Script for the entertainment program. Competitive entertainment program "have fun together"

Do you want your birthday party to be fun, interesting and not boring? Then the birthday entertainment program that we offer you will help you with this. In our entertainment program, we offer ideas of what you and your guests might enjoy. Watch and choose the best.

And the first thing we offer you is a game of forfeits. If you think that this game outdated and not interesting, then you are mistaken. It is played and constantly improved. For example, like this: you make a chamomile, in which the petals will come off. As many petals as there are guests at your party. Chamomile dress on the birthday. On each petal there are inscriptions, that is, tasks that will need to be performed. Guests take turns approaching the birthday man and pulling one petal. And they do what is written there. It turns out some kind of fortune-telling from the birthday man, and the fulfillment of his desire. For example, these:
- I want you to sing me a song about my birthday!
- tell me three compliments.
- you see, I'm a chamomile, give me water to drink.
- kiss each guest on the cheek for me and say hello.
- tell me something kind.
- Feed me delicious food.
- Take a selfie with me.
And so on, any desires and tasks.

Next, you need to prepare four tablets. They are written - bushes, grass point, striptease, sauna. Call any four guests. They go out and turn their backs on the guests. And stick signs on their backs. It turns out that the participants themselves do not see the signs. And they don't know what it says. And everyone else sees. Then the facilitator asks the participants questions in turn, to which the participants answer. And the guests laugh because they know what is written on the backs. For example, questions:
- Do you often go there?
- with whom do you go there?
- what do you take with you there?
- what are you doing there?
- when will you go there again?
The answers to such questions cause laughter, and the guests rejoice, except for those who participate in the competition, because they understand that they have been set up.

Now the game is called - now I will tell the whole truth. Also this game can be called - I'll tell you a secret.
The essence of the game is that the guests also take turns listening to one card at a time and read out what is written there.
Card examples:

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I can't live without songs!
I've been singing since morning
I'm whistling, screaming, aru!

I'll tell you a secret
Sometimes I go to striptease.
I look at the girls
I won't take my eyes off it!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I love to lie in the bath!
I lie, I lie, I lie
I'm in no hurry!

I'll tell you a secret
I don't like vodka at all!
But without her I can't
After all, I go on holidays!

Now I'll tell you the whole truth
I have money in the bank!
Interest always drips
I do not live on them!

I'll tell you a secret
I don't watch TV!
I go to the street
I'll get the news there!

Also, do not forget to play a game called - who am I? The essence of the game is that guests put masks on their faces. However, they do not see their mask and do not know. Who are they. But they see everyone else. Guests take turns asking questions about themselves and getting answers. And so on until someone guesses his mask. Here are examples of masks to help you have fun:

Competitive entertainment program

"Having Fun Together"


Good afternoon, dear guys and guests of our club! I am glad to welcome you to this hall. I want to say hello to everyone and to each one individually. This rhyming game will help us with this. I will start and you continue.

When we meet the dawn
We tell him...

With a smile, the sun gives light,
Sending us your...

When we meet after many years
You call out to your friends...

And smile back at you
From a good word...

And you remember the advice:
Gift to all your friends...

Let's all answer together
We tell each other...

We will open the holiday now,
Miracle - we'll arrange games here.
Turn to each other
And shake hands with a friend.
Raise your hands all up
And move at the top.
Let's shout cheerfully: "Hurrah!"
It's time to start the games!
You help each other
Answer questions
Only "Yes" and only "No"
Kindly give me an answer:
If "no" you say
Then tap your feet
If you say "yes"
Clap your hands then.

The fish sleep at the bottom of the pond.
Is it true kids? (Yes)
Give me an answer quickly
Does it snow in winter? (Yes)
Monday and Wednesday-
Are these the days of the week? (Yes)
Does the sun give people light?
Let's answer together! (Yes)
Whiskas - Cat food.
What will you tell me? (Yes)
I anticipate your answer:
Is the mouse afraid of the cat? (Yes)
Crocodile lives a hundred years
Is it true kids? (Not)
Maybe a 5 year old
To be an old grandfather? (Not)
And wormwood and quinoa -
These are vegetables, right? (Not)
Everyone will say without difficulty:
Summer after winter? (Not)
The light of the moon and the light of the sun
Is it visible to people? (Yes)

Leading: And, starting our entertainment program "Having fun together", I want to know the names of your teams. You have time to come up with a name while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the teams shout out their name loudly. The team whose name is the loudest wins.

A competition is being held"Big name".

Competition "Warm-up".

The host invites the teams to dance:


It's a rhythmic dance

  • head only

    only fingers


    hands to elbows

    only with hands

    only hands and head

    just above the waist

    the whole body, but the feet are "glued to the floor"

    raising your legs as high as possible

    bouncing as high as possible

You started a friendly dance.
Show your class!

A game"Perestroika"

The task of each team is to quickly follow the leader's commands. The speed and correctness of the execution is evaluated:

line up according to growth (increase);

line up in growth (descending);

line up by the initial letter of the names;

line up by the initial letter of the surnames;

unite in groups those who have a sister, brother;

unite in groups those who have a cat, dog, other house animal.

build on the initial letter of the month in which he was born;

And now I suggest you play one more interesting game.

A game: "How is it going?"

How is it going? - Like this!

How are you going? - Like this!

How are you swimming? - Like this!

How do you run? - Like this!

How are you kidding? - Like this!

How sad are you? - Like this!

How do you threaten? - Like this! (repeat 3 times, increasing the tempo)

Echo game

It is necessary to repeat the last syllable of the phrase twice, remember?

Get together kids! -pa, pa
The game starts! -pa, pa
Are you always good? - Yes Yes
Or only sometimes? - Yes Yes
How does a rooster crow in the village? - uh, uh
Yes, not an owl, but a rooster! - uh, uh
What time is it? - hour, hour
How much will it be in an hour? - hour, hour
Think, think head! - wa, wa
Tired of answering? - chat, chat
Isn't it time to be quiet? - chat, chat (those who do not repeat the last syllable lost).

Leading: We continue to have fun and the next contest is called "Creative". Two pairs of participants from each team are invited to complete the task. Each pair was given the task "Show a pantomime on the spring theme." Well, are the mini-teams ready? Are the audience ready? Who guesses - raises his hand.

Picture: 1. Tree in the wind 2. Thunder and lightning 3. Rain 4. Umbrella

Leading: Well done guys, we really liked your pantomimes. And we do not stop having fun, and the next competition is called "Mysterious". I will give you riddles, and you must guess them. Ready to guess? (children answer). I make riddles for each team, and you say the answer out loud all together. Deal?

I open my kidneys
into green leaves.
I dress the trees

I water the crops.
Full of movement

My name is …


The streams rang
The rooks have arrived.
In your house - a beehive bee
Brought the first honey.
Who's to say, who knows
When does it happen?

(In the spring.)

The sun is shining brighter
The snow is thinning, soft, melting.
The loud-mouthed rook flies.
What month? Who will know?


The streams run faster
The sun shines warmer.
Sparrow is happy with the weather -
Came here for a month...

The bear got out of the den,
Mud and puddles on the road
In the sky the lark trills -
Came to visit us...

A baby runs in bast shoes,
you hear his steps.
He runs and everything blooms
he laughs - everyone sings.
Hid happiness in the petals
at the lilac on the bushes...
"My lily of the valley, fragrant!" -
commanded cheerful ... (May)

The fields are green,
The nightingale sings
IN White color dressed garden,
The bees are the first to fly
Thunder rumbles. Guess,
What month is this? ...(May)

Tap dancing under the window

A brisk drop.

So, visit us again



The snow has melted and from the fields
Agile runs ... (stream)

snow-white mountain

Stood in the yard in winter.

Where was he, now the flood

Became a water ... ( snowdrift)

Look guys

Cotton wool hung in the sky -

We are sailing from afar

In the blue sky... ( clouds)

High above the clouds

The "field" is blue above us.

Do not grow on the field of bread.

What is it called? ( Sky)

Housewarming at the starling
He rejoices without end.
So that we have a mockingbird,
We crafted...

Nest of branches -

For beloved children.

Who are those kiddos?

Together they ask to eat ... ( chicks)

Leading: Well done boys! You have solved all the riddles.

AND new competition ours is called "Edible" What do you think we need to guess? That's right, taste a vegetable or fruit blindfolded.

Those who wish, (several people), guess the taste of apple, banana, carrot, beet, pear, sweet pepper, onion. Mission accomplished - great!

Leading: And the competition continues our program with beautiful name"Flower" - here we need to collect the names of flowers from the proposed letters - for speed.

(the participants line up in a row and they are given cards with letters. On a signal, the players must rebuild so that they get a word - the name of the flower)

The order of placement of the letters: "Camomile" "Dahlia" "VASILEK"

Leading: Here is our final contest, called "Art" -

we need to draw a picture on spring theme. Give time to complete the drawing.

Well done, it turned out very nice!

Leading: Oh, and nice we guys had fun today. I hope everyone is in a good mood. Thank you for coming to our wonderful celebration today.

Goodbye! See you soon!

In conclusion - a festive disco.

Game scenario entertainment program,

dedicated to the Day child protection

"Holiday of childhood"

Cheerful music sounds.


Everyone knows here and there
Everyone knows it
The children are eagerly waiting
Day of the beginning of summer.

I congratulate you all on the holiday! Who knows the history of this holiday? (Answers of children). History tells that back in 1925, a decision was made in Geneva to hold this holiday. At that time, a conference on the welfare of children was being held there.

There is another version of the origin children's holiday. On the same day and year, the Consul General of China in the city of San Francisco gathered Chinese orphans and organized a holiday for them - the Dragon Boat Festival or Duan Wu Jie. It so happened that both events were held on June 1, which is why they began to celebrate International Children's Day on the first day of summer.

This is the day to have fun and play! Then let's play!


And for a warm-up, I propose to guess the summer riddles!

A game "A bag of summer mysteries.

Guess who this riddle is about? (Sounds like "Song of Summer")

    The smallest bug
    Barrel in black dots. (Ladybug.)

    Very light as a blade of grass
    Himself green as a blade of grass,
    In the meadows, in the forests, by the rivers
    Hiding in the grass... (Grasshopper.)

    Who washed away the rubbish and dirt from the path,
    He watered the sheets, blades of grass,
    The hedgehog guessed the riddle
    He snorts: ... Spilled ... (Rain.)

    Sisters are standing in the field,
    Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

    Hey, bells, blue color,
    With language, but no ringing. (Bell)

    Flew over the lawn
    Pat over a flower
    And share honey! (Bee.)

    Moved by the flower
    All four petals.
    I wanted to rip it off
    And he fluttered and flew away


And now, it's time to play.

Relay "Bees and Bunnies"

The kids need to form two teams. One team is "Bees" and the second team is "Bunnies". Which team will quickly collect flowers and carrots from cardboard laid out on the floor.


And for the next relay, you need to guess the riddle.

A violinist lives in the meadow,
Wears a tailcoat and walks galloping,
He's green like a cucumber
It's called...

( Grasshopper)

Relay "Grasshoppers".

2 teams take part in the relay. At the command of the host, each participant must ride on two legs from start to finish and back, holding a small inflatable ball with their knees. The relay can be held to the song "A grasshopper was sitting in the grass."


What is summer?

- That's a lot of light
- This is a field, this is a forest,
- It's a thousand miracles!
- It's a fast river
- There are clouds in the sky
- These are bright flowers,
- This is friendship: Me and You!
- There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet!

Guys, how well do you know fairy tales? Let's check it out!

Fairy tale quiz.

1. Who defeated Koshchei the Deathless? (Ivan Tsarevich.)

2. What was the name of Malvina's doll dog? (Poodle Artemon.)

3. Which hero loved to ride the stove? (Emelya.)

4. Which of the fabulous animals often helps Ivan Tsarevich? (Grey Wolf.)

5. The famous cat from the village of Prostokvashino? (Cat Matroskin.)

6. What is the name of a good doctor who treats animals? (Dr. Aibolit.)

7. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale "Three Bears"? (Masha.)

8. What girl appeared in the cup of the flower? (Thumbelina.)

9. Which of the heroines of fairy tales wore glass shoes? (Cinderella.)

10. What is the name of the girl who is looking for a way to the Emerald City? (Ellie.)

Relay race "Collect a rainbow".

In large hoops there are 7 multi-colored balls corresponding to the colors of the rainbow. Two teams are playing. Each team stands in a row, lining up a rainbow.


Guys, and at the end of our holiday - a competition of drawings on the pavement.

(Summing up the results of the drawing competition, awarding the winners.)

Track number 1.
The musical introduction (phonogram) sounds.
The leader comes out.

The ray of the sun makes us laugh and tease,
We are having fun this morning.
Summer gives us a bright holiday,
And the main guest on it is the game!

She is our friend - big and smart,
Will not let you get bored and lose heart:
A cheerful, noisy dispute will start,
Helps you learn new things!


Good afternoon to you guys! Both girls and boys! I see that the smiles are open, the eyes are brilliant, the mood is excellent, which means that the holiday will BE today !!! Today we invite all of you to an amazing country - Igralia, to a festive parade of riddles, quizzes, charades!

But first, let's get to know you better. And we will do it with the help of the game. I will ask you to be attentive, listen to the poem, and fulfill all the requests that are mentioned in it. Deal? So, I'm starting!


Sasha, Serezha, Alyosha -
Clap your hands together!
Masha, Natasha and Lenochka -
Everyone patted their knees!
Vovochki, naughty and pranksters -
Faces make faces at the feast.
How many Oles do we have?
Say out loud: "We're here!"
Vasya, Dima, Roma - funny boys,
Show your ears like you are a bunny!
Arina, Marina, Irina -
Bow down like ballerinas!
Vanya, Grisha, Misha -
Shut up like mice!
Kolya, Kostya and Antoshka -
Show your hands to everyone!
Nina, Dasha, Gali -
They rode on a horse.
Kiryushechki and Lyovushki -
Pouted like owls!
We didn't name all of them.
You, friends, do not seek
Friendly, loud in this room
Shout your name!

Well done! It's so friendly, everyone got to know each other now. Well, now it's our turn to introduce ourselves. My name is _____________________

What about me ______________________________. Guys, tell me, do you want to become smarter and more resourceful, learn interesting things, solve difficult things? Do you want to have fun and enjoy your leisure time? We invite you to ... play.

- You think it's nonsense! I'll do it playfully! - often they talk about an easy, trifling matter. The game is really unthinkable without lightness, ease. But does this mean that the game is a trifling matter, unpretentious?

No, the game is serious business. And at the same time, the game is always excitement, interest. Search, unexpected finds and discoveries. The game is a way of knowing the world around. By playing, we learn to overcome failures, to meet defeats with dignity. In the game we grow and mature.

And you will see for yourself today. Because today for you - "Festive parade of riddles, quizzes, charades"!
To participate in the intellectual games of our parade, we need two teams.
(There is a division of the participants of the holiday into two teams).
Our parade consists of several separate tours. For the correct answers, points will be awarded to the account of each team, the sum of which in the final of the program will help determine the winner. You will need to answer the questions posed by holding up a signal card. One team has it in yellow, the other team has it in red. We want to make a warning right away - teams will be fined for shouting the answer from the place - that is, penalty points will be deducted from the points earned. Is the task clear? Then... We begin!

Track number 2. Soundtrack of solemn fanfare.

There are mysteries in our land,
So far wise...
Who will solve the riddle
Get into scientists!

Our first tour is called "MYSTERY ASSORTED".
And this means that the teams will have to answer the riddle question posed. A point for each correct answer will be given to that team. Whoever raises the signal card first.
Are the teams ready? Attention! We listen to riddles - we find answers!

1. Mixed, sour, dried, put on the table (BREAD)

2. One runs, the other lies, the third bows. (RIVER, STONE, GRASS)

4. You can easily lift it, but you won’t throw it over the mansions. (FEATHER)

5. Soft, not fluff, green, not grass. (MOSS)

6. What kind of tree is standing - there is no wind, but the leaf is trembling. (ASPEN)

7. With milk, not a cow, it flies, not an owl. (DANDELION)

8. She is cold, but burns people. (NETTLE)

9. White peas on a green leg. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

10. He sits bulging his eyes, does not speak Russian,
Born in water, but lives on earth. (FROG)

11. He nets like a fisherman cooks,
And he never catches fish. (SPIDER)

12. Sits on a branch, not a bird.
There is a red tail, not a fox. (SQUIRREL)

So, according to the results of the first round, the team ________________________ is in the lead.

Since childhood, we all love a fairy tale,
After all, the fairy tale is good
What is in it a happy ending
Hearts are already feeling.

And we are moving on to the 2nd round of our parade, which is called "FAIRY EXPLAINERS"
Now I will hear questions about fairy-tale heroes. To facilitate the solution of the problem for each question, you will be offered three tips. And now, WARNING!

TOUR rules:
If you guessed the answer
- from the first explanation - 3 points
- from the second explanation - 2 points
- from the third explanation - 1 point

1. He is always very sad
2. He had a birthday
3. The owl gave him a tail (JA DONKEY)
4. He lived in the jungle
5. He taught the wolves the laws of the jungle.
6. Mowgli was also his student (BALU BEAR)
7. He was constantly falling.
8. At first he did not know his own name
9. His friend is a crocodile (CHEBURASHKA)
10. He had very narrow doors
11. He was very well brought up.
12. Winnie the Pooh ate all his sweets (RABBIT)
13. He traveled to Africa
14. He loved all animals
15. He cured even Barmaley (DOCTOR AIBOLIT)
16. She was very kind and hardworking
17. She sewed as many as three ball gowns overnight.
18. Her godmother was a fairy (CINDERELLA)
19. He runs - the earth trembles
20. He could jump to the window of the princess
21. His name was Prophetic kaurka (SIVKA BURKA)
22. She is a brave and smart girl
23. She lived with the Bear
24. She baked pies and sent them to her grandparents (MASHENKA)
25. He claimed that boys should be vacuumed too
26. He was very fond of naughty
27. He wanted 8 cakes and one small candle (CARLSON)
28. He was constantly harmed by rodents
29. He didn't know how to get angry
30. He wanted to live together (CAT LEOPOLD)

Your knowledge of the fairy-tale world is impressive and deserves applause.
Applaud each other! And now the applause should be twice as loud, because they are addressed to the team ______________________________, which is the leader in THIS round!

And the total score for the two rounds is as follows:
Team __________ has __________ points,
and the team __________ has __________ points on its account!

It is unlikely that there will be people in our country who have never heard of the Guinness Book of Records. It contains facts about the very best, worthy of attention and admiration! We are also ready to talk to you about this now. That is, about the most interesting and impressive.
And we will do this with the help of the next, third round of our parade - the MOST, MOST, MOST quiz
The conditions of this contest are simple: when you hear a question and decide to answer it, you also raise a signal card. The team that first raised the card and gave the correct answer receives 1 point on their competitive account. Are you ready for the next challenge? Then attention, questions of the quiz "The MOST, MOST, MOST!"

 The biggest bear?
(Polar bear.)
 The most toothy cutlery?
 The most travel bag?

 The most swimming shoes?
 The most heavenly color?
 The most children's theater?
(Puppet show.)
 The most childish swimming facility?
(Inflatable circle.)
 The very first school textbook?

 Biggest waves?
 The tallest fabulous policeman?
(Uncle Styopa.)
 The kindest fabulous doctor?
(Dr. Aibolit.)
 The most faithful animal to man?

 The most vegetable fairy tale.
("The Adventures of Cipollino", Gianni Rodari.)
 The most beautiful bird in the world?

 The most outdoor musical instrument?
 The most Russian musical instrument?
 The best crocodile in the world?
(Gena, friend of Cheburashka.)

It's time to sum up the last round. The team ____________________________________ conquered us with its erudition, gaining _______ points in this competition, and becoming the leader! Well done! Keep it up!

Time moves forward and tells us that it's time to move on to the next round of our parade - the fourth, which is called "CHARADES".
By the way, who can give me a clear answer, what are charades? (Answers)
To know a clear definition of this word, I suggest you listen to a short reference:
“The components of a charade are separate small words, which add up to a larger word. For a riddle-charade, a description of each part of it is given, and then the meaning of the whole word. Now that you are familiar with the decoding of this unusual word, I think you can move on to the competition itself. Its conditions, as well as in the previous rounds, are simple - for each correctly guessed word, the team receives one point, after raising a signal card and giving an answer.
So, I announce the fourth round - "CHARADES"


I played roles on stage
I performed in the arena
The letters, apparently, were joking -
They took it and turned it into utensils,
And now in the kitchen deftly
I rub carrots.

With D I'm used to liquids,
N W is a huge wild bull.

I am painful with B,
With M I devour clothes,
With R the actor needs me
C C is important for a cook.

I am deep and full
And the whole country is proud of me.
And ahead of you And add -
And I will become a bird of the forest.

With the letter H for you I
Friend, buddy.
And it’s worth changing H to G,
How the enemy will stand in front of you.

With the letter L in the game of football
We hear the word often. . . .
With D, the meaning of the word is not the same -
The measure has become simple. . . .

First, name a house outside the city,
In which we live only in the summer with my family,
Add two letters to the name at the same time,
It will turn out what is destined to be decided.

Read to my left
And I will be a wicked dog.
But time will count
When you read it the other way around.

We all - both adults and children -
We entertain during leisure hours,
But if we add T,
We scare them terribly.

With K I'm at school on the wall,
Mountains, rivers are on me.
I won’t hide from you -
I am also at school.

To guess, have patience:
C L I - part of the face,
and with B - a plant.

With L I cause tears,
I'm flying through the air.

With M I am fit for you to eat,
And I can be a flower
With R in the river they will find me,
C C suddenly I will become a bag.

You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You can see anything in me.

I can not go into the branchy forest -
My horns are stuck in the branches
But trade me L for C -
And the leaves of the forest will all wither.

I show off magnificently in a flower bed in the garden,
If you want, put me in a vase.
But with the letter K I will go to the garden,
And if I find cabbage in the garden,
Cabbage will get right away.

With the sound of C, I'm not tasty,
But everyone needs food
M beware of me, not that
I will eat both the dress and the coat.

C U - creeping, with F - prickly.
(UZH - Hedgehog)

I'm a famous dish
When you add M
I will fly, buzz, annoying everyone.

They wear me with the letter X,
With the letter C in the dining room they ask.

To keep the birdhouse
Or an antenna, I'm fit,
With a soft sign, I, of course,
I'll be a number right away.

At the beginning of the word - a cliff, a ravine,
Then there is a postmark on the envelope.
In general, the place where in Russia
Merchants brought their goods!

M went to the finish line. But in order to announce the next, final round of our parade, we need to find out which team became the best “decoder” of charades.
So, ______ correct answers were given by the __________________ team, earning ____________ points, respectively, and ________ correct answers from the __________________ team, which means _________ points are credited to its piggy bank.
Now everything is in its place and it's time to announce the fifth round of our parade - "AUDIO QUESTION".
Dear friends, you need to determine by the sound which of the cartoon characters performs a song or says a phrase. Responses will also only be accepted after you raise a signal card. For each correct answer, your competitive piggy banks will be replenished.
Ready? Attention, listen to the first piece of music.

Music track order:

1. "Baby and Carlson"
2. Song "If you are good" (Cat Leopold)
3. Return of the Prodigal Parrot
4. Little Mouse song
5. Song Shapoklyak
6. Phrase from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"
7. Song "I'm lying in the sun" (Lion0k and Turtle)
8. Phrase from the cartoon "Well, you wait!"
9. Song of Fun (From the cartoon "flying ship")
10. Phrase from the cartoon "Mowgli"
11. Song of the Atamansha and the robbers ("The Bremen Town Musicians")
12. Song of the Cat Matroskin
13. Song of friends “There is nothing better in the world” (“The Bremen Town Musicians”)

So our amazing parade of riddles, quizzes, charades is coming to an end. It is very pleasant that the spirit of rivalry and competitive struggle reigned in the hall.
In moments, we will find out which of the teams became the winner. But it seems to me that today it would be quite appropriate to recall the principle of the Olympic movement: “The main thing is not in victory, the main thing is participation!”

(The result of the last game is announced. Rewarding with souvenirs.)

The competition is over, the meeting is over,
It's time to part...
But don't be sad, you come to us,
We will meet with you more than once!

(Final song.)

The date of the: 8.06.2015
Time spending: 16:00
Location: Serdezhskiy CDC.

Members: schoolchildren of the village of Bolshoy Serdezh.

Event progress.

Holiday opening.


There is a legend:




Scenario of the entertainment program "Day of family, love and fidelity".

The date of the: 8.06.2015
Time spending: 16:00
Location:Serdezhskiy CDC.
Target: formation of the concept of the value of friendly family relations.
1. To educate in children the awareness of their own participation in the creation of warm family relationships;
2. To develop the communication skills of schoolchildren;
3. To teach organization, composure and cohesion in joint activities;
4. To develop interest in socially significant holidays;
5. Contribute to the creation of a positive emotional mood through games, contests, songs, acquaintance with folk customs, games, needlework.
Equipment and materials: equipment for musical accompaniment, materials and tools for competitions, tables, chairs, plates with the name of competitions, banners, posters, souvenirs for winners and prize-winners.

Members: schoolchildren of the village of Bolshoy Serdezh.

Event progress.

  1. Holiday opening.
    Music sounds. Chamomile is white.
    Presenter: Good afternoon, Dear friends! We are glad to see you today at the celebration dedicated to the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. Let's remember the distant events of Russian history. Presenter:
    There is a legend:
    The young Prince Peter fell ill with an incurable disease. The poor girl Fevronia was able to heal the prince. They got married. But noble people did not approve of the prince's choice to marry a peasant woman and demanded to expel Fevronia. Peter left the city with his wife.
    The prince and princess returned to Murom only when the people asked them to.
    The couple carried love for each other through all the trials, lived happily and died on the same day.
    Saints Peter and Fevronia are considered the patrons of family happiness, love and fidelity, and their marital union is a model of Christian marriage.

    Family Day has been celebrated in Russia relatively recently, since 2008. The new family holiday already has a medal, which is awarded on July 8, and a very delicate symbol - a camomile. This holiday is the day true love and strong happy family.

    The song "Hymn to the family (Peter and Fevronia)" (music and lyrics by Ilya Reznik) performed by the vocal ensemble sounds..
    2. Playing the game

Presenter: Today for you, our dear girls and boys, we have prepared one big game. So, first of all, let's greet each other.

Method "Find similar ones."

Target: overcoming agility, creating a fun, relaxed atmosphere.

Line up in a big circle. “I will name the phrases – the statements to which of you they fit, they come out in a circle and greet everyone with some gesture of greeting.”

Phrases: 1. Who is the eldest in the family? 2. Who is the youngest in the family?

3. Who is the average in the family? 4. Who is the only one? 5. Who has 4 people in the family? 6. Who has grandparents? 7.Who has an aunt and an uncle?

Presenter: Girls and boys, well done! And now I want to know what you know about this holiday?Continue proverbs and sayings:

Do not be born beautiful, but be born (happy).

Seven nannies have a child (without an eye).

A guest on the doorstep - happiness in ... (house).

A house without a mistress ... (an orphan).

Lead the house ... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

What are rich, ... (they are glad).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better)

No treasure is needed when in the family ... (lad)

When the family is together, and the heart ... (in place)

Marry - do not attack, but, as it were .. (married, do not abyss).

Keep your fur coat warmer ... (and choose your wife kindly).

With a bad wife you will grow old, with a good one ... (you will get younger).

Love is not a potato, .. (you won’t throw it out the window).

With a sweet paradise ... (and in a hut).

Method: Carousel.

Target: determine the degree of knowledge in the proposed topic.

The children are divided into 2 groups. We approach and take a camomile, a number is written on it. We take felt-tip pens and paper, compose 2 questions on the topic: “Feast of the Family, love and fidelity?” (For example: what date is family day held in Russia?) 1 group - a fixed wheel of a carousel, 2 - a movable one. Children become in 2 circles facing each other. At the leader's signal 3 claps, the outer wheel starts moving for 5 seconds, then the signal is given again, 3 claps, the carousel stops. Children become faces to each other, perform an algorithm of actions: 1 - greeting, 2 - question - answer (children of a fixed wheel - ask their question - the movable one answers), 3 - say goodbye. After the answer. The leader gives a signal, the carousel begins to move. After 3 or 5 questions, the children change.

presenter : So we learned what you know about the Holiday of family, love and fidelity, and what not. I suggest you play the next game(method) "Bus stop".

Target : learn to discuss and analyze a given topic in small groups.
Girls and boys, we need to be divided into five groups. Please come and take any flower. Five flowers - 5 groups. Chamomile - 1, bell - 2, cornflower - 3, dandelion - 4, forget-me-not - 5.

Groups are distributed at bus stops. At each stop (on the wall or on the table) there is a large format sheet with a written question on the topic. The leader sets the task for the groups - to complete the task written on the sheets. Within 5 minutes. Then, at the command of the leading group, they move clockwise to the next bus stop.

First stop - Chamomile". Task: Make a daisy bracelet according to the scheme.

The second stop is the Bell.Task: Encrypted anthem. It is necessary to unravel the text of the anthem.

The third stop is Vasilek.Task: Write family traditions. Read bedtime stories.

The fourth stop is Dandelion.Task: "Friendly family", makeyarn dolls (made according to the principle of straw Russian dolls or Bulgarian martinichkas).

Fifth stop - "Forget-me-not".Task: making an amulet - a horseshoe (a cardboard template in the form of a horseshoe, we wind it with threads and decorate it according to your imagination).

Presenter: So we learned about the traditions of this holiday of family, love and fidelity. Let's sing the family anthem.

Lyrics of Yin-Yang - Anthem of the Family

And the house is consecrated by prayer
It stands open to all winds,
And the grandmother teaches her granddaughter
Words: "fatherland", "mother", "temple".


Live in peace and harmony.

Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Family is a great kingdom of love.
It has faith, righteousness and power.
The family is the backbone of the state

My country, my Russia.

Family is the original source
Protected by heavenly angels.
And sadness, and joy, and sorrow -
One for all, inseparable.

Keep each other at all times
Live in peace and harmony.
And let your life be sanctified
Love of Peter and Fevronia.

Let it be repeated in generations
Blessed life days.
God bless the family hearth,
Protect your loved ones.

Yin-Yang - Anthem of the Family - Lyrics SongMeanings

Presenter: And now it's time to get moving. We split into two teams. The draw is a daisy.

1. Competition. Relay race"Together it's fun to walk":
- “three-legged” (left and right legs are tied together for two participants, task: go the distance and go back);
- “pilot and navigator” (task: one participant is blindfolded, the other tells how to get through the “maze” drawn with chalk on the asphalt);
- “ball” (two participants hold the ball between themselves without using their hands, task: quickly cover the distance);
- "snake" (all members of the team, holding on to their shoulders, move between the pins, task: to go the distance without dropping the pins);

2. Competition "Kind words":
- game - "chain" (task: all team members line up and take turns saying kind words to the person standing next to them, without repeating, from the first team member to the last and back);

3. Competition "Seven I".
Without what in the world
Adults can not live and children?
Who will support you friends?
Your friendly ... (family)

Who is the cutest person in the world?
Who do children love the most?
I will answer the question directly:
- Our sweetest ... (mother)

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail
Let the car drive
And tell you how to be brave
Strong, agile and skillful?
All you guys know -
This is our favorite ... (dad)

Who does not stop loving
Bakes pies for us
Delicious pancakes?
This is our ... (grandmother)

Who worked all his life
Surrounded by care
grandchildren, grandmother, children,
Respect for ordinary people?
Retired for many years
Our ageless ... (grandfather)

He is a man and he is gray
Dad - dad, he - to me ... (grandfather)

Who is a cheerful karapuzik -
Quickly crawling on the belly?
Amazing boy -
This is my youngest ... (brother)

Who loves me and my brother,
But does she like to dress up more? -
Very fashionable girl
My eldest ... (sister)

Mom's older sister -
Doesn't look old at all
With a smile he will ask: “How do you live?”
Who came to visit us? (uncle)

Who is with my mother's sister
Does he visit us sometimes?
Looking at me with a smile
"Hi!" - tells me ... (uncle)

She's the best in the world
You can't live without her.
Katya, Petya has it
And, of course, I have. (mum)

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us how to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
Having fallen from a great, do not whine,
And scratched my knee
Don't cry? Of course… (dad)

I'm not alone with my mother
She also has a son
I'm small next to him
For me, he is the eldest ... (brother)

4. Competition of drawings on asphalt "My family".Children draw to the song of the family anthem and a white chamomile.

Holiday Closing
And now, dear friends, I would like to thank everyone and express the hope that the holiday helped us get to know each other better, unite, take another step towards mutual understanding and unity.

On the day of love and family day
Hug your loved ones tightly
Fill with a feeling of light
Warm feelings do not be shy!

Tell me how you love them
Close, dear and dear!
It's hard without a family today
Be with her every second
Treasure, love, cherish,
Don't feel sorry for warm caresses!

Host and presenter:And so our holiday ended. Distribution of sweet prizes. Until we meet again, friends! And now, a festive disco.

Questionnaire for students who attended the lesson where the AMO was tested.
