Target programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Budget target programs of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation

10:35, 30 July 2012 Abstracts of the draft state program published on the official website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Russian Federation"Development of the shipbuilding industry" until 2030.

Below are selected excerpts from this material.

The State Program of the Russian Federation "Development of the shipbuilding industry" was developed in accordance with the "List of State Programs of the Russian Federation", approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2010 N 1950-r, as well as Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2012 No. 596 "On long-term state economic policy".

The program is aimed at ensuring the independent maritime activities of the Russian Federation and protecting its state interests in the World Ocean, seas and inland waters by fully meeting the needs of the state and business in modern competitive domestic shipbuilding products, expanding high-tech exports and increasing the contribution of the shipbuilding industry to GDP growth.

Results of the implementation of state policy in the field of the shipbuilding industry

Until recently, for almost 20 years, state policy in the shipbuilding industry was limited to a number of measures aimed primarily at maintaining the industry's ability to create products in the interests of national defense.

In 2006-2008, the situation began to change in better side- the "Strategy for the development of the shipbuilding industry for the period up to 2020 and beyond" and the FTP "Development of civil marine technology" for 2009-2016 were developed and approved.

To date, 8 integrated structures have been created in the industry. The main one is OAO "United shipbuilding corporation", which included almost all the leading design bureaus and the largest factories. The creation of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation on the basis of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Research Institute named after Academician A.N. Krylov", which focuses the main experimental base in the field of marine technologies, is being completed.

Order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia No. 112 dated August 29, 2008 approved the "Comprehensive Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Shipbuilding Industry for the Period up to 2020 and Beyond". A start was given to the development of scientific and production potential and the creation of a scientific reserve for the revival of domestic shipbuilding. This made it possible to significantly improve the position of the industry and reduce the rate of lag in scientific and technological development from the leading maritime powers.

However, Russian shipbuilding today provides only 0.6% of the volume of world civil shipbuilding in terms of compensated gross tonnage (in monetary terms - 1.3%), and according to this indicator, Russia ranks 21st. The largest Russian shipbuilding company JSC "OSK" is currently in 82nd place in the world in civil shipbuilding.

In military shipbuilding, Russia's position is much stronger - Russia has 12% in world military shipbuilding and ranks second after the United States. JSC "OSK" in terms of output in military shipbuilding ranks 7th in the world.

The main problems at the macro level that impede the rise of domestic shipbuilding are still:

In the field of science and development: The decline in funding in the early 1990s had a number of negative consequences, one of which was a reduction in defense R&D. So, in shipbuilding in the period 1990-1999, it decreased, according to various estimates, by 5-6 times. At the same time, this most affected research work and, especially, fundamental and exploratory research, the task of which is to provide a qualitatively new level of development of products, both military and civilian.

As a result, the scientific groundwork was practically not created. Although since 1999 an increase in R & D funding has begun (primarily in the interests of defense), it has not yet been possible to fully restore these volumes.

At present, Russia is still investing in science and new developments of funds half as much as South Korea, 3 times less than Germany, 7 times less than China and almost 20 times less than the USA.

Long-term underfunding of fundamental research and applied scientific and technical developments has led to the fact that many organizations can only supply obsolete and technically obsolete, more energy-intensive, difficult to operate and maintain, as well as less reliable products.

Compared to foreign testing centers, our scientific and experimental base is not sufficiently equipped modern equipment and turns out to be uncompetitive.

In the field of defense production: The implementation of the federal target program "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation" for 2011-2020 will ensure the unconditional implementation of SAP-2020, however, long-term plans for the development of domestic shipbuilding require clarification and expansion of plans for the development of scientific, design and production potential of the shipbuilding industry.

The practice of single and extended construction and repair of individual ships that has developed in recent decades has led to a noticeable weakening of the industry's production potential and the practical destruction of industrial cooperation, especially the second and third levels.

The need for cooperation disappeared due to the fact that the real needs of military shipbuilding decreased so much that they could be satisfied by the pilot production facilities of the main developers. The relatively low level of information technology use is critical for the shipbuilding and ship repair complex of the industry.

One of characteristic features shipbuilding industry is a broad cooperation of performers. The industry interacts with more than 2,000 enterprises that provide shipbuilding with ship equipment and components.

At the same time, the finishing and main enterprises of the 1st and 2nd levels of cooperation, in most cases, are very well-known enterprises reporting to the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade, government customers and can qualify for support under the Federal Target Program "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation."

Enterprises of levels 4-5 of cooperation, in most cases, are practically deprived of this. Information about them is available only to the head designers of the ships, who are not able to help them in any way. These are mainly private enterprises without any lists or registers. At the same time, the activities of these enterprises are extremely important for ensuring the creation of modern competitive marine technology.

Violation of existing cooperation due to low serial production leads to the loss of a number of enterprises of 3-4 levels of cooperation, their re-profiling and leaving the industry.

In the military sphere, there is a threat of non-fulfillment of the main parameters of the SAP. All this will negatively affect the country's defense capability and pose a threat to its transport, food, fuel and energy independence.

The threat of social tension will increase in a number of regions of the country due to the loss a large number jobs, especially where shipbuilding organizations are city-forming. The same enterprises in the shipbuilding industry often produce both types of products - civilian and military. Therefore, measures to support defense projects also have an indirect impact on the stability of the output of civilian products, and vice versa - the development of the civilian sector contributes to an increase in the efficiency of defense production.

Goals and objectives of the state program

The activities of the Program are ultimately aimed at meeting the needs of state and commercial customers in modern shipbuilding products.

The program is being implemented over an 18-year period (until 2030) and will include a long and technologically necessary work cycle for the shipbuilding industry.

The goal of the Program is defined as achieving a fundamental change in the strategic competitive position of Russian shipbuilding in the world and ensuring the ability to fully meet the needs of the state and business in modern shipbuilding products.

Full satisfaction of the state's needs for modern shipbuilding products is ensured by effective measures to create conditions for developing promising and breakthrough critical technologies in shipbuilding, as well as restoring lost technologies and bringing production capacities and personnel of enterprises in line with the expected portfolios of orders under the State Defense Order (GOZ ) and HPV. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following five tasks:

1. Creation of advanced scientific groundwork and technologies necessary for the creation of advanced marine technology.

2. Strengthening and development of the scientific, design and production potential of the industry.

3. Ensuring the unconditional implementation of the state defense order and the SAP.

4. Training of personnel for the shipbuilding industry and securing them at the enterprises of the industry.

5. Achieving the level of advanced countries in terms of the quality of shipbuilding products, production efficiency and investment attractiveness domestic shipbuilding.

The implementation of the Program is carried out in the period 2012-2030 in 3 stages

At the first stage (2012-2016), the implementation of the FTP "RGMT-2016" will be completed and the main activities of the FTP "Development of the OPK-2020" will be completed, eliminating the current problems in the implementation of the SAP - 2020, work will be launched to implement the activities of the subprograms of the Program.

At the second stage (2017-2020), work will be completed on the activities of subprograms related to the development of production capacities of civil shipbuilding, the deployment of capital construction of facilities in the interests of creating a new generation of VDC, with state support enterprises and stimulating the development of production in the shipbuilding industry.

Work on the activities of the subprogram "Ensuring the implementation of the state program" will continue. It is assumed that during this period the implementation of the new FTP "RGMT-2024" will be formed and deployed, which ensures the development and construction of competitive civil marine equipment, which will allow maintaining and further developing the scientific groundwork obtained in 2009-2016.

As the production capacity is strengthened and financial position integrated structures and enterprises of the industry, optimization of the industry structure, financial support by the state for domestic shipbuilding after 2020 should be significantly reduced.

At the third stage (2021-2030), measures will be implemented to develop the projects created at the first and second stages scientific centers in shipbuilding, conditions have been created for further investment and innovative development of the industry, work has been completed on the whole under the Program, the main goal has been achieved, tasks have been solved and the final values ​​of indicators have been achieved.

Target indicators and indicators of the state program

At the first stage (by 2016): the number of newly developed technologies - 730 - 840, including those corresponding to the world level - 270 - 350; number of patents and other documents certifying novelty technological solutions, - 850 - 1010, including the rights to which are assigned to the Russian Federation - 580 - 680; share of updated and new main production assets research institutes and design bureaus of the industry - 72 percent; the share of innovative civil-oriented work in the total volume of research and development work - 32 percent.

At the subsequent stages, the indicators and their values ​​will be specified during the adjustment of the Program after the adoption by the relevant government bodies the authorities of decisions concerning the subprograms of the Program, as well as after the deployment of work on the creation of new federal target programs "Development of civil marine equipment" and "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation".

In addition, the values ​​of the indicators will be influenced by further investment plans of industry integrated structures, including the United Shipbuilding Corporation Open Joint Stock Company (OSK OJSC), as well as other large enterprises.

At the second stage (by 2020): increase in capital productivity industrial production shipyards in relation to 2011 - 1.4 times; the total number of employees who improved their qualifications in the system of additional vocational education(cumulative total) - more than 12 thousand people; number of created innovative organizations in the industry (cumulatively) - 15 units.

At the third stage (by 2030): an increase in the volume of output of civilian products of Russian shipbuilding in monetary terms compared to 2011 - by 3.2 times; the volume of output of civil products of Russian shipbuilding - 1.5 million tons of displacement in the period 2026-2030; growth of labor productivity (output per worker) in industry in relation to 2011 - 4.5 times; share of renovated and new fixed production assets shipbuilding enterprises industries (shipyards) - more than half; the share of updated and new fixed production assets of scientific organizations in the integrated structures of the industry is more than 70 percent.

The activities of the Program are linked with activities carried out within the framework of other federal target and state programs in which the shipbuilding industry organizations participate, and are formed in such a way as to avoid duplication with other programs.

The full abstracts of the draft state program of the Russian Federation "Development of the shipbuilding industry" are published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

Achieving strategic goals and solving tactical tasks of the Ministry is carried out through the implementation of budgetary targeted programs, both federal and departmental, as well as non-programme activities.

Detailed information on them, indicating their status, goals and objectives, as well as the necessary main activities, is presented in Appendix 4, below is a short list of budget target programs. At the same time, all indicators for the planning period, planned activities and funding are based on a preliminary assessment and will be specified in the latest version of the Report.

Federal target programs

As a state customer-coordinator, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia executes seven federal target programs (FTP) and one presidential program:

1. "Development of the pharmaceutical and medical industry of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2020 and beyond" (The concept of the Program was approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 2010, No. 1647-r);

2. "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002 - 2010 and for the period up to 2015";

3. "Development of civil marine technology" for 2009 - 2016;

4. "Development of electronic component base and radio electronics" for 2008 - 2015;

5. "National technological base" for 2007-2011;

5a. Subprogram "Development of the domestic machine tool and tool industry" for 2011-2016";

5 B. Subprogram B "Creation and organization of production in the Russian Federation in 2011-2015" diesel engines and their new generation components;

6. "Development of the military-industrial complex of the Russian Federation for 2007-2010 and for the period up to 2015";

7. In "Industrial disposal of weapons and military equipment(2005 2010)B";

8. Presidential program "Destruction of stockpiles of chemical weapons in the Russian Federation".

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, as a state customer, takes part in the implementation of the following federal targeted programs:

1. "Global Navigation System";

1a. Subprogram 1 "Ensuring the functioning and development of the GLONASS system";

1b. Subprogram 2 "Development and preparation of production of navigation equipment and equipment for civil consumers";

2. "Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2012";

3. "Development of infrastructure of the nanoindustry in the Russian Federation for 2008 - 2010";

4. "Ensuring nuclear and radiation safety for 2008 and for the period up to 2015";

5. "National system of chemical and biological safety of the Russian Federation (2009-2013)";

6. "Socio-economic development of the Chechen Republic for 2008-2011";

7. In "Socio-economic development of the Republic of Ingushetia for 2010-2016".

8. "Housing" for 2002-2010";

9. In "World Ocean".

Departmental target program

In accordance with the “Regulations on the development, approval and implementation of departmental target programs”, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated April 19, 2005, No. 239, the Ministry has developed and is implementing a departmental target program “Development of small and medium-sized businesses in industries and trade" for the period 2010 - 2012. The program was approved by order of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation dated February 15, 2010 No.-123.

Non-program activities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia consist of a whole range of areas:

Providing a number of subsidies to Russian enterprises:

1. Subsidies to Russian organizations - exporters of industrial products.

2. Subsidies aimed at stimulating domestic demand:

B Subsidies to Russian transport companies and shipping companies, organizations of the fishery complex for the purchase of civilian ships manufactured at Russian shipyards for up to 5 years;

C · Subsidies to Russian transport companies and shipping companies to reimburse part of the costs of paying lease payments under leasing agreements for the purchase of civil ships manufactured at Russian shipyards;

B Subsidies to Russian leasing companies aircraft domestic production;

В· Subsidies to Russian leasing companies to reimburse part of the cost of paying interest on loans for the purchase of Russian-made vehicles;

B Subsidies to Russian credit institutions to compensate for shortfalls in income on loans to individuals for the purchase of cars;

B Subsidies to Russian trade organizations for recycling.

3. Subsidies for technological re-equipment and support of core business in selected industries:

В· Subsidies to organizations of folk arts and crafts;

В· Subsidies to light and textile industry organizations for seasonal purchases of raw materials and supplies;

В· Subsidies to organizations of the timber industry complex for the creation of off-season stocks of wood, raw materials and fuel;

В· Subsidies to organizations of light and textile industries for the implementation of technical re-equipment;

В· Subsidies to Russian manufacturers of aircraft engines for technical re-equipment for a period of up to 5 years, as well as part of the cost of paying lease payments for technological equipment;

В· Subsidies to Russian organizations of agricultural and tractor engineering, timber industry, engineering for the oil and gas complex and machine-tool industry for technical re-equipment for up to 5 years;

В· Subsidies to Russian organizations of the automotive industry and transport engineering for technological re-equipment;

В· Subsidies to subsidiaries and affiliated joint-stock companies of OAO VOKV for technical re-equipment for a period of up to 5 years, as well as part of the cost of paying lease payments for technological equipment;

В· Subsidies to CJSC BiocadV for the organization of pilot production of substances and medicines based on monoclonal antibodies necessary for the production of expensive import-substituting drugsВ».

4. Subsidies to defense industry enterprises:

В· Subsidies to strategic organizations of the military-industrial complex in order to prevent bankruptcy;

B Subsidies to defense industry organizations for the implementation of innovative and investment projects for the production of high-tech products;

В· Subsidies to defense industry organizations - the main executors of the state defense order;

В· Subsidies to state-owned defense industry enterprises.

Contributions to the authorized capitals of open joint-stock companies (not within the FTP framework):

V Magnification authorized capital Open Joint Stock Company United Industrial Corporation V OboronpromV to repay debts to creditor banks and pay interest on loans;

B · The property contribution of the Russian Federation to the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company V "Scientific and production corporation V" Uralvagonzavod "named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky";

В· Increase in the authorized capital of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" by placing additional shares for the subsequent implementation of the financial rehabilitation of JSC "Amur Shipbuilding Plant";

B· Increase in the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company "United Aircraft Corporation";

B · Acquisition of additional shares issued by increasing the authorized capital of the open joint-stock company V "State Joint-Stock Company V" All-Russian Exhibition Center ";

B Property contribution of the Russian Federation to the State Corporation B to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products V Rostekhnologii V to provide financial support open joint-stock company to "AVTOVAZV" by providing an interest-free loan;

B· Increase in the authorized capital of OAO V Production Association V Northern Machine-Building Enterprise by buying additional shares;

В· Increase in the authorized capital of JSC "United Shipbuilding Corporation" by placing additional shares to ensure the completion of all work on the order in - 518 and state tests;

В· Increase in the authorized capital of OAO V"TsS V"ZvezdochkaV" by placing additional shares.

In addition, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia finances a number of scientific research and development work outside the framework of the Federal Target Program, in particular:

Carrying out research and development work under government contracts (under the Plan for Applied Research and Development),

Scientific support of innovative projects of national importance (the most important innovative projects).

The most important innovative projects (VIP) - a tool for the implementation of sectoral strategies and action plans for the development of industries, an incentive mechanism innovation activities and effective interaction between science and production, implies the mandatory implementation of a full innovation cycle from experimental design and technological development to the launch of the developed products for mass production. Thus, the result of the VIP should be the release of competitive products with a high potential for market realization.

Form No. 1

Analytical reference

1. Federal target program "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015".

2. State customer - the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia)

3. Key events in 2010 year:
State capital investments:

In accordance with the List of buildings and facilities for federal state needs for 2010, financed by budget funds under the federal target program "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015", in 2010 put into operation production capacity at 7 facilities of aviation industry enterprises, including:

1. Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky, Zhukovsky, Moscow region by objects:

- "Technical re-equipment, reconstruction and modernization of wind tunnels, test benches, compressor systems and power supply systems" - 2 systems;

- "Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of the scientific and testing, experimental and production base for aerodynamics and strength, 1st stage" - 1 section.

2. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Flight Research Institute. M.M.Gromov”, Zhukovsky, Moscow region on the object “Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of the experimental airfield base” - 1 base.

3. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Central Institute of Aviation Motors named after P.I. Baranova", Moscow on the object "Technical re-equipment of the experimental research complex (Moscow) and technical re-equipment of the complex of test benches (Lytkarino, Moscow region), 1st stage" - 1 system.

4. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "All-Russian Research Institute of Aviation Materials", Moscow, on the object "Reconstruction and technical re-equipment of complexes for research, development and testing of aviation materials, coatings and technologies, 1st stage" - 1 system.

5. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Research Institute of Aviation Systems", Moscow on the object "Technical re-equipment and reconstruction of complexes and stands for the development of on-board radio-electronic equipment, stage 1" - 1 system.

6. Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Obninsk Research and Production Enterprise "Tekhnologiya"" Obninsk, Kaluga region on the object "Technical re-equipment (reconstruction) of research and production complexes for the development of technologies for the production of products and composite, ceramic, glass-ceramic and organosilicate materials, 1 -stage » - 1 plot

R&D and "other expenses":

Obtaining a type certificate for the RRJ(SSJ-100) aircraft and an EASA certificate for the SaM-146 engine;

Refinement of prototypes OP1 and OP3 of the Mi-38 helicopter for the installation of the TV7-117V engine and preparation for certification flight tests;

Carrying out work to ensure the construction of prototype flight models of the Ka-62 helicopter, testing systems and assemblies;

Carrying out additional work to refine and certify the Be-200ChS-E aircraft according to the EASA procedure;

Carrying out the detailed design of the MS-21 aircraft;

Development draft design the base engine of the family of engines with a thrust of 9-18 tons;

Construction and testing of the Tu-204SM aircraft, certification testing of systems and assemblies and clarification of design documentation;

Formation of a scientific and technical reserve for priority areas aviation science, including:

Aerodynamics, strength, control system, ecology and service life of the MS-21 aircraft;

Structural and technological solutions for a prototype wing made of polymer composite materials (PCM for advanced civil aviation aircraft);

Aerodynamics and strength of aircraft and their power plants;

Formation of scientific and technical solutions aimed at creating a new generation of promising rotorcraft aircraft and modernization of existing helicopters;

Ensuring a high level of flight safety for passenger and transport aircraft by means of automation of control and information support for the crew;

Development of structural and functional materials with a high level of properties, means of protection against corrosion, aging and biodamage, manufacturing technology for highly efficient multilayer honeycomb sound-absorbing structures (ZPC) from polymer materials for aircraft power plants;

Development and mastering of key technologies in the field of aviation gas turbine engine building to ensure the creation of competitive new generation engines and modernization of existing gas turbine engines, the development of new design and layout solutions and technologies that ensure the creation of a breakthrough product (6th generation engine);

On-board equipment and units (promising integrated avionics complexes), as well as new generation complex universal simulators for the main types of aircraft.
4. Correction of the Program.

The FTP "Development of civil aviation technology in Russia for 2002-2010 and for the period up to 2015" (hereinafter referred to as the Program) needs to be adjusted.

In order to improve the efficiency of federal budget expenditures under the Program, it is necessary to make some changes to optimize the financing of program activities in all areas implemented in 2011-2012 and the planning period up to 2013, as well as to clarify a number of target indicators of efficiency indicators for the implementation of the Program.

The draft of the adjusted Program was developed and sent by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia for consideration to the interested Ministries and departments (ref. No. DM-10826/18 dated 01.10.2010).