Carlos Slim Elu is a success story. Biography and success story of Carlos Slim Elu

Carlos Slim Helu was born on January 28, 1940 in Mexico in the city of Mexico City. According to Forbes magazine () for 2010-2011, he is the richest person in the world.

In 2010 Carlos Slim El managed to dislodge Bill Gates from the first position in the rankings thanks to a 27% increase in the value of shares of America Movil from March to June 2007. 62% of the shares of this largest operator cellular communication in the Latin American region belong Carlos Slim El.

Carlos SlimHelu became the first Mexican in the history of the rating to rise to the top of the pyramid of billionaires. Also, for the first time in 16 years, a non-US citizen did so. For 2011-2012, the fortune of the rich man No. 1 is estimated by experts at 53.5 billion dollars.

The financial condition is based on the communications industry, Telefonos de Mexico, Altria Group Telcel and America Movil. The main asset of the entrepreneur is the holding company Grupo Carso, which controls a number of large Mexican companies.

Carlos Slim Elu- Mexican businessman of Arab origin, the son of emigrants from Lebanon. Capital basis Carlos SlimHelu laid down by his father. He created a real estate company that brought in a good income, and a little later, in 1920, he acquired real estate in the business district of Mexico City, which became the foundation of the family's well-being.

Future richest man on earth received his first lessons in wealth growth in early childhood. A father with many children gave each child a notebook and taught them to write down their expenses and incomes. Then they looked through the records together and analyzed the state of each. Since then, saving and investing have become part of the life of the young future billionaire, who got his first investment experience at the age of twelve, when he opened an account to buy shares in Banco Nacional de Mexico.

Carlos SlimHelu did not inherit a millionth fortune, although he had a good stable income. His current status as a billionaire, without any exaggeration, can be called a personal merit based on hard work, business acumen and, of course, entrepreneurial talent.

Your business activity Carlos Slim Elu started with retail trading network, relying on moderate prices for the far poor population of Mexico. And it justified itself. The result is a trading company, Carso, which competes on equal terms with the local network of a global trading giant like Wal-Mart. The next step was the extraction of coal and ore, and today owned Carlos Slim Elu Frisco Corporation is one of the leaders in the national mining and chemical industries.

In the process of developing your business Carlos SlimHelu established extensive political connections, thanks to which he later became the actual owner of the telecommunications market in Mexico. A vision of the future, as well as a thoughtful and timely response to the development of advanced technologies, strengthened the financial position Carlos SlimHelu.

In 1999 Carlos Slim Elu invested $1.5 billion to control several US firms operating fiber optic networks and cell phone centers in Florida and Puerto Rico. In February 2000, on shares with SBC, he became a co-owner of the Internet provider Network Access Solutions. And since then, it has continued to increase the scale and pace of its intervention in the fields of mobile communications and web technologies, constantly expanding the reach of their services to residents of Mexico and other countries. Latin America. A joint project with Microsoft tripled the number of Internet users, which caused an increase in the sale of computer equipment.

To date, the seventy-year-old Carlos SlimHelu as before, controls the activities of the business projects he created. Business Carlos SlimHelu family clan. Gradually retiring from business, Carlos takes the post of chairman of the board of a commercial and industrial group, a telecommunications holding, his main company Telmex. The main posts are occupied by his three sons. Enterprise America Telecom - the eldest son - Carlos Slim Domit, and his brothers, Patrick and Marco Antonio, head America Movil and Grupo Financiero Inbursa - the basic financial structure.

Porter Gifford, an expert economist from the UK, gave a clear definition of business in Latin America. All legal states are based on three fundamental elements:

— subsoil exploitation;

- exploitation of the needs of the poor;

- exploitation of political ties.

And the success story of Carlos Slim Elu this thesis is confirmed almost completely.

You can also add that Carlos Slim Elu is one of the world's largest philanthropists. He established the Foundation Carlos SlimHelu, which funds educational, cultural and medical projects in Mexico. In March 2011, with the participation of the Foundation, the Museo Soumaya Museum was opened, the exposition of which presents the treasures of world culture. There are about $4 billion on the accounts of the charitable institutions he created. And in the coming years, another $6 billion is planned. In addition, the entrepreneur has invested $500 million in social sphere and the education of Mexico. ♌

Catching goldfish online

Planets of Bill Gates, founder and ideological inspirer of Microsoft. Carlos Slim became the first Mexican who managed to conquer the pyramidal top of billionaires. This has become a sensation for the world's business, given the fact that over the past sixteen years this has been done by a person without US citizenship.

How to be born a billionaire?

On January 28, 1940, the future Mexican businessman and philanthropist Carlos Slim Helu was born in the family of a Mexican realtor of Arab origin Julian Slim Haddad. This was the fifth child of Julian Slim Haddad and Linda Ellu Atta. The business acumen of his father Carlos, who moved from Lebanon to Mexico at the age of fourteen, quickly allowed the boy to adapt to the world of business. By the age of 30, the father of the future billionaire had several outlets in the business part of the capital of the Latin American state. Julian Slim passed on his managerial skills to his children, of whom he had six.

First investment lessons

The success story of Carlos Slim begins at the age of seventeen. At that time, a young man, having the flair of a stock investor, makes his first million. Carlos Slim recalls his first lessons in profitable investing as follows: “My father forced each of us, his children, to keep a special notebook of income and expenses. Coming from school, we wrote down all our expenses for the day in it. Father carefully reviewed the records and gave an assessment to each of us. These evening gatherings with the whole family at dinner became a real life lesson for me and my relatives. In modern terms, it was a master class.”

The recommendations of the enterprising father were heard by Carlos. A young man gets his first investment experience at the age of twelve. With pocket money saved, which his father gave him daily, at the age of twelve, Carlos Slim buys shares in Banco Nacional de Mexico, the second largest bank in Mexico after BBVA Bancomer.

Carlos Slim: biography of the future billionaire

Slim continues to invest in profitable business while still managing to study at the National Autonomous University of Mexico at the Faculty of Civil Engineering. The outstanding abilities of the student were appreciated by the university management. In his last year, Carlos Slim (photo can be seen in the article) was recommended by the university administration to teach linear programming and algebra to junior university students.

However, after graduating from higher education at the National Autonomous University of Mexico in 1961, Carlos Slim did not work on the engineering specialty received at the university, he was attracted by investments.

The birth of a financial empire

Carlos Slim starts his career as a stockbroker. Working 14 hours a day, in 1965 he manages to make a profit from private investments of 400 thousand dollars. This inspires Carlos to bigger projects. This is how the brokerage company "Inversora Bursátil" appears, which becomes the foundation for creating a large family business.

In 1966, the future billionaire in the first letters of the name of Slim Ellu and his wife Sumai Domit Gemayel organizes the real estate agency Inmobiliaria Carso. A successful commercial project quickly brings the necessary profit and becomes the financial basis for creating the future Grupo Carso empire. In the late 60s, the financial condition of Carlos Slim reaches a little over 50 million dollars.

Carlos Slim: biography of the 70s

The financial well-being of Carlos Slim, thanks to competent investment, is growing every year. By 1972, he acquired seven more enterprises, mainly these were production facilities for the manufacture construction equipment. In 1976, Slim becomes the owner of a 60 percent stake in Galas de Mexico, a small printing house that produces cigar boxes.

The investment in the project is one million dollars. Within four years, the entire production of the company Galas de Mexico belonged to him. The focus of Carlos Slim's growing business in the following years was:

  • production of non-ferrous metals;
  • airlines;
  • industrial and civil construction;
  • chemical and pulp and paper industry;
  • insurance investment.

Growth of financial power

In 1982, the Mexican economy experienced financial crisis. banking collapsed, some went bankrupt, others were looking for sources of financing. A foreign investor turned away from the Latin American state, many commercial projects had to be closed, companies suffered multimillion-dollar losses.

However, Carlos' keen investment eye kept a close eye on companies that could turn a profit later on. Buying assets at low prices, Slim ended up with a fairly solid income thanks to successful reinvestment.

In 1985, at the height of Mexico's economic downturn, he bought out Empresas, the only state-owned monopoly mining and chemical company producing gold, silver, copper and other non-ferrous metals, for $50 million.

The owner of telecommunications

In the early 90s, Carlos Slim significantly increases his capital. Mexico privatizes its telecommunications industry and Grupo Carso acquires Telmex from the Mexican government. Then there was big deal with the acquisition of a controlling stake from Porcelanite. Gradually, Grupo Carso is gaining momentum, and already from a company known only in Latin America, it develops into a global brand. The further chronology of events is also impressive:

Ahead - America!

In 1999, Carlos Slim's gaze turns to the United States of America. Expanding his business interests outside of Latin America, the billionaire is targeting foreign investment from his northern neighbor. Soon Carlos Slim achieves some success and becomes a prominent figure in the American business scene.

In 2002, the famous Forbes magazine included him in the list of billionaires, estimating the total fortune of Carlos Slim at $11 billion. Since 2003, he has managed to buy large stakes in a number of large US retailers. In 2006, behind only Warren Buffett and Bill Gates, Carlos Slim comes in third place with a net worth of $30 billion.

A year later, Carlos becomes the richest man on earth. Today, his fortune is estimated at 81.5 billion dollars, which allows him to hold the world championship among the world's moneybags.

Personal life

The billionaire has been happily married for 32 years. His only love was Sumai Domit Gemayel, a Lebanese girl and cousin former president Lebanon. Throughout her life, her husband has been involved in charity work. The main idea of ​​her life was the creation legal basis for organ donation, a project funded by Carlos Slim. The family meant a lot to the Mexican magnate.

He believed that a successful marriage makes a person strong and independent, just like money. Unfortunately, everything has its end. In 1999, his wife passed away, in the same year, Carlos Slim underwent a complex heart operation to bypass coronary vessels. The main thing that Sumai Domit Gemayel and Carlos Slim managed to do in this life are children: Carlos, Marco Antonio, Patrick, Sumaya, Vanessa and Johanna.

Slim's fortune spawned a business empire in the family. Today, company shares are acquired not only on behalf of Carlos Slim, but also from his children. His three eldest sons hold key positions in the companies of the Carso group.

There are no computers in Carlos Slim's office. He keeps all his financial data on paper. The business empire of the Mexican tycoon has grown to such an extent that Carlos himself jokingly says that he does not know what he now owns.

The property

Where does Carlos Slim live and what does he own? The house of the Mexican billionaire is located in Lomas de Chapultepec, one of the most prestigious areas of modern Mexico City. A modest dwelling, built forty years ago, is located near the place where Carlos spent his childhood and youth.

In addition, in different years he acquired:

  • the former New York Times building on West 43rd Street;
  • 11-story building on First Avenue in New York;
  • 10-story building on the corner of Wilshere and Santa Monica Boulevard;
  • two mansions in Detroit;
  • mansion on 5th Avenue in New York, with a total area of ​​20 thousand square meters.

The main property of Carlos is located in the United States of America. In May 2014, K. Slim presented to the world community his own Inbursa aquarium, the largest in Latin America.


Slim has always been ironic about philanthropy, criticizing Warren Buffett and Bill Gates for their annual 5% donations to various charities.

He said: "I am not God and not Santa Claus, to help the poor, to solve their problems." Everything changed in 1999, when his beloved wife died, and Carlos himself found himself on the border between life and death. After a successful coronary bypass operation, Carlos Slim said: "Finally, I realized that after death I will not be able to take my billions with me."

Today, the Carlos Slim Foundation has $4 billion in its account. The Slim Foundation donated $100 million to the nationwide Laptop for a Kid program. The charitable idea is to provide every student in Mexico personal computer. Carlos also responded to the idea of ​​US President Bill Clinton to fight poverty in Latin America.

Merit recognition

Long entrepreneurial activity Carlos Slim did not go unnoticed:

  • 1985 Entrepreneurial Medal of Honor from the Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  • 1991 "Gold Patron" from the American Academy of Achievement.
  • 1998 Order of Leopold II from the Belgian government.
  • 2003-2004 Badge "Best CEO from the Latin Journal of Commerce.
  • 2008 National Order of the Cedar from the Lebanese government.
  • 2011. The Spanish Society of America honors Carlos Slim with the Soroll Medal for his contributions to the arts and culture.
  • year 2012. "Honorary Doctor" from the George Washington University (USA).

Tips from a tycoon

The whole world knows the Mexican billionaire as the author of unique aphorisms and sayings. Carlos Slim quotes:

  1. Luck in personal life makes a person stronger.
  2. Many people change the world for the better for their children, and I, on the contrary, change my children for the better so that they change the world.
  3. Wealth is a blooming garden where it is necessary to share not trees, but its fruits.
  4. Try not to make small mistakes anymore.
  5. If you depend on the opinions of competitors, then you are dead.
  6. To foresee the future, you need to know the past.

It is difficult to disagree with these aphorisms, especially knowing who said them.

July 31, 2015, 23:13

Carlos Slim Elu expressed the opinion that people should work only three days a week, devoting 10-11 hours a day to work. Four weekends people should spend with their families, take care of their health and education. At the same time, 75-year-old Carlos Slim is sure that now people are retiring too early. We must allow them to work fully until the age of 70, and those who feel the strength in themselves - even longer. Three days - to work, four - to rest and do other things.

Carlos Slim Elu was born on January 28, 1940 in Mexico City. He was the fifth child in a Lebanese Catholic family. His father, Julian Slim, came to Mexico in 1902 to escape mandatory conscription into the Ottoman army.

Of all the children, Carlos was the smartest, most talented and diligent. In addition, the boy had the ability to do mathematics, which helped him to start investing. Carlos made his first "adult" investments at the age of 12, acquiring shares in a Mexican bank. And the first million Carlos Slim Elu earned when the young man was only 17 years old.

Success in business did not blind either Carlos or his father. The young man entered National University Mexico, where he studied the construction business, while continuing to play on the stock exchange. In his senior years, Carlos taught algebra and programming to students from other courses.

At the age of 25, Carlos left the walls of the university with a degree in civil engineering, but he never began to work in his specialty. By that time, young Slim was already the owner of quite significant capital, part of which he invested in the purchase of hotels, the insurance business and trade. In the latest industry, Slim had an idea. It consisted in the fact that in his stores the prices of goods were affordable for ordinary Mexicans.

In the crisis of the 80s, Carlos Slim turns his attention to the mining industry. As a result, he becomes the owner of Frisco Corporation - the leader of the national mining and chemical industries.

Slim's influence on the Mexican economy becomes such that every Mexican is exposed to his companies or products. At this time, Slim begins to climb to the heights of the political Olympus. True, Slim does not go directly into politics, preferring to establish and maintain good relations with the authorities.

Carlos Slim continued to explore the promising telecommunications market. In the late 90s and early 2000s, Slim becomes the owner of a 30 percent stake in America Movil, a Latin American consortium of cellular operators. In 2008, he acquires stakes in The New York Times and Citibank. In 2002, he purchased the liabilities of the bankrupt WorldCom at a bargain price and became the largest shareholder of MCI formed in its place.

Personal life and family

In 1966, Carlos Slim married a girl named Somaya Domit Germayel, who was also of Lebanese origin and was a cousin of former Lebanese President Gemayel.

He lived happily with her for 32 years until her death in 1999.

Museum named after his late wife

Carlos Slim continues to be seriously called Mexico's "most desirable widower" by glamor magazines. However, he is not attracted by glamorous fame, and he is indifferent to young beauties.
The Slim family has a number of well-established traditions, one of which is the collective vacation on the west coast of Mexico. In the summer, all family members, including grandchildren, get together to spend a few weeks somewhere on the beach of the Gulf of California.

Love for the family hearth was instilled in him and his brothers from early childhood. Father and mother taught them to enjoy life and realize the responsibility of each to the family. The issue of responsibility has always been at the core of the Slim family philosophy. It was this feeling that helped Carlos Slim become the richest man in the world. In the next 25 years, the wealthy and influential Slim family could be an extremely positive factor in the development of Latin America.

Carlos has 6 children, three sons and three daughters.

The eldest son Carlos Slim Domit (born 1967) is the chairman of the holding company Grupo Carso.

Carlos Slim Elu - Mexican billionaire topping the Forbes list. His fortune, according to 2013, is $ 73 billion. At the same time, his name appears in the press much less frequently than the names of the second and third billionaires in the world, Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. But the other day he made a statement that forced the media in many countries to write about him. Carlos Slim Elu expressed the opinion that people should work only three days a week, devoting 10-11 hours a day to work. Four weekends people should spend with their families, take care of their health and education. At the same time, 74-year-old Carlos Slim is sure that now people are retiring too early. We must allow them to work fully until the age of 70, and those who feel the strength in themselves - even longer. Three days - to work, four - to rest and do other things. Who is this person who offers such an attractive layout of life?

Carlos Slim Elu was born on January 28, 1940 in Mexico City. He was the fifth child of a Lebanese refugee and the daughter of a successful Lebanese merchant. His father, Julian Slim, came to Mexico in 1902 to escape mandatory conscription into the Ottoman army.

Julian Slim quickly got used to the new place. At the beginning of his career, he traded real estate, and later he became the owner of several mansions and a supermarket in downtown Mexico City. All six of Julian's children early years they helped their father, for which they received quite impressive "pocket money" by children's standards. The father watched how the children spend their savings, simultaneously teaching them the basics of money management. Each of the children had a notebook in which they wrote down their income and expenses, and the father not only controlled the movement of money, but also gave advice on how to increase capital.

Of all the children, Carlos was the smartest, most talented and diligent. In addition, the boy had the ability to do mathematics, which helped him to start investing. Carlos made his first "adult" investments at the age of 12, acquiring shares in a Mexican bank. And the first million Carlos Slim Elu earned when the young man was only 17 years old.

Success in business did not blind either Carlos or his father. The young man entered the National University of Mexico, where he studied construction, while continuing to play on the stock exchange. In senior years, Carlos earned in another, rather unusual way - he taught algebra and programming to students of other courses.

At the age of 25, Carlos left the walls of the university with a degree in civil engineering, but he never began to work in his specialty. By that time, young Slim was already the owner of quite significant capital, part of which he invested in the purchase of hotels, the insurance business and trade. In the latest industry, Slim had an idea. It consisted in the fact that in his stores the prices of goods were affordable for ordinary Mexicans.

In 1982, a massive economic crisis associated with the impossibility of paying the country's external debt. Taking advantage of this, the wealthy Slim bought up a lot of assets on the cheap. Many promising companies that found themselves in a hopeless situation became the property of Slim. Then Slim founded his first investment holding Carso Group. The name of the holding is formed from the first syllables of the names of Carlos and his wife Soumai.

In the crisis of the 80s, Carlos Slim turns his attention to the mining industry. As a result, he becomes the owner of Frisco Corporation - the leader of the national mining and chemical industries.

Slim's influence on the Mexican economy becomes such that every Mexican is exposed to his companies or products. At this time, Slim begins to climb to the heights of the political Olympus. True, Slim does not go directly into politics, preferring to establish and maintain good relations with the authorities. Close relations and even friendship with Mexican President Carlos Salinas de Gortari in 1988-94 played into the hands of Slim in the privatization of the then monopoly in the communications market - the state telecommunications company Telmex (Telefonos de Mexico).

This acquisition subsequently became the cause of a major scandal. The fact is that, having acquired a stake, Slim, under the terms of the contract, had to share part of the proceeds with Gotari and the ruling party of the country. The details of the deal were known only to the two of them, the investigation did not particularly find out anything, and after Gotari resigned, the story came to naught.

Despite the blow to his reputation, Carlos Slim continued to explore the promising telecommunications market. In the late 90s and early 2000s, Slim becomes the owner of a 30 percent stake in America Movil, a Latin American consortium of cellular operators. In 2008 in The New York Times and Citibank. In 2011, he invested in the largest Spanish media company Prisa. According to experts, Carlos Slim often made investments at times when companies were experiencing difficulties and were even on the verge of a crisis. Slim, thanks to his organizational skills, managed to establish a business so that he again began to work and make a profit. With many "restored" assets, Slim parted. Naturally with a profit. C some - did not part even despite the tempting offers. So in 2002, he bought the liabilities of the bankrupt WorldCom at a bargain price and became the largest shareholder of MCI formed in its place. Verizon was ready to buy MCI shares from him for the sake of the merger, Slim would have received $ 600 million in net profit. But he opposed the deal. As a result, Verizon had to pay him $1.12 billion. Slim's profit was about $1 billion.

In 2002, the Mexican first entered the Forbes rich list. By 2006, he is in the top three, second only to Warren Buffett and Bill Gates. In 2007 - on the second line of the Forbes list, and according to others, Gates himself. Forbes named Carlos Slim the richest man in the world in 2010. Since then, he has managed to keep the lead.

Interesting facts about Carlos Slim Elu

  • Loves art. The world's largest owner of sculptures by Auguste Rodin. In honor of his wife, who died in 1999, he founded the Museo Soumaya Museum in Mexico City, which exhibits sculptures from his collection.
  • Once a year, the whole huge Slim family, including little grandchildren and sons - business tycoons, gathers on vacation on the west coast of Mexico. Family values ​​and responsibility are always in the first place for Slims.
  • Slim's mansion has a humidor - a room with strictly controlled temperature and humidity, necessary for storing cigars. According to the stories of connoisseurs, sometimes, it was there, smoking a cigar, that Slim made the most important decisions that brought him to the top of the list of rich people.
  • Carlos Slim himself taught mathematics to his six children, at the same time instilling in them the basics of business. Three sons followed in the footsteps of their father, the eldest of them - Carlos Slim Domit - is the chairman of the board of directors of the Carso Group.
  • The richest man in Mexico rarely uses the services of bodyguards.
  • He is famous for his frugality and does not like luxury. Even at meetings at the highest level, he wears a simple digital watch with a built-in calculator.
  • He founded the Carlos Slim Institute of Health, a foundation dedicated to fighting cancer and diabetes.
  • millions and billions into the economy and education of Mexico.
  • Carlos Slim Elu is one of the main investors in Nicolás Negroponte's "Laptop for Every Child" program.

10 rules of life from Carlos Slim Elu

  • When I decide to do something, I do it quickly.
  • When, during the crisis, everyone got rid of assets, I, on the contrary, bought.
  • I spend most of my time learning new technologies. I need to know what's going on in the world and how to make money from it.
  • Poverty is the best environment for growth. Getting my country out of poverty is the biggest investment of my life.
  • Wealth is a garden in which fruits are to be shared, not trees.
  • Avoid excesses even in the easiest times of your life, for this will provide you with stability in times of greatest difficulty.
  • Compromise and responsibility are the main components of a successful business.
  • My goal is not money. I strive to create successful companies with a close-knit team.
  • I don't care about my reputation. If you live on other people's thoughts, you are dead. I don't want to live the rest of my life worrying about what posterity will say about me.
  • Many people want to change the world for the better for their children. I want to change my children so that they serve the world.

Hello, dear readers blog! Who is Carlos Slim Elu, we briefly told you . Today I want to provide more detailed information about his biography and how he managed to win the title of the most influential person on our planet.



Our hero was born in 1940 in Mexico City in a Maronite family. His father, Julio Slim Haddad, migrated from Lebanon in 1902 to avoid military service. He married the daughter of a wealthy Lebanese merchant and opened his own business, providing real estate services, and later in a prestigious area of ​​​​Mexico City - a supermarket. From the very childhood of all his six children, of which Elu was the penultimate one, he taught entrepreneurship, passing on his knowledge and skills.

As first-graders, the children worked hard for their father, receiving a salary that they learned to manage. They incited and planned expenses in a notebook, which was specially issued by the father. Among the rest, Carlos was distinguished by the fact that he had a business sense, although he spent everything he earned on sweets, soda and other sweets. But by the age of 12, he decided to start investing. He opened an account dedicated specifically to stocks and acquired the assets of Banco Nacional de Mexico. And at the age of 17 he was able to earn his first million.

Entering the National Autonomous University of Mexico as an engineer, he continued to engage in stock trading, managing to teach algebra and linear programming as a student. After graduating from university in 1961, he did not want to work in his specialty, and five years later he founded his own real estate agency. Calling Inmobiliaria Carso, creating an abbreviation from the initials of his name and his beloved wife (Sumai Domit Gemayel). Having amassed a considerable fortune , Elu began to acquire various hotels and shops, with an emphasis on ensuring that even the poorest residents of Mexico could afford the goods necessary for life.

prosperity and success

Crisis in Mexico

In 1982, an economic crisis occurred in Mexico due to the inability to pay the accumulated foreign debt. And while Mexican investors in a panic sold their assets en masse, Carlos did not lose his head and bought most of them for a penny, adding part of the capital inherited from his father. This is how the Carso Group holding, known to the whole world today, appeared. Further, he became interested in the chemical, mining and metallurgical industries.

Literally by the end of the eighties, almost every resident of his country daily encountered at least one of Elu's business sectors. By the way, it was during this period that he struck up friendly relations with Mexican President Carlos Salinasi de Gortari, which provided him with connections in the field of politics, which only added to his power and status. It was this relationship that played a decisive role in relation to the purchase of Telmex, a telecommunications company, since it was Slim who won the competition among other investors.


The real value of Telmex was at least $12 billion. Al managed to close a deal with a very large discount - the amount was 400 million dollars. Moreover, he paid for it for several years, taking the so-called installment plan. The President of Mexico City reported for a long time to the government and, in general, to the inhabitants of the country. But apparently, the deal between Carlos was very promising and successful. Because both did not pay much attention to the fact that the reputation was a little tarnished due to this event.

During these years (1990-2011), he was able to achieve an absolute monopoly in the telecommunications sector, also acquiring part of the assets of companies such as The New York Times, CaixaBank, America Movil, and others.

In just 10 years, despite the crisis and the poverty of the Mexicans, he managed to quadruple the number of Telmex customers. Which before the 2000s was approximately 30 million users, thanks to the fact that he provided a loan to buy a cell phone, and good discount for the starter pack. This helped even the most impoverished citizens of Mexico City to be always in touch. The success story of a telecommunications company gave him the idea that it was worth organizing a separate holding for her, with the main focus on further promotion. So in 1996, Carso Global Telecom appeared.

#1 in the world

In 2002, Forbes magazine included him for the first time in their list of the richest people on the planet, thanks to a net worth of $11 billion. And in just 8 years, approximately $ 43 billion was added to his fortune, which ensured him the title of the first rich man on the planet. In 2011, he decided to relieve himself of the leadership of his empire, leaving only a seat on the board of directors. investment company Impulsora. Despite this, his income is growing rapidly, and in 2016 his capital amounted to $ 86 billion. To date, there is no exact data on how much money he has, but it is known that Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, along with Mark Zuckerberg, ousted him from the first positions, according to Forbes magazine. But he is still rightfully considered the most influential person in Mexico.


Slim tied the knot with Sumai in 1966. They were happy together for 32 years, until disaster struck - their beloved died in 1999. Together they gave birth to six beautiful children, 3 sons and 3 daughters. The eldest son, named Carlos Domit, is now the chairman of his father's holding company, while the rest manage America Movil and Grupo Financiero Inbursa. Slim says that usually parents want to do everything to provide for their children. happy life, and he has another principle - to teach them so that they can do it on their own and at the level they want.

Elu grew up in an atmosphere from childhood, where the most important value in a person's life is the family. Therefore, he brought up his children in the spirit of the old traditions. He even once said in an interview that each person should work no more than three days a week in order to devote the remaining four to close people, for whom it is worth living and giving everything to the fullest. Devotion to his wife ensured him the title of the most desirable widower in all of Mexico City.

Unlike many famous and rich men, he is not at all greedy for models and other glamorous young ladies. Carlos prefers to spend his free time on the coast of his country not in the company of beauties, but with his children and grandchildren. By the way, there is a museum that he created and named after his beloved wife "Sumai".



Elu, in addition to his family, loves baseball very much. So much so that it can tell about the statistics, rating and results of any athlete from any tournament. The players themselves probably do not remember such details. Only for some reason he owns three football clubs, not baseball teams. He also loves art, collecting a collection of works by Picasso and Van Gogh, as well as works by Rodin. He is fond of history, and loves to "dig" dossiers on every famous or familiar person.

That is, before meeting with someone, the entire biography of the interlocutor will be studied, and not a single slightest detail will be left without attention. Carlos lives by the principle of "forewarned is forearmed", thanks to which he has so many useful and necessary connections. By the way, at least once his sons gave him a laptop for Christmas, he does not use it at all, preferring to keep all the information in his head, trusting only his memory.


In the business world, he is known as a very economical and frugal person. You won't believe it, but despite your billions, important business meetings when he shakes hands, unworthy magnates become visible Rolex watch, and old batteries, remember, there used to be those with a built-in calculator? Yes, and he lives, in principle, not in the coolest mansion, but in the house where his family has been living for several decades.

Slim is not embarrassed by the usual plastic lighters that are sold at every gas station, he calmly lights his favorite cigars with them. What can we say, if his office is not on the top floor of a skyscraper, but in the basement, where there is not a single window. And he teaches employees this philosophy, saying that even in the simplest and most successful years a person is obliged to save money, restraining impulses of extravagance. Then, in the event of a crisis and any other trouble, he will be able to stay afloat, maintaining balance and stability.

For a long time, Slim was considered a miser, due to the fact that in a country where poverty reigns, he grows rich and refuses to help the unprotected population. He explained the refusal of charity quite logically, declaring that he was not Santa Claus to fulfill someone's desires. Despite his condition, he will not eradicate poverty in any way, because the problem itself is in people and their attitude to money. And if we compare wealth with a garden, then we need to share the fruits, and not the trees, emphasizing that those who are unable to earn will squander what they have been given and return to their former lack of money. Therefore, instead of deductions, he built schools and tried to create as many jobs as possible so that people themselves could provide for themselves without relying on anyone.


But after the death of his beloved, he revised his values ​​​​and created his own institute to fight cancer and diabetes, which he called the Carlos Slim Institute of Health. And after he was diagnosed with heart problems, Slim completely changed tactics. He deposited charitable foundations about 4 billion dollars. Having explained the changes by those, after death he will still not be able to enjoy his wealth, taking it with him.

He is also the main sponsor of the Nicholas Negroponte program, which consists in giving a laptop to every child. And in the fund of Bill Clinton, 42 on the account of the President of the United States, which is concerned about the poverty of Latin Americans, Slim credited approximately $ 100 million.

By the way, freely dealing with such large sums, our tycoon to this day carefully keeps in his office that first notebook with which he began his acquaintance with finance.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! As you can see, hard work and the ability to find your niche, to understand what exactly you want in this life, when work brings not just profit, but also pleasure, are the main companions of all successful people whether they are millionaires, or even billionaires. For example, Eugene Kaspersky works at least 27 days a month, and the working day was more than 8 hours, to which many are accustomed. You can read more about his path of formation. Subscribe to updates, so as not to miss the release of new articles. Good luck and strength on the way to your dream!

The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.