How to avoid mistakes when choosing furniture - useful tips from experts. Configuration errors: the main thing is in parallel

In addition to the weather in the house, the main thing is comfort, as well as interior items with which it is created. To create a good interior, it is not enough to read articles in specialized magazines and on websites, to imitate the interior photo you see, etc. Sometimes it’s not even enough to hire a professional designer, as they can make mistakes when choosing furniture when planning.

It also happens that you want to hire a designer, but limited funds allow you to spend them only on furnishings. However, the situation is not hopeless and it is possible to create your own comfort at home on your own.

When creating your interior, you need to consider many factors. For example:

area and layout of housing;

the presence of natural light;

functional purpose of a particular room;

the number, age and sex composition of people living in housing;

availability of financial and material resources, etc.

However, whatever it is, it is most useful to take into account the experience that allows you to avoid mistakes when choosing furniture. The purpose of this article is to briefly highlight the main mistakes in choosing furniture that both amateurs and professionals make.

Avoid buying furniture as a set

There is sometimes a very thin line between harmony and stereotypedness. Everything depends on time and place. Enough to imagine a natural forest. It can be homogeneous, consisting of trees of the same species, and mixed - a collection of trees of different species.

But even natural homogeneity is such only at first glance. After all, no two trees are exactly the same. Each of them has its own structure of branches, bushes may or may not grow under each. It can grow on a hill or under a hill. That is, in nature everything is harmonious.

The situation is different with handmade objects. For example, in a set of sofas and armchairs, everything will be almost the same. The same in the kitchen, in the living room. Moreover, you can choose a set of furniture for each room. This is called template. It should also be noted that the same kits will stand not only in one housing, but in many others. Here one can involuntarily recall the New Year's film "The Irony of Fate", in which the error in choosing furniture is clearly shown.

Therefore, it is important to buy a variety of furniture and combine it correctly. The only requirement is that it must be in the same style.

Remember Art

A logical continuation of the previous advice is an essay on works of art in the interior. Although, for the sake of interest, it should be noted that art is also the same. For example, one artist took a rectangular wooden board and drove nails evenly into it, getting a monochrome canvas. As it turned out later, such a “picture” irritates those who contemplate it for a while. Thus, works of art bring a certain variety and elegance to the environment of the room.

At the same time, the excessive use of all kinds of paintings, statues, made in classical style, next to modern furniture models, it will be a mistake, because even the most stylishly decorated house will turn into a boring museum.

Such items should be placed sparingly and where appropriate. Therefore, you should remember about the compatibility of the style of the picture and the style of the furniture next to which it needs to be hung. Even the colors in which they are made should be compatible.

Attention! Light!

Lighting plays an important role in any home, as it has both practical and decorative functions. Successfully thought out in the room accentuates those elements of the interior that the designer wanted to pay attention to. Poorly planned lighting can lead to an oppressive atmosphere, provoke fatigue or irritation, passivity, etc. Even the fact that no mistakes were made when choosing furniture will not smooth the situation.

The times when only one chandelier was enough in a room are practically gone. There was such a thing as main and local lighting. This diversity allows you to combine light depending on the placement of furniture and the functionality of the rooms. Therefore, choosing lighting, in addition to the chandelier, you can purchase other lighting electrical appliances.

As for natural light, it is important to ensure normal access to it, but you should not leave windows without curtains at all.

Combine materials and colors

To avoid mistakes when choosing furniture, it is important to combine materials correctly based on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bfurnishing your own home. For example, if you make a bias towards naturalness in design, then you need to use natural materials: wood, stone, water, fire, things made from natural fabrics, flowers.

Modern style can use more artificial materials: metal, plastic, glass, etc. It is possible to apply a certain background material, the accents on which can be made using elements from another material. For example, leather furniture on a parquet floor will give the room a more businesslike style and is suitable for an office, while upholstered with warm fabric will create home comfort. However, it is important to remember that it is better to use 2-3 types of materials than 10, which are combined in the most obtrusive way.

As for colors, designers even have a separate subsection that deals with this - coloring.

To choose the right combination of colors, there is a color wheel, color matching tables, etc. etc. Having mastered the logic of their construction, you can learn how to combine colors, choose the main and additional colors, as well as colors with which you can make accents. Interpretations of color by psychologists will help to avoid their unwanted perception by other people.

Fear of new trends

One of the feelings that prevent a person from moving on is fear. First of all, the fear of making a mistake. For example, a mistake when choosing furniture.

Everything is constantly changing and people are increasingly unable to catch these changes. What yesterday was considered the latest "peak" of fashion, today has become outdated and unnecessary. On the other hand, everything new is a well-forgotten old.

To overcome the fear of making a mistake when choosing furniture, you need to remember the following:

Fear of error is a mistake in itself. Therefore, you should not make an even bigger mistake by not doing what you are afraid of. Everything is not as scary as it seems. People often tend to dramatize and exaggerate a situation that is not worth a damn. While it will be scary, the trends will change 10 more times. And the one who is afraid will not try the first time. Many great things were not done because there was fear. Therefore, it is easier to get acquainted with information about what is now fashionable and start implementing your idea.

Separately, it should be noted that new trends may involve parting with old things. And this is understandable, because the old (non-antique) furniture most likely will not look against the background of a modernly finished wall.

A little bit of individuality

Finally, if this is your own design, then it should reflect the tastes and preferences of the owner. Perhaps the interior will show accents related to his professional activities, hobbies, etc. You also need to remember that housing is primarily a place of rest, where you can hide after a working day. Therefore, in the interior of the premises it is desirable to implement such ideas for relaxation, which are acceptable to the owner of the home. For this, it is most suitable in a home that will promote relaxation.

Individuality can manifest itself not only in the design features of furniture, but also with the help of favorite colors and materials, as well as the style in which it is made. No need to be ashamed of your individuality, otherwise it is fraught with mistakes when choosing furniture.

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Advising the Chairman of the Board of the Russian Perfume and Cosmetic Association, co-chairman coordinating council perfumery and cosmetics industry in Moscow Tatyana Valentinovna Puchkova.

– How are cosmetics tested today for safety and quality?

Let's start with the fact that quality and safety are two different things. The safety of a product is its inability to harm a person. Such a tool should not cause irritation and allergies. It also cannot be damaged, contaminated, contain heavy metals. It should have a normal consistency and smell - all this, again, belongs to the safety category.

Efficiency and quality are completely different concepts. If the cream has a normal smell, color, consistency, then it is called high-quality. And efficiency is the correspondence of what the manufacturer promises to the real action of the product.

Is there any way to check it?

- You can definitely check it out. Proof of security - required condition for the production of a cosmetic product. But the confirmation of its effectiveness is a purely voluntary matter. The manufacturer here decides what and to what extent he will prove. But if consumers turn to him with claims and it turns out that the declared quality has not been proven, the enterprise will have to bear criminal and civil liability in full.

- AT recent times scandals have become more frequent in connection with the discovery of certain dangerous substances in the composition of cosmetics. How is the content of certain components in cosmetics regulated?

– There is a list of prohibited substances and a list of restricted substances. Each region of the world - Europe, America, Japan - adopts its own list. Russia uses the European system.

These lists are updated annually. There is a special technical committee at the European Parliament, which constantly works with problematic issues.

- How are things going with the recent scandal about the dangers of triclosan, a substance that is part of many hygiene products, in particular, soaps and toothpastes?

- Yes, the trials around triclosan just recently ended. Hundreds of publications about its danger appeared in the press. All of them have been carefully studied. It turned out that in itself this substance in permitted concentrations is quite safe for use in cosmetic products. And its possible side effects can only be associated with errors in production.

If enough new information accumulates on some ingredient and the rules need to be tightened or, conversely, softened, a certain package of documents is adopted by the committee.

– Why cosmetics for home and professional use are subject to different requirements?

- Firstly, professional cosmetics use higher concentrations of active substances. Secondly, there are drugs that generally cannot be used in home care. They can only be used under medical supervision.

For example, this applies to chemical peels, which have recently been actively trying to be included in home lines. This is dangerous.

For the selection of many products, for example, a number of professional products against acne, it is necessary to have a range of special knowledge. These are very serious drugs. And without the help of a specialist you can not do it.

- Recently, in relation to cosmetics, the term "pharmacy" or even "medical" has been actively used. Can it be argued that such means are safer?

– Our country is probably the only one where the topic of therapeutic and therapeutic cosmetics is so popular. This class of products simply does not exist - these are purely marketing fabrications.

In our country, medical cosmetics are called products that contain certain active substances. Recently, it has also been positioned at the point of sale, calling it a pharmacy.

Only in Japan, a special type of funds at the junction of medicines and cosmetics is legally defined. They, of course, are sold only in pharmacies. In all other cases, the term "pharmaceutical cosmetics" only indicates the place of sale.

In the Western sense, pharmacy cosmetics are lines that are made specifically for sale in pharmacies. This is done for two purposes. Firstly, in a pharmacy it is easier to win the trust of the consumer. And secondly, pharmacy cosmetics, as a rule, are designed to solve not general, but more specialized problems. You will rarely find just a shampoo in a Western pharmacy, but you can easily find a shampoo specifically for dandruff.

- It turns out that these products do not differ in anything, except for the place of sale, from mass-market cosmetics?

– Their main difference is in specialization. Mass-market cosmetics are so leveled to the "average temperature in the hospital" that they are unlikely to have any significant effect on the skin. The compositions of these funds are selected in such a way as to suit a wide range of people.

If you have a certain problem, but it does not yet require the intervention of a dermatologist, or you need a maintenance course after treatment, you can turn to this cosmetics.

Cosmetics offered in pharmacies offer a more individualized approach. Therefore, it is quite difficult to pick it up on your own. But, in any case, it is not curative.

- Many people are now trying to buy "natural" cosmetics, considering it to be of better quality. Does it make sense?

– Residents of big cities always want to be closer to nature, and many manufacturers speculate on this desire. But no one has yet determined how much of the appropriate raw materials should be in the basis of a cosmetic product in order to be called natural.

Let's take a simple example. Previously, up to 5% of lanolin, which is a natural substance, was often added to domestic "winter" creams. At the same time, no one particularly considered these creams to be natural. Now let's take the Western model. If at least 2% lanolin is added to the cream, it is already positioned as organic and almost 100% natural. Here you have a different level of attitude to this concept.

Now you can find very interesting and completely natural remedies based on plants and marine products. For example, massage oils are often completely natural. On the other hand, you can create an excellent product that will consist entirely of so-called synthetic raw materials. Which one will be better and safer is a moot point.

Also, don't forget that the real natural product oxidizes very quickly, goes rancid, it will definitely have short term storage. If you see a "100% natural" cream in a pharmacy with a shelf life of three years, you should doubt the honesty of its manufacturers.

– Now allergy to cosmetics is very common, but almost all creams are labeled “hypoallergenic”. Why?

- This inscription in the vast majority of cases does not have the right to life. When cosmetics are tested for safety, they must be tested for their ability to cause allergies. And if it causes a reaction, it simply will not be allowed into production.

Hypoallergenic means that the product has been tested on people who already suffer from some type of allergy. It is clear that these are very expensive and rare studies. And only a few of the largest brands can make the appropriate mark on the packaging of their products.

In addition, individual skin sensitivity to certain active substances is now very common. The most common culprit in cosmetic allergies is fragrance. Then come preservatives, UV filters, nail polish ingredients, lanolin and fats. Accordingly, allergy sufferers need to choose creams with the absence or reduced content of these substances. If you are seeing a doctor, before buying, you can bring him a list of the ingredients of the product and consult about its safety.

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Often women, even those who pay a lot of attention to the selection of clothes and accessories, make mistakes that spoil their image. Let's take a look at some of them together with you to help you avoid mistakes in the future. How to avoid mistakes when choosing clothes:

1. Wrong color combination. Avoid using a large number different colors in one set of clothes. Three shades, most of all combined with each other, will be in perfect harmony in a single ensemble.

Do not choose clothes of bright acid colors (hot pink, yellow, light green, orange) for everyday wear. These are clothes for teenage girls, for parties or stage performances. Elegant, stylish woman with good taste it doesn't fit at all. An exception may be sportswear, but here you also need to know the measure and be able to correctly combine acid colors with neutral ones, from which they do not dazzle in the eyes.

There is another extreme, when a woman dresses exclusively in all black. In this case, you simply become invisible to others. To add some mystery and charm to your look, try to decorate a black dress or suit with the right accessory. For example, tie a light scarf around your neck or use a dazzling white belt on a dress or skirt. In creating a fresher look, jewelry made of silver or pearls will help, which are the best fit for a black outfit and make it elegant.

2. How to avoid mistakes when choosing clothes. Wrong selection of accessories. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Many women are very fond of putting on as much jewelry as possible. As a rule, with visual perception, such “riches” interrupt each other or merge into one mass. There is another option when there are no accessories at all. The selection of accessories for a dress is a whole art. Often it is they who are able to create a particular style, even if the clothes are the same. Therefore, it is necessary to correctly combine jewelry and clothes in order to understand what exactly can be worn in a particular case.

Often women incorrectly combine outerwear and headwear. Caps are perfect for a jacket, down jacket or windbreaker, and hats should be worn with a coat and fur coat, but not vice versa.

3. Wrong combination of styles in clothes. It is necessary to choose the right style of clothing for various situations. For example, you can not wear sneakers or sneakers under a business suit. Streetwear, such as Jeans, looks completely out of place in a theater or restaurant. And for work in the office or for negotiations, you can not choose a sporty style.

Bright sports backpacks or handbags with a children's pattern are appropriate, perhaps, only for picnics and the beach. If you aspire to become an elegant woman, then it is better to give up such elements, as well as patterns on clothes and accessories in the form of cartoon characters.

If you feel that it is difficult for you to determine your taste and keep a sense of proportion, then try not to experiment and do not combine clothes of different styles in one outfit. Even many famous designers do not always decide on eclecticism.

Looking from the outside, there is nothing easier than buying furniture for family dinners or holidays, but this is until you have to face the choice yourself.

Experts reveal the secret of a competent choice of a dining table that will not only fit perfectly into your interior, but will be comfortable and functional. One of the most important criteria by which the choice will be made is the location of the table. Therefore, from the very beginning you need to decide where exactly it will stand: in the kitchen or in the dining room. Designers advise choosing dining tables for the kitchen, starting from the size of the room. Of course, when decorating a dining room, you can use larger and more expensive models, because in this room you can avoid exposure to moisture and other harmful factors.

The optimal size of the table is quite simple to calculate. It will depend on the number of people who will sit down for it. Usually the number of households plus two or three guests is taken as the norm. Normally, each person sitting at the table should have about 60 centimeters of free space, and the distance between the table and the wall should be the same. The next step is to choose the shape of the dining table. The range of furniture on the market is so great that you can afford even the wildest dream. However, it doesn't hurt to look at the various options first. Help in this specialized sites on the Internet. For example, a specialized portal will offer many models of home furniture, including dining groups and transforming tables, so you only have to make a choice based on your wishes.

Useful information posted on the site will help you understand what kind of table you need: rectangular or round, or maybe the best option would be a transforming table. The classic rectangular model is ideal if there will be a large company at the table. Round table will help to create a peaceful and cozy atmosphere in the house, in which it will be very easy to get around sharp corners both literally and figuratively. The transforming table will not take up much space and is great for arranging studio apartments.

When choosing a dining table, be sure to pay attention to the countertop. A table with a glass top will decorate a small-sized kitchen with a modern design. In this case, it must be remembered that the glass top needs constant care. A dining group made of solid wood is best placed in a separate dining room, where natural wood can "demonstrate" all its natural beauty. And finally, one more secret from designers: do not try to pick up chairs under the table, do the opposite or place chairs from various sets around the table, this will become a creative solution for the design of the room.

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First. You can't skimp on a project. No, we do not call on everyone to make a complete project, but it is necessary to think a little bit about this problem even before the walls are installed and all general construction work is completed. Believe me, this will save you a lot of money and, most importantly, nerves during the subsequent installation of the system. How many times did our installers have to knock out openings ready for finishing, because it was impossible to bring the boiler or boiler into the room intended for them. How many times did you have to carry out penetration in a newly installed floor. What can I say, it's all over the place. And how many times have we had to redo almost the entire heating and hot water supply (DHW) system after the so-called "breadwinners" - private installers who promise to install the system quickly and cheaply. Miser pays twice. This truth has not yet been canceled.

Second. You can not save on the quality of equipment. How many people spent a lot of money on re-repairs when, after finishing and parquet work was completed, the “cheap” faucet burst, pouring boiling water over everything.

Third. You can not save on security systems. Only a "left" installer (the so-called "breadwinner") can offer the developer to install a boiler without a security group. Why "breadwinner"? Yes, because after such, if I may say “specialists”, talking with a client is a pleasure. How to be? The most reasonable way out is to turn to specialists. For some reason, no sane person would turn to an amateur dentist to save money. But in order to determine who is really a specialist and who is not, you need to understand at least the basics of those problems that need to be solved.

So, what should you do if you don't want to be cold in winter or suffocate from the heat in summer? Together let's draw up an algorithm of actions that should be followed so as not to be among those who have gained rich experience, heroically overcoming problems that could have been avoided.

  1. Design work. They include calculations of building heat losses, computer hydraulic calculation of the heating system, budgeting. This will allow you to correctly select the power of the equipment and save on operating costs. Knowing the heat loss of each of the premises, it is possible to clearly determine the power of the room heater and the power of the boiler.
  2. Choice of piping layout and boiler connection.
  3. Choice of heating system: Radiator heating, underfloor heating, air or otherwise.
  4. Choice of main equipment(boiler, radiators, pipe system).
  5. The choice of hot water supply scheme and the necessary equipment.
  6. Decision on the expediency of using alternative energy sources(solar collectors, heat pumps).
  7. A complete solution for ventilation and air conditioning.

This is only a small circle of those questions that you should think about if you are interested in the result, and not cheapness. For example, you have started construction or a cottage has already been built. Before you start interior finishing work, you must already have a project, but it is best to have a decision on the previous seven points.

So, if you are not satisfied design work for heating, water supply, ventilation, sewerage systems (HV and VK), then you need to contact specialists who can do this. Usually, a normal firm that successfully operates in construction business, has such possibilities. By the way, this is an indicator of the level of the company. The cost of such work can vary widely, but if this company subsequently performs the work itself, then in most cases it is possible to agree on a very symbolic price. As a rule, a competent designer will help or suggest the best piping and boiler connection scheme for your building. You can go to point 3.

Which heating system to choose? Table below. 1, which gives a brief analysis of heating systems. Let's focus on the two most popular systems.


The advantages of radiator systems are:

1. They are relatively easy to install and operate. What does it mean? Such systems "forgive" much large quantity design and installation errors. (Incorrectly selected or mounted radiator is easier to change, repack the connections, replace it with a more or less powerful one).

2. By placing a temperature controller on each radiator, you can, as it were, regulate the temperature in the room, but the quality of regulation is relative. For example, it is inconvenient to run from radiator to radiator and set the temperature on it, especially if there are 20-40 such radiators in a cottage. But anyone can do it.

3. They are relatively cheap. Why relatively? Yes, because there are design-class radiators that can "compete" with any, the most expensive heating system.

4. We should not omit the fact that radiator heating can compensate for all the flaws that could arise in the selection of structural solutions for thermal insulation of buildings. In other words, if the builders saved on insulation, then the owner can simply increase the power or the number of radiators. (This, of course, is a controversial advantage, but I consider it necessary to mention it).

What then are the downsides? They are more than enough. For example:

1. The distribution of the temperature field in the room is not only far from ideal, but also from simply comfortable. For example, at a temperature in forgiveness of 23-25 ​​° C, fixed at the chest level of a person of average height (comfort zone, value according to SNiP), the temperature on the floor surface will be 14-16 ° C, and under the ceiling it will be about 30-35 ° WITH. That is, the folk wisdom that the feet should be kept warm, and the head cold, is performed exactly the opposite.

2. How do radiator systems behave when there is no need for heating? They just rust and collect dust. It turns out that by installing a radiator heating system, you knowingly condemn yourself to the need to purchase and install another system that will work for you in the summer - i.e. conditioner.

3. Now about energy efficiency. The required amount of heat, as is known, is determined by the formula Q = cmΔt, where c is the heat capacity; m is the amount of the heated substance; Δt is the temperature difference between the temperatures at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchange system. Thus, if a coolant with a temperature of 80-85 °C is supplied to our radiators, and 60-65 °C leaves, then Δt (temperature difference) is 20 °C. The amount and composition of the coolant are the same, so the heat capacity will be the same. And for "warm floor" systems, such a temperature difference will be no more than 5-10 ° C.

4. Decor. This, of course, is a relative opinion, but some may like the very presence of "piece of iron" under the windows or on the walls, which interferes with the placement of furniture, making it impossible to use the full design potential. Those who like radiators - we will not convince them.

5. Radiators are dust collectors. Answer honestly when you last time did wet cleaning between sections of radiators? Most likely since the last renovation. In addition, with a certain placement of radiators in the room, strong air currents, popularly referred to as "drafts", may occur.

Underfloor heating system

This is the most common case of area heating systems. Pros:

1. Comfortable temperature distribution. Heat rises from below - the classic "warm feet, cold head". Comparison with radiators has already been discussed above. It can only be added that with such a temperature distribution, the heat losses of the building are reduced, which has a good effect on energy efficiency. Using the "warm floor" system, you can save energy up to 25%.

2. It can also be attributed to the asset that by investing in a warm floor, the consumer not only receives a heating system, but also sound and thermal insulation of the floor. If we compare the cost of underfloor heating and radiator systems, then this aspect cannot be discounted if we want to correctly make such a comparison.

3. Again, those who like "pieces of iron" under the windows, "dust collectors" (the list of epithets for radiators can be continued) cannot be persuaded. But walk up to almost any of the new buildings with facade glazing and look. If you like the radiators that are visible there, then I'm afraid there is no way to pick up arguments for further persuasion.

4. And here the most interesting begins. We can say that in terms of operating costs, the "radiator system + boiler" will always lose to the "underfloor heating + heat pump" system. This is the topic of a separate article.

And what are the disadvantages of heating systems with an area? They are the following:

1. First of all, this is that such systems are more difficult to install compared to radiator systems and require mandatory computer calculation. How difficult are they? There may be discrepancies here. Those who are engaged in the installation of such systems for enough professional level will say there is no difference. But if any “Soviet” plumber can supply radiators, then the underfloor heating system must first be calculated, then correctly mounted. Thus, not every worker can take on underfloor heating systems. Although, maybe this "minus" can easily turn into a "plus" for a simple consumer. If someone does not undertake the production of such works, then this will give additional reason to think about who you turned to to solve your problems in creating comfort.

2. Now with regard to the use of such systems instead of air conditioning systems. Purely theoretically, such a possibility exists. But the solution of such a problem may encounter certain, purely technical, difficulties - limited heat removal from the floor surface (it is impossible to cool the floor surface below 18-19 ° C). This is due to the fact that the cold floor is not compatible with the concept of comfort. That is, using a warm floor, you can do without air conditioners, but it is difficult. (Or difficult, but possible - as you like). This is where the ProKLIMA system arises, which absorbed and connected three systems in one.

3. Now about the price. Unfortunately, cheap radiators are cheaper than cheap underfloor heating! Pardon the tautology. But here I would like to recall the well-known saying "what you pay is what you get."

We have already smoothly moved on to the next point - the selection of equipment.

Equipment selection

Even an experienced person choosing a boiler can lead to a dead end. Which boiler: gas, electric, liquid fuel? Made in Germany, Italy, Czech Republic or domestic? Brief analysis You can see different heating appliances by type of fuel in the comparative table. 2. The selection of a boiler (or other source of heat) must be made based on the results of the calculation of heat losses and the selected heating system. If you do not have radiators or other "high-temperature" heating devices, and you have chosen area heating (a "warm floor" system), then it would be wise to choose a condensing boiler. What will it give? Firstly, savings on gas consumption (up to 30-35%). Secondly, savings on the design of the chimney. Well, the dimensions of the condensing boiler are smaller than those of a conventional one of the same power.

A few words about manufacturers. Each boiler seller often imposes his own brand, convincing of its advantages and not giving a choice. Best to get comparative analysis ratio "price / quality" different manufacturers, paying great attention to the issue of servicing the selected brand of boilers in your region. This indicator, and not the price, is the most important in making a decision. Another factor that should not be underestimated when choosing equipment is pipes. According to experience, a cottage with a total area of ​​​​200-250 m2 requires about 300 linear meters. pipes of different diameters, and in the presence of a "warm floor" system, this number increases by two to three times. Here is a very brief comparison of the main types of pipes (Table 3).

Which pipe to conduct the distribution of the heating system in the end - the installation organization will offer you based on own experience. The main thing is what kind of guarantee for pipes and work is given by the installation organization, because pipes and joints are embedded in walls and floors.

An important question: according to what scheme should the hot water system be made? If you have more than two hot water taps, then we recommend that you abandon instantaneous water heaters. In this case, it is better to install a storage boiler (with heating elements or indirect heating from the boiler), which will always allow you to have a sufficient supply of hot water at a stable temperature. And this is very important for comfort. Again, if you have a line length to the water points (washbasin, bathroom) of more than 5 m, it is appropriate to draw a DHW recirculation line, which will allow you to get hot water almost instantly when you open the tap. The main thing is to correctly state your requirements to the installers, and not rely on their statement "everything will be fine ...".

Few now know or guess how much we will pay for gas or electricity. Why not spend an absolutely real amount once and get hot water for free for four months a year, and 25-40% of the need for the rest of the time. Solar collectors can also be used to compensate for heating needs. And the use of a heat pump in combination with solar collectors and a “warm floor” system generally works wonders: with 1 kW of electricity consumed, we can get up to 4-7 kW of thermal energy. These are not fairy tales, but real, already implemented projects. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow me to dwell on air conditioning and ventilation systems in detail, but in no case leave this issue unattended. In conclusion, I would like to say a few words about who to entrust the installation.

Think about whether the reduction in the cost of work by 10-15% is worth the fact that you, in case of problems, find yourself face to face with them? How and where to look for that “plumbing Vasya (Petya, Kolya, Sasha)”, who did not quite high-quality installation for you without calculations, by eye? And a reputable company is always at hand, with its own staff of specialists. It should be recalled that the company performing the installation must necessarily have a license and permission to perform work with sophisticated equipment and always gives a guarantee for the work performed. Therefore, the most reasonable decision is to contact the specialists of the company, which will provide you with a complete set and turnkey work, provide a guarantee for materials and work performed, while giving comprehensive advice. Only armed with complete information, you can accept correct solution Whom to pay and for what.

>>> Also read on the topic in the magazine