Head of the main department of private security. National Guard

Title: NO to indifference and indifference!!!

Our motto is honor, courage and courage!

Our goal is to protect you from adversity!

True, the law and weapons are with us!

God and the Russian people are with us!

We will sacredly keep traditions,

Forever remember the departed fighters!

Sons will grow up and in the police

Get in line, replacing the fathers!

Powerful words!!! Words that excite the blood, make the hearts beat faster. It makes the weak stronger, the stupid - smarter, the cowardly - bolder, sweeping away indifference, cynicism and meanness in its path. And indeed it is! A huge army of employees is replenished by people who are ready for self-sacrifice, for certain hardships. They go there not for the sake of awards and glory, not for the sake of improving their life or huge money. And they go there because they can't do it any other way. They cannot turn a blind eye to the disgrace that is taking place on the streets of our beloved city, they cannot get past the grief and tears of our compatriots.

But in order to competently and professionally provide assistance, you need experience, knowledge, and confidence in the correctness of your actions. And here they come to the rescue, like political instructors to new recruits, old-timers - people who have known all the intricacies of the police service, people who, over many years of service, have had time to visit the most unpredictable situations, faced the most "dirty" aspects of our lives. They did not disdain, but dipped their hands up to the very elbow in the "dirt" and raked it. And that's part of the profession. They are ready to share their experience, knowledge, everything they have learned over many years of service. And we would be happy, but for some reason, this is not always welcome.

And as confirmation of this - a case that occurred in the MOVO in the South-Western Administrative District of the FGKU UVO VNG of Russia in Moscow. Not deservedly acted with employees who gave many years of their lives to serve on the "ground".

On the slander of a completely stranger, a mentally ill person, without any evidence of violations in service, law and order, they were transferred to another department, located quite far from the area of ​​​​residence.

The officers, on whose account there were many arrests, suppression of offenses, who did so much good for their own department throughout their impeccable service, were not even listened to. They did not consider it necessary to study their personal affairs, to figure out where the truth is and where the lie is. Just 37 years old. This translation caused people not only moral pain, but a lot of everyday inconvenience. After all, they are not only officers, but also fathers of families. Their families live in this area, there is a school, Kindergarten Everything was under control. Everything collapsed overnight. I don't understand why you had to do this to your employees? Officers with many years of experience could be much more useful in their own department. It's a shame!!! They will, of course, begin their official duties in another department. But with what attitude, with what thoughts and desire? An undeservedly offended employee is just one fighting unit for someone, but for someone it is a colleague, a professional and a good friend!!!


Commissioner for labor protection

MOVO for Southwestern Administrative District FGKU UVO VNG

Russia in Moscow

Polyakov R.V.

And the decision on this was made by the head of the UVO Eroshenko Igor Valeryevich after a meeting with a sick man, constantly slandering the police officers. Remember this last name.

Now we will not solve issues with him in a "working" order. Only through his superiors. Let the Glavka of the VNG of Moscow and the VNG of Russia see everything that is actually happening in the subdivisions of the UVO of Moscow and take appropriate measures. Apparently, the case with heating in MOVO SVAO was not enough for him. We will add.

There are objects of strategic importance on the territory of the state. Among them are bridges, power plants, warehouses, railway junctions, airfields. They are necessary for the life support of the country and must be constantly protected from attacks by intruders. Dedicated to specialists engaged in such activities professional holiday- Day of private security.

Sergey Dmitrievich, why is the Day of Private Security celebrated on this day?

On October 29, 1952, the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a Resolution “On the use in industry, construction and other sectors of the national economy of workers released from protection, and measures to improve the organization of protection of economic objects of ministries and departments.” This act established that under the internal affairs bodies in the republics, regional and regional centers, as well as in large cities of republican, regional and regional subordination, a non-departmental external guard guard is created, whose duties include the protection of economic objects, regardless of their departmental affiliation. That is why today the private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia bears an unusual, at first glance, name. October 29, 1952 is considered the day of the formation of the private security service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

In 1953, private security was organized in regional centers, cities of regional subordination, workers' settlements, resorts and summer cottages. For the local management of non-departmental outdoor guards under the police, departments and security departments of the same name were created, which acted as independent extrabudgetary organizations enjoying the rights legal entities.

After 1970, all the forces of the service were directed to the radical re-equipment of private security with new technical means. The Ministry of Instrument Engineering of the USSR organized the development and production of security equipment, centralized monitoring consoles - the latest achievement of those years in the field of security.

The introduction of security with the help of centralized monitoring consoles in combination with a motorized patrol service - a principle that is still used today - has become a new stage in the development of private security.

What can you say about the profession in general?

Employees of the private security of the internal affairs bodies ensure the security of strategic objects of the state, property of various forms of ownership. They have police powers. The duties of the units include monitoring alarm systems, responding to calls and appeals from citizens.

Career begins after completion of military or contract service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. You can get into the ranks of the structure after the end of the profile educational institution MIA. Employees have the right to detain offenders and prevent criminal acts. Employees are regularly assessed. It demonstrates the level of knowledge of the law, job descriptions and possession of weapons. The profession is classified as dangerous.

What does the MOWO for CAO do and what is your work based on?

The activities of the MOVO for the CAO FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow are being built in accordance with the requirements guidance documents Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow in the field of law enforcement, anti-terrorist security, protection on a contractual basis of property of legal and individuals, strengthening public order in the district.

The official activities of the MOVO in the SAO are focused on fulfilling the main tasks of protecting protected objects and apartments of citizens. As a result of targeted work, 1351 objects and 66 objects are protected under contracts concluded by the FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, as well as 18,490 apartments and 47 places of storage of property of citizens.

The main efforts of the non-departmental security units of the MOVO for the SAO FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow for the reporting period were aimed at maintaining the volume of services provided, further increasing the protected facilities and apartments of citizens, as well as improving the efficiency of the work of police units in the system of a single deployment to suppress crimes and other offences. Particular attention on the part of the leadership of the MOVO for the CAO was paid to the organization of work to combat crime.

How did you start your career in the Department of Internal Affairs and specifically in the position of the head of the MOVO for the SAO?

My work began in the police in December 1981. I started my work in the north of the capital in the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Koptevsky district and throughout my entire service I worked in the Northern District. I came to the MOVO for the CAO as deputy head in February 2008, and in August 2010 I headed this unit.

What would you like to wish your colleagues?

On the eve of the holiday, I want to congratulate all employees, workers, veterans, as well as your relatives and friends on the 63rd anniversary of the formation of the Private Security Service.

I especially want to express my gratitude to our veterans, who have passed through the difficult trials of the military and police service, who disinterestedly share their life experience and professional knowledge young employees aiming at the successful completion of tasks to protect society, citizens and the state.

I wish all employees, veterans, workers and family members good health, happiness, well-being, tranquility and peace in your home, as well as further success in serving for the benefit of the Fatherland.

We thank Sergei Dmitrievich for an interesting story and, in turn, wish him success in such a difficult career!

Press group of ATC for SAO

Attention! Department of private security warns!

Dear visitors website, organizations have now appeared that position themselves as strategic partners of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the city of Moscow", using on their websites images similar to the symbols of the units of the Russian Guard, as well as posting false information about the conclusion of tripartite agreements with the Department of Private Security.
These companies are misleading people!

FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia for the city of Moscow" officially declares that it does not provide intermediary services to commercial organizations.

The non-departmental security units of the Main Directorate of the Russian Guard for the city of Moscow conclude agreements for the protection of property only with the owners of the property and their legal representatives.

To conclude an agreement for the protection of an object, apartment and other places of storage of property of citizens, you can leave an application on this website, the only official website of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in Moscow" () , or contact the inter-district department of private security of your Administrative District.
Contact numbers can be found in the "Subdivisions" section.

Please be informed, that in accordance with the order of the FSVNG of the Russian Federation No. 669 of December 28, 2018. "Rules for the protection of property of individuals and legal entities under contracts by troops national guard Russian Federation" mounting technical means protection must be carried out in accordance with terms of reference and (or) an act of primary examination, approved by the employees of the FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia for the city of Moscow"

On October 05, 2016, the new head of the FGKU UVO GU FSVNG of Russia for the city of Moscow, police colonel Eroshenko Igor Valerievich, was introduced to the employees of the Office of Private Security in Moscow.

Eroshenko Igor Valerievich was born on October 04, 1970 in Zeleniy, Ust-Abakansky district, Krasnoyarsk Territory. In 1991 he graduated from the Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications. In 2003 he graduated from NOANO VPO " Social and Legal Institute of Economic Security» majoring in jurisprudence. He began his service in the internal affairs bodies in September 1993 as the commander of a motorized police platoon of the security department at the Zvenigorod Internal Affairs Directorate.

On the leadership positions:

1997 commander of a motorized police platoon of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

1999 Deputy Head of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2000 Deputy Head of Department (in service) of the Zvenigorod Regional Military District under the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2001 Head of the OVO at the Odintsovo Department of Internal Affairs.

2004 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Voskresensky District.

2004 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Odintsovo District Internal Affairs Directorate.

2007 Head of the Department of Internal Affairs at the Department of Internal Affairs of the city district of Reutov.

2007 Head of the OVO at the Internal Affairs Directorate for the Odintsovo municipal district.

2011 Head of OVO MU of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia "Odintsovskoye".

2012 Head of the Odintsovo District Military District - a branch of the FGKU UVO of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Moscow Region.

For the period of service in the internal affairs bodies, he has awards: Chest sign"For Distinction", medal "For Valor in Service", badge "Honorary Officer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs", awarded with cold steel "Dirk", medal "For Distinction in Service" III, II, I degree.

Precinct police officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Prospekt Vernadsky district of Moscow detained a suspect in the sale of awards.
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