Business plan for decorative chrome parts. How to start your own electroplating business

Galvanics is also a branch of applied science "Electrochemistry", which studies the processes occurring during the deposition of metal cations on a cathode placed in an electrolytic solution, and the technological process. Electroplating at home or in production allows you to apply a thin layer of metal to the surface of the workpiece, which can act as a protective or decorative coating.

The methods for implementing such a technological process, which is quite complex, have already been well developed, so today it is actively used not only by manufacturing enterprises, but also by many home craftsmen.

Process features

A coating formed on a workpiece by electroplating can be applied for technological purposes or perform decorative, protective, or both functions. For decorative purposes, a thin layer of gold or silver is created, and to provide reliable protection surface of the workpiece from corrosion, perform zinc plating or galvanic copper plating.

It is not difficult to make electroplating even at home. Perform this procedure as follows.

  • Two anodes are lowered into the dielectric container with electrolyte, connected to the positive contact of the electric current source. The material for the manufacture of such anodes must be metal, the layer from which must be formed.
  • The workpiece itself, connected to the negative contact of the electric current source and thus acting as a cathode, is placed in the electrolyte between the anodes.
  • Galvanization, that is, the process of transferring metal molecules from the electrolyte to the cathode product, begins to occur at the moment when the resulting electrical network closes.
As a result, a thin and uniform layer of metal is formed on the treated surface, which was originally contained in the chemical composition of the electrolyte.

Necessary equipment

Do-it-yourself electroplating can be done with high quality using even the simplest equipment that many craftsmen have in their arsenal. First of all, you should choose a DC source, which must be equipped with an output voltage regulator. The presence of such a regulator is necessary in order to be able to smoothly and widely change the power of your home-made electroplating device.

As a power source at home, it is very convenient to use an electric current rectifier, which you can assemble yourself (or purchase a serial model). Many craftsmen who perform electroplating at home use commercial welding machines as a power source.

A do-it-yourself galvanic bath can also be made without any problems. Any container made of glass or plastic can be used as such a bath, while it must be taken into account that both the workpiece and the required amount of electrolyte must be placed in such a container for electroplating. It is also very important that the bath is strong enough to withstand high temperatures, which can reach up to 80 °.

The anodes used for electroplating at home perform several important functions at once:

  • put into the electrolyte electricity and provide a uniform distribution of the latter over the treated surface;
  • compensate for the loss of the metal applied to the product, consumed from the chemical composition of the electrolyte;
  • contribute to the occurrence of some oxidative processes.
When choosing anodes for your electroplating apparatus, one important rule should be observed: their area must be greater than the area of ​​the surface to be treated.

Electroplating at home cannot be carried out without the use of a heating device, with which the electrolyte is brought to the required operating temperature. It is very convenient when the intensity of heating provided by such a device can be adjusted. If we focus on the experience of home craftsmen who already have experience in electroplating at home, we can recommend using a small electric stove or a regular iron with adjustable soleplate heating as a heating device.

What is needed to prepare the electrolyte

To safely store at home the chemicals from which the electrolyte for electroplating will be prepared, as well as the finished solution itself, you will need glassware with ground-in lids. The amount of chemical reagents from which the electrolytic solution is prepared must be measured with an accuracy of one gram. To solve such a problem at home, even inexpensive ones are suitable. electronic balance which can be purchased at any hardware store.

If you decide to start electroplating various products at home, then you will surely encounter the problem of acquiring chemical reagents from which an electrolytic solution is prepared. The fact is that organizations that produce and sell such chemical substances, can sell them only to those who have the appropriate permits. It is problematic to purchase such chemical reagents for an individual or even an organization that does not have such documents.

How to properly prepare the product for the procedure

After you have made your electroplating apparatus, found all the necessary equipment and chemical components, you can proceed to such an important process as preparing a product that will be electroplated. The importance of such a process is very difficult to overestimate, since it is the quality of its implementation that largely determines what characteristics the finished coating will have.

In most cases, the preparation of a product for electroplating is not limited to cleaning its surface from dirt and degreasing it. Subsequent grinding is also performed using sandpaper and special pastes.

Electroplating highlights all surface imperfections, so the workpiece must be perfectly prepared, that is, all chips, scratches and shells have been eliminated.

In order to degrease the surface to be treated before electroplating, you can use pure organic solvents or prepare a special solution for this purpose. In particular, for effective degreasing of steel or cast iron at home, solutions are prepared, which include caustic soda, liquid glass, sodium carbonate and sodium phosphate. Degreasing of products from such metals is carried out in a solution heated to 90 °. Non-ferrous metals can be effectively degreased with solutions containing laundry soap and sodium phosphate.

To obtain high-quality electroplating both at home and in working conditions, it is also necessary to remove the oxide film from the treated surface, for which special decapitating solutions with sulfuric or hydrochloric acid are used.

Safety Requirements

Any electroplating operation (zinc plating, chromium plating, nickel plating, copper plating, etc.) is a dangerous technological process, therefore, when it is performed at home, it is necessary to strictly follow the safety requirements. Both toxic chemicals and the high heating temperature of the electrolyte, as well as the risks associated with any electrochemical processes, make electroplating dangerous.

For electroplating at home, it is better to allocate non-residential premises, which can be a garage or workshop. It must have good ventilation. All electrical equipment that you will use in order to do electroplating must be grounded.

Personal safety is the most important rule that must be strictly adhered to when electroplating at home. Measures that can provide such security include:

  • use of a respirator to protect the respiratory tract;
  • hand protection with soft and durable rubber gloves;
  • the use of an oilcloth apron and shoes that can protect the skin of the legs from burns;
  • protection of the organs of vision with the help of special glasses.

In addition, during the electroplating procedure, you should not eat or drink anything, so as not to accidentally swallow harmful fumes.

To be prepared for any surprises that may arise in the process of performing such an operation, it is better to first read the special literature or even watch a training video on this topic.

nickel plating

Nickel plating at home can be done as a finishing treatment or before chrome plating. This process is called “electroplating”, since the nickel layer applied to the surface of the product increases its resistance to negative factors. external environment. In addition to high protective properties, the nickel layer is also distinguished by its decorative appeal.

The electrolyte temperature during nickel plating does not exceed 25°, and the current density is within 1.2 A/dm 2 . The electrolyte, the acidity of which should be in the range of 4-5 pH, is an aqueous solution, which includes such chemical elements as nickel sulfate, magnesium, sodium, edible salt, boric acid.

After completion of the electroplating process, the product is removed from the electrolytic solution, washed in water, thoroughly dried and polished.

Chrome plating

Galvanic chromium plating at home or at a manufacturing plant allows you to give the surface layer of the workpiece a higher hardness, corrosion resistance, and decorative effect. Since the chromium coating is characterized by a rather high porosity, it is performed after the galvanic deposition of copper on the workpiece (or nickel plating). To perform such a technological operation, anodes are used, which are made of an alloy of lead, tin and antimony.

The final result of chromium plating, which is quite difficult to perform at home, since for this it is necessary to use high-density currents - up to 100 A / dm 2, is influenced by various factors. The most significant of them include:

  • the temperature of the electrolyte used - this parameter determines the shade of the formed coating, which can be matte (temperature below 35 °), shiny (35–55 °) and milky (above 55 °);
  • chemical composition electrolyte, which affects the protective properties of the formed coating, as well as its color, which can be dark blue, blue, agate.

The final stage of chromium plating after removing the part from the electrolytic solution is rinsing the treated surface with water, subsequent neutralization in a baking soda solution, another rinsing, drying and polishing using special pastes.

copper plating

Copper plating using electroplating at home is necessary in order to create a conductive layer on the surface of the workpiece, which has a low electrical resistance, and also in order to protect the part from the negative effects of the external environment.

Applying a layer of copper to steel and cast iron products without first coating them with a layer of nickel is deadly, since this requires the use of cyanide electrolyte.

After preliminary nickel plating, the metal is covered with a layer of copper using a solution of copper sulfate, concentrated sulfuric acid and water at room temperature.

Hello! Today we will talk about the business in the garage and give 44 business ideas. I will also give examples of people who profitably opened their own business in a garage and are now making good money.

What kind of business can you open in a garage

Increasingly, passing in my garage cooperative, I see how the men are busy with something all the time, and people gather around them. Not so long ago, I asked one neighbor what he was doing, that people were constantly visiting him, he said that he was selling dried meat and fish, as it turned out, this is his main income at the moment.

One of my distant relatives quit shift work and opened a tire service in his garage cooperative. Now he does not know free time, as the flow of people is constant, especially in the off-season, during the period of “changing shoes”. By the way, not members of the garage cooperative go to him at all, but, on the contrary, people passing by, because the territorial location of his garage is very successful.

Not so long ago, guys from a neighboring cooperative opened a car soundproofing service in the garage, at the first stages 1 car was placed near their garage, and another one was in the garage. Now they bought another garage at the back and added a second floor. How did I know this? The fact is that these young guys rent the first garage and somehow its owner put the garage up for sale, on the condition that no one will kick the guys out of there (I wanted to buy it). As a result, the guys tensed up and bought this garage themselves.

In the spring, I decided to buy a bicycle and found a guy on Vkontakte who assembles bicycles. His group has a huge number of reviews and photos of available bikes and accessories. I was not too surprised when I came to him, and he has a double garage, equipped as a workshop, and finished copies hang on the walls, as well as parts for assembly and for sale (frames, wheels, etc.). Many athletes assemble and convert bicycles from him.

I was interested in this topic, and I decided to collect a selection of business ideas that can be implemented in the garage.

TOP 44 garage business ideas

Below is a selection of 44 garage business ideas. We collected them on the Internet, took something from personal experience and experience of our friends.

You can also find other collections of business ideas:

This is not all that can be organized in your garage, so we ask you to share your garage business ideas in the comments below the article.

1. Production of design objects and decorative sculptures

The essence of such a project– organization of a small workshop for the production of decorative elements from gypsum or concrete mix. Such interesting decorations are in demand among designers and builders. They can decorate the courtyard of a private house, a room in an apartment or office. This original business project is great for people with a good artistic taste.

Implementation of the idea

You can implement this garage business from scratch on your own thanks to a simple process and a minimum number of technological operations. To start production you will need:

  • special molds for casting original jewelry;
  • a set of tools and equipment for mixing solutions;
  • certain amount of raw materials.

Modern technologies make it possible to make a plaster copy of any statue or decorative element. A good income will be provided not only by the manufacture of individual orders, but also by various types of stucco, balusters for stairs. This production has a high profitability. One baluster or vase for decorating a private courtyard takes material in the amount of no more than 600 rubles. It can be sold at a price of 1500 rubles and more. Small advertising costs and the production of original products will help pay for the project in a few months.

2. Business in the garage for the production of metal products

The minimum investment is 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project– Arrangement of a mini-workshop for the production of various metal products. Decorations, lattices and openwork details for decorating private houses are very popular. It is easy to implement in a standard garage and get a good income with little financial outlay.

Implementation of the idea

To start production, you need to slightly re-equip the garage with:

  • equipment installation (milling machine, welding machine, grinder and drill);
  • arrangement of the ventilation system;
  • connection to a 380 volt transmission line.

You can work independently or attract a partner to implement large-scale projects. It's worth offering your services construction organizations or private individuals. By making high-quality and affordable metal doors, fence sections or barbecue grills for a cafe, you can quickly recoup your business. The selling price is 100% of the cost. It is possible to produce one brazier with forging elements per day. Its price for the client starts from 7000 rubles. Therefore, the sale of 10 such products will give a net income of at least 30,000 rubles. Monthly revenue depends on the production capabilities of the business owner.

3. Styrofoam Processing Business

The minimum investment is 160,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– organization of the production of decorative elements from foam using a special machine. It allows you to make any three-dimensional forms and elements from a material that is cheap at cost. Such a product is in demand among decorators, designers who additionally color it and add their own details. Technology artistic cutting has virtually no competition among large manufacturers.

Implementation of the idea

The main investment in this project is the purchase of a special machine that fits easily in an ordinary garage. Involving professional carvers and a designer in cooperation, it is possible to offer consumers unique goods and decorations. Certain investments will be required technical equipment, which provides for powerful hoods and the installation of tables for work.

Decorative foam products have a low cost. One linear meter of letters popular among customers costs from 150 rubles at a cost of 80–100 rubles. This gives a net profit with one capital letter up to 300-500 rubles. You can offer your products via the Internet, or by working directly with design bureaus and studios.

4. Glass processing

The minimum investment is 120,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– Arrangement in the garage of a workshop for decorating glass and mirrors using a sandblaster. Such services are constantly in demand among small furniture shops and individuals who order original parts for rooms or offices. It will be relevant to apply non-standard images and forms that are difficult to perform in a factory way.

Implementation of the idea

Production is easily placed in a garage and requires only the purchase of a special sandblasting machine, a minimum set of tools and raw materials. Training and design skills are practically not required: all images are applied using a stencil. Marking up a picture does not take much time, but it increases the cost of an ordinary mirror or glass by 2-3 times.

You can offer your services on the Internet on advertising portals or by negotiating cooperation with private furniture makers. Additional income can be provided by curly and exclusive cutting of mirrors, replacement of simple glazing in furniture sets with non-standard and original ones.

5. Glass cutting

The initial investment is 20,000 rubles.

The basis of such a business idea– re-equipment of the garage room into a full-fledged workshop for cutting ordinary and corrugated glass. Such a project can develop well in large cities where the demand for glass replacement in industrial or residential buildings does not fall. Fashion for glass furniture adds work to replace broken countertops and mirrors. Competition in such a business is quite moderate even in cities with millions of people.

Implementation of the idea

The project to open such a workshop is ideal in the absence of large financial resources for the purchase of special equipment. The master will need a large table that you can make yourself. The main costs are high-quality glass cutters and the purchase of the first batch of glass. To save money, it should be purchased in a special package. Finding a permanent supplier is quite a big problem in this project.

At the initial stage, you will need to spread information about your location through advertisements and flyers. A good profit can be made by an offer of cooperation with housing and communal organizations. The effect can be given by direct contact with the directors of enterprises, commercial organizations or educational institutions.

6. Turner services

The minimum investment is 50,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project- equipment in the garage of a mini-workshop for the manufacture of various parts and products on lathe. Such services are in demand among the owners of auto repair shops and small businesses that do not have a turner on staff. This type of activity has practically no competition in the market.

Implementation of the idea

For equipment in the garage of a turning workshop, you will need to purchase a special machine and a standard set of tools. Great opportunities will be provided by a machine with program management. It has a high price, but it will pay off relatively quickly due to the production of complex and precise parts for cars and bicycles. A person with good turner experience and certain skills should work. Services can be offered over the Internet.

The minimum work on threading starts from 100 rubles. Additional income can come from the production of dumbbells for gyms, small parts for auto repair shops and sports bike repair shops.

7. Furniture production

Initial decisions - 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– equipment in the garage of a workshop for the production of cabinet furniture for an apartment or office according to the individual sizes of private customers. In this business, competition among small and large manufacturers is quite high.

Implementation of the idea

To start the project, you need to purchase a set of tools, a machine and a table for work. Such profitable business does not require serious investments and specialized equipment. At first, work can be limited to the help of one worker, and having your own car will solve the problem of transportation.

You can save space and time by ordering large parts of cabinet furniture from large manufacturers. Then in the garage it remains to properly assemble, grind and complement the future wardrobe or bed with fittings. Orders are accepted through the online store, advertisements and announcements are placed on social networks, leaflets are offered near busy bus stops and metro stations. A good additional income can be provided by the provision of assembly services for ready-made kits from furniture hypermarkets at the customer's home.

8. Making frames for greenhouses

The minimum cost is 150,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– acquisition necessary equipment for the manufacture of greenhouse frames and the creation of a workshop in the garage for the collection of such products. Many private customers are happy to use the service for arranging a greenhouse in their suburban area or courtyard. The business idea will be relevant in the face of growing demand for healthy and tasty products.

Implementation of the idea

Modern greenhouses are made of lightweight plastic and polycarbonate. The base is made of plastic pipes, so installation requires some skills. To work, you need to purchase a set of tools and equipment for working with plastic. This business stands out:

  • low cost of materials;
  • ease of manufacture and short lead times;
  • good profitability and fast payback.

Most potential customers live outside the city, so initial advertising costs will be required. A good additional income can be received for the installation of such structures on the client's territory.

9. Store opening

The initial investment is 120,000 rubles.

The essence of the project– equipment and opening of the indoor garage outlet. The idea can be realized if the gate of the building faces the road. This is a common way of trading in small villages, through which popular roads and significant routes pass. The most demanded may be industrial goods, automotive parts and components, stationery or building materials. Such a business will become relevant in places with a large flow of cars.

Implementation of the idea

The initial costs for opening such a non-standard outlet will be:

  • repair and decoration of the premises;
  • installation of commercial equipment;
  • purchase of initial batches of goods.

Orienting the store to food will require the purchase or rental of expensive refrigerated display cases and compliance with sanitary standards. Like any commercial enterprise, the point must have the relevant documents for the job. The monthly income of such a store can reach 20-30 thousand rubles a month. This will allow the project to pay off in full in six months with a rational approach to pricing.

10. Netting production

Initial costs - up to 300,000 rubles .

The essence of a business project in your garage– installation of special equipment and production of a metal chain-link mesh. This popular material is in constant demand in private households and for construction needs. Due to its affordable price, it is used as a simple fence. The low cost of chain-link mesh makes the business project in demand and profitable.

Implementation of the idea

You can place a mini-workshop for the production of a practical mesh in an ordinary garage with communications connected. Having your own car will help reduce the amount of transportation costs and solve the problem of delivering goods to customers. To organize the production process, you will need:

  • Special machine and a small set of locksmith tools.
  • Such a project is difficult to carry out alone, and an assistant is needed at some stages of the work.

The average percentage of profitability ranges from 15-25% based on the selling price. Profit and payback completely depends on the volume of sales, so do not forget about advertising the product in different ways.

11. Opening a framing workshop

Initial investment - 90,000 rubles.

At the heart of such a business idea in my garage– the opening of a small framing workshop that provides services for the design of products for everyone. They are becoming more and more in demand due to the growing demand for hand-made products. Potential clients are artists and craftsmen who sell oil paintings or embroidered paintings. The service is necessary for designers and decorators to decorate mirrors, walls or furniture.

Implementation of the idea

The business does not require large investments and can be implemented without the help of additional hired workers. To open a framing workshop in the garage, you must:

  • Repair and make the garage comfortable for work in the cold season.
  • Purchase a small set of equipment, a cutting machine and tools for processing material.
  • Search for reliable suppliers of original components.

You can succeed and make the idea profitable if you pay attention to advertising your services. In addition to placing ads on the Internet portal, a good option is to cooperate with needlework and art supplies stores. An analysis of such projects shows an approximate profit of 30,000 rubles per month.

12. Mini-forge in the garage

Approximate investment - 90,000 rubles.

The project is an opportunity to convert a standard garage into a home forge. The services of a good blacksmith are always in demand among decorators and owners of private houses. Openwork spans of the fence and bars on windows, stairs and decorative elements for decorating buildings are very popular. AT artistic forging low level of competition, which will allow rapid development new project.

Implementation of the idea

To organize a home forge in the garage, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory redevelopment and arrangement of the chimney, create conditions for the operation of the furnace and metal processing. The main items of expenditure at the beginning of the project:

  • purchase or rental of special equipment, vise, compact welding machine;
  • registration of all permissive instruments;
  • service advertising.

A large income can be obtained from the original forging of non-standard products, but for their production you will need the service of an artist-designer. One ton of metal turns into 500 small items. The cost of one meter of openwork fence can be up to 10,000 rubles (depending on complexity). Medium monthly profit in such activities - 30,000 rubles.

13. Production of building materials

Initial costs - 100,000 rubles .

At the heart of the project– equipment in the garage of a mini-workshop for the production of building materials with subsequent sale to private and wholesale buyers. Before developing an idea, it is necessary to carefully analyze the demands of the market and the surrounding manufacturing enterprises in order to find your niche. Good demand can be for paving or facing tiles, different types of insulation or foam blocks.

Implementation of the idea

Organize similar business possible in a normal garage. This will require serious financial investments for the purchase of production equipment. Special attention from the owner will require:

  • market monitoring and search for wholesale buyers;
  • the location of the garage itself and the possibility of convenient transportation of materials to the customer;
  • any opportunity to reduce the cost of production.

The basis for making a profit is the right choice of the material produced. For example, focusing on cheap building mixes can give stable income up to 3000 rubles per shift. The only negative is the seasonality of such a "garage" project and the need to have a warehouse for storing supplies.

14. Manufacture of plates with house number

Initial capital - 10,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project– production of beautiful plates with house numbers and street names to order. Such a service has a stable demand and little competition among private entrepreneurs. Standard and original plates produced at printing houses are more expensive. The business idea will be relevant for a small family business without the involvement of employees and large investments.

Implementation of the idea

The production of plates does not require special expensive equipment and materials. They can be made on plastic using a printer and self-adhesive film. In addition to the purchase of materials, a set of simple tools and comfortable furniture for work are additionally purchased. A place in the garage must be equipped with the calculation of the production process in any season.

The cost of one standard plate can start from 60–100 rubles. The selling price varies from 200-250 rubles. You can look for clients through the chairmen of horticultural farms or street committees, offer services to housing communities and organizations for a certain percentage of the transaction.

15. Repair of household appliances

Preliminary expenses - 50,000 rubles.

Project basis– providing private clients with services for the repair and prevention of large and small home appliances in the workshop. They are always popular and in demand among all segments of the population. A converted garage is perfect for organizing a small repair business.

Implementation of the idea

Such a business project is aimed at an experienced specialist. Otherwise, additional costs for training, advanced training or wages hired handyman. The presence of a car will facilitate the task of delivering large-sized refrigerators or moving the master to addresses.

To open, the owner will need to complete all Required documents, as well as:

  • purchase modern tools and diagnostic equipment;
  • organize dispatcher services and registration of orders;
  • work out the possibilities of active advertising.

With an average check for an order of 1,000 rubles, the monthly income of an experienced craftsman can be 30,000–40,000 rubles. This will help to recoup the costs of the workshop in the shortest possible time and get a stable profit.

16. Key making workshop

Initial expenses -150,000 rubles.

Basis for a business idea– re-equipment of the garage into a full-fledged workshop for the production of keys of various types. This is a good option if the garage is within walking distance for potential customers. Modern technologies allow even an inexperienced master to make high-quality duplicates in a few minutes.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the idea, you will need a minimal re-equipment of the premises for the needs of the workshop. The main cost item will be the purchase of several machines that allow you to make different types and types of keys. You will have to fork out for their purchase in order to offer customers any services, including magnetization of keys for intercoms.

The average cost of manufacturing a standard duplicate is 150-300 rubles with minimal time spent by the master and the cost of the material. Processing from 15–20 people per day, we can already talk about a stable net income of over 30,000 per month. Of great importance is the dissemination of information about the location of the workshop and the absence of competitors in the nearest area.

17. Making boots

Initial expenses - 50,000 rubles.

The project consists in opening a workshop on the basis of the garage for the manual production of real felt boots with subsequent sale to customers. The products cause an increased demand on the wave of interest in high quality piece goods. Warm and eco-friendly boots are back in trend. Many parents choose this winter shoes for their children. There is minimal competition in this market sector, and the production process is easy to master even for a novice master.

Implementation of the idea

To open such a non-standard enterprise, you will need at least two people who can perform several processes at the same time. Certain costs in the first period will require:

  • special carding machines and a small set of tools;
  • purchase of auxiliary materials;
  • summing up communications;
  • search for a permanent supplier of good quality wool.

Every day, you can manually produce 5-6 pairs of simple boots. The minimum price for one ready-made pair starts from 600 rubles for a wholesale buyer. Additional decorative elements made of leather or fabric can significantly increase the cost of shoes and bring a tangible income.

18. Mini smokehouse equipment

Initial investment - 100,000 rubles.

The business project is to re-equip the garage into a real smokehouse for meat and fish products, followed by their sale to small wholesale buyers. Delicious and fragrant balyks, sausages and hams are in stable demand among gourmets. Despite decent competition from large meat processing plants, a piece product will always be in demand for its excellent taste and special smell.

Implementation of the idea

The basis is a special electric or standard smokehouse on sawdust, which looks like a cabinet. Small dimensions allow you to carry out all operations independently without the involvement of additional worker. Its acquisition will be a significant cost item for the future project. The owner should take care of the main points:

  • registration of all work and trade permits;
  • purchase of fresh semi-finished products from trusted suppliers;
  • strict adherence to rules and processes.

The main sales market is small grocery stores and meat outlets in the markets. The minimum wholesale margin starts from 100%, which fully covers the costs and gives a guaranteed profit of up to 200 thousand rubles per month.

19. Organization of storage of bicycles and equipment

The minimum investment is 10,000 rubles.

The essence of an interesting business project- organization in a personal garage of an equipped place for storing bicycles and overall items in the winter for a fee. Such an idea will be in demand among the owners of this popular two-wheeled transport, who are faced with the problem of storing inventory on balconies. Alternatively, you can offer summer time a place for children's electric cars and other things that are difficult to transport daily in an elevator.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the idea, you should thoroughly free up space, add racks for tires or bags. To guarantee safety, it is necessary to conclude an agreement with the site private security and set up an alarm. Proper distribution of space will increase the capacity, and therefore the profit for storage.

The cost of services can be calculated independently by day or month. It should cover the cost of lighting and signaling. This is a simple and affordable way for anyone to receive a small but stable income with minimum investment personal time and money.

20. Garage rental

The minimum investment is 90,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project- transfer of the garage premises to another person for a certain time on the basis of a lease agreement. This type of profit is suitable for the owner of a garage that is not used for its intended purpose. Considering a large number of cars in cities and towns, such a service will always be in demand. Among the positive aspects is the absence of additional costs of personal time.

Implementation of the idea

If you have a garage, you can always offer it as:

  • private parking spaces;
  • for the production of a small business;
  • as warehouse for the needs of an individual entrepreneur;
  • for storing personal items for a long time (furniture, appliances).

From one garage, you can receive monthly net income in the amount of 3,000 rubles or more (this depends on the location and level of demand in the city). A good passive income will bring several of these premises. If desired, you can invest in their construction. This will cost 70-90 thousand rubles with permits and supply of communications, which will easily pay off in 2-3 years of rent.

21. Sand-lime brick production

The project is to open a mini-workshop for the production of sand-lime bricks in a garage. The building materials market shows stable growth. The production of sand-lime bricks is always characterized by good profitability. It is widely used for the construction of various objects and decoration of buildings. Due to its qualities and properties, this type of material will have a stable demand.

Implementation of the idea

The main amount of the initial capital will need to be spent on the purchase of a mini-line, which takes up little space and can be adapted to the garage. For its maintenance, a staff of 2-3 people is required. the rest organizational issues will become:

  • search for suppliers of raw materials;
  • solution of the transport problem of delivery and shipment of material to customers;
  • obtaining permits;
  • access to regular customers and buyers.

Sales market - small construction and contracting organizations and teams. If you have your own car with sides, you can look for clients outside the city and deliver bricks to small villages. With stable sales, such a project will pay off no earlier than 6-10 months.

22. Making artificial marble from concrete

The minimum initial cost is 150,000 rubles.

The basis of the business idea– opening of a line for the production of products from artificial marble in the garage. Such an artificial stone is distinguished by simple technology and has an original appearance. It is highly demanded in the manufacture of kitchen sets, bathroom cladding and the creation of decorative elements for rooms.

Implementation of the idea

To implement this idea, it will be necessary to purchase a special simplified machine for the production of artificial marble, re-equip the garage into a workshop. At the initial stage, you will have to spend money on the purchase of a small set of tools and concrete. On the basis of the latter, artificial marble is produced with the addition of various impurities and plasticizers.

An analysis of the market for such services indicates a good prospect and development. The main customers may be the owners of furniture shops, funeral companies or design studios. With the cost of manufacturing a standard countertop of materials of 2,000 rubles, its selling price can reach up to 12,000 rubles. Therefore, such a project can be recouped in a short time.

23. Hand stamping work

Initial costs - 50,000 rubles.

The basis of the idea– organization of a simple production process for the manufacture of products by manual stamping for individual orders. This technique is very popular due to the lack of the need to purchase complex technological equipment, bring communications. Beautiful products made of durable artificial stone or reinforced plastic will have a stable demand.

Implementation of the idea

To organize this project, you will need a small set of tools and die-forms for future blanks. Two workers can handle the full technology perfectly. You can make molds yourself or purchase ready-made ones from a large manufacturer. There is a great demand for non-standard countertops, bathroom sinks or custom-made window sills. They are technologically difficult and expensive to make by the factory method.

The business idea quickly pays off due to the low cost of the necessary mixtures and additives, the absence of expenses for public utilities. The selling price of individual products and piece decorative elements can cover the costs of their implementation by 2-3 times. Therefore, such a business project can pay off in two months of continuous work.

24. Business in a garage in the production of metal structures

Initial investment -50 000 rubles.

Such a business idea is to equip a mini-workshop in the garage for the manufacture of metal products to order from the client. Doors, gates and gates, which are made according to individual measurements, are in great demand. Good income brings work in the middle or budget price segment. Even in the presence of competitors, you can get a constant profit.

Implementation of the idea

The organization of this business project requires the conversion of a garage into a workshop, the purchase of a set special tools and portable welding machine. This will allow not only to make high-quality products, but also to receive additional income when they are installed on the road. For work, you will definitely need an assistant, as well as a car for transporting finished products and purchasing metal from a supplier.

The average percentage of profitability of such workshops is 30-40%. The greatest demand is observed for entrance doors costing from 6,000 rubles, the cost of which is 3-4 thousand rubles. It will take up to six months to fully cover the costs. Additional good profit can be obtained from the provision of services for the welding of balcony frames and the strengthening of visors.

25. Garage business in the production of herbal tea

Initial costs - 180,000 rubles.

The basis of the business idea– organization in a garage of a mini-workshop for the production and packaging of herbal tea with subsequent sale to a small wholesale buyer. An analysis of the market indicators for these products indicates a stable growth of up to 15% per year. More and more followers healthy lifestyle life pay attention to herbal teas with fortified or flavored additives.

Implementation of the idea

Opening such a workshop in your own garage will help to significantly reduce the initial cost of renting a room. Mixing and packaging will require special equipment, the purchase of which accounts for the bulk of the initial costs. The process can involve 2-3 employees, each of which will be engaged in certain operations.

The biggest difficulty is finding a permanent supplier of quality raw materials with the appropriate certificates. The main sales market is grocery stores, pharmacy chains and large supermarkets. The payback is influenced by the advertising of the product, which makes it popular with the end consumer.

26. Production of foam blocks

Initial costs - 200,000 rubles.

The project consists in the organization of a small and equipped workshop for the production of light foam blocks with subsequent implementation in bulk lots. The manufacture of this building material is in high and constant demand from the consumer. Foam concrete blocks are distinguished by their low price and practicality, and the sales market shows a constant increase in performance.

Implementation of the idea

To create a small enterprise based on a garage, it is necessary to solve several production problems:

  • purchase a special simplified line for the production of blocks;
  • arrange a place for drying and storing finished products;
  • find a supplier of raw materials;
  • decide on the transportation of manufactured products to the customer.

The main consumers - large and small construction firms, contractors and individual developers wishing to insulate or rebuild own house. On average, a simple line produces 2-3 cubes of foam concrete per shift, each of which is sold to the consumer at a price of up to 1,600 rubles. Given the cost of one cube of 800 rubles, you can earn up to 70,000 rubles a month during the season.

27. Garage business: production of dry building mixes

The minimum expenses are 200,000 rubles.

At the heart of the implementation of the idea– Arrangement in the garage of a workshop for the manufacture of several types of dry mixes for construction works. The market of materials for construction and decoration of premises shows active and constant growth. Before starting production, it is necessary to carefully analyze the needs for mixtures in order to highlight the most popular ones. This will help to avoid warehousing and oversupply of finished products.

Implementation of the idea

The organization of such a production consists in the acquisition of a special line for mixing and packing components into bags. Additional costs will require:

  • purchase of raw materials and components, special additives;
  • remuneration of personnel and forwarding services;
  • search for a stable market.

The cost of one bag of ready-made dry mix is ​​60 rubles, and the selling price reaches 150 rubles for a wholesale buyer. By making 100 such bags per shift, you can achieve a net income of up to 5,000 rubles a day. This will help to reach the payback threshold in 2-3 months and make a profitable project.

28. Manufacture of paint and varnish products

Initial investment - 200,000 rubles.

The basis of such a project– organization production capacity for the manufacture of several types of paintwork products on the basis of a conventional garage. An analysis of the chemical products market shows an increase in demand for safe water-dispersion paints, solvents and liquid putties. To a greater extent, the imported version of the product is presented, which is characterized by a high cost for the average consumer.

Implementation of the idea

It is necessary to start the process with the choice of types of manufactured products and the acquisition of production equipment for them. Some trouble from the business owner will require:

  • search for a supplier of packaging materials and containers for packaging products;
  • solution of the issue of delivery and transportation of raw materials;
  • search for a stable market for finished formulations.

You can also offer products to large chain stores, but you will need to undergo expensive product certification. The profitability of the production of paints and varnishes is quite high and allows you to return the invested amount in 3-4 months. At the time of the seasonal decrease in construction work, you can add an automobile anti-freeze to the assortment.

29. Making wooden stairs

Initial investment -150,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project- organization in a garage of a carpentry workshop, which specializes in the manufacture of exclusive and standard wooden stairs for private and country houses. Despite the crisis, the market shows an active growth in the construction of cottages and country houses, and interest in decorating them. The most popular are the original author's stairs, decorated with hand carvings.

Implementation of the idea

The organization of a business project will require certain investments for the purchase of all necessary inventory, grinding and milling machine. All this is easy to place on the area of ​​a standard garage. This idea is best implemented by people who have good experience with wood products.

Orders should be taken directly at the client's home at the place of future installation of the stairs in order to take measurements and discuss the details. The price range for individual projects can be 40,000–250,000 rubles. The cost directly depends on the time spent by the master and the selected type of tree. The ability to make non-standard products will provide a business project with regular orders and help you quickly recoup your investment.

30. Furniture decoupage

The minimum investment is 30,000 rubles.

Implementation of the idea

A variety of work techniques do not require expensive equipment. Decoupage is completely handmade and investments need to be made only in working materials, paints and the purchase of old furniture. Difficulties in the development of the project are:

  • transportation of furniture to the customer;
  • search for a permanent market for the sale of their services;
  • continuous learning and skill development.

A good income is provided by cooperation with design studios, which can order the craftsman to remake antique-looking furniture. Additional income can be provided by conducting decoupage courses for children or adults, making other decor items and actively participating in various thematic exhibitions home decorations.

31. Packaging of bulk goods

Initial costs - 150,000 rubles.

At the heart of this project- Arrangement in the garage of a packaging line for packing bulk cereals or food products. This business can generate good income with right choice product categories. Therefore, a preliminary analysis of the market and the search for a niche for work are required. Constant demand can be for different types of cereals, nuts or seeds.

Implementation of the idea

The main amount of financial costs will be invested in the purchase of a packaging and packaging plant. For a full-fledged organization of a business project, you will need:

  • development and order original packaging from different materials;
  • purchase of high-quality raw materials in farms or wholesale warehouses;
  • search for small wholesale buyers of goods.

Beautiful and practical packaging will help make products recognizable among the end consumer. Such a business project will require the involvement of employees to optimize some of the processes of packaging, loading and delivery of goods. This affects the profitability of production and keeps it at the level of 15–20%. With an average line capacity load of 80%, the idea can be paid back no earlier than in six months.

32. Manufacturing of ceramic products

Initial expenses - 50,000 rubles.

At the core of a business project– Arrangement in the garage of an equipped pottery workshop for the manufacture of pottery and utensils for sale. Such textured home goods are again popular. They are in demand for their safety and spectacular aesthetic appearance. The production of beautiful and original dishes to order and for sale will become relevant.

Implementation of the idea

It is possible to organize such a workshop in an ordinary garage. To do this, you will need to create a technical base, bring communications and purchase the necessary set of equipment: a kiln and a potter's wheel. Preliminary training in special courses or with an experienced master will help you master the intricacies of the profession.

The main problem is the search for high-quality natural raw materials without impurities. The beauty and reliability of goods depends on this. Original decoration and decoration with modern colors will give ceramic products exclusivity.

You can sell manufactured goods through regular and online stores, souvenir shops and hand-made exhibitions. A good income will bring cooperation with interior decorators. Additional advertising is provided by participation in exhibition projects and participation in competitions.

33. Production of irrigation systems

Initial investment - 100,000 rubles.

At the heart of the business idea– organization of production of components for the drip irrigation system, their subsequent installation at the customer’s site. A new type of plant irrigation is rapidly gaining popularity thanks to water savings and minimal cost watering time. Such products are in demand among owners of farms and summer residents.

Implementation of the idea

To work, you will need a set of locksmith tools and special cutters that help connect plastic elements. You can learn modern technology on courses from well-known franchise companies, or using ready-made system models from Chinese manufacturers. There is quite a lot of competition in the market for these products, but affordable prices for work and installation will make the project quite profitable.

Advertise your services in any way possible. Simple options: cooperation with the chairmen of dacha cooperatives and direct access to farms, posting ads near villages, collective farm markets and at a suburban railway station. The disadvantage of such a project is its seasonality, which makes a profit only in the warm season.

34. Making stoves for baths or space heating

Initial investment - 100,000 rubles.

The basis of this business project- equipment based on the garage of a workshop for the manufacture of stoves and potbelly stoves for individual orders. Such stoves are in demand among the owners of country cottages and complexes, when building saunas or baths. Factories offer a large number of modern models that stand out for their high price and are beyond the reach of many who wish. Affordable cost and good quality of the metal will help to form your customer base and make a profit.

Implementation of the idea

Such a business should be created by an experienced craftsman who understands the nuances and subtleties of the production process of such stoves and the proper organization of the entire heating system. The main part of the work is cutting and welding of metal parts, which requires a special apparatus and a set of tools. Such a mini-workshop is easy to place on the basis of your own garage and work without the involvement of additional workers.

You can advertise products via the Internet, offering them directly to potential customers. The cost of a small simple stove for a private bath starts at 12,000 rubles. It can often reach over 50,000 rubles and depends on the material used and power. The average profitability of the project reaches 30-40% and helps to buy the production process in a few months.

35. Woodcarving

Initial investment - 50,000 rubles.

The basis of the business idea– equipment of a workshop for the manufacture of various wood products and their decoration with artistic carving. Such an interesting art business is best done by experienced craftsmen with experience working with wood. Otherwise, too much personal time will be spent on training and honing skills. The relevance of the project is due to the popularity handicrafts decor, which are increasingly used to decorate apartments and cottages.

Implementation of the idea

For the work of the master, it will be necessary to re-equip the garage space to create optimal and comfortable conditions, and purchase a complete set of carpentry tools. The main difficulties and difficulties in starting a business:

  • search for regular customers and sales market;
  • organizing the purchase of good quality wood;
  • creating your own business card website for advertising services.

The main option for the implementation of carved products is cooperation with souvenir shops and design bureaus. The cost of exclusive products depends only on the level of complexity and the time spent by the master. The ability to offer stylish and non-standard options for every taste will help to achieve a high standard in this business and a stable income.

36. Sandpaper production

The minimum cost is 200,000 rubles.

At the heart of the project- equipment in the premises of an ordinary garage of a mini-workshop for the production, winding and cutting of sandpaper. Inexpensive auxiliary material widely used in most various industries. Sandpaper is needed to clean the surface of dirt, old paint or sanding. In addition to large industrial enterprises, it is in demand among cabinetmakers, furniture makers and builders.

Implementation of the idea

The main amount of initial expenses will be spent on the purchase of a special line that will produce sandpaper from raw materials. It consists of several types of equipment, including a drying oven, a mixing machine. Such a line is quite expensive and will pay off no earlier than after 4 years of active production.

This business idea is designed for long-term stable work. To search for a sales market, you should directly contact large supermarkets construction companies and furniture workshops. A low selling price must be offset by high sales volumes in order to generate a steady income.

37. Restoration of old cars

The minimum investment is 100,000 rubles.

The basis of such a business project– purchase of old rare models of cars of the old year of manufacture, their modernization and restoration for the purpose of further resale. High demand for some models of domestic and foreign cars, released decades ago, can make this business very profitable. Restored cars are of interest to collectors and connoisseurs of old rarities.

Implementation of the idea

To implement the project, there is practically no need to re-equip the garage and purchase a special service equipment. The basis is the skill of a car mechanic, who must know historical features machines and skillfully eliminate errors. Most of the investment will go to the purchase of parts and accessories. You can buy the cars themselves through private ads or in the car market.

The minimum profitability of such a business starts from 50%. Buying an old car at a ridiculous price, after a thorough repair, it can be sold several times more expensive. You should also offer your services to film studios and real collectors.

38. Production of antifreeze liquid for cars

Initial investment -300,000 rubles.

At the heart of the idea- equipment in his garage of a production mini-shop for the manufacture and packaging of anti-freeze liquid for cars. This seasonal type of product is in high demand and can bring excellent income. With good quality and low price, such a business will be relevant even in conditions of great competition.

Implementation of the idea

The main tasks associated with the opening of the production of a good antifreeze liquid are:

  • purchase of a small semi-automatic line for mixing components and filling the composition;
  • bringing to the garage all the necessary communications;
  • search for a technologist capable of controlling high quality product;
  • constant work to attract wholesale buyers and monitor the sales market.

It is better to sell the produced liquid in small wholesale lots, offering your goods to gas stations and car washes, car repair shops. With the cost of one five-liter package of the product being 50 rubles, its selling price for a wholesale buyer is 80 rubles. Garage production can reach 1000 such packages per shift and bring profit up to 30,000 rubles per day. As an alternative to seasonal anti-freeze, in summer period you can make liquid for washing glass.

39. Bicycle and Cart Repair Garage Business

Initial investment - 20,000 rubles.

At the heart of this project– opening a small workshop on the basis of the garage for the repair of bicycles of various models, trolleys and suitcases on wheels. Such a business can become relevant in a large city. The high demand for sports and recreational bikes for young children and adults requires services for their repair and maintenance.

Implementation of the idea

Opening such a business should be done by experienced craftsmen. Such a business project has several positive aspects for the owner:

  • no need for serious investment in equipment;
  • the ability to plan your time and combine with the main work;
  • high profit at low cost of services.

At the initial stage, it is only necessary to purchase a certain set of tools and create working conditions. At first, you will need an active advertising promotion of your services, which will help attract good customers and create a base. Alternatively, you can leave business cards in sporting goods stores, on the Internet, or put up ads. With a responsible approach to work and low prices the business will quickly begin to bring a small but tangible income.

40. Auto repair shop in the garage

Initial costs - 100,000 rubles.

The essence of the business project– purchase of special equipment and a set of tools for car repair, provision of services to private individuals. Such assistance at an affordable price will be a good alternative to expensive car services. The number of cars is only increasing every year, so the project will be relevant even in a small town.

Implementation of the idea

It is impossible to create conditions for all types of work in the garage, so it is better to choose narrow specialization and develop your business in it:

  • car repair varying degrees difficulties;
  • installation and adjustment of electricians;
  • painting cars, drawing drawings and airbrushing;
  • small tire fitting, rubber replacement and vulcanization;
  • installation and testing of alarm systems.

This business should be opened by those who have certain knowledge and experience, so as not to attract additional staff. By doing the work quickly and efficiently, you can not spend money on advertising: customers themselves will spread the word about a good master. This will help pay for a new project in just a few months. The minimum monthly income of such an established workshop starts at 30,000 rubles. Banner at the entrance to the cooperative, a large area in front of the garage for parking and business will go uphill.

41. Making monuments

Initial expenses - 250,000 rubles.

The basis of this business project– re-equipment of the garage into a workshop for the production of ritual monuments by order of clients. This product is in constant demand. The difficulty is the presence of a lot of competition, but reasonable prices will help make the project profitable and cost-effective.

Implementation of the idea

For the success of a business idea, it is better to focus on the manufacture of monuments and attributes from a concrete mixture that imitates marble. This is the best option for placement in a garage. Most of the available funds will be spent on the purchase of equipment: a concrete mixer, special molds for pouring and a vibrating table. The more molds purchased, the greater the range of products that can be offered to future customers.

The approximate profitability of such a business is at least 50%. A good additional income is provided by services for the installation of a manufactured monument, pouring the burial with concrete. The problem is a sharp drop in demand during the winter months, so it is worth considering the manufacture of other products from this concrete mixture (decor for decorating the yard, sections of a figured fence or paving slabs).

42. Production of plastic windows

Initial investment of funds - 50,000 rubles.

At the heart of this project– equipment in the garage of a small workshop for the production of metal-plastic windows according to individual measurements of the client. Such products are in stable demand for their reasonable cost and high practicality. The market for the manufacture and installation of plastic window systems is actively developing. Such a project can bring constant income even in the presence of competitors.

Implementation of the idea

For a successful start and rapid progress, you need to solve several main tasks:

  • acquisition of special compact equipment for working with metal-plastic;
  • find regular suppliers of finished double-glazed windows and high-quality fittings;
  • ensure the delivery of finished products and raw materials to customers.

In a garage, you can assemble ready-made window blocks, everything you need for which is purchased from large manufacturers. The profitability of the "window" business reaches 40-50%. The average monthly amount of revenue depends on the volume of sales, so it is necessary to constantly monitor the price level of competitors and stocks with good discounts for clients.

43. Manufacturing of commercial equipment

The minimum initial cost is 30,000 rubles.

The basis of the business project– creation of a small workshop for the manufacture of metal structures and shelving for any premises in the garage. This way of storing goods helps many manufacturers and sellers significantly save space. Small compact models of racks are in demand in stores and archives of organizations. The relevance of the project depends on the level of prices for the produced racks.

Implementation of the idea

For the manufacture of this most popular type of commercial equipment, you will need a minimum set of working tools: a welding machine, a grinder, a drill and a regular metalwork tool. You can purchase metal for work at the first stage upon receipt of an advance payment from the customer. Larger projects are easier to implement directly on site in order to save on transportation costs.

During the formation of a business project, one cannot do without advertising services and assortment to attract customers. Profitability can vary from 50 to 80% depending on the volume of completed orders. Analysis of similar projects shows their payback within only 3-4 months of active work.

44. Production of advertising signs and letters

Initial expenses - over 50,000 rubles.

Implementation of the idea

To open, you will need to purchase tools that will help you work with plastic or foam. In addition, you will need:

  • taking drawing courses in computer programs;
  • purchase of various materials, LED strips and paint;
  • purchase equipment for working with foam.

For the success of such a project, it is necessary to independently offer design services to opening and operating trade enterprises. Profitability can reach 50% and recoup all investments and expenses in just six months after opening. The only difficulty is the high competition in this market sector among large and small advertising companies.

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Probably, the word electroplating has set the teeth on edge for the visitors of this site, but still I will try to justify this type of income, which can become a serious business from handicraft production. It is strange, but none of the previous authors tried to take a serious look at electroplating, although there are many interesting things there, and in addition to decorative applications, there are also protective-decorative, protective, and the most popular repair and restoration. Just about the latter I would like to talk. But first things first.

In Soviet times, only Africans did not know about electroplating, to the level of education of which our Asian space is now striving. The modern system of education is only occupied with the reproduction of lawyers, economists and other -ists and -asts for exorbitant pay. It is not annoying that with the help of PR-aces these, of course, necessary professions are being promoted, but that people are striving to get a diploma that you can’t get a job anywhere. This nationwide desire to become a nobody can only be compared with the desire to get into the Communist Party in the 70s. The only difference is that at first you received a membership card, and then you paid for it all your life, and now at first you pay a lot and only then you get the cherished, useless, crusts and a rhombus (or a float). But there are a lot of professions, especially technical and agricultural ones, which have always been, are and will be in demand both in the city and in the countryside. And who are able to feed both you and your family, regardless of the political regime in the country. It would seem strange, but it is precisely such professions that are not promoted either by PR specialists, or by the media, or by the education system itself. The reason here is the simplest - these professions will feed you, not Them. Think for yourself, you will not have to advertise, look for work, use the services of the labor exchange and resort to the services of various scam offices, and at the same time pay them all and lick their butts. And if, moreover, you have few competitors, then the demand for you can provide your children with a decent education over the hill.

And such professions are not so few. Suffice it to recall that many holders of legal and economic diplomas, in order to improve their material base, sometimes taxi near railway stations. The profession is not the most prestigious, but the bread. Work on electroplating brings higher income than taxation. But for this you need to know not only chemistry and physics for the seventh grade, but at least read a couple of textbooks on electroplating for vocational schools. As for earnings, it is possible to copper lead and take this product to the points of acceptance of copper scrap. And although the economic effect is small, you are guaranteed a feeling of deep moral satisfaction. And the number of collection points is declining much faster than as a result of cop and tax raids. You can just as well copper or nickel lighters, rubber baby dolls and even dildos (to extend the service life). You can also make press stamps for minting coins. To forge money in the truest sense.

In fact, a lot of things can be done if you know how it is done and what is needed for this. That is, we need technology. This is what I want to talk about, in particular, about the technology of galvanic ironing (leaving) with alternating current 50 Hz. I did not make a reservation, it was alternating current, only asymmetric. To the greatest regret, they tried to practice this method at the beginning of perestroika, but the political and economic mess in the country did not allow it to develop fully. And although the possibilities of this method are an order of magnitude higher than those of traditional electroplating, today it is clearly not the leader.

The advantages of this method are obvious: electrolyte heating is not required, there is no gas evolution and there is no need for complex ventilation systems, electrolyte acidity adjustment is not required, there is no need for complex chemical pre-cleaning of parts, it is enough to wipe them with a rag. The hardness of the deposited metal is from 200 kgf/mm to 650 kgf/mm. Automotive parts restored in this way last at least three times longer than factory parts. We are talking about shafts, gears and other rubbing products. Moreover, it is possible to restore workings up to 1.5 mm deep.

I'm not going to rant about the economic effect of the restoration in this way. Think for yourself, having spent 15-30 kW / h of electricity for ironing and subsequent grinding, you get a crankshaft from a Zhiguli that will run three times longer. I can't even compare with Chinese parts. What is most interesting, you do not need a complex automatic rectifier with current, voltage and current density stabilization. For these purposes, an ordinary welding transformer, two ammeters with shunts, two powerful rheostats and diodes like B200, VK200 and an ordinary shed near the house are suitable.

How to assemble the circuit, I think, is clear from the figure. If the upper resistance according to the scheme is less than the lower one, then the metal will be transferred from a rectangular part to a round one, and vice versa. The hardness of the coating will depend on the ratio of the currents displayed by the ammeters. With a ratio of v.A / n.A = 8, the coating density, and, accordingly, the hardness will be maximum. Unalloyed steels, such as St.3, are used as a soluble electrode. If you want to get a carburized coating that you will harden, then you need to add a little sugar to the electrolyte. Electrolyte based on ferric chloride. The highlight of this method is that the electric current passing through forward direction, deposits the metal on the conditional cathode, and during the reverse stroke removes from the electrodes the excessive ionic intensity that occurs during the forward stroke and is an obstacle to the deposited metal.

I don't think it's worth giving a full description of the technological cycle and regimes, as well as electrolyte compositions. Not everyone will be interested in this idea, and even less will implement it. But in our village this business works and brings income from 1000 to 3000 tenge ($7-22) per day to an old decrepit pensioner, with a pension of 6000 tenge ($44) per month. And this is despite the fact that in the depot we have a galvanic section with chrome, nickel, plating and tinning. This didu knew about 250 km from Kolchak's time, and they organized their limited company to restore crankshaft journals and other auto-tractor junk. By the way, his Kent is the best grinder in the district and he has more than enough orders, both for Soviet scrap and for foreign brands. And tapericha they work for a couple, one leaves, the other “dresses”. And I would not say that only collective farmers use their services. More than 300 km to the regional center, but if you need to fix something exclusive or rare, they go to our old men. They go, despite the road potholes and the price of gasoline. And this is despite the fact that in the regional centers of the former and the present there are factories, there are car services and there are a lot of craftsmen, both fake and real. Even though these two copies will plague you with their grumbling while working, they are much more in demand than lawyers and economists.

Of course, about the origin of the welding transformer in the shed, and about the mysterious movement of grinding machines from the collective farm MTM to the communist's personal garage - the rasstrigi can only guess. But for me, this is better than scrapping state property and sending the latter to the Chinese. I think that since this works for us, there will be similar settlements cesspool type, where it will also work no worse than ours. If the equipment is transferred from the barn to the workshop, then a good production can be organized from handicraft.

Given the rise in metal prices, it may turn out that not all car owners and car fleets will be able to handle the price of new pieces of iron. And then a real Klondike can open up for you. Over the past year, prices for scrap metal have jumped from 1 to 29 tenge (0.01-0.20$). And there are no prerequisites for them to decline again yet. I do not think that they will fall in the foreseeable future. Just like with oil, metal prices are raised not so that they fall later. :-))). Make your own conclusions and forecasts for this type of business.

P.S. I ask commentators not to fall into ecstasy if I do not respond to comments. We have electronic elections here, so there are communication problems.