How iphone tethering mode works. Where did the iOS modem mode go and what to do with "contact Carrier"? How to activate the functionality during normal operation of the device

For many mobile device users, an important feature is the so-called "tethering mode" (on English language it sounds like Personal Hotspot - "personal access point to the network." This is an option that allows the smartphone to distribute the Internet using Wi-Fi, which, in turn, is supplied through the mobile network by the telecom operator.

In addition, the ability to create a Wi-Fi network allows you to connect two iPhones to each other in order to transfer files (although this can be done in other ways); and also in order to enjoy games that support multiplayer mode together.

In this article, we'll show you how to use this feature on the newest released iPhone - the sixth generation model.

How to activate hotspot mode on iPhone 6?

Let's start with general information- making your smartphone start distributing the Internet is very simple. Just go to "Settings", where the corresponding item will be available. It's called Modem Mode. On, as, however, on other Apple technology based on iOS 8, this option is activated with one click.

After that, if you go to the options tab, you can see which will indicate the way to connect to your network. We will tell you a little further about how to fill them out.

Problem with iOS 8

Many users who have performed a firmware update on their device running on operating system 8th generation, a problem may arise - it is not known where the modem mode has disappeared. On the iPhone 6, this happens too - and often the person who needs to create a network with Internet distribution does not know what he needs to do to activate his modem. Someone might assume that this is a system failure. At the very least, the reviews of iPhone users on the forums indicate that people do not understand where the option has disappeared.

And indeed, from the outside, this may look like a problem - the menu item that was previously available, responsible for working as a modem, disappears from the settings. But we assure you, there is nothing to worry about. It is available on how to enable hotspot mode on iPhone 6 in this article.


So, after updating the firmware, the item really disappears from the settings - this is a fact. This happens for the reason that the configuration of the mobile access point to the network of your operator is lost. Information on this matter can be found in the same place - in the "Settings", in the section " cellular". After that, in order to set up the modem mode on the iPhone 6, you need to go to the “Cellular network data transfer” section, where you will see exactly what the problem was.

Below there is a window, which is called “Modem Mode”. It has APN, "Username" and "Password" columns. Remember: you filled out the same information in order to connect to the Internet in another settings window. That is, the developers of iOS 8 simply separated the Internet configuration for the phone as a whole and for the modem mode. This was done, obviously, in order to prevent unauthorized write-off of traffic.

Here is the answer to the question: “Where is the modem mode on the iPhone 6?” It did not disappear anywhere - just the settings after the update need to be filled in again.

Data to fill

In order for readers who use the services of a particular operator to know what information needs to be entered to start working with the modem mode, we publish a general summary of data on the most popular operators.

  • If you have MTS - in APN we specify, in the other two fields - mts.
  • If Megafon - in APN - internet, and in the fields "username" and "password" - gdata.
  • For those who have Beeline, you need to write in APN -, in other fields - beeline.
  • Finally, for Tele2 in APN we write, while leaving other fields empty.

If everything is filled out correctly, the tethering mode on the iPhone 6 you are using will appear immediately. So you can distribute Mobile Internet to your friends who are nearby.

WiFi settings

Do not forget to also configure the Wi-Fi network that your device will create. The main thing for us is the name of the network and the access key to it (password). By default, the name sounds like "Your name" (which was specified when you first started the phone) with the prefix iPhone. According to it, those who will connect to the network will see that you are distributing it.

The second option that needs to be filled in is the network key. In other words, this is the password that those who want to connect to you will have to enter. Required condition- at least 8 characters.

Data transfer

Since we explain how to share your Internet with other users in the instructions on how to enable hotspot mode on iPhone 6, we would also like to add a warning - some carriers disable the ability to share Internet on unlimited plans. This is done in order to prevent excessive load on the network. True, the largest players in the communications market, such as MTS, Beeline, Megafon, are not affected by this.

There is another one here important point- keep track of what exactly those to whom you distribute the Internet are doing on the network. If, say, you have a few megabytes left on your account and you have entered modem mode, and your friend is watching videos, these megabytes will most likely run out soon, after which the traffic will be charged according to a completely different principle. Therefore, you risk not only spending extra money if you do not control the traffic consumption in your network in time.

Choice of tariff plan

Finally, if you constantly need to create a Wi-Fi network using your phone, you may need to take care of a suitable data plan. In order to support the work of several devices on the Internet, obviously, you need a tariff with a large amount of Internet traffic, and even better - even with "unlimited". Fortunately, today operators allow you to make a choice tariff plan depending on which services you would like to connect. And many providers even have separate traffic packages, you can order them "on top" of the services that you receive in the first place (minutes and SMS).

In the article, we answered whether there is a modem mode on the iPhone 6. It should be emphasized that this instruction is also relevant for other Apple devices based on iOS 8. In particular, the iPad of any generation has a similar difficulty with the fact that the mode settings constantly disappear after the update modem. There is nothing wrong with this, you already know how to act in order to distribute the Internet again.

Need to enable tethering on iPhone 7 plus? There are 3 proven methods. Modern mobile devices have various functional features and applications that can deliver not only a lot of pleasure, but also significantly increase the comfort of using a mobile device.

One of the most interesting features in the iPhone 7 (7 plus) was the tethering mode. This feature is very convenient and interesting to use. With its help, users can activate this functionality on their own device, and then provide Internet access to other users or their computers. It will be enough for clients to connect to a mobile device and freely use the traffic of any telecom operator: MTS, Tele2, Megafon and Beeline.

Modem Mode

iPhone 7 (7 plus) provides quick access to portable modem functionality with other devices in the following ways:

If you use Wi-Fi, then the phone will work as portable router. Its name will be displayed in lists on other devices. After choosing an access point, just enter the password and use the Internet.

When connecting via USB, you need to connect the iPhone cable to another device, such as personal computer and turn on the hotspot.

Enable Personal Hotspot on iPhone 7

Tethering mode becomes available when cellular data is turned on in the iPhone menu. You need to go to the following items: "Settings" - "Cellular" - "Cellular data". Then you should activate the slider.

Now consider the instructions for distributing the Internet in three ways.

WiFi connection

If this method is selected, then Wi-Fi can only be used to distribute the Internet when the modem function is working.

You need to follow these steps:

  1. Selecting the "Settings" menu, then "Tethering Mode".
  2. Select "Wi-Fi Password", enter "Password" and click "Finish".
  3. We carry out the activation of the "Modem Mode", click on "Enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth".
  4. Disables the Bluetooth function to conserve battery power.
  5. On the desired device, we find the created network and enter the password for it.
  6. If the connection is successful, a blue bar will appear on the iPhone, which will indicate the number of connected devices.

This method is common in cases where you want to distribute the Internet to a tablet, smartphone or laptop.

Note! To enable this method, you will need to obtain the APN data, username and password from the service provider. Details in the video below.

USB cable

Most often, this method is used to distribute the Internet from iPhone 7 (7 plus) to desktop computer or laptop.

The method is simpler than the previous one, follow these steps:

  1. Activating the modem mode: "Settings" - select "Modem mode" and activate the "Modem mode" slider.
  2. We connect the gadget using a cable to the computer. Internet connection should be automatic.
  3. If this does not happen, then you need to select the name of your device from the list of networks yourself.


This method is the least common, since most users choose the first or second option.

Let's look at the instructions for distributing the Internet via Bluetooth:

  1. Go to the points: "Settings" - "Modem mode". Select "Turn on Wi-Fi and Bluetooth".
  2. Turn off the Wi-Fi function.
  3. Turn on Bluetooth on the device and make a pair.
  4. We connect and the Internet should appear on the device.

If something happened to the Wi-Fi module, then Bluetooth, which is available on most laptops and smartphones, is useful for distributing the Internet.


On the modem mode settings page, you can change passwords for the Wi-Fi network. To do this, click on the password field, and then enter a new password on the keyboard that appears. In addition to the password, you can change the name of the device, which will be displayed on all devices with a wireless connection in the list of available networks.

iPhone 7 displays the number of connected devices on the lock screen. The number of gadgets is displayed in the status bar and next to the communication icon when the Internet sharing function is enabled.

If you have connected one gadget, and a higher number is displayed in the status bar, then another phone or a neighbor has connected to your access point. In such cases, you should immediately change the set password.

How many times it happens that there is a computer, you need to connect to the Internet from your PC, but there is no way to enter through Wi-Fi. What then to do? Is it possible and how to distribute Wi-fi from the iPhone?

Apple iPhone 6 can be used not only as a phone, but at the same time as a modem, while distributing the Internet within the range of your network.

This process can be done fairly quickly by following a few simple steps. Modem mode on the iPhone 6 can also be distributed by Apple smartphones to iPhones 4s, 5s, 6, 6 plus and 7. You can also distribute the Internet to other Apple devices and on any phones, as well as tablets and computers. In turn, other devices such as the iPad, Android OS phones, tablets and computers are also capable of distributing the Internet like a modem.

Having a SIM card to access the Internet with high speed from network operators such as MTS, Tele 2, Yota or Beeline, or others mobile operators, using your iPhone you will be able to activate the Wi-Fi hotspot. Of course, it’s good if you have unlimited Internet, otherwise the traffic will be quickly used up and all the money on the phone account will be spent.

You just need to know how to turn on modem mode on iPhone 6. You can connect an iPhone as a modem when you need to help friends if they run out of traffic on their phone or connect a laptop to the Internet while on the road. The good news is that setting up an Internet access point will take just a couple of minutes, unlike stationary routers and removable modems.

You can distribute the Internet from an iPhone to any device in different ways: through the mode wireless WI-FI, with help Bluetooth features, via a USB cable to a tablet device or PC. Of course, it is certainly more convenient and faster to transfer via Wi-Fi wireless mode.

Consider the option of how to distribute the Internet using WI-FI. In order to solve the question of how to set up and connect the modem mode, how to distribute wifi from iPhone 6, check out the following connection procedure. Open the main menu of your smartphone screen and enter the “Settings” of the phone, then the “Cellular” section and select the “Cellular Data Network” function. Next, connect the "Modem Mode", after entering the secret password. It is necessary to specify your possible access point for the connection network when the password has not been entered before, otherwise the connection will occur automatically.

The name and connected hotspot from your smartphone will appear on the receiving devices. That is, a so-called virtual modem will appear in the connected device, through which it will be possible to launch an additional PC or other device to the access point on the iPhone. In this case, you need to use the Wi-Fi password, where it is visible in the settings.

If your friends want to connect their smartphones to your iPhone 6 in order to receive Internet distribution from iphone in Wi-Fi mode, and your distributing iPhone 6 is already set up for a modem, they can set up a Wi-Fi access point in their smartphones, and you need to enter the secret access password you made, and confirm the inclusion.

When other devices are connected to your smartphone, you will read a message about this on the status bar. By the way, pay attention to the fact that the mode of the connected Wi-Fi modem is not displayed on the screen. Therefore, the battery in the distributing smartphone can be discharged very quickly.

Know what to give away high speed internet it is possible from one source and to several devices at once: iPhone, laptop, iPad and up to 5 devices at the same time!

Certainly, the speed of battery discharge will be affected by the number of receiving tools connected to the network. How many more of them, how much faster the distributing iPhone will be discharged.

If you need to change your password WiFi networks, go to "Settings" again, go to "Tethering Mode" and set a new Wi-Fi password.

In this case, the selected Wi-Fi password code must contain at least eight ASCII characters. Other characters will not work, as other devices will not be able to connect to your access point in this modem mode. The characters that won't work are characters from Japanese, Chinese, or Russian languages. The ASCII characters are:

  • Upper and lower case letters of the English alphabet;
  • Arabic numerals from 0 to 9;
  • other punctuation marks.

Be aware that with the next firmware updates of the phone, the cellular data settings may be reset, so the "Tethering mode" will again drop out of the menu settings.

Is it possible to do something if you were distributing the Internet and suddenly the modem mode on the iphone began to disappear, disconnecting all additional smartphones from the network?

And sometimes, on the contrary, you updated the iPhone program to iOS 8.1 or 9 and the modem settings on the distributing iPhone failed, while the device reports that the modem mode is not available.

It happens that the modem mode simply disappeared and does not work, but it happens that the download does not occur and the modem constantly freezes when the connection is persistent.

Don't assume that the dial-up service is gone or retired. When connecting, it happens as if the six simply turned off the modem function by default, deciding that the owner of the device does not use this service. In fact, this function has ceased to be enabled in order to avoid the company's responsibility for the operation of the modem connection service, taking into account the peculiarities of the settings of various Internet companies, as well as operators of different countries.

Most users, without hesitation, connect their iPhone 6 as a modem constantly to different devices, so setting a lock on this function causes users to resent it because of the inability to solve current problems. This problem can also be solved by restarting the modem.

Removing tethering

The missing modem can be restored by applying the process of deactivating the modem mode in the iPhone 6 or iPhone 6S. It is quite possible if the iOS 9 program is installed. In this case, the subscriber must first enable the modem mode, then manually enter the parameters of his direct operator, for example, the Beeline operator must be written down - Beeline , Tele 2. In this case, the order of entering the settings must be performed clearly in a certain sequence.

If, nevertheless, when connecting to your network, the message “Unable to connect to the network” appears on the screen, you need to fix the problem body that prevents the connection. To do this, take the following steps step by step.

It happens that you desperately need Wi-Fi, but you can’t get it anywhere. What to do if you need to work on the Internet using a laptop or computer, and only mobile communications are available from the available resources? For all iPhone users, this problem is not so significant. You just need to put your phone in modem mode, and you can distribute Wi-Fi to yourself and, if necessary, to friends.

How to activate hotspot mode on iPhone

Setup in this case will take only a couple of minutes:

  1. On your phone, select Settings, then Cellular.
  2. Then select "Modem mode".
  3. Set the appropriate mode with the switch.

Here you can also set or change the password for Wi-Fi, if you select this connection method. It is advisable to use only Latin letters and numbers in the password, otherwise the devices may not connect to the network.

Connection methods using tethering mode

You can connect to an iPhone in modem mode through:

  • WiFi;
  • bluetooth;

When connecting via Bluetooth, you should make sure that the second device is “found”. Pair it with it by selecting Bluetooth in iPhone Settings.

When connecting via USB, it is also worth checking the connection. To do this, go to Control Panel - Network and Internet - View network status and tasks. If the connection doesn't work, you might want to reinstall iTunes (you need a newer version) or restart your computer and reconnect your phone.

If you can't turn on tethering, check with your ISP to see if you can use it. It also happens that this mode is not active or disappeared after upgrading to a more new version iOS. Then, most likely, you will need to register the APN settings. To do this, go to Settings - Cellular - Cellular data network and fill in the required fields. Information about the settings can be obtained from your mobile operator.

You can turn off the tethering function in the same place, in the Settings of your iPhone.

This mode allows you to use the device as a router. When turned on, your iPhone or iPad can serve as an Internet access point for other devices. It can also distribute Wi-Fi for other smartphones.

Some users are not aware of this feature or cannot find where it is enabled. This article will provide instructions for activating this option and show you how to connect other devices.

How to enable hotspot mode

To activate this function, the gadget must have data transfer active over the cellular network. If it is disabled, then you will not be able to connect the device in modem mode. Therefore, the user, first of all, must check the activity of this setting.

Here, a few lines below, you can activate the desired mode.

If the user has both WiFi and Bluetooth disabled, the device will offer to run them so that it becomes possible to use the phone not only as a USB modem. Here you can change the password if you plan to use your smartphone as a router for a wireless network.

How to use devices as a modem

USB connection

First of all, on the computer on which you plan to use such a modem, you will need install Apple iTunes. The utility should be downloaded from the official page. If it is not installed, then the connection will not be established, the desired icon simply will not appear. After the program is downloaded and installed, you need to connect your iPhone to your computer using a proprietary cable.

When connecting for the first time, the smartphone will ask if the user trusts this computer. You must answer in the affirmative, otherwise you will not be able to use the phone as a modem.

After a short amount of time, a new one will appear in the lists of network connections, with the name " Apple Mobile Device Ethernet". Right after that global network on the device should work. You can also check and change properties in the list of network connections.

How to share WiFi from iPhone

If Wi-Fi is active at the time the mode is turned on, then the smartphone can be used as a distribution point for a wireless network. The network will be called iphone username. Other devices will only need to connect to it and enter a password randomly generated or provided by themselves.

After connecting, it will be possible to work on other devices in the same way as with regular wifi.

Tethering mode over Bluetooth

To use this type of connection, you first need to establish a connection between smartphone and laptop. You can do this in several ways: you can use devices and printers, you can click on the desired icon in the notification panel.

Next, you will need to connect these two devices. After that, on the iPhone you will need confirm connection and press " Create a couple". A window will appear on the PC that will inform you about the match of the secret code, it also needs to be confirmed. Next again you need go to network connections and click on the specified line.

It remains only to connect through a delicate device.

After that, the Internet on the computer should work.

How to use the feature on MacOS

Additional settings are required only for bluetooth. You should go to Bluetooth Pan and find your device there. After pairing, the Internet will appear on the PC. For WiFi, the sequence of actions is no different from that described in the previous part of the article. When connected via USB, everything will be configured automatically. If this does not happen, you need to go to " USB to iPhone' and uncheck the option ' Disable if you don't need it».