Baba Yaga - a mythical character or a real woman. How the little Baba Yaga made friends with the children Baba Yaga decides to leave the thicket



Where is the girl? - Baba Yaga attacked the cat. - Just what was there, where did it go?
- Udrrrala, - the cat purred, licking its paw.
- How did you get away? - Baba Yaga was taken aback. She couldn't get away! What are you sitting here for? Should have jumped on her and scratched her!
- You understand, what's the matter, mistress ... - the cat stared thoughtfully at his claws, - she gave me sour cream.
- You?
- Me.
- Sour cream?
- I think.
- Is it really possible? And you ate?!
- So what? The cat stretched and yawned widely. - I've been serving you for almost a hundred years, and you didn't even pour yogurt for me. And then there's sour cream!
- I forbade you!
- I respect you very much, mistress, - the cat twitched his ears, - but I also respect sour cream.
- And this instead of gratitude! Yaga shook her head reproachfully. - No, to say thank you to the old woman for the hundred years that you have lived. He also reproaches sour milk! Do you even know how long a cat lives on average?
- Well, nonsense, hostess. Do not worry. Nothing will come to me from one bowl of sour cream.
- From a whole bowl?! Baba Yaga closed her eyes.
“One life more, one less,” the cat shrugged. I have eight more left.
Baba Yaga frowned and looked thoughtfully out the window.
- So-so ... And why did the dogs let her through? Hey, you are there! Mongrel! Well, come here!
“Don’t yell,” the cat yawned. - They won't come. They are sleeping.
- How do they sleep?
- So. They ate and digested.
- What ... digest?
- Sausage. The cat sighed and sighed slightly. - Sausage is good. Although ... okay, sour cream is also good.
- Herods! - Baba Yaga sat down on the stupa and sobbed. Why am I feeding you strictly on a diet? So that you can suddenly take a break from gastritis for me?
- Brrros, mistress, - the cat purred conciliatoryly, - the dogs also need to unwind. For a hundred years there was no stale crust in the mouth, it's scary to say!
- And it's scary - so be quiet! cried the old woman.
The cat fell silent obediently, turned on its side and began to catch its tail, purring softly.
- Catch up with her, or what ..? - Thoughtfully held out the old woman after a while.
- On what, on a broomstick? snorted the cat.
“By the way,” Baba Yaga narrowed her eyes unkindly, “in Europe, as I heard, witches fly on black cats.
- I am unbroken, - the cat grinned, - and skittish.
Baba Yaga turned away and fell silent.
- The hostess, and the hostess?
- What?
What would you do with her if you caught up? Fried and eaten?
What am I, what kind of animal? - the old woman was offended. - How can I eat it? I have been living for three hundred years, and everything to me: “Baba Yaga, a bone leg ...” And she called her grandmother!
The old woman sobbed and wiped her eyes with the corner of her handkerchief.
- I've collected apples for her on the path ... And pies, with jam ... - she admitted and smiled embarrassedly at the stunned cat.

Sasha Senpe ©
07/29/2015 at 13:05

POSTSCRIPTUM: Well, where, in what country can you find such a charming old woman as our Baba Yaga?! And most importantly, it does not cause any fear in the kids. Just a charming creature. Our fairy tales are the best and kindest in the world.
So Emelya came to Baba Yaga, turned the hut on chicken legs towards him in front of him, back to the forest, went in and gasped. In an ideally clean room I saw Emelya an inexpressibly beautiful woman! ..
- Hello beauty! - said the shocked Emelya. - Where is Baba Yaga?
- I'm glad for you, Emelya, - the beauty answered, - that you saw my true face. Persons whose inner world is burdened with nasty thoughts and vile deeds present me in the same ugly form as their soul is ugly, and people with a pure soul see me as you see me today. I am a mirror in which a person sees a reflection of his personality. I am Yaga. Are you here on business or just like that?
And then the fairy tale begins ... Here is such a non-Pindos Soul."

Girl Nadia and Baba Yaga

Age: 6-9 years old.

Orientation: High anxiety, timidity. Feelings of guilt for violating parental prohibitions.

Key phrase:"I'm afraid!"

Once upon a time there was a little girl Nadia. She lived with her mother and father on the edge of the village. Everything was fine with them, only sometimes, like all small children, Nadia was capricious and did not obey her mother.
Once Nadya and her mother went for a walk in the woods, and it's so good in the woods! It smells of strawberries and mushrooms, birds sing all around, the sun shines brightly brightly. For a long time, Nadia and her mother walked and admired the forest, got tired and decided to rest. Mom lay down on the soft grass and soon fell asleep. At first, Nadya sat next to her and played with Ladybug, and when she flew away, Nadya got bored, and she went for a walk in the forest alone.
She was so carried away that she did not notice how lost she was. Nadia walked and walked, farther and farther into the depths of the forest, and suddenly she saw a hut. Before she could enter there, the treacherous Baba Yaga grabbed Nadya by the hand and shouted: "Yeah, gotcha, naughty girl! Now I'll eat you." Baba Yaga chattered her sharp teeth. Nadia was so frightened that she closed her eyes in fear. And Baba Yaga growled a little more and said: "Well, today I I won't eat you I already had dinner and I want to sleep. And you, capricious child, clean up in the hut, wash the floor and wash the dishes." With these words, the terrible and evil Baba Yaga locked the door and went to bed.
The next morning, when Baba Yaga woke up, she did not even recognize her hut: everything in it was tidied up, the floor was washed and the dishes were shining. And our Nadyusha sat in the corner and cried, she so wanted to return home to her affectionate mother. The evil Baba Yaga felt ashamed, she took pity on the girl and said: “Well, why are you whining, little girl, when I have a holiday, because my hut has never been as clean and beautiful as it is now. I am very pleased, thank you.” And now the kind Baba Yaga baked a cake and treated Nadya, and then accompanied her to the path to the village, and they parted as good friends. And at home Nadia was waiting for a long time mom and dad.


Tell me how Nadia was capricious and did not obey her mother.

How did Nadia "disenchant" Baba Yaga?

    No, she is a dissolute woman, far from a girl) no one flunked her herself. Yaga or yaga-baba, baba-yaga, yagaya and yagavaya or yagishna and yaginichna, a kind of witch, an evil spirit, under the guise of an ugly old woman. Is there a yaga, horns in the forehead (stove pillar with crows)? Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, rests with a pestle, sweeps the trail with a broom. Her bones come out from under her body in places; nipples hang below the waist; she travels for human meat, kidnaps children, her mortar is iron, the devils are carrying her; under this train there is a terrible storm, everything groans, the cattle roar, there is pestilence and death; whoever sees a yaga becomes mute. Yagishnaya is called an evil, quarrelsome woman.

  • at first they all seem to be girls, and then they mutate and become what we have

    And you know that with the nigers. When the nigers call each other nigers, this is normal, and when White calls them nigers, this is an insult. same with grandmothers. they even call other women women very much.
    welcome to the world of double standards!

    Long ago...

    Do you think only women? Still chicks, pots, Frosya, oh, a lot of things ... it's because they probably don't respect the female sex, or it's more convenient for them.

    It can be seen a girl - a swell or an otter without a show, the wrong type, a pretentious bitch and waiting for money from a man, stupidly for the sake of profit with you.

    mne kak bi bilo ne osobo prijatno uznatj 4to moja devushka esho i v 4uzih sisjkah kupaeca))

    the guy "you're like a woman", I don't know why, but I would take "you're like a man" as a compliment))

    A woman with eggs is an imperious woman, carrying all the routine, obligations, problems, life, as well as "male" work on her shoulders, which have not been fragile for a long time. It is characteristic of her: "I said - it will be so, this is not discussed."
    And the tomboy is a rude muzhlanka, a girl without feminine manners, with indecent behavior for her.

Who is Baba Yaga?

Research project for schoolchildren. Theme: Baba Yaga

methodologist of the MUDO Children's and Youth Department of Cheremkhovo Olga Nikolaevna Pilipei.
Material Description: This material will be useful to teachers and students of educational institutions, teachers of additional education.
slide 1 (title)

Research work

My research topic: Baba Yaga - a mythical character or a real woman.
(slide 2) Purpose of the study: To study and analyze the image of Baba Yaga.
(slide 3) Research objectives:
- Get acquainted with the features of the image of Baba Yaga.
- Learn the history of the name.
- Learn the historical basis of the image of Baba Yaga.
(slide 4) Hypothesis:
Let's assume that Baba Yaga is a real woman. Then why is she a representative of the dark forces in Russian folk tales, lives alone in a dense forest and everyone is afraid of her. Let's try to figure it out!
1. The story is a beautiful work of art. (slide 5) Scholars interpret the story in different ways. Some of them seek to characterize fairy tale fiction as independent of reality, while others wish to understand how the attitude of folk storytellers to the surrounding reality was refracted in the fantasy of fairy tales. (slide 6 photo of B.Ya. with a bear)
We are accustomed to consider a fairy tale something implausible. Remember Pushkin's: "A fairy tale is a lie ..."? (slide 7) However, our ancestors took fairy tales more seriously. There was no talk of any "fairytale fiction". In ancient times, the world of a Russian person was divided into two equal parts - the good world, reality, and the evil, otherworldly, but also absolutely real. These worlds are constantly in contact with each other. (slide 8 photo B.Ya.) We all remember how difficult and full of dangers the road to Far Far Away is, that the entrance to the mysterious world is somewhere on the border of earth and sky, in a dense impenetrable forest, where no man has yet set foot. So the image of Baba Yaga appeared in fairy tales. Whom to ask the way to an unseen country, who to learn the truth about magic spells and unheard of weapons? Only at Baba Yaga.
Who is this Baba - Yaga - one of the most famous figures of Russian folk tales or unknown? (slide 9 poll who is Baba Yaga?)
I asked this question to children from my children's association and offered 3 answers: most of the children (73%) believe that this is an old witch living in a dense forest. In the view of other guys (27%), this is a witch and a sorceress.
(slide 10) Baba Yaga is the most complex and controversial image in the fairy-tale world. According to the most general ideas, this is a terrible Old Woman, with a long nose and a bone leg, who mainly lies on the stove in her hut on chicken legs, (slide 11 photo B.Ya.) or rushes over Russia on his mortar, and has a very bad character. Although, if you talk politely with her, then she can take pity and even show the way and give the coveted ball that will bring you to the place.
2. Many scientists and researchers tried to guess what is hidden behind the terrible shell of this Old Woman. (slide 12 poll Why is B.Ya. called Yaga?) Why is Baba Yaga called Yaga? I asked the guys from my association about it. Of the proposed answers, 44% chose the option: because she is lame and hunchbacked; 39% of the class consider Baba Yaga Yaga because she flies in a mortar; and only 17% of the guys chose the option: they live alone and don't dress like everyone else.
As the encyclopedic dictionary tells us:
“YAGA, - Baba Yaga, a fairy-tale character living in a dense forest; witch".
Vladimir Dal, in his Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, writes that the yaga is "a kind of witch or an evil spirit under the guise of an ugly old woman."
The image of Baba Yaga in fairy tales is made up of different details. (slide 13) According to V.Ya. Propp, "the fairy tale knows three different forms of yaga". This is, firstly, the yaga-donor, to which the hero comes. She asks the hero, gives the horse, rich gifts. (slide 14) The second type is a kidnapping yaga who carries off children. (slide 15) The third type is the yaga-warrior.
(slide 16) Baba - the first part of the name shows that our heroine is of a very advanced age. After all, our words “baba - grandmother” are intended to refer to people of the older generation who have grandchildren. Therefore, the first part of the name not only notes that she is a woman, but also indicates her childbearing infirmity, a certain life experience.
Yaga - the second part of the name cannot be unambiguously interpreted. Some believe that our ancestors called the forest woman “yaga”, noting her absurd character or special clothes.
(slide 17 photos of Yagi in a mortar) Baba Yaga usually also moves like a witch or an unclean spirit. So, in fairy tales, she rides in an iron mortar, chasing it with a pestle and covering her tracks with a broomstick.
In fairy tales, Baba Yaga lives most often in a dense and impenetrable forest thicket, in a hut on chicken legs; Moreover, not only its appearance, but also the very way of life is unnatural to human.
(slide 18 photos of huts)
The fence around her hut is made of human bones, and skulls hang on the fence instead of pots. In the oven, Baba Yaga roasts (or at least tries to roast) the kidnapped children.
The appearance of Baba Yaga is practically not described anywhere. She is always in action - she flies on a mortar, shouts at her servants, catches up with the heroes. And judging by her actions, she is not a weak and infirm old woman, but rather energetic, strong and strong-willed.
(slide 19) After analyzing the literature, I came to the conclusion that Baba Yaga is:
- an old woman endowed with magical powers, a witch, a forest old sorceress, warriors and kidnappers;
- female evil spirit, thief of children, evil spirit;
- in most beliefs, Baba Yaga was very reminiscent of a sorceress, as well as forest and elemental spirits (goblin, mermaid) and spirits that live in a hut and are associated with spinning.
3. (slide 20, 6 photos) All fairy tales about Baba Yaga begin with the fact that the main character leaves his home, and his fate leads him to a strange strange world.
The fact is that among the ancient peoples there was a rite of initiation - the initiation of young men into men. The young man had to prove that he was already old enough, that he could be relied upon, that he had learned the wisdom of his elders, that he was a worthy warrior and hunter. The rite of passage has always been accompanied by various tests in strength, dexterity and ingenuity. Who conducted such tests and where?
It had to be a special person, wise by life experience, and the rite had to take place in a special place - where, according to the beliefs of the ancients, young people could receive Wisdom and Knowledge from their ancestors. It may very well be that Baba Yaga in reality is a female priestess, the head of the clan, who tested applicants for adulthood in a secluded and sacred place in the forest. She is wise and able to teach anyone - from Ivan Tsarevich to Ivanushka the Fool.
Scientists are very interested in the fact that in some fairy tales, not only young men, but also red girls get to Baba Yaga. And they live long, do hard work. It may very well be that in ancient times, beautiful and intelligent girls (Vasilis the Beautiful and Vasilis the Wise) were assigned a special role in the tribe, and they also underwent a certain rite of passage. By the way, there is another interpretation of the word "Yaga" - it means "decisive".
Another prototype of Baba Yaga in real life could be healers and witches who settled away from people, often in the forest. There they collected medicinal herbs and, if necessary, treated sick people from the surrounding villages. Many considered them connected with evil spirits and were afraid. Therefore, in the imagination of people, they could well be embodied in the terrible and mysterious image of Baba Yaga.
(slide 21 poll Do you like B.Ya.?)
During my research, I found answers to many questions. Based on fairy tales and additional literature, I concluded about the essence of the image of Baba Yaga. Conducting a survey among the students of my association, in conclusion, I asked, do you like Baba Yaga? Half of the guys said: "not very" (50%), 45% of the Baba Yaga class do not like it. And only 5% of the guys find Yaga an interesting character.
(slide 22 during the research…)
Many more generations of children will grow up on Russian fairy tales, where Baba Yaga is evil and insidious, but at the same time funny and funny. Recently, more and more positive traits have been found in Baba Yaga and they even call her the keeper of the hearth.
(slide 23 photos of Yagi) The study showed that the image of Baba Yaga carries a great semantic load. I found out that the fairy tales about Baba Yaga are largely a reflection of folk myths and beliefs, and those, in turn, are half-forgotten facts from real life. In Baba Yaga, which modern people consider just a fairy-tale character, once believed not only children, but also adults. Tales of Baba Yaga are a repository of information about the ancient life of the people, about real events that took place a very, very long time ago.
(slide 24 literature)
Thus, we can say that the goal and objectives set in this work have been fulfilled by me. This completes my work. Thank you for your attention!

1. Dal V.I. Encyclopedia of the Russian word. - M., 2002.
2. Russian fairy tales. LLC Publishing house "Rodnichok" M., 2011.
3. Propp V.Ya. The historical roots of fairy tales. - M., 1989.
4. Oral folk art // Russian literature: Encyclopedia for children. - M., 1998.
5. Etymological dictionary / Semenov A.V. - Moscow 2003.

Presentation for research work.

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There lived a very young Baba Yaga in the forest. Of course, she didn’t look like a grandmother, because she was only about twelve years old. But what to do, since since ancient times in Russia, their family was called - Baba Yaga. And her mother, and grandmother, and great-grandmother, and all the ancestors were Baba Yagami. Little Baba Yaga, also small, had a hut on chicken legs. Not even a hut, but a hut on chicken legs. Because when Baba Yaga is born, a hut is born along with her. Baba Yaga is growing, and her hut is growing with her. And they are bound together, inextricably linked. To live independently, the young Baba Yaga, began very early. Because she remained an orphan from the age of five. Her mother somehow decided, out of hunger, to dine with the fool Ivan, and she became infected with his stupidity. And Baba Yaga, who has become a complete fool, turns into an ordinary human woman. So she withered from melancholy, from sadness that she no longer flew in a mortar through the blue sky, did not weave witchcraft patterns, did not harass good fellows. By the way, little Baba Yaga, almost did not know how to conjure. Her mother did not have time to teach her the art of witchcraft. And what kind of Baba Yaga is this, if she doesn’t know how to conjure?

So she lived modestly for herself in a forest clearing, without interfering in anything. She ate berries, mushrooms, and roots, and drank spring water. It was boring for little Baba Yaga to live alone in the forest. And then one day she decided to break the centuries-old traditions and leave the impassable thicket. She wanted to see how people live. After all, my mother didn’t have time to tell almost anything about it. And the good fellows, they visited them very rarely, and even those, the young Baba Yaga, did not have time to ask about anything. Because mother's conversation was short - on a shovel, but in the oven.

Baba Yaga decides to leave the thicket

Here goes, little Baba Yaga, in her hut on chicken legs, goes. It looks like the forest has become thinner, and there are more paths. “So people come here more often,” thought the little Baba Yaga. Indeed, she looks, and a lot of kids go to meet her, s. They go, laugh, sing songs, and in general, have fun with might and main.

Little Baba Yaga was envious of such fun here, and she decided to show herself. She spat, blew, as mother taught, but she said magic words. "Hut, hut, turn your back to the forest, and front to the people." A moment, and everyone saw her. The children were very surprised to suddenly appear on the forest road, a log hut on two chicken legs. But they were not afraid to be afraid, because they were modern children, educated, and they did not believe in old fairy tales. And for sure, it was not the old, terrible Baba Yaga Bone Leg that came out of the hut, but a pretty snub-nosed girl with two pigtails, a sundress and birch bark spatulas.

The guys made a noise, surrounded the girl and let's ask who she was, and where she came from. Yes, what kind of drive does her “izbamobilya” have. Little Baba Yaga was embarrassed by such close attention, and she told the children everything, everything about herself. The children were delighted that they met the real Baba Yaga and invited her to visit. But first, they asked them to ride on such an unusual transport as a living hut on chicken legs.

Oh, and it was fun for the kids when the hut rushed through the forest with huge leaps faster than the wind. Having rolled over, the guys went to the edge of the forest, where a tour bus was waiting for them. The leaders of the group of schoolchildren were not very surprised by the new girl, deciding that she was from the nearest village and just wanted to get to the city. Yes, and the kids confirmed that Yana, as they dubbed the little Baba Yaga among themselves, is going to her parents, visiting her grandparents.

The bus rolled merrily along the highway, with the guys singing songs, and behind it, not lagging behind, ran a hut on chicken legs. Only no one saw her except the hostess - little Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga arrived in a large modern city

The city struck the girl with its scale and noise. Opening her mouth, the little Baba Yaga no longer sang songs with the others, but stared in amazement at the huge skyscrapers and high-rise buildings. Tall and wide bridges, endless streams of cars, and many, many other wonders of the modern city. The children took her to the zoo, museum, circus, rode the carousel, treated her to ice cream and cotton candy. Little Baba Yaga was happy. But all good things come to an end. This day is over too. The guys ran home, agreeing to meet tomorrow.

And the little Baba Yaga, sighing sadly, also went to sleep in her hut on chicken legs, which quietly parked on the playground. And since then, the young Baba Yaga has been playing with children and even going to school. She really wanted to learn to read and write as deftly as her new friends.

This is what happened in our city. Don't believe? Then look around and take a close look. Perhaps you will also see a low hut on chicken legs, decorously walking along the footpath. And from the window, a pretty little Baba Yaga will smile at you and wave her hand merrily.