Crib: Birds of Central Russia. Capercaillie - one of the oldest birds on earth Capercaillie - one of the oldest birds on earth

Test No. 1

    Give examples of words formed by suffix, prefix and addition methods. Show graphically how these words are formed.

Recording sample: appreciate (t) + tel (□) → connoisseur (su. way)

Additional task: give examples of words formed by the prefix-suffix method. Show graphically how these words are formed.

    Disassemble the words. Underline those in which the suffix -tel means "a person who ...".

Additional task. Formulate the meaning of the suffix in the rest of the words.

Heater, interrogator, observer, book publisher, sprinkler, tormentor, well-wisher, switch, mine detector, mixer.

    Indicate the morphological features of the words, the structure of which corresponds to the model


Additional task. Write down a sentence in which the word of this model would have a dependent word.

    Write a sentence in which the wordsick, teacher would speak as adjectives and as nouns. Graphically show what parts of the sentence these words are.

Additional task. The same task with wordsbathroom, dining room.

    Write down from memory any passage from a poetic work in which there are words used in a figurative sense. Specify the author of the work. Underline the words used figuratively.

Additional task. In parentheses, indicate the type of tropes used in this passage.

    Describe the sounds in writingj'], [SCH].

Additional task. Correct spelling errors [j´a] language, boots[ x], bore[h n]th, by days

Additional tasks: increased level of difficulty.

Examination No. 2

Presentation "Lenka, the favorite of the guys" (Ex. 82)

Examination No. 3

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

Capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth.

Examination No. 3

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks.

Purpose: to test the spelling skills of suffixes of adjectives and participles with n - nn, personal endings of the verb, vowels and consonants of the root, as well as the skills of mastering the rules of punctuation in a complex sentence and in a sentence with homogeneous members.

Capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth.

These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps.

A capercaillie song is witchcraft! There is no sonority in it, it does not pour. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, an amazing dull strength, a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled bough, unfolds a wide tail fan with a bone clatter; his crimson brows swell from hot blood, and his black beard bristles and trembles.

He does not sing, but as if selflessly conjures and mutters spells. This song has incredible power. She will lift the hunter out of bed, lead him into a black wary forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, either jumps, or steps, or freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is the prisoner of the song until it is over.

(119 words) (According to N. Sladkov)

Assignments for dictation.

1) Title the text.

2) Underline the participles as part of the sentence; mark their suffixes.

3) Write out 3 words with a spelling in the root, mark the root. Write a check word, if any.

Test work No. 4

Purpose: to check the assimilation of the rules of continuous / separate use not with different parts of speech, writingnot - neither with negative and indefinite pronouns, some groups of compound words, the spelling of adjective and participle endings, as well as other orthograms.

In addition, the assimilation of the rules for the design of complex sentences, sentences with participial and participial phrases, with homogeneous members is checked.

Having finished his business in the motorized rifle unit in half a day, Tretyakov found some kind of funnel filled with water in the forest. Taking off his cap, dark brown from dust and sweat, he knelt down. A tuft of white cloud glided over the mirror of the water, and Tretyakov saw himself in it. Not himself, but someone as black as a gypsy, an unfamiliar one, looked at him. The cheeks were of an indefinite dark color from the dust that had accumulated in the regrown stubble; sunken eyes circled in black ... Tretyakov drove to the edge of the shriveled leaves that had fallen on the water and the water beetle, galloping weightlessly on thin spider legs. The water, like in a peat bog, looked brown, but when he scooped it up in his palm, it turned out to be transparent and cold. He hadn't washed his face in such a long time, he even pulled off his tunic from his shoulders.

Now Tretyakov felt clean and refreshed.

The sky was blue, no steps were heard, and only in the distance the unceasing rumble of cannonade barely rumbled.

(133 words) (According to G. Baklanov)

Assignments for dictation.

one). Underline the grammatical basis of any complex sentence.

2). Choose test words for any 3 verbs with a spelling in the root, including participles.

Examination No. 5

Composition on the theme "Man and Nature"

Purpose: to test the ability to create a journalistic style text in the form of a newspaper note.

Preparing students for home composition, we will introduce them to a stylistically significant speech situation, orienting to the use of a journalistic style of speech.

“Let's prepare a wall newspaper with the whole class on the topic “Man and Nature”. In it, we will tell how plants and animals live in our village and what each of us did (or wanted to do, but could not, failed) to help our smaller brothers survive.

Write a note about any particular case.

Choose a catchy title for it.

Write so that your note does not leave the reader indifferent.

Test No. 6

on the topic "Adverb"

The purpose of the work: to test the ability to recognize an adverb in the text, determine its category (meaning) and the method of formation.

Exercise 1.Write out the adverbs in the phrase from the text.

Specify the category of adverbs.

Write down from which word and how the adverb is formed.

You involuntarily stretch your hand over the sleepy backwater,

And in an instant everything will disappear without a trace - and only in the distance,

With a barely audible plea, with some sky-high ringing,

Invisibly the string will break from heaven to earth.


Task 2.write off and Underline the underlined words as part of the sentence.

Write down any two adverbs and make their morphological analysis.

The river is not yet frozen, and its leaden wavessad blackened in the monotonous shores covered with snow. child's facesad and sad.Quiet a reflection of golden roofs flows in the lake. Everythingquiet No song, no speech. Behindin the evening night descends to earth.In the evening it's snowing.(In time the comrades kept their conversations very constrained. come(in time better.

Task 3.Write down the adverbs and classify them according to their composition.

Unceremoniously, excitingly, dazzlingly, quietly, in pursuit, to the ground.

Test work No. 7

Composition on the topic "I want and need"

Composition on this beginning - the text of V.P. Krapivin

"I want" and "need". These two words, in essence, can define all our actions. In life, these sometimes coinciding, and sometimes completely opposite words very often collide.

From the very beginning there is already a contradiction: ...

Essay assignment. 1) Continue the text, give examples of emerging contradictions and draw a conclusion.

2) Use means of journalistic expressiveness in your essay: exclamatory and interrogative sentences, alternative judgments and oppositions with conjunctions but, a, or sentences with one main member that convey the state of the face (I want to sleep - I have to get up ...).

For example:

Morning. The alarm clock is ringing. It's time to get up ... But I want, I really want to sleep! There is nothing you can do - you have to get up. I got up and went to school...

I came from school - I have to do my homework. But how you want to read a book or take a walk! You have to pull yourself together and sit down at the table - you have to!

Preliminarily discuss with the students the main idea of ​​the essay (“must” forms character, tempers the will; “I want”, although it gives many pleasant minutes, nevertheless does not help a person “make himself”), advise them to reflect it in one form or another in the final part of the essay.

Test work No. 8

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

It is rare that a person will remain indifferent at the sight of a sailboat gliding far away on the water.

Now, even for a moment, it is difficult to imagine the complexity of managing a sailing ship.

The heyday of the sailing fleet falls on the second half of the eighteenth century. Nikolay Korneevich Chukovsky tells about the great discoveries of Russian sailors of that time in his truly amazing book “Frigate Drivers”.

The writer enthusiastically says, in a childish way, what resourcefulness, what exact knowledge one had to have in order to confidently manage a giant frigate, numbering up to two hundred sails. Any wrong move threatened disaster. Often you had to wander at random through unknown waters, never knowing what lay ahead of you.

The wooden bottoms of the ships rotted, overgrown with shells, but still thousands of miles remained behind, the waves still beat on the sides, the constellations changed in the sky ...

Subsequently, with the invention of steamships, the art of sailing began to wane.

(123 words)

Assignments for dictation.

1) Title the text.

2) Write down 5 adverbs as part of phrases; indicate the category of the adverb, what part of the sentence it is, disassemble the adverb by composition

Test No. 9

Composition on the topic "As I am for the first time ..."

Purpose: to check whether students are able to talk in detail about their condition, about those feelings that overwhelm everyone when he starts any important business, for the first time finds himself in any "acute" situation.

Assumed types of speech - narration, description of the state of the face. The style of speech is artistic.

Test No. 10

Presentation "Let's talk about grandmothers"

Purpose: to check the formation of the ability to preserve the typological structure of the text, the journalistic style of speech, in particular such means of expression as reverse word order, parallel connection of sentences, expressive repetition during retelling.

Let's talk about grandmothers.

Let's talk about old people - about our own grandmothers.

Oh that grandma! It bothers, considers it small, makes you eat when you don’t feel like it. He interferes in everything, makes comments even in front of the guys. Wraps up when everyone in the yard is long undressed running around. And then he will come to school in the rain and stand with a raincoat and an umbrella, it will only dishonor. Well, what to do with such a grandmother? And then you are ashamed of your rudeness, but it is difficult to restrain yourself. Inside, it is as if a spring is being compressed and wants to straighten out, push out objections.

Do you know what to do with grandma? We must forgive. How much does she forgive you? To endure is a close person. Protect, protect. Even if she considers you small and helpless, you know that in many ways you are stronger than her, healthier, faster. No, not because she “gives her life” to you. Simply because your grandmother has less to live than you, and because old age is a rather heavy and sad burden of life. All her own, personal, behind her - care, joys, anxieties, interesting life, hope. And only you are the only concern, her last joy, her constant anxiety, her main vital interest, her secret hope.

And then, each age has its own characteristics. So they are old people - grumbling, remembering the past, teaching. You will not be offended by a nursing baby if he screams. This is his age.

It’s hard for you to imagine yourself old now, but still try.

(241 words) (According to I. Medvedeva)

Test No. 11

Dictation with grammar and spelling tasks

Purpose: to check the assimilation of the spelling of adverbs, prepositions and conjunctions, pronouns, n - nn in suffixes, as well as the assimilation of the rules for punctuation in a complex sentence, in constructions, with homogeneous members, with adverbial turnover.

Voronov walked alone along the brightly lit street, and this loneliness surprised and frightened him.

He glanced at the shop windows, but did not distinguish anything in them due to an incomprehensible anxiety that seized him. Then he heard distant footsteps. Someone's heels rhythmically pounded on the sidewalk. A man walked towards me from afar. It seemed to Voronov that when he saw him, the man slowed down. Without knowing why, Voronov also went more slowly. The man put his right hand in his pocket. Voronov automatically did the same. (…)

The man was walking very slowly. During all this time, Voronov's nerves were strained to the extreme. When only a few meters separated them, the man suddenly jumped down onto the pavement, crossed it, and quickly walked away along the opposite side of the street. Voronov looked after him with relief and involuntarily laughed ... Nobody was going to attack anyone. But both were afraid...

(127 words)

(A. Chakovsky)

Assignments for dictation.

1) Find 3 adverbs of different categories. Write out these adverbs as part of phrases, indicate the category of the adverb, its morphemic composition and which member of the sentence is (was (how?) Waddling - mode of action)

2) Choose a test word for any participle with a spelling in the root.

Test No. 12


Purpose: to check the assimilation of the spelling of particles, pronouns, adverbs; punctuation rules for complex sentences, sentences with participles, participles, with homogeneous members.

Tropics... The silence and warmth of the night are inexpressibly pleasant. Not a breeze, not a cloud. The sky is free from clouds, and from there, as from the openings of some temple illuminated by light, millions of lights sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, as stars never sparkle with us. How passionately, hotly they shine! This picture of the sky, always playing and something as if speaking in an incomprehensible language, cannot bother the eyes in any way. You will go out for half an hour to breathe in the night air, and you will stand in numbness for two or three hours, not taking your eyes off the sky for a minute. Everyone wants to find out what this flickering hints at, what meaning comes out of these mysterious incomprehensible speeches. And you will leave without explaining anything, but you will leave in some kind of a daze of thought ...

But no matter how you get used to the beauties of the tropics, you involuntarily rush your thoughts to a distant homeland.

(119 words) (According to I. Goncharov)

Test No. 13

concise statement according to the text of L.N. Tolstoy "Childhood"

(or according to the text of K.I. Chukovsky "About Chekhov")

Purpose: to teach to determine the semantic structure of the text, to isolate sub-themes and micro-themes in it, to find basic and additional information in the text.

Natalya Savishna

Ever since I can remember myself, I also remember Natalia Savishna, her love and affection; but now I can only appreciate them. Then it never occurred to me what a rare wonderful creature this old woman was. Not only did she never speak, but she did not seem to think about herself either. Her whole life was love and self-sacrifice. I was so used to her unselfish, tender love that I did not imagine that it could be otherwise. And he never asked questions: is she happy? is it enough?

Sometimes, under the pretext of necessary necessity, you would run from the lesson to her room, sit down and start dreaming aloud, not at all embarrassed by her presence. She was always busy with something: she knitted a stocking, rummaged through the chests that filled her room, and, listening to my nonsense every time, she said: “Yes, my father, yes!”

In the chests with which her room was filled, there was absolutely everything. Whatever was needed, they usually said: "We must ask Natalya Savishna." Rummaging a little, she found the right item and used to say: “It’s good that I hid it.” These chests contained thousands of such items that no one in the house, except for her, knew or cared about.

Once I got angry with her. Later she brought me a gift and handed it to me with a trembling hand. I didn't have the strength to look the good old woman in the face. I turned away and accepted the gift, and tears flowed even more profusely, but not from anger, but from love and shame.

Test No. 14

Writing a type of characteristic or self-characteristic

Topic"What kind of person is my friend?" or"Get acquainted: it's me"

Purpose: to check how students have mastered the semantic structure of the text of the characteristic, in which fragments alternate with the meaning of describing the subject and reasoning-proof.

Composition based on the painting by I.E. Repin "Portrait of Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein"

Test No. 15

Test at the 7th grade course


    Find the error in the description of the text.

Developing a thought, the author of the text moves, as it were, along the steps, moving from one part of the topic to another. Part of the overall theme is called a micro-theme. A micro-topic is usually revealed in a few sentences. These sentences are combined into a paragraph.

A. The style of speech is scientific.

B. Type of speech - reasoning-explanation.

B. The method of connecting sentences is parallel.

D. Means of communication - lexical repetition, pronoun.

    Decide in what order to arrange the sentences so that they make up the text.

    The topic sentence is usually placed at the beginning of a paragraph.

    The rest of the sentences contain examples, proofs, explanations.

    It seems to warn the reader what will be discussed in the future, and helps him follow the author's thought.

    A paragraph consists of a thematic sentence and sentences in which the thought expressed is clarified and developed.

A) 1,3,2,4; B) 4,2,1,3; C) 1,2,4,3; D) 4,1,3,2

    Find an error in the stylistic parsing of a text fragment.

Above the village floated a dark sky with bright, needle-like stars. Such stars appear only in autumn.

A) The style of speech is artistic.

B) The sky floated - a metaphor.

C) Bright needles (stars) - epithets.

D) Spiny - the word is used in a figurative sense.

    State the actual participle.

A. A taken away toy.

B. About a moving object.

B. Planted trees.

G. Visible to the eye.

    Find the wrong statement.

A. A phrase like “pitch. + n. is a participial turnover.

B. The spelling of past participle suffixes is not determined by the conjugation of the verb.

C. The participle, as a special form of the verb, changes in persons and numbers.

D. The syntactic role of full and short participles is different.

6. Specify the adverbs.

A. A pond was dug nearby.

B. A motorcyclist raced towards the bus.

B. A birch grew near the house.

D. Talk in vain.

D. A strong wind blew towards me.

E. Entered (into) an empty room.

G. We walked around the lake for a long time.

3. Fields spread around.

7. Specify unions.

A. Following the others, we (the same) went to the museum.

B. Nothing has changed: the river ran the same way, the forest rustled the same way.

B. Our new friend was also a cheerful person.

G. But for (then) how amicably we lived!

D. It was the same building.

8. Specify prepositions.

A. (B) Due to fatigue, we made a halt.

B. (C) due to lack of time.

B. (B) the consequence included new people.

D. (C) Within a month we completed the work.

9. Indicate what part of speech the word is WHAT in a sentence.

What, dense forest, thoughtful?

A. Pronoun.

B. adverb.

B. Particle.

G. Soyuz.

10. Indicate in which example the word BARELY is a union.

A. Alexei could hardly remember what happened last night.

B. I can hardly help you.

V. As soon as Vladimir left for the field, a strong wind rose.

G. He walked, barely dragging his feet from fatigue.

11. Find the right sentence .

A. After reading the story "Dubrovsky" I was seized with pity for Vladimir.

B. Sasha, offended by his friend, did not want to talk to him.

V. The actor, who had made up, was waiting for his exit.

D. The uplifting hill was amazingly beautiful.

12. Indicate the composition of which words corresponds to the scheme l y

A. burnt G. ripe

B. fluent E. light

V. Fade E. skillful

13. Indicate the signs of participles corresponding to the model

Weaving through them

A. passive

B. Real.

B. Returnable

G. Perfect look.

D. Imperfect.

E. In the singular form of the dative case.

G. In the instrumental plural form.

14. Indicate which word is missing in the word-building chain

one - ... - loner

A. Lonely B. Lonely

B. Loneliness D. Solitary

15. Show which words match the pattern nickname

A. Security guard G. Smetannik

B. Malinnik D. Craftsman

V. Matinee

16. Indicate which adverbs are formed by the prefix-suffix method.

A. Tomorrow D. A little

B. Dry D. Luxurious

B. In English E. From afar

17. Show in which sentences you need to insert an adjective colorful.

A. The master's paintings were striking in their richness ... of the pattern.

B. At the hardware store we bought ... substance for cotton fabric.

B. In ... the composition includes not only chemical elements, but also plant fibers.

G. In the bright rays of the sun, the outfits of women looked especially ... festive.

18. In place of what numbers is written And?

I n (1) what n (2) will tell you,

And I will disturb you n (3) n (4) a little,

And what I silently say

N (5) I will decide n (6) for what to hint.

(A. Fet)

19. In what cases is it not written separately?

1) Answer (not) worrying. 2) (Not) dry ground after rain. 3) (Not) speak well. 4) (Not) he is my enemy. 5) (Not) traveled paths. 6) (Not) about anything.

7) (Not) an interesting person. 8) (Not) need to be offended. 9) (Not) could walk.

10) The letter is (not) written.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

20. Where is the letter I written?

1) Shot .. sparrow. 2) Screened .. grain. 3) Oiled paper. 4) Melted .. snow. 5) A seeded field. 6) Fiery..nny hello. 7) Ridiculous person. _______________________

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

21. Designate cases of continuous spelling .

1) (behind) that forest is a lake. 2) (Because) I don’t do what I can’t. 3) First you go, (for) then I. 4) (At) the end of the board. 5) Walk (along) that bridge. 6) (At) the end of the curtain rose. 7) The plane soared steeply (in) up.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

22. In what cases should the letter H be squeaked?

1) door. 2) things. 3) Clay .. mug. 4) Length..a railway. 5) Komari..y squeak. 6) The connection was interrupted..a.

7) Youth generation. 8) plant.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

23. What words are hyphenated?

1) Strictly (strictly). 2) (Half) a lemon. 3) North (east).

4) Bright (blue). 5) (Still) be friends. 6) Cotton (paper).

7) Somewhere in the distance. 8) (Half) countries. 9) (Following) the snake trail.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9


Compiled by Kremneva Tatyana Ivanovna

teacher of Russian language and literature

Sredne-Lopatinsky school

Russian language. 7th grade.

Examination No. 1 on the topic "Speech".


Lyonka, the children's favorite.

It happened in a distant Evenk village. Got into the net along with the fish White bird with a broken wing. The swan lay on its side and rolled its eyes in pain.

The guys from the local school examined the wound and transferred the bird to the boarding school. They called the swan Lenka and settled in the corridor. They laid meadow hay under the window, put a bowl of water and a plate with fish.

By the beginning of winter, the wing had grown together and the swan got used to its new home. In the mornings he made a "detour". Sticking his head in the bedroom door, he looked around the beds, the dolls on the low table, the governess on duty. When it was time for breakfast, he went to the dining room and banged his beak on the threshold.

Good morning, Lenya! the cook greeted him and treated him to biscuits soaked in water.

Saturdays were fun days. The attendants brought a large bath, poured warm water into it, sprinkled soap powder and whipped up a lush foam. The swan dipped its paw into the water, hesitated a little, then put the second one and importantly sat down in the bath. The guys took turns washing huge, one and a half meters, wings, watering Lyonka from a watering can, and each feather flashed with dazzling whiteness. Then everyone drank tea, read fairy tales, and Lyonka, perched by the warm side of the stove, blissfully dozed off.

But now spring has come. It became warm. The snow had almost completely disappeared, and the earth was all blackened, shining in the sun.

On a bright May day, the guys brought their favorite bird to the field.

Lyonka looked anxiously at the sky, the nearby hills with snow caps, and flapped his wings. Then he trampled on the spot, took a heavy run, began to purr and flew off. The guys followed him for a long time, not believing that this was separation ... And they were already starting to disperse, when suddenly a joyful cry was heard: “He's coming back! Flying back!" Lyonka made a circle over the field and sat down not far from the guys.

So the white swan lives in the boarding school. The guys write letters home, and in each of them there is a touching story about Lyonka. About swan fidelity.

Test No. 2

on the topic "Word formation and phonetics".

1. Give examples of words formed in a suffixal way, prefix

Word formation method (two words each.)

2. Write down three words formed in a suffix-prefix way.

Show how these words are formed.

3. Write out the words in which the suffix - Tel means "a person who...".

Sort them by composition.

Heater, interrogator, observer, book publisher, sprinkler, tormentor, well-wisher, switch, mine detector, mixer.

4. Write down sentences in which the wordsteacher's room, dining room, sickwould act as adjectives and as nouns.

5. Describe the sounds:Ⅰ - option - f in g,

Ⅱ- option - with OK

6. Put the correct stress in the words:

option - bast shoes, sideways, white, serene, partly.

option - to cling to, lifting, in a hurry, to the ground, a dream.

Test No. 3

On the topic of repetition.


Silly song.

Capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth.

These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. A capercaillie song is witchcraft! There is no sonority in it, it does not flow. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, an amazing dull strength, a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled bough, unfolds a wide tail fan with a boney clatter; his crimson eyebrows swell from hot blood, and his black beard bristles and trembles.

He does not sing, but as if selflessly conjures and mutters a spell. This song has an inexplicable power. She lifts the hunter out of bed, leads him into a black watchful forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, either jumps, or steps, or freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is the prisoner of the song until it is over.

(119 words)

Assignments for dictation.

1. Title the text.

2. Underline the participles as a member of the sentence, mark their suffixes.

3. Write out three words with a spelling in the root, designate the root.

Test No. 4

On the topic of repetition.


Having finished his business in the motorized rifle unit in half a day, Tretyakov found some kind of funnel filled with water in the forest. Taking off his cap, dark brown from dust and sweat, he knelt down. A tuft of white cloud glided over the mirror of the water, and Tretyakov saw himself in it. Not he himself, but someone black, like a gypsy, an unfamiliar stared at him. The cheeks were of an indefinite dark color from the dust that had accumulated in the overgrown stubble; sunken eyes circled in black ... Tretyakov drove to the edge of the shriveled leaves that had fallen on the water and the water beetle, galloping weightlessly on thin spider legs. The water, like on a peat bog, looked brown, but when he scooped it up in his palm, it turned out to be transparent and cold. He hadn't washed his face in such a long time, he even pulled off his tunic from his shoulders.

Now Tretyakov felt clean, refreshed.

The sky was blue, no steps were heard, and only in the distance the unceasing rumble of cannonade barely rumbled.

(133 pp.) (According to G. Baklanov.)

Tasks for the dictation:

  1. Underline the grammatical basis of any complex sentence.
  2. Pick up test words for any three verbs with a spelling in the root, including participles.

Examination No. 5 on the topic "Adverb"

(Ranks, degrees of comparison and word formation).

1. In which row are both words an adverb?

one). far away, now, tomorrow

2) out of spite, on the ground, on purpose

3) foolishly, from oak, blindly

2. Which sentence has an adverb?

1) The steppe swayed from all sides.

2) There were apples with cut out cores in the plate.

3) Laundry hung outside dries quickly.

3. In which sentence is the adverb used in a comparative degree?

1) After the rain, the sun shone brighter.

2) The sun slowly emerged from behind the forest.

3) On the sea at noon the sun shines very brightly.

4. In which row are both words adverbs of time?

1) unexpectedly, miraculously, quickly

2) helplessly, famously, everywhere

3) in the morning, today, long ago

5. In which answer option are all the adverbs of the reason indicated?

A. In the heat of the moment B. On purpose

B. blindly D. together

1) A, B 2) C, D 3) B 4) A, C

6. Determine the category and degree of comparison of the selected adverb in the sentence.

And the forest rustles friendly when there are many trees.

1) adverb of measure, simple superlative

2) adverb of place, compound comparative degree

3) adverb of mode of action, simple comparative degree

7. Indicate a series in which all words are adverbs of measure and degree.

1) spring-like, deliberately, somewhere

2) a little, enough, just a little

3) quickly, twice, suddenly

8. Which sentence has no comparative adverb?

1) Home and horses run more cheerfully.

2) An old friend is better than two new ones.

3) Where the song flows, life is easier there.

9. Determine the category of the adverb used in the sentence: Eat your fill and work until you sweat.

1) measures and degrees

2) reasons

3) goals

4) mode of action

10. Indicate the correct statement:

1) The adverb changes in the same way as the adjective.

2) The adverb does not change.

3) The adverb is combined only with verbs.

11. In which sentence is the adverb of time used?

1) There was still a light frost in the morning.

2) In vain, I didn’t want to waste time in vain.

3) Somewhere on the trees the leaves turned yellow.

12. In which row are all adverbs formed by the prefix method?

1) fast, dry, nowhere

2) not good, tomorrow, not far away

3) barely, sideways, nowhere

13. In which series are all adverbs formed in a suffixal way?

1) little by little, secondly, dry

2) somewhere, half-jokingly, boldly

3) somewhere, quickly, sincerely

14. In what series are all adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method?

1) dry, light, on the side

2) together, sincerely, deeply

3) illiterate, from afar, widely

15. In what row is the same letter written at the end of adverbs?

1) dare .., in pursuit .., half-starving ...

2) backhand .., fog .., burning ...

3) long .., fast .., far ..


1. 1) 8. 2)

2. 3) 9. 1)

3. 1) 10. 2)

4. 3) 11. 1)

5. 1) 12. 2)

6. 3) 13. 3)

7. 2) 14. 1)

15. 3)

Examination No. 6 on the topic "Speech".


"I want" and "need".

“I want” and “need” - these two words essentially can define all our actions. In life, these sometimes completely opposite words often collide.

From the very morning, a contradiction already arises: to get up or lie down a little more? The alarm clock rings, I don’t have the strength to get up, I want to lie still, but I have to, I have to get up and go to school.

I come from school, I want to fall on the bed and fall asleep, but I have to do my homework in order to get a good grade tomorrow. Six o'clock pm. The lessons are done, and now you can read the book. I sit down comfortably, here I am already immersed in reading. Suddenly, mom comes into the room and asks to go to the store. I want to sit, read and find out what awaits me in such a mysterious story. But I need to help my mother, otherwise she will be offended by my refusal and will go to the store herself.

Morning again. I go to school with a friend, chatting about this and that. And suddenly a friend put it absurdly. I would like to reproach her for this, but we must be silent, otherwise the friendship is broken.

I'm sitting in class. The teacher explains new theme. This topic is difficult for me. Then the teacher starts explaining to me separately. I don't understand anything again. I want to drop everything and leave. But again - you have to, you have to sit and figure it out in order to gain knowledge.

How to deal with your inner “I”, which now and then whispers: “Do whatever you want. Do whatever you want!" And in fact, you want to listen to him, but you need to gather all your willpower and say: “No!”

(Irazova Daria.)

Test No. 7

on the topic "Adverb".


Sailing fleet.

It is rare that a person will remain indifferent at the sight of a sailboat gliding far away on the water.

Now, even for a moment, it is difficult to imagine the complexity of managing a sailing ship.

The heyday of the sailing fleet falls on the second half of the eighteenth century.

Nikolay Korneevich Chukovsky tells about the great discoveries of Russian sailors of that time in his truly amazing book “Frigate Drivers”.

The writer enthusiastically says, in a childish way, what resourcefulness, what exact knowledge one had to have in order to confidently manage a giant frigate, numbering up to two hundred sails. Any wrong move could lead to disaster. Often you had to wander at random through unknown waters, never knowing what lay ahead of you.

The wooden bottoms of the ships rotted, overgrown with shells, but still thousands of miles

remained behind, the waves still beat on the sides, the arrangement of the constellations changed in the sky ...

Subsequently, with the invention of steamships, the art of sailing began to wane.

(123 pp.)

Examination No. 8 on the topic "Adverb".


Option 1.

A little about the culture of speech and behavior.

You probably paid attention to the fact that according to a person’s speech, general impression about him. He pronounced the word incorrectly, put the stress incorrectly, used a slang word, and one immediately thinks: “He is not very cultured!”

Heard a rude word from him, you think: “What an evil he is!” Speech sometimes

Testifies about a person more than even his face.

Try to always speak simply and correctly, never use harsh words and expressions in a conversation. ..

It is impolite to take over the conversation and talk only about yourself.

You can not talk on the phone for a long time, call each other for nothing.

Never interfere in other people's conversations.

If you are going to the theater, to a concert, dress especially neatly, neatly, smartly.

Leave the house on time so as not to be late for the cinema, theater or for a visit.

(124 s.

Option 2.

Secrets of the Crimean land.

For several years nowstudents of the city of Kerch are searching for the unknown

Heroes of the past war.

Once, at a school evening, the pathfinders outlined a search plan in

Adzhimushkay quarries…

Dungeon. Ringing silence. The air is damp and heavy. The trackers walked in a line. Ahead is tenth-grader Valery Lukyanchenko. He accidentally touched one of the stones. The stone has fallen somewhere. The guys gradually widened the hole. Valery was the first to dare to descend into pitch darkness. Behind him the rest.

...Commander's field bag. Lists and addresses of dozens of people. Party card of Zakhary Vladimirovich Tabunts. Identity card of Lieutenant Andrei Sergeevich Ostapishin, Red Army Ivan Yegorovich Yarofeev ...

Pathfinders gave their findings to the Kerch Museum of Local Lore ...

Many more secrets are kept, apparently, by the mountains, forests, dungeons of the Crimean land. Young pathfinders of the hero-city of Kerch reveal them. (110 words)

Examination No. 9 on the topic "Speech".

Composition based on the painting by F.P. Reshetnikov

"Double again."

Before us is a painting by the artist F.P. Reshetnikov “Again a deuce”.

The main character of the picture is a boy who again received a deuce. He returned home late. He has a briefcase in his hand. The clasp on it is broken, so the briefcase is tied with a cord. Instead of books, skates stick out of it. Probably the boy went to the skating rink after school. The hair on his head is tousled, his coat is unbuttoned. He stands in the middle of the room, his head bowed guiltily. The dog is very happy about the boy's return. She waited all day for him to come home to play with her friend.

Mom and sister immediately realized that their son and brother got another deuce. Mom sits on a chair with her hands on her knees. Her sad gaze is fixed on her son. After all, she hoped so much that today he would not receive a bad mark. There is a younger brother next to his mother. He sits on the bike and smiles at his older brother. He does not need to learn lessons, he is still small. The older sister came home a long time ago, she had already done her homework. She looks reproachfully at her brother. She is ashamed of him. She is a good student. All her school supplies are in order. She is neatly dressed, bows are woven into braids, a pioneer tie is tied around her neck.

The house is warm and cozy. There is a red carpet with a pattern on the floor. There is a white tablecloth on the table. A calendar and a clock hang on the wall. In the second room, there is a flower on the windowsill, and a geographical map hangs on the wall. The boy has all the conditions to study well. No, i guess. only wishes.

I really liked this picture. The theme of the picture is relevant in our time.

Test No. 10

on the topic "Preposition".


Over the course of many millennia, the shape and height of the earth's surface has changed, and where the sea used to roar, land subsequently formed. The same thing happens with rivers and lakes as with the seas. Mountains also do not remain unchanged. Particularly strongly destroyed and compressed in different ways, cracks form between them. Water gets into them. When it freezes, it increases in volume and breaks the strongest stones with tremendous force.

Plants and animals play too big role in the destruction of rocks. The roots of the plants secrete an acid that corrodes the stone. If a seed gets into a crack in the rock, it grows and, gradually thickening, will push it apart. As a result, weathering occurs. It happens very slowly, but in the course of many years the most durable rocks are destroyed, fall apart.

(128 words)

Examination No. 11 on the topic "Speech".

Statement of journalistic style

Let's talk about grandmothers.

Let's talk about old people - about our own, dear grandmothers.

Oh that grandma! It bothers, considers it small, makes you eat when you don’t feel like it. He interferes in everything, makes comments even in front of the guys. Wraps up when everyone in the yard is long undressed running around. And then he will come to school in the rain and stand with a raincoat and an umbrella, it will only dishonor. Well, what to do with such a grandmother? And then you are ashamed of your rudeness, but it is difficult to restrain yourself. Inside, it is as if a spring is being compressed and wants to straighten out, push out objections.

Do you know what to do with grandma? We must forgive. How much does she forgive you? To endure is a close person. Protect, protect. Let her consider you small and helpless, you know that in many ways you are stronger than her, healthier, quicker, No, not because she “gives her life” to you. Simply because your grandmother has less to live than you, and because old age is a rather difficult and sad time of life. All her own, personal, she has behind her - care, joys, anxieties, an interesting life, hopes. And only you are the only concern, her last joy, her constant anxiety, her main vital interest, her secret hope.

And then each age has its own characteristics. So the old people have them - grumbling, remembering the past, teaching. You will not be offended by a nursing baby if he screams. This is his age.

It’s hard for you to imagine yourself old now, but still try.

(124 pp.)

(According to I. Medvedeva.)

Test No. 12

On the topic "Union".


Tropics... The silence and warmth of the night are inexpressibly pleasant. Not a breeze, not a cloud. The sky is free from clouds, and from there, as from the openings of some temple illuminated by light, millions of lights sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow, as the stars never sparkle with us. How passionately, hotly they shine! This picture of the sky, always playing and something as if speaking in an incomprehensible language, cannot bother the eyes in any way. You will go out for half an hour to breathe in the night air, and you will stand in numbness for two or three hours, not taking your eyes off the sky for a minute. One wants to find out what this flickering hints at, what meaning comes out of these mysterious, incomprehensible speeches. And you will leave without explaining anything, but you will leave in some kind of a daze of thought.

But no matter how you get used to the beauties of the tropics, you involuntarily rush your thoughts to your distant homeland.

(119 words).

Test No. 13

on the topic "Particle".


Before the storm.

The night is running out. Still all around is quiet. Creep and as if dormant herbs. The breeze murmurs, the river rustles not far away. There is a desire to swim. I don't have the strength to contain myself.

Along the sandy path, along the roadside grass you go down to the river. The heart, stopping at the mere thought of cold water, beats unevenly.

No breeze, no rustle. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some noise is approaching, a cluster of black clouds appears. It seems that nothing can disperse and dispel them. But suddenly a sharp wind blows. Here comes the storm. Scorched fields crave moisture. The blossoming morning flowers joyfully stretch towards the first drops of rain, and the peals of thunder are heard somewhere in the distance, and the storm passes by.

(103 w.)

Test No. 14

On the topic "Service Parts of Speech".


Earth native breath.

The fragrant bird cherry blossoms, the bird cherry blossom falls off and covers the grass with a white cape. A light, summer-like warm breeze caresses the ground. Flower lovers go out of town. They go straight to familiar places, while others slowly explore the transparent old forests, looking for plantations of the most beautiful spring flowers that no one has planted.

Here they are. Two or three wide lanceolate leaves, a peduncle proudly rises from the sinus, crowned with small snow-white and unusually fragrant bells.

May lily of the valley. Who does not recognize in him the pearl of the spring forest? What a beauty this modest dim flower! And what an amazing power he hides in himself! Wherever a person is, if he sees a lily of the valley, he will definitely remember the spring forest, its shady corners, the blue sky above and suddenly feel the breath of his native land.

(119 words)

Examination No. 15 on the topic "Speech".

Concise presentation.

"About Chekhov".

He was hospitable like a magnate. His hospitality reached the point of passion. As soon as he settled in the village, he immediately invited a bunch of guests to his place.

He rented a dacha in the Ukrainian outback, has not yet seen it, does not know what it is, but already calls all kinds of people there from Moscow, from St. Petersburg, from Nizhny. And when he settled in a manor near Moscow, his house became like a hotel ...

And to such an extent he was an artel, choral person that he even dreamed of writing not alone, but together with others. And he loved to travel in company.

Working with people and wandering with people, but most of all he loved to have fun with people, play pranks, laugh with them ...

Nature is always an event for him, and, speaking of it, he, so rich in words, most often finds only one epithet: amazing. But his attitude to nature was by no means distinguished by a passive contemplation of its “riches” and “luxuries”. It was not enough for him to admire the landscape artistically, he brought his unswerving will to the creative transformation of life into the landscape. Never could he allow the soil around him to remain barren. Even in the gymnasium, he planted a small vineyard in his Taganrog, in the shade of which he liked to relax. And when he settled in the devastated and gnawed Melikhovo, he planted about a thousand cherry trees there and sowed the bare forest areas with firs, maples, elms, pines, oaks and larches - and Melikhovo turned green.

And a few years later, having settled in the Crimea, on a scorched dusty area, he plants cherries, and palm trees, and cypresses, and lilacs, and gooseberries, and cherries with the same enthusiasm.

He felt such an ardent inclination not only to greening the earth, but to any creative intervention in life. That is busy with the arrangement in Moscow of the first people's house with a reading room, a library, an auditorium, a theater. He wants to have a clinic for skin diseases built right there in Moscow. That is busy with the device in the Crimea of ​​the first biological station. That collects books for all Sakhalin schools and sends them there in batches ...

Here I am not talking about his kindness, but again about his colossal energy, about his passionate desire for the most active intervention in life in order for people to live smarter and happier.

(K.I. Chukovsky)

Final test No. 16


Summer and winter.

The forest is like a green barrier.

(116 w.) (According to M. Usov)

Intermediate certification

in Russian in the 7th grade


Summer and winter.

It was an ordinary forest. Cars were moving towards each other on the shiny asphalt past him. People were in a hurry: everyone had a job.

Trees and undergrowth were in the form of a green wall. In the depths of the forest, the dusk thickened to blackness.

How many times during the last months have I had to pass by this forest! The car is speeding along the green wall. The eye cannot penetrate beyond the first row of trees. They spread their branches, densely converged crowns, because of them it is not possible to look into the depths of the forest.

The forest is like a green barrier.

... And again I'm on the road. Only time not for greenery: January. Out of habit, I turn my head to the left to see the familiar forest.

All white, lacy with frost, it is visible through and through from the side of the road. White twigs are thinly outlined by each of their bends, touch one another, intertwine.

I keep looking at the white winter forest.

(116 w.) (According to M. Usov)

Capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. A capercaillie song is witchcraft. There is no sonority in it, it does not pour. It has a creaky wooden rhythm, an amazing dull strength, a special wild beauty. A black forest rooster tramples on a gnarled bough, unfolds a wide tail fan with a bone clatter; his crimson brows swell from hot blood, and his black beard bristles and trembles. He does not sing, but as if selflessly conjures and mutters spells. This song has incredible power. She lifts the hunter out of bed, leads him into a black wary forest, and the bewitched hunter, as if wound up, now jumps, now steps, then freezes on one leg. The song enchants him, the song commands him: he is the prisoner of the song until it is over. 1) Underline the participles as part of the sentence; mark their suffixes. 2) Write out three words with a spelling at the root, mark the root. Write a check word, if any.

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Who among us has not seen ordinary jackdaws? The color of the dorsal side is black with a metallic sheen, the ventral side is grayish-black and white (or black in the Dahurian), and there is a white semi-collar on the neck. And for those who do not recognize her, the jackdaw will "introduce herself." "Gal-ka, gal-ka!" she will shout, as if calling her name.

The jackdaw is one of the most common birds in our cities and towns. Not so long ago, jackdaws preferred to live away from settlements. Such jackdaws, "not recognizing" people, are still found in the Urals and the Volga region. But most of these birds still settle near human habitation: here you can rather find a place for a nest (attics, bell towers, water towers), and food, especially in winter.

Jackdaws are non-migratory birds. Only in some places in winter they migrate 200-300 km to the south. In spring, the jackdaws return to their original place and start building new or repairing old nests. One nest serves them for several years in a row. Females lay 3-8 bluish-green eggs with dark spots in it. Of these, after 16 days, chicks appear. Jackdaws in food are not very picky, therefore they are called omnivores. Sometimes they rob in gardens and vegetable gardens, and more often they play the role of "urban orderlies", eating various garbage. They destroy and a large number of insect pests: elephants, leaf beetles, borers.

A tamed jackdaw freely takes food from a person’s hands, and if it flies away, then it returns to the human dwelling itself. The friendship of jackdaws with rooks is especially touching. In spring, jackdaws are happy to meet their friends returning from the south. Thin jackdaw voices are heard in their flocks. Together with the rooks, they roam the thawed patches, along the roads, looking for food near the cattle yards. Well, when the rooks again fly away for the winter to warmer climes, the jackdaws see them off. And they themselves remain in their native places.


Capercaillie is one of the oldest birds on Earth. These birds usually live in dense pine forests and swamps. They nest on the ground and in trees. Usually they stick to the places where they hatched. In snowy winters, capercaillie fall from the trees into a snowdrift late in the evening and spend the night there.

An amazing sight - the flight of birds from under the snow. You go skiing, around the milky surface, snowflakes sparkle in the sun. And suddenly a flock of birds breaks out from under their feet with a loud flapping of wings, as if a tarpaulin is being torn apart nearby. And snow dust clogs the eyes.

Capercaillie chicks hatch in late May - early June. Eggs are laid on the ground, in a hole where moss, small branches and feathers are brought. They hatch like chickens for three weeks. Babies, barely dry, follow their parents and soon begin to feed themselves on flies, ants, and berries. Only the mother leads the chicks. She also teaches them to forage and bury themselves in the grass in a moment of danger. Favorite food in summer - strawberries, raspberries, in autumn - lingonberries, cloudberries, cranberries, grass seeds. Preparing for winter, capercaillie fly to the banks of rivers and lakes, stuffing their crops with small round pebbles. They help grind tough pine needles. The pine, on which capercaillie feed, seems completely bare by spring. After all, needles are almost the only food of these birds in winter.

The physique of the capercaillie is dense. It has short wide wings. The legs are strong, adapted for fast running, there are four toes, the beak is short, thick, slightly curved. It flies well, but more often it flees from the enemy. There is no bird larger than the capercaillie in our forests. Its weight reaches 5-6 kg. The capercaillie rooster is very beautiful. Its neck and head are dark gray with black streaks; goiter black with a brilliant greenish tint; chest dark brown; dark belly with white spots. The beak is yellow-pink. In spring, red eyebrows protrude brightly above the eyes. The feathers on the chin are long: they resemble a beard. Capercaillie light brown with rusty and white transverse stripes. You won’t even notice her when she sits on a nest among branches and dry leaves.

In the spring, when the capercaillie rooster sings his song, he often hears nothing. That's why he's called a wood grouse. The song of the common capercaillie is comparatively quiet for such large bird, and it is barely audible at a distance of no more than 150 m. This is followed by a short trill, which ends abruptly. And this is followed by the second part of the song, low hissing sounds like someone brushing a pot. The whole song is about 5-6 seconds long.

These birds are very sensitive to weather changes. They foresee fog and rain. In bad weather they stop singing. Capercaillie is found in our forests from the western border to Baikal, in Altai and in the Sayan Mountains. From Baikal to Kamchatka and Sakhalin, the capercaillie of another species nests - the stone capercaillie. Currently, the number of capercaillie is declining. In a number of places they are under protection. In some reserves, they are bred in captivity.


Is there bird's milk? Of course not, you say. After all, they talk about bird's milk as something impossible. And yet, bird milk exists. In pigeons, when they hatch chicks, a mass is formed in the goiter, similar to thick milk or liquid cottage cheese. With this "milk" they feed pigeons.

But the pigeon is famous for something else: the ability to accurately find the way and return even from very remote places - 500 km or more. For many hundreds of years, the carrier pigeon served people. Now, when the news is delivered by radio and telegraph, trains and planes, pigeon mail has lost its significance. However, more recently - during the Second World War - pigeons were used to deliver messages. In Japan, they even bred a new breed of pigeons capable of flying at night: the enemy will not see or shoot the air mailman, daytime predator birds he won't be caught.

Postal, decorative and meat pigeons were artificially bred by man - these are domestic birds. But there are also many wild pigeons. In our forests, for example, live stockheads, wood pigeons, turtle doves - these are also pigeons. They are different in color, in size, but they are united by a similar structure of the body and lifestyle. All of them feed their chicks with “bird's milk”. All of them are granivorous birds, all are excellent flyers, and all walk well on the ground.


Once in the Bryansk region, a pest appeared in the forest - a pine silkworm caterpillar. The trees were in danger of dying. A special team was urgently called. What was the surprise of the people who arrived when it turned out that the caterpillars were no longer in the forest! And large black birds - rooks - flew from tree to tree. They ripened before people and destroyed the caterpillars. In the spring, people joyfully inform each other: the rooks have arrived. They even write about it in the newspapers.

The rook is the first of the migratory birds, which notifies us of the onset of spring. But in recent years, the behavior of rooks has changed somewhat. In a number of cities in central Russia, it has been noticed more than once: birds remain to winter. After all, they flew away not because they were afraid of the cold: they were driven by starvation. Well, now they have learned to get food in the winter, they have adapted.

The rook is one of the most useful birds: during the mass reproduction of harmful insects, it often destroys them even before human intervention. Rooks are especially beneficial by eating a dangerous pest - the larva of the click beetle.

The body length of the rook is about 45 cm. The plumage is black with a violet-blue tint. In adult rooks, the skin at the base of the beak is bare. Distributed in Central Europe and Asia. In our country - south of Arkhangelsk and Yakutsk. It is numerous only in areas with developed agriculture. If you are in the field in the spring, see how the rook walks on arable land. Every now and then he pulls insects out of the plowed land with his beak. The rook is a voracious bird: it needs to eat a lot of insects and their larvae in order to get enough. And when the chicks appear, you have to “work” even more.

Rooks nest on tall trees and usually in colonies. Imagine how many pests a rook colony of several hundred birds will destroy! It happens, however, that rooks also pull out young sprouts of wheat, corn, and sunflower. At this time, guards must be posted in the fields, but not to destroy the rooks, but to disperse them. Because the benefits of rooks are much greater than the harm.

You have probably seen how a cloud of black dots rises from the fields at the beginning of autumn. Overtaking each other, they approach us. A loud scream is heard. These rooks teach their chicks to fly. They either rush in a close formation, then, divided, scatter in opposite directions. Soon both detachments turn towards one another and unite with loud shouts. Soaring high up, the flock then falls almost to the very arable land and again rises in the sky with an oblique flight. Grass fades imperceptibly, leaves crumble. Beetles, midges, worms, dragonflies disappear. Bread is cut and removed from the fields. The first frosts are coming. The birds have nothing else to feed on. Winter is not far off! Again, rooks gather in a flock and fly to wintering grounds, to the south of the European part of our country and to Central Asia.


Geese are water birds. They have a long neck and short red or orange legs. They walk importantly, waddling. The three front toes of each foot are connected by a swimming membrane. Geese swim well, but they dive very rarely and do not stay under water for a long time. Their beak is massive, dense. They feed on grass, leaves, fruits and seeds.

There are domestic geese, there are wild ones. The goose has been tamed by man since time immemorial. In the old days, the weather was determined by the habits of geese: a goose dives - to rain, a goose stands on one leg or hides its head under its wing - to a cold. The color of domestic geese is often white. There are gray geese, with a white belly, and at the base of their nose they have a growth, a bump. In Ukraine, there are geese with a dark gray back and neck, a light gray breast and a white belly. Domestic geese give a person meat, fluff, feathers. And goose fat is the best folk remedy from frostbite.

All ancient chronicles are written with a quill pen. M. V. Lomonosov, A. S. Pushkin, N. V. Gogol also wrote to them…

There are 8 species of wild geese in our country - gray, goose, white-fronted, white-fronted, white-fronted goose, etc. All of them - migratory birds. Schools of geese will be pulled in the sky to the north - that's spring on the way. Geese will fly in flocks to the south, winter is not far off. Wild geese live in pairs. For a nest, it is enough for them to find a hole in the ground, insulate it with moss, grass or fluff, which the goose plucks from its chest. On some lakes, geese choose a tussock for nesting. While the goose hatches 5-8 chicks, the gander keeps close by and protects the offspring from enemies. The native places of wild geese on the territory of our country are tundra, forest and taiga, mountain and steppe lakes. They winter within our country on the Caspian and Black Seas, as well as in Central Asia. There are very few species of geese left, and they are taken under the protection of man. Three species of geese are listed in the Red Book.


You've probably seen the woodpecker. And if you haven’t seen it, then you’ve definitely heard: the knock of a woodpecker is heard almost in any forest. A woodpecker is knocking, which means that insects will be destroyed. And even if this tree has already died, insect pests will not crawl onto other, healthy trees.

The woodpecker works from morning until late in the evening: resting against the trunk with an elastic tail, catching on with strong paws, he hammers a tree with a beak strong as a chisel. And then a long, strong, jagged tongue takes out insects from a hollowed hole. The found insect either sticks to the tongue moistened with sticky saliva, or is pierced, like a sharp, sharp end of the tongue. Some eat ants in anthills.

In the cold season, they also feed on seeds, crushing the cones of spruce, pine and other trees. Woodpeckers build their nests in the hollows of dry trees - they usually hollow out these hollows themselves. And the “apartments” change every year. And the old is occupied by other birds. Several species of woodpeckers live in our forests: black woodpecker, or yellow woodpecker, green woodpecker, three-toed, large, small and medium spotted woodpecker. But more often than others, there is a large spotted woodpecker.

There are many originals among woodpeckers. For example, a woodpecker living in South America generally lives in the ground, in holes that it makes itself. The red woodpecker, a resident of Asia, does not bother building a nest: the female, and then the chicks that have appeared, live in the nests of fire ants, and, most surprisingly, these ants do not touch them. Although they destroy, and almost at lightning speed, and larger animals, attacking them "with the whole world."


In early spring, when there is still loose snow on the fields, but dark thawed patches have already appeared here and there, our first spring birds - larks - arrive. Fluttering with their wings in the boundless sea of ​​blue and light, they fly higher and higher into the sky and fill the earth with a cheerful, joyful sound. The song of the lark is very ringing and beautiful. So it seems that the expanse of heaven is filled with wonderful music. Here the lark descended lower and suddenly fell like a stone down onto the path.

This bird loves to walk. Flying on rare occasions. The lark is small, slightly larger than a sparrow, and its wings are wider, which is why it hangs in the air for a long time. The color of the lark is dull - brown with dark mottles and specks. This helps him hide from enemies when he sits on the ground. And larks live only on the ground, among the green crops or in the grass they make their hidden nests, hatch and feed their chicks. Larks do not perch on tall trees. Do not beckon them and dense, dense forests. Larks love space. Almost all summer long, their sonorous songs are heard over the fields and meadows. In the feathered kingdom, the lark is reputed to be an unsurpassed quick-singer: it can make many different sounds per second. This bird's song folk omens- a harbinger of dry clear weather.

In our country, in addition to the field, there are also steppe, crested and other types of larks. The black lark is found in the Trans-Volga region and Western Siberia. If you, walking in a meadow or being in a field, suddenly find a lark's nest, do not touch it. Better leave quickly, leave the birds alone. Next year, not one, but several larks will fly to you and delight you with their singing.


In the spring, when the snow begins to melt from the fields, and the first brown spots of melt water appear on the forest swamp, you can hear the cranes. “Kurly-kurly-kurly,” is heard not very loudly behind the birch grove. It starts a conversation one bird. “Kurly-kurly-kurly,” another one answers her, then a third. The conversation of cranes is getting closer and closer - and now a wedge of a crane flock appeared over the field. The birds fly slowly, as if diligently remembering the places they left in the fall. The cranes are returning home. They are tired. Tonight, the whole flock will stay on the field to spend the night. And early in the morning, even before sunrise, they will arrange a short roll call, check whether everyone is ready for a new road, then slowly but surely rise to the wing and reach for their distant crane swamp.

There, on a forest swamp overgrown with moss, cranberries and low-growing pines, cranes will find their old, last year's nests. Soon they will have two, rarely three small, ankle-sized chicks. In autumn, when the cranes grow up, the whole flock begins to prepare for departure. Then you will again see these big, strong and beautiful birds above the forest. Young birds try their wings, and the old ones teach the cranes to march. Thick autumn clouds will cover the sky, cold frequent rains will hang over the fields, and the cranes will set off on a long journey. We will wait for them back when the snow melts and the first melt water appears on the forest swamp.

The large cooing birds that we usually see in our middle lane are the common cranes. But in the world there are several more species of cranes, sometimes almost not similar to each other. Demoiselle crane can be found in the south of our country. He has pigtails on his head - bunches of long white feathers. Among the cranes there is also a snow-white handsome man with the mysterious name Siberian Crane. But this crane is found very rarely and only in the north-east of Yakutia. There is an Indian crane and a crowned one. All cranes are carefully guarded.


finch - songbird. Its ringing, booming trills can be heard on the forest lawn, and in the city park, and in the old garden: pink-pink-pink ... tit-tit-tut-tit ... It also lives near the very dwelling of a person. Nests are built on trees, more often on conifers. building material are the stems of herbaceous plants, twigs, moss, lichens.

Finches are good craftsmen: a neatly woven nest looks like a basket. It is so carefully disguised in the branches of a tree that only an experienced eye can see it. If you happen to spot a finch's nest, don't touch it or the birds will leave it forever. In summer, chicks appear in the nest. And diligent parents tirelessly get them food, clearing the forest of harmful insects. Finches also feed on seeds and green parts of plants.

At the end of summer, finches gather in flocks and go to warmer climes. They spend the winter in North Africa or southern Europe. And in the spring they again give us their sonorous and joyful trills. In addition to Europe, this bird with large white spots on its wings is common in Western Asia, in the East, up to Krasnoyarsk.


She is one of the last to arrive. Bird choruses have long since died down in the April forest. The cuckoo cuckooed and bewitched all the nightingales in May. And the orioles are not heard. But one sunny morning suddenly a full-sounding iridescent song will be heard from a birch grove or oak forest. As if someone is trying the flute. After a pause - once again full-sounding grace. Then more and more. A knowledgeable person will smile and think: "So summer is on the nose - the oriole has arrived."

The way it is. Orioles arrive at last days May, and sometimes even in the first days of June. However, it is not easy to see the oriole - it hides in dense foliage. He does not leave his place without special need. This is very beautiful bird, especially the male. It is golden yellow with black wings and a black tail. When the time comes, the couple quickly and amicably makes a basket nest, choosing for the nest a fork at the end of long, strong, flexible branches - away from the tree trunk. Neither a cat nor a marten will get through such a branch - the branch will bend under their weight. Can't get it from below either.

Birds hang their nest high above the ground. At least five meters. And sometimes even at a 25-meter height. But what if someone tries to get to the nest? Then, they say, the father oriole will get angry and scream in a terrible voice. Like a cat whose paw has been crushed. It is for this cry that the oriole is sometimes called the forest cat. In what cases she screams like that, there is another opinion. According to some scientists, the name of the bird - oriole - comes from an ancient Slavic word meaning "moisture". Apparently, our ancient ancestors noticed that the oriole screams like a “tattered cat”, foreshadowing rain - wet, “wet” weather.

Orioles have a busy life. After the nest is built, the female incubates the eggs for two weeks, and the parents feed the chicks for the same amount of time. Up to 200 times a day they arrive with prey, feeding their babies. And every time they carry flies, then forest bugs, then beetles, then poisonous hairy caterpillars harmful to the forest, which most other birds do not touch.

In August, Orioles go to winter. Some fly to Africa - closer to the equator, others - to India. This bird lives in its homeland for only two months. To get to it, a whole month flies, overcoming a difficult path full of dangers of several thousand kilometers. And all so that the chicks know and remember their true homeland. How can you not treat the orioles (and all birds) with respect! How not to stand up for them!