Interesting professions of the 21st century. Modern professions

Scientific and technological achievements radically change the picture of the world, they affect the level of civilization, way of life and value ideals of a single individual. To be in demand and appreciated in the labor market, it is important to focus on development trends economic systems and society. So what new professions already exist or will appear in the foreseeable future?

Specialties related to science and space

For the first time, the international community started talking about the problems of global climate change back in the 80s of the last century. At the beginning of the 21st century, humanity has moved from research in this area to practical activities. The next logical step towards protection environment, according to British scientists, will be the emergence of specialists to combat climate change.

Another promising direction of the current century is the development of innovations in the field of vehicles, as well as the modernization of transport infrastructure. On the agenda is the creation of energy-saving and environmentally friendly machines that are multifunctional. Thus, in the next ten years, the specialty of the developer alternative species transport will become one of the most demanded professions.

In astronautics, humanity is on the verge of colonizing other planets and developing extraterrestrial mineral resources. Futurists believe that during this century, the demand for professions related to the astroindustry will skyrocket. The list of popular specialties after 2020, along with spacecraft pilots, will include:

  • Cosmobiologists are specialists who study the behavior of living organisms in space, develop sustainable ecological systems for flights, extraterrestrial bases and orbital stations.
  • Cosmogeologists will be engaged in the identification, evaluation of deposits and mining on asteroids and the Moon.
  • Space tourism managers are managers of the new century, who make up programs for visiting lunar bases, orbital stations, and near space.
  • Designers life cycle space structures - astroengineers specializing in the development of satellites and stations, taking into account the possibility of their disposal or restructuring in the future.

Business and Information Technology

In the 21st century, professions related to the purchase and sale of real estate will remain relevant. Among the realtors, the most demanded will be developers - entrepreneurs involved in the promotion and implementation of the construction of a project. They start any business with a plan, invest their money in it and build an individual financial scheme. The ultimate goal of the developer is to maximize the cost of the project.

A relatively new business profession is the underwriter. On the market valuable papers this is the name of the guarantee person who manages the process of issuing and distributing shares. In the insurance business, an underwriter is a specialist who assesses risks and makes a decision on the advisability of concluding contracts.

People with organizational talent, analytical mind and developed communication skills should try their hand at recruiting. A first-class intermediary between the employer and the applicant is called a "bounty hunter." A headhunter, unlike an ordinary recruiter, deals with especially valuable and highly paid specialists.

AT agriculture there will be a demand for workers of "vertical farms" - agro-industrial automated complexes located in high-rise buildings. Now longline cultivation in urban areas is under development. In the near future, pilot projects of this kind will appear in some megacities (New York, Singapore), and by 2025 they will become commonplace in advanced countries.

There are new professions in the IT sector. Among them is a copywriter (writes informational and advertising texts) and a content manager (fills sites with photos, news, articles). The professions where creativity and attentiveness are held in high esteem include a web designer. The tasks of this IT specialist include the development of website design. The webmaster can do the same. In addition, he specializes in the administration, support and updating of sites. high pay The work of a webmaster is explained by the fact that he combines the functions of a designer and a programmer. Website promotion on the World Wide Web is handled by an SEO specialist.

Event industry, advertising and trade

The development of the entertainment industry in the current century has created a need for professional organizers of various events. Event managers are engaged in planning and holding parties, anniversaries, weddings, children's parties, corporate events, trainings, conferences and presentations. Their responsibilities include developing an idea, selecting a venue for an event, and writing a script.

Animators are directly involved in the entertainment of guests. This profession does not big income, but gives a lot of positive emotions. It is suitable for sociable people who have acting abilities, vocal or choreographic data. Animators are especially in demand in the tourism business, at children's and corporate holidays.

There are new professions in the labor market related to the provision of advertising services. For example, drawing up a plan for the use of funds mass media a media planner handles the campaign. Working in an agency, such a specialist evaluates the effectiveness of advertising in the media, based on marketing and sociological research. Its task is to optimize the cost of the campaign.

Analytical work in the field of market management is carried out by a marketer. A brand manager has a similar occupation: he promotes brand names, manages the sale of a group of goods. His responsibilities include the study and formation of demand for products and services. A number of professions in the 21st century belong to the field of BTL marketing:

  • Promoters are engaged in distribution of leaflets and gifts, advising buyers, tasting products.
  • Merchandisers work with sellers. They monitor the availability and display of the products they promote in point of sale track competitors' prices.
  • Supervisors - leaders of a group of promoters and merchandisers - must have leadership and organizational skills, systems thinking, and planning skills.

Professions in the social sphere: education and medicine

The impact of information technology beyond recognition will change the education system in the coming decades.

  • A web psychologist will understand the features of the Internet socialization of children.
  • The duties of the curator of the online platform will include: compiling courses for remote learning, solving communication problems between the student and the teacher.
  • A lifestyle coach can be considered a physical education teacher of the future. He should plan classes, supervise regular exercises, give recommendations on sleep and nutrition.
  • Create game scenarios and adapt to them curriculum there will be a gamemaster.
  • The main task of the brain trainer is to increase the productivity and concentration of the student.

The profession of the 21st century, which is not yet taught in domestic universities, is a coach. He is both a psychologist, a coach, and a consultant. It helps to increase the productivity of the enterprise by unlocking the potential of the personality of employees. The list of functions of a coach includes: advising and analyzing the problems of the situation, setting goals and drawing up a training program, conducting trainings. IT technologies can also help a qualified psychologist to realize himself. A connoisseur of human souls can work as an online coach or social network worker.

In the medicine of this century, there will be a place for transplantologists, organ growers, plastic surgeons and nanomedics. A promising profession, according to Danish scientists, is an gerontopsychologist - a consultant who helps older people stay physically and mentally healthy as long as possible.

Increasingly, they will turn to genetic diagnosticians - doctors who detect and prevent the development of hereditary diseases. A bioethicist will monitor compliance with the legal and moral framework in institutions.

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« Here best advice to give to youth: Find something you enjoy doing and then find someone to pay you for it».

Katherine Whitehorn, British journalist.

Everyone new Age in the history of mankind is marked by new opportunities and discoveries in various spheres of human life. In this regard, there was a need all over the world for specialists that no one had heard of a few years ago, and if they were discussed, then only in a very distant future as something fantastic and unlikely.

Why are new jobs emerging? Because new territories are being explored, both literally and figuratively. People are beginning to be interested in something completely different, to create other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for making money. Exploring New Lands Futurist Stuart Brand predicts that melting ice in Antarctica will lead to climate change in our lifetimes. As a result, there will be newest professions XXI century. For example, there will be a demand for “Columbuses”, people who will explore new territories, including space ones.

What are they new actual professions that arose on the Internet of the 21st century?

Objective: study new professions of the 21st century and analyze what factors influence high school students when choosing a profession.


Collect information about new professions of the 21st century.

To identify the professional preferences of students in grades 9-11 MBOU "Secondary School No. 5" in Kaluga

The object of the study were: professional priorities of students in grades 9-11.

Research methods:

analysis of information on the issue under study;


comparative analysis;


Hypothesis: students in grades 9-11 carry out their professional choice taking into account the opinion of parents and material rewards.

Chapter 1. Types of new professions.

The last two decades are characterized by the emergence of a large number of new professions with names that are difficult to understand. In this paper, we will try to understand this information flow and decipher the mysterious terms.

Here are some of them:

Copywriter. This is a person who writes texts of various types to order: advertising texts, scripts, slogans. Such work requires perseverance, developed creative imagination, the ability to filter large amounts of information.

AT modern conditions many firms, shops use their websites to inform their activities. They allow us to quickly find information about the product, the news that we need. However, in this regard, there is a need for such specialists as:

Web Designer. This is a person who develops website design. Here you need to simultaneously show both creativity and technical skills in working with different programs. Creativity and attentiveness are the main advantages of a web designer.

Content manager. This is a person who fills sites with materials (content): articles, news, photos. His responsibilities include coordinating the work of copywriters, moderators and other specialists working on the site. This is a hard and responsible job, where you need to have experience and broad knowledge.

There are people who can combine these professions. They are -

Webmaster. This is a fairly broad specialization, which includes administration, support, and website updates. Such a person can create a website himself, replacing a web designer and programmer. He may be the owner of a site created by his own hands.

Internet coach. This is a person who consults or trains people "on-line". The only condition is that you must be a real specialist in some field of knowledge. You can create your own course and teach people something new.

But if you do not want to “hang” at the computer, but want to directly interact with other people, then here are the new professions that the 21st century labor market in Russia can offer. In the field of buying and selling, the most popular professions of the 21st century are sellers, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Bayer. This word is derived from the English "to buy", which means "buy". Bayer is engaged in meeting the needs of the company in the product, acquiring what is needed - food, stationery, furniture, clothing ... Such a specialist must understand the product, determine the quality "by eye", be able to find the most advantageous offers.

logistics- from "logistics" - an applied science, the focus of which is the management of information and material flows. Logistician - a customs and transport manager who manages deliveries, organizes the flow of goods, works with carriers and shippers, and controls the acceptance and delivery of goods.

shopper- this is the same buyer, but more individual. A shopper can be hired by a wealthy family to buy everything they need - food, interior details, clothes. If you need to be an experienced person in the work of a buyer, then here, where greater value plays an understanding of psychology, what kind of thing is suitable for a particular person.

In promoting products on the market will help:

media planner. This is a specialist who plans an organization's advertising campaign for its successful promotion On the market. So what features should a qualified media planner have?

Extensive knowledge of sociology and marketing, knowledge computer programs Integrum, Pal Marceting, ability to analyze the advertising market,

In the field of entertainment appeared:

Event manager. This is a specialist who is engaged in the full organization of various holidays, corporate events to order. What exactly is the responsibilities of this specialist, and what skills should he have? Developed creativity and aesthetic taste,

sociability, the ability to negotiate and conclude contracts, the ability to find the right objects and venues for events, the ability to develop holiday programs.

head hunter. In direct translation from English, this specialty sounds like "bounty hunter". This person is an intermediary between the employer and the employee. He is engaged in the selection of a suitable specialist from a variety of applicants, luring a qualified specialist into the right company. What should be a "cool" head hunter? With developed communication skills, ability to listen, organizational talent, ability to analyze modern market labor.

Life coach. This is a person who teaches other people the skills of efficiency in different areas of life. He is a coach, a personal mentor who helps to move on the path personal development. The requirements for such a specialist are quite high: It is desirable to have a psychological education or undergo special trainings, personal experience participation in various groups personal development, the ability not only to develop the necessary skill in a client, but also to holistically influence a person in order to change her life for the better.

This list can be supplemented with a number of other equally important and in-demand professions of the 21st century in Russia and around the world:

Trader - organizer of foreign and domestic trade;

Realtor - real estate specialist;

Underwriter - an insurance specialist;

PR manager - a specialist involved in the development of the image of the organization;

Back office specialist - deals with the preparation of company documentation;

Promoter - a specialist in promoting a product or service;

Merchandiser - promotes products;

Marketer - studies and forms the demand for services and goods;

Declarant - customs specialist;

Interviewer - conducts sociological surveys and social research;

SEO-specialist - is engaged in the promotion of sites on the World Wide Web.

The socio-economic sphere of modern society does not stand still, which means that every year a whole list of new professions will appear, which will undoubtedly be in demand in the market.

How to find the only profession that would be to your liking, bring pleasure and make it possible to live prosperously in material terms?

Chapter 2. Rrating of new professions of the future.

2.1. Employees

- Engineers

One of the leading positions in the ranking of demanded professions of the future is the profession of an engineer. Already now, in a labor market crowded with economists and managers, this profession is especially valued. There is a clear lack technical specialists and professional engineers. Concerning wage will grow and demand will rise. If you have several educations - for example, economic, technical and legal, then a high career in the future is guaranteed to you.

- IT specialists

Of course, few of us can imagine our life without a computer. The same goes for almost any workspace. It is not surprising that IT specialists and programmers will become one of the most needed specialties of the future. The rapidly developing progress of computer technology leads to the fact that the demand for such professions will only increase over time.

- Specialists in the field of nanotechnology

Science around the world is rapidly advancing. Nanotechnology is the greatest area of ​​research that will cover almost all areas - mechanical engineering, space objects, medicine, food industry and many others. Therefore, absolutely all specialties related to nanotechnology will be in demand. Nanotechnologist is one of the newest professions of the future, which will only develop over time, and the demand of employers for it will grow.

- Professions related to the service

The income of the population is growing every year. People often go on vacation, make large purchases, visit beauty salons, use the services household staff and so on. In this regard, specialists who can provide quality service will not be left without work in the future.

- Logistics

One of the modern and new professions, which will also be in demand in the future, is a logistician. This area of ​​activity covers a fairly wide range of responsibilities - such as organizing the delivery of goods from a manufacturer or supplier to end buyer, formation of commodity stocks, competent tracking of all process of deliveries. Therefore, in our age of trade and market relations, the profession of a logistician will be in demand and highly paid for a long time to come.

- Ecologist

Probably, few people can argue with the fact that the environmental situation in the world is steadily deteriorating every year. anomalous phenomena and ozone holes, pollution problems and global warming will make environmentalists one of the most indispensable people to save the planet in the very near future.

- Medics

The medical profession has always been in demand. Now the growing demand for certain specialists in the field of medicine is associated with research in the field of life extension. A lot of money is being invested in them, so scientists who specialize in finding means to extend life will be in great demand in the future.

2.2.Working professions

Also, in the future, some new professions will be in demand that do not require higher education, but do not become less paid because of this.

- Groomer

Groomer provides professional care for pets. The scope of services includes haircuts, bathing, trimming, coloring, beauty treatments, full preparation pet for the show. Professional groomers are always in demand, as preparation for an exhibition is never complete without their services. And owners of non-show breeds also constantly turn to animal care specialists, which makes this profession always necessary and highly paid.

- Shopper

In fact, a shopper is a stylist. This profession does not require higher education. She is taught at image-maker courses for two to three months. Shoppers accompany the client to the shops and help him decide on the choice of clothing and style. In our time of constant business meetings and trips, many people need to look presentable and stylish at the same time, so such assistants in the field fashion industry will be highly valued in the future.

- Food stylist

Many people now have professional cameras. And if you still have a creative streak and you have a rich imagination, then it is quite possible that such a new profession as a food stylist is right for you. The duties of a food stylist include such a task as photographing food beautifully, brightly and tasty. In connection with the development of information resources on the Internet, high-quality illustrations will always be required, therefore professional photographers in the future will be in increasing demand from employers.

Chapter 3. Factors influencing the choice of profession.

The future life of young people largely depends on the right choice of their profession. This is a serious and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring preparation and certain knowledge. Everyone dreams of a successful career. Parents want to see their children succeed. The correct choice of future profession depends on peace of mind and material well-being in adult life.

A well-known domestic psychologist, a major specialist in the field of labor psychology E.A. Klimov identifies 8 factors for choosing a profession:

The presence of inclinations, interests. A person is more successful in the activities that interest him. Therefore, when choosing a profession, you need to pay attention to what you like to do, what gives you pleasure. For example, if a person likes to organize other people, to take a leading position, most likely, professions that involve the ability to work with a team (manager, teacher, coach) are suitable for him. Availability of abilities. One interest in any business is not enough, you need more to make it work. And this requires certain abilities. So, to play the violin, it is not enough to love music, you also need musical abilities, as well as a good ear.

Level of claims (your preferences). The choice is largely influenced by the actual attitudes and values ​​of a person, i.e. what is of paramount importance to you at a given period of life or is important as a main life goal. In other words, this is what you want to achieve in the course of your professional life. The situation of any life choice involves the influence of not only our opinion, but also various external factors.

Knowledge about the profession. Before making a choice of the type of professions, it is necessary to thoroughly get acquainted with many of them. Unfortunately, ignorance of modern professions most often becomes a stumbling block in the problem of professional self-determination. The best way overview acquaintance with professions - the study of their special descriptions - professiograms. Professiograms acquaint not only with what he does, how, with the help of what tools and means this or that worker works, but also with what personal qualities are required of him.

Teachers' opinions. It is also an important factor influencing the choice of profession by students. The opinion of teachers should definitely be taken into account, because they teach you, which means they know a lot about your abilities, about your interests and skills. But relying only on the opinion of the teacher is not worth it, and, moreover, choosing a profession, correlating it with your favorite subject at school. The world of professions is deep and varied and you may need different skills.

Peer opinion. For example, a young man has chosen a very important and “eternal” profession for himself - he decided to become a tailor, but he is embarrassed to talk about it in class: an “unfashionable” profession. It is possible that others do not know everything about this profession that the one who chooses knows. The opinion of classmates, friends, comrades, of course, is important, since it reflects the degree of popularity in modern society certain professions. But a professional choice is a free and personal choice. In order to discover and develop a vocation in oneself, it is important to boldly and unbiasedly “try on” a variety of professions.

Opinion of parents, family. Often, close people tend to take an active part in the choice of a profession by a high school student. For example, in a family where several generations have devoted their lives to medicine, it is natural for parents to want to see their son or daughter in a white coat. The opinion of the older generation and their experience should not be neglected, but at the same time, this is not the only choice factor. Consider the wishes of the parents and their arguments. But remember to choose and work for you!

Personal professional plan (PPP) - this is the main map of the labyrinth called "Professional Choice". For it to pass successfully, it must be the main objective, i.e. what a person intends to do in the future, what he wants to be, who to be, with whom to be, what he wants to achieve, what are his ideals of life and activity on this moment development. Building a personal professional plan is the basis successful choice professions.

Chapter 4 Analysis of the survey of high school students

Seneca (Roman philosopher) said "If a person does not know which pier he is on his way to, for him not a single wind will be fair."

Do the high school students of our school know which pier they should head to?

In 2015, we conducted a survey of students in grades 9-11.

90% of high school students of our school have decided on the choice of their future profession;

75% of students in grades 9-11 experienced difficulties in professional identification; 25% chose a profession without much difficulty;

25% made the choice on their own, 23% helped with the choice of parents, and 10% friends;

For 93% of high school students future profession requires higher education and 70% of them are ready to receive it on a paid basis if they do not enter the budget.

80% plan to study at universities in our city

When choosing a profession, 43% of 11th graders took into account the demand for it in the labor market, 38% chose their dream profession, and 19% chose highly paid professions.

An analysis of the answers of high school students on the question of the chosen specialty showed that medical, economic, and humanitarian specialties are in priority. The most demanded professions are: doctors, teachers, lawyer, manager, engineer.

In 2016, I conducted a second survey of grades 9 and 11. The survey involved 27 11th graders and 75 9th graders.

Questions and answer statistics are given below:

Have you chosen a profession?

48% of 11th graders and 56% of 9th graders made their choice. And, what is very interesting, 11% of 11th graders and 12% of 9th graders did not even think about their future profession.

Would you like to get help from an employment service specialist?

45% of 11th and 9th graders would like to seek the help of a specialist

What would you like to do after graduation?

What field of activity is more attractive for you?

Are your professional choices influenced?

I want my future profession to be:

Do you link your professional career with the Kaluga region?

Comparing the data of 2015 and 2016, we conclude:

The number of schoolchildren who have decided on the choice of profession has decreased by almost 2 times.

The opinion of parents has the greatest influence on the choice of profession.

The number of high school students who want to get an education in another city is increasing.

This is due to the emergence of new professions and the lack of educational institutions willing to teach these professions.

Polls have confirmed that, first of all, the material support of the future profession has a major influence on the choice of profession.

In 2016, interest in professions related to medicine and pharmaceuticals increased significantly, while the number of those wishing to master the professions of a lawyer and an economist decreased.

According to the employment service, economists and legal advisers cannot find work. So the demand doesn't match the supply. The market for such specialists is currently crowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher education or another additional education to find a job. According to the analysis of the Ministry of Labor, in the coming years, the most popular professions will be technical and natural sciences: engineers, builders, IT specialists and robotics. If you have an interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of various directions.

Conclusion: There comes a time in life when you need to decide who to be. Choosing a profession is a rather serious issue that should be approached thoughtfully. The right choice of profession is the key to further career success. The concept of " right choice means, first of all, the possibility effective use a person of personal potential in professional activity. In our time, not only material well-being, but also the psychological, mental state of a person depends on the choice of profession. People who have consciously chosen a profession are more likely to successfully realize themselves in life. Every year the market of professions is becoming wider, providing, on the one hand, ample opportunities for the realization of their creative and professional capabilities, but on the other hand, the issue of choosing their professional activity is becoming more and more difficult for young people.

List of used literature and sources

1. Message of the President to the Federal Assembly dated November 5, 2008 (

2. Speech by V.V. Putin at a meeting of the organizing committee for holding the Year of the Teacher in the Russian Federation in 2010. RIA News (

3. I. Sergeev. End of a dynasty. Publisher: Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper

4. E. Klimenko. Youth chooses fashion professions. Publisher: newspaper "My district"

5. Teenagers today choose the same professions as before the crisis. Publisher: New Newspaper

6. Internet resource

With the development of the post-industrial and information society, the structure of the labor market is also changing, labor relations and employment of the population. As a result, new professions are emerging. There have been quite a few of them over the years. What data can provide us recent history professions?

Disappeared professions

In addition to the introduction of new specialties, there are also. Usually, they become unnecessary due to the development of science and technology, which replaces human labor.

These include such professions as: weavers, coopers, furriers and tinkers. Professional coachmen-cabbers were replaced by cars. . With the change in the social structure, jesters and buffoons disappeared. Because of the desire for humanism, the death penalty was abolished. Even now demanded professions fade into the background.

New professions

As already mentioned, in recent years, new professions have appeared on the labor market. Some of them are already in demand, others are used by a few. But one thing is for sure - the newest professions quickly and irrevocably enter the life of society, cutting off the old ones.

Over time, they grew into such professions as: banner maker, content editor and web developer. Bannermaker is engaged in the manufacture and placement of banners. This affects both the design of the site and its promotion.

Content editor - a person who is engaged in the text content of the site.

A web developer is the head of a specific development team.

Testers can also be attributed to new professions. software, automated testing and technical writers.

In addition to the above, new professions of the 21st century have included credit brokers, collectors, administrators of non-state pension funds, personal insurance consultants, underwriters, copywriters, communication manager and communication officer.

What new professions have appeared

Also, new professions are actively spreading. For example, recently, the Ministry confirmed the training program for mediators - specialists in conciliation procedures. Mediators will help people find common ground even where, it would seem, bridges have been burned. People who have reached the age of twenty-five will be able to work in this specialty. They must have higher education psychologist, and take specialized training courses. Also, trend watchers are gaining popularity, which monitor the emergence of new trends among consumers. In particular, this profession has moved to the Internet, where it has taken an equally significant position. Summing up, we can conclude that the development of all areas plays a role in the emergence of new professions. Some of them are not completely new, but simply narrow and concretize their area of ​​work. This allows you to work in more detail and quality.

This material will help in the preparation of an essay, report or presentation about the professions of the 21st century.

Each century in the history of mankind is marked by new opportunities and discoveries in different spheres of human life. Stepping on the threshold of the 21st century, we all felt the breath of the new time with its rapid development the latest technologies, global computerization, important medical discoveries.

On the Russian labor market today

At the same time, people are facing massive environmental and psychological problems that require urgent action and effective solutions. In this regard, there was a need all over the world for specialists that no one had heard of a few years ago, and if they were discussed, then only in a very distant future as something fantastic and unlikely. In this article, you will learn about the newest professions of the 21st century, and you will also be surprised what promising professions of the future will be in demand all over the world very soon.

Among the new professions of the 21st century, of course, the sphere of information business deserves attention as one of the most promising. With the global development of Internet technologies, high-quality information has become an expensive pleasure. Now we can say with confidence that it has become more valuable than money. If you are a skilled user personal computer If you have a good command of printing skills and basic computer programs, then today you can try your hand at making money online.

The great advantage of such work is complete freedom of movement, no matter where you are today, in Russia or abroad, if you have a laptop with you. Moreover, this work is only for yourself, and earnings depend on the specific order completed. So, for starters, let's discuss new relevant professions that have arisen on the Internet in the 21st century, making their top list.

But if you do not want to “hang” at the computer, but want to directly interact with other people, then what new professions can the labor market of the 21st century in Russia offer?

Event Manager . This is a specialist who is engaged in the full organization of various holidays, corporate parties for individuals or groups of people to order. What exactly is the responsibilities of this specialist, and what skills should he have?

  • Developed and aesthetic taste;
  • : communication skills are extremely important to find an individual approach to completely different people;
  • Ability to negotiate and conclude contracts;
  • Find the necessary objects and venues for events, participants in the action;
  • Ability to develop and maintain ready programs holidays.

Media Planner. This is a specialist who plans the organization's advertising campaign for its successful promotion in the market. It evaluates the effectiveness of various media and distributes the advertising budget. Such a position exists in all advertising agencies or in departments of large companies. Specialists of this level in Russia of the 21st century began to be trained at the journalism department of Moscow State University. So what features should a qualified media planner have?

  • Possess extensive knowledge of sociology and marketing;
  • Knowledge of computer programs Integrum, Pal Marceting;
  • Ability to analyze the advertising market;
  • Experience in the advertising business.

Head hunter. In direct translation from English, this specialty sounds like "bounty hunter". This person is an intermediary between the employer and the employee. You can compare this job with the work of a recruiter who selects a suitable specialist from a multitude of applicants, but a head hunter works with a specific professional in order to influence his choice of a job, luring a qualified specialist to the right company. What should be a "cool" head hunter?

  • Thoughtful image;
  • Developed communication and listening skills;
  • Organizational talent;
  • Ability to analyze the modern labor market.

Life coach. This is a person who teaches other people the skills of efficiency in different areas of life. He is a coach, a personal mentor who helps to move on the path of personal development. The client puts a specific request, for example, to learn how to effectively close deals, and the coach helps to form the necessary communication skills for this, and business qualities. The requirements for such a specialist are quite high:

  • Desirable psychological education or the passage of special training trainings;
  • Personal experience of participation in various groups of personal development;
  • Specific knowledge in the area in which the client works;
  • The ability not only to develop the necessary skill in a client, but also to holistically influence a person in order to change her life for the better.

This list can be supplemented by a number of other equally important and in-demand professions of the 21st century in Russia and around the world:

  • Trader - organizer of foreign and domestic trade;
  • Realtor - real estate specialist;
  • Underwriter - an insurance specialist;
  • PR manager - a specialist involved in the development of the image of the organization;
  • Back office specialist - deals with the preparation of company documentation;
  • Promoter - a specialist in the promotion of a product or service;
  • Merchandiser - promotes products; Marketer - studies and forms the demand for services and goods;
  • Declarant - customs specialist;
  • Interviewer - conducts sociological surveys and social research;
  • SEO-specialist - is engaged in the promotion of sites on the World Wide Web.

It's good that we live in a time when it is possible without visiting a stuffy office every day!

Get ready for 2030

In the coming years, our world will undergo significant changes that will affect all areas of human activity in the 21st century. British researchers have proposed in-demand professions that will appear in the near future. According to their calculations, By 2030, the following professions will be a reality:

  • Specialist in the creation of artificial organs;
  • Farmers using genetic technologies;
  • Space architects and pilots;
  • Climate Change Specialist;
  • Specialists in the development of alternative transport;
  • Psychologists and social workers in social networks;
  • Information recycling specialists;
  • A surgeon who specializes in memory enhancement;
  • Scientific ethicist;
  • Consultant for the elderly;
  • Quarantine Specialist;
  • Time bank brokers.

Because new territories are being explored, both literally and figuratively. People are beginning to be interested in something completely different, to create other fields for creativity and, accordingly, for making money.

In this article, we will talk about the profession of the 21st century, consider where to go to study, how you can earn money without education, and also find out what futurologists are predicting for us. If you are interested in professions that have appeared in the 21st century, then this post will be of great interest to you.

Where to go to study?

Before telling you where you and your children can go to study, I would like to put special emphasis on which professions are definitely not worth mastering. So, you will waste money and, what is more offensive, years of your life if you decide to become an economist or a lawyer. The market for such specialists is currently crowded not only in our country, but also in foreign countries. Modern university graduates have to get a second higher or other additional education in order to settle down at least somewhere. Therefore, the demanded and popular professions of the 21st century do not include these specialties in their lists.

Although, if we put the question differently - who do girls and boys most often go to study, then the answer will be connected precisely with lawyers and economists.

But in the coming decades, the demand for specialists is expected technical professions. If you have an interest or inclinations, then you can apply for engineers, electricians, technicians of various directions. You will see that immediately after receiving a diploma, you will simply be “taken away” with arms and legs. However, these tips are more advisory in nature, and in any case, you decide. Now let's talk about such a phenomenon as the profession of the 21st century. The list could be huge, but we will only touch on those options that may be of interest to the average resident of our region.

Sales and purchases

Buying and selling has been of great importance in human life since ancient times. Almost throughout history, we never get what we want. The buying-selling relationship allows you to purchase the product you are looking for, so it is not surprising that salespeople have entered the most popular professions of the 21st century, albeit under a more fashionable name.

Today, many companies are recruiting buyers to the team. This word is derived from the English "to buy", which means "buy". Bayer is engaged in meeting the needs of the company in the product, acquiring what is needed - food, stationery, furniture, clothing ... Such a specialist must understand the product, determine the quality "by eye", be able to find the most advantageous offers. Education "merchandiser" will be enough to become a buyer.

A shopper is the same buyer, but more individual. A shopper can be hired by a wealthy family to buy everything they need - food, interior details, clothes. If in the work of a buyer you need to be an experienced person, then here, understanding of psychology plays a much greater role, what kind of thing is suitable for a particular person.

A media buyer is the same specialist, but the goods he buys are more specific. This person is engaged in the purchase of advertising space, develops a strategy for the company's advertising activities. Here you can not do without economic and marketing education, as well as a sense of what kind of advertising and where will bring the greatest consumer demand for the product.

Advertising and direct promotion

Today, good money can be made from advertising. A huge plus of this opportunity is that you do not need to have a special education in order to grow up to the head of the promotional department.

Promoter - a person who promotes a product through consultation, tasting, and various "enticing" promotions. To become a promoter, you do not need to have an education, but what is definitely needed is communication skills, the ability to clearly convey your thoughts and gently convince people.

A merchandiser is one who places goods, placing products on supermarket shelves. Such specialists are not needed in small stores, whose employees can display products on their own. But if we are talking about hypermarkets that pass tons of products through themselves every day, then we cannot do without assistants from manufacturing companies. The merchandiser does not need to be able to "talk" visitors, his job is solely in. If we talk about the popularity of the 21st century today, then the merchandiser is one of them.

A brand manager is a person who is engaged in "promotion", maintaining the name of the product at the hearing of consumers. This is where education is needed, marketing is best. The brand manager creates and develops the conditions for trademark was in demand.

Work on the Internet

Once upon a time, the Internet was more of an intranet and was considered a military development. Today, this is an obligatory "springboard" for almost every one of us. The matter is not limited to reading the news and watching movies - we share interesting information with friends, upload photos, “check in” in order to brag about being in a pretentious place. The Internet has also given a lot of opportunities to earn money.

Of course, not all 21st centuries of the Internet are effective - some are designed simply for you to donate your funds. So, the “professions” associated with working on the stock exchanges are very doubtful. Of course, this is not about you if you are an expert in economics, and you “ate the dog” on the sale of currency. Otherwise, be careful - no matter how the new professions of the 21st century may deprive you of your savings. The list that we provide below will be of interest to those who want to master a profession and earn money without leaving home.

A blogger is a person who keeps a diary on the Internet. If his blog turns out to be interesting a large number subscribers, then he gets the opportunity to earn on advertising, which he will place on his pages. To become a successful blogger, you need to write about what is close to you and what you are good at.

Copywriter - a person who deals with All content on the Internet is the creation of copywriters, people who write from scratch or rewrite ready-made texts. You can work without education, however, without a “sense of style” and literacy, you won’t write much.

An SEO optimizer is a person who makes websites more popular by promoting them to the top. search engines. Those sites that the user sees on the network first are in the greatest demand. The more people visit the site, the more popular it is and the more attractive it is for the advertiser.

A web designer is a person who specializes in creating the visual content of a website. You can get such education in special courses.

Community work

An event manager is a person who organizes events, holidays. There are a lot of companies on the market today that specialize exclusively in this activity. Some companies also need to have a couple of such experts (for example, a hotel or a restaurant). The manager must come up with an entertainment program, order artists, and also discuss payment with them based on the available budget.

A PR manager is a person who deals with public relations. For many, "PR" has a negative connotation. It is worth any star to scandal or disgrace, and this trick is immediately called PR. In fact, any “message” to the people of news is the activity of a PR manager.

What is it preparing for?

We figured out what the latest professions of the 21st century are now in trend, and what kind of education you need to get in order to work successfully. And what about the near future? What will be relevant in ten or twenty years?

Futurologists predict even more noticeable improvement in telecommunications and media in the coming years. In addition, the climate and the vital needs of people will noticeably change. Let's try to predict, based on the findings of futurologists, what kind of 21st century awaits us in the foreseeable future.

Personal Trumans

Remember the movie The Truman Show?

If not, then we suggest that you remember the show "House 2". As practice shows, people like to watch the lives of their own kind, and it is better if they are real, living people, and not characters from TV shows and films. So, there is an assumption that selfie films will soon be popular, which anyone can shoot by simply attaching a camera to themselves.

Development of new lands

Futurist Stuart Brand predicts that melting ice in Antarctica will lead to climate change in our lifetimes. As a result, the newest professions of the 21st century will appear. For example, there will be a demand for “Columbuses”, people who will explore new territories, including space ones.

Building networks within corporations

It's no secret that corporations rule the world. Often, it is the desire of the management of such companies that determines the policy of countries in the external and domestic market. The corporation is a closed system, a kind of life.

And according to marketer Seth Godin, other lines will be added to new professions of the 21st century in the near future. The list will be supplemented by specialists in ensuring the vital activity of corporate structures.

So, recently the agency completed an interesting order - the development social networks for clients. Therefore, programming and information Technology relevant as never before, if the question arises of where to go to study.

Human Perfection

James Kenton believes that all professions of the 21st century will be tied to making a person as perfect as possible. Laboratories and medical institutes will "design" animals and plants, as well as work to create the "ideal human". The futurist assumes that those times are not far off when it will be possible for a single person to come to a special data bank and request contacts of people who are most DNA compatible. Couples, before having a child, will be able to "calculate" how the future baby will be born. Be that as it may, a medical education, according to Kenton, will not hurt.