Exhibition activity in Russia. Features of exhibition activity




Department of Social and Cultural Service

course work

By discipline: "Exhibition work".

On the topic: "The specifics of exhibition activities as a means of promotion"

Students: Sankova E.L.

Groups: Skr-502

Checked by: Buraya I.V.

Togliatti 2010


1. Formation and development of exhibition activities in the Russian Federation

1.1 The concept and classification of exhibition activities

1.2 Formation of exhibition activity in Russia

1.3 Modern components of exhibition activity in Russia

2. Features of exhibition activities as a means of promoting goods and services

2.1 Exhibitions in the system of marketing communications

2.2 Organization of exhibitions and planning of participation in them




Participation in exhibitions and fairs is an effective means communication policy in international marketing, stimulating the sale of goods and services in foreign markets, an effective method in the competition.

The exhibition is a display and demonstration of goods in front of foreign experts, consumers and the general public in order to familiarize themselves with the advanced achievements in relevant industries and the results of scientific progress.

But an exhibition or fair brings benefits not only to the exhibiting company, but also to consumers. One of the main advantages of fairs and exhibitions is the concentration of samples of a huge number of goods produced in different countries Oh. This enables the buyer to get acquainted with the offers existing on the market in a short time, get the necessary advice from specialists, make the necessary comparisons of prices and quality characteristics, negotiate and negotiate commercial terms and, finally, sign a contract. At the same time, the buyer has the opportunity to get acquainted with the product in action, with the methods of its work, scope and effectiveness. When buying consumer goods, it is of great importance to be able to preview the entire range of goods on the basis of samples or to taste them. These factors ensure the great popularity of exhibitions and fairs and, as a result, attract a huge number of visitors.

However, the company should remember that participation in trade fairs and exhibitions is always associated with significant costs that can be wasted. After all, at a fair or exhibition, your own mistakes are the most dangerous for you and your competitors are less dangerous.

Therefore, before deciding to participate in an exhibition or fair, it should be carefully considered. If the enterprise is firmly convinced of the need to participate in an exhibition or fair and has clearly formulated the main goals and objectives of its participation, then it also needs to develop its exhibition or fair activities in all details, regarding the number of exposition personnel and their appropriate training, rent of exhibition space and its location, planning of the stand itself and placement of exhibited products, advertising events, etc. on it.

The purpose of this work is to study theoretical foundations exhibition activities, as well as its study, its implementation in practice, highlighting the main organizational stages.

In the first chapter, it is necessary to study the formation and development of exhibition activities in Russia.

In the second chapter, to determine the features of exhibition activities, the goals and objectives of organizing exhibitions and fairs.

The object of the study is directly fairs and exhibitions in the system of marketing communications.

1. Formation and development of exhibition activities in the Russian Federation.

Exhibition and fair activities are becoming one of the main areas of work of the territorial chambers of commerce and industry. In the period since the 4th Congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the share of income from exhibition and fair activities in the consolidated budget of chambers of commerce and industry increased from 9.1% in 2001 to 10.3% in 2003. Growth of income from exhibition and fair activities compared to 2002, it amounted to 31.5%. This is due both to the revitalization of the activities of the chambers themselves, and to closer interaction local authorities authorities , territorial chambers of commerce and industry (CCCI) and exhibition organizations.

In total, about 80 TTPPs are engaged in exhibition and fair activities, i.е. 50% of all territorial chambers.

The following chambers received the highest income from exhibition and fair activities (in % of the total income of the TTPP from exhibition and fair activities): Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry (20.6%), Krasnodar Chamber of Commerce and Industry (10.0%), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan (8.6% ), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tolyatti (5.9%), Volgograd Chamber of Commerce and Industry (5.4%), South Ural Chamber of Commerce and Industry (4.6%), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (4.5%), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Tatarstan ( 3.7%), Orenburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry (3.1%), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region (2.7%), Vladimirskaya Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2.7%), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Belgorod Region (2.5%).

After the congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the chambers of commerce and industry of Novgorod, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Surgut, Ivanovo, Kostroma, Sergiev Posad, Rostov, Republics of Buryatia, Kuzbass, Tomsk, Kamchatka and a number of others have significantly stepped up their exhibition and fair activities.

In the context of federal districts, the chambers of the Central and Volga districts should be singled out. The chambers of the Southern and Ural Federal Districts demonstrate a good level, and in the Urals District, exhibition and fair activities are developing at the fastest pace.

For the period after the congress of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the work was aimed at coordinating exhibition and fair activities, developing the material and technical base, improving legal framework exhibition and fair activities, creation of a unified information system, training of personnel, expansion of the participation of chambers of commerce and industry in congress and exhibition events abroad, intensification of cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the CIS countries

The analysis carried out shows an increase in the coordinating role of territorial chambers of commerce and industry in the development of exhibition and fair activities in the regions.

Coordinating bodies for exhibition and fair activities with the participation of territorial chambers operate in 41 regions (Altai Territory, Amur Region, Astrakhan Region, Belgorod Region, Vladimir Region, Irkutsk Region, Kaliningrad Region, Republic of Karelia, Kemerovo Region, Kirov region, Kostroma region, Republic of Mordovia, Moscow, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Orenburg region, Penza region, Perm region, Samara region, Saratov region, Smolensk region, Stavropol region, Tambov region ., Republic of Tatarstan, Tver region, Tolyatti, Sverdlovsk region, Udmurt Republic, Chuvash Republic, etc.). In 2003 alone, coordinating bodies were created in 11 regions.

In 38 of the above regions, under local administrations, by decision of the executive authorities with the participation of territorial chambers of commerce, Councils for exhibition activities were established (in 20 regions, Commissions - (in 12 regions), Committees (in 5 regions), Working Group (in 1 region).

The most active work on regional coordination of exhibition and fair activities is carried out by the chambers of the Volga and Central federal districts, where coordination centers have been established in 16 and 13 regions, respectively. In other federal districts: in the North-Western - in 5 regions, in the South - in 4, in the Siberian - in 3, in the Urals - in 1, in the Far East - in 1.

In accordance with the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the activities of regional coordinating bodies are carried out on the basis of the Regulations and long-term work plans and are aimed at creating conditions for the effective development of exhibition and fair activities in the region.

In 7 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, long-term Concepts for the development of exhibition and fair activities have been developed (Republic of Karelia, Kostroma region, Murmansk region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Samara region, Tver region, Chuvash Republic).

Coordinating councils have been established in the Northwestern Federal District and within the framework of the Big Volga Association.

At the same time, despite the intensive process of creating coordinating bodies, it is very uneven, both in federal districts and in the subjects of the Federation (which reflects the uneven activity in the field of exhibition activities).

Thus, interregional coordination is objectively necessary, which will stimulate the creation of interregional exhibition centers in the future.

In 2003, the system of patronage of exhibition events by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia began to be applied in order to organize and
information support. In 2004, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation patronizes 82 exhibitions.

According to the opinions of the territorial Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the companies that organize exhibitions and fairs, this system has proven itself well, as it increases the significance of the exhibitions, promotes the promotion of exhibition topics, attracts an additional number of exhibitors, etc.

In accordance with the new edition of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, it supports the participation Russian manufacturers goods and services in economically and socially significant exhibition and fair events that contribute to the development of the economic potential of Russia and individual regions and aimed at attracting investment in certain sectors of the economy and regions; technological renewal of priority industries; development of small and medium business; implementation of innovative projects; socio-economic development of problem regions; propaganda healthy lifestyle life, physical culture and sports, protection of motherhood and childhood; development of export opportunities for industries and regions of Russia in the markets of countries near and far abroad.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia also acts as a co-organizer of a number of socially significant exhibitions: "Sports Industry of Russia" (March 2004) of the first international forum "Rational nature management and sustainable development
Russia” (November 23-27, 2004), the international forum “Advanced technologies in the service of the city” (September 2004).

Chambers of Commerce and Industry begin to take a more active position in solving the issues of developing the material and technical base of exhibition and fair activities. Work on the creation of exhibition complexes is being carried out in the Belgorod Regional, Kursk, Novosibirsk, Primorskaya, Rostov Regional, Samara, Tver Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Chambers of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Naberezhnye Chelny and the Zakamye region, Krasnodar Territory, Novokuznetsk, etc.

Together with the administrations of the constituent entities of the Federation, territorial Chambers of Commerce and Industry, as well as interregional economic associations (Northern Caucasus, Big Volga, etc.), proposals are being prepared for the most promising cities for the development of exhibition centers.

As a pilot project to intensify exhibition activities and develop its material and technical base in the Republic of Mordovia, Expocentre CJSC and Mordovexpocentre created a joint venture. There are proposals for the development of exhibition centers in other regions.

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia carried out analytical work on the feasibility of creating business centers (or “business centers”) at the territorial chambers. Significant interest in this topic is explained by the intention of the chambers to use such centers as a real tool to support small and medium-sized businesses, innovation as a means of attracting investment and technology to the region. As practice shows, the functions of developed business centers can include the most profitable types of services - exhibition activities and office leasing.

In this regard, the example of the Orel Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which has a Business Information and Analytical Center in its structure, deserves attention, the experience of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Samara Region on the project of a large Regional Business Center deserves attention. The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania is gradually implementing the project to create the "Technopark Alania".

In regions where foreign economic activity is becoming an important component of economic strategy, there are prerequisites for the creation of large multifunctional business complexes. The experience of the Moscow WTC and a number of countries (France, Bulgaria, Turkey) testifies to the active and successful role of commercial and industrial companies. The current regulatory and legal framework does not fully regulate the issues of exhibition and fair activities. In accordance with the recommendations of the Board of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Russia dated December 19, 2002, the territorial Chambers of Commerce and Industry, together with the authorities local government intensified the process of formation of the regulatory framework for the regulation of exhibition and fair activities at the regional level. Such a regulatory framework has been formed in 26 subjects of the Federation.

Currently, the Regulations on the organization of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation are being developed (which should systematize the basic concepts in the field of exhibition and fair activities; general rules for holding exhibitions and fairs in the Russian Federation; as well as the role and functions self-regulatory organizations in the exhibition process).

In order to create a unified information system for exhibition and fair activities, a
Subcommittee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on the development of proposals for the creation of a unified
information system for exhibition and fair activities.

The collection and processing of statistical information on exhibition and fair events in the regions. Based on this information, the development of exhibition and fair activities and the trends in the economic development of individual industries, regions and the country as a whole are analyzed.

along with the mechanism for holding exhibitions abroad, the Regulations on the organization and holding of foreign trade and economic missions under the auspices of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation were approved.

The purpose of the missions is to assist Russian entrepreneurs, producers and exporters in promoting industrial products, goods and services to foreign markets, creating conditions for cooperation between countries in the field of trade, investment, as well as all types of cooperation.

At present, the main tasks in the system of chambers of commerce and industry of Russia in exhibition and fair activities are to strengthen the coordinating role of chambers of commerce and industry; creation of Commissions (Coordinating Councils) in the regions, adoption of regional and, possibly, interregional programs for the development of exhibition and fair activities; improvement of the regulatory framework (development of the "Regulations on the organization of exhibition and fair activities in the Russian Federation"); providing organizational assistance to territorial chambers of commerce in the construction of business and exhibition and congress complexes; continuation of work on the preparation of educational and methodological literature and the implementation of advanced training programs in the regions jointly with ZAO Expocentre and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade; completion of the formation process unified system collection, processing and analysis of statistical information on exhibition and fair activities.

1.1 The concept and classification of exhibition activities.

Exhibitions and fairs occupy a special place in the arsenal of means of advertising influence, as they provide very wide opportunities for demonstrating advertised products in order to establish direct contacts with direct buyers and consumers.

Despite the fact that the boundaries between the concepts of a trade fair and an exhibition are often indistinguishable and in practice tend to be limited to a minimum, it would be advisable to make a semantic opposition between trade fairs and exhibitions.

A trade fair is a short-term event, periodically held in the same place, in which a large number of enterprises, using samples, represent the objective scale of goods (services) of one or several industries, so that the business visitor gets a clear idea of ​​​​their entrepreneurial opportunities. , while the exhibitor, with the help of the exhibited goods, seeks to spread information about his company and its products and conclude direct trade deals.

Trade and industrial exhibition is a short-term event, periodically held in the same place, in which a significant number of enterprises, with the help of samples, give a representative picture of the offer of goods / services of one or several industries, and seeks to inform end users about their company and its products with the ultimate goal of promoting sales.

Fairs originated as an event of a market nature, the main purpose of which was sales. Unlike them, exhibitions arose as a means of public demonstration of certain achievements of mankind, at first they were purely educational in nature, but as they developed, they acquired a pronounced commercial focus.

Thus, the purpose of the fair is to provide its exhibitors with the opportunity to exhibit samples of their production, demonstrate new achievements and technical improvements in order to conclude trade deals. At the same time, the purpose of the exhibition is to show the scientific and technological achievements of one country or different countries in one or more branches of production, science and technology.

It should be noted that the established custom at many trade fairs/exhibitions of allowing the non-commercial public to enter on specific days and hours is by no means indicative of a change in their nature.

It follows from world experience that exhibitions / fairs are usually classified according to five main features:

by geographical composition of exhibitors (depending on which countries/regions they represent);

by thematic (industry) basis;

by the significance of the event for the economy of the city/region/country;

on a territorial basis (on the territory of which country the exhibition event is held);

by operating time

By composition of participants, venue and economic significance, exhibitions and fairs are distinguished:





Regional fairs and exhibitions have a scope of action within a radius of 100 km, represent one or more industries and are intended primarily to demonstrate the capabilities of small enterprises.

Inter-regional ones have the same structure as regional ones, but they have a larger radius of action and are usually addressed to larger enterprises.

National fairs and exhibitions, with their roots in the late 18th century and originating first in France, are a showcase for local industry. They are held within the country and abroad with the aim of demonstrating national production and stimulating its sale, and usually have an intersectoral character.

A prerequisite for holding international fairs (exhibitions), organized both within the country and abroad, is the participation of exhibitors and visitors from various countries. Firms of any country can usually participate in them without restriction.

They acquire an international or, better to say, multinational character only if at least 10-15% of foreign exhibitors participate in them.

Among the international exhibitions, it is worth highlighting the world exhibitions, the purpose of which is to show the achievements of the participating countries and major international organizations in the field of science, technology, culture. They do not pursue directly commercial purposes. At world exhibitions, as a rule, most countries of the world are represented.

Classification of exhibitions/fairs by geographical composition of exhibitors:

worldwide ( international exhibitions, where countries demonstrate their achievements in the field of economy, science, technology and culture) - in particular, such exhibitions include the world universal exhibitions "EXPO";

international (characterized by the participation of firms from different countries in them, the number of foreign participants must be at least 10% of the total number of exhibitors, exhibition equipment and the range of services provided must comply with international standards);

Classification of exhibitions/fairs by industry (thematic) attribute:

In accordance with the sectoral affiliation of exhibited exhibits, exhibitions/fairs are divided into:


Specialized (diversified and sectoral).

Classification of exhibitions / fairs according to the significance of the event :

exhibitions of federal significance (important for the country as a whole);

exhibitions of interregional significance (important for several regions of the country);

exhibitions of regional significance (having significance only for one region);

exhibitions of local importance (important for the city, region).

Classification of exhibitions on a territorial basis(depending on the country in which the exhibition event is held):

exhibitions held within the country;

exhibitions held in other countries

Classification of exhibitions by operating time(depending on duration of work):

permanent (0.5-1 year or more);

temporary (0.5-5 months);

short-term (from 1-5 days to 0.5 months).

International exhibitions are allocated into a separate group on the basis of "geographical composition of exhibitors":

international (characterized by the participation of firms from different countries in them, the number of foreign participants must be at least 10% (20%) of the total number of exhibitors, exhibition equipment and the range of services provided must comply with international standards). These are events organized both within the country and abroad;

In addition, the same group includes such exhibitions as:

world (international exhibitions where countries demonstrate their achievements in the field of economy, science, technology and culture) - in particular, such exhibitions include world universal exhibitions - "EXPO";

with international participation (with the number of foreign participants less than 10% of the total number of participants);

national (with the participation of firms of a single country);

inter-regional (demonstrating products and services of manufacturers from several regions);

local (regional) - with the participation of firms only from the city/region where the exhibition/fair is held.

At international exhibitions, the specialist visitor sees the entire world market at once, and the participant embraces a large purchasing potential. In addition, exhibitions are: foreign - organized outside the country of the enterprise; guest - are organized in different countries with the participation of enterprises from foreign countries.

Also, an international exhibition stands out in the classification on the basis of "types of exhibitions by sphere of influence", according to which an international exhibition is called an exhibition in which enterprises of one or several industries from different countries take part without restrictions).

In addition, the exhibition is defined as "international" and according to the criterion "Level of significance (prestige)": international exhibitions reflect global trends in the development of a particular area human activity or industries. At the same time, an important condition for holding these exhibitions is the promotion of international integration and cooperation. As a rule, international status is acquired by exhibitions that are officially registered, entered in the register of relevant international organizations (UN, UNESCO, UFI, etc.) and meet their official requirements-criteria.

Despite the fact that there is an official classification of objects of nuclear weapons recognized by the world community, in connection with the development of the European domestic market and the merging of former national markets, there is now much discussion about the classification of exhibitions on a territorial basis in terms of coverage of exhibiting producers or interested visitors. In world practice, many experts in the field of VNM agree on the following classification of VNM. This classification is also intended to help determine the significance of a particular exhibition or similar event.

Let's highlight the most characteristic:

global exhibitions are the most significant exhibition events of certain industries on a global scale. They generate interest and attract both exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. These are the flagship events of certain industries on a global scale;

European - an exhibition event of European scale - a meeting place for exhibitors and visitors-specialists from various European countries (EU, European Free Trade Area, former CMEA member states).

By the nature of exhibitors All exhibitions and fairs are divided into:



Exhibitions are universal, the topics of which affect several sectors of the economy. Specialized exhibitions are aimed at visitors who are specialists in a particular field. They demonstrate quite complex types of goods and therefore they have a marketing rather than a trade orientation.

Characteristic of the development of international exhibitions and fairs is the growth of their specialization, and this applies to exhibitions to a greater extent than to fairs. The increase in specialization is explained by the huge increase in the range of products produced by various branches of industry, to such an extent that it becomes difficult even to demonstrate only samples of all goods in one place on one area. Therefore, international exhibitions and fairs are increasingly organized, representing only one or a few related industries. In addition, specialized exhibitions are focused on a clearly defined group of specialists, the target audience is singled out here and, of course, this is beneficial for exhibiting companies.

Characteristic is a significant increase in the share of machinery and equipment among the exhibits, which is associated with the growth of trade in these goods and their specifics. Equipment, devices and machines are best shown in action, as this helps to reveal their performance, technological properties and design features. This is widely practiced at exhibitions and therefore attracts a wide range of consumers. The largest number of specialized fairs falls on industries that produce consumer goods, including clothing, footwear, fabrics.

By timing and method Exhibitions and fairs can be divided into the following types:

Short-term exhibitions (solo exhibitions). Conducted for no more than three weeks. They can be either general, i.e. represent the achievements of their country in all sectors production activities or be specialized.

Traveling exhibitions. They are organized in order to expand the circle of visitors using various means of transport. The organization of floating exhibitions is becoming more widespread, in particular, by Japan, Sweden, and England.

Such exhibitions are held on board a large vessel that visits the port cities of several countries and displays and sells the exhibited goods. Quite widely used traveling exhibitions samples of goods in vans, aircraft cabins.

Permanent exhibitions. These exhibitions are organized most often at diplomatic consulates and other representations of their country abroad with the aim of demonstrating to potential foreign buyers samples of export products for making deals on samples.

An important role began to be played by permanent shopping centers created by developed countries abroad. They carry out a wide range of activities in organizing specialized exhibitions in their countries of location. They provide exhibiting companies with exhibition space free of charge, design and decorate exhibitions and individual stands, assemble and dismantle exhibits at their own expense, pay for the work of local design and other companies, and provide exhibitors with information about the situation on the market.

A new type of exhibitions are the so-called. trading weeks. They are usually organized in department stores in large cities to display and sell consumer goods.

By frequency exhibitions and fairs can be:

Periodic (held every 2.3 years, etc.);



The frequency of the fair/exhibition depends mainly on the type of product offered and the competitive conditions. So, for example, fashion shows are organized 2-4 times a year, while demonstrations of investment goods, new technology, etc. can be carried out at intervals of two or even five years.

In addition, fairs and exhibitions can be classified in the direction of work :

Fairs (exhibitions) for the implementation of sales / orders;

Informational (introductory);

Carried out in order to develop communication/contacts.

Exhibitions and fairs are of great importance as a meeting place for representatives of business circles from different countries to maintain direct ties and establish new personal contacts. Since at exhibitions and fairs, first of all, the best samples of goods that meet the requirements of modern world standards are exhibited, their visits by engineering and technical and scientific workers, designers, the study of the exhibited novelties contributes to the further development of technical progress and the emergence of new products in world trade. In this sense, exhibitions and fairs, being a center for the exchange of economic, scientific and technical information, are of great informational importance.

Exhibition and fair business is dynamic. In this sense, the Internet is the most convenient way for potential exhibitors and visitors to exchange information. On the site of the exhibition company, you can place such useful information, as a plan of exhibitions, coordinates and names of responsible persons for each exhibition or fair, exposition plans; conditions of participation, lists of participants with whom negotiations are underway and with whom documents have been signed; programs of seminars, conferences, press conferences for each exhibition.

However, at the same time, in modern discussions about the future of a fair or exhibition, perspectives are sometimes drawn that one cannot always agree with. For example, "physical presence as a visitor to the fair has become optional." This conclusion is based on the widespread use of telecommunications, i.e. the classic fair is being replaced by a “television fair”. From a technical point of view, this is feasible. But in this case, the atmosphere itself disappears. Namely, it largely contributes to the success of the company's development and sales at fairs.

You can often hear that fairs have become obsolete, but the value and effectiveness of fairs and exhibitions are still very high.

International exhibitions and fairs are held in many states, but they are especially widespread in Western Europe and the USA.

Five countries - Germany, England, USA, France and Italy - account for approximately 2/3 of all international fairs and exhibitions held.

Among the largest trade and industrial fairs of developed countries, international fairs held in Hannover and Frankfurt am Main (Germany), Paris, Nice (France), Brussels (Belgium), Gothenburg (Sweden), Padua, Milan, Trieste ( Italy), Utrecht (Netherlands), Tokyo (Japan), Vancouver (Canada), Barcelona (Spain), Wellington (New Zealand).

However, a more dynamic development of fair and exhibition activities in comparison with Europe and America is observed in the countries of Southeast Asia and in Russia. The largest international fairs and exhibitions held in developing countries are fairs and exhibitions in Damascus (Syria), Tripoli (Libya), Accra (Ghana), Madras (India), Casablanca (Morocco), Santiago (Chile).

1.2 Formation of exhibition activities in Russia.

Fair trade in Russia has rather ancient historical roots. In 1641, by decree of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich, the first Russian fair was organized near the walls of the Makariev Monastery, not far from Nizhny Novgorod. Among the participants of the fair trade were rich Russian merchants, merchants from China, India, Bukhara, Tashkent, who offered furs, silk, pearls, gold, silver, linen and other rare goods for sale.

After the fire of the Gostiny Dvor in 1816, the fair sales moved to the newly rebuilt stone Gostiny Dvor directly in Nizhny Novgorod, and in 1822 the Nizhny Novgorod Fair began to work. In 1896, under the chairmanship of a major Russian entrepreneur Savva Timofeevich Morozov opened the first All-Russian trade and industrial exhibition. At this exhibition, which lasted 120 days, 9700 exhibits were presented, which were located in 172 covered pavilions.

At the beginning of the 19th century, another major fair appeared in Russia - Irbitskaya. In 1844, there was a rapid growth of the gold mining industry in Siberia, which became a powerful impetus for the activation of fair trade.

Before the revolution, all issues related to exhibition activities were entrusted to the Ministry of Finance, which established the relevant committees for organizing exhibitions. The committees included representatives of the concerned ministries and the Ministry of State Control. For the direct management of the exhibition, an executive committee was established under the chairmanship of the governor-general of the city in which the exhibition was supposed to be held. The institution of "exhibition brokers" appointed by the government was envisaged. They were responsible for receiving exhibits at the exhibition, placing them on it and returning them to the exhibitor after the end of the exhibition.

After 1861, exhibitions were initiated not only by ministries, but also by various public organizations. However, the influence of the government was maintained through the permission to hold exhibitions, which made them official, and the awardees had the right to indicate this fact in advertising and on the signs of their enterprises. The influence was also supported through funding.

In order to inform, the Ministry of Finance of Russia published detailed historical and statistical reviews of the domestic industry based on the results of the exhibition, catalogs, lists of exhibitors who received awards, protocols and materials of expert commissions. Regulations and rules for participation in the proposed exhibition were distributed by circulars to all provinces of Russia. Regulation of periodicity made it possible to avoid the intersection of exhibition events in terms of topics, dates, territories.

Direct administrative coercion was used to attract exhibitors. The provincial authorities were obliged to involve merchants and breeders in active participation in exhibitions. But the encouragement of participation has become increasingly important: 1) through the system of state awards, including a) ensuring the objectivity of the assessment using an integrated multi-criteria approach, with the help of equal participation in expert commissions of officials and persons selected by the participants, b) publicity of the results of the award with the publication of protocols of expert commissions; 2) through the use of awards received at the exhibition for advertising High Quality its products, which would be impossible without scrupulous ensuring the objectivity of the award; 3) through partial or full government funding of exhibition events and an award system; 4) through financial benefits, such as reduced tariffs for the transport of exhibits and travel to and from the exhibition, the abolition of taxes on trade at short-term fairs.

State factories, factories and institutions that took part in the exhibition were not given medals. This arrangement encouraged the development of private enterprise. Examination was not subjected to products manufactured abroad or in foreign enterprises located in Russia, or from foreign raw materials, which expressed support for national production.

Thus, with a well-thought-out system state regulation exhibitions, Russian manufacturers were supported and protected from foreign competition. The Russian government was actively involved in organizing, financing, and encouraging participants. The exhibitions were focused on domestic entrepreneurs, and, first of all, the Russian origin of the presented goods was emphasized.

During the Soviet stage of centralized state administration and financing of exhibition activities, it was strictly forbidden to trade at exhibitions. Their main task was to educate the population and disseminate experience.

1.3 Modern components of exhibition activity in Russia.

Russian exhibition workers declare their desire to participate in the most active way in the modernization of the country's economy. And they are already doing this by improving the universal marketing opportunities of exhibitions to develop the high-tech market, promote breakthrough innovative developments in key industries.

An important event for consolidating the efforts of the exhibition community in this direction was the 4th international forum of the exhibition industry "5pEXPO-2010". It was organized and held by the Expocentre Fairgrounds and the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry with the support of the Moscow government, Russian Union exhibitions and fairs (RUEF), the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The name of the forum combines five main components of the exhibition and congress activities - "5p": place - exhibition and congress centers; product – offers of exhibition services; price – cost of participation; promotion - promotion of exhibition projects; partnership - partnership.

Last week, representatives of about 100 leading domestic and foreign exhibition companies, including the largest European expo operators from among the permanent partners of Expocentre, such as ITE Group PLC (Great Britain), Messe Düsseldorf (Germany), Brno Fairs ( Czech Republic) and others.

The forum brought together representatives of the leadership of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and regional chambers, RUEF, the World Association of the Exhibition Industry (UFI), leading operators of the Russian market of expo services, their colleagues from different regions of the country, near and far abroad.
The exhibitors of the review presented an exposition of the latest achievements of the world exhibition industry. An equally important component of the forum was a large-scale business program and its main event - the 3rd All-Russian Conference "Exhibition, Fair and Congress Activities and Modernization of the Russian Economy."

During a lively discussion of the current state of the expo industry, its most acute problems, prospects for the future, ways of constructive interaction with government agencies to solve national problems, it was noted that exhibition activities and economic indicators are closely linked to each other. Trade and industrial exhibitions are not only a "mirror" of the economy, but also the most important tool for its development, said authoritative experts. Moreover, this tool, according to them, is universal, shows high performance in various countries.

At the conference, the data of studies conducted at the request of the European branch of UFI in a number of European countries were announced, which revealed a clear interdependence: the economic situation affects exhibition activities, and vice versa - exhibitions help economic development.

Data for Germany were given as a typical example. Over the past 40 years, the GDP growth curve has gone hand in hand with the curve of the main indicators of exhibition activity. The relationship between GDP and the number of exhibitions in this country for the specified period was expressed in the coincidence of fluctuations equal to 62%, between GDP and the total exposition area (net) - 65%, between GDP and the number of exhibitors - 73%.

After the recession caused by the global financial and economic crisis, the European exhibition market is now experiencing a revival. 18% of companies now say that due to exhibitions they sign more contracts, 45% rate their results at the shows as good. 27% of visiting businessmen reconsider their relationship in favor of participating in exhibition activities.

As for the Russian market of exhibition services, in 2009 it also suffered. The total volume of exhibition space decreased by 45%, the number of exhibitors - by 12%, the number of visitors - by 38%, and the number of congress participants - by 20-25%.

However crisis period led not only to negative results. Its result was a reduction in costs (63.4%), an increase in the efficiency of exhibitions (36.2%!), an expansion of the range and a qualitative improvement in exhibition services (14.4%). Tough economic conditions have also led to a noticeable consolidation of the exhibition community.

Frankly weak exhibitions, which suffered from a low level of quality and organization, ceased to exist. But those operators of the expo market, which were able to increase the efficiency of their shows, take effective anti-crisis measures, develop flexible preferential schemes for renting space for exhibitors, even increased their potential. First of all, this applies to the leader of the Russian expo industry, Expocentre, which not only retained its exhibition program in full during the crisis year, but was also able to expand it by launching new promising projects.

Last year and this year, exhibition forums of the Central Exhibition Complex on innovative topics were further developed. Now in the Expocentre program they already exceed 20%, while in the domestic exhibition industry as a whole, according to experts from the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, this figure still remains at the level of one percent.

At 5pEXPO-2010, in particular, Expocentre's efforts to create favorable conditions for participation in major international exhibition and congress forums of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are most active in the field of innovative developments, deserved high praise. It was these small business research and production companies, for example, that set the tone for the demonstration of unique nanotechnologies and laser equipment samples at the Photonics-2010 and High Technologies of the 21st Century-2010 exhibitions held in April at the Central Exhibition Complex.

2. Features of exhibition activities as a means of promoting goods and services.

With correctly placed advertising at the exhibition, several types of advertising are worked out at once: image advertising, stimulating advertising, stabilizing advertising. Until recently, both here and abroad, there was an opinion that an exhibition is only a demonstration of goods and products manufactured by a given company. AT recent times the situation has changed significantly: at exhibitions they not only demonstrate goods, but also try to conclude agreements on long-term cooperation or partnership. That is, the main emphasis is now placed on the payback of the exhibition directly during its operation or in the near future after its completion.

Consider the features of participation in exhibitions held in Russia.

Usually, when deciding to participate in an exhibition, they try to solve several problems facing the company at once:

A. Product Show:

1. At the exhibition it is possible to demonstrate samples of all goods produced or represented by the company.

2. Product samples at the exhibition can be shown in action to a wide range of buyers and specialists.

3. For a new product, an exhibition is a great place to demonstrate and study demand.

B. Market research

1. At the exhibition, you can study the demand for most of your products, clarify sales markets, and identify new sales markets.

2. Exhibitions, especially with the participation of foreign firms, usually attract merchants, sales agents from all parts of Russia and neighboring countries. If they learn about your products, then your markets can expand significantly.

With the increase in ticket prices within our country and neighboring countries, visiting one company to get acquainted with its product becomes somewhat expensive, and visiting an exhibition where a company representative can immediately solve many issues: sales, search for suppliers and partners - becomes more preferable.

There is another aspect - psychological. The meeting at the exhibition takes place as if on neutral territory. Contacts, passing in a freer environment than in the office, are more fruitful.

D. Sales of products

1. The exhibition is a great place for concluding contracts for the sale of goods, concluding contracts for mutual deliveries, partnership agreements.

D. Studying competitors' products.

1. At the exhibition, the study of competitors' products can occur as if by chance, under the guise of a visitor (but your competitors can also study your products). Direct contacts with representatives of a competing company are also possible (with a full understanding of both parties "who is who"). Such contacts are sometimes useful and even mutually beneficial, since life is somewhat more complicated than the competition formula. In such negotiations, the neutrality of the territory has great advantages.

An exhibition is essentially a form of advertising, and when deciding whether to participate in an exhibition, you will have to answer the same questions as when organizing any other form of advertising. It should be determined how the proposed exhibition meets the goals.

All exhibitions, conditionally, according to the degree of compliance with the direction of your activity, can be divided into several types:

- Industry- strictly in the direction of your activity.

- Relatively sectoral- not fully corresponding to the direction of your activity, but related to it.

Indirect - related to another industry, but it is supposed to be a section on your activity.

- General- at the exhibition, as it were, the general level of development of the direction in several industries is determined at once.

The degree of interest in your products is highest at the first type of exhibitions and decreases in subsequent types of exhibitions. But the competition is distributed in much the same way. It should be borne in mind that specialized exhibitions are visited not only by potential buyers, but also by specialists from various research institutes in this industry - do not forget about this when planning your exhibition stand. you can get new ideas or new competitors.

Sometimes, properly planned participation in exhibitions of an indirect type can bring more profit than participation in industry ones, since at this kind of exhibition your company may be the only one offering certain equipment in a market not yet covered by your competitors. When participating in indirect exhibitions, pay special attention to the availability of understanding information about the product you offer, precisely because the exhibition belongs to another industry. The purpose and main characteristics should be extremely clear even for specialists.

The greatest difficulty is the question of participation in exhibitions of a general type. at exhibitions of this type, specialization is somewhat different: several industries participate, as if the general progress of development and development is demonstrated. Participation in such an exhibition is an excellent image-advertising. You are given the opportunity to demonstrate the high level of your products. However, such exhibitions, as a rule, do not give significant sales and transactions during the period of the exhibition. Such exhibitions usually gather a lot of visitors, but due to the different specialization of participants and visitors, a large number of developers and high-ranking managers, interest in your products may be more of an educational or fact-finding nature. In terms of return time, these exhibitions are the longest.

2.1. Exhibitions in the system of marketing communications.

Marketing communications system - collection and processing of information about markets, customers, competitors, development trends, etc. (input information of the company) and advertising information about the activities of the company, its development plans and achievements, about the products and services offered (output information of the company).

The exhibition is the place where almost all serious players of this particular market segment gather periodically and at the same time - both those who have already proven themselves, and those who are just about to declare themselves. This is a very convenient moment to get an idea of ​​the current situation in the environment where the sphere of your interests is located, to get a feel for the conjuncture, to start building the necessary tactics and strategy.

During the exhibition event, issues related to the study and analysis of the external environment of the company (collection of information, qualified competent interviewing, surveys, etc.) and promotion of information about the company, its plans, new products and services can be resolved.

That is, the exhibition is very comfortable spot or, figuratively speaking, - a "bridgehead" where you need to work actively and build tactics for the future in the fight for your "potential client". This is the so-called "active" or, if you like, "aggressive" marketing. For some reason, it is considered as something separate and has nothing to do with exhibition activities.

Consider exhibitions as an instrument of marketing policy and communication.

Here we single out important aspect as exhibition marketing support, which includes a number of diverse and multi-temporal events.

The exhibition should be viewed as a springboard for active work, a "struggle" for one's "potential client". And for any “struggle” one must prepare in advance (unless, of course, there is a desire to win).

It is advisable to start with:

marketing research (MI) thematic exhibitions this segment of the market, the selection of the necessary exhibitions, the development of a plan for the preparation and participation in exhibitions;

analytical research concerning the activities of the company, promoted products and services.

When conducting a study, it may be necessary to seriously adjust the preliminary plan for the company's participation in exhibitions.

A decision may be made to launch a new product or refuse to place some directions or goods on the stand, etc.

Based on the results of the conducted research, a handout containing articles on problematic issues and research results to attract the attention of customers.

The scope of this study includes:

a general plan for holding exhibitions (in Russia and abroad) on topics of interest to the company;

analysis of the competitive environment and behavior of competitors;

assessment of the stage of the company's internal development (appearance of a new product or service, entry into new markets, etc.), which will determine the purpose of participation in the exhibition, the form of participation (For example, as a result of the MI, a decision may be made to participate in the work of an exhibition conference and refuse to work at the booth).

The choice and inclusion of a particular exhibition in the plan for the company's participation in exhibitions must be carried out, first of all, based on the assessment of:

Directions of the exhibition itself;

Various indicators of each specific exhibition;

And every stage of its development

(often even famous exhibitions eventually turn into expensive and beautiful shows with a large participation of the audience, but with an almost complete absence of specialists. Such events after the event leave almost no information trace, except for colorful photo reports and media reviews).

The collection and processing of information about participants in a particular market, and especially about companies participating in the exhibition with a similar type of product or service, is a very important step both in preparing for the exhibition and in developing the marketing policy of the company as a whole.

The result of this section of work is the development of a plan for the company's participation in exhibitions. And, finally, the development of a general detailed plan for holding a specific exhibition, which, as a rule, is carried out 2-6 months before the event.

Getting the most out of exhibition activities is possible only with the correct development of a general long-term plan for the company's participation in thematic exhibitions, conferences and other events and a plan for each specific event separately.

The plan must necessarily include a list of tasks that must be solved as a result of participation in the exhibition, the main goals of participation in certain events, a list of activities expected to be carried out in the process of preparing the exhibition, during its holding and after its completion, a list target audience with which it is supposed to work (invited to the exhibition, competitors, potential customers, partners, etc.) and forms of work with them, methods of collecting and evaluating the necessary information (chosen or developed in the process of preparing for the event). The plan according to which the company participates in the exhibition process is created on the basis of information obtained as a result of marketing research (MI).

One of important points implementation of the plan for the preparation and holding of the exhibition are:

before the exhibition - inviting guests, sending out information materials (by mail, e-mail, etc.), preparing and posting an exhibition announcement and other information;

There are a number of common mistakes to be aware of here: invite visitors you need to visit the booth in advance, with the help of mailing lists, at seminars and corporate events of the company, etc. It is important to correctly define the target audience.

try avoid "simultaneous" prompt(i.e. at the same time) to visit the booth and to visit the thematic conference taking place as part of the exhibition or during the exhibition in another place.

collection and processing of information while working at the exhibition (competitors, customers, potential customers, etc.), interviewing the selected audience;

The success of the event largely depends on how competently and adequately carried out development of various forms of information collection, systematization and its analysis.

At present, the rapid development of information technology, the exchange and receipt of information is ongoing. And as a result of the increase in the volume of incoming data, the development of criteria for processing information flows comes to the fore.

For example, here are some of the indicators that it is advisable to analyze:

The number of visitors to the stand, their qualitative composition (position, ability and authority to make decisions, regional composition, availability of experts on the proposed topics among visitors, etc.).

It is advisable to conduct a survey. However, it should be kept in mind that visitors usually react poorly to such events. Therefore, you can focus on the received business cards. But it is better to conduct a survey at the stage of receiving an invitation card to attend a thematic conference or when receiving promotional materials (for example, a company's advertising and information disk). Or try to come up with another original unobtrusive way to collect the necessary information:

number of negotiations.

· Filling in a special list of negotiations is mandatory to facilitate the collection and analysis of information about potential customers, their needs and coordinates, information about the qualitative component of the negotiations (readiness to purchase, collection of technical information, etc.) is also recorded here.

When working with customers after the end of the exhibition, it is necessary to emphasize the negotiations, the ending of which is a deal, the conclusion of an agreement.

Gathering information about competitors (development plans, new products and services, strategic changes in company policy, etc.).

It is advisable to entrust this work (from development to implementation) to a professional company in organizing the collection and processing of information, since with the modern “crowding” of the market it is difficult to obtain reliable information about the activities of competitors during normal communication and receiving a simple interview.

work in the pavilion as a stand;

Selection and training of employees who will work at the exhibition and solve the set of tasks - a very important issue, rather difficult and delicate.

It should be noted that most people solve this issue very simply or simply in no way - they delegate one of the company's employees (most often sales managers) to the exhibition. Work at the exhibition has its own characteristics, so even an experienced sales employee may be ineffective during the exhibition. Thus, more attention should be paid to the level of training of specialists working at the stand.

There are different ways:

Selection, instruction of own employees;

Invitation of ready-made professionals from specialized companies;

Work of employees at the stand accompanied by a number of "traditional mistakes" and missed opportunities, because it is not prepared in advance. Questions of marketing communication most often generally fall out of sight.

Here are the most common ones:

Samples of products, promotional materials are not optimally located.

A plan for communicating with guests and collecting information was not thought out in advance.

The general work plan of the exhibition is not taken into account (for example, meetings are scheduled that overlap in time with thematic presentations at the exhibition conference).

When managers of different directions work at the company's booth, presentations to visitors are unidirectional in nature - managers most often, and not always consciously, try to get a customer in their own sales area (to increase their own economic indicators). This ultimately leads to a decrease overall indicators returns from the exhibition.

In this case, if there is no way to solve the problem with corporate ethics, it is advisable to resort to the help of "hired stand workers" (specialists for communicating with guests and collecting marketing information in the interests of all areas of the company). For special technical questions are answered by the company's technical specialists. Often, attracting your own employees to work at the exhibition (for example, sales managers) leads to a deterioration in customer service in the company's office and not enough quality work at the exhibition stand (the lack of experience of working at the exhibition of employees affects).

On the present stage Properly placing information on the stand and laying out promotional products and samples is not enough. It is necessary to think over in advance the targeted distribution of promotional materials among guests and exhibitors and organize it correctly.

preparation of analytical reports, reports, reports with photographic materials following the results of the exhibition;

After the completion of the event, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the exhibition and the information received.

An erroneous approach is to assess the effectiveness of an exhibition, conference or presentation only with the help of economic indicators (increase in profit from sales; amounts for which contracts were concluded during the exhibition). Of course, everything is ultimately done to obtain and increase profits, but it is necessary to compare activities by intermediate estimated parameters. For example, one of the indicators is the number of guests and negotiations. This is necessary to compare the effectiveness of the company's participation in different exhibitions. With the growth of the relative performance indicators of participation in exhibitions, in the end, there will be an increase in the economic indicators of the company's activities.

An analysis of all the information received at the exhibition and in the course of its preparation, which will form the basis of the final report, will become the basis of the company's marketing policy for the next time after the exhibition.

Placement of final information about participation in the exhibition on the company's website and other Internet sites.

Organization of problematic conferences, seminars, both as part of exhibitions and at other venues, inviting an interested audience.

A great help in advertising promotion of the company's products and attracting potential customers is competent participation in problematic conferences held during thematic exhibitions, as well as organizing and holding such events outside the exhibition with the involvement of a wide audience of specialists and all interested parties.

In today's oversaturated market, experts who unite specialists and like-minded people around themselves or around some problem enjoy much more authority and trust.

2.2 Organization of exhibitions and planning of participation in them.

Gone is the era when exhibition activities were mobilized to ensure the direct sale of goods. Today, participation in trade fairs and exhibitions has global goals and is at the service of all components of the marketing mix. The stand ceased to be short-term " outlet” and turned into a platform for pursuing global business goals and, first of all, improving the corporate image of the exhibitor.

The decision of an enterprise to promote its commercial interests through participation in trade fairs or exhibitions depends primarily on the following two factors:

1. From the tendency to participate in fairs / exhibitions observed in the industry to which this enterprise belongs.

2. From the extent to which the main competitors of the enterprise use fairs and exhibitions as a means of promoting their products on the market.

The current trend is: large enterprises prefer strictly sectoral fairs/exhibitions, use large stands and participate in these events systematically, in contrast to them, small and medium-sized enterprises participate in fairs/exhibitions irregularly and are usually limited to local events. At the same time, the current level of development of fairs provides small and medium-sized enterprises with broad prospects. This is not only about the ever-increasing number of regional fairs or exhibitions, but also about industry fairs.

This phenomenon is not new. For example, the now world-famous automobile show in Geneva, which has been operating since 1904, is a typical industry fair.

Thus, participation in exhibitions or fairs for small firms is:

1) a means of gaining publicity and a meeting place with buyers and professionals who are interested in information, looking for new products and services, and possibly ready to immediately place an order,

2) the opportunity to meet with senior managers and talk in a calm and informal atmosphere without distraction from subordinates and phone calls,

3) a unique chance to communicate directly with large quantity end consumers.

AT general view fair or exhibition activities of the enterprise are consistently implemented at the following stages:

Deciding on participation (determination of goals).

1. Stage of preparation for participation.

2. The stage of the fair / exhibition.

3. Post-fair (post-exhibition) activities.

1. Deciding on participation in a fair or exhibition.

You should start working with the answer to the question - do you need exhibition activities at all? If the answer is YES, then the business should focus on:

1. The size of the total exhibition area.

2. The degree of fame of this particular exhibition or fair.

3. The theme of the exhibition or fair and the situation in the industry as a whole.

4. List of exhibitors of the exhibition or fair of previous years.

5. List of exhibitors who have already announced their participation.

6. The time of the exhibition or fair and your production and marketing schedule.

7. The price of renting the exposition area.

8. Terms of participation in the general catalogue.

First of all, fairs/exhibitions help the exhibitor:

1) undertake a self-critical analysis of the development of their enterprise,

2) assess its position in the market (size, stability),

3) draw rational ideas from the behavior of competitors participating in this fair/exhibition in parallel,

4) determine the course of competition in the field of goods-substitutes,

5) to study the policy of competitors (methods, incentives, systems).

In accordance with the above factors, the reasons for participating in exhibitions and fairs can be classified into general, which are the same for all enterprises, and specific, differentiating depending on the policy of each enterprise:

1. Common reasons:

1) increase in sales volume,

2) control of the competitiveness of the enterprise,

3) determination of the export ability of goods,

4) study of the general situation in the industry (trend, etc.),

5) exchange of experience,

6) development of cooperation,

7) observation of competitors (products, ideas, methods, services).

2. Special reasons:

1) products

Eligibility Check specific product,

Presentation of new products,

Expansion of the range of offered goods;

2) prices and commercial terms

Reaction check,

Proposal of new conditions (reactions);

Development-expansion distribution networks,

Network performance monitoring,

Looking for a representative;

4) communication

Finding new customer segments

Increasing the popularity of the enterprise,

Contacts with the media,

Obtaining information about changes in the desires and trends of the market,

Development of developing contacts,

Mastering market information,

Experience exchange,

Creating a corporate image, etc.

AT functional aspect Participation goals can be divided into action goals and control goals.

There is no doubt that the ultimate goal of participating in any fair or exhibition is to sell. From a selling point of view, goals can be subdivided into:

1. Goals of sales preparation.

2. Goals of sales.

3. Goals to maintain sales.

The date of the decision to participate in the fair or exhibition coincides with the start date of the procedure for organizing participation, the point of departure of which is the receipt of the regulation containing the conditions for participation, followed by the drawing up of a schedule of contacts with the organizers.

Immediately after drawing up a schedule of contacts with the organizers of the fair / exhibition, the company is obliged strictly within the framework deadlines complete and return all relevant forms. The main of the various documents is the application for participation. Acceptance by the organizer of the fair / exhibition of the application for participation automatically means the acceptance by the exhibitor of the conditions of participation in it, which he must strictly comply with.

In parallel with contacts with the organizer of the fair / exhibition, the exhibitor must prepare exhibits, the type and quantity of which determine both the choice of a stand and the elements of their support.

2. Preparation stage

After setting the goals of participation in the fair / exhibition, the company draws up an estimate of the cost of participation, which is a way to determine the costs necessary for its implementation. The estimate establishes the limits within which expenses must be made in order to ensure the achievement of the goals that dictated the need to participate in the fair / exhibition. According to relevant studies, about half of the total exhibition costs are rent (10-15%) and the cost of making a stand (30-35%).

What does the price of 1 m 2 of exhibition space include? This is:

1) the cost of general electric lighting of closed exhibition areas and open areas,

2) cost general protection territory,

3) the cost of passes for the right of entry of the personnel of the exhibiting company within the quota, which is set depending on the size of the leased area,

4) the cost of one copy of the exhibition catalog (subject to participation in this catalogue),

5) the cost of removing garbage and construction waste from specially designated places during the installation, operation and dismantling of the exhibition,

6) and other additional services.

Additionally, it is necessary to determine the main positions, the main items of expenditure. Costs are usually required:

a) events held at the booth,

b) stand type,

c) stand design,

f) work with the press,

g) special forms of addressing visitors,

h) treats at the stand,

i) transport,

j) installation and dismantling of the stand,

k) running costs for the stand.

It must also be remembered that participation in an international exhibition requires a higher level of costs. So, only renting the minimum possible (9 m 2) amount of exhibition space costs an average of 2,000 dollars, installation of a stand - at least 1,000 dollars, then the costs increase in direct proportion to the specific needs of the exhibiting company. In any case, these are amounts of the order of 10,000 - 30,000 dollars.

Statistical data that the amount spent on the production of a stand exceeds 1/3 of the total cost of participating in a fair/exhibition underlines the importance of the stand as a means of communication, but at the same time indicates the need for a serious approach to the whole problem as a whole, starting with the choice of location and ending with the design of the exhibits.

Proper and timely examination of the exhibition hall façade helps the company in its efforts to achieve a suitable stand location and to be able to take advantage of the large number of visitors to the "famous" stands.


Every year in our country the number of exhibitions increases and, consequently, their quality begins to improve. At each exhibition, the organizers try to attract visitors in their own way, which leads to the creation of a healthy competitive atmosphere. As a result, the overall level of organization and holding of such events increases. In conclusion, I would like to add:

Analyzing the industry of exhibition and fair activities, I came to the conclusion that, in our country, the organization and holding of exhibitions is still not at the highest level, but it is developing at an enormous pace. According to my observations, exhibition activity is developing well in those industries that occupy a leading role in the markets of the country and abroad, such as computer technology, automotive, etc. I think this is wrong. In addition to manufacturing industries, it is necessary to develop areas such as art, i.e. that art, which is not accessible to the general view and which needs to be developed.

Exhibitions help to take a different look at this or that type of art, to hear a different opinion about the exhibited exhibits, to see other performers of this genre, etc. Those. broaden your horizons.

As a result, we can draw a line saying that exhibitions are the future of the country's economy and its art.


3. Kritsotakis Ya.G. Trade fairs and exhibitions. Technique of participation and communication. - M., 2004.

4. Nazarenko L.F. Exhibition as a marketing tool. - M., 1997

5. The role of exhibitions and fairs in product promotion // Practical marketing. - M., 2001

6. Strovsky L.E. Fundamentals of exhibition and fair activities. - Moscow. 2005.

The systematic activity of organizing various kinds of exhibitions and fairs in most countries of the world is an important branch of the economy. Russia is also characterized by such a rapidly developing business as exhibition and fair activities. This is facilitated not only by the dynamic development of local markets, investment in the economy, but also by the rapid development of the regions themselves, as it is one of the driving forces of economic development.

The concept of exhibition activity and why it is needed

This activity is aimed at finding the most rational forms of communication between trade and industry, finding new markets for goods produced in the country. At present, the activity of organizing exhibitions in Russia has a sufficient number of necessary professional resources:

  • managerial;
  • economic;
  • technological;
  • technical;
  • economic;
  • advertising;
  • informational.

General issues of development and technology of exhibition activities in Russia have already been sufficiently studied. At present, the topic of its effectiveness is becoming more relevant.

The reason for this was certain changes in the country's economy: the period when capital was rapidly accumulating was replaced by a period of competition.

The position of the industry in the economic segment of the country today

Now, many representatives of domestic business understand that it is more profitable not to withdraw profits abroad, but to invest in their own economy. Even the essence of competition is changing: manufacturers and distributors are now concerned not so much with advertising the product itself, but with the presentation of the benefits that the buyer will receive by choosing a particular brand. That is why the exhibition and fair activity of organizations and enterprises producing and selling goods is aimed at creating demand for the object being sold. In this regard, the importance of organizing various fairs and exhibitions is noted.

These events are designed to acquaint the interested audience with the development of a particular industry and the goods and services it produces and identify the demand for them. Their value lies in creating a situation of partner communication between an exhibitor and a potential buyer. The more professionally the exhibition is organized, the more benefits can be expected from it. It is sad that at present Russian exhibition organizers are solving this problem in an unprofessional manner: without taking a progressive approach to their organization and inadequately evaluating the results of this action. Many exhibitors are not aware of the inefficiency of their participation in the fair, because they do not have the mechanism for an adequate assessment of the organization of the event.

Nevertheless, many steps have already been taken in this direction: a classification has been made organizational methods, on the basis of which planning and organization of the described activities are carried out:

  • theoretical models, which contain analysis and recommendations, within which the company participates in the exhibition;
  • collection of analytical data about during the insertion;
  • exhibition activity in general information and rules of its organization.

Forms of holding exhibition events

The forms of organization of activity are very extensive and are able to satisfy any requests of market participants. Currently, these services are implemented through the following events: auctions, thematic weeks, exhibitions, symposiums, salons, fairs, conferences, festivals, exchanges, tastings, etc.

Despite the apparent similarity, such events differ from each other in a number of ways:

  • goal;
  • organization procedure;
  • way of participation;
  • composition of involved participants and interested visitors, etc.

Currently, the activities that are the subject of discussion of this article are mainly represented by the holding of fairs and exhibitions held in the form of:

  • trade and industrial fairs;
  • exhibitions of various levels (international, regional, city, etc.);
  • specialized salons-exhibitions, etc.

Features of congress activities

Congress and exhibition activities are no less powerful advertising tools that promote various products and services. In addition, the advantage of this direction is the possibility of prompt exchange of information. The sphere includes the organization of events of various formats and scales. As a rule, this is:

  • symposia;
  • forums;
  • seminars;
  • congresses;
  • summits;
  • conferences, etc.

Often this vector of the exhibition and fair business is called "event", which is explained by the tourist component. Congress and exhibition activities have a significant impact on the formation and development of professional and business tourism in the regional, national and international framework. It is important to note that such exhibitions help stimulate visits by two categories of people. The first includes direct participants of exhibitions who are looking for ways to promote advertising and customers to sell their goods. The second group is people who attend exhibition events in order to familiarize themselves and further purchase products, conclude long-term contracts for cooperation or supplies.

The foundations of exhibition activities in the field of congress tourism are the basis of state economic development. The task of the industry is to create new and optimize existing enterprises in all sectors of the economy, as well as attract funds from foreign investors, the arrival of which will become a determining factor in readiness for the further growth of professional and business tourism.

The place of museums in the exhibition activity of the country

Modern exhibition activity includes in its system another important element of the cultural and educational vector. Changes in the public life of the state at the end of the twentieth century had their Negative influence and at museum exhibitions, the main task of which was to educate the people, familiarize them with the style of fine arts and orient themselves in certain genres. The exposition and exhibition activity of that period practically came to a standstill. Working for more than 20 years in the mode of "one-day" exhibitions, and today museums continue to work according to the same scheme.

Active museum and exhibition activity is preserved only in institutions that are ready to boast of the mobility of holding events. This is what allows commercial and non-commercial participants in the exposition environment to quickly respond to public requests, introduce research materials into the work of exhibitions and provide them to visitors.

Despite the fact that museum and exhibition activities are practically identical concepts, the economic component of the latter is a higher priority at the state level.

The value of exhibition and fair activities

The Russian economy, which has advanced far in its development, at the present stage considers exhibition and fair activities not only as a tool for pricing, searching for potential partners, attracting capital, but also as a stimulator of production based on a large scientific potential, a tool for interaction between regional and international markets.

The organization of exhibition activities implies such an economic space where technologies, services and goods could move freely, innovative business methods could appear. Not only the organization of export-import exchange at the moment becomes dependent on exhibition and fair activities, without it, the economic development of territories within the country is hindered. This happens due to the presence of this significant integration potential, advantages over other types of communications and the ability to compare the country's economy with the world economy.

Types and differences of exhibition and fair events

The international classification system makes it possible to divide exhibitions (fairs) according to the following criteria:

  • geographical composition of participants;
  • branch (thematic) attribute;
  • economic importance;
  • territorial sign;
  • time frame (duration).

This is far from the only way, according to which exhibition activities are classified, although recognized by the world community. In connection with changes in the European economy, it became necessary to streamline the activities of organizing exhibitions, based on a territorial basis in terms of participation in the event of interested persons from a certain number of countries. The following classification is intended to evaluate economic importance any activity in this area.

  1. Global Exhibition (an event of a certain industry on a global scale; attracts participants from all over the world).
  2. European Exhibition (a European-scale event; it attracts participants from all its countries).

The following structures can carry out this type of activity:

  • executive authorities of the federal level and subjects of the federation;
  • structures specializing in organizing such events;
  • Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Chambers of Commerce and Industry);
  • both industry and inter-regional associations;
  • organizations of various forms of ownership, even if this activity is not essential for them.

Good self-management, financial stability, organization quality work municipalities are impossible without development

The organization of exhibition activities is focused on creating an environment that will promote goods and services not only to domestic, but also foreign markets, will force local entrepreneurs to establish economic and economic ties with foreign partners.

How is the field of exhibition activity developing in the world?

The development of activities for the organization of fairs (exhibitions) in the world does not stand still, it brings billions of dollars in income to the organizing countries, which makes them constantly compete in this area. A quarter of contracts are concluded during international events. Exhibition activity, as a business of Asian countries, has made a qualitative leap forward, overtaking the countries of Europe and America, and gaining leadership in this direction. In our country, things are happening differently.

In Russia, the development of exhibition activities is undergoing qualitative changes. Gradually, the sphere becomes an independent industry. The number of these events is growing, the requirements for them are increasing, which allows them to take their place in the global niche. This is evidenced by the open data of the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs: in Russia there are about 250 organizers of exhibitions, 55 of which are members of the International Union; they have held more than 1200 exhibitions of various levels. Annual turnover of this in the country is more than 193 million US dollars and every year increases by more than 30%.

Since 1991, the number of activities in this direction has increased by 17% per year. Everything suggests that this part of the country's economy is developing with dignity.

The specifics of holding exhibition events in the Russian regions

Exhibition events in our country are held in many cities, in addition to St. Petersburg and Moscow, although these cities continue to be recognized as international exhibition centers.

Some trends in the development of exhibition activities in Russia can be identified. Following the example of the world community, the country is following the path of reducing the number of universal exhibitions representing a large number of industries. Each subsequent event becomes more specialized, aimed at comprehensive coverage of a certain area of ​​exhibition activity, a manufacturer of goods or services. The increase in industrial growth entails an increase in the number of exhibitions (fairs) on this topic.

The capital of Russia, Moscow, is still the city where the vast majority (more than a quarter) of such events in the country takes place, remains the center of representation of a large number of industries. But more and more clearly there is a tendency to increase the number of exhibitions (including international ones) held in regions and cities where a large number of representatives interested in consuming the presented products and services are concentrated.

The fact that exhibition activity is developing rapidly at the present stage is evidenced by the constantly increasing number of exhibitors who present their products at these events. Now their number is approaching half of the total number of participants.

At present, large-scale construction of exhibition grounds is underway in Moscow (primarily this concerns the All-Russian Exhibition Center). The exhibition areas of St. Petersburg are constantly expanding. New centers are being renovated and built to organize exhibitions of various levels in Irkutsk, Samara, Volgograd, Tyumen, Khanty-Mansiysk, Khabarovsk, Sochi and other cities.

Unresolved problems at this stage of the existence of exhibition activities

Unfortunately, grandiose positive changes in exhibition activities are taking place against the backdrop of a number of problems that are being solved slowly and with great difficulty.

  1. First of all, it should be noted the imperfection of the regulatory framework, which insufficiently regulates this type of activity. It is necessary to develop additional norms and relevant documents.
  2. Lack of coordination in the planning of these events: there is no agreement on the timing, topics, priority areas which hinders international cooperation; the national component is weakly expressed.
  3. There is no statistics of organizations engaged in exhibition activities, which hinders the analysis of their activities and makes it difficult to forecast development.
  4. There is no conceptual approach of public authorities of various levels to this type of activity, despite its significant importance for the development of the country's economy as a whole.
  5. The low level of support for certain departments, called upon to provide exhibition activities in Russia through their coordinated actions state support.
  6. The level of the material and technical base of this type of activity does not meet international standards, and as one of the main shortcomings in this regard, the insufficient number of exhibition spaces throughout the country.
  7. Currently, foreign exhibitors more often manage to promote their goods, services and technologies to the Russian market. Russian goods at international fairs are not adequately represented, so it is necessary to work towards the symmetry of import-export flows.
  8. The organizers of a huge number of fair projects of similar subjects do not always compete in good faith with each other, which reduces the popularization of such activities and negatively affects the development of the industry as a whole.
  9. The use of unsuitable areas for exhibitions (fairs), the lack of transport accessibility, the inability to attract a sufficient number of visitors, that is, undeveloped infrastructure.

Despite a long list of shortcomings, exhibition activity in Russia is undergoing a lot of work to organize and improve the domestic market, truly on a national scale. This happens in connection with the recognition of its political and strategic importance in the development of the country's economy.


Development of management decisions in the organization of exhibition activities in Moscow

The capital of Russia has always been and remains a recognized exhibition center not only in Eastern Europe, but also in Asia. This is facilitated by the favorable geographical position of Moscow - on the line between the largest exhibition centers in Europe - in Germany and on the Asian continent - in China. In this part of the continent, there are no other cities in which large exhibition and fair events can be organized, except for Moscow. The same central geographical position is occupied by Moscow in relation to the cities of Russia on the Eurasian continent and the cities of other CIS countries, including the Baltic countries.

The city authorities earlier than others in Russia assessed the role of exhibitions not only as an important factor for marketing activities enterprises and for the formation of the market, but also as an important budget-forming element. Moscow has good prospects for the development of exhibition activities and for getting great benefits from this. The current exhibition potential of the capital is underdeveloped.

In order to determine the principles for the effective development of exhibition and fair activities in the interests of the Moscow economy and, above all, manufacturers of domestic products, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and international practice, in 1999 the Concept of Exhibition Activities and the layout of exhibition and fair complexes were developed and approved by the Government of Moscow. The example of Moscow was picked up by other regions and to a certain extent initiated the preparation and adoption of the relevant Concept at the federal level.

The concept and scheme for the placement and development of exhibition and fair complexes was developed in close cooperation with the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, exhibition complexes, prefectures, on the territory of which these complexes are located, firms organizing exhibition events, service companies, consulting firms. All design studies were done jointly with the organizations of the Moscow Architectural Committee and based on their proposals.

The most important aspects of the Concept of exhibition activities and the layout and development of exhibition and fair complexes in Moscow are:

Creation of favorable economic, organizational, legal and other conditions for supporting Moscow producers, promoting Moscow goods and services to the Russian and foreign markets;

Increasing revenues from exhibition and fair activities in the cities of Moscow, taking into account the infrastructure of the city (hotels, transport, enterprises Catering, theaters, museums);

Development of material, technical and exposition base in the exhibition area;

Legal regulation of exhibition and fair activities;

Creation of an integrated system of support and development of exhibition and fair activities in accordance with the interests of Moscow in foreign economic activity and regional policy;

Support for exhibition organizers - domestic firms registered in Moscow;

Creation of conditions for the preparation and holding of exhibitions in accordance with international norms and practice;

Preparation and training of qualified exhibition personnel.

The Concept defines the priorities of exhibition and fair activities in Moscow:

Providing opportunities for Moscow enterprises to present their products on a larger scale;

Effective interaction of city management structures with exhibition and fair complexes, organizers of exhibitions and fairs, enterprises, organizations and increasing the influence of the Moscow Government on the entire process of exhibition and fair activities in the city;

Optimization of the integral budget return from exhibition and fair activities in Moscow.

The main exhibition and fair complexes and centers of Moscow are city-wide complexes - GAO VVTs, ZAO Expocentre and specialized complexes - OAO Rosstroyexpo, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center, OAO Sovincenter, SE Moscow, OAO Manezh, The Central House of Artists, the Center for Interregional and International Cooperation of the Department of Science and Industrial Policy on Varshavskoye Shosse, while JSC GAO VVTs, ZAO Expocentre, JSC Rosstroyexpo, Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center are defined as the base ones.

It is emphasized that it is very important for the prefectures to create exhibition, fair and marketing centers, the presence of which:

· Facilitate the promotion of products of organizations and enterprises, especially small businesses on the market;

· will contribute to the preparation of enterprises and organizations for participation in major exhibitions;

· will create conditions for personnel training for exhibition and fair activity.

The organization of the interchange of territorial expositions will reduce the time for bringing samples new technology to the consumer and will create a favorable environment for a detailed acquaintance of the developer with the actual operating conditions.

Particular attention in the Concept is paid to the issues of financing exhibition and fair activities in Moscow.

Financial support for exhibition and fair activities in Moscow is provided through:

Targeted budgetary financing of the participation of exhibitors - Moscow manufacturers in accordance with the target program;

Involved funds;

Sponsorship and other charitable contributions;

Investment funds for the modernization of exhibition centers and exhibition infrastructure;

Establishment of the Exhibition and Fair Activities Support Fund.

In order to support enterprises and organizations of the city participating in exhibitions and fairs, including those abroad, it is planned to provide them with various types of benefits and preferences, including:

Tax and other tariff benefits;

Concessional lending and financing;

Providing guarantees and other preferences.

The specified benefits and preferences can be provided to participants who contribute in their activities to improving the efficiency of the functioning of enterprises of the industrial complex and their competitiveness:

a) directly to the enterprises of the industrial complex and consumers of industrial products;

b) investors and persons assisting in attracting investments;

c) enterprises and organizations providing various kinds of services (consulting, auditing, marketing, information).

It is envisaged that the financing of the development of exhibition complexes should be carried out mainly at the expense of own sources, funds received from the operation of commissioned facilities, loans and funds from investors, including foreign partners.

The Concept emphasizes that the city from exhibition activities, in addition to direct income, also receives indirect income from the city's infrastructure and increased production from exhibitors, including:

Income from organizations related to servicing exhibitors and guests of exhibitions (hotels, restaurants, transport, communications, etc.);

Increase in the total costs of organizers and exhibitors (advertising, information and promotional literature, organization of a cultural program, etc.);

Creation of new jobs.

In a generalized form, revenues to the budget from exhibition and fair activities can be represented as the following components:

Revenues to the budget from the complexes themselves, reflected in their accounting, as “reported” budgetary efficiency;

Budget efficiency, taking into account all the costs of exhibitors, including urban infrastructure services, etc., that is, “indirect” budget efficiency;

Taking into account the sources listed above and income from the increase in sales of exhibiting enterprises, the “full” budgetary efficiency for Moscow should increase from $370 million in 1998 (8.2% of the budget) to $1.4 billion in 2008 G.

The structures regulating and coordinating exhibition and fair activities in Moscow are currently:

Moscow city coordinating council for exhibition activities;

The Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, under which the Committee for Exhibition Activities and the Guild of Exhibition Organizations have been established and operate.

The proposal to create non-profit organization- Fund for the development and support of exhibition and fair activities in Moscow.

In order to coordinate plans for exhibition events and create favorable economic, organizational, legal and other conditions for participants in exhibitions and fairs, the Regulations on official patronage of exhibition and fair events were approved.

The main principles of city coordination and regulation of exhibition and fair activities in Moscow are:

The unity of the exhibition and fair policy as an integral part of Moscow's economic policy;

Unity of the system of city control over the implementation of exhibition and fair activities;

Equality of rights and obligations of participants in exhibition and fair activities;

Restriction and suppression of unfair competition and monopoly;

Improving the material and technical base of exhibition complexes in Moscow;

Development of research work in the field of exhibition and fair activities;

Development of special education in the field of exhibition and fair activities.

In order to provide information support for exhibition and fair activities in Moscow, an information support system is being created, financed both from attracted sources and from the city budget.

The most important elements of cooperation between the city of Moscow and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have been identified, including:

Coordination of exhibition and fair activities in Moscow and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Formation and implementation of regional and interregional programs of exhibition and fair activities;

Fulfillment of international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of exhibition and fair activities that directly affect the interests of Moscow and the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

Information support of exhibition and fair activities.

The Concept formulates the main requirements for holding exhibitions and fairs in Moscow, they are as follows.

Exhibition and fair events are held in premises intended for this purpose or in public buildings used for other purposes, provided that they provide the necessary services and meet the relevant requirements of international standards.

Exhibition and fair events must have official conditions for participation (internal regulations) of exhibitors, which determine the procedure, procedure and features of holding exhibition and fair events and is an act agreed with the authorized body of the Moscow Government and the Prefectures of the relevant administrative districts.

The Moscow government recognized the basic exhibition centers of the city as: "All-Russian Exhibition Center", "Expocentre", "Sokolniki", "Rosstroyexpo".


VVC - OJSC "State Joint Stock Company" All-Russian Exhibition Center " - the largest and most visited exhibition and fair complex of the country, which traditionally presents samples of the achievements of the economy, science and culture of Russia and the CIS countries. August 2004 marks the 65th anniversary of the founding of the All-Union Agricultural Exhibition (VSHV) and the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy (VDNKh from 1959 to 1992), which preceded the All-Russian Exhibition Center.

Exhibition participants have at their disposal the whole range of exhibition services: a customs post and a temporary storage warehouse, branches of 10 banks, 18 conference halls for 3,300 seats, modern means of communication, the Internet, a wide network of catering facilities, as well as the nearby Kosmos hotels, "VDNKh", "Tourist", "Baikal", "Altai", "Dawn", "Vostok" and others for tens of thousands of seats.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a unique architectural exhibition ensemble that has been formed over decades, combining various styles and directions. 46 objects of the Center are historical and cultural monuments protected by the state. The green attire of the All-Russian Exhibition Center is a unique example of landscape architecture and landscape gardening art of the mid-20th century.

As before, the All-Russian Exhibition Center is a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites and guests of the capital, the center of many celebrations and holidays celebrated by Moscow and Russia.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center occupies an area of ​​2375 thousand square meters. m. This is 108 thousand closed exposition areas, of which: 36.8 thousand square meters. m. permanent closed exposition areas for holding large international, all-Russian, interregional and industry exhibitions; 48.2 thousand sq. m. - for small exhibitions, fairs, reviews; 23.5 thousand sq. m. - for holding agricultural exhibitions and fairs; 158.1 thousand sq. m. of open exposition areas - for exhibitions, mass cultural, educational and sporting events. GAO VVC is a member of the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, a member of the International Union of Fairs (UFI), a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Guild of Exhibition Organizations.

In 1999, by the decision of the Moscow Government, the All-Russian Exhibition Center was designated as the main exhibition complex of the capital. In the same 1999, the board of directors of the GAO VVTs adopted the Concept for the development of the complex.

Concept of GAO VVTs development. The concept concisely outlines the main directions and principles of modernization, which should affect all aspects of the VVC activities: the material and technical base, the system of exhibition activities. The goal of all transformations is growth economic efficiency work of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, increasing the attractiveness for visitors, exhibitors and partners.

The concept provides for the following programs:

- "VVTs - the main exhibition center of Moscow and Russia"

- "All-Russian Exhibition Center - a recreation center for Muscovites and guests of the capital"

- "VVTs - fair and shopping center"

- "VVTs - agro-exhibition center"

- "VVC - a center for the commercialization of technologies, innovative exhibitions and sales"

- "All-Russian Exhibition Center - the center of cooperation between the regions of Russia and the CIS countries"

"VVTs - the main exhibition center of Moscow and Russia". Exhibition and fair activities as the most important and most cost-effective form of development become the priority of all work of the GAO VVTs. All other activities are given an additional role in the integrated development and implementation of the statutory tasks of JSC VVC.

As you know, the former VDNKh had significant state support. Today, there are no budgetary funds to organize exhibitions in all pavilions of the All-Russian Exhibition Center all year round, to maintain pavilions, many of which were built in the late 1930s, and to reconstruct them. The idea of ​​reviving exhibitions in all pavilions has no real basis yet, also because today there are not so many willing Russian manufacturers that it would be possible to organize exhibitions throughout the year. Until Russian small and medium-sized businesses get back on their feet, until funds appear in the federal or Moscow budget, the commercial use of pavilions is indispensable. In addition, increasing the efficiency of the exposition base requires further improvement of the management of this largest exhibition and fair complex, its use only for its intended purpose and bringing the exposition areas in line with international requirements.

The current economic situation has become favorable for the development of exhibition activities. Domestic enterprises that survived the crisis began to participate more actively in exhibitions. In conditions when imports are losing their positions, our enterprises have the opportunity to expand their presence in the domestic market.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center develops and implements exhibition programs in the field of economics, science and technology, innovation, education, culture, healthcare, and security. environment, business development, small and medium business, social programs.

Exhibition activities at the All-Russian Exhibition Center are characterized by three types of exhibitions - short-term exhibitions (3-7 days), medium-term (from 10 days to 2-3 months) and long-term (from several months to a year or more) exhibition-fairs. Short-term exhibitions are mainly fundamental large-scale exhibitions in these areas. These exhibition projects are in constant development and improvement, measures are being taken to carry them out in accordance with the requirements of the UFI. In particular, the annual international exhibition "Flowers" was awarded the UFI mark. The topics of these exhibitions, their preparation and holding are carried out jointly with the leading Federal ministries, departments of the city of Moscow, as well as with leading corporate structures, including with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs.

The main goal of medium-term and long-term exhibitions-fairs is to develop technologies for promoting products and services of Russian manufacturers of goods and services to the market. The main base on which a block of such exhibition projects is comprehensively worked out are small pavilions, primarily Nos. 5 and 71, as well as the Health, Culture, Crop Production pavilions, which act as a kind of exhibition incubators. In particular, the positive experience of holding in the summer of 2003 in pavilion No. 5 the exhibition-fair "Book World at the All-Russian Exhibition Center" made it possible since 2004 to carry out this cultural, educational and educational action already in the mode of a long-term exhibition in pavilion No. 71. Development of such exhibition programs in medium-term and long-term mode, which allows to study the demand of buyers for specific products and services, then allows to hold large-scale short-term exhibition events in large pavilions, as was the case in the development of educational programs, which will be discussed below. As a rule, exhibition events at the All-Russian Exhibition Center have the most important component - the conference programs accompanying them - conferences, educational, methodological and educational seminars, round tables on exhibition topics and relevant areas of the country's economic development.

The dynamics of quantitative indicators of exhibition and fair events organized at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in recent years (Tables 8.1 and 8.2) testifies to the stability of the center's core activities.

In 2002 the exhibitions were held in 22 pavilions. The closed gross area was 426.424 sq. m. m, open areas - 22.300 sq. m. The number of participants in exhibition events in 2002 amounted to 22,300 (of which 3,200 were foreign). The number of visitors exceeded 2.5 million people.

Analyzing the quantitative indicators of 1999-2002, one can clearly trace the following trends:

· growth of international exhibitions-fairs;

· reduction in the total number of exhibitions due to a decrease in the number of small and small events declared as exhibitions, but in essence representing shopping malls;

· increasing the total number of exposition areas of the exhibition and fair events;

· gradual annual decrease in the number of fairs and reviews.

All-Russia Exhibition Center is a center of cooperation between the regions of Russia and the CIS countries. Today, many heads of regions, regional industrial enterprises, entrepreneurs have realized how effective the method of conquering the market, finding partners are exhibitions.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center seeks to support the real sector of the economy. The Center hosts numerous interregional exhibition events, such as: "Regions of Russia", "Russian Agro-Industrial Exhibition", "Buy Russian", "All-Russian Brand (III Millennium). Quality Mark of the 21st Century”, “All-Russian Industrial Exhibition”, “Days of Small and Medium Business at the All-Russian Exhibition Center”, significant intersectoral exhibitions “Fuel and Energy Resources of Russia”, federal fairs for wholesale trade and major international exhibitions of industry orientation "Industry of Plastics", "Metal-Expo", "Rescue Means", etc. These and similar exhibitions, of course, contribute to the promotion of Russian goods on domestic and foreign markets, the exchange of reliable information, and the expansion of production import-substituting goods, the development of small and medium-sized businesses, the creation of new jobs in the regions.

For presentation and exhibition activities at the All-Russian Exhibition Center, separate pavilions were transferred to the republics of Ukraine, Armenia, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, representative offices of the republics of Dagestan, Karelia, and Mordovia were opened. This work, which is carried out in parallel with the established House of the Peoples of Russia, located in pavilion No. 1, is seen as a continuation of historical traditions on a new basis.

The All-Russian Exhibition Center is becoming a kind of experimental platform for developing new interregional and international economic ties, scientific, technical and cultural cooperation. Pavilion No. 71 was given to regional exhibition programs. It houses exhibitions publishing products regions, the activities of the Federal Exhibition and Marketing Center for Small Business are presented.

"VVTs - the center of commercialization of technologies and innovative exhibitions"- one of the priority programs of the Development Concept of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The most important goal of the program is to form a market for innovative products and intellectual property, to promote the introduction of science-intensive technologies and developments into production, and to practically test market needs during exhibition activities.

The Center has a wealth of experience and the ability to solve this problem. This is facilitated by:

The prevailing image of the All-Russian Exhibition Center as a place for demonstrating advanced domestic scientific and technical developments;

A massive flow of "creative" visitors, including both the authors of innovative developments and their potential customers and consumers;

The unique capabilities of the All-Russian Exhibition Center for the analysis of mass consumer demand for innovative products are already at the stage of development and samples demonstrated at exhibitions;

Operative ability to analyze demand and organize trade in innovative goods and technologies for industrial use based on the results of exhibitions and presentations.

The exhibition business was considered by VVC specialists as the most important constituent part a unified process of commercialization of ideas and technologies, formed at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. At any exhibition event, specific innovations are demonstrated - new products and services. Therefore, each exhibition began to be evaluated not only by its scale - the number of firms and organizations participating in it, but first of all by how many of the presented developments aroused the interest of industry, investors, municipal and public services, i.e. potential consumers.

The main organizer of innovative and educational exhibitions at the All-Russian Exhibition Center is the All-Russian Exhibition Center "Science and Education". The first were international innovative exhibitions: "New materials and chemical products", "Technologies of living systems", "Housing". In 2000 alone, over 360 organizations participated in them. The number of exhibits exceeded 1800, many of the developments were awarded by the GAO All-Russian Exhibition Center. The exhibitions were very popular, they were visited by over 12,000 people. These events were accompanied by scientific and technical conferences and seminars. According to the organizers and participants, the exhibitions were very relevant and productive, useful for consumers.

Today we can say with confidence that the innovation and technology fairs and presentations held by the All-Russian Exhibition Center are turning into the most important marketing tool innovative activity. The All-Russian Exhibition Center is becoming the base center of Russia for holding innovative exhibitions and is a full and active participant in the Interdepartmental Program for the Activation of Innovation Activities in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Russia.

In 2000, the All-Russian Exhibition Center for the first time organized the exhibition "Golden Innovations of Russia", at which 170 organizations presented the best of what was shown at innovation exhibitions in 1998-2000. The culmination of innovation activities at the All-Russian Exhibition Center has been the annual holding, since 2001, of the Moscow International Salon of Innovations and Investments. The salon is held in accordance with the order of the Government of the Russian Federation and with the support of the Moscow government. The goals of the salon are to assist inventors, developers and manufacturers of high-tech products in promoting promising technologies and products to domestic and foreign markets, attracting the attention of potential investors and customers to competitive developments, holding business negotiations and meetings, establishing contacts, determining market conditions, opportunities effective use intellectual resources and production potential of enterprises. In 2003, 420 companies from 25 regions of Russia and 11 foreign countries took part in the salon. More than 2 thousand unique developments were presented here. Within the framework of the salon, fairs of innovative projects, scientific and practical seminars, presentations of promising developments are annually held.

A comprehensive project proposed and implemented at the All-Russian Exhibition Center in 1998–2001. - "Education and information technologies at the turn of the XXI century", included in the Program of events for the meeting of the III Millennium, was awarded the Prize of the President of the Russian Federation in the field of education.

Within the framework of this project, about 20 events were held, which made it possible to demonstrate the successes of education at the annual exhibition "Modern Educational Environment". More than 2000 organizations took part in them, the number of visitors exceeded 100,000. These exhibitions are held with the support and assistance of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Union of Rectors of Russia and the Council of Rectors of Moscow and the Moscow Region, the Moscow Committee of Education, the Association of Russian Universities. Its purpose is to demonstrate new opportunities for organizing the educational process and to establish business contacts between information technology developers and potential consumers. The exhibitions "Information Technologies and Telecommunications in Education", "Modern Educational Environment at the Turn of the 21st Century", "Fair of Pedagogical Ideas", "World Without Borders" (modern technologies for teaching foreign languages), as well as the annual holiday "Days of Moscow Education at VVC, etc.

One of the most important directions of the state youth policy in all countries is the support of talented youth, the creation of conditions for the comprehensive and harmonious development of the individual and their creativity. In the summer of 2003, Moscow became the arena for competitions in the power of intellect, a review of the best scientific and technical ideas and artistic solutions, developments of children and youth from 100 countries, where, under the auspices of UNESCO, at the All-Russian Exhibition Center with the support of the Government of Moscow, the IX International Exhibition of Youth Scientific and Technical Projects was held. EXPO-Science 2003” and the International Youth Scientific Congress “Youth. The science. Society". In such a representative youth intellectual forum, young scientists and inventors aged 7 to 23 presented their scientific projects. Thousands of young forum participants represented those for whom service to the art of science has become or will become main goal in life.

Prospects for the development of the All-Russian Exhibition Center. The All-Russian Exhibition Center is a unique object of national importance with a single exhibition, architectural, landscape and leisure complex. Various large-scale festivals and performances are regularly held at the All-Russian Exhibition Center. Attractions are an integral part of park leisure. The amusement park was created in 1995 by the conversion plant "Mir" together with the All-Russian Exhibition Center. Today it is rightfully called the Russian Exhibition of Amusements.

In accordance with the General Plan for the Reconstruction and Development of the All-Russian Exhibition Center, an Investment Program has been developed, as a result of which the All-Russian Exhibition Center will be able to meet the needs of Moscow and Russia in exhibition events at the highest level. To coordinate these works, the Moscow Government Commission for Architectural and Planning Development, Reconstruction and Building of the All-Russian Exhibition Center was created.

It is envisaged that as a result of reconstruction and new construction, by 2008 the All-Russian Exhibition Center will have 330,000 sq. m. m. of modern, well-equipped indoor exhibition space. This will allow Moscow to become one of the cities with the largest exhibition complexes in the world.


Today the complex includes 8 modern exhibition pavilions, a demonstration hall, 4 halls for holding symposiums, press conferences, etc. The total area of ​​the complex is 190 thousand square meters. m, of which about 94 thousand square meters. m - closed exhibition area, about 30 thousand square meters. m - open.

The main characteristics of the closed exposition area:

Pavilion No. 1: 1st floor - central hall (102x90 m) 9.8 m high, area 7960 sq. m; 2nd floor - 4 halls (60 x 18 m) 3.3 m high, gallery area 4400 sq. m.

Pavilion No. 2: Hall No. 1 (71x75 m), area - 5140 sq. m; Hall No. 2 (71x75 m) with an area of ​​5107 sq. m; Hall No. 3 (71x71 m) with an area of ​​4937 sq. m, all halls are 8.2 m high.

Pavilion No. 3: hall (72x72 m) 9.5 m high, area 5892 sq. m.

Pavilion No. 4: hall (54x17 m) 9.5 m high, area 494 sq. m.

Pavilion No. 5: hall (140x18 m) 4.8 m high, area (pavilion) 2700 sq. m.

Pavilion No. 6: height 4.9, area 887 sq. m.

Pavilion "Forum": hall (78x78 m) 14 m high, area 6250 sq. m.

Pavilion No. 7 (two-level): total area - 28.900 sq. m, possible exhibition area - 15.700 sq. m; first level: total gross area - 5660 sq. m, net - 3016 sq. m, second level: total gross area - 8976 sq. m, net - 4561 sq. m, it can be transformed into 4 halls - 1900 sq. m, 1666 sq. m, 3000 sq. m, 2410 sq. m; height about 5 m.

The new pavilion (for the first time in the practice of the Complex on Krasnaya Presnya) is directly connected to other pavilions: with pavilion No. 3 and the Forum with separate entrances and exits, the second level will “lead” visitors to pavilions No. 1, No. 2, No. 4.

Heavy trucks can climb up the overpass and enter the second level of the new pavilion.

The new pavilion is multifunctional: the range of exhibition events that can be held here is from fashion shows and food fairs to reviews of heavy machine tools, cars, and agricultural machinery.

Congress center with a hall for 350 seats, with a room for banquets and receptions, as well as a spacious office complex.

3.0 t/sq. m - in pavilions No.: 1 (1st floor), 2, 3, 4, 5, "Forum";

1.5 t/sq. m - in pavilion No. 1 (2nd floor);

1.2 t/sq. m - in pavilion No. 6;

3.5 t/sq. m - in pavilion No. 7.

The Congress Center has a conference hall for 140 seats, a round table hall for 150 seats, a banquet hall and an exhibition area of ​​380 sq. m.

Since August 1946 in Moscow, a modest industrial exhibition of Finland, organized by the Finland-USSR Society and the Finnish Foreign Trade Union, began counting foreign exhibitions held in the country in the post-war period.

The objective course of events, the development of economic and trade relations with foreign countries predetermined both the further expansion of exhibition activities in the country and the emergence of the first major exhibition organization.

In 1959, a new subdivision appeared in the system of the All-Union Chamber of Commerce - the department of foreign exhibitions. From this moment, Expocentre begins its countdown, gradually turning into an independent exhibition site. The creation of a specialized exhibition organization allowed holding international and foreign exhibitions in our country on a regular basis. With his assistance, already in 1959, industrial exhibitions of Poland and Austria, national exhibitions of the GDR and the USA, 20 reviews of individual foreign firms were held - a total of 24 events on a total area of ​​​​over 70 thousand square meters. m.

In 1964 the number of exhibitions increased to fifty.

However, Expocentre rightly considers the organization and holding of the first major industry exhibition of construction and road machines and means of mechanization of construction and installation works - "Stroydormash" as its official "starting point" as its official "starting point". This event took place in 1964. The exhibition was held on the territory of the Central Lenin Stadium in Luzhniki. It was attended by 377 exhibitors from 19 countries: Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Hungary, East Germany, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, USSR, USA, Finland, France, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Switzerland, Sweden, Yugoslavia and Japan.

For more than 40 years, Expocentre has been operating on the international and national (Russian) exhibition market and is considered the most competent exhibition complex with its own know-how in the field of specialized shows. Over the years, about 5,000 events have been held at its venues, in which more than 120 countries have taken part. Over 150 million people visited international and national exhibitions and fairs, discovering latest designs domestic and foreign products of various industries and economy. In 2002, the exhibitions were visited by 1.9 million people. "Expocentre" always and in everything adheres to its main motto: "Through exhibitions and fairs - to trade and cooperation." The activities of Expocentre contributed to the development of the country's economy, industry, science, culture, healthcare and other important areas of the national economy.

In 1991 Expocentre became a closed joint stock company.

The importance of Moscow as the undisputed leader of exhibition and fair activities not only in Russia, but also in the CIS and Baltic countries is largely facilitated by the active work of ZAO Expocentre and its exhibition complex in Krasnaya Presnya, the largest and most modern in Russia today. Today it meets almost all the requirements for holding generally accepted international trade and industrial exhibitions: more than sixty of them are held annually.

The infrastructure of the complex and the pavilions themselves were designed and built taking into account foreign experience and with the direct assistance of Expocentre's exhibition partners. The number of events held by Expocentre is growing year by year, in 2002 there were 77 of them, which is 10% more than in 2001. Of these, 32 exhibitions were held by Mezhvystavka, and 45 by Inovystavka.

Seven international exhibitions (“Chemistry”, “Consumexpo”, “Healthcare”, “Prodexpo”, “Furniture”, “Lesdrevmash”, “Metalworking”) are registered by UFI. In 1998, Expocentre sold about 400,000 sq. m. m of space, of which more than half - foreign exhibitors. The complex hosted 59 events with over 16,000 exhibitors, 7,370 of them Russian. The exhibitions were visited by 2.5 million people, of which 1.5 million were specialists. In 2002, the size of these areas approached 440 thousand square meters. m. They were attended by 87 countries. The number of exhibitors exceeded 19 thousand, of which more than 60% are Russian firms, enterprises and organizations.

The complex has a network of communications and services: banks, restaurants, shops, kiosks, post office, etc.

Exhibitors are offered construction, installation, design of exhibition stands using the most modern equipment, forwarding, printing works, various types of advertising. Various events can be held in the congress centers, the press club, the Blue Hall: press conferences, briefings, presentations, seminars, round tables, scientific and technical symposiums, etc.

Services provided to exhibitors by ZAO Expocentre are assessed as high quality.

Today, Expocentre holds international and foreign exhibitions, symposiums and other exhibition events in Russia on a commercial basis, provides foreign trade services related to the work of exhibitions; organizes exhibitions abroad; assists exhibitors and representatives of foreign firms in establishing business contacts with enterprises and institutions of the Russian Federation, CIS member states, and other foreign countries. According to the statistics of the Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, of all foreign expositions at exhibition events organized in Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States, almost 60% is accounted for by Expocentre CJSC.

Exhibitors and visitors from other cities and from abroad live in the best hotels of the capital, their meals and leisure are organized, they do not lack information, they are provided with transport. In 2002, there were about 34,000 foreign guests in Expocentre, which on average gave the city up to half a billion dollars, primarily due to the loading of the city's infrastructure - hotels, transport, entertainment facilities. It is generally recognized that Expocentre is today the country's leading exhibition complex in the field of international exhibitions. In terms of the number of participants, exhibits, foreign exhibitors and visitors, some international specialized exhibitions of ZAO Expocentre are leading not only in the CIS countries, but also surpass many well-known exhibitions and fairs organized in other countries of Eastern Europe. Turnover of one square meter according to the results of 2002, it is equal to 11, while in the largest Western European centers, in particular in Düsseldorf, this coefficient does not exceed eight.

Among the specialized exhibitions held at Expocentre, the Comtek (COMTES) exhibitions (the 5th exhibition in 2003) are comparable with foreign ones in terms of organization level and have become the leading ones in Russian computer technology. In 2002, it took place on an area of ​​6350 square meters. m, the number of participants was 219.

Many international exhibitions held at Expocentre have become traditional: Consumexpo (trade fair for consumer goods) and Svyaz-Expocom (exhibition of communication systems and means, computers and office equipment), Shoes. World of Leather and Fashion Moscow / Modateks” (exhibition of fashionable clothes and accessories), “The whole world of food”, etc.

Most of the exhibition events organized by ZAO Expocentre enjoy the support of federal ministries and departments and the Moscow government. The program of the exhibitions is drawn up with the direct participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, industrial associations and a number of industry associations, taking into account the holding of traditional, internationally recognized exhibitions, as well as long-term international agreements that Expocentre has.

"Expocentre", taking part in the preparation of business reviews of any level, takes into account, first of all, the interests of Russian and, first of all, Moscow firms, enterprises, scientific organizations. In 2002, the international forum and exhibition “High Technologies of the Defense Complex” was held for the 3rd time, and the international exhibition “Science. Scientific Instruments.

In addition to its work as a center for business and scientific cooperation and entrepreneurship, Expocentre also performs other important functions, acting as a kind of catalyst for the development of the social and economic complex of the capital. In addition to fairly significant taxes coming from Expocentre to the city's treasury, it also provides a certain percentage of employment in the service sector: hotels, catering and communications, transport, serving thousands of exhibitors, guests and visitors to exhibitions. Expocentre also contributes to the entry of the capital's industrial, scientific and other organizations into the foreign market.

The commissioning of the new 7th pavilion causes organizational and qualitative changes in Expocentre. It is planned, following the example of large international exhibition centers, to form expositions not according to the "country principle" (where it does not matter what products are shown by which company, the main thing is belonging to a particular state), but according to the functional one, where computers - to computers, "cellular" - to "cellular" and so on. It is much more convenient for both exhibitors and visitors.

For the first time in domestic practice, when investing in the project of this pavilion, foreign partners were involved: German - "Messe Düsseldorf" and Italian - "Institute of Foreign Trade". Credits are settled by exhibition space.

ZAO Expocentre is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation, the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Guild of Exhibition Organizations at the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the International Union of Exhibitions and Fairs, UFI. In addition, ZAO Expocentre is the only exhibition organization in Russia that is a member of Interexpo.

Among the foreign exhibition partners of Expocentre are about fifty well-known companies and organizations from different countries in the exhibition world: the Committee of the German Economy for Exhibitions and Fairs (AUMA), the Italian Association of Exhibitions and Fairs (AEFI), other foreign exhibition unions, as well as industry associations of European countries; Messe Düsseldorf International GmbH and Ost-West-Partner (Germany), the Italian Foreign Trade Institute (ICE) and large Italian companies Fiera Milano, Bologna Fiere, Interexpo, the British company ITE, American companies Comtek International and IJ Krause & Associates Inc., firms and export organizations of Austria, Belgium, Israel, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Poland, Romania, Turkey, Finland, France, Czech Republic, Sweden, Yugoslavia and others countries.

Today, Expocentre is practically a holding, which includes, in addition to the main companies, preparing and holding exhibitions, providing organization. Demand for Expocentre's exhibition space exceeds its real capacity.

The Moscow government is considering the development of Expocentre in conjunction with the Moscow City complex being built next door, where a large exhibition facility with an area of ​​40 thousand square meters is being built. m. To solve transport problems, a bridge was built across the Moskva River, entrances from all four sides are provided, parking lots for 2000 and 500 cars are being built.

By 2006, the total exhibition area should increase to 129 thousand square meters. m, and the net area up to 59.5 thousand square meters. m. This will expand the space market by 200-250% and bring their sale to 1 million sq. m. m per year.


Sokolniki Cultural and Exhibition Center is a dynamically developing highly professional exhibition company. If in the late 1990s 18–26 trade and industrial exhibitions were held annually, in 2002 more than 50 exhibitions were held, which were visited by 950,000 people. Moreover, more than 90% were represented by specialists from specific industries. 6250 companies, firms and organizations from 5 countries took part in the exhibition events. About 80% of exhibitors were domestic enterprises and organizations.

The total area of ​​the complex is 33.000 sq. m. m. Total closed area - 28.000 sq.m. m, open - 5000 sq. m. The area of ​​the service center is 1.1 thousand square meters. m. In 2003, it is planned to build a special multifunctional pavilion (Park Place Sokolniki), which will house a congress hall equipped with the latest technology with an area of ​​more than 6,000 square meters. m, designed for international conferences, corporate events. If necessary, the building will be used as a separate exhibition pavilion.

Pavilion area: No. 2 - 4385 sq. m, No. 3 - 1850, No. 3b - 1900, No. 4 - 4732, No. 4a - 3540, No. 4b - 950, No. 4c - 1950, No. 4 g - 224, No. 4e - 240, No. 11 - 2940, No. 11a - 3640, No. 11b - 1200, No. 17 - 450 sq. m.

Sokolniki Park has been known as a venue for major international exhibitions ever since the state monopoly on exhibition activities. In 1959, the first exposition was opened here - the Exhibition of Industrial Products of the USA, preparation for which led to the reconstruction of the park, the creation of its new look. The organizer of the exhibitions at that time was the Department of International and Foreign Exhibitions of the USSR Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

For holding national and international exhibitions, an exhibition complex was built (20 pavilions with a total area of ​​about 50 thousand square meters). Over time, some of them fell into complete disrepair, a number of pavilions were dismantled, and by 1987 the exhibition activity in the park had practically ceased.

In 1989 exhibitions were reopened in two pavilions (No. 4 and 4a). Since then, exhibition activity on the territory of Sokolniki has become the most important direction of the complex's work. The complex has been holding exhibitions on its own since 1991. Exhibition traditions in the park have been continued by Sokolniki Cultural and Exhibition Center Limited Liability Company, which, not being the owner of the exhibition space, had pavilion rental agreements with the Moscow Property Committee and the park.

In 2002 Sokolniki Exhibition and Convention Center started a general reorganization of the company. In December last year, a multifunctional holding was established - CJSC "International Exhibition Company" ("MVK"). The main task of this company is the organization of international specialized exhibitions both on the territory of the Sokolniki Exhibition Center and at other venues in Moscow, in other cities and countries. The tasks of the holding include not only holding exhibitions, but also their full complex service, as well as the development of the exhibition center itself and its infrastructure. The unique internal structure of the holding, consisting of a number of independent departments and partner companies, each of which is responsible for a specific service area, helps to implement this program.

Exhibition activity is the most important tool that allows companies to promote their products on the market, support business conversation with partners, to be aware of the latest trends in their professional field.

The main concept of exhibition activity is to provide each exhibitor with the widest possible opportunities for presenting their company and, thus, to show at specialized exhibitions the most complete picture of what is happening in a particular area. Hundreds of employees are working on this in the Expocentre itself and in companies that hold their exhibitions in the halls on Krasnaya Presnya. Each specific exhibitor is working on this, and only from joint work all these people get what we are so proud of: a wide, bright, diverse and fruitful exhibition program. About two million people annually visit Expocentre and find in its pavilions new ideas for developing their business, reliable partners and regular customers.

Of course, the organization of exhibition activities is a grandiose task that requires a huge staff and well-coordinated work of all departments. Expocentre knows this firsthand, since it acts not only as a venue for events, but also as a direct organizer of several dozen major international exhibitions. All Expocentre's own events are held at the highest level, and many of them are deservedly awarded the badges of Russian and international exhibition unions. To organize exhibition activities, Expocentre employs a number of structural divisions, each of which is responsible for exhibitions of a certain subject: chemical-technological, machine-building, exhibitions Food Industry etc. This separation allows you to successfully control all stages of the preparation and conduct of events.

In order for the quality of exhibitions to grow every year, and the scope of events to only increase, Expocentre always sets the highest standards and sets the most serious goals for exhibition activities. Whatever the individual exhibitors strive for, the vector is always the same, and it is aimed at supporting the domestic industry and establishing strong and long-term business contacts between regions and countries. All professional exhibitions are invariably held with the assistance of the authorities, and one of key tasks facing Expocentre - to support state programs in the field of economic development, production, social sphere. It is no coincidence that so many exhibitions are held, the topics of which are related to the priority sectors of industry and science for our country. In addition, Expocentre never ignores the issues of education, medicine, and employment.

Competent development of the concept of exhibition activities and the goals of exhibition activities is a matter of fundamental importance, because the country and the world need correctly selected international exhibitions, effective teamwork of exhibitors is needed, and the development of those industries that play a special role at this particular stage of history.

History of exhibition activity

The world history of exhibition activity can be counted even from the 12th century, when a wave of fairs swept over medieval Europe. It was then that grandiose noisy events began to be regularly held in certain cities, where artisans brought the best examples of their work, and merchants delivered goods from all over the world. At the same time, the division of fairs began, depending on their specifics: in some cities, mainly fabrics were brought for sale, in others - products Agriculture, in the third - household utensils. Agree, this is somewhat reminiscent of the modern thematic division of exhibitions.

But, of course, the date from which the history of exhibition activity can be counted was 1851, when the first World Exhibition took place in London. Here, on the contrary, the subject matter was even too broad: everything was presented at the exhibition: from industrial goods to works of art. But, probably, history did not know another exhibition that would be held on such a scale and would have such a grandiose success.

And in our country, exhibitions of the Soviet era became the most important milestone in the history of exhibitions. It was then, in 1959, that Expocentre entered the world stage for the first time, organizing an exhibition of industrial achievements of the United States in Moscow in Sokolniki, which was unthinkable at that time. It was the first large-scale project that marked the beginning of a whole series of national exhibitions. And already in the 1960s, Expocentre began to deal with specialized exhibitions, and in 1965 the Chemistry exhibition was opened for the first time, and to this day it is one of the largest in Expocentre. Every year the program of events expanded, and those exhibitions that are now well known to us were born: Electro, Neftegaz, Inlegmash and many others.

The first Expocentre pavilion was built on Krasnaya Presnya in 1977, which, of course, gave a tremendous impetus to the development of the exhibition initiative.

Today, the history of exhibition activities continues here, in the nine spacious and modern pavilions of the exhibition center. In 2014, Expocentre celebrated its 55th anniversary, and today it is one of the largest organizers of industry events in Russia and the CIS.

Features of exhibition activity

Throughout its history, Expocentre has been striving to make participation in exhibitions as convenient and effective as possible for exhibitors, including representatives of numerous foreign companies who come to exhibitions in Moscow. One of key features exhibition activity is that any exhibitor can receive the widest range of services at Expocentre, including hotel accommodation, visa support and much more. Of course, most of the services are directly related to exhibition activities: it is the rental of stands, their design, cleaning, security, rental of various exhibition equipment, laptops, LCD projectors, sound amplifying equipment. For maximum convenience, a “one-stop-shop” system was organized, thanks to which all services can be ordered in one place.

In addition, the MatchMaking system operates on the site of the exhibition complex, designed to facilitate the organization of business meetings at exhibition events and enable partners to pre-set a time for communication. And to increase the efficiency of exhibitions, Expocentre conducts training seminars for event participants. At them, listeners receive a lot of practical advice on how to minimize costs, competently go through preparatory stage and get commercial benefit from the exhibition.

Another feature of Expocentre's exhibition activity is its diversity. Depending on their goals and priorities, event participants choose different types of activities. As part of the exhibitions, there are always round tables, conferences, forums, which are very popular with guests and exhibitors. Many activities also include educational program which includes seminars, master classes, trainings. Sometimes cultural events are also included in the exhibition program, which makes busy exhibition days not only useful, but also enjoyable, giving exhibitors an additional opportunity for informal communication and closer acquaintance.

Each profile event has its own characteristics of exhibition activity, which makes each exhibition a unique event.

Congress and fair exhibition activities

Another important area of ​​development is exhibition and fair activities. Although the majority of Expocentre's events are professional in nature and aimed at communicating with specialists, several open exhibitions and fairs are held annually. The decoration of the program of the exhibition complex is the seasonal exhibition and sale of handicrafts "Ladya". This event is of great national importance, bringing together talented craftsmen and keepers of priceless folk culture. The exhibition always arouses great interest of the public and gathers a huge number of guests. This is not the only exhibition and fair activity on the territory of the Expocentre Fairgrounds, other open events are also held. The possibilities of the exhibition complex are conducive to holding fairs for the general public, because. its exhibition area is 165 thousand square meters. m, there are great opportunities for events both in pavilions and outdoor areas.

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Features of exhibition activity

Lydia Lazarenko

  • Introduction
  • 1. History of exhibition activities
  • 2. Features of exhibition activities
  • 3. International and Russian exhibition activities
  • 4. Congress and fair exhibition activities


Exhibition activity is the most important tool that allows companies to promote their products on the market, maintain business communication with partners, and keep abreast of the latest trends in their professional industry.

The main concept of exhibition activity is to provide each exhibitor with the widest possible opportunities for presenting their company and, thus, to show at specialized exhibitions the most complete picture of what is happening in a particular area. Hundreds of employees are working on this in the Expocentre itself and in companies that hold their exhibitions in the halls on Krasnaya Presnya. Each specific exhibitor is working on this, and only from the joint work of all these people is what we are so proud of: a wide, bright, diverse and fruitful exhibition program. About two million people annually visit Expocentre and find in its pavilions new ideas for developing their business, reliable partners and regular customers.

Of course, the organization of exhibition activities is a daunting task that requires a huge staff and well-coordinated work of all departments. Expocentre knows this firsthand, since it acts not only as a venue for events, but also as a direct organizer of several dozen major international exhibitions. All Expocentre's own events are held at the highest level, and many of them are deservedly awarded the badges of Russian and international exhibition unions. To organize exhibition activities, Expocentre operates a number of structural divisions, each of which is responsible for exhibitions of a certain theme: chemical-technological, machine-building, food industry exhibitions, etc. This separation allows you to successfully control all stages of the preparation and conduct of events.

In order for the quality of exhibitions to grow every year, and the scope of events to only increase, Expocentre always sets the highest standards and sets the most serious goals for exhibition activities. Whatever the individual exhibitors strive for, the vector is always the same, and it is aimed at supporting the domestic industry and establishing strong and long-term business contacts between regions and countries. All professional exhibitions are invariably held with the assistance of the authorities, and one of the key tasks facing Expocentre is to support state programs in the field of economic development, production, and the social sphere. It is no coincidence that so many exhibitions are held, the topics of which are related to the priority sectors of industry and science for our country. In addition, Expocentre never ignores the issues of education, medicine, and employment. The Navigator of Receipts forum, the Occupational Safety exhibition, a number of events dedicated to public health and advanced medical technologies are held annually.

Competent development of the concept of exhibition activities and the goals of exhibition activities is a matter of fundamental importance, because the country and the world need correctly selected international exhibitions, effective teamwork of exhibitors is needed, and the development of those industries that play a special role at this particular stage of history.

1. History of exhibition activities

The world history of exhibition activity can be counted even from the 12th century, when a wave of fairs swept over medieval Europe. It was then that grandiose noisy events began to be regularly held in certain cities, where artisans brought the best examples of their work, and merchants delivered goods from all over the world. At the same time, the division of fairs began, depending on their specifics: in some cities, mainly fabrics were brought to the market, in others - agricultural products, in others - household utensils. Agree, this is somewhat reminiscent of the current thematic division of exhibitions.

But, of course, the date from which the history of exhibition activity can be counted was 1851, when the first World Exhibition took place in London. Here, on the contrary, the subject matter was even too broad: everything was presented at the exhibition: from industrial goods to works of art. But, probably, history did not know another exhibition that would be held on such a scale and would have such a grandiose success.

And in our country, exhibitions of the Soviet era became the most important milestone in the history of exhibitions. It was then, in 1959, that Expocentre entered the world arena for the first time, which organized an exhibition of industrial achievements of the United States in Moscow in Sokolniki, which was unthinkable at that time. It was the first large-scale project that marked the beginning of a whole series of national exhibitions. And already in the 1960s, Expocentre began to deal with specialized exhibitions, and in 1965 the Chemistry exhibition was opened for the first time, and to this day it is one of the largest in Expocentre. Every year the program of events expanded, and those exhibitions that are now well known to us were born: "Electro", "Neftegaz", "Inlegmash" and many others.

The first Expocentre pavilion was built on Krasnaya Presnya in 1977, which, of course, gave a tremendous impetus to the development of the exhibition initiative.

Today, the history of exhibition activities continues here, in the nine spacious and modern pavilions of the exhibition center. In 2014, Expocentre celebrated its 55th anniversary, and at the present moment it is one of the largest organizers of industry events in Russia and the CIS.

2. Features of exhibition activities

Throughout its history, Expocentre has been striving to make participation in exhibitions as convenient and effective as possible for exhibitors, including representatives of numerous foreign companies who come to exhibitions in Moscow. One of the key features of the exhibition activities is that any exhibitor can receive the widest range of services at Expocentre, including hotel accommodation, visa support and much more. Of course, most of the services are directly related to exhibition activities: it is the rental of stands, their design, cleaning, security, rental of various exhibition equipment, laptops, LCD projectors, sound amplifying equipment. For maximum convenience, a "one-stop-shop" system was organized, thanks to which all services can be ordered in one place.

In addition, the MatchMaking system operates on the site of the exhibition complex, designed to facilitate the organization of business meetings at exhibition events and enable partners to pre-set a time for communication. And to increase the effectiveness of exhibitions, Expocentre conducts training seminars for event participants. At them, listeners receive a lot of practical advice on how to minimize costs, competently go through the preparatory stage and get commercial benefits from the exhibition.

Another feature of Expocentre's exhibition activity is its diversity. Depending on their goals and priorities, event participants choose different types of activities. As part of the exhibitions, there are always round tables, conferences, forums, which are very popular with guests and exhibitors. Many events also include an educational program that includes seminars, master classes, and trainings. Sometimes cultural events are also included in the exhibition program, which makes busy exhibition days not only useful, but also enjoyable, giving exhibitors an additional opportunity for informal communication and closer acquaintance.

Each profile event has its own characteristics of exhibition activity, which makes each exhibition a unique event.

3. International and Russian exhibition activities

In addition to exhibition activities in Russia, Expocentre actively participates in international exhibition activities. He is the one who introduces the product. Russian enterprises at exhibitions held abroad: in Germany, Portugal, China and other countries. This refers to a large number of activities different orientation: about exhibitions of mechanical engineering and medical technologies, folk crafts and the chemical industry, furniture and lasers. Thanks to this, Russian developments are known all over the world, export contracts are concluded, and the authority of Russian production is growing.

Another important aspect of Expocentre's international exhibition activities is holding national exhibitions in Moscow. These are very rich and vibrant events that demonstrate to the Russian public all the achievements of science, industry, and art of other countries. Not to mention the fact that such events strengthen friendly relations between states, open up huge opportunities for cultural and intellectual exchange, and for expanding professional contacts. The Expocentre hosted the national exhibitions of Vietnam, India, Bulgaria, Hungary and many other countries with great success. exhibition commercial communication partner

It is important to note that exhibition activities in Russia are becoming more and more attractive to foreigners every year. This can be judged by the composition of the participants at international industry exhibitions at Expocentre. All major professional exhibitions proudly welcome guests from the USA and Canada, China and Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Poland, Austria and many other countries. Representatives of foreign authorities, heads of sectoral departments and ministries, also come to exhibitions at Expocentre, which speaks of the high prestige of Moscow exhibitions.

Expanding the geography of exhibitions, establishing business relations with foreign companies, attracting investments from abroad - all these are priority tasks facing Expocentre. And judging by the statistics of exhibitions, these tasks are carried out successfully.

4. Congress and fair exhibition activities

Another important area of ​​development is exhibition and fair activities. Although most of Expocentre's events are of a professional nature and are aimed at communicating with specialists, several open exhibitions and fairs are held annually. The decoration of the program of the exhibition complex is the seasonal exhibition and sale of handicrafts "Ladya". This event is of great national importance, bringing together talented craftsmen and keepers of priceless folk culture. The exhibition always arouses great interest of the public and gathers a huge number of guests. This is not the end of Expocentre's exhibition and fair activities; other open events are also held. The possibilities of the exhibition complex are conducive to holding fairs for the general public, because its exhibition area is 165 thousand square meters. m, there are great opportunities for events both in pavilions and outdoor areas.

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