How to choose a greenhouse Features of manufacturing a frame for a plastic greenhouse How to choose a high-quality reliable greenhouse

Judging by the advertising booklets, polycarbonate greenhouses are impeccable. Polycarbonate, as a covering material, really has a lot of advantages over greenhouse film, and one of them is durability in year-round operation. But among the reviews you can find a lot of complaints about designs that cannot withstand even several seasons. To figure out how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse, study the selection criteria, get acquainted with the best models and arm yourself with the advice of experienced gardeners.

What to consider when choosing a greenhouse

The concept of the best greenhouse is loose, and it will be correct if you initially determine its purpose. The design of a closed ground largely depends on what crops and how much you plan to grow, how much time you want to devote to maintenance, and, of course, how much you are willing to spend. Focusing on the answers, you can easily understand the range of offers.

The right greenhouse lasts for decades

The optimal shape of the greenhouse

About how to choose the right greenhouse, summer residents argue until they are hoarse. However, opinions agree on one issue - the shape of the greenhouse is determined not so much by aesthetic considerations as by operational ones. A lot of their configurations have been invented for various purposes, but two options are traditionally offered on the domestic market - gable and arched. The disadvantages and advantages of each need to be dealt with in more detail.

The advantages of gable greenhouses quite rightly include:

  • an attractive view of a house with plants in a summer cottage;
  • fast convergence of snow due to the acute angle of the slope;
  • the presence or possibility of installing side windows;
  • ease of care for plants due to equal height over the entire area;
  • ease of dismantling and replacing the damaged element.

Greenhouse houses are unlimited in height

But rectangular greenhouses with a double-sided roof are not without sin: the sun penetrates them worse than arched ones, they are more difficult to mount because of the larger number of parts, and the rigidity of the prefabricated frame remains in question. With poorly insulated seams, significant heat leakage is possible. And gable buildings with an equal working volume require a greater consumption of materials and, accordingly, are more expensive than arched ones.

The structures in the form of arches are deprived of these shortcomings, which can be put in the plus column, but they also have enough minuses:

  • limited width (up to 4 m) and insufficient height for some tall plants (no more than 2 m);
  • low resistance to wind loads - most of the plucked greenhouses are of the arched type;
  • difficult access to the beds located at the very slopes.

Droplet greenhouses combine the advantages of houses and arches

In what cases is it preferable to choose a greenhouse-house? With a high growth of gardeners or for growing giant tomatoes, the best solution is a gable building. It will also come in handy if you plan to install shelving, or if the climate area is characterized by strong winds and heavy snowfalls. Other things being equal, the arch or its hybrid version in the form of a drop is a more advantageous option.

Choosing a frame based on strength

In order for the structure to be durable, reliable, strong, it is important to choose a greenhouse frame made of polycarbonate of the appropriate quality. Its cost makes up the lion's share of the total price of a greenhouse structure, and many manufacturers are desperately trying to save on it in the fight for customers. Your direct responsibility before buying is to personally inspect and evaluate the frame for quality factor.

Frame parts are made of a metal square tube or an open galvanized metal profile. It is impossible to say unequivocally which type is better - it all depends on several factors:

  • section dimensions and metal thickness - it has been proven in practice that closed profiles 20x40 and 25x25 with a thickness of more than 1.2 mm hold the load well and do not require additional reinforcement;
  • step distance between loaded elements - do not choose products in which frame arcs are located further from each other than 0.6–0.9 m;
  • the number of component parts in the supports - it is desirable that the arcs are solid-bent, and the gables are already welded at the factory.

Frame made of galvanized profile pipe

The minimum number of parts joined during assembly promises greater strength, while making you think about convenience and acceptable shipping costs. Naturally, the most durable connections are welded, but it is difficult to bring such a greenhouse from afar.

Collapsible polycarbonate greenhouses are transported without problems, but before buying them, you need to make sure the quality of almost every detail. Be careful: it happens that the characteristics of the selected model indicated on the website do not correspond to reality, and in fact only individual components are made from the declared pipe size.

As for the protective coating, it is possible to dwell on both galvanized and painted material. The main thing is that both of them are processed in good faith. However, you can only check the integrity of the manufacturer on personal experience - a poor-quality coating usually does not manifest itself immediately, but after a few weeks.

Greenhouse covering material

Before choosing a greenhouse, understand the hallmarks of high-quality polycarbonate. Its popularity among builders and summer residents has led to the emergence of counterfeit products. Such material is produced from low-grade raw materials on cheap equipment, and costs accordingly, but, contrary to advertising statements, it lasts a maximum of 2-3 years.

Low-grade polycarbonate after a couple of years of operation

To check if the manufacturer of greenhouses has saved on covering them, when inspecting the structure, pay attention to the following points:

  • the presence of accompanying documentation for the sheets - it must contain data on the manufacturer and its warranty obligations, the thickness and weight of one sheet, as well as the type of UV protection;
  • a mark on one of the sides of the polyethylene package about the application of a UV protective layer - ideally, if the inscription on the removable film is duplicated by thermal printing on the side edge of the sheet;
  • the appearance of polycarbonate - the absence of any irregularities on the surface and inside the cells, the transparency of the panel without any foreign inclusions, the visibility of the protective layer with the naked eye (it appears in the sun with a bluish fluorescent glow).

Checking polycarbonate for quality is very important

It is important to know that the proper level of UV protection provides a surface layer of a certain concentration and thickness, but not the addition of light stabilizing additives to the mass - claims about the effectiveness of such protection are just a marketing ploy.

As for the best panel thickness, the choice is limited to three sizes:

  • 4 mm - used for small greenhouses for personal use, the material is flexible and reliable enough, but it breaks through with medium and large hailstones;
  • 6 mm - the most cost-effective sheet in terms of price and strength, capable of maintaining integrity in the event of a medium hail (large hailstones usually leave marks, but do not damage the lower layer);
  • 8 mm - the material is able to survive strong natural disasters, but small greenhouses are not made from it.

Sturdy construction under snow

You need to choose a greenhouse made of polycarbonate without excessive savings, the best products of the appropriate quality have a warranty period of at least 5-10 years.

Rating of popular polycarbonate greenhouses

Now that you can tell the difference between a strong frame and a reliable greenhouse cover, it's time to find out who most people think makes good greenhouses. In addition to the quality factor of the structure itself, manufacturing companies differ in the range, availability of additional options, terms of payment, delivery and, most importantly, attitude to after-sales and warranty service.

The best manufacturers of greenhouses for summer cottages

With the help of a fresh and objective ranking of polycarbonate greenhouse manufacturers, you can analyze the expected benefits and risks, just as an investor, investing money in a company, comprehensively studies its activities. If you need a greenhouse for doing business, choose among the offers of foreign companies - their technical equipment is considered the best.

Industrial greenhouse complex

To organize a small greenhouse economy, you can safely choose from the range of domestic plants. Now there are already dozens of enterprises of the regional and federal level, among which there are several well-known:

  • Volya, a Moscow-based company, has been operating since 1993 and today provides a solid selection of ready-made polycarbonate greenhouses with a 2-year warranty period. It has a well-developed dealer and sales network, and sends products to all regions of Russia.
  • "New Forms" LLC was founded in 2007, and in 2010 it opened its own factory in the Tver region for the production of the "Kremlevskaya" and "Bogatyr" series, for which it provides a record 10-year guarantee.
  • "Neftekamsk Mechanical Plant" - produces several types of greenhouse structures under the common brand "Uralochka"; warranty service period - 1 year.
  • "Factory of ready-made greenhouses" - produces greenhouse structures from polycarbonate of its own production, installed on frames of various configurations (economical, standard and reinforced).
  • "TPF Innovation" - the company is known for a wide range of manufactured models, it is possible to purchase a greenhouse with a house, an arch, a droplet, as well as a Mitlider or farm-type greenhouse.

Finished greenhouse construction according to Mitlider

This list is far from complete - there are still quite a few manufacturers on the market whose products deserve attention. Try to find the official websites of these enterprises - their pages contain specific technical information, and not just advertising slogans, like intermediaries. To save time looking for the best country greenhouse, check out some of the most popular polycarbonate models.

Greenhouse "Uralochka"

  • "Uralochka Classic" - is made of shaped square pipes measuring 20x20 (arcs) and 20x40 (base), coated with an anti-corrosion compound (powder paint).
  • "Uralochka Reinforced" - is designed for operation in areas with heavy rainfall, since, according to the company, by reducing the step between the curved arches to 600 mm, it has a fairly rigid frame.

Scheme "Uralochka"

The basic length of the greenhouses is 4 or 6 m to choose from. If desired, it can be increased by installing additional segments - this option is provided by the manufacturer and is paid separately. Positive features of both "Uralochka":

  • installation of polycarbonate sheets end-to-end, not overlapped;
  • the presence of two doors and ventilation vents above them;
  • easy assembly of the frame and covering it with polycarbonate.

At the same time, analyzing the design of these greenhouses, there are some doubts about the reliability:

  • the wall thickness of the profile used is only 1 mm;
  • a pipe with such a cross section (20x20x1) according to GOST is made of thin-walled steel grade 08, which is characterized by high ductility, but not strength;
  • frame pipes are painted only from the outside, from the inside the metal remains unprotected from corrosion;
  • the indicator of the boundary snow load, indicated in the product passport, is only 20 kg / sq. m, while in the northern regions it exceeds 100.

Model "Uralochka Classic" from the inside

In this regard, it is not uncommon for greenhouses that summer residents did not have time to clear of snow in time, do not withstand the load and collapse along with polycarbonate. To the honor of the plant, it must be said that it does not refuse to restore damaged structures as a warranty service. But for the winter, it is advisable for the owners of Uralochkas to still mount additional supports under all arcs and prevent the accumulation of snow mass on the roof.

Greenhouses of the company "Volya"

The assortment of the enterprise is rich, and conditionally it can be divided into three groups:

  1. Economy - for example, the Dachnaya Eco and Dachnaya-2DUM models are made of a 44x15 galvanized profile, withstand a low snow load and have a 1 year warranty.
  2. Standard - arched products "Alpha", "Betta", "Omega" and greenhouse-droplets "Arrows" have a reinforced frame made of galvanized pipe (20x20 or 25x25) or profile 60x20, withstand the estimated snow load from 240 to 450 kg / sq. m, can please with a 2-year warranty.
  3. Premium - greenhouses with a sliding roof "Orion" and "Present" are made of steel pipe 25x25 or 33x33 treated with zinc, they are distinguished by a large margin of safety and are recommended for snowy regions.

Model "Present" from the company "Volya"

Thus, of all the polycarbonate greenhouses from this manufacturer, the most reliable are the premium segment designs, but models at an average cost are also credible. Their advantages include:

  • factory anti-corrosion treatment of parts with zinc;
  • use of polycarbonate of own production;
  • the optimal step between the bearing elements (from 600 mm to 1 m).

Frame parts are allowed to be transported by car. It is not necessary to build a foundation for a structure. Judging by the reviews, during the season, the company's dealers do not always cope with the number of orders, in particular, customers have to wait a long time for a turnkey installation service. Therefore, it is better to make a purchase in the fall so that you can start planting in early spring.

Greenhouse "Kremlinskaya Lux"

This model is considered the most popular of all the "Kremlin". Its frame is made from a profile pipe 20x20x1.2 treated with gray polymer paint and reinforced with double supporting arches. The manufacturer claims that even a 50-centimeter layer of snow is unimportant to such a greenhouse, and summer residents who choose it will not have to clean it in winter.

Assembly process

Advantages of the "Lux" modification:

  • collapsible arches, due to which the purchase can be transported in the trunk of your own car;
  • mounting system "Krabs", which allows you to connect the frame elements without drilling holes;
  • well-thought-out basic equipment and a wide choice of additional equipment - from automatic vents to a timber or pile foundation;
  • the possibility of choosing a polycarbonate coating from two different manufacturers - Poligal (Israel) and Carboglass (Russia).

Branded "Kremlin" arcs

Almost the only thin spot in the construction of the Kremlin Lux greenhouse can be called a protective coating. No matter how high-quality it may be, there is always a risk of damage during installation, after which rust appears. In order for the structure to serve the period of 10 years declared by the company, do not allow paint chips during self-assembly, monitor the work of hired installers and subsequently regularly update the coating.

How to recognize a fake

At this stage, you will probably already be able to independently distinguish a high-quality factory greenhouse from a structure hastily assembled somewhere in the garage. Although for beginner gardeners it is still worth highlighting the key signs by which it is easy to identify a fake:

  • lack of documents, especially the certificate of quality of components, and the marking of the manufacturer's trademark;
  • unreliable frame - poorly protected from rust, welded from a thin-walled profile with a large pitch between the supports;
  • low-quality polycarbonate - less than 4 mm thick, without protective packaging, general information from the manufacturer about UV protection, with obvious defects in the outer and inner structure of the sheet.

Handicraft building in winter

These nuances cannot be seen in the photographs, so before making a deal, do not be too lazy to meet the seller in person and see the goods live. It is recommended to take a caliper to the meeting to check all significant dimensions. In addition to buying an obvious counterfeit, there is a chance to contact an unscrupulous manufacturer or its dealer, therefore, when choosing a seller in a particular area, be guided by the reviews of real owners.

Video: varieties of greenhouses and reviews of gardeners

What do ordinary summer residents say about which polycarbonate greenhouse is the best? Many people make videos to warn against their own mistakes and show how they were able to fix them. Overly laudatory and vice versa - critical reviews can be attributed to custom advertising, but those materials that indicate both the pros and cons of purchased greenhouses are especially valuable.

Below are some of those videos. Having studied the tips and put into practice the information you have just studied, you will no doubt choose the best polycarbonate greenhouse for the implementation of your own plans. Responsibly approach the installation, ensure proper care, and let it serve you for many years.

Video: How not to buy a low-quality model

Video: "Uralochka" and the wind

Video: Design overview "Dachnaya Strelka"

Video: Review of the greenhouse from the profile

Video: Comparison of purchased and homemade polycarbonate greenhouses

Video: Overview of the greenhouse "Kremlevskaya"

Experienced gardeners recommend paying attention to the presence of vents, the ability to add them and equip them with an automatic ventilation system. Greenhouses with a sliding roof are very convenient and practical - snowfall is not terrible, and the soil inside is covered with snow in winter and freezes naturally.

When choosing a greenhouse, do not delay, the sooner a much-needed building appears on the site, the sooner you will start harvesting vegetables, herbs and berries.

All greenhouses offered for sale consist of frame and cover. Let's talk in more detail about each so that you can decide for yourself which polycarbonate greenhouse is the best, as well as how.
The video below will help you with this.


For greenhouses installed in gardens and summer cottages, frames can be:

  • plastic;
  • Wooden;
  • metal;
  • aluminum.

Each frame has its pros and cons of design.


Probably the most inexpensive frames for greenhouses. In addition, they do not rot, are not subject to corrosion, and do not need additional processing. These are the parameters that can be attributed to the advantages of this frame.

Speaking about how to choose a greenhouse made of cellular polycarbonate, we also note the disadvantages.

Pretty complicated installation. Due to the in-line system for the release of greenhouses, cases of mismatch of components are quite frequent. Small allowable snow load. Whereas in Moscow the average snow load is about 140-160 kg per square meter. Even the additional racks included in the package may not help.

And the main disadvantage of such frames is lightness. Requires good anchorage to the ground or foundation.


It warms up well during the day, at night it gives off heat when it cools, maintaining the temperature regime. Ease of fastening of facing material. Probably this the only advantages of making a frame from wood.

Let's talk about the disadvantages.

Requires a lot of time for the installation of the frame, treatment with drying oil or varnish is desirable to slow down decay due to high humidity, it is necessary to treat the digging part of the racks with tar or, if possible, sheathe them with roofing material to slow down decay.


One can say the best option.

  • Aluminum is not subject to corrosion;
  • Resistant to moisture;
  • Relatively easy if transfer to another location is required.

If not for several reasons to consider applying this option.

  • Rapid heat transfer at night, and as a result, the creation of cool zones around the pipes.
  • Pretty big price;
  • The inability to leave in the country due to the theft of non-ferrous metals.


Metal frames of greenhouses are made from different types of profile, V, M and П are figurative. According to numerous reviews, V and M-shaped ones are recommended only in places with little snow cover in winter. P-shaped is much more powerful. But even he does not withstand the load of snow more than 110-120 kg per square meter.

The best option for the conditions of the Urals and Siberia is solid arches made of a square tube of at least 25 × 25 mm, with a wall thickness of at least 1.5, better than 1.8 mm.

You should pay attention to whether painting is required to protect against high humidity inside the building. Costs abandon this option in favor of galvanized arches. Otherwise, in two or three years, you will have to remove the polycarbonate panels to accurately re-paint the arches of your greenhouse.

Don't fall for salespeople's assurances that their greenhouse is "excellent quality and inexpensive." Where is the "free cheese", I think it is not necessary to remind. Polycarbonate greenhouses: how to choose the best one is an art!

Outer coating


Good coverage, in the construction of greenhouses with steep roof slopes. The disadvantages include a small snow load, as well as the need for a powerful foundation, otherwise the structure will lead and the glass will crack.

This coating option is more suitable for a winter greenhouse, provided that a single-chamber double-glazed window is used.


A relatively good option, especially if the film is special with a high ability to transmit ultraviolet radiation. Other advantages include ease of installation and delivery.

The main disadvantages are the fragility and the need to clean the film for the winter.


Ideal for covering. Polycarbonate is able to take the required shape and withstand a significant load, subject to certain selection rules and.

If you are going to grow a large assortment of plants, then the best option is to buy transparent polycarbonate. But ?

Pay attention to the thickness of the sheet. If less than 4 millimeters, then it is not worth buying. Although it is possible, provided that the frame is covered with two layers of polycarbonate.

The UV protection layer must face upwards during installation. Laying, on the contrary, will reduce the life of polycarbonate instead of the declared 10 (actually about 15) to 3, maximum 4 years.

Sheets labeled "for indoor use" are also not suitable for use. They are not protected from the sun's rays. Lacquering is the most commonly used method for protection.

You should not purchase polycarbonate sheets that are labeled "Economy". This is an indication of the presence of recycled polymer, which reduces the strength of polycarbonate sheets.

The video below will help you choose the right polycarbonate greenhouse.


So, you have decided what the arches of the greenhouse frame will be from, and also decided on the thickness of the polycarbonate slabs for the floor. Consider purchasing specialized fittings. This includes elements securely holding polycarbonate in place, excluding breaks in the polymer and water entering through them.

Polycarbonate sheets have a cellular structure and unclosed pores of the channels appear during transverse cutting. Do not listen if they say that you can seal with tape.

With repeated exposure to moisture and the sun, the adhesive tape will peel off, and microorganisms will get into the open channel. As a result, light transmission will decrease, and your greenhouse will also shine with a “green, marsh” color. Processing is carried out with a steam-permeable sealing tape.

Internal equipment

If it is not possible to live in a summer cottage or often come to maintain the microclimate in the greenhouse and water, then think about an automatic irrigation system. Most often piping required, a storage tank raised above the level of the greenhouse and an irrigation time sensor.

If there are air vents, install an automatic ventilation system, it will ensure that the required temperature is maintained throughout the day.

Advantages of good polycarbonate greenhouses

  • Resistance to damage, compared with glass and film greenhouses;
  • Polycarbonate, due to plasticity, can provide any shape of the greenhouse;
  • Lets maximum light through to plants;
  • Long service life in comparison with greenhouses from other materials.


Perhaps the most significant of all the shortcomings identified is its high price, when compared with the prices of greenhouses made of other materials.

How to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse - tips from experienced gardeners. If there is no instruction for assembling the greenhouse, then do not engage in amateur activities.

Invite a specialist. Having installed a greenhouse, you can start long-term operation, providing yourself and your family with grown fruits.

Now you know which greenhouses are good polycarbonate and which are not. If you are interested in how to build a polycarbonate wood greenhouse yourself, go to

Once again, make sure how to choose the right greenhouse by watching the video.

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A greenhouse is always one of the most important, thoughtful and balanced acquisitions of any summer resident. Funds are accumulated for the desired purchase for months, brilliant beauties are looked at with pleasure on the websites of manufacturers, heated debates are held for hours with experienced summer residents about the advantages of this or that design ... And now - the place is perfectly aligned and prepared, and arcs, fasteners, tools and instructions are laid out nearby -puzzle. But it’s not for nothing that Russians are called the most meticulous in terms of study - even the most intricate encryption will be revealed (not without the help of cheered up relatives), and a chic and spacious polycarbonate greenhouse will appear on the site, as if designed only by aircraft engineers. A lot more effort will be spent on arranging the internal space: beds, automatic watering, lighting ... But already the first winter visit to the dacha plunges into shock from what he sees: in place of the former pride of the family there is a crumpled “something”, which simply collapsed from simple snow ...

Any angry attempts to turn to the seller for explanations and compensation, as a rule, end in failure: it turns out that if we put a kettle on a new table and it falls apart, only we are to blame. What's this? Was it the manufacturer’s dishonesty, or was it really necessary to spend the whole winter not in a warm apartment, but in a country house with a pole for dropping snow? .. No, everything is much more complicated, and choosing a really high-quality greenhouse is not so easy. But it is quite possible if you arm yourself with the following tips.

What makes fake greenhouses “pleasant”?

Unfortunately, all kinds of yellow Chinese fakes are actively produced not only in the Middle Kingdom. And in the domestic market there are many underground well-known models of greenhouses made. They cost a little less than those sold by specialized stores, but are significantly inferior in quality to the latter. As a result, more and more new reports appear on the World Wide Web every day that another advertised greenhouse has collapsed under the snow. The creepy photos are impressive, the owners of the bent, crumpled frame are sincerely sorry, but as soon as it comes to official complaints against the company, it turns out that the structure was purchased from no one knows who and there were no protective license signs on it at all.

That is, the outwardly fake structure was very similar to its original, but lasted only a year: the fasteners in the package were not delivered in full, the polycarbonate quickly cracked, the frame broke under the first snow, corrosion spread through the metal parts at the speed of light ...

And with the 2-3 thousand rubles saved as a result, a new design can no longer be bought, there is, in fact, no one to present claims to: the seller company, which manufactured parts in some garage, self-liquidated after several months of work, and the official representative office of the company refuses to pay any -either compensation or even take the sagging frame for repairs - after all, the greenhouse was not purchased from them, and it does not have the relevant documents, or they are fake ...

Official dealer or intermediaries?

Against the background of these messages of indignant and deceived buyers, grateful reviews from buyers of the same brand stand out in bright contrast. And perplexed: “How did it break? We have been standing for the seventh year already, and she is not afraid of any snow.” As proof, the owners of real, factory-made greenhouses even show original photos, where 5-7 people hung on a solid frame in the Mowgli pose at the same time. Because it's all about the right choice, namely where and from whom it should be purchased. The ideal option in this regard is a company store or the website of the company itself, but working with intermediaries is already a risk to some extent. And it’s better to forget about little-known small firms and the spontaneous market forever. In any case, you should always pay attention to the presence of the manufacturer's logo on both the adhesive tape and the protective layer of polycarbonate.

How to recognize a fake?

You can recognize a fake structure by the following main features:

Frame "from a tin can"

The difference between the factory design and the one made underground can be seen with the naked eye: the metal of such a frame is so thin that it even bends easily and resembles the substance that makes up a tin can. But the metal of the greenhouse frame from the manufacturer is much more solid, and even a serious layer of snow cannot bend it, and, as you know, it can even exert pressure of several tons. Of course, we are not talking about economy options, of which there are quite a lot today. But they are just not intended for use in Siberian conditions, and those buyers who decide to save money by choosing a thinner profile should understand that they cannot do without their own modernization and installation of props.

After all, the arched structure is always stronger than the gable, if, of course, it is made of the same materials. But the arch is only reasonable if its materials are thick enough, because only then all loads are maximally directed to compression and are evenly distributed throughout its entire supporting structure. Otherwise, the walls of the structure work for a break, which often happens in fake fragile frames.

Chinese polycarbonate

In ornamental designs, not only the thickness of the pipe is reduced, but the polycarbonate itself can turn out to be of disgusting quality. So, it is not uncommon today that there is a Chinese coating on purchased greenhouses, which is not intended for outdoor structures at all. In this case, it is better to immediately replace it with an Israeli one with its ultraviolet layer, which is considered the best so far. Checking the quality of the material is quite easy - you need to try to push through it with a male hand. If at the same time the stiffeners are not deformed, then the coating will serve faithfully for more than one year.

Economy design

Sometimes its more economical version is also given as the basic model, designed either for the southern regions that are calmer in terms of winds or at the disposal of summer residents who like to improve everything with their own hands. For example, this often happens when “dacha-2DUM” is allegedly sold, but in reality it turns out that this is “Dachnaya-2DUM-economy”. And the differences between them are quite significant: in the “economy” the step between the arcs is a whole meter, and, of course, there are no amplifiers for them in the package. In addition, such “economy” options always require the mandatory dismantling of polycarbonate for the winter, and this is even stated in their instructions. That is why their real price is much lower than the base model. And to recognize the substitution is very simple: just ask to extract the instructions from the equipment being sold and look through all these points well in it.

That is why the ideal way to purchase a good quality greenhouse is to go directly to the company that represents the manufacturer, and not to an intermediary. Moreover, the manufacturer is well-known and proven. And, of course, still pay close attention to the presence of all logos, important points in the instructions and all fasteners in the package. Then you don’t have to worry about the most spectacular building on the site, collecting the best harvest every year!

Summer residents, before planning the planting of cucumbers or tomatoes, first arrange a greenhouse. Indeed, unfortunately, some cultivated plants only produce crops in protected soil.

This design today can be purchased ready-made on any construction market or built independently from the materials at hand.

Greenhouse classification

In fact, there are not many types of greenhouses, they are divided by the presence of heating, the type of cover used and the area. As a material for finishing greenhouses, polyethylene film, various types of polycarbonate, as well as glass are used.

Of course, it is better to use glass instead of film, since it is more durable material. You can verify this on the forums, where there is a lot of information about him.

Many gardeners prefer to supply greenhouses additional heating. Of course, you can do without it, but then only the sun's rays will warm up the enclosed space. Another important factor is the area of ​​​​glazing of the greenhouse.

Other factors in the distribution of greenhouses by species include:

  • the need to build a foundation;
  • frame type;
  • the possibility of ventilation;
  • availability of free space.

Moreover, the usable area is also considered an important factor. For example, a rectangular structure in section has large free space than triangular.

Choosing a greenhouse frame

You need to approach the purchase of material to create a frame seriously and responsibly. After all, the core should not conduct heat well, be bulky and durable. For greenhouses they mainly do metal or wooden frames. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Greenhouses made of metal are durable and reliable. Most often used to create a frame profile pipes, aluminum or galvanized steel.

But wooden structures are better able to retain heat than metal greenhouses. True, they must be applied special protective equipment and constantly paint, otherwise the wood will quickly rot.

What materials are greenhouses made of?

The purchase of a greenhouse begins with the choice of material for covering it. Greenhouses using glass, film and polycarbonate.

Many people believe that polycarbonate is superior in its characteristics to all other materials, however, this is not entirely true. Film too has advantages, for example, at any time you can disassemble the roof or wall of the greenhouse for thorough ventilation.

Moreover, then covering the greenhouse with a film will not be difficult. Summer residents take it off in the fall to protect the material in the winter, since it will not withstand the weight of snow and will tear.

True, every year they have to re-stretch this material onto the greenhouse. This option is especially suitable for those who cannot monitor it in winter and remove snow from the roof.

Even when the film is removed for the winter, the soil is covered with snow, creating a natural temperature and humidity for various microorganisms. If the earth remains uncovered under a roof, it will freeze deeper and the microorganisms will die. That is why it is so important to throw manure or snow into the greenhouse.

The film is inexpensive, but keep in mind that you will have to buy it quite often. Many types of polyethylene wear out quickly under the influence of ultraviolet rays. In addition, the film can be easily pierced or torn. But it will not crack, so it is considered safer than glass.

still exists reinforced film. It will last longer than polyethylene, besides it is more stable and more resistant to stretching, as it has a mesh frame. This film can withstand hail and strong winds thanks to the reinforced mesh inside. It will be possible to use such material for several seasons.

Pros and cons of glass greenhouses

Glass structures have high light transmission. Glass greenhouses have the following advantages:

Unfortunately, such greenhouses also have disadvantages, so it is impossible to call them the most reliable and suitable for growing various crops. In addition, they have brittleness and high thermal conductivity.

From glass it will be possible to build only one - or a gable structure. In addition, you will have to make a foundation. Of course, a glass greenhouse will last much longer than a film structure.

However, due to its high thermal conductivity, the harvest will be late. This structure must be installed and transported carefully.

Polycarbonate greenhouses

For their manufacture, polymer plastic is used that is resistant to mechanical damage. Polycarbonate is not worse than glass transmits light without giving off heat to the outside.

When installing it, be sure to pay attention to the surface of the material, since the front side cannot be reversed. The underside of polycarbonate will quickly be destroyed by the sun's rays.

Polycarbonate has low thermal conductivity, but high light transmission, which contribute to the long retention of heat in the greenhouse, however, in hot weather, the air temperature in it can rise to 60 degrees. That is why it is recommended to choose greenhouses with two doors and vents for ventilation.

Of course, polycarbonate too has disadvantages. Such material must not be washed with solvents, aldehydes and abrasives. Even to create such a greenhouse, you will have to build an expensive foundation.

Store polycarbonate only in a horizontal position. The cost of this material is quite high. Today, on specialized forums, they leave a lot of reviews about polycarbonate greenhouses. They should be read to choose the best design.

Greenhouse forms

Most in demand are:

  • Semicircular.
  • Arched.
  • A-shape.
  • Rectangular structures with a rigid structure.

Semicircular greenhouse- the easiest option. Although it has a primitive design, it is still effective. For its construction, curved plastic or steel pipes are used.

cover the greenhouse reinforced or polyethylene film. And the first material is much better than the last. In addition, reinforced film is better suited for semi-circular greenhouses.

The only one disadvantage of such forms- lack of vertical walls, because of which plants cannot grow near the edge. Arched structures are more suitable for such purposes. The entrance to them has the shape of a semicircle.

Greenhouses, made in the shape of the letter A, are something between semicircular and arched structures. Similar greenhouses differ in that the top in them is not arched, so they can be covered with more rigid materials, and not just with a film.

Rigid greenhouses today very popular However, they are mostly used by professionals. To build such a structure, you will have to seek help from specialists.

Before you buy a greenhouse, you should decide on the time of its use, since it depends on this whether to do additional heating or not. Moreover, it is necessary to choose its future location in advance.

It is advisable to install greenhouses on the south side for good lighting. When purchasing a greenhouse, you need more consider material with which it is covered, because not all of them are suitable for permanent use.

Which greenhouse is better you can decide only on your own according to your needs. But you still need to remember that the frame of the greenhouse should withstand various loads and be durable.

When choosing the right option, do not forget that a lot of electricity is consumed for additional heating. Most of the heat escapes through the walls of the structure and the ground, and only a small part of it is dissipated through the roof.

For this reason, the frame should be sealed in such a way as to reduce heat loss in winter. This procedure will significantly save heating costs.

In the construction markets, you can buy a ready-made greenhouse design or build it yourself according to your needs.

Ordinary garden beds allow summer residents to grow a lot of vegetables and vitamin greens for their table. But if cucumbers and zucchini are not afraid of the scorching sun, severe showers and they are able to please the owners with a decent harvest, then demanding eggplants and peppers on an ordinary garden bed in most regions of our country will not bring normal harvest, they need shelter. For this reason, an important question arises before the owners of the plot: how to choose a polycarbonate greenhouse.

Criterias of choice

It is difficult to choose a building suitable for your conditions, first of all, consider the thickness of the polycarbonate. The cheapest option is to use 4 mm thick products, this material is best suited for most protected structures. It is convenient to lay on arched greenhouses. 8-10 mm polycarbonate is best used when building a greenhouse for growing vegetables in the winter. It is quite durable, transmits light well and retains heat.

Using polycarbonate, you can assemble a very warm building, even a greenhouse cannot be compared with it in terms of heat preservation. Polycarbonate is great for building winter shelters for plants.

The service life depends on the characteristics of the frame. Designs are made from P, V and M shaped profile. Often they build structures from a galvanized profile 30 × 30 mm, it allows you to build a very reliable structure, but such a pipe is expensive.

It is necessary to take into account the thickness of the metal - frames made of a profile pipe with thin walls serve well in the summer, have a small mass, and are easy to assemble. But they are not able to withstand the mass of snow. Frames of inexpensive winter buildings are sometimes made of PVC pipes. This is a durable material with low thermal conductivity, it will create a cold bridge in the greenhouse enclosure. But such a frame is very light, a strong wind can carry it away. The best greenhouse is obtained on the basis of an aluminum frame, this light metal does not rust. If it is installed correctly, then the structure under the gusts of wind will stand steadily. But such a frame conducts heat well (due to the appearance of cold bridges), which will lead to a rapid cooling of the air at night.

To prevent the appearance of cold bridges, during the fastening of polycarbonate sheets, a rubber seal is placed on the metal frame, and thermal washers are used for fastening.

Frame type and material used

The strength of the frame ensures that the structure will not break from strong winds, and in winter it will not collapse under the mass of snow that has fallen. A solid structure can be made of different materials: metal, light alloys (based on aluminum), plastic pipes. Aluminum. The advantage of this material is ease of maintenance and low weight. But such a frame will require high-quality fastening to the foundation in terms of reliability, which will lead to additional costs; Steel. A heavy and durable metal frame made of profiled elements will not “play” in any weather, it will last a very long time if the material is protected from corrosion. Quality products are made of galvanized metal, which is not afraid of rust.

Galvanized bent profile

This is a very strong and lightweight material with a wall thickness of about 2 mm. A bent profile with a zinc coating is produced on modern equipment. Thanks to modern manufacturing technologies, the accuracy of the dimensions and shape of the profile is achieved, which makes it possible to significantly reduce the time required for assembly.

steel profile

The most wear-resistant and durable are profiled steel products. Metal structures from a profile pipe are able to withstand high loads; for example, a frame made of a thick-walled pipe is able to withstand a whole snowdrift. It is only important to treat the metal parts of the greenhouse with a composition that prevents corrosion.

Choosing the optimal area

The optimal length is within 4-6 m at a height of 2 m, in such a greenhouse it is convenient to care for plants and it is easy to organize watering, and it also has good ventilation. With such a length, with ventilation frames in addition to doors, natural ventilation will be enough to renew the air. Almost all manufacturers offer products with a width of 3 m, this optimal size is sufficient for most plants. It will be possible to break 2 beds along the building, and you will reach the distant bushes directly from the central path.

If the total area of ​​the protected structure is not enough for you, then it is better to make 2 small greenhouses than one large one (in which it will be inconvenient or difficult to work and difficult to maintain a favorable microclimate).

Which polycarbonate to choose for the greenhouse

To decide which polycarbonate is better to cover the building, you need to understand the properties of this material.

Material type

The purpose of the protected structure is to provide optimal conditions for plants during the unfavorable season. Any translucent material has a certain weight, and you need a frame that can withstand it. Therefore, it is desirable to use a lightweight material with good thermal insulation, otherwise you will have to make a heavy, reinforced frame. Cellular polycarbonate is best suited for this, as it has a hollow structure and low weight. In monolithic polycarbonate, with the same sheet thickness, the mass is much larger. Cellular polycarbonate, in addition, retains heat well.

The presence of a light-stabilizing layer

With prolonged use of plastic, it is daily exposed to a stream of sunlight, in the spectrum of which there are ultraviolet rays. They provoke the processes of photoelectric destruction of the material, as a result, microcracks begin to appear on the surface of the polycarbonate. Gradually, they increase, which leads to increased brittleness of the material and gradual destruction.

To protect the coating from these processes, a special layer is applied to it. On most varieties of polycarbonate, there is such a coating on one side and it must be directed outward when laying the material. To find this side, you need to find a special mark on the packaging film that shows how to place the panel. On some grades of polycarbonate, a UV protection layer is applied to both sides of the material. They should not be used to cover the greenhouse, since the ultraviolet affects only one side. Everything about polycarbonate greenhouses and the characteristics of such coatings can be found in a special article on our website. The industry also offers polycarbonate, without a light-stabilizing coating. It can only be used for interior work. Destructive processes will quickly spoil the material, it will not last long, and you will have to splurge on new plates. In short, the miser pays twice.

Thickness of cellular polycarbonate

The thickness of polycarbonate to cover the greenhouse depends on several nuances:

  • step frame racks;
  • angles and shapes of slopes;
  • temperature regime and amount of snow in the region;
  • choice of crops that you will grow in the greenhouse ..

We recommend buying structures with a lathing pitch of 70-105 cm, this value is proportional to the width of the sheet, which, when covering a protected structure, makes it possible to reduce material costs. The thickness of the polycarbonate you need depends on the purpose of the greenhouse. If you are growing seedlings, then 6 mm thick cellular polycarbonate is suitable, and 4 mm of material is enough to get early vegetables.

Forms of structures

Shed. There is a reason to choose a greenhouse of such a design. It is able to withstand a large snow load, it is easy to build it, it is spacious inside this building. A shed design, installed close to the wall of the house, allows you to use the area adjacent to the building for growing vegetables or herbs, which is usually useless on the site. Thanks to the support on the wall of a permanent structure, material costs are significantly saved, in addition, the wall will improve the stability of the greenhouse. It is easy to carry water and lighting into it, the internal volume is easier to heat. Dvuhskatnaya. Buildings with vertical walls and a gable roof are easy to assemble and install, the entrance is located at the end of the greenhouse. In general, it is considered an excellent option for a sufficient amount of air, which is well warmed up by the sun's rays, and the ability to arrange seedling racks.

Polygonal. Gardeners rarely use them, it is very difficult to mount. In such a greenhouse, a powerful ventilation system is needed, since it is necessary to renew a large amount of air. But the structure looks great, has a high light transmission and good resistance against gusts of wind. Arched. Arched greenhouses are considered the best in terms of thermal efficiency, they are able to withstand increased snow load. However, if the height of such a greenhouse exceeds 2 m, then it is necessary to strengthen the structure. Shatrovaya. These buildings are distinguished by a variety of designs and sizes. They need a strong frame. The walls of such a greenhouse are straight, the roof is inclined at 25-30 ° C. The vents are installed under the “ridge”, which allows you to ventilate the internal volume without creating a draft, removing only stagnant air that collects at the top. The tent structure will require increased costs, as the consumption of polycarbonate will increase compared to other structures. Teardrop. This durable structure is designed for use in harsh, snowy winters. It features a reinforced frame made of metal treated with anti-corrosion agents. Mandatory and exceptionally high-quality polycarbonate with good protection against ultraviolet rays. The structure is made in such a way that there is enough heat and sunny color for all plants. The greenhouse is equipped with doors and ventilation windows, which makes it possible to maintain a favorable humidity and temperature for plants. The roof in the form of a drop prevents snow from accumulating, it slides off the roof itself. Common designs:

  1. Arched. The optimal shape, this design is easy to assemble and convenient to use. It is sheathed with polycarbonate using the fastening of bent sheets, it is convenient for people to move inside, and the roof in the form of an arc does not retain the fallen snow.
  2. Mini greenhouses. These are small structures, about 2 m wide and low in height, which is only enough to move a person 180-190 cm tall. Mini-structures are well suited for installation in small household plots.
  3. "Drop". The pointed roof of this design is able to withstand the most severe winters, snow is not able to linger on it.

The best arched polycarbonate greenhouses

"PC Harvest" - an affordable building for a summer residence

Its posts are made of a strongly curved galvanized profile, the shape of which reinforces the entire structure. The doors are equipped with vents that allow ventilation of the room. For such a design, a foundation is not needed, it is only necessary to deepen the racks into the ground by 30 cm. The Harvest PK greenhouse has modest dimensions: 3 m wide and 2.15 m high. These dimensions of the polycarbonate greenhouse allow you to place both beds and paths. Its length is 4 m, but the structure can be made longer by connecting the parts with a step of 2 m. The structure is covered with polycarbonate.

Greenhouse "Harvest Elite-Absolute"

Arched greenhouse 2.1 m high and 3 m wide, the minimum length of the structure is 4 m. 2 vents and 2 end doors are provided. It is possible to extend the structure by installing additional modular sections with a length of 2 m. In the manufacture of the frame, a square profile with zinc coating is used. The arcs are installed after 100 cm. The zinc-coated frame does not need to be painted, it will not rust for a long time, and there is even a protective coating on the inside. Polycarbonate is mounted using galvanized tapes, pulling it together in the form of a clamp; for this reason, it is not necessary to drill holes, which will increase the service life of the coating. This design is easy to assemble on your own, because special markings are applied everywhere.

"Dachnaya-Optima" - the most durable

This is a reinforced structure, which is produced by the Volya company. Such a greenhouse is preferred by summer residents who are deprived of the opportunity to clear the snow daily. The galvanized profile is not affected by temperature changes, it withstands mechanical damage well. "Optima" is well suited for places where there is a lot of rainfall. The high-strength frame and well-thought-out metal construction guarantee a service life of at least 15 years.

"Severyanka" from NZT - simple and reliable

This design was created taking into account the climate of the north-west of our country. The framework is made of a profile pipe with a galvanized covering. The arches are spaced 65 cm apart and fastened together by horizontal crossbars, forming a reliable and durable structure. For ventilation, a window and a door are installed at the ends of the greenhouse. Such greenhouses are produced no shorter than 4 meters, you can make it longer with the help of special inserts. Each adds 2 meters of length.

The best equal-walled greenhouses

Glass House "Dubrava" - for real farmers

The structure is 4 m wide and 2.8 m high. It is possible to separate plants that are incompatible according to growing conditions from each other with a special partition, which can be purchased additionally. The frame is made of galvanized components, which makes it possible to extend the life of the building. The use of galvanized metal guarantees a long service life. It is not easy to find a more effective ratio of usable area and cost on the market. Assembly does not require special skills, the whole work will take less than one day.

"Royal Farm" - for very harsh conditions

This design provides for ventilation in the walls and roof, reviews say that the greenhouse has a convenient height that allows you to place hanging beds. This makes it an indispensable building on a personal plot. At the "Tsar's Farms" the frame was reinforced along the perimeter, additional jumpers were installed to increase the rigidity of the structure. The width of the greenhouse is 4 m, which allows placing 4 beds with a track size of 30-50 cm. The frame comes with a five year warranty. The greenhouse can be used in farms, it has a good price-quality ratio.

The best cone greenhouses

"Orange droplet" - good for giving

The frame is made in the form of a lancet arch, the arcs are installed at a distance of 1 m. Polycarbonate 4 mm thick, covered with a layer that protects against ultraviolet radiation. Produced in two modifications: "Droplet-3" and "Droplet-2.4" - with a width of 3 m and 2.4 m, respectively. The building is installed using lugs. This design belongs to the type of super-strong structures and is designed to work with high wind and snow loads. The elongated shape evenly distributes the load, the fallen snow simply slides off its surface. The arcs are made in the form of a lancet arch, which redistributes part of the pressure from the roof to the supports, preventing the frame from bursting.

"Kremlin Strelka" - the winds do not care

This design with a fundamentally new configuration meets all the requirements of high-quality greenhouses. An increase in the strength of the frame is facilitated by arcs of 6 metal ties. Metal pipes are used as a base, all fasteners are galvanized. The shape of the double arches withstands almost any weather conditions without damage to the greenhouse and it is convenient to tie plants to them. The teardrop shape of the roof makes it easy for snow to slide, the polycarbonate coating improves the illumination of the entire greenhouse, which increases the yield. The design allows you to install the necessary additional equipment, for example, an automatic ventilation system or a drip irrigation system. The warranty period for the use of the greenhouse "Kremlevskaya Strelka" is 30 years, annual operation.

Greenhouses of the company "Volya"

Greenhouse "Dachnaya-Arrow"

This design, according to the advice of experts, is intended for regions in which there is a lot of precipitation in winter. It is also suitable for those who find it difficult to visit the country often to clear the roof of the greenhouse from snow.

Important! "Dachnaya-Strelka" is capable of surviving the winter period at their summer cottage without getting damaged without your presence and snow removal. Each square meter of it can hold 450 kg of snow mass.”

Convenient dimensions - length 2, 4, 8 m, height 2-2.5 m and width 2.6-3 m. The height of the building makes it possible to plant tall crops, and durable polycarbonate 6 mm thick, allows you to grow plants in the winter. The roof of "Dachnaya-Strelka" is a hybrid of two types of roofs: arched and gable. For this reason, the fallen snow does not linger on it, sliding from the surface of the coating to the ground. Inside the free space is the same as in the usual arched greenhouse.

Greenhouse "Dachnaya-2DUM"

This product combines many ideas of the best engineers. With proper assembly and careful use, the greenhouse will last for several decades. There is no need to dismantle this durable construction for the winter. External and internal coating of all parts provides reliable protection of the material from corrosion. The shiny frame, covered with transparent polycarbonate, looks beautiful, it can even be placed near the house on the lawn.

Greenhouse "Kremlinskaya Lux"

The construction is made of durable metal, painted with resistant paint, followed by baking in a special oven. This increases the service life of the frame, in the production of which the Krabs-system technology is used. This is a special way of fastening the frame and a significant strengthening of the roof arch.

Greenhouse "Uralochka"

The design is practical and the ability to place vegetables of different heights in it. Harvest can be obtained several times a year. The framework is made of a metal profile which is covered with cellular polycarbonate. The greenhouse can be operated during heavy snowfalls and gusts of wind. The design is simple, for this reason it is easy and quick to assemble, it does not require a solid foundation. The structure can be placed on normal ground.

Greenhouse "Perchina"

The success of these structures is achieved by the fact that they perfectly withstand temperature extremes. In addition, they are durable and stable, they are easy to assemble and dismantle, clean from dirt. The reliable framework is made of the profiled pipe covered with zinc sputtering, the framework is established on the metal plates connected among themselves. The greenhouse is compact and inexpensive.

The greenhouse is the main assistant of every gardener, allowing you to get a decent harvest in almost any conditions. Without it, in many regions of our country it is impossible to grow the usual fruits or vegetables. When choosing a suitable design, and deciding which is better: arched or gable, consider the features of your site.