Business plan for the production of plastic toys. Own plastic toy business

The interest of entrepreneurs in such a direction of commercial activity as the production of toys can be explained not only by the conclusions of analysts about the good prospects for this business, but also by the fact that they have their own small children. But, regardless of the reasons that made you pay attention to this direction entrepreneurial activity, for the successful organization and development of your enterprise, it is necessary to study in detail all the nuances of the business, including production technology and promotional activities.

In this regard, the presented article is an indispensable assistant, both for experienced small and medium-sized businesses, and for aspiring entrepreneurs who have firmly decided to please the kids with beautiful and high-quality toys of their own production. This information will be of interest not only to business representatives (entrepreneurs, investors and bankers), but also to theorists of economic disciplines, university students who plan to organize their own business after receiving a diploma, as well as young mothers and fathers who want to know how and from what toys for their kids.

Toy production - a general plan for organizing your business

Despite the optimistic forecasts of experienced analysts regarding the production of toys in Russia, you should be guided by the market situation in this segment, which has developed in your region.

This means that the initial stage of this commercial project includes detailed marketing research:

    level of demand for children's toys;

    the most popular types of these products;

    how many firms are engaged in the production and sale of toys;

    whether there are companies from other regions on the market (what they offer, what prices they set, etc.);

    study of representatives of the target audience (income level, average number of children in the family, what part of the family budget is spent on the purchase of toys).

Based on the received data, you can plan your future business: draw up an approximate range of products for children, calculate the optimal volume of production of toys, make a list of the necessary raw materials and consumables, and also determine what specialists are needed for the effective operation of the company. We can say that at this stage your task is to draw up a general “picture” of the future enterprise.

Starting from the assortment range compiled by you, you need to think about the production technology. A big plus for the organizer of the presented direction of entrepreneurial activity is the experience in this industry. In extreme cases, you will have to invite a specialist to work, who will begin to perform his duties even before the start of production activities.

He must choose the optimal technology for manufacturing products for children, find high-quality equipment for the production of toys from different types of raw materials: soft, wooden, plastic, etc., and also help with the selection of personnel.

In addition to purchasing the necessary equipment, you need to find a room in which the production of products for children will be carried out. Be prepared for decent expenses for repairs and compliance with the requirements of fire inspectors and representatives of Rospotrebnadzor. Without them, you will not receive all the necessary permits.

One of the most important points is the creation of a real business plan, which should take into account all the costs associated with the organization and development of your commercial project. In the main financial document, it is necessary to record not only one-time costs and monthly production costs, but also the risks that exist even when the most reliable project is planned. Be sure to think about advertising your company and products, which you want to do even before the start of toy production.

If you decide to do business, but you are not a full-fledged businessman, then you need to register with tax office, statistical bodies and relevant funds. Many novice businessmen are most afraid of this procedure, but such fears are completely unfounded these days. It will take no more than ten days to complete the documents, and, unlike the situation in the 90s, you will not have to visit many offices in state institutions every day. Registration, both IP and legal entity carried out in one place, quickly and without additional costs.

Selection of priority types of products and technologies for their production

In order to cover all segments of the children's toys market, large financial injections are needed.

As a rule, at the "start" each entrepreneur begins his activity, focusing on one direction:

    wooden Toys;

    plastic products;

    Stuffed Toys;

    production of goods for children from different materials.

The main criteria that novice manufacturers need to consider are the safety of products and the interest of little “experts” in them. Experienced business entities who have been working in this industry for more than one year recommend developing toy designs using the advice of child psychologists. They will help to create not just a bright and beautiful toy, but also make sure that the product contributes to the development of the child. The result is safe, beautiful, attention-grabbing and educational toys for children.

In process new products the following factors must be taken into account:

    the age of the children for whom the toys are intended;

    offers of similar (or very similar) products of competing firms;

    the cost of production of this product;

    its competitiveness.

Many in this line of business test their products with the help of their children and their friends. Large companies first produce a trial batch to test the reaction of children, and then make changes (if necessary) and launch full-scale production.

After selection priority direction and the formation of a product range, you need to choose the optimal production technology. In this case, size plays a decisive role. start-up capital. Some entrepreneurs start their activities by organizing the production of wooden toys, which are made 50-80% by hand. Naturally, the cost of these products will be high, and the volume of production will be small. Such workshops often work to order, and the mechanism for generating profit in this case differs from traditional ones; many craftsmen work not to increase production, but to improve the toy itself. They will make 5-10 unique items that will bring him more money than a hundred toys made in a conveyor way.

For the production of children's goods in large volumes, it is necessary:

    find a room;

    purchase equipment;

    get all permissions;

    hire staff;

    start the process of making toys.

Legal Issues

To organize a new line of business, you must have all the permits, first of all, you must register with the tax office, statistics authorities and special funds. But, before that, you need to choose the legal form for your future business. If you plan to work in a small workshop, using the labor of 2-5 employees, then it is quite enough to complete the IP documents and write an application for choosing a simplified taxation regime.

Entrepreneurs who decide to produce large volumes of children's toys in order to cover not only the local market, but also please children from other regions of Russia, it is best to register an LLC. This legal form may be the only possible option for registering a business if you have partners involved in the case on equal conditions; if you plan to expand your activities and conquer foreign markets; when you need to get a business loan. In addition, there are individual factors that influence your choice in this matter. But do not forget that the cost of registering a toy business should be recorded in your business plan.

Given the fact that the products in question are intended for children different ages it needs to be certified. The received document will be one hundred percent confirmation that this toy is of high quality and safe for children's health.

Novice businessmen need to know that the production of toys that copy cartoon characters, TV shows, etc. not possible without a special license that confirms your right to manufacture these products.

Another set of documents is required for production premises. All fire safety requirements must be observed in your workshop (availability of fire extinguishers and fire shields, emergency exits, etc. is mandatory). All these issues are controlled by the fire inspector and provide the appropriate permission. In addition, the room must have a working plumbing, sewerage and electricity, and you must also take care of ventilation and maintaining a normal temperature.

Personnel, advertising and sales of toys

The issue of forming the staff of the company directly depends on the scale of production and the availability of sophisticated equipment.

In addition to ordinary workers who will be directly involved in the production of toys for children, it is necessary:

    equipment adjuster;

  • Shift Supervisor;

  • technologist;

  • Foreman.

The next category of employees of the enterprise consists of: the head of the entire company, the chief accountant, the designer, the sales manager, the office manager, as well as other employees who contribute to effective work firms. But do not forget that in each individual case there are certain points that can affect the formation of the state.

Considering the production of toys as a business, it must be remembered that any line of commercial activity will not be profitable if you do not engage in advertising. In this situation, you can carry out promotional activities even before it works. manufacturing facility. It is best to simultaneously engage in advertising in the media, distribute leaflets and create a company website, develop pages on social networks, as well as post relevant ads on all available resources.

The effectiveness of promotional activities will show the process of selling the first batches of products. By this time, young mothers and fathers living in your area should already know the name of the company and the range of toys offered.

The sale of goods for children can be organized as follows:

    using the World Wide Web, focusing on small wholesale parties;

    sell toys to specialized stores, supermarkets and other outlets small wholesale parties;

    sign agreements with private kindergartens and other childcare facilities;

    open your store right next to the production hall.

Economic indicators

You guessed it, bring some general example to demonstrate this line of business is impossible (a workshop that produces thousands of toys per month cannot be compared with a small workshop). But if we take the average statistical data based on the information provided by real entrepreneurs, then we can say that about 1,500 thousand rubles are needed to open a workshop (one-time costs). Such a business should pay off in a year or two. normal operation. That is, your average monthly profit will be at the level of 100 thousand rubles, which is a good indicator even for a steadily developing economy, and in this case we are talking about unsatisfactory macroeconomic indicators.

If you organize this business at home, then you need much less money, the main expenses are:

    purchase of raw materials;

  • salaries of employees.

Profitability, gross income and net profit in this case depend on your skill and ability to sell. But today you can find a lot of examples when home-based business for the production of unique toys allows you to make a decent profit.

A detailed study of all aspects of the production and sale of toys shows that this is a promising and interesting area of ​​​​commercial activity that can be organized without huge capital and other resources to “start”.

The production and sale of children's goods for entrepreneurs has long been considered promising activities. The situation has not changed in our time. A vivid confirmation of this is the huge selection on the market of toys intended for children of various age categories.

On the other hand, quantity is not the main indicator, since modern people prefer to buy useful and high-quality things for their child. In this regard, we can safely say that the production of wooden toys is perspective view entrepreneurial activity.

Market Review

As the analysis of the domestic market of children's goods shows, its lion's share belongs to cheap products of Chinese origin. If a few decades ago, goods from the Middle Kingdom were considered a real curiosity, now in the vast majority of cases they are nothing more than consumer goods, from which our consumer is frankly tired. As a rule, these products are made of poor quality materials.

Now the market has developed such a situation when domestic consumers increasingly prefer more expensive, but high-quality and environmentally friendly goods. This is especially true for parents. In this regard, the business plan for the production of wooden toys looks very relevant now.


Toys that are made of wood have a number of advantages over plastic counterparts. First of all, in this case we are talking about environmental safety such products for children. In addition, they are more durable and have an original design.

As a business, the production of wooden toys looks very attractive due to the need to invest a not very large amount financial resources at the initial stage.

As practice shows, usually about 50 thousand rubles are enough to purchase equipment and organize this kind of activity.

Whole technological process manufacturing in this case is quite simple and consists in the preparation of blanks, their processing, coloring and packaging.

Wooden toys are not inferior to their competitors in such an aspect as modernity. The fact is that, in addition to the usual classic models (pyramids, cubes, cars), a wide range of modern varieties is now on the market. Among them, toys with electronic elements, as well as developing models.

Necessary equipment and personnel

A factory for the production of wooden toys should consist of several rooms. Each of them will specialize in certain types works, which were discussed earlier - processing, assembly and coloring. As for tools, at the initial stage it will be enough to acquire milling machine with program digital control, as well as drilling, edge banding and grinding devices, a chisel, a hacksaw and a planer.

Knowing the main characteristics of future products, as well as the potential scale of production, one can draw conclusions about the need for certain tools. Among the consumables, in addition to the wood itself, packaging means (bags, boxes) are needed, as well as varnishes and paints, which must be chosen for reasons of their environmental friendliness.

The production of wooden toys cannot be organized without hiring appropriate specialists. At the initial stage of business development, part of the work can be done independently, but two or three more people will still have to be called for help.

It is desirable that they have some experience in this field. In the future, subject to the achievement of certain success, it will be possible to additionally hire artists, designers or other specialists. In order to save money and the delivery of goods at first, it is better to do it yourself.

Sales of finished products

Having organized such a type of entrepreneurial activity as the production of wooden toys, it is necessary to first consider ways to implement finished products. As practice shows, the best option is to open a website.

In addition, you can try to establish cooperation with specialized stores. Such products are quite highly valued abroad. On the other hand, one cannot fail to note the fact that the production of wooden products is properly established there as well. In this regard, in order to interest foreign consumers, it is necessary to create exclusive author's handmade models.


In order to successfully establish the production of wooden toys, a novice entrepreneur needs to master a number of professions, from a sales manager to a company director. Additional staff it is recommended to hire only after a stable number of orders and an increase in sales revenue. Based on the experience of many similar companies, this occupation has every chance of becoming the main business of life and bringing a stable profit.

If you look closely at modern toys, these are mainly plastic and polymers. Yes, these are light and durable materials, but their chemical components harm the child. For this reason, mothers began to give preference to toys made from natural materials, in particular, from wood. And the production of wooden toys has become a very popular niche in the business.

Assortment of toys

It only at first glance seems that toys carved from wood are boring and uninteresting. But if you approach the matter with enthusiasm and creativity, you can come up with original models that will interest the most capricious young buyer.

Video from the factory World of Wooden Toys (MDI)

Our business valuation:

Starting investment - 450,000 rubles.

Market saturation is average.

The complexity of starting a business is 9/10.

So, what kind of toys can be made from wood?

  1. Transport (car, tractor, etc.).
  2. Railway with wooden rails and a train (it sounds strange, but such sets are very popular today).
  3. Educational toys made of wood (for the smallest - pyramids, and for older children - puzzles, puzzles, constructor).


If you know how to make unpretentious toys with your own hands right at home, or you have a small workshop, then you can register an individual entrepreneur and start selling your work. You can start with friends and acquaintances who will pass on information about your mini-business through word of mouth.

Making wooden toys with your own hands often takes a lot of time, but the finished product can be safely called the proud and fashionable word hand-made today. Such products will be willingly bought up by those who want their children to have everything unique. Also, such a business makes it possible to make some specific toys to order, because a real craftsman can cut even Smesharikov, even Transformers, out of wood.

Universal woodworking machine Enkor Corvette-320

large production

If your goal is a real mini factory for the production of wooden toys, then you will need:

  1. Production room. It is good if it has several rooms (workshops) in which various technological processes will take place: wood processing, painting, assembly, etc.
  2. Machine tools for the production of wooden toys (at least milling, drilling, grinding, facing) and other tools (planers, chisels, hacksaws, etc.).
  3. Equipment and consumables for painting works. It will be impossible to save on the quality of paints and varnishes, because. products are intended for children.
  4. Package. Wood will do better in plastic than in cardboard box. Although the latter is more environmentally friendly.


The production and sale of wooden toys is not only equipment and materials, but also personnel. There must be a division of labor, i.e. it is undesirable for one person to be both a sawing master and an artist at the same time.

To produce better and more diverse products, you can purchase special computer programs that make it easier to develop original toy models. The technology for the production of wooden toys is not difficult. The process consists in cutting out parts, painting them and assembling them. But no matter how simple the process, you can not do without specialists. At the initial stage, one person for each workshop is enough. Subsequently, the business can be expanded and attract additional employees.

Potential competitors

The manufacture of children's wooden toys as a business in Russia interested many enterprising people who opened the following companies:

  • "MDI" - World of wooden toys (manufactured in China).
  • "Tomik" (Tomsk).
  • "Cog and Shpuntik" (manufactured in China).
  • "Pinocchio" (manufactured in China).
  • "Krasnokamsk toy" (Perm).

Before starting your own wooden toy business from scratch, take a look at the product range of the listed companies and take note of some ideas. You can stop at specific type toys made of wood, making it your chip. Or produce a variety of products for children of all ages.

Marketing methods

You can sell finished products different ways. The first option: sell in bulk to toy stores. It's simple, but often the wooden toys in the windows are overshadowed by soft "singing" cats or colorful transformers. Therefore, there is a second option: to open your own small store based on production. It can be located near the workshop.

Third option: online store. To do this, you just need to develop a website and fill it with content containing information about toys and their photos. The development of an online store is another plus of 50 thousand rubles towards the initial capital.

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Initial investment

Small expenses are not enough here, because there are a lot of cost items:

  • rent (purchase) of large premises;
  • hiring specialists;
  • purchase of a computer program and training of employees to work with it;
  • rent (purchase) of equipment;
  • purchase of consumables.

Buying equipment for the production of wooden toys is not cheap. Machines must be new to exclude marriage. Hooks, bumps - all this threatens with microtrauma for the child, which is unacceptable.

If we take the approximate amount, then the starting capital will be 400-500 thousand rubles. If you draw up a competent business plan for the production of wooden toys and how to protect it, you can get a grand or just a bank loan. The payback of the project begins after the sales of the first batches, because the price tag for wooden toys is usually quite high. It will be possible to completely “recapture” the invested funds in a year and a half, depending on the success of the enterprise.

Benefits of wooden toys

Many entrepreneurs, choosing a direction in business, start not only from financial, but also from ethical considerations. They want to receive from the enterprise not only profit, but also moral satisfaction. Wooden toys for children are ideal in this case, because you create a safe, natural products bringing joy.

It should be immediately taken into account that toys made of wood are products for a narrow circle of consumers. Parents whose children are used to playing modern Transformers and tablets will not buy a wooden train or car for their child. It will just be pointless.

Your customers will be modern mothers who understand the benefits of wooden toys:

  • environmentally friendly products;
  • strength in contrast to analogues made of plastic;
  • domestic production (today it has a high prestige among Russians);
  • unusual design, original models;
  • a return to childhood, because modern parents mainly played with wooden cars and trains.

Practice shows that love for wooden toys is instilled literally after one model that falls into the hands of a child. Therefore, your efforts will not go in vain. Sooner or later, the attention of most children and parents will be riveted to wooden toys, and your enterprise will receive maximum fame and, therefore, profit.

The high interest in such a line of business as the production of wooden toys can be explained not only by the desire of many entrepreneurs to organize a profitable and promising business but also taking care of our children. Modern materials for the production of toys can be compared to a time bomb.

Of course, plastics and polymers belong to the category of strong and reliable chemical compounds, but some of them can harm children, despite the constant control of SES and institutions that issue quality certificates for products for babies. The horrifying picture of infant mortality and the general health of babies makes us look for the causes of such negative phenomena. And toys play an important role in this list.

This article discusses the main points of the organization and development of the production of products for children from environmentally friendly wooden materials. Readers will learn what it takes to create your own company, how you can organize the commercial production of toys from natural raw materials with minimum size start-up capital, as well as receive information about the main problems that await start-up entrepreneurs on the way to the implementation of this commercial project.

Production of wooden toys - prospects for this business

Despite the fact that our country has all the prerequisites for the production of wooden toys, this business does not belong to the category of popular commercial activities. In all of Russia, there are less than a hundred factories, factories, workshops and workshops that produce wooden products for kids. At the same time, in Europe this figure is at the level of several hundred, excluding small workshops and individual specialists in the manufacture of wooden toys. So, the first reason why you should pay attention to this line of business is the lack of manufacturers of high-quality toys from natural raw materials.

The main competitors in domestic market wooden products - Chinese factories and plants. But they cannot make real competition to domestic producers. Chinese toys are no different high quality, it is difficult to attribute them to the category of developing products, and the unstable situation in the foreign exchange market had a negative impact on their value. The absence of real competitors confirms the fact that the manufacture of wooden toys in our country can be considered as a promising business.

The unstable situation in the economy and the deterioration of the financial situation of many citizens of our country have a negative impact on the purchasing power of the population. But even in these difficult conditions, loving parents will not spare money to buy a quality product made from natural raw materials for their child.

That is, this industry will develop even during the period of a general decline in production. And the most important argument in favor of the development of this field of activity is that wooden toys are absolutely safe for the health of your children.

Given all the above facts, we can conclude that the production of children's toys in Russia is a promising area of ​​​​commercial activity, which is of interest to both experienced businessmen and investors, as well as beginners. But do not think that everyone who organizes an enterprise for the production of products from natural raw materials will immediately begin to earn huge profits. sums of money. To do this, you need to work hard and be ready to solve a large number of issues related to the search for talented craftsmen, obtaining permits, renting premises, purchasing equipment, etc.

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When opening the production of children's toys, it is necessary to clearly understand the tasks and measure one's own potential. This difficult business involves competition with Chinese manufacturers- leaders in this market segment, as well as well-known Western companies, distinguished by original models and a wide, constantly updated range.

Production of plastic toys

The process of making plastic toys is blowing or casting molten mass into special molds. Modeling of products occurs with the help of software.

In general, simplified terms, the entire technology for the production of plastic toys can be divided into the following stages: supply of raw materials to the screw machine, its grinding and heat treatment, and.

An alternative manufacturing option is to blow the plastic into a mold that contacts only one surface of the material. The advantages of this method are the reduction in the cost of the product due to a significant reduction in materials.

The production of plastic toys requires the following equipment: automated lines for filling plastics, gluing and stripping products, a plastic melting machine, an automated refrigerator line, as well as equipment for decorating finished products.

The total cost of all equipment for the production of plastic products with a minimum configuration is in the range of 1.5-2 million rubles. The purchase of raw materials, which includes the purchase of plastics, dyes and decorative elements, will require about 1 million rubles from the manufacturer.

The recommended workshop area for the manufacture of plastic toys is in the range from 40 to 150 square meters. meters. At the same time, almost any room is suitable, the dimensions of which should be calculated depending on the planned production volumes and the installation of the corresponding equipment.

But for storage space, much more space is needed. For an optimal location, an industrial zone or outskirts is suitable locality. Storage of raw materials requires a dry, heated and ventilated room.

A prerequisite for business is the issuance of an appropriate permit for production from local structures authorities, fire inspection and sanitary and epidemiological station. For the manufacture of toys should be used environmentally friendly material - polypropylene. Products must have sanitary and epidemiological conclusions and certificates.

A design department should be organized at an enterprise for the manufacture of plastic toys. The tasks of this division are computer-aided design and product development.

The minimum total expenses for the organization and opening of own production of children's plastic toys are about 5 million rubles. Estimated time payback - 2 years.

Production of rubber children's toys

For the production of the bulk of domestic rubber toys, plastisol is used. This modern material is a thermoset polymer based on polyvinyl chloride. The uncolored liquid mass of the substance resembles sour cream in consistency and color. The color of the material is given by an organic dye.

As a result of high-temperature heat treatment, the plastisol, while in the mold, acquires new properties that are identical to soft rubber. This production method is called rotational formatting. The required amount of the substance is poured into a hermetically sealed metal mold that rotates in a heated furnace. Then the thickened plastisol is cooled in a special chamber.

At the final stage, the product is removed from the mold, painted with a brush or airbrush and packed in a silicone bag or plastic bag. Finished toys should be stored in dry, clean and well ventilated areas. warehouses. At the same time, direct sunlight, dirt and dust should not affect the products.

Starting a rubber toy business will require equipment that includes molding and injection machines, a calender, rollers, ovens, a mixer, and a press. 10-15 workers, as well as designers and constructors, should be involved in servicing production. The company receives a stable profit approximately 3 years after its launch.

The production of toys for children is a dynamically developing business. If you optimize the technological process taking into account the demand for goods, build the right system for promoting and marketing products, then it is quite possible, even without huge investments, to succeed in this business.


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Russian production of plastic toys

The 2020 catalog contains 20 Russian factories. The companies are engaged in production and wholesale sales. Prices are cheaper than imports up to 70%. Popular brands on the Russian market:

  • "Nordplast",
  • "Stellar"
  • Novokuznetsk Plastics Plant,
  • CJSC "Plastmaster"
  • "Spark", etc.

Plastic toys are confidently replacing wooden ones. Children are offered sand sets, functional construction sets, models, pyramids, cars, dolls and other game modules and objects. Industrial enterprises expanding the range of items, modernizing equipment, mastering new technologies and materials.

The production of plastic children's goods uses polypropylene, polyethylene, polystyrene. Children's collections of educational games made of plastic are constantly updated. The business is profitable - production in the country is growing annually up to 10%. Products are sold in bulk and through online stores and company websites.

Manufacturers invite dealers, wholesale buyers, suppliers to cooperate. Addresses, phone numbers are available in the "Contacts" tab. Delivery - Moscow Moscow and region, St. Petersburg, federal regions, CIS. To buy products in bulk, download the price list - contact the manager.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

We have repeatedly written about how to open a business related to the production of toys, including toys made from natural materials and, in particular, from wood. The relevance of this business idea not only does not decrease. On the contrary, the difficult economic situation in the country, the sharp rise in the exchange rate and the restriction of imported products - all this leads to the revival of almost forgotten traditions and an increase in interest in domestic games and toys.

Wooden toys are popular not only in our country. They are one of the oldest and most enduring groups of games and toys in the world. However, at present their production in Russia is rather poorly developed. There are several relatively small enterprises operating on the market and individual entrepreneurs. In total, the total number of factories and individual workshops is a little over thirty for the whole country (!). For comparison, several hundred factories are engaged in the production of wooden toys in Europe (including large enterprises with big amount workers) and thousands of artistic woodworking enthusiasts.

In our country, the wooden toy market is dominated by imported products, mainly made in China. Moreover, most of the Chinese toys are of low quality and not the greatest variety of forms. According to analysts, today there are good prerequisites for new market participants to enter the market. These include the rapidly growing volume of sales of children's goods in our country and, first of all, children's toys (an increase of about 28%), which, in turn, is associated with an increase in the birth rate, an increase in interest in the early development of children (which is impossible without high-quality and pedagogically “correct” toys) and consumers’ preference for safe and high-quality products (even if they have to pay a price higher than the market average). As mentioned above, even the crisis had little effect on this market segment. Rather the opposite. Parents are the last to agree to save on their children, but the economic situation forces them to look for alternatives to imported toys that have risen in price among domestic products. Wooden toys are durable and long lasting. High-quality wood products are completely safe for children, perform the function of educational toys and are considered an original gift for any occasion.

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However, the business of manufacturing toys in general, and wooden toys in particular, cannot be called simple. The manufacturer needs not only the ability to develop an original concept for their products, establish production, find the best balance between price and quality of goods, but also beat other competitors, create and implement an effective campaign to promote their toys. Moreover, it is the latter tasks that are the most difficult to solve. The very same technology of manufacturing wooden toys, as it is believed, is relatively simple and does not require large investments.

Organization of the production of wooden toys

In order to organize your own small enterprise for the manufacture of games and toys made of wood, you will first need a separate production room. It is best to break the room into several production areas, isolated from one another. In one of these zones, artists will work who create sketches of future toys, in others the production process will be carried out: wood processing, painting, assembly and packaging of toys. The workshop also needs to be supplied with electricity and water supply.

Finding a place is not a problem. For starters, you can get by with even a small area. Someone opens production in a garage or in a summer cottage. But with the equipment, the issue is more complicated. It is widely believed that for the manufacture of wooden toys, general-purpose woodworking machines will be enough. The minimum list includes a chisel and four machines - grinding, drilling, edge banding, CNC milling, painting equipment, packaging equipment (however, you can also pack products manually). Consumables for the manufacture of toys - linden, birch, spruce, pine, beech (the strongest, but at the same time the most expensive raw material). Different types of wood are purchased in different regions of our country. For example, beech is imported from the Krasnodar Territory, and birch is imported from the middle lane. For painting, only high-quality paints are used, which are completely safe for children. However, with them, too, not everything is so simple. There are no more than three domestic manufacturers of completely safe paints in our country. In addition, they do not offer real paints, but rather tinted oils with natural waxes. Although these compounds are completely safe for children, their covering ability leaves much to be desired. Such paints, although environmentally friendly, are too transparent. It would seem that that's all the costs.

The problem is that not everything can be made on a conventional woodworking machine. Of course, if you are going to produce standard products (cubes, balls, counting sticks, etc.), then a four-sided thickness gauge, trimming with a fine cutter, a lathe copier or a template knife for a conventional lathe, screw-cutting lathe will be enough. But for the manufacture of complex copyright (and, therefore, exclusive) toys, special equipment will be required, including machines for high-quality processing of small parts of complex geometric shapes. Unfortunately, there are no domestic machines of this type, in principle. Even in Soviet times, when the production of wooden toys was put on stream, thirty machine-building plants of the Glavdrevstankoprom of the USSR Minstankoprom were not able to produce all the machine tools necessary for the industry. By the way, world-famous Soviet matches and ice cream sticks, which were produced at the Tsentrmebeli enterprises, were made on Swedish equipment.

The technological process for the production of wood products suggests that the smaller it is, the more difficult it is to make. Especially when it comes to large circulations of manufactured products. In the West, even robots are used to make complex wooden toys. Of course, we are still far from such technologies. Most small workshops manage with the simplest and cheapest general-purpose machines. And they can make complex products, but this requires qualified and experienced craftsmen. Unfortunately, there are very few such specialists in our country. In addition, hand-made toys are labor-intensive and therefore cost much more than factory-made ones. It is difficult for them to compete with products made in the countries of Southeast Asia, where the world production of toys is gradually moving. Chinese factories are constantly upgrading equipment and improving the quality of their products. These factories can employ thousands of workers, engineers and designers. Domestic craftsmen never dreamed of such scales. Russian manufacturers of wooden toys, on the one hand, are trying to revive the traditions that existed earlier during tsarist Russia and later in the USSR, but do not yet have the capacity to implement their ambitious projects. The problem, as usual, is money. Everyone is trying to solve it in their own way. Some companies move production to China, while others simplify the toys they produce in shape or choose one direction for work (for example, the production of designers from geometric shapes), which allows the use of cheaper woodworking equipment. Both options are suitable for organizing mass production.

Handicraft workshops rely on the exclusive - manual work, complex shapes, careful study of each toy and a limited assortment. This is how extraordinary products are born. True, the prices for these products cannot be called ordinary either. For example, a detailed wooden doll 45 cm in size will cost about 8-10 thousand rubles. How many parents can buy such toys for their children? Entrepreneurs themselves say that with the right positioning, there will always be demand for exclusives, no matter what price they ask for. However, such production can hardly be called profitable: with small batches, even a large margin does not save the situation.

There are also medium options, when a small workshop produces small and not very complex, but, nevertheless, author's toys. Their cost is comparable to the cost of high-quality factory-made plastic toys. Parents are usually willing to overpay a little for environmental friendliness and originality of the toy.

Large companies rely on ease of manufacture, the absence of small parts that a child could break off from a toy, and bright design that attracts the attention of children. Small firms as their competitive advantage call an unusual design, muted colors (pastel colors), a "souvenir" orientation of their products and a limited edition.

Regardless of how much you produce your products, you will need special computer programs that will make it much easier and easier to create original toy models and put them into production.

Documents for the production of children's toys

All toys intended for children must be certified. This procedure is mandatory and serves as a confirmation of product quality. In addition, for the production and further sale of children's toys in Russia, it will be necessary to issue a hygiene certificate - the so-called sanitary and epidemiological conclusion (SEZ). Although, according to the law, you first need to issue a free economic zone, and only then go through the procedure for mandatory certification of products, nevertheless, authorized organizations operating on the principle of "one stop shop" usually draw up both documents at the same time.

What exactly belongs to the category "toys for children"? Home hallmark children's toys is their play purpose. They must be intended for gaming activity children. Please note: products with a developmental or educational purpose (puzzles, strategy games, musical instruments etc.), puppets, souvenirs, sports equipment are not children's toys. All children's toys can be classified according to: the age of the child (for newborns, for babies of 3-4 months, for children of 1-2 years, etc.); manufacturing material (plastic, rubber, fur, wood, combined); educational purpose (sound, musical, visual, motor, constructive, figurative); device: electric (a certificate is issued for children's toys in accordance with GOST R 51557-99 and others normative documents), soft, simple (cubes), mechanical, collapsible (designers), on wheels (cars), inflatable (balls, balls); appearance: puppets representing people, animals, other creatures, imitation weapons, toy cars, toy objects (pots and plates, toy cell phones and glasses), musical instruments, etc.

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A certificate for children's toys is issued if the products comply with the mandatory requirements specified in the following standards: GOST 27178-86 Toys. Test methods; GOST ISO 8124-2-2001 Toys. General requirements safety and test methods. Flammability; GOST ISO 8124-3-2001 Toys. General safety requirements and test methods. Isolation of elements harmful to the health of the child; GOST R ISO 8124-3-99 Toys. General safety requirements and test methods. Isolation of elements harmful to the health of the child; GOST R ISO 8124-2-2008 Toys. General safety requirements. Part 2. Flammability.

When passing the certification procedure for children's toys, the material from which the products are made, the functionality of the toys, and their safety for the child are checked. Of great importance is also monitoring compliance with toys for a certain age of children. Therefore, even at the stage of developing the concept of a future toy, it is worth involving teachers and psychologists in this process. Ideally, it is best to give your products for psychological and pedagogical examination in an independent center.

The most difficult situation is with toys for children under the age of three. They must be completely safe (toddler toys should not go down the throat or twist around the neck), strong enough to exclude the possibility of pricks, cuts, designed in such a way that the child cannot tear, disassemble or bite through them. In addition, they should not have rough surfaces or sharp edges. This is especially important when it comes to wooden toys. After all, any defect in surface treatment can be fraught with a splinter or scratch. Rattles and other wooden toys intended for babies are not covered with paint and varnish, but are boiled in a mixture of wax and linseed oil - this is the safest and highest quality wood processing. Only if all these requirements are met will you be able to obtain a certificate for your toys from a certification body.

Keep in mind that you, as a manufacturer of children's toys, must ensure that not only your products, but the entire production process meets the regulatory requirements. The certificate is issued both for a specific batch of products and for the serial production of several types of toys: toy weapons, constructors and prefabricated houses, toy cars, trains (electric and non-electric, as well as accessories to them), airplanes and ships, toy watches, abacus and etc.,

toy musical instruments (pianos, trumpets, drums, gramophones, harmonicas, accordions, xylophones, etc.), dolls, houses, furniture, dishes and clothes for dolls, rattles for babies, etc.

For your products, you will need to issue Technical Specifications (TU) and have certificates for all materials you use in the production of children's toys. If you are planning to import your toys, it is also worth getting a quality management system certificate.

Recruiting staff

Two or three people will be enough to work in a small workshop for the production of children's toys. However, they must be masters in their field, and finding such, unfortunately, is very difficult. The tradition of making wooden toys is almost lost. Good specialists in this field are found, perhaps, in middle lane Russia and in the north, and not in cities, but in villages and villages. If you can find woodworkers, consider yourself very lucky. Over time, the staff can be expanded (the number of employees in large workshops is 15-20 people, and this is with automated equipment), apprentices can be taken who will learn from the masters all the intricacies of work. A good craftsman can also teach everyone at paid courses for making an author's wooden toy, which will become an additional source of income. Some workshops even arrange excursions for those who want to get acquainted with artistic woodworking and watch the work of masters. Especially such excursions are popular among foreigners.

Wooden toys are a sought-after product, but only if yours knows about you. the target audience. The difficulty lies in the fact that you will have to promote your products not only and not so much to your city or region, but to the whole country. The advertising budget in this case will be much larger. The best way to promote is through the Internet. Actively use social networks, including VKontakte, Facebook, Instagram and other services. To begin with, make high-quality and beautiful pictures its products. For this, there is no need to hire professional photographer. It is enough to have a high-quality camera and a good imagination. Try to take photographs that are subjective and varied. Post them regularly on social networks with various comments. They attract attention…and new subscribers (and therefore potential customers). For creating original photos no need to rent a studio - prepare props (you can do it yourself) and provide good lighting. It is worth thinking about creating your own website. Moreover, this does not require big investments. It will be enough for you to have a catalog website with product photos and your contacts.

If you have enough funds, you can open your own online store. A simple option will cost 30-50 thousand rubles. It will also be possible to agree on partnerships with other online stores and regular stores that sell goods for children and, in particular, educational games. But for large retail chains small manufacturers of wooden toys can not count. The latter take for sale only cheap products at a selling price of up to 200-300 rubles. With semi-manual labor, such a wholesale price for a toy cannot be set. But with large volumes of production, you can sell your products through wholesale companies and retail chains.

Pay attention to the numerous projects with joint purchases. The main audience for such projects is mothers with children, so high-quality wooden toys will be in high demand here. A separate group of potential buyers of such products is preschool educational institutions. It is quite difficult to work with them. They are limited in budgets and financed on a residual basis. Of course, they are unlikely to be interested in expensive exclusive toys, but educational games and various constructors will be relevant. Often, children who liked the "kindergarten" toy, then ask their parents to buy them the same home.

AND large enterprises, and small semi-handicraft workshops, experts advise not to miss the annual thematic exhibitions dedicated to goods for children and, in particular, toys. Such exhibitions are held both in Russia as a whole and abroad. The largest and most famous international exhibition of toys Spielwarenmesse takes place every year in the city of Nuremberg (Germany). Experienced entrepreneurs advise beginners to start with regional and then Russian exhibitions. And only after gaining experience and more or less a wide range present your products to international exhibitions. In Europe, the traditions of making wooden toys are much better developed than in our country. Therefore, it will be quite difficult to hit the European masters. Exhibitions are the best way to express yourself, establish useful contacts, find new partners and ideas for inspiration.

To organize a small workshop, taking into account rent, preparation of premises, registration, purchase of equipment and raw materials, registration of licenses, it will take from 500-600 thousand rubles, which is a relatively small amount. Many regions have programs to support start-up entrepreneurs. For example, you can get a subsidy to reimburse a certain percentage of the cost of purchasing equipment, subsidies to reimburse part of the cost of exhibition activities or even renting a production facility. These programs are especially relevant for entrepreneurs who invest more than 1 million rubles in their business.

The circulation of finished toys produced by one workshop is usually small - up to 500 pieces of each item. The cost of even the most complex toys usually does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand rubles. At the same time, its selling price starts from 3 thousand rubles and above. On cheap toys, the margin is higher. With a cost of up to 100 rubles, a toy can be sold for 400-500 rubles. The payback period of a business depends on many factors. A small workshop reaches the level of self-sufficiency during the first 1.5-2 years of operation. The profitability of such a business is estimated at 18-20%. The business of making and selling wooden toys is not seasonal, but demand is increasing in anticipation of new year holidays and decreases markedly in summer.

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In the Russian market of plastic toys, the share of domestic products is only 13-15%.

Despite the fact that toy manufacturers are constantly improving the quality of their products, expanding their ranges, paying attention to color diversity and original design solutions, nevertheless, to meet the needs domestic market this is not enough.

Buyers often choose a Western-made toy only because the assortment foreign companies constantly completely updated, while Russian factories from time to time release new models, while maintaining, in general, the same range of products.

However, there are also more positive trends. For example, in the sector of plastic toys in our market, changes have been evident in the last few years. If earlier China was the recognized leader in this segment, now it has been significantly pushed aside. Russian manufacturers. Nowadays, the struggle for market share is between them and Western players.

Over the past five years, gaming industry experts have noted a steady growth Russian market plastic toys. Its capacity increases annually by at least 25%. Although this sector is still very far from saturation, so that the growth will be stable over the next 3-4 years. In percentage terms, the share of post-Soviet manufacturers in the plastic toy market is 20-25%. 35-40% is occupied by Chinese factories and approximately the same share is occupied by manufacturers in European countries.

For comparison, 3-4 years ago, Chinese plastic toys occupied almost 70% of the Russian market. The reason why the share of domestic producers is growing every year is to improve the financial situation Russian consumers and, accordingly, an increase in demand not for the cheapest, but for high-quality and functional toys.

If we consider the post-Soviet production segment of the plastic toys market, then the balance of power here looks like this: about 70% belongs to the three largest factories - Nordplast (Russia), Polesye (Belarus) and Stellar (Russia). And 30% remain with smaller enterprises. Taking into account the fact that the opening of a plastic toy factory is a very expensive enterprise due to the high cost of equipment and molds, high costs for the development of new models, etc., the competition in this market segment is relatively small.

Another favorable factor for Russian manufacturers is that foreign companies are trying to move their production to China for reasons of economy.

Thus, according to experts, the main competitors of domestic manufacturers are Chinese factories. If Russian company will be able to develop and produce a product that, in terms of quality, consumer properties and price, will win in comparison with the Chinese, it has every chance to win a large market share.

The pricing policy of domestic manufacturers of plastic toys deserves special attention. Many doubt that Russian plastic toys can retail cheaper than their Chinese counterparts. But even now, some types of simple toys (for example, sets for playing in the sandbox, transport toys without mechanisms, mosaics) are presented in our stores, mainly by Russian brands. Other's commodity groups there is also the potential to successfully compete with imported toys.

When opening your own production of plastic toys, try to be more far-sighted. Perhaps, in order to squeeze Chinese toys, huge investments and far-reaching plans are not required. But in the future you will face a stronger competitor - Western manufacturers-owners of world famous brands, whose products are of high quality, original models and a large, constantly updated range. Their other advantages, which should immediately be taken into service, are a built-in promotion and sales system.

Most Russian manufacturers prefer to produce ordinary durable and reliable plastic toys. The role of the designer in this case is to slightly modify the old model, add new elements and colors. Then a model of the toy is created, which is tested for safety and durability. After that, process engineers make their changes, and you can start production.

But, despite the apparent ease of creating a new toy, the general preparatory stage, from the design drawing to the manufacture of the mold, can take whole year. True, this toy will be sold, if buyers like it, it will be enough long time to cover all costs.

Production of plastic toys

The actual process of producing plastic toys consists in casting or blowing the molten mass into specialized molds. The quality of the finished product, as well as its circulation, largely depends on the quality of its manufacture.

Molds for the production of plastic products are modeled using specialized software. The constructor checks that all parameters are set correctly and submits the form to production. A toy mold may consist of a set of standard parts or specially made surfaces and cavities.

Even the largest Russian manufacturers working in this segment order molds abroad. This is due to the fact that most of our companies do not have the modern equipment necessary to produce mold mating surfaces of sufficient purity and accuracy. Russian manufacturers do not use the latest technology, which increase the wear resistance of molds.

For implementation modern methods The design and production of molds need not only significant investment, but also a complete change in the strategy of the enterprise. However, most companies in our country are not yet ready for this.

For casting plastic products, it is also best to use Western-made equipment. In a simplified way, the technology for the production of plastic toys can be represented as follows: the raw material enters the screw machine, where it is crushed and heated, and then cast into a mold under pressure.

There is another technology for manufacturing products by blowing plastic. In this case, a special mold is made, which has only one surface in contact with the surface of the plastic. This technology significantly reduces the consumption of materials and reduces the cost of finished products.

For the production of plastic toys, the following equipment is required: a plastic melting machine, an automated plastic pouring line, automated refrigerator lines, automated gluing lines, an automated stripping line, equipment for artistic drawing and packaging of finished products.

The total cost of equipment in the most minimal configuration is 1.5-2 million rubles. About 1 million more rubles. will be needed for the purchase of raw materials - plastics and dyes, as well as decorative elements for the production of toys.

Almost any room of sufficient area (40 - 150 sq.m, depending on the equipment and planned production volumes) is suitable for locating production. But under the warehouses, more space will be required. It is better to look for premises for equipment and a warehouse away from sleeping areas. The optimal location is in an industrial area or on the outskirts of a settlement.

Raw materials must be stored in a dry and heated room. Don't forget to obtain the appropriate production permits from local authorities as well. executive power, sanitary and epidemiological stations, fire inspections, etc. Plastic toys for children are made from environmentally friendly food grade polypropylene. Your products must have certificates and sanitary and epidemiological conclusions. In addition, production is best certified according to GOST R ISO 9001 “Quality management systems. Requirements".

In addition to the actual production, a design department is needed that deals with the design and development of products in systems computer-aided design. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of the work of such specialists. Plastic is a unique material that allows you to produce any shape and detail from it. Nevertheless, from the whole variety of plastic products in our country, only the simplest products are produced - cars, scoops, buckets, etc.

Due to the lack of investment investments, Russian manufacturers of plastic toys produce such products, the production of which is as cheap as possible. And the market for complex interactive toys is wholly owned by Western manufacturers. There is another promising investment segment - the production of large toys and plastic products. There is practically no competition with Western companies in this segment - it is simply unprofitable for them to export such toys to Russia due to high shipping costs. The demand for large children's cars and motorcycles, play slides and houses is growing every year and not only among kindergartens, developing and play centers and children's complexes.

Many retail buyers purchase slides and sandboxes made of plastic for arranging a summer house or a courtyard of a private house. Therefore, the demand for this category of goods exists and is quite high, but there are practically no offers.

The total cost of opening your own production of plastic children's toys will be from 5 million rubles. The approximate payback period is from 1.5-2 years.