Yandex global speed test. Why do speed tests have different results? Connection speed under magnifying glass

Any person connected to global network(and these are the majority in our time) sooner or later the question arises - how to check internet speed is free? Someone wants to test the new tariff of their provider - is it not deceiving? Does the advertised speed match the actual speed? Others need to accurately measure the Internet connection speed in Mbps in order to decide whether it will meet the needs of the family when switching to Wi-Fi or something more powerful is needed. Well, the rest are just worried about the question - whether to leave the torrent to download a fresh series for the night, whether it will have time to download and they need to know how to measure the speed of the Internet on their computer. IN general question this one is relevant, and our today's article will be the answer to it.

How to Check Internet Speed ​​with Speedtest

The simplest and most effective way is to check the speed of the Internet online using the Speedtest service. It's absolutely free, fast and accurate.

speed test(Speedtest) is an authoritative online Internet speed test service, with the ability to customize the language, units of measure, server, etc., as well as save and compare your results (for registered users). The developer of the Speedtest is Ookla. Today, Speedtest is actually one of the best internet speed meters out there. This not advertising, our editors use Speedtest themselves and are satisfied so far.

How to check internet speed with Speedtest? Simply and easily. We go to the Russian version of the site - You will see a stylish green meter picture depicting the continents of our planet with the designation of your current location.

The main page of Speedtest displays your current location, IP address, ISP and, most importantly, the “Start test” button for network speed

You can click anywhere on the map at the bottom of the picture and then select any item (bright white dot) on the enlarged map section at the top. When hovering over a point with the cursor, it will appear server list, from which you can choose any and check the speed of the Internet on it.

You can choose any available server to test network speed
The image uses a screenshot from

The green circle with a triangle represents your current location with the nearest server. It is determined automatically. By clicking on the triangle, you can also select another server from the list that appears.

But you can leave everything as it is. If you just want to quickly check the speed of your Internet connection - do not change the default settings.

Please note that in the lower left corner information is displayed with your IP address and the name of the provider. This might be helpful. If you left-click on an IP address, it will automatically be copied to the clipboard.

In the opposite right corner, the constantly changing number of Internet speed tests for today is displayed. Ten million checks... quite a few! This already speaks of the credibility of the service.

And, most importantly, at the top there is a big green button " Start verification". We click on it. In this case, it is advisable to disable all programs using the network, and not switch the tab with the test.

Deciphering the results of checking the speed of the Internet Speedtest

So, you press the button, and the service will start testing the speed of the Internet connection. You'll have to wait a couple of minutes. Finally, an information window will appear with test results Internet connection speed.

Speedtest network speed test results: ping, upload and download speed
The image uses a screenshot from

Let's decrypt this data:

  • ping (ping)- this is the period of time for which information (network data packet) from your computer gets to the server and returns to you. Ping is measured in thousandths of a second - milliseconds (ms, ms). The smaller it is, the better;
  • receiving speed- that is, the download speed, in Mbps;
  • transmission speed- the speed of uploading, transferring data from your computer to another computer. It is also measured in Mbps. Naturally, the higher the transmission speed and the receiving speed, the better.

Additionally, you can test the quality of your Internet connection. Another service of this company, Pingtest, is designed for this. We will talk about it and ping testing in more detail in the next article.

In the meantime, use Speedtest to monitor and test the speed of your Internet connection. And if there is a significant discrepancy with the declared speed of the tariff, feel free to contact the provider with the requirement to fix the problem and provide you with the promised speed.

Don't forget about other ways to speed up the Internet, such as by .

Good luck and fast internet!

We have other interesting articles too!

If your web pages take a long time to load or YouTube videos slow down, you should first of all look at the speed of your Internet connection. How to view Internet speed on Windows 7 or Windows 10, consider below.

Note! Certain processes can affect the accuracy of the results. It is worth turning off video, music, downloading files, etc. before testing.

Standard Windows Tools

First of all, you need to know what speed the provider provides you. For viewing, you can use standard system tools.

Advice! If there is an agreement with the provider nearby, then you can look at the speed of the Internet connection in it.

  1. On the toolbar, click PMK on the Internet connection icon.
  2. Open Network and Internet Settings.
  3. Next, go to "Network and Sharing Center".
  4. By clicking on the "Ethernet" icon, see the connection speed.

Internet speed test

Now let's move on to online services that give us the opportunity to see the speed of the Internet connection in a few clicks.

Yandex Internetometer

This is a popular service from Yandex, which is used by most users.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated. All actions take place automatically.

This service is popular all over the world, not only in Russia. It determines the maximum download speed limit quite accurately and indicates the ping.

It is worth noting that the results are quite accurate. No wonder the service has gained popularity all over the world.


A site with a lot of possibilities. Starting from checking IP and Ports, ending with checking passwords for vulnerabilities. The most functional site of the entire Runet.

Additionally, the site will show your location, browser, IP and provider.

The service is designed for German users, but this does not prevent us from using it too.

Once finished, you will be able to view your speed, ping and location.

Hello site readers. IT lessons. Today we will deal with the popular question " how to measure internet connection speed?» Everyone is interested to know if we are getting those megabits per second that we paid for and why sometimes files or sites load oh-oh-very slowly ...

In this IT lesson, you will use the knowledge gained in the previous two lessons: "" and ""

Of course, you would like to press one button and quickly find out your speed ... this is also possible, but the accuracy will not be high. In addition, you need to take into account some factors that affect the data transfer rate and the result of its testing.

The lesson is great, if you need to find something specific, you can use the content:

What affects internet speed?

First, let's look at what can affect the quality of measuring the speed of an Internet connection. And there are many such factors:

  • Speed, with which you are contacting, checking the speed of the Internet (this may include the speed of access to the site from which you download something)
  • Speed ​​and settings if your computer is connected to local network through him
  • Working on the computer at the time of checking
  • Antiviruses and firewalls running in the background
  • Computer and operating system settings

In most cases, the most important item on this list will be the first item - server speed. Let's give some illustrative examples.

Example 1
If you connect your computer to a local area network using a cable (twisted pair), then connection speed with another computer on the same network(in your city) will be very large, for example, 70 Mbps .

Example 2
Now we measure the speed between our computer and some server on the other side of the country. Maybe we'll get about 20 Mbps .

Example 3
Imagine that all 800 regular readers of the IT-lessons site connected to this server at once and started downloading different files. Connection speed with loaded server will decrease and for you it will be, for example, 3 Mbps .

Example 4
Now let's try to download the file from a server in another country, for example, in Australia, we get less 1 Mbps!

Now, I think it is clear that the measured speed depends on which server you have chosen to test: its location, its own maximum speed and its workload affect. That is, you need to understand that:

The speed of all servers (containing sites and files) is different and depends on the capabilities of these servers.

The same applies to other items (for example, the connection speed will be different when connecting to the network directly or through a router, and will also depend on the characteristics of this router).

How to improve the accuracy of the check

It is advisable to complete these points if you want to get the most accurate result of checking the speed of the Internet connection. If approximate measurements are enough for you, then you can proceed to the next section of the lesson.

  1. Connect the network cable directly to the computer(in )
  2. Close all programs, except for the browser (in which there should be one bookmark with this IT lesson)
  3. Stop programs that are downloading in the background(torrent clients, download managers, etc.), except for those that you have chosen to test the Internet speed
  4. Temporarily disable your antivirus (do not forget to enable it later), because. in some cases, it can affect the readings of online tests.
  5. Launch the Task Manager (simultaneously hold down the Ctrl + Shift + Esc keys) and go to the "Network" tab. Make sure the network is not busy ("Network Usage" should be less than 1%). If the network is being actively used, a program or Windows update may be in progress. In this case, wait for the downloads to finish or restart your computer.

Network Usage in Task Manager (Green line jump - Internet connection speed check process)

In addition, each measurements must be taken several times. to improve testing accuracy.

How to measure internet connection speed

There are several ways to measure the speed of an Internet connection. Consider them in order of increasing complexity of use.

  1. Online services

Since we are now at the “Beginner” level, we will consider the first method in detail, and for experienced users I will briefly describe the remaining two.

Method 1. Measuring speed using online services

This is the one the easiest way to measure"Press one button and find out everything quickly." Accuracy is relative, but simplicity attracts. 🙂

note that online tests have different accuracy!

I will tell you only about the most popular services.


Let's start with most popular and most accurate online test to check internet speed(plus it's free). I will dwell on it in more detail and advise all readers of the site to start using this particular method.

Here is a short guide:

2. Find the button " Start verification» and press it:

Click the "Start Check" button

3. At the end of testing, you see three results:

First number indicated by the word "Ping" (read "ping"), denotes network packet transmission time. The smaller this number, the better the quality of the connection (preferably less than 100 ms).

The second number is the data acquisition speed. It is this figure that providers advertise when connecting (it is for these megabits per second that you pay your honestly earned rubles / hryvnia / dollars / yuan 🙂).

The third number is the data rate. As you can see, it can be noticeably less than the download speed, and the provider is silent about this (but, in most cases, a high outgoing Internet speed is rarely required).

If you want to measure the speed of an Internet connection with a particular city, then select it on the map (all major cities on the planet are available) and click the "Start Test" button again.

Thus, you can check the examples I have given for yourself.

The creator of the “speedtest” has another interesting online service that checks internet connection quality
On the company's main website there are many more interesting opportunities for testing network connections

Other Online Internet Speed ​​Test Services

The principle of operation for all services is the same: they pressed a button, waited, got a number ... but the results are different.

2. Add multiple downloads from different fast file servers, like this one (test archive) and this one (Linux distribution)

3. We set in the settings maximum number of threads(sections to download)

4. Keeping track of top speed file uploads:

The maximum achieved speed is highlighted in the image with a red rectangle.

What speed is needed to download movies?

We learned how to measure the speed of data transfer over the Internet, now let's see where it can be applied.

Let's say we want to download average quality movie, which usually takes 1.4 GB. Let's calculate at different speeds:

  • Speed 100 kbps- about 32 hours (we'd better not wait until the movie is downloaded using mobile Internet)
  • Speed 1 Mbps- It will take 3 hours to download such a movie
  • Speed 3 Mbps– 1 hour download
  • Speed 15 Mbps- less than 15 minutes to download
  • Speed 50 Mbps– about 4 minutes
  • Speed 100 Mbps– about 2 minutes

Compare with time music downloads(for example, an mp3 file in good quality, about 10 MB in size):

  • Speed 100 kbps– less than 15 minutes of loading
  • Speed 1 Mbps- 1.5 minutes download
  • Speed 3 Mbps– 0.5 minutes

At the same time, it is worth remembering that there is a guaranteed speed and a speed not guaranteed by the provider (we dealt with this in the IT lesson).


So, today we learned how to check the speed of the Internet (Internet connection) in three ways. We learned that in addition to speed, you need to take into account the quality of the connection, which is indicated by “ping” (we will deal with it separately). And yet, we clearly estimated what speed would be sufficient to download the movie. Thus, we have completed the topic of information units and data transfer rates. What's next?

Already guessed? Of course, test! This time there will be few questions, but I advise you to re-read (including this one). If you're ready, then

Copying prohibited but you can share links.

Many who have already encountered Internet speed testing services have noticed that the result of these tests quite often diverges from the tariff plan (the speed provided by the provider). The majority, not delving into the details and subtleties of the services, prefer to believe the indicated speed test results on, perhaps for the first time, an open site. And then calls to the technical support of the provider begin with complaints and claims. Often, long negotiations with technical support end in nothing - recommendations technical staff difficult or scary to do. And, as a result, the client is not satisfied.

We did a little testing of the most popular Internet connection speed testing services and decided to find out which service to give the most preference to, and also tried to find out why speed measurements show such different results. On each of the sites, we carried out from 3 to 5 measurements, citing here the best indicators.

For testing, a simple system unit with a dual-core processor, 2 GB was used random access memory installed by the Windows 7 operating system. are not installed on the computer, the firewall is disabled. All components and modules (including the flash player) have been updated. Used browsers: Opera, Chrome, Fire Fox, Safari, testing was carried out in each of them. The network card is the most inexpensive, with an interface speed of 100 Mbps (Full duplex). The computer was connected with a 3-meter twisted pair cable to a Cisco L2 switch with a 1 Gb / s port (auto) and an external interface (Internet channel) 2 Gb / s (LACP bonding mode 2).

In total, an analogue of broadband Internet access was obtained with a speed limited by the bandwidth of the computer's network card - 100 Mbps. by Ookla - Global Speed ​​Test probably one of the first and most popular services for checking the main network parameters. The test itself was created on the basis of flash technology, which, on the one hand, is beautiful, convenient and visual, on the other hand, it can fail - an incorrectly installed flash player on your computer, or a browser flash module is not able to fully implement speed testing, and , as a result - measurement errors.

The web interface of the page looks like a map with the ability to select a server with which to test.

When you open the page, the service determines your location. Very useful in this service is the choice of the server with which you want to test, because the fewer intermediate nodes between your computer and the server, the more accurate the measurement results will be.

Before testing begins, a ping test takes place - the server's response time to your request to it.

Immediately, after measuring the ping, the download speed is measured - Download.

After measuring your upload speed, the service will automatically start measuring upload speed - Upload, the speed at which you can upload and transfer files to the Internet.

Outgoing speed testing - Upload.

After all the tests have been performed - ping, incoming and outgoing speed, the results will appear on the screen with a suggestion to repeat the test ( TEST AGAIN), or select another server ( NEW SERVER) to check the Internet settings.

Test result.

Next, using the service Speedtes.Net, we have chosen another, the most remote server in Kyiv, the data to which will pass through several Data Centers, by this we will show the influence of intermediate nodes on the accuracy of testing measurement.

Selecting a remote server located in Kyiv.

Speed ​​testing with a server located in Kyiv.

Here it is worth paying attention to the increase in ping to 13 ms, which indicates data delays on intermediate servers and routers located between us and Kiev.

Result for by Ookla - 95/95 Mbps under our bandwidth 100 Mbps is the most accurate result.

If you need to do testing with our server located in Torez, go here. - speed test for all devices just like Speedtest.Net uses flash technology to measure network speed. Everything is more modest here, the choice of servers (button Select Server) for testing is small, only about 15, the location of which says that the service is focused on America and Japan. The closest to us was Frankfurt (Germany).

The result of the check, to put it mildly - no. With our actual channel width of 100 Mbps, the service showed only 11 Mbps - 10 times lower than our real speed. Moreover, we did not manage to check our outgoing speed using this service. speed test.

It's all because of the remoteness of the server and a large number of intermediate nodes to it. We counted 8 pieces.

Route trace to the server -

Result for - 11/-- Mbps with our bandwidth of 100 Mbps - this service is not suitable for our region.

2ip.Ru - Portal of network services

2ip.Ru- probably one of the first Russian-language services for the Internet. Among them is the speed check service.

Before checking, the service prompts you to enter your speed by tariff plan, for further evaluation - declared/actual.

The lack of choice of the nearest server affected the results.

The result of the Internet connection speed is 2ip.Ru.

Despite the fact that the service is aimed at Russian-speaking network users, it is located in Germany, so the service is more suitable for the western regions of the CIS countries (Kaliningrad, St. Petersburg ...). In view of the fact that there are a large number of nodes between us and the service, it is not suitable for accurate measurements.

Result for 2ip.Ru - 27/7 Mbps

Pr-Cy.Ru - Analysis and verification of network resources

Pr-Cy.Ru- another popular Russian-language service that specializes in site analysis, the speed check service on it is a nice addition to other services.

There is a map on the speed test page that allows you to select your preferred server with the fewest nodes on the way to it for the most accurate result.

Speed ​​test page - Pr-Cy.Ru.

After pressing the button "Start Internet Speed ​​Test", first the server response time (ping) is measured, after which the incoming and then outgoing Internet speed will be automatically checked.

Internet speed testing on Pr-Cy.Ru website.

Internet speed test result.

The test result was disappointing, the deviations were more than 20%. Most likely, the owners of the Pr-Cy.Ru resource do not prioritize the accuracy of measuring Internet speed and pay more attention to the accuracy of their other services.

Result for Pr-Cy.Ru - 80/20 Mbps, in our opinion, a dubious service for our region.

On this, we believe, enough comparative tests. Our goal was to show that speed check services are nothing more than entertainment, you should not take them more or less seriously. We did not specifically consider other services, such as.

Many computer users often experience low internet speeds. If you have connected high speed internet, and it repeatedly or constantly freezes, then the provider may be the first reason for this. Also, Internet speed can be affected by viruses, browser, and computer problems.

Before deciding what to do to increase the speed of the Internet, you first need to find out its speed at the moment. In this article we will tell you how to check the Internet speed on a computer with windows 7, and with others. operating systems so that later you can fully express your claim to the provider.

Internet speed test with

The most convenient and more accurate site for checking Internet speed is considered to be

But before you start checking, find out the Internet speed declared by the provider, most often they indicate the speed “up to”, for example, up to 100 Mb / seconds. It’s worth saying right away that this is a lie, you rarely find an Internet that can reach a speed of 100 MG / second (although Rostelecom gives out even more than the speed declared under the contract.

In this case, the declared speed is 50Mb, and as you can see in the screenshot, the receiving speed is really higher), but our task will be to check if there is at least 2-3 Mb / s, which will be enough to start music or video more or less quickly.

  • 1 . Go to
  • 2 . Click on the "Start test" button or if you have an English version of the site "Begin Test".
  • 3 . After pressing the button, the Internet speed test will begin. You don't need to do anything, the program will check itself. It is advisable to disable all processes that load the Internet, as they may affect the final results. The verification process will take from a few seconds to a minute.
  • 4 . In the end, you will see ping (Ping) milliseconds (ms, ms), and of course, the less ping the better . The ideal value is up to 40 ms, higher is already a bad Ping, which leads to “Freezing” of network applications). Download Speed ​​and Upload Speed. The main thing is to find out the receiving speed, if it is 5 Mb / second, then this speed should be enough. Our task is to verify real speed Internet with the declared provider. If they do not match even close, then you need to urgently contact the provider, or change it to another one.

Internet speed test with Speedtest
(Official site

Internet speed check via

If you want to fully verify the speed of your Internet, you can use another site 2ip. But be aware that both of the sites presented can be slightly wrong, so count the average number after checking the speed.

  • 1 . Go to the site
  • 2 . On the left side of the screen, click on the "Internet connection speed" button in the "Tests" field.
  • 3 . On the page that opens, check if your location and Internet provider are indicated correctly. If all the data match, click on the blue "Test" button.
  • 4 . Wait a few seconds while the program counts the Internet speed.
  • 5 . After verification, a page will open in which your IP, provider, site, ping and time will be written. Just below the green numbers indicate the speed of your Internet.
    As already mentioned, both services check in their own way and in different time. If Speedtest had 2 MG/sec and 2ip had 1 MG/sec, then the average test speed would be 1.5 MG.

Internet speed check via 2ip
(Official site

Internet speed check via Yandex

  • We go to the Yandex service.
  • Press the "Measure" button

Internet speed check via Yandex
(Official site

Now you know how to check the Internet speed on a computer. If you want to always know the current Internet speed, you can download a special program to your computer. But such programs have a minus - they slow down the computer and the Internet connection a little. Therefore, it is up to you to decide whether you need such a program on your computer or not!

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