The most famous charities in the world. Millionaire Charities Where You Can Ask for Financial Aid

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Until recently, the largest charitable organizations in the world were concentrated exclusively in the United States. According to 2013 data, the annual amount of funds provided by US funds reached $30 billion.

This was before the emergence and development of the European Foundation Center, which currently unites more than 400 of the largest charitable foundations in Europe. The statistics collected by the center in 2010 confirmed the effective results of European philanthropists:

There are more than 110,000 charitable organizations in Europe;
the funds employ about 1 million employees;
annually about 100 billion euros are allocated to charity in Europe.
Focusing on the amount invested in charity, we can name the three largest funds in the world according to 2013 data. Among them: the Dutch Stichting INGKA Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, the Wellcome Trust from the UK.

Stichting INGKA Foundation

The fund's assets are estimated at 36 billion dollars, and at the moment it is the largest charitable organization in the world. Its founder is the founder and owner of IKEA, Swedish businessman Ingvar Kamprad, who owns 207 branches of the company around the world.

The Foundation was established in 1982 primarily to support modern solutions and the development of the architecture and interior design industry. At the same time, a significant part of the fund's assets is spent not on charity, but on investing in projects. The amount of charitable assistance is about 10 million dollars annually.

Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation

The fund's assets are more than 33 billion dollars. The organization was founded by Microsoft owner Bill Gates together with close people - his wife and father (later the founders expanded). Although the date of creation is relatively recent - 1994 - the organization almost immediately outstripped the oldest charitable foundations in the world in terms of the amount of capital invested in charity.

The fund was created primarily to help the poor, finance the search for new methods of dealing with serious diseases, support programs in the field of health and education. Every year, the foundation spends almost $2 billion on charity.

The fund's assets amount to more than 22 billion dollars. The London-based charity was founded in 1936 in memory of Henry Wellcome, the pharmaceutical magnate. The main purpose of the fund is to finance research activities aimed at ensuring the protection of human life, as well as animals.

This foundation has practically put charity in Europe on a professional basis, becoming the largest and most authoritative. The organization offers a large number of grants for scientific research, educational programs for professional doctors.

A little about charity in Europe

European funds finance a variety of industries - from science and medicine to help vulnerable people. In the last 15 years, the number of funds and the amount allocated to charity have increased several times. According to statistics, every month a new fund is created in Europe. Germany is the leader in this direction.

One of the most promising areas of charity is the allocation of funds for international programs (in particular, those dedicated to internationalization).

An important feature of the philanthropic movement in Europe is the cooperative work of foundations - the unification of individual organizations in order to strengthen their positions, exchange experience, expand cooperation with business structures and government organizations. It is this position that makes it possible to popularize charitable organizations in the world and solve global international problems.

Another trend is the division of funds into specialized funds operating in separate sectors. As an example, Europeans cite DAFNE (European Network of Donor Associations), which includes 22 associations of charitable organizations. The network already has its own standards of work, and management is built on the principles of self-regulation.

The creation of such global structures not only makes charity much more effective, but also influences state social policy: in particular, some organizations acted as lobbyists for bills submitted by public organizations.

The largest number of branches

We talked about the three largest philanthropic organizations on the planet - but these are far from all the charitable foundations in the world that donate billions of dollars to social causes. It is worth mentioning the organization, whose representative offices operate in 46 countries - the charitable foundation United Way Worldwide, whose budget exceeded 5 billion dollars. The organization employs about 3 million volunteers, almost 10 million people donate money to charity.

At the moment it is not the largest, but remains the most developed - the organization was founded in the United States in 1887, over the years it has become a global international non-profit non-governmental structure. At the moment, the organization, which includes two funds (United Way of America, as well as United Way), works in three directions:

Education (reducing the number of children dropping out of school);

Income (assistance to large and low-income families);

Health (increase in the number of healthy population by 1%).

Among the world's leading philanthropists

Howard Hughes Medical Institute is a foundation founded by tycoon Howard Hughes in 1953. The organization's current budget exceeds $19 billion. The main areas of charity are funding research in the field of molecular biology, immunology, and genetics.

The Ford Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 1936 by Edsel Ford, son of the legendary Henry Ford. The value of the fund's assets exceeds $11 billion. Modern organization has nothing to do with the Ford family or the company of the same name. Main activities: financing programs to combat serious diseases (in particular, AIDS), educational programs, assistance in the economic reform of developing countries.

Charity in the world: the largest foundations in Europe and Asia

The Robert Bosch Foundation is a foundation founded in 1969 in Germany. The budget of the organization is about 7 billion dollars. The founder of the foundation is Robert Bosch. The main capital of the organization is the shares of the company of the same name (about 92%). Directions of charity: raising the level of education, funding for historical research, grants for medical activities, humanitarian aid.

Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation is an organization founded in the UAE in 2007 with a budget of about $10 billion. The leading activities are the dissemination of knowledge about the Arab history of culture, investment in the construction and development of cultural projects in Dubai.

Many Russian Internet users have a desire to engage in charitable activities and create thematic sites that can send money to citizens in need financial support. Philanthropists who once began to provide such assistance, put this activity on the first step, which plays a more important role in their lives than anything else.

What is charity?

Love and compassion are the basis of charity.

Charity in Russia is a fairly common activity among financially wealthy citizens. It implies assistance (gratuitous/preferential conditions) to persons in need of it. Each benefactor has the right to independently choose the type, time, place and type of the beneficence itself.

Regulation charitable activities is assigned to Federal Law No. 135 of 08/11/1995, as well as Art. 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Civil Code.

Financially wealthy citizens who want to permanent basis provide financial assistance, create organizations to attract funds from the outside. Thus, the founder of the Give Life Foundation is the famous actress Chulpan Khamatova.

Speaking about how many charitable foundations there are in Russia, it should be noted that the information can only be approximate.

According to 2017 data and according to information from Rosstat, more than 9.6 thousand foundations and 1.7 thousand organizations engaged in charitable activities operated in Russia.

Funds to help people in need

The main fear of a potential donor of finances to a charitable organization in Russia is considered to be interaction with scammers. In order to avoid meeting with adventurers, you should choose an organization that is open and "transparent", having an excellent reputation.

Funds to help citizens in need of money, as a rule, make publicly available reports on costs (salary to employees, rent, etc.), which should not exceed 1/4 of total amount funds from philanthropists. All data about organizations are located on the website of the Ministry of Justice and have open access.

Large charitable organizations of the Russian Federation will never collect funds in the subway, at a stop, underpass, or on the street.

Selection Money includes the following directions:

  1. Financial or other assistance to citizens in need of support (children, the elderly, etc.) due to illness or situations that led to a difficult financial situation.
  2. Support for talented children and organizations engaged in scientific activities that can lead to a breakthrough in socially significant areas through the allocation of grants.

The transfer of funds to charitable organizations is carried out by:

  • volunteers (commercial firms and individuals);
  • local administration / federal authorities (subsidies, subsidies, etc.);
  • external organizations (targeted funding and grants);
  • legitimate commercial activity and its results;
  • dividends (deposit accounts, securities etc.).

The transfer of finance to a needy citizen is carried out through a personal meeting (cash), transfer to Bank details or at the expense of the medical institution providing treatment.

Charitable foundations to help children in Russia

The most demanded support is assistance to children.

The largest charitable foundations in Russia dealing with children's problems:

  • "Ray of Childhood" was created for material, socio-psychological assistance to orphans who ended up in an orphanage without parental care. Age category of wards - from 1 month to 4 years;
  • "Adeli" transfers finances for the treatment of children with an established diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Provides information about treatment and rehabilitation methods, psychological support for relatives, training in rehabilitation activities at home, etc.;
  • "Luchik" helps children who find themselves in difficult living conditions or have limited health opportunities;
  • The Light Foundation provides support to children with disabilities;
  • "Revival". The action of the interregional organization is based on helping children suffering from rheumatic diseases;
  • "Baby ". Treatment and rehabilitation of children with cancer;
  • "The world of childhood ". Intellectual, physical, mental and social rehabilitation, adaptation of children, improvement of their standard of living;
  • "Tide". Assistance to children with serious illnesses, as well as large families;
  • "Help the". Providing assistance to children with various serious illnesses;
  • "Thanks to ". Support for children with diseases of the nervous system. Payment for treatment and rehabilitation, purchase of medicines, devices, consultations, etc.

Adult Charities

Often individual adult citizens or entire families need financial support. Therefore, in Russia there are charitable aid funds that help adults in difficult situations and the homeless.

  • ORBI. Treatment and rehabilitation of citizens who have had a stroke. Propaganda healthy lifestyle life, stroke prevention;
  • "In the name of life". Providing assistance to people suffering from cystic fibrosis (qualified treatment, lifelong therapy, etc.);
  • "Alive" - ​​the fund (located in Moscow) carries out charitable assistance adults (from the age of majority to 60 years) with serious illnesses;
  • Larion. Support for single mothers and people with disabilities;
  • "Doctor Lisa's Fair Help". Support for citizens with serious or fatal diseases, retirement age and people with disabilities without a place to live;
  • Gulfstream. Support for children, adolescents and adults with diseases related to the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system, cerebral palsy and circulatory system;
  • "Help.Org". Assistance to homeless people without citizenship and people with serious illnesses;
  • "Nika ". Rehabilitation of drug addicts and people in difficult life circumstances;
  • "Blessing". Restoration of personality, acquisition of the meaning of life, psychological assistance;
  • "Right choice ". Support for people with alcohol or drug addiction. Rehabilitation, addiction prevention.

How to get help from a charitable foundation?

To apply and get help, follow the instructions:

  1. Make sure that necessary support corresponds to the direction of the selected fund.
  2. Familiarize yourself with the terms of assistance to the selected organization and their compliance with the regulations of the Russian Federation.
  3. Apply for assistance using standard form on the Foundation's website, with a detailed description of the current situation and attaching the necessary documents.
  4. Interact with the foundation when collecting the necessary finances (posting, attracting attention, etc.).
  5. Choose the method of transferring funds and receive material support.

Charitable foundations reserve the right to refuse citizens seeking assistance. This usually happens when the current conditions of the organization do not comply or the documentary support is insufficient.

Video: How to get help from a charitable foundation.

Charity websites from rich people

In addition to assistance from foundations, there is an opportunity to receive support from wealthy people who create personal charity sites. Such gratuitous assistance is in the nature of sponsorship.

To search for charitable sites that can send money, you should use the Internet and the search bar of your browser.

To date, charity from rich people has tightly entered our lives. Here are examples of the most famous wealthy citizens who are ready to provide material or other support to the needy segments of the population:

  1. Bill and Melinda Gates. Financial assistance to the poor throughout the world and the transfer of funds for the treatment of various diseases.
  2. Wood Johnson. The activities of the private foundation are focused on health care and treatment.
  3. Howard Hughes. The scientist created an institute that provides an opportunity to study issues related to fundamental science.

How to raise money for charity on the Internet?

When raising money for charity, any amount matters.

Charity involves the collection of money that will be used to meet the vital needs of the needy.

A person who collects money and donations on the Internet, which will go to charity, must follow the following instructions:

  1. Find out the rules and regulations regarding fundraising that apply in your region of residence. Certain types of charity are regulated by law. In addition, some philanthropists are required to pay taxes on the funds received.
  2. Study the actions of successful philanthropists. This will help to achieve the desired result and raise finances in short time.
  3. Find people who can help spread the word about fundraising.
  4. Place an announcement about the start of the collection, providing for public viewing Required documents and details (bank account or account of a medical institution).

You can post ads on various thematic forums, in groups in in social networks, on Internet bulletin boards or create your own site on Tilda.

As a conclusion

To ask for financial assistance, you can use the form on our website. Remember that philanthropists help, as a rule, citizens who are not shy and describe the current situation in as much detail as possible. Perhaps it is your cry for help that will be read by a wealthy person who wants to help someone in need.

In addition, we draw the attention of sympathetic persons who can send certain funds to the account of a desperate person.

Request Title

Places are distributed according to the general financial security of the organization, in other words, according to the number of donations. The dominant majority of these funds are based in the US, and only three of the rankings are in the Netherlands, the UK, and the UAE.

1.Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) has existed since 1994, its "state" is $42.3 billion. The main goal of the fund is to fight serious diseases, help the poor, support education and healthcare.

2. Dutch Foundation Stichting INGKA founded in 1982 by Swedish billionaire Ingvar Kamprad, founder and owner of IKEA. The official stated purpose of the foundation is to encourage and support innovation in architecture and interior design. Assets are estimated at $36 billion.

3. British Foundation Wellcome Trust- one of the oldest in the world: founded in 1936. Now his assets are $25.9 billion. Since it was created by the pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome, it is engaged in biomedical research in order to improve the health of people and animals. That is, it finances science, as well as public support for science. In the field of medical research, it is the second private "philanthropist" in the world after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

4. Howard Hughes Medical Institute(Howard Hughes Medical Institute) was founded by aviator, cinematographer, multi-billionaire and adventurer Howard Hughes in 1953. The fund is engaged in medical research in the field of genetics, immunology and molecular biology. The assets are $16.9 billion.

5. Ford Foundation(Ford Foundation) - the brainchild of another American rich man, the son of automobile magnate Henry Ford - Edsel Ford. Along with the Wellcome Trust, it is the oldest charitable foundation in the world - it has existed since 1936. Funds programs in support of democracy, poverty reduction, promotion of international cooperation and human development. The assets of the Ford Foundation are estimated to date at $11.2 billion.

6. Foundation J. Paul Getty Trust, founded in 1982 and with $10.5 billion in assets, supports the arts. Thus, the J. Paul Getty Museum is located in Los Angeles, which receives 1.6 million visitors annually and is one of the most visited museums in the United States. The Foundation provides tuition grants to other museums and cultural institutions.

7.Kamehameha Schools founded in 1887, located in Hawaii and has at its disposal $ 10.1 billion. The school is designed to educate children of exclusively Hawaiian origin. As of the 2011-12 academic year, Kamehameha Schools had 5,398 students; another 1,317 children are in preschool institutions.

8. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation- a charitable foundation from the city of Dubai in the UAE with assets of $10 billion. Founded in 2007, the foundation has focused its efforts on combating unemployment and illiteracy in the Arab countries. The Fund provides support in three areas: culture, entrepreneurship and employment, education.

9. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) founded in 1972, its assets today amount to $ 9.53 billion. The goal is to improve the health and health status of all Americans. The Foundation distributes grants to those who fight childhood illnesses and people's addiction to medicines, and also allocates funds for the training of doctors and nurses.

10. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation(William and Flora Hewlett Foundation) was founded in 1966 and "steers" the assets of $ 8.7 billion. Engaged in the issuance of grants in the field of education, protection environment, global development, performing arts.

Children of captains - Grants
Are you able to change the world, but your knowledge does not bring income? Take part in the competition for a grant - material support provided by various foreign charitable foundations.
The main condition of Western philanthropists sounds pathetic - your activities must benefit Russia...

Why Western entrepreneurs are investing millions in Russian science and business is hard to say. Perhaps someone really counts on the discovery of a cancer vaccine and its international use. Some, apparently, really dream of popularizing their native language. And someone atones for the sins of stormy youth. There are those who do not want to share with the tax authorities and, in extreme cases, prefer to patronize.
Among the most famous sponsors are American billionaires George Soros, Henry Ford and Andrew Carnegie, Senator MacArthur, King Albert of Belgium, the Queen of Great Britain and the Prince of Wales.
George Soros, when he created the Central European branch of the Open Society Foundation in 1990, said: "I want to teach Russian government take care of your own people. For 1990, I allocated $12 million. For the second and third years I will invest half and a quarter of this amount, respectively. But only if the rest of the money comes from the Russian side."
Whether or not the Russian government complied with this condition is unknown. Another thing is important: to date, the Soros Foundation has allocated for the needs Russian science more than $ 100 million. According to the staff of the International Science Foundation in Russia (another charitable organization created by Soros), Mr. Soros managed to stop the wave of emigration of Russian geneticists. Perhaps that is the way it is.
According to the estimates of the Russian representative office of the International Science Foundation, the largest number Charitable donations in Russia come from American foundations (more than 80), followed by English (about 55 institutions) and German (30).
They arose in different ways.
One such charitable organization - "United Way" - appeared after a giant fire in Delaware. Different religious leaders applied 5-6 times for financial assistance to the same moneybags. After several oddities, they decided to unite in the fund. And, having received the support of local millionaires, they rebuilt the city. Today, United Way chapters operate around the world to help the hungry, the homeless, and refugees. Only in Russia the cost of the Fund's programs is 62 million ECU (about $79.1 million).
A few years ago, the German government established a fund to help Russian officers who served in the Western Group of Forces. With his participation, the military was trained in civilian professions even before the withdrawal of troops.
Even our Russian LUKoil also has its own charitable foundation, which decides social problems at the location of the enterprises. In particular, in one of the oil towns near Tyumen there were queues for dental offices. The Fund purchased the necessary equipment, equipped additional classrooms, and the problem was removed.
Basically, any large enterprise can sponsor the solution of pressing problems of the area or city. Or a single family.

Who is required?
American charitable programs - the Carnegie Moscow Center, the Lindbergh Foundation, the Erhard Foundation - are intended, as a rule, to support the most promising research in the fields of exact science. As grants, Russian child prodigies are offered mainly foreign internships. Invited are mainly Russian mathematicians, doctors, physicists, biologists, psychologists who already have any academic degrees.
The National Center for Scientific Research of France invites Russian doctors of technical sciences for an internship.
Undergraduate and graduate students, with the assistance of American funds, have the opportunity to complete their education at US universities, and then get a prestigious job in foreign companies in Russia.
German foundations value humanitarians - teachers of the German language, art critics, historians. Among the most popular are the programs of the German Research Society and the German Economic Exchange Service.
The scope of interests of English foundations is quite diverse - from specialists in tropical medicine and anthropologists to businessmen.

Ms Simon Lis, Business and Industry Officer at the British Council:
— This year we are supporting Russian entrepreneurs who offer ideas for food processing and cooking. These are the so-called fast food technologies. Your food processing equipment is outdated. We are ready to help you get rid of food imports.
Employee of the English Know How Fund:
- The inventor of some environmental program can count on the most generous grants. For example, someone who came up with a new way to purify water or dispose of waste.

What are they enough for?
Now about the grants themselves. Until 1990, they were allocated to scientists and inventors and were a kind of awards for development. Travel abroad was not widely practiced.
Now Western philanthropists accept laureates to work or study abroad. Grants can be either just cash bonuses or targeted foreign internships (from 3-4 months to 2-3 years). In addition, there are travel grants that compensate the travel expenses of Russian scientists participating in international scientific symposiums.
The size of a standard short-term grant for graduate students does not exceed $ 2.2 thousand. As a rule, this money is barely enough to pay for food stamps and a bed in a hostel. No more than $ 100 per month remains for pocket expenses.
Characteristically, American funds usually cover all transportation costs. The Germans are not so generous. Grant holders have to travel to local universities at their own expense. However, the terms of each grant are negotiated separately.
Prestigious scholarships - $ 2 thousand per month (for example, FullBright, Erhard grants - are designed for a more dignified life: you can rent a small studio, eat well, move freely around the country and, finally, indulge in the daily joys of life.
Long-term grants are especially popular among pundits. According to their track record, the amount of grants increases to $ 16,000 for dermatologists, up to $ 30,000 for specialists investigating the disposal of radioactive waste, and even up to $ 48,000 for doctors investigating the problem of diabetes. With this money, the researcher can buy the necessary equipment, experimental animals and some consumables.
Vladimir Gogvadze, Senior Researcher at the Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics:
— Grants really help Russian scientists to stay afloat and continue their research work.
Three times - in 1991, 1993 and 1994 - I was the winner of a grant from the European Science Foundation. In all three cases, me and my foreign colleague Professor Christoph Richter of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology applied for a grant directly to the foundation's headquarters in Strasbourg. And they participated in an open competition on general terms.
My first internship was in Sweden, the other two were in Switzerland. In 1991 and 1993 I received two-month grants, and in 1994 one year.
Christoph Richter and I produced four major papers in the field of biophysics (in particular, "The role of mitochondria in cell death") and many scientific abstracts for conferences. I personally participated in one of them. In Menaggio, a city in northern Italy.
The amount of short-term grants was $ 1,500 per month, of which I myself had to pay for housing and food. True, the round trip was free for me. The trip to Italy did not require any additional expenses from me (everything was paid for by the inviting party), except for the Italian visa. I got it in Switzerland for 40 Swiss francs (about $30). But the equipment, reagents, scientific materials and everything that was necessary for my research, I could use for free in unlimited quantities.
Unfortunately, there was only enough money for me alone. For some reason, I did not receive additional funding for my family members, provided for by the terms of the grant. Due to the fact that Switzerland is an expensive country, the authorities denied the family a visa.
Despite everything, my impressions are the most rosy.

Strictly speaking, grants should be awarded exclusively on a competitive basis. However, sometimes the money is distributed without any competition. Some American foundations and even the US embassy "sin" with this. They independently determine the winners for monetary nominations. Among the lucky ones, as a rule, are scientists leading developments in the field of cancer. According to the clerk of the press service of the US Embassy, ​​"America is interested in Russian heads ..."

How to enter the competition
An application for participation in the competition must be submitted 3-4 months before the start of the semester or internship. To do this, you need to contact the Russian representative office of the fund or the embassy of the country that announced the competition. As a last resort, call abroad - to the central office of the fund.
The necessary addresses and phone numbers can be found in the Library of Foreign Literature, where, by the way, there are also representative offices of some funds - in particular, the "British Council" and the "French Cultural Center".
You will be given application forms, which must be completed in the original language and sent to the address of one of the foundations. You will indicate the standard facts of your biography (born, married, education, children, work experience).
Particularly inquisitive patrons may require the recommendation of well-known scientists who already have publications in your specialty. Entrepreneurs (also in writing) will have to convince the fund specialists that your business is promising.
Next, you will write a short essay (again on foreign language) on the subject of your future work. Be sure to indicate why you need an internship abroad and what benefits you will bring to Russia after returning to your homeland.
"Take it seriously and loftily. We are not joking by setting such conditions," advised Ms. Sasha Edblad (Sasha Edblad), consultant of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
By the way, until recently, funds required proof that you have no real opportunity to go abroad with your own money. Now, fortunately, these "revelations" have been removed from the agenda.
After some time, you will be invited to a language exam. The requirements for knowledge of the language are quite strict: you must be fluent in at least colloquial vocabulary.
This will be followed by an interview with a fund specialist in the field of your developments. And... tedious waiting for the results of the contest.
As a result, either your ideas are really recognized as brilliant, or you will receive an unmotivated refusal in a grant. Apparently, there will be a lot of disappointments. According to an employee of the British Council, an average of 9-10 grants are allocated for 200 applicants.

Expatriates are asked not to worry
To weed out the wave of random hunters for grants, without exception, the funds put forward a strict condition - persons who have ever applied for permanent residence in another country are not allowed to participate in the competition. "We are not investing money to help emigrants," Mr. Soros once remarked.
Some foundations have additional sine qua non conditions for receiving a grant. In particular, winners of American sponsors should not participate in other programs within 2 years after returning to their homeland. The Norwegian Research Council increased this period to 5 years, the German funds are slightly less - up to 3 years.
Some foundations, for example, the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the National Center for Scientific Research of France, the German Economic Exchange Service, the Central European University and others require the applicant to have a foreign partner with whom joint research will be carried out. Moreover, this partner must pay 25%-30% of the grant, thus confirming the real feasibility of the idea.

Director of the Russian office "Charity Aid Foundation" Ms. Lena Young:
- You need to look for a partner in advance. Chat, meet. The excitement that starts 2-3 months before the application is not getting results. When they call us and offer to be a partner in a diabetes organization, we answer: "This is not our profile."
"Well, please! .." They do not understand that a fictitious partnership is useless. We do not know any specialists, or methods, or anything else.
As a representative of the UK, I can suggest that those who would like to find a partner, contact the organization "Charity Know How", one of the departments of which deals exclusively with the search for partners. Address in London: East West Link, 114/118 Southampton Row, London WC1B 5AA. Phone: 071 831-7798, Fax: 071 831-0134.
Write what you do and what type of organization you would like to partner with.

How much and for what program can Russians receive in Western charitable foundations

Fund Country What does Requirements for contestants term of study (internship) grant amount deadline for submitting an application
Damon Foundation USA support the applicant must have an academic 1, 2, 3 years $25K-$45K (1st March 15, 15
Runien-Walter research in doctorate, master's degree year)*, $ 30 thousand - $ 46 August and 15
Winchell oncology thousand (2nd year), $33 December
thousand-$48 thousand (3rd year)
German Germany any scientific contestants must 3 months — 40 thousand German. stamps not installed
research development submit an application through internship, 6
th society German project participants months —
what a job
Erhard Foundation USA education only social and maximum $ 3250-$ 7000 no later than 120
humanitarian sciences term - 12 days before start
(economics, philosophy, months work
international relationships,
political science)
conducting same requirements 12 months from $ 980 to $ 24 thousand, in 120 days
research average grant size —
$ 9680
Center "East-West" USA scholarships for people with specialists, recently 12 months $2500 monthly not installed
degree degree holders
Research Center USA biomedicine oncologists with a scientist 2 years, from $29k to $32 not installed
cells in Fujisaki degree Maybe thousand
extension up to 5
Program USA scholarships for scientists from art history and related 4 months $ 10 thousand Nov. 1
grants countries of Central and areas
Getty of Eastern Europe
Grasse Foundation USA support academic degree 2 years $ 30 thousand per year + $ 700 Nov. 1
neuroscientists - for each member everyone
families + $ 3 thousand - for odd year
covering the costs of
and one trip
scientific conference
Japanese Society Japan support short term program for from 14 to 60 18,000 yen ($180) at May 31 and 30
promoting science theoretical and participation days night + 150 thousand yen September
applied sciences highly qualified ($1494)-- transport every year
discussion experts, spending within the country +
lectures air ticket payment
long-term program for 6 to 10 270-300 thousand yen September 30th
joint research months ($2690-$2988) per month every year
+ 40 thousand yen ($ 398) -
the cost of holding
Scholarships Norway training in Norwegian age of candidates - 20-35 one training NOK 5700 crowns ($897) must
governments universities years, preferably knowledge of one year (9 months) - monthly + 4 thousand. fit under
Norway allocated in from the Scandinavian languages Norwegian CZK ($630) - autumn
cultural study tours and (since August 20
agreements materials to December 20)
and spring (with
January 15 to
June 15)
exchange of specialists same requirements 1 to 3 per diem in the amount of 360 not installed
weeks Norwegian crowns ($57)


The OU provides a list of the ten largest charitable foundations in Russia, compiled on the basis of Rusfond data published in early 2016.

1. Charitable foundation for helping seriously ill children, orphans and the disabled "Rusfond"

This is the largest fundraising fund in the Russian Federation. Fees in 2014 - 1 billion 709 million 445 214 rubles.

Foundation established publishing house"Kommersant" in 1996. The main office is in Moscow, there are also a number of regional offices.

The method of work is targeted journalistic fundraising. the main task- Help for seriously ill children.

Rusfond regularly publishes targeted requests for help on the pages of the Kommersant newspaper and on its website, as well as on the information resources of partner media. The foundation's expert group informs readers about the results of using their donations. Motto: "We help help."

2. Charitable Foundation for Helping Children with Oncohematological and Other Serious Diseases “Give Life”

In 2014, the fund collected 1 billion 253 million 207,461 rubles.

It was created in 2006 on the initiative of Galina Chalikova, who became its first director, with the cooperation of volunteers and doctors of the Federal Scientific and Clinical Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology. Dmitry Rogachev (FNKTs DGOI). The founders of the fund are actresses Dina Korzun and Chulpan Khamatova. Office - in Moscow.

The largest of the Russian funds specializing in oncology. Among its activities are raising funds for the purchase of medicines and equipment for specialized clinics, helping children who failed to get a quota for high-tech treatment, organizing the work of volunteers in hospitals, developing free blood donation, providing access to pain relief, etc.

Among other things, the foundation provides outpatient apartments for children who come to Moscow for treatment from other regions. Usually three or four mothers with their children live in one such apartment.

3. Valery Gergiev Foundation

In 2014, the fund collected 471 million 140,000 rubles.

The Foundation was established in 2003 on the initiative of Valery Gergiev, Artistic Director and Director of the Mariinsky Theatre.

Raises funds from both companies and individuals. Fund objectives: support creative projects and tours of the Mariinsky Theatre, assistance, including targeted assistance, to young artists, musical groups, talented Russian performers. The Foundation is the main organizer of such events as the Stars of the White Nights Music Festival and the Moscow Easter Festival. Office - in Moscow.

4. Charity food fund "Rus"

In 2014, the foundation raised donations for 458 million 452,000 rubles, mainly in kind - products and goods.

Food Fund "Rus" was founded in 2012 as the first Russian food bank. The founders of the fund, including businessman Konstantin Loboda, adapted the international technology of feeding the needy in Russia, thanks to which the fund became a member of the World Association of Food Banks. Office - in Moscow.

The Foundation accepts products of Russian food producers in the form of donations and distributes them with the help of non-profit organizations, social services and parishes of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Together with the Orthodox help service "Mercy" (which ranks 10th in the "Navigator" in terms of collections), with the support of the Synodal Department for Church Charity and Social Service of the Russian Orthodox Church, it implements the project "People's Lunches": volunteers gather to pack the products received by the fund in sets, and each set is a single dish that includes several ingredients in the right proportions. Thus, in 2015, 1 million 653 800 free meals for the needy were prepared in 20 workshops.

5. Center for Social Programs Foundation

In 2014, CSP received 426 million 677,000 rubles.

The Corporate Fund was established in 2004 by United Company RUSAL to manage its social activities.

The main task is to develop the most useful social initiatives and improve the quality of life of people in the regions where the company operates. The main office of the CSP is located in Krasnoyarsk.

The fund actively involves regional partners and local communities in the implementation of its projects. To date, more than 500 organizations are partners of the CSP.

The fund helps educational institutions, charitable organizations, families in difficult life situation, children and adults with disabilities, the elderly, orphans, etc.

6. Foundation for the Support of Islamic Culture, Science and Education

In 2014 attracted 408 million 235,000 rubles.

Created in 2006 by Muslim organizations with the participation of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation for domestic politics. Office - in Moscow.

The goal is to support traditional Muslim religious organizations Russia and their projects.

The Fund finances the maintenance and repair of religious buildings, the purchase of furniture and office equipment, the purchase of educational, religious, educational and scientific literature, as well as products for religious holidays. Implements the creation of unified educational standards Islamic religious education in Russia, supports Islamic means mass media. Established scholarships for the best students of Islamic educational institutions.

7. Charitable Foundation "Advita"

In 2014, the fund collected 309 million 146,000 rubles.

Established in 2002, co-founders were 13 doctors of the bone marrow transplantation clinic of St. Petersburg State Medical University. Pavlova and current executive director Pavel Grinberg. Office - in St. Petersburg.

It specializes in oncohematology, the purpose of its creation was to raise funds for the search for bone marrow donors in the international registry. The Foundation provides assistance to medical institutions involved in the treatment of cancer patients, as well as targeted assistance to children and adults with cancer. However, according to executive director Pavel Grinberg, the fund will move towards funding programs, rather than helping individual patients.

8. Charitable Foundation for the Rescue of Seriously Ill Children "Line of Life"

Collected in 2014 298 million 315 146 rubles.

The charitable program for saving seriously ill children "Line of Life" appeared in 2004, in 2008 the foundation was registered. Office - in Moscow.

The goal of the fund is to reduce child mortality rates from serious diseases that can be cured with modern level development of medicine. He provides assistance in case of establishing the following diagnoses: congenital heart disease (CHD), cardiac arrhythmia (arrhythmia), vascular pathology of the brain, craniostenosis, scoliosis, craniocerebral hernia, and epilepsy.

In addition to targeted assistance to patients, the fund provides support to clinics in acquiring the tools and materials necessary for treatment.

Among the numerous charitable projects of the foundation is the well-known action "Someone's life is no longer a trifle!" During the event, reception points operate in the cities, where everyone can bring and return coins.

9. Vera Hospice Assistance Fund

In 2014 attracted 224 million 750,000 rubles.

The fund was created in November 2006 primarily to support the First Moscow Hospice, but now it helps more than 20 regional hospices. The Foundation is named after Vera Millionshchikova, founder and chief physician of the First Moscow Hospice.

chairmen board of trustees- actresses Ingeborga Dapkunaite and Tatyana Drubich.

It exists not only through donations, but was also the first in Russia to create endowment capital (endowment) in the field of healthcare.

The main objectives of the foundation, in addition to supporting hospices, are to help terminally ill children, develop volunteer movement, publishing, the formation of public interest in the problems of terminally ill people.

The foundation's motto is: "If a person cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped."

Office - in Moscow.

10. NGO "Mercy"

Collected in 2014 199 million 604 000 rubles.

Regional social organization"Mercy" - titular entity Orthodox help service "Mercy" (association of Orthodox legal and individuals jointly implementing 25 social projects in Moscow).

Registered in 2005. Office - in Moscow.

Motto: "There is love in this world."

The Orthodox Relief Service "Mercy" raises funds for service projects and targeted requests for help. Among the projects of the service "Mercy" - St. Spiridonievskaya almshouse, St. Demetrius Orphanage for girls, St. Sophia Orphanage for Disabled Children, Elizaveta Orphanage, Center for Family Rehabilitation, Dimitrievskaya Secondary School, where children from orphanages and children from large families study, Homeless Assistance Service, Rescue Hangar for the homeless, Palliative Care Service assistance to HIV-infected patients, patronage care service for patients at home, projects "Help for disabled children in state boarding schools", "Help in a psycho-neurological boarding school", "Patronage care in hospitals", Assistance service for patients with ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), Crisis center "House for Mom", where they help pregnant women who are on the verge of an abortion to get out of a difficult situation, the "Mercy" telephone inquiry service, the charity portal "", the Volunteer Service, the Petitioner Group, the Children's Field Palliative Service, seriously ill children, Rehabilitation Center for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Day Care Group for Disabled Children, Center recreation for families with disabled children, a camp for large families "Voskresenskoye".

Winter holiday of the Life Line Charitable Foundation, 2016 /