Leading countries in the production of metal-cutting machine tools. Machine tool building in modern Russia

Another year has passed of the "marathon" race of the leading countries in the category of "machine tool building" - the leading industry of the industrialized countries of the world in the production and consumption of metalworking equipment (MOE).

Interestingly, in such a relatively short period, one can see examples of a well-chosen strategy and tactics of some countries, which allowed for 20 years to rise in the ranking of production, export and consumption of MOO. And close-knit teams of machine tool companies and firms from many countries were able not only to defend their place in the domestic market, but to win a high place in the markets of competitor countries.

Data from Gardner Publication Inc. according to the results of 2015, they expanded in number to 60 countries of the world, including close CIS countries.

The overall pace of the group of leaders in 2014-2015 slowed down slightly after accelerating in 2009-2011. But, looking back at the 20-year marathon race of machine tool builders, we can say that the training was not in vain: in all respects, many countries have become much stronger than they were. And the rate and opportunities for rapid growth of the leading machine tool countries depend only on the state of the world economy and demand: this could be seen after the big recessions in 2001 and 2009.

The dynamics of the production of metalworking equipment is a reflection of the state of the global world economy. With the recovery of the economy, the demand for industrial equipment is growing and the production, export, import and consumption of machine tools and forging equipment (CPO) are rapidly recovering.

The development of the world machine tool industry in the first decade of the 21st century had its own dynamics of both stable growth and recessions. In the past decade, active modernization and the creation of new industries in Asian countries, especially in China, stimulated the rise of the machine tool industry, and, in turn, the renewal of the machine park in industry, the automation of production, further increased the growth rate of the world economy. The dynamics of changes in the indices of production and consumption of metalworking equipment (MO) and forging and pressing equipment (KPO) in the countries of the world are higher than the indices of world production and trade in goods. True, during a recession or stagnation of the market, there is an even sharper drop in indicators in the machine tool industry. This is especially reflected in countries where the share of MRO exports in production is large. On the other hand, during the period of growth (2003-2008) or recovery (2010-2011) of the world economy, the indicators of the production volume of MO and KPO were very optimistic for the successful development of the machine tool industry in the industrialized countries of the world.

The indicator of the development of machine tool building in a particular country of the world is an indicator of the development of economic and productive forces. In this correspondence "marathon" there are leading MOO producing countries, which are in the top ten. For example, the rating chart (right) shows the top five manufacturing countries of MOO and KPO in 1954, 1967, 1986, 2000, 2005 and 2015, as well as the percentage share of the world production of machine tools of the leading countries.

This correspondence "Olympiad" of machine tool builders of the world continues today in a fierce competition for the consumer, offering him the most modern, accurate and reliable equipment with prompt service support. At the same time, manufacturing countries have to fight for success in the domestic and foreign markets: in the domestic market, to convince not entirely patriotic consumers to buy domestic equipment, and in foreign markets, to actively promote their products, competing with global brands and corporations.

And in this competitive struggle, both the creative and innovative approach to improving their products and the flair of marketing specialists for the “hot” consumer market are equivalent. In this daily competition, there is a full-time (at exhibitions and fairs) and absentee struggle for the consumer.

So, according to the authoritative news agency Gardner Publication Inc. and data from national machine tool associations, we present you a picture of the development of the market for the production and consumption of MOO over the past 20 years from 2005 to 2015. In calculating these world totals, Gardner Publication Inc. uses data from the top 27 countries, which account for approximately 95% of MD production and consumption. Although the data on world production and consumption of MOO in 2015 are preliminary (due to the fluctuation of the dollar against the euro and other national currencies during the year), they give some idea of ​​the vector of development of the world machine tool industry.

Not claiming to be global economic analysis, we present to you a graphical representation of the dynamics of production, consumption, exports and imports in the world market for MOE, which will help you feel the exciting intrigue of this marathon race of the world's leading countries in 2005-2015.

After an increase in 2010-2011, the total global consumption of MPO decreased by 11.4% in 2015 and fell to the level of $78,969.6 million.

In 2015, the top ten MOO consumers remained the same: China remains the largest MOO consumer, outperforming the nearest competitor by almost three times. The United States, after losing its leadership in 2001 in 2014, took 2nd place, and today remains the second largest global consumption market.

China, Japan, Germany, Italy and South Korea remain in the top five in the ranking of MPO manufacturers. The leader remains, and apparently forever, China. Germany in 2013-14 came in second place, but in 2015, due to a fall in production by 14%, it lost to Japan. In 2015, Italy overtook South Korea and took 4th place in the ranking of MPO producers. In sixth place came the US machine tool industry, which overtook Taiwan in 2011.

In the top five exporting countries, all leaders show a very high ratio of exports to production (the share of exports in the volume of production), except for China. This indicator makes the reputation of the country and the products of companies as a supplier outside the country. For example, China exports only 14% of machine tool production, while Switzerland exports more than 85%. On the other hand, countries that re-export equipment have a rate of more than 100%, such as Belgium - 326% or Hong Kong - 500%.

The indicator "share of imports in consumption" in the last column of the table "IMPORTS" shows the dependence of the country on external suppliers of equipment. For example, the US is the most open market for suppliers from all over the world and the share of imports in consumption reaches 61%, and Japan is the most closed country for exporters of MPO, with the share of imports in consumption in different years from 9 to 19%. High shares of import dependence can be noted in such countries as Brazil (89%), India (57%), Mexico (89%), Turkey (83%) and Russia (80-95%).

Fluctuations in economic growth in industrialized countries change the situation in the world market for the production and consumption of MPO, which affects the direction of export-import of these products. The main and active consumers of MPO are countries with developed economies, where enterprises are being modernized or new production facilities are being opened based on the latest technologies.

If we talk about the "team struggle" in the world market, then the share of European machine tool builders - members of the CECIMO association (15 EU countries) in the world production of MRO, then in 2015 fell to 34.3%, and the share of consumption of MRO decreased to 19.8 %. Share of countries SE. Asia and Australia, the world production of MRO over the ten years increased from 44.8% to 58.4%, and the share of consumption - from 48.7% to 58.0% in 2015. The share of the countries of North and South America in world production MRO for ten years has decreased from 10.3% to 7.3%, and the share of consumption remains at an average level of 15-17%.

The leaders in terms of MRO consumption per capita (one of the criteria for the strength of the economies of countries) were such countries as Switzerland (126.6 dollars per person), South Korea (75.9), Germany (78.6), Austria (75.00), Slovenia (75.3) and Singapore (70.6), followed by Taiwan, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The tables and rating graphs show data on the production, export, import and consumption of MPO for the last twenty years from 1995 to 2015 by the leading countries of the world. The share of other countries not included in this review (Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, Israel, Hong Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Iran, Colombia, South Africa, Algeria, Egypt, Belarus, Ukraine, etc.), accounts for about 5-8% of the world production of MRO.

Of particular interest is the technological structure of MOO production in the world. In the table "production" (Table 1), the column indicates the ratio of production volumes of metalworking (MO) and forging and pressing equipment (KPO). In the table "consumption" in the column "share of imports in consumption" one can judge how much the country's industry is dependent on imports of MOO.

International trade in metalworking and forging and pressing equipment

The globalization of the world market has also affected the manufacturers of machine tools and tools. Almost all the leading MOO consumers are members of the WTO, which opens up new opportunities for manufacturers to export machine tools and for a level playing field in the fight for the consumer. What turned out to be beneficial for the consumer - prices are becoming more reasonable, and such “automobile” factors as efficiency are taken into account in the choice of machines after-sales service, training and technical support, supply of spare parts.

The world market has become more open for MOO manufacturers: the volume of mutual trade of machine tools between countries and continents has increased, respectively, the competition between the machine tool companies of the world has increased. On average, more than half of the machine tools produced are exported to other countries. On the other hand, during the crisis, machine tool builders solved two difficult tasks: to maintain their positions in the domestic market and win back their place in foreign markets, where the demand for machine tools increased.

The ranking of the top five IEO exporting countries has changed. In 2015, Germany remains the leader among exporting countries, where the share of exports in the production of medical equipment reaches 71%. The second and third places are occupied by Japan and Italy. But China, despite the decline in production since 2012, in 2012 displaced Switzerland from fifth place and in 2015 overtook Taiwan. The MOO export rating table shows the share (%) of exports in production, which also reflects the dependence of the national machine tool industry on foreign markets.

The rating table of imports of MOO reflects the share of imports in consumption - the import dependence of the national industry on external supplies of MOO. A number of countries, such as Russia, Mexico, India, France, Turkey and others, have indicators of import dependence of over 80%, which reflects the critical dependence of the national industry on external supplies of MOO and the inability of the national machine tool industry to qualitatively and quantitatively satisfy the domestic demand for machine tools and KPO.

The trade balance, as the difference between exports and imports, determines the active or passive position of a country in the global market for MOO and KPO. A positive trade balance in 2015 had 11 MOO producing countries. Japan, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, Switzerland, South Korea, Austria, Spain, Czech Republic, Finland and the Netherlands have a positive trade balance. It should be noted that the difference between the total exports and imports of MOO in the amount of $10 billion is allocated to supplies to the rest of the world, not listed in the tables.

Below is a brief overview of the leading countries producing LEO and KPO. For clarity, we present a scale of percentage ratios of production/export/import and consumption indicators.

Ranking review of countries-manufacturers of MOO

China is the world's largest producer and consumer of machine tools: 27.6% of the world production in 2015 (41.4% in 2011) of the world MOO consumption. The rapid development of MPO production and consumption in China until 2011 ended with the first decline. Production and consumption of LEO in China in 2015 by 10.3% and 13.5%, respectively.

Since 1995, over the four “five-year plans”, China has increased the volume of production and export of MPO 12 times (and if we compare the figures for 2011/1995, then 15 times), increased the volume of consumption of MPO 6 times (2011/1995 - 10 once).

After 30 years of rapid growth, China's economy has entered a new stage of development, facing serious problems of extensive growth. China's economic growth shows a slowdown and economic stimulus policy awaits adjustments and reforms. This is strongly reflected in the global machine tool industry: during the period of growth, the Chinese market has become an attraction for high-tech machine tool companies from around the world.

Recently, China has become self-sufficient in the machine tool industry. Thus, over twenty years, the share of imports in the volume of MOO consumption decreased from 58% (1995) to 31.3% in 2015.

Competitiveness and confidence in Chinese machine tools are being strengthened. SYMG, SMTCL, DMTG corporations are among the top ten world leaders in MOO manufacturers. In order to strengthen their leading position, Chinese machine tool manufacturers in strategic goals enter into long-term cooperation relationships with the best component suppliers. The technical level of the manufactured equipment is also growing.

The share of China in the world volume of MOO imports is 25% - every fourth machine tool produced in the world is intended for the Chinese market. During the economic crisis and the decline in the production and consumption of MPO, China's MPO consumption in 2010 reached 45.6% of global consumption - a record figure for an individual country in recent decades. In 2015, this figure dropped to 38%.

The stable development of the Chinese economy in 1995-2012 has led to a large demand for MPO in key industries. Therefore, the world's leading machine tool manufacturers, including Yamazaki Mazak, Trumpf, FFG, Amada, Gildemeister, Mori Seiki, Sodick, and others, came to the Chinese market to organize joint ventures, including with Chinese corporations SMTCL, DMTG, Shaanxi Qinchuan Machinery Development, F1NC, BYJC, etc. More than 10 of the world's leading machine tool manufacturers have entered China and are investing in the construction of new facilities. DMG MORI has set up sales branches in the industrial regions of China. In 2012, invested 75 million dollars in the production of CNC machine tools in Tianjin. According to plans, the construction of the plant and reaching the design capacity by 2017.

The German company Trumpf has also stepped up its work in the Chinese market: in October 2013, it acquired shares in Jiangsu Jinfangyuan CNC Machine Tool Ltd.

Today, there are almost 5,000 enterprises in the PRC in the machine tool sector. Among them are such giants as SMTCL and DMTG. In response to the changes in the machine tool market in the past two years, Chinese machine tool manufacturers have taken a series of effective measures to modernize production and exploration foreign markets. DMTG has accelerated the development of high-end intelligent CNC machine tools. The company also successfully won the tender for the completion of machine tools and flexible production lines for the engine plant of Deutz (Dalian) Engine Co., Ltd.

China Machine Tool Association - CMTWA unites more than 1,500 manufacturers of machine tools, tools, abrasives and accessories.

Several machine tool exhibitions are held annually in China, which attract leading European and world MOO manufacturers.

Also, more and more Chinese firms and companies take part in world exhibitions, incl. and in Russia.

The world's top MOO manufacturers include 6 machine tool corporations: Shenyang Group (trademarks: SMTCL, SI, Schiess, ZJ, Fiyang, 4th place - DMTG (DMTG, Ingersoll Production Systems, VoCo), 42nd place - Qier Machine Tool, at 61 - Good Friend (Good Friend, Feeler, Jobs, Rambaudi), at 64 - Jier MT Group (Jier, Jinan No. 2), at 96 - Jinan (Jinan, JFMT).

Fla the Russian market are strong positions of such trademarks and companies from China: Beijing North Hong-QI Precision Machinery Manufacture Co. | ChangChun CNC Machine Tool | China Qiqihar First Machine Tool Works | Jinan Huili Shulong Jixie Youxia Gongxi | Jinan Jiemai Numerically Controlled Machinery | Qinghai No.1 CNC Machine Tool | Shandong Lunan Machine Tool | SMTCL | DMTG etc.

Japanese metalworking equipment market in 1995-2015

In 2015, Japan returned to second place in the ranking of MOO exporting countries, ahead of Germany. China still remains the most attractive country for exporting not only products from Japan, but also for locating production, services and sales, as well as for the growing market of South Korea. For example, OKK Corporation in 2004 opened a joint venture (JV) with the largest Chinese manufacturer machine tools, by DMTG; Yamazaki Mazak built two factories in the south of Liaoning Province; Amada has a joint production of general purpose presses with the Chinese company Ningbo CFG Machinery Industrial Ltd. with the trade brand Amada; Komatsu NTC Ltd also has a JV with China's Yida Nippei Machine Tool Corp. Mori Seiki also followed the example of other Japanese corporations that have long established themselves in the US market and built a machine tool plant in Davis, California. The factory is located next to the research and development center of the Mori Seiki Technology Laboratory (DTL), which has more than 80 employees. The factory and research center cover an area of ​​291,000 square meters. m. and free territory over 7.7 hectares. Also 3 ha reserved for future expansion. The state-of-the-art plant has a machining facility equipped with Mori Seiki machines, an in-line automated pallet loading system, and 40-pallet automated loading machining centers for small parts.

Yamazaki Mazak increases its presence in the Asian market. So, after modernization, the plant in Singapore will be able to produce up to 130 machine tools per month.

Amada, a leading manufacturer of metalworking equipment, will open a new industrial robot factory in 2016 to meet growing demand for factory automation equipment in the US. Amada will spend more than 1.5 billion yen to build a factory on the outskirts of Chicago. Amada is also opening new sales offices and demonstration centers in the US and aims to increase sales in North America from 45 billion yen in 2013 to 85 billion yen in 2018.

It is of interest that about 90% of the output of machining and turning centers in Japan is provided by only 7 firms and corporations.

According to the JMTBA Association, the export volume of MOO in 2015 amounted to 894,352 million yen: 49.5% came from the SE countries. Asia, incl. China - 28.5%, South Korea - 4.8%, Taiwan - 3.2% and Vietnam - 5.8%. The share of Russia in the export of MOO from Japan is 0.9%.

When analyzing import statistics, one should also take into account the fact that since the 1970s, more than 40 factories and production facilities of famous Japanese companies and corporations have been built outside of Japan. For example, factories of Citizen Machinery, Shin Nippon Koki, Yamazaki Mazak have been built in the USA; in Brazil - JTEKT, in the UK - Yamazaki Mazak; in France, Mori Seiki (TOLBER SAS); in Switzerland, Mori Seiki; in South Korea - Nishida Machine; in Taiwan (3) - JTEKT, OkumaCorp., Takisawa Machine; China (20) - Brother, Citizen Machinery, FANUC, HAKUSAN KIKO, JTEKT, Kiwa, Komatsu NTC, Koyo, Makino Milling, Mitsubishi Electric, Nomura VTC, Okuma Corp., Shin Nippon Koki, Sodick (3 plants), Star, Takamatsu Machinery, Tsugami, Yamazaki Mazak; in the Philippines - Miyano; in Vietnam-Citizen Machinery; in Thailand - Citizen Machinery, Enshu Limited, Okamoto Machine, Sodick; In Singapore, Makino Milling, Okamoto Machine, Yamazaki Mazak; in India, Makino Milling.

If we assume that the majority of imported machine tools from the USA are produced in Japanese factories, then the share of "non-Japanese" equipment in the volume of MOO consumption is quite negligible. To sell your machine in Japan, it must be: more accurate than Japanese, more productive than Japanese and at the same time cheaper than the Japanese counterpart. And this bar is insurmountable for most MOO manufacturers.

Statistics from the Japan Machine Tool Importers Association (JMTIA), which is publicly available on the Internet, shows that the share of MOO imports from the USA is 36.4%, Germany - 6.9%, Switzerland - 2.7% (total from EU countries - 27, 8%), Singapore - 14%, Taiwan - 3.8% and South Korea - 3%. In 2015, domestic consumption of MOO increased by 9.4%, which supported the Japanese machine tool builders.

Three principles that drive the development of the machine tool industry in Japan: the desire to become a leader in the industry, speed and responsiveness, motivation based on the Japanese way of thinking of the people and enterprises. Consumers of all countries respect the intellectual leadership and contribution to advanced technologies.

Industry associations of machine tool manufacturers JMTBA, KPO manufacturers - JFMA and ten others play a big role in promoting the products of Japanese manufacturers in the world. The Association of Machine Tool Importers JMTIA provides great assistance in informing machine tool builders and consumers in Japan about import deliveries of MOO to enterprises of the domestic market from abroad. The JMTIA website publishes a monthly detailed report on the supply of machine tools from abroad to Japan, indicating the name of the MOO, quantity, cost and country of origin. These data help Japanese manufacturers to identify the demand of domestic consumers for specific types of equipment and try to offer domestic analogues.

Other associations also work in Japan: JMTBA - Association of Metalworking Equipment Manufacturers (2479 companies) - is a co-organizer of the largest machine tool exhibition JIMTOF, which is held in even years in Tokyo; JFMA /Japan Forming Machinery Association/ - KPO Manufacturers Association (13); JBMTBA - Component and Tool Manufacturers Association (153); JCCTMA

— Association of Carbide Tool Manufacturers (228); JSTMA - Tool Manufacturers Association (137); JMAA

— Association of Producers of Accessories (365); JPMI - Association of manufacturers of precision measuring tools(123); JGWA - Grinding Tool Manufacturers Association (50); IDA of Japan - Diamond Tool Manufacturers Association (37); JOMIMA - Association of Manufacturers of Optical Measuring Instruments (32); as well as JTMA - Inspection Testing Instrument Manufacturers Association, JGMA - Gear Machine Manufacturers Association.

In 2016, Japan is holding the traditional JIMTOF 2016 International Machine Tool Fair from November 17 to 22 in Tokyo.

The products of more than 60 Japanese companies are officially represented on the Russian market, including: Amada | BIG Daishowa Seiki | Biing Feng | Boley | CITIZEN | CSM | DAEWOO | Dainichi Kinzoku Co., Ltd | Dijet Industrial Co Ltd. | ELBO CONTROL | FANUC | FINE-TECH | Fwu Kuang | HANKOOK | HANWHA | HILMA | Japax | KIRA CORPORATION | KITAGAWA | Kitamura Mycenter | KIWA | KKC INTERNATIONAL LTD. | KOIKE | KURAKI | Mazak | MITSUBISHI CARBIDE | MITSUBISHI CNC j MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC | Mitsubishi Heavy Industries | MITSUI- SEIKI | Mitutoyo | MORI SEIKI | MYANO | Nakamura Tome | | NIKKEN | NISSING | NTK technikal ceramik | OKAMOTO | OKUMA | PANASONIC | Shin Nippon Koki | Shizuoka | SHOWA | SMC PNEUMATIK | SNK | Sodic | SUGINO | Sumitomo Electric | Taillift | Takisawa Machine Tool Co., Ltd | TOYODA | TOYODA MITSUI SEIKI | Tungaloy | YAMAWA etc.

Metalworking equipment market in Germany in 1995-2015

Germany remains in the top three in terms of production, exports and consumption of MPO in 2015. The internal market for the consumption of MRO in Germany is very dependent on the mood of the two main consumers - the engineering and automotive industries, which account for more than 70% of the total consumption of machine tools. Nearly 70% of MOO imports to Germany come from EU countries, with Switzerland leading the way.

According to the German Association VDW, more than 68 thousand people work in the machine tool industry in Germany. The domestic market and exports are the main incentives for the development of the machine tool industry: over 20 years, the production of MOO has grown by 1.7 times (against the indicators of 1995), and consumption by 1.4 times.

In 2015, Germany returned to the first place among MPO exporters, and Germany's share in world production was about 17%. Germany also ranks third in MRO consumption, at about 9% of global consumption, behind only China and the United States.

Germany continues to assert its strong competitive position in the global market through technological innovations, incl. transition to digital production management under the keyword "Industry 4.0".

Recently, the VDW Association has been focusing the attention of German machine tool builders on the South Korean market. The market of South Korea is attractive due to the growth of MOO consumption and today every sixth machine from Germany is supplied there.

There is a great export potential in the US market - the low exchange rate of the euro against the dollar is attractive to customers from America.

The VDW and VDMA associations play a great role in joining forces in the development of new products, components, various research projects aimed at finding new solutions in the field of sustainable production and processes. The Union of German machine tool manufacturers - VDW (www.vdw.de) unites more than 90% of MOO manufacturers - more than 270 firms and companies.

DMG MORI has invested more than 20 million euros in the construction of a machine tool plant in Russia in Ulyanovsk. A modern plant with a production capacity of up to 1000 machines per year of the ECOLINE series was built in the Zavolzhye industrial zone. This project is unique for the Russian machine tool industry, as it is based on direct investment from a foreign investor and the construction of a modern high-tech production facility.

The largest European industrial exhibitions, such as AMD, HANNOVER MESSE, BLECHEXPO, and many others, are held in exhibition complexes in Germany. In 2017, the world's largest exhibition EMO-2017 will be held in Hannover.

The top of the world's leading manufacturers includes 17 German companies: the first line in the ranking is occupied by Trumpf; 19 - United Grinding (Blohm, Ewag, Jung, Magerle, Studer, Walter); -6 - DMG MORI; -8 - Schuler (Schuler, Muller-Weingarten, SMG, Grabener); 16 - Grob; 17 - Heller; 18 - Emag (Emag; SW; Naxos-Union); 23 - Index (Index, Traub); 34 - Niles-Simmons (Niles-Simmons, Hegenscheidt-MFD); 43 - Chiron (Chiron, STAMA); 47 - Hermle; 49 - Autania (Elb, WFL Millturn, Profiroll, Wirth & Gruffat); 56 - Waldrich Coburg; 65 - Dorries Scharmann (Dorries, Droop + Rein, Scharmann, Berthiez); 70 - Kasto; 97 - Matec; "110 LiCON.

Traditionally, the positions of such German brands and companies in the Russian market are strong:


Italian metalworking equipment market in 1995-2015

Italy continues to hold its position in the top five countries-leading manufacturers and exporters of MPO. If we take the countdown from 1995, then in 20 years Italy increased its production by 1.6 times, exports by 2.1 times and consumption by 1.2 times. Like all export-oriented countries, Italy had its triumph in the production, export and consumption of machine tools in 2008.

For the Italian machine tool industry, 2015 was a significant year in that Milan hosted the largest international exhibition EMO Milano 2105, which was dominated by local manufacturers (more than 400 firms - 31% of the total number of participants). After positive growth in 2014, MOO production declined by -8.5%E, despite the fact that consumption rose by 9.4% due to an increase in imports by 44.1%, and not due to the purchase of Italian machine tools. It would seem that consumer demand in Italy did not support domestic machine tool builders. Flo's optimistic Q1 2016 order growth data from overseas (+1.7%) and domestic (+31.8%) suggests that this is a delayed effect on investment decisions after EMO in Milan. Also, domestic demand is stimulated by government support for the real sector of the economy through concessional lending to producers. Domestic consumption in Italy was stimulated by government subsidies for investment in the form of loans at a reduced interest rate, as well as the use of tax incentives for the purchase of equipment, provided under the so-called "Sabatini Bis" law. Italian consumers hope that this "Law of Stability" in its final form will confirm 140% depreciation on the purchase of equipment and this will contribute to the development of the domestic market, in which many small and medium-sized enterprises operate.

According to the association UCIMU, the main export countries of Italian MOO were China, the USA, Germany, Russia, France, Turkey, Poland, India and Mexico. The share of exports in the production of MOO reached 68.6%.

In 2016, the positive trend in Italian industry and the machine tool industry is forecast to continue across all major economic indicators.

The Association of Italian Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robotics, Automation Systems and Ancillary Equipment (UCIMU) is the official representative of the industry, which includes about 200 companies that produce more than 70% of the industry's products in Italy. The UCIMU Association in foreign markets acts as an agent and disseminates information about the enterprises of the industry. The association also protects the interests of the industry in public institutions in Italy, the EU and countries outside it. A constant dialogue is maintained with these institutions on the main issues of interest to machine tool builders.

The top 150 leading MOO manufacturers include 4 companies: Comau, Fidia (trademarks Fidia, Cortini, Simav, Sitra), Prima (Prima, Convergent Laser, Laserdyne, Riello (Riello, Mandelli, Tri-Way).


Market of metalworking equipment in South Korea in 1995-2015

South Korea is an example of the successful development of the machine tool industry and the implementation of a long-term strategy to satisfy the domestic market with access to the foreign market. And this is despite high competition in the domestic market with Japanese, Taiwanese and European machine tool manufacturers.

Over the 20 years since 1995, the volume of domestic consumption of MOO has grown 1.5-2 times and only due to an increase in production in Korea by almost 4 times. Even when the global MTO market has remained sluggish over the past 4 years, Korean machine tool builders managed to maintain production and export volumes. The importance of South Korea as a technology center in the Asia-Pacific region is growing after a bilateral free trade agreement with China.

South Korea is a powerful industrial country with a developed industry, which includes the automotive industry, mechanical engineering, shipbuilding, and the electrical industry. The development of these industries mainly stimulated the development of the national machine tool industry. About 830 firms and companies are involved in the machine tool industry, employing more than 15 thousand specialists. The domestic market consumes more than 60% of machine tools manufactured in South Korea. The share of KPO output is more than 35%.

The main importing countries of MOO from South Korea today are: China, USA, Italy, India, Taiwan and Japan. In ten years, the export of Korean machine tools to China has grown more than 12 times. For 20 years, the volume of MOO production has increased more than 4 times, which significantly affected the current trade balance of South Korea.

Detailed monthly statistical reports on the production, export and import of machine tools are published by the COMMA association on its website. The KOMMA Association was established in 1979 and currently unites 160 companies that provide 80% of the total production of machine tools and KPO in South Korea. The COMMA Association in April 2016 held the largest industry exhibition SIMTOS (www.simtos.org).

There are 6 South Korean companies in the top 150 world machine tool companies: Doosan Infracore Corporation (Doosan, Daewoo trademarks), Hyundai WIA, Hwacheon, SIMPAC, SMEC / Samsung (Samsung) and Hanwha.

The products of Korean companies are represented on the Russian market: Doosan | Hanwha | Han Kwang | HUNDAI-KIA | HWACHEON | Hyundai-Kia | K0RL0Y | TaeguTec | Daewoo Precision Industry | SIMPA | S&T Dynamics | EHWA etc.

US metalworking equipment market in 1995-2015

After the global crisis of 2008, the economic recovery in CLUA stimulated the growth of production and consumption of MOO and KPO in 2009-2014. Increasing pace industrial production at CLUA was accompanied by an increase in investment in the modernization and renewal of the machine park. During the same period, the volume of MOO exports from the United States also increased. In addition to the traditional export destinations of Mexico and Canada, the Chinese market is also becoming important. Also in the top ten fast-growing export markets for US machine tool builders are Russia, India and the UK.

The trade association USMTO's monthly statistical reports presenting the production and consumption of MW and KPO in the US are based on purchases of domestic and imported equipment. The USMTO analysis provides reliable economic data for investing in MRO to modernize operations and increase productivity. Also, the National Industrial Technology Association (ATT) provides members of the Association with timely and accurate economic reports and press releases. For operational business intelligence, the AMT Association offers a new Internet portal MInsight.

In autumn 2016, the traditional largest industrial technology exhibition in America, IMTS 2016, will be held at the Chicago Convention and Exhibition Center. The organizer of the exhibition is AMT Association.

The top 150 leading MOO manufacturers include 10 US companies: MAG Corporation; Haas Automation; Gleason (Gleason, Gleason-Pfauter, -Hurth); Rofin-Sinar (Rofin, PRC, Lee); Hardinge (Hardinge, Kellenberger, Bridgeport); Flow International (Flow, Quintus); Hurco; Stratasys (Stratasys, Fortus, Dimension; Novellus (Peter Wolters, Voumard, Micron); New Century (Century Turn).

The following trademarks are represented on the Russian market by MOO from the USA: 3D Systems | ZM | Action Superabrasive | Air Turbine Technology | Cincinnati LAMB | Dayton Progress | Delcam pic | Doall | FARO | Ingersoll Machine Tools | MAG | MAG Cincinnati | MAG Gidding&Lewis | MAG Fadal | MAG FMS | MAG Boehringer | MAG Hessap | MAG Witzig&Frank | MAG Powertrain | HAEGER | HAEGER EUROPE B.V. | HAAS Automation | HURCO | NORMAC | N00RT0N | QCT | OMAX | Rex Cut Products | SGS Tool Company | SolidWorks | S-T INDUSTRIES | Sunny | Tektronix | TopSolid Missler Software | Vericut | WILSON TOOL Int. and etc.

Taiwan metalworking equipment market 1995-2015

Like South Korea, Taiwan has increased its capacity in the production of MPO by 2-3 times, and export by 3-4 times over 20 years. Taiwan remains the 4th leading MOO exporting country and has come close to Italy to compete for bronze in the world rankings. Machine tool industry in Taiwan plays one of the leading roles in the world market. Since the share of exports in the production of MPO in Taiwan is about 80%, it is highly dependent on foreign markets. For example, in 2015, the decline in production (-17.1%) and exports (-6.8%) was due to lower demand in China, Thailand and Indonesia. China is still the main export destination for Taiwan machine tool builders (2015) - 25.3% (down -12.8% compared to 2014) of total exports, followed by the United States (17.8% (+0%)) , Vietnam (4.8% (+7.5%)), Thailand (3.1% (10.8%)), Germany (3.0% (-3%)), South Korea (2.7 % (+4.4%)). Exports to Russia in 2015 fell by 22%, accounting for only 0.9% of Taiwan's total exports.

In 2015, MPO imports to Taiwan remained at NT$22,908 thousand. MPO imports to Taiwan mainly come from the leading machine tool countries: Japan (31.5% (-0.6% compared to 2014)), the United States ( 21.1% (+10.7%)), China (13.2% (-3.1%)), the Netherlands (7.4% (+2.4%)), Germany (5.5% ( -18%)), Singapore (5.5%), South Korea (3.7%), Thailand (2.6%), and Italy (1.3%).

The consolidation of multinational companies continues. In 2013, the sale of the general engineering divisions of MAG (Boehringer, Huller Hille, Hessapp, Honsberg, Modul, Witzig & Frank) including the related service divisions to the Fair Friend Group (FFG) was completed. Today, FFG brings together more than 60 companies and divisions in developed and developing countries. The machine tool division includes more than 30 factories with 23 brands in Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, China, USA and Italy. FFG Group becomes a global leader in the machine tool industry with manufacturing, sales and service offices in 8 countries. The activities of FFG Group are mainly focused on the production of CNC machine tools (more than 50% of the profit) and include three more divisions: IT industrial division, industrial equipment division and energy saving equipment division. FFG Group is a joint venture partner with Japanese companies: Takamatsu, Citizen Miyano, Waida, Toyota Tsusu, Marubeni, F.T. Japan, EMC Japan, Takeuchi, Mectron and Yamamoto Sumizawa for MOO, and Anest Iwata and Nippon Cable for industrial equipment. The European machine tool holding company FFG Europe is managed by FFG and Italian partners (Jobs, Rambaudi, Sachman and Sigma).

In March 2015, the anniversary exhibition TIMT0S was held in Taipei, which is the second largest machine tool exhibition in Asia. The exhibition was organized by the trade association TAITRA and TAMI. Exhibitions in Taipei stimulate the development of Taiwan's most important export industry (see reports on the exhibition in ITO magazine 2015/02, 2015/04).

Taiwan is home to world-class machine tool industry clusters, with more than 1,000 precision machine tool companies and over 10,000 component suppliers employing 300,000 people and with an annual output of more than $4.7 billion. It has the highest output per unit. area and the highest density of any of the machine tool industry clusters in the world. In this region, it is assembled from equipment for the electronics industry to automotive components (parts for cars of German and Italian manufacturers, as well as drives for General Motors, Porsche and Hyundai are assembled here). Even China's automotive market, the world's largest, is heavily dependent on supply from this "Golden Valley" for precision machine tools, where a variety of casting machining equipment is manufactured. Taiwan's machine tool industry satisfies even the numerous and exceptionally high requirements of Apple Corporation to create its unique fashion products.

In terms of annual output per capita, Taiwan's machine tool industry is second only to Switzerland and ahead of Germany. In terms of export volume, Taiwan ranks 4th and is located just after Germany, Japan and Italy; in terms of output, Taiwan's machine tool industry accounts for approximately 6% of the total global machine tool output, and Taiwan ranks 6th in the world after China, Germany, Japan, Italy, and South Korea. Compared to the Japanese industry, Taiwan's machine tool industry is said to offer 90% of the quality of the corresponding Japanese products, but at more affordable prices. Taiwan's leading machine tool manufacturers are export-oriented, accounting for 70-80% of all sales, and it can be argued that machine tool manufacturing is one of the few major industries where Taiwanese manufacturers can market their products internationally under their own brands.

Many of the world's leading manufacturers boldly organize OEM production of components and components for their machine tools at machine tool factories in Taiwan. When visiting many machine tool companies in Taiwan, one can see subassemblies, components, and sometimes complete machine tools of many famous European and Asian brands made in Taiwan.

With the signing of the Taiwan-China Open Trade Agreement (ECFA), as a result, leading machine tool manufacturers such as Okuma, Fanuc, Pross, Kuraki, Forest-Line, Doosan, and others have been actively investing in manufacturing in Taiwan.

The top leading global manufacturers include Taiwanese companies: Tongtai; Victor; YCM; You Ji; She Hong; Awea; Chin Fong; Taiwan Takisawa; goodway; Shieh Yih; Fair Friend; SOCO Machinery and CHMER.

MOO of many Taiwanese manufacturers of firms and companies is represented on the Russian market: AccuteX | ACCUWAY | Alex-Tech Machinery | ANNWAV | ARG0 | ARISTECH | CEA | Challenger | CHEVALIER | CHIAO SHENG MACHINERY | Chien Wei Precise Technology | CHI-FA | Chin Fong | Chin Fong | CHMER | Clifford | COSEN | CSM | DAHLIH | ECOCA | EMS | EQUIPTOP HITECH Corp. | Everising | FALCON MACHINETOOLS | fat | FAVOR LASER | FEELER | FIRST | FULLAND | Golden SUN | good way | HARTFORD | HIWIN TECHNOLOGIES CORP. | HOLD WELL INDUSTRIAL | JESSEY | Jiten Machinery & Electrical | John Lih Machinery | KNC | Kojex | KUM CHEN INDUSTRIAL | Lantek | LEADWELL | LI HSING PRECISION TOOL | Ll-HSUN INDUSTRIAL | LOCKFORMER | LONG JYI MACHINERY | MATCHLING TOOLING | MAX SEE | NEUAR | OCCAN | PALMARY | RAO FONG INDUSTRY CO.LTD. | PARAGON MACHINERY | POLY GUM | QUASER | RED.COM | SHIEH YIH MACHINERY | SHIN-YAIN INDUSTRIAL | SHUZ TUNG | Sigerlind | SOCO Machinery | SPEED TIGER PRECISION TOOL | summit | SUMMIT Yu Shine machinery | SUN FIRM MACHINERY | Sunrise Fuel Power | SURE FIRST | TopEDM | TOPPER | VICTOR TAICHUNG | VISION WIDE TECH Co., Ltd | W&S | WAY TRAIN | yang | YAWEI | Yeong Chin Machinery Industries | YEU TEH MOLD | Yida Precision Machinery | YOU Jl and many others.

Swiss metalworking market in 1995-2015

Switzerland as a country with an export-oriented advanced machine tool industry after the crisis of 2008 quickly regained its position in the world markets and remained in the top 5 exporters of the world. The share of exports in production remains quite large (85% in 2015). In 2013, Switzerland topped the rankings in innovation in Europe - Switzerland's notable achievements include both scientific publications and international patent applications.

In 2015, due to the overvaluation of the Swiss franc, the volume of orders for MOO and, accordingly, production decreased (-17%).

The EU countries remain the main consumers of MOO from Switzerland (with a share of 60%). MOO equipment from Switzerland, as a rule, is precision and quite expensive, incl. due to the highest salaries in the machine tool industry. Switzerland also remains in first place in terms of MRO consumption per capita - 126.6 dollars per person.

The top 150 leading global manufacturers include Swiss manufacturers: GF Mach'g Solutions, Bystronic, Starrag, Klingelnberg, Liebherr, Tornos, Feintool, Mikron.

On the Russian market, machine tool trading companies and representative offices actively supply products of well-known Swiss companies: aba/z&b | AGATH0N | AGIE CHARMILLES | ALMAC | ASCO Carbon Dioxide | WANSO | Baltec | Berg | BIHLER | BLASER | BLOHM | BREM0R | BRUDERER | Bumotec | BYSTRONIC LASER | Carduro Radiamant Hartmetall | CARL ZEISS | CHARMILLES | DC SWISS | DENITOOL | DIXI | Eckold | ELB-SCHLIFF Werkzeugmaschinen | EROWA | ESCO | EWAG | Fehlmann | FEINTOOL TECHNOLOGY | FISCHER | FRAISA | Friedrich Gloor | FRITZ STUDER | HAEUSLER | HARDING | HELLER | Henninger KG | HERMLE WWE | HEXAGON METROLOGY | HRC RICHTCENTER | IBAG SWITZERLAND | INDEX | INDEXWERKE | iNTECH | Ismeca | J. Schneeberger Maschinen | JUNG | K.R. PFIFFNER | Kaiser | KELLENBERGER | KOCHNER | LEITZ | LINEAR ABRASIVE | LNS | LODI | MAEGERLE | MIKRON | MIKROSA | MOORE | MOTOREX | MULLER MACHINES | NALKHO TECHNO | PLATIT | POSALUX | PROFILTEC | PWB | RICHARDON | Rihs Maschinenbau | Rollomatic | ROUNDO | SARIX | SCHAUBLIN | SCHAUDT | SCHNEEBERGER | STAHLI | STAR Manufacturer | STAR MICRONICS | STARRAG HECKERT TECHNOLOGY | STARRAGHECKERT | Stellram | Stierli Bieger | STUDER | SUNNEN | SWISS TRADING GROUP | Sylvac | System 3R | TECHNICA | tesa | TORNOS | TRUB | TRIMOS SA | TRIMOS-SYLVAC | TYROLIT | Urma | Voumard | WALTER | WILLEMIN MACODEL | ZOLLER and others.

Market of metalworking equipment in Russia in 1995-2015

The Russian market is becoming more and more dependent on imports of MOO. Global economic crisis The year 2008 had almost no effect on the growth of consumption and, consequently, on the import of MOO to Russia. But, on the other hand, the growth in demand for machine tools in the domestic market did not cause an impulse to increase the production of machine tools and KPO in the domestic machine tool industry until 2014 - the introduction of sanctions and restrictions on the export of MOO to Russia. The dynamics of world and Russian GDP largely confirms the raw material dependence of the Russian economy, which is subject to much greater fluctuations, especially during a crisis period. Over 20 years, the volume of annual consumption of MOO has grown 5 times, imports - 5.5 times. The share of imports in consumption is more than 80%. The main volume of imports to the Russian Federation is carried out through numerous machine-tool trading and engineering firms and companies that supply equipment for real projects. The increase in the consumption of MRO due to imports in 2013 reached a historical maximum of 93.5%, which confirms the huge dependence of Russia on imports of MPO and indicates the limited ability of the domestic machine tool industry to compete in the domestic market without major changes in industrial policy.

Also today, against the backdrop of the current geopolitical situation and sanctions, the issues of import substitution are becoming more relevant than ever to fill the shortage of supplies of modern MOO.

In the Russian market, the interests of domestic machine tool builders are defended by the Stankoinstrument Association. The Association includes more than 100 manufacturers of MOO and tools.

Read about the activities of the Russian Association of Manufacturers of Machine Tool Products "Stankoinstrument" in 2015 and the main activities, goals and objectives for 2016 in the special supplement "ITO-news" to the exhibition "Metalworking-2016.

Also, the Stankoinstrument Association is a co-organizer of many regional industrial exhibitions in Russia and the Republic of Belarus.

After the cessation in 2001 of the publication of the Blue Bulletin publication, which annually placed machine tool companies in their places according to their sales volume (this issue provided information about 247 companies from 13 countries) and made it possible to track the dynamics of their development, a period began in the alignment of companies in the machine tool world uncertainty, which lasted approximately three years. During this time, many machine tool associations compiled their regional (for example, pan-European or pan-Japanese) ratings. With the publication after a long break in the summer of 2004 of the global ranking of large and medium-sized machine tool companies, compiled by J. Jablonowski, editor-in-chief of the American economic publication Metalworking Insider Review, under the auspices of Gardner Publications, the possibility of comparing, evaluating and systematic monitoring.

This rating included 98 firms, which were compared by the size of their income, and not by sales, as before. This allows us to draw a number of interesting conclusions about the current state of the world machine tool industry. In particular, the US firm Unova, which moved from 5th to 15th place, and Japanese Fiji are missing from the top ten. The great successes achieved in recent years by Gildemeister and Mori Seiki are well known, constantly presenting the largest expositions at all major machine tool exhibitions. As a result of these successes, Gildemeister moved from 4th to 3rd place in this ranking, and Mori Seiki moved from 7th to 5th. Thus, as of the end of 2004 - beginning of 2005, the top ten largest machine tool companies in the world look like this:

Yamazaki Mazak




Mori Seiki


Agie Charmilles




As before, the majority in the ranking are German, Japanese, Swiss and American companies, although with the deterioration of the situation in the American machine tool industry, expressed, among other things, in the disappearance or merger of a number of companies, such as Ingersoll Milling Machine, Speedfam, Goldman Industrial Group and others, a number of American firms in the ranking decreased. And yet, some firms have retained and even strengthened their position in the market. Gleason, having achieved particularly great success in 2003 and moved from 33rd to 17th place, is only 24th in this ranking. Even more modest are the achievements of Haas, which advanced only 7 points - from 24th to 17th place.

For the first time, 3 Chinese firms appeared in the ranking table. This is quite consistent with China's sharply increased weight in the global machine tool industry in recent years. In particular, the production of MOO in the period from 2000 to 2003. it almost doubled. Of the 18 German firms, which are mainly in the upper part of the ranking, it is worth noting the company Emag, which moved from 41st place to 26th in 2000, and in 2004 to 21st place. Firm Grob, unfortunately, took only 24th place (previously it was on the 21st). The 14 Japanese firms, constantly competing with German ones in terms of production growth rates, are characterized by their concentration, with the exception of a few large firms, in the middle part of the ranking. The firm Yamazaki Mazak keeps stable on the third place. The largest Swiss company Agie Charmilles also practically retained its former place, and StarragHeckert, which significantly increased its potential as a result of the merger of Swiss machine tool builders with German ones in 2003, moved from 64th to 47th place, reducing its potential and "returned" to 64th place.

In the three years that have passed between the two rankings, the two largest Korean firms- Daewoo (part of the Doosan Infracore concern), which is now in 24th place, and especially Hyundai, which has moved from 49th to 29th place. Three years have not been in vain for the Spanish machine tool industry, which during this time has grown not only within Spain, but also abroad. A number of Spanish firms such as Danobat and Correa outperformed many of their competitors in other countries.

Each of the three countries - France, Great Britain and Brazil are represented in the rating by one firm. At the same time, the largest Brazilian company Romi made a record leap from 100th place to 49th. Russia is not represented in the ranking at all.

Although the vast majority of companies represented in the rating produce metal-cutting machines, a few companies (there are 9 in total, i.e. almost 15%) produce CPO, laser and abrasive-jet equipment. The presence of such a relatively large number of companies indicates the successful development of both classical types of processing by the plastic deformation method, and, especially, new methods of processing, in particular laser and abrasive jet.

Standing apart are Siemens and Fanuc, traditionally placed in the rating, the world's largest manufacturers of CNC devices (Fanuc also produces drilling and EDM machines), whose income significantly exceeds the income of any of the firms presented in this rating.

The main branch of the world industry. The development of mechanical engineering largely determines the overall level of development of a country. In this industry, the gap between developed and developing countries is most noticeable.

General features of mechanical engineering:

  1. Mechanical engineering ranks first among industries in terms of production value. It accounts for about 35% of the value of world industrial output.
  2. Among industries, mechanical engineering is the most labor-intensive production. It ranks first in terms of the number of employees (80 million people). Instrument-making, the electrical and aerospace industries, nuclear engineering, and other industries producing complex equipment are particularly labor-intensive. In this regard, one of the main conditions for the placement of mechanical engineering is to ensure its qualified labor force, the presence of a certain level of industrial culture, research and development centers.
  3. Proximity to the raw material base is important only for some branches of heavy engineering (production of metallurgical, mining equipment, boiler building, etc.).
  4. Mechanical engineering is one of the most knowledge-intensive industries. The achievements of scientific and technical progress are being introduced primarily in the industries of this industry.
  5. Mechanical engineering has the most complex industry composition (more than 300 different industries), which is constantly changing. The newest industries quickly move into new ones, and then become old ones.
  6. There is a huge demand for engineering products in the world, which is constantly increasing.
  7. Mechanical engineering has the largest, constantly expanding range of products (several million items). At the same time, the industry's products are different in terms of mass production (for example, aircraft - about 1 thousand per year, machine tools - 1.2 million, tractors - 1.3 million, cars - 40-50 million, electronic equipment - 150 million, watches - 1 billion pieces).
  8. Various branches of engineering require different requirements to raw materials. At the same time, there is a tendency to reduce the share of ferrous metallurgy products and increase the share of non-ferrous metallurgy products and .
  9. Mechanical engineering occupies a leading position in international economic relations (38% of the value of all international trade goods). For example, mechanical engineering provides 2/3 of Japan's exports and? exports of countries such as and.
  10. Mechanical engineering contributes most to the deepening of specialization and cooperation in the world economy.

Industry composition of mechanical engineering

Mechanical engineering is divided into three groups:

1. General engineering, including machine tool building, heavy engineering, agricultural, nuclear engineering and other industries.

General mechanical engineering is distinguished by the following properties:

  • a variety of products from piece (nuclear reactor) to mass production;
  • a variety of links with other industries and agriculture.

2. Transport engineering is the second most important branch of engineering, the products of which often have a dual purpose (civilian and military).

Characteristics of the main sub-sectors of transport engineering:

Automotive– the leading branch of transport engineering:

  • 60 million cars are produced annually, 40% of which are exported;
  • the industry employs about 60 million people;
  • 75% of cars are cars; 25% - trucks, of which there are many small-tonnage, special vehicles and buses;
  • a high degree of industry concentration (90% of cars are produced by 10 largest companies, the largest of which are: General Motors (USA), Ford (USA), Toyota (Japan), Volkswagen (Germany), Daimer Chrysler (Germany - USA), Fiat (), Renault (France).

Aerospace industry- the second branch of transport engineering.

Distinctive features:

  • high science intensity;
  • industry products are produced only by large firms;
  • the complex composition of the industry: the production of aircraft; helicopter production; production of aircraft engines; production of avionics (electronic and navigation equipment for aircraft); rocket science; creation of spacecraft.
  • the use of complex technologies that impose special requirements on the scientific and production base and the qualifications of employees.


  • high material consumption and labor intensity of ship production
  • the role of shipbuilding among engineering industries is gradually decreasing;
  • in the production of ships, there is a decrease in the share of passenger transport and an increase in the share of special transport (tankers, container ships, icebreakers, research vessels, etc.);
  • the center of shipbuilding has moved from Western Europe and the USA to Asia (Korea Japan China);

Production of railway equipment- the oldest branch of transport engineering, producing locomotives, various freight cars, tanks, passenger cars, etc.

The production of railway equipment is gradually declining in the United States, Russia, but is increasing in Asia (China, China). Europe is increasingly switching to the production of high-speed passenger trains.

3. Electrical engineering, including electronics.

  • the most science-intensive branch of mechanical engineering;
  • the fastest growing branch of engineering;
  • a high degree of concentration of production (production is mainly concentrated in large firms in the USA, Japan (the USA and Japan produce 90% of microcircuits), Southeast Asia (Korea,), Western Europe);
  • the rapid growth of systemic links both within the industry and with other industries;
  • within the industry, the growth rate of consumer electronics production is declining, while computers and microcircuits are growing (production of computers and microcircuits is 40-45% of the total production of electrical engineering and electronics).

Location of engineering industries

The location of engineering enterprises is more influenced by:

  • the availability of skilled labor;
  • availability of scientific centers;
  • developed infrastructure;
  • consumers.
  1. Until recently, 90% of engineering products were produced by developed countries, and only 10% by developing countries. But today the share of developing countries is already 25% and continues to grow.
  2. In the mechanical engineering of the world, a dominant position is occupied by a small group of developed countries - the United States, which account for almost 30% of the cost of engineering products, Japan - 15%, Germany - about 10%, France, Great Britain, Italy,. Almost all types of modern machine building are developed in these countries, their share in the world export of machines is high (the developed countries as a whole account for over 80% of the world export of machines and equipment). With an almost complete range of engineering products, a key role in the development of engineering in this group of countries belongs to the aerospace industry, microelectronics, robotics, nuclear power engineering, machine tool building, heavy engineering, and the automotive industry.
    The group of world mechanical engineering leaders also includes (6% of the value of engineering products), China (3%) and several small industrialized countries - the Netherlands, etc.
  3. Mechanical engineering has made great progress in its development in developing countries as well. Unlike developed countries, whose mechanical engineering is based on a high level of research and development (R&D), highly skilled labor force and is mainly focused on the production of technically complex and high-quality products, the mechanical engineering of developing countries, based on the cheapness of local labor , specializes, as a rule, in the production of mass, labor-intensive, but technically simple types of products of low quality. Among the enterprises there are many purely assembly plants that receive complete sets of machines in disassembled form from industrialized countries. A few developing countries have modern machine-building plants, primarily new industrial ones - Hong Kong, Taiwan, India, Mexico. The main directions of development of their mechanical engineering are the production of household electrical equipment, the automotive industry, and shipbuilding.
  4. The main exporters of engineering products are: Japan, Germany, USA, France, Great Britain, Italy, Canada.
  5. placement of some branches of engineering is presented in the table.

Top ten countries

Automobile manufacturing

USA; Japan; Germany; France; R. Korea; United Kingdom; Spain; Canada; Italy; .

Meth production cutting machines

Japan, Germany, USA, Italy, China, Switzerland, R. Korea, Taiwan, Spain, France

Production tract orov

Russia, Japan, India, USA, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Brazil.

TV production isors

China, R. Korea, USA, Brazil, Japan, Spain, Singapore, Turkey, Great Britain.

Shipbuilding (launching)

Korea, Japan, Germany, Brazil, Taiwan, Denmark, China, Yugoslavia, .

The largest producers and exporters of general engineering products in general are developed countries: Germany, the USA, Japan, etc. Developed countries are also the main manufacturers and suppliers of machine tools to the world market (Japan, Germany, USA, Italy and Switzerland). The production of agricultural machinery and simple equipment predominates in the general engineering industry of the developing countries.

World leaders in the field of electrical engineering and electronics are the USA, Japan, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands. The production of household electrical appliances and consumer electronics products has also developed in developing countries, especially in East and South-East Asia.

Among the branches of transport engineering, the automotive industry is developing most dynamically. The area of ​​its spatial distribution is constantly growing. Back in the first half of the 20th century, one country, the United States, reigned supreme (83%), but then the transition to a polycentric model began. In the second half of the 20th century, three centers emerged: the USA, Western Europe, and Japan. In the 90s, the automotive industry began to spread to Asia (R. Korea, China, India, Turkey, Malaysia) and latin america(Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Peru, ) However, countries Foreign Europe(Germany, France, Spain, etc.), the USA and Japan remain leaders and produce more than 70% of all cars in the world. In addition, most of the car factories located in developing countries are owned by leading companies in these countries.

The top ten countries in car production are presented in the table. It can be added that Mexico, Russia and are also among the countries with the production of cars over 1 million per year.

The largest exporters of cars: Japan (4.6 million per year), Germany (3.6), France.

Unlike the automotive industry, the aircraft industry, shipbuilding, and the production of railway rolling stock are experiencing stagnation. The main reason for this is the lack of demand for their products.

Shipbuilding has moved from developed countries to developing ones. The largest ship manufacturers were South Korea (outstripped and took first place in the world), Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, China, Taiwan. At the same time, the United States, the countries of Western Europe (Great Britain, Germany, etc.), as a result of the reduction in the production of ships, ceased to play a significant role in world shipbuilding.

Thus, in territorial structure mechanical engineering, four main machine-building regions can be distinguished:

  • North America (USA, Canada, Mexico);
  • Foreign Europe (Germany, France, Great Britain, Italy, Spain);
  • East and Southeast Asia;

Approximately 1/3 of the value of engineering products falls on (USA, Canada). Almost all types of machine-building products of any level of complexity are produced in this region, but in the international division of labor, the region acts primarily as the largest manufacturer and exporter of high-complexity machines, heavy engineering products and science-intensive industries. Thus, in the United States, which occupies a leading position in the region and the world in terms of the total value of engineering products, a large role belongs to aerospace engineering, military-industrial electronics, computer production, nuclear power engineering, military shipbuilding, etc. The United States ranks third in the world on the export of engineering products and the first - on imports.

About 1/3 of world engineering products (without the CIS) also accounts for about 1/3 of the world's engineering products. The region produces mainly mass machine-building products, but retains its position in some newest industries. The region is especially distinguished by general mechanical engineering (machine tool building, production of equipment for metallurgy, textile, paper, watch and other industries), electrical engineering and electronics, transport engineering (automobile industry, aircraft industry, etc.). The leader of European mechanical engineering Germany is the largest exporter in the region and the world's second largest exporter of mechanical engineering products.

The region, which includes the countries of East and Southeast Asia, provides about a quarter of the world's engineering products. The main stimulating factor in the development of mechanical engineering in the countries of the region is the relative cheapness of labor. The leader of the region - Japan - is the second machine-building power in the world, the world's largest exporter of engineering products, especially products of the most qualified industries (microelectronics, electrical engineering, aircraft engineering, robotics, etc.). Other countries—China, the Republic of Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, and others—manufacture labor-intensive but less complex products (production of household electrical appliances, automobiles, ships, etc.) and are also very actively involved in work on the foreign market. Thus, the region produces both mass products of mechanical engineering and products of high complexity.

A special region of world engineering is formed. They have a complete range of machine-building production. For most countries in the region, engineering is one of the main industries international specialization. The branches of the aviation and rocket and space industries, consumer electronics, and individual simple branches of general engineering (production of agricultural machinery, metal-intensive machine tools, power equipment, etc.) have received especially great development here. At the same time, a number of industries, especially science-intensive ones, are seriously lagging behind. The leader of the CIS - Russia, despite the huge opportunities for the development of mechanical engineering (significant production, scientific and technical, intellectual and resource potential, a capacious domestic market, showing great demand for a variety of engineering products, etc.), stands out in the international division of labor only in the production of weapons and the latest space technology and is even forced to import many types of machines.

Outside the main machine-building regions, there are machine-building centers that are quite large in terms of scale and complexity of the structure of production - India, Brazil, Argentina. Their mechanical engineering works mainly for the domestic market. These countries export cars, ships, bicycles, simple types of household appliances (refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, vacuum cleaners, calculators, watches, etc.).

Machine-tool and tool industry - branches of engineering that create for all industries metalworking and woodworking machines, automatic and semi-automatic lines, complex-automatic production for the manufacture of machines, equipment and products from metal and other structural materials, forging and pressing, foundry and woodworking equipment. Machine tool building is a mirror of the development of mechanical engineering, and the development of this industry can largely be judged on the development of the country's industrial potential.

Currently, there are about 100 enterprises in the machine-tool industry of Russia. In 2011, it was noted that, according to official data from the relevant ministries, the machine-tool industry of Russia includes 46 enterprises producing metal-cutting machines, 25 plants specializing in the manufacture of forging and pressing equipment, 29 manufacturers of cutting, measuring, metalwork and assembly tools, as well as seven scientific - research institutes and 45 design bureaus.

Among Russian enterprises machine tool industry:

NPO "Machine Tool" (Sterlitamak)

Stankotekh (Kolomna)

Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant

RSZ (Ryazan)

Grinding Machines (Moscow)

Astrakhan Machine Tool Plant

Krasnodar Machine Tool Plant

Simbirsk Machine Tool Plant (Ulyanovsk)

Stangidromash (Samara)

Sasta (Ryazan region)

Lipetsk Machine Tool Enterprise


Volzhsky Machine-Building Plant (Tolyatti)

Middle Volga Machine Tool Plant (Samara)

Savelovsky Machine-Building Plant (Kimry)

VNIIInstrument (Moscow)

VSZ Technique (Vladimir)

VSZ - Salyut (Moscow)

Kirov-Stankomash (St. Petersburg)

St. Petersburg Precision Machine Tool Plant (St. Petersburg)

Ulyanovsk Plant of Heavy and Unique Machine Tools

Stankomashstroy (Penza)

Tver Machine Tool Plant

PKF "Stankoservis" (Ryazan)


It is planned that regional machine tool clusters will be created in St. Petersburg, Tatarstan, Rostov, Ulyanovsk and Sverdlovsk regions. The main areas of their activity will be engineering and system integration in the field of machine-building technologies, the production of original Russian equipment, the design of modern production facilities, and the training of qualified personnel for the industry.

Holding "Stankoprom"

The Stankoprom holding was established in 2013 under the auspices of the state corporation Rostec as a system integrator of Russian machine-tool enterprises. It controls the import of equipment, combines foreign developments with Russian assembly, develops Russian R&D and implements them.

The holding was created on the basis of JSC RT-Stankoinstrument and JSC RT-Mashinostroenie and is their legal successor. Stankoprom has the status of the head organization of the Rostec State Corporation in the field of machine tool building and tool production. In 2014, the holding's consolidated assets were estimated at 15 billion rubles. Planned investments - about 30 billion rubles, of which own financial resources 5.5 billion rubles, and 11 billion rubles - private investments and bank loans in a ratio of 50 to 50. The strategic task of the Stankoprom holding is to ensure the long-term technological independence and competitiveness of Russian engineering by creating competitive domestic means of engineering production. The holding aims to achieve by 2020 the share of domestic metal-cutting machine tools in 70%, while the holding may become the only supplier of machine tools for defense enterprises.


By 2011, Russia ranked 21st among countries in the world in terms of machine tool production.

year 2012

In 2012, Russia produced 3321 metal cutting machine and 4270 woodworking machines.

In January 2012, one of the world leaders in the machine tool industry, the German company Gildemeister, acquired a land plot in Ulyanovsk for the construction of a plant for the production of high-precision machine tools for metalworking. On October 23 of the same year, the construction of the plant began. It is planned that the plant will produce up to 1000 machines per year.

year 2013

In 2013, 180 enterprises that are members of the Stankoinstrument Association produced products worth 26.6 billion rubles.

In October 2013, the government of the Rostov region signed a cooperation agreement with the leadership of Vnesheconombank, according to which this development institution becomes the main creditor of the project to create a machine-tool cluster in the region on the basis of the Azov forging and pressing equipment plant Donpressmash. According to Alexander Grebenshchikov, Minister of Industry and Energy of the Rostov Region, the total cost of the project is 2.3 billion rubles. The cluster's anchor investor is MTE Kovosvit MAS, a joint machine tool company established on a parity basis in July 2012 by the Russian MTE group and the Czech Kovosvit MAS a.s., one of the leading European manufacturers of turning and milling machines, machining centers and technical solutions.

year 2014

In 2014, structural changes began in the range of products manufactured by Russian machine tool enterprises, characterized by an increase in the output of equipment with numerical program management(CNC) and machining centers, which increases the share of science-intensive products and has a positive effect on the added value of manufactured products.


In 2015, the production of machine tools at the enterprises of the Stankoinstrument Association amounted to 1873 units. or 172.8% to the level of 2014. Individual enterprises of the Association showed more than 2-fold growth compared to 2014 (JSC Stankotekh, Kolomna - 273%, LLC NPO Machine Tool Building, Sterlitamak - 243%).

In 2015, one of the significant events for the industry was the formation of a major private player in the machine tool market - the STAN company, which mainly included the assets of the largest Russian enterprises, including heavy machine tools: Ivanovo Heavy Machine Tool Plant LLC (Ivanovo) , Stankotekh JSC / KZTS CJSC (Kolomna), Ryazan Machine Tool Plant LLC (Ryazan), NPO Machine Building LLC (Sterlitamak), as well as Grinding Machines LLC (Ryazan). Moscow).

On November 11, 2015, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Arkady Dvorkovich said: “Just yesterday, we discussed in the government the issues of machine tool building, an industry that has long remained outside the scope of an active industrial policy. In the last year, the policy has become purposeful, the machine tool industry comes to the fore. Of course, today the military-industrial complex is the driver of demand for machine tool products, and a significant amount of resources spent on the implementation of the defense industry program is formed simply for our machine tool plants, they have begun to use this: holdings are already being created that unite our leading machine tool enterprises. One example is the STAN holding company, which already unites four large enterprises. It produces high-quality products that are absolutely comparable to foreign analogues, and it does it faster, and, moreover, it is competitive in price.”


In March 2016, Russian-Japanese mass production with a capacity of 120 CNC machines per year was opened in Yekaterinburg.


A Russian-Chinese enterprise for the production of high-precision metalworking machine tools will be created in the Moscow Region. The total investment in 2016-2017 in the project for the production of high-precision machine tools and CNC machining centers exceeds 110 million euros. The enterprise will start operating in the Leninsky district of the Moscow region in 2017.

One of the projects planned for implementation under the special investment contract is a joint venture between the Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant and the German-Japanese concern DMG MORI SEIKI; The project provides for the production of a wide range of turning and milling machining centers with an output of more than 1,000 machines per year by 2017. The project provides for the creation of an engineering center for personnel training, as well as the development of new models of metal-cutting equipment in Russia.

The project of MTE Kovosvit Mas LLC provides for the creation by 2018 of a modern high-tech production of metalworking lathes and milling groups, as well as multifunctional metalworking centers of the company "Kovosvit" (Czech Republic). The area of ​​the plant will be 33 thousand m2.

Kovrov Electromechanical Plant, together with the Japanese manufacturer TAKISAWA, is localizing the production of a new generation of turning and milling machining centers.

The volume of production of machine tools in Russia:

2012 - about 3 billion rubles;

2013 - about 3.5 billion rubles;

2014 - about 4 billion rubles;

2015 - about 7 billion rubles.

New productions launched from 2011 to 2017

1. A new workshop for the production of machine tools was opened in Tryokhgorny
At the site of the new workshop in Trekhgorny, several types of the most popular milling, turning and other types of machine tools for mechanical engineering will be produced, which, in terms of their technological characteristics, are not inferior to foreign counterparts at a significantly lower price. Volume of investments: more than 1 billion rubles.

2. "Production complex" Akhtuba "opened a modernized workshop for the production of machine tools with numerical control
The grand opening of the renovated section of the mechanical assembly production of machine tools with numerical control took place at the JSC "Production Complex" Akhtuba ".

3. A factory for the production of oilfield equipment and tools was opened in Kurgan
On August 1, a plant for the production of oilfield equipment and tools was opened in Kurgan. The construction of the plant was made possible thanks to the joint efforts of the American company Varel International (Varel International) and its Russian partner NewTech Services (New Tech Services) from Moscow.

In total, more than 446 million rubles were invested in production. The enterprise will create more than 60 jobs.

4. A new workshop for the production of progressive cutting tools was opened at OAO Votkinsky Zavod (Udmurtia). Production is import-substituting.

According to the head of the enterprise, this workshop is the first and so far the only one in Russia. The plant has 525 CNC machines, including more than 100 machining centers, including 52 high-speed ones.
The new workshop will fully meet the needs of this equipment, significantly increase the cutting speed and increase productivity. Estimated output of the tool is 50,000 pieces per year.

5. In the Vladimir region, at the OJSC "Kovrov Electromechanical Plant", an assembly plant for machine tools of the Japanese company TAKISAWA was opened.
Takisawa transfers to Kovrov Electromechanical Plant the right to use technical information for the assembly, sale, commissioning and maintenance of CNC lathes model TS-4000 in Russia and the CIS countries.
At the first stage, the volume of production can be up to 600 units per year, later - in cooperation with the machine-tool enterprises of the region - up to 1700 units.

6. A ceremony dedicated to the production of the first Russian machine tools of the German-Japanese concern "DMG Mori Seiki" took place in Ulyanovsk.
Ulyanovsk Machine Tool Plant LLC has launched the assembly of the first SIEMENS numerically controlled machine tools of the latest ECOLINE design series. So far, the assembly is being carried out on leased areas. By the end of 2014, about 100 machines will be assembled here.
The construction of a plant worth 3.2 billion rubles is underway. When the enterprise reaches full capacity, the number of machines produced will be 1000 pcs. in year. It is planned to create 200 jobs.

7. In Tatarstan, on the territory of the SEZ "Alabuga" the opening of a new plant of the Russian company "Interskol" took place
The Interskol-Alabuga plant will provide up to 40% import substitution in the power tool industry. The volume of investments in the first stage of the plant amounted to 1.5 billion rubles. Currently, the plant employs 200 people.
In 2015, it is planned to complete the construction of the second stage of the plant, and by the end of 2017 to put into operation the third stage. In addition to electric tools, small-scale mechanization of production will be produced here, welders, compressors and more. A total of 2,000 jobs are planned to be created.

8. In Ulyanovsk, in the Zavolzhye industrial park, a new plant for the production of machine tools was opened.
Investments of the German-Japanese concern DMG MORI amounted to 3 billion rubles. By 2018, the enterprise will create 250 jobs. It is planned that the localization of production will be 50%.
The plant will produce three types of machines of the ecoline series: machines for turning, milling and milling vertical machining centers. productive capacity plant -1,200 machines with the possibility of increasing production to 1500 - 2000 machines per year.

9. Small-scale production of turning machining centers JSC Joint Technological Enterprise Perm Plant of Metalworking Centers (Perm)
On November 27, in the microdistrict Novye Lyady, a presentation of the assembly site for small-scale production of a series of turning metalworking equipment of JSC "Joint Technological Enterprise" Perm Plant of Metalworking Centers "(JSC" STP "PZMTs") was held.
The presentation was attended by representatives of 29 Russian machine-building enterprises: representatives of top management and technical specialists enterprises of Roskosmos, the United Engine Corporation, the Perm machine-building complex, OJSC "Leningrad Mechanical Plant named after K. Liebknecht", Voronezh Mechanical Plant, JSC Rocket and Space Center "Progress" (Samara), OJSC "Votkinsky Plant", OJSC "Turbina" (Chelyabinsk).
The guests visited the GTPP assembly shop of Proton-PM PJSC, where the small-scale production of Proton T500 and Proton T630 machine tools is located, and also saw the process of processing a heat-resistant alloy part. The capacities of this production site allow to produce up to 50 machines per year.

10. assembly production lathes Genos L of the Ural machine-building corporation "Pumori" (Ekaterinbrug)
Ural Machine-Building Corporation "Pumori" solemnly opened in Yekaterinburg on the basis of the company "Pumori-engineering invest" serial production of metal-cutting machining centers "Okuma-Pumori" (Russia-Japan)
The plan for 2016 is 40 machines with a subsequent annual increase to 120 by 2020. Now localization is more than 30%, from 2018 it should exceed 70%. Economic sanctions hinder full cooperation.

11. Plant for the production of metal-cutting tools of the German company Guhring (Nizhny Novgorod)
The plant of the Guering company, one of the leaders in the production of metal-cutting tools, opened in Nizhny Novgorod 21 July. The enterprise was built from scratch and has no analogues in Russia. Investments in the project amounted to 6 million euros. In the future, the plant will create more than a hundred additional jobs.
Investments in the project amounted to 6 million euros.
The enterprise, which has no analogues in Russia yet, is intended for the production of special-purpose tools, which were previously imported from Germany. Also provided are small standard rulers, axial tools with a diameter of 2.5 to 32 mm - drills, cutters and much more.

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