse these negative effects will become sought-after specialists in the labor market. (Photo: Shutterstock).

8. Space energy engineer.

With the depletion of gas, oil and coal reserves on our planet, there is a need to search for new sources of energy. Nuclear energy is of increasing concern, and technologies for obtaining energy from wind, solar, geothermal sources or biomass are not yet able to make them the main sources for mankind. Therefore, the search for new sources can move into interplanetary space, thereby creating a demand for engineers who will design systems for extracting space energy. (Photo: Shutterstock).

9. Intellectual dust programmer.

Sounds like some bullshit, right? However, the very idea of ​​intelligent dust, based on the fact that the entire planet will be covered with a dense network of microsensors, which will become something like a distributed nervous system and will notify us when some kind of failure occurs, no longer seems so stupid. Data collected from millions of dust particles and processed on petabyte servers will create an image of the whole world or its fragments in real time. Such a system will help reduce risks and prevent various threats, as well as a greater human impact on nature. (Photo: Shutterstock).

10. Memory augmentation surgeon.

The ever-increasing amount of information that we must constantly keep in mind has long been of concern to specialists in many fields, including neurosurgeons. How to make it so that a person can process and store more information in the head faster, and get rid of unnecessary information? Scientists around the world are working tirelessly to solve these problems. Wouldn't it be nice to format our memory like in a computer? Of course, this idea will immediately have ardent opponents, but I think everyone would like to increase the efficiency of their brain. Well, who would refuse the opportunity to remember the material read in the smallest detail and at the same time apply it more effectively in practice? We live in a world of information, so a memory augmentation surgeon will not be out of work in the future. (Photo: Shutterstock).

Topic, " professions of the future» was chosen for a reason! Every year there are new, and most importantly, interesting professions that are worth learning. When choosing a future profession, graduates pay attention to doctors, lawyers, programmers, drivers. These areas are very important, but there are so many more interesting things.

List of new and promising professions of the future:

Whom to become in the future by profession and whom to go to study? Who will be in demand in the next 20 years, and what specialties will inevitably lose recognition?

It should be noted that new and promising professions in the last decade are increasingly associated with the technological sphere. And although the humanities are not going anywhere, the world is increasingly in need of adherents of the exact sciences. And first of all, these are digital technologies - almost all professions in demand in the future will be connected with them in one way or another, so we will start with the IT sphere.

Professions of the future in IT and high technologies

“The business of the future will leave only two types of companies: those on the Internet and those that will leave the market.” - Bill Gates.

Previously, people could not even think of such professions as video game beta tester or virtual reality architect and now the world needs them more and more. Therefore, if you still do not know who to become in the future by profession, master the computer. By the time you learn, there will be a dozen new specialties and thousands of jobs directly related to cybernetics and digital technologies.

Database architect

The huge volumes of information accumulated on the hard drives of servers need not only be compiled and collected, they must be processed and systematized. Already now there is a whole branch of programming aimed at performing operations with a huge array of databases.

In the future, the volume of information will only increase, and the number of specialists required to maintain databases will grow exponentially. This kind of activity involves the design of the database, the development of principles and algorithms for its operation, the optimization of the user's quick access to the necessary information, the control of the response speed of the machine and the safety of accountable information.

Information Security Specialist

This profession is already widespread in large financial institutions and IT corporations, where there is a problem of security of information portals and internal networks. But in the process of developing Internet technologies and e-commerce, not only the stable operation of sites is under threat, everything needs to be protected: from personal information and business reputation of individuals, to the functioning of household systems. Each "smart home" will need its own curator, each politician and public figure will have to fight against false "emissions" on the network. In such cases, a cybersecurity specialist will come to the rescue.

To master the business of "information security", the skills of a system administrator and experience with a computer are not enough, you will need complex analytical thinking, project management skills and working with artificial intelligence. And to find new vulnerabilities, you need a little luck.

Automation of production saves money. This has long been understood in capitalist countries, so the replacement of people by machines in the production process is as common as the optimization of the staff. Year after year, the equipment undergoes more and more modernization, which is why the process of its operation requires more qualified and high-quality service.

Just think about it, a washing machine and a dishwasher are also, in a sense, robots. Now imagine a house where all the domestic work is done by a piece mechanism, created for self-cleaning the apartment, you just have to drive in the necessary tasks on your smartphone. In this area, new professions of the future will be offered:

  1. Robot assembler
  2. Connection Wizard
  3. Developer of various programs and operating systems for robots

A roboticist is a promising profession of the future, because it is he who will write the program of the production process, carry out commissioning work when the equipment is launched, and monitor the precise coordinated interaction of industrial components.

To master the specialty, you need a higher technical education, deep knowledge in the field of programming, understanding of the operation of equipment, physical and chemical processes that occur in an industrial environment.

“Music, games, news, movies - everything we are used to will be completely rethought in the future. There will be really successful startups. We must do our part to develop this market.” – Mark Zuckerberg

Creating virtual universes in which people can instantly immerse themselves with the help of VR glasses is one of the promising areas of the coming years. The development of virtual objects, drawing their shape and texture, endowing them with physical properties that are as similar as possible to their real counterparts is very difficult.

Huge teams of specialists work on each project, and they are constantly short of manpower. Not because the staff is unskilled, but because the amount of work here is truly colossal. Creating a small virtual universe with limited functionality requires a lot of time and effort.

Those wishing to take the position of an artificial reality developer will have to master programming at the highest level, and also instill perseverance and attentiveness. After all, even to perform a small area of ​​work, you will have to shovel a significant amount of program code.

Fun fact: The virtual reality market will grow to $40 billion over the next three years, i.e. 20 times! This is evidenced by the marketing report of the American company SuperData.

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) operator

Unmanned aerial vehicles are used in household and military video filming, protection of various objects and other areas of life. Tests are already underway to deliver goods from the store to your home, and Mark Zuckerberg wants to distribute the Internet using drones so that wi-fi is everywhere.

Even 10 years ago, no one could have imagined the creation of such technologies, for example, some film plans were filmed using helicopters, but now this is in the past. The drone operator is a new profession that is gaining popularity.

Smart System Installer

Smart homes are becoming more and more popular. Already now, Xiaomi manufactures washing machines, TVs, light bulbs, all kinds of kitchen utensils, and all this can be connected to a smartphone - a universal remote control for the whole house. There is only one problem, in order to connect all the systems into a single, working mechanism, you will need a competent master, this is exactly what you can become and start making good money.

Architect of smart cities and residential buildings

Every year, the world's population is growing rapidly, there is not enough space for everyone, public transport is overcrowded.

Architect's tasks:

  • Change of infrastructure
  • Setting up transport routes
  • Suggest a replacement for conventional parking lots
  • Make the city more spacious and at the same time free

The leading country in the construction of smart cities and residential buildings is China. For residents of China, an apartment of 18 sq / m is a very good option, where the whole family can comfortably live. Do not impose 18 sq / m on Russian realities, their architecture and construction of houses are significantly different.

Jobs of the future in industry

Promising professions of the future in the field of industrial activity.

industrial designer

Of course, this specialty cannot be attributed to the new professions of the future. Design was born with industry and develops side by side with production. But the functionality of many "consumer" things has become absolutely the same, and in the struggle for the attention of the buyer, design comes first. A simple example: according to a study by the American advertising agency HR Issues, at the same cost, SpongeBob lunch boxes sell three times better than standard transparent bowls.

In our country with a powerful production base, there is a critical shortage of qualified designers. Most factories do not have them at all, and products are prepared according to the patterns of the times of the USSR. For a real economic breakthrough, our product must not only be of high quality and practical, it must be beautiful.

The industrial designer is an important representative of the professions of the future in Russia. To master the specialty, you need creativity, the ability to work with graphic and 3D editors, the ability to read and draw up drawings. You can get higher education by type of activity at the Moscow State Academy of Art and Industry. S. G. Stroganov.

Almost anything can be printed with a 3D printer, from clothing and cutlery to weapons and buildings. But these complex machines also require an operator, especially if there is no template to print on. What's more, even good templates need to be edited for clear and step-by-step printing. Not everyone can fix a complex 3D model in a graphics editor, so the specialty of a 3D printer operator will only gain popularity.

To master the profession, acquiring a 3D printer is not enough. Basic programming skills, ability to work with graphic applications and 3D template editors, as well as knowledge of the properties of materials and their interaction are required.

Professions of the future in medicine


Did you know that scientists recently 3D printed a heart? Amazing, isn't it? Technologies open up new and promising ways for the development of mankind in the field of medicine. Considering that it will not be possible to create a universal organ: for each person it will differ both in size and functionality, a specialist is critically needed who can create a model of a transplanted organ.

In order to master such a specialty, you need not only programming, design, modeling skills, you need a higher medical education. After all, the human body is complex, not everyone is able to understand it, and any mistake can cost someone's life.

Medical equipment architect

All medical equipment is constantly being improved. Even the usual drill in the dentist's office has received a number of dramatic changes in the last decade. And high-precision devices: an MRI scanner, a contrast tomograph, a laser correction device, all of them need to be modernized and adapted to new developments.

And this will be done by the architect of medical equipment, who has a technical education behind him, armed with the skills of programming, industrial design, computer graphics, who understands the structure and functionality of the human body. It is quite possible that in the future medical equipment will be tiny, due to which it will become no more difficult to penetrate the human body and personally observe the source of inflammation than to take a blood test. In this case, the prefix "nano-" will be added to the word "architect".

Already, the development of prostheses based on a mixture of composite materials gives amazing results. Some implants have amazing properties: created from a homogeneous material, they can be soft on one side and hard on the other, elastic at the fold and hard at the base.

To develop the optimal ratio of materials, you need to know exactly the physical and chemical properties of each element, be aware of the nature of their interaction, experiment with the creation of new composites.

This is what a cybernetic orthopedist will do. Now mankind is on the verge of creating prostheses with living tissues, and if you manage to step over this stage, the specialty will be at the peak of popularity.

Gene diagnostics specialist

The first gene adjustment occurred on September 14, 1990, the human gene was changed, which helped to cure the patient's immunodeficiency. There are still problems and risks in this area, for example, gene replacement and transplantation, but scientists will solve them in the near future. A person will be able to control such diseases as Alzheimer's, Schizophrenia, cerebral palsy - not to treat the consequences, but to prevent them.


Specialist checking research centers that work in the field of transplantology, cloning, and genetic modeling. The work of a certain scientific center and permission to conduct experiments depend on the conclusion of Bioethics. For example, if the Bioethicist considers gene transplantation or cloning to be unethical, the institute will not be licensed to conduct such experiments on humans.

The bioethicist must follow the legal and ethical framework of companies conducting innovative research in areas new to humans, often related to sciences such as transplantology and genetic engineering.

This is a specialist who develops computers and manages them based on the human nervous system.

The designer of neural interfaces will have to develop a specific frequency and implement it in the human brain. The development will allow people to communicate without words, control computers with the help of the brain and know absolutely everything.

This profession will require an electrical engineering background, as well as being an expert in human anatomy (nervous system, brain).

Promising professions of the future

New and promising professions in the field of finance and marketing and others.


Digital currencies that are not controlled by the government and are not backed by financial instruments cause romance and a storm of anger among different categories of citizens. In the future, the use of cryptocurrencies will become as commonplace as paying through an NFC terminal.

Considering that modern technologies of blockchain systems and cryptocurrency mining remain inaccessible to the understanding of most people, there will be a need for an expert who can not only explain the meaning of a particular algorithm, but also objectively assess the viability of each project.

You can study the specialty at the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov, the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation and many other universities with an economic focus.

Intellectual property appraiser

In the XXI century, not raw materials and not things are the main wealth. Information, information, thought, idea are assets that can be worth millions of dollars. An appraiser will help to separate a worthwhile idea from a fantastic tale, a promising startup from a stupid fiction. Such specialists are required in investment companies, hedge funds, trust fund institutions.

Top managers who have a fine understanding of human psychology and have experience in organizing their own projects will be able to master the specialty. For a clear analysis of the business model, the appraiser may request an expert opinion from related professions, because understanding the technological processes of a startup is a key moment in determining the viability of a project.

trend watcher

Keeping up with the times is a key task for the world's leading corporations. To guess what the future consumer will be like, what he will like, what fashion and style will be in a few months, and how to make money on it. These issues are dealt with by the Trend-watcher. He keeps an eye on new trends in fashion, politics, technology and social life in order to accurately predict what his future client will be like.

In order to play ahead of the curve, it is necessary to clearly assess the impact of global trends on the psychology of the average consumer. For a deep analysis of client needs, you will need to master a number of humanities: economics, psychology, sociology.

The trend watcher is highly valued in the labor market, if we take all the professions of the future in Russia, then there are the most vacancies in this specialty. Companies are interested in trained professionals with excellent marketing skills.

Space tourism manager

A specialist who develops routes to space flights, as well as visits to lunar bases and general outer space. You can draw an analogy with the manager of a travel company who makes itineraries for trips to other countries.

The tasks of the profession of the future will include organizing flights, drawing up contracts for the lease of space tents, choosing a direction, as well as compiling a detailed route, together with research centers.

A space tourism manager must be able to manage global projects, be responsible and adhere to principles, have a well-developed systemic, analytical and technical thinking.

New and promising professions in the environmental field

The natural habitat and territory is decreasing every year, and all this is the work of man. As a result, natural migration processes are disturbed, which entails a decrease in the population and the complete extinction of certain animal species.

An animal migration engineer must find a way to restore migration routes and create new routes unoccupied by humans in order to revive the old progression of population growth.

A migration specialist must be able to think globally, have geographical knowledge, and have a sincere desire to save animals.

Alternative energy

The duties of an alternative energy specialist include the search for alternative types of energy and the further development of the found resource. Habitual sources such as: coal, gas, oil will soon run out, and this is an absolutely proven fact. This profession is not only in demand, but also pursues good goals. Maybe you are destined to find a new, endless resource that will save humanity and perpetuate your name.

Recall of an ordinary worker from America (translation)

I work in the field of alternative energy with the aim of finding something that will save us. I like my work, for 10 years we have learned to receive and convert heat from jellyfish, microbes, various wastes, and this cannot but rejoice, because what could be better for bringing real benefits to humanity. All states have become worried about the complete disappearance of resources, so our companies are well financed, which makes our occupation interesting and profitable.

If you are still thinking about what to become in the future by profession, then you should know that a water trail specialist is an innovative field that will always be relevant. The main goal is to reduce the consumption of water resources. Let's take a closer look at the example of a plant.

The Coca-Cola beverage plant is the world's largest waster of fresh water. She wanted to know where the most water is used to grow oranges by following the full process of making her product, Simply Orange Orange Juice 1.7L.

Oranges for this product come from Florida and Sao Paulo (Brazil). After following the entire manufacturing process, it was noticed that the Coca-Cola plant uses only 1% of the total volume of water that is used in cultivation, production and packaging. Ultimately, studies have shown that Florida, when irrigated, uses more water than Sao Paulo, and it's all about different irrigation systems. Thus, experts were able to trace the water footprint and see the errors that will help save the planet's water resources in the future.

city ​​farmer

A city farmer is a specialist in urban greening. Thanks to the City Farmer, we will be able to grow crops right on the roofs of houses, make the air in the city cleaner and raise the overall level of ecology, thereby increasing life expectancy.

The first agricultural complex on the roof has already been built in Singapore in 2012. America, China, South Korea and Europe followed suit.

The tasks of the city farmer include the arrangement of the agricultural industry on the roofs of houses, providing conditions for growing flora and fauna. This profession of the future will require engineering and agricultural education, systems thinking, and the ability to build and manage large projects.

Disappearing professions

Let's move from the list of professions of the future to the list of disappearing specialties. In the next thirty years, a number of professions, if not disappear, will be transformed into something new, more in demand and relevant. How cab drivers were replaced by car drivers, and barge haulers were replaced by motor barge drivers.

List of disappearing professions:

  • concierges
  • watchmen
  • guards
  • Librarians
  • Miners
  • Carvers
  • turners
  • Drivers
  • Machinists
  • traffic police inspector

All professions whose functionality can be repeated using known algorithms will eventually remain unclaimed.

At the same time, the craft, in which there is creativity and originality, will never be given by a person to a robot. Therefore, we remember new technologies, but do not forget that creativity is what a person will always differ from the mountains of soulless machines.

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Demand for jobs is changing rapidly. Those professions that were at their peak yesterday may be completely unnecessary tomorrow. What professions will be needed in 10 years? This question is asked not only by high school students and their parents - they are engaged in forecasting, predicting demand both at the level of large corporations and at the state level.

However, the opinions of experts regarding the professions of the future vary as much as the descriptions of the world of the future in science fiction novels. For example, in the middle of the 2000s, some experts predicted that by 2015 nanotechnologists (there are no vacancies on the market) and space workers will enter the top 10 professions. But many predictions came true: those experts who predicted success for programmers, marketers, PR specialists and market analysts hit the mark.

When predicting the demand for professions, one should not limit oneself only to an analysis of changes in the labor market in recent years. It is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, many of which are actually unpredictable: for example, almost no one can guess exactly how foreign policy relations will develop. Agree, if experts could have predicted a sharp deterioration in relations between Russia and the West back in 2010, the consequences of the economic crisis would have had a much weaker impact on our lives. But there are also factors that can be taken into account. And before we move on to a list of the most in-demand (in our opinion) professions of the future, we would like to talk about these common - and quite predictable - factors.

Population aging

The first one concerns demographics. The generation of people born in the 60s, the last surge of the post-war baby boom, is approaching retirement age; the generation born in the 1950s has already been largely eliminated from the labor process. They are replaced by those born in the 90s - namely, these years have a minimum birth rate. In other words, the share of pensioners in relation to the share of workers will grow rapidly in the coming years. Against the backdrop of a stagnant domestic economy, this will inevitably lead to a reduction in pensions and an increase in the retirement age. An additional increase in the age of working citizens will occur due to the active development of medicine. This factor, which is very strong in the West, will be much less significant in Russia. Nevertheless, it will also affect our country: illnesses and age restrictions will limit the worker's ability to work much less than before. This trend will be reflected in the labor market in the form of a kind of "depreciation" of experience: youth and activity can become a more valuable competitive advantage than the experience that most able-bodied citizens will already have.

Rapid technological development

The factor of technological development has been the main cause of changes in the labor market for almost two hundred years. As early as the beginning of the 19th century, English Luddites staged violent protests against the automation of labor - machine tools and steam engines stole their jobs. So it is now: the creation of more and more complex mechanisms threatens to destroy entire types of professions, especially those that do not require special education. For example, many experts believe that drones and improved logistics through the development of information transmission systems will successfully replace couriers; 3D printers can radically change the face of manufacturing, giving everyone the opportunity to start their own miracle factory at home and cheaply make their own forks, plates, and in the future, clothes, food, and even weapons.

work at home

Improving information transmission systems - Skype conferences, cloud storage systems and others - threaten to greatly change our understanding of the working day and workplace. The easier and more profitable the transfer of information by computer means becomes, the less profitable it becomes to rent and maintain a working office. Already, many programmers, designers and copywriters work mainly from home, and online stores sell goods at heavily discounted prices, refusing to rent halls and hire sales assistants. There is no doubt that this trend will increase in the coming years. However, one should not flatter oneself about the resettlement of citizens and life in their own house in nature: the process of urbanization and the concentration of economic processes in large cities continues. It is hardly worth expecting that a simple working person in 2025 will live in nature - but, most likely, he will not have to spend much time in the office, he will be able to perform his duties in a much more comfortable environment at home.

Increased overproduction (supply greatly exceeds demand)

Based on these factors, existing forecasts and analysis of the labor market, we have compiled our own expert forecast. We, like any other experts, cannot give absolute and inviolable guarantees. But we have compiled a list of 10 professions that we think with a high probability will be the most popular and paid in 2020-2025:

The 10 Most Likely In-Demand Jobs in 2025 :

1) Programmer and application developer

None of the forecasts of the demand for professions can do without mentioning the IT-sphere. Computerization, which we began to notice in our country only at the beginning of the 2000s, is proceeding at a rapid pace - and is not going to stop. Not far off are the days when smart home systems and effective speech recognizers (voice control of technological devices) will become an everyday reality - the same as elevators, mobile phones, refrigerators. The only threat to programmers in the labor market comes from themselves: there is no doubt that even primitive forms of artificial intelligence will at least be able to write simple codes, taking on a lot of technical work - and depriving many programmers of their jobs. In addition, it is quite possible that the programming languages ​​that we will use in the near future will be qualitatively different from the existing ones, and will become more like drawing or writing texts.

2) Engineer

Not only our country is actively engaged in the training of engineers - in Western countries in recent years, there is also an acute shortage of educated technical specialists. It should be noted that the most valuable engineers are not just specialists who have mastered a certain set of formulas and template calculations, but people who also have creative thinking and the ability to quickly respond to a changing environment. Some analysts fear that engineers will be largely displaced by new computer programs. But the amount of money and effort that large corporations are investing in the training and education of future engineers speaks for itself: in the next 10 years, engineers are likely to be in great demand.

3) 3D designer

3D designers are in demand even now - the creation of three-dimensional models for construction, industrial design, computer games or for other purposes is paid very high. But in the future, 3D designers will have another important field to apply their skills: 3D printers. Already today on the network you can find many volumetric models for your printer; and there is no doubt that in the future it is these models, and not goods produced in ordinary light industry factories, that will become the basis for retail consumption.

5) Security Specialist

As more and more financial transactions and personal data go digital, the issue of protecting this information becomes more and more acute. A significant part of the crimes of the future will be committed online, and preventing them (as well as protecting against virus attacks, spam, malicious content) becomes a very important task. But not only this prompted us to single out a security specialist as one of the most sought-after professions. The increasing complexity of weapons, the active expansion of the use of drones, the expansion of communication and information transfer capabilities - all this incomparably complicates the task of ensuring security. If, until recent years, any sufficiently physically strong person with not too long training could cope with ensuring security, then in the near future both crimes and methods of preventing them will require much more.

6) Urbanist, specialist in urban planning

Earth is fast becoming a planet of cities, not villages. According to the UN, in 2009 the number of urban residents exceeded the number of rural residents. In 2025, the share of the urban population will grow to 77%. According to PricewaterhouseCooper's, in 2005 the 100 largest cities in the world produced 25% of global GDP, and in 2008 already 30%. The population of the 30 largest metropolitan areas will grow by 27% by 2025. Plan, build and maintain new, rapidly growing megacities will have to be a class of specialists who can create a comfortable urban environment. The state and private construction companies will create a great demand for specialists in the integrated development of territories (transport, social services, investment attraction, etc.), especially in urban areas.

7) Biotechnologist, bioengineer, pharmacist

Despite the fact that in many existing forecasts, biotechnologists are given the first places, we did not dare to place them so highly. The status and prospects of science in our country remain very uncertain - the role of scientists can both increase and finally fall. Despite the peculiarities of the social situation and domestic policy of Russia, there is no doubt that on a global scale the role of biotechnologies (and pharmaceuticals as one of their particular applications) will increase dramatically. Even now, artificial organs and prosthetic limbs sometimes turn out to be better than those that were given to us by nature, and their possibilities and applications will only increase in the future.

8) Specialist and expert in the field of alternative energy

The overall share of energy derived from alternative sources is growing steadily, with both the EU and California expecting more than 20% of energy to be generated this way by 2020. Despite Russia's strong orientation towards extracted energy sources, there are serious reasons to believe that the field of alternative energy will develop in our country as well.

9) Operator and technologist of automated technological systems

The worker of the future is first and foremost a worker who understands the functioning of complex automated systems. The combination of the level of engineering knowledge required for the job and the repair skills will allow these people to easily find a decent job in 10 years.

10) Food Industry Specialist

The professions of an agronomist and a farmer are considered by most experts to be endangered: in the developed countries of the First World, small farms have been constantly balancing on the verge of ruin for more than 15 years, surviving mainly due to government subsidies. The nutrition of the future, according to most forecasts, is, alas, not natural, "natural" food, but food with an ever-increasing proportion of additives, or obtained from sources unusual for us. Food industry professionals with knowledge of biology and engineering will become the main food producers for the inhabitants of the vast majority of countries.

The list above - expert forecast of the Center for Humanitarian Technologies. In the course of the analysis of existing forecasts of the demand for professions, both foreign and domestic, we often saw other specialties. In this article, we will talk about them - as well as the reasons why we did not dare to include them in the main list.

List of professions that may become in demand, but with less probability:

On the one hand, developed countries (and sometimes developing ones, such as China) are gradually increasing their contribution to the environment. On the other hand, we have serious doubts that Russia will be able to follow their example in the next decade. The country's economy is now in stagnation, and the first task will be to restore it; however, even if the recovery is completed within a decade, the likelihood that our country will actively address environmental problems is low.

We believe that this profession is much more relevant in the developed countries of the West. Given the changes in the domestic economy in recent years, we have no reason to assume that a sufficient number of people will have a standard of living that allows them to hire nurses, much less pay them at a decent level.

Many analysts and experts expect an increase in the demand for medical services. We agree with them that the demand for medicine will increase, if only because of the process of population aging already described above. At the same time, there are a lot of side factors that can dramatically reduce the demand for doctors. First, the development of pharmaceuticals: effective and, especially, easy-to-use drugs can reduce the need for medical advice. Secondly, specifically in the conditions of Russia, the general trend towards a decrease in social support for the population can have an extremely negative impact on the working conditions of doctors. Finally, the development of computer technology may allow the creation of robotic consultants or remote operations, both of which reduce the labor market's need for specialist doctors.

Financial Consultant
Nearly all Western analysts assume that the winding down of social security systems and the reduction of pensions will spark a surge in interest in investment. But, firstly, for Russia the very profession of a financial consultant is exotic, and the population has a negative attitude towards investments in securities. Secondly, perhaps this profession can be easily algorithmized and, as a result, performed by appropriate programs.

Market Analyst
As in the previous two cases, the issue rests on the potential of computer technology. If electronic analytics robots can do their job at least as well as humans, this profession will be doomed.

employment specialist
This profession appears in the lists of "demanded in ten years" for a long time. On the one hand, the rapid development of technology and changes in the labor market should stimulate demand for such specialists; on the other hand, it is they who can cause a desire to save on their services and deal with the topical issue on their own. In other words, the potential demand for an employment specialist remains a big question.

GR manager
The importance of the state in the economy has been growing strongly in recent years. States turned out to be much more ready to adapt to new conditions than many science fiction writers believed. Government assistance programs in some countries are becoming a backbone for small business development - or a lifeline helping corporations through a crisis. In this regard, as well as with the general strengthening of state control in the Russian Federation, we predict the emergence and development of such an area as GR management, building interaction between a commercial organization and government services; at the same time, such a profession is unlikely to be widespread.

In conclusion, I would like to say that all the above forecasts speak only of the possible. We are not prophets, and, no matter how much we want to, we cannot unequivocally predict what professions will be in demand in 10 years. For example, if a major war happens during this time, specialists in radiation protection, water purification and agriculture in extreme environmental conditions may come to the fore. A sharp leap in, for example, bioengineering may lead to the emergence of some kind of "augmetic consultants" to help select the most suitable implants. But the above list of 10 professions that will be in demand in 10 years is an expert forecast, which is quite possible to focus on. There is every reason to believe that at least these ten professions will be in great demand in 2025 - albeit with some additions.

At the beginning of the 20th century, people associated the future with the automotive industry, the extraction of useful resources. The appearance of the first computer was a turning point in history, and the coming years began to be associated with robots in mankind. Today, more and more often you can hear about the opportunities associated with the exploration of space and the aquatic environment. Along with the change of interests, the demand for certain specialties also changes. One has to think about which field of activity to choose, so as not to be left "overboard" in modern life in the end.

What can we expect from the future and what should we prepare for?

A few years ago, programming, journalism and economic specialties were considered the most popular and promising. According to Forbes magazine, in a couple of years they will be out of work in the United States, after some time in Europe, after which the trend will spread to Russia. But areas that provide employment on a free schedule and do not require narrow-profile knowledge will rapidly gain popularity. Freelancing is still in vogue today, and over time, this area will only expand. Both new and adapted traditional activities will appear in it.

The results of numerous studies and simulations have shown that the situation will develop in several directions:

  1. Professions that have lost their popularity in recent years will return. First of all, this applies to specialties related to agriculture. Farmers and agronomists will be in demand not only on land, but also in water. Thanks to modern developments, it is already possible today to establish underwater gardens and farmlands.
  2. Absolutely new directions will appear, which today are no longer considered science fiction, but have not yet found a clear framework. These are activities related to robotics, medicine, space exploration, and the production of useful resources.
  3. Traditional specialties will remain, but will change. For example, is not going anywhere, but it is likely that schools and other educational institutions will disappear. Classes will be broadcast online immediately for an impressive number of students.
  4. Some professions will practically disappear. The level of development of modern technologies already allows you to independently translate texts from one language into another. Improving existing programs will achieve an ideal transfer of the meaning of the stated, so translators will not be needed. Successful testing of devices that perceive sound transmission of information with its subsequent translation will also make it possible to abandon simultaneous interpreters.

Every year there are fewer seamstresses, miners, security guards, lawyers, office workers in the world. They are being replaced by automated systems and remote options for organizing work. If the automotive industry continues to develop at the same pace, then in 10 years there will be no need to train drivers, machinists, conductors, tractor drivers, stackers.

Jobs that will be in demand in a few years

Despite such an active introduction of machines and robots into the life of a modern person, one should not think that soon people will be left without work or their activities will be reduced to pressing buttons. Physical strength, health and endurance, a high level of intelligence, a broad outlook and in decades will be valued no less than now. And in order not to be the owner of an unclaimed or unpopular profession, it is necessary to keep abreast of trends and engage in self-education.

Already today, the professions of the future are known, which will arise over the next 15-20 years and will be regarded as the most in demand:

  • Medical worker using nano-robots. Bringing to perfection the technology based on the use of artificial microscopic assistants will allow introducing them into the human body in order to diagnose and eliminate diseases.
  • Organ grower. Creating the required amount of living tissue from several cells of the sample will make it possible to refuse transplantation of foreign organs to patients or the placement of prostheses.
  • Memory neurosurgeon. The human brain works like a computer. Scientists are sure that over time it will also be possible to clean it of unnecessary information, making room for new knowledge.
  • Medical consultant for the elderly. The life expectancy of a person increases markedly with each decade. Thanks to the development of medicine, quite soon this figure should average 100-110 years. Special doctors will deal specifically with the elderly, giving them advice on improving the quality of life.
  • Space worker. Space exploration is progressing by leaps and bounds, planetary colonization is not far off. Against this background, pilots, guides, consultants, architects will be needed to work in non-standard conditions.
  • Specialist in the prevention of environmental disasters. Unfortunately, the technological development of mankind has a negative impact on the state of the environment. Already now, in an experimental manner, scientists are being trained who are able to calculate the risks of natural disasters and prevent them.
  • Developer of new modes of transport. Underwater tunnels, flying cars, non-standard types of fuel - this is already a reality, the development of which also requires its own specialists.
  • Psychologist for residents of the virtual world. People are spending more and more time in virtual reality, which over time can negatively affect their mental health. The popularity of specialists capable of providing timely professional assistance in this area will grow steadily in the coming years.

From the list of activities familiar to our days, one can also single out areas that in a few years will represent promising professions of the future:

  • service center specialist
  • graphic designer,
  • engineer,
  • specialist in the field of beauty and relaxation,
  • online seller,
  • medical worker,
  • stock trader,
  • financial analyst,
  • Researcher.

Representatives of such areas as accounting, local trade, as well as numerous office workers may find themselves in a situation where their services will no longer be in demand. They are advised to prepare in advance for such a scenario and think about expanding the arsenal of their skills.

What specialties will be in demand in Russia?

As a resource-rich country with numerous natural resources, vast expanses and long traditions in scientific activity, Russia can develop in all directions presented. According to analysts, the following areas of activity will expand most actively in the near future:

  • Agriculture. This is not only the development of virgin lands and the maintenance of existing lands, but also the development of new varieties of plant crops. Despite the fact that this area has already been automated to the maximum, it cannot be done without human labor.
  • Exploration and extraction of minerals. Geologists, engineers, architects, technologists, equipment adjusters are the people without whom safe and efficient work in this industry is impossible.
  • Collection and storage of drinking water. Against the backdrop of global warming, scientists and engineers who develop the least costly methods for extracting raw materials from glaciers, lakes, and clouds will soon become very popular.
  • Ecology. Recycling and storage of waste for such a large country is one of the most important issues.
  • International relationships. Diplomatic work aimed at establishing partnerships with other countries will not lose its relevance.
  • Engineering and defense industry. Every year more and more factories appear in Russia, for which equipment adjusters, technologists, controllers, and developers are needed.

Be sure to remember that even the most popular and profitable professions will not bring moral satisfaction if you master them only for financial reasons. Therefore, thinking about a suitable type of activity, it is necessary to take into account not only its prestige, but also personal interest.