Dismissal 14 calendar days of work. Can you quit without a job? How long should the chief accountant work upon dismissal

Many employees, writing a notice of dismissal on own will, in a hurry to leave their previous place of work as quickly as possible, without working off. This is often due to the fact that they already have a new job and they are expected there. What is processing? Labor law does not define this term, it is usually used by employees when communicating with each other.

The current legislation clearly establishes that the employee is obliged to notify the employer of dismissal in writing no earlier than fourteen days. It is believed that such a period is necessary so that the resigning person can transfer all his affairs, and the employer finds a replacement.

During this period, the employee is obliged to continue to do his job, because otherwise he may be dismissed for absenteeism under Art. 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (an act of absence from the workplace must first be drawn up).

Nevertheless, there are situations when the working period can be either more than 2 weeks, or less.

Working time 3 days

In some cases, the law establishes a simplified termination procedure employment contract. The term is also reduced:

  • The employee has just started work and is on . He can quit of his own free will without waiting for the end of the test - for this you need to write a standard application. Working on dismissal probationary period is 3 days. In addition, the company can also initiate dismissal during a trial period - then it warns about this 7 days in advance.
  • With an employee contracted to perform seasonal work. Such an agreement is usually automatically terminated at the end of the work. However, if the employee wanted to terminate it ahead of schedule on his own initiative, then you need to warn about this only 3 days in advance.
  • An employee has a fixed-term employment contract for a period of not more than 2 months to perform any temporary work. If there is a desire to quit earlier, then you will also have to work for 3 days.

Working time 14 days

The standard turnaround time is two weeks. It is during this period that you need to warn the management of the company by writing a letter of resignation.

The positive point in this case is that if the employee changes his mind during this time, he can withdraw his application. For example, those who resign by agreement of the parties or take a vacation with further dismissal are deprived of such a right. However, it is no longer possible to withdraw the application if another employee has already been hired to replace the resigning employee.

Nevertheless, the actual date of dismissal is set by the head - and if it is possible to agree with him, then it will be possible to quit earlier.

Important! You can also apply while on vacation or on sick leave - current law does not prohibit doing so. The deadline does not change.

Working time 1 month

If an employee worked in senior positions - as a director, deputy or chief accountant, then the law provides for a working period of thirty days for such a case. At the same time, the director, if he is not the sole owner of the company, must also convene during this period general meeting founders.

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The same period of working out is provided for people employed in the field of sports - athletes or coaches with whom a contract has been signed for a period of more than four months. As a result, if they need to terminate the agreement ahead of schedule, they will need to work at the current place for another month.

A situation may also arise when the employer-entrepreneur is absent for a long time, and there is no information about him. Then his employee can terminate the signed employment contract in the local municipality, which will carry out this procedure within a month.

Dismissal of one's own free will

All employees who leave on their own initiative try to end their relationship with their former employer as soon as possible and start new job. Many of them do not know whether it is possible to quit without working off. But the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for cases and certain categories of citizens when dismissal of their own free will without working off is guaranteed for them by the state.

These include:

  • All employees whose administration of their employer does not comply with, and sometimes violates, the conditions stipulated by the concluded labor contracts and collective agreements.
  • Employees who reach the target retirement age. However, this refers only to those workers who are just retiring. If he again concludes an employment agreement, there will be no such opportunity for him as to quit without working off.
  • If an employee of an economic entity quits and enters a educational institution. In this case, the employee must know how to quit without working for 2 weeks. After all, one completed application is not enough, it is necessary to attach more supporting documents, which may be an order for enrollment or a certificate from the place of study.
  • An employee has the right to quit without working off if his husband or wife is transferred to work in another city or state. Along with the application, the relevant transfer order or a document with a call must be submitted to the personnel department.

internal regulations the enterprise itself may provide for other situations in which the day the application is written coincides with the day of dismissal itself.

Pay attention! However, some employees know how to quit their job without working off. To do this, they can, upon notification of the employer, issue a sick leave. This is due to the fact that the period of two weeks does not increase with the onset of the disease. The employee is dismissed at the time indicated by him, or the last day on the sick leave.

At the same time, they must take into account that if the management of the company can prove the invalidity of the submitted document, they can be fired under the article for violating the rules of the company, or even worse, they can be held accountable in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

The most legal, sometimes not the easiest way for an employee to leave enterprises without working off, nevertheless, in an amicable way, will agree with his employer.

Dismissal without working off at the initiative of the employer

This type of termination of the contract between the employee and his employer is not provided for by law. Speaking about this, one must first of all keep in mind the situation when the administration of the enterprise offers the employee either to quit of his own free will, or to be dismissed in accordance with the current Labor Code of the Russian Federation for non-compliance labor discipline. This situation can have positive aspects for all participants. labor relations. Firm without the need to prove and formalize a large number of forms, gets rid of an employee she does not need, and he, in turn, gets a chance to quit in a good way.

An employee on a probationary period can work only 3 calendar days if he has expressed a desire to leave work of his own free will. Cases when you do not need to work for 2 weeks and who may not work them out As any rule has exceptions, there are those who may not work out upon dismissal. So you can quit without a mandatory two-week working period in the following cases:

  1. If there is an agreement of the parties on this issue. For example, a person who is about to leave the company has a good relationship with the employer, and he may well let him go without working off the due date. Either the employer simply has no desire to detain him, or there is already a candidate for this place.
  2. Enrollment in an educational institution.

How to count two weeks of working out upon dismissal

Salary for April: do not make a mistake in the date of transfer of personal income tax due to the May holidays This year, the first "portion" of the May holidays will last 4 days (from April 29 to May 2 inclusive). If your company has a payday on the 1st or 2nd, you will have to pay your April salary ahead of schedule - April 28th.

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How to correctly count 2 weeks with working off for dismissal

If there is no particular difference in terms, then the document is rewritten taking into account the day when the personnel department, accounting department and the person himself will work. Otherwise, the organization is obliged to issue all documents and salaries on the specified day, even if the necessary departments are not working.

It is not difficult to issue an order in advance, but you still have to call the right employees with their prior consent. Who does not need to work There are certain categories of people who do not need to know how to count 14 days upon dismissal:

  1. If the relationship between the employee and the employer is good, or if there is a new applicant for a vacant position, the employee may be fired without having to work for two weeks.
  2. If the employee was enrolled in higher educational institution, the employment contract with him must be terminated on the same day.

Dismissal with working off 2 weeks: how to calculate the time correctly?

There is such a general opinion about what could be simpler than the procedure and process of dismissal of one's own free will: the employee wrote a statement, the employer calculated it, and also issued work book- and that is all. But as practice shows, such a termination of work activity does not always go smoothly both for employees and, in principle, for employers.

For many people working in an organization, the question may arise with such a dismissal, from what day is the countdown of working two weeks? It is this question that we will consider in the article. Rules for dismissal and working off Let's start from the beginning. The basic rules on how to properly dismiss are enshrined in Art.

80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation: an employee has the right to quit any organization based on his own desire, but, at the same time, he must notify the employer in writing at least 2 weeks in advance. The application must be submitted in two copies.
How to count 14 days upon dismissal Download the form of an order to terminate an employment contract The notice period for termination of an employment relationship is calculated in accordance with general principles calculation of the terms, fixed by Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, - from the day following the day the employee submitted the application. Calendar days are taken into account, not business days. So, if an employee submitted an application on Friday, 12/30/2016, then the period will begin to run from 12/31/2016 (despite the fact that this day is a day off).
The deadline will be on the corresponding day of the week after 14 days, in the example given - on Friday, 01/13/2016. Starting from the day the application is submitted to the employer and until last day the employee has the right to withdraw his application.
Such a right was granted to him, part 4 of Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It seems that the cancellation of the application must be carried out in writing (similar to the application).

Online journal for an accountant

It allows various wordings, for example, "termination labor contract”, “dismissal” or “termination labor activity". The main thing is that there should be no ambiguity in the document, otherwise the boss has every right to ask to rewrite the statement more clearly.

Another common omission of employees is not to indicate a specific date when he wants to quit. Labor Code The Russian Federation obliges to warn the management “no later than two weeks in advance”, but this period can be equal to a month or a year.

The beginning of the term of working off So, how to count two weeks of working off upon dismissal? It would seem that he wrote a statement, worked for 14 days and you can be free, but not everything is so simple. Many workers mistakenly believe that the working period begins immediately.


Hence, conflicts regularly arise between the resigning person and the management. Stupid arguments are easy to stop by turning to the law.

How to correctly count 2 weeks upon dismissal with working off?

It is impossible to issue a copy of SZV-M to a retiring employee. According to the law on accounting, an employer, upon dismissal of an employee, is obliged to give him copies of personalized reports (in particular, SZV-M and SZV-STAZH). However, these reporting forms are list-based, i.e. contains information about all employees.

This means that the transfer of a copy of such a report to one employee is the disclosure of personal data of other employees.< … Компенсация за unused vacation: ten and a half months go for a year Upon dismissal of an employee who has worked in an organization for 11 months, compensation for unused vacation must be paid to him as for a full working year (clause 28 of the Rules, approved by the NCT of the USSR on April 30, 1930 No. 169). But sometimes these 11 months are not so worked out.< …

Two weeks of working off upon dismissal on one's own is equal to 15 days


This means that the answer to the question of which day to count two weeks upon dismissal is quite simple. This period of time always begins on the day after the employer receives the employee's application for termination of the employment contract (art.

41 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). It is also worth noting that the period, which is calculated in calendar days or weeks, also includes non-working days. If suddenly the last day of the term falls on a non-working day, then the expiration date of the term is the next working day following it. What day is the last day of dismissal after working off? Firstly, a two-week period begins at 00:00 hours of the day following the date of filing an application for termination of the employment agreement with the boss, and this period ends on a certain day of the week.

In practice, there are situations when the last day of working out is a day off or a holiday. The law takes the side of the employer: in such a combination of circumstances, a person must be fired on the next working date.

This is stated in Art. 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Why is processing needed? The prescribed two weeks of working out is a boon for both the employee and the employer. The company receives time during which it can find a replacement specialist.

The employee has the opportunity to consider leaving the company and withdraw the application if the two-week period has not expired and vacant position no new worker left.

How to calculate 14 days of working out upon dismissal

On it, the boss puts a mark on receipt and returns one copy to the employee. The next important step is working out two weeks. The legislation, in fact, does not provide that the person leaving the institution should work out this period, that is, it is not always necessary to work during this specified period of time. The main thing is to warn the management in advance about the dismissal. And if the employee at this time is on sick leave or on vacation, then this time will also be counted in a 2-week period.

In accordance with Art. 127 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee may demand a vacation followed by dismissal after it, and all this will not depend on the duration of the vacation. But the director is obliged to calculate the employee and issue him a work book on his last working day, and not, say, on the last day of vacation.

How many days the employee must work upon dismissal is determined in advance, before writing the application, because it requires you to indicate the specific date from which the person wants to leave the company. Such a requirement is due to an objective reason: the law obliges a specialist to notify the employer at least two weeks before the break in relations, but does not prevent him from notifying him a month or even a year in advance. The administration needs to know exactly at what point to start looking for a new staff unit. The application is written in two copies. One is transferred to the accountant or personnel officer of the enterprise, he must be assigned a registration number.

The second remains in the hands of the retiring specialist. severance pay upon dismissal How is working out 14 days considered and can it be reduced? In the current labor law the maximum period of working out that the employing company may require is prescribed.

Few workers are surprised at the need to work out upon dismissal. But with the calculation of the last day of work, disputes often arise. Learn how to correctly calculate working hours, taking into account weekends and holidays, and from what date to start and end the countdown.

Read our article:

Dismissal with working off 2 weeks: how to count

Issues related to the termination of the contract are regulated by Art. 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Working off a retiring employee depends only on the desire of the employer, the period may vary, but should not exceed two weeks.

A reduced period is set for a person,. It is only 3 calendar days (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). And employees who leave due to retirement or enrollment in an educational institution can leave on the day the application is submitted (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Please note that in this case, the application must state the reason and attach the relevant documents confirming the need for urgent care.

You should be very careful about retirement. For this reason, a person, therefore, before starting the procedure, it is worth checking the employee's work book for the presence of such records.

In what cases is it necessary to work out 14 days

To work out for a departing person or not - the company determines. If there is a need for the presence of this particular employee at this particular period of time, then working off is indispensable. None legitimate reasons for release from work does not exist, only good will employer.

How long does an employee have to work when they leave? By general rule 2 weeks. It is for such a period that the employee is obliged to warn the employer in writing about the termination of the employment contract on his own initiative.

And how to count 14 days upon dismissal? As indicated in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the specified period begins on the day following the day the employer receives an application from the employee for dismissal (Article 80 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Let's look at specific example, as considered working out 14 days.

Appraiser Pogodin M.V. filed a voluntary resignation letter on January 17, 2017. Then he will start working for 2 weeks on January 18, 2017, and the last day of his work will be January 31, 2017.

Note that the employer can dismiss the employee earlier, without requiring him to work for 2 weeks. This issue is resolved by agreement between the employee and the management of the organization.

Exceptions to the rule

How many days must an employee work upon dismissal if he decides to terminate the employment contract during the probationary period? For such cases, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for more short term working off - only 3 days (Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

In addition, in some cases, the employer must completely dismiss the employee on the day that he indicated in his application without any working off. This applies to those leaving:

  • pensioners by age;
  • employees enrolled in an educational organization;

Dismissal with working off 2 weeks: how to count taking into account holidays

One more actual question how to count two weeks of working off upon dismissal if they capture holidays. For example, an employee notified his employer of his planned layoff on December 28, 2016. Accordingly, all New Year's holidays were included in the working off period (Article 112 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Does it need to be extended now?

In accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the period calculated calendar weeks, includes non-working days and expires on last number the corresponding week of the term (Article 14 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In addition, there are no special rules in the Code that the employee must work for the specified 14 days before dismissal - not to be on vacation, not to get sick, etc. (Letter of Rostrud dated 05.09.2006 N 1551-6). Therefore, when calculating the period of 2-week work, non-working holidays should be taken into account, that is, included in it.

Accordingly, in the example under consideration, working off (2 weeks) includes holidays from January 1 to January 8, and the last day of the employee’s work will be January 11, 2017.

Often in enterprises there is controversial issue when there is a dismissal with a working off of 2 weeks: how to count these days? According to the law, if an employee decides to leave work of his own free will, the administration of the enterprise has no right to refuse him. If the parties agree, then the employment contract can be terminated immediately, but if the employee needs to look for a replacement, the administration has the right to demand to work for 2 weeks upon dismissal. And here there are nuances.

How to make an application

Since the employee is about to leave, it is this desire that must be clearly reflected in the application. It is better to use the wording of termination of the employment contract, dismissal, termination of employment.

If, however, the desire to quit is called dismissal from one's position or resignation, the content will become ambiguous and cannot be the basis for issuing a dismissal order. In this case, the employer has the right to demand that the application be rewritten, more clearly stating the intentions.

The next "slippery" place in the letter of resignation is the date of termination of the contract. It will be an employee’s mistake not to indicate the desired date of dismissal, because the Labor Code says that the employer is warned “no later than 2 weeks in advance”. Therefore, to hope that a statement with an “open” date automatically implies a period of two weeks is a clear mistake. The phrase "no later than 2 weeks" can mean a month or six months.

When does the expiration date start

It would seem, what is easier: wrote a statement and be free in a couple of weeks. The next mistake of many employees is the belief that the countdown of the working period should be started immediately, as soon as the application is written. It is on this basis that many conflict situations. Do not get excited and engage in pointless disputes, it is easier to familiarize yourself with the procedure based on legislative framework. The basic rules for dismissal are described in the 80th Art. Labor Code.

The employee writes the application in his own hand. After approval by the head of the application, you can make a photocopy or you can immediately write it in two copies: one with a visa is returned to the employee, and the second is transferred to the personnel department or accounting department for registration with the assignment of an incoming number. When the boss imposes his resolution on the document, he must indicate the date of approval. The term begins to count down the next day after the employer receives a written warning from the worker about his desire to quit.

When does the expiration date end?

Working days can be calculated according to the usual calendar: from the next day after the application is submitted, 14 calendar days(not only workers), and the 14th day will be the last day of work, at the end of which the employee must receive Required documents and full cash. An entry in the work book is also made on this day.

Two weeks is a general term, but some categories of workers are not subject to it, or exceptions are possible for them.

If a person has concluded an agreement for a period of not more than 2 months or his work is seasonal, he can notify the employer 3 days before the desired term of dismissal (Articles 292, 296 and 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). An employee who is on probation may do the same. If the head of the organization decides to quit, he warns his employer no later than a month before the desired date (280th article of the Labor Code). To avoid further misunderstandings, the date of dismissal must be clearly stated in the application, without using any pretexts:

  • “I ask you to consider April 15, 20 .. as the last working day”;
  • "I ask you to dismiss on April 15, 20..".

But the wording “I ask you to dismiss from April 15” will be considered vague. It becomes unclear whether the employee is going to work that day or not. In this case, the employee must be asked to rewrite the application. If he refuses, then the procedure for notifying the employee about the incorrectness of the wording of the application and the lack of information for his dismissal is carried out in writing under the signature.

Last day of shift work

According to the 14th Art. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation shall consider the expiration date of any period to be the next business day if this date falls on a weekend. But when working in shifts on the interpretation of this paragraph, you have to thoroughly rack your brains: upon dismissal with working off for 2 weeks, how to count and what to do if the last day of working off falls on the actual day off of an employee or organization?

For example, the dismissal should occur on April 15, but on the 14th and 15th the employee has a day off. The administration does not have the right to dismiss him earlier (April 13, on the actual last day of work), since by law he still has a job until the 15th.

Such situations should be foreseen by the employer at the stage of receiving the application and immediately work out an agreement with the employee, finding out whether this particular day of dismissal is important for him. The easiest way would be to rewrite the application so that the date of dismissal is a day that is not a day off for either the employee or the employees of the personnel and accounting department.

But if an employee indicated a specific date and insists on it, and it falls on Sunday (moreover, the person leaving works on that day, but the organization does not), you will have to calculate it on that day. The order can be issued in advance and familiarize the employee with it, and the employee of the accounting department and the personnel department will have to be taken to work in order to issue a calculation and a work book. But for this you have to get their consent.

Unfortunately, labor law does not clearly describe the procedure for dismissal on weekends with rotating work schedules, so it is easiest to work out compromise conditions in such cases.