Higher paraffins. Paraffin is an important chemical familiar to all of us.

Paraffin - what is it? This product is well known to each of us. At least once in our lives we had to deal with him. It is widely used in a wide variety of fields - medicine, food production, and electrical engineering. Let's try to understand the properties of this product and its types.

Paraffin - what is it?

The above substance is a fairly solid mixture of macromolecular nature. The composition of paraffin also includes cyclic hydrocarbons, which are obtained from ozocerite and oil.

Purified paraffin - what is it? It has the following features:

  • the product is colorless;
  • greasy to the touch;
  • without smell;
  • no taste;
  • dissolves well in organic solvents;
  • insoluble in water and alcohol.

Poorly refined paraffin is a product that has a brown or yellow tint, and also darkens in the light.

The above substance has good resistance to bases and acids, oxidizing agents, and halogens.

Types of paraffin

This product is classified into the following waxes:

  • highly purified technical (grades A and B);
  • unpeeled (match);
  • cleaned technical (grades G and D);
  • medical.

The most important characteristics of paraffin are:

  • melting point - 50 (not lower);
  • oil content - minimum 0.6% and maximum 2.3% (not higher).

Match paraffin differs in separate features. Its melting point should be 42 degrees Celsius, but in no case lower, and the oil content is allowed no higher than 5%.

Application of paraffin

The above product is widely used in the following industries:

  • printing;
  • paper;
  • textile;
  • leather;
  • electrical engineering;
  • paintwork.

It is also used:

  • for paraffin therapy in cosmetology and medicine;
  • like paraffin for candles;
  • as a lubricant for rubbing wood parts;
  • in combination with gasoline acts as an anti-corrosion coating;
  • for the production of vaseline;
  • this product is registered as E905 - food additive;
  • acts as a lubricant for snowboard skis;
  • used in engineering and nuclear physics (slows down neurons and is a "generator" of protons).

In addition, paraffin is actively used in radio engineering. It is used in situations where high electrical strength, low cost, minimal AC losses and the ability to quickly release this fill are needed. simple method heating.

What is the difference between the above oil product and wax?

Wax is a mixture of solid esters that form fatty acids and higher alcohols (high molecular weight).

What is the difference between the above substances? It should be noted that a product that does not burn at all, but only melts, is, of course, wax. Paraffin, on the contrary, burns completely.

Wax has a yellow-brown tint. Paraffin is exclusively white. Manufacturers obtain all its other shades by adding dyes to it.

Natural wax is natural, environmentally friendly Paraffin is obtained from petroleum products, so it is a synthetic material.

Wax in its properties often resembles plasticine. It is very flexible, very soft, quite plastic. Paraffin, on the contrary, crumbles excessively when cut.

How to use paraffin at home?

This product is actively used for paraffin therapy. This is a very effective and natural procedure that provides an opportunity to eliminate defects and imperfections on the skin and not only. The paraffin therapy technique is based on the use of a special film from the above product, which creates the so-called greenhouse effect.

Paraffin at home can be used to:

  • skin whitening;
  • elimination of the second chin and gravitational ptosis;
  • protection from cracks and dryness;
  • cleansing the skin, its rejuvenation.

Paraffin therapy at home for hands is, of course, not difficult to do. To do this, you need to purchase purified. Experts pay attention to the fact that allergy sufferers need to buy this product containing peach oil.

Paraffin must be heated to a liquid state. To do this, use the water bath method. Then it is important to massage the hands with a scrub or, for example, a special mitten. Next, you need to lower your hands into liquid paraffin and immediately remove them. Repeat this action after 10 seconds. It is necessary that thin "gloves" of paraffin are formed. Then wrap your hands with cling film or, for example, a plastic bag and hold for at least 20 minutes.

Then remove the paraffin. Experts do not recommend reusing this product. After the procedure, a cream should be applied to the hands to moisturize the skin.

Paraffin is an excellent product that has found its application in various fields.


Paraffin is a mixture of solid alkanes C 18 - C 35 . On the appearance- it is a white mass (Fig. 1) odorless and tasteless, greasy to the touch.

Paraffin is insoluble in water and alcohol, however, we will readily dissolve in a significant amount of organic solvents, mineral oils (when heated). It is used for impregnation of various materials (paper, fabrics, wood), to give them hydrophobic properties, i.e. water impermeability. It is used in medicine for physiotherapeutic procedures (paraffin treatment).

Rice. 1. Paraffin. Appearance.

Depending on the ratio of hydrocarbons in the composition of paraffin, it can be in different states of aggregation: liquid and solid.

From the point of view of chemical activity, paraffin is quite inert. It undergoes oxidation with nitric acid and atmospheric oxygen (at high temperatures). The products of paraffin oxidation reactions are fats.

The most important paraffin characteristics are shown in the table below.

Table 1. Physical properties and density of paraffin.

Examples of problem solving


The task Calculate the density of ozone O 3 in nitrogen and in air.

D N2 (O 3) \u003d M r (O 3) / M r (N 2);

D N2 (O 3) \u003d 48/28 \u003d 1.71.

D air (O ​​3) \u003d M r (O 3) / M r (air);

D air (O ​​3) \u003d 48 / 29 \u003d 1.66.

Answer The ozone density for nitrogen and air is 1.66 and 1.71, respectively.


The task Calculate the density a) for oxygen; b) nitrogen; c) by air of the following gases: ammonia NH 3 and sulfur dioxide SO 2.
Solution In order to calculate the relative density of one gas from another, it is necessary to divide the relative molecular weight of the first gas by the relative molecular weight of the second gas.

The relative molecular weight of air is taken equal to 29 (taking into account the content of nitrogen, oxygen and other gases in the air). It should be noted that the concept of "relative molecular weight of air" is used conditionally, since air is a mixture of gases.

M r (NH 3) \u003d A r (N) + 3 × A r (H) \u003d 14 + 3 × 1 \u003d 14 + 3 \u003d 17.

D air (NH 3) \u003d M r (NH 3) / M r (air) \u003d 17/29 \u003d 0.59;

D O2 (NH 3) \u003d M r (NH 3) / M r (O 2) \u003d 17 / 32 \u003d 0.53;

D N2 (NH 3) \u003d M r (NH 3) / M r (N 2) \u003d 17/28 \u003d 0.61.

M r (O 2) = 2 × A r (O) = 2 × 16 = 32.

M r (N 2) = 2 × A r (N) = 2 × 14 = 28.

M r (SO 2) \u003d A r (S) + 2 × A r (O) \u003d 32 + 2 × 16 \u003d 32 + 32 \u003d 64.

D air (SO 2) \u003d M r (SO 2) / M r (air) \u003d 64 / 29 \u003d 2.21;

D O2 (SO 2) \u003d M r (SO 2) / M r (O 2) \u003d 64 / 32 \u003d 2;

D H2 (SO 2) \u003d M r (SO 2) / M r (N 2) \u003d 64 / 28 \u003d 2.29.

Answer The densities of ammonia in air, oxygen and nitrogen are 0.59, 0.53 and 0.61, respectively; the densities of sulfur oxide (IV) in air, oxygen and nitrogen are 2.21, 2 and 2.29, respectively.

Paraffin has long been successfully used for medical and cosmetic purposes. In physiotherapy, it is used as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal and nervous system, dermatological pathologies. In cosmetology, the cleansing and rejuvenating properties of paraffin are in demand. It is used for procedures on the skin of the hands, face and other parts of the body.

Modern manufacturers produce cosmetic paraffin of different types - both regular and with various additives. It is suitable for procedures in salons and for home use.

Composition of cosmetic paraffin

The raw material for obtaining this substance is oil. Paraffins are made from it. varying degrees cleaning, which are used both in industry and in the domestic sphere. For example, it is from them that candles are obtained.

In cosmetology, only highly purified paraffin with a melting point of about 53 degrees is used. It does not contain impurities that can harm the skin. Additional ingredients may be added to enhance performance, such as vitamins, essential oils, plant extracts etc. Some manufacturers also use safe dyes. Purified cosmetic paraffin does not cause allergic reactions, so it is suitable for different skin types. Compositions with additives are best chosen on the recommendation of a specialist who can advise the most effective means taking into account individual characteristics.

Manufacturers offer a huge range of products designed for different skin types. Cosmetic paraffins with additives are very popular. The following additional ingredients are often used.

  • Peach oil. This natural ingredient effectively nourishes the skin and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Vitamin E. Gives the composition an additional nourishing and rejuvenating effect, improves skin tone.
  • Tea rose extract. Increases skin elasticity, gives it a natural healthy tone. This ingredient is also added to improve the smell of cosmetic wax. The aroma of rose has a calming effect and improves mood.
  • Cacao butter. Accelerates regeneration processes and skin renewal.
  • Extracts of lemon, orange and other citrus fruits. They have a stimulating effect and effectively nourish the skin. In addition, citrus components give a subtle aroma.

Cosmetic paraffin is sold in different types of packages. Most often it is packaged in plastic bags and bathtubs. Paraffin is also available in the form of a cream - thanks to its soft texture, it can be applied without additional heating. This option is suitable for home use, because the procedure does not require any additional tools.

How cosmetic paraffin works

A feature of this substance is a very slow cooling and long-term preservation of heat. At the same time, cosmetic wax has a low melting point, so it turns into a liquid form before it gets too hot. When applied to the skin, such a mask has a moderate warming effect and does not cause discomfort.

The paraffin layer does not allow air to pass through, so under it a kind of sauna effect is obtained. The heat increases perspiration, which flushes out toxins and other impurities from the skin. Then the paraffin mask (and with it the surface of the body) gradually cools down, the pores narrow. As a result, the remaining moisture is absorbed back, and large molecules of harmful substances remain outside. In this case, a redistribution of fluid occurs, because water is absorbed into the dry areas of the skin, which are most in need of hydration.

Benefits of Paraffin Therapy

The mask can be applied to any part of the body. Most often, this procedure is performed on the face, arms, legs, back and abdomen. Paraffin therapy sessions have several important advantages.

  • Comfort. One session lasts about half an hour, while you can relax and unwind. Many paraffin masks contain natural extracts that give them a pleasant scent.
  • Fast effect. Paraffin therapy acts immediately - changes will be noticeable after the first procedure. The skin becomes softer and hydrated, its tone increases. Conducting a course of several sessions allows you to achieve an even more pronounced effect.
  • massage effect. As the cosmetic wax layer cools down, the mask shrinks slightly and compresses the skin. It feels like a nice light massage. In addition, in this way you can deal with small wrinkles.
  • Stimulation of metabolism. Paraffin therapy acts on the sebaceous and sweat glands, accelerates the regeneration processes. The complex stimulating effect improves the appearance and general condition of the skin, making it more elastic.
  • Fight against aging. The procedure visually tightens the oval of the face, corrects fine wrinkles.

Before proceeding with the procedure, it is necessary to properly prepare the skin. The face is cleansed with a gel or other cleanser. Hands and feet can be scrubbed.

The next step is the preparation of cosmetic paraffin. Before use, it must be melted. Fragment desired weight(weight depends on the area of ​​the processing zone) is heated in a special container or in a water bath until it acquires the desired consistency.

Before applying paraffin, be sure to check if it is too hot. To do this, drip on the inside of the forearm. If the temperature is comfortable, you can proceed to the procedure.

You can apply the mask on your face with a brush or cotton pad. It is recommended to start from the chin and gradually move towards the forehead. To obtain a pronounced cosmetic effect, paraffin is laid in several layers - its total thickness should be at least 5 mm. Hands and feet are immersed in the bath several times with a break of a few seconds. This procedure is done until a dense layer of paraffin is formed. In order for the mask to cool more slowly, it is additionally wrapped - for this you can use polyethylene or cling film. After 20-40 minutes, you can remove the paraffin and treat the skin with a cream.

) to C 35 H 72 (pentatriocontane).

Depending on the ratio of concentrations of heavy and light hydrocarbons, paraffin can be liquid, solid and finely crystalline (ceresin).


Paraffins are a mixture of solid hydrocarbons of the methane series with a predominantly normal structure with 18-35 carbon atoms per molecule and a melting point of 45-65 ° C. Paraffins usually contain some isoparaffinic hydrocarbons, as well as hydrocarbons with an aromatic or naphthenic nucleus in the molecule.

GOST 23683-89 establishes 10 brands of paraffin (P1, P2, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, T1, T2, C), differing in class and form of release:

  1. grades with the P index - highly purified, intended for food production;
  2. grades with index B - highly purified with a narrower variation in the weights of the components, intended for non-food industries;
  3. grades with index T - purified technical paraffins;
  4. brand with index C - the so-called "match" paraffin, characterized by a high oil content and the lowest melting point.

The oil content in paraffin is standardized (0.8% for grade P2; 0.45% for all grades, excluding technical grades; over 1% for technical grades). The chemical composition of paraffins is indirectly normalized according to the melting point and microhardness (for paraffins of grades with the letter B, produced in the form of ingots).


Paraffin is a white substance with a molecular weight of 300-450, in the molten state it has a low viscosity.

Paraffins are inert to most chemicals. They are oxidized by nitric acid, atmospheric oxygen (at 140 °C and above) and some other oxidizing agents to form various fatty acids, similar to those found in vegetable and animal fats. Synthetic fatty acids obtained by paraffin oxidation are used instead of fats of vegetable and animal origin in the perfume industry, in the production of lubricants, detergents, as well as foodstuffs.


Paraffins can also be isolated from other products, such as ozokerite. Depending on the fractional composition, melting temperature and structure, paraffins are divided into liquid (t pl ≤ 27 ° C), solid (t pl = 28-70 ° C) and microcrystalline (t pl > 60-80 ° C) - ceresins. At the same melting point, ceresins differ from paraffins in their greater molecular weight, density, and viscosity. Ceresins react vigorously with fuming sulfuric acid, while paraffins react weakly with it. During the distillation of oil, ceresins are concentrated in the sediment, and paraffin is distilled with distillate. Ceresins, which are concentrated in the residue after the distillation of fuel oil, are a mixture of cycloalkanes and, in a smaller amount, solid arenes and alkanes. There are relatively few isoalkanes in ceresin.

According to the degree of purification, paraffins are divided into the following types:

  • gachi and petrolatum, which contain up to 30% (wt.) oils;
  • crude paraffins (ceresins) with oil content up to 6% (wt.);
  • purified and highly purified paraffins (ceresins).

Depending on the depth of cleaning, they have White color(highly refined and refined grades) or slightly yellowish and light yellow to light brown (crude paraffins). Purified paraffin has a density of 881-905 kg/m³. Ceresins are a mixture of hydrocarbons with the number of carbon atoms in the molecule from 36 to 55 (from C 36 to C 55). They are extracted from natural raw materials (natural ozocerite, as well as the remains of highly paraffinic grades of oil obtained during its processing). Melting point 65-88 °C, molecular weight 500-700. Paraffins are widely used in electrical, food (deep cleaning paraffins; t pl = 50-54 ° C; oil content 0.5-2.3% by weight), perfumery and other industries. On the basis of ceresin, various compositions are made in household chemicals, vaselines; they are also used as thickeners in the production of greases, insulating materials in electrical and radio engineering and wax mixtures.

Raw solid paraffins are produced by the following methods:

  1. deoiling gacha and petrolatum - by-products of the production (dewaxing) of oils using solvents (mixtures of ketone, benzene and toluene, dichloroethane), while obtaining crude paraffins (from slack) and ceresins (from petrolatum);
  2. isolation and deoiling of paraffin from distillates of highly paraffinic oils with a mixture of ketone, benzene and toluene;
  3. precipitation of solid paraffins without the use of solvents (by cooling in crystallizers and filter pressing).

The crude paraffins are then refined (refined) using acid-base, adsorption (contact or percolation) or hydrogenation refining (to remove unstable substances that stain and smell). Liquid paraffins are isolated from diesel fractions by dewaxing using selective solvents (a mixture of acetone, benzene and toluene), urea dewaxing (in the production of low-hardening diesel fuel) and adsorption on molecular sieves (isolation of liquid C 10 -C 18 paraffins using a porous synthetic zeolite).


In radio engineering.

  • For the impregnation of electrical paper used in the manufacture of capacitors and winding transformers. Sometimes they also impregnate the cardboard used for the manufacture of circuit boards using the surface mounting method.
  • For casting frameless inductors, to protect them from vibrations and microphone effect. Often used, for example, in VHF radios. Sometimes the entire volume of the microassembly is poured.
  • In other cases where high dielectric strength is required, low AC losses, low price and the possibility of easy release from filling by simple heating.

Threat and its elimination

  • main art. Diesel fuel
  • main art. Dewaxing

In summer types of diesel fuel, a high content of paraffins is often found. At temperatures below -5 degrees, this causes paraffin crystallization in the tank, as well as in all parts of the TA from the tank to the injectors, which leads to diesel failure. To eliminate this, sometimes you have to clean the entire TA. To prevent this, kerosene, brake fluid, as well as special preparations having common name antigel. Of the winter types of diesel fuel, paraffin is released during production by freezing and filtering. In Russia, the production of summer types of diesel fuel is not yet prohibited, so in winter there are quite a few so-called “paraffin poisonings”, which leads to failure and complex repairs of diesel engines.

see also

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An excerpt characterizing Paraffin

At this time, on the road from the city, along which the machinations were placed, two horsemen appeared. They were the adjutant and a Cossack riding behind.
The adjutant was sent from the main headquarters to confirm to the regimental commander what was not clear in yesterday's order, namely, that the commander-in-chief wanted to see the regiment in exactly the position in which he walked - in overcoats, in covers and without any preparations.
A member of the Hofkriegsrat from Vienna arrived at Kutuzov the day before, with proposals and demands to join the army of Archduke Ferdinand and Mack as soon as possible, and Kutuzov, not considering this connection advantageous, among other evidence in favor of his opinion, intended to show the Austrian general that sad situation in which troops came from Russia. For this purpose, he wanted to go out to meet the regiment, so that the worse the position of the regiment, the more pleasant it would be for the commander in chief. Although the adjutant did not know these details, he conveyed to the regimental commander the indispensable demand of the commander-in-chief that people be in overcoats and covers, and that otherwise the commander-in-chief would be dissatisfied. After hearing these words, the regimental commander lowered his head, silently shrugged his shoulders and spread his arms with a sanguine gesture.
- Done business! he said. - So I told you, Mikhailo Mitrich, that on a campaign, so in overcoats, - he turned with a reproach to the battalion commander. – Oh, my God! he added, and stepped forward resolutely. - Gentlemen, company commanders! he called out in a voice familiar to command. - Feldwebels! ... Will they come soon? he turned to the visiting adjutant with an expression of respectful courtesy, apparently referring to the person he was talking about.
- In an hour, I think.
- Shall we change clothes?
"I don't know, General...
The regimental commander himself went up to the ranks and ordered them to change into their greatcoats again. The company commanders fled to their companies, the sergeants began to fuss (the overcoats were not quite in order) and at the same instant swayed, stretched out and the previously regular, silent quadrangles hummed with a voice. Soldiers ran up and down from all sides, tossed them back with their shoulders, dragged satchels over their heads, took off their greatcoats and, raising their arms high, pulled them into their sleeves.
Half an hour later everything returned to its former order, only the quadrangles turned gray from black. The regimental commander, again with a trembling gait, stepped forward of the regiment and looked at it from afar.
- What else is that? What's this! he shouted, stopping. - Commander of the 3rd company! ..
- Commander of the 3rd company to the general! the commander to the general, the 3rd company to the commander! ... - voices were heard from the ranks, and the adjutant ran to look for the hesitant officer.
When the sounds of zealous voices, distorting, shouting already “the general in the 3rd company”, reached their destination, the required officer appeared from behind the company and, although the man was already elderly and not in the habit of running, awkwardly clinging to his socks, trotted towards the general. The captain's face expressed the anxiety of a schoolboy who is told to say a lesson he has not learned. There were spots on the red (obviously from intemperance) nose, and the mouth did not find position. The regimental commander examined the captain from head to toe as he approached, out of breath, holding back his step as he approached.
- You will soon dress people in sundresses! What's this? - the regimental commander shouted, pushing his lower jaw and pointing in the ranks of the 3rd company at a soldier in an overcoat of the color of factory cloth, which differed from other overcoats. - Where were you yourself? The commander-in-chief is expected, and you move away from your place? Eh?... I’ll teach you how to dress people in Cossacks for a review!... Eh?...
The company commander, without taking his eyes off his commander, pressed his two fingers more and more to his visor, as if in this pressing alone he now saw his salvation.
- Well, why are you silent? Who do you have there in the Hungarian dressed up? - strictly joked the regimental commander.
- Your Excellency…
- Well, "your excellency"? Your Excellency! Your Excellency! And what your Excellency - no one knows.
- Your Excellency, this is Dolokhov, demoted ... - the captain said quietly.
- That he was a field marshal, or something, demoted or a soldier? And a soldier should be dressed like everyone else, in uniform.
“Your Excellency, you yourself allowed him to march.
- Allowed? Allowed? That's how you always are, young people,” said the regimental commander, cooling down somewhat. - Allowed? You say something, and you and ... - The regimental commander paused. - You say something, and you and ... - What? he said, getting irritated again. - Please dress people decently ...
And the regimental commander, looking back at the adjutant, with his shuddering gait, went to the regiment. It was evident that he himself liked his irritation, and that, having walked up and down the regiment, he wanted to find another pretext for his anger. Having cut off one officer for an uncleaned badge, another for an irregular row, he approached the 3rd company.
- How are you standing? Where is the leg? Where is the leg? - shouted the regimental commander with an expression of suffering in his voice, another five people did not reach Dolokhov, dressed in a bluish overcoat.
Dolokhov slowly straightened his bent leg and straight, with his bright and insolent look, looked into the general's face.
Why the blue overcoat? Down with… Feldwebel! Change his clothes ... rubbish ... - He did not have time to finish.
“General, I am obliged to carry out orders, but I am not obliged to endure ...” Dolokhov said hastily.
- Do not talk in the front! ... Do not talk, do not talk! ...
“I am not obliged to endure insults,” Dolokhov finished loudly, sonorously.
The eyes of the general and the soldier met. The General fell silent, angrily pulling down his tight scarf.
“If you please, change your clothes, please,” he said, walking away.

- It's coming! shouted the machinist at that time.
The regimental commander, blushing, ran up to the horse, with trembling hands took hold of the stirrup, flung the body over, recovered himself, drew his sword, and with a happy, resolute face, with his mouth open to one side, prepared to shout. The regiment started like a recovering bird and froze.
- Smir r r na! - the regimental commander shouted in a soul-shaking voice, joyful for himself, strict in relation to the regiment and friendly in relation to the approaching chief.
Along a wide, tree-lined, high, highwayless road, slightly rattling its springs, a tall blue Viennese carriage rode in a train at a fast trot. A retinue and a convoy of Croats galloped behind the carriage. Near Kutuzov sat an Austrian general in a strange, among black Russians, white uniform. The carriage stopped at the regiment. Kutuzov and the Austrian general were quietly talking about something, and Kutuzov smiled slightly, while, stepping heavily, he lowered his foot from the footboard, as if there weren’t those 2,000 people who were looking at him and the regimental commander without breathing .
There was a shout of the command, again the regiment, ringing, trembled, making guard. In the dead silence, the weak voice of the commander-in-chief was heard. The regiment bellowed: “We wish you good health, your lordship!” And again everything froze. At first, Kutuzov stood in one place while the regiment moved; then Kutuzov, next to the white general, on foot, accompanied by his retinue, began to walk through the ranks.
From the way the regimental commander saluted the commander-in-chief, glaring at him, stretching out and getting up, how he leaned forward followed the generals along the ranks, barely holding back his trembling movement, how he jumped at every word and movement of the commander-in-chief, it was clear that he was fulfilling his duties subordinate with even greater pleasure than the duties of a boss. The regiment, thanks to the severity and diligence of the regimental commander, was in excellent condition compared to others who came at the same time to Braunau. There were only 217 retarded and sick people. Everything was fine, except for the shoes.
Kutuzov walked through the ranks, occasionally stopping and saying a few kind words to the officers, whom he knew from the Turkish war, and sometimes to the soldiers. Glancing at the shoes, he shook his head sadly several times and pointed at them to the Austrian general with such an expression that he did not seem to reproach anyone for this, but he could not help but see how bad it was. The regimental commander ran ahead each time, afraid to miss the word of the commander-in-chief regarding the regiment. Behind Kutuzov, at such a distance that any weakly spoken word could be heard, walked a man of 20 retinues. The gentlemen of the retinues talked among themselves and sometimes laughed. Closest behind the commander-in-chief was a handsome adjutant. It was Prince Bolkonsky. Beside him walked his comrade Nesvitsky, a tall staff officer, extremely stout, with a kind and smiling handsome face and moist eyes; Nesvitsky could hardly restrain himself from laughing, aroused by the blackish hussar officer walking beside him. The hussar officer, without smiling, without changing the expression of his fixed eyes, looked with a serious face at the back of the regimental commander and mimicked his every movement. Every time the regimental commander shuddered and leaned forward, in exactly the same way, exactly in exactly the same way, the hussar officer shuddered and leaned forward. Nesvitsky laughed and pushed the others to look at the funny man.

Purified paraffin is a colorless or white crystalline mass, insoluble in water. Paraffin dissolves well in ether, chloroform, benzene, mineral oils.

The density of pure paraffin ranges from 907 to 915 kg / m 3 at 15 ° C. The melting point of paraffin due to the heterogeneity of its chemical composition is in the range of 40-60 ° C.

The composition and nature of petroleum paraffin are very complex, and data on the structure and properties of the hydrocarbons in its composition are far from complete. It has been established that it consists of two groups of solid hydrocarbons, which differ sharply from each other in properties - paraffins and ceresins.

Paraffins are called hydrocarbons of composition C 17 - C 35, having a melting point of 27-71 ° C. Petroleum ceresins have a higher relative molecular weight (their composition is C 3b -C 5b), and their melting point is 65-88 ° C. At one and At the same melting point, ceresins have a higher density and viscosity than paraffins. They also differ in the structure of crystals. Paraffins form plates and lamellar ribbons intertwined with each other. Crystals of fusible paraffin are larger than refractory. Ceresins, on the other hand, crystallize in the form of small needles that are poorly connected to each other, and therefore they do not form strong solidifying systems, like paraffins. Ceresin and paraffin have different chemical properties.

It is assumed that paraffinic and ceresinic hydrocarbons form two independent homologous series of composition C n H 2n+2, and paraffins, apparently, have a normal structure. Ceresins, on the other hand, are hydrocarbons that have an isostructure, that is, they are a mixture of isoparaffins. The content of paraffins in oil sometimes reaches 13-14% or more.

Physical and physiochemical properties oil paraffins, as well as the conditions for their release from oil and deposits in wells, have not been studied enough, which delays the improvement of methods for combating their deposits.