Festive concert for Teacher's Day. Holiday scenario with a concert of students for Teacher's Day at a music school

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Purpose of the event: the formation of personal results of students by involving them in creative activities.


  • fostering respect for the work of the teacher, for teachers;
  • uniting the school team, rallying teachers and students;
  • development of creative abilities of students, communication skills, ability to speak to an audience;
  • expanding children's perception of their classmates and teachers as talented people.

Form of organization of students' activities: concert.

Location Events: concert hall of DK "Chulkovo".

Members: teachers and students from grades 1 to 11.

Equipment: screen, projector, computer, sound and light equipment, two cubes with a face of 60 cm, presentation, magician's costume.

Event progress

On the stage is a choir of students in grades 4-5.

Fanfare. Leading students come to the fore from the left - grade 9 students.

Lead 1. Hello, friends!

Lead 2. Good afternoon, dear students, guests and our infinitely beloved teachers!

Lead 1. We are pleased to welcome you to a wonderful holiday - Teacher's Day.

Lead 2. He gathered the whole school together in this hall: both the youngest pupils of the kindergarten, and already almost students - eleventh graders.

Lead 1. Another moment and the sonorous voices of childhood will sound on this stage to congratulate our wonderful, unusually talented and surprisingly sensitive, sympathetic teachers on their professional holiday.

Lead 1. For you, who every day surrounds us with care and attention,

Lead 1. Gives us the warmth of his smiles,

Lead 2. Makes our life at school useful, pleasant and comfortable - the warmest words and congratulations on the holiday!

Together: We love you very much!

The hosts go backstage.

Song "Sing the best songs with us" students sing 4-5 cells.

Grade 5 leaves the stage, grade 4 remains on stage, the guys read poetry.

Teacher's day has come
I've been waiting for this day for a long time
Need to start soon
Holiday for teachers!

We congratulate today
Teachers from the heart
We wish you happiness, joy
You are good today.

Give your heart to children
Don't feel sorry for yourself
In school you give us knowledge,
You are our best friends.

So let the children more often
Give you joy and light.
So that you, to our joy
Worked for 100 years.

Good luck and patience
You health and love,
inspiration and luck
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts.

Please accept our congratulations
With such a wonderful holiday!
You, without hiding respect,
We sincerely thank you.

For the fact that souls have been invested in us,
Wanting to make us human
You opened the way to the world for us,
Love for knowledge instilled,
Devoting our lives to us.

What remains for you to wish:
Love, care and warmth,
May luck smile upon you
For your good deeds.

We wish you good health
And to teach us everything
We invite you more
Don't retire!

To the music, 4th grade students go into the hall, 3 leading 9th grades (two boys and a girl) enter the stage

Lead 1. What do you think could please our teachers on such a wonderful holiday?

Lead 2. Sea of ​​flowers!

Lead 3. Excellent study!

Lead 2. Good behavior…

Lead 1. It seems to me that on this wonderful day, our teachers should have a little rest. Imagine: warm sun, blue sea, golden sand. Let's give them… a cruise!

Lead 2. Cruise?! What is it: all the teachers will go on a voyage, and we will stay here alone to study?

Lead 3. What a good idea!

Lead 1. Well no! The cruise will be virtual. We will go swimming together without leaving this hall. Mentally! Teachers will feel calm, relaxed...

Lead 2. No, we can't do this alone. So that after the school noise, din, fuss and to be transported to the warm sea ... Here you can’t do without medical intervention. We'll have to call the hypnotists again, like last year. Where are they? Call!

Lead 3. Oh, the specialists were good, Anton and Mikhail, they had a calming effect on the teachers ... Yes, they parted, on tour, to other schools and universities ... But I have one magician in mind, just passing here, from Germany to Ostrovtsy. They say it works wonders...

Lead 1. So invite soon.

Lead 3. Welcome. The great magician of hypnosis from sclerosis Rahman ibn Samuel!

Rahman Samuil enters the stage in a dressing gown and a turban.


Crible, crable, Chulkovo, paridable..
Is this Cherepovets? Not?
The glorious city of Ostrovets? Not?
And the Lomonosov school ...
I walked along the fence for a long time ...
There will be 5 buildings here, you can’t go around on a camel ...
And I was tired from the road, I was in a hurry to you, oh, teachers!
To relieve stress, fatigue
I'm starting my session!

Calm music sounds. On the screen - views of the tropical coast ... The noise of the surf ...

Samuel. You are calm, you are completely calm. Your legs are relaxed. Your hands are relaxed. The fingers of the right hand unclenched. They no longer clutch the red pen and the Loser's diary. Your left hand is relaxed. She no longer clutches a magazine and calendar-thematic planning to her chest. Your head is light and free. You already passed work programs. A voice from the speaker announces the beginning of self-training somewhere far, far away. The silhouettes of Fillipov, Kamenshchikov, Kopiska dissolve in the rays of the warm tropical sun. The sound of the surf is heard louder, the smell of the sea lulls. You are completely calm. You are embarking on an unforgettable sea voyage in the midst of the school year... school year... school year... (mag and he himself gradually falls into a trance ... makes movements with his hands, as if he is swimming ...)

Lead 1. Thank you, dear mage!

Mage. (coming out of trance) Islanders there?

Lead 2. There!

Mage. Well, goodbye gentlemen. ( The magician leaves the stage)

Lead 2. So, Dear friends, we are going on a cruise on the warm sea directly from the village of Chulkovo. Attention! Everyone, take your seats! Our ship is sailing!

A piece of music "Ah, white ship" ... The whistle of the ship.

Presenter 1. And so that on the way you, our dear passengers, have good mood, 6th grade student Alina Mezhueva is dancing for you!

Dance Mezhueva A.

Lead 1.(Looking through binoculars) There is an island on the horizon. Do you know this place?

Lead 2. Yes, this is the Island of Little Stars. They happily wave their hands to us. We go to the port.

Dance 1st grade and kindergarten"We are little stars."

Thereafter Kindergarten leaves, grade 1 stands on the stage for reading poems.

More recently in kindergarten
We went guys.
And they called us, everyone called us:
"Funny Preschoolers"

Now we are first graders
It's very easy to remember:
We are future geniuses
And future stars!

All why? We will answer you:
Thanks to the teachers!

Care, tenderness and love
You give to kids.

All students:

They want to congratulate you today
Girls and boys.

We want to say thank you
And give congratulations
For teaching us
School lessons to love.

And in the middle classes they say
So many homework assignments!
And the head teacher of them, they say,
Lyubov Vitalievna's name is ..

But we are not afraid!
We can learn everything.
So that the Lomonosov school
You could be proud of us!

There are many different professions in the world -
Many creative, complex, dangerous,
But there is one of the most important -
Primary school teacher.

This is very right choice
Open the way to knowledge for children,
We will thank you for this
We wish you all the best in the world.

Elementary school loves you all very much!
For your attention, for your kindness
Please accept our gratitude from the heart.

Today, on your holiday, we want to congratulate
And together, with love, we tell you:

Together: Thank you teacher for your kindness,

We wish you many years
You gave everyone your affection,
Teacher, you are not more beautiful,
Let your life be like a fairy tale!

The music turns on 1 verse of the "Engine", the 1st class leaves the stage into the hall, at this time three soloists from the 1st class sing:


When living together
What could be better?
And there's no need to fight
And you can love everyone.
You are on a long journey
Take the teachers
They will always help
and have fun with them.
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,
Our school is beautiful!
We read books
We sing songs
Yes, and all of you guys
We invite you too!

Presenter 1. And you know, these kids reminded me now of myself in the first grade. Then everything around was so unfamiliar, so exciting ...

Lead 2. Yes, everyone in life had the first class, the first lesson, school childhood. Even our teachers. Let's flip through the pages of the photo album and try to find out who is depicted on them ...

To lyrical music on the screen are photos of teachers in childhood. The assistant is with a microphone in the hall, the hall guesses, a photo of the teacher appears on the screen at the present time.

Presenter 1. Yes, we have made a wonderful journey through time. But don't forget that our cruise continues.

Lead 2. Yes, yes, we continue our walk along the warm sea. But what do I see? On the course - a desert island, and on it someone is rushing about. It seems that this is the homeroom teacher of the fifth graders trying to find peace and quiet ...

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna enters the stage, reads a poem.

Svetlana Vyacheslavovna's monologue at a literature lesson in early September

Sit down, children, hush, hush.
The bell rang.
Tsypliagin, have you heard?
So get off your desk and sit on a chair!

Arthur, be quiet.
Take an example even from brother Misha.
Oh, Misha fell asleep ...

Wake up! It's autumn already!
And time: eight - forty-eight,
Literature, brother, we have.

Wake up, listen to all the advice
After all, an essay about summer
You have to write now.

Write, Egor. What? Need to go out?
Ah, is there a tornado in your stomach?
And a terrible rumble in the head?

Probably the wind is walking in it
And there he sings songs about summer,
You write at least two lines.

Where is Shumakov? Sitting under the desk?
And not alone? With whom? With a firecracker?
Taisya wants to scare?

Oh, Shumakov, how bad it is.
What? Have you been waiting for Taisya all summer?
So write about it in your notebook.

Kondrattsev, what? Problem again?
Already forgot what topic?
Rezinko will tell us now.

Well, Zaitsev, what? Is the notebook on fire?
Would you like to make an antibody?
We don't have a physics lesson.

Go to the blackboard, write with chalk
What a busy summer he was.
Oh, finally the bell rings!

I'm kind of tired today.
Ah, how I now hunt
In July, at least for a day.

Lead 1. Dear Svetlana Vyacheslavovna! We invite you to take a seat on our cruise ship. There is unique opportunity plunge into summer again, relax, smile and see everything in a new pleasant light.

Lead 2. And your fifth graders have also changed. See for yourself how wonderful, cute and funny guys they are!

S.V. sits in the hall, on the stage5th grade dance "Retro".

Lead 1. Yes, fifth-graders are young, nimble and restless people. I can imagine how hard teachers sometimes have to deal with them. Another thing is the sixth grade. These guys are not the first year in high school, they gradually acquire wisdom, caution and observation. Understand who is in charge at school.

Lead 2. And now we invite students of the 6th grade to this stage.

To the music of "This is what our school is like," students of the 6th grade come out.

1 sixth grader.

We taught in childhood, friends,
Our alphabet from A to Z...
Great power in letters is
when we can read them.
It's all about where and how
Each sign is placed in the word.

2 sixth grader. You teachers teach us the ABC of life

A - accuracy
B - nobility,
B - attentiveness, fidelity,

3 sixth grader.

G - citizenship,
D - kindness, dignity,
Zh - love of life,
Z - care for the neighbor,
And performance...

4 sixth grader. And we thought and made dictionary schoolboy. And now we invite you to look through it together.

On the screen are photos from school life, 4 sixth graders voice them.

Self-training - mission impossible

Magazine - X-Files

Palm - pocket guide

In the lesson before the survey, the daisies hid, the buttercups wilted ..

Challenge to study on Saturday - the jumping dragonfly summer sang red

Diary - a book of complaints and suggestions

A race in physical education - there were only three of them out of 18 guys ...

An excellent student in the lesson - a lonely sail turns white

The student who went for the chalk is missing

At a geography lesson - for a long time I wandered between the rocks, for a long time I was looking for Europe.

Presenter 1. Yes, sixth-graders drew interesting conclusions from their student experience.

Lead 2. This is something else. Look how Russian literature affects a person. Here you are. A ninth-grader read Anton Pavlovich Chekhov's story "Vanka" and what came of it?

Lead 1. What?

Lead 2. And now we'll see...

Dramatization based on the story by A. P. Chekhov "Vanka"

On the stage there is a chair, a table, on it a stack of books. A. Kamenshchikov is sitting at the table. Sounds of nature? Leaders stand next to the table.

Lead 1. It was warm September days outside, only a few weeks of study had passed at the Lomonosov boarding school. There was self-training in the 9th grade. Andrei Kamenshchikov, a young man of about 14, dreamily looked out the window. The boys played football on the school playground...

Kamenshchikov acts according to the words of the host. The presenter, as it were, reads over Andrei's shoulder what he wrote ...

Lead 1. (referring to the host2) Letter to head coach football team CSKA?

Lead 2. Yes, that was his last hope...

Andrey. Dear Viktor Mikhailovich! I have no strength to wait for the 2018 World Championship, I am writing to you now ...

Lead 1. Andrey glanced furtively at Elena Viktorovna, sighed, and continued:

(at this time, the presenters move to the left edge of the stage)

Andrey. No one here understands me, no one listens, I have only hope for you. Take me from here to your team.

I have no more strength to endure! Every day seven lessons! And after the lessons of dopa and self-training until the night. And everywhere teachers ask, they don’t give a pass, and if something goes wrong, they put deuces mercilessly. And in my head all the formulas got mixed up: which in algebra, which in physics - I can’t make out. I remember your 3-5-2 lineup very well! I have a talent for football. I’m Lyubov Vitalievna, I’m the head teacher of ours, and I said so. Let me go, I say, from self-training to football. And she told me: “In history, everything repeats itself! Sit down, Kamenshchikov, repeat the nineteenth century!” And she forbade wearing sneakers for a shift. This is embarrassing, you know?

And so in a school uniform they are forced to walk. I'm in a new suit - like a wooden one. And then they took away the boots.

The phone is not allowed to be used. How should I watch offline games? The other day I didn’t even get to my legitimate football lesson - I was sent to the tourslet. They put on the helmet, attached it to the rope and come on, Andryushenka-darling, stomp on the rope in the rain. It’s as if I’m not studying at a private school, but preparing for special forces ...

Geography - teach, chemistry - teach, biology - teach. What am I, Darwin? Moreover, there is no rest on weekends. Every Saturday is a theater or a museum, a theater or a museum. I won't last that long. Another thing is dribbling, feints, sparring ... Well, this is my element! Take me to your team, Viktor Mikhalych, you won't regret it. Do not doubt my competence and personal results. You know how many of these results were developed in me? I’ll stand at the gate better than Akinfeev, I’ll play in midfield that your Dzagoev will play, if only I don’t go to sampo. Well, for starters, I can also be a line judge - I can smell any injustice from a mile away!

Victor Mikhalych, do not delay, I can no longer endure my strength. Submit a challenge to the team. I am as firm as a stone in my intentions. I will not fail. I'm sorry for the sim.

Presenter 1. Andrei put the sheet into an envelope, wrote the address, and suddenly a magical voice sounded somewhere far above: “Self-preparation has come to an end! Today he reports for the past week ... "

Lead 2. His hands were still clutching the envelope, but his fate had already been decided...

Presenter 1. Andrey Kamenshchikov! finished the almighty voice.

Lead 2. Friday at the Lomonosov boarding school was coming to an end ...

Andrei and the presenters leave, the props are taken away. They are replaced by another pair of presenters.

Lead 1. Yes, class teachers with such different, restless students have a hard time.

Lead 2. I think they are the wisest people in the world. Who else can reassure, support, restore hope with one word? Inspire us to study?

Lead 1.

Sometimes we are stubborn and windy,
But there are second mothers for each of us.
They give us their love without demanding in return.
And every day they tell us:
"Learning is Light"
Stronger than all ropes is an invisible thread.
Our second mothers! We can't live without you!

Lead 2. This song is for you, our dear, beloved, irreplaceable class teachers and boarding school teachers. It is performed by the youngest students of the school. Who better than them to know what mother's care and love is.

The song "Mom" performed by soloists and a kindergarten.There are photos of teachers on the screen at this time.

Lead 1. We continue our journey and ahead of us is the Island of Great Expectations.

Lead 2. How much patience and work teachers give us, how much hope they place on us, their students. Today, again and again, we want to thank our teachers for their selfless work.

Presenter 1

Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth, childhood,
We owe teachers!

You give us a lot of strength
And love, no matter what.
How do you believe in us! And perhaps
Nobody can believe like that.

Lead 2

Life tells you to teach, we - to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything that was taken from you will come in handy
And it will become a hundred times more significant.

Lead 1. A duet is for you. Teacher Golovneva Tatyana Vladimirovna, piano, and 7th grade student Alena Lapteva, violin.

Duet Golovneva T.V. +Lapteva A.

Lead 2. The choreography teacher Kosheleva Alexandra Yurievna continues our concert with her students.

Waltz dance. Kosheleva A.Yu. and soloists.

Our school is one big family. Here everyone will guide, you know everyone - and everyone knows you. If someone has a holiday, then everyone celebrates together. And today our talented teachers also prepared a gift for their beloved students. A wonderful romance will be performed by the principal of the school and music teachers.

Romance "White Acacia".

Lead 1. This is the end of our cruise. Of course, it's great to relax, swim in the sea, travel to warm countries. But our school is also a small country. And let's make sure that we all feel warm, comfortable and joyful in it to travel the seas and oceans of knowledge.

With these words, the choir of grades 7,8 and 9 begins to enter the stage.

Lead 2.

Teachers! Today we give you
A little affection, mood, warmth.
We forget every day
About these small good deeds.

How often do we forget thank you
To tell you in the turmoil of school days
And you need this word, kind and beautiful,
Complete lessons daily!

Lead 1.

The moment has come and we are from the school scene
Thank you teachers.
We are proud of you, love you and appreciate you!
Good luck, happiness and good wishes to you.

The final song performed by 7th, 8th, 9th grades. To the song, grade 6 gives souvenirs to teachers, grade 4 - balloons.

The script of the festive concert for Teacher's Day

Presenter 1 Hello, dear teachers, students and guests of our holiday.

Together: Hello!!!

Host 2: Today is an unusual day!

Leading 3 - Today is an amazing day!

Vedas. one Today...

Everything: Celebration!!!

Vedas. 2 Glad!

Vedas. 3 Long awaited!

Ved.1- Today...

ALL: Teacher's Day!!!

ALL: Happy Holidays

Host 2:

Lovely teachers. We sincerely congratulate you on the holiday - Teacher's Day!

Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,

Today it suddenly blew in the spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

Presenter:3 The floor is given to the director of the school V.I. Kasatkin

Presenter1: Our dear teachers, for you ... .. song

Presenter2: You opened the whole world before us,

We are interested in you every hour,

And it's impossible to put into words

The love with which we think of you!

Vedas. 3 You always serve as an example for us

Just like you, we want to become

Health, joy for many years

Let me wish you from the bottom of my heart!


Presenter1: Ah, the celebration in our school hall.

We invited all teachers

To say kind words.

And congratulations to all!

Vedas. 2 We know teachers here in Russia

Source of kindness and strength.

The power of knowledge is given to them all

Know that she is the main thing in life!

Presenter3 They introduce us to the world

When we get to first grade.

On "100" childish "Why?"

Find an answer for you and me

Vedas. one Remember or write down:

All the warmth of your soul

We are given teachers

That's why I love them all!

Vedas. 2 Who teaches us?

Who is torturing us?

Who gives us knowledge?

This is our school teacher

TOGETHER: Amazing people!

Presenter 3: With you it is clear and bright,

The heart is always warm

And sorry if it's on time

The lesson was not learned.

Vedas. one Where to find worthy words

Make it clear without unnecessary phrases,

We are grateful to all of you

That we love you very much!

Vedas. 2 We heartily congratulate you

And on this holiday we wish

You are friends with the kids

be happy here at school

Vedas. 3 From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate

All of our teachers.

And we wish you all good health

TOGETHER: From pranksters of children!

Presenter 1: For all teachers as a gift

Two grandmothers come out: one is “cool”, the second is rural

1st: Vovanovna: Are you wearing a gas mask?

2nd: You are uneducated, Petrovna, this is my make-up, I'm going to a symposium of new Russian attendants! In our yard, on a bench.

1st: Well, I don’t have time to go to symposiums, I need to write an essay for my granddaughter: “ Comparative characteristics Masyanya and Larina Tanya.

2nd: No, the new Russian grandmothers don't take care of their grandchildren! They have shaping, visage, make-up…

1st : No, grandchildren need help, you know how much they ask! Every day I write three essays, but I compose two essays!

2nd: And your granddaughter, a healthy dylda, what does she do?

1st: She has this night library every day.

2nd: And I think that these new Russian children should be kept in a black body

1st: Oh, they are looking at how the grandmothers would sit on the neck!

2nd: Here my granddaughter came yesterday: “Grandma, when will you buy me new shoes?” And I tell her: “When you take down your skis!”

1st: No, I don't regret anything for my granddaughter. As I went to first grade, I bought her felt boots, she has been wearing them for 11 years!

2nd: Would you buy her galoshes!

1st: So, thank you! My granddaughter says to me: “I will grow up, I will enter the veterinary institute, I will treat you, grandmother!”

2nd: Oh, you are a fool, Petrovna, you are a fool! Veterinarian, he treats dog sores! Got the hint?

1st: You yourself are a fool, Vovanovna, a veterinarian, he treats veterans like you and me!

2nd: Nothing!

As they say, we look into the optical sight with optimism! Life is just beginning!

Presenter 3 (Masha)

It was in September

It was in the yard!

Five simple disciples

Talking about love

Showered confessions

All about the thirst for knowledge!

1st. Russian is not given at all,

How can I live like this?

There is only one thing left for me:

With your head in the pool!

2nd. Yes, I found the problem!

Russian is practice!

I'll tell you frankly:

My cross is mathematics!

3rd. Mathematics, calculations -

It's not all that difficult!

But English words

It's impossible to remember!

4th. Dates, I confess to you

Not remembered!

I'm afraid of history!

How can I deal with her?

1st. It's hard to be a student

I tell you for sure!

Gotta change something

In this life urgently!

2nd Exit, I think there is!

All would be in the trash:

Geometry to eat

In pure chocolate!

1th And then I would completely

No more studying!

Geometry would eat

And lay lazy!

4th. Well, I'm not lazy at all

There is a raisin of history!

Dates themselves every day

I would get in my head!

3rd. Ate a couple of dragees

early in the morning -

And history is already

You know very cool!

1st."Well, catch up!" candy

I would eat and then

Only five in physical education

It would be easy!

1st."Sweet Russian" marmalade

Needs to be released immediately!

Essays in notebooks

Everyone would write on "five"!

4th. If only everyone would write books

On candy wrappers!

And then everyone would know for sure

Was Bolkonsky or not!

3rd. Well, I dreamed yesterday

The best sleep in the world

I ate ice cream

Called Spy!

1st. And what about the spy?

What would help you?

3rd. I would eat ice cream

And I learned English!

1st It's hard to be a student

But harder for the teacher!

Explain one hundred times

It's really hard for them!

1th They succeed sometimes

Explain to us the difficult!

This is a difficult focus

The difficulty is impossible!

2nd. Everyone is in love with work

Strict, but beautiful.

And for everything today we

Let's tell them...

Everything. Thanks!

Host 2: Dear guests, we are celebrating not a single holiday, but two, as today is another wonderful holiday - the Day of the Elderly.

And today at our holiday there are teachers who have given the warmth of their hearts to the students of our school all their lives, and now they are on a well-deserved rest:

Vedas. 3 Oh, how much sadness in the word "Veteran"!

But how much honor and warmth here!

After all, human honor was given only by labor,

And the best years have passed at school

Vedas. 2 And we pass the microphone Kuznetsova Renate Pavlovna

Presenter 1:

The guys go to school in the morning,

September is coming and it's time for school.

Vedas. 2 The guys go to school in the morning,

And with them, of course, the teacher is in a hurry,

And the wind autumn leaves circling.

Lesson, change and again a lesson,

first call and last call.

And between them - the whole life lay,

Which was often difficult, disturbing.

Vedas. 3 Waltz spinning and tears from the eyes:

Here the senior classes are leaving us,

But you come to school again in September,

And again you are happy mischievous kids.

Vedas. one And every autumn again and again

You will celebrate your holiday with your friends,

Sad and laughing for the umpteenth time

And listen to the autumn teacher's waltz,

Quiet, autumn teacher's waltz.

Vedas. 2 And let the years fly by

Don't be afraid of age

May you have many years of experience

But in your heart - only 20!

Presenter 3: Dear teachers! Dear veterans! May joy and good luck accompany you today, as always.

Performing for you...


Presenter 1: Dear our teachers!

Words of recognition are spoken

Thanks for the love and kindness

Care, tenderness and warmth.

Vedas. 2 When you are near, life is like a fairy tale,

And on the gloomiest day light.

We want to congratulate you today together -

Words cannot convey everything to us.

Take care of us, dear all of you need

Together: This is what we wanted to tell you!


Presenter 3: For your sincere smile

Both the student and each student

In an instant, he will correct all his mistakes

And will not repeat them in the future.

Ved.1 You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,

The one that will never go out.

May all your wishes come true

And the cherished dream will come true.

Vedas. 2 After all, you share your experience with us,

Let bad weather not touch you,

And forever let it burn over you

A bright star of success, fame, happiness.

Presenter 3: Today we are on behalf of every heart

We tell you

(together) thanks!

Final song

Scenario of the festive concert dedicated to "Teacher's Day" "Dear teachers, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

(Instrumental music sounds, against its background the presenter reads a poem)
Presenter 1: He is full of all sorts of things
And this is what he lives for.
When he hears the laughter of children,
His soul sings.
And he knows that he must live
At least for
To serve as a model for children
They need it the most!
And if it's hard sometimes
He will bear everything.
Teacher is a true hero!
He is honored everywhere!

(Waltz sounds, several couples dance)

Host 2: Our whole life is one big leaf,
And there are pencil marks on the paper.
After graduating from school, you take a pen,
Dip in ink and draw slowly.

You draw in black ink on a piece of paper
A cozy home, love, your ideal...
Yes, it's all in pencil.
On that sheet you used to draw.

Do you remember the holiday of September,
The smile of the sun on the sand...
Thank you teachers
For the trace of a pencil in the shower.

(A song sounds to the melody of A. Pakhmutova “This will never happen again” performed by Nizieva I.M.)

Presenter 1. Small country… School country… Amazing, mysterious, magical. The country where childhood lives. Where the most incredible dreams come true, where all people are kind and beautiful. What a pity that we visit this country of childhood only once and hurry to leave it, striding towards adulthood, forgetting that this fairy tale will never be repeated.

(The stage is designed in the form of a class. There are desks at which students sit.)

Scene 1. Geography lesson.

- Kryzhevsky, come to me. Do you see the arrow? To the right is east, to the left is west, ahead is north. What do you have behind you?
The student freezes, then gets embarrassed and shouts:
- I told my mother that you will still see a hole in my pants!

(Call, change of teachers)

Scene 2. English lesson.

English lesson. The teacher is questioning the students.
- Molodyakov, do I blow speech English?
- FAQ?
- Sit down, two. Zemlyanukhin, do I blow speech English?
- FAQ?
- Sit down, two. Lyubishin, do I blow speech English?
- Yes, may tiche, ah um good speak English.
- Chavo?!

(Call, change of teachers)

Scene 3. History lesson.

The history teacher explains the new topic to the students:
- ... A few days before the battle, the Persian king sent an ambassador to the Greeks with a demand ... stop talking, Lyubishin, they tell you! The proud answer of the Greeks was the following... you, Zemlyanukhin, move to the left so that I can see what kind of nonsense Kryzhevsky is doing... yes, the answer was: come and take it. When it was announced to the Greeks that the number of Persians was so great that the sun was darkened from them, then the leader of the Greeks - Leonid - said ... Lyubishin, if you indulge, then I will put you against the wall ... Leonid said that so much the better, we will fight, traitor by name… Zemlyanukhin, give me a rope, this is no place for games!.. Yes, Ephialtes showed the Persians the way through the mountains, and then screams of horror were heard among the Greeks… who the hell is that throwing burnt pieces of paper?!

(Call. Everyone leaves the stage. A high school student appears surrounded by kids.)

Sasha, tell me, were our teachers also once children?
- Well, of course!
- As small as me?
- Of course!
- Oh, yes, and now they barely have time to drink a cup of tea and eat a bun on the go in the school cafeteria.
- Horrible! And what, they don't even sleep during the day?
- Well, if only at breaks or in between lessons.
- But I couldn’t understand why such peppy people run out of the teacher’s room?
- And at the lesson the teacher says: “I see everything!”
- (Together.) Sleep well!
- And once I was walking along the corridor and suddenly I heard:
The old clock is still running
The old clock is still running...
I looked, and there is our physicist!
So they can sing too?
- They sing and dance,
And draw pictures
And they know how to write poetry
Even play volleyball!
- If I were president,
I would reward them all
And "Honored teacher" - the title,
I would give to everyone!

Student 1. And they are all well-deserved, because they have earned our love and recognition.
Student 2. So stay always with us, in our little school country. Live her destiny, her joys, her magic.

(Vocal group perform song)

Lead 1. Here I am walking home from school again.
I'm probably a perpetual schoolgirl.
I teach everything, and involuntarily I study, even though I myself
I'm not seventeen anymore.
Yes. The years have left their mark
I'm not the same as when I was younger.
But I go every day to my school again,
To learn wisdom here again.
To see the cheerful faces of children,
To make their life more interesting.
So that no one wants to leave childhood,
To make the world more beautiful and wonderful.
And sometimes in the evening I get so tired,
That involuntarily eyes close.
But I take out three packs of notebooks again,
And my work continues.
They say: "What you sow, you will reap"
And mistakes are unforgivable.
And let the work is not always grateful. Well,
Such is the fate of the Teacher.

(The song is played with a guitar.)

Reader 1. You taught us to trust people
Book pages, river currents.
And the best we were taught destinies,
What a person should be.

Reader 2. We knew: there is no wiser you,
You know how to say it!
And just as devotedly looked
We are in your kind eyes.

Reader 3. You are all so beautiful today
And the kind words cannot be counted!
We say "Thank you" to all of you!
For the fact that you are in the world.

(Performed ballroom dance)

Reader 1. Thank you teachers
For your hard work!
Years will pass, but they
Knowledge will not be erased.

Reader 2. We want to say a lot
Give thanks for everything.
How much to wish
From your heart.

Reader 3. We wish you all the best,
Smiles, joy, fun,
May the fate be kind!
Good luck and inspiration!

Reader 1. We wish that dreams come true
Who are in a dream
To give you flowers
With tenderness in my heart.

Reader 2. And don't be sad that years
Running like a waterfall...
For us you will always
Like the best treasure.

(chastushki performed by a vocal group)

Lead 1. Good luck to you, dear and dear,
Dear teachers!
Kind, strict and young
Captains on the ship's bridge.

Lead 2. Good luck to you, debutants and aces,
Good luck, especially in the morning,
When you enter the classrooms,
Some are like a cage, others are like a temple.

Lead 1. Good luck to you, busy with business,
Which will never be completed
Gained experience over the years
Health and happiness to you forever!

(Music plays.)
(All participants of the concert come out and sing a song to the melody "Weather in the House".)

1. What awaits us all - heat or fog,
What's the forecast for tomorrow, gentlemen?
Its like a volcanic eruption
We can never guess.

We don't care about all the storms,
Let our house live cheerfully,
And let life always boil in it.

2. It happens in our childhood life is difficult,
Some have been unlucky over and over again.
But with you we are calm and safe,
Comfortable, very fun, warm!

Chorus: The main thing is the weather at school,
And at once it will become brighter for everyone,
We are not afraid of sadness and grief,
Worthy of meeting the school anniversary.

3. We sincerely wish you patience,
Health and good luck every hour,
Creative success, always luck,
And for insults you will forgive us.

Chorus: You are here and nothing more is needed,
Everything else is vanity.
And to us, friends, while you are near,
And in the rain it's cozy even without an umbrella!

The curtain

School ditties.
Here comes the holiday
We are glad to the ears.
Dear teachers
Now let's sing ditties.

Congratulations on teacher's day
We have come to you today
Wish you great success
To teach us better.

We'll tell you the news
And we will show our talent.
You listen to all of us
Let's start our story.

We are still guys
And we walk like soldiers.
Let's serve in the army
Let's keep the Motherland!

The school year has begun
The clock ticked
And my question is:
Are holidays coming soon?

It is very easy to live for Seryozhka,
He is always and everywhere
Says the same thing:
"I won't do it again!"

Reason for being late
Vova instantly composes:
He got caught in an avalanche
I found a meteorite.

Cyril has no patience,
He didn't learn his lesson
And for half a poem
Got half a quarter.

Yura shook his satchel for a long time,
To find notebooks.
But notebooks every time
They played hide and seek with him.

Grief is bitter for Dima,
Just Christmas tree sticks:
From a hole in his pocket
The cribs fell out.

Our Ivan bullies everyone,
Gets cuffs
Someone collects stamps
And our Ivan is bruised.

I gave to write off on the control
All tasks Kolechka,
And now in our notebooks
Both have twins.

The school bell rang
The lesson starts.
Like a tornado, it flies skipping
Late boy.

Our teacher is very strict
We didn't go to class.
How happy he was
that is freed from us.

We will overcome all sciences,
Everything will work out for us
Because our mothers
They also study with us.

Mothers used to read to us
About rabbits and foxes.
And now we read
About love and about the moon.

"Deuces in our diaries
We won't let you get through."
Promised our sixth grade
Try all year.

We are funny ditties
You have now been fulfilled
About myself, about our friendship
And about some of us.

We sang ditties to you,
You say from the bottom of your heart:
Our ditties are good,
And we are good too!

Huge preparatory work of the entire student team, parents and the organizing teacher for the professional holiday of teachers requires considerable effort so that the main event on Teacher's Day brings joy to the audience gathered in the assembly hall for a concert. Do you also want to surprise your mentors on the eve of the holiday? Start preparing in advance, because the concert for Teacher's Day is not just a performance of children and former graduates. This is an interesting theatrical performance with its own script, with the best presenters, well-thought-out competitions, bright costumes, crazy dances, incendiary music and original congratulations.

A teacher's day gala concert held at a school should not be a simple set of songs and poems that will be flawlessly performed on stage. No one claims that these wonderful numbers can be dispensed with, but some kind of zest is required that will constantly remind viewers that an event dedicated to Teacher's Day is taking place. A special place on the stage will be occupied by the hosts, who, having a ready-made script in their hands, will be able to improvise if necessary.

To the concert dedicated to the day teacher, was a great success, you need to know some of the subtleties of its organization:

  • All numbers must be carefully prepared.
  • In no case should you use songs and poems that save any performance and within the walls of the school, they have sounded more than once.
  • Teachers can also be involved in the performance in the concert, although this holiday is organized for them. Young teachers, who have not yet been heard at this school, are ready to perform with musical congratulations.
  • It is advisable to celebrate each teacher at the concert by inviting him to the stage to receive a small gift or diploma. Very interesting is the presentation of diplomas or medals in comic nominations (the most cheerful teacher, class teacher, etc.) at concerts.
  • The name of the concert for Teacher's Day should be exciting and memorable:
  1. Teachers are always needed
  2. We owe everything to the teacher
  3. Teaching is the best calling
  • Organize an enchanting conclusion of the event with the presentation of flowers, postcards, the launch of balloons or a common song for all participants in this project.

Concert for Teacher's Day, script with poems and songs

This script has nothing extra. It can rightly be used for the solemn event "Teacher's Day!" The main roles are assigned to the leading high school students. In addition to them, readers periodically appear on the stage. It could be students elementary school who can light their fire and add zest to the course of the event.

Festive concert for Teacher's Day in Russian and Tatar

An amazing development of the event, which is timed to coincide with Teacher's Day, was compiled for schools with the study of the Tatar language. The script alternates congratulations of teachers in two languages. If desired, it can be changed by rewriting the text in the Tatar language.

Concert "Teachers are always needed"

This event takes place in a fun atmosphere. Not only leading and small artists appear on the stage, but also teachers. During the concert, all teachers, for whom their own nominations have been established for the holiday, will rise to the stage in turn to receive congratulations. There are two appendices to the script with scenes, which are also never superfluous.

Holiday concert script

for Teacher's Day.

Against the backdrop of beautiful music, two presenters come out.

1 host:

Let autumn be in the yard for a whole month,

Today it suddenly blew in the spring,

Flowers bloom today in every heart:

Teacher - today is your holiday.

2 host:

The path of the teacher is not a mistake,

After all, this is not a job, but fate,

Today all the love, all the looks and smiles,

Today, everything in the world is for you!

(music louder, short pause)

1 presenter

Outside is a beautiful autumn time, which pleases us with colorful colors. The season that combines joy and sadness. Autumn pleases us with its rich harvest, but nevertheless we are sad to part with the warm summer. I think that is why in the first days of October the whole country celebrates the professional holiday of teachers.

Both leaders: Congratulations, dear teachers!

2 Lead. Opens our holiday program T dance composition performed by Kan Anita and Lozovsky Bogdan

1 presenter

What an amazing house - school! Here everything is mixed up: childhood, youth, science and art, dreams and real life. In this house, joy and tears, meetings and partings.

2 Lead.

Yes, the school for each of us remains a bright, joyful island of childhood. For teachers, school is their home, and all students are their children. Kazakhstan is famous for its students, students bring glory to him..

Meet Alekseenko Victoria “Frog Lambada”

1 presenter

Our journey through life has just begun

Thank you - it started the way it should.

We wish you health and good luck,

Students - good and obedient!

Angelina Potapova sings for you “I am a star».

2 Lead

What a huge heart you need to have in order to generously distribute it in pieces from day to day, from year to year!

1 presenter

.People who once came here at the call of their hearts will never leave it. Let me sincerely congratulate you, dear teachers, on your professional holiday.

2 Lead

. Wish you health, happiness, peace of mind and fulfillment of all creative ideas.

1 presenter

Years will pass, centuries of shadow

Disappear, everything closes in a circle.

But the word is warm "teacher"

Our hearts suddenly disturb.

2 Lead

Will always make you remember something

Native, close to you

In the twentieth century and in the two hundredth -

The teacher is eternal on earth!

Accept a dance from 10th grade students as a gift.

1 presenter

Romance is not a fairytale bird
Not a song about the wanderings of brigantines,
A romantic is one who is young and eager
Reach unknown peaks in everything!

2 Lead

Teacher, he's a romantic since birth!
Teacher, he's a romantic from head to toe!
And the school world is a country of courage and skill,
Cheerful world of untrodden roads.

1 presenter

Romance! In its very nature,
Romance is the soul and essence of it.
Always and everywhere famous among the people
Fearlessness, courage, dexterity, skill.

On the stage Nurmukhambetova Alina with the song "Carousel of Melodies".

1 presenter

The golden leaf fall swirled!

Leaves flutter in the dance of autumn

Our sad brooding garden

Falls asleep to the sound of rain.

A wet forest stands in gilding -

Freezes in the cold wind

Autumn gives us so many miracles -

It only happens in autumn!

The fate of every teacher is a colorful autumn. They gladly meet us at the school threshold and confidently lead us up the stairs to the top of knowledge, living with us a piece of our life. They are sad when we leave our native school and look forward to the next meeting with us.
We dedicate this song to you, our dear and beloved teachers.

Accept musical greetings from Aitpaev Adil "Teacher's rap".

1 presenter

On this festive day, we want to express sincere words of gratitude for the noble work of all teachers - great workers. Infinitely dedicated to his profession. Your profession at all times has been the personification of service to people, the upbringing of high citizenship and patriotism, culture and the pursuit of knowledge.

2 Lead

Developing the minds and enriching the souls of students, teachers leave a particle of themselves in everyone. We wish you health, optimism, new creative victories, inspiration, conquest of all professional heights, happiness in your personal life!

Zatula Angelina "Good Path" gives you her congratulations

1 presenter

Harder than your work does not happen,
Reform will not make it easier,
Life itself makes you
For children, spare nothing.

2 Lead

In aviation, they strictly consider
How many hours did the pilot fly.
No one knows about education
How long did he stand at the blackboard?

1 presenter

How many notebooks I checked at night
How many plans for life wrote
How many times have you believed a person
And he punished himself for it.

2 Lead

We are familiar with your name from the cradle,
Both an adult and a child know you,
No - you are not a hero, not an artist, not a ruler,
You are our hearts adored resident.
Our humble and beloved teacher.

1 presenter

Let be Blue bird today now
It will become a bird of happiness for you.

Meet the dance "Retro" performed by Florya Darya and Losev Nikita

1 presenter

Happy teacher's day, happy holiday!
We congratulate you today!
And we want to teach us properly,
How do you do it every time!

2 Lead

You always understand humor
Though you are always serious too.
After all, while we are inexperienced, young,
And we have all the years ahead of us.

1 presenter

So teach us, teach us more
Together with us you learn to live!
And for all of us, of course, forgive
We didn't mean to upset you!

2 Lead

Be kind, good and honest!
Let your world be better around!
It is always very interesting with you!
Happy teacher's day, our dear friend!

Korotkova Galina Anatolyevna congratulates you “Love me like this”

1 presenter

Outside the Indian summer

This day brings us to tears.

Your holiday - in a sea of ​​yellow

Sleepy aspens and birches.

2 Lead

Teacher's Day is a special holiday:

No garlands, no sparklers.

You bring knowledge to

The world has not collapsed into an abyss of shadows.

1 presenter

Sigh at times: “Teaching Councils,

Reckless students…”

Your everyday life, alas, is not sung,

But things are so big!

2 Lead

How beautiful sometimes the transformation

Yellow-mouthed naive chicks

In young educated geniuses,

In engineers, doctors, salesmen.

1 presenter

having drawn educational plans,

Don't be sad, don't grumble!

Can you imagine how desirable

Those fruits that you can give!

2 Lead

You will not be led off the beaten track

Not words, not a dream, not a ruble.

Happy Teacher's Day, teachers!

We love you! We won't let you down!

Grade 11 A has prepared my congratulations for you

(video and song first)

1 presenter

We once again congratulate all teachers, all school workers on their professional holiday. We wish you all the best, pleasant and happy.

2 Lead

May the sun shine brighter on you!

And from all who are near and far,

We send you greetings from all pets

And a bow - from heaven to earth!

Final song of all artists