What are occupational diseases? List of occupational diseases, types, list

You will need

  • - an extract filled out by a therapist;
  • - conclusion of the trade union;
  • - conclusion of the labor inspector;
  • - an act of the commission on working conditions and the nature of work;
  • - Your passport;
  • - statement.


If you have often been hospitalized, contact the hospital and ask the chief to issue you an extract from the history for passing the commission on registration of disability or occupational disease.

With the results of examinations, analyzes and extracts, contact the local therapist again. You will be issued an extract from the outpatient card, and all the results submitted by you will be entered. With this card, you must bypass all narrow specialists and put their signatures in the appropriate columns and with a conclusion. If you are registered with a doctor, then this specialist should describe in detail your entire history of the disease and treatment.

Again contact the local therapist and get a referral to the medical and social expert commission or to the regional pathological professional medical institution, where the regional commission of the leading medical professionals district. Sign the referral at the head doctor of the polyclinic and stamp the registry on the issued extract and referral.

Before applying to the commission, get the conclusion of your trade union and the conclusion of the labor protection inspector. If a trade union organization you do not have, the conclusion is issued by the labor protection inspector signed by the employer.


  • how to get an occupational disease

Advice 2: What occupational diseases exist and in what professions

There are many professions that undermine health. Most often, the harm of negative factors accumulates gradually and affects only after many years of work. Occupational diseases- ailments arising under the influence of precisely such risk factors.

Classification of occupational diseases

They are divided into acute and chronic. Acute diseases are often poisonings and appear after an accidental release or release of toxic substances.

Chronic diseases develop gradually and imperceptibly due to prolonged exposure to harmful conditions. All these conditions are classified into five main groups.

Chemical Factors

Toxic substances, which are technologically necessary in many industries, can enter the body with inhaled air, contaminated water or food, through contact with the skin.

Spreading with the bloodstream, some poisons accumulate in the lungs, others in the kidneys, others in the liver, fourth in the bone marrow, etc. They can irritate the organs and provoke their inflammation, have a destructive effect on the blood or nervous system, cause allergies or cancer.

Among the mass industrial toxins are chlorine and its compounds, derivatives of phosphorus, sulfur, nitrogen, fluorine, chromium, beryllium, metal carbonyl compounds. Workers of pulp and paper mills, glass factories, nurses, disinfectants, workers producing chemical fertilizers, field growers, metallurgists and many others have to deal with them.

dust factors

Once on the skin, the dust causes itching, redness, clogs the sweat, sebaceous glands. Microcracks, rashes, pustular diseases gradually appear. Delicate mucous membranes are strongly irritated by any kind of dust, and this leads to the development of conjunctivitis, blennorrhea, and lung diseases.

Pneumoconiosis affects miners, turners, millers, textile workers, workers of tobacco factories. Workers of cement and brick factories, miners, masons are ill with silicosis. Siderosami - workers in gold, copper, tin mines, jewelers and engravers, glassblowers, potters and porcelain craftsmen. Beryllioses are specialists engaged in the production of fluorescent lamps, X-ray tubes, and ceramics.

Physical factors

Very harmful to the body vibration emanating from hand-held power tools, pneumatic machines, machines. The hands and arches of the feet are most sensitive to it. Vibration disease is often found in miners, drillers, drivers, weavers.

During work associated with the systematic exposure to ultrasonic, electromagnetic, laser radiation, vegetative polyneuritis develops, noise disease, leading to hearing loss. Because of the ionizing radiation of radioactive substances, radiation sickness can occur in metallurgists-defectologists, submariners, and radiologists. And decompression sickness - in pilots, divers.

Surge Factors

When the same muscle groups are systematically under load, their diseases develop: various neuritis, plexitis, bursitis, radiculitis, deforming arthrosis, etc. They often suffer from carpenters, plasterers, painters, blacksmiths, tailors, workers in the mining, machine-building industry, and agriculture.

People who have a lot develop a kind of neurosis: writing spasm. Teachers, lecturers, who constantly strain their vocal cords, have phonasthenia. And computer scientists, jewelers, watchmakers, archive workers and many others have myopia.

Biological factors

Erysipeloid, an infection that affects the skin and joints, often affects sellers of infected meat and fish, workers in meat processing plants and canning factories. Ankylostomidosis helminthic diseases affect agricultural workers and miners.

According to the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Russia, hearing loss or hearing loss, vibration disease, radiculitis from overexertion, and pneumoconiosis are among the leaders.


  • Video: Production factors: dangerous and harmful

People working in hazardous and hazardous industries very often inherit chronic occupational diseases. Such a “tribute” to beloved work, as a rule, is compensated by the state in the form of a monthly financial assistance. However, for this it is necessary to prove the nature of the disease, as well as to document everything in a timely manner. Let's see what is needed for this.

Confirming the fact that your disease is of an occupational nature is not easy. Most leaders in every possible way prevent this, as they bear full responsibility for the life and health of their employees. And also in the event of an accident or other emergency in production, management is obliged to pay material compensation to the employee. As a rule, such “waste” is borne by the enterprise by a court decision. Therefore, if you have every reason to register an occupational disease, be patient, and most importantly, study everything in detail from a legislative point of view.

The procedure for conducting medical examinations, the list of diseases, as well as the rights and obligations of the employer are described in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation "On the procedure for conducting medical examinations and the regulations for admission to the profession."

First, contact your GP for a complete examination. The results of the analyzes must be "fresh" and not exceed 14 days from the date of submission of the documentation for consideration by the expert commission. All information during the examination is recorded in the extract from the outpatient card. In addition, if you are registered with a particular doctor, this specialist must describe in detail the progress of your treatment. For day hospital patients, an extract from the medical history is issued by the head physician of the medical institution. And in the end, do not forget to take from the therapist a referral to the ITU (Medical Social Expertise), certified by the chief physician of the hospital.

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Then go to your place of work to get a certificate from the union and the opinion of the labor inspector. All documents in without fail must be signed by the head of the enterprise. If you received a refusal from your superiors to complete the documentation, you can safely go to court. In this case, monitoring will be carried out by independent experts. In addition, if necessary, you can remotely make an online appeal to the social insurance fund on the FSS website. The decisive stage in the registration of an occupational disease is the passage of the regional commission of the ITU. At the same time, the leading specialists of the district consider your application on the basis of a full package of documentation, which includes:
  • medical card;
  • passport documents;
  • extract from the outpatient card;
  • the conclusion of the local therapist on the results of a full examination;
  • referral to ITU;
  • act of the inspector for labor protection from the place of work;
  • the conclusion of the trade union of your enterprise;
  • application for ITU.

With a positive result of the commission, you receive a conclusion on the basis of which disability is subsequently established. Having confirmed the professional nature of the disease, you have every right to receive financial assistance from the state.

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You can also submit documents for passing the ITU remotely through the public services portal. To do this, register on the site and send a request through the "Get a service" function in the "Conducting a medical and social examination" section. In addition, here you can find a complete list of all documentation, as well as the main regulations.

If you were refused when passing the commission, do not be upset. Statistics show that litigation in this case very often brings a positive result. But here you can not do without an experienced lawyer who will help you prove the fact of an occupational disease.

Occupational disease is a disease, the occurrence of which is provoked by harmful working conditions. Occupational diseases are:

  1. Acute. They are formed as a result of a short influence on the body of an employee of harmful (dangerous) production factors (poisoning, intoxication with chemical compounds, gases).
  2. Chronic. Formed as a result of prolonged influence of harmful factors. One of the signs of such a disease is its protracted nature. These include encephalopathy and disorders of the autonomic (autonomous) nervous system, tuberculosis and lung cancer, hearing and vision loss, problems with joints, bones, skin.

In the acute form of the disease, it is easier to prove its connection with harmful production factors. If a company has an outburst harmful substances and the employee was poisoned, the causal relationship is obvious. It is slightly more difficult to prove a similar relationship in a chronic disease.


Which workers may develop an occupational disease (list of professions), what responsibilities employers have, whether state guarantees are provided for sick citizens - these and other points are specified in several regulations RF:

  • gives general information;
  • the procedure for registering an occupational disease is established by the Regulations on the Investigation and Registration of Occupational Diseases, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 967 of December 15, 2000;
  • Decrees of the USSR Cabinet of Ministers of 01/21/1991 and the Council of Ministers of 08/22/1956 approved two lists of positions and professions that were eligible for additional holidays, early retirement, other benefits. List No. 1 contains professions named by the Ministry of Labor as especially difficult and dangerous. List No. 2 indicates specialties that adversely affect the health of employees, but are not considered particularly harmful;
  • - a list of occupational diseases, upon detection of which they begin an investigation, provide the employee with additional benefits, provide free medical care.

List of occupational diseases for 2019

The list of occupational diseases for the current year is approved (appendix to the Order). Among its authors are the Institute of Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases (Moscow), Rospotrebnazdor, other structures and individual specialists involved in disease prevention.

The list of diseases is divided into 4 large sections, each of which describes the names of diseases, the forms of their manifestation, possible reasons occurrence (harmful factors). Here are the groups of diseases identified by officials and the Institute of Occupational Diseases:

  • associated with the impact of chemical factors (dust, aerosols, gases, chemical compounds);
  • associated with the influence of physical factors (various radiation, electromagnetic field, pressure, noise);
  • associated with exposure to biological factors (microorganisms, allergens, viruses);
  • associated with physical overload and functional overstrain of individual organs and systems (weight lifting, visually intense work).

Please note that the list of the Ministry of Health (Appendix to) does not list all diseases without exception, but the most common ones are included there.

Who is being tested

An investigation of an occupational disease from the list of the Ministry of Health () is carried out in relation to:

  • employees working in the organization under an employment contract;
  • citizens with whom a civil law agreement has been signed;
  • students and pupils educational institutions directed to the organization for practice;
  • convicted citizens involved in labor;
  • other persons performing work at the enterprise or at the individual entrepreneur.

Registration and investigation of occupational diseases at work: procedure

Employees who have been diagnosed with a disease on the list of the Ministry of Health are entitled to compensation. To receive them, the employee must confirm that his illness is associated with the influence of harmful (dangerous) production factors. The investigation process should be initiated by the medical institution (hospital or clinic) in which the worker is observed.

In the event of an acute illness

When a patient is diagnosed with an acute occupational disease (poisoning), the medical institution sends an emergency notice of the occupational disease to the Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (TSGSEN) and a message to the employer within 24 hours. The rules for issuing a notice can be found in the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 176 of 05/28/2001.

The Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, having received the notice, within a day from the moment of its receipt, proceeds to clarify the circumstances and causes of the occurrence of the disease, upon clarification of which it draws up a sanitary and hygienic characteristic of the working conditions of the employee and sends it to the clinic to which the employee is assigned. The employer, in case of disagreement with the points of the characteristic, can issue his objections in writing by attaching his application to the paper.

The final diagnosis of the patient can be made by the clinic. Doctors consider the sanitary and hygienic characteristics, evaluate the patient's condition. After that, a medical certificate is issued.

In case of chronic illness

The establishment of an occupational disease is carried out in the following order:

  1. AT medical institution physicians examine the patient and establish a preliminary diagnosis. The results obtained in the form of a notice are sent to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and the employer. The deadline for sending a notice in the chronic form is 3 days.
  2. The Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service, within 2 weeks from the date of receipt of the notice, provides the medical institution with a sanitary and hygienic description of the working conditions of the employee.
  3. If a chronic disease is detected, the patient undergoes an additional examination. To do this, the medical institution sends an employee to the Center for Occupational Pathology within a month.
  4. Specialists of the Occupational Pathology Center after examining the patient and reviewing the available documents (referrals from the medical institution, characteristics of sanitary and hygienic working conditions, copies work book, extracts from the outpatient card, data from medical examinations) establish the final diagnosis. After that, they draw up a medical report and send a notice within three days:
    • to Rospotrebnadzor;
    • employer
    • insurer (FSS);
    • to the hospital that referred the patient.

Medical conclusion about the presence of an occupational disease:

  • issued on receipt to the employee;
  • sent to the insurer (FSS);
  • sent to a medical facility.

Employer actions

An occupational disease has been found in an employee, where should the employer start? The employer is obliged, by order, to form a commission to investigate all the circumstances of the occurrence of the disease and to contribute in every possible way to its work. For this, he is given 10 days from the date of receipt of the medical opinion. Who chairs the occupational disease investigation committee? Representative of TsGSEN, but the commission itself consists of:

  • employer representative;
  • labor protection engineer;
  • representative of the medical institution that made the initial diagnosis;
  • union representative.

Based on the results of the work of the commission, an act is drawn up on the case of an occupational disease (the form of the act is approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 967).

In how many copies is an act of investigation of occupational diseases signed? The document is drawn up in 5 copies. It is certified by the signatures of the persons who participated in the verification, and the seal of the organization. One copy of the act remains with the employer. The rest are sent to:

  • an employee;
  • to an insurance company;
  • in TsGSEN;
  • to the medical institution from which the request came.

The term of storage of the act in the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service and in the employer's archive is 75 years. When the enterprise is liquidated, the documents are transferred to the Central State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service.

In order to prevent the occurrence of new cases of occupational diseases and to implement the instructions of the commission, the employer issues an order to take appropriate measures. The order must necessarily provide that the production should be planned for the prevention of occupational diseases among workers. The employer has one month to complete it.

Employee benefits

From organization

The employee has the right to claim sick pay from the employer. The procedure for calculating benefits is similar to payment for ordinary disability, with the exception of the following:

  • the allowance is always assigned in the amount of 100%, regardless of the length of service;
  • the maximum amount is four times the amount of the payment established by paragraph 12 of Art. 12 ;
  • indexation of benefits in 2019 was carried out on February 1, and now the maximum amount of the monthly insurance payment is 77,283.86 rubles;
  • allowance for all days is paid at the expense of the FSS. If the benefit was assigned before February 1, then indexation in 2019 should be taken into account. After this date, the payment of benefits should be made subject to changes.

FSS payments

Compulsory social insurance against accidents and occupational diseases has been carried out in the Russian Federation since January 2000 in accordance with.

The insurance company also examines the received documents and determines whether the case is insured, after which a decision is made whether compensation is due to the victim or not. An employee is considered insured in the event that an occupational disease was established in him during the performance of professional duties.

If the case is recognized as insurance, the victim is entitled to receive lump-sum and monthly benefits from the FSS. The following documents are required for grant assignment:

  • act on the case of occupational disease;
  • ITU conclusion on the degree of disability;
  • a copy of the work book or employment contract;
  • certificate of average monthly earnings;
  • statement.

The amount of accrued payments depends on the degree of disability, the degree of guilt of the insured, his average income.

In accordance with, paragraph 1, 2 of Art. 8, the FSS compensates the additional costs of the injured person for treatment:

  • for the purchase of medicines;
  • payment for paid care, if necessary;
  • rehabilitation in sanatorium conditions;
  • manufacturing and repair of prostheses.

Payments are made only with the decision of the FSS. They are preceded by a check of the need for all treatment measures taken.

Compensation is made in the event of an accident and death caused by factors of production. In the latter case, the relatives of the employee receive payments.

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Many jobs or working conditions lead to negative consequences for the body. Annual reports international organization(ILO) show an average of 160 million reported work-related diseases.

In Russia, according to the statement of the Deputy Minister of Labor, today more than half of the workers work in hazardous industries, a fifth of them are women.

Work in such conditions can eventually lead to an occupational disease - an acute or chronic illness resulting from work in harmful conditions labor and led to a temporary (permanent) loss of the opportunity to work. Precise definition contains the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Compulsory Social Insurance against Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases" dated July 24, 1998, No. 125 in Art. 3.

It follows from the definition that occupational diseases at work are divided into acute and chronic.

Acute illnesses are diseases that an employee has acquired as a result of short-term (one-day or one-shift) harmful effects. Here it is worth mentioning separately the obligation of the employer, at his own expense, to deliver the victim to a medical facility or home on his own (from Article 223 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Chronic diseases include those that are obtained due to prolonged exposure to harmful factors (one factor) on the body.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 967 dated 12/15/2000 also refers to occupational diseases as poisoning.

The law refers to occupational diseases only those that were the result of a harmful factor - this is important! Harmful factor it is customary to consider the production impact that caused the disability (Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

What diseases are considered occupational?

According to the same ILO reports, the main occupational diseases in the world are:

  • problems with the musculoskeletal system (40% of the total);
  • cardiovascular disorders (16%);
  • respiratory diseases, including allergic bronchitis and asthma (9%).

The list of health problems is not complete, it only includes common ones. The complete list in our country was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development No. 417n, dated 04/27/12. Hepatitis, gastritis, visual impairment, dermatitis, eczema, and so on are indicated there.

Causes of occupational diseases at work

« A worker is capable of earning an industrial disease for the same reasons as getting an industrial injury (mutilation). These include:

  • technical,
  • organizational,
  • sanitary and hygienic,
  • economic,
  • psychophysiological reasons.

The first group includes technical problems with machines, machine tools, including their design flaws, malfunction of tools and other technical devices, lack of barriers, handrails, ventilation failure, leakage of toxic gases and liquids.

The second is the lack of supervision by the management of production, failure to conduct the necessary briefing, violation of labor protection rules, failure to provide employees with the allotted time for rest, lack of funds at the place of work personal protection, as well as the use of tools not for their technical purpose.

The third group includes unsanitary conditions in the workplace, failure to conduct a timely medical examination, the presence of increased noise, vibration, gas pollution, poor lighting, radiation, as well as natural and climatic conditions.

The fourth group implies the lack of sufficient funding for the field of labor protection at work, a reduction in the number of employees with an unacceptable increase in output and a reduction in time for rest. Savings on repair and timely replacement of broken equipment.

The fifth group includes the monotony of work, a bad atmosphere in the team, and the general fatigue of the worker.

Specialists also single out into a separate group subjective factors or circumstances emanating from the employee himself, namely the appearance at work drunk, the deliberate violation of labor protection rules, the personal use of tools that are not related to the work performed by him.


Occupational diseases occur as a result of exposure to the body adverse factors production environment. Clinical manifestations often do not have specific symptoms, and only information about the working conditions of the sick person allows us to establish that the identified pathology belongs to the category of occupational diseases. Only some of them are characterized by a special symptom complex due to peculiar radiological, functional, hematological and biochemical changes.

Outside this etiological systematics are occupational allergic diseases (conjunctivitis, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchial asthma, dermatitis, eczema) and oncological diseases (tumors of the skin, bladder, liver, cancer of the upper respiratory tract).

There are also acute and chronic occupational diseases. Acute occupational disease (intoxication) occurs suddenly, after a single (during no more than one work shift) exposure to relatively high concentrations chemical substances contained in the air of the working area, as well as levels and doses of other adverse factors. A chronic occupational disease occurs as a result of a long-term systematic impact on the body of adverse factors.

The main document that is used in determining whether a given disease belongs to the number of occupational diseases is the "List of Occupational Diseases" with instructions for its use, approved by the Ministry of Health of the USSR and the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Among the most important preventive measures for labor protection and the prevention of occupational diseases are preliminary (upon admission to work) and periodic examinations of workers exposed to harmful and unfavorable working conditions.


Main reasons:

shortcomings in the design of equipment and elements of economic facilities;

insufficiently complete study of the location area; equipment failures due to structural imperfections;

violation of documentation requirements, technology of manufacturing and installation of equipment elements and in the performance of "hidden" work;

erroneous actions of personnel or violation of safety measures during the operation of equipment;

the occurrence of accidents and disasters at neighboring economic facilities or product pipelines;

lack of constant control over the state of production;

impact external factors(natural disasters, results of application various kinds weapons, sabotage);

the occurrence of accidents due to phenomena that have not yet been studied, which manifested themselves at economic facilities that use various harmful substances.

occupational injury occupational disease occupational disease