PP rf 354 last. VI

March 27, 2018 Government Decree No. 354 "On granting utilities owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" has undergone the first change since last year. You can download the full text with changes for 2018 from our website (in Word.doc), and in this article we want to deal with issues related to recalculation of the cost of housing and communal services, as well as find out what changes were made in 2018.

Changes made to Decree 354 on March 27, 2018

Supplementing Section I of the Rules with paragraph 2(1).

2(1). Notifications provided for by this resolution shall be sent, including using the state information system housing and communal services.

Amendment of the third paragraph of paragraph 108 of the Rules

Old edition

The time for the inspection in the cases specified in this paragraph is appointed no later than 2 hours from the moment the consumer receives a message about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed with the consumer.

New edition

The time for the inspection in the cases specified in this paragraph is appointed no later than 2 hours from the moment the consumer receives a message about the violation of the quality of the utility service, unless a different time is agreed with the consumer. Deviation from the time agreed with the consumer for the inspection is allowed in cases of circumstances. force majeure, including in connection with violations (accidents) that have arisen in the operation of in-house engineering systems and (or) centralized networks of engineering and technical support. At the same time, the employee of the emergency dispatch service is obliged immediately from the moment when it became known about the occurrence of such circumstances, before the time agreed with the consumer for the inspection, notify him of the circumstances that have arisen and agree on a different time for the inspection by any available means.

What does Decree 354 regulate in the provision of housing and communal services?

354 The Decree was developed to regulate in detail the relationship between consumers of housing and communal services and organizations supplying communal resources, organizations serving the premises of multi-apartment residential buildings. In particular, Decree 354 states:

Legalized rights and obligations of suppliers and consumers of housing and communal services in Russia,
- legal procedures and conditions for concluding contracts for the provision of housing and communal services between suppliers and consumers,
- the procedure for carrying out measures to verify and control the quality of public services provided,
- calculation methods of forming the cost of housing and communal services for consumers with metering devices (meters), and for consumers who do not have such devices,
- established recalculation of accrued utility bills for situations where no one uses the premises and for situations where the services provided were of poor quality, which include low heating of water for heating batteries (during the heating season), as well as water for supply to the consumer's tap.
- the legal procedure for limiting or temporarily suspending the supply of public services,
- the supposed responsibility of consumers and utility service providers to each other for poor performance of their duties.

Carrying out the recalculation of the cost of housing and communal services according to Resolution 354

The grounds for recalculating the cost of rendered housing and communal services cannot always be made in favor of the consumer. The text 354 of the Decree indicates that the consumer, when he commits illegal actions, for example, with metering devices, may be subject to an administrative fine with the recalculation of payments for housing and communal services. There are several situations in which the recalculation of the cost is possible. Let's list them.

1. Absence of the consumer in the premises for 5 or more days. At the same time, there are several conditions - the premises should not be equipped with metering devices (see section 8 of the RF PP), the absence of the consumer must be documented.

2. Utilities were of inadequate quality and (or) were provided with interruptions exceeding the established duration (see section 9 of the RF GD),

3. The audit revealed a deliberate understatement of indicators by the Consumer (see clause 61 of the RF PP). Underestimations in this case are not related to technological intervention in the operation of the meter,

4. Distortion of meter readings caused by interference (see (clause 62 of the RF PP). This is exactly the case when the recalculation will not be made in favor of the Consumer, and as a result of the proceedings, a Protocol on interference with the operation of the meter will be drawn up.

5. Changing the method of payment for housing and communal services for space heating. The recalculation must be made in the first quarter of the year following the year in which the payment method was changed (according to clause 42 of the RF PP),

6. Malfunction of the meter or damage to the meter seal after the verification period has expired. In this case, the cost of the rendered housing and communal services will be recalculated according to the average monthly readings of the meter (in accordance with clause 59 of the RF PP), and after the expiration of the period specified in clause 59 of clause 60 of the RF PP - using the standards, and in the event that if the consumer provided the readings of such a meter, the contractor recalculates (see sections 6, 7 of the RF PP),

7. Recalculation is also made if a temporarily resident citizen used the residential premises in the absence of individual or apartment meters (see clauses 32, 56, 57 of the RF PP), while payment must be made by a permanently resident consumer.

Posted on the official website of the Ministry of Regional Development of Russia




Given that the number of consumers will be determined on the basis of citizens actually permanently and temporarily residing in a residential building, can the contractor make the calculation based on the data he has on the number of registered, or only be guided by the information provided by the consumer himself? And if such information is not provided or does not coincide with the number of registered ones (it will be less), what actions of the performer will be lawful?

The contractor determines the amount of payment for utilities based on the number of registered citizens and is obliged to recalculate only if the consumer provides documents confirming his temporary absence from the residential premises.
As for citizens temporarily residing and not registered in the residential premises, information about them is provided by the consumer himself to the contractor.

There is no individual water meter in an apartment or residential building. The actual number of residents without registration exceeds the number of those registered. Who is authorized to record the actual number of residents for accrual according to the standards?

By this issue there are no norms in Rules N 354.
As practice shows, Managing organizations, unilaterally or with the involvement of citizens living in this MKD, draw up acts on living in the living quarters of citizens, on the basis of which they begin to charge utility bills based on the established number of residents.
However, if the owner of such a dwelling applies to the court with a statement about the unlawfulness of the accruals, the courts do not in all cases evaluate the acts of residence drawn up managing organization, as sufficient evidence of the fact of residence of citizens.
In our opinion, when drawing up such acts of the MA, it is advisable to involve the district police commissioner, since this is exactly what executive authorized under the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation to draw up protocols on administrative offenses for living at the place of stay without registration.
Based on the check conducted by the district police officer, it becomes possible to establish the personal data of living citizens and subsequently involve them in the trial as witnesses or 3 persons.
In addition, the relevant verification materials may be attached to the case as evidence.

The owners of the apartment are not registered, the tenants actually live in the apartment. How to calculate the payment for cold water supply in the absence of ISP and OPU?

In this case, it is possible to apply the norm of part 11 of article 155 of the RF LC that the non-use of the premises by the owner (due to the lack of his residence permit) does not exempt such an owner from paying utility bills and charge fees according to consumption standards for the number of owners, guided by and the norm of part 2 of article 153 of the RF Housing Code on the obligation for the owner to pay utility bills from the moment the right of ownership of the premises arises. Or it is possible to establish by a management agreement the procedure for activating the facts of consumers' residence in residential premises with the subsequent presentation of such an act and invoices for payment to the owner of the corresponding premises. However, the owner's refusal to pay utility bills based on the number of tenants living with him who are not declared by him as residents will not allow the managing organization to receive the appropriate payment.

If the owner is not registered in the apartment, are accruals made on him?

In accordance with part 2 of article 153 of the LC RF, the owner is obliged to pay utility bills from the moment of acquiring ownership. In accordance with part 11 of article 155 of the LC RF, non-use of the premises is not a basis for non-payment of utility bills. In case of temporary absence of consumers, the amount of the fee determined on the basis of the consumption norm is recalculated for the period of temporary absence. We believe that when using part 11 of article 155 of the RF LC, it is possible to charge a fee to the owner of the premises in the absence of a statement about the temporary absence of consumers in the corresponding premises.

If the apartment is not owned by one owner, but by 1/2, 1/3, etc. then accruals according to the standards are made for each owner of the apartment?

Yes, utility bills are determined according to the number of owners (considered to be living before the submission of an application for temporary absence - in accordance with part 11 of article 155 of the HC RF), regardless of the share of each owner in the common shared ownership of the dwelling.

The owner gives notice of his absence within five years. We do not charge services to him, and three other people live in his apartment for all five years (for example, he rents an apartment without notice). How to be in such a situation with accruals?

In this situation, it is necessary to identify and record the facts of citizens' residence in residential premises and make charges based on the number of citizens living and the established period of their residence. We recommend that the facts of residence of citizens be recorded with the participation of the district authorized police officer, since it is this official who, in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, is authorized to consider cases of residence of citizens without registration.

How to make accruals for utilities if unregistered citizens live in the apartment and the owner of the premises does not register them?

The fee is calculated based on the number of registered citizens until the fact of residence of other citizens is established and recorded in order to verify compliance with the requirements of administrative legislation on the registration of citizens, or by the managing organization independently with the involvement of other persons.

How to force the owner to send an application to the MA about the presence of unregistered residents living in his apartment. What sanctions can be applied to them? Can a court order them?

The court cannot oblige the owner to send such a statement.
The sanction that can be applied to the owner is compensation for damages.
The way to protect the right of the managing organization in this case is the claim for compensation for losses caused by the inaction of the owner, who did not report about the residents. The fact of inaction is obliged to prove the managing organization.

If a subject of the Russian Federation has established consumption standards with their entry into force on 01/01/2013, do we have the right to charge according to the old standards?

Before 01/01/2013 - yes, after - no. At the same time, during the period of application of the old standards for the consumption of utilities, the amount of payment for utilities is subject to determination using the calculation formulas specified in Rules N 354, except for the case when Rules N 307 are applied for heating payments in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation N 857.

How to calculate payment for utilities to managing organizations if the subject of the Russian Federation has not accepted
no regulations ? We don't have old standards or new ones!


The new norms for the consumption of public services are understood as the norms adopted by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation with the introduction of them into force after 1.09.2012. and established in accordance with Rules N 306 as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 28, 2012 No. N 258 "On Amendments to the Rules for Establishing and Defining Standards for the Consumption of Utilities". The old standards mean the standards that were in effect for calculating utility bills before 1.09.12, incl. previously approved by the local government in the period up to 27.07.2010. If, on the territory of the municipality, the standards for the consumption of utilities that were previously approved by the CHI were canceled, then the consumption standards that were in effect before the approval of the canceled ones are most likely to be applied. For these purposes, it is necessary to look at the wording of the canceled normative legal acts of compulsory medical insurance. In the period before the entry into force of the new standards for the consumption of utilities after 1.09.2012. when determining payment for utilities, those standards for the consumption of utilities should be applied that were used in settlements with consumers of utilities during the period of validity of Rules N 307, i.e. up to September 1, 2012

How will the payment for CU (specifically for electricity supply) be charged in a communal apartment in the absence of an apartment meter?

According to clause 50 of Rules N 354, the calculation of the amount of payment for a utility service provided to a consumer living in a room (rooms) in a communal apartment is carried out in accordance with formulas 7, 16 and 19 of Appendix N 2 to the Rules. In accordance with the procedure established by Rules N 354 (the indicated formulas), the readings of room metering devices in a communal apartment that is not equipped with apartment metering devices are not taken into account when calculating the amount of payment for electricity supply services. For such accounting, it is necessary to equip the apartment with an apartment metering device.

How is the calculation of the amount of payment for utilities carried out in the cases provided for by the Rules in the absence of those approved by the authorities? state power subjects of the Russian Federation of standards for the consumption of utilities in relation to households?

The payment for utilities consumed when using the land plot and outbuildings is determined according to the current standards for the consumption of utilities, if any. In the absence of such standards, the volume of consumption of the relevant utilities is determined by calculation.


As in the case of transferring evidence by telephone, identify the subscriber. After all, mistakes, forgeries are possible, how then to prove that the organization did not invent these testimonies? When sending by e-mail, the Subscriber himself indicates his postal address in the application and all messages coming from the specified mailbox are accepted unconditionally, since a written trace remains. With oral transmission, nothing remains.

When accepting meter readings, it is recommended to set a code, password, etc. for each personal account, allowing the payer to be identified.

According to the period of taking the testimony of the IPU. Rules N 354 determine the deadline for submitting IPU testimony from the 23rd to the 25th (no later than the 26th). It is very problematic to obtain OSS decisions on changing these terms in a short time. Question: if citizens submitted testimonies to the IPU, for example, on the 29th (or on any other day), do we have the right to take into account these testimonies or consider these testimonies not submitted within the period established by Rules N 354 and calculate the average monthly expense?

According to paragraphs. c) clause 34 of Rules N 354, the consumer is obliged:
- take readings of the IPU in the period from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month;
- transfer the received testimony to the contractor or a person authorized by him no later than the 26th day of the current month, (except when, in accordance with the Rules, an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services, and (or) decisions of the general meeting of owners of premises in an apartment building, actions on taking readings of such metering devices, the performer (a person authorized by him) or another organization is obliged to perform.
Thus, the term for the acceptance by the executor of the IPU testimony is from the 23rd to the 26th, inclusive. If the consumer has not fulfilled these obligations within the specified period, the amount of the fee is calculated based on the average monthly volume of consumption in the manner prescribed by clause 59 of Rules N 354.
At the same time, we believe that the readings of metering devices provided after the 26th day of the billing month can be used by the contractor to calculate the payment for utilities for the corresponding month, if this does not violate the deadline for submitting a payment document to consumers established by an agreement with the utility services contractor containing the conditions for providing utilities.

How to determine for what billing period meter readings were taken if consumers transmit these readings by phone, via the Internet?

Consumers are required to take readings of the IPU in the period from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month and transfer the received readings to the contractor or a person authorized by him no later than the 26th day of the current month (clause 34 of Rules N 354). If the consumer did not submit the IPU readings to the contractor on time, then the amount of the fee is determined based on the average monthly volume of consumption (clause 59 of Rules N 354). Based on the deadlines established by the Rules, all information about the testimony of the IPU received during the specified period is accepted by the contractor for calculating the amount of the fee for the billing period in which in a timely manner testimonies were transferred, and in case of a long non-submission of testimonies by the IPU - for the settlement periods determined between the dates timely presentation of IPU readings.

How to determine for what period and in what period the readings of the IPU were taken if they were transferred out of time?

There is no need to establish which indications refer to which period, since in case of late submission of IPU readings in accordance with clause 59 of Rules N 354, the volume of utility consumption in the billing month is taken equal to the average monthly volume (if the readings are not provided for more than 3 months - according to consumption standards) . In the month of timely submission of IPI readings, the volume is determined based on the submitted IPI readings minus the amount billed for payment for previous months for which IPU readings were not provided or were not provided on time.

Is it possible for consumers to take and transmit readings of individual or room metering devices at times other than those specified in paragraphs. "c" clause 34 of Rules N 354?

Possibility of withdrawal and transfer consumers indications of an individual, general (apartment) or room metering device at a time different from the time specified in paragraphs. "c" clause 34 of Rules N 354 is missing.

On the possibility of taking readings of an individual, general (apartment) or room metering device at other times, except from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month.

In pp. "c" clause 34 of Rules N 354 contains a provision that the consumer is obliged, in the presence of an individual, general (apartment) or room meter, to take his readings monthly from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month and transfer the received readings to the contractor or a person authorized by him no later than the 26th day of the current month, except in cases where, in accordance with the Rules, the contract, containing provisions on the provision of public services, and (or) decisions general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building, actions to take readings from such metering devices must be performed by the performer (a person authorized by him) or another organization.
In pp. g) of the same Rules states that “The Contractor is obliged: ... In the cases established by these Rules, as well as in cases and terms specified in the contract containing provisions on the provision of public services, and (or) by the decision of the owners of premises in an apartment building , take readings of individual and common (apartment), room metering devices , enter the readings received in the register of readings of the indicated metering devices and use them when calculating the amount of payment for utilities for the billing period for which the readings were taken.
The following conclusions can be drawn from the above paragraphs of the Rules:
If the consumer independently takes and transmits the readings of an individual, general (apartment) or room meter, then in this case he is obliged to do this within the time limits established by paragraphs. c) Clause 34 of Rules N 354, i.e. is obliged to monthly take his testimony in the period from the 23rd to the 25th day of the current month and transfer the received testimony to the executor or a person authorized by him no later than the 26th day of the current month. The specified terms established by the Rules, in our opinion, cannot be changed.
If actions to take readings of individual and common (apartment), room metering devices are required to be performed by the performer (a person authorized by him) or another organization (if such an obligation is assigned to the indicated persons by an agreement containing provisions on the provision of public services, and (or) decisions of the general meeting owners of premises in an apartment building), then the terms and cases of taking readings of the indicated metering devices by the contractor (authorized person) or other organization are established by the relevant agreement or decision of the general meeting of owners of premises.

Is it possible to take into account the readings of the IPU not in the month in which it was put into operation, but from the 1st day of the next month?

The obligations of the contractor and the consumer to take into account the readings of the IPU from the 1st day of the month following the month in which the IPU was put into operation are established in paragraphs. "y" p.31 and in paragraphs. "and" clause 33 of Rules N 354.

How to apply clause 31 "y", clause 33 "and" and clause 81 paragraph 3 of Rules N 354 with a discrepancy in these paragraphs?

In our opinion, the provisions of clause 31 “y” and clause 33 “i” should be applied, since they correspond to the procedure for starting calculations based on the readings of newly installed metering devices, based on the provisions of Law N 261-FZ. Discrepancies in these paragraphs are planned to be eliminated by amending the Rules. However, according to such changes previously posted on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development, it is planned to bring the provisions of paragraph 31 "y" and paragraph 33 "and" in accordance with paragraph 81 of Rules N 354.


If the cold water and heat supply networks are centralized, can it be considered that the hot water heated in the house is supplied through the centralized ITO networks?

The current legislation does not contain the concept of centralized IT networks. In accordance with Laws N 190-FZ and N 416-FZ, the concepts of "centralized heat supply system" and "centralized hot water supply system" are given.
Centralized hot water supply refers to the supply of MKD hot water using the municipal infrastructure systems of the settlement, which does not include the equipment of an apartment building involved in the preparation of hot water. Since hot water is prepared inside the house, and only cold water is supplied to the house and thermal energy(resources), then it cannot be considered that the house is connected to the centralized hot water supply networks of the municipal infrastructure of the city.

Is there a regulation for hot water?

Rules N 306 established the procedure for determining the gas consumption standard for water heating. The standard for the consumption of thermal energy for heating water is not provided for by Rules N306.

How is the amount of heat energy for heating and hot water supply during the heating period determined in houses with an individual heat point with a thermal energy control unit - common for heating and hot water supply?

The volume (quantity) of thermal energy used in the production of utility services for hot water supply (heating water) during the heating period, in the presence of a meter that records the total amount of thermal energy used in the production of utility services for heating and hot water supply, is determined by the formula:


The volume (amount) of thermal energy for heating needs (V(T)OT) is determined as the difference between the readings of the thermal energy supply system (V(T)) and the amount of thermal energy for the needs of hot water supply (V(T)DHW):
V (T) FROM \u003d V (T) - V (T) GV
The amount of the fee is calculated according to the formula 18, 20 of Appendix No. 2 to Rules N354.
In the non-heating period, V (T) HW should be recognized as equal to V (T) due to the fact that heating services in accordance with Rules N 354 are provided only during the heating period, while utility bills for general house needs in accordance with clauses 54, 70 Rules N 354 is not separately allocated. In this case, the amount of heat energy consumed according to the indications of the operating cost (including losses of heat energy associated with the circulation of hot water in risers and heated towel rails, independent of the volume of hot water consumption and being technological losses to be taken into account in the volume of services at the ODN) in in accordance with formula 20 of Appendix No. 2 to Rules No. 354, it will be distributed among consumers of premises in proportion to the volume of hot water consumption in the premises, which, in our opinion, does not correspond to the essence of the formation of utilities at ODN (Rules No. 306), as well as the principle of their payment in proportion to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises.

Please explain the procedure for calculating payment for heating and hot water services in accordance with paragraph 18 of Government Decree N 307, provided that it is not possible to separately account for fuel consumption for heating and hot water supply (ITP)?

The volume (quantity) of thermal energy used in the production of utility services for hot water supply (water heating), in the presence of a meter that records the total amount of thermal energy used in the production of utility services for heating and hot water supply, is determined by the formula:

- the volume (quantity) of hot water determined for the billing period in the i-th residential premises (apartment) or non-residential premises in an apartment building;
- water density, taken equal to 1000 (kg / m3);
- heat capacity of water, equal to 1 kcal / (kg H (o) C);
- temperature of hot water at the tapping point, which meets the requirements for the quality of utilities, for the billing period (°C). In the absence of actual data, it is assumed to be 60°C;
- the average temperature of the initial cold water: in the non-heating period 15°C, in the heating period it is assumed to be 5°C (°C).

The volume (quantity) of thermal energy for heating needs (V (T) OT) is determined as the difference between the readings of the thermal energy supply (V (T)) and the volume of thermal energy for the needs of hot water supply (V (T) HW):
V (T) FROM \u003d V (T) - V (T) GV
The fee is charged:
for heating services - according to the formula 7.8 of Appendix No. 2 PNavil No. 307;
for hot water services - according to formula 20 of Appendix No. 2 to Rules No. 354.

In the non-heating period, V (T) HW should be recognized as equal to V (T) due to the fact that heating services in accordance with Rules No. 307 are provided only during the heating period, and Rules No. 307 do not provide for payment for utility services consumed on one heating unit. At the same time, payment for utilities for general house needs in accordance with clauses 54, 70 of Rules N 354 is also not allocated separately. In this case, the amount of consumed heat energy according to the indications of the operating cost (including heat energy losses associated with the circulation of hot water in risers and heated towel rails, independent of the volume of hot water consumption and being technological losses to be taken into account in the volume of services at the ODN) in in accordance with formula 20 of Appendix No. 2 to Rules No. 354, it will be distributed among consumers of premises in proportion to the volume of hot water consumption in the premises.

The payment process is being completed.

The full text of the document will be available to you as soon as payment is confirmed.
After payment is confirmed, the page will

A citizen of the Russian Federation (each individual) is a consumer of state resources: water (for hot and cold), electricity, etc. The basis for access is an agreement concluded with an enterprise, in this case a utility company (it is also a contractor). The provision of the possibility of recalculation for the absence of such is guaranteed, they can approve a temporary restriction of access, etc. - more specifically, the process is regulated by the Housing Code.

According to the established standards 354 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (governs relations along with LCD), each citizen is given the opportunity and the right to recalculate payments for services (in this case, utilities). The new edition and the latest changes to it provide the most comprehensive answers to the owners and users of premises / houses (multi-apartment) to all questions of interest. Guarantor in legal relation the state itself, regardless of the city / region, for example, for Moscow it is the MOP.

with latest changes 2016

The creation of Decree 354 of the Government of the Russian Federation dates back to 2011 (May-June). As well as others legislative acts, it requires the introduction of current amendments (based on the reality in housing and communal services), which are made on an annual basis without reference to a period (they can be introduced / planned both for January and May).

The new version of the law (the latest changes) entered into force at the beginning of January of this year (they were introduced at the very end of the past 2015).

Common house needs - to pay or not to pay according to decree 354

According to the latest changes, the general house needs for electricity were also affected by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 (paragraph 44). Now:

The coefficients of drainage standards have been revised (recalculation is in progress);
approved the regulation on the installation of specialized meters;
proposals are being considered to reduce these tariffs (approximately 10-15% reduction);
measures are being taken to stimulate organizations / enterprises (housing and communal services) that provide different kinds services (utilities) relevant for users of houses (multi-apartment), etc.

Changes in housing and communal services

354 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation regulates consumer standards for resources and their subsequent payment for owners / users of premises (residential). The new edition clarifies when the accrual for the full package or a separate part of it for public services begins. The latest changes explain: the power of calculation begins to operate from the moment you enter any room or apartment building.

Calculation of the amount of payment for utilities - 354 resolution

354 of the Federal Law of the Government of the Russian Federation regulates the procedure for distributing accounts. There are also instructions there: every citizen (user of an apartment building) is obliged to submit meter readings to employees every month (payment must also be made monthly).

Recalculation for heating

If we consider in more detail 354 of the Federal Law of the Government of the Russian Federation (new edition), it becomes clear that it is planned to reduce tariffs for premises / apartment buildings (the amount of the discount depends on the region). In the current version (last changes), the procedure for paying for utility services has been significantly simplified, for example, payments for heat are now made according to a special system (simplified).

Payment for utilities

354 The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation on communal services (current version, latest amendments) includes a special appendix, which describes in detail recommendations on calculation standards (replaced data adjustment formula (paragraph 44, paragraph 2), rules and regulations). Measures to control use/consumption have been tightened, and in the current version, special instructions have been given regarding the installation of counting equipment (meters).

Decree 354 with the latest changes 2016 on utilities


Government Decree

Russian Federation


Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6 No. 354 (in ed. dated 09/09/2017) "On the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings" (together with the "Rules for the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings")
VII. The procedure for accounting for utilities using metering devices, the grounds and procedure for checking the status of metering devices and the correctness of taking their readings
VIII. The procedure for recalculating the amount of payment for certain types of utilities for the period of temporary absence of consumers in the occupied residential premises that are not equipped with an individual and (or) common (apartment) metering device
I X. Cases and grounds for changing the amount of payment for utility services when providing utilities of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as during interruptions in the provision of utility services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks
X. The procedure for establishing the fact of the provision of public services of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration
XIII. Features of the provision of utility services for gas supply to consumers through a centralized gas supply network
Annex No. 1. To the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE QUALITY OF PUBLIC SERVICES
Annex No. 2. To the Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings. CALCULATION OF PAYMENTS FOR UTILITY SERVICES
I. Calculation of the amount of payment for the utility service provided to the consumer for the billing period in the i-th residential premises (residential building, apartment) or non-residential premises
II. Calculation of the amount of payment for the utility service provided to the consumer for the billing period in the j-th room (rooms) occupied by him in the i-th communal apartment
II(1). Fee Calculationfor a utility service for handling solidsmunicipal waste provided to the consumerfor the billing period in the i-th residential premises (residential building,apartment) or non-residential premises, as well as in the occupiedim j-th room(s) in i-th communal apartment
III. Calculation of the amount of payment for a utility service provided for the billing period for general house needs in an apartment building
IV. Calculation of the amount of payment for a utility servicefor heating and (or) hot water supply,provided for the billing period to the consumerin a residential (apartment) or non-residential premiseswith independent production by the performerin an apartment building with public servicesfor heating and (or) hot water supply

V. The amount of payment for the utility service provided for the billing period to the consumer in the household when he uses the land plot and the outbuildings located on it, if the household is not equipped with an individual meter for the corresponding type of communal resource

In accordance with Article 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached:

Rules for the provision of public services to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings;

changes that are made to the resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services.

2. Establish that the Rules approved by this resolution:

a) apply to relations arising from previously concluded agreements containing the conditions for the provision of public services, in terms of the rights and obligations that arise after the entry into force of these Rules;

b) do not apply to relations that arise during the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens and the regulation of which is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549 ;

c) come into force after 2 months from the date of entry into force of the changes that are made to the Rules for establishing and determining the standards for the consumption of utilities specified in paragraph four of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of this resolution.

3. Establish that the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation gives clarifications on the application of the Rules approved by this resolution.

4. To the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation:

a) within 2 months, submit, in agreement with the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation and with the participation of interested federal bodies executive power to the Government of the Russian Federation proposals to improve the Rules for the supply of gas to meet domestic needs of citizens, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549, and the main provisions for the functioning of retail electricity markets, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 31 August 2006 N 530;

b) within 3 months:

approved in agreement with Federal Service for tariffs, an approximate form of a payment document for paying for the maintenance and repair of residential premises and the provision of public services, as well as methodological recommendations for filling it out;

approve, in agreement with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the exemplary terms of an apartment building management agreement;

submit in agreement with the Ministry economic development of the Russian Federation and the Federal Tariff Service in the prescribed manner to the Government of the Russian Federation a draft act on amendments to the Rules for establishing and determining standards for the consumption of utilities, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306, providing, among other things:

exclusion from the volumes of communal resources taken into account when determining the standards for the consumption of communal services in a residential building, the volumes of communal resources provided for the maintenance of the common property of an apartment building, and regulatory technological losses of communal resources;

the procedure for establishing standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs;

the procedure for establishing standards for the consumption of communal services, with the exception of gas supply, when using a land plot and outbuildings;

c) within 5 months, approve, in agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the approximate terms of an energy service agreement aimed at saving and (or) increasing the efficiency of utility consumption when using common property in an apartment building;

d) within a 6-month period, approve the criteria for the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing individual, common (apartment), collective (common house) metering devices, as well as the form of the inspection report to establish the presence (absence) of the technical feasibility of installing such metering devices and the procedure filling it out.

5. To recommend that the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation approve the standards for the consumption of utilities in residential premises, the standards for the consumption of utilities for general house needs, the standards for the consumption of utilities when using a land plot and outbuildings no later than 2 months from the date of entry into force of the changes that are made in the Rules for establishing and determining the standards for the consumption of utilities specified in paragraph four of subparagraph "b" of paragraph 4 of this resolution.

6. Recognize as invalid from the date of entry into force of the Rules approved by this resolution:

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307 "On the procedure for providing public services to citizens" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 23, Art. 2501);

clause 3 of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549 "On the procedure for supplying gas to meet the domestic needs of citizens" (Sobraniye Zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2008, N 30, art. 3635);

paragraph 5 of the amendments that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2010 N 580 "On the amendment and invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Sobraniye zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2010, N 31, Art. 4273).

Prime Minister
Russian Federation
V. Putin