Actual problems in the field of social services. Problems and Prospects of Social Services for the Population in the Russian Federation Problems of Social Services for the Population Example

The right to social services is an objective necessity for those citizens who need social services, who find themselves in a difficult life situation. Enough lives in Russia a large number of people who, for various reasons, cannot serve themselves and are limited in their life activity.

Statistics report that the health of citizens is deteriorating, there are many aging and disabled people, there is unemployment and low-income population.

The problem of population aging is not only for Russian Federation but also for a significant number of countries in the world. One of the trends observed in recent decades in the developed world is the growth in the absolute number and relative proportion of older people in the population.

Therefore, the state is obliged to assume obligations in order to contribute to the preservation and extension of the full life of every person, to recognize its debt to him and to support his social, labor, educational and creative activity. To implement the full-scale functions of social assistance, support and social security, the Russian Federation has a system of social protection.

Unfortunately, at the moment in Russia the quality and level social service are not in the best condition. Implementation Issues public policy in social sphere have acquired particular relevance. The transition to a socially oriented policy requires the creation of an effective and developed system provision of social protection of the population. Therefore, social policy is primarily focused on the problems of social security and services for the elderly, support for the disabled and families with children. As noted, in our country there is a “trend towards an increase in the number of elderly and disabled people in the population. This is accompanied by a deterioration in their health and limitations in self-service. Need in various types rehabilitation services are experienced by 80% of disabled elderly and disabled people. More than 30% are in need of constant assistance and social and medical services.” In the process of aging of the human body, a person has a risk of acquiring chronic diseases, at any time you may need medical, rehabilitation assistance, the care of another person. Older people often have problems not only in the medical field, but also psychological disorders and problems of a social nature. Social problems are associated, as a rule, with a low and even extremely low material standard of living, the inability to buy all the necessary (often expensive) medicines and medical equipment, apply for paid medical care, etc. And the benefits and benefits provided by the state cannot solve all the material problems of such old needy people. Psychological problems mainly appear due to the fact that older people who have retired and stopped working begin to experience a lack of communication and a feeling of loneliness, uselessness. The need for outsiders, including medical care, is several times higher for the elderly than for people of working age. Being alone at home, older people are not always able to cope with health problems on their own. Elderly patients need long-term maintenance therapy and outside care, medical and social assistance. If we talk about medical and social assistance, then it is a set of measures of a medical, social, psychological, pedagogical, rehabilitation and legal nature, carried out at the state and regional levels and is aimed at meeting the basic needs of a socially vulnerable category of citizens (elderly citizens, as well as people with disabilities). This help provided by stationary institutions, both in the health sector and in the sphere of social services for citizens. It aims to provide therapeutic interventions and care in order to restore and maintain health and self-care abilities. In addition to state institutions and organizations, there are also commercial, paid institutions (private boarding houses) for the elderly and disabled people who are in need of medical and social services. Both in public and private organizations that provide medical and social services to needy citizens, all services provided should be aimed at meeting a wide range of needs of their patients: comfortable accommodation, good nutrition, professional medical care, health and rehabilitation procedures, psychological support. But far from all institutions have sufficient capabilities to meet the needs for medical and social assistance of all citizens who apply.

Indeed, the continued growth of the older population increases the burden on health and social services, but the lack financial resources leads to problems in the provision of medical and social assistance to the elderly and disabled

There is an inextricable link between the quality of medical services and the level of social services. Both organizations providing social services and their employees should contribute in every possible way to improving medical care, medical and social assistance and for this, carry out various activities aimed at the proper functioning of these social organizations.

There are negative phenomena occurring in the field of social services: a decrease in the dynamics of development of social service institutions; low quality of the current state of this sector; unsatisfactory social and economic situation of workers social services; insufficient financial, logistical, personnel and Information Support activities of social service institutions. As already mentioned, among the serious reasons why the goal of rehabilitation of the disabled and other people who need it is not always achieved, there are problems of lack of professionalism in the work of medical staff, the lack of development of rehabilitation techniques, and so on. Therefore, for successful rehabilitation, it is necessary to take into account a complex of medical, socio-psychological, professional aspects and personal characteristics of patients. Also, one of the solutions to the problems of the organization and activities of stationary social services for the rehabilitation of the disabled is the optimization of the structure of institutions, the reconstruction of existing buildings and the construction of new buildings.

It is necessary to expand new promising types of social service institutions: boarding houses of small capacity for elderly citizens and the disabled.

Reforming the system of social services for the population should be aimed at taking measures to overcome the shortage of places in stationary social institutions by moving these institutions from environmentally unfavorable areas and creating acceptable living conditions in them.

Thus, providing affordable medical care for the elderly and disabled is impossible without the creation of an extensive system of specialized rehabilitation institutions. And social programs at all levels remain an effective tool for responding to the problems of the elderly population.

So, the state of the social service system is influenced by a combination of various factors. One of the most important reasons is economic. Economic factor expressed in the lack of funding, sponsorship of social services. This, in turn, affects the effectiveness of the provision of social services to the population, leads to the inaccessibility of social services for some categories of citizens. Due to the shortage of funds allocated to this area, there is an outflow of labor, often highly professional, personnel - social workers providing relevant services.

Equipment and technical equipment many social service organizations and institutions are also in decline.

One of the important impetuses to change the existing social tension and social reality will be the development and functioning of the system of non-state social services, support and strengthening of the role of trade unions, public funds, charities etc.

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Actual problems of social services


The relevance of the research topic of this term paper is determined by the fact that in society there are certain categories of citizens who, for a number of objective reasons, need help from other people. In any social state, the country's leadership takes care of such people, organizes a system of social services for such categories of citizens.

Social services for vulnerable categories of citizens is one of the most basic functions and tasks of any state. To a large extent, the development of the country is determined precisely by the level of how fully the system of social services for such categories of citizens as the disabled, pensioners and others in need of care and attention from the category of people is organized in it.

Social service in Russia faces very significant problems.

Based on the fact that the social service of people is an important task of society and the state, this topic It seems very important and relevant to study in the framework of this course work on the law of social security.

The purpose of this course work is to study issues related to topical issues of social services.

To achieve the goal set in the course work, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

To characterize the essence, goals and objectives of social services for the population;

Consider the system of social services for the population, its principles, functions, types and forms of activity;

Consider the main problems of social services in modern Russia;

Describe the issues of organizing social services in the Rostov region.

The course work consists of an introduction, two chapters, divided into subsections, a conclusion and a list of references.

1. General characteristics of social services

social service population

1.1 Characteristics of the essence, goals and objectives of social servicesAndpopulation

Theory and methodology social work: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / M.N. Guslov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012

In the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation”, social work as a theory of the middle level is designed to ensure the effectiveness of social services for the population. Therefore, the effectiveness of social services, according to scientists, can be determined on the basis of both general (serving to assess its effectiveness in general) and specific (to evaluate specific social services). certain types and methods of social work, the work of individual specialists, employees of institutions) criteria. the federal law dated December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ (as amended on July 21, 2014) "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation"

The direct source for determining the criteria for social services are the goals and objectives of the provision of social services and the degree of their implementation. At the same time, the following points are fundamentally important: - firstly, the goals of social services can be considered at the level of society, individual regions, settlements, districts and microdistricts, at the level of population groups and individuals;

Secondly, the goals of social services should take into account the socio-economic, moral-psychological, environmental, political and other conditions that developed under the conditions of political and economic reforms in the first half of the 1990s; - thirdly, the goals of social services in modern Russia should be inextricably linked with an objective assessment and positive coverage of the processes of the country's and its regions' exit from the crisis, as well as the stabilization of the social situation various categories population. The criterion for the effectiveness of social services should be the effectiveness of all types, forms and methods of social services for various categories of the population, the activities of social services, as well as the management and management of the entire process of social work with the population and individuals in need of social services. Based on the concept of systemic needs of socio-economic structures in society in its application to solving practical and organizational problems in the sphere of social services for the population, it is possible to identify the systemic functions and goals of this sphere.

These are the system functions of humanity, which include:

a) assistance to the poor, the weak, the sick and people who find themselves in difficult life situations. If a person, as a result of an illness or some circumstances, finds himself in a difficult situation, then the humane attitude of other members of society towards him with a significant probability is able to save his life and return him to work. b) ensuring the maintenance of the production in the "social organism" of the so-called "energy surpluses". This function is due to the fact that the need for resources for the survival of the "social organism" can change dramatically, for example, during a war or natural disasters. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for the beginning. prof. education / M.N. Guslov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012

1.2 The system of social services for the population: principles, functions, types and forms of activity

Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / N.M. Platonov, G.F. Nesterov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.

The implementation of activities is based on the following approaches:

Assistance should be reintegrative;

When providing assistance, they carry out an individual approach to the client's request;

Social assistance is provided on the basis of the principle of subsidiarity;

The beneficiary must be active;

Social assistance mechanisms are activated when other methods of support (psychological, moral, contractual, legislative) have been exhausted. Client assistance system in the social service system:

a) social assistance function, which includes

Identification, registration of families and individuals who are most in need of social support (low-income citizens, families with minor children and other disabled members), providing material (financial, in-kind) assistance and providing temporary housing to those in need, etc.;

Prevention of poverty: creation of conditions for families to independently ensure their well-being, family entrepreneurship;

Home services for those in need of outside care (delivery of food, medicines, transportation for treatment, home health monitoring, etc.);

Promoting the development of non-traditional forms of pre-school, school and out-of-school education;

Organization of temporary forced stay of a child outside parental family, his further placement in a children's institution, under guardianship (guardianship), adoption;

b) a consulting function, which includes:

Consulting specialists (lawyers, sociologists, teachers, doctors, psychologists, etc.);

Participation in preparing young people for choosing a profession;

Preparation of boys and girls for marriage and conscious parenthood;

Parental medical and psychological general education;

c) the function of social adjustment and rehabilitation, which includes:

Social medical and psychological rehabilitation of minors with deviant behavior, neglected children and adolescents, children left without parental care;

Medica - social rehabilitation and rehabilitation of children and adolescents with disabilities and families raising them;

d) the function of information of the population, the study and forecasting of social needs, within which three areas are distinguished:

Providing the client with the information necessary to resolve a complex life situation;

Distribution among the medical population - psychological, pedagogical and other knowledge;

The study of the needs of their clients by social workers, specially created institutions, and with the help of scientific organizations social problems that give rise to crisis situations in the region, the development and implementation of specific measures aimed at their elimination;

e) the function of participation in the implementation of emergency measures to overcome the consequences of natural disasters and social conflicts:

Participation of social service specialists in the development of emergency programs;

Formation within the framework of rescue services organized at the central and other levels, teams of social workers, etc.

Providing financial assistance citizens who are in a difficult life situation, in the form of Money, food, etc., as well as special Vehicle, technical means rehabilitation of the disabled and persons in need of outside care;

Social services at home, which is carried out by providing social services to citizens in need of outside or temporary non-stationary social services;

Social services in stationary institutions, carried out by providing social services to citizens who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service and in need of constant outside care, and ensuring the creation of living conditions appropriate to their age and state of health, carrying out medical, psychological, social activities, nutrition, care, as well as the organization of feasible labor activity, recreation and leisure;

Provision of temporary shelter in specialized institutions of social services to orphans, neglected minors, citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation, citizens without a fixed place of residence, victims of psychological or physical violence and other clients of the social service who need to determine a temporary shelter;

Organization of a day stay in social service institutions with the provision of social, social, medical and other services to those who have retained the ability to self-service and active movement to elderly citizens and the disabled, as well as to other persons, including minors, who are in a difficult life situation;

Advisory assistance on issues of social and social and medical life support, psychological and pedagogical assistance, social and legal protection;

Rehabilitation services for persons with disabilities, juvenile delinquents, other citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation and need professional, psychological, social rehabilitation. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / N.M. Platonov, G.F. Nesterov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.

Social service is based on the principles:

Equal opportunities for citizens regardless of nationality, gender and age;



Promoting self-reliant social adaptation;

Targeting, priority assistance to citizens who are in a dangerous or helpless state;

Humanity, goodwill, respect for confidentiality;

Preventive orientation;

Legality and accounting for international standards. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / N.M. Platonov, G.F. Nesterov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.

Social service is formed on the basis of legality, humanism, justice and democracy. At the same time, the same for the entire system of social service are general principles, the universal adherence to which makes this system coherent and consistent:

The principle of the priority of state principles in organizing social services and guaranteeing the rights of citizens to receive social services and assistance in difficult life situations means that the state ensures the rights of the individual, sovereignty, honor and freedom, protects it from all sorts of encroachments. It provides a social service system necessary materials, finance, human resources, determines the responsibilities of institutions, governments and social service workers;

The principle of reliance on public participation means that the public component is a necessary link in the work of social services and their management. At the same time, in cases where social services require social vocational training, public participation is possible only as assistance to the main subjects of this activity;

The principle of territoriality means that the social service is as close as possible to the population and, therefore, as accessible as possible for direct use. This principle makes it possible to solve the problems of integrating departmental interests and opportunities for a comprehensive solution of the problems of social services, to maintain a variety of activities with common goals;

The principle of awareness means that the institutions and management bodies of the social service have the right to collect information, receive, upon a reasoned request from state and public bodies information that is necessary for their functions and assistance to customers. The functions of managing the issues of social services for the population in the jurisdictional territory are carried out by the bodies of social protection of the population. They build their activities in cooperation with the authorities of healthcare, public education, culture, physical culture and sports, law enforcement, state services for youth and employment and other government bodies, as well as with public, religious, charitable organizations and foundations.

In conclusion of the first chapter of this course work, the following conclusions can be drawn.

Scientific literature rarely uses such a concept as “social services for the population”. According to some scholars, in modern conditions social service is one of the areas of social work. Thus, social services are presented as organizational form characterizing the mentioned type of activity. Social service can be considered as a system that includes certain ways on the basis of which social humanistic activity is carried out, which is aimed at solving the issues of social rehabilitation of individuals, their adaptation, as well as families and human society as a whole. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to characterize social services as a process consisting in the provision of certain specific social services that serve to satisfy the needs that are necessary for the normal development of those people who are dependent on the help of others.

The implementation of social services occurs through social services. Social service is the main concept included in the scope of the issue of providing social services. Social service can be viewed as a system that includes state and non-state structures that carry out social work. These structures include specialized agencies, which provide social services and the governing bodies of these institutions.

As an instrument of social work, the social service organizes activities aimed at social assistance and social protection of the population.

2. Feature contemporary problems social service

2.1 Problems of social services in modern Russia

Social services are an objective need of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. However, at present the level of efficiency of social services is not high enough. This is due to various factors, among which, first of all, economic. It is expressed in the lack of funding for the sphere of social services, which leads to the low quality of social services, their inaccessibility, the shortage of personnel for social workers, and poor material and technical equipment of social service institutions.

There are many problems in the field of social services for pensioners:

on the one hand, paid social services are slowly developing, and on the other hand, there is a danger of absolutization paid services, compared with the volume of paid services, the share of free services is declining;

the problem of the order of priority for obtaining places in institutions remains acute (about 12 thousand people need social services in a hospital and about 100 thousand people in non-stationary conditions);

insufficiently developed network of hospices, including hospices at home;

the problem of financing institutions and services of social services is topical. At the same time, in the near future, the demand for social services by older citizens, primarily for objective reasons, will increase;

the work of existing social service institutions needs to be significantly improved, replenished with specialists, improved legal and improved material and technical base;

the problem of retraining and advanced training of specialists and service personnel in new type social service institutions requires due attention.

To improve the social status of pensioners living in stationary social service institutions, it is planned to build and reconstruct these institutions. Gerontological centers, boarding houses of a general type, subject to re-profiling into gerontological centers, geriatric psychiatric centers, as well as stationary institutions, were selected as key objects.

Another obvious problem that complicates the interaction between the state and society in working with older people is the lack of information. For more successful activities of the social protection authorities, it would be advisable to have a database of public organizations working with older people and operating on the territory of their municipalities. The consistency and availability of this information at the regional and federal levels will improve intersectoral interaction, enrich public services new ideas and approaches, and public organizations will be given the opportunity to disseminate their successful experience. Firsov M., Studenova E. Theory of social work: Tutorial for university students. Publisher: Vlados, 2012

The next factor hindering the successful development of the institution of social services is the imperfection of the legislation, its inconsistency and fragmentation, duplication of some acts by others. Often, there are no clearly defined concepts of a particular type of social service. This creates difficulties in studying and law enforcement practice.

IN Russian society a large number of persons with signs of disability. It is no secret that in recent years the country has been experiencing a deterioration in the health of the nation, an aging society, unemployment, and low income.

Obviously, in the area under consideration, solutions require problems in two main areas: in the field of socio-economic development and legislative regulation.

To address many issues, measures are needed to reform social services. In particular, it is necessary to move to a funded system in the field of social services - social insurance, when citizens, through personal contributions to the fund being formed, will be able to receive social services when they find themselves in a difficult life situation.

A measure that can change the financial situation is the creation of a state off-budget fund social services, which will allow to concentrate the available revenues (tax and other), and in the future to spend them exclusively in the field of social services.

The next step could be the development of a non-state system of social services, in particular, strengthening the role of public organizations(trade unions, religious organizations, public funds, charitable organizations, etc.).

Reforming the sphere of social services, it is also necessary to pursue a policy of regional alignment in order to form an equal level of social services throughout the country. However, it is important here not to allow an egalitarian approach and apply to different regions individual measures.

One of the measures to improve the situation in the field of social services is to provide regions with the opportunity to search for additional non-standard solutions, for example, stimulating charitable activities, the development of non-traditional types of social services, such as a sanatorium at home or a social service facility on wheels. Firsov M., Studenova E. Theory of social work: Textbook for university students. Publisher: Vlados, 2012

In the field of protection of persons with disabilities, one of the most vulnerable categories, it is necessary:

increase in the volume and quality of manufactured prosthetic and orthopedic products, rehabilitation means;

an increase in the number of institutions specializing in such production;

equipping places for training disabled people in educational institutions, expanding the network of specialized educational institutions.

As part of the improvement of legislation, it is necessary to adopt a codified act at the level of law that regulates the main issues in the field of social services. This will streamline and systematize the existing legislation on social services. Firsov M., Studenova E. Theory of social work: Textbook for university students. Publisher: Vlados, 2012

In further work with legislative framework what matters is the expansion of the subject composition of those in need, the departure from the concept of social services, as an institution that regulates the relations of a narrow circle of subjects, only the elderly, the disabled and the low-income.

2.2 Organization of social services in the Rostov region

The powers of the Government of the Rostov Region in the field of social services include:

Legal regulation and organization of social services in the Rostov region within the powers established by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation";

Approval of state programs of the Rostov region in the field of social services and control over their implementation;

Definition of an organ state power authorized to exercise the powers provided for by this Regional Law in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body of the Rostov Region in the field of social services);

Approval of the regulations for interdepartmental interaction between executive authorities of the Rostov region in connection with the implementation of the powers of the Rostov region in the field of social services for citizens;

Approval of the procedure for the provision of social services by social service providers;

Establishing the procedure for approving tariffs for social services based on per capita norms for financing social services;

Approval of standards headcount social service organizations under the jurisdiction of the authorized body of the Rostov region in the field of social services (hereinafter referred to as the social service organization of the Rostov region), standards for providing soft inventory and living space in the provision of social services by these organizations;

Approval of nutritional standards in social service organizations of the Rostov region;

Approval of the procedure for organizing the implementation of the regional state control(supervision) in the field of social services;

Approval of the amount of payment for the provision of social services and the procedure for its collection;

Establishment of the procedure for the implementation of state programs of the Rostov region in the field of social services, including investment programs;

Organization of support for socially oriented non-profit organizations, philanthropists and volunteers carrying out activities in the field of social services for citizens in the Rostov region in accordance with federal and regional laws;

Approval of the nomenclature of social service organizations for citizens in the Rostov region;

Establishing a procedure for accepting citizens from among persons released from places of deprivation of liberty, for whom, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, administrative supervision is established and who have partially or completely lost the ability to self-service, for social services in stationary social service organizations with special social services for citizens;

Determination of the amount and procedure for payment of compensation to the provider or providers of social services that are included in the register of social service providers, but do not participate in the implementation state task(order), when a citizen receives from them social services provided for by an individual program for the provision of social services;

Determination of other circumstances that are recognized as worsening or capable of worsening the living conditions of citizens.

The Government of the Rostov Region exercises other powers in the field of social services referred by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to the jurisdiction and powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established this Regional Law, other regional laws, regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Rostov Region or the Government of the Rostov Region. Regional Law of September 03, 2014 No. 222-ЗС "On social services for citizens in the Rostov region"

The powers of the authorized body of the Rostov region in the field of social services include:

Organization of social services in the Rostov region within the powers established by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation";

Development and implementation of state programs of the Rostov region in the field of social services;

Coordination of the activities of social service providers, public organizations and other organizations operating in the field of social services for citizens in the Rostov region;

Implementation of regional state control (supervision) in the field of social services;

Formation and maintenance of the register of social service providers and the register of recipients of social services;

Ensuring free access to information about social service providers, the social services they provide, the types of social services, the terms, procedure and conditions for their provision, the tariffs for these services, including through mass media, including posting information on official websites in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" (hereinafter referred to as the "Internet" network);

Accounting and reporting in the field of social services in the Rostov region;

Development and implementation of measures for the formation and development of the social services market, including the development of non-governmental organizations of social services for citizens;

Assistance to citizens, public and other organizations in the implementation of public control in the field of social services;

Development and testing of methods and technologies in the field of social services;

Approval of the procedure for spending funds generated as a result of charging fees for the provision of social services for social service organizations in the Rostov region;

Organization vocational training, vocational education and additional professional education for employees of social service providers.

The authorized body of the Rostov Region in the field of social services exercises other powers in the field of social services, referred by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services to Citizens in the Russian Federation", other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to the powers of the state authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, authorized to exercise the powers provided for by the Federal Law "On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation" in the field of social services, unless otherwise provided by this Regional Law, other regional laws, regulatory legal acts of the Governor of the Rostov Region or the Government of the Rostov Region. Regional Law of September 03, 2014 No. 222-ЗС "On social services for citizens in the Rostov region"

At the end of the second chapter of the course work, we can conclude that in Russia there are a number of rather acute problems associated with social services for the population.

First of all, these problems are related to the fact that the financing of this area by the state does not meet the needs of such categories of socially unprotected citizens as the disabled and pensioners. The solution to these problems is possible by stimulating charity in order to shift some of the issues of social services for the population from the shoulders of the state to private organizations. In order to stimulate the development of charity, it is necessary to adopt appropriate legislation that would give benefits to organizations engaged in charity in the field of social services for people in need.


Scientific literature rarely uses such a concept as “social services for the population”. According to some scientists, in modern conditions, social service is one of the areas of social work. Thus, social services are presented as an organizational form that characterizes the mentioned type of activity. Social service can be considered as a system that includes certain ways on the basis of which social humanistic activity is carried out, which is aimed at solving the issues of social rehabilitation of individuals, their adaptation, as well as families and human society as a whole. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to characterize social services as a process consisting in the provision of certain specific social services that serve to satisfy the needs that are necessary for the normal development of those people who are dependent on the help of others.

The implementation of social services occurs through social services. Social service is the main concept included in the scope of the issue of providing social services. Social service can be viewed as a system that includes state and non-state structures that carry out social work. These structures include specialized institutions that provide social services, as well as bodies that manage these institutions.

As an instrument of social work, the social service organizes activities aimed at social assistance and social protection of the population.

In Russia, there are a number of rather acute problems related to social services for the population.

First of all, these problems are related to the fact that the financing of this area by the state does not meet the needs of such categories of socially unprotected citizens as the disabled and pensioners. The solution to these problems is possible by stimulating charity in order to shift some of the issues of social services for the population from the shoulders of the state to private organizations. In order to stimulate the development of charity, it is necessary to adopt appropriate legislation that would give benefits to organizations engaged in charity in the field of social services for people in need.

Legislation in the Rostov region in the field of social services is based on federal legislation in this area. The regional government and the governor are paying increased attention to providing social services for people who need it.

List of used literature

1. Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation”

2. Regional Law of September 03, 2014 No. 222-ЗС "On social services for citizens in the Rostov region"

3. Barker R. Dictionary of Social Work. - Moscow. 2013

4. Eruslanova R.I. "Technologies of social services for the elderly and disabled at home. Textbook" Publisher: Dashkov i K., 2012.

5. Zaynyshev I. G. Technology of social work. Publisher: Vlados, 2012;

6. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for early. prof. education / M.N. Guslov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2012

7. Theory and methodology of social work: a textbook for students. avg. prof. textbook institutions / N.M. Platonov, G.F. Nesterov. - M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2011.

8. Firsov M., Studenova E. Theory of social work: Textbook for university students. Publisher: Vlados, 2012.

9. Hizhny N. State system social protection of citizens in the countries of Western Europe. Publisher: INION RAN, 2013.

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    Studying the features of social services for the population in the Republic of Belarus. Implementation of the program for the development and optimization of the network of social service institutions. The system of material support and service of citizens in old age and in case of illness.

    test, added 03/28/2013

    The concept of social service. The systemic function of correcting the work of the mechanisms of self-regulation and self-organization of society. Functions of state social services. The specifics of the activities of social service institutions for the elderly and disabled.

    test, added 12/23/2013

    State and municipal social policy in the Russian Federation; principles and functions of social protection systems in Western Europe. Recommendations for improving the activities of the MBU "Integrated Center for Social Services for the Population" of the Bagansky District of the Novosibirsk Region.

3.1 Problems of social services and ways to solve them

Social services are an objective need of citizens who find themselves in a difficult life situation. However, at present the level of efficiency of social services is not high enough. This is due to various factors, among which, first of all, economic. It is expressed in the lack of funding for the sphere of social services, which leads to the low quality of social services, their inaccessibility, the shortage of personnel for social workers, and poor material and technical equipment of social service institutions.

The next factor hindering the successful development of the institution of social services is the imperfection of the legislation, its inconsistency and fragmentation, duplication of some acts by others. Often, there are no clearly defined concepts of a particular type of social service. This creates difficulties in studying and law enforcement practice.

In Russian society, a large number of people with signs of disability. It is no secret that in recent years the country has been experiencing a deterioration in the state of health of the nation, an aging society, low security, and unemployment.

Obviously, in the area under consideration, solutions require problems in two main areas: in the field of socio-economic development and legislative regulation. Problems of social services in Russia and ways to solve them, Informational portal, New fact // URL: http: // p=1383 (date of access: 08. 12. 14)

To address many issues, measures are needed to reform social services. In particular, it is necessary to move to a funded system in the field of social services - social insurance, when citizens, through personal contributions to the fund being formed, will be able to receive social services when they find themselves in a difficult life situation.

A measure that can change the financial situation is the creation of a state off-budget fund for social services, which will allow to concentrate the available revenues (tax and other), and in the future to spend them exclusively in the field of social services.

The next step could be the development of a non-state system of social services, in particular, strengthening the role of public organizations (trade unions, religious organizations, public funds, charitable organizations, etc.).

Reforming the sphere of social services, it is also necessary to pursue a policy of regional alignment in order to form an equal level of social services throughout the country. However, here it is important not to allow an egalitarian approach and apply individual measures to different regions. Problems of social services in Russia and ways to solve them, Information portal, New fact // URL: http: // p=1383 (date of access: 08. 12. 14)

One of the measures to improve the situation in the field of social services is to provide the regions with the opportunity to search for additional non-standard solutions, for example, stimulating charitable activities, developing non-traditional types of social services, such as a sanatorium at home or a social service institution on wheels.

In the field of protection of the disabled, one of the most vulnerable categories, it is necessary to: increase the volume and quality of manufactured prosthetic and orthopedic products, rehabilitation means; an increase in the number of institutions specializing in such production; equipping places for training disabled people in general educational institutions, expanding the network of specialized educational institutions.

As part of the improvement of legislation, it is necessary to adopt a codified act at the level of law that regulates the main issues in the field of social services. This will streamline and systematize the existing legislation on social services.

In further work with the legislative framework, it is important to expand the subject composition of those in need, to move away from the concept of social services as an institution that regulates the relations of a narrow circle of subjects, only the elderly, the disabled and the low-income.

Social services for the population is a mechanism that allows you to practically solve difficult questions life of society, family and individual. Therefore, it is important that social priorities and guarantees are firmly fixed in the legislation. Gradually, a new model of the social service system should be built that meets the current needs of society and the economic capabilities of the state. Problems of social services in Russia and ways to solve them, Information portal, New fact // URL: http: // p=1383 (date of access: 08. 12. 14)

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