Male professions: a list. Male and female professions

Men can do everything: give birth, run a country, bake pies, write music, make laughs, build rackets, do hair, create religions. This means that the list of male professions is endless.

However, men very rarely like routine work. Men love to take risks and create, invent new things, explore the mysteries of nature. They are subject to highly abstract thinking and highly intellectual humor. They are aggressive. They are physically strong. They are better than women in hardware. And what does all this mean?

The most masculine profession

This means that an engineer, physicist, philosopher, firefighter, policeman, carpenter, boatswain, pilot, foreman, bonker, composer, programmer, cook, surgeon, stuntman, rescuer, pilot are, as a rule, the most masculine professions.

However, any profession is really subject to men. Men can work perfectly not only with their heads, but also with their hands. Male working professions live in the construction, manufacturing, transport, cultural, and agricultural sectors.

In real life, there is no time for romance. A man needs to earn money, and he is forced to look towards the most sought-after male professions (they are also the most popular professions). And this, as a rule, is a variety of engineering, information technology, sales, logistics, restaurant business, aviation, business, sports.

What profession to choose a man

There are many professions, and you are one. Maybe you like several professions. But you have to choose. Choosing a profession from everything in the world is a real job, and not just like that. If you don't go there, you'll lose years.

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Fashionable or monetary, promising or stable, medical or creative… What are the professions for men and what profession should a man choose? Let's try to figure it out.

Among the series of truly masculine professions, it is difficult to choose one thing. In an age of rapid technological progress and great changes in public relations it is difficult to determine for yourself what professions are for men, and which are only for women. Now there is no strict distribution or any prohibitions on choosing a profession, except for objective reasons. For example, heavy manual labor not suitable for women and even prohibited by law. But, for example, a woman can become an astronaut.

What are the professions for real men?

Of course, there are professions that are considered masculine and it is difficult for a woman to find herself in them. For example, these are the professions of a fireman or rescuer of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, complex, dangerous, requiring masculine qualities (both physical and psychological). But these are becoming less and less, women are winning the right to the difficulties and hardships of male professions.

What are the professions for men? There are works where the predominance of one sex has historically developed. For example, a male teacher is rare these days. But how can it be called not male? When it was only a male profession, but 100 years have passed and everything has changed radically. And this can be said about many areas. labor activity and about many professions.

Therefore, the question arises - what profession should a man choose? Of course, it is better to choose one in which you want to realize yourself. It is not necessary to put statistics or some kind of public opinion at the forefront, because both (as can be seen from the above) change over time. If a man wants to become an accountant, but is blinded by the stereotype that this is a purely female profession, because so many female accountants and accounting are now considered a female kingdom, then you should get rid of this stereotype. After all, an accountant or, as they were once called, an accountant, is also initially a purely male profession, and before the development of emancipation, not a single employer in of sound mind I wouldn't hire a woman for this job. But now the gender boundaries are blurred and most professions are available to both sexes.

What profession should a man choose?

What are the professions for men - diverse, intellectual, "office", workers related to working with people or numbers, where you need to apply physical strength and where not needed - the list is rich and multifaceted. Of course, among men are popular now highly paid professions. One of the most popular is IT-specialist.

This is one of the most promising and sought-after professions related to modern technologies. Programmers, system administrators, hardware specialists - all of these are mostly men. It is easier for them to do technical and related to clear logical mathematical thinking classes. In the near future, this profession will remain in the top of the most demanded and well-paid. A good specialist not only has an interesting job and a very solid salary, but also the prospect of being invited to a leading global company, like Microsoft.

Work in the field of finance and credit - this is what profession a man should choose if he has the ability to analyze and the corresponding personal qualities. Such as the ability to make decisions, manage people, draw logical conclusions and feel the situation. in banks, investment companies such professionals are in demand.

Also a good choice is the profession of a lawyer. With the proper zeal and diligence for learning, as well as developing the necessary personal qualities, you can become an excellent specialist, earn good practice and earn good money as a freelance lawyer. Demand for the good and experienced remains stable and is not going to fall.

One of the best professions for men is the profession of a doctor. It will always be relevant and in demand. Also, it is one of the most respected professions in society. Surgeons, therapists, dentists, gynecologists are always required and receive a good salary. It is believed that for medicine - an occupation more suitable for men, as for more calm, restrained and concentrated, and also, traditionally, with a more logical mind. Men are often better at reassuring the patient.

Engineers. It is also an option which profession to choose for a man. Engineer is one of the most courageous professions. The builder may no longer have great strength, since the construction process is mechanized, but, nevertheless, the civil engineer, architect and designer are still considered truly masculine. The demand for such creative technical professions high and growing every day.

Sales Managers and Specialists. According to some statistical studies conducted on job sites, a sales manager is the most demanded profession today. About 40% of vacancies - they are. If the sales manager is good, his income ceiling is practically unlimited for growth. Good managers are highly valued among employers.

It is very difficult to answer the question of what profession to choose for a man with confidence. But we can say that almost any one can be chosen if there is a desire to deal with it.

From time immemorial, it has been believed all over the world that a man should not only be able to provide for himself, but also take care of his parents, his beloved and his children.

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The concept of a highly paid job

In each country, the concept of the level of security is different. It is directly related to the standard of living in a particular country. Somewhere in southern Africa, for example, a stable income of 100 euros is considered the ultimate dream, and in European countries 100 euros is just a small part of the living wage.

Considering the issue of highly paid work, it is impossible to understand which work will be considered good and which is not, without reference to a particular country. Can be distinguished baseline prestigious and highly paid professions.

They will look something like this:

  • Piques interest.
  • Brings moral satisfaction.
  • Brings material satisfaction.
  • Does not take up all your days, leaving time for communication with the family, activities with children, personal time and time for relaxation.
  • At work, you always learn new things, improve as a professional.

Considering the issue of such specialties in Russia, we will see that the vast majority of men, if we ask them what kind of work for them will be considered highly paid and prestigious, they will answer approximately as follows - one in which nothing needs to be done, but in order to also They paid big salaries, like a boss's.

In Russia, a lot of myths and legends are connected with the issue of highly paid positions. It is believed that if someone gets big salary- means - "thief", "careerist" or has a "hairy paw". And only a few will think that a person can have a brilliant education and be a high-class professional.

Highly paid jobs for men: main activities

So, what do you need to do and who to work to have such a job?

Numerous sociological studies show that today the main activities that you need to do in order to get a well-paid job are the following:

  • Office. This includes a large army of office workers of various firms and institutions, bank clerks and so on. It is at this job that you have the opportunity to prove yourself and quickly climb the career ladder.
  • With people. This type of activity includes people conducting all kinds of seminars, lectures, trainers, lawyers, lawyers, and so on.
  • extreme hobbies. The work is related to people's passion for extreme sports. As you know, people do not save on their hobby. So why not make money off of it? All sorts of coaches, instructors, lifeguards and more.
  • Creative professions. If you are not offended by talent in some area, for example - you like to draw or are well versed in cinema, you know how to design structures or write articles competently - then this field of activity is just for you.

Rating of the most prestigious and highly paid professions

Every year, sociologists conduct research on the labor market, the most popular, prestigious and profitable professions. This is done in order to help young people decide on the choice of a particular profession and to orient already employed people in a sea of ​​job offers.

In 2015, such studies were also carried out, and their results can be used to judge the state of the labor market around the world. So, according to the results, the highest paid professions are:

  • IT workers. These are programmers, system administrators and other workers. Specialists in this field of activity, in terms of profitability, are ahead of even the owners of their own business;
  • Owners of your business. Representatives of this type of work legal grounds are on the second line of the rating, since having your own business is a more profitable type of activity than working for someone else;
  • Top - managers and hired directors of companies. It is also a well-founded finding of workers in this area in the rating. As you know, a good manager is worth its weight in gold. Hence the high incomes of such workers;
  • Lawyers and attorneys. Finding workers in this area in the ranking of the highest paid professions is understandable and understandable. Their income is directly related to their professionalism. The higher the professionalism, the higher their fees;
  • Doctors. Although the profession of a doctor is respected all over the world, it is not adequately paid everywhere. So, for example, specialists in this profession in our country can hardly be called highly paid. Although, on the other hand, if a doctor is a specialist in a paid clinic in Moscow, and even a professional in his field, then, probably, his income will be incomparable with the income of an ordinary district pediatrician somewhere in the province.
  • In the first place, just as in the case of the most big income- the profession of a programmer.
  • In second place is an IT specialist.
  • The third is a lawyer.
  • The fourth place is again associated with the IT sector. The profession of a web programmer is located on it.
  • In fifth place - stylist - makeup artist.
  • The sixth place in this ranking is unexpectedly given to the profession of a dentist.
  • In seventh place is a design engineer.
  • In eighth place is a personal driver.
  • On the ninth - the auditor.
  • And on the tenth - the purchasing manager.
  • Firstly, in the tops, both lists are professionals.
  • Secondly, in any position of the lists - specialties are either creative or related to servicing business and the business elite (it is unlikely that an ordinary engineer will be able to afford to hire a personal driver or a highly paid auditor.)
  • Thirdly, the lists contain professions associated with deep study and specialization of a certain field of activity. For example, a dentist. He is a doctor, but a narrow specialization.

High paying jobs for men online

With the development of Internet technologies, a strong half of humanity has an additional opportunity for self-realization. Some use it as an additional income, others use it as their main job, but one way or another, it is quite possible to find a job with a decent income on the Internet today.

What do you need to do in order to be rewarded for your hard work?

  • If you are computer and IT savvy, if you know how to program and get along with accounting software, then you have a direct way to make money on the Internet. Depending on your preferences, you can work remotely as a web designer, programmer, system administrator, develop program codes, and more. The whole range of these works is paid quite well and is in great demand.
  • If you are a creative person. If your inclinations can be realized on paper - pictures, architectural projects, design projects, music, books and more, then you have a direct road to the Internet. What prevents you from using the Internet to find an order for a painting or for the development of an interior re-planning of a painting?
  • Journalist. Do you write texts well and you are not satisfied with the salary in a small editorial office? The Internet will help you too. To date, many different resources offer to earn money by writing all kinds of articles.
  • Not enough money to start your business? Then you are on the Internet. Here you can easily and much cheaper create an online platform where you implement your ideas.

The most demanded professions

In 2015, in Russia, the most demanded professions were:

  • IT is a specialist.
  • Design engineer.
  • Teacher.
  • Lawyer.
  • Medic.
  • Marketer.
  • Personnel specialist.
  • Professional worker.
  • Beauty industry specialist.
  • Ecologist.

Thus, summing up the results of the article, we can safely say that today men in our country have every opportunity to get to the highly paid job of their dreams. Moreover, if you are “unlucky” with your parents and relatives who would have arranged you for the position of vice president of the Gazprom corporation, do not despair.

It is enough to show perseverance, determination, be a professional in your field and use all the opportunities and chances that life gives you.


What profession should a man choose? Of course - the most monetary. But what are these highly paid professions for men? Are there highly paid working professions among them, or are we talking only about big business? Let's figure it out.

Every man, in the future, should think not only about his financial well-being, but also about the well-being of the family that he will have sooner or later. But even if you do not look so far into the future, it is better to choose a profession that will bring income sufficient to feel comfortable. Traditionally, higher paid professions for men than for women. It is customary to pay men more than women who perform the same duties. However, there are professions that are more attractive from a financial point of view, and there are less attractive ones.

What are the money professions for men now?

Now the sphere is developing very actively information technologies, therefore, it is logical that in the forefront of the highest paid workers are IT specialists. This is one of the most promising and profitable areas of activity for any man who is passionate about computers and Internet technologies. It is generally accepted that men are more easily given knowledge and skills related to technology. In any case, men among system administrators and most programmers. In the future, the demand for IT professionals will remain consistently high. Skilled Workers have a good chance of being appreciated not only in Russia, but also on the international labor market. Competent specialists are often invited by leading companies, such as Microsoft or Yandex.

Highly paid professions for men are also in the banking sector. Lending and investment specialists, financial analysts are among the most profitable and prestigious professions. In the top management of banks, you will most often see men. Also, anti-crisis managers are in great demand.

The legal profession is also popular. Experienced lawyers are successful. It is worth spending many years studying and gaining experience in order to eventually get a free and very highly paid profession. A lawyer is a very promising and profitable profession for a man.

Engineers. These professions have always been considered primordially masculine and require a special mindset, a creative spark. The demand for engineers is now growing, the old staff is retiring, and there is a shortage of new ones. Therefore, the prospects young specialist will be very positive.

Doctors. Like the profession of an engineer, the profession of a doctor is always relevant. Surgeons, dentists, nutritionists, therapists - all these are extremely necessary and respected, and often highly paid professions for men. It is believed that this is more a male profession than a female one. Men are less emotional and more focused. Men manage to calm the patient more convincingly.

Salespeople are always needed. A skilled salesperson is one of the most valuable employees in any business. This job is for the eloquent, ambitious, determined and purposeful. Such sales professionals always make excellent money.

Marketers. modern, interesting profession. They are engaged in the creation of the company's strategy, product promotion and development of advertising campaigns.

Highly paid working professions for men

But not only office professions are highly paid and prestigious. Due to the acute shortage of skilled workers, representatives of such professions are not only highly valued by employers, but also receive decent pay. Highly paid working professions for men are:

High risers. This is a job for the brave and skilled. Tower crane operator is not an easy profession. But the crane operator can count on a very good salary and a good social package. Large construction companies Disassemble professionals very quickly, there are many vacancies.

In the construction industry, there is also another highly paid working profession for men - intellectuals - an excavator driver. In Moscow, an experienced excavator operator can count on a salary of up to 90,000 rubles. Of course, work is a complex, irregular schedule, difficult conditions. But, on the other hand, he is rewarded well.

Drivers. This is a profession with great potential. After all, drivers are needed in completely different areas, for example, in construction, in the mining industry. The driver of a concrete mixer receives about 70 thousand rubles. per month. Forklift drivers also make good money.

Welders are the elite of working professions. Good welders receive salaries comparable to bank management. An excellent and highly paid working profession for a man. Welders have the opportunity to work throughout the country and even abroad, on a rotational basis. Large professional associations are engaged in the distribution of work among welders.

There are also highly paid working professions for men in the field of production and sale of oil and gas. Geologists, geomechanics, drillers - these professions are very well paid, have career prospects and regular trainings abroad.

Deciding on a choice the most sought-after and prestigious male professions in 2016, you should not focus only on fashionable innovations with false popularity. The concept of "demanded profession" is very relative. If today there are jobs for specialists of a certain profile, this does not mean that tomorrow the demand will remain the same high. For example, students of law and finance faculties annually graduate in such in large numbers that the labor market has become oversaturated. And as a result, there is fierce competition. Therefore, it is quite difficult for representatives of these specialties to find a job.

Giving preference to one or another profession, one must focus only on one's own interests. If you follow the advice of friends or parents, it may happen that you will soon have to change the profile of your work and sit down at your desk again. At right choice professions will be a strong motivation to move forward, improving their skills.

What professions for men are the most in demand?

IT specialists

Specialists in this area are most in demand. This profession occupies a leading position in terms of wages and career growth.

These specialties include:

Html coder

web designer

content control manager

1C programmer

Software Testing Support

System Administrator

Medical field

The need for highly qualified doctors in the field of medicine is still relevant. Now most people are trying to monitor their health and look young. More and more expenses are being spent on the purchase of all kinds of drugs and consultations. Accordingly, doctors are provided with jobs, and pharmaceutical companies prosper.

Most wanted medical specialties the following:




General practice (therapist)







  • Bank employee. Recognized as a popular activity
  • Architect is a highly paid profession.
  • Accountant - a competent accountant with work experience is always guaranteed a job.

In the present period, when supply exceeds demand, people who can sell goods and increase the income of their company are highly valued. Such employees are invited to a decent salary even in a crisis period.

Consider the most popular PR-directions:

Sales Manager

Sales Manager

business executive

Brand Manager

To navigate the diversity of the world of professions, it is worth studying newspapers with job offers. Most of the vacancies are offered in working specialties.

Here are the most requested specialties:




A carpenter



Important! When choosing a profession, you need to carefully study the labor market, otherwise the knowledge gained will not be useful in obtaining the desired result.