What can interfere with the ability to work effectively. What prevents a teacher from working at full capacity

In any job, we are always faced with the fact that we are prevented from doing our immediate work. This could be colleagues in the office or employees from another department. Even if you become individual entrepreneur and you will work alone, you still have someone who will constantly interfere with your work.


Imagine that you are sitting and making a prepared plan for the day. And then you begin to add one order after another. The problem is compounded if you have multiple executives working on you, each of whom can contact you personally. There is no need to talk about any productivity in this case, since our brain is a single-tasking machine. And at the same time can only work on one task or project.

It especially interferes with work - the included VKontakte, Skype, ICQ and cell phone. All experts who study the possibilities of the brain confirm that a person cannot do two actions at the same time; a person also cannot work productively under stress or when he is constantly pulled out of the work process by meetings, meetings and coffee breaks.

A colleague who decided to ask you something can also be distracting. Not to mention some activities. For example, interesting events often take place in the local technopark. But if you visit each of them, then there will be almost no time left for work.

Or another example. I lecture at the local university. The week before last, I was invited to a meeting in the middle of the working day. And last week they offered to undergo a medical examination.


Colleagues will definitely interfere with your work. They don’t do it on purpose, but if you agree with everything they offer, then you can go to fluorography day and night, take blood tests and sit at counter-productive meetings.

When I started working from home as a self-employed person, I ran into a wall of misunderstanding among people close to me. They do not understand that I, like all people, need to work hard and hard in order to get outstanding results tomorrow.

Whatever interferes with your work, you need to try to protect yourself from external interference. It helps me to have clear plans. Now I can afford to take a break from work. But I try to do this only after the optimal plan has been completed and the desired results have been achieved in a day.

What conditions interfere with work, demotivate, destimulate employees. Demotivating factors at work. (10+)

Principles of personnel motivation - Demotivating, destimulating, interfering factors, working conditions

... and a demotivating factor:

Wage. A person needs a salary to meet his basic needs. It should provide his usual lifestyle. Independent and bright person will not work for a company for a long time, no matter how wonderful this company is, if he is in Everyday life constantly running into financial difficulties. Salary should be enough for life.

On the other hand, our observations have shown that an excessive increase in income in our country sharply reduces labor productivity. This effect can be explained very easily:

  • A person has a new concern - where to attach additional money.
  • Our traditions do not encourage excess earnings, it seems preferable for a person to work less and receive less. High wages encourage people to work less.

It depends on which category the employee belongs to:

  • The worker who forms the main income of his household. He must provide his family with food, basic necessities, and some form of entertainment.
  • Young specialist. Most likely, he does not yet have the burden of obligations on his shoulders. He is more interested in rapid career growth than in wages right now.
  • An employee whose family income is subsidiary. The amount of income does not really matter, as it imperceptibly dissolves in the total family income. However, such an employee is interested in the fact that the work does not interfere with the performance of other household duties, and in large one-time bonus payments that emphasize the importance of his / her work for the family budget.
  • The man who measures everything in money the main objective- earn as much as possible more money. This is a rare bird in our area.

Optimal rate wages little depends on qualifications, experience, age and knowledge.

In most cases, the salary should be enough to live on and no more. Bonus payments should not be regular and should celebrate really high achievements. Employees who have made a truly serious contribution, assumed responsibility, fought for the interests of the company, worked for the result and received the result should be really well paid and financially encouraged. Employees who work carelessly, from call to call, without enthusiasm, do not deserve high pay.

Unclear commitments and agreements, non-fulfillment of obligations by management. Demanding on employees is perceived calmly and adequately only if the management makes high demands on itself. Employees like predictable and understandable leadership. Traditions of fulfilling one's obligations can exist in a company only if everyone without exception is committed to them.

It is important that the general mistrust can be caused not only by the deliberate refusal of their obligations, but also by the different understanding of the agreements reached by the parties. Make a rule that all obligations are fixed on paper and only then they are valid. Phrases, remarks and assumptions made orally have no consequences.

Create clear agreements, fix them on paper, fulfill your obligations, demand fulfillment of obligations by the other party.

Bad working conditions. Stuffiness in the room, poor equipment, unstable computers - all this irritates employees, hinders normal operation, hinders to show worthy results. Working in an uncomfortable office, in bad conditions, undermines self-confidence and self-respect, faith in one's own strength.

Create decent working conditions for employees.

Conflicts in the team. Tensions, conflicts distract from work, take time and effort. People no longer think about the success of the company, but about how to get a neighbor.

Rigidly suppress conflicts and intrigues. It's better to fire a couple of instigators than to endure tension.

Blurring of responsibility, red tape, overorganization. How much time do employees spend coordinating and resolving administrative issues? Can this time be used for the benefit of the company? Are orders often given and then forgotten? If there is a tendency in a company to forget given orders, then after a while the orders generally cease to be taken seriously.

Decide on powers and responsibilities. Employees need to know exactly what questions to whom to contact.


What conclusions can be drawn from what has been said regarding the system of motivation?

  • You should not expect that the appearance of a table that indicates how much, who receives money and for what, will radically change the situation with motivation.
  • The development and implementation of a motivation system primarily involves active and deep work with management, changing attitudes and traditions.

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How often do you stay late at the office on Fridays because you didn't get the job done in 40 hours? According to a study by Hays, 87% of employees Russian companies recycle. There are several reasons for this:

  • ill-conceived personnel policy, lack of specialists;
  • management is in no hurry to help, ignoring professional problems commands;
  • work processes are not debugged;
  • distractions.

About the last point. According to statistics, managers work, attention, no more than 4 hours! The main problem is external factors. Colleagues who often distract with questions or side conversations. Too much phone calls and meetings. Work with incoming documentation and e-mail. Did you know what to check Email does the average specialist take up to 28% of the working time? If you add up all the factors, it turns out that the main resource, time, is spent inefficiently. The vast majority of subordinates know how to avoid disastrous performance levels by following simple rules:

  • not be distracted by social networks / entertainment portals and forums;
  • compliance with time management;
  • ability to delegate authority;
  • not be distracted by communication with colleagues;
  • management does not interfere with work processes.

In order to understand how much time a company is wasting (and, as a result, money), it is necessary to analyze processes and, based on this information, change approaches to organizing work.

How to stop being distracted and start working?

This is not difficult to achieve, the main thing is to correctly approach the assessment and analysis. Now the IT market offers many solutions, the implementation of which helps to improve work and reduce costs. If we are talking about the need for long-term monitoring and building a qualitatively new management system, we should turn to time tracking programs. In this article, we will talk about the possibilities of an accessible and easy-to-manage system. And, most importantly, it helps to solve the following problems:

  1. It will help to evaluate the work of the entire company / a specific division / a certain specialist and compare the data. This will help identify errors. personnel policy. Often there are departments where there is an overabundance of employees, and vice versa. uneven distribution work force inevitably leads to errors. Someone is in constant stress due to overwork, someone gives the minimum performance indicators.
  2. It will help you not get distracted. CrocoTime makes it easy to set up lists of useful/useless programs and websites. The agent records each action. Turning on, turning off the computer, the amount of time spent in specialized programs and sites, as well as distractions. If someone ignores the rules and communicates throughout the day on social networks, this will be visible in the reports.
  3. It will help you plan your day/week/month. The head of the entire department or company, or each specialist independently, can set a list of tasks and adjust it. Monitoring will show how much time was spent on meetings, sometimes all leading specialists are gathered for planning meetings and meetings for insignificant reasons. Sometimes it is enough to determine the head of the direction, who will then acquaint his colleagues with the decisions made. You can also schedule the frequency of email checks. For example, morning/evening.
  4. It will help to determine the standards of work for each employee. By comparing who and how much time spends on similar functions, it is easy to determine the optimal performance indicator. This will eliminate processing and identify underachievers. Perhaps people do not have enough competencies or they are not in the right place.

CrocoTime will help debug the mechanics of processes. But there are also moral factors that affect efficiency.

  1. Learn to say "no". You should not agree to answer all the requests of colleagues for help in resolving some issues. You must understand that you have been hired as a specialist to perform a certain list of duties. Just like your colleagues. Do not do work for them at the expense of your performance.
  2. Do boring work in the morning, leave other things for “dessert”. This will get rid of procrastination and eventually eliminate the habit of putting everything off until the last day from your professional life.
  3. Feel free to ask for help. This is a very simple rule, but many people ignore it. Remember that you came to benefit the company, and not to amuse your vanity. Your mistakes are costly to the employer and not good for your professional karma.
  4. Leave work at work and don't ignore legal breaks. Rest is recommended for a reason, it is vital for the body. If you work hard, the brain will begin to build defense mechanisms. And this is increased fatigue, inattention, aggravated reactions to stress, health problems.

Being efficient doesn't mean working hard, it means being smart about the process. Pay attention to how much you are on time or not on time, reconsider approaches and do not be afraid to automate processes.

9 qualities that interfere with work! No one will argue with the fact that, thanks to certain qualities and skills, successful people succeed, do successful careers, decently earn and many other things. It is quite natural that they succeed much more than their colleagues and competitors due to qualities that do not interfere with them in this, but just help.

  • Having agreed with this statement, it is quite logical to accept the fact that certain qualities can significantly interfere with our work, slowing it down incredibly, turning our labor activity into pathetic attempts that have nothing to do with efficiency and high productivity.

What great achievements can we expect if our car will slip in place with enviable regularity and constancy? Try to neutralize in yourself at least a few qualities that incredibly interfere not only in work, but also in life.


In some cases, even laziness can be useful, but not during work, especially if we plan to achieve something and strive for something. The sooner we deal with the neutralization or weakening of this "quality", the more we will achieve. Laziness !

2. Inability to communicate.

Working in modern companies, you need to be able to communicate, make useful contacts and win the sympathy of colleagues and management. Spitting on the development of this quality, you can arouse such antipathy for yourself that not only your career will be covered with a copper basin, but your colleagues will also treat you as an outcast, from whom it is better to stay away.

3. Lack of initiative.

From the workers of modern offices, it is implicitly expected that they, at least occasionally, will submit their initiatives to improve the work of the company, increase profitability, interesting ideas about attracting new customers and the like. The same employees who work quietly and imperceptibly, without touching anyone and without offering anything, are not valuable employees today.

  • Moreover, you can always painlessly part with them at the first opportunity.

4. Non-punctuality.

You need to be a very good specialist so that you can allow yourself to behave as you please. If you are not an extra-class specialist, then this quality will interfere in your work and career incredibly. Most likely, you will end your trip to the top of your career somewhere at its foot...

5. Modesty.

In today's realities, you yourself must be able to convey to management information about your successes, specific results and the contribution that you personally made to the development of the company. You can be modest anywhere, but not at work, because less modest colleagues will easily and with great pleasure bypass you "on the turn." Because of this quality, a huge number of promising employees have remained - forever budding ... More on this in.

6. Inability to concentrate.

Why can some people cope with something in an hour, while others do not even have half a day for the same business? It's all about concentration! All these distractions - checking your mail as often as possible, seeing what sensations have happened in the world today, arguing about nothing with colleagues at work or on the phone, etc., have nothing to do with concentrating on what is being done at the moment. task.

  • Did you get the job done quickly? Bravo! Now you can do whatever your heart desires. But during the work itself, all this will incredibly interfere, slow down the whole process and drag out time indecently even in those primitive things that could be done in a jiffy.

7. Lack of independence.

Who needs Small child from kindergarten at work, who needs to chew everything, explain and lead by the hand? Adulthood is adulthood! If you do not learn to be independent, then no one will lisp with you for a long time.

8. Inability to properly plan working days.

Where does your working day start? From the very first thing on a pre-compiled list of important tasks, or just random? In the second case, the results of your efforts will be so miserable that you can only dream of a normal income. Before it's too late, learn, and do not waste precious time on empty activities.

9. Dishonesty.

This quality only for the time being may not bring you any tangible harm. But, believe me, sooner or later, dishonesty will come out sideways, bringing much more harm than the benefits that you managed to get at one time “thanks to” this terrible quality.

  • Try to behave decently not only in relation to work, but also in everyday life.

It's never too late to think about educating yourself. If you can "boast" all of the above qualities that interfere with work, then it is in your best interest to deal with them properly - immediately!

A look inside the profession

Today, teachers are required to provide high scores for the Unified State Examination, mastering computer technologies, mastering a competence-based approach, and fostering patriotism...
All these tasks teachers have to solve in the conditions of continuous modernization changes. And it is clear that in such circumstances, teachers have a lot of professional and psychological problems that require special attention, including from the educational authorities. But for some reason, managers rarely show interest in these difficulties and the desire to mitigate the situation.
We present the results of one of the few studies
where teachers were asked the question: what hinders your professional self-realization? The study was conducted by employees of the sociological laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College in the schools of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. And in order to compare the point of view of Krasnoyarsk teachers with the position of teachers from other regions, we analyzed the content of the questionnaires of participants in the Creative Teachers Network www.it-n.ru/ (ITN). When registering on this portal, participants fill in certain columns, including the column “main problems with which
I encounter at work."

Demands are rising, funds...

What are teachers called as factors hindering their professional self-realization? Most often - lack of time, which is eaten up by excessive workload (both academic and extracurricular).
The problem of lack of time was noted by 30% of teachers in the city of Krasnoyarsk, 33.1% of teachers from small towns and 24.3% of rural teachers. Respondents associate it with a large weekly study load, which has to be taken due to low wages. And also with the need to fulfill “non-core” instructions from the school administration and other authorities: “It feels like we are doing the work of some additional services: both social and medical…” (rural area).
The second most frequently mentioned negative factor is a large amount of paperwork that distracts from the main activity. 25.6% of Krasnoyarsk school teachers and 23% of rural school teachers pointed to an overload of documentation and a significantly increased number of various kinds of reporting.
During the survey, teachers often pointed to the weakness of the material and technical base of the school. At the same time, the teachers of the regional center, as a rule, focused on the incomplete computer equipment of classrooms, insufficient number of interactive whiteboards, at school in two shifts, and their colleagues from the village - in the absence of elementary teaching aids: globes, drawing tools, and others.

And so that all the "zones" were!

It is noteworthy that, according to many teachers, professional self-realization is hindered by low learning motivation children, their mental passivity. Teachers are concerned about the growing number of students with mental retardation and the general low level of development of students, especially in schools on the outskirts, "non-status", which does not allow the implementation of educational projects.
Teachers are also concerned about the large number of migrant children who do not speak Russian well (and often do not know it at all), and the increased number of children whose parents do not pay due attention to their upbringing. These problems were more often noted by Krasnoyarsk teachers (11.6%).
Rural teachers more often express regret about the lack of professional knowledge, skills and work experience (20.5%). They feel a lack of understanding current trends in education, lack necessary qualifications, project experience. Older rural teachers often spoke about their inability to use Internet resources and their unwillingness to use information and communication technologies.
Another problem is the interaction with parents of students. It manifests itself most acutely in the regional center: 8 percent of teachers in Krasnoyarsk admitted that they fail to find mutual understanding with their parents and this negatively affects their professional activities.
The problem of overcrowding in classes was especially noted: “Working in conditions where there are 30 people in the first class is an almost impossible task today! We are required to have a “physical culture zone”, that there is a “green zone”, that there is a “play zone”, to put up 15 desks, seat 30 people, but how to do this? It's unreal! A huge pile of books, pencils, pens are laid out on the desks! The guys pass between the tables - they have little space, they can hit. And I have to watch the kids in the classroom so that no one climbs the stairs, and in the corridor I also have to watch where they run, jump, play. And now you’re just torn between children… We gave 20 children – let them be 20, you can still somehow keep track of them, and 30 is hard” (small town).

“We are being turned into “reporters””

And how do teachers from other regions see the factors that reduce the effectiveness of professional activity? Here is what the analysis of 120 questionnaires of teachers who registered on the Creative Teachers Network (ITN) portal showed. In most of the statements of ITN participants, the same problems emerged as in the study of the sociological laboratory of the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical College. True, here the problem of “extra and meaningless papers that take up a lot of time” came out on top in terms of frequency of mention. Negative emotions about this were expressed by 32.5% of teachers: “Endless reports, plans, programs, diagnostics – today it is by their presence that the work of a teacher is evaluated” (Tambov). “We are being turned into hacks, or rather reporters. And where is the work eye to eye?..” (Krasnodar Territory).
15% of respondents complained about the lack of time due to the need to take an additional teaching load, reduction of hours for certain subjects and other reasons. Dissatisfaction with the meager material and technical base of the school was expressed by 13.3% of the network participants. As a rule, we are talking about an insufficient number of computers, interactive whiteboards, low Internet speed, a lack of visual aids and handouts.

Oh, and colleagues are heavy on the rise!

It is indicative that, as in the Krasnoyarsk study, many teachers refer to the most problematic factors: low academic motivation, undisciplined behavior of students (9.1%) and lack of mutual understanding with parents (8.3%): “The upbringing of children today leaves much to be desired . There is no desire for knowledge. Parents want to see a servant in a teacher” (Altai Territory). “The most terrible problem is the indifference of the students' parents” (Sverdlovsk region).
But there is also a difference from the data of Krasnoyarsk sociologists. A rather significant part of teachers (8.3%) see the inertia of colleagues and administration as a serious problem. Members of the Creative Teachers Network note with sadness “colleagues’ unwillingness to change something in their work” (Voskresensk, Moscow region), “unwillingness to introduce new working methods” (Emanzhelinsk, Chelyabinsk region), “colleagues’ irritation when “spouting ideas” "" (Irkutsk).